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communication platform
communication platform

MONOLOGUE                                                                                    DIALOGUE

    Show    Entertain   Inform   Explain   Tease       Respond   Discuss   Play   Discover   Train
communication platform

                                                                         communication platform

 MONOLOGUE                                                                                                                                                                                        DIALOGUE

         Show               Entertain            Inform                Explain          Tease             Respond                Discuss               Play                Discover              Train

  Film                 TV production        Documentary        Video              Interactive TV     Mobile                 Web 2.0            Gaming                Augmented Reality    Virtual Reality
- Fiction feature
- Short film
   - Fiction feature    - Game show          - Faction         - User-generated   - Game show        - Media UL / DL        - Web community    - Casual game         - On-site rraining   - Off-site training
   - Short film         - Reality            - Portait         - Mockumentary     - Money game       - Voting               - Forum & blog     - Advergame           - Reconstruction     - Reconstruction
- Fiction series
   - Fiction            - Talent show        - History         - Infomercial      - Voting           - Updating             - User-generated   - 3D game             - Demonstration      - Demonstration
- Independent
   - Independent        - Magazine           - Science         - Training         - Jukebox          - Java game            - Blog             - 3D simulator        - Prototyping        - Prototyping
   - Micro-content      - Current affairs    - Investigation   - Archival         - Chat             - Mixed reality game   - Publishing       – Off-site training   - Maintenance        - Data visualisation
- Micro-content
communication platform

                                                                         communication platform

MONOLOGUE                                                                                                                                                                                         DIALOGUE

       Show                Entertain             Inform                Explain          Tease             Respond                Discuss               Play                Discover              Train

Film                   TV production        Documentary        Video              Interactive TV     Mobile                 Web 2.0            Gaming                Augmented Reality    Virtual Reality
                    - Game show
                    - Reality show
- Fiction feature       - Game               - Faction         - User-generated   - Game show        - Media UL / DL        - Web community    - Casual game         - On-site rraining   - Off-site training
- Short film            - Reality            - Portait         - Mockumentary     - Money game       - Voting               - Forum & blog     - Advergame           - Reconstruction     - Reconstruction
                    - Talent show
- Fiction series        - Talent show        - History         - Infomercial      - Voting           - Updating             - User-generated   - 3D game             - Demonstration      - Demonstration
                    - Magazine
- Independent           - Magazine           - Science         - Training         - Jukebox          - Java game            - Blog             - 3D simulator        - Prototyping        - Prototyping
- Micro-content         - Current affairs    - Investigation   - Archival         - Chat             - Mixed reality game   - Publishing       – Off-site training   - Maintenance        - Data visualisation
                    - Current affairs
communication platform

                                                                          communication platform

MONOLOGUE                                                                                                                                                                                          DIALOGUE

       Show              Entertain                 Inform               Explain          Tease             Respond                Discuss               Play                Discover              Train

Film                TV production            Documentary        Video              Interactive TV     Mobile                 Web 2.0            Gaming                Augmented Reality    Virtual Reality
                                         - Faction
                                         - Portait
- Fiction feature    - Game show              - Faction         - User-generated   - Game show        - Media UL / DL        - Web community    - Casual game         - On-site rraining   - Off-site training
- Short film         - Reality                - Portait         - Mockumentary     - Money game       - Voting               - Forum & blog     - Advergame           - Reconstruction     - Reconstruction
                                         - History
- Fiction series     - Talent show            - History         - Infomercial      - Voting           - Updating             - User-generated   - 3D game             - Demonstration      - Demonstration
                                         - Science
- Independent        - Magazine               - Science         - Training         - Jukebox          - Java game            - Blog             - 3D simulator        - Prototyping        - Prototyping
- Micro-content      - Current affairs        - Investigation   - Archival         - Chat             - Mixed reality game   - Publishing       – Off-site training   - Maintenance        - Data visualisation
                                         - Investigation
communication platform

                                                                          communication platform

MONOLOGUE                                                                                                                                                                                           DIALOGUE

       Show              Entertain            Inform                    Explain           Tease             Respond                Discuss               Play                Discover              Train

Film                TV production        Documentary            Video               Interactive TV     Mobile                 Web 2.0            Gaming                Augmented Reality    Virtual Reality
                                                            - User-generated
                                                            - Mockumentary
- Fiction feature    - Game show          - Faction              - User-generated   - Game show        - Media UL / DL        - Web community    - Casual game         - On-site rraining   - Off-site training
- Short film         - Reality            - Portait              - Mockumentary     - Money game       - Voting               - Forum & blog     - Advergame           - Reconstruction     - Reconstruction
                                                            - Infomercial
- Fiction series     - Talent show        - History              - Infomercial      - Voting           - Updating             - User-generated   - 3D game             - Demonstration      - Demonstration
                                                            - Training
- Independent        - Magazine           - Science              - Training         - Jukebox          - Java game            - Blog             - 3D simulator        - Prototyping        - Prototyping
- Micro-content      - Current affairs    - Investigation        - Archival         - Chat             - Mixed reality game   - Publishing       – Off-site training   - Maintenance        - Data visualisation
                                                            - Archival
communication platform

                                                                      communication platform

MONOLOGUE                                                                                                                                                                                         DIALOGUE

       Show              Entertain            Inform                Explain              Tease            Respond                Discuss               Play                Discover              Train

                                                                               Interactive TV
Film                TV production        Documentary        Video                 Interactive TV     Mobile                 Web 2.0            Gaming                Augmented Reality    Virtual Reality
                                                                               - Game show
                                                                               - Money game
- Fiction feature    - Game show          - Faction         - User-generated       - Game show       - Media UL / DL        - Web community    - Casual game         - On-site rraining   - Off-site training
- Short film         - Reality            - Portait         - Mockumentary         - Money game      - Voting               - Forum & blog     - Advergame           - Reconstruction     - Reconstruction
                                                                               - Voting
- Fiction series     - Talent show        - History         - Infomercial          - Voting          - Updating             - User-generated   - 3D game             - Demonstration      - Demonstration
                                                                               - Jukebox
- Independent        - Magazine           - Science         - Training             - Jukebox         - Java game            - Blog             - 3D simulator        - Prototyping        - Prototyping
- Micro-content      - Current affairs    - Investigation   - Archival             - Chat            - Mixed reality game   - Publishing       – Off-site training   - Maintenance        - Data visualisation
                                                                               - Chat
communication platform

                                                                      communication platform

MONOLOGUE                                                                                                                                                                                        DIALOGUE

       Show              Entertain            Inform                Explain           Tease             Respond                 Discuss               Play                Discover              Train

Film                TV production        Documentary        Video              Interactive TV      Mobile                  Web 2.0            Gaming                Augmented Reality    Virtual Reality
                                                                                                - Media UL / DL
                                                                                                - Voting UL / DL
- Fiction feature    - Game show          - Faction         - User-generated   - Game show          - Media                - Web community    - Casual game         - On-site rraining   - Off-site training
- Short film         - Reality            - Portait         - Mockumentary     - Money game         - Voting               - Forum & blog     - Advergame           - Reconstruction     - Reconstruction
                                                                                                - Updating
- Fiction series     - Talent show        - History         - Infomercial      - Voting             - Updating             - User-generated   - 3D game             - Demonstration      - Demonstration
                                                                                                - Java game
- Independent        - Magazine           - Science         - Training         - Jukebox            - Java game            - Blog             - 3D simulator        - Prototyping        - Prototyping
- Micro-content      - Current affairs    - Investigation   - Archival         - Chat               - Mixed reality game   - Publishing       – Off-site training   - Maintenance        - Data visualisation
                                                                                                - Mixed reality game
communication platform

                                                                      communication platform

MONOLOGUE                                                                                                                                                                                          DIALOGUE

       Show              Entertain            Inform                Explain           Tease            Respond                   Discuss                Play                Discover              Train

                                                                                                                         Web 2.0
Film                TV production        Documentary        Video              Interactive TV     Mobile                    Web 2.0             Gaming                Augmented Reality    Virtual Reality
                                                                                                                         - Web community
                                                                                                                         - Forum community
                                                                                                                             - Web & blog
- Fiction feature    - Game show          - Faction         - User-generated   - Game show        - Media UL / DL                               - Casual game         - On-site rraining   - Off-site training
- Short film         - Reality            - Portait         - Mockumentary     - Money game       - Voting                   - Forum & blog     - Advergame           - Reconstruction     - Reconstruction
                                                                                                                         - User-generated
- Fiction series     - Talent show        - History         - Infomercial      - Voting           - Updating                 - User-generated   - 3D game             - Demonstration      - Demonstration
                                                                                                                         - Blog
- Independent        - Magazine           - Science         - Training         - Jukebox          - Java game                - Blog             - 3D simulator        - Prototyping        - Prototyping
- Micro-content      - Current affairs    - Investigation   - Archival         - Chat             - Mixed reality game       - Publishing       – Off-site training   - Maintenance        - Data visualisation
                                                                                                                         - Publishing
communication platform

                                                                      communication platform

MONOLOGUE                                                                                                                                                                                          DIALOGUE

       Show              Entertain            Inform                Explain           Tease            Respond                Discuss                  Play                 Discover              Train

Film                TV production        Documentary        Video              Interactive TV     Mobile                 Web 2.0                Gaming                Augmented Reality    Virtual Reality
                                                                                                                                            - Casual game
- Fiction feature    - Game show          - Faction         - User-generated   - Game show        - Media UL / DL        - Web community        - Casual game         - On-site rraining   - Off-site training
                                                                                                                                            - Advergame
- Short film         - Reality            - Portait         - Mockumentary     - Money game       - Voting               - Forum & blog         - Advergame           - Reconstruction     - Reconstruction
                                                                                                                                            - 3D 3D game
                                                                                                                                                - game
- Fiction series     - Talent show        - History         - Infomercial      - Voting           - Updating             - User-generated                             - Demonstration      - Demonstration
- Independent        - Magazine           - Science         - Training         - Jukebox          - Java game            - Blog             - 3D 3D simulator
                                                                                                                                                - simulation          - Prototyping        - Prototyping
- Micro-content      - Current affairs    - Investigation   - Archival         - Chat             - Mixed reality game   - Publishing           – Off-site training   - Maintenance        - Data visualisation
                                                                                                                                            – Off-site training
communication platform

                                                                      communication platform

MONOLOGUE                                                                                                                                                                                          DIALOGUE

       Show              Entertain            Inform                Explain           Tease            Respond                Discuss               Play                   Discover               Train

                                                                                                                                                                  Augmented Reality
Film                TV production        Documentary        Video              Interactive TV     Mobile                 Web 2.0            Gaming                    Augmented Reality    Virtual Reality
                                                                                                                                                                  - On-site training
                                                                                                                                                                  - Reconstruction
- Fiction feature    - Game show          - Faction         - User-generated   - Game show        - Media UL / DL        - Web community    - Casual game             - On-site rraining   - Off-site training
- Short film         - Reality            - Portait         - Mockumentary     - Money game       - Voting               - Forum & blog     - Advergame               - Reconstruction     - Reconstruction
                                                                                                                                                                  - Demonstration
- Fiction series     - Talent show        - History         - Infomercial      - Voting           - Updating             - User-generated   - 3D game                 - Demonstration      - Demonstration
                                                                                                                                                                  - Prototyping
- Independent        - Magazine           - Science         - Training         - Jukebox          - Java game            - Blog             - 3D simulator            - Prototyping        - Prototyping
- Micro-content      - Current affairs    - Investigation   - Archival         - Chat             - Mixed reality game   - Publishing       – Off-site training       - Maintenance        - Data visualisation
                                                                                                                                                                  - Maintenance
communication platform

                                                                    communication platform

MONOLOGUE                                                                                                                                                                                          DIALOGUE

       Show              Entertain            Inform             Explain             Tease             Respond                Discuss               Play                Discover                  Train

                                                                                                                                                                                       Virtual Reality
Film                TV production        Documentary        Video              Interactive TV     Mobile                 Web 2.0            Gaming                Augmented Reality       Virtual Reality
                                                                                                                                                                                       - Off-site training
                                                                                                                                                                                       - Reconstruction
- Fiction feature    - Game show          - Faction         - User-generated   - Game show        - Media UL / DL        - Web community    - Casual game         - On-site rraining       - Off-site training
- Short film         - Reality            - Portait         - Mockumentary     - Money game       - Voting               - Forum & blog     - Advergame           - Reconstruction         - Reconstruction
                                                                                                                                                                                       - Demonstration
- Fiction series     - Talent show        - History         - Infomercial      - Voting           - Updating             - User-generated   - 3D game             - Demonstration          - Demonstration
                                                                                                                                                                                       - Prototyping
- Independent        - Magazine           - Science         - Training         - Jukebox          - Java game            - Blog             - 3D simulator        - Prototyping            - Prototyping
                                                                                                                                                                                       - Data visualisation
- Micro-content      - Current affairs    - Investigation   - Archival         - Chat             - Mixed reality game   - Publishing       – Off-site training   - Maintenance            - Data visualisation
communication platform

MONOLOGUE                                                                                                                                                                                      DIALOGUE

       Show              Entertain            Inform                Explain          Tease             Respond                Discuss               Play                Discover              Train

Film                TV production        Documentary        Video              Interactive TV     Mobile                 Web 2.0            Gaming                Augmented Reality    Virtual Reality

- Fiction feature    - Game show          - Faction         - User-generated   - Game show        - Media UL / DL        - Web community    - Casual game         - On-site rraining   - Off-site training
- Short film         - Reality            - Portait         - Mockumentary     - Money game       - Voting               - Forum & blog     - Advergame           - Reconstruction     - Reconstruction
- Fiction series     - Talent show        - History         - Infomercial      - Voting           - Updating             - User-generated   - 3D game             - Demonstration      - Demonstration
- Independent        - Magazine           - Science         - Training         - Jukebox          - Java game            - Blog             - 3D simulator        - Prototyping        - Prototyping
- Micro-content      - Current affairs    - Investigation   - Archival         - Chat             - Mixed reality game   - Publishing       – Off-site training   - Maintenance        - Data visualisation
communication platform

MONOLOGUE                                                                                                                                                                                      DIALOGUE

       Show              Entertain            Inform                Explain          Tease             Respond                Discuss               Play                Discover              Train

Film                TV production        Documentary        Video              Interactive TV     Mobile                 Web 2.0            Gaming                Augmented Reality    Virtual Reality

- Fiction feature    - Game show          - Faction         - User-generated   - Game show        - Media UL / DL        - Web community    - Casual game         - On-site rraining   - Off-site training
- Short film         - Reality            - Portait         - Mockumentary     - Money game       - Voting               - Forum & blog     - Advergame           - Reconstruction     - Reconstruction
- Fiction series     - Talent show        - History         - Infomercial      - Voting           - Updating             - User-generated   - 3D game             - Demonstration      - Demonstration
- Independent        - Magazine           - Science         - Training         - Jukebox          - Java game            - Blog             - 3D simulator        - Prototyping        - Prototyping
- Micro-content      - Current affairs    - Investigation   - Archival         - Chat             - Mixed reality game   - Publishing       – Off-site training   - Maintenance        - Data visualisation
communication platform

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Mediacircus Presentation

  • 2. communication platform MONOLOGUE DIALOGUE Show Entertain Inform Explain Tease Respond Discuss Play Discover Train
  • 3. communication platform communication platform MONOLOGUE DIALOGUE Show Entertain Inform Explain Tease Respond Discuss Play Discover Train Film Film TV production Documentary Video Interactive TV Mobile Web 2.0 Gaming Augmented Reality Virtual Reality - Fiction feature - Short film - Fiction feature - Game show - Faction - User-generated - Game show - Media UL / DL - Web community - Casual game - On-site rraining - Off-site training - Short film - Reality - Portait - Mockumentary - Money game - Voting - Forum & blog - Advergame - Reconstruction - Reconstruction - Fiction series series - Fiction - Talent show - History - Infomercial - Voting - Updating - User-generated - 3D game - Demonstration - Demonstration - Independent - Independent - Magazine - Science - Training - Jukebox - Java game - Blog - 3D simulator - Prototyping - Prototyping - Micro-content - Current affairs - Investigation - Archival - Chat - Mixed reality game - Publishing – Off-site training - Maintenance - Data visualisation - Micro-content
  • 4. communication platform communication platform MONOLOGUE DIALOGUE Show Entertain Inform Explain Tease Respond Discuss Play Discover Train TV-production Film TV production Documentary Video Interactive TV Mobile Web 2.0 Gaming Augmented Reality Virtual Reality - Game show - Reality show - Fiction feature - Game - Faction - User-generated - Game show - Media UL / DL - Web community - Casual game - On-site rraining - Off-site training - Short film - Reality - Portait - Mockumentary - Money game - Voting - Forum & blog - Advergame - Reconstruction - Reconstruction - Talent show - Fiction series - Talent show - History - Infomercial - Voting - Updating - User-generated - 3D game - Demonstration - Demonstration - Magazine - Independent - Magazine - Science - Training - Jukebox - Java game - Blog - 3D simulator - Prototyping - Prototyping - Micro-content - Current affairs - Investigation - Archival - Chat - Mixed reality game - Publishing – Off-site training - Maintenance - Data visualisation - Current affairs
  • 5. communication platform communication platform MONOLOGUE DIALOGUE Show Entertain Inform Explain Tease Respond Discuss Play Discover Train Documentary Film TV production Documentary Video Interactive TV Mobile Web 2.0 Gaming Augmented Reality Virtual Reality - Faction - Portait - Fiction feature - Game show - Faction - User-generated - Game show - Media UL / DL - Web community - Casual game - On-site rraining - Off-site training - Short film - Reality - Portait - Mockumentary - Money game - Voting - Forum & blog - Advergame - Reconstruction - Reconstruction - History - Fiction series - Talent show - History - Infomercial - Voting - Updating - User-generated - 3D game - Demonstration - Demonstration - Science - Independent - Magazine - Science - Training - Jukebox - Java game - Blog - 3D simulator - Prototyping - Prototyping - Micro-content - Current affairs - Investigation - Archival - Chat - Mixed reality game - Publishing – Off-site training - Maintenance - Data visualisation - Investigation
  • 6. communication platform communication platform MONOLOGUE DIALOGUE Show Entertain Inform Explain Tease Respond Discuss Play Discover Train Video Film TV production Documentary Video Interactive TV Mobile Web 2.0 Gaming Augmented Reality Virtual Reality - User-generated - Mockumentary - Fiction feature - Game show - Faction - User-generated - Game show - Media UL / DL - Web community - Casual game - On-site rraining - Off-site training - Short film - Reality - Portait - Mockumentary - Money game - Voting - Forum & blog - Advergame - Reconstruction - Reconstruction - Infomercial - Fiction series - Talent show - History - Infomercial - Voting - Updating - User-generated - 3D game - Demonstration - Demonstration - Training - Independent - Magazine - Science - Training - Jukebox - Java game - Blog - 3D simulator - Prototyping - Prototyping - Micro-content - Current affairs - Investigation - Archival - Chat - Mixed reality game - Publishing – Off-site training - Maintenance - Data visualisation - Archival
  • 7. communication platform communication platform MONOLOGUE DIALOGUE Show Entertain Inform Explain Tease Respond Discuss Play Discover Train Interactive TV Film TV production Documentary Video Interactive TV Mobile Web 2.0 Gaming Augmented Reality Virtual Reality - Game show - Money game - Fiction feature - Game show - Faction - User-generated - Game show - Media UL / DL - Web community - Casual game - On-site rraining - Off-site training - Short film - Reality - Portait - Mockumentary - Money game - Voting - Forum & blog - Advergame - Reconstruction - Reconstruction - Voting - Fiction series - Talent show - History - Infomercial - Voting - Updating - User-generated - 3D game - Demonstration - Demonstration - Jukebox - Independent - Magazine - Science - Training - Jukebox - Java game - Blog - 3D simulator - Prototyping - Prototyping - Micro-content - Current affairs - Investigation - Archival - Chat - Mixed reality game - Publishing – Off-site training - Maintenance - Data visualisation - Chat
  • 8. communication platform communication platform MONOLOGUE DIALOGUE Show Entertain Inform Explain Tease Respond Discuss Play Discover Train Mobile Film TV production Documentary Video Interactive TV Mobile Web 2.0 Gaming Augmented Reality Virtual Reality - Media UL / DL - Voting UL / DL - Fiction feature - Game show - Faction - User-generated - Game show - Media - Web community - Casual game - On-site rraining - Off-site training - Short film - Reality - Portait - Mockumentary - Money game - Voting - Forum & blog - Advergame - Reconstruction - Reconstruction - Updating - Fiction series - Talent show - History - Infomercial - Voting - Updating - User-generated - 3D game - Demonstration - Demonstration - Java game - Independent - Magazine - Science - Training - Jukebox - Java game - Blog - 3D simulator - Prototyping - Prototyping - Micro-content - Current affairs - Investigation - Archival - Chat - Mixed reality game - Publishing – Off-site training - Maintenance - Data visualisation - Mixed reality game
  • 9. communication platform communication platform MONOLOGUE DIALOGUE Show Entertain Inform Explain Tease Respond Discuss Play Discover Train Web 2.0 Film TV production Documentary Video Interactive TV Mobile Web 2.0 Gaming Augmented Reality Virtual Reality - Web community - Forum community - Web & blog - Fiction feature - Game show - Faction - User-generated - Game show - Media UL / DL - Casual game - On-site rraining - Off-site training - Short film - Reality - Portait - Mockumentary - Money game - Voting - Forum & blog - Advergame - Reconstruction - Reconstruction - User-generated - Fiction series - Talent show - History - Infomercial - Voting - Updating - User-generated - 3D game - Demonstration - Demonstration - Blog - Independent - Magazine - Science - Training - Jukebox - Java game - Blog - 3D simulator - Prototyping - Prototyping - Micro-content - Current affairs - Investigation - Archival - Chat - Mixed reality game - Publishing – Off-site training - Maintenance - Data visualisation - Publishing
  • 10. communication platform communication platform MONOLOGUE DIALOGUE Show Entertain Inform Explain Tease Respond Discuss Play Discover Train Gaming Film TV production Documentary Video Interactive TV Mobile Web 2.0 Gaming Augmented Reality Virtual Reality - Casual game - Fiction feature - Game show - Faction - User-generated - Game show - Media UL / DL - Web community - Casual game - On-site rraining - Off-site training - Advergame - Short film - Reality - Portait - Mockumentary - Money game - Voting - Forum & blog - Advergame - Reconstruction - Reconstruction - 3D 3D game - game - Fiction series - Talent show - History - Infomercial - Voting - Updating - User-generated - Demonstration - Demonstration - Independent - Magazine - Science - Training - Jukebox - Java game - Blog - 3D 3D simulator - simulation - Prototyping - Prototyping - Micro-content - Current affairs - Investigation - Archival - Chat - Mixed reality game - Publishing – Off-site training - Maintenance - Data visualisation – Off-site training
  • 11. communication platform communication platform MONOLOGUE DIALOGUE Show Entertain Inform Explain Tease Respond Discuss Play Discover Train Augmented Reality Film TV production Documentary Video Interactive TV Mobile Web 2.0 Gaming Augmented Reality Virtual Reality - On-site training - Reconstruction - Fiction feature - Game show - Faction - User-generated - Game show - Media UL / DL - Web community - Casual game - On-site rraining - Off-site training - Short film - Reality - Portait - Mockumentary - Money game - Voting - Forum & blog - Advergame - Reconstruction - Reconstruction - Demonstration - Fiction series - Talent show - History - Infomercial - Voting - Updating - User-generated - 3D game - Demonstration - Demonstration - Prototyping - Independent - Magazine - Science - Training - Jukebox - Java game - Blog - 3D simulator - Prototyping - Prototyping - Micro-content - Current affairs - Investigation - Archival - Chat - Mixed reality game - Publishing – Off-site training - Maintenance - Data visualisation - Maintenance
  • 12. communication platform communication platform MONOLOGUE DIALOGUE Show Entertain Inform Explain Tease Respond Discuss Play Discover Train Virtual Reality Film TV production Documentary Video Interactive TV Mobile Web 2.0 Gaming Augmented Reality Virtual Reality - Off-site training - Reconstruction - Fiction feature - Game show - Faction - User-generated - Game show - Media UL / DL - Web community - Casual game - On-site rraining - Off-site training - Short film - Reality - Portait - Mockumentary - Money game - Voting - Forum & blog - Advergame - Reconstruction - Reconstruction - Demonstration - Fiction series - Talent show - History - Infomercial - Voting - Updating - User-generated - 3D game - Demonstration - Demonstration - Prototyping - Independent - Magazine - Science - Training - Jukebox - Java game - Blog - 3D simulator - Prototyping - Prototyping - Data visualisation - Micro-content - Current affairs - Investigation - Archival - Chat - Mixed reality game - Publishing – Off-site training - Maintenance - Data visualisation
  • 13. communication platform MONOLOGUE DIALOGUE Show Entertain Inform Explain Tease Respond Discuss Play Discover Train Film TV production Documentary Video Interactive TV Mobile Web 2.0 Gaming Augmented Reality Virtual Reality - Fiction feature - Game show - Faction - User-generated - Game show - Media UL / DL - Web community - Casual game - On-site rraining - Off-site training - Short film - Reality - Portait - Mockumentary - Money game - Voting - Forum & blog - Advergame - Reconstruction - Reconstruction - Fiction series - Talent show - History - Infomercial - Voting - Updating - User-generated - 3D game - Demonstration - Demonstration - Independent - Magazine - Science - Training - Jukebox - Java game - Blog - 3D simulator - Prototyping - Prototyping - Micro-content - Current affairs - Investigation - Archival - Chat - Mixed reality game - Publishing – Off-site training - Maintenance - Data visualisation
  • 14. communication platform MONOLOGUE DIALOGUE Show Entertain Inform Explain Tease Respond Discuss Play Discover Train Film TV production Documentary Video Interactive TV Mobile Web 2.0 Gaming Augmented Reality Virtual Reality - Fiction feature - Game show - Faction - User-generated - Game show - Media UL / DL - Web community - Casual game - On-site rraining - Off-site training - Short film - Reality - Portait - Mockumentary - Money game - Voting - Forum & blog - Advergame - Reconstruction - Reconstruction - Fiction series - Talent show - History - Infomercial - Voting - Updating - User-generated - 3D game - Demonstration - Demonstration - Independent - Magazine - Science - Training - Jukebox - Java game - Blog - 3D simulator - Prototyping - Prototyping - Micro-content - Current affairs - Investigation - Archival - Chat - Mixed reality game - Publishing – Off-site training - Maintenance - Data visualisation