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Design and Implement
     with Rails 3
     ihower @ Ruby Tuesday
About Me
•              a.k.a. ihower


• Rails Developer since 2006
• The Organizer of Ruby Taiwan Community
•   What’s SOA
•   Why SOA
•   Considerations
•   The tool set overview
•   Service side implement
•   Client side implement
•   Library packaging
•   Caching
What’s SOA
           Service oriented architectures

• “monolithic” approach is not enough
• SOA is a way to design complex applications
  by splitting out major components into
  individual services and communicating via
• a service is a vertical slice of functionality:
  database, application code and caching layer
a monolithic web app example



a SOA example


     WebApp                  WebApps
for Administration           for User

       Services A    Services B

        Database     Database
Why SOA? Isolation
• Shared Resources
• Encapsulation
• Scalability
• Interoperability
• Reuse
• Testability
• Reduce Local Complexity
Shared Resources
• Different front-web website use the same
• SOA help you avoiding duplication databases
  and code.
• Why not only shared database?
 • code is not DRY                 WebApp
                              for Administration
                                                      for User

 • caching will be problematic
• you can change underly implementation in
  services without affect other parts of system
 • upgrade library
 • upgrade to Ruby 1.9
 • upgrade to Rails 3
• you can provide API versioning
Scalability1: Partitioned
     Data Provides
•   Database is the first bottleneck, a single DB server
    can not scale. SOA help you reduce database load
•   Anti-pattern: only split the database
    •   model relationship is broken                   WebApps

    •   referential integrity
    •   increase code complexity            Database

•   Myth: database replication can not help you speed
    and consistency
Scalability 2: Caching

• SOA help you design caching system easier
 • Cache data at the right place and expire
    at the right times
 • Cache logical model, not physical
 • You do not need cache view everywhere
Scalability 3: Efficient
• Different components have different task
  loading, SOA can scale by service.


             Balancer                                 Load

    Services A    Services A    Services B   Services B    Services B   Services B

• Different services can be inside different
  • You can only open public web and
    services, others are inside firewall.
• HTTP is the most common interface, SOA
  help you integrate them:
 • Multiple languages
 • Internal system e.g. Full-text searching engine
 • Legacy database, system
 • External vendors

• Reuse across multiple applications
• Reuse for public APIs
• Example: Amazon Web Services (AWS)

• Isolate problem
• Mocking API calls
 • Reduce the time to run test suite
Reduce Local
• Team modularity along the same module
  splits as your software
• Understandability: The amount of code is
  minimized to a quantity understandable by
  a small team
• Source code control
Design considerations

• Partition into Separate Services
• API Design
• Which Protocol
How to partition into
 Separate Services
• Partitioning on Logical Function
• Partitioning on Read/Write Frequencies
• Partitioning on Minimizing Joins
• Partitioning on Iteration Speed
on Iteration Speed
• Which parts of the app have clear defined
  requirements and design?
• Identify the parts of the application which
  are unlikely to change.
• For example:
  The first version data storage is using
  MySQL, but may change to NoSQL in the
  future without affecting front-app.
on Logical Function

• Higher-level feature services
 • articles, photos, bookmarks...etc
• Low-level infrastructure services
 • a shared key-value store, queue system
On Read/Write
• Ideally, a service will have to work only with
  a single data store
• High read and low write: the service should
  optimize a caching strategy.
• High write and low read: don’t bother with
On Join Frequency

• Minimize cross-service joins.
• But almost all data in an app is joined to
  something else.
  • How often particular joins occur? by read/
    write frequency and logical separation.
  • Replicate data across services
    (For example: a activity stream by using messaging)
API Design Guideline
• Send Everything you need
  •   Unlike OOP has lots of finely grained method calls

• Parallel HTTP requests
  •   for multiple service requests

• Send as Little as Possible
  •   Avoid expensive XML
•   Be able run multiple versions in parallel:
    Clients have time to upgrade rather than having to
    upgrade both client and server in locks step.
•   Ideally, you won’t have to run multiple versions for
    very long
•   Two solutions:
    •   Including a Version in URIs
    •   Using Accept Headers for Versioning
        (disadvantage: HTTP caching)
Physical Models &
     Logical Models
• Physical models are mapped to database
  tables through ORM. (It’s 3NF)
• Logical models are mapped to your
  business problem. (External API use it)
• Logical models are mapped to physical
  models by you.
Logical Models
• Not relational or normalized
• Maintainability
  • can change with no change to data store
  • can stay the same while the data store
• Better fit for REST interfaces
• Better caching
Which Protocol?

RESTful Web services
• Rails way
• Easy to use and implement
• REST is about resources
 • URI
 • Representations: HTML, XML, JSON...etc
The tool set

• Web framework
• XML Parser
• JSON Parser
• HTTP Client
• Model library
Web framework

• Ruby on Rails, but we don’t need afull features.
  (Rails3 can be customized because it’s lot more
  modular. We will discuss it later)

• Sinatra: a lightweight framework
• Rack: a minimal Ruby webserver interface

• Mapping RESTful resources as models in a
  Rails application.
• Use XML by default
• But not useful in practice, why?
XML parser

• Nokogiri ( ) is an HTML, XML, SAX, and
  Reader parser. Among Nokogiri’s many
  features is the ability to search documents
  via XPath or CSS3 selectors.
JSON Parser

• An extremely efficient streaming JSON
  parsing and encoding library. Ruby C
  bindings to Yajl
HTTP Client

• How to run requests in parallel?
 • Asynchronous I/O
   • Reactor pattern (EventMachine)
 • Multi-threading
   • JRuby

• A Ruby library with native C extensions to
  libcurl and libcurl-multi.
• Typhoeus runs HTTP requests in parallel
  while cleanly encapsulating handling logic
Typhoeus: Quick
response = Typhoeus::Request.get("")
response = Typhoeus::Request.head("")
response = Typhoeus::Request.put("http://localhost:3000/posts/1",
                                 :body => "whoo, a body")
response ="http://localhost:3000/posts",
                  :params => {:title => "test post", :content => "this is my test"})
response = Typhoeus::Request.delete("http://localhost:3000/posts/1")
Hydra handles requests
 but not guaranteed to run in any particular order
      HYDRA =

      a = nil
      request1 ="http://example1")
      request1.on_complete do |response|
          a = response.body

      b = nil
      request2 ="http://example1")
      request2.on_complete do |response|
          b = response.body
      HYDRA.queue(request2) # a, b are set from here
a asynchronous method
 def foo_asynchronously
     request = "http://example" )
     request.on_complete do |response|
        result_value = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(response.body)
        # do something
        yield result_value

result = nil
foo_asynchronously do |i|
    result = i

foo_asynchronously do |i|
    # Do something for i
# Now you can use result1 and result2
a synchronous method

  def foo
     result = nil
     foo_asynchronously { |i| result = i }
Physical Models
        mapping to database directly

• ActiveRecord
• DataMapper
• MongoMapper, MongoId
Logical Models

• ActiveModel: an interface and modules can
  be integrated with ActionPack helpers.
integrated with helper?

• For example:
 • link_to post_path(@post)
 • form_for @post
 • @post.errors
A basic model
class YourModel
    extend ActiveModel::Naming
    include ActiveModel::Conversion
    include ActiveModel::Validations

      def persisted?
without validations
 class YourModel
     extend ActiveModel::Naming
     include ActiveModel::Conversion

       def persisted?

       def valid?() true end

       def errors
           @errors ||=
Many useful modules
•   MassAssignmentSecurity
•   Serialization
•   Callback
•   AttributeMethods
•   Dirty
•   Observing
•   Translation
class Person

  include ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON
  include ActiveModel::Serializers::Xml

  attr_accessor :name

  def attributes
    @attributes ||= {'name' => 'nil'}


person =
person.serializable_hash   #   =>   {"name"=>nil}
person.as_json             #   =>   {"name"=>nil}
person.to_json             #   =>   "{"name":null}"
person.to_xml              #   =>   "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Mass Assignment

class YourModel
    # ...
    def initialize(attributes = {})
        if attributes.present?
          attributes.each { |k, v| send("#{k}=", v) if respond_to?("#{k}=") }
end :a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3 )
class YourModel
    # ...
    include ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity

    attr_accessible :first_name, :last_name

    def initialize(attributes = {})
        if attributes.present?
          sanitize_for_mass_assignment(attributes).each { |k, v| send("#{k}=", v) if
respond_to?("#{k}=") }
Scenario we want to
• an Users web service, which provide basic
  CRUD functions.
• an web application with the Users client
Service implement
Customized Rails3

• We don’t need some components.
• We can customize ActionController
• Building a fast, lightweight REST service
  with Rails 3
# config/appliction.rb

).each do |framework|
    require "#{framework}/railtie"
  rescue LoadError
# config/application.rb
].each do |klass|
  config.middleware.delete klass

# config/environments/production.rb
# /app/controllers/application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Metal
  include AbstractController::Logger
  include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
  include ActionController::UrlFor
  include ActionController::Rendering
  include ActionController::Renderers::All
  include ActionController::MimeResponds

  if Rails.env.test?
    include ActionController::Testing
    # Rails 2.x compatibility
    include ActionController::Compatibility


APIs design best practices (1)
 • Routing doesn't need Rails resources
   mechanism , but APIs design should follow
   (This is because we don't have view in service and we don't need URL
   helpers. So use resources mechanism is too overkill)

 • RESTful APIs is stateless, each APIs should
   be independent. So, requests which have
   dependency relationship should be
   combined into one API request. (atomic)
APIs design best practices (2)
 • The best format in most case is JSON.
   ( one disadvantage is we can’t return binary data directly. )

 • Use Yajl as parser.
   # config/application.rb
   ActiveSupport::JSON.backend = "Yajl"

 • Don't convert data to JSON in Model, the
   converting process to JSON should be
   place in Controller.
APIs design best practices (3)
•   I suggest it shouldn't include_root_in_json
    # config/application.rb
    ActiveRecord::Base.include_root_in_json = false

•   Please notice “the key is JSON must be string”.
    whether you use symbol or string in Ruby, after JSON
    encode should all be string.
•   related key format should be xxx_id or xxx_ids for
    { "user_id" => 4, "product_ids" => [1,2,5] }.to_json

•   return user_uri field in addition to the user_id field if
a return data example
  model.to_json and model.to_xml is easy to use, but not useful in practice.

# one record
{ :name => "a" }.to_json

# collection
{ :collection => [ { :name => "a" } , { :name =>
"b" } ], :total => 123 }.to_json

                        If you want to have pagination, you
                                need total number.
APIs design best practices (4)
 • except return collection, we can also
   provide Multi-Gets API. through params :
   ids. ex. /users?ids=2,5,11,23
 • client should sort ID first, so we can design
   cache mechanism much easier.
 • another topic need to concern is the URL
   length of GET. So this API can also use
an error message
       return example
{ :message => "faild", :error_codes => [1,2,3],
  :errors => ["k1" => "v1", "k2" => "v2" ] }.to_json
APIs design best practices (5)

 • error_codes & errors is optional, you can
   define it if you need.
 • errors is used to put model's validation
   error : model.errors.to_json
HTTP status code
         We should return suitable HTTP status code

• 200 OK
• 201 Created ( add success)
• 202 Accepted ( receive success but not
  process yet, in queue now )
• 400 Bad Request ( ex. Model Validation
  Error or wrong parameters )
• 401 Unauthorized
class PeopleController < ApplicationController

  def index
    @people = Person.paginate(:per_page => params[:per_page] || 20, :page => params[:page])
    render :json => { :collection => @people, :total => @people.total_entries }.to_json

  def show
    @person = Person.find( params[:id] )
    render :json => @person.to_json

  def create
    @person = :name => params[:name], :bio => params[:bio],
                          :user_id => params[:user_id] )!
    render :json => { :id => }.to_json, :status => 201

  def update
    @person = user_Person.find( params[:id] )
    @person.attributes = { :name => params[:name], :bio => params[:bio],
                           :user_id => params[:user_id] }!
    render :status => 200, :text => "OK"

  def destroy
    @person = Person.find( params[:id] )

    render :status => 200, :text => "OK"

Client implement
• No active_record, we get data from service
  through HTTP client (typhoeus)
• Model can include some ActiveModel,
  modules so we can develop more efficiently.
• This model is logical model, mapping to the
  data from API, not database table. It's
  different to service's physical model ( ORM-
# config/appliction.rb

).each do |framework|
    require "#{framework}/railtie"
  rescue LoadError
Setup a global Hydry
  # config/initializers/setup_hydra.rb
An example you can
 inherited from (1)
  class LogicalModel

    extend ActiveModel::Naming
    include ActiveModel::Conversion
    include ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON
    include ActiveModel::Validations
    include ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity

    self.include_root_in_json = false

    # continued...
class LogicalModel                                                     An example you can
  # continued...                                                        inherited from (2)
  def self.attribute_keys=(keys)
    @attribute_keys = keys
    attr_accessor *keys

  def self.attribute_keys

  class << self
    attr_accessor :host, :hydra

  def persisted?

  def initialize(attributes={})
    self.attributes = attributes

  def attributes
    self.class.attribute_keys.inject( do |result, key|
      result[key] = read_attribute_for_validation(key)

  def attributes=(attrs)
    sanitize_for_mass_assignment(attrs).each { |k, v| send("#{k}=", v) if respond_to?("#{k}=") }
Model usage example

class Person < LogicalModel

  self.attribute_keys = [:id, :name, :bio, :user_id, :created_at, :updated_at] = PEOPLE_SERVICE_HOST
  self.hydra = HYDRA

  validates_presence_of :title, :url, :user_id

  # ...
class Person < LogicalModel
  # ...
  def self.people_uri

  def self.async_paginate(options={})
    options[:page] ||= 1
    options[:per_page] ||= 20
    request =, :params => options)
    request.on_complete do |response|
      if response.code >= 200 && response.code < 400

          result_set = self.from_json(response.body)
          collection = result_set[:collection].paginate( :total_entries => result_set[:total] )
          collection.current_page = options[:page]
          yield collection


  def self.paginate(options={})
    result = nil
    async_paginate(options) { |i| result = i }

will_paginate hack!
      • in order to use will_paginate's helper, we
          must set current_page manually, so we hack
          this way:

# /config/initializers/hack_will_paginate.rb
# This is because our search result via HTTP API is an array and need be paginated.
# So we need assign current_page, unless it will be always 1.

module WillPaginate
  class Collection
    def current_page=(s)
      @current_page = s.to_i
from_json & logging
class LogicalModel
  # ...

  def self.from_json(json_string)
    parsed = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(json_string)
    collection = parsed["collection"].map { |i| }
    return { :collection => collection, :total => parsed["total"].to_i }

  def self.log_ok(response)"#{response.code} #{response.request.url} in #{response.time}s")

  def self.log_failed(response)
    msg = "#{response.code} #{response.request.url} in #{response.time}s FAILED: #{ActiveSupport::JSON.decode

  def log_ok(response)

  def log_failed(response)

class Person < LogicalModel
  # ...
  def self.person_uri(id)

  def self.async_find(id)

      request = person_uri(id) )
      request.on_complete do |response|
        if response.code >= 200 && response.code < 400
                                                     This from_json is defined by

  def self.find(id)
    result = nil
    async_find(id) { |i| result = i }

class Person < LogicalModel
  # ...

  def create
    return false unless valid?

    response = self.class.people_uri, :params => self.attributes )
    if response.code == 201
      log_ok(response) = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(response.body)["id"]
      return self
      return nil

  def update(attributes)
    self.attributes = attributes

    return false unless valid?
    response = Typhoeus::Request.put( self.class.person_uri(id), :params => self.attributes )
    if response.code == 200
      return self
      log_failed(response)         Normally data writes do not
      return nil                    need to occur in parallel
end                                                                        Or write to a messaging
                                                                           system asynchronously
class Person < LogicalModel
  # ...

  def self.delete(id)
    response = Typhoeus::Request.delete( self.person_uri(id) )
    if response.code == 200
      return self
      return nil

  def destroy

Service client Library
• Write users.gemspec file
• gem build users.gemspec
• distribution
 • build your local gem server
About caching

• Internally
 • Memcached
• Externally: HTTP Caching
 • Rack-Cache,Varnish, Squid
The End
•       Books&Articles:
    •     Service-Oriented Design with Ruby and Rails, Paul Dix (Addison Wesley)
    •     Enterprise Rails, Dan Chak (O’Reilly)
    •     RESTful Web Services, Richardson&Ruby (O’Reilly)
    •     RESTful WEb Services Cookbook, Allamaraju&Amundsen (O’Reilly)
•       Blog:
    •     Rails3: ActiveModel
    •     Rubygems          
    •     Rails3: Railtie   Plugins
•       Slides:
    •     Distributed Ruby and Rails

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Service-Oriented Design and Implement with Rails3

  • 1. Service-Oriented Design and Implement with Rails 3 ihower @ Ruby Tuesday 2010/12/15
  • 2. About Me • a.k.a. ihower • • • Rails Developer since 2006 • The Organizer of Ruby Taiwan Community • •
  • 3. Agenda • What’s SOA • Why SOA • Considerations • The tool set overview • Service side implement • Client side implement • Library packaging • Caching
  • 4. What’s SOA Service oriented architectures • “monolithic” approach is not enough • SOA is a way to design complex applications by splitting out major components into individual services and communicating via APIs. • a service is a vertical slice of functionality: database, application code and caching layer
  • 5. a monolithic web app example request Load Balancer WebApps Database
  • 6. a SOA example request Load request Balancer WebApp WebApps for Administration for User Services A Services B Database Database
  • 7. Why SOA? Isolation • Shared Resources • Encapsulation • Scalability • Interoperability • Reuse • Testability • Reduce Local Complexity
  • 8. Shared Resources • Different front-web website use the same resource. • SOA help you avoiding duplication databases and code. • Why not only shared database? • code is not DRY WebApp for Administration WebApps for User • caching will be problematic Database
  • 9. Encapsulation • you can change underly implementation in services without affect other parts of system • upgrade library • upgrade to Ruby 1.9 • upgrade to Rails 3 • you can provide API versioning
  • 10. Scalability1: Partitioned Data Provides • Database is the first bottleneck, a single DB server can not scale. SOA help you reduce database load • Anti-pattern: only split the database • model relationship is broken WebApps • referential integrity • increase code complexity Database A Database B • Myth: database replication can not help you speed and consistency
  • 11. Scalability 2: Caching • SOA help you design caching system easier • Cache data at the right place and expire at the right times • Cache logical model, not physical • You do not need cache view everywhere
  • 12. Scalability 3: Efficient • Different components have different task loading, SOA can scale by service. WebApps Load Balancer Load Balancer Services A Services A Services B Services B Services B Services B
  • 13. Security • Different services can be inside different firewall • You can only open public web and services, others are inside firewall.
  • 14. Interoperability • HTTP is the most common interface, SOA help you integrate them: • Multiple languages • Internal system e.g. Full-text searching engine • Legacy database, system • External vendors
  • 15. Reuse • Reuse across multiple applications • Reuse for public APIs • Example: Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • 16. Testability • Isolate problem • Mocking API calls • Reduce the time to run test suite
  • 17. Reduce Local Complexity • Team modularity along the same module splits as your software • Understandability: The amount of code is minimized to a quantity understandable by a small team • Source code control
  • 18. Design considerations • Partition into Separate Services • API Design • Which Protocol
  • 19. How to partition into Separate Services • Partitioning on Logical Function • Partitioning on Read/Write Frequencies • Partitioning on Minimizing Joins • Partitioning on Iteration Speed
  • 20. on Iteration Speed • Which parts of the app have clear defined requirements and design? • Identify the parts of the application which are unlikely to change. • For example: The first version data storage is using MySQL, but may change to NoSQL in the future without affecting front-app.
  • 21. on Logical Function • Higher-level feature services • articles, photos, bookmarks...etc • Low-level infrastructure services • a shared key-value store, queue system
  • 22. On Read/Write Frequencies • Ideally, a service will have to work only with a single data store • High read and low write: the service should optimize a caching strategy. • High write and low read: don’t bother with caching
  • 23. On Join Frequency • Minimize cross-service joins. • But almost all data in an app is joined to something else. • How often particular joins occur? by read/ write frequency and logical separation. • Replicate data across services (For example: a activity stream by using messaging)
  • 24. API Design Guideline • Send Everything you need • Unlike OOP has lots of finely grained method calls • Parallel HTTP requests • for multiple service requests • Send as Little as Possible • Avoid expensive XML
  • 25. Versioning • Be able run multiple versions in parallel: Clients have time to upgrade rather than having to upgrade both client and server in locks step. • Ideally, you won’t have to run multiple versions for very long • Two solutions: • Including a Version in URIs • Using Accept Headers for Versioning (disadvantage: HTTP caching)
  • 26. Physical Models & Logical Models • Physical models are mapped to database tables through ORM. (It’s 3NF) • Logical models are mapped to your business problem. (External API use it) • Logical models are mapped to physical models by you.
  • 27. Logical Models • Not relational or normalized • Maintainability • can change with no change to data store • can stay the same while the data store changes • Better fit for REST interfaces • Better caching
  • 28. Which Protocol? • SOAP • XML-RPC • REST
  • 29. RESTful Web services • Rails way • Easy to use and implement • REST is about resources • URI • HTTP Verbs: GET/PUT/POST/DELETE • Representations: HTML, XML, JSON...etc
  • 30. The tool set • Web framework • XML Parser • JSON Parser • HTTP Client • Model library
  • 31. Web framework • Ruby on Rails, but we don’t need afull features. (Rails3 can be customized because it’s lot more modular. We will discuss it later) • Sinatra: a lightweight framework • Rack: a minimal Ruby webserver interface library
  • 32. ActiveResource • Mapping RESTful resources as models in a Rails application. • Use XML by default • But not useful in practice, why?
  • 33. XML parser • • Nokogiri ( ) is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser. Among Nokogiri’s many features is the ability to search documents via XPath or CSS3 selectors.
  • 34. JSON Parser • • An extremely efficient streaming JSON parsing and encoding library. Ruby C bindings to Yajl
  • 35. HTTP Client • How to run requests in parallel? • Asynchronous I/O • Reactor pattern (EventMachine) • Multi-threading • JRuby
  • 36. Typhoeus • A Ruby library with native C extensions to libcurl and libcurl-multi. • Typhoeus runs HTTP requests in parallel while cleanly encapsulating handling logic
  • 37. Typhoeus: Quick example response = Typhoeus::Request.get("") response = Typhoeus::Request.head("") response = Typhoeus::Request.put("http://localhost:3000/posts/1", :body => "whoo, a body") response ="http://localhost:3000/posts", :params => {:title => "test post", :content => "this is my test"}) response = Typhoeus::Request.delete("http://localhost:3000/posts/1")
  • 38. Hydra handles requests but not guaranteed to run in any particular order HYDRA = a = nil request1 ="http://example1") request1.on_complete do |response| a = response.body end HYDRA.queue(request1) b = nil request2 ="http://example1") request2.on_complete do |response| b = response.body end HYDRA.queue(request2) # a, b are set from here
  • 39. a asynchronous method def foo_asynchronously request = "http://example" ) request.on_complete do |response| result_value = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(response.body) # do something yield result_value end self.hydra.queue(request) end
  • 40. Usage result = nil foo_asynchronously do |i| result = i end foo_asynchronously do |i| # Do something for i end # Now you can use result1 and result2
  • 41. a synchronous method def foo result = nil foo_asynchronously { |i| result = i } result end
  • 42. Physical Models mapping to database directly • ActiveRecord • DataMapper • MongoMapper, MongoId
  • 43. Logical Models • ActiveModel: an interface and modules can be integrated with ActionPack helpers. •
  • 44. integrated with helper? • For example: • link_to post_path(@post) • form_for @post • @post.errors
  • 45. A basic model class YourModel extend ActiveModel::Naming include ActiveModel::Conversion include ActiveModel::Validations def persisted? false end end
  • 46. without validations class YourModel extend ActiveModel::Naming include ActiveModel::Conversion def persisted? false end def valid?() true end def errors @errors ||= end end
  • 47. Many useful modules • MassAssignmentSecurity • Serialization • Callback • AttributeMethods • Dirty • Observing • Translation
  • 48. Serializers class Person include ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON include ActiveModel::Serializers::Xml attr_accessor :name def attributes @attributes ||= {'name' => 'nil'} end end person = person.serializable_hash # => {"name"=>nil} person.as_json # => {"name"=>nil} person.to_json # => "{"name":null}" person.to_xml # => "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> n<serial-person...
  • 49. Mass Assignment class YourModel # ... def initialize(attributes = {}) if attributes.present? attributes.each { |k, v| send("#{k}=", v) if respond_to?("#{k}=") } end end end :a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3 )
  • 50. MassAssignmentSecurity class YourModel # ... include ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity attr_accessible :first_name, :last_name def initialize(attributes = {}) if attributes.present? sanitize_for_mass_assignment(attributes).each { |k, v| send("#{k}=", v) if respond_to?("#{k}=") } end end end
  • 51. Scenario we want to implement • an Users web service, which provide basic CRUD functions. • an web application with the Users client library
  • 53. Customized Rails3 • We don’t need some components. • We can customize ActionController • Building a fast, lightweight REST service with Rails 3 lightweight-rest-service-with-rails-3
  • 54. # config/appliction.rb %w( active_record action_controller action_mailer ).each do |framework| begin require "#{framework}/railtie" rescue LoadError end end
  • 55. # config/application.rb [ Rack::Sendfile, ActionDispatch::Flash, ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore, ActionDispatch::Cookies, ActionDispatch::BestStandardsSupport, Rack::MethodOverride, ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions, ActionDispatch::Static, ActionDispatch::RemoteIp, ActionDispatch::ParamsParser, Rack::Lock, ActionDispatch::Head ].each do |klass| config.middleware.delete klass end # config/environments/production.rb config.middleware.delete ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionManagement
  • 56. # /app/controllers/application_controller.rb class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base class ApplicationController < ActionController::Metal include AbstractController::Logger include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers include ActionController::UrlFor include ActionController::Rendering include ActionController::Renderers::All include ActionController::MimeResponds if Rails.env.test? include ActionController::Testing # Rails 2.x compatibility include ActionController::Compatibility end end
  • 57. APIs design best practices (1) • Routing doesn't need Rails resources mechanism , but APIs design should follow RESTful. (This is because we don't have view in service and we don't need URL helpers. So use resources mechanism is too overkill) • RESTful APIs is stateless, each APIs should be independent. So, requests which have dependency relationship should be combined into one API request. (atomic)
  • 58. APIs design best practices (2) • The best format in most case is JSON. ( one disadvantage is we can’t return binary data directly. ) • Use Yajl as parser. # config/application.rb ActiveSupport::JSON.backend = "Yajl" • Don't convert data to JSON in Model, the converting process to JSON should be place in Controller.
  • 59. APIs design best practices (3) • I suggest it shouldn't include_root_in_json # config/application.rb ActiveRecord::Base.include_root_in_json = false • Please notice “the key is JSON must be string”. whether you use symbol or string in Ruby, after JSON encode should all be string. • related key format should be xxx_id or xxx_ids for example: { "user_id" => 4, "product_ids" => [1,2,5] }.to_json • return user_uri field in addition to the user_id field if need
  • 60. a return data example model.to_json and model.to_xml is easy to use, but not useful in practice. # one record { :name => "a" }.to_json # collection { :collection => [ { :name => "a" } , { :name => "b" } ], :total => 123 }.to_json If you want to have pagination, you need total number.
  • 61. APIs design best practices (4) • except return collection, we can also provide Multi-Gets API. through params : ids. ex. /users?ids=2,5,11,23 • client should sort ID first, so we can design cache mechanism much easier. • another topic need to concern is the URL length of GET. So this API can also use POST.
  • 62. an error message return example { :message => "faild", :error_codes => [1,2,3], :errors => ["k1" => "v1", "k2" => "v2" ] }.to_json
  • 63. APIs design best practices (5) • error_codes & errors is optional, you can define it if you need. • errors is used to put model's validation error : model.errors.to_json
  • 64. HTTP status code We should return suitable HTTP status code • 200 OK • 201 Created ( add success) • 202 Accepted ( receive success but not process yet, in queue now ) • 400 Bad Request ( ex. Model Validation Error or wrong parameters ) • 401 Unauthorized
  • 65. class PeopleController < ApplicationController def index @people = Person.paginate(:per_page => params[:per_page] || 20, :page => params[:page]) render :json => { :collection => @people, :total => @people.total_entries }.to_json end def show @person = Person.find( params[:id] ) render :json => @person.to_json end def create @person = :name => params[:name], :bio => params[:bio], :user_id => params[:user_id] )! render :json => { :id => }.to_json, :status => 201 end def update @person = user_Person.find( params[:id] ) @person.attributes = { :name => params[:name], :bio => params[:bio], :user_id => params[:user_id] }! render :status => 200, :text => "OK" end def destroy @person = Person.find( params[:id] ) @person.destroy render :status => 200, :text => "OK" end end
  • 67. Note • No active_record, we get data from service through HTTP client (typhoeus) • Model can include some ActiveModel, modules so we can develop more efficiently. • This model is logical model, mapping to the data from API, not database table. It's different to service's physical model ( ORM- based)
  • 68. # config/appliction.rb %w( action_controller action_mailer ).each do |framework| begin require "#{framework}/railtie" rescue LoadError end end
  • 69. Setup a global Hydry # config/initializers/setup_hydra.rb HYDRA =
  • 70. An example you can inherited from (1) class LogicalModel extend ActiveModel::Naming include ActiveModel::Conversion include ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON include ActiveModel::Validations include ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity self.include_root_in_json = false # continued... end
  • 71. class LogicalModel An example you can # continued... inherited from (2) def self.attribute_keys=(keys) @attribute_keys = keys attr_accessor *keys end def self.attribute_keys @attribute_keys end class << self attr_accessor :host, :hydra end def persisted? !! end def initialize(attributes={}) self.attributes = attributes end def attributes self.class.attribute_keys.inject( do |result, key| result[key] = read_attribute_for_validation(key) result end end def attributes=(attrs) sanitize_for_mass_assignment(attrs).each { |k, v| send("#{k}=", v) if respond_to?("#{k}=") } end
  • 72. Model usage example class Person < LogicalModel self.attribute_keys = [:id, :name, :bio, :user_id, :created_at, :updated_at] = PEOPLE_SERVICE_HOST self.hydra = HYDRA validates_presence_of :title, :url, :user_id # ... end
  • 73. class Person < LogicalModel # ... paginate def self.people_uri "http://#{}/apis/v1/people.json" end def self.async_paginate(options={}) options[:page] ||= 1 options[:per_page] ||= 20 request =, :params => options) request.on_complete do |response| if response.code >= 200 && response.code < 400 log_ok(response) result_set = self.from_json(response.body) collection = result_set[:collection].paginate( :total_entries => result_set[:total] ) collection.current_page = options[:page] yield collection else log_failed(response) end end self.hydra.queue(request) end def self.paginate(options={}) result = nil async_paginate(options) { |i| result = i } result end end
  • 74. will_paginate hack! • in order to use will_paginate's helper, we must set current_page manually, so we hack this way: # /config/initializers/hack_will_paginate.rb # This is because our search result via HTTP API is an array and need be paginated. # So we need assign current_page, unless it will be always 1. module WillPaginate class Collection def current_page=(s) @current_page = s.to_i end end end
  • 75. from_json & logging class LogicalModel # ... def self.from_json(json_string) parsed = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(json_string) collection = parsed["collection"].map { |i| } return { :collection => collection, :total => parsed["total"].to_i } end def self.log_ok(response)"#{response.code} #{response.request.url} in #{response.time}s") end def self.log_failed(response) msg = "#{response.code} #{response.request.url} in #{response.time}s FAILED: #{ActiveSupport::JSON.decode (response.body)["message"]}" Rails.logger.warn(msg) end def log_ok(response) self.class.log_ok(response) end def log_failed(response) self.class.log_failed(response) end end
  • 76. class Person < LogicalModel # ... find def self.person_uri(id) "http://#{}/apis/v1/people/#{id}.json" end def self.async_find(id) request = person_uri(id) ) request.on_complete do |response| if response.code >= 200 && response.code < 400 log_ok(response) yield else log_failed(response) end end This from_json is defined by ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON self.hydra.queue(request) end def self.find(id) result = nil async_find(id) { |i| result = i } result end end
  • 77. class Person < LogicalModel create&update # ... def create return false unless valid? response = self.class.people_uri, :params => self.attributes ) if response.code == 201 log_ok(response) = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(response.body)["id"] return self else log_failed(response) return nil end end def update(attributes) self.attributes = attributes return false unless valid? response = Typhoeus::Request.put( self.class.person_uri(id), :params => self.attributes ) if response.code == 200 log_ok(response) return self else log_failed(response) Normally data writes do not return nil need to occur in parallel end end end Or write to a messaging system asynchronously
  • 78. delete&destroy class Person < LogicalModel # ... def self.delete(id) response = Typhoeus::Request.delete( self.person_uri(id) ) if response.code == 200 log_ok(response) return self else log_failed(response) return nil end end def destroy self.class.delete( end end
  • 79. Service client Library packaging • Write users.gemspec file • gem build users.gemspec • distribution • • build your local gem server •
  • 80. About caching • Internally • Memcached • Externally: HTTP Caching • Rack-Cache,Varnish, Squid
  • 82.
  • 83. References • Books&Articles: • Service-Oriented Design with Ruby and Rails, Paul Dix (Addison Wesley) • Enterprise Rails, Dan Chak (O’Reilly) • RESTful Web Services, Richardson&Ruby (O’Reilly) • RESTful WEb Services Cookbook, Allamaraju&Amundsen (O’Reilly) • Blog: • Rails3: ActiveModel • Rubygems • Rails3: Railtie Plugins • Slides: • Distributed Ruby and Rails