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Le bien-être technologique au
coeur de la productivité
Dropbox France
Le bien-être technologique au coeur de la
productivité : retours d’éxpérience Dropbox et extraits
de l’étude TNS Global
•  1ere chapitre : Présentation plenière de Philippe Plichon, Directeur Général, Dropbox
France du Hub Forum du 6 octobre
•  2eme chapitre : Extraits de l’étude TNS Global ménée en février 2015 sur la collaboration
en Entreprise et le choix technologique (en anglais)
La manière dont nous travaillons a changé
« Aujourd'hui notre principal défi, c’est
l'agilité. Les questions qui nous sont posées
par nos clients nécessitent l'intervention de
plus en plus d'expertises métiers. Nous devons
veiller à ce que des équipes pluridisciplinaires
puissent travailler efficacement ensemble et
en temps réel sur de multiples projets, qu'elles
soient à l'agence ou en mobilité .»
Agathe Bousquet
PDG, Havas Worldwide Paris
Cette nouvelle organisation du travail est liée à 3 tendances
Plateformes multi-tenant
Accès illimité
Choix technologique
Trafic IP (Consommateurs)






Source: Cisco IBSG
500M devices connectés à
75% des utilisateurs mobile
en dehors des Etats-Unis
35 MLD documents office
stockés sur Dropbox et 1.2
MLD documents rajoutés par
Source: Dropbox stats
90% des clients Dropbox
Entreprises étaient
auparavant utilisateurs de
Dropbox dans le cadre
d’un usage personel
Amélioration de la qualité Le projet avance plus rapidement Le projet est plus facile à terminer Meilleur moral des employés
Aucun Choix Large Choix Choix Illimité
Les bénéfices de la collaboration en fonction
du niveau de liberté de choix
La liberté de choix entraîne un bien-être technologique supérieur
Source: TNS Global Study 2015 pour Dropbox sur 2079 “knowledge workers”
Ce bien-être technologique accélère la collaboration
Des equipes n’ayant aucun
choix déclarent collaborer
avec des équipes internes
Des équipes ayant un choix
illimité collaborent avec des
équipes internes ou externes
Des équipes ayant un choix
illimité ne rencontrent aucun
obstacle à la collaboration
82% 39%Des personnes n’ayant aucun
choix déclarent ne
rencontrer aucun obstacle à
la collaboration
v s
v s
Source: TNS Global Study 2015 pour Dropbox sur 2079 “knowledge workers”
L’accéleration de cette collaboration crée un effet de réseau
Sur 130 000 clients Dropbox Entreprises, chaque organisation partage en moyenne avec 7
organisations externes
Cas d’étude d’adoption et collaboration : Lagardère Active
Septembre 2015 - sur le dernier mois, la
collaboration s'eténd à travers 40
organisations extérieures
2013: 250 employés utilisent leur compte
personnel Dropbox au travail. L'équipe IT
décide de lancer un pilote de Dropbox
2015 – après 9 mois seulement de
déploiement, plus de 2000 connexions ont été
créees entre les équipes internes et
l'écosystème externe
Cas client: facebook - l’effet réseau crée à partir du choix des utilisateurs
2013 2014
•  1,700 utilisateurs
actifs en 48 heures
•  4000 utilisateurs
sous 3 semaines
•  Toute l’Entreprise en
3 mois
Les points orange
représentent les utilisateurs
Dropbox for Business et les
lignes noirs les connexions
créées entre eux. L’effet
réseau augmente la
collaboration, le partage et la
Les points noirs représentent les
utilisateurs Dropbox Basic qui
utilisaient leurs comptes
personnels au travail et les lignes
noirs les liens de partage créés
entre eux
Nous avons besoin de nous concentrer sur l’essentiel
“The essence of good product
adoption is about removing
Des écosystèmes complexes, voire
Un besoin d’ouverture et de simplicité
Alex Castellarnau, Head of Design, Dropbox
Nos clients le comprennent
La simplicité des échanges avec des
contributeurs internes & externes
La simplicité des partages entre marques et
marchés dans une organisation
internationale décentralisée
La simplicité de partage des documents
sensibles en mobilité
La mobilité & collaboration au coeur des problematiques clients
Dropbox est utilisé comme un
portail pour les conducteurs. Ils y
rédigent et envoient leurs Bulletin
de Sécurité Électroniques
quotidiens, et stockent
l'ensemble des documents de
conduite nécessaires pour
circuler .
Dropbox est utilisé par
l’encadrement pour tout le
processus de traitement des
événements de conduite et
l’archivage de données sensibles.
L’équipe marketing basée au
Siège à Stockholm partage le
contenu des campagnes aux
équipes régionales via
Les équipes de design
synchronisent et modifient
des fichiers volumineux.
Le siège d’Absolut à
Stockholm reste connecté
en permanence aux filiales
régionales ainsi qu’à la
société mère Pernod Ricard à
Echange externe de
fichiers lourds avec des
agences, photographes,
journalistes et freelances
Collaboration sur des
fichiers lourds, contenu
photo et video notamment.
Communication plus
fluide entre les équipes et
entités, élimination des
Extraits de l’étude TNS Global méné en février
Research Study: Workplace Collaboration
Better understand how people are collaborating in the workplace
-  February 2015
-  2,079 information workers surveyed
Context and methodology
•  Survey conducted February 2015
•  Better understand how people are collaborating in the workplace, how that has
changed recently, and the reasons new collaboration tools fail or succeed. Also, we
want to better understand what problems people have with collaboration today.
•  15 minute questionnaire conducted online among information workers in US, UK, Australia, and Japan
•  Blind recruitment (Dropbox not revealed as study sponsor)
•  Data collection balanced by age and gender to match census. Also balanced for representation across different company sizes (2-99 employees, 100-499
employees, and 500+ employees).
•  2,079 information workers surveyed (US: 766, UK: 437, Australia: 376, Japan: 500) - Note: this report only focuses on the data from the US, UK, and
Australia (Japan analyzed separately)
Employees are using more collaboration solutions to get work done than ever
E-mail attachments
In-person meetings
Telephone/VOIP conference calls
Network server
SMS or text messaging
Memory stick/USB drive
Paper/ Postal Mail
Intranet, wiki or content management
Video conferencing
Real-time document editing
File sync and share
Chat application
FTP server
Project management solution
Enterprise social network
Collaboration Solutions Used at Work
34% 37% 29%
2 to 4 5 to 7 8+
Total Tools Used
Which of the following solutions (if any) are you using to share, exchange or collaborate with colleagues at work? N=1579
How frequently do you use the following types of devices to share or exchange work documents/files? N=1579
How frequently do you share the following file types with colleagues? N=1579
Desktop Laptop PC
Tablet Mobile
(tablet, SP)
Devices Used to Share Files Monthly
Average devices used monthly: 2
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
PDF files
Microsoft PowerPoint
Images / photos
Accounting files
Google Docs
29% < 3
3 to 5
File Types Shared Monthly*
*Only top 7 of 14 options are displayed
Workstreams Participated in Weekly
Reviewing and providing approval on others’ work
Collecting feedback from colleagues
Sharing or publishing information
Creating or editing in real-time with colleagues in
the same location
Handing off work in a chain
Aggregating new pieces or edits
Creating or editing in real-time with colleagues in
other locations
40% 31% 29%
1 or less 2 to 4 5+
Total Workstreams Weekly
Colleagues on
my team/BU
Colleagues on
a different
Monthly or less
People/Teams they Work with Regularly
How often do you participate in the following types of collaboration activities? N=1579
How often do you work with the following types of people? N=1579
Most people are juggling different workstreams and interacting with a variety teams
Typical pain points from collaboration
Only One Person Can Work on File at a Time
“Multiple people wanting to use it, but if someone has it open,
someone else can’t use it.” – US, female, 27
“Sequential access by multiple people – it’s hard to edit and proof
when more than one person is viewing and making changes at a
time.” – US, female, 44
“Not being able to have more than one person working on the file
at a time.” – UK, male, 30
“Too many people working on the same doc at once, have to work
on it one at a time then save & pass onto the next person. time
wasting.” – Australia, female, 29
Version Control
“Finding and tracking the most up to date version after it has
been shared a couple of times and what changes have been made
since the last reviewer.” – US, female, 24
“Avoiding duplication.” – UK female, 43
“Tracking who made what change and when” – UK, male, 37
Common Collaboration Challenges
Using the scale, below, please indicate how difficult or easy the following activities are for you. N=1579
When it comes to sharing, exchanging and collaborating on files at work (such as documents, spreadsheets,
presentation, etc.) what are some of your biggest challenges?
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
Aggregating everyone’s edits
Accessing information remotely
Finding relevant info on old projects
Having productive meetings
Figuring out who should be doing what
Conferencing (dial-ins, video
Accessing information/files on multiple
Exchanging information beyond the
Staying up to date on a project's
Finding the right documents/right
Understanding everyone’s role and
Finding the latest version of a document
Searching through emails to find
Process of uploading/downloading/
Working well with other, cross-functional
Scheduling meetings
Exchanging info w/ people in other
Easy Less than easy
Close to 6 in 10 workers have at least 1 collaboration pain
point and about half have more than 1
So when are new solutions truly successful? When they simplify and enhance
how people want to work together
What are some of the reasons why these newly deployed solutions were successful? N=466
And what do you consider to be the primary benefit or benefits to working collaboratively at your job (vs. independently)?
Is easy to understand and use
Is easy to access or use outside the office
Fits into current workflows/processes
Is easy to deploy and implement across the team
Makes meetings more efficient / easier
Integrates into existing technology
Makes accessing or finding information easier
Helps me stay up to date on a project progress
Helps me better save/organize information
Makes collecting/incorporating feedback easier
Makes it easier to know who is working on what
Supports multiple file types
Reduces number of steps/complexity in tasks
Supports multiple operating systems
Reasons New Solutions are Successful
More Ideas
“Shared information is shared enlightenment and aids working to
common objectives” – UK, male, 64
“Different ideas and views mean more robust discussion and
arguments.” – Australia, male, 30
“More eyes on document mean more input, and potentially more
ideas for improvement” – UK, female 43
“Different perspectives widens your sense of ideas and can make a
better product or sale.” – US, female, 28
“Two heads are better than one, I think there are strength in numbers.
When you put a group of people who all have different backgrounds
and experiences, the outcome is far greater than just one.” – US, male,
“Accomplish goals that neither could achieve alone.” – Australia,
male, 47
“Inspires a sense of community within an organization.” - Australia,
male, 47
Collaboration Benefits
Millennials are playing a bigger role in defining the tools organizations are
using today – they are actually helping to shape the technology landscape.
Which of the following types of work solutions did you choose for yourself or were selected for you by your company? N=1579
Gen X
SMS or text messaging 77% 72% 63%
Memory stick/USB drive 68% 70% 70%
CD 60% 63% 48%
File sync and share solution (e.g. Dropbox, Box, Hightail, etc.) 50% 51% 35%
Project management solution (e.g. Asana, Podio, Basecamp, etc.) 52% 39% 28%
Enterprise social network (e.g. Yammer, Huddle, Zoho, etc.) 47% 38% 28%
Real-time document editing solution (e.g. Google Apps, Office 365, etc.) 43% 36% 29%
Email attachments (e.g. Outlook, Gmail, etc.) 31% 32% 29%
Chat application (e.g. Hipchat, Gchat, Lync, etc.) 37% 32% 14%
Telephone or VOIP conference calls 24% 26% 24%
Fax 22% 27% 24%
Video conferencing 30% 25% 17%
FTP server 26% 27% 10%
Intranet, wiki or content management solution 20% 13% 14%
Network server 12% 12% 7%
% of Employees who Chose their Work Solution
Significantly > Boomers
Not surprisingly, Millennials are more commonly using digital solutions both
at work and in their personal lives.
Which of the following solutions (if any) are you using to share, exchange or collaborate with colleagues at work? N=1579
Which of the following solutions (if any) are you using to share, exchange or collaborate with family or friends in your personal life? N=1579
Social network
Chat apps
Social network
Chat apps
Work Personal
Collaboration Solutions Used
Millennials are also more likely to work with creative files than Boomers.
How frequently do you personally create or edit the following types of files for work? N=1579
Types of Files Used At Least Daily to Create or Edit at Work
4% 5% 4%
3% 3% 2%
CAD files Design files Videos Images / photos
22-34 35-49 50+
It's therefore not a surprise that Millennials embrace file sync and share
solutions and appreciate the speed associated with collaboration more so
than their older colleagues do
Which of the following applications do you use on a regular basis (weekly or more often) to create, edit or review files? N=1579
When working on a collaborative project with others, how strongly do you agree or disagree with the following? N=1579
*Top Two Box is a score of 5 or 6 on a 6-point agreement scale, with a 6 being “completely agree”
% that use FSS at Least Daily to Create or
Edit Files at Work
21% 19%
22-34 35-49 50+
% Agree that Projects Move Faster when
Collaboration Happens
61% 61%
Projects move faster
22-34 35-49 50+
Millennials are also more frequently working with colleagues outside of their
own location and use devices that move with them
How often do you work with the following types of people? N=1579
How frequently do you use the following types of devices to create or edit files/documents for work?N=1579
Colleagues on a
different team, in a
different group or
business unit
Contractors or
Agencies, consultants,
or external partners
Suppliers or vendors
Use at Least DailyWork With at Least Daily
Retrouvez-nous sur @dropboxbusiness

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  • 1. Le bien-être technologique au coeur de la productivité Dropbox France
  • 2. Le bien-être technologique au coeur de la productivité : retours d’éxpérience Dropbox et extraits de l’étude TNS Global •  1ere chapitre : Présentation plenière de Philippe Plichon, Directeur Général, Dropbox France du Hub Forum du 6 octobre •  2eme chapitre : Extraits de l’étude TNS Global ménée en février 2015 sur la collaboration en Entreprise et le choix technologique (en anglais)
  • 3. La manière dont nous travaillons a changé « Aujourd'hui notre principal défi, c’est l'agilité. Les questions qui nous sont posées par nos clients nécessitent l'intervention de plus en plus d'expertises métiers. Nous devons veiller à ce que des équipes pluridisciplinaires puissent travailler efficacement ensemble et en temps réel sur de multiples projets, qu'elles soient à l'agence ou en mobilité .» Agathe Bousquet PDG, Havas Worldwide Paris @agathebousquet
  • 4. Cette nouvelle organisation du travail est liée à 3 tendances Cloud Plateformes multi-tenant Mobile Accès illimité Consumerisation Choix technologique Trafic IP (Consommateurs) 68% 
 (2007) 80% 
 (Auj) Devices 10B 
 (Auj) 50B 
 (2020) Data 2.4ZB
 (Auj) 5.3ZB 
 (2017) Source: Cisco IBSG 500M devices connectés à Dropbox 75% des utilisateurs mobile en dehors des Etats-Unis 35 MLD documents office stockés sur Dropbox et 1.2 MLD documents rajoutés par jour Source: Dropbox stats 90% des clients Dropbox Entreprises étaient auparavant utilisateurs de Dropbox dans le cadre d’un usage personel
  • 5. 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Amélioration de la qualité Le projet avance plus rapidement Le projet est plus facile à terminer Meilleur moral des employés Aucun Choix Large Choix Choix Illimité Les bénéfices de la collaboration en fonction du niveau de liberté de choix La liberté de choix entraîne un bien-être technologique supérieur Source: TNS Global Study 2015 pour Dropbox sur 2079 “knowledge workers”
  • 6. Ce bien-être technologique accélère la collaboration 26% Des equipes n’ayant aucun choix déclarent collaborer avec des équipes internes Des équipes ayant un choix illimité collaborent avec des équipes internes ou externes 55% Des équipes ayant un choix illimité ne rencontrent aucun obstacle à la collaboration 82% 39%Des personnes n’ayant aucun choix déclarent ne rencontrer aucun obstacle à la collaboration v s v s Source: TNS Global Study 2015 pour Dropbox sur 2079 “knowledge workers”
  • 7. L’accéleration de cette collaboration crée un effet de réseau Sur 130 000 clients Dropbox Entreprises, chaque organisation partage en moyenne avec 7 organisations externes Cas d’étude d’adoption et collaboration : Lagardère Active Septembre 2015 - sur le dernier mois, la collaboration s'eténd à travers 40 organisations extérieures 2013: 250 employés utilisent leur compte personnel Dropbox au travail. L'équipe IT décide de lancer un pilote de Dropbox Entreprises 2015 – après 9 mois seulement de déploiement, plus de 2000 connexions ont été créees entre les équipes internes et l'écosystème externe
  • 8. Cas client: facebook - l’effet réseau crée à partir du choix des utilisateurs 2013 2014 •  1,700 utilisateurs actifs en 48 heures •  4000 utilisateurs sous 3 semaines •  Toute l’Entreprise en 3 mois Les points orange représentent les utilisateurs Dropbox for Business et les lignes noirs les connexions créées entre eux. L’effet réseau augmente la collaboration, le partage et la productivité Les points noirs représentent les utilisateurs Dropbox Basic qui utilisaient leurs comptes personnels au travail et les lignes noirs les liens de partage créés entre eux
  • 9. Nous avons besoin de nous concentrer sur l’essentiel “The essence of good product adoption is about removing complexity” Des écosystèmes complexes, voire fermés Un besoin d’ouverture et de simplicité Alex Castellarnau, Head of Design, Dropbox
  • 10. Nos clients le comprennent La simplicité des échanges avec des contributeurs internes & externes La simplicité des partages entre marques et marchés dans une organisation internationale décentralisée La simplicité de partage des documents sensibles en mobilité
  • 11. La mobilité & collaboration au coeur des problematiques clients Dropbox est utilisé comme un portail pour les conducteurs. Ils y rédigent et envoient leurs Bulletin de Sécurité Électroniques quotidiens, et stockent l'ensemble des documents de conduite nécessaires pour circuler . Dropbox est utilisé par l’encadrement pour tout le processus de traitement des événements de conduite et l’archivage de données sensibles. L’équipe marketing basée au Siège à Stockholm partage le contenu des campagnes aux équipes régionales via Dropbox. Les équipes de design synchronisent et modifient des fichiers volumineux. Le siège d’Absolut à Stockholm reste connecté en permanence aux filiales régionales ainsi qu’à la société mère Pernod Ricard à Paris. Echange externe de fichiers lourds avec des agences, photographes, journalistes et freelances facilité. Collaboration sur des fichiers lourds, contenu photo et video notamment. Communication plus fluide entre les équipes et entités, élimination des silos
  • 12. Extraits de l’étude TNS Global méné en février 2015 (English)
  • 13. Research Study: Workplace Collaboration Better understand how people are collaborating in the workplace -  February 2015 -  2,079 information workers surveyed
  • 14. Context and methodology •  Survey conducted February 2015 •  Better understand how people are collaborating in the workplace, how that has changed recently, and the reasons new collaboration tools fail or succeed. Also, we want to better understand what problems people have with collaboration today. •  15 minute questionnaire conducted online among information workers in US, UK, Australia, and Japan •  Blind recruitment (Dropbox not revealed as study sponsor) •  Data collection balanced by age and gender to match census. Also balanced for representation across different company sizes (2-99 employees, 100-499 employees, and 500+ employees). •  2,079 information workers surveyed (US: 766, UK: 437, Australia: 376, Japan: 500) - Note: this report only focuses on the data from the US, UK, and Australia (Japan analyzed separately) OBJECTIVES WHEN WHAT & WHO Methodology
  • 15. Employees are using more collaboration solutions to get work done than ever 90% 80% 61% 58% 42% 37% 36% 31% 31% 29% 29% 28% 22% 15% 10% 10% 9% E-mail attachments In-person meetings Telephone/VOIP conference calls Network server SMS or text messaging Memory stick/USB drive Paper/ Postal Mail Intranet, wiki or content management Video conferencing Real-time document editing File sync and share Fax Chat application FTP server Project management solution Enterprise social network CD Collaboration Solutions Used at Work 34% 37% 29% 2 to 4 5 to 7 8+ Total Tools Used Which of the following solutions (if any) are you using to share, exchange or collaborate with colleagues at work? N=1579 How frequently do you use the following types of devices to share or exchange work documents/files? N=1579 How frequently do you share the following file types with colleagues? N=1579 74% 48% 97% 30% 19% 35% Desktop Laptop PC (desktop, laptop) Smart- phone Tablet Mobile (tablet, SP) Devices Used to Share Files Monthly Average devices used monthly: 2 81% 78% 65% 40% 36% 24% 23% 22% Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel PDF files Microsoft PowerPoint Images / photos Accounting files Videos Google Docs 29% 42% 29% < 3 3 to 5 6+ File Types Shared Monthly* *Only top 7 of 14 options are displayed
  • 16. Workstreams Participated in Weekly 48% 46% 45% 41% 39% 35% 32% Reviewing and providing approval on others’ work Collecting feedback from colleagues Sharing or publishing information Creating or editing in real-time with colleagues in the same location Handing off work in a chain Aggregating new pieces or edits Creating or editing in real-time with colleagues in other locations 40% 31% 29% 1 or less 2 to 4 5+ Total Workstreams Weekly 10% 15% 6% 31% 39% 18% 29% 23% 76% 30% 23% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Colleagues on my team/BU Colleagues on a different team/BU Agencies, Suppliers, Contractors Daily Weekly Monthly or less Never People/Teams they Work with Regularly How often do you participate in the following types of collaboration activities? N=1579 How often do you work with the following types of people? N=1579 Most people are juggling different workstreams and interacting with a variety teams regularly
  • 17. Typical pain points from collaboration Only One Person Can Work on File at a Time “Multiple people wanting to use it, but if someone has it open, someone else can’t use it.” – US, female, 27 “Sequential access by multiple people – it’s hard to edit and proof when more than one person is viewing and making changes at a time.” – US, female, 44 “Not being able to have more than one person working on the file at a time.” – UK, male, 30 “Too many people working on the same doc at once, have to work on it one at a time then save & pass onto the next person. time wasting.” – Australia, female, 29 Version Control “Finding and tracking the most up to date version after it has been shared a couple of times and what changes have been made since the last reviewer.” – US, female, 24 “Avoiding duplication.” – UK female, 43 “Tracking who made what change and when” – UK, male, 37 Common Collaboration Challenges Using the scale, below, please indicate how difficult or easy the following activities are for you. N=1579 When it comes to sharing, exchanging and collaborating on files at work (such as documents, spreadsheets, presentation, etc.) what are some of your biggest challenges? 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Aggregating everyone’s edits Accessing information remotely Finding relevant info on old projects Having productive meetings Figuring out who should be doing what Conferencing (dial-ins, video Accessing information/files on multiple Exchanging information beyond the Staying up to date on a project's Finding the right documents/right Understanding everyone’s role and Finding the latest version of a document Searching through emails to find Process of uploading/downloading/ Working well with other, cross-functional Scheduling meetings Exchanging info w/ people in other Easy Less than easy Close to 6 in 10 workers have at least 1 collaboration pain point and about half have more than 1
  • 18. So when are new solutions truly successful? When they simplify and enhance how people want to work together What are some of the reasons why these newly deployed solutions were successful? N=466 And what do you consider to be the primary benefit or benefits to working collaboratively at your job (vs. independently)? 51% 44% 43% 42% 42% 41% 40% 39% 37% 37% 36% 36% 33% 30% Is easy to understand and use Is easy to access or use outside the office Fits into current workflows/processes Is easy to deploy and implement across the team Makes meetings more efficient / easier Integrates into existing technology Makes accessing or finding information easier Helps me stay up to date on a project progress Helps me better save/organize information Makes collecting/incorporating feedback easier Makes it easier to know who is working on what Supports multiple file types Reduces number of steps/complexity in tasks Supports multiple operating systems Reasons New Solutions are Successful More Ideas “Shared information is shared enlightenment and aids working to common objectives” – UK, male, 64 “Different ideas and views mean more robust discussion and arguments.” – Australia, male, 30 “More eyes on document mean more input, and potentially more ideas for improvement” – UK, female 43 “Different perspectives widens your sense of ideas and can make a better product or sale.” – US, female, 28 Teamwork “Two heads are better than one, I think there are strength in numbers. When you put a group of people who all have different backgrounds and experiences, the outcome is far greater than just one.” – US, male, 54 “Accomplish goals that neither could achieve alone.” – Australia, male, 47 “Inspires a sense of community within an organization.” - Australia, male, 47 Collaboration Benefits
  • 19. Millennials are playing a bigger role in defining the tools organizations are using today – they are actually helping to shape the technology landscape. Which of the following types of work solutions did you choose for yourself or were selected for you by your company? N=1579 Millennials 22-34 Gen X 35-49 Boomers 50+ SMS or text messaging 77% 72% 63% Memory stick/USB drive 68% 70% 70% CD 60% 63% 48% File sync and share solution (e.g. Dropbox, Box, Hightail, etc.) 50% 51% 35% Project management solution (e.g. Asana, Podio, Basecamp, etc.) 52% 39% 28% Enterprise social network (e.g. Yammer, Huddle, Zoho, etc.) 47% 38% 28% Real-time document editing solution (e.g. Google Apps, Office 365, etc.) 43% 36% 29% Email attachments (e.g. Outlook, Gmail, etc.) 31% 32% 29% Chat application (e.g. Hipchat, Gchat, Lync, etc.) 37% 32% 14% Telephone or VOIP conference calls 24% 26% 24% Fax 22% 27% 24% Video conferencing 30% 25% 17% FTP server 26% 27% 10% Intranet, wiki or content management solution 20% 13% 14% Network server 12% 12% 7% % of Employees who Chose their Work Solution Significantly > Boomers
  • 20. 22-34 35-49 50+ 22-34 35-49 50+ Not surprisingly, Millennials are more commonly using digital solutions both at work and in their personal lives. Which of the following solutions (if any) are you using to share, exchange or collaborate with colleagues at work? N=1579 Which of the following solutions (if any) are you using to share, exchange or collaborate with family or friends in your personal life? N=1579 36% 13% 26% 29% 10% 23% 21% 6% 16% FSS Social network Chat apps 26% 83% 38% 16% 74% 24% 10% 61% 13% FSS Social network Chat apps Work Personal Collaboration Solutions Used
  • 21. Millennials are also more likely to work with creative files than Boomers. How frequently do you personally create or edit the following types of files for work? N=1579 Types of Files Used At Least Daily to Create or Edit at Work 9% 13% 10% 16% 4% 5% 4% 8% 3% 3% 2% 7% CAD files Design files Videos Images / photos 22-34 35-49 50+
  • 22. It's therefore not a surprise that Millennials embrace file sync and share solutions and appreciate the speed associated with collaboration more so than their older colleagues do Which of the following applications do you use on a regular basis (weekly or more often) to create, edit or review files? N=1579 When working on a collaborative project with others, how strongly do you agree or disagree with the following? N=1579 *Top Two Box is a score of 5 or 6 on a 6-point agreement scale, with a 6 being “completely agree” % that use FSS at Least Daily to Create or Edit Files at Work 30% 21% 19% FSS 22-34 35-49 50+ % Agree that Projects Move Faster when Collaboration Happens 66% 61% 61% Projects move faster 22-34 35-49 50+
  • 23. 22-34 35-49 50+ 22-34 35-49 50+ Millennials are also more frequently working with colleagues outside of their own location and use devices that move with them How often do you work with the following types of people? N=1579 How frequently do you use the following types of devices to create or edit files/documents for work?N=1579 35% 15% 17% 17% 30% 11% 11% 12% 26% 11% 6% 11% Colleagues on a different team, in a different group or business unit Contractors or freelancers Agencies, consultants, or external partners Suppliers or vendors 74% 41% 35% 71% 32% 23% 71% 29% 26% Laptop Smartphone Tablet Use at Least DailyWork With at Least Daily