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UTI : Inflammatory response of urothelium to
bacterial invasion associated with bacteriuria
Bacteriuria: Presence of bacteria in urine
which is normally free of bacteria.It may be
due to contamination.
Pyuria: Presence of WBCs in urine.
Bacteriuria without pyuria: Colonization with no
Pyuria without bacteriuria: T.B, stones, cancer.
Uncomplicated UTI: Inf. in normal U.T both
structurally & functionally.
Complicated UTI: U.T is functionally or
abnormal, host is compromised, increased
nce of bacteria (pregnancy, elderly, DM,
First or isolated: Never had inf. before or since
long time.
Unresolved inf.: not responded to
Incidence & Epidemiology
-UTIs are the most common bacterial inf.
-1.2% of office visits by females & 0.6% by
-50% of females will experience UTI during life.
-Once a pt. has inf., is likely to develop
nt infections.
Routes of infection:
1-Ascending route:
-Bowel reservoir----urethra----bladder
e.g: perineum soiled with faeces.
indwelling catheter
-Cystitis may ascend to kidney by VUR.
2-Haematogenous route:
-Renal infection with staph. From a septic focus.
3-Lymphatic route:
-Not common.
-From adjacent organs (severe bowel inf. – RP
Urinary Pathogens:
E. Coli : 85% of community acquired
50% of hospital acquired
Proteus, klebsiella, gm +ve (E. faecalis):
Bacterial adherence:
Bacterial adhesins:
-UP expresses a number of adhesins that allow
to attach to U.T tissues.
Natural defenses of U.T:
1- Periurethral & urethral region:
- Normal flora of introitus & urethra contain orga-
- nisms as lactobacilli & streptococci forming a
- barrier against UP.
- - Flow of urine.
2- Urine:
- Organisms normally colonizing the urethra do
not multiply in urine.
- Bacterial growth is inh. by dilute urine or high or
high osmolality assoc. with low Ph.
- Tamm-Horsfall ptn. (1000ng/ml) block bacterial
binding to urothelial receptors.
3- bladder emptying.
4- General immunity.
- -Urine & U.T are normally free of bacteria &
Urine collection:
-Mid stream.
-How to collect ?
voided or catheterized
Suprapubic aspiration: highly accurate,
useful in newborn
pts who can not void
-Non circumcised: prepuce retracted, glans
-In females: spread labia, wash introitus, mid
Urine analysis:
5-10 ml centrifuged for 5 min. at 2000 rpm.
Bacteriuria found in 90% of infs. with counts
>100000 CFU/ml.
2 WBCs/HPF in centrifuged specimen= 10 in an
unspined specimen & both correlates with bacte-
Imaging techniques:
-Not required in most cases.
-Indications: fever- failure to respond to treatment
recurrent infs.- D.M- history of stones or surgery.
-Plain, IVU, VCUG, U/S, CT.
Principles of antimicrobial treatment:
-Efficacy is dependent on drug level in urine &
duration this level remains above MIC of inf.
-Concentration in blood is not important as in
urine, except in septicemia or bacterimia.
-Patients with renal failure:
Dose modification are necessary for drug
cleared only by kidneys.
Conc. power is impaired ---difficult eradication
Bladder infections
Uncomplicated cystitis:
-Most caes in females.
-25% between 20-40 yrs.
Risk factors:
-Weak urine flow.
-Promote colonization: sexual activity.
-Facilitate ascent: catheter, fecal incontinence.
Clinical presentation:
-Dysuria, frequency, urgency, S.P pain.
-Haematuria, foul smelling urine.
-Fever & chills usually absent (superficial mucosal
Causative organism: E. coli 80-90%
Lab diagnosis:
-urine analysis: pyuria, bacteriuria, hematuria.
-urine culture: often not necessary.
-TMP-SMX, quinolones, floroquinolones
-Duration: 3 days.
Complicated cystitis:
-Occur in compromised U.T or by resistant org.
-mild cystitis----life threatening renal inf. &
-Urine culture is mandatory.
-treatment of cause.
 Kidney Infections
Acute Pyelonephritis:
-Inflammation of both renal parenchyma &
Causative organism:
-E. coli (80%), proteus, klebsiella,
-Rarely, gm +ve.
-Renal enlargement, capsule strips easily,
yellowish white cortical abscesses with
Clinical picture:
-Chills, fever (100F or >), flank pain.
-LUTS (dysuria, urgency, frequency).
-GIT symptoms.
Lab diagnosis:
-CBC: leucocytosis with predominance of
neutrophils, inc.ESR & C- reactive ptn.
U.A: WBCs in clumps, bacterial rods.
WBC casts
Specific casts (bacteria in ptn matrix).
Blood culture:
IVU: renal enlargement (1.5 cm greater in
focal ― (focal bacterial nephritis)
disappear with treatment.
calyceal & ureteral dilatation (endotoxins)
U/S & CT: to diagnose complicated PN
to reevaluate pts not responding
72 hours treatment.
Treatment: Antibiotics for 7 days.
Bed rest – antipyretics.
Emphysematous PN:
-Acute necrotising parenchymal & perirenal infn.
caused by gas forming UP.
-Organism cause fermentation of glucose ----CO2.
-However, not common in diabetics.
Should be considered compl. of severe PN.
-Mortality rate 20-40%
Causative organism:
-E. coli (commonest), klebsiella, proteus.
Clinical picture:
-Triad of fever, vomiting, flank pain.
-Pneumaturia, when infn. involves collecting
-Plain KUB: crescentic gas shaddow (in renal
space) & loculated ― ― (in
-IVU: rare of value (NF or poorly functioning K.)
U/S: gas.
CT: procedure of choice.
Treatment: surgical emergency
-Fluid resuscitation & broad spectrum
-Nephrectomy if no improvement after few
Renal Abscess:
-Collection of purulent material confined to renal
-Usually due to VUR in an obstructed kidney.
-Causative organism: g +Ve or –Ve.
Clinical picture:
-History of g +Ve source of inf.(1-8 weeks) before
onset of symptoms. e.g: skin carbuncle.
Lab diagnosis:
-Leucocytosis, pyuria, bacteriuria (if communicat).
-Urine culture: no or different organism (bld
-Renal enlargement & distortion of renal contour.
-Renal fixation on insp. & exp. films.
-Obliteration of psoas shadow & scoliosis.
-CT is the procedure of choice
Renal enlargement & area of low attenuation.
Thickening of perinephric fascia.
-PC or open drainage (DD. Renal tumor).
-I.V antibiotics & observation, if <3cm.-----good
-Follow up with U/S or CT till complete resolution.
Infected Hydronephrosis & Pyonephrosis:
Infected HN: bacterial inf. in a hydronephrotic k.
Pyonephrosis:inf. HN associated with suppuration
of renal parenchyma----partial or total loss of
renal function.
Differentiation not always easy.
Clinical picture:
-Bacteria may not be present if ureter completely
Radiology: internal ecchoes in dilated P.C
Treatment: drainage &antibiotics.
Perinephric abscess:
-Rupture of a cortical abscess into perinephric
-Infected perirenal hematoma or urinoma.
-Spread of osteomyelitis from T.B lumbar
When it rupture through renal fascia ---
Clinical picture: insidious onset, 1/3 afebrile.
Local signs of infl. (hotness, redness, oedema,
loin mass may be pointing)
-Absent psoas shaddow, elevated or immobile
-U/S & CT: ecchogenic collection.
-Surgical drainage (if large)
-PC ― (if small)
1- G –Ve: E. coli (80%), kleb.,
2- G +Ve: staph aureus (5-10%)
3- Chlamydia & U. urealyticum: minor role.
Risk factors:
1- Intra-prostatic ductal reflux.
2- Immunologic alteration inside prostate.
3- Acute epididymitis, indwelling catheter,
-Increase no. of infl. cells within parenchyma.
-Lymphocytic infil. in stroma adjacent to acini
(most common pattern).
-Corpora amylacea (deposition of pr. secretion
around a sloughed epithelial cell) may obstruct
pr. gland.
Classification: “Traditional classification
Type s. of UTI bacteria infl.
1-ABP: severe + +
2-CBP: mild + +
3-NBP: ----- - +
4-Prostatodynia: ----- - -
Clinical picture:
1- ABP: fever, severe irritative & obstructive
5%------- CBP
2- CBP: asymptomatic
irritative & obstructive C/O
3- NBP: pain (predominant C/O) in
penis, testis, low back.
4- Prostatodynia: painful ejaculation (50%)
symptoms tend to wane & wax over
1- Physical examination:
-Important but not helpful for diagnosis or
ABP: prostate is hot, boggy, very tender
Other types: prostate is normal.
2- Cytology & culture:
- Stamey 4 glass urine collection
1- Antibiotics: for ABP & CBP.
2- Alpha adr. blockers: for NBP & prostatodynia
with poor relaxation of B.N -----increase ur. flow
decrease IPR.
3- Anti-inflammatory:
NSAIDs- cortisone.
4- Ms. relaxants:
NBP & prostatodynia may be due to smooth &
skeletal ms dysregulation of pelvis
& perineum.
5- Phytotherapy:
Some plant extracts show 5 alpha- reductase
activity, alpha blocker, anti- inflammatory.
6- Allopurinol:
IPR---inc. metabolites containing purine &
pyrimidine in pr. ducts-----inflammation.
-Inflammation of testis, & also describe testicular
pain without evidence of infl.
-Isolated orchitis is relatively rare & usually viral
due to blood spread.
-Orchitis of bacterial origin usually occur due to
local spread from ipsi. epididymis (E. coli, pseud.,
Staph, strept.,N. gonorrhea).
-Pain- fever- nausea & vomiting- tenderness-
secondary hydrocele.
Urine analysis- urethral swab
U/S: to rule out malignancy & torsion
- Rest- scrotal support- hydration- antipyretics-
- Antibiotics.
Chronic orchitis:
-Inflammation & pain in testis, without swelling
for >6 weeks.
-Self limited & may take years to resolve.
-Acute : sudden pain, infl., swelling.
-Chronic: pain & infl. with no swelling >6 weeks.
may be due to inadequate treatment.
-Spread from bladder, urethra & prostate.
-Starts in tail-----body-----head.
-Testis is involved in most cases-----epididymo-
-antibiotics for 4-6 weeks.
-Chronic: self-limiting taking long duration.
-Epididymectomy: with treatment failure & to cure
Tuberculosis (T.B)
-Always considered in a pt. with vague long
standing urinary C/O with no obvious cause.
-Age: 20-40 yrs, uncommon in children.
When to suspect?
-Following presentation without obvious
Frequency—recurrent cystitis not responding
treatment---gross or microscopic hematuria---
sterile pyuria.
T.B of kidney:
-Organism settle in blood v. close to glomeruli.
-Caseating granulomas develop & consist of giant
cells (Langhans) surrounded by lymphocytes &
-Caseous material open through calyces---cavities
of moth-eaten appearance.
-Course depends on virulence & resistance.
-If pathology progress + obst.---autonephrectomy.
-If healing occur---fibrosis & calcification---stricture
in calyces or PUJ.
-Mycobacterium may remain viable in calcific
T.B of ureter:
-T.B ureteritis---fibrosis---str. usually at UVJ
-Whole ureter may be affected---multiple levels
ureteric str.
T.B of bladder:
-Starts around U.O---infl. & edema---T.B
-T.B ulcers is rare, occasionally whole bladder
covered by infl. velvety granulation---bladder
T.B of epididymis & testis:
-Painful & infl. scrotal swelling. D.D: ep.orchitis.
-Globus minor affected alone in 40%.
-Testicular affection without ep. is very rare.
-Scrotal sinus.
T.B of penis----superficial glanular ulcer.
T.B of urethra ---urethral stricture.
1-Tuberculin test:
-M.T.B complex (M.T.B—M. bovis—M.
microti—M. africanum).
-Intradermal inj. of a PPD of tuberculin.
-Infl. condition reaching max.between 48-72
-Central indurated zone surrounded by
-+Ve reaction =inf., but not indication of active
T.B or C/O due to T.B.
2-Urine examination:
3-Urine culture:
-Takes 6-8 weeks (slowly growing).
-3-5 consequetive early morning samples
(org. is intermittently excreted).
-Plain KUB:
-Calcification in kidney, ureter, bladder, seminal
-Plain chest & spine.
-Fibrosed & occluded calyx (lost calyx).
-Moth-eaten cavities, HUN, contracted bladder.
First line drugs:
1-Isoniazid (INH): hepatotoxicity, peripheral
5 mg/kg maximum 300 mg
2-Rifampicin: hepatotoxicity
10 mg/kg max. 600 mg
3-Pyrazinamide: hepatotoxicity
20-25 mg/kg
4-Streptomycin: ototoxicity
5-Ethambutol: retrobulbar neuritis
15-25 mg/kg
Cornerstone is multidrug treatment to decrease
duration of treatment & drug resistant developm-
Second line drugs:
-Short course 6 months regimen.
-All drugs given in a single dose.
-Followup with urine culture at 3, 6, 12 months
after treatment finished.
Surgery: delayed until medical treatment adminis-
tered for 4-6 weeks.
Parasitic diseases
Urinary schistosomiasis:
Caused by S. haematobium.
Pathology & pathogenesis:
-Worms in pelvic v. plexus----eggs in lower UT.
-Granulomas formed in response to egg Ag------
large,bulky, hyperemic polypoid masses. As egg
laying ceases, eggs are destroyed or calcified &
infl. wanes & replaced by f.t. (inactive form).
& chronic bladder ulcers
-Obstructive uropathy occur due to chronic dis.
Usually bilateral asymmetrical (JV & lower ureter)
-Bladder cancer is a sequalae:early, sq.c.c (60-
Acute:‖ Katayama fever‖
-fever, lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, urticaria
-occur 3-9 weeks after inf.
-terminal hematuria & dysuria.
-HUN—contracted bladder
1-Presence of eggs with terminal spikes is diagn-
ostic of & only possible during active inf.
2-Serologic tests: do not diff. between acute & ch
3-Plain & IVU.
Praziquentel: drug of choice
cure rate 80-100%
dose:2 oral doses of 40mg/kg in 24 hrs
No serious side effects.
Surgical: nephrectomy—ureteric implantation
Lymphatic filariasis:
-Causative organism: W. bancrofti
-Cycle proceeds from human---mosquito---human.
-Acute lymphatic infiltration----fever, lymphangitis
& lymphadenitis---chronic lymphatic obstruction
& dilation----hydrocele, elephantiasis of limbs &
-Diagnosis: C.p & Giemsa stain for blood.
Diethylcarbamazine (DEC), ivermectin,
Nonlymphatic Filariasis:
-Transmitted by black flies (Simulum species).
-Adult worms inhibit S.C tissues----f. nodules in
which it is encapsulated.
-Microfilaria travel through dermis & eye ---------
Microscopic exam. of skin snips under normal
saline or Giemsa stain.
-Ivermectin. DEC not used due to severe

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4 urinary tract infection

  • 2. Definitions UTI : Inflammatory response of urothelium to bacterial invasion associated with bacteriuria & Pyuria. Bacteriuria: Presence of bacteria in urine which is normally free of bacteria.It may be due to contamination. Pyuria: Presence of WBCs in urine. Bacteriuria without pyuria: Colonization with no infection. Pyuria without bacteriuria: T.B, stones, cancer.
  • 3. Uncomplicated UTI: Inf. in normal U.T both structurally & functionally. Complicated UTI: U.T is functionally or structurally abnormal, host is compromised, increased virule- nce of bacteria (pregnancy, elderly, DM, instrume- ntation). First or isolated: Never had inf. before or since a long time. Unresolved inf.: not responded to
  • 4. Incidence & Epidemiology -UTIs are the most common bacterial inf. -1.2% of office visits by females & 0.6% by males. -50% of females will experience UTI during life. -Once a pt. has inf., is likely to develop subseque- nt infections.
  • 5. Pathogenesis: Routes of infection: 1-Ascending route: -Bowel reservoir----urethra----bladder e.g: perineum soiled with faeces. indwelling catheter -Cystitis may ascend to kidney by VUR. 2-Haematogenous route: -Renal infection with staph. From a septic focus. 3-Lymphatic route: -Not common. -From adjacent organs (severe bowel inf. – RP abscess).
  • 6. Urinary Pathogens: E. Coli : 85% of community acquired 50% of hospital acquired Proteus, klebsiella, gm +ve (E. faecalis): remain. Bacterial adherence: Bacterial adhesins: -UP expresses a number of adhesins that allow it to attach to U.T tissues.
  • 7.
  • 8. Natural defenses of U.T: 1- Periurethral & urethral region: - Normal flora of introitus & urethra contain orga- - nisms as lactobacilli & streptococci forming a - barrier against UP. - - Flow of urine. 2- Urine: - Organisms normally colonizing the urethra do not multiply in urine. - Bacterial growth is inh. by dilute urine or high or high osmolality assoc. with low Ph. - Tamm-Horsfall ptn. (1000ng/ml) block bacterial binding to urothelial receptors. 3- bladder emptying. 4- General immunity.
  • 9. Diagnosis - -Urine & U.T are normally free of bacteria & infl. Urine collection: -Mid stream. -How to collect ? voided or catheterized Suprapubic aspiration: highly accurate, useful in newborn pts who can not void -Non circumcised: prepuce retracted, glans washed -In females: spread labia, wash introitus, mid
  • 10. Urine analysis: 5-10 ml centrifuged for 5 min. at 2000 rpm. Bacteriuria found in 90% of infs. with counts >100000 CFU/ml. 2 WBCs/HPF in centrifuged specimen= 10 in an unspined specimen & both correlates with bacte- ruria. Imaging techniques: -Not required in most cases. -Indications: fever- failure to respond to treatment recurrent infs.- D.M- history of stones or surgery. -Plain, IVU, VCUG, U/S, CT.
  • 11. Principles of antimicrobial treatment: -Efficacy is dependent on drug level in urine & duration this level remains above MIC of inf. organism. -Concentration in blood is not important as in urine, except in septicemia or bacterimia. -Patients with renal failure: Dose modification are necessary for drug cleared only by kidneys. Conc. power is impaired ---difficult eradication of infection.
  • 12. Bladder infections Uncomplicated cystitis: -Most caes in females. -25% between 20-40 yrs. Risk factors: -Weak urine flow. -Promote colonization: sexual activity. -Facilitate ascent: catheter, fecal incontinence. Clinical presentation: -Dysuria, frequency, urgency, S.P pain. -Haematuria, foul smelling urine. -Fever & chills usually absent (superficial mucosal infection). Causative organism: E. coli 80-90%
  • 13. Lab diagnosis: -urine analysis: pyuria, bacteriuria, hematuria. -urine culture: often not necessary. Treatment: -TMP-SMX, quinolones, floroquinolones -Duration: 3 days. Complicated cystitis: -Occur in compromised U.T or by resistant org. -mild cystitis----life threatening renal inf. & urosepsis. -Urine culture is mandatory. -treatment of cause.
  • 14.  Kidney Infections Acute Pyelonephritis: -Inflammation of both renal parenchyma & pelvis. Causative organism: -E. coli (80%), proteus, klebsiella, pseudomonas -Rarely, gm +ve. Pathology: -Renal enlargement, capsule strips easily, small yellowish white cortical abscesses with parench-
  • 15. Clinical picture: -Chills, fever (100F or >), flank pain. -LUTS (dysuria, urgency, frequency). -GIT symptoms. Lab diagnosis: -CBC: leucocytosis with predominance of neutrophils, inc.ESR & C- reactive ptn. U.A: WBCs in clumps, bacterial rods. WBC casts Specific casts (bacteria in ptn matrix). U.C: Blood culture:
  • 16. Radiology: IVU: renal enlargement (1.5 cm greater in length). focal ― (focal bacterial nephritis) disappear with treatment. calyceal & ureteral dilatation (endotoxins) U/S & CT: to diagnose complicated PN to reevaluate pts not responding after 72 hours treatment. Treatment: Antibiotics for 7 days. Bed rest – antipyretics.
  • 17.
  • 18. Emphysematous PN: -Acute necrotising parenchymal & perirenal infn. caused by gas forming UP. -Organism cause fermentation of glucose ----CO2. -However, not common in diabetics. Should be considered compl. of severe PN. -Mortality rate 20-40% Causative organism: -E. coli (commonest), klebsiella, proteus. Clinical picture: -Triad of fever, vomiting, flank pain. -Pneumaturia, when infn. involves collecting system.
  • 19. Imaging: -Plain KUB: crescentic gas shaddow (in renal space) & loculated ― ― (in parench.) -IVU: rare of value (NF or poorly functioning K.) U/S: gas. CT: procedure of choice. Treatment: surgical emergency -Fluid resuscitation & broad spectrum antibiotics. -Nephrectomy if no improvement after few days.
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  • 22. Renal Abscess: -Collection of purulent material confined to renal parenchyma. -Usually due to VUR in an obstructed kidney. -Causative organism: g +Ve or –Ve. Clinical picture: -Triad------cystitis -History of g +Ve source of inf.(1-8 weeks) before onset of symptoms. e.g: skin carbuncle. Lab diagnosis: -Leucocytosis, pyuria, bacteriuria (if communicat). -Urine culture: no or different organism (bld borne).
  • 23. Radiology: -Renal enlargement & distortion of renal contour. -Renal fixation on insp. & exp. films. -Obliteration of psoas shadow & scoliosis. -CT is the procedure of choice Renal enlargement & area of low attenuation. Thickening of perinephric fascia. Treatment: -PC or open drainage (DD. Renal tumor). -I.V antibiotics & observation, if <3cm.-----good response. -Follow up with U/S or CT till complete resolution.
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  • 25. Infected Hydronephrosis & Pyonephrosis: Infected HN: bacterial inf. in a hydronephrotic k. Pyonephrosis:inf. HN associated with suppuration of renal parenchyma----partial or total loss of renal function. Differentiation not always easy. Clinical picture: -Triad. -Bacteria may not be present if ureter completely obstructed. Radiology: internal ecchoes in dilated P.C system. Treatment: drainage &antibiotics.
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  • 27. Perinephric abscess: Etiology: -Rupture of a cortical abscess into perinephric sp. -Infected perirenal hematoma or urinoma. -Spread of osteomyelitis from T.B lumbar spine. When it rupture through renal fascia --- paraneph. abscess. Clinical picture: insidious onset, 1/3 afebrile. Local signs of infl. (hotness, redness, oedema, loin mass may be pointing)
  • 28. Radiology: -Absent psoas shaddow, elevated or immobile diaphram. -U/S & CT: ecchogenic collection. Treatment: -Surgical drainage (if large) -PC ― (if small)
  • 29. PROSTATITIS Etiology: 1- G –Ve: E. coli (80%), kleb., pseudomonas,…. 2- G +Ve: staph aureus (5-10%) 3- Chlamydia & U. urealyticum: minor role. Risk factors: 1- Intra-prostatic ductal reflux. 2- Immunologic alteration inside prostate. 3- Acute epididymitis, indwelling catheter, TURP
  • 30. Pathology: -Increase no. of infl. cells within parenchyma. -Lymphocytic infil. in stroma adjacent to acini (most common pattern). -Corpora amylacea (deposition of pr. secretion around a sloughed epithelial cell) may obstruct pr. gland. Classification: “Traditional classification system” Type s. of UTI bacteria infl. cells 1-ABP: severe + + 2-CBP: mild + + 3-NBP: ----- - + 4-Prostatodynia: ----- - -
  • 31. Clinical picture: 1- ABP: fever, severe irritative & obstructive C/O. 5%------- CBP 2- CBP: asymptomatic irritative & obstructive C/O 3- NBP: pain (predominant C/O) in perineum,S.P, penis, testis, low back. 4- Prostatodynia: painful ejaculation (50%) symptoms tend to wane & wax over
  • 32. Diagnosis: 1- Physical examination: -Important but not helpful for diagnosis or classificat ABP: prostate is hot, boggy, very tender Other types: prostate is normal. 2- Cytology & culture: - Stamey 4 glass urine collection Treatment: 1- Antibiotics: for ABP & CBP. 2- Alpha adr. blockers: for NBP & prostatodynia with poor relaxation of B.N -----increase ur. flow & decrease IPR.
  • 33.
  • 34. 3- Anti-inflammatory: NSAIDs- cortisone. 4- Ms. relaxants: NBP & prostatodynia may be due to smooth & skeletal ms dysregulation of pelvis & perineum. 5- Phytotherapy: Some plant extracts show 5 alpha- reductase activity, alpha blocker, anti- inflammatory. 6- Allopurinol: IPR---inc. metabolites containing purine & pyrimidine in pr. ducts-----inflammation.
  • 35. Orchitis: Definition: -Inflammation of testis, & also describe testicular pain without evidence of infl. Etiology: -Isolated orchitis is relatively rare & usually viral due to blood spread. -Orchitis of bacterial origin usually occur due to local spread from ipsi. epididymis (E. coli, pseud., Staph, strept.,N. gonorrhea). Presentation: -Pain- fever- nausea & vomiting- tenderness- secondary hydrocele.
  • 36. Diagnosis: Urine analysis- urethral swab U/S: to rule out malignancy & torsion Treatment: - Rest- scrotal support- hydration- antipyretics- AI - Antibiotics. Chronic orchitis: -Inflammation & pain in testis, without swelling for >6 weeks. -Self limited & may take years to resolve.
  • 37. Epididymitis: -Acute : sudden pain, infl., swelling. -Chronic: pain & infl. with no swelling >6 weeks. may be due to inadequate treatment. -Spread from bladder, urethra & prostate. -Starts in tail-----body-----head. -Testis is involved in most cases-----epididymo- orchitis. Treatment: -antibiotics for 4-6 weeks. -Chronic: self-limiting taking long duration. -Epididymectomy: with treatment failure & to cure pain.
  • 38. Tuberculosis (T.B) -Always considered in a pt. with vague long standing urinary C/O with no obvious cause. -Age: 20-40 yrs, uncommon in children. When to suspect? -Following presentation without obvious etiology. Frequency—recurrent cystitis not responding to treatment---gross or microscopic hematuria--- sterile pyuria.
  • 39. T.B of kidney: -Organism settle in blood v. close to glomeruli. -Caseating granulomas develop & consist of giant cells (Langhans) surrounded by lymphocytes & fibroblasts. -Caseous material open through calyces---cavities of moth-eaten appearance. -Course depends on virulence & resistance. -If pathology progress + obst.---autonephrectomy. -If healing occur---fibrosis & calcification---stricture in calyces or PUJ. -Mycobacterium may remain viable in calcific lesions.
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  • 44. T.B of ureter: -T.B ureteritis---fibrosis---str. usually at UVJ -Whole ureter may be affected---multiple levels ureteric str. T.B of bladder: -Starts around U.O---infl. & edema---T.B granuloma -T.B ulcers is rare, occasionally whole bladder is covered by infl. velvety granulation---bladder fibr-
  • 45.
  • 46.
  • 47. T.B of epididymis & testis: -Painful & infl. scrotal swelling. D.D: ep.orchitis. -Globus minor affected alone in 40%. -Testicular affection without ep. is very rare. -Scrotal sinus. T.B of penis----superficial glanular ulcer. D.D:Tr. T.B of urethra ---urethral stricture.
  • 48. Diagnosis: 1-Tuberculin test: -M.T.B complex (M.T.B—M. bovis—M. microti—M. africanum). -Intradermal inj. of a PPD of tuberculin. -Infl. condition reaching max.between 48-72 hrs. -Central indurated zone surrounded by erythema. -+Ve reaction =inf., but not indication of active T.B or C/O due to T.B. 2-Urine examination:
  • 49. 3-Urine culture: -Lowenstein-Jensen. -Takes 6-8 weeks (slowly growing). -3-5 consequetive early morning samples (org. is intermittently excreted). 4-Imaging: -Plain KUB: -Calcification in kidney, ureter, bladder, seminal vesicle. -Plain chest & spine. -IVU: -Fibrosed & occluded calyx (lost calyx). -Moth-eaten cavities, HUN, contracted bladder.
  • 50. Treatment First line drugs: 1-Isoniazid (INH): hepatotoxicity, peripheral neuritis. 5 mg/kg maximum 300 mg 2-Rifampicin: hepatotoxicity 10 mg/kg max. 600 mg 3-Pyrazinamide: hepatotoxicity 20-25 mg/kg 4-Streptomycin: ototoxicity 5-Ethambutol: retrobulbar neuritis 15-25 mg/kg
  • 51. Cornerstone is multidrug treatment to decrease duration of treatment & drug resistant developm- ent. Second line drugs: -kanamycin—amikacin—ciprofloxacin…… Guidelines: -Short course 6 months regimen. -All drugs given in a single dose. -Followup with urine culture at 3, 6, 12 months after treatment finished. Surgery: delayed until medical treatment adminis- tered for 4-6 weeks.
  • 52. Parasitic diseases Urinary schistosomiasis: Caused by S. haematobium. Pathology & pathogenesis: -Worms in pelvic v. plexus----eggs in lower UT. -Granulomas formed in response to egg Ag------ large,bulky, hyperemic polypoid masses. As egg laying ceases, eggs are destroyed or calcified & infl. wanes & replaced by f.t. (inactive form). Acute & chronic bladder ulcers -Obstructive uropathy occur due to chronic dis. Usually bilateral asymmetrical (JV & lower ureter) -Bladder cancer is a sequalae:early, sq.c.c (60-
  • 53. Presentation: Acute:‖ Katayama fever‖ -fever, lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, urticaria -occur 3-9 weeks after inf. -terminal hematuria & dysuria. Chronic: -HUN—contracted bladder Diagnosis: 1-Presence of eggs with terminal spikes is diagn- ostic of & only possible during active inf. 2-Serologic tests: do not diff. between acute & ch inf. 3-Plain & IVU.
  • 54. Treatment: Medical: Praziquentel: drug of choice cure rate 80-100% dose:2 oral doses of 40mg/kg in 24 hrs No serious side effects. Surgical: nephrectomy—ureteric implantation
  • 55. Filariasis Lymphatic filariasis: -Causative organism: W. bancrofti -Cycle proceeds from human---mosquito---human. -Acute lymphatic infiltration----fever, lymphangitis & lymphadenitis---chronic lymphatic obstruction & dilation----hydrocele, elephantiasis of limbs & chyluria. -Diagnosis: C.p & Giemsa stain for blood. -Treatment: Diethylcarbamazine (DEC), ivermectin, albendazole.
  • 56. Nonlymphatic Filariasis: -Transmitted by black flies (Simulum species). -Adult worms inhibit S.C tissues----f. nodules in which it is encapsulated. -Microfilaria travel through dermis & eye --------- -blindness. -Diagnosis: Microscopic exam. of skin snips under normal saline or Giemsa stain. Treatment: -Ivermectin. DEC not used due to severe allergic