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Enterprise Database Design
      Patterns in PHP
     Hugo Hamon – OSIDays 2011
By Martin Fowler

§    Table Module
§    Transaction Script
§    Row Data Gateway
§    Table Data Gateway
§    Active Record
§    Data Mapper
§    Unit of Work
§    Identity Map
§    Data Transfer Object
§    …
Table Data Gateway
« An object that acts as a Gateway to

a database table. One instance

handles all the rows in the table. »
                                  Martin Fowler	
Same as
Data Access Object
                     Martin Fowler	
$table = new OrderGateway(new Connection('...'));

$table->insert('XX123456789', 358.80, 'unpaid');

$table->update(42, 'XX123456789', 358.80, 'paid');

class OrderGateway
    private $conn;

    public function __construct(Connection $conn)
        $this->conn = $conn;
class OrderGateway
    public function insert($reference, $amount, $status)
        $query = 'INSERT INTO orders (reference, amount,
status) VALUES (?, ?, ?)';

        $data = array($reference, $amount, $status);

        $this->conn->executeQuery($query, $data);

        return $this->conn->lastInsertId();
class OrderGateway
    public function update($pk, $ref, $amount, $status)
        $query = 'UPDATE orders SET reference = ?, amount
= ?, status = ? WHERE id = ?';

        $data = array($ref, $amount, $status, $pk);

        return $this->conn->executeQuery($query, $data);
class OrderGateway
    public function delete($pk)
        return $this->conn->executeQuery(
            'DELETE FROM orders WHERE id = ?',
$orders = $table->findAll();

$orders = $table->findPaidOrders();
$orders = $table->findUnpaidOrders();

$orders = $table->findBy(array(
    'status' => 'paid',
    'amount' => 250.00

$order = $table->find(42);
$order = $table->findOneBy(array('reference' => '...'));
class OrderGateway
    public function findAll()
        $query = 'SELECT * FROM orders';
        return $this->conn->fetchAll($query);

    public function find($pk)
        $rs = $this->conn->findBy(array('id' => $pk));
        return 1 === count($rs) ? $rs[0] : false;
public function findBy(array $criteria)
    $where = array();
    foreach ($criteria as $field => $value) {
        $where[] = sprintf('%s = ?');

    $q = sprintf(
        'SELECT * FROM orders WHERE %s',
        implode(' AND ', $where)

    return $this->conn->fetchAll($q, array_values($criteria));
public function findPaidOrders()
    return $this->findBy(array('status' => 'paid'));

public function findUnpaidOrders()
    return $this->findBy(array('status' => 'unpaid'));
When to use it?
Row Data Gateway
« An object that acts as a Gateway to

a single record in a data source. There

is one instance per row. »
                                  Martin Fowler	
class Order
    private   $id;
    private   $reference;
    private   $amount;
    private   $vat;
    private   $total;
    private   $createdAt;

    // Getters and setters for each property
    // ...
$conn = new Connection('...');

$order = new OrderGateway();
$order->setCreatedAt(new DateTime());

class OrderGateway
    public function insert(Connection $conn)
        $query = 'INSERT INTO orders (reference, amount, vat,
total, created_at) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)';

        $data = array(
            $this->reference, $this->amount, $this->vat,
            $this->total, $this->createdAt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')

        $conn->executeQuery($query, $data);
        $this->id = $conn->lastInsertId();

$order = OrderFinder::findByReference('XX12345678');

echo sprintf('%01.2f euros', $order->getTotal());
class OrderFinder
    static public function findByReference($reference)
       $query = 'SELECT * FROM orders WHERE reference = ?';

        $rs = static::getConnection()
            ->fetchSingle($query, array($reference))

        return $rs ? OrderGateway::load($rs) : false;
class OrderGateway
    static public function load(array $rs)
        $order = new OrderGateway($rs['id']);
        $order->setCreatedAt(new DateTime($rs['created_at']));

        return $order;

$orders = OrderFinder::findMostExpensiveOrders(10);

foreach ($orders as $order) {

    echo $order->getReference(), "n";
    echo sprintf('%01.2f euros', $order->getTotal()), "n";
    echo "n-----n";
class OrderFinder
    static public function findMostExpensiveOrders($limit)
        $orders = array();
        $query = 'SELECT * FROM orders ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT ?';
        $rs = static::getConnection()->fetchAll($query, array($limit));

        foreach ($rs as $data) {
            $orders[] = OrderGateway::load($data);

        return $orders;
When to use it?
Active Record
« An object that wraps a row in a
database table or view, encapsulates
the database access, and adds
domain logic on that data. »
                                Martin Fowler	
Active Record
Row Data Gateway + Business Logic
Active Record
Data + Behaviors
Active Record
Properties + Methods
class Order
    private   $id;
    private   $reference;
    private   $amount;
    private   $vat;
    private   $vatRate;
    private   $total;
    private   $createdAt;
    private   $status;
    private   $isPaid;

    // Getters and setters for each property
    // ...
class Order
    public function __construct($id = null)
        if (null !== $id) {
            $this->id = $id;

        $this->vatRate = 0.00;
        $this->vat = 0.00;
        $this->amount = 0.00;
        $this->total = 0.00;
        $this->isPaid = false;
        $this->status = 'processing';
        $this->createdAt = new DateTime();
$conn = new Connection('...');

$order = new Order();


class Order
    public function applyDiscount($discount)
        $this->amount -= $discount;

    public function updateTotal()
        if ($this->vatRate) {
            $this->vat = $this->amount * $this->vatRate;

        $this->total = $this->amount + $this->vat;
class Order
    public function isPaid()
        return $this->isPaid;

    public function setPaid()
         $this->isPaid = true;
class Order
    public function isReadyForShipment()
        return $this->isPaid() && 'complete' == $this->status;

    public function ship($address)
        $this->status = 'shipped';
class OrderController
    public function confirmAction($reference)
        $conn = $this->getDatabaseConnection();
        $order = ...;

        if ($order->isReadyForShipment()) {
            return $this->view->render('ship.php', array('order' => $order));

        return $this->view->render('pending.php', array('order' => $order));
abstract class ActiveRecord
    protected $fields = array();

    abstract public function getTableName();

    public function save(Connection $conn)
        // insert or update $fields in the database

    public function delete(Connection $conn)
        // delete the object from the database
class Order extends ActiveRecord
    private $amount;

    abstract public function getTableName()
        return 'tbl_orders';

    public function setAmount($amount)
        $this->amount = $amount;
        $this->fields['amount'] = $amount;
When to use it?
Data Mapper
« A layer of Mappers that moves data
between objects and a database
while keeping them independent of
each other and the mapper itself. »
                                 Martin Fowler	
« Man in the Middle »	
class OrderMapper
    private $conn;

    public function __construct(Connection $conn) {
        $this->conn = $conn;

    public function store(Order $order) {
        // Execute the query to persist the object to the DB

    public function remove(Order $order) {
        // Executes the query to remove the object to the DB
$order = new Order();

$conn = new Connection('mysql:host=localhost ...');

$mapper = new OrderMapper($conn);
class OrderMapper
    public function findAll()
        $objects = array();
        $query = 'SELECT id, reference, vat ... FROM orders';

        foreach ($this->conn->fetchAll($query) as $data) {
            $object = new Order($data['id']);
            $objects[] = $object;

        return $objects;
class OrderMapper
    public function find($pk)
        $query = 'SELECT id, vat ... FROM orders WHERE id = ?';

        $object = false;
        if (false !== $data = conn->fetch($query, array($pk))) {
            $object = new Order($data['id']);

        return $object;
$conn = new Connection('mysql:host=localhost ...');

$mapper = new OrderMapper($conn);

$order = $mapper->find(42);


Unit testing
class OrderTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    public function testUpdateTotal()
        $order = new Order();

        $this->assertEquals(58.60, $order->getVat());
        $this->assertEquals(357.60, $order->getTotal());
When to use it?
« Ensures that each object gets
loaded only once by keeping every
loaded object in a map. »
                              Martin Fowler	
$conn = new Connection('mysql:host=localhost ...');

$mapper = new OrderMapper($conn);

$orderA = $mapper->find(42);
$orderB = $mapper->find(42);
$orderC = $mapper->find(42);

// 3 SQL queries for getting the same object
The solution
class IdentityMap implements IdentityMapInterface
    private $entities;

    public function fetch($class, $pk)
        $key = $this->getKey($class, $pk);
        if (isset($this->entities[$key])) {
            return $this->entities[$key];

        return false;
class IdentityMap implements IdentityMapInterface
    public function store(ValueObjectInterface $entity)
        $key = $this->getKey($class, $entity->getId());

        $this->entities[$key] = $entity;

    private function getKey($class, $pk)
        return $class.'-'.$pk;
class Order   implements ValueObjectInterface
    private   $id;
    private   $reference;
    private   $amount;
    // ...

    public function getId()
        return $this->id;
class OrderMapper extends DatabaseMapper
    private $map;

    public function __construct(IdentityMap $map, ...)

        $this->map = $map;
class OrderMapper extends DatabaseMapper
    public function store(Order $order)

        $this->map->store('Order', $object);
class OrderMapper extends DatabaseMapper
    public function find($pk)
        if (false !== $object = $this->map->fetch($pk)) {
            return $object;

        if (false !== $object = parent::find($pk)) {
            $this->map->store('Order', $object);

        return $object;
$conn = new Connection('mysql:host=localhost ...');
$mapper = new OrderMapper(new IdentityMap(), $conn);

$orderA = $mapper->find(42);            // Query
$orderB = $mapper->find(42);            // No query



$orderC = $mapper->find(42);            // No query
Query Object
$query = Query::create()
  ->select(array('id', 'reference', 'amount', 'status'))
  ->where(Criteria::equals('status', 'paid'))
  ->where(Criteria::greaterThan('amount', 2000))
  ->where(Criteria::like('reference', 'XX123%'))
  ->orderBy('amount', 'desc')

// SELECT id, reference, amount, status
// WHERE status = ? AND amount > ? AND reference LIKE ?
// ORDER BY amount DESC
class Criteria
    private $field;
    private $operator;
    private $parameters;

    public function __construct($field, $operator, $value)
        $this->field = $field;
        $this->operator = $operator;
        $this->parameters[] = $value;
class Criteria
  static public function equal($field, $value, $vars)
    return new Criteria($field, '=', $vars);

    static public function notEqual($field, $value, $vars)
      return new Criteria($field, '<>', $vars);
Custom Queries
class OrderQuery extends Query
    public function filterByPriority($amount)
        return $this
            ->where(Criteria::equal('status', 'paid'))
            ->where(Criteria::greaterThan('amount', $amount))

    public function filterByReference($like)
        return $this->where(Criteria::like('reference', $like));
$query = OrderQuery::create()
ORM Tools
Zend_DB            Propel

    Doctrine 2.x

Pomm        Doctrine 1.2

Can you guess the patterns?
$table = new Author();

// New empty row
$row = $table->createRow();

// Insert a new row
$row->firstName = 'Jules';
$row->lastName = 'Verne';
$pax1 = new Passenger('Hugo Hamon', '7B');
$pax2 = new Passenger('John Smith', '3A');

$aircraft = new Plane();


$aircraft->isAvailableSeat('3A') ? 'Yes' : 'No';
$post = new BlogPost();
$post->setTitle('My First Blog Post');
$post->setBody('Some content...');

$author = new Author();
$author->setName('Hugo Hamon');

$data = array(
    'first_name' => 'Jules',
    'last_name' => 'Vernes',

$table = new AuthorTable();
By Martin Fowler

§    Table Module
§    Transaction Script
§    Row Data Gateway
§    Table Data Gateway
§    Active Record
§    Data Mapper
§    Unit of Work
§    Identity Map
§    Data Transfer Object
§    …

 92-98, boulevard Victor Hugo
 92 115 Clichy Cedex (+33 (0)1 40 99 82 11) - –

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Database Design Patterns

  • 1.
  • 2. Enterprise Database Design Patterns in PHP Hugo Hamon – OSIDays 2011
  • 3. By Martin Fowler §  Table Module §  Transaction Script §  Row Data Gateway §  Table Data Gateway §  Active Record §  Data Mapper §  Unit of Work §  Identity Map §  Data Transfer Object §  …
  • 5. « An object that acts as a Gateway to a database table. One instance handles all the rows in the table. » Martin Fowler  
  • 6. Same as Data Access Object Martin Fowler  
  • 8. $table = new OrderGateway(new Connection('...')); $table->insert('XX123456789', 358.80, 'unpaid'); $table->update(42, 'XX123456789', 358.80, 'paid'); $table->delete(42);
  • 9. class OrderGateway { private $conn; public function __construct(Connection $conn) { $this->conn = $conn; } }
  • 10. class OrderGateway { public function insert($reference, $amount, $status) { $query = 'INSERT INTO orders (reference, amount, status) VALUES (?, ?, ?)'; $data = array($reference, $amount, $status); $this->conn->executeQuery($query, $data); return $this->conn->lastInsertId(); } }
  • 11. class OrderGateway { public function update($pk, $ref, $amount, $status) { $query = 'UPDATE orders SET reference = ?, amount = ?, status = ? WHERE id = ?'; $data = array($ref, $amount, $status, $pk); return $this->conn->executeQuery($query, $data); } }
  • 12. class OrderGateway { public function delete($pk) { return $this->conn->executeQuery( 'DELETE FROM orders WHERE id = ?', array($pk) ); } }
  • 14. $orders = $table->findAll(); $orders = $table->findPaidOrders(); $orders = $table->findUnpaidOrders(); $orders = $table->findBy(array( 'status' => 'paid', 'amount' => 250.00 )); $order = $table->find(42); $order = $table->findOneBy(array('reference' => '...'));
  • 15. class OrderGateway { public function findAll() { $query = 'SELECT * FROM orders'; return $this->conn->fetchAll($query); } public function find($pk) { $rs = $this->conn->findBy(array('id' => $pk)); return 1 === count($rs) ? $rs[0] : false; } }
  • 16. public function findBy(array $criteria) { $where = array(); foreach ($criteria as $field => $value) { $where[] = sprintf('%s = ?'); } $q = sprintf( 'SELECT * FROM orders WHERE %s', implode(' AND ', $where) ); return $this->conn->fetchAll($q, array_values($criteria)); }
  • 17. public function findPaidOrders() { return $this->findBy(array('status' => 'paid')); } public function findUnpaidOrders() { return $this->findBy(array('status' => 'unpaid')); }
  • 18. When to use it?
  • 20. « An object that acts as a Gateway to a single record in a data source. There is one instance per row. » Martin Fowler  
  • 21. CRUD
  • 22. class Order { private $id; private $reference; private $amount; private $vat; private $total; private $createdAt; // Getters and setters for each property // ... }
  • 23. $conn = new Connection('...'); $order = new OrderGateway(); $order->setReference('XX12345678'); $order->setAmount(300.00); $order->setVat(58.80); $order->setTotal(358.80); $order->setCreatedAt(new DateTime()); $order->insert($conn);
  • 24. class OrderGateway { public function insert(Connection $conn) { $query = 'INSERT INTO orders (reference, amount, vat, total, created_at) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'; $data = array( $this->reference, $this->amount, $this->vat, $this->total, $this->createdAt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') ); $conn->executeQuery($query, $data); $this->id = $conn->lastInsertId(); } }
  • 27. class OrderFinder { static public function findByReference($reference) { $query = 'SELECT * FROM orders WHERE reference = ?'; $rs = static::getConnection() ->fetchSingle($query, array($reference)) ; return $rs ? OrderGateway::load($rs) : false; } }
  • 28. class OrderGateway { static public function load(array $rs) { $order = new OrderGateway($rs['id']); $order->setReference($rs['reference']); $order->setAmount($rs['amount']); $order->setVat($rs['vat']); $order->setTotal($rs['total']); $order->setCreatedAt(new DateTime($rs['created_at'])); return $order; } }
  • 29. OrderFinder::setConnection($conn); $orders = OrderFinder::findMostExpensiveOrders(10); foreach ($orders as $order) { echo $order->getReference(), "n"; echo sprintf('%01.2f euros', $order->getTotal()), "n"; echo "n-----n"; }
  • 30. class OrderFinder { static public function findMostExpensiveOrders($limit) { $orders = array(); $query = 'SELECT * FROM orders ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT ?'; $rs = static::getConnection()->fetchAll($query, array($limit)); foreach ($rs as $data) { $orders[] = OrderGateway::load($data); } return $orders; } }
  • 31. When to use it?
  • 33. « An object that wraps a row in a database table or view, encapsulates the database access, and adds domain logic on that data. » Martin Fowler  
  • 34. Active Record = Row Data Gateway + Business Logic
  • 35. Active Record = Data + Behaviors
  • 36. Active Record = Properties + Methods
  • 37. class Order { private $id; private $reference; private $amount; private $vat; private $vatRate; private $total; private $createdAt; private $status; private $isPaid; // Getters and setters for each property // ... }
  • 38. class Order { public function __construct($id = null) { if (null !== $id) { $this->id = $id; } $this->vatRate = 0.00; $this->vat = 0.00; $this->amount = 0.00; $this->total = 0.00; $this->isPaid = false; $this->status = 'processing'; $this->createdAt = new DateTime(); } }
  • 39. $conn = new Connection('...'); $order = new Order(); $order->setReference('XX12345678'); $order->setAmount(300.00); $order->setVatRate(0.196); $order->applyDiscount(20.00); $order->updateTotal(); $order->save($conn);
  • 40. class Order { public function applyDiscount($discount) { $this->amount -= $discount; } public function updateTotal() { if ($this->vatRate) { $this->vat = $this->amount * $this->vatRate; } $this->total = $this->amount + $this->vat; } }
  • 41. class Order { public function isPaid() { return $this->isPaid; } public function setPaid() { $this->isPaid = true; } }
  • 42. class Order { public function isReadyForShipment() { return $this->isPaid() && 'complete' == $this->status; } public function ship($address) { $this->doShipment($address); $this->status = 'shipped'; } }
  • 43. class OrderController { public function confirmAction($reference) { $conn = $this->getDatabaseConnection(); $order = ...; $order->setPaid(); $order->save($conn); if ($order->isReadyForShipment()) { $order->ship(); return $this->view->render('ship.php', array('order' => $order)); } return $this->view->render('pending.php', array('order' => $order)); } }
  • 45. abstract class ActiveRecord { protected $fields = array(); abstract public function getTableName(); public function save(Connection $conn) { // insert or update $fields in the database } public function delete(Connection $conn) { // delete the object from the database } }
  • 46. class Order extends ActiveRecord { private $amount; abstract public function getTableName() { return 'tbl_orders'; } public function setAmount($amount) { $this->amount = $amount; $this->fields['amount'] = $amount; } }
  • 47. When to use it?
  • 49. « A layer of Mappers that moves data between objects and a database while keeping them independent of each other and the mapper itself. » Martin Fowler  
  • 50. « Man in the Middle »
  • 52. class OrderMapper { private $conn; public function __construct(Connection $conn) { $this->conn = $conn; } public function store(Order $order) { // Execute the query to persist the object to the DB } public function remove(Order $order) { // Executes the query to remove the object to the DB } }
  • 53. $order = new Order(); $order->setReference('XX12345678'); $order->setAmount(300.00); $order->setVatRate(0.196); $order->updateTotal(); $conn = new Connection('mysql:host=localhost ...'); $mapper = new OrderMapper($conn); $mapper->store($order);
  • 54. class OrderMapper { public function findAll() { $objects = array(); $query = 'SELECT id, reference, vat ... FROM orders'; foreach ($this->conn->fetchAll($query) as $data) { $object = new Order($data['id']); $object->load($data); $objects[] = $object; } return $objects; } }
  • 55. class OrderMapper { public function find($pk) { $query = 'SELECT id, vat ... FROM orders WHERE id = ?'; $object = false; if (false !== $data = conn->fetch($query, array($pk))) { $object = new Order($data['id']); $object->load($data); } return $object; } }
  • 56. $conn = new Connection('mysql:host=localhost ...'); $mapper = new OrderMapper($conn); $order = $mapper->find(42); $order->setAmount(399.00); $order->updateTotal(); $mapper->store($order);
  • 58. class OrderTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public function testUpdateTotal() { $order = new Order(); $order->setAmount(299.00); $order->setVatRate(0.196); $order->updateTotal(); $this->assertEquals(58.60, $order->getVat()); $this->assertEquals(357.60, $order->getTotal()); } }
  • 59. When to use it?
  • 61. « Ensures that each object gets loaded only once by keeping every loaded object in a map. » Martin Fowler  
  • 62. $conn = new Connection('mysql:host=localhost ...'); $mapper = new OrderMapper($conn); $orderA = $mapper->find(42); $orderB = $mapper->find(42); $orderC = $mapper->find(42); // 3 SQL queries for getting the same object
  • 64. class IdentityMap implements IdentityMapInterface { private $entities; public function fetch($class, $pk) { $key = $this->getKey($class, $pk); if (isset($this->entities[$key])) { return $this->entities[$key]; } return false; } }
  • 65. class IdentityMap implements IdentityMapInterface { public function store(ValueObjectInterface $entity) { $key = $this->getKey($class, $entity->getId()); $this->entities[$key] = $entity; } private function getKey($class, $pk) { return $class.'-'.$pk; } }
  • 66. class Order implements ValueObjectInterface { private $id; private $reference; private $amount; // ... public function getId() { return $this->id; } }
  • 67. class OrderMapper extends DatabaseMapper { private $map; public function __construct(IdentityMap $map, ...) { parent::__construct($conn); $this->map = $map; } }
  • 68. class OrderMapper extends DatabaseMapper { public function store(Order $order) { parent::store($order); $this->map->store('Order', $object); } }
  • 69. class OrderMapper extends DatabaseMapper { public function find($pk) { if (false !== $object = $this->map->fetch($pk)) { return $object; } if (false !== $object = parent::find($pk)) { $this->map->store('Order', $object); } return $object; } }
  • 70. $conn = new Connection('mysql:host=localhost ...'); $mapper = new OrderMapper(new IdentityMap(), $conn); $orderA = $mapper->find(42); // Query $orderB = $mapper->find(42); // No query $orderB->setAmount(299.00); $orderB->setVatRate(0.196); $orderB->updateTotal(); $mapper->store($orderB); $orderC = $mapper->find(42); // No query
  • 72. $query = Query::create() ->select(array('id', 'reference', 'amount', 'status')) ->from('orders') ->where(Criteria::equals('status', 'paid')) ->where(Criteria::greaterThan('amount', 2000)) ->where(Criteria::like('reference', 'XX123%')) ->orderBy('amount', 'desc') ->getSql() ; // SELECT id, reference, amount, status // WHERE status = ? AND amount > ? AND reference LIKE ? // ORDER BY amount DESC
  • 73. class Criteria { private $field; private $operator; private $parameters; public function __construct($field, $operator, $value) { $this->field = $field; $this->operator = $operator; $this->parameters[] = $value; } }
  • 74. class Criteria { static public function equal($field, $value, $vars) { return new Criteria($field, '=', $vars); } static public function notEqual($field, $value, $vars) { return new Criteria($field, '<>', $vars); } }
  • 76. class OrderQuery extends Query { public function filterByPriority($amount) { return $this ->where(Criteria::equal('status', 'paid')) ->where(Criteria::greaterThan('amount', $amount)) ; } public function filterByReference($like) { return $this->where(Criteria::like('reference', $like)); } }
  • 77. $query = OrderQuery::create() ->filterByPriority(2000) ->filterByReference('%567%') ->orderByAmount('DESC') ->getSql() ;
  • 79. Zend_DB Propel Doctrine 2.x Pomm Doctrine 1.2
  • 80. Quizz Can you guess the patterns?
  • 81. $table = new Author(); // New empty row $row = $table->createRow(); // Insert a new row $row->firstName = 'Jules'; $row->lastName = 'Verne'; $row->save();
  • 82. $pax1 = new Passenger('Hugo Hamon', '7B'); $pax2 = new Passenger('John Smith', '3A'); $aircraft = new Plane(); $aircraft->setCapacity(120); $aircraft->addPassenger($pax1); $aircraft->addPassenger($pax2); $aircraft->save(); $pax2->changeSeat('2C'); $pax2->save(); $aircraft->isAvailableSeat('3A') ? 'Yes' : 'No';
  • 83. $post = new BlogPost(); $post->setTitle('My First Blog Post'); $post->setBody('Some content...'); $author = new Author(); $author->setName('Hugo Hamon'); $author->addPost($post); $em->persist($user); $em->persist($post); $em->flush();
  • 84. $data = array( 'first_name' => 'Jules', 'last_name' => 'Vernes', ); $table = new AuthorTable(); $table->insert($data);
  • 86. By Martin Fowler §  Table Module §  Transaction Script §  Row Data Gateway §  Table Data Gateway §  Active Record §  Data Mapper §  Unit of Work §  Identity Map §  Data Transfer Object §  …
  • 87. Ques&ons?   92-98, boulevard Victor Hugo 92 115 Clichy Cedex (+33 (0)1 40 99 82 11) - –