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The Cooke Legacy: Chapter 42 – Rip
        Roarin' Good Time

       Written by: ilovereecee
Howdy! Welcome back to The Cooke Legacy: Chapter 42 – Rip
                   Roarin' Good Time

In the last chapter you saw the Q generation start to grow up, most
 of the spares started their own lives and the heir was announced
   as Quinn. She met and married her love Marisa and she'd just
found out she was pregnant when we last left. So let's pick up from
I'd just found out I was pregnant and couldn't wait to tell my wife
Marisa, but she was sleeping when I went into our bedroom. I was
kind of disappointed, but a little sleepy myself, so I just climbed in
   bed next to her. I could always break the good news when we
                        woke up from our nap.
We slept right through my little sister Quintessa's adult birthday. I
can't believe I forgot that her birthday party was that night. I guess
 what I've heard about pregnancy is true... it does make you very
Even though I wasn't there to cheer her on, Tessa aged into a
gorgeous young woman. She got a promotion at work and is now
                        the Sous Chef!
Tessa didn't waste too much time finding her future spouse. She
  decided to try her luck with the matchmaker, since that's how I
found Marisa. She got a guy named Talin on her first try and they
  hit it off right away. So much so, that they decided to move into
                their own house together that same night.
My little sister got married to Talin just a few short days after
meeting him. They got hitched in a private ceremony on the lawn of
                          their new home.
Tessa and Talin didn't wait too long
before starting their own family. Her first
 pregnancy resulted in a little boy! My
      nephew is named Reagan.
When Reagan was a little older, Tessa and Talin added another
boy to their family. His name is Reece. He looks a lot like Reagan!
I'm so happy for my little sister! She ended up married to a great
guy with two adorable little boys to call her own. It makes me even
 more excited to be pregnant and starting my own little family with
Speaking of Marisa, she's been a little sick lately. I've often heard
 that spouses can get what's called sympathy sickness when their
spouse is pregnant. But I haven't even told her I'm pregnant yet, or
 had any morning sickness... so I don't know if that's what's going
                             on here.
“Marisa, I'm pregnant!” I blurted out. I hadn't planned on being so in your
  face about it, but I couldn't hold it in any longer. “We're going to be
“Really? And here I was thinking I was the pregnant one. I've been so
tired and sick lately and you've been feeling fine! How funny!” Marisa
 laughed, patting my growing belly. “We're going to be moms. I can't
                       believe it! I'm so excited.”
While I'm just starting my
    pregnancy, Rita is
ending hers. She's finally
given birth to a cute little
    black kitten. He is
  named Reggie. I'm so
  glad for his birth, but I
just wish she'd had more
 than one. I want twenty
         after all.
I was filling the cat's food dish when Marisa came waddling in one

“Quinny?” She asked, “Remember how I told you I've been feeling so
  sick and exhausted lately? Well... you're not the only one who's
“Oh. My. God.” I couldn't speak for a moment. “We're both pregnant!?
   Well this is... great! We're both going to have babies! This is crazy!”
I have to admit, I was a little speechless at first. I didn't express my fears
   to Marisa, but multiples run in my family and I was terrified we were
                          perhaps both carrying them.
“Oh honey! I can't believe you and Marisa are pregnant. It's like a
grandfathers dream come true!” My dad said while rubbing my big belly.

           Even if I am in shock, at least my dad is thrilled!
I quit my job to stay home and raise Reggie. Rita and Tramp are
expecting again and I tire so easily these days. Both Marisa and I
are progressing in our pregnancies and try to do our best to take
                 care of each other when we can.
Marisa and I were napping
upstairs, but I couldn't get
 comfortable. I went to go
take a hot shower, when I
  realized I was in labor. I
  called for my mom and
 dad and woke Marisa up
  with my yells. Everyone
 was there to witness the
birth of my first son! Mom
   and Dad were over the
moon. I think seeing labor
    freaked Marisa out for
what is in store for her, but
 we were all thrilled when
   little Ryder was born :)
Even though I didn't have a difficult pregnancy, I'm thrilled that it's
over with! Having Ryder outside of my belly is much better. I love
  holding him in my arms and just looking at his little face. He's
“He's just the cutest thing I've ever seen, Quinny. We did a good job!”
           Marisa said while we put Ryder down for the night.

 “And pretty soon, we'll have another one.” I reminded her. Not that she
needed it, we all were waiting on pins and needles for her to give birth. It
                         should be any day now.
Only a day after Ryder made his entrance, Marisa went into labor
with our second baby. Mom and Dad weren't there, but I was able
to support Marisa. It was tough knowing the pain she was feeling,
  but when I saw our daughter it was so worth it! We named her
It's time for my youngest siblings to age into adults! This really
  makes me feel old, I can still remember when Quanesha and
Quincey were born! I was upstairs taking care of Ryder and Rosie,
   but Marisa made it downstairs with my parents to celebrate.
After my sister and brother
  aged and movee out into
their own home, it was time
  for Ryder to blow out the
    birthday candles. Don't
worry, I haven't forgotten to
  tell you about Nesha and
Quincey's lives... but they're
   still settling in their new
 home, so for now I'll show
   you more about my own

Ryder aged into such a cute
 little boy! He got Marisa's
    red hair, but my facial
  features for sure! He is a
    semi neat, shy, active,
playful and semi nice child.*

   *, not bad!
“Come on, sing for Grandpa
Pax!” My dad coaxed Ryder,
but he didn't want anything to
   do with the lullabies. He's
 found out that he has hands
    and they can fit into his
    mouth! He's growing so

“You're Grandpa's sweet girl.
You're going to grow up to be
so pretty like your mommies.
  Aren't you sweet Rosie?”
 Dad really loves having two
grand babies in the house at
  once. It's his dream come
“Good job Ryder! Mommy is so proud her big boy!”

Marisa is still working toward her lifetime goal to become a mad
 scientist. I thought after Ryder and Rosie were born, she might
decide on something tamer, but she's still got her heart set. She
works extra hard to do a great job at work and still be involved in
  our kids lives. She even taught Ryder to take his first steps!
I've been feeling pretty
 sick lately and I'm hoping
 it's because I'm pregnant.
Marisa and I started trying
for another baby right after
        Rosie was born.
   I didn't have to wait too
 long to find out that I was
   pregnant. I was playing
with Tramp when I first felt
         the baby kick!
Reggie hasn't even grown out of his kitten stage, but he's now a
 big brother to a little girl kitten who looks exactly like him. Rita and
Tramp's second pregnancy resulted in a female kitten who I named
Raven. Three kittens down, seventeen to go until my lifetime want!
“We're not just celebrating
Rosie's birthday, Marisa.” I
   said smiling. “We're
celebrating my pregnancy

  Marisa smiled, “I had a
feeling when I kept hearing
  you run to the bathroom
 throwing up! That's great,

Rosie aged into an adorable
 little girl. She looks even
 more like me than Ryder
does, but with Marisa's red
      hair of course! Her
personality is very similar to

I want to take a moment to update you on my siblings lives! After
 their adult birthday, Quanesha and Quincey moved into a home
 together. Quanesha started dating exterminator Jesse Day and
             Quincey fell for gym enthusiast Ella Attoio.
The twins held a private, double wedding. Quanisha dropped her
 maiden name and became Mrs. Day. Elle accepted our family
             name and is the newest Mrs. Cooke!
It didn't take long before
   both my sister and my
   new sister in law were
expecting their first babies!
 I know I already have so
      many nieces and
 nephews, but becoming
  an aunt never gets old!
My sister Quanesha had a gorgeous little girl who looks just like
her! She didn't get any genes from her father, it seems. Jesse and
                    Nesha named her Rebecca.
Elle had twins! A girl with her blonde hair named Regina and a boy
  with Quincey's brown hair named Ronnie! Aren't they darling!?
All three aged into adorable, smart
   children. I'm so happy that my
youngest siblings got their happily
             ever afters!
“I know you have this wild dream to be Cooke City's next crazy cat
  woman, but the twins have been asking for a pet and I think it'd be a
good idea if I took Tramp and Rita off your hands. Then you'd have more
    room for the next batch of kittens to be born...” Quincey said one

I agreed, the more room I had in the house the better. Reggie would be
   ready to have his own kittens soon. So I let Tramp and Rita go with
          Quincey. I know Regina and Ronnie will be so happy!
Reggie grew up into an adult cat that same afternoon, so I called
  the pet adoption agency and got a new female kitten named
 Alegra. I hope that she and Reggie hit it off right away. I hope
    they'll bring in the new batch of kittens, as Quincey says.
My pregnancy is progressing so quickly! It seems like time is really
 flying by. The little one in my belly is getting more active and I'm
getting more and more tired, but excited as the days go on. I can't
                      wait to meet my new baby!!
I adopted Alegra as a kitten, but she was just a day away from
aging into an adult. She aged into a pretty, beige kitten with black
“tube socks”. That's what they look like anyway! She and Reggie
 started getting along right away. I hope I see babies soon from
                             these two.
Marisa is working so hard lately! She's been promoted to an
inventor. Basically she invents things for her lab! She has to study
 more and more with every promotion and still makes time for the
  kids. On the other end of the spectrum, I'm getting lazier as the
   days go by. This baby is really sucking the energy out of me!
With Marisa working and me napping all the time, Ryder and Rosie
 tend to entertain themselves a lot. Not that they mind! They both
enjoy playing on their activity table. Building blocks seem to be the
  choice toy for them both. Rosie especially loves building things.
         Maybe she'll be an inventor one day like Marisa?
Marisa and I may have
 busy schedules, but we
   still find time for our
 babies. We try to keep
    them on the same
schedule so it's easier for
us to sleep when they do.
We also try to tackle their
toddler skills individually.
 So while one plays, the
other learns. Rosie got to
 enjoy her rocking horse
 when I taught Ryder to
 talk. His first word was
mommy! My heart almost
melted when I heard that
 word in his sweet voice.
“Good job Ryder!” I praised, “You're right. I'm Mommy!”

  “Mommy!” This time Rosie's little voice said the word. I turned
around to see Marisa clapping. I can't believe both of our toddlers
        learned to say mommy first. What a great night!
The night after Ryder and Rosie learned to speak, I was going to
get Ryder from his crib to take him down to the kitchen. It was his
 birthday and we were all ready to party. I didn't even get to wake
  him before I went into labor. Dad rushed in and took my sweet
baby boy Robinson from me so that I could finish Ryder's birthday
                   plans before it got too late.
It was just Marisa and me at Ryder's birthday. My parents were
 upstairs cooing over Robinson. Without his grandparents, Ryder
aged into quite the handsome little boy. I can't believe he's getting
           so big, it seems like I just had him yesterday.
Right after Ryder aged, I rushed up to the nursery to grab
Robinson. I barely had time to look at him before my dad snatched
him up. I took him downstairs for a bottle and to meet his big sister,
  but Rosie was more interested in Alegra sitting on the counter.
Ryder started school and is doing well so far. Marisa helps him with
 his homework, so he is earning good grades. In his spare time,
 Ryder likes to play video games. This isn't Marisa's forte, but it's
  what Quarina and I did our entire teenage years! I'm glad my
               hobby has been passed onto my son.
Rosie is only a day younger than Ryder, so she grew up the night
after he did. She aged into a lovely little girl. I see a lot of myself in
   her! She looks exactly like I did at her age, but with red hair of
   course. I think Marisa and I did a great job making some cute
“Quincey told me you let him adopt two of your cats. I was hoping that
while you're waiting on Alegra and Reggie to have kittens, I could have
               Raven to give to the boys as a surprise?”

              “Sure, more room for kittens in my house!”

*By the way, Raven was an adult cat when this happened. I just forgot to
                     show you her all aged up!
“Mommy, I love building with my blocks,” Rosie said, “but I've kind of
outgrown them. Don't you think I could start tinkering with the appliances
                             in the home?”

 “Sure! Just be careful, baby girl! You should ask your mom to help you
                 too. She's an inventor after all!” I said.
“Left, Ryder left!” I yelled while Ryder tried out the new racing game.
                             “Yeah! Thatta boy!!”

*I think it's pretty funny, and super ironic, that Quinn gave birth to Ryder.
  His predestined hobby is games, which is what Quinn loved to do with
    her twin Rina. Marisa gave birth to Rosie, her predestined hobby is
tinkering... which fits perfectly with Marisa's current position as Inventor!
I can't believe my baby is about to be a toddler! It really makes me
want to have another child; my kids just simply can't be growing up
  this fast! Robinson is now a toddler though, no matter how bad I
   want to fight it. He sure is a cute toddler too! And a great mix of
                          both me and Marisa.*

                      *Personality –
Reggie and Alegra haven't been getting along at all lately. So while
I was busy cleaning out litter boxes and filling food dishes one day,
Marisa secretly called Tessa and asked if she'd like two more pets.
   Tessa agreed and came over to take Reggie and Alegra. Right
 after that, Marisa called the pet adoption agency and got two new
 kittens Ruby, a while female, and Rudy, a black male. They seem
                    to be getting along well so far!
Little Robinson is growing up so quickly! He is my youngest child,
     so it makes me sad to see him getting bigger and smarter
 everyday. I know I should be happy, but I want him to stay little
“I like music Mommy.” Robinson chatted with Marisa over the rabbit

“You do?” Marisa smiled, “Well how about that. Are you going to be
      a singer when you grow up? Or maybe a song writer?”
Robinson isn't the only smarty pants in our family. Ryder and Rosie
 are doing very well when it comes to their studies. They've both
 almost maxed all of their skills! I'm so blessed with beautiful and
smart children! I know they're all going to do great things with their
“This burnt salmon is amazing!” The headmaster told my mother over
            dinner. “I'd love to have your kids in my school!”

         “They're actually my grandkids.” Mom corrected him.

“Yeah, them too.” The headmaster replied. “Can I have another plate?”*

 *I always find it funny when the headmaster, such a prestigious man,
                            eats like a slob!
It's birthday time again for my little Robinson. As much as I'd like
him to stay a toddler forever, it just simply won't happen. Robinson
 aged into a handsome young man. I see so much of both Marisa
                 and myself in him. He sure is a cutie!
Marisa has completed her lifetime want! She is now a mad
scientist! I'm so happy for her, and if I'm being truly honest, a little
  jealous. I wish I could have my lifetime want achieved by now.
Marisa's new desire is to become head of the SCIA. I think that's
    more appropriate for a married woman with three children.
Ryder and Rosie were accepted to the private school when
Robinson was just a toddler. So he goes to a different school than
     his siblings. His older sister and brother have such a close
relationship, that I'm always afraid Robinson feels left out. Maybe I
 should convince Marisa it's a good idea to have another baby so
      that Robinson has someone to be super close to as well.
“Ryder, what do you think if me and Mommy had another baby?” I
              brought up the idea to my oldest son.

  “I don't know Mom. Aren't you kind of old to be having another
 baby?” Ryder bluntly asked. “Besides, you're not focusing on the
game and we're about to die... yep, you just got sniped. Way to go
“Grandpa, stop him! He can't take Grandma!” Rosie begged while
     Ryder just sobbed while watching my Mom pass away.

“I can't baby.” Dad said while holding back his own tears. “We can't
                   do anything to help Grandma.”

   Dad turned to face his wife of so many years and whispered,
                   “Goodbye Allison, my love.”
Losing my mother was very difficult for everyone, but especially for
Dad. He walks around the house breaking out in tears at random. I
  feel so bad for him. I wonder if having a new grandchild in the
   house will help ease some of his pain. I really need to talk to
                Marisa about having another baby.
On another, happier note, Ruby has aged into an adult cat. She
has some pretty interesting markings. It looks like she has a mask
on her face where her coat gets darker. I also love her bright green
eyes! Once Rudy ages into an adult, I'm going to have them try for
Life is moving on after the loss of my mother. Just a few nights
after we said goodbye to her, Ryder's teenage birthday arrived. He
 aged into such a handsome young man! He declared fortune and
                 grilled cheese as his aspirations.
“Marisa, I think we should have another baby!” I confessed after seeing
Ryder age into a teenager. “I miss having little ones in the house. I know
                 Dad would love another grandchild, too.”

“Quinny,” Marisa sighed, “I know you miss having babies and that Paxton
 would love another grand baby to dote on. But, we have three wonderful
 children already. One of which is a teenager now! In a few years he'll be
                           having his own kids!”
“Yuck!” I realized, “That's a scary thought. Us as grandmothers!”

              “I know! We're getting old, Quinny!”

                      “Old!?” I exclaimed.
“Don't worry though, old lady!” Marisa winked, “You're still the most
caring, most beautiful and smartest woman I've ever met in my life!”

 Oh my wife! She knows just what to say to make me forget all my
Now that Ryder is a teenager, he has homework again. When he
was in middle school, he was one of the smartest in his class. Now
 it's a whole new ball game, but I'm sure he'll be caught up in no
One good thing about Ryder having homework... Rosie has tons
 more free time to get to know her youngest brother! She and
Robinson aren't nearly as close as her and Ryder, but I think with
  more afternoons playing ball, they'll be best buds in no time.
If I thought Ryder aging into a teen gave me anxiety, it's nothing
 compared to how I feel with Rosie aging into one! I don't know if
I'm fully prepared to have a teenage girl in my house! I better get
ready though, because my little angel is now all grown up! She's
 chosen romance and popularity as her aspirations. Great, even
                       more to worry about!
Ryder and Rosie have already maxed all of their skills. So they
   spend most of their free time together. I hope that they still
remember to make time for Robinson. I don't want him feeling left
Rudy has aged into an adult cat! Now I can finally have him and
Ruby try for kittens together! I'm hoping that they'll get pregnant
           right away and have a big litter of kittens.
“Mom!” Ryder whined. “You're so obnoxious! You aren't a gracious winner
                                at all.”

                “Well you're just a sore loser.” I winked.

  “Shouldn't you be doing something more productive with your time,
Ryder?” Marisa called from the corner. “I thought you were going to look
                              for a job?”

        “I will! I just have to beat Mom at least once before I do.”
“I think you would be the perfect
best friend Amy!” Rosie is starting
 to make new friends around the
neighborhood. She wants to have
     20 best friends all at once!*

 “Robinson, have I ever told you
   what a good best friend you
  would make? I think we'd be
          perfect pals!”

  *So Rosie's LTW is to have 20
 BFFs simultaneously. I might try
 to attempt this before I had the
   family over to Haleigh. Also, I
think it's hilarious that she makes
  the same face when talking to
           her new friends!
My Dad was giving the headmaster a tour of our home so that
  Robinson could get into his private school. Suddenly, I heard
sobbing from the other room, but I was too late when I got there.
                    Dad was already gone.
The rest of the night was so difficult to get through! I'm not sure
    how I made it without entirely breaking down. I thought the
headmaster would leave the house and give us time to grieve, but
he still expected dinner and a finish to the tour. Thankfully, I held it
          together long enough to get Robinson accepted.
Life is continuing on after my father Paxton passed away. Rosie is
 still on her conquest for twenty best friends. Although, she's now
 taking her friendship to a new level with her latest friend Randy.
           Gosh, I feel old now that my daughter is dating!
  Also, I used to be worried about Robinson feeling left out since
Ryder and Rosie are so close, but now he can't get a minute alone
   without Rosie busting in trying to make best friends with him!
“Quinn, do you really think it's okay to take Ruby away from her new
   kittens? She just had them yesterday and all.” Quincey expressed
      concern when he came to take Ruby and Rudy off my hands.

    “Oh, they'll be fine! Rascal and Roberta will be adults in no time.
Besides,” I said, “I've got to make room for new kittens! I think I might go
 ahead and adopt another male to start bonding with Roberta. That way
       then they all age into adults, they can try for new kittens!”
I'm so proud of my sweet Ryder! He has not only managed to
 maintain an A average in all of his classes, but now he's climbing
 the career ladder as well! He took a job in the gaming career (so
perfect for his personality) and was promoted to a trash talker right
 away! I guess all those hours playing video games with me paid
With all three kids in
school five days a week,
 I have plenty of time to
    do the things I love:
make out with Marisa all
over the house and play
   with my new kittens
   Rascal and Roberta.
  They're only two days
   away from aging into
adult cats! Which means
we're that much closer to
more kittens! I'm getting
pretty close to achieving
     my lifetime want!
I know I was just bragging on Ryder, but now I've got to give a little
praise to the other man in my life! Robinson has now maxed out all
   of his skills and he's not even in high school yet! Talk about a
                             smarty pants!
He maxed out those skills just in time too! That same night, Marisa
and I gathered around to celebrate his teenage birthday. Robinson
 decided to declare pleasure and fortune as his aspirations. I feel
           older than ever now that my baby is grown!
Rascal and Roberta will be aging into adult cats soon, so Marisa
 thoughtfully called the pet adoption agency and got me another
male kitten! His name is Rocco and I'm hoping soon he'll help bring
           in the next generation of kittens with Roberta.
Robinson has found a hobby that he really enjoys! In his art class
 at the high school, they made pottery one day and Robinson said
he had a blast doing it. So Marisa and I bought him his own pottery
           wheel and we can't pull him away from it now!
“Mm, baby!” Randy exclaimed. “You're kisses are sweeter than

           “You're the sweet one, babe.” Rosie blushed.

My little girl is growing up so quickly! I peeked outside one day and
                     saw her and Randy making out!
“So Amy,” Ryder said nervously while rubbing his head, “I know you
really came over to hang out with Rosie, but I have to admit. I've had a
crush on you since I saw you. You're so pretty and I really admire your
          work ethic! I was wondering if you might wanna...”
“Excuse me,” Rosie interrupted Ryder's offer to Amy, “Amy! You won't
believe it! Me and Randy just shared the best kiss ever. I think he's going
          to ask me out soon! Heck, if he doesn't, I will ask him!”

Amy giggled, “Oh Rosie! That's awesome!! Let's go talk about it for hours
  while we munch on chips in the kitchen... I'll met you down there!”
Before Amy went downstairs, she turned and planted a big kiss on
                          Ryder's lips.

“I'd love to go on a date with you, Ryder!” With that, she ran downstairs
            to add her own kissing story to the teenage gossip.
Robinson hasn't expressed any interest in dating just yet. He's still
 stuck on that pottery wheel! I'm starting to wonder if he's noticed
any girls at school at all... or if he will choose to go for the opposite
 sex like me and Marisa? Maybe I should talk to him? In the mean
  time, he's getting pretty good at his arts and crafts. I just might
          have to get him to make a vase for my bedroom!
I know I said I felt older
 than ever when Robinson
  became a teen, but that
     feeling doesn't even
    compare to how I feel
   now! I was really happy
  that Marisa and our kids
  could help celebrate as I
turned into an elder. I don't
   feel any older and I still
 think I look pretty good for
          an old lady!
“I just wanted to let you know I'm really looking forward to our date
   tonight Amy. I got us reservations at a nice restaurant downtown.”

“I know! This day at school is going to drag, I've been counting down the
 hours since I woke up. Anyway, I better finish my route before I have to
                    get to school. I'll see you tonight!”
Roberta and Rascal have aged into adult cats! Roberta is already
 great friends with Rocco, who is still a kitten, so I called my twin
sister Quarina and asked if she wanted to take Rascal as a gift to
her triplets. She accepted, so now I just have to wait until Rocco is
old enough to try for a kitten. I'm getting really close to my lifetime
“I'm really glad you were able to come out tonight, Amy. I've been
planning our first date in my head since I first saw you. I still can't believe
you have feelings for me too. All along I thought you were only coming by
                   the house to hang out with my sister.”

  “Well,” Amy teased, “that's still the main reason I come by. She is my
                         best friend you know.”
“I'm just kidding! You know I care for you. I'm glad I was able to come out
 tonight too!” Amy said. “You really went all out. Londoste is a pretty nice
      restaurant for our first date. You have a lot to top for next time!”

“So you're already telling me I've got a second date with the prettiest girl
                         in town!?” Ryder smiled.

                      “If you're lucky!” Amy winked.
I was nervous for Ryder to be on his first date. I still can't believe I'm old
   enough to have kids who are of the dating age! But he said he had a
 great time and couldn't wait to take Amy out again. When I asked about
their end of date kiss, he blushed and said he was still working on it. That
   makes me happy to hear! Kids these days move too fast anyway! I'm
                glad Ryder and Amy are taking things slow.
Speaking of taking things slow... that's one thing my daughter
doesn't know how to do! Last time I checked, she and Randy were
  almost official. Now I see random guys kissing her all the time!
When I asked her about it, she said yoyo... or was it something like
         yolo? Yeah, it was 'yolo'... whatever that means!
Well I've finally achieved my lifetime want! I set a pretty lofty goal
for myself – raising 20 kittens. I've finally done it! I'm very proud of
  myself and now I feel like I can sit back and pass on the family
  name to one of my children as I enjoy the rest of my days with
“Happy birthday babe!” I shouted over all the noise as Marisa
  prepared to blow out her candles on the eve of her birthday. I'm
glad I won't be the only elder in the house anymore! My lovely wife
     is about to join me in the world of wrinkles and gray hair.
“Thanks for inviting me to your mom's birthday party! I'm having a
                      blast, Ry.” Amy smiled.

  Out of the corner of my eye I saw Ryder lean in and kiss his
   girlfriend. I smiled, then turned back to watch Marisa age.
Well even though we are spring chickens no more, I think Marisa
  and I are still a pretty fetching couple! Now it's time for us to sit
  back and enjoy our old age. It's time to pass the torch and the
family legacy onto one of my children. I'm interested to see who it
                       will be! Goodbye for now!
Time for bloopers! Poor Quincey,
  it's his wedding day and he's
getting punched in the throat by
his wife. Then she proceeded to
 show off her lovely etiquette by
         digging in her pits!
Hmm, what an odd place to stand Ryder!
I don't think we're going to invite this little boy to play. Anyone who
can turn their head completely around is not going to befriend any
                            sims of mine!
Um Pax? Your wife is dying. Probably not the best time to get
     excited about how fit you are... or check her out!
Well that's all I have for you today! I hope you enjoyed it and don't
                   forget to cast your vote for heir at

Haleigh will have the family next and I'm very much looking forward
                     to where she takes them :)

                        See you guys later!

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Chapter 42 - Rip Roarin' Good Time

  • 1. The Cooke Legacy: Chapter 42 – Rip Roarin' Good Time Written by: ilovereecee
  • 2. Howdy! Welcome back to The Cooke Legacy: Chapter 42 – Rip Roarin' Good Time In the last chapter you saw the Q generation start to grow up, most of the spares started their own lives and the heir was announced as Quinn. She met and married her love Marisa and she'd just found out she was pregnant when we last left. So let's pick up from there...
  • 3. I'd just found out I was pregnant and couldn't wait to tell my wife Marisa, but she was sleeping when I went into our bedroom. I was kind of disappointed, but a little sleepy myself, so I just climbed in bed next to her. I could always break the good news when we woke up from our nap.
  • 4. We slept right through my little sister Quintessa's adult birthday. I can't believe I forgot that her birthday party was that night. I guess what I've heard about pregnancy is true... it does make you very forgetful!
  • 5. Even though I wasn't there to cheer her on, Tessa aged into a gorgeous young woman. She got a promotion at work and is now the Sous Chef!
  • 6. Tessa didn't waste too much time finding her future spouse. She decided to try her luck with the matchmaker, since that's how I found Marisa. She got a guy named Talin on her first try and they hit it off right away. So much so, that they decided to move into their own house together that same night.
  • 7. My little sister got married to Talin just a few short days after meeting him. They got hitched in a private ceremony on the lawn of their new home.
  • 8. Tessa and Talin didn't wait too long before starting their own family. Her first pregnancy resulted in a little boy! My nephew is named Reagan.
  • 9. When Reagan was a little older, Tessa and Talin added another boy to their family. His name is Reece. He looks a lot like Reagan!
  • 10. I'm so happy for my little sister! She ended up married to a great guy with two adorable little boys to call her own. It makes me even more excited to be pregnant and starting my own little family with Marisa.
  • 11. Speaking of Marisa, she's been a little sick lately. I've often heard that spouses can get what's called sympathy sickness when their spouse is pregnant. But I haven't even told her I'm pregnant yet, or had any morning sickness... so I don't know if that's what's going on here.
  • 12. “Marisa, I'm pregnant!” I blurted out. I hadn't planned on being so in your face about it, but I couldn't hold it in any longer. “We're going to be moms!”
  • 13. “Really? And here I was thinking I was the pregnant one. I've been so tired and sick lately and you've been feeling fine! How funny!” Marisa laughed, patting my growing belly. “We're going to be moms. I can't believe it! I'm so excited.”
  • 14. While I'm just starting my pregnancy, Rita is ending hers. She's finally given birth to a cute little black kitten. He is named Reggie. I'm so glad for his birth, but I just wish she'd had more than one. I want twenty after all.
  • 15. I was filling the cat's food dish when Marisa came waddling in one afternoon. “Quinny?” She asked, “Remember how I told you I've been feeling so sick and exhausted lately? Well... you're not the only one who's pregnant!”
  • 16. “Oh. My. God.” I couldn't speak for a moment. “We're both pregnant!? Well this is... great! We're both going to have babies! This is crazy!” I have to admit, I was a little speechless at first. I didn't express my fears to Marisa, but multiples run in my family and I was terrified we were perhaps both carrying them.
  • 17. “Oh honey! I can't believe you and Marisa are pregnant. It's like a grandfathers dream come true!” My dad said while rubbing my big belly. Even if I am in shock, at least my dad is thrilled!
  • 18. I quit my job to stay home and raise Reggie. Rita and Tramp are expecting again and I tire so easily these days. Both Marisa and I are progressing in our pregnancies and try to do our best to take care of each other when we can.
  • 19. Marisa and I were napping upstairs, but I couldn't get comfortable. I went to go take a hot shower, when I realized I was in labor. I called for my mom and dad and woke Marisa up with my yells. Everyone was there to witness the birth of my first son! Mom and Dad were over the moon. I think seeing labor freaked Marisa out for what is in store for her, but we were all thrilled when little Ryder was born :)
  • 20. Even though I didn't have a difficult pregnancy, I'm thrilled that it's over with! Having Ryder outside of my belly is much better. I love holding him in my arms and just looking at his little face. He's darling!
  • 21. “He's just the cutest thing I've ever seen, Quinny. We did a good job!” Marisa said while we put Ryder down for the night. “And pretty soon, we'll have another one.” I reminded her. Not that she needed it, we all were waiting on pins and needles for her to give birth. It should be any day now.
  • 22. Only a day after Ryder made his entrance, Marisa went into labor with our second baby. Mom and Dad weren't there, but I was able to support Marisa. It was tough knowing the pain she was feeling, but when I saw our daughter it was so worth it! We named her Rosie.
  • 23. It's time for my youngest siblings to age into adults! This really makes me feel old, I can still remember when Quanesha and Quincey were born! I was upstairs taking care of Ryder and Rosie, but Marisa made it downstairs with my parents to celebrate.
  • 24. After my sister and brother aged and movee out into their own home, it was time for Ryder to blow out the birthday candles. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten to tell you about Nesha and Quincey's lives... but they're still settling in their new home, so for now I'll show you more about my own children. Ryder aged into such a cute little boy! He got Marisa's red hair, but my facial features for sure! He is a semi neat, shy, active, playful and semi nice child.* *, not bad!
  • 25. “Come on, sing for Grandpa Pax!” My dad coaxed Ryder, but he didn't want anything to do with the lullabies. He's found out that he has hands and they can fit into his mouth! He's growing so much!! “You're Grandpa's sweet girl. You're going to grow up to be so pretty like your mommies. Aren't you sweet Rosie?” Dad really loves having two grand babies in the house at once. It's his dream come true!
  • 26. “Good job Ryder! Mommy is so proud her big boy!” Marisa is still working toward her lifetime goal to become a mad scientist. I thought after Ryder and Rosie were born, she might decide on something tamer, but she's still got her heart set. She works extra hard to do a great job at work and still be involved in our kids lives. She even taught Ryder to take his first steps!
  • 27. I've been feeling pretty sick lately and I'm hoping it's because I'm pregnant. Marisa and I started trying for another baby right after Rosie was born. I didn't have to wait too long to find out that I was pregnant. I was playing with Tramp when I first felt the baby kick!
  • 28. Reggie hasn't even grown out of his kitten stage, but he's now a big brother to a little girl kitten who looks exactly like him. Rita and Tramp's second pregnancy resulted in a female kitten who I named Raven. Three kittens down, seventeen to go until my lifetime want!
  • 29. “We're not just celebrating Rosie's birthday, Marisa.” I said smiling. “We're celebrating my pregnancy too!” Marisa smiled, “I had a feeling when I kept hearing you run to the bathroom throwing up! That's great, Quinny!!” Rosie aged into an adorable little girl. She looks even more like me than Ryder does, but with Marisa's red hair of course! Her personality is very similar to Ryders.* *
  • 30. I want to take a moment to update you on my siblings lives! After their adult birthday, Quanesha and Quincey moved into a home together. Quanesha started dating exterminator Jesse Day and Quincey fell for gym enthusiast Ella Attoio.
  • 31. The twins held a private, double wedding. Quanisha dropped her maiden name and became Mrs. Day. Elle accepted our family name and is the newest Mrs. Cooke!
  • 32. It didn't take long before both my sister and my new sister in law were expecting their first babies! I know I already have so many nieces and nephews, but becoming an aunt never gets old!
  • 33. My sister Quanesha had a gorgeous little girl who looks just like her! She didn't get any genes from her father, it seems. Jesse and Nesha named her Rebecca.
  • 34. Elle had twins! A girl with her blonde hair named Regina and a boy with Quincey's brown hair named Ronnie! Aren't they darling!?
  • 35. All three aged into adorable, smart children. I'm so happy that my youngest siblings got their happily ever afters!
  • 36. “I know you have this wild dream to be Cooke City's next crazy cat woman, but the twins have been asking for a pet and I think it'd be a good idea if I took Tramp and Rita off your hands. Then you'd have more room for the next batch of kittens to be born...” Quincey said one afternoon. I agreed, the more room I had in the house the better. Reggie would be ready to have his own kittens soon. So I let Tramp and Rita go with Quincey. I know Regina and Ronnie will be so happy!
  • 37. Reggie grew up into an adult cat that same afternoon, so I called the pet adoption agency and got a new female kitten named Alegra. I hope that she and Reggie hit it off right away. I hope they'll bring in the new batch of kittens, as Quincey says.
  • 38. My pregnancy is progressing so quickly! It seems like time is really flying by. The little one in my belly is getting more active and I'm getting more and more tired, but excited as the days go on. I can't wait to meet my new baby!!
  • 39. I adopted Alegra as a kitten, but she was just a day away from aging into an adult. She aged into a pretty, beige kitten with black “tube socks”. That's what they look like anyway! She and Reggie started getting along right away. I hope I see babies soon from these two.
  • 40. Marisa is working so hard lately! She's been promoted to an inventor. Basically she invents things for her lab! She has to study more and more with every promotion and still makes time for the kids. On the other end of the spectrum, I'm getting lazier as the days go by. This baby is really sucking the energy out of me!
  • 41. With Marisa working and me napping all the time, Ryder and Rosie tend to entertain themselves a lot. Not that they mind! They both enjoy playing on their activity table. Building blocks seem to be the choice toy for them both. Rosie especially loves building things. Maybe she'll be an inventor one day like Marisa?
  • 42. Marisa and I may have busy schedules, but we still find time for our babies. We try to keep them on the same schedule so it's easier for us to sleep when they do. We also try to tackle their toddler skills individually. So while one plays, the other learns. Rosie got to enjoy her rocking horse when I taught Ryder to talk. His first word was mommy! My heart almost melted when I heard that word in his sweet voice.
  • 43. “Good job Ryder!” I praised, “You're right. I'm Mommy!” “Mommy!” This time Rosie's little voice said the word. I turned around to see Marisa clapping. I can't believe both of our toddlers learned to say mommy first. What a great night!
  • 44. The night after Ryder and Rosie learned to speak, I was going to get Ryder from his crib to take him down to the kitchen. It was his birthday and we were all ready to party. I didn't even get to wake him before I went into labor. Dad rushed in and took my sweet baby boy Robinson from me so that I could finish Ryder's birthday plans before it got too late.
  • 45. It was just Marisa and me at Ryder's birthday. My parents were upstairs cooing over Robinson. Without his grandparents, Ryder aged into quite the handsome little boy. I can't believe he's getting so big, it seems like I just had him yesterday.
  • 46. Right after Ryder aged, I rushed up to the nursery to grab Robinson. I barely had time to look at him before my dad snatched him up. I took him downstairs for a bottle and to meet his big sister, but Rosie was more interested in Alegra sitting on the counter.
  • 47. Ryder started school and is doing well so far. Marisa helps him with his homework, so he is earning good grades. In his spare time, Ryder likes to play video games. This isn't Marisa's forte, but it's what Quarina and I did our entire teenage years! I'm glad my hobby has been passed onto my son.
  • 48. Rosie is only a day younger than Ryder, so she grew up the night after he did. She aged into a lovely little girl. I see a lot of myself in her! She looks exactly like I did at her age, but with red hair of course. I think Marisa and I did a great job making some cute kiddos!
  • 49. “Quincey told me you let him adopt two of your cats. I was hoping that while you're waiting on Alegra and Reggie to have kittens, I could have Raven to give to the boys as a surprise?” “Sure, more room for kittens in my house!” *By the way, Raven was an adult cat when this happened. I just forgot to show you her all aged up!
  • 50. “Mommy, I love building with my blocks,” Rosie said, “but I've kind of outgrown them. Don't you think I could start tinkering with the appliances in the home?” “Sure! Just be careful, baby girl! You should ask your mom to help you too. She's an inventor after all!” I said.
  • 51. “Left, Ryder left!” I yelled while Ryder tried out the new racing game. “Yeah! Thatta boy!!” *I think it's pretty funny, and super ironic, that Quinn gave birth to Ryder. His predestined hobby is games, which is what Quinn loved to do with her twin Rina. Marisa gave birth to Rosie, her predestined hobby is tinkering... which fits perfectly with Marisa's current position as Inventor!
  • 52. I can't believe my baby is about to be a toddler! It really makes me want to have another child; my kids just simply can't be growing up this fast! Robinson is now a toddler though, no matter how bad I want to fight it. He sure is a cute toddler too! And a great mix of both me and Marisa.* *Personality –
  • 53. Reggie and Alegra haven't been getting along at all lately. So while I was busy cleaning out litter boxes and filling food dishes one day, Marisa secretly called Tessa and asked if she'd like two more pets. Tessa agreed and came over to take Reggie and Alegra. Right after that, Marisa called the pet adoption agency and got two new kittens Ruby, a while female, and Rudy, a black male. They seem to be getting along well so far!
  • 54. Little Robinson is growing up so quickly! He is my youngest child, so it makes me sad to see him getting bigger and smarter everyday. I know I should be happy, but I want him to stay little forever.
  • 55. “I like music Mommy.” Robinson chatted with Marisa over the rabbit toy. “You do?” Marisa smiled, “Well how about that. Are you going to be a singer when you grow up? Or maybe a song writer?”
  • 56. Robinson isn't the only smarty pants in our family. Ryder and Rosie are doing very well when it comes to their studies. They've both almost maxed all of their skills! I'm so blessed with beautiful and smart children! I know they're all going to do great things with their lives.
  • 57. “This burnt salmon is amazing!” The headmaster told my mother over dinner. “I'd love to have your kids in my school!” “They're actually my grandkids.” Mom corrected him. “Yeah, them too.” The headmaster replied. “Can I have another plate?”* *I always find it funny when the headmaster, such a prestigious man, eats like a slob!
  • 58. It's birthday time again for my little Robinson. As much as I'd like him to stay a toddler forever, it just simply won't happen. Robinson aged into a handsome young man. I see so much of both Marisa and myself in him. He sure is a cutie!
  • 59. Marisa has completed her lifetime want! She is now a mad scientist! I'm so happy for her, and if I'm being truly honest, a little jealous. I wish I could have my lifetime want achieved by now. Marisa's new desire is to become head of the SCIA. I think that's more appropriate for a married woman with three children.
  • 60. Ryder and Rosie were accepted to the private school when Robinson was just a toddler. So he goes to a different school than his siblings. His older sister and brother have such a close relationship, that I'm always afraid Robinson feels left out. Maybe I should convince Marisa it's a good idea to have another baby so that Robinson has someone to be super close to as well.
  • 61. “Ryder, what do you think if me and Mommy had another baby?” I brought up the idea to my oldest son. “I don't know Mom. Aren't you kind of old to be having another baby?” Ryder bluntly asked. “Besides, you're not focusing on the game and we're about to die... yep, you just got sniped. Way to go Mom!”
  • 62. “Grandpa, stop him! He can't take Grandma!” Rosie begged while Ryder just sobbed while watching my Mom pass away. “I can't baby.” Dad said while holding back his own tears. “We can't do anything to help Grandma.” Dad turned to face his wife of so many years and whispered, “Goodbye Allison, my love.”
  • 63. Losing my mother was very difficult for everyone, but especially for Dad. He walks around the house breaking out in tears at random. I feel so bad for him. I wonder if having a new grandchild in the house will help ease some of his pain. I really need to talk to Marisa about having another baby.
  • 64. On another, happier note, Ruby has aged into an adult cat. She has some pretty interesting markings. It looks like she has a mask on her face where her coat gets darker. I also love her bright green eyes! Once Rudy ages into an adult, I'm going to have them try for kittens!
  • 65. Life is moving on after the loss of my mother. Just a few nights after we said goodbye to her, Ryder's teenage birthday arrived. He aged into such a handsome young man! He declared fortune and grilled cheese as his aspirations.
  • 66. “Marisa, I think we should have another baby!” I confessed after seeing Ryder age into a teenager. “I miss having little ones in the house. I know Dad would love another grandchild, too.” “Quinny,” Marisa sighed, “I know you miss having babies and that Paxton would love another grand baby to dote on. But, we have three wonderful children already. One of which is a teenager now! In a few years he'll be having his own kids!”
  • 67. “Yuck!” I realized, “That's a scary thought. Us as grandmothers!” “I know! We're getting old, Quinny!” “Old!?” I exclaimed.
  • 68. “Don't worry though, old lady!” Marisa winked, “You're still the most caring, most beautiful and smartest woman I've ever met in my life!” Oh my wife! She knows just what to say to make me forget all my troubles.
  • 69. Now that Ryder is a teenager, he has homework again. When he was in middle school, he was one of the smartest in his class. Now it's a whole new ball game, but I'm sure he'll be caught up in no time!
  • 70. One good thing about Ryder having homework... Rosie has tons more free time to get to know her youngest brother! She and Robinson aren't nearly as close as her and Ryder, but I think with more afternoons playing ball, they'll be best buds in no time.
  • 71. If I thought Ryder aging into a teen gave me anxiety, it's nothing compared to how I feel with Rosie aging into one! I don't know if I'm fully prepared to have a teenage girl in my house! I better get ready though, because my little angel is now all grown up! She's chosen romance and popularity as her aspirations. Great, even more to worry about!
  • 72. Ryder and Rosie have already maxed all of their skills. So they spend most of their free time together. I hope that they still remember to make time for Robinson. I don't want him feeling left out.
  • 73. Rudy has aged into an adult cat! Now I can finally have him and Ruby try for kittens together! I'm hoping that they'll get pregnant right away and have a big litter of kittens.
  • 74. “Mom!” Ryder whined. “You're so obnoxious! You aren't a gracious winner at all.” “Well you're just a sore loser.” I winked. “Shouldn't you be doing something more productive with your time, Ryder?” Marisa called from the corner. “I thought you were going to look for a job?” “I will! I just have to beat Mom at least once before I do.”
  • 75. “I think you would be the perfect best friend Amy!” Rosie is starting to make new friends around the neighborhood. She wants to have 20 best friends all at once!* “Robinson, have I ever told you what a good best friend you would make? I think we'd be perfect pals!” *So Rosie's LTW is to have 20 BFFs simultaneously. I might try to attempt this before I had the family over to Haleigh. Also, I think it's hilarious that she makes the same face when talking to her new friends!
  • 76. My Dad was giving the headmaster a tour of our home so that Robinson could get into his private school. Suddenly, I heard sobbing from the other room, but I was too late when I got there. Dad was already gone.
  • 77. The rest of the night was so difficult to get through! I'm not sure how I made it without entirely breaking down. I thought the headmaster would leave the house and give us time to grieve, but he still expected dinner and a finish to the tour. Thankfully, I held it together long enough to get Robinson accepted.
  • 78. Life is continuing on after my father Paxton passed away. Rosie is still on her conquest for twenty best friends. Although, she's now taking her friendship to a new level with her latest friend Randy. Gosh, I feel old now that my daughter is dating! Also, I used to be worried about Robinson feeling left out since Ryder and Rosie are so close, but now he can't get a minute alone without Rosie busting in trying to make best friends with him!
  • 79. “Quinn, do you really think it's okay to take Ruby away from her new kittens? She just had them yesterday and all.” Quincey expressed concern when he came to take Ruby and Rudy off my hands. “Oh, they'll be fine! Rascal and Roberta will be adults in no time. Besides,” I said, “I've got to make room for new kittens! I think I might go ahead and adopt another male to start bonding with Roberta. That way then they all age into adults, they can try for new kittens!”
  • 80. I'm so proud of my sweet Ryder! He has not only managed to maintain an A average in all of his classes, but now he's climbing the career ladder as well! He took a job in the gaming career (so perfect for his personality) and was promoted to a trash talker right away! I guess all those hours playing video games with me paid off!
  • 81. With all three kids in school five days a week, I have plenty of time to do the things I love: make out with Marisa all over the house and play with my new kittens Rascal and Roberta. They're only two days away from aging into adult cats! Which means we're that much closer to more kittens! I'm getting pretty close to achieving my lifetime want!
  • 82. I know I was just bragging on Ryder, but now I've got to give a little praise to the other man in my life! Robinson has now maxed out all of his skills and he's not even in high school yet! Talk about a smarty pants!
  • 83. He maxed out those skills just in time too! That same night, Marisa and I gathered around to celebrate his teenage birthday. Robinson decided to declare pleasure and fortune as his aspirations. I feel older than ever now that my baby is grown!
  • 84. Rascal and Roberta will be aging into adult cats soon, so Marisa thoughtfully called the pet adoption agency and got me another male kitten! His name is Rocco and I'm hoping soon he'll help bring in the next generation of kittens with Roberta.
  • 85. Robinson has found a hobby that he really enjoys! In his art class at the high school, they made pottery one day and Robinson said he had a blast doing it. So Marisa and I bought him his own pottery wheel and we can't pull him away from it now!
  • 86. “Mm, baby!” Randy exclaimed. “You're kisses are sweeter than honey!” “You're the sweet one, babe.” Rosie blushed. My little girl is growing up so quickly! I peeked outside one day and saw her and Randy making out!
  • 87. “So Amy,” Ryder said nervously while rubbing his head, “I know you really came over to hang out with Rosie, but I have to admit. I've had a crush on you since I saw you. You're so pretty and I really admire your work ethic! I was wondering if you might wanna...”
  • 88. “Excuse me,” Rosie interrupted Ryder's offer to Amy, “Amy! You won't believe it! Me and Randy just shared the best kiss ever. I think he's going to ask me out soon! Heck, if he doesn't, I will ask him!” Amy giggled, “Oh Rosie! That's awesome!! Let's go talk about it for hours while we munch on chips in the kitchen... I'll met you down there!”
  • 89. Before Amy went downstairs, she turned and planted a big kiss on Ryder's lips. “I'd love to go on a date with you, Ryder!” With that, she ran downstairs to add her own kissing story to the teenage gossip.
  • 90. Robinson hasn't expressed any interest in dating just yet. He's still stuck on that pottery wheel! I'm starting to wonder if he's noticed any girls at school at all... or if he will choose to go for the opposite sex like me and Marisa? Maybe I should talk to him? In the mean time, he's getting pretty good at his arts and crafts. I just might have to get him to make a vase for my bedroom!
  • 91. I know I said I felt older than ever when Robinson became a teen, but that feeling doesn't even compare to how I feel now! I was really happy that Marisa and our kids could help celebrate as I turned into an elder. I don't feel any older and I still think I look pretty good for an old lady!
  • 92. “I just wanted to let you know I'm really looking forward to our date tonight Amy. I got us reservations at a nice restaurant downtown.” “I know! This day at school is going to drag, I've been counting down the hours since I woke up. Anyway, I better finish my route before I have to get to school. I'll see you tonight!”
  • 93. Roberta and Rascal have aged into adult cats! Roberta is already great friends with Rocco, who is still a kitten, so I called my twin sister Quarina and asked if she wanted to take Rascal as a gift to her triplets. She accepted, so now I just have to wait until Rocco is old enough to try for a kitten. I'm getting really close to my lifetime want!
  • 94. “I'm really glad you were able to come out tonight, Amy. I've been planning our first date in my head since I first saw you. I still can't believe you have feelings for me too. All along I thought you were only coming by the house to hang out with my sister.” “Well,” Amy teased, “that's still the main reason I come by. She is my best friend you know.”
  • 95. “I'm just kidding! You know I care for you. I'm glad I was able to come out tonight too!” Amy said. “You really went all out. Londoste is a pretty nice restaurant for our first date. You have a lot to top for next time!” “So you're already telling me I've got a second date with the prettiest girl in town!?” Ryder smiled. “If you're lucky!” Amy winked.
  • 96. I was nervous for Ryder to be on his first date. I still can't believe I'm old enough to have kids who are of the dating age! But he said he had a great time and couldn't wait to take Amy out again. When I asked about their end of date kiss, he blushed and said he was still working on it. That makes me happy to hear! Kids these days move too fast anyway! I'm glad Ryder and Amy are taking things slow.
  • 97. Speaking of taking things slow... that's one thing my daughter doesn't know how to do! Last time I checked, she and Randy were almost official. Now I see random guys kissing her all the time! When I asked her about it, she said yoyo... or was it something like yolo? Yeah, it was 'yolo'... whatever that means!
  • 98. Well I've finally achieved my lifetime want! I set a pretty lofty goal for myself – raising 20 kittens. I've finally done it! I'm very proud of myself and now I feel like I can sit back and pass on the family name to one of my children as I enjoy the rest of my days with Marisa.
  • 99. “Happy birthday babe!” I shouted over all the noise as Marisa prepared to blow out her candles on the eve of her birthday. I'm glad I won't be the only elder in the house anymore! My lovely wife is about to join me in the world of wrinkles and gray hair.
  • 100. “Thanks for inviting me to your mom's birthday party! I'm having a blast, Ry.” Amy smiled. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Ryder lean in and kiss his girlfriend. I smiled, then turned back to watch Marisa age.
  • 101. Well even though we are spring chickens no more, I think Marisa and I are still a pretty fetching couple! Now it's time for us to sit back and enjoy our old age. It's time to pass the torch and the family legacy onto one of my children. I'm interested to see who it will be! Goodbye for now!
  • 102. Time for bloopers! Poor Quincey, it's his wedding day and he's getting punched in the throat by his wife. Then she proceeded to show off her lovely etiquette by digging in her pits!
  • 103. Hmm, what an odd place to stand Ryder!
  • 104. I don't think we're going to invite this little boy to play. Anyone who can turn their head completely around is not going to befriend any sims of mine!
  • 105. Um Pax? Your wife is dying. Probably not the best time to get excited about how fit you are... or check her out!
  • 106. Well that's all I have for you today! I hope you enjoyed it and don't forget to cast your vote for heir at Haleigh will have the family next and I'm very much looking forward to where she takes them :) See you guys later! Katie/ilovereecee