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St a t e B a nk o f Pa ki s t a n - R e v i s e d O r g a ni z a t i o n St r                                                                                                                                                   A s O n N o ve m b e r 3 , 20 06

                                                                                                   u c t ur e

                                                                                                                                          D r . S h am shad A k ht ar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               M a n a g e m e n t C o m m it t e e
                                                                                                                                                     G o v e rn o r

                                                                        A n t i M o n e y La unde r i ng U n i t                                                                                   G o v e r n o r ’s S e c r e ta r ia t

                 V a can                                                                                                Va c a n                                                                                                                       M a n s u r -U r -R e h m a n K h
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                  a rc h )                                                                                                   )                                                                                                                                        es)

                                                                                                                                                                                           A sad Qur
                                                                                                                                           M. K a m r a n S h e h z                                                                            Jam ee l A h m a
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                            E c o n o m ic A n a ly s                                  n                                                            M s . Lubn                              & In ve s t m e n t s                                                                                                                                          r
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                                                                                                                    S u p e r v is io n               B a n k in                                       ts
                                 Re s e a r c h                                                                                                                                                                                                       M. S a l e e                               M. Ma z h a r u l H a
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                          D r . A z i z u ll a h K h a t
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                                  D i re c t o r                             In fr a s tr u c tu r e                                                                                                a in                                           d d iq u i P ro je c t
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                                         ta                                        in a n c e                                                                                                         r                                                 P r o je c t
                                 W a r e h ous                                                                                                                                             E x c h a n g e P o lic
                                         e                                                                                                                                                            y

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            C o rp o r a t e S e r v ic e s C lu s t e r ( C S C l u s t e r )
                                                                                                            B a n k in g C lu s t e r                                     F in a n c ia l M a rk e t s & R e s e rv e M a n a g e m e
M o n e t a r y P o li c y & R e s e a r c h C lu s t e r ( M P R C                                         nt
lu s t e r )                                                                                                                                                                        C lu s te r (F M R C lu s t e r)
M a ns oor H a s s a
          n                                         Nom a n A. Q u r e s
                                                                                                                            L ege nd
     S i dd i qui                                              hi
    S tr a te g ic                                        D ire c to r
    & C o rp o r a                                   In te r n a l A u d it
          te                                         & C o m p lia n c e
     P la n n in g

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                                                                                                                             He a d
 A f ta b M u s t a
          fa                                        S u le m a n C h h a
                                                            g la                                                                            N o t e : R T G S w i ll b e p a r t o f P a y m e n t S y s te m s D e p a r t m e n t a s a D iv is io n o n c o m p le t io n o f t h e R T G S P r o je c t.
       Kh a n
                                                           He a d
    C o rp o r a t                                  R is k M a n a g e m e
           e                                                nt
S e c re ta r y ’s O ffi                                                                                                 G r ou p H e a
                                                                                A d v i s or s t o G o v e rn o                d
          ce                                                                                    r
                                                                               1 . S y e d A li A z h a r N a
                                                                               q v i - A d v is o r T r a in in g /
                                                     M s . S a r a B a kh
                                                              tia r            Re s o u r c e s
S . W a s im u d d in                                                          2 . M r . M u s h ta q u e J in d a       D e p a rt m e n
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C h i e f S pok es m                                l G e n e ra l C o u n s   ni -
anExternal Re                                                                  A d v is o r In fr a s t ru c t u r e F      He a d
                                                         e l’s O ffic e
       la tio n s                                                              in a n c e
                                                                               / B a n k in g R e g u la t io n

                     G o v e rn o r ’s O f f ic e

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8447779800, Low rate Call girls in Saket Delhi NCR

Fmap Sbp Organogram

  • 1. St a t e B a nk o f Pa ki s t a n - R e v i s e d O r g a ni z a t i o n St r A s O n N o ve m b e r 3 , 20 06 u c t ur e D r . S h am shad A k ht ar M a n a g e m e n t C o m m it t e e G o v e rn o r A n t i M o n e y La unde r i ng U n i t G o v e r n o r ’s S e c r e ta r ia t V a can Va c a n M a n s u r -U r -R e h m a n K h t t an C h i e f E c onom i s D e p u ty G o v e r D e p u ty G o v e r t * nor nor (M o n e ta ry P o lic y / R e s e (B a n k in g (C o r p o ra t e S e rv ic a rc h ) ) es) A sad Qur M. K a m r a n S h e h z Jam ee l A h m a R ia z R i a z u d A z ha r I q ba l K u r e Am e r A z i esh i V a can t ad d di n shi z A d v i so E x e c u t iv e D ir e c t E x e c u t iv e D ir e c t E x e c u t iv e D i r e c t E c o n o m i c A d v is A d v i so A d v i so r or or o r (F in a n c ia l R e s o or r r ( F in an c i al M a r k et s / R e s (H u m a n R e so u r ce ( B a n k in g P o lic ur c e s M ana gem en t ( P o lic y / R e s e a rc ( D e v e lo p m e n t F i n a n c (B a n k in g S u p e r v is erve s) h) y & R e g u l a t io n ) ) e) io n ) M ana gem en t ) V aca n t A k r am D u rr a S a b a h -u z -Z a m a Pe r v e z Sa In a y a t H u s V aca n t V a can t S y e d Ir fa n A T re a s u ry n i H e a d / D ir e n id s a in D o m e s t ic M a r k e t M o n e ta r y P o li O per c to r H u m a n C IO D i re c t o D ir e c to s & lic y D ir e c to a tio n s R e s o u rc e I n f o r m a tio n S y s te m r r M o n e ta r y M a n a g e m r ( B a ck O ffic e s s & T e c h n o lo g y Is la m ic B a n k in B a n k in g en t B a n k in g P o lic y ) g In s p e c ti o & R e g u la tio n n (O n -s ite A m ja d M a n z M . M a ns oor A ) M s . A s m a Ib r a h A f ta b M u s t a oor li V aca n t im fa D ir e c t o D i re c t o r M . As h r a f Kh a In te r n a ti o n a l M a rk e ts D i re c t o Kh a n r E c o n o m ic A n a ly s n M s . Lubn & In ve s t m e n t s r D ir e c to B u s in e s s S u p p is D i re c t o H a s san R a sh a M u s e u m & A r t G a ll r or t r id Fa r ooq M a ery F in a n c S e r v ic e A g r ic u ltu r a l C r D ir e c to lik e s ed i t r D ir e c to V aca n t O ff -s ite r F in a n c ia l M a rk e V a can t S u p e r v is io n B a n k in ts Re s e a r c h M. S a l e e M. Ma z h a r u l H a & E n f o r c em g S t ra te g y & C o n d u m Re h m a q Q a s im N a w a en t S u rv e illa n c ct n i D i re c t o D ir e c t o z e r r D i re c t o P a y m ent S y s T r a in in g r te m & S M E & M ic r o fin a n D e v e lo p m e n ce t D r . A z i z u ll a h K h a t ta k V a can t S yed S a m a r H a sn S aeed Si D i re c t o r In fr a s tr u c tu r e a in d d iq u i P ro je c t S ta tis tic s & D a / H o us i n g F D ir e c to M a n age r R T G S ta in a n c e r P r o je c t W a r e h ous E x c h a n g e P o lic e y C o rp o r a t e S e r v ic e s C lu s t e r ( C S C l u s t e r ) B a n k in g C lu s t e r F in a n c ia l M a rk e t s & R e s e rv e M a n a g e m e M o n e t a r y P o li c y & R e s e a r c h C lu s t e r ( M P R C nt lu s t e r ) C lu s te r (F M R C lu s t e r)
  • 2. M a ns oor H a s s a n Nom a n A. Q u r e s L ege nd S i dd i qui hi S tr a te g ic D ire c to r & C o rp o r a In te r n a l A u d it te & C o m p lia n c e P la n n in g C lu s te r He a d A f ta b M u s t a fa S u le m a n C h h a g la N o t e : R T G S w i ll b e p a r t o f P a y m e n t S y s te m s D e p a r t m e n t a s a D iv is io n o n c o m p le t io n o f t h e R T G S P r o je c t. Kh a n He a d C o rp o r a t R is k M a n a g e m e e nt S e c re ta r y ’s O ffi G r ou p H e a A d v i s or s t o G o v e rn o d ce r 1 . S y e d A li A z h a r N a q v i - A d v is o r T r a in in g / Human M s . S a r a B a kh tia r Re s o u r c e s S . W a s im u d d in 2 . M r . M u s h ta q u e J in d a D e p a rt m e n S p e c ia l C o u n s e t C h i e f S pok es m l G e n e ra l C o u n s ni - anExternal Re A d v is o r In fr a s t ru c t u r e F He a d e l’s O ffic e la tio n s in a n c e / B a n k in g R e g u la t io n G o v e rn o r ’s O f f ic e