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Intro to Groovy

 J. David Beutel

Presenter's Background
●   1991 Comp. Sci. BS from RIT
●   1996- using Java
●   2000- developing web apps in Java
●   2005- staff at UH ITS/MIS
●   2009- using Groovy
●   2010- app with Groovy/Grails/Geb/Spock
    –   in production since 2012 June
    –   LOC: 14K production, 13K test
Presentation Objectives

●   recognize and understand Groovy code
●   get interested in Groovy coding
●   (not introducing Spock/Geb/Grails yet)

●   What is Groovy?
●   Why do I care?
●   How is it different?
●   How can I use it?
What is Groovy?
●   dynamic extension of Java
    –   syntax
    –   API (GDK)
●   enables less code, more clarity
●   compiles to Java classes
●   seamless integration with Java
●   backed by SpringSource/VMware
●   good IDE support in
    –   IntelliJ IDEA (the best, IMHO)
    –   Eclipse Groovy/Grails (Spring) Tool Suite
optional                                    literal
   ;                   String             'foo'
  ( )                  List               ['foo', 'bar']
 public                Map                [name: 'David', age: 43]
 return                Range              3..7
                       regex Pattern      ~/d+/
 catch                                                                          def
                       multi-line         '''hello
                       String             world'''

                 feature                                   example
       properties                   assert URL.'package'.name == ''
       Closure                      older = employees.findAll {it.age > 39}
       GString                      “$name was ${age - 1} years old last year”
       Groovy truth                 assert age
       yet another for loop         for (e in employees) {totalAge += e.age}
       named params                 e = new Employee(name: 'David', age: 43)
       multiple assignments         (first, last) = 'John Doe'.tokenize()
         feature                                    example
default imports*, java.lang.*,*, java.util.*
negative/range indexes   last = employees[-1]; allButLast = employees[0..-2]
dynamic properties       obj[propertyName]
dynamic methods          obj.”$methodName”(params)
meta-programming         Integer.metaClass.cos << {Math.cos(delegate)}
AST transformations
                         class MyException extends Exception {}
                         assert 1 + 1 == 3
power assert                      |   |
                                  2   false
                         switch (age) {
                           case [41, 18, 32]:    yakudoshi(); break
                           case 0..17:           child(); break
power switch
                           case {it % 2}:        odd(); break
                           default:              even()
customizable operators                a+b                  
operator                                  meaning                       name
a ?: b      a?a:b                                               Elvis
a?.b        a == null ? a : a.b                                 null safe
m(*list)    m(list[0], list[1], ...)                            spread
list*.m()   [list[0].m(), list[1].m(), ...]                     spread-dot
list*.a                                                         spread-dot
            [list[0].a, list[1].a, ...]
list.a                                                          (GPath)
a.&m        reference to method m in object a as closure        method closure
a.@f        direct access to field f                            dot-at
t =~ s      Pattern.compile(s).matcher(t).find()                regex find
t ==~ s     Pattern.compile(s).matcher(t).matches()             regex match
a <=> b     a.compareTo(b) handling null                        spaceship
a == b      a.equals(b) handling null, coercion, & Comparable   equals     like Java's a == b
      method on Object                                       example
is(other)              , like Java's a == b
isCase(candidate)                for power switch and in, e.g., assert 2 in [1, 2, 3]
println(value)                   println 'hello world'
sleep(millis)                    sleep 1500
with(closure)                    employee.with {name = 'Joe'; age--}

  on Collection       returns                                  example
join(separator)     String        assert [1, 2, 3].join('|') == '1|2|3'
sort(closure)       List          youngestFirst = employees.sort {it.age}
sum()               Object        def totalAge = employees*.age.sum()
max(closure)        Object        assert ['hi', 'hello', 'hey'].max {it.length()} == 'hello'
flatten()           Collection    assert [1,[2,3],[[4]],[ ],5].flatten() == [1,2,3,4,5]
groupBy(closure) Map              assert [1,2,3,4,5].groupBy {it % 2} == [0:[2,4], 1:[1,3,5]]

iterative method   returns                           example
findAll            List      older = employees.findAll {it.age > 39}
find               Object    firstOlder = employees.find {it.age > 39}
any                Boolean hasOlder = employees.any {it.age > 39}
every              Boolean noYounger = employees.every {it.age > 39}
                             def totalAge = 0
each               void
                             employees.each {totalAge += it.age}
                             employees.eachWithIndex { e, i ->
eachWithIndex      void        println “${} is at index $i”
grep(classifier)   List      davids = employees*.name.grep ~/David.*/
collect            List      tripleAges = employees.collect {it.age * 3}
            method on File          returns                          example
          eachFile(closure)       void          new File('somedir').eachFile {println it}
          getText()               String        pid = new File('').text.toLong()
          readLines()             List          lines = new File('grammar').readLines()
          eachLine(closure)       Object        file.eachLine {parse(it)}
                                  Object        new File('report').withWriter {out ->
          withWriter(closure)                     employees.each {it.write(out)}

    on String           returns                                  example
split()               String[]     assert 'a b c'.split() == ['a', 'b', 'c']
tokenize(token)       List         assert '/tmp:/usr'.tokenize(':') == ['/tmp', '/usr']
normalize()           String       assert 'arnb'.normalize() == 'anb'
find(regex)           String       assert 'New York, NY 10292-0098'.find(/d{5}/) == '10292'
Why do I care?
Example: Exceptions


Java's journey
vers   year       feature                                         example
1.0    1996 initial release
                              HibernateTemplate hibernateTemplate = new HibernateTemplate(sessionFactory);
                              List products = (List) hibernateTemplate.execute(
                                 new HibernateCallback() {
                                    public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException {
              inner classes           return session.find(“FROM example.Product WHERE price > ?”,
                                                           new Integer(1000), Hibernate.INTEGER);
                              try {
                                 Class c = Class.forName("Foo");

                              } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
1.1    1997                   }

                              catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
              reflection      }
                              catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
                              catch (InstantiationException e) {
                              catch (IllegalAccessException e) {

              other new API   JDBC, RMI
Java's journey
vers   year            feature                                     example
1.2    1998 Collections          List stooges = Arrays.asList(new String[] {“Larry”, “Moe”, “Curly”});

                                 Foo f = (Foo) Proxy.newProxyInstance(Foo.class.getClassLoader(),
              dynamic proxies                             new Class[] { Foo.class }, handler);
1.3    2000
              other new API      JNDI, JPDA
              assert             assert 1 + 1 == 2

1.4    2002 regex                assert Pattern.compile("d{5}").matcher("12345").matches();

              other new API      NIO, logging, XML, XSLT, JAXP, JCE, JSSE, JAAS
              generics           List<String> stooges = Arrays.asList(new String[] {"Larry", "Moe", "Curly"});

              annotations        @Override public String toString() { return “foo”; }

              enums              enum HolidayType {UH, STATE, BANK, FEDERAL}

1.5    2004 varargs              List<String> stooges = Arrays.asList("Larry", "Moe", "Curly");

              autoboxing         List<Integer> ages = Arrays.asList(43, 35, 28);

              for each loop      for (String s : stooges) { System.out.println(s + " says "Nyuk nyuk.""); }

              static imports     import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.*;
Java's journey

vers    year           feature                                       example
                                        ScriptEngineManager factory = new ScriptEngineManager();
                                        ScriptEngine engine = factory.getEngineByName("JavaScript");
                                        try {
               scripting languages         engine.eval("print('Hello, World')");
1.6    2006                             } catch (ScriptException e) {

               other new API            JAX-WS (SOAP), JAXB
                                        switch(artistName) {
                                          case “Lily Allen”: return FABULOUS;
               Strings in switch          case “Elisa”:      return GREAT;
                                          default:           return MEH;
1.7    2011    generic type inference   Map<String, List<String>> myMap = new HashMap<>();

                                        catch (IOException|SQLException ex) {
               catch multiple types       throw ex;
Why do I care?
Why do I care?
Why do I care?
How is it different?

●   code comparison, Java versus Groovy
●   hello worlds
●   examples from my Timesheets project
How is it different?
How is it different?
How is it different?
How is it different?
How can I use it?

●   same as Java
●   scripts, e.g.
    –   groovy -e "println['user.home']"
    –   groovy -e 'println java.sql.Timestamp.valueOf("2012-11-17 06:49:33").time'
    –   web app stats polling daemon via JMX
●   JUnit -> Spock
●   Selenium -> Geb
●   Spring/Hibernate -> Grails
Usage: JUnit -> Spock
Usage: Selenium -> Geb
Usage: Spring/Hibernate -> Grails
For more about Groovy
●   google, e.g., “groovy collection”
●   books
Let's make beautiful code!

   Thanks for coming!

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Groovy intro for OUDL

  • 1. Intro to Groovy J. David Beutel 2013-03-18
  • 2. Presenter's Background ● 1991 Comp. Sci. BS from RIT ● 1996- using Java ● 2000- developing web apps in Java ● 2005- staff at UH ITS/MIS ● 2009- using Groovy ● 2010- app with Groovy/Grails/Geb/Spock – in production since 2012 June – LOC: 14K production, 13K test
  • 3. Presentation Objectives ● recognize and understand Groovy code ● get interested in Groovy coding ● (not introducing Spock/Geb/Grails yet)
  • 4. Outline ● What is Groovy? ● Why do I care? ● How is it different? ● How can I use it?
  • 5. What is Groovy? ● dynamic extension of Java – syntax – API (GDK) ● enables less code, more clarity ● compiles to Java classes ● seamless integration with Java ● backed by SpringSource/VMware ● good IDE support in – IntelliJ IDEA (the best, IMHO) – Eclipse Groovy/Grails (Spring) Tool Suite
  • 6. Syntax optional literal ; String 'foo' ( ) List ['foo', 'bar'] keyword public Map [name: 'David', age: 43] in return Range 3..7 as regex Pattern ~/d+/ catch def multi-line '''hello types String world''' feature example properties assert URL.'package'.name == '' Closure older = employees.findAll {it.age > 39} GString “$name was ${age - 1} years old last year” Groovy truth assert age yet another for loop for (e in employees) {totalAge += e.age} named params e = new Employee(name: 'David', age: 43) multiple assignments (first, last) = 'John Doe'.tokenize()
  • 7. Syntax feature example default imports*, java.lang.*,*, java.util.* negative/range indexes last = employees[-1]; allButLast = employees[0..-2] dynamic properties obj[propertyName] dynamic methods obj.”$methodName”(params) meta-programming Integer.metaClass.cos << {Math.cos(delegate)} @InheritConstructors AST transformations class MyException extends Exception {} assert 1 + 1 == 3 power assert | | 2 false switch (age) { case [41, 18, 32]: yakudoshi(); break case 0..17: child(); break power switch case {it % 2}: odd(); break default: even() } customizable operators a+b
  • 8. Syntax operator meaning name a ?: b a?a:b Elvis a?.b a == null ? a : a.b null safe m(*list) m(list[0], list[1], ...) spread list*.m() [list[0].m(), list[1].m(), ...] spread-dot list*.a spread-dot [list[0].a, list[1].a, ...] list.a (GPath) a.&m reference to method m in object a as closure method closure a.@f direct access to field f dot-at t =~ s Pattern.compile(s).matcher(t).find() regex find t ==~ s Pattern.compile(s).matcher(t).matches() regex match a <=> b a.compareTo(b) handling null spaceship a == b a.equals(b) handling null, coercion, & Comparable equals like Java's a == b
  • 9. API (GDK) method on Object example is(other), like Java's a == b isCase(candidate) for power switch and in, e.g., assert 2 in [1, 2, 3] println(value) println 'hello world' sleep(millis) sleep 1500 with(closure) employee.with {name = 'Joe'; age--} on Collection returns example join(separator) String assert [1, 2, 3].join('|') == '1|2|3' sort(closure) List youngestFirst = employees.sort {it.age} sum() Object def totalAge = employees*.age.sum() max(closure) Object assert ['hi', 'hello', 'hey'].max {it.length()} == 'hello' flatten() Collection assert [1,[2,3],[[4]],[ ],5].flatten() == [1,2,3,4,5] groupBy(closure) Map assert [1,2,3,4,5].groupBy {it % 2} == [0:[2,4], 1:[1,3,5]]
  • 10. API (GDK) iterative method returns example findAll List older = employees.findAll {it.age > 39} find Object firstOlder = employees.find {it.age > 39} any Boolean hasOlder = employees.any {it.age > 39} every Boolean noYounger = employees.every {it.age > 39} def totalAge = 0 each void employees.each {totalAge += it.age} employees.eachWithIndex { e, i -> eachWithIndex void println “${} is at index $i” } grep(classifier) List davids = employees*.name.grep ~/David.*/ collect List tripleAges = employees.collect {it.age * 3}
  • 11. API (GDK) method on File returns example eachFile(closure) void new File('somedir').eachFile {println it} getText() String pid = new File('').text.toLong() readLines() List lines = new File('grammar').readLines() eachLine(closure) Object file.eachLine {parse(it)} Object new File('report').withWriter {out -> withWriter(closure) employees.each {it.write(out)} } on String returns example split() String[] assert 'a b c'.split() == ['a', 'b', 'c'] tokenize(token) List assert '/tmp:/usr'.tokenize(':') == ['/tmp', '/usr'] normalize() String assert 'arnb'.normalize() == 'anb' find(regex) String assert 'New York, NY 10292-0098'.find(/d{5}/) == '10292'
  • 12. Why do I care?
  • 14. Java's journey vers year feature example 1.0 1996 initial release HibernateTemplate hibernateTemplate = new HibernateTemplate(sessionFactory); List products = (List) hibernateTemplate.execute( new HibernateCallback() { public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException { inner classes return session.find(“FROM example.Product WHERE price > ?”, new Integer(1000), Hibernate.INTEGER); } } ); try { Class c = Class.forName("Foo"); c.getMethod("hello").invoke(c.newInstance()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { 1.1 1997 } e.printStackTrace(); catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); reflection } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InstantiationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } other new API JDBC, RMI
  • 15. Java's journey vers year feature example 1.2 1998 Collections List stooges = Arrays.asList(new String[] {“Larry”, “Moe”, “Curly”}); Foo f = (Foo) Proxy.newProxyInstance(Foo.class.getClassLoader(), dynamic proxies new Class[] { Foo.class }, handler); 1.3 2000 other new API JNDI, JPDA assert assert 1 + 1 == 2 1.4 2002 regex assert Pattern.compile("d{5}").matcher("12345").matches(); other new API NIO, logging, XML, XSLT, JAXP, JCE, JSSE, JAAS generics List<String> stooges = Arrays.asList(new String[] {"Larry", "Moe", "Curly"}); annotations @Override public String toString() { return “foo”; } enums enum HolidayType {UH, STATE, BANK, FEDERAL} 1.5 2004 varargs List<String> stooges = Arrays.asList("Larry", "Moe", "Curly"); autoboxing List<Integer> ages = Arrays.asList(43, 35, 28); for each loop for (String s : stooges) { System.out.println(s + " says "Nyuk nyuk.""); } static imports import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.*;
  • 16. Java's journey vers year feature example ScriptEngineManager factory = new ScriptEngineManager(); ScriptEngine engine = factory.getEngineByName("JavaScript"); try { scripting languages engine.eval("print('Hello, World')"); 1.6 2006 } catch (ScriptException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } other new API JAX-WS (SOAP), JAXB switch(artistName) { case “Lily Allen”: return FABULOUS; Strings in switch case “Elisa”: return GREAT; default: return MEH; } 1.7 2011 generic type inference Map<String, List<String>> myMap = new HashMap<>(); catch (IOException|SQLException ex) { logger.log(ex); catch multiple types throw ex; }
  • 17.
  • 18. Why do I care?
  • 19. Why do I care?
  • 20. Why do I care?
  • 21.
  • 22. How is it different? ● code comparison, Java versus Groovy ● hello worlds ● examples from my Timesheets project
  • 23. How is it different?
  • 24. How is it different?
  • 25. How is it different?
  • 26. How is it different?
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29. How can I use it? ● same as Java ● scripts, e.g. – groovy -e "println['user.home']" – groovy -e 'println java.sql.Timestamp.valueOf("2012-11-17 06:49:33").time' – web app stats polling daemon via JMX ● JUnit -> Spock ● Selenium -> Geb ● Spring/Hibernate -> Grails
  • 33. For more about Groovy ● ● google, e.g., “groovy collection” ● books
  • 34. Let's make beautiful code! Thanks for coming!

Editor's Notes

  1. My 1 st job after college was programming client/server apps in C and X Windows on Unix, for 6 years. Java was released towards the end, and I loved its exceptions, safe memory, garbage collection, and simpler API. Memory management and error handling in C took so much time programming around and debugging, while Java did it automatically or more cleanly, that I couldn&apos;t stand C anymore. For example, compare error handling in C with Exceptions in Java...