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The Dark Side of Ruby
What’s the talk about?
What’s the talk about?
• Ruby is AWESOME but …
What’s the talk about?
• Ruby is AWESOME but …
• Nothing scary
What’s the talk about?
• Ruby is AWESOME but …
• Nothing scary really
What’s the talk about?
• Ruby is AWESOME but …
• Nothing scary
• Weirdness and Gotcha’s
What’s the talk about?
• Ruby is AWESOME but …
• Nothing scary
• Weirdness and Gotcha’s
Ah-ha! Moments
Slides are Tagged
Slides are Tagged
Slides are Tagged
(In)Famous Infinity
(In)Famous Infinity
(In)Famous Infinity
(In)Famous Infinity
$ irb> 1/0
(In)Famous Infinity
$ irb> 1/0
=> ZeroDivisionError: divided by 0
(In)Famous Infinity
$ irb> 1/0
$ irb> 1.0/0
=> ZeroDivisionError: divided by 0
(In)Famous Infinity
$ irb> 1/0
$ irb> 1.0/0
=> ZeroDivisionError: divided by 0
=> Infinity
(In)Famous Infinity
$ irb> 1/0
$ irb> 1.0/0
$ irb> Infinity
=> ZeroDivisionError: divided by 0
=> Infinity
(In)Famous Infinity
$ irb> 1/0
$ irb> 1.0/0
$ irb> Infinity
=> ZeroDivisionError: divided by 0
=> Infinity
=> NameError: uninitialized constant
(In)Famous Infinity
(In)Famous Infinity
#if !defined(INFINITY) || !defined(NAN)!
union bytesequence4_or_float {!
unsigned char bytesequence[4];!
float float_value;!
RUBY_EXTERN const union
bytesequence4_or_float rb_infinity;
(In)Famous Infinity
#if !defined(INFINITY) || !defined(NAN)!
union bytesequence4_or_float {!
unsigned char bytesequence[4];!
float float_value;!
RUBY_EXTERN const union
bytesequence4_or_float rb_infinity;
Base Jumping
Base Conversions
Base Conversions
Base Conversions
$ irb> 12345.to_s(8)
Base Conversions
$ irb> 12345.to_s(8)
=> "30071" # => Octal
Base Conversions
$ irb> 12345.to_s(8)
$ irb> 12345.to_s(36)
=> "30071" # => Octal
Base Conversions
$ irb> 12345.to_s(8)
$ irb> 12345.to_s(36)
=> "30071" # => Octal
=> "9ix" # That is an actual number
Base Conversions
$ irb> 12345.to_s(8)
$ irb> 12345.to_s(36)
$ irb> 1234.to_s(64)
=> "30071" # => Octal
=> "9ix" # That is an actual number
Base Conversions
$ irb> 12345.to_s(8)
$ irb> 12345.to_s(36)
$ irb> 1234.to_s(64)
=> "30071" # => Octal
=> "9ix" # That is an actual number
=> ArgumentError: invalid radix 64
Splat Expander
Splat Expander
Splat Expander
Job =, :occupation)
tom ="Tom", "Developer")
name, occupation = *tom
Splat Expander
Job =, :occupation)
tom ="Tom", "Developer")
name, occupation = *tom
=> ["Tom", "Developer"]
=> name # "Tom"
=> occupation # "Developer"
Splat Expander
Splat Expander
Job =, :occupation)
tom = "Developer",
name: "Tom")
name, occupation = *tom
Splat Expander
Job =, :occupation)
tom = "Developer",
name: "Tom")
name, occupation = *tom
=> name # {:occupation=>"Developer", :name=>
=> occupation # nil
Hashes and Arrays
Hashes and Arrays
Hashes and Arrays
Hashes and Arrays
=> {1=>2, 3=>4, 5=>6}
Hashes and Arrays
=> {1=>2, 3=>4, 5=>6}
[1,2,3] * 3
Hashes and Arrays
=> {1=>2, 3=>4, 5=>6}
[1,2,3] * 3
=> [1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3]
Hashes and Arrays
=> {1=>2, 3=>4, 5=>6}
[1,2,3] * 3
=> [1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3]
[1,2,3] * "%"
Hashes and Arrays
=> {1=>2, 3=>4, 5=>6}
[1,2,3] * 3
=> [1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3]
[1,2,3] * "%"
=> "1%2%3"
Calling out to Stabby
Calling out to Stabby
blk = ->(f, *m, sl, l) do
puts sl
Calling out to Stabby
blk = ->(f, *m, sl, l) do
puts sl
end, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
Calling out to Stabby
blk = ->(f, *m, sl, l) do
puts sl
end, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
=> 5
blk.(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
Calling out to Stabby
blk = ->(f, *m, sl, l) do
puts sl
end, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
=> 5
blk.(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
Calling out to Stabby
blk = ->(f, *m, sl, l) do
puts sl
end, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
=> 5
blk.(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
=> 5
syntax sugar for call
Calling out to Stabby
blk = ->(f, *m, sl, l) do
puts sl
end, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
=> 5
def foo(a=1, b=1,opts={})
def foo(a: 1, b: 2)
keyword arguments
def foo(a: 1, b:, c: 2)
def foo(a: 1, b: 2)
keyword arguments
def foo(a: 1, b:, c: 2)
def foo(a: 1, b: 2)
keyword arguments
def foo(a: 1, b:, c: 2)
foo(a: 2)
=> ArgumentError: missing keyword: b
Mandatory keyword
def foo(a: 1, b: 2)
keyword arguments
Case Complexity
The Case Statement
def multiple_of(factor)! {|p| p.modulo(factor).zero?}!
number = 9!
case number!
when multiple_of(3)!
puts "Multiple of 3"!
when multiple_of(7)!
puts "Multiple of 7"!
The Case Statement
def multiple_of(factor)! {|p| p.modulo(factor).zero?}!
number = 9!
case number!
when multiple_of(3)!
puts "Multiple of 3"!
when multiple_of(7)!
puts "Multiple of 7"!
Behind every case is a ===
number = 9!
case number !
when multiple_of(3) {|p| p.modulo(3).zero?} === 9
Behind every case is a ===
number = 9!
case number !
when multiple_of(3) {|p| p.modulo(3).zero?} === 9
Behind every case is a ===
number = 9!
case number !
when multiple_of(3) {|p| p.modulo(3).zero?} === 9
Proc#=== is an alias to Proc#call.
Behind every case is a ===
number = 9!
case number !
when multiple_of(3) {|p| p.modulo(3).zero?} === 9 { |p| !
Proc#=== is an alias to Proc#call.
Override the === method
to customise case
==, ===, eql?, equal?
==, ===, eql?, equal?
==, ===, eql?, equal?
irb> 1 == 1.0
==, ===, eql?, equal?
irb> 1 == 1.0
=> true # generic equality
==, ===, eql?, equal?
irb> 1 == 1.0
=> true # generic equality
irb> 1 === 1.0
==, ===, eql?, equal?
irb> 1 == 1.0
=> true # generic equality
irb> 1 === 1.0
=> true # case equality
==, ===, eql?, equal?
irb> 1 == 1.0
=> true # generic equality
irb> 1 === 1.0
=> true # case equality
irb> 1.eql? 1.0
==, ===, eql?, equal?
=> false # equality by value
irb> 1 == 1.0
=> true # generic equality
irb> 1 === 1.0
=> true # case equality
irb> 1.eql? 1.0
==, ===, eql?, equal?
=> false # equality by value
irb> 1 == 1.0
=> true # generic equality
irb> 1 === 1.0
=> true # case equality
irb> 1.eql? 1.0
irb> 1.equal? 1.0
==, ===, eql?, equal?
=> false # equality by value
irb> 1 == 1.0
=> true # generic equality
irb> 1 === 1.0
=> true # case equality
irb> 1.eql? 1.0
irb> 1.equal? 1.0
=> false # object identity
==, ===, eql?, equal?
=> false # equality by value
irb> 1 == 1.0
=> true # generic equality
irb> 1 === 1.0
=> true # case equality
irb> 1.eql? 1.0
irb> 1.equal? 1.0
=> false # object identity
irb> 'a'.equal? 'a'
==, ===, eql?, equal?
=> false # equality by value
=> false # gotcha?
irb> 1 == 1.0
=> true # generic equality
irb> 1 === 1.0
=> true # case equality
irb> 1.eql? 1.0
irb> 1.equal? 1.0
=> false # object identity
irb> 'a'.equal? 'a'
==, ===, eql?, equal?
=> false # equality by value
=> false # gotcha?
irb> 1 == 1.0
=> true # generic equality
irb> 1 === 1.0
=> true # case equality
irb> 1.eql? 1.0
irb> 1.equal? 1.0
=> false # object identity
irb> 'a'.equal? 'a'
irb> 1.equal? 1
==, ===, eql?, equal?
=> false # equality by value
=> false # gotcha?
irb> 1 == 1.0
=> true # generic equality
irb> 1 === 1.0
=> true # case equality
irb> 1.eql? 1.0
irb> 1.equal? 1.0
=> false # object identity
irb> 'a'.equal? 'a'
=> true # gotcha?
irb> 1.equal? 1
Object Ids & Fixnum
Object Ids & Fixnum
Fixnum * 2 + 1
irb> 23 * 2 + 1
=> 47
irb > 23.object_id
=> 47
Object Ids & Fixnum
Fixnum * 2 + 1
irb> 23 * 2 + 1
=> 47
irb > 23.object_id
=> 47
irb> (2**62 - 1).class
=> Fixnum
irb> (2**62).class
=> Bignum
3 Pulls for the Jackpot
jackpot = lambda { |x, y, z|
(x == y) == (x == z)
# 3 pulls
pull = jackpot.curry[rand(5)]
2.times { pull = pull.curry[rand(5)] }
p pull ? "Jackpot" : "Sucker!"
3 Pulls for the Jackpot
jackpot = lambda { |x, y, z|
(x == y) == (x == z)
# 3 pulls
pull = jackpot.curry[rand(5)]
2.times { pull = pull.curry[rand(5)] }
p pull ? "Jackpot" : "Sucker!"
3 Pulls for the Jackpot
jackpot = lambda { |x, y, z|
(x == y) == (x == z)
# 3 pulls
pull = jackpot.curry[rand(5)]
2.times { pull = pull.curry[rand(5)] }
p pull ? "Jackpot" : "Sucker!"
The curry recipe
• Return lambda till all parameters are passed.
• Evaluate the block if all parameters are passed.
pull = jackpot.curry[rand(5)]
=> #<Proc:0x007f9eec0990b0 (lambda)>
2.times { pull = pull.curry[rand(5)] }
=> true # or false
The curry recipe
• Return lambda till all parameters are passed.
• Evaluate the block if all parameters are passed.
pull = jackpot.curry[rand(5)]
=> #<Proc:0x007f9eec0990b0 (lambda)>
2.times { pull = pull.curry[rand(5)] }
=> true # or false
So! So you think you can tell…
Heaven from Hell
- Pink Floyd
So! So you think you can tell…
Protected from Private
Private methods
class Soldier
def ryan
puts "inside private ryan"
class Movie < Soldier
def name
Private methods
class Soldier
def ryan
puts "inside private ryan"
class Movie < Soldier
def name
Private methods
class Soldier
def ryan
puts "inside private ryan"
class Movie < Soldier
def name
Private Methods are
class Base!
include Mongoid::Document!
The elusive include
class Base!
include Mongoid::Document!
The elusive include
Private method!
Instance method !
Defined the class Module
class Base!
include Mongoid::Document!
The elusive include
Protected methods
Protected methods
Protected methods
• Work with objects not classes.
Protected methods
• Work with objects not classes.
• Invoke a protected method on
another object in the same lineage
Protected methods
• Work with objects not classes.
• Invoke a protected method on
another object in the same lineage
What the …
class Autobot
def initialize(nick); @nick = nick; end
attr_accessor :nick
prime ="Optimus Prime")
p prime.nick
class Autobot
def initialize(nick); @nick = nick; end
attr_accessor :nick
prime ="Optimus Prime")
p prime.nick
class Autobot
def initialize(nick); @nick = nick; end
attr_accessor :nick
prime ="Optimus Prime")
p prime.nick
protected method `nick' called for
#<Autobot:0x007f92ba082330 @nick="Optimus
Prime"> (NoMethodError)
class Autobot
def fights(target)
p "I am #{self.nick}"
p "Kicking #{target.nick}'s ass"
attr_accessor :nick
optimus ="Optimus Prime")
megatron ='Megatron')
optimus.fights megatron
class Autobot
def fights(target)
p "I am #{self.nick}"
p "Kicking #{target.nick}'s ass"
attr_accessor :nick
optimus ="Optimus Prime")
megatron ='Megatron')
optimus.fights megatron
class Autobot
def fights(target)
p "I am #{self.nick}"
p "Kicking #{target.nick}'s ass"
attr_accessor :nick
optimus ="Optimus Prime")
megatron ='Megatron')
optimus.fights megatron
"I am Optimus Prime"
"Kicking Megatron's ass"
class Autobot
def fights(target)
p "I am #{self.nick}"
p "Kicking #{target.nick}'s ass"
attr_accessor :nick
optimus ="Optimus Prime")
megatron ='Megatron')
optimus.fights megatron
"I am Optimus Prime"
"Kicking Megatron's ass"
Keywords in Ruby?
Keywords - hmm…
class Serious
def true
def false
die =
p "seriously!" if die.false
Keywords - hmm…
class Serious
def true
def false
die =
p "seriously!" if die.false
Keywords - hmm…
class Serious
def true
def false
die =
p "seriously!" if die.false
stack too deep?
class Search!
def search!
p "Default Search algorithm"!
class KeywordSearch < Search !
def search(keyword:)!
end! "Ruby")
class Search!
def search!
p "Default Search algorithm"!
class KeywordSearch < Search !
def search(keyword:)!
end! "Ruby")
class Search!
def search!
p "Default Search algorithm"!
class KeywordSearch < Search !
def search(keyword:)!
end! "Ruby")
class Search!
def search!
p "Default Search algorithm"!
class KeywordSearch < Search !
def search(keyword:)!
end! "Ruby")
`search`: wrong number
of arguments (1 for 0)
class Search!
def search!
p "Default Search algorithm"!
class KeywordSearch < Search !
def search(keyword:)!
end! "Ruby")
class Search!
def search!
p "Default Search algorithm"!
class KeywordSearch < Search !
def search(keyword:)!
end! "Ruby")
class Search!
def search!
p "Default Search algorithm"!
class KeywordSearch < Search !
def search(keyword:)!
end! "Ruby")
class Search!
def search!
p "Default Search algorithm"!
class KeywordSearch < Search !
def search(keyword:)!
end! "Ruby")
And we thought parenthesis for
method invocation didn’t matter
Module mixins are funny
module Superman!
def fly; p "Superman: It's a bird"; end!
module Batman!
def fly; p "Batman: Fly? Me?"; end!
module Ironman!
def fly; p "Iroman: That's flying!"; end!
Module mixins are funny
module Superman!
def fly; p "Superman: It's a bird"; end!
module Batman!
def fly; p "Batman: Fly? Me?"; end!
module Ironman!
def fly; p "Iroman: That's flying!"; end!
Module mixins are funny
class Tinyman!
include Superman!
include Batman!
include Ironman!
"Iroman: That's how you fly!"
Module mixins are funny
class Tinyman!
include Superman!
include Batman!
include Ironman!
"Iroman: That's how you fly!"
Module Inheritance?
module Superman!
def fly; p "Superman: It's a bird"; end!
module Batman!
def fly; p "Batman: Fly? Me?"; end!
module Ironman!
def fly; super; p "Iroman: That's flying!"; end!
Module Inheritance?
module Superman!
def fly; p "Superman: It's a bird"; end!
module Batman!
def fly; p "Batman: Fly? Me?"; end!
module Ironman!
def fly; super; p "Iroman: That's flying!"; end!
Module Inheritance?
module Superman!
def fly; p "Superman: It's a bird"; end!
module Batman!
def fly; p "Batman: Fly? Me?"; end!
module Ironman!
def fly; super; p "Iroman: That's flying!"; end!
"Batman: Fly? Me?”!
"Iroman: That's flying!"
Dynamic Inheritance!
class Tinyman!
include Superman!
include Batman!
include Ironman!
Dynamic Inheritance!
class Tinyman!
include Superman!
include Batman!
include Ironman!
class Tinyman!
include Superman!
include Ironman!
include Batman!
Dynamic Inheritance!
class Tinyman!
include Superman!
include Batman!
include Ironman!
class Tinyman!
include Superman!
include Ironman!
include Batman!
Dynamic Inheritance!
class Tinyman!
include Superman!
include Batman!
include Ironman!
Cherry pick from Modules
module Megatron!
def power!
p "Megatron's super strength"!
def evil!
p 'Evil genius'!
Cherry pick from Modules
module Megatron!
def power!
p "Megatron's super strength"!
def evil!
p 'Evil genius'!
class Hanuman!
include Megatron!
# => "Megatron's super strength"! !
# => "Evil genius" # Oh no!
Cherry pick from Modules
class Hanuman!
include Megatron!
# => "Megatron's super strength"! !
# => "Evil genius" # Oh no!
Cherry pick from Modules
Cherry pick from Modules
class Hanuman!
def power!
Cherry pick from Modules
class Hanuman!
def power!
Cherry pick from Modules
class Hanuman!
def power!
# => "Megatron's super strength"
# => undefined method `evil’...>
That’s all Folks!
That’s all Folks!
since 2007

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Mais de Gautam Rege

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Mais de Gautam Rege (13)

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