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                   FIDAA HADDAD

Time trend of disasters
FACTS: 1988-2010
• 2007: there were 960 major disasters (the highest ever
  such figure)

• 90% being the result of extreme weather-related events

• Accounting for 95% of the reported fatalities

• More people died in disasters during 2010, than in terrorist
  attacks in the past 40 years

• 80% of the total $82 billion economic losses
    Climate change impacts will be
   differently distributed among
different regions, generations, age,
       classes, income groups,
      occupations and genders

The poor, primarily but by no means exclusively in developing countries, will
be disproportionately affected. Their reliance on local ecological resources,
coupled with existing stresses on health and well-being, and limited financial,
institutional and human resources leave the poor most vulnerable and least
able to adapt to the impacts of climate change

                                                                   (IPCC 2001)
London School of Economics analyzed disasters in 141 countries -decisive
evidence that gender differences in deaths from disasters are directly linked
                 to women’s economic and social rights.

Under moderate temperature increases,
for example, some analysts anticipate
that the Euphrates River could shrink by
30% and the Jordan River by 80% by the
end of the century

IISD/Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Denmark) report “Rising Temperatures, Rising tensions
– Climate Change and the Risk of Violent Conflict in the Middle East” (2009) presents an
analysis of the security threat of climate change in the region over the next 40 years (to

1.   Increased competition for scarce
     water resources – complicates
     peace agreements

2.   Intensified food insecurity – raises
     the stakes for the return or
     retention of occupied land

3.   Hindered economic growth -
     worsens poverty and social

- The Levant (Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan and the occupied
  Palestinian territory) has experienced more than 60 years of bloody
- Climate change perhaps a secondary backdrop to other problems
  facing the region

4.   Destabilized forced migration and increases tensions over existing refugee

5.   Perceptions of resources shrinking as a result of climate change could increase the
     militarization of strategic natural resources

4.   Inaction on climate change
     may lead to growing
     and distrust
     of the West (and Israel)
     by Arab nations

 CC major decisions are in the
   hands of the environmental
   sector with limited capacity on
   social issues

 Technical-scientific

 Trying to reinvent the wheel
                          UNCBD                                                   UNCCD

•   “Encourage, subject to national legislation and         •   “Stressing the important role played by women in
    consistent with the Convention on Biological                regions affected by desertification and/or drought,
    Diversity, the effective protection and use of the          particularly in rural areas of developing countries,
    knowledge, innovations and practices of women of            and the importance of ensuring the full
    indigenous and local communities…                           participation of both men and women at all levels
    …in addition, safeguard the existing intellectual           in programmes to combat desertification and
    property rights of these women as protected under           mitigate the effects of drought”
    national and international law;                             “promote       awareness     and     facilitate   the
    …and encourage fair and equitable sharing of                participation of local populations, particularly
    benefits arising from the utilization of such               women and youth, with the support of non-
    knowledge, innovation and practices.”                       governmental organizations, in efforts to combat
    “Recognizing also the vital role that women play in         desertification and mitigate the effects of drought”
    the conservation and sustainable use of biological          “provide for effective participation at the local,
    diversity and affirming the need for the full               national and regional levels of non- governmental
    participation of women at all levels of policy-making       organizations and local populations, both women
    and implementation for biological diversity                 and men, particularly resource users, including
    conservation...”                                            farmers and pastoralists and their representative
    “the COP welcomes the development of a Gender               organizations, in policy planning, decision-making,
    Plan of Action under the CBD as presented in the            and implementation and review of national action
    document UNEP/CBD/COP/9/L.4 and invites parties             programmes”
    to support the Secretariat in its implementation.”

Bonn-I         Bonn-II       Bonn-III        Bangkok         Copenhagen       Cancun
Iceland        Iceland       Iceland         Bangladesh      Iceland          Iceland
Bangladesh     Norway        Bangladesh      Ghana           Ghana            Bangladesh
Ghana          Bolivia       Ghana           Gambia          Gambia           Gambia
Gambia         Nordic States Australia /UG   Indonesia       Sierra Leone     Denmark
Lesotho        EU            (which          Marshall        Cameroon         EU
Switzerland    Philippines includes          Islands         DRC              Philippines
Costa Rica                   Iceland and     Costa Rica      Switzerland      Haiti
Guatemala                    the US)         Colombia        Nordic States    Sweden/EU
Bolivia                      Central         Gabon           EU               Tanzania
Norway                       America,        Tanzania        U.S.             Costa Rica
                                             Lesotho on      League of Arab   League of Arab
Czech                        particularly                                     State (Jordan,
Republic/EU                  Ecuador         behalf of the   State + Jordan   Oman, Syria,
Japan                                        LDCs            +G77             Lebanon,
Uganda                                                       Costa Rica       Yemen(G77),
                                                             Ecuador          Egypt, Bahrain,
South Africa                                                                  Iraq, Palestine.
Cook Islands
There has been significant progress in integrating climate change into UNFCCC
 In 2007, the United Nations and 25 international organizations formed the
Global Gender and Climate Alliance (GGCA), which aims to ensure that global
climate policies are gender-responsive.
 The IPCC now recognizes gender as one factor that shapes vulnerability to
climate change.
In 2010, the Cancun Agreements recognized gender equality as integral to
At COP-17 in 2011, references to gender and women were strengthened in a
number of important areas

    Overall, however, advocates argue that gender concerns are not yet sufficiently
                       addressed under the UNFCCC framework

 Recognizing gender equality and participation of women as
  important for effective action on all aspects of climate change

 Promoting gender sensitivity in enhanced action on adaptation

 Prioritization of vulnerable groups

 Enhancing capacity of women to act/be agents for change

 Strengthening participation of stakeholders, including women

 Consideration of gender in REDD actions

 Gender has begun to appear on the adaptation agenda.

 Gender-based vulnerabilities and the role of women in adaptation are
  acknowledged in the Arab Framework Action Plan51.

 At the national level, countries like Jordan, Egypt and Bahrain, have made
  efforts to mainstream gender into adaptation policy

 and several Arab countries have referenced it in national communications
  to the UNFCCC.
           UNDP Gender                                   Population with at least   Labor force
                           Maternal mortality
          Inequality Index                      Seats in secondary education (% participation rate
                           (maternal deaths
               2008                           parliament     ages 25+) 2010          (%) 2008
                            per 100,000 live
                                               (%) 2008
 AVERAGES                  births) 2003-2008               Female      Male       Female Male
          Rank Value

Maghreb           80    0.609      287.4           12.0       30.7       39.7       36.0     80.8

Central region    107   0.711      606.0           9.1        28.1       39.7       50.5     70.5

Mashreq           101   0.685      160.5           12.0       34.8       46.9       20.3     75.8

Gulf region       84    0.616       85.3           7.0        51.0       55.5       34.1     84.6

      There have been substantial improvements in gender equality in most of the Arab
                       countries. Significant challenges remain, however.
       Gender inequalities vary hugely across the region. Generalizations are difficult +
              Inequality based on gender is the most pervasive type of equality.
       The effects of climate change have the potential to deepen existing inequalities.

 High rates of illiteracy among women persists in the
  majority of the Arab countries, indeed women today
  account for two thirds of the region’s illiterates.

 Between 1990 and 2000- 2004, six Arab countries ranked
  above the world average of 76.5%. Bahrain raised the
  female literacy rate from 74.6% to 84.2%, Jordan from
  72.1% to 85.9%, Kuwait from 72.6% to 81%, Lebanon from
  73.1% to 82%, Qatar from 76% to 82.3%, and the United
  Arab Emirates from 70% to 80.7%

Source: Arab Human Development Report 2002

 Lack of capacity and interest in the issue of climate change from
  the mechanisms of women in developing countries

 Groups of women with limited capacity on climate change

 Lack of participation of women in decision-making spaces

                                        WB/ MENA Development report2012
Drought in Al Badia, Syria

 Women  majority of agriculture/animal husbandry
 ~74% of agricultural land is rain fed, but rainfall could decline > 20%
 over the next 50-70 years
 2006 – present: serious drought  increased poverty, then inability to
 ~ 8 out of 10 families  migration = adaptation response.

Serious gendered implications. E.g.:

 Removal of women’s source of livelihood, with fewer alternatives + more
obstacles than men

 Health risks: for men + women, but nutritional deficiencies normally most
serious for girls/women + reproductive health risks

 Gains in girls’ education etc. threatened
                                                    MENA Development Report/WB
CLIMATE – SMARTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Avoid being simplistic and just seeing
  women (due to their sex) as the VICTIMS

 Women are not vulnerable because they
  are "naturally weaker": women and men
  face different vulnerabilities due to their
  gender condition. Many women live in
  conditions of social exclusion

 Vulnerability depends in large part on the
  assets (physical, financial, human, social, and
  natural) available: the more assets, the less
  vulnerable one person is

 Worldwide, compared to men, women tend
  to have more limited access to resources that
  would enhance their capacity to adapt to
  climate change—including land, credit,
  agricultural inputs, decision-making bodies,
  technology and training services
 Develop or incorporate gender considerations into
  regional and national CC strategies

 Ensure that projects that implement national CC strategies
  incorporate the needs of women

 should be one of the priorities
 in adaptation and risk
reduction strategies/initiatives

 Knowledge    •Training manual on gender and CC
              •5 languages

                                     •ToTs -500 experts
                  Capacity           •ToD- 300 delegates

                                                           •61 interventions by Parties prior to
                                                            COP 16 (2009 – 2010)
                                            Advocacy       •WDF

                                                                                        •3 national strategies
                                                                 National                developed
                                                                 policies               •25 requests

Programme for Mainstreaming Gender in
                                                                                                              Climate Change Efforts in Jordan
                                                                                 D      R    A   F    T

                                                                                             1 June 2011

                     NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR
                                     IN EGYPT

Produced by the Gender Of fice of the International Union for Conservation of Natur e   - IUCN

                     Gender Mainstreaming in the Climate Change Efforts
                                    Jordan and Egypt

Where as Jordan Recognized that:

 Climate change affects everyone, everywhere,

 Climate change also has a differentiated impact on women and men.

 BUT existing climatic conditions( Water Scarcity) make women more
vulnerable than their male counterparts, but they are not helpless victims.

 Due to their role in society, women have the potential to be powerful
agents of change – capable of providing solutions to several climate
change adaptation.

    The Government of Jordan is a signatory to and member of a number of key international
            agreements that already commit the country to gender mainstreaming
                Recognizing the important role that women can play in this regard:

 The Government of Jordan requested the IUCN – ROWA based in Amman, to assist in the drafting of
  a gender sensitive Programme for mainstreaming gender in Jordan climate change adaptation

 The Program furthermore outlines a framework for integrating a gender perspective in climate
  change efforts in Jordan over the period 2011–2016.

   It also establishes objectives, outlines substantive activities with reachable indicators within the
    ambit of the four priority sectors (Water, Agriculture, Energy and Waste)

 The program is a result of a series of inputs- field visits, stakeholder consultation

 The key stakeholder were attend he national workshop from related ministries in cooperation with
  Jordan National Commission for Women, women organizations and donor representatives

To ensure that national climate change efforts in Jordan
mainstream gender considerations so that women and men can
have access to, participate in, contribute to and hence optimally
benefit from climate change initiatives, programs, policies and
Objectives                   Action steps            Indicators of success        Responsible
                                     Expand the training
                                                                   Number of training
                                      activities undertaken by
                                                                    activities incorporating
                                      academic institutions
                                                                    a gender perspective.
                                      and civil society to
                                      include a gender
                                                                   Amount of gender
                                      perspective in research,
                                                                    disaggregated data          MoPIC, MoE,
        To enhance the capacity       planning, monitoring
                                                                    available for use.           MoA, MWI,
        of women and men from         and evaluation
                                                                                                MoEnv, MOH,
          local communities to        exercises.
               save water.

                                     Provide refresher
                                                                   Number of sessions
                                      courses on water and
                                                                    conducted at top
                                      gender issues at top
                                                                    management level.
                                      management level.

                                       Prepare short courses      Number of courses
                                        for community               conducted.
                                        educators with women       Percentage of women
                                        participation.              participation in courses.

                                       Promote the                Number of women
                                        development,                participating in the
                                        validation,                 dissemination sessions.
                                        dissemination and
                                        transfer of                Number of new
                                        technologies for the        technologies being
        To build the capacity of        efficient use/ low cost     used by women and            MoE, MoH,
         local communities on           technologies at             men.                         Universities
          water management.             household level with
                                        particular focus on
                                                                   Database available.
WATER                                  Establish a

                                       Value traditional          Number of experience
                                        knowledge through the       exchange nets created.
                                        creation of an
                                        experience exchange

                                     Monitor the amount of         Amount of resources
                                      funds made available           allocated for women.       MOPIC, MOF,
           To ensure gender           for gender activities at                                  MOA, MoEnv
          sensitive budgeting         the local level.               Number of projects
                                                                       targeting women.

                                     Revision of national
         To ensure that climate
                                      legislation related to
         change and gender are                                                                   MWI, MOPIC,
                                      water to ensure than         National policies include
           integrated in water                                                                  MOEnv, MOH,
                                      gender and climate              climate change and
        polices and -strategies &                                                               C.S. NGOs and
                                      change considerations         gender considerations.
          adaptation measures                                                                       INGOs
                                      are fully integrated.

Intergovernmental coordination for supporting the mainstreaming of gender in
climate change efforts

Ensure that gender criteria (where relevant) are incorporated in the
development of projects and programmes associated with climate change in

Strengthen capacity of implementers of the Programme

Secure on-going commitments from funders to support the Programme for
Mainstreaming Gender in Climate Change Efforts in Jordan

According to both the Initial National Communication (INC) and the Second National
Communication (SNC) by the Government of Egypt (GoE), the vulnerable sectors in the
country to climate change are identified as:

 Water resources,

 Agriculture and

 Coastal zones.

  The Egyptian Constitution guarantees the same rights to all citizens, men and women

  The Government of Egypt is a signatory to, and member of, a number of key international
 agreements that already commit the country to gender mainstreaming

 Egypt ratified CEDAW in 1981

 In 2004, the “National Strategy for Women Empowerment” was developed through a multi-
 stakeholder process convened by the National Council for Women (NCW).

 Gender equality is of primary concern to the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA). A
 Gender Unit was established in 2002 with the objective:

     “To mainstream gender issues, particularly the rights of women to access employment
  opportunities and get a proper education, through good governance and adopting democracy
                                   and popular participation”.

                Recognizing the important role that women can play in this regard:

 The Government of Egypt requested the IUCN to assist in the drafting of a gender -sensitive Strategy
  for mainstreaming gender in Egypt climate change adaptation strategy

 The TNC will become a key tool for decision-making and provide a framework for implementation
  at all levels. It will contribute to a deepened understanding of the value of incorporating gender in
  both the development and implementation of policies and measures relating to adaptation and

   It also demonstrate the potential contribution to the sustainable development of the principal
    economic sectors in Egypt

 The program is a result of a series of inputs- field visits, stakeholder consultation

 TNC policy paper to inform decision-makers on integrating gender considerations in TNC and to
  integrate climate change into new national policies on women;

It establishes objectives, outlines substantive activities with reachable indicators within the ambit of
eight priority sectors as identified by participants,

 Integrated coastal management,

 Agriculture,




Energy and transport,

 Urbanization, and


To mainstream gender considerations into national climate change initiatives
and policies, so that both men and women have equal opportunity to
understand, participate, and decide effective measures to implement mitigation
and adaptation activities and henceforth benefit from various climate change
programs and-funds, contributing to the national economic, environmental and
social sustainability.
                                                                                                                                       D      R    A   F    T

                                                                                                                                                   1 June 2011

                                                                           NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR
                                                      MAINSTREAMING GENDER IN CLIMATE CHANGE
                                                                                           IN EGYPT

                                                      Produced by the Gender Of fice of the International Union for Conservation of Natur e   - IUCN
                   Objectives                              Action steps                                    Indicators of success                         Responsible
                                             Stocktaking of natural resource assets             Gender disaggregated map indicating                EEAA and SPA
                                              related to CZM disaggregated by sex                 economic and social value of resources
           To develop economic and
           social valuations of natural      Analysis of economic and social valuation          Report includes economic and social valuation
           resources and its impact           of the natural resources disaggregated by           of those resources and entry points for women      EEAA, SPA, MOP and
           on women                           sex                                                                                                     MOF
                                                                                                 Policies implemented to support women in
                                                                                                  CZM sector
                                             Analyze the current conflict patterns related      Reduction of conflicts                             EEAA
                                              to resources use and to conservation, and
                                              development                                        Number of potential entry points to identify       EEAA/NGOs
                                                                                                  women's                                            NGOs
                                             Conflict resolution process in place with
                                              women’s participation                              Number of awareness campaign conducted to
                                                                                                  women for CZM                                      EEAA/NGOs
           To strength a gender              Enhance women's participation in CZM                                                                   NGOs
           perspective relating to CZM        issues                                             Number of women participating in CZM
           through establishing                                                                   initiatives
           sustainable patterns of           Establish networks of women NGOS and                                                                   EEAA
           cooperation among women            CBOs for the management of coastal zone            Number of women trained in each
                                              in selected areas                                   geographical area
                                                                                                                                                     NGOs
                                                                                                 Number of families benefiting from women           Private sector
                                                                                                  participation in CZM

                                                                                                 Number of networks established for
                                                                                                  management of CZ
                                             Restructure the ICZM national committee            Number of women represented in the                 EEAA
           To establish a sustainable         to include 1/3 of its members as women              committee
           institutional and regulatory
           framework for CZM taking          Conduct regular 3-4 committee meetings             Mapping of women’s roles and responsibilities
           into account women's               annually                                            in the committees                                  EEAA
           participation in the
           decision making process                                                               Number of decisions impacting positively on
                                                                                                  women in CZ
                                             Identify and make available financial              Increase in funds access y women                       MOP
                                              mechanism that fund and support women’s
                                              projects and their participation in CZM                                                                    SFD
           To develop a sustainable
           financial mechanism to            Establish women's national fund for                National fund established                              MOF
           fund gender projects in            adaptation in CZM                                  Number of projects successfully implemented
           CZM                                                                                                                                           EEAA

                                                                                                                                                         SPA
                                             Built awareness in coastal and Delta               Number of people with knowledge in relation            MOP
                                              communities on the impacts of climate               to climate change and CZM
                                              change in the fishery industry and marine                                                                  SFD
                                              ecosystems                                         Adaptation strategies in place in the most
                                                                                                  vulnerable communities                                 MOF
                                             Develop adaptation strategies with women

Intergovernmental coordination for supporting the mainstreaming of gender in
climate change efforts

Ensure that gender criteria (where relevant) are incorporated in the
development of projects and programmes associated with climate change in

Strengthen capacity of implementers of the Programme

Secure on-going commitments from funders to support the Programme for
Mainstreaming Gender in Climate Change Efforts in Jordan

The content of the Arab Framework Action Plan for
dealing with issues of climate change is based on
the Arab Ministerial Declaration on Climate Change,
issued by the Council of Arab Ministers Responsible
for the Environment at its nineteenth session
CAMRE                                                        2020 - 2010

Where there are overlapping ecosystems, joint surface and ground water, and the
mobilization of human economic and institutional resources, which reduces the cost of

"Increasing the capacity of Arab countries to take appropriate measures to
deal with the issues of climate change in a way that reduces the political,
economic, social reactions and consistent with the requirements of sustainable
development in the Arab region, through enabling the social and institutional
structures as well as economic sectors to assess the implications of climate
change, and to develop policies and programs of mitigation of emissions and
adaptation to the potential impacts of climate change. "

1. Reduce the risks of climate change and the readiness to confront its potential impacts
through programs of mitigation and adaptation.

2. Preservation of the natural and human resources and to ensure a decent standard of
living for Arab citizens.

3. Enhancement of the pace of sustainable development in the Arab states, including
achieving MDGs.

4. Strengthening and building the national and regional institutional capacities to deal with
issues of climate change and cope with disasters.

5. Establishment of favorable conditions to stimulate regional and international
cooperation necessary to support national programs.

 National Level:

 Forming national commissions for climate change in the Arab States, made up of various national parties with
 participation of governmental experts, the private sector and relevant civil society organizations, and the National
 Committee will follow the progress in the implementation of sectoral action plans and the extent of development
 in national policies on climate change issues.

  The Regional level:
 Forming an Arab coordination council to cope with climate change, consists of the heads of national committees,
 experts, representatives of relevant Arab, regional and international organizations, representatives of private
 sector and civil society organizations.

 Constituting a sub-advisory committee of experts at the level of the Arab States:

 Affiliated to the Arab Council concerned with scientific, technical and technological advice, shouldering the task of
 coordinating the plans and programs of implementing national and regional activities, and preparation joint
 projects for the purpose of financing, and assessing and following-up the achieved progress in the development of
 national and regional policies and implementing working programs

Regional cooperation in adaptation efforts should be fostered through the adoption of
regional strategies and action plans that address CC concerns, and through the development
of a regional early warning system for forecasts, risk assessment and monitoring of extreme

An enhanced cooperation, development & implementation of integrated regional water
management between countries sharing water sources - both surface and groundwater

Empowerment of communities,– particularly women and other vulnerable groups

Involving civil societies and private sector
                                          AND EFFECTIVE ADAPTATION

                    Lose – Win Scenario                     Win-Win Scenario
                    Climate insensitive gender strategy     Integrated climate and gender strategy
                    -High community accountability for      -High community accountability for NRM
                    NRM                                     -Reduced vulnerability and inequality
Gender Strategy

                    -Reduced gender inequality              -Growing resilience of environment and
                    -Declining environmental resilience     communities
                    => Unsustainable development            => Sustainable and transformative
                    Lose – Lose Scenario                    Win-Lose Scenario
                    No climate or gender strategy           Gender insensitive climate strategy
                    -Declining resilience of environment    -Low community accountability for NRM
                    and communities                         -Increased gender inequality
                    -Increasing vulnerability and poverty   -Declining community resilience
                    => Highly unsustainable development     => Unsustainable development

                                                  Adaptation Strategy
 At the institutional level:
     • Build the capacity of institutions to integrate gender
        considerations in adaptation planning and management at all
        levels, e.g. through a gender mainstreaming project led by a
        national gender focal point.
     • Develop targeted social safety nets to build the resilience of
        vulnerable groups.

 At the household and community level:
     • Empower and train women in particular to diversify their
        livelihoods through income-generating activities, for greater
     • Empower communities to participate in adaptation-related
        decision-making to build on men’s and women’s specific
        knowledge and skills.

 Improve the collection and use of sex disaggregated data

 Access, control and distribution of benefits

 Levels of vulnerability, resilience, and autonomy of
  women and men when confronted with threats

 Importance of local knowledge and existing
  coping strategies
 Learn from DRR strategies

 Adaptation measures reveal the human     dimensions of climate change

 Both women and men are affected by CC but existing          inequalities
  determine who is most impacted by natural disasters

 Men and women have different      needs      and   interests   in adaptation

 Women are important agents of change: their unique knowledge is
  essential for adaptation measures and policies

 Full and effective participation of women is essential in order to make best
  use of their knowledge and experience


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Fidaa Haddad_Gender-Responsiveness in Existing Adaptation Strategies

  • 2. Time trend of disasters 1975-2006
  • 3. FACTS: 1988-2010 • 2007: there were 960 major disasters (the highest ever such figure) • 90% being the result of extreme weather-related events • Accounting for 95% of the reported fatalities • More people died in disasters during 2010, than in terrorist attacks in the past 40 years • 80% of the total $82 billion economic losses
  • 4. HUMAN FACE Climate change impacts will be differently distributed among different regions, generations, age, classes, income groups, occupations and genders The poor, primarily but by no means exclusively in developing countries, will be disproportionately affected. Their reliance on local ecological resources, coupled with existing stresses on health and well-being, and limited financial, institutional and human resources leave the poor most vulnerable and least able to adapt to the impacts of climate change (IPCC 2001)
  • 6. London School of Economics analyzed disasters in 141 countries -decisive evidence that gender differences in deaths from disasters are directly linked to women’s economic and social rights.
  • 7. DRYER – HOTTER – LESS PREDICTABLE Under moderate temperature increases, for example, some analysts anticipate that the Euphrates River could shrink by 30% and the Jordan River by 80% by the end of the century IISD/Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Denmark) report “Rising Temperatures, Rising tensions – Climate Change and the Risk of Violent Conflict in the Middle East” (2009) presents an analysis of the security threat of climate change in the region over the next 40 years (to 2050)
  • 8. TENSIONS 1. Increased competition for scarce water resources – complicates peace agreements 2. Intensified food insecurity – raises the stakes for the return or retention of occupied land 3. Hindered economic growth - worsens poverty and social instability
  • 9. SECURITY & POLITICAL UNREST - The Levant (Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan and the occupied Palestinian territory) has experienced more than 60 years of bloody conflict - Climate change perhaps a secondary backdrop to other problems facing the region
  • 10. TENSIONS 4. Destabilized forced migration and increases tensions over existing refugee populations 5. Perceptions of resources shrinking as a result of climate change could increase the militarization of strategic natural resources 4. Inaction on climate change may lead to growing resentment and distrust of the West (and Israel) by Arab nations
  • 13. WEAKNESSES IN THE CC SYSTEM  CC major decisions are in the hands of the environmental sector with limited capacity on social issues  Technical-scientific  Trying to reinvent the wheel
  • 14. RELATED LANGUAGE FROM RIO CONVENTIONS UNCBD UNCCD • “Encourage, subject to national legislation and • “Stressing the important role played by women in consistent with the Convention on Biological regions affected by desertification and/or drought, Diversity, the effective protection and use of the particularly in rural areas of developing countries, knowledge, innovations and practices of women of and the importance of ensuring the full indigenous and local communities… participation of both men and women at all levels …in addition, safeguard the existing intellectual in programmes to combat desertification and property rights of these women as protected under mitigate the effects of drought” national and international law; “promote awareness and facilitate the …and encourage fair and equitable sharing of participation of local populations, particularly benefits arising from the utilization of such women and youth, with the support of non- knowledge, innovation and practices.” governmental organizations, in efforts to combat “Recognizing also the vital role that women play in desertification and mitigate the effects of drought” the conservation and sustainable use of biological “provide for effective participation at the local, diversity and affirming the need for the full national and regional levels of non- governmental participation of women at all levels of policy-making organizations and local populations, both women and implementation for biological diversity and men, particularly resource users, including conservation...” farmers and pastoralists and their representative “the COP welcomes the development of a Gender organizations, in policy planning, decision-making, Plan of Action under the CBD as presented in the and implementation and review of national action document UNEP/CBD/COP/9/L.4 and invites parties programmes” to support the Secretariat in its implementation.”
  • 16. ADVOCACY PROCESSES Bonn-I Bonn-II Bonn-III Bangkok Copenhagen Cancun Iceland Iceland Iceland Bangladesh Iceland Iceland Bangladesh Norway Bangladesh Ghana Ghana Bangladesh Ghana Bolivia Ghana Gambia Gambia Gambia Gambia Nordic States Australia /UG Indonesia Sierra Leone Denmark Lesotho EU (which Marshall Cameroon EU Switzerland Philippines includes Islands DRC Philippines Costa Rica Iceland and Costa Rica Switzerland Haiti Guatemala the US) Colombia Nordic States Sweden/EU Bolivia Central Gabon EU Tanzania Norway America, Tanzania U.S. Costa Rica Lesotho on League of Arab League of Arab Czech particularly State (Jordan, Republic/EU Ecuador behalf of the State + Jordan Oman, Syria, Japan LDCs +G77 Lebanon, Uganda Costa Rica Yemen(G77), Ecuador Egypt, Bahrain, South Africa Iraq, Palestine. Cook Islands
  • 17. ADVOCACY PROCESSES There has been significant progress in integrating climate change into UNFCCC processes.  In 2007, the United Nations and 25 international organizations formed the Global Gender and Climate Alliance (GGCA), which aims to ensure that global climate policies are gender-responsive.  The IPCC now recognizes gender as one factor that shapes vulnerability to climate change. In 2010, the Cancun Agreements recognized gender equality as integral to adaptation. At COP-17 in 2011, references to gender and women were strengthened in a number of important areas Overall, however, advocates argue that gender concerns are not yet sufficiently addressed under the UNFCCC framework
  • 18. ADVOCACY PROCESSES  Recognizing gender equality and participation of women as important for effective action on all aspects of climate change  Promoting gender sensitivity in enhanced action on adaptation  Prioritization of vulnerable groups  Enhancing capacity of women to act/be agents for change  Strengthening participation of stakeholders, including women  Consideration of gender in REDD actions
  • 19. IN ARAB COUNTRIES  Gender has begun to appear on the adaptation agenda.  Gender-based vulnerabilities and the role of women in adaptation are acknowledged in the Arab Framework Action Plan51.  At the national level, countries like Jordan, Egypt and Bahrain, have made efforts to mainstream gender into adaptation policy  and several Arab countries have referenced it in national communications to the UNFCCC.
  • 20. GENDER (IN)EQUALITY IN THE ARAB COUNTRIES UNDP Gender Population with at least Labor force Maternal mortality Inequality Index Seats in secondary education (% participation rate (maternal deaths 2008 parliament ages 25+) 2010 (%) 2008 per 100,000 live (%) 2008 AVERAGES births) 2003-2008 Female Male Female Male Rank Value Maghreb 80 0.609 287.4 12.0 30.7 39.7 36.0 80.8 Central region 107 0.711 606.0 9.1 28.1 39.7 50.5 70.5 Mashreq 101 0.685 160.5 12.0 34.8 46.9 20.3 75.8 Gulf region 84 0.616 85.3 7.0 51.0 55.5 34.1 84.6 There have been substantial improvements in gender equality in most of the Arab countries. Significant challenges remain, however. Gender inequalities vary hugely across the region. Generalizations are difficult + problematic. Inequality based on gender is the most pervasive type of equality. The effects of climate change have the potential to deepen existing inequalities.
  • 21. …………2002  High rates of illiteracy among women persists in the majority of the Arab countries, indeed women today account for two thirds of the region’s illiterates.  Between 1990 and 2000- 2004, six Arab countries ranked above the world average of 76.5%. Bahrain raised the female literacy rate from 74.6% to 84.2%, Jordan from 72.1% to 85.9%, Kuwait from 72.6% to 81%, Lebanon from 73.1% to 82%, Qatar from 76% to 82.3%, and the United Arab Emirates from 70% to 80.7% Source: Arab Human Development Report 2002
  • 22. AS WOMEN, WHERE ARE WE?  Lack of capacity and interest in the issue of climate change from the mechanisms of women in developing countries  Groups of women with limited capacity on climate change  Lack of participation of women in decision-making spaces WB/ MENA Development report2012
  • 23. FOR EXAMPLE...? Drought in Al Badia, Syria  Women  majority of agriculture/animal husbandry  ~74% of agricultural land is rain fed, but rainfall could decline > 20% over the next 50-70 years  2006 – present: serious drought  increased poverty, then inability to subsist  ~ 8 out of 10 families  migration = adaptation response. Serious gendered implications. E.g.:  Removal of women’s source of livelihood, with fewer alternatives + more obstacles than men  Health risks: for men + women, but nutritional deficiencies normally most serious for girls/women + reproductive health risks  Gains in girls’ education etc. threatened MENA Development Report/WB
  • 26. CAUSES OF DIFFERENCE  Avoid being simplistic and just seeing women (due to their sex) as the VICTIMS  Women are not vulnerable because they are "naturally weaker": women and men face different vulnerabilities due to their gender condition. Many women live in conditions of social exclusion
  • 27. CAUSES OF DIFFERENCE  Vulnerability depends in large part on the assets (physical, financial, human, social, and natural) available: the more assets, the less vulnerable one person is  Worldwide, compared to men, women tend to have more limited access to resources that would enhance their capacity to adapt to climate change—including land, credit, agricultural inputs, decision-making bodies, technology and training services
  • 28. WHAT CAN BE DONE?  Develop or incorporate gender considerations into regional and national CC strategies  Ensure that projects that implement national CC strategies incorporate the needs of women  Women EMPOWERMENT should be one of the priorities in adaptation and risk reduction strategies/initiatives
  • 29. GENDER AND CLIMATE CHANGE PROCESS Knowledge •Training manual on gender and CC •5 languages development •ToTs -500 experts Capacity •ToD- 300 delegates building •61 interventions by Parties prior to COP 16 (2009 – 2010) Advocacy •WDF •3 national strategies National developed policies •25 requests Implementation
  • 30. Programme for Mainstreaming Gender in Climate Change Efforts in Jordan D R A F T 1 June 2011 NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR MAINSTREAMING GENDER IN CLIMATE CHANGE IN EGYPT Produced by the Gender Of fice of the International Union for Conservation of Natur e - IUCN Gender Mainstreaming in the Climate Change Efforts Jordan and Egypt
  • 31. GENDER MAINSTREAMING IN JORDAN Where as Jordan Recognized that:  Climate change affects everyone, everywhere,  Climate change also has a differentiated impact on women and men.  BUT existing climatic conditions( Water Scarcity) make women more vulnerable than their male counterparts, but they are not helpless victims.  Due to their role in society, women have the potential to be powerful agents of change – capable of providing solutions to several climate change adaptation. The Government of Jordan is a signatory to and member of a number of key international agreements that already commit the country to gender mainstreaming
  • 32. THE THIRD NATIONAL COMMUNICATION REPORT Recognizing the important role that women can play in this regard:  The Government of Jordan requested the IUCN – ROWA based in Amman, to assist in the drafting of a gender sensitive Programme for mainstreaming gender in Jordan climate change adaptation strategy  The Program furthermore outlines a framework for integrating a gender perspective in climate change efforts in Jordan over the period 2011–2016.  It also establishes objectives, outlines substantive activities with reachable indicators within the ambit of the four priority sectors (Water, Agriculture, Energy and Waste)  The program is a result of a series of inputs- field visits, stakeholder consultation  The key stakeholder were attend he national workshop from related ministries in cooperation with Jordan National Commission for Women, women organizations and donor representatives
  • 33. GENERAL OBJECTIVE To ensure that national climate change efforts in Jordan mainstream gender considerations so that women and men can have access to, participate in, contribute to and hence optimally benefit from climate change initiatives, programs, policies and funds.
  • 34. Objectives Action steps Indicators of success Responsible  Expand the training  Number of training activities undertaken by activities incorporating academic institutions a gender perspective. and civil society to include a gender  Amount of gender perspective in research, disaggregated data MoPIC, MoE, To enhance the capacity planning, monitoring available for use. MoA, MWI, of women and men from and evaluation MoEnv, MOH, local communities to exercises. C.S. save water.  Provide refresher  Number of sessions courses on water and conducted at top gender issues at top management level. management level.  Prepare short courses  Number of courses for community conducted. environmental educators with women  Percentage of women participation. participation in courses.  Promote the  Number of women development, participating in the validation, dissemination sessions. dissemination and transfer of  Number of new technologies for the technologies being To build the capacity of efficient use/ low cost used by women and MoE, MoH, local communities on technologies at men. Universities water management. household level with particular focus on vulnerable populations.  Database available. WATER  Establish a disaggregated database.  Value traditional  Number of experience knowledge through the exchange nets created. creation of an experience exchange networks.  Monitor the amount of  Amount of resources funds made available allocated for women. MOPIC, MOF, To ensure gender for gender activities at MOA, MoEnv sensitive budgeting the local level.  Number of projects targeting women.  Revision of national To ensure that climate legislation related to change and gender are MWI, MOPIC, water to ensure than  National policies include integrated in water MOEnv, MOH, gender and climate climate change and polices and -strategies & C.S. NGOs and change considerations gender considerations. adaptation measures INGOs are fully integrated. proposed.
  • 35. INSTITUTIONAL IMPERATIVES Intergovernmental coordination for supporting the mainstreaming of gender in climate change efforts Ensure that gender criteria (where relevant) are incorporated in the development of projects and programmes associated with climate change in Jordan Strengthen capacity of implementers of the Programme Secure on-going commitments from funders to support the Programme for Mainstreaming Gender in Climate Change Efforts in Jordan
  • 36. EGYPT NATIONAL STRATEGY 2011 According to both the Initial National Communication (INC) and the Second National Communication (SNC) by the Government of Egypt (GoE), the vulnerable sectors in the country to climate change are identified as:  Water resources,  Agriculture and  Coastal zones.
  • 37. GENDER MAINSTREAMING IN EGYPT EGYPT PROGRESS  The Egyptian Constitution guarantees the same rights to all citizens, men and women  The Government of Egypt is a signatory to, and member of, a number of key international agreements that already commit the country to gender mainstreaming Egypt ratified CEDAW in 1981 In 2004, the “National Strategy for Women Empowerment” was developed through a multi- stakeholder process convened by the National Council for Women (NCW). Gender equality is of primary concern to the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA). A Gender Unit was established in 2002 with the objective: “To mainstream gender issues, particularly the rights of women to access employment opportunities and get a proper education, through good governance and adopting democracy and popular participation”.
  • 38. THE THIRD NATIONAL COMMUNICATION REPORT Recognizing the important role that women can play in this regard:  The Government of Egypt requested the IUCN to assist in the drafting of a gender -sensitive Strategy for mainstreaming gender in Egypt climate change adaptation strategy  The TNC will become a key tool for decision-making and provide a framework for implementation at all levels. It will contribute to a deepened understanding of the value of incorporating gender in both the development and implementation of policies and measures relating to adaptation and mitigation.  It also demonstrate the potential contribution to the sustainable development of the principal economic sectors in Egypt  The program is a result of a series of inputs- field visits, stakeholder consultation  TNC policy paper to inform decision-makers on integrating gender considerations in TNC and to integrate climate change into new national policies on women;
  • 39. THE FRAMEWORK FOR INTEGRATING A GENDER PERSPECTIVE IN CLIMATE CHANGE COVERS THE PERIOD 2011–2016. It establishes objectives, outlines substantive activities with reachable indicators within the ambit of eight priority sectors as identified by participants,  Integrated coastal management,  Agriculture, Water, Tourism, Health, Energy and transport,  Urbanization, and Waste.
  • 40. GENERAL OBJECTIVE To mainstream gender considerations into national climate change initiatives and policies, so that both men and women have equal opportunity to understand, participate, and decide effective measures to implement mitigation and adaptation activities and henceforth benefit from various climate change programs and-funds, contributing to the national economic, environmental and social sustainability. D R A F T 1 June 2011 NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR MAINSTREAMING GENDER IN CLIMATE CHANGE IN EGYPT Produced by the Gender Of fice of the International Union for Conservation of Natur e - IUCN
  • 41. SELECTED ACTION ON IMPLEMENTATION: INCLUDING GENDER IN IMPLEMENTATION OF INTEGRATED COASTAL MANAGEMENT (ICM) Objectives Action steps Indicators of success Responsible  Stocktaking of natural resource assets  Gender disaggregated map indicating  EEAA and SPA related to CZM disaggregated by sex economic and social value of resources To develop economic and social valuations of natural  Analysis of economic and social valuation  Report includes economic and social valuation resources and its impact of the natural resources disaggregated by of those resources and entry points for women  EEAA, SPA, MOP and on women sex MOF  Policies implemented to support women in CZM sector  Analyze the current conflict patterns related  Reduction of conflicts  EEAA to resources use and to conservation, and development  Number of potential entry points to identify  EEAA/NGOs women's  NGOs  Conflict resolution process in place with women’s participation  Number of awareness campaign conducted to women for CZM  EEAA/NGOs To strength a gender  Enhance women's participation in CZM  NGOs perspective relating to CZM issues  Number of women participating in CZM through establishing initiatives sustainable patterns of  Establish networks of women NGOS and  EEAA cooperation among women CBOs for the management of coastal zone  Number of women trained in each in selected areas geographical area  NGOs  Number of families benefiting from women  Private sector participation in CZM  Number of networks established for management of CZ  Restructure the ICZM national committee  Number of women represented in the  EEAA To establish a sustainable to include 1/3 of its members as women committee institutional and regulatory framework for CZM taking  Conduct regular 3-4 committee meetings  Mapping of women’s roles and responsibilities into account women's annually in the committees  EEAA participation in the decision making process  Number of decisions impacting positively on women in CZ  Identify and make available financial  Increase in funds access y women  MOP mechanism that fund and support women’s projects and their participation in CZM  SFD To develop a sustainable financial mechanism to  Establish women's national fund for  National fund established  MOF fund gender projects in adaptation in CZM  Number of projects successfully implemented CZM  EEAA  SPA  Built awareness in coastal and Delta  Number of people with knowledge in relation  MOP communities on the impacts of climate to climate change and CZM change in the fishery industry and marine  SFD ecosystems  Adaptation strategies in place in the most vulnerable communities  MOF  Develop adaptation strategies with women
  • 42. INSTITUTIONAL IMPERATIVES Intergovernmental coordination for supporting the mainstreaming of gender in climate change efforts Ensure that gender criteria (where relevant) are incorporated in the development of projects and programmes associated with climate change in Egypt Strengthen capacity of implementers of the Programme Secure on-going commitments from funders to support the Programme for Mainstreaming Gender in Climate Change Efforts in Jordan
  • 43. THE ARAB FRAMEWORK ACTION PLAN ON CLIMATE CHANGE (AFAPCC) 2010-2020 The content of the Arab Framework Action Plan for dealing with issues of climate change is based on the Arab Ministerial Declaration on Climate Change, issued by the Council of Arab Ministers Responsible for the Environment at its nineteenth session CAMRE 2020 - 2010 Where there are overlapping ecosystems, joint surface and ground water, and the mobilization of human economic and institutional resources, which reduces the cost of implementation.
  • 44. THE OVERALL OBJECTIVE OF THE PLAN "Increasing the capacity of Arab countries to take appropriate measures to deal with the issues of climate change in a way that reduces the political, economic, social reactions and consistent with the requirements of sustainable development in the Arab region, through enabling the social and institutional structures as well as economic sectors to assess the implications of climate change, and to develop policies and programs of mitigation of emissions and adaptation to the potential impacts of climate change. "
  • 45. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 1. Reduce the risks of climate change and the readiness to confront its potential impacts through programs of mitigation and adaptation. 2. Preservation of the natural and human resources and to ensure a decent standard of living for Arab citizens. 3. Enhancement of the pace of sustainable development in the Arab states, including achieving MDGs. 4. Strengthening and building the national and regional institutional capacities to deal with issues of climate change and cope with disasters. 5. Establishment of favorable conditions to stimulate regional and international cooperation necessary to support national programs.
  • 46. THE TIME FRAME AND THE MECHANISM OF IMPLEMENTATION National Level: Forming national commissions for climate change in the Arab States, made up of various national parties with participation of governmental experts, the private sector and relevant civil society organizations, and the National Committee will follow the progress in the implementation of sectoral action plans and the extent of development in national policies on climate change issues.  The Regional level: Forming an Arab coordination council to cope with climate change, consists of the heads of national committees, experts, representatives of relevant Arab, regional and international organizations, representatives of private sector and civil society organizations. Constituting a sub-advisory committee of experts at the level of the Arab States: Affiliated to the Arab Council concerned with scientific, technical and technological advice, shouldering the task of coordinating the plans and programs of implementing national and regional activities, and preparation joint projects for the purpose of financing, and assessing and following-up the achieved progress in the development of national and regional policies and implementing working programs
  • 47. AFAPCC RECOMMENDATIONS Regional cooperation in adaptation efforts should be fostered through the adoption of regional strategies and action plans that address CC concerns, and through the development of a regional early warning system for forecasts, risk assessment and monitoring of extreme events. An enhanced cooperation, development & implementation of integrated regional water management between countries sharing water sources - both surface and groundwater Empowerment of communities,– particularly women and other vulnerable groups Involving civil societies and private sector
  • 48.
  • 49. AN INTEGRATED CLIMATE AND GENDER STRATEGY LEADS TO SUSTAINABLE AND EFFECTIVE ADAPTATION Lose – Win Scenario Win-Win Scenario Climate insensitive gender strategy Integrated climate and gender strategy -High community accountability for -High community accountability for NRM NRM -Reduced vulnerability and inequality Gender Strategy -Reduced gender inequality -Growing resilience of environment and -Declining environmental resilience communities => Unsustainable development => Sustainable and transformative development Lose – Lose Scenario Win-Lose Scenario No climate or gender strategy Gender insensitive climate strategy -Declining resilience of environment -Low community accountability for NRM and communities -Increased gender inequality -Increasing vulnerability and poverty -Declining community resilience => Highly unsustainable development => Unsustainable development Adaptation Strategy
  • 50. POLICY OPTIONS  At the institutional level: • Build the capacity of institutions to integrate gender considerations in adaptation planning and management at all levels, e.g. through a gender mainstreaming project led by a national gender focal point. • Develop targeted social safety nets to build the resilience of vulnerable groups.  At the household and community level: • Empower and train women in particular to diversify their livelihoods through income-generating activities, for greater resilience. • Empower communities to participate in adaptation-related decision-making to build on men’s and women’s specific knowledge and skills.  Improve the collection and use of sex disaggregated data
  • 51. GENDER-SENSITIVE ADAPTATION CHECKLIST  Access, control and distribution of benefits  Levels of vulnerability, resilience, and autonomy of women and men when confronted with threats  Importance of local knowledge and existing coping strategies  Learn from DRR strategies
  • 52. SUMMARY  Adaptation measures reveal the human dimensions of climate change  Both women and men are affected by CC but existing inequalities determine who is most impacted by natural disasters  Men and women have different needs and interests in adaptation efforts  Women are important agents of change: their unique knowledge is essential for adaptation measures and policies  Full and effective participation of women is essential in order to make best use of their knowledge and experience
  • 53.