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 Enhancing Java Developers' Lives
 Hiro Asari
 JRuby Support Engineer
 Engine Yard
Wednesday, November 16, 11
JRuby: a Brief
                             Where it came from, and where it is now

Wednesday, November 16, 11
   • September 10, 2001

Wednesday, November 16, 11

Wednesday, November 16, 11
   • 10+ years old
   • Led by Charles Nutter and
     Tom Enebo
   • 14.800+ commits

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Project Status
   • Current Stable Release:
   • Compatible with Ruby
     1.8.7 and 1.9.2
   • Supports Rails 3.1

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Getting JRuby


Wednesday, November 16, 11
Trying JRuby

Wednesday, November 16, 11

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Quick Tour of
                             A brief overview of the language

Wednesday, November 16, 11

   public class Circle extends Shape {        class Circle < Shape
     private final int radius;                  def initialize(radius)
                                                  @radius = radius
       public Circle(int radius) {              end
         this.radius = radius;
       }                                         attr_reader :radius
       public int getRadius() {
         return radius;                          def area
       }                                           Math::PI*(@radius **
       public double getArea() {              2)
         return Math.PI * Math.pow(radius,2);    end
       }                                      end
       public static void main(String[] a) {
         double area=new Circle(2).getArea(); puts

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Single Inheritance
                                       Same Thing
   public class Circle extends Shape {        class Circle < Shape
     private final int radius;                  def initialize(radius)
                                                  @radius = radius
       public Circle(int radius) {              end
         this.radius = radius;
       }                                         attr_reader :radius
       public int getRadius() {
         return radius;                          def area
       }                                           Math::PI*(@radius **
       public double getArea() {              2)
         return Math.PI * Math.pow(radius,2);    end
       }                                      end
       public static void main(String[] a) {
         double area=new Circle(2).getArea(); puts

Wednesday, November 16, 11

   public class Circle extends Shape {        class Circle < Shape
     private final int radius;                  def initialize(radius)
                                                  @radius = radius
       public Circle(int radius) {              end
         this.radius = radius;
       }                                         attr_reader :radius
       public int getRadius() {
         return radius;                          def area
       }                                           Math::PI*(@radius **
       public double getArea() {              2)
         return Math.PI * Math.pow(radius,2);    end
       }                                      end
       public static void main(String[] a) {
         double area=new Circle(2).getArea(); puts

Wednesday, November 16, 11
No Type Declarations

   public class Circle extends Shape {        class Circle < Shape
     private final int radius;                  def initialize(radius)
                                                  @radius = radius
       public Circle(int radius) {              end
         this.radius = radius;
       }                                         attr_reader :radius
       public int getRadius() {
         return radius;                          def area
       }                                           Math::PI*(@radius **
       public double getArea() {              2)
         return Math.PI * Math.pow(radius,2);    end
       }                                      end
       public static void main(String[] a) {
         double area=new Circle(2).getArea(); puts

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Instance Variables
                             ‘@’ == ‘this.’ and is mandatory
   public class Circle extends Shape {            class Circle < Shape
     private final int radius;                      def initialize(radius)
                                                      @radius = radius
       public Circle(int radius) {                  end
         this.radius = radius;
       }                                         attr_reader :radius
       public int getRadius() {
         return radius;                          def area
       }                                           Math::PI*(@radius **
       public double getArea() {              2)
         return Math.PI * Math.pow(radius,2);    end
       }                                      end
       public static void main(String[] a) {
         double area=new Circle(2).getArea(); puts

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Working with Instance Variables
                             Common tasks are easy
   public class Circle extends Shape {        class Circle < Shape
     private final int radius;                  def initialize(radius)
                                                  @radius = radius
       public Circle(int radius) {              end
         this.radius = radius;
       }                                         attr_reader :radius
       public int getRadius() {
         return radius;                          def area
       }                                           Math::PI*(@radius **
       public double getArea() {              2)
         return Math.PI * Math.pow(radius,2);    end
       }                                      end
       public static void main(String[] a) {
         double area=new Circle(2).getArea(); puts

Wednesday, November 16, 11

   • Prefixed with a colon
   • Uniquely defined in a runtime

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Point of No Return
                             Last Expression is always return value
   public class Circle extends Shape {               class Circle < Shape
     private final int radius;                         def initialize(radius)
                                                         @radius = radius
       public Circle(int radius) {                     end
         this.radius = radius;
       }                                         attr_reader :radius
       public int getRadius() {
         return radius;                          def area
       }                                           Math::PI*(@radius **
       public double getArea() {              2)
         return Math.PI * Math.pow(radius,2);    end
       }                                      end
       public static void main(String[] a) {
         double area=new Circle(2).getArea(); puts

Wednesday, November 16, 11
.new is just a class method

   public class Circle extends Shape {        class Circle < Shape
     private final int radius;                  def initialize(radius)
                                                  @radius = radius
       public Circle(int radius) {              end
         this.radius = radius;
       }                                         attr_reader :radius
       public int getRadius() {
         return radius;                          def area
       }                                           Math::PI*(@radius **
       public double getArea() {              2)
         return Math.PI * Math.pow(radius,2);    end
       }                                      end
       public static void main(String[] a) {
         double area=new Circle(2).getArea(); puts

Wednesday, November 16, 11
   • Pass an anonymous function to a method call
   # Look boilerplate!
   my_open(file) do |io|          letters.group_by {|b| b.zip_code }
     first_line = io.gets
     # ...

   def my_open(file, mode='r')
     io =
     yield io                     button.action_performed do
   ensure                           exit
     io.close                     end

Wednesday, November 16, 11
 module Enumerable                            class MyTree
   def find(if_none = nil)                      include Enumerable
     each { |o| return o if yield(o) }
     if_none                                    # tree impl not shown :)
                                                def each
      # Many other methods not shown              # yield each element
                                                  # in tree
   def collect                                  end
     ary = []                                 end
     each { |o| ary << yield(o) }

              dude = people.find { |person| == 123 }

              floats = [1,2].collect { |int| int.to_f } # => [1.0, 2.0]

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Everything is an Expression

  class Color
    COLORS = {:red => 0xff0000, :green => 0x00ff00, :blue => 0x0000ff}

    COLORS.each do |name, value|
       define_method(name) do

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Classes/Modules are open

     class MyTree
       def each

     #... later in source
     #... maybe even different file

     class MyTree
       def debug

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Pure OO Language
   • Everything is an object #=> method call
     12 + 8 #=> here, '+' is a method on Fixnum, 12.
     12.to_s(8) #=> "14"
     puts 11.odd? #=> true

Wednesday, November 16, 11
JRuby on Rails
                                    Ruby's Killer app

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Java Web Frameworks

                             Devoxx 2010

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Java Web Frameworks

                               COMPARING JVM WEB
                                                 Matt Raible

                                 Images by Stuck in Customs -
                                                                                                           © 2010, Raible Designs
                                                            © 2010 Raible Designs

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Install Rails
     $ jruby -S gem install rails
     Fetching: multi_json-1.0.3.gem (100%)
     Fetching: bundler-1.0.21.gem (100%)
     Fetching: rails-3.1.1.gem (100%)
     Successfully installed multi_json-1.0.3
     Successfully installed activesupport-3.1.1
     Successfully installed thor-0.14.6
     Successfully installed rack-ssl-1.3.2
     Successfully installed json-1.6.1-java
     Successfully installed rdoc-3.11
     Successfully installed railties-3.1.1
     Successfully installed bundler-1.0.21
     Successfully installed rails-3.1.1
     31 gems installed

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Generate Rails app
     $ jruby -S rails new awesomeapp
           create vendor/plugins
           create vendor/plugins/.gitkeep
              run bundle install
     Fetching source index for
     Using rake (
     Using json (1.6.1)
     Using rdoc (3.11)
     Using thor (0.14.6)
     Using railties (3.1.1)
     Installing coffee-rails (3.1.1)
     Installing jquery-rails (1.0.16)
     Installing jruby-openssl (0.7.4)
     Using rails (3.1.1)
     Installing sass (3.1.10)
     Installing sass-rails (3.1.4)
     Installing uglifier (1.0.4)
     Your bundle is complete! Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see
       where a bundled gem is installed.

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Rails Scaffolding
     $ jruby -S rails generate scaffold person name:string
           invoke active_record
           create    db/migrate/20111107052142_create_people.rb
           create    app/models/person.rb
           create      app/views/people/show.html.erb
           create      app/views/people/new.html.erb
           create      app/views/people/_form.html.erb
           invoke    test_unit
           create      test/functional/people_controller_test.rb
           invoke    helper
           create      app/helpers/people_helper.rb
           invoke      test_unit
           create         test/unit/helpers/people_helper_test.rb
           invoke assets
           invoke    coffee
           create      app/assets/javascripts/
           invoke    scss
           create      app/assets/stylesheets/people.css.scss
           invoke scss
           create    app/assets/stylesheets/scaffolds.css.scss

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Migrate Database
     $ jruby -S rake db:migrate
     == CreatePeople: migrating ====================================
     -- create_table(:people)
        -> 0.0040s
        -> 0 rows
     == CreatePeople: migrated (0.0040s) ===========================

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Start Server
     $ jruby -S rails server
     => Booting WEBrick
     => Rails 3.1.1 application starting in development on http://
     => Call with -d to detach
     => Ctrl-C to shutdown server
     [2011-11-07 00:26:30] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1
     [2011-11-07 00:26:30] INFO ruby 1.8.7 (2011-11-05) [java]
     [2011-11-07 00:26:30] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=40454

Wednesday, November 16, 11
First Page

Wednesday, November 16, 11
     class PeopleController < ApplicationController
       # GET /people
       # GET /people.json
       def index
         @people = Person.all

           respond_to do |format|
             format.html # index.html.erb
             format.json { render :json => @people }

Wednesday, November 16, 11
JSON out of the box

Wednesday, November 16, 11
     class Person < ActiveRecord::Base

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Rails Deployment

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Rails IDE and text editors


Wednesday, November 16, 11
JRuby in Java web app


            /                /vets   /rack/   Java/

Wednesday, November 16, 11
JRuby in Java web app
    diff --git a/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml b/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml
    index 8d02684..60ed6cb 100644
    --- a/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml
    +++ b/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml
    @@ -87,6 +87,21 @@
    +        <listener>
    +                <listener-class>org.jruby.rack.RackServletContextListener</listener-class>
    +        </listener>
    +        <servlet>
    +                <servlet-name>rack</servlet-name>
    +                <servlet-class>org.jruby.rack.RackServlet</servlet-class>
    +        </servlet>
    +        <servlet-mapping>
    +                <servlet-name>rack</servlet-name>
    +                <url-pattern>/rack/*</url-pattern>
    +        </servlet-mapping>

                             Defines the 'default' servlet (usually for service static resources).

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Rails in Java web app

          /                  /vets                       JRuby

                                               /owners   Java/
          /                  /vets   /owners   /1/pets   Spring

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Rails in Java web app
    diff --git a/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml b/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml
    index 60ed6cb..f64b34d 100644
    --- a/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml
    +++ b/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml
    @@ -92,16 +92,6 @@

    -           <servlet>
    -                   <servlet-name>rack</servlet-name>
    -                   <servlet-class>org.jruby.rack.RackServlet</servlet-class>
    -           </servlet>
    -           <servlet-mapping>
    -                   <servlet-name>rack</servlet-name>
    -                   <url-pattern>/rack/*</url-pattern>
    -           </servlet-mapping>

                    Defines the 'default' servlet (usually for service static resources).
    @@ -162,6 +152,16 @@

    +           <filter>
    +                   <filter-name>RackFilter</filter-name>
    +                   <filter-class>org.jruby.rack.RubyFirstRackFilter</filter-class>
    +           </filter>
    +           <filter-mapping>
    +                   <filter-name>RackFilter</filter-name>
    +                   <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
    +           </filter-mapping>

Wednesday, November 16, 11


Wednesday, November 16, 11
Testing Libraries
                                   Test-Driven Development

Wednesday, November 16, 11
              Number of Tests Written (1000's)





                                                       Easy                      Hard
                                                              Ease of Writing Tests
Wednesday, November 16, 11
Test files
     $ jruby -S rails g scaffold person name:string email:string
           invoke active_record
           create    db/migrate/20111107052142_create_people.rb
           create    app/models/person.rb
           create      app/views/people/show.html.erb
           create      app/views/people/new.html.erb
           create      app/views/people/_form.html.erb
           invoke    test_unit
           create      test/functional/people_controller_test.rb
           invoke    helper
           create      app/helpers/people_helper.rb
           invoke      test_unit
           create         test/unit/helpers/people_helper_test.rb
           invoke assets
           invoke    coffee
           create      app/assets/javascripts/
           invoke    scss
           create      app/assets/stylesheets/people.css.scss
           invoke scss
           create    app/assets/stylesheets/scaffolds.css.scss

Wednesday, November 16, 11
    class DeepThought {
        public static int answerToEverything(Object obj) {
            return 42;

             public static String getName() {
                 return "DeepThought";

Wednesday, November 16, 11
     require 'rspec'
     require 'java'

     java_import 'DeepThought'

     describe 'DeepThought' do
      describe '.answerToEverything' do
         it "should return 42, given any input" do
           DeepThought.answerToEverything(nil).should == 42
           DeepThought.answerToEverything(true).should == 42

      describe '.getName' do
         it "should return 'DeepThought'" do
  == "DeepThought"

Wednesday, November 16, 11
     $ javac

     $ jruby -rubygems deep_thought_spec.rb

     Finished in 0.013 seconds
     2 examples, 0 failures

Wednesday, November 16, 11
     Feature: AnswerToEverything
       Ask DeepThought the answer to everything

         Scenario: Ask a question
           Given nil as input
           Then the result should be 42

     Feature: getName
       Ask DeepThought what its name is

         Scenario: get name
           When asked the name
           Then it answers the name as "DeepThought"

Wednesday, November 16, 11
     $ jruby -S cucumber
     Feature: AnswerToEverything
       Ask DeepThought the answer to everything

         Scenario: Ask a question       # features/answer.feature:4
           Given nil as input           # features/step_definitions…
           Then the result should be 42 # features/step_definitions…

     Feature: getName
       Ask DeepThought what its name is

         Scenario: get name                          # features/…
           When asked the name                       # features/…
           Then it answers the name as "DeepThought" # features/…

     2 scenarios (2 passed)
     4 steps (4 passed)

Wednesday, November 16, 11
   • Bridge for Java to make use of Ruby testing
   • Integrates with both Ant and Maven
   • Allows mocking of non-final Java class/method
   • Written by Ola Bini

Wednesday, November 16, 11
JTestr Example
          <your source ;) >

Wednesday, November 16, 11
JTestr in Ant
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <project basedir="." default="jar" name="JRuby">
      <target name="test" description="Runs all tests">
        <taskdef name="jtestr"

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Ruby’s test/unit

  class HashMapTests < Test::Unit::TestCase
    def setup
      @map =

       def test_that_an_entry_can_be_added
         @map.put "foo", "bar"
         assert_equal "bar", @map.get("foo")

    def test_empty_key_set_iterator_throws_exception
      assert_raises(java.util.NoSuchElementException) do

Wednesday, November 16, 11
RSpec revisited
   require 'java'
  java_import java.util.HashMap

  describe "An empty", HashMap do
    before :each do
      @hash_map =

       it "should be able to add an entry to it" do
         @hash_map.put "foo", "bar"
         @hash_map.get("foo").should == "bar"

       it "should not be empty after an entry has been added to it" do
         @hash_map.put "foo", "bar"
         @hash_map.should_not be_empty

     it "should be empty" do
       @hash_map.should be_empty
Wednesday, November 16, 11
    $ ant test
    Buildfile: /Users/asari/Development/projects/jtestr-example/

       [jtestr] Other TestUnit: 2 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors
       [jtestr] Other Spec: 3 examples, 0 failures, 0 errors
       [jtestr] Total: 5 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 pending

    Total time: 7 seconds

Wednesday, November 16, 11

Wednesday, November 16, 11



                             /dev/null                 dev_null

                               Un*x                  everything else

Wednesday, November 16, 11
     <condition property="dev.null" value="/dev/null">
       <os family="unix"/>
     <condition property="dev.null" value="NUL">
       <os family="windows"/>
     <condition property="dev.null" value="dev_null">
           <os family="unix"/>
           <os family="windows"/>

Wednesday, November 16, 11
     if == 'unix'
       :dev_null = '/dev/null'
     elsif == 'windows'
       :dev_null = 'NUL'
       :dev_null = 'dev_null'

Wednesday, November 16, 11
     <macrodef name="run-junit-1.8-short">
       <attribute name="compile.mode" default="OFF"/>
       <attribute name="jit.threshold" default="20"/>
       <attribute name="jit.maxsize" default="1000000000"/>
       <attribute name="reflection" default="false"/>
       <attribute name="thread.pooling" default="false"/>
       <attribute name="jvm.flags" default=""/>
     <target name="run-junit-compiled-short">
       <run-junit-1.8-short compile.mode="JIT" jit.threshold="0"/>

Wednesday, November 16, 11
     def run_junit_18_short(opts={})
       compile_mode   = opts[:compile_mode]     ||   'OFF'
       jit_threshold = opts[:jit_threshold]     ||   20
       jit_maxsize    = opts[:jit_maxsize]      ||   1000000000
       reflection     = opts[:reflection]       ||   false
       thread_pooling = opts[:thread_pooling]   ||   false
       jvm_flags      = opts[:jvm_flags]        ||   ""

     def run_junit_compiled_short
       run_junit_18_short :compile_mode => 'JIT', :jit_threshold => 0

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Ant tasks from Rake
     <path id="build.classpath">
       <fileset dir="${build.lib.dir}" includes="*.jar"/>

     <path id="jruby.execute.classpath">
       <path refid="build.classpath"/>
       <pathelement path="${jruby.classes.dir}"/>

     task :initialize_paths do
       ant.path(:id => "build.classpath") do
         fileset :dir => BUILD_LIB_DIR, :includes => "*.jar"

       ant.path(:id => "jruby.execute.classpath") do
         path :refid => "build.classpath"
         pathelement :path => JRUBY_CLASSES_DIR

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Rake tasks as Ant targets
     <project name="foobar" default="top-level" basedir=".">
       <description>Builds, tests, and runs foobar.</description>

       <taskdef name="rakeimport"

         <target name="top-level" depends="its_in_rake" />

       <target name="its_in_ant">
         <echo message="ant: its_in_ant"/>


    task :its_in_rake => [:setup, :its_in_ant]    do
      puts "it's in Rake"

    task :setup do
      puts "setup in Rake"
    end                                                Rakefile
Wednesday, November 16, 11
Rake tasks as Ant targets
     <project name="foobar" default="top-level" basedir=".">
       <description>Builds, tests, and runs foobar.</description>

       <taskdef name="rakeimport"

         <target name="top-level" depends="its_in_rake" />

       <target name="its_in_ant">
         <echo message="ant: its_in_ant"/>


    task :its_in_rake => [:setup, :its_in_ant]    do
      puts "it's in Rake"

    task :setup do
      puts "setup in Rake"

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Rake tasks as Ant targets
     <project name="foobar" default="top-level" basedir=".">
       <description>Builds, tests, and runs foobar.</description>

       <taskdef name="rakeimport"

         <target name="top-level" depends="its_in_rake" />

       <target name="its_in_ant">
         <echo message="ant: its_in_ant"/>

    task :its_in_rake => [:setup, :its_in_ant]    do
      puts "it's in Rake"

    task :setup do
      puts "setup in Rake"
    end                                                Rakefile
Wednesday, November 16, 11
Rake tasks as Ant targets
     <project name="foobar" default="top-level" basedir=".">
       <description>Builds, tests, and runs foobar.</description>

       <taskdef name="rakeimport"

         <target name="top-level" depends="its_in_rake" />

       <target name="its_in_ant">
         <echo message="ant: its_in_ant"/>

    task :its_in_rake => [:setup, :its_in_ant]    do
      puts "it's in Rake"

    task :setup do
      puts "setup in Rake"

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Rake tasks as Ant targets
     <project name="foobar" default="top-level" basedir=".">
       <description>Builds, tests, and runs foobar.</description>

       <taskdef name="rakeimport"

         <target name="top-level" depends="its_in_rake" />

       <target name="its_in_ant">
         <echo message="ant: its_in_ant"/>

    task :its_in_rake => [:setup, :its_in_ant]    do
      puts "it's in Rake"

    task :setup do
      puts "setup in Rake"

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Rake tasks as Ant targets
     <project name="foobar" default="top-level" basedir=".">
       <description>Builds, tests, and runs foobar.</description>

       <taskdef name="rakeimport"

         <target name="top-level" depends="its_in_rake" />

       <target name="its_in_ant">
         <echo message="ant: its_in_ant"/>

    task :its_in_rake => [:setup, :its_in_ant]    do
      puts "it's in Rake"

    task :setup do
      puts "setup in Rake"

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Rake tasks as Ant targets
     <project name="foobar" default="top-level" basedir=".">
       <description>Builds, tests, and runs foobar.</description>

       <taskdef name="rakeimport"

         <target name="top-level" depends="its_in_rake" />

       <target name="its_in_ant">
         <echo message="ant: its_in_ant"/>

    task :its_in_rake => [:setup, :its_in_ant]    do
      puts "it's in Rake"

    task :setup do
      puts "setup in Rake"

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Rake tasks as Ant targets
                                         Buildfile: build.xml
     <project name="foobar" default="top-level" basedir=".">
                                         [rakeimport] (in /tmp/example2)
       <description>Builds, tests, and runs foobar.</description>

       <taskdef name="rakeimport"        setup:

         <target name="top-level" depends="its_in_rake" />

       <target name="its_in_ant">
         <echo message="ant: its_in_ant"/>

    task :its_in_rake => [:setup, :its_in_ant]    do
      puts "it's in Rake"

    task :setup do
      puts "setup in Rake"

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Rake tasks as Ant targets
                                         Buildfile: build.xml
     <project name="foobar" default="top-level" basedir=".">
                                         [rakeimport] (in /tmp/example2)
       <description>Builds, tests, and runs foobar.</description>

       <taskdef name="rakeimport"        setup:
                                         setup in Rake

         <target name="top-level" depends="its_in_rake" />

       <target name="its_in_ant">
         <echo message="ant: its_in_ant"/>

    task :its_in_rake => [:setup, :its_in_ant]    do
      puts "it's in Rake"

    task :setup do
      puts "setup in Rake"

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Rake tasks as Ant targets
                                         Buildfile: build.xml
     <project name="foobar" default="top-level" basedir=".">
                                         [rakeimport] (in /tmp/example2)
       <description>Builds, tests, and runs foobar.</description>

       <taskdef name="rakeimport"        setup:
                                         setup in Rake
       <target name="top-level" depends="its_in_rake" />

       <target name="its_in_ant">
         <echo message="ant: its_in_ant"/>

    task :its_in_rake => [:setup, :its_in_ant]   do
      puts "it's in Rake"

    task :setup do
      puts "setup in Rake"

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Rake tasks as Ant targets
                                         Buildfile: build.xml
     <project name="foobar" default="top-level" basedir=".">
                                         [rakeimport] (in /tmp/example2)
       <description>Builds, tests, and runs foobar.</description>

       <taskdef name="rakeimport"        setup:
                                         setup in Rake
       <target name="top-level" depends="its_in_rake" ant: its_in_ant
                                              [echo] />

       <target name="its_in_ant">
         <echo message="ant: its_in_ant"/>

    task :its_in_rake => [:setup, :its_in_ant]   do
      puts "it's in Rake"

    task :setup do
      puts "setup in Rake"

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Rake tasks as Ant targets
                                         Buildfile: build.xml
     <project name="foobar" default="top-level" basedir=".">
                                         [rakeimport] (in /tmp/example2)
       <description>Builds, tests, and runs foobar.</description>

       <taskdef name="rakeimport"        setup:
                                         setup in Rake
       <target name="top-level" depends="its_in_rake" ant: its_in_ant
                                              [echo] />

       <target name="its_in_ant">        its_in_rake:
         <echo message="ant: its_in_ant"/>

    task :its_in_rake => [:setup, :its_in_ant]   do
      puts "it's in Rake"

    task :setup do
      puts "setup in Rake"

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Rake tasks as Ant targets
                                         Buildfile: build.xml
     <project name="foobar" default="top-level" basedir=".">
                                         [rakeimport] (in /tmp/example2)
       <description>Builds, tests, and runs foobar.</description>

       <taskdef name="rakeimport"        setup:
                                         setup in Rake
       <target name="top-level" depends="its_in_rake" ant: its_in_ant
                                              [echo] />

       <target name="its_in_ant">        its_in_rake:
                                         it's in Rake
         <echo message="ant: its_in_ant"/>

    task :its_in_rake => [:setup, :its_in_ant]   do
      puts "it's in Rake"

    task :setup do
      puts "setup in Rake"

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Rake tasks as Ant targets
                                         Buildfile: build.xml
     <project name="foobar" default="top-level" basedir=".">
                                         [rakeimport] (in /tmp/example2)
       <description>Builds, tests, and runs foobar.</description>

       <taskdef name="rakeimport"        setup:
                                         setup in Rake
       <target name="top-level" depends="its_in_rake" ant: its_in_ant
                                              [echo] />

       <target name="its_in_ant">        its_in_rake:
                                         it's in Rake
         <echo message="ant: its_in_ant"/>
     </project>                          top-level:

                                        BUILD SUCCESSFUL
    task :its_in_rake => [:setup, :its_in_ant] time: 7 seconds
                                        Total    do
      puts "it's in Rake"

    task :setup do
      puts "setup in Rake"

Wednesday, November 16, 11


Wednesday, November 16, 11
Maven and

Wednesday, November 16, 11
JRuby via Maven
   • Group ID: org.jruby
   • Artifact IDs: jruby, jruby-complete

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Maven artifacts as gems
     jruby -S gem install mvn:org.clojure:clojure


Wednesday, November 16, 11
Maven artifacts as gems
     jruby -S gem install mvn:org.clojure:clojure

                             group ID

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Maven artifacts as gems
     jruby -S gem install mvn:org.clojure:clojure

                                     artifact ID

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Maven artifacts as gems
     jruby -S gem install mvn:org.clojure:clojure

         Successfully installed mvn:org.clojure:clojure-1.4.0.a.2-java
         1 gem installed

                                   Some restrictions apply

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Maven artifacts as gems
   $ jruby -S irb
   irb(main):001:0> require 'mvn:org.clojure:clojure'
   => true
   irb(main):002:0> java_import Java::clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap
   => Java::ClojureLang::PersistentHashMap
   irb(main):003:0> phm = PersistentHashMap.create({:a => 100, :b =>
   200, :c => 300})
   => {:c=>300, :a=>100, :b=>200}
   irb(main):004:0> phm.delete_if {|k,v| k == :b}
     from clojure.lang.APersistentMap.remove(
     from org.jruby.RubyHash.delete(
     from org.jruby.RubyHash$22.visit(

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Foreign Function
                                    Calling native functions

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Gamma function

           Γ(z) =            ∫   t
                                  z-1e-1   dt

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Apache Commons?
    Class Gamma

    public class Gamma
    extends java.lang.Object
    This is a utility class that provides computation methods related
    to the Gamma family of functions.

    $Id: 1131229 2011-06-03 20:49:25Z luc $

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Apache Commons?
    Class Gamma




    public class Gamma
    extends java.lang.Object
    This is a utility class that provides computation methods related

    to the Gamma family of functions.

    $Id: 1131229 2011-06-03 20:49:25Z luc $

Wednesday, November 16, 11
for the coe cients in the series and estimate the error. After the
   Read academic paper
                     our new formula with some classical results. The numerical comp
                     equal number of ’correction’ terms the new formula is the most acc
                     recommended for computing the Gamma function for large real arg

                     Theorem 1. Let x                                 1, unction every n
                                                                         then for                            1, the following express
                                                                   ( x) f
                                              or the                                                                    !!x r
                                        sion f                                                        n 1
                                                                                                      X Gk                     2⇡
                                  expan                                                       x
                    ptotic                                          (x)             =                         + Rn (x)
                                                 s                                                                                ,
  New asym                          G    ˝
                                      ergo                                                    e           x2k                   x
                                           er 7, 200               05
                                     ecemb                 t h08.0
                                    D                sl2ma
                     wherex.don.o = O
                           R i (x)         rg/1                 1
                                                                          and the Gk coe cients are given by
                             //                                                                      ap
                     http:                                                              otic series ter
                                                                           re as ympt with bet -
                                                      , St
                                                                -De  Moiv a new one se of Stir
                                                          irling erted into      X wit h tho nd turns      Y 1 ✓
                                                 ation n is conv           pared than 0.5 a rior to
                                          sform  G =   io k           com
                                   s tran ma funct formula is ts greater ically sup ed up
                                                                                                   e                          ,
                             serie         m                          n
                   sing a to the Ga The new al argume rms, num on has tu maxi-
                                                                                    er             rn       m ! 2r (2r 1)r
                       atio  n        ertie s.       for re        n’ te     m1 ,m2 ,...,msk( 0 al
                                                                                 ima ti       ing’
             p roxim nce prop amanujan ’correctio 2m p+4mer+...+2kmu =2k  p rox rd Stirl r or eq
                         e                            f             rm a 1                       e
              co nverg lace and R number o closed-fo d as 3rd o nts great to which   2                  k
                     Lap               ual           t, a         goo           ume            e [7]
               ling, be, for eq side benefi about as                       al arg n older on
                                                                    or re
                o ut to em. As a                ich is an 1e-10 f ersion th   of a
                     where B denotes the r
                         th             si
                 all of the analy r rmall
                         g               o
                                           s wh er th
                                              s         ne xtend
                                                                 ed v  Bernoulli number [4]. Moreover, if x n
                  durin elative err article is a mainder.
                           r              s             e
                   mum Note: thi te of the r                                                                             !
                           ).               a
                   to 10 the estim
                                                                                                             8e1/5   the   ⇣ n ⌘2
                        adds                                                                                    n for a
                                                              |Rn (x)|  mptot+expxpeci+ormu ed
                                                                                    (n ic 1) li t f       ansio        l
                          n                                                  w as y       an e       mnr(2n
                                                                                                      pa       1) (2⇡)       x
                     uctio                                           nt a n
                                                                           e        e give of, we co     for
              Introd                                              se
                                                           ct, we ual than
                                                                                  W      ro
                                                                                    the p n shows
                                                                                                   tha t
        1                 esult
                              nr                         a
                                                    abstr r or eq          .  After pariso         is hig
Wednesday, November 16, 11 1 i
                     e ma                    in the      ate          error       com       and i
…and implement
if (Double.isNaN(x)) {
    value = Double.NaN;

double int_part = (int) x;
sign = (int_part % 2 == 0 && (x - int_part) != 0.0 && (x < 0)) ? -1 : 1

if ((x - int_part) == 0.0 && 0 < int_part && int_part <= FACTORIAL.leng
    value = Math.log(FACTORIAL[(int) int_part - 1]);


else if (x < 10) {
    double rising_factorial = 1;

    for (int i = 0; i < (int) Math.abs(x) - int_part + 10; i++) {
         rising_factorial *= (x + i);

    NemesLogGamma l = new NemesLogGamma(x + (int) Math.abs(x) - int_par
    value = l.value - Math.log(Math.abs(rising_factorial));
} else {
    double temp = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < NEMES_GAMMA_COEFF.length; i++) {
         temp += NEMES_GAMMA_COEFF[i] * 1.0 / Math.pow(x, i);

        value = x * (Math.log(x) - 1 + Math.log(temp)) +
                (Math.log(2) + Math.log(Math.PI) - Math.log(x)) / 2.0;

Wednesday, November 16, 11
     man gamma

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Not reinventing the wheel
     TGAMMA(3)                BSD Library Functions Manual        TGAMMA(3)

                tgamma, lgamma, gamma -- gamma and log of gamma

          #include <math.h>

                tgamma(double x);

          tgamma() calculates the gamma function of x. lgamma()
     calculates the natural logorithm of the absolute value of the
     gamma function of x. gamma() is the same function as tgamma.
     Its use is deprecated.


Wednesday, November 16, 11
JNI Workflow

                                                 gamma.c            libgamma.dylib


                                              $ java Example

Wednesday, November 16, 11
     import java.util.*;

     class Example {
       native static double gamma(double x);

         static {

         public static void main(String args[]) {

Wednesday, November 16, 11
     /* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated */
     #include <jni.h>
     /* Header for class Example */

     #ifndef _Included_Example
     #define _Included_Example
     #ifdef __cplusplus
     extern "C" {
      * Class:      Example
      * Method:     gamma
      * Signature: (D)D
     JNIEXPORT jdouble JNICALL Java_Example_gamma
        (JNIEnv *, jclass, jdouble);

     #ifdef __cplusplus

Wednesday, November 16, 11
     #include "Example.h"
     #include <math.h>

     JNIEXPORT jdouble JNICALL Java_Example_gamma(JNIEnv* env,
     jclass jclass, jdouble jdbl) {
       return tgamma(jdbl);

Wednesday, November 16, 11
     $ javah
     $ javac
     $ gcc -shared gamma.c -o libgamma.dylib 
       -I /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0_29-b11-397.jdk/

     $ java Example

Wednesday, November 16, 11
     require 'ffi'

     module Gamma
       extend FFI::Library
       ffi_lib FFI::Library::LIBC
       attach_function :tgamma, [:double], :double

     puts Gamma::tgamma(0.5)

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Same result*!
     $ jruby gamma.rb

     $ jruby --1.9 -e 'p Math::gamma(0.5)'

Wednesday, November 16, 11
    $ jruby --1.9 bench_gamma.rb
    pure_java                       3.432000   0.000000   3.432000
    ( 3.432000)
    JNI                             0.409000   0.000000   0.409000
    ( 0.409000)
    FFI                             0.281000   0.000000   0.281000
    ( 0.281000)
    -------------------------------------------------------- total:

                                        user     system      total
    pure_java                       2.849000   0.000000   2.849000
    ( 2.849000)
    JNI                             0.288000   0.000000   0.288000
    ( 0.289000)
    FFI                             0.219000   0.000000   0.219000
    ( 0.219000)

Wednesday, November 16, 11

                                                                              d y?
                                                                       I n
                                           a b o
                         ha t

Wednesday, November 16, 11
   • Only mainstream
     alternative JVM language
   • Worked closely with
     Hotspot team
   • JRuby master/1.7
   • Waiting for Java 1.7.0u2
   • What does it mean for

Wednesday, November 16, 11
                                    Times faster than Ruby 1.9.3


                 8                                                             7.4x

                 4           2.7x
                                                  3.6x                  3.5x                 3.2x
                                           1.7x                                       1.8x          1.6x 1.9x

                               fib         +calls +consts +both richardsredblack
                                             JRuby on Java 6
                                             JRuby on invokedynamic
Wednesday, November 16, 11




                                 currentTimeMillis    Thread#name
                                    No indy          With indy
Wednesday, November 16, 11
Indy TODOs
   • Remaining invocation paths
         –varargs, super, all Java paths
   • Per-type specialization
         –Faster block-receiving calls
         –Faster module methods
   • More code in Ruby!

Wednesday, November 16, 11
Thank you!
   • Twitter: @hiro_asari
   • Github: BanzaiMan
         – Code examples:
              • jtestr-example
              • jni-gamma
              • test_example_deepthought
Wednesday, November 16, 11
Wednesday, November 16, 11

Wednesday, November 16, 11

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JRuby: Enhancing Java Developers' Lives

  • 1. JRuby: Enhancing Java Developers' Lives Hiro Asari @hiro_asari JRuby Support Engineer Engine Yard @engineyard Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 2. JRuby: a Brief History Where it came from, and where it is now Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 3. History • September 10, 2001 Source:(Wikipedia Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 5. History • 10+ years old • Led by Charles Nutter and Tom Enebo • 14.800+ commits Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 6. Project Status • Current Stable Release: 1.6.5 • Compatible with Ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.2 • Supports Rails 3.1 Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 7. Getting JRuby h0p:// Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 8. Trying JRuby h0p:// Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 10. Quick Tour of Ruby A brief overview of the language Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 11. Classes public class Circle extends Shape { class Circle < Shape private final int radius; def initialize(radius) @radius = radius public Circle(int radius) { end this.radius = radius; } attr_reader :radius public int getRadius() { return radius; def area } Math::PI*(@radius ** public double getArea() { 2) return Math.PI * Math.pow(radius,2); end } end public static void main(String[] a) { double area=new Circle(2).getArea(); puts System.out.println(area); } } Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 12. Single Inheritance Same Thing public class Circle extends Shape { class Circle < Shape private final int radius; def initialize(radius) @radius = radius public Circle(int radius) { end this.radius = radius; } attr_reader :radius public int getRadius() { return radius; def area } Math::PI*(@radius ** public double getArea() { 2) return Math.PI * Math.pow(radius,2); end } end public static void main(String[] a) { double area=new Circle(2).getArea(); puts System.out.println(area); } } Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 13. Constructor public class Circle extends Shape { class Circle < Shape private final int radius; def initialize(radius) @radius = radius public Circle(int radius) { end this.radius = radius; } attr_reader :radius public int getRadius() { return radius; def area } Math::PI*(@radius ** public double getArea() { 2) return Math.PI * Math.pow(radius,2); end } end public static void main(String[] a) { double area=new Circle(2).getArea(); puts System.out.println(area); } } Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 14. No Type Declarations public class Circle extends Shape { class Circle < Shape private final int radius; def initialize(radius) @radius = radius public Circle(int radius) { end this.radius = radius; } attr_reader :radius public int getRadius() { return radius; def area } Math::PI*(@radius ** public double getArea() { 2) return Math.PI * Math.pow(radius,2); end } end public static void main(String[] a) { double area=new Circle(2).getArea(); puts System.out.println(area); } } Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 15. Instance Variables ‘@’ == ‘this.’ and is mandatory public class Circle extends Shape { class Circle < Shape private final int radius; def initialize(radius) @radius = radius public Circle(int radius) { end this.radius = radius; } attr_reader :radius public int getRadius() { return radius; def area } Math::PI*(@radius ** public double getArea() { 2) return Math.PI * Math.pow(radius,2); end } end public static void main(String[] a) { double area=new Circle(2).getArea(); puts System.out.println(area); } } Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 16. Working with Instance Variables Common tasks are easy public class Circle extends Shape { class Circle < Shape private final int radius; def initialize(radius) @radius = radius public Circle(int radius) { end this.radius = radius; } attr_reader :radius public int getRadius() { return radius; def area } Math::PI*(@radius ** public double getArea() { 2) return Math.PI * Math.pow(radius,2); end } end public static void main(String[] a) { double area=new Circle(2).getArea(); puts System.out.println(area); } } Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 17. Symbols :identifier • Prefixed with a colon • Uniquely defined in a runtime Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 18. Point of No Return Last Expression is always return value public class Circle extends Shape { class Circle < Shape private final int radius; def initialize(radius) @radius = radius public Circle(int radius) { end this.radius = radius; } attr_reader :radius public int getRadius() { return radius; def area } Math::PI*(@radius ** public double getArea() { 2) return Math.PI * Math.pow(radius,2); end } end public static void main(String[] a) { double area=new Circle(2).getArea(); puts System.out.println(area); } } Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 19. .new is just a class method public class Circle extends Shape { class Circle < Shape private final int radius; def initialize(radius) @radius = radius public Circle(int radius) { end this.radius = radius; } attr_reader :radius public int getRadius() { return radius; def area } Math::PI*(@radius ** public double getArea() { 2) return Math.PI * Math.pow(radius,2); end } end public static void main(String[] a) { double area=new Circle(2).getArea(); puts System.out.println(area); } } Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 20. Blocks/Closures • Pass an anonymous function to a method call # Look boilerplate! my_open(file) do |io| letters.group_by {|b| b.zip_code } first_line = io.gets # ... end def my_open(file, mode='r') io = yield io button.action_performed do ensure exit io.close end end Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 21. Modules module Enumerable class MyTree def find(if_none = nil) include Enumerable each { |o| return o if yield(o) } if_none # tree impl not shown :) end def each # Many other methods not shown # yield each element # in tree def collect end ary = [] end each { |o| ary << yield(o) } ary end end dude = people.find { |person| == 123 } floats = [1,2].collect { |int| int.to_f } # => [1.0, 2.0] Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 22. Everything is an Expression class Color COLORS = {:red => 0xff0000, :green => 0x00ff00, :blue => 0x0000ff} COLORS.each do |name, value| define_method(name) do value end end end Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 23. Classes/Modules are open class MyTree def each #... end end #... later in source #... maybe even different file class MyTree def debug #... end end Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 24. Pure OO Language • Everything is an object #=> method call 12 + 8 #=> here, '+' is a method on Fixnum, 12. 12.to_s(8) #=> "14" puts 11.odd? #=> true Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 25. JRuby on Rails Ruby's Killer app Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 26. Java Web Frameworks Devoxx 2010 Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 27. Java Web Frameworks h0p://<jvm<frameworks COMPARING JVM WEB FRAMEWORKS Matt Raible Images by Stuck in Customs - © 2010, Raible Designs © 2010 Raible Designs Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 28. Install Rails $ jruby -S gem install rails Fetching: multi_json-1.0.3.gem (100%) ⋮ Fetching: bundler-1.0.21.gem (100%) Fetching: rails-3.1.1.gem (100%) Successfully installed multi_json-1.0.3 Successfully installed activesupport-3.1.1 ⋮ Successfully installed thor-0.14.6 Successfully installed rack-ssl-1.3.2 Successfully installed json-1.6.1-java Successfully installed rdoc-3.11 Successfully installed railties-3.1.1 Successfully installed bundler-1.0.21 Successfully installed rails-3.1.1 31 gems installed Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 29. Generate Rails app $ jruby -S rails new awesomeapp create ⋮ create vendor/plugins create vendor/plugins/.gitkeep run bundle install Fetching source index for Using rake ( ⋮ Using json (1.6.1) Using rdoc (3.11) Using thor (0.14.6) Using railties (3.1.1) Installing coffee-rails (3.1.1) Installing jquery-rails (1.0.16) Installing jruby-openssl (0.7.4) Using rails (3.1.1) Installing sass (3.1.10) Installing sass-rails (3.1.4) Installing uglifier (1.0.4) Your bundle is complete! Use `bundle show [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed. Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 30. Rails Scaffolding $ jruby -S rails generate scaffold person name:string email:string invoke active_record create db/migrate/20111107052142_create_people.rb create app/models/person.rb ⋮ create app/views/people/show.html.erb create app/views/people/new.html.erb create app/views/people/_form.html.erb invoke test_unit create test/functional/people_controller_test.rb invoke helper create app/helpers/people_helper.rb invoke test_unit create test/unit/helpers/people_helper_test.rb invoke assets invoke coffee create app/assets/javascripts/ invoke scss create app/assets/stylesheets/people.css.scss invoke scss create app/assets/stylesheets/scaffolds.css.scss Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 31. Migrate Database $ jruby -S rake db:migrate == CreatePeople: migrating ==================================== -- create_table(:people) -> 0.0040s -> 0 rows == CreatePeople: migrated (0.0040s) =========================== Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 32. Start Server $ jruby -S rails server => Booting WEBrick => Rails 3.1.1 application starting in development on http:// => Call with -d to detach => Ctrl-C to shutdown server [2011-11-07 00:26:30] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1 [2011-11-07 00:26:30] INFO ruby 1.8.7 (2011-11-05) [java] [2011-11-07 00:26:30] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=40454 port=3000 Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 34. app/controllers/people_controller.rb class PeopleController < ApplicationController # GET /people # GET /people.json def index @people = Person.all respond_to do |format| format.html # index.html.erb format.json { render :json => @people } end end ⋮ end Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 35. JSON out of the box Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 36. app/models/person.rb class Person < ActiveRecord::Base end Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 38. Rails IDE and text editors •emacs •vi(m) •TextMate Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 39. JRuby in Java web app Requests JRuby / /vets /rack/ Java/ Spring App Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 40. JRuby in Java web app diff --git a/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml b/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml index 8d02684..60ed6cb 100644 --- a/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml +++ b/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml @@ -87,6 +87,21 @@ <listener> <listener-class>org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener</listener-class> </listener> + + <listener> + <listener-class>org.jruby.rack.RackServletContextListener</listener-class> + </listener> + + <servlet> + <servlet-name>rack</servlet-name> + <servlet-class>org.jruby.rack.RackServlet</servlet-class> + </servlet> + + <servlet-mapping> + <servlet-name>rack</servlet-name> + <url-pattern>/rack/*</url-pattern> + </servlet-mapping> + <!-- Defines the 'default' servlet (usually for service static resources). Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 41. Rails in Java web app Requests / /vets JRuby /owners Java/ / /vets /owners /1/pets Spring App Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 42. Rails in Java web app diff --git a/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml b/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml index 60ed6cb..f64b34d 100644 --- a/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml +++ b/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml @@ -92,16 +92,6 @@ <listener-class>org.jruby.rack.RackServletContextListener</listener-class> </listener> - <servlet> - <servlet-name>rack</servlet-name> - <servlet-class>org.jruby.rack.RackServlet</servlet-class> - </servlet> - - <servlet-mapping> - <servlet-name>rack</servlet-name> - <url-pattern>/rack/*</url-pattern> - </servlet-mapping> - <!-- Defines the 'default' servlet (usually for service static resources). @@ -162,6 +152,16 @@ <url-pattern>/</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> + <filter> + <filter-name>RackFilter</filter-name> + <filter-class>org.jruby.rack.RubyFirstRackFilter</filter-class> + </filter> + + <filter-mapping> + <filter-name>RackFilter</filter-name> + <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern> + </filter-mapping> + <filter> <filter-name>httpMethodFilter</filter-name> <filter-class>org.springframework.web.filter.HiddenHttpMethodFilter</filter-class> Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 43. More… h0p://<to<rails h0p:// Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 44. Testing Libraries Test-Driven Development Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 45. Testing Number of Tests Written (1000's) 100 75 50 25 Easy Hard Ease of Writing Tests Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 46. Test files $ jruby -S rails g scaffold person name:string email:string invoke active_record create db/migrate/20111107052142_create_people.rb create app/models/person.rb ⋮ create app/views/people/show.html.erb create app/views/people/new.html.erb create app/views/people/_form.html.erb invoke test_unit create test/functional/people_controller_test.rb invoke helper create app/helpers/people_helper.rb invoke test_unit create test/unit/helpers/people_helper_test.rb invoke assets invoke coffee create app/assets/javascripts/ invoke scss create app/assets/stylesheets/people.css.scss invoke scss create app/assets/stylesheets/scaffolds.css.scss Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 47. class DeepThought { public static int answerToEverything(Object obj) { return 42; } public static String getName() { return "DeepThought"; } } Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 48. RSpec require 'rspec' require 'java' java_import 'DeepThought' describe 'DeepThought' do describe '.answerToEverything' do it "should return 42, given any input" do DeepThought.answerToEverything(nil).should == 42 DeepThought.answerToEverything(true).should == 42 end end describe '.getName' do it "should return 'DeepThought'" do == "DeepThought" end end end Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 49. RSpec $ javac $ jruby -rubygems deep_thought_spec.rb .. Finished in 0.013 seconds 2 examples, 0 failures Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 50. Cucumber Feature: AnswerToEverything Ask DeepThought the answer to everything Scenario: Ask a question Given nil as input Then the result should be 42 Feature: getName Ask DeepThought what its name is Scenario: get name When asked the name Then it answers the name as "DeepThought" Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 51. Cucumber $ jruby -S cucumber Feature: AnswerToEverything Ask DeepThought the answer to everything Scenario: Ask a question # features/answer.feature:4 Given nil as input # features/step_definitions… Then the result should be 42 # features/step_definitions… Feature: getName Ask DeepThought what its name is Scenario: get name # features/… When asked the name # features/… Then it answers the name as "DeepThought" # features/… 2 scenarios (2 passed) 4 steps (4 passed) 0m0.065s Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 52. JTestr • Bridge for Java to make use of Ruby testing • Integrates with both Ant and Maven • Allows mocking of non-final Java class/method • Written by Ola Bini Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 53. JTestr Example my_project/ build.xml! test/ test_hashmap.rb hashmap_spec.rb lib/ jtestr.jar src/ <your source ;) > Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 54. JTestr in Ant <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project basedir="." default="jar" name="JRuby"> <target name="test" description="Runs all tests"> <taskdef name="jtestr" classname="org.jtestr.ant.JtestRAntRunner" classpath="lib/jtestr.jar"/> <jtestr/> </target> </project> Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 55. Ruby’s test/unit test/test_hashmap.rb class HashMapTests < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @map = end def test_that_an_entry_can_be_added @map.put "foo", "bar" assert_equal "bar", @map.get("foo") end def test_empty_key_set_iterator_throws_exception assert_raises(java.util.NoSuchElementException) do end end end Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 56. RSpec revisited test/hashmap_spec.rb require 'java' java_import java.util.HashMap describe "An empty", HashMap do before :each do @hash_map = end it "should be able to add an entry to it" do @hash_map.put "foo", "bar" @hash_map.get("foo").should == "bar" end it "should not be empty after an entry has been added to it" do @hash_map.put "foo", "bar" @hash_map.should_not be_empty end it "should be empty" do @hash_map.should be_empty end end Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 57. Results $ ant test Buildfile: /Users/asari/Development/projects/jtestr-example/ build.xml test: [jtestr] Other TestUnit: 2 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors [jtestr] [jtestr] Other Spec: 3 examples, 0 failures, 0 errors [jtestr] [jtestr] Total: 5 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 pending [jtestr] BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 7 seconds Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 58. Ant-Rake Integration Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 59. Problem… NUL Windows dev.null /dev/null dev_null Un*x everything else Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 60. Ant… <condition property="dev.null" value="/dev/null"> <os family="unix"/> </condition> <condition property="dev.null" value="NUL"> <os family="windows"/> </condition> <condition property="dev.null" value="dev_null"> <not> <or> <os family="unix"/> <os family="windows"/> </or> </not> </condition> Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 61. Ruby if == 'unix' :dev_null = '/dev/null' elsif == 'windows' :dev_null = 'NUL' else :dev_null = 'dev_null' end Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 62. Ant… <macrodef name="run-junit-1.8-short"> <attribute name="compile.mode" default="OFF"/> <attribute name="jit.threshold" default="20"/> <attribute name="jit.maxsize" default="1000000000"/> <attribute name="reflection" default="false"/> <attribute name="thread.pooling" default="false"/> <attribute name="jvm.flags" default=""/> ⋮ </macrodef> ⋮ <target name="run-junit-compiled-short"> <run-junit-1.8-short compile.mode="JIT" jit.threshold="0"/> </target> Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 63. Ruby def run_junit_18_short(opts={}) compile_mode = opts[:compile_mode] || 'OFF' jit_threshold = opts[:jit_threshold] || 20 jit_maxsize = opts[:jit_maxsize] || 1000000000 reflection = opts[:reflection] || false thread_pooling = opts[:thread_pooling] || false jvm_flags = opts[:jvm_flags] || "" ⋮ end def run_junit_compiled_short run_junit_18_short :compile_mode => 'JIT', :jit_threshold => 0 end Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 64. Ant tasks from Rake <path id="build.classpath"> <fileset dir="${build.lib.dir}" includes="*.jar"/> </path> <path id="jruby.execute.classpath"> <path refid="build.classpath"/> <pathelement path="${jruby.classes.dir}"/> </path> task :initialize_paths do ant.path(:id => "build.classpath") do fileset :dir => BUILD_LIB_DIR, :includes => "*.jar" end ant.path(:id => "jruby.execute.classpath") do path :refid => "build.classpath" pathelement :path => JRUBY_CLASSES_DIR end end Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 65. Rake tasks as Ant targets <project name="foobar" default="top-level" basedir="."> <description>Builds, tests, and runs foobar.</description> <taskdef name="rakeimport" classname="org.jruby.ant.RakeImport"/> <rakeimport/> <target name="top-level" depends="its_in_rake" /> <target name="its_in_ant"> <echo message="ant: its_in_ant"/> build.xml </target> </project> task :its_in_rake => [:setup, :its_in_ant] do puts "it's in Rake" end task :setup do puts "setup in Rake" end Rakefile Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 66. Rake tasks as Ant targets <project name="foobar" default="top-level" basedir="."> <description>Builds, tests, and runs foobar.</description> <taskdef name="rakeimport" classname="org.jruby.ant.RakeImport"/> <rakeimport/> <target name="top-level" depends="its_in_rake" /> <target name="its_in_ant"> <echo message="ant: its_in_ant"/> build.xml </target> </project> task :its_in_rake => [:setup, :its_in_ant] do puts "it's in Rake" end task :setup do puts "setup in Rake" end Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 67. Rake tasks as Ant targets <project name="foobar" default="top-level" basedir="."> <description>Builds, tests, and runs foobar.</description> <taskdef name="rakeimport" classname="org.jruby.ant.RakeImport"/> <rakeimport/> <target name="top-level" depends="its_in_rake" /> <target name="its_in_ant"> <echo message="ant: its_in_ant"/> </target> </project> task :its_in_rake => [:setup, :its_in_ant] do puts "it's in Rake" end task :setup do puts "setup in Rake" end Rakefile Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 68. Rake tasks as Ant targets <project name="foobar" default="top-level" basedir="."> <description>Builds, tests, and runs foobar.</description> <taskdef name="rakeimport" classname="org.jruby.ant.RakeImport"/> <rakeimport/> <target name="top-level" depends="its_in_rake" /> <target name="its_in_ant"> <echo message="ant: its_in_ant"/> </target> </project> task :its_in_rake => [:setup, :its_in_ant] do puts "it's in Rake" end task :setup do puts "setup in Rake" end Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 69. Rake tasks as Ant targets <project name="foobar" default="top-level" basedir="."> <description>Builds, tests, and runs foobar.</description> <taskdef name="rakeimport" classname="org.jruby.ant.RakeImport"/> <rakeimport/> <target name="top-level" depends="its_in_rake" /> <target name="its_in_ant"> <echo message="ant: its_in_ant"/> </target> </project> task :its_in_rake => [:setup, :its_in_ant] do puts "it's in Rake" end task :setup do puts "setup in Rake" end Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 70. Rake tasks as Ant targets <project name="foobar" default="top-level" basedir="."> <description>Builds, tests, and runs foobar.</description> <taskdef name="rakeimport" classname="org.jruby.ant.RakeImport"/> <rakeimport/> <target name="top-level" depends="its_in_rake" /> <target name="its_in_ant"> <echo message="ant: its_in_ant"/> </target> </project> task :its_in_rake => [:setup, :its_in_ant] do puts "it's in Rake" end task :setup do puts "setup in Rake" end Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 71. Rake tasks as Ant targets <project name="foobar" default="top-level" basedir="."> <description>Builds, tests, and runs foobar.</description> <taskdef name="rakeimport" classname="org.jruby.ant.RakeImport"/> <rakeimport/> <target name="top-level" depends="its_in_rake" /> <target name="its_in_ant"> <echo message="ant: its_in_ant"/> </target> </project> task :its_in_rake => [:setup, :its_in_ant] do puts "it's in Rake" end task :setup do puts "setup in Rake" end Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 72. Rake tasks as Ant targets Buildfile: build.xml <project name="foobar" default="top-level" basedir="."> [rakeimport] (in /tmp/example2) <description>Builds, tests, and runs foobar.</description> <taskdef name="rakeimport" setup: classname="org.jruby.ant.RakeImport"/> <rakeimport/> <target name="top-level" depends="its_in_rake" /> <target name="its_in_ant"> <echo message="ant: its_in_ant"/> </target> </project> task :its_in_rake => [:setup, :its_in_ant] do puts "it's in Rake" end task :setup do puts "setup in Rake" end Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 73. Rake tasks as Ant targets Buildfile: build.xml <project name="foobar" default="top-level" basedir="."> [rakeimport] (in /tmp/example2) <description>Builds, tests, and runs foobar.</description> <taskdef name="rakeimport" setup: setup in Rake classname="org.jruby.ant.RakeImport"/> <rakeimport/> <target name="top-level" depends="its_in_rake" /> <target name="its_in_ant"> <echo message="ant: its_in_ant"/> </target> </project> task :its_in_rake => [:setup, :its_in_ant] do puts "it's in Rake" end task :setup do puts "setup in Rake" end Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 74. Rake tasks as Ant targets Buildfile: build.xml <project name="foobar" default="top-level" basedir="."> [rakeimport] (in /tmp/example2) <description>Builds, tests, and runs foobar.</description> <taskdef name="rakeimport" setup: setup in Rake classname="org.jruby.ant.RakeImport"/> <rakeimport/> its_in_ant: <target name="top-level" depends="its_in_rake" /> <target name="its_in_ant"> <echo message="ant: its_in_ant"/> </target> </project> task :its_in_rake => [:setup, :its_in_ant] do puts "it's in Rake" end task :setup do puts "setup in Rake" end Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 75. Rake tasks as Ant targets Buildfile: build.xml <project name="foobar" default="top-level" basedir="."> [rakeimport] (in /tmp/example2) <description>Builds, tests, and runs foobar.</description> <taskdef name="rakeimport" setup: setup in Rake classname="org.jruby.ant.RakeImport"/> <rakeimport/> its_in_ant: <target name="top-level" depends="its_in_rake" ant: its_in_ant [echo] /> <target name="its_in_ant"> <echo message="ant: its_in_ant"/> </target> </project> task :its_in_rake => [:setup, :its_in_ant] do puts "it's in Rake" end task :setup do puts "setup in Rake" end Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 76. Rake tasks as Ant targets Buildfile: build.xml <project name="foobar" default="top-level" basedir="."> [rakeimport] (in /tmp/example2) <description>Builds, tests, and runs foobar.</description> <taskdef name="rakeimport" setup: setup in Rake classname="org.jruby.ant.RakeImport"/> <rakeimport/> its_in_ant: <target name="top-level" depends="its_in_rake" ant: its_in_ant [echo] /> <target name="its_in_ant"> its_in_rake: <echo message="ant: its_in_ant"/> </target> </project> task :its_in_rake => [:setup, :its_in_ant] do puts "it's in Rake" end task :setup do puts "setup in Rake" end Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 77. Rake tasks as Ant targets Buildfile: build.xml <project name="foobar" default="top-level" basedir="."> [rakeimport] (in /tmp/example2) <description>Builds, tests, and runs foobar.</description> <taskdef name="rakeimport" setup: setup in Rake classname="org.jruby.ant.RakeImport"/> <rakeimport/> its_in_ant: <target name="top-level" depends="its_in_rake" ant: its_in_ant [echo] /> <target name="its_in_ant"> its_in_rake: it's in Rake <echo message="ant: its_in_ant"/> </target> </project> task :its_in_rake => [:setup, :its_in_ant] do puts "it's in Rake" end task :setup do puts "setup in Rake" end Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 78. Rake tasks as Ant targets Buildfile: build.xml <project name="foobar" default="top-level" basedir="."> [rakeimport] (in /tmp/example2) <description>Builds, tests, and runs foobar.</description> <taskdef name="rakeimport" setup: setup in Rake classname="org.jruby.ant.RakeImport"/> <rakeimport/> its_in_ant: <target name="top-level" depends="its_in_rake" ant: its_in_ant [echo] /> <target name="its_in_ant"> its_in_rake: it's in Rake <echo message="ant: its_in_ant"/> </target> </project> top-level: BUILD SUCCESSFUL task :its_in_rake => [:setup, :its_in_ant] time: 7 seconds Total do puts "it's in Rake" end task :setup do puts "setup in Rake" end Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 79. More… Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 80. Maven and RubyGems Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 81. JRuby via Maven • Group ID: org.jruby • Artifact IDs: jruby, jruby-complete <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>junit</groupId> <artifactId>junit</artifactId> <version>3.8.1</version> <scope>test</scope> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.jruby</groupId> <artifactId>jruby</artifactId> <version>1.6.5</version> </dependency> </dependencies> Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 82. Maven artifacts as gems jruby -S gem install mvn:org.clojure:clojure maven Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 83. Maven artifacts as gems jruby -S gem install mvn:org.clojure:clojure group ID Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 84. Maven artifacts as gems jruby -S gem install mvn:org.clojure:clojure artifact ID Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 85. Maven artifacts as gems jruby -S gem install mvn:org.clojure:clojure Successfully installed mvn:org.clojure:clojure-1.4.0.a.2-java 1 gem installed Some restrictions apply Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 86. Maven artifacts as gems $ jruby -S irb irb(main):001:0> require 'mvn:org.clojure:clojure' => true irb(main):002:0> java_import Java::clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap => Java::ClojureLang::PersistentHashMap irb(main):003:0> phm = PersistentHashMap.create({:a => 100, :b => 200, :c => 300}) => {:c=>300, :a=>100, :b=>200} irb(main):004:0> phm.delete_if {|k,v| k == :b} Java::JavaLang::UnsupportedOperationException: from clojure.lang.APersistentMap.remove( from $RubyHashMap.internalDelete( from org.jruby.RubyHash.delete( from org.jruby.RubyHash$22.visit( from $RubyHashMap.visitAll( ⋮ Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 87. Foreign Function Interface Calling native functions Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 88. Gamma function ∞ Γ(z) = ∫ t 0 z-1e-1 dt Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 89. Apache Commons? org.apache.commons.math.special Class Gamma java.lang.Object org.apache.commons.math.special.Gamma public class Gamma extends java.lang.Object This is a utility class that provides computation methods related to the Gamma family of functions. Version: $Id: 1131229 2011-06-03 20:49:25Z luc $ Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 90. Apache Commons? org.apache.commons.math.special Class Gamma ize ? java.lang.Object e org.apache.commons.math.special.Gamma s Rs public class Gamma en extends java.lang.Object Lic This is a utility class that provides computation methods related JA to the Gamma family of functions. Version: $Id: 1131229 2011-06-03 20:49:25Z luc $ Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 91. for the coe cients in the series and estimate the error. After the Read academic paper our new formula with some classical results. The numerical comp equal number of ’correction’ terms the new formula is the most acc recommended for computing the Gamma function for large real arg Theorem 1. Let x 1, unction every n then for 1, the following express ( x) f or the !!x r sion f n 1 X Gk 2⇡ expan x ptotic (x) = + Rn (x) 1 Neme s , New asym G ˝ ergo e x2k x 8 er 7, 200 05 k=0 ecemb t h08.0 D sl2ma 7/ 0.324 wherex.don.o = O d R i (x) rg/1 1 x2n and the Gk coe cients are given by - // ap http: otic series ter ract re as ympt with bet - Abst , St -De Moiv a new one se of Stir irling erted into X wit h tho nd turns Y 1 ✓ k B2r ◆mr ation n is conv pared than 0.5 a rior to sform G = io k com s tran ma funct formula is ts greater ically sup ed up e , U serie m n sing a to the Ga The new al argume rms, num on has tu maxi- er rn m ! 2r (2r 1)r atio n ertie s. for re n’ te m1 ,m2 ,...,msk( 0 al ima ti ing’ r=1 p roxim nce prop amanujan ’correctio 2m p+4mer+...+2kmu =2k p rox rd Stirl r or eq e f rm a 1 e co nverg lace and R number o closed-fo d as 3rd o nts great to which 2 k Lap ual t, a goo ume e [7] ling, be, for eq side benefi about as al arg n older on or re o ut to em. As a ich is an 1e-10 f ersion th of a where B denotes the r th si all of the analy r rmall g o s wh er th s ne xtend ed v Bernoulli number [4]. Moreover, if x n durin elative err article is a mainder. r s e mum Note: thi te of the r ! ). a to 10 the estim 8e1/5 the ⇣ n ⌘2 adds n for a it |Rn (x)|  mptot+expxpeci+ormu ed (n ic 1) li t f ansio l 2n n w as y an e mnr(2n pa 1) (2⇡) x uctio nt a n e e give of, we co for Introd se pre ct, we ual than one. W ro the p n shows tha t hly 1 esult nr a abstr r or eq . After pariso is hig Wednesday, November 16, 11 1 i e ma in the ate error com and i t
  • 92. …and implement if (Double.isNaN(x)) { value = Double.NaN; return; } double int_part = (int) x; sign = (int_part % 2 == 0 && (x - int_part) != 0.0 && (x < 0)) ? -1 : 1 ! if ((x - int_part) == 0.0 && 0 < int_part && int_part <= FACTORIAL.leng value = Math.log(FACTORIAL[(int) int_part - 1]); d } r else if (x < 10) { double rising_factorial = 1; a for (int i = 0; i < (int) Math.abs(x) - int_part + 10; i++) { rising_factorial *= (x + i); H } NemesLogGamma l = new NemesLogGamma(x + (int) Math.abs(x) - int_par value = l.value - Math.log(Math.abs(rising_factorial)); } else { double temp = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < NEMES_GAMMA_COEFF.length; i++) { temp += NEMES_GAMMA_COEFF[i] * 1.0 / Math.pow(x, i); } value = x * (Math.log(x) - 1 + Math.log(temp)) + (Math.log(2) + Math.log(Math.PI) - Math.log(x)) / 2.0; } Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 93. man… man gamma Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 94. Not reinventing the wheel TGAMMA(3) BSD Library Functions Manual TGAMMA(3) NAME tgamma, lgamma, gamma -- gamma and log of gamma SYNOPSIS #include <math.h> double tgamma(double x); ⋮ DESCRIPTION tgamma() calculates the gamma function of x. lgamma() calculates the natural logorithm of the absolute value of the gamma function of x. gamma() is the same function as tgamma. Its use is deprecated. ⋮ Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 95. JNI Workflow javah Example.h cc gamma.c libgamma.dylib javac Example.class $ java Example Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 96. import java.util.*; class Example { native static double gamma(double x); static { System.loadLibrary("gamma"); } public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println(gamma(0.5)); } } Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 97. Example.h /* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated */ #include <jni.h> /* Header for class Example */ #ifndef _Included_Example #define _Included_Example #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* * Class: Example * Method: gamma * Signature: (D)D */ JNIEXPORT jdouble JNICALL Java_Example_gamma (JNIEnv *, jclass, jdouble); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 98. gamma.c #include "Example.h" #include <math.h> JNIEXPORT jdouble JNICALL Java_Example_gamma(JNIEnv* env, jclass jclass, jdouble jdbl) { return tgamma(jdbl); } Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 99. Voilà! $ javah $ javac $ gcc -shared gamma.c -o libgamma.dylib -I /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0_29-b11-397.jdk/ Contents/Headers/ $ java Example 1.772453850905516 Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 100. gamma.rb require 'ffi' module Gamma extend FFI::Library ffi_lib FFI::Library::LIBC attach_function :tgamma, [:double], :double end puts Gamma::tgamma(0.5) Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 101. Same result*! $ jruby gamma.rb 1.77245385090552 $ jruby --1.9 -e 'p Math::gamma(0.5)' 1.77245385090552 Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 102. Benchmark $ jruby --1.9 bench_gamma.rb Rehearsal ---------------------------------------------------------------- pure_java 3.432000 0.000000 3.432000 ( 3.432000) JNI 0.409000 0.000000 0.409000 ( 0.409000) FFI 0.281000 0.000000 0.281000 ( 0.281000) -------------------------------------------------------- total: 4.122000sec user system total real pure_java 2.849000 0.000000 2.849000 ( 2.849000) JNI 0.288000 0.000000 0.288000 ( 0.289000) FFI 0.219000 0.000000 0.219000 ( 0.219000) Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 103. But… d y? I n ut a b o ha t W h0p:// Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 104. Invokedynamic! • Only mainstream alternative JVM language • Worked closely with Hotspot team • JRuby master/1.7 • Waiting for Java 1.7.0u2 release • What does it mean for you? Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 105. Benchmark Times faster than Ruby 1.9.3 16 14.2x 12 8 7.4x 5.5x 4.4x 4 2.7x 3.6x 3.5x 3.2x 1.7x 1.8x 1.6x 1.9x 0 fib +calls +consts +both richardsredblack JRuby on Java 6 JRuby on invokedynamic Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 106. Benchmark 0.300 0.225 0.150 0.075 0 currentTimeMillis Thread#name No indy With indy Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 107. Indy TODOs • Remaining invocation paths –varargs, super, all Java paths • Per-type specialization –Faster block-receiving calls –Faster module methods • More code in Ruby! Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 108. Thank you! • Twitter: @hiro_asari • Github: BanzaiMan – Code examples: • jtestr-example • jni-gamma • test_example_deepthought • Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 109. References • • • • • • • • • • Wednesday, November 16, 11
  • 110. References • • GammaApproximation.html • technotes/guides/jni/ • Wednesday, November 16, 11