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3 Incredibly Easy-To-Implement Tips
   That Can Multiply Your Internet
          Profits By 500%
                   By Tony Wang

                     Genius Profits

      © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Genius Profits.
Hey, thanks for downloading this free report.

This report that you hold in your handscontains3 simple ideas that have
helped me make tens of thousands of dollars in online profits. In the same
way, they will also help you achieve amazing results for yourself when you
implement them.

If you‟ve gone through all the ebooks and training courses, but don‟t have
much to show for it, then this report is for you.

If you‟ve ever felt that the gurus who are holding back information from
you, that there‟s just too much to learn, or there‟s some secret or unknown
knowledge that‟s preventing you from success, then this report is definitely
for you.

I used to be in a similar boat. I bought Clickbank products like it was my
job.I collected more WSOs than college textbooks during my 4 years at
Penn State.

After first finding out about internet marketing 6 years ago, I became
hooked. Over the years, I kept trying to find the perfect online business
opportunity that would allow me to enjoy streams of passive income and
unlimited time freedom.

Eventually, it finally dawned on me that I was spending more money
buying products than I was actually making, I started getting worried. I
knew this horrible habit was hurting my finances, but for some reason, I
couldn‟t stop and kept consuming, hoping to find the magic solution in the
next product.

But I could never find that magic pill.

It got so bad that whenever I sat down to work, I got this clenching feeling
in my gut that I had been scammed with this whole make money from
home promise. Maybe I was just wasting my time and moneytrying
theseonline schemes.

                © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Genius Profits.
As you can imagine, this killed my productivity and focus, making me feel
even worse about myself.

Not only was I embarrassed to admit to my friends and family that I wasn‟t
making a dime online, I felt more and more lonely because of the amount
of time I spent in front of the computer. I felt extremely stressed about the
gap between my dreams of “being my own boss” and my actual reality.

I began to grow resentful of all the marketing promises that were made
but had not been fulfilled.

One day, I started wonderingif it was my personal mindsets and habits that
were responsible for my lack of success, andnot the actual techniques
taught in the courses I bought.

I started studying business mindset material. I read tons of classic wealth-
creation books, a few of which you‟ll find at the end of this report, in the
resources section.

I started to see where I was screwing up; where my incorrect thinking and
habits were preventing me from making my desired income online.

After making an effort to correct these, things finally started to “click”.

Soon, I had my first $500 week. A few weeks later, I had my first $3,000
week. A few months later, I had my first $2,000 day!

I noticed an interesting pattern: whenever I implemented the 3 tips you‟re
about to learn, the money would roll in. And whenever I didn‟t follow them,
I would hit a dry patch.

This was extremely eye-opening because for the first time, I realized that it
wasn‟t faulty strategies and lack of clear step-by-step explanation in the IM
courses I was buying that were causing me to fail, but how I was going
about building my online business.

In this report, you‟ll learn the top 3 ideas that made the biggest difference
for me. These tips are easy to implement and when you follow them, you‟ll
                © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Genius Profits.
find yourself lot closer to your goal of financial freedom and having
more time to do the things you truly want.

Let‟s get into it, shall we?

                 © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Genius Profits.
Success Tip #1: MakeSpeed of Implementation Your #1 Priority

Eben Pagan says that the number one thing that separates successful
entrepreneurs from those who fail is speed of implementation.

Speed of implementation is how fast you take action on an idea after you
first learn about it.

As you can probably guess, the faster you can take action, the higher your
chance of success.

Many people get stuck in trying to figure out all the pieces of the puzzle
before doing anything. They try to research every little detail and do
everything right. As a result, they often end up with the debilitating habit
of analysis paralysis.

However, when successful business people hear an idea, they immediately
apply it to their business, without the unnecessary over-thinking.

The 60 Second Rule For Making Decisions

“A good decision today is better than a perfect decision tomorrow” -
Winston Churchill
Jason Fladlien taught me something called the “60-second-rule”. The rule
is simple: take no more than 60 seconds to make a decision.

Why? Because delaying a decision is worse than making the wrong
decision. You can fix bad decisions, but you can‟t fix indecision.

When you make this a habit, you‟ll be amazed at how much more you

Keep in mind that the 60 second rule applies to decisions that won‟t
drastically affect your business or life. If you‟re deciding which house to
buy, you should obviously spend longer than 60 seconds. If you‟re deciding
which color to use for your website, then spend no more than 60 seconds.
Study To Action Ratio
                © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Genius Profits.
In the internet marketing world, there‟s SO much information that it would
be impossible to apply everything. There‟s just not enough time.

The solution is to follow a minimum baseline ratio of time you spend taking
action to time you spend learning or studying.

From now on, maintain a study:action ratio of 1 to 1. Meaning take 1 hour
of focused action for every 1 hour you spend learning.

This is the minimum ratio you should start with. As soon as possible, you
want to start ramping up that ratio and start taking 2 hours of action for
every 1 hour of studying. Then 3, then 4 and so on.

I noticed that the times when I was making the most money online were
the times when I was taking the most action and doing things. And the
periods where I was barely making anything were the times when I would
get caught up in trying to learn everything and make everything perfect.

Action Steps

Take out a post-it note right now and write these 3 things on it:

     Speed of Implementation
     60 Second Rule
     1:1 Study:Action Ratio

Post this somewhere near your computer where you can see it every day.

Do this. Right now!

When you start developing the habit of making decisions taking action
quickly, you‟ll build positive momentum and consistently stay in “action
mode”. You‟ll accomplish (and profit) more in a few days than what you
used to in weeks!

               © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Genius Profits.
Success Tip #2: Stick To ONE Business and ONE Business Only

Many newbie internet marketers tend todevelop “shiny object syndrome”.
They abandon whatever they‟re currently working to and jump on the
latest money-making opportunity. This overly-opportunistic mindset can be
one of the biggest obstacles to your success.

I‟ll admit, I was a victim to this type of thinking when I first started. I
would always rationalize that the business I was currently working on
wasn‟t worth the work I was putting in and my next business, which I will
build with total commitment and dedication, was.

After I got bored with the initial excitement and passion of starting again
from scratch, I would find a new make-money-online opportunity and the
vicious cycle would repeat.

If you find yourself constantly starting new projects, but never finishing
them, then you too are the victim of opportunistic thinking.

If you‟re quitting your current project because you hit a road bump, what
makes you won‟t quit the next time you hit a road bump.

If I had to start all over again, this is what I would do: I would find a
marketer that I really connect with and buy his flagship product. Then, I
would follow only his stuff and no one else‟s.

If an issue came up, that stopped me from proceeding to the next step, I
would try to get that issue resolved as quickly as possible. And if another
potentially profitable business opportunity shows up, I would quickly say no
to it.

In practice, this means you should only be do the things that will help grow
the business you‟re currently working on. Only buy new products if they
directly relate your current business (read: do not become a WSO-whore).

Is One Type Of Online Business More Profitable Than Another?

                © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Genius Profits.
The other important thing is to not fall into the thinking that one specific
business model is more profitable than another.

By the way, if you find yourself buying a lot of internet marketing products,
but not using many of them, you probably notice that you feel better about
yourself and your chances of success immediately after you buy them.

Why is this? You feel that each product you buy will make your success
easier, since it contains information that you need to know. You believe
that success will automatically happen when you have the right resources
or some secret information.

This, of course, is not true. What will determine your success is not your
resources (products, software, knowledge), but your resourcefulness
and ability to take focused action (speed of implementation). From now on,
stop spending the majority of your time looking for resources and instead
fully leverage what you have and focus on executing your projects, goals
and important activities.

There is no single “easiest”, “fastest”, or “lowest-risk” way to success in
internet marketing. And that‟s something you‟ll rarely hear any “goo-roo”

For example, a Facebook marketing goo-roowill always claim that Facebook
is one the easiest, fastest way to make money online. After all, he‟s trying
to sell his Facebook course, so why would he say anything otherwise?

I have friends who make thousands per day with affiliate marketing. I also
have friends who make thousands per day from selling their own products.
I‟ve made thousands in a day with website-flipping.

My friends and I are not successfulbecausewe‟re in the business ofaffiliate
marketing, website flipping or product creation business. We‟re successful
because wecommitted to our business models and figured out, over time,
what works and what doesn‟t.

Action Steps
                © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Genius Profits.
Make a commitment to finish building a business you‟ve been working on
or started on in the past but quit.

I know it can be tempting to start over from scratch and tell yourself that
this time, you‟ll do everything perfect, but instead, go with you already got.

Commit the next 30 days to focusing exclusively on this project. This
means do not even consider any new money making opportunities- no
matter how simple or hands-free they seem.

(It‟s fine to purchase products that are related to your business and will
help you. For example, if you do video marketing, then it‟s totally fine to
download the latest YouTube course since it probably contains information
that may help you. It wouldn‟t be smart to get a Facebook course
When you try this, you might begin to have doubts that continuing what
you‟ve doing is a waste of time/money and not going to work, keep in
mind that these doubts and worries are just a habitual way of thinking that
have prevented you from succeeding in the past.

See them as just that- mere thoughts. Don‟t make them into reality and
press onwards.

At the end of the 30 days, you may be surprised with how much you‟ve
accomplished. Chances are, you will be making much more progress and
money than you imagined.

                © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Genius Profits.
Success Tip #3: Create A Must-DoList With Time Limits

If you‟ve ever felt worried that you don‟t have enough time in your day to
do the things you need or want, then you‟ll love this tip.

In internet marketing, there are an infinite number of things we can do to
grow our business and make more money. We can always be creating
more content, getting more traffic, tweaking our conversions, and so on.

That‟s why it‟s crucially important to pinpoint the few tasks that will
actually make us the money and focus most of our efforts on those. When
you do this, you‟ll be doing the things that actually put money into your
bank account, rather than waste your time on something that won‟t make
much of a difference in the end.

This is exactly what a Must-Do list will help you accomplish. This is not a
to-do list where you write down every new task that pops up in your head
and hope you‟ll get around to doing it (chances are,you never will).

This is a list that you must complete by the end of the day. You can‟t go
to sleep without finishing them. Imagine someone held a gun and would
shoot you unless you got everything done. Treat it that seriously!

Again, this list is not for things you would like to get done. Create a
separate list for that and work on those if you have time.

Your Must-Do list is where you write your most important priorities; the
crucial things in your business that result in profits.

Here’s How ToCreate Your Must-Do list, Step By Step

1. Write down all the tasks you need to complete in the short term (this
week). Then, identify the top 20% that are the most important and need to
get done first.

2. Think about exactly what you would need to do in order to do each task
well and give yourself a time limit (x minutes or x hours).Write that time
limit next to the task.
                © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Genius Profits.
3. Start doing the tasks on your list the first thing when you sit down to
work every day. Don‟t check email or Facebook. Turn your phone off. Lock
yourself in your room. Remember, someone has a gun to your head!

This may seemoverly simple, but unless you are already creating lists and
setting deadlines, do not discount how powerfulthis system is.

I used this exact task-management system to create a product that sold
5x as much compared to a previous product I created without this
system. Not only did I make more money, I also spent 8x as LESS time!

Why is setting time limits and deadlines for ourselves so important (and

See, when you set time limits and deadlines, your force yourself to finish
the task in the allocated time. This is known as Parkinson’s Law, which
states, “work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion”.

For example, If you gave yourself 2 hours to create a 500 word article,
you‟d probably take your time with researching, writing, and proofreading
your article.

But if you gave yourself a strict 30-minute time limit, you‟d still get
everything done, but you would work faster because you have the pressure
of a deadline. If you‟ve never tried this, you‟d be surprised at how
efficiently you can complete the same task, without sacrificing much in

Here‟s an example of my short-term tasks list for Genius Profits…

      Finish free report (what you‟re reading right now)
      Create squeeze page
      Buy domain from Name Cheap
      Install Wordpress
      Install theme and plugins
      Play around with theme to make everything look pretty
      Write About page
                © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Genius Profits.
Write an epic blog post
      Publish post
      Set up list
      Write an epic guest post
      Contact bloggers and offer guest post
      Create epic forum post
      Create 20 Q and A videos

This list isn‟t complete, but you can see that I have blog admin tasks,
content tasks and traffic tasks.

Right now, I‟m not going to worry about traffic or blog stuff. Some people
want to have a clean looking website up first, but I don‟t care about that
stuff. I want to focus on having killer content ready first.

So my Must-Do items for today are…

      Finish free report
      Write „About‟ page
      Write an epic first blog post

I‟m not going to go to sleep until I complete these 3 things.

Next I‟m going to set a time limit for each one, based on my estimation of
how long it will take me to do a good job.

      Finish free report (3 hours)
      Write „About‟ page (30 minutes)
      Create an epic first blog post (4 hours)

I‟m going to hold myself to those deadlines.

Sure I can spend 2 hours creating the perfect „About‟ page for my blog. But
will that extra 90 minutes really be worth it?

It‟s hard to say, but I think making it “good enough” and moving on to the
next tasks is a much better strategy than aiming for perfection and
delaying action and implementation.
                © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Genius Profits.
(By the way, I‟m perfectly fine with spending significantly more time on
creating content for my audience because I want put out the highest-
quality stuff possible.)
Tomorrow, my Must-Do list will probably look something like:

      Buy domain (5 minutes)
      Install Wordpress (5 minutes)
      Install themes and plugins (15 minutes- I use a template so it doesn‟t
      take that long)
      Create squeeze page (30 minutes)
      Play around with theme to make everything look pretty (30 minutes)
      Publish About page and blog post (10 minutes)
      Set up list (30 minutes)

I‟m sure I can spend all day playing around with the theme and making my
new blog look nice. But a much prettier theme going to make me a lot
more money? I doubt it.

I would rather spend 30 minutes tweaking the theme so it‟s “good enough”
and move on to more important tasks – publishing my content and setting
up my list.

The day after, I‟m going to start doing the tasks to get traffic.

Hopefully you now understand the importance of creating deadlines for
every task you do. Doing so refocuses you on the big picture and prevent
you from getting stuck on one particular thing that probably won‟t make
much a difference anyways.

Action Step

Using a pen and paper (I prefer actual pen/paper to typing on the
computer), create your own Must-Do list.

Fill out this list for the next day‟s tasks before you go to sleep, or before
you start working every day.

                © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Genius Profits.
It will take some getting used to at first since you‟re probably not in the
habit of setting deadlines. Keep at it and eventually, you‟ll be a productivity

You might be wondering, how what does becoming more productive have
to do with making money?

Um, everything!

Imagine what it would be like to finish every project you start, in less time
than you expected? Would you agree that you would probably be a lot
farther along and raking in bigger profitsthan you currently are right now?

                © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Genius Profits.
I want to thank you again for reading this report. Hopefully, your eyes
were opened to some of your blind spots and sticking points.

It doesn‟t matter if you‟re getting personalized training from the most
successful IM guru, I can‟t imagine success in internet marketing without
these principles.

These 3 tips you have just finished reading about have made all the
difference in my life and I sincerely hope that you also apply these so you
can enjoy great success and higher profits in your online business.

To Your Success,

Tony Wang

P.S.~For more actionable strategies for making money online, I suggest
you sign up for my free “Internet Profits Fast Track” mini-course over
at my blog:

               © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Genius Profits.

These are amazing books that have helped me a ton so I highly
recommend you check them out as well:

Secrets of The Millionaire Mind – T Harv Eker

Think And Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill

The Psychology of Winning – Denis Waitley

Millionaire Fastlane – MJ DeMarco

               © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Genius Profits.

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3 Powerful Make Money Online Tips

  • 1. 3 Incredibly Easy-To-Implement Tips That Can Multiply Your Internet Profits By 500% By Tony Wang Genius Profits © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Genius Profits.
  • 2. Hey, thanks for downloading this free report. This report that you hold in your handscontains3 simple ideas that have helped me make tens of thousands of dollars in online profits. In the same way, they will also help you achieve amazing results for yourself when you implement them. If you‟ve gone through all the ebooks and training courses, but don‟t have much to show for it, then this report is for you. If you‟ve ever felt that the gurus who are holding back information from you, that there‟s just too much to learn, or there‟s some secret or unknown knowledge that‟s preventing you from success, then this report is definitely for you. I used to be in a similar boat. I bought Clickbank products like it was my job.I collected more WSOs than college textbooks during my 4 years at Penn State. After first finding out about internet marketing 6 years ago, I became hooked. Over the years, I kept trying to find the perfect online business opportunity that would allow me to enjoy streams of passive income and unlimited time freedom. Eventually, it finally dawned on me that I was spending more money buying products than I was actually making, I started getting worried. I knew this horrible habit was hurting my finances, but for some reason, I couldn‟t stop and kept consuming, hoping to find the magic solution in the next product. But I could never find that magic pill. It got so bad that whenever I sat down to work, I got this clenching feeling in my gut that I had been scammed with this whole make money from home promise. Maybe I was just wasting my time and moneytrying theseonline schemes. © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Genius Profits.
  • 3. As you can imagine, this killed my productivity and focus, making me feel even worse about myself. Not only was I embarrassed to admit to my friends and family that I wasn‟t making a dime online, I felt more and more lonely because of the amount of time I spent in front of the computer. I felt extremely stressed about the gap between my dreams of “being my own boss” and my actual reality. I began to grow resentful of all the marketing promises that were made but had not been fulfilled. One day, I started wonderingif it was my personal mindsets and habits that were responsible for my lack of success, andnot the actual techniques taught in the courses I bought. I started studying business mindset material. I read tons of classic wealth- creation books, a few of which you‟ll find at the end of this report, in the resources section. I started to see where I was screwing up; where my incorrect thinking and habits were preventing me from making my desired income online. After making an effort to correct these, things finally started to “click”. Soon, I had my first $500 week. A few weeks later, I had my first $3,000 week. A few months later, I had my first $2,000 day! I noticed an interesting pattern: whenever I implemented the 3 tips you‟re about to learn, the money would roll in. And whenever I didn‟t follow them, I would hit a dry patch. This was extremely eye-opening because for the first time, I realized that it wasn‟t faulty strategies and lack of clear step-by-step explanation in the IM courses I was buying that were causing me to fail, but how I was going about building my online business. In this report, you‟ll learn the top 3 ideas that made the biggest difference for me. These tips are easy to implement and when you follow them, you‟ll © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Genius Profits.
  • 4. find yourself lot closer to your goal of financial freedom and having more time to do the things you truly want. Let‟s get into it, shall we? © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Genius Profits.
  • 5. Success Tip #1: MakeSpeed of Implementation Your #1 Priority Eben Pagan says that the number one thing that separates successful entrepreneurs from those who fail is speed of implementation. Speed of implementation is how fast you take action on an idea after you first learn about it. As you can probably guess, the faster you can take action, the higher your chance of success. Many people get stuck in trying to figure out all the pieces of the puzzle before doing anything. They try to research every little detail and do everything right. As a result, they often end up with the debilitating habit of analysis paralysis. However, when successful business people hear an idea, they immediately apply it to their business, without the unnecessary over-thinking. The 60 Second Rule For Making Decisions “A good decision today is better than a perfect decision tomorrow” - Winston Churchill Jason Fladlien taught me something called the “60-second-rule”. The rule is simple: take no more than 60 seconds to make a decision. Why? Because delaying a decision is worse than making the wrong decision. You can fix bad decisions, but you can‟t fix indecision. When you make this a habit, you‟ll be amazed at how much more you accomplish. Keep in mind that the 60 second rule applies to decisions that won‟t drastically affect your business or life. If you‟re deciding which house to buy, you should obviously spend longer than 60 seconds. If you‟re deciding which color to use for your website, then spend no more than 60 seconds. Study To Action Ratio © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Genius Profits.
  • 6. In the internet marketing world, there‟s SO much information that it would be impossible to apply everything. There‟s just not enough time. The solution is to follow a minimum baseline ratio of time you spend taking action to time you spend learning or studying. From now on, maintain a study:action ratio of 1 to 1. Meaning take 1 hour of focused action for every 1 hour you spend learning. This is the minimum ratio you should start with. As soon as possible, you want to start ramping up that ratio and start taking 2 hours of action for every 1 hour of studying. Then 3, then 4 and so on. I noticed that the times when I was making the most money online were the times when I was taking the most action and doing things. And the periods where I was barely making anything were the times when I would get caught up in trying to learn everything and make everything perfect. Action Steps Take out a post-it note right now and write these 3 things on it: Speed of Implementation 60 Second Rule 1:1 Study:Action Ratio Post this somewhere near your computer where you can see it every day. Do this. Right now! When you start developing the habit of making decisions taking action quickly, you‟ll build positive momentum and consistently stay in “action mode”. You‟ll accomplish (and profit) more in a few days than what you used to in weeks! © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Genius Profits.
  • 7. Success Tip #2: Stick To ONE Business and ONE Business Only Many newbie internet marketers tend todevelop “shiny object syndrome”. They abandon whatever they‟re currently working to and jump on the latest money-making opportunity. This overly-opportunistic mindset can be one of the biggest obstacles to your success. I‟ll admit, I was a victim to this type of thinking when I first started. I would always rationalize that the business I was currently working on wasn‟t worth the work I was putting in and my next business, which I will build with total commitment and dedication, was. After I got bored with the initial excitement and passion of starting again from scratch, I would find a new make-money-online opportunity and the vicious cycle would repeat. If you find yourself constantly starting new projects, but never finishing them, then you too are the victim of opportunistic thinking. If you‟re quitting your current project because you hit a road bump, what makes you won‟t quit the next time you hit a road bump. If I had to start all over again, this is what I would do: I would find a marketer that I really connect with and buy his flagship product. Then, I would follow only his stuff and no one else‟s. If an issue came up, that stopped me from proceeding to the next step, I would try to get that issue resolved as quickly as possible. And if another potentially profitable business opportunity shows up, I would quickly say no to it. In practice, this means you should only be do the things that will help grow the business you‟re currently working on. Only buy new products if they directly relate your current business (read: do not become a WSO-whore). Is One Type Of Online Business More Profitable Than Another? © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Genius Profits.
  • 8. The other important thing is to not fall into the thinking that one specific business model is more profitable than another. By the way, if you find yourself buying a lot of internet marketing products, but not using many of them, you probably notice that you feel better about yourself and your chances of success immediately after you buy them. Why is this? You feel that each product you buy will make your success easier, since it contains information that you need to know. You believe that success will automatically happen when you have the right resources or some secret information. This, of course, is not true. What will determine your success is not your resources (products, software, knowledge), but your resourcefulness and ability to take focused action (speed of implementation). From now on, stop spending the majority of your time looking for resources and instead fully leverage what you have and focus on executing your projects, goals and important activities. There is no single “easiest”, “fastest”, or “lowest-risk” way to success in internet marketing. And that‟s something you‟ll rarely hear any “goo-roo” admit. For example, a Facebook marketing goo-roowill always claim that Facebook is one the easiest, fastest way to make money online. After all, he‟s trying to sell his Facebook course, so why would he say anything otherwise? I have friends who make thousands per day with affiliate marketing. I also have friends who make thousands per day from selling their own products. I‟ve made thousands in a day with website-flipping. My friends and I are not successfulbecausewe‟re in the business ofaffiliate marketing, website flipping or product creation business. We‟re successful because wecommitted to our business models and figured out, over time, what works and what doesn‟t. Action Steps © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Genius Profits.
  • 9. Make a commitment to finish building a business you‟ve been working on or started on in the past but quit. I know it can be tempting to start over from scratch and tell yourself that this time, you‟ll do everything perfect, but instead, go with you already got. Commit the next 30 days to focusing exclusively on this project. This means do not even consider any new money making opportunities- no matter how simple or hands-free they seem. (It‟s fine to purchase products that are related to your business and will help you. For example, if you do video marketing, then it‟s totally fine to download the latest YouTube course since it probably contains information that may help you. It wouldn‟t be smart to get a Facebook course however) When you try this, you might begin to have doubts that continuing what you‟ve doing is a waste of time/money and not going to work, keep in mind that these doubts and worries are just a habitual way of thinking that have prevented you from succeeding in the past. See them as just that- mere thoughts. Don‟t make them into reality and press onwards. At the end of the 30 days, you may be surprised with how much you‟ve accomplished. Chances are, you will be making much more progress and money than you imagined. © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Genius Profits.
  • 10. Success Tip #3: Create A Must-DoList With Time Limits If you‟ve ever felt worried that you don‟t have enough time in your day to do the things you need or want, then you‟ll love this tip. In internet marketing, there are an infinite number of things we can do to grow our business and make more money. We can always be creating more content, getting more traffic, tweaking our conversions, and so on. That‟s why it‟s crucially important to pinpoint the few tasks that will actually make us the money and focus most of our efforts on those. When you do this, you‟ll be doing the things that actually put money into your bank account, rather than waste your time on something that won‟t make much of a difference in the end. This is exactly what a Must-Do list will help you accomplish. This is not a to-do list where you write down every new task that pops up in your head and hope you‟ll get around to doing it (chances are,you never will). This is a list that you must complete by the end of the day. You can‟t go to sleep without finishing them. Imagine someone held a gun and would shoot you unless you got everything done. Treat it that seriously! Again, this list is not for things you would like to get done. Create a separate list for that and work on those if you have time. Your Must-Do list is where you write your most important priorities; the crucial things in your business that result in profits. Here’s How ToCreate Your Must-Do list, Step By Step 1. Write down all the tasks you need to complete in the short term (this week). Then, identify the top 20% that are the most important and need to get done first. 2. Think about exactly what you would need to do in order to do each task well and give yourself a time limit (x minutes or x hours).Write that time limit next to the task. © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Genius Profits.
  • 11. 3. Start doing the tasks on your list the first thing when you sit down to work every day. Don‟t check email or Facebook. Turn your phone off. Lock yourself in your room. Remember, someone has a gun to your head! This may seemoverly simple, but unless you are already creating lists and setting deadlines, do not discount how powerfulthis system is. I used this exact task-management system to create a product that sold 5x as much compared to a previous product I created without this system. Not only did I make more money, I also spent 8x as LESS time! Why is setting time limits and deadlines for ourselves so important (and profitable)? See, when you set time limits and deadlines, your force yourself to finish the task in the allocated time. This is known as Parkinson’s Law, which states, “work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion”. For example, If you gave yourself 2 hours to create a 500 word article, you‟d probably take your time with researching, writing, and proofreading your article. But if you gave yourself a strict 30-minute time limit, you‟d still get everything done, but you would work faster because you have the pressure of a deadline. If you‟ve never tried this, you‟d be surprised at how efficiently you can complete the same task, without sacrificing much in quality. Here‟s an example of my short-term tasks list for Genius Profits… Finish free report (what you‟re reading right now) Create squeeze page Buy domain from Name Cheap Install Wordpress Install theme and plugins Play around with theme to make everything look pretty Write About page © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Genius Profits.
  • 12. Write an epic blog post Publish post Set up list Write an epic guest post Contact bloggers and offer guest post Create epic forum post Create 20 Q and A videos This list isn‟t complete, but you can see that I have blog admin tasks, content tasks and traffic tasks. Right now, I‟m not going to worry about traffic or blog stuff. Some people want to have a clean looking website up first, but I don‟t care about that stuff. I want to focus on having killer content ready first. So my Must-Do items for today are… Finish free report Write „About‟ page Write an epic first blog post I‟m not going to go to sleep until I complete these 3 things. Next I‟m going to set a time limit for each one, based on my estimation of how long it will take me to do a good job. Finish free report (3 hours) Write „About‟ page (30 minutes) Create an epic first blog post (4 hours) I‟m going to hold myself to those deadlines. Sure I can spend 2 hours creating the perfect „About‟ page for my blog. But will that extra 90 minutes really be worth it? It‟s hard to say, but I think making it “good enough” and moving on to the next tasks is a much better strategy than aiming for perfection and delaying action and implementation. © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Genius Profits.
  • 13. (By the way, I‟m perfectly fine with spending significantly more time on creating content for my audience because I want put out the highest- quality stuff possible.) Tomorrow, my Must-Do list will probably look something like: Buy domain (5 minutes) Install Wordpress (5 minutes) Install themes and plugins (15 minutes- I use a template so it doesn‟t take that long) Create squeeze page (30 minutes) Play around with theme to make everything look pretty (30 minutes) Publish About page and blog post (10 minutes) Set up list (30 minutes) I‟m sure I can spend all day playing around with the theme and making my new blog look nice. But a much prettier theme going to make me a lot more money? I doubt it. I would rather spend 30 minutes tweaking the theme so it‟s “good enough” and move on to more important tasks – publishing my content and setting up my list. The day after, I‟m going to start doing the tasks to get traffic. Hopefully you now understand the importance of creating deadlines for every task you do. Doing so refocuses you on the big picture and prevent you from getting stuck on one particular thing that probably won‟t make much a difference anyways. Action Step Using a pen and paper (I prefer actual pen/paper to typing on the computer), create your own Must-Do list. Fill out this list for the next day‟s tasks before you go to sleep, or before you start working every day. © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Genius Profits.
  • 14. It will take some getting used to at first since you‟re probably not in the habit of setting deadlines. Keep at it and eventually, you‟ll be a productivity machine! You might be wondering, how what does becoming more productive have to do with making money? Um, everything! Imagine what it would be like to finish every project you start, in less time than you expected? Would you agree that you would probably be a lot farther along and raking in bigger profitsthan you currently are right now? © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Genius Profits.
  • 15. I want to thank you again for reading this report. Hopefully, your eyes were opened to some of your blind spots and sticking points. It doesn‟t matter if you‟re getting personalized training from the most successful IM guru, I can‟t imagine success in internet marketing without these principles. These 3 tips you have just finished reading about have made all the difference in my life and I sincerely hope that you also apply these so you can enjoy great success and higher profits in your online business. To Your Success, Tony Wang P.S.~For more actionable strategies for making money online, I suggest you sign up for my free “Internet Profits Fast Track” mini-course over at my blog: © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Genius Profits.
  • 16. Resources These are amazing books that have helped me a ton so I highly recommend you check them out as well: Secrets of The Millionaire Mind – T Harv Eker Wealth/dp/0060763280 Think And Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill Grow-Rich-Napoleon-Hill/dp/0449214923 The Psychology of Winning – Denis Waitley Waitley/dp/0425099997/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1343354199 &sr=1-1&keywords=psychology+of+winning Millionaire Fastlane – MJ DeMarco Fastlane-Crack-Wealth- Lifetime/dp/0984358102/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1343354278 &sr=1-1&keywords=millionaire+fastlane © 2012. All Rights Reserved. Genius Profits.