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Kick off 2010 with the Nopalea™
Wellness Challenge
by Michael R. Ellison, CEO & Founder of TriVita, Inc.
Happy New Year!
We are so excited about the wellness experiences people are having with
Nopalea that we have made it our goal to offer the Nopalea Wellness
Challenge to one million people. The experiences people are having are
just astonishing. Like Melody C. in North Carolina – she had a terrible
accident and suffered with much pain due to a severe neck and back injury.
It was so severe that she had to give up two of her passions in life: barrel
racing with her prized horse and long trail rides with her son. But then a long-time friend introduced her
to Nopalea, and within three weeks she was experiencing significantly less pain. Now, several months
later, she is back to riding horses with her son and loving it. This is just one example of the relief people
are experiencing from the symptoms caused by chronic inflammation.
Not only have we heard from people experiencing the benefits of Nopalea, but we have also heard about
dogs, horses, birds and other pets benefiting from the product. One of the most remarkable testimonies
came from Cody R., a good friend and Affiliate Member with TriVita (I get all my friends and anyone
who will listen involved with TriVita!). Cody has a nine-year-old dog that had major hip problems and
could no longer jump into the family SUV. They had actually built a ramp for the 100-pound dog to
walk up. After just weeks on Nopalea, the dog was back to jumping in the vehicle. Like Cody says,
“I doubt if dogs exaggerate their experience!”
The impact of lowered inflammation has become so profound that we now have veterinarians using
the product in their practices. We also have chiropractors and medical doctors recommending Nopalea
to their patients to help lower inflammation. This is so exciting to me personally, as I want everyone
to experience greater wellness. Living in an inflamed world with toxins in the food, air and water, it is
nearly impossible to escape the escalation of inflammation as we age.
We are inviting you to experience the power of Nopalea by taking the Nopalea Wellness Challenge and
proving its powerful anti-inflammatory benefits. We have reduced the price of a case of Nopalea so you
can give it a fair chance to give you a wellness experience and enhance the quality of your life. This
could mean living with less pain, breathing problems, poor skin conditions or other inflammatory issues.
And, we offer our 60-day money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose – but everything to gain
once Nopalea starts working for you.
Taking the Nopalea Wellness Challenge is easy – here is all we ask:
1. Commit to drinking 3-6 ounces of Nopalea every day.
2. Fill out a Nopalea Wellness Challenge Form to see how inflammation may be affecting
your health.
3. Read The Silent Killer Health Alert (included with your Nopalea order) on the serious
effects of chronic inflammation and how it can lead to disease if left unchecked.
4. Follow up with a TriVita Wellness Consultant to share your results.
By taking these steps, you can identify your symptoms before you start the Challenge and track your
progress as you go through your case of Nopalea. It is not just a “feel-good” product; it can actually help
you experience incredible, specific results.
“We are inviting you to experience the power of Nopalea by taking
the Nopalea Wellness Challenge and proving its powerful
anti-inflammatory benefits.”
10Essentialsfor health and wellness
Good health is a gift to be treasured and
nurtured every day. TriVita joyfully shares
these keys to helping you experience
: the 10 Essentials of physical,
emotional and spiritual health.
1. Breathe Deeply
Let your lungs fill deep down, hold, then
exhale toxins and stress.
2. Drink Water
Nature’s best beverage not only quenches
thirst, but also enhances energy.
3. Sleep Peacefully
Every body needs the rest and repair
that comes with a regular sleep routine.
4. Eat Nutritiously
Feed both body and mind with
healthy, nourishing food for life.
5. Enjoy Activity
Let an active lifestyle move you to
improved health and wellness in all ways.
6. Give and Receive Love
Offer and accept the greatest gift, and
you can enhance your immune system.
7. Be Forgiving
When you let go of old grudges, your
hands are open to accept feelings of peace.
8. Practice Gratitude
A thankful heart releases stress, making
room for greater happiness and health.
9. Develop Acceptance
If you can’t change it, accept it and move
on. Worry will shrink, serenity will grow.
10. Develop a Relationship with God
Nurture the spiritual aspect of your life
to achieve complete well-being.
Article from Michael Ellison continued on page 21...
4 Could Nopalea™
Help You Be Pain-Free?
Take the Nopalea Wellness
Challenge and find out.
6 The Dynamic Duo:
Sublingual B-12 and Nopalea
Combine these two products for a
tremendous wellness experience.
8 Smart Weight Loss Swaps
These easy-to-implement tips
will help reduce calories and
control your weight.
10 Nopalea Wellness
Challenge Success Stories
They took the Challenge... and
the results have been fantastic.
13 Maintain Your Winter
Supply of Vitamin D
What you can do to ensure
you get the right amount.
16 10 Healthy Foods
For Your Pantry
These easy-to-find,
inexpensive foods are
“musts” for any kitchen.
25 From Unrelenting Pain
to Everlasting Hope
Nopalea has dramatically eased
Kimberly’s post-cancer pain.
30 It’s Easier Than
Ever to Become an
Affiliate Member
Share your product experience
and earn great rewards.
hen thinking about what to
write for this January note, I read
through the different articles featured
this month. One that stood out to me was Dr. Judy’s
article on page 22 about living life with no regrets. It
doesn’t matter what year it is, there are always those
who can’t wait to say goodbye to the past year.
Life is interesting the way it works. Born and raised
in Texas, I would never have imagined that I would
wind up calling Arizona my home. I remember
the day in June of 1993 when the moving van
drove my daughters and me away from a home that
was all they had ever known. Seeing their little
handprints in the concrete walkway next to the
flowers I planted each year was heartbreaking as
I said goodbye to a lifetime of memories. The fear
of starting over after experiencing a divorce was
devastating for all of us. Not only was there fear
of beginning life again in another state, but being
forced to start a career outside of the one I knew
best – being a mom – was extremely challenging.
What I didn’t realize at the time, was that I was
soon to be transformed into a stronger woman, not
only in my faith in God, but in my own ability to
succeed in a world I only observed from the outside
for many years. Having a career at TriVita these past
10+ years has not only taught me so much about
my health and wellness journey, but has unleashed
talents, strengths and life purposes that might have
otherwise been buried.
If you’re struggling with a world of hurt left over
from 2009, I encourage you to go into the year with
a healthy anticipation and begin again in 2010! If
you’re hurting with physical pain, I also encourage
you to take the Nopalea Wellness Challenge and
just see what happens. You too could join the ranks
of those featured this month who have shared their
life-changing results. You don’t have anything to
lose – except maybe the pain!
Here’s to a life with no regrets. Happy New Year!
Pam Knox, Editor of Publications
The information in this VitaJournal may contain
errors or inaccuracies. We reserve the right
to change prices, selections, update information
and limit quantities without prior notice.
Make family
time a priority.
Start your New Year off right by taking
The Nopalea Wellness Challenge.
4-5, 10-11, 14-15
January 2010 l 3
We took the
Nopalea Wellness Challenge,
now we’re living
Could Nopalea help your
Take the Nopalea Wellness Challenge and find out!
ill 2010 be the year you
free yourself of constant
pain, aches and soreness?
Will the New Year give you new
release from the symptoms of
allergy or asthma-related breathing
problems? Of course you’d like the
answer to be “yes!” And that’s
why you should take the Nopalea™
Wellness Challenge right away.
Nopalea, as you probably know, is the
astonishing wellness drink that has helped so
many get relief from the damaging effects of
chronic inflammation. If you haven’t tried it
yet, consider these important questions:
• Do you deal with pain on a constant basis?
• Does anyone in your family or group
of friends complain of chronic pain?
• Do you, or anyone you know, have allergy
or asthma-related breathing problems?
• Are you concerned about premature aging?
• Are daily toxins wreaking havoc on
your body?
These symptoms can all be linked to chronic
inflammation – precisely the problem that
Nopalea was developed to help address.
the perfect time to experience
If you haven’t yet tried Nopalea for yourself,
now is the perfect time. The Nopalea Wellness
Challenge was created to show the power of
Nopalea in helping the body reduce chronic
inflammation quickly. One of the most
exciting ingredients in Nopalea is Betalains,
a rare and potent class of natural antioxidants.
They’re found in only a few of the world’s
plants, including the Nopal cactus. The Nopal
fruit, from which Nopalea is made, contains
one of the highest amounts of Betalains in all
of nature.
That’s why taking a Nopalea Loading Dose
can help put out the “fire” of inflammation in
our bodies. Here’s how the Challenge works:
• Take 3-6 ounces of Nopalea every day,
until your bottle
is empty.
• Fill out the Nopalea Wellness
Challenge form, which will
be included in your order,
to track your progress during
the Challenge.
• Read The Secret Killer
Health Alert, which will be
included in your shipment.
• Follow up with a TriVita Wellness
Consultant to share your results.
Experience wellness for yourself!
• Follow up with a TriVita Wellness
Try this delicious wellness drink, with an exclusive blend of rare
antioxidants called Betalains and other healthful nutrients.
A daily dose of Nopalea can help your body:
Non-Member $49.99
Member $39.99
4 bottle pack
Non-Member $199.96
Member $139.99
Now $119.99
Drink it and thrive!
Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116.
• Lessen inflammation
which causes pain
• Cleanse itself
of daily toxins
• Promote optimal health
right down to your cells
• Protect against
premature aging
Nopalea 4 Pack
only $119.99
January 2010 l 51-800-991-7116
body be pain-free?
That’s it! In these four easy steps, you could
make 2010 the year you finally deal with the
harmful effects of chronic inflammation –
and maybe help others, as well, when you
share your experience.
Called The Secret Killer for a reason
When you start your Challenge,
be sure to read The Secret Killer
Health Alert. You may be
stunned to learn what a major
role inflammation plays in our
health. You’ll find out about
chronic inflammation – what
happens when our bodies get “stuck”
in defense mode against injury or infection –
and how this kind of inflammation is on the
increase. The Secret Killer details the sad results:
chronic pain, discomfort and poor health that
may lead to serious disease.
So many people just like you have had great
success with the Nopalea Wellness Challenge
already. To read their personal stories, see pages
10-11, and 14-15. You’ll be inspired to start
“writing” your own story.
take the Challenge and save now!
Here’s more reason to take the Challenge
now: you can save even more by purchasing
the Nopalea 4-pack at special savings through
January 31, 2010 only! See back cover page
for details.
If you’re not sure whether Nopalea could
improve the quality of your life or of those
you care for, just review these questions, and
see if you recognize your own health issues,
or those of family or friends:
does this sound like you?
• Do you suffer from chronic (constant
or regular) pain anywhere in your body?
Has it been going on for weeks, months
or even years?
• Do you routinely get low on energy
during any part of the day?
• Do you have trouble sleeping at night?
• Do you have allergy or asthma-related
breathing problems?
• Do you fear your’e not doing enough to
protect your body against all the toxins
in today’s world (air, food, water, etc.)?
If you answered “yes” to any of these
questions, you need to take the Nopalea
Wellness Challenge and see what a
difference it can make in the quality of your
life. These are the kinds of questions you’ll
find on your Nopalea Challenge form, which
will help you or someone you care for to
pinpoint the areas in which you could most
benefit from relief. Then, as you take your
Nopalea Loading Dose, you can track your
progress on the form.
This January, start
the New Year off right.
Give yourself the
benefits of Nopalea
that have helped
so many others,
and take the Nopalea
Wellness Challenge.happens when our bodies get “stuck”
The diagnosis was
tErmInAl CAnCEr
Kimberly was given only weeks to
live, but she wasn’t going to give
up without a fight. Kimberly went
through excruciating chemotherapy
and cancer surgery, where she had one
leg amputated. Kimberly was officially
cancer-free, but she had another tough
battle to face – unrelenting post-surgery
pain. Nothing seemed to work, including
very powerful pain medications, until
one caring person gave Kimberly a
Nopalea Gift of Health that let her
finally enjoy life again.
read Kimberly’s dramatic story
on page 25.
What’s	your	amazing	Nopalea	story?	Share	it	and	enjoy	even	more	benefi	ts:	a	$25	TriVita	
Gift	Card,	PLUS	an	exclusive	Nopalea	t-shirt	–	a	$14.99	value!	Just	email	your	Nopalea	
story	to,	or	call	1-800-693-4083.	Please	include	your	Member	ID,	your	
address	and	daytime	phone	number	(along	with	email	address,	if	you	have	one).	
trivita.com6 l VITAJOURNAL
Scott Conard, M.D., is the founder of TienaHealth,
an organization of medical doctors in primary
care practice who emphasize healthy lifestyles
to maintain wellness. Dr. Conard is considered
a national expert on disease prevention.
TienaHealth also conducts clinical trials.
Scott Conard, M.D.
Founder, TienaHealth
ou may have made a New
Year’s resolution or two to
achieve greater wellness.
Maybe you’ll increase your
activity level, or eat more fruits
and vegetables, or work on your
emotional health, as outlined in the
10 Essentials (page 2). These are
all great ideas, and I’d like to add
another suggestion for enhancing
your health: take TriVita®
B-12 and Nopalea™ together.
This could be the most important step you
take in helping you stay as alert, sharp and
fully-functioning as possible. Of course, we’ve
known for a long time how important it is to
nourish your brain with B-12. This powerhouse
vitamin helps fight brain erosion, dementia,
moodiness, fatigue and forgetfulness, while
improving sustained mental energy, stamina
and concentration. What’s very new and
exciting is how you can benefit with both
B-12 and Nopalea, the new anti-inflammatory
wellness drink from TriVita.
I recommend Sublingual B-12 with Nopalea for
a range of inflammatory brain disorders, and
for inflammatory artery disorders such as high
blood pressure and hardening of the arteries.
When you take these two remarkable products
together, the results can be astonishing. Just
take a look at the personal stories on the next
page to see how B-12 and Nopalea together are
helping people like you.
Why Sublingual b-12 and
nopalea work so well together
There’s a “fat” story at work when we talk about
B-12 and Nopalea. As TriVita Chief Science
Officer Brazos Minshew recently explained,
our brains are two-thirds fat. The “good” fat we
need to repair nerves and produce energy can
be insufficient in our diets, or be blocked by
toxins in our environment.
TriVita’s Sublingual B-12 helps make this good
fat available to our bodies so it can do its good
work. However, the fat still needs to get to all
the places in our brain and body where it’s
needed. Transporting the fat is done by an
amino acid called taurine, and this is where
Nopalea plays such a key role.
We don’t get taurine in our diet; our bodies
have to manufacture it, and the process can be
interrupted by nutrient deficiencies, emotional
stress or toxins. Nopalea has an abundance of
taurine, so it helps the good, essential fat we
need to get to all the places where it can do us
the most good.
In brief, in order to have optimum fat
metabolism you need to take B-12 and Nopalea
together, every day. I encourage you to make
and keep your resolutions for greater wellness in
2010 and beyond. And I also encourage you to
consider Sublingual B-12 and Nopalea together
as “must-haves” to reach your goal.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food
and Drug Administration. This product is not intended
to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
B-12 Update
by Dr. Scott Conard
A New Year of brainpower and wellness:
Sublingual B-12 and Nopalea
Why these products together are “must-haves”
When you take these two
remarkable products together, the
results can be astonishing.
Faster-acting, longer-lasting and more potent
than ever before with three times the Vitamin B-12
TriVita Super Sublingual B-12 helps you achieve:
• Sustained mental energy, stamina and alertness
• Improved mood with a more positive outlook on life
• Greater mental focus, clarity and concentration
• Sharper memory with less forgetfulness
Plus, Super Sublingual B-12 gives your brain and nerves
the essential nutrients they need to help replenish brain
fuel and help repair damaged nerves. And all this is yours
with a convenient, once-a-day tablet.
Alfred Libby, M.D. – Inventor of TriVita Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid
Dr. Libby, a renowned nutraceutical pioneer, worked to help hundreds of
patients feel better every day. An associate of Dr. Linus Pauling (Nobel Prize
Laureate), Dr. Libby developed this unique, sublingual delivery system for
his own patients. It was known to give similar mental energy results as B-12 shots, but
without the shots’ added pain and expense.Alfred Libby, M.D.
TRIVITAFor maximum sustained
mental energy take
TriVita Super
Sublingual B-12
Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116
or visit us at
“We swear by Nopalea and
Sublingual B-12: they work!”
“My husband John is retired and works the
seasonal potato harvest for a nearby farmer. The
past few years he had a terrible time with dust
allergies caused by the harvest. He took over-the-
counter medicine and found some relief, but still
struggled with head congestion, sneezing and just
feeling lousy. We have been taking Sublingual B-12
for years and thought we would also give Nopalea
a try this year. IT WORKED! He feels so much better
and even has more energy for the long days of the
harvest. I couldn’t wait to order a case of Nopalea
and get started on it myself. Sublingual B-12 gives
us the extra energy we need and we believe that it
has helped keep us healthy, especially in the cold
and flu season. If I forget and miss my tablet in the
morning, about midday I start to feel sluggish and
it dawns on me why. We swear by Nopalea and
B-12 and will continue taking them. Thank you so
much for these great TriVita products.”
lINDa W. – BaNgor, Me
“Nopalea and Sublingual B-12:
we would not be without them.”
“My husband and I have been taking Sublingual
B-12 for six years, and adding Nopalea has made
a believer out of him. Since he started taking
Nopalea, the pain in his hand, shoulders and his
knees has gone away. He has been taking Nopalea
for a few months and wouldn’t be without it.
He takes a B-12 and three ounces of Nopalea
daily along with his other TriVita supplements:
OmegaPrime, Daily Men, Bone Growth Factor
and Joint Complex. He said he noticed that
there was no pain when he parked his car and
reached for his jacket on the back seat, plus his
shoulders, which had been painful, did NOT hurt.
He also noticed that his knees didn’t hurt when
walking or bending. He’s very pleased with the
improvements in his health. Plus, we both love
the taste. Nopalea and Sublingual B-12 – we would
not be without them.”
DeaNNa M. – PhoeNIX, aZ
“Every day that I take Nopalea the
swelling stays away.”
“I have arthritis, and any reduction in pain is a
major help to me. I also have swelling in my neck
due to a car accident in 2003. I started taking
Nopalea as soon as it arrived. The swelling in my
neck went down, and every day that I take Nopalea
the swelling stays away. If I don’t take Nopalea, the
swelling returns. When I started taking Nopalea, I
was already taking Sublingual B-12, and began to
notice that I was losing weight. Now I feel so much
better. I’ve been telling my family and friends
about TriVita products. God bless you, and thanks
for helping me to feel better.”
PattI t. – huDsoN, MI
TriVita Super
Sublingual B-12
Non-Member $28.99
Member $22.99
Redeem with 230 VitaPoints
TriVita Super
See article on page 9 to find out more about the
inflammation/obesity connection.
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The Value Pack includes:
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bag of
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50% OFFOffer good through
dinner and home cooking
Salad add-ons
dairy products
food shopping
pply the following weight loss
suggestions to your daily diet to
eat more sensibly and lose pounds!*
Swap 3 slices of french toast
with syrup (800)
For 2 x 6” buckwheat
pancakes with 1 Tbsp.
of syrup (325)
Save 475 calories
(once a week = 24,700
calories per year)
Annual Weight Loss 7 pounds
Swap 2 oz cooked pasta with
2 oz pesto sauce (500)
For 2 oz cooked pasta
with 2 oz tomato
pasta sauce (240)
Save 260 calories
(once a week = 13,520
calories per year)
Annual Weight Loss 3.9 pounds
Swap 2 Tbsp. creamy Italian
dressing (165)
For 2 Tbsp. low
calorie dressing (5)
Save 160 calories
(twice a week = 16,640
calories per year)
Annual Weight Loss 4.75 pounds
Swap Ice cream sundae:
2 scoops ice cream w/
syrup, whipped cream,
nuts, cherry (1065)
For Strawberries romanoff,
4 oz serving (115)
Save 950 calories
(1 x monthly = 11,400
calories per year)
Annual Weight Loss 3.3 pounds
Swap Microwaved caramel
popcorn, 3 cups (280)
For Air popped popcorn,
3 cups (90)
Save 190 calories
(4 x weekly = 39,520
calories per year)
Annual Weight Loss 11.3 pounds
Swap 4 oz ground beef (304)
For 4 oz ground chicken or
turkey breast (129)
Save 175 calories
(2 x weekly = 18,200
calories per year)
Annual Weight Loss 5.2 pounds
Swap 1 cup whole milk (150)
For 1 cup skim milk (90)
Save 60 calories
(7 x weekly = 21,840
calories per year)
Annual Weight Loss 6.5 pounds
Swap Foods labeled “low-fat”
which contain 3g fat or
less per serving
For Foods labeled “fat-free”
which contain 0.5g fat
or less per serving
Save 22.5 calories / serving
(1 x daily = 8,212 calories)
Annual Weight Loss 2.3 pounds
* Suggestions from the Anne Collins Weight Management Program
weight	loss	swaps
Use these easy tips to reduce
calories and control your weight
January 2010 l 91-800-991-7116
f we could reduce inflammation,
could we also reduce the problem
of excess weight? There is growing
evidence of a connection between
the two conditions – and mounting
excitement over the possibility of
easing both.
For several years, medical science has turned
its eye toward inflammation as the main issue
behind a number of health problems, from
joint pain to allergies, high blood pressure to
ulcers, and even cancer and heart attacks. As
early as 2004, TIME magazine called chronic
inflammation “The Secret Killer.” Continuing
research suggests that obesity might be added
to the list of conditions caused, at least in part,
by inflammation.
the brain, inflammation
and excess weight
Researchers recently found that weight
could be lowered or managed by reducing
inflammation in a certain part of the brain.
Just over a year ago, a study published in the
journal Cell indicated that inflammation
could be a key factor in obesity.
Obesity is known to increase inflammation
throughout the body. But could the inflamma-
tion be a cause, not an effect, of the obesity?
A study based at the University of Wisconsin,
Madison and the University of California,
San Diego zeroed in on two areas:
1. The hypothalamus, a brain region that
regulates the body’s energy balance.
2. A “master switch” of inflammation
that’s usually turned off.
In lab tests on mice, that “master switch” of
inflammation turned on in the brains of mice
on a high-fat diet. With that
master switch turned on, the
mice gained weight.
Next, the scientists used genetic engi-
neering to flip that master switch off in the
hypothalamus of other mice. Those mice were
“significantly protected” from becoming obese,
even on a high-fat diet, the researchers wrote.
It’s important to note that inflammation alone
isn’t a bad thing: it’s a vital tool for the body to
fight off infection. It’s when the body’s defense
switch gets stuck in the “on” position that we
have chronic inflammation. The researchers
concluded that finding out how to control that
switch in the hypothalamus might open the
door to fighting obesity and related diseases.
Obesity as “chronic low-level
More connections between obesity and inflam-
mation were found by Dutch researchers writing
in the journal PPAR Research. The article, which
looks at the complex relationship between fat
storage, insulin resistance and secreted proteins,
comes to a provocative conclusion.
After studying the affect of obesity on tissue
in body parts including the liver, the scientists
said that their findings “feed a growing recogni-
tion that obesity represents a state of chronic
low-level inflammation.”
Adding diabetes to the story
Because our bodies are so complex, some of the
research into obesity and inflammation takes an
extra step to understand. In the case of diabetes,
for example, a connection between body fat and
diabetes has pointed a finger at inflammation
as the root problem.
Researchers at the University of California, San
Diego, School of Medicine published findings
of a study in the journal Cell Metabolism, that
can be summed up in four words: “Inflammation
is the key.” The research found that obesity, in
animals or people, leads to increased fat in the
liver, called “steatosis.” Steatosis, in turn, leads
to liver inflammation and insulin resistance,
which can result in diabetes.
Problem: inflammation
A solution: nopalea™
As research continues into the relationship
between inflammation and excess weight,
there is a way to help your body reduce
inflammation: Nopalea. This breakthrough
wellness drink is helping people across North
America enjoy optimal wellness,
because with daily use it helps
your body:
• reduce inflammation
• detoxify
• Achieve optimal
cellular health
• Protect against
premature aging
Now, the Nopalea Wellness
Challenge can help you
see for yourself what all
the excitement is about (see
pages 4-5 for details). Find
out what others are learning
through the Challenge:
Nopalea can help you feel
better, feel healthier and thrive.
Is inflammation
the cause
of obesity?Research points to a connection
that’s gaining awareness
on a high-fat diet. With that
master switch turned on, the
Next, the scientists used genetic engi-
neering to flip that master switch off in the
Read these fantastic
success stories – and
submit one of your own
hese are just a few
of the inspiring
testimonials from
Members who have taken
the Nopalea™ Wellness
Challenge. Could you feel
better, too? The New Year is
the perfect time to find out.
So, take the Challenge and
make a major difference in
your own life.
What is the Nopalea Welless Challenge?
•	Take	3-6	ounces	of	chilled	Nopalea	everyday
•	Fill	out	the	Nopalea	Challenge	Form
•	Read	TheSecretKiller	Health	Alert
•	Share	your	Nopalea	experience!
See	pages	4-5	for	more	details.
* You should not stop taking any medication
without first consulting your healthcare provider.
Paige C. – belleair bluffs, fl raji C. – Phoenix, AZ
“…Within five days of starting the
Nopalea Challenge, I noticed that my
range of motion was improving.”
“I am in my late 40s and am trying to do the
right things now to take better care of my
health. I had a very stiff neck that caused a
lot of pain and affected my range of motion.
I had some tests done which showed that
there was a lot of inflammation in my neck.
I wanted to make big changes in my life
because over the past few years, people in
my life began getting sick and coming down
with degenerative diseases.
So, I was already in a mode to improve my health
and take better care of my body. I began drinking
Nopalea and within five days of starting the
Nopalea Challenge, I noticed that my range of
motion was improving. I was very happy and
quite impressed.
I also suffer from seasonal allergies, which cause
puffiness around my eyes and my face. After a
short time on Nopalea, people commented on how
healthy my skin looked. This delicious drink helped
with my allergy symptoms and the puffiness
went away.
I had blood work done as part of my regular
physical and, as usual, I always get a C-Reactive
Protein test. Last time it was 1.3, but since
Nopalea it has gone down to just barely over
zero – one full point. Other lab results showed
additional decrease in the inflammation in
my body, which is just fantastic. I am a firm
believer that we need to keep inflammation
down in our bodies. By drinking Nopalea, I
know I am reducing inflammation. I am worth
spending money on my body to feel good and
be healthy.”
PaIge c. – BelleaIr BluFFs, Fl
“I was thrilled when Nopalea helped
improve my asthma symptoms.”
“I have a few health issues, but recently I took a
misstep to avoid an obstacle on the floor and it
totally aggravated my spine. I have a herniated
disk, my left side is sciatic and I’ve developed
arthritis. That whole mess sits there kind of
dormant until I sit up, twist or step wrong and
then it puts me in even more pain.
This time around, pain pills didn’t even work.
I was given a bottle of Nopalea and was told
to follow the guidelines for the Nopalea Wellness
Challenge. This super drink is so good for me
and I enjoy it as much as fresh orange juice.
I particularly wanted Nopalea to stop the inflamma-
tion I my spine, along with poor circulation in my
legs which caused swelling and water retention. I
also have asthma, which of course is inflammatory.
I have noticed that the swelling in my spine has
gone down. Now I am able to sit up and walk more
erect. However, I needed to take a larger dose of
Nopalea to really get rid of that visible knot on the
lower part of my spine. Being asthmatic and having
to take lots of pills and asthma shots and using
inhalers is no fun, so I was thrilled when Nopalea
helped improve my asthma symptoms.
Three days after I drank the whole bottle, I also
noticed that my attitude was better. Instead of
feeling down, with Nopalea I feel awesome and
it has definitely improved my mental health.
I was so grateful about what Nopalea had done
for me that I decided to encourage other people
to try it. God created an amazing plant and the
fruit of that plant has really improved my life.
We’re So Ecstatic We Took
January 2010 l 11
“Lab results showed an
additional decrease in the
inflammation in my body,
which is just fantastic.”
– Paige C.
“I was thrilled when
Nopalea helped improve
my asthma symptoms.”
– Raji C.
“I noticed that the painful
plantar fasciitis had resolved
and I was finding it much
easier to sleep.”
– Kandy M.
“I have been taking Nopalea
for almost two weeks and can
really tell a big difference.”
– Beth T.
Continued on pages 14-15...
beth t. – Colbert, WAbrian O. – n. hollywood, CA Kandy m. – Cookeville, tn
There are a lot of benefits for taking Nopalea,
and I hope anyone who reads this will take the
time and get a bottle for themselves and write
their own testimonial after taking the Nopalea
Wellness Challenge.”
raJI c. – PhoeNIX, aZ
“I also noticed a significant reduction
in my aches and pains.”
“My wellness journey started about a year ago
when my brother told me that he was suffering
from ankylosing spondylitis (A.S.), a rare form
of arthritis. He said it can be hereditary and
suggested that I get tested for it.
I was suffering from some of the same
symptoms as my brother. I am only 27 years
old and was not prepared to be disabled in
any way. My doctor confirmed that I had the
same disease as my brother. This is a very
strange condition that can attack any organ of
your body at any time. It can go from simple
aches and pains, soreness and stiffness on
up to major eye problems and can lead to
something called ‘bamboo spine,’ where your
spine actually fuses together.
Luckily I crossed paths with a mutual friend
who suffers from A.S. After hearing that
he is living pain-free and energized thanks
to Nopalea, I decided to take the Nopalea
Wellness Challenge myself. I took three
ounces of Nopalea both in the morning and
evening, and in four short days I was already
feeling better and more energized. After only
one bottle, I was interacting more with my
daughter and feeling more refreshed after
sleep. I also noticed a significant reduction in
my aches and pains.”
BrIaN o. – North hollyWooD, ca
“I have been taking Nopalea for
almost two weeks and can tell
the difference.”
“Before I took the Nopalea Wellness Challenge,
I was feeling pretty hopeless. I suffer from a
rare form of soft tissue arthritis. It hit fast and
hard – going from nothing to extreme. This
arthritis attacked the iris in my eyes. I looked
like I had been beaten up – my eyes were red
and bloodshot and you could only see the pupil
area. I jumped from specialist to specialist and
started taking steroid drops and steroid shots
into my eyeball to stop it, as this disease can
blind you if left unchecked. I also suffered from
skin and muscle problems. I could not get up in
the morning and my back hurt. The shots were
extremely expensive – about $1,100 a month
just for two shots. These shots are only effective
for a few days and then the pain comes back.
Once I began the Challenge, Nopalea quickly
improved my condition. By the second day I
was already feeling dramatically better. I am
currently taking the full suggested loading dose
of three to six ounces per day. I may increase
the amount even more. Thanks to Nopalea I’ve
started losing the 30 pounds I gained from the
steroids. I have been taking Nopalea for almost
two weeks and can really tell a big difference.”
Beth t. – colBert, Wa
“It is amazing how fast Nopalea
worked for me.”
“One month prior to taking the Nopalea Wellness
Challenge, I began working out at the local fitness
center, which includes 2-3 personal training
sessions a week. Almost immediately an old
plantar fasciitis problem in my foot resurfaced.
It was also difficult to sleep due to the circulating
lactic acid from the vigorous workout sessions.
the Nopalea Wellness Challenge
trivita.com12 l VITAJOURNAL
etween after-school activities,
long work hours and other
demands of our hectic life-
styles, family time can take a backseat.
This year, make quality family time
your top goal. Time goes by fast... soon
enough, youngsters will be leaving the
nest and making their own way in
the world. Help prepare them while
strengthening family bonds by making
quality family time a priority.
make time for meals
Everyone has to eat, but how often do you sit
down as a family? Between soccer practices
and long work days, family mealtime can be
neglected. But neglecting this important part
of family life can result in negative outcomes
for your children.
According to a report by the National Center
on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at
Columbia University, teens who eat fewer than
three family meals a week – compared to those
who eat five or more family dinners – are:
• Twice as likely to use tobacco or marijuana
• More than one and a half times likelier
to use alcohol
• Twice as likely to expect to try drugs in
the future
• One and a half times likelier to report
getting grades of C or lower in school.
Engage your children and truly make dinner-
time family time. Ask them specific questions
about their days, discuss current events, plan
your next family vacation, and so on.
Turn off distractions such as televisions,
phones and other electronic devices. Make
it a rule that no phone calls are made or
answered and that everyone stays at the
table until dinner is over.
television: turn it off!
What’s one way to squander precious family
time? Watching television. When kids stay
glued to the television, important family
time is wasted. Plus, television has
been linked to such health
problems as higher blood
pressure and obesity –
in children! And then
there’s the content
to consider...
A study by the Rand
Corporation showed that
teens who are exposed to high levels of sexual
content on TV are twice as likely to experience
a pregnancy before the age of 20, compared to
those who have lower levels of exposure, while
another study showed that TV watching – and
even just having a TV on somewhere in the
house – is associated with increased aggression
in small children. Although TV isn’t the only
culprit in these problems, it is one that you can
easily take action on.
Above all, television takes away from quality
family time. One study showed that even just
having a TV on in the background can reduce
parent-child interactions by 20 percent. Do your
family a favor: turn off the tube.
You may also want to limit the time they spend
on electronic devices and on the Internet.
Nothing – not texting, not social networking
sites – can replace face-to-face interaction.
family time ideas
Depending on the structure of your family,
pick and choose from these family time tips:
• Schedule a weekly game night –
Designate one night per week as game
night. Games will help sharpen young
minds (and older ones!), plus it’s a great
opportunity to model teamwork and
good sportsmanship.
• limit extracurricular activities –
Saying “no” to yet another commitment
isn’t going to stunt Johnny’s development.
Quality, not quantity is the key here.
Also, make sure your child is genuinely
interested in the activity.
• tell bedtime stories – Help younger
kids wind down for bed with a 10-minute
story time. Plus, once they get hooked
on a story, they’ll be eager for bed the
next night!
This year, make quality family time a priority.
If timing is an issue, schedule family time the
way you would a doctor’s appointment. It will
be well worth it!
Turn off distractions and enjoy some quality family time
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Simply put: Female study participants gained an average of 6% bone mass after
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tammy Pon, m.d.
Tammy	Pon,	M.D,	a	functional	medicine	physician,	received	
her	medical	degree	from	the	University	of	Texas	in	Houston.	
She	completed	specialty	training	in	Healthy	Aging.
dId yOu KnOW?
Growing	evidence	links	low	Vitamin	D	levels	to	stroke,	
congestive	heart	failure	and	common	heart	disease	risk	
factors	such	as	hypertension	(high	blood	pressure),	obesity	
and	diabetes.	Patients	with	Vitamin	D	levels	below	15	ng/ml	
double	their	chances	of	heart	attack	or	stroke	within	the	
next	fi	ve	years.	Researchers	strongly	recommend	screening	
for	and	treating	low	Vitamin	D	levels,	especially	in	patients	
who	are	at	risk	for	heart	disease	or	diabetes.
Make	sure	you	get	an	adequate	supply	of	Vitamin	D.	
Call	a	Wellness	Consultant	at	1-800-991-7116	to	fi	nd	
out	more	about	VitaCal-Mag	D	and	Bone	Growth	Factor.
Don’t let winter rob you of
your essential Vitamin D
By Dr. Tammy Pon
ractically every day
another benefit of
Vitamin D is revealed.
Vitamin D is created when our
skin is exposed to sunshine.
It is also present in our diet,
mainly in cold-water fish and
dark green vegetables.
A recent newspaper headline read, “Vitamin D
Linked to Parkinson’s disease.” At first glance, it
may not be clear if Vitamin D is a culprit or an
“illness-fighter.” Well, in fact, just as Vitamin D
helps build bones, Vitamin D plays a role in
building our brains – it is an “illness-fighter.”
Vitamin d and Parkinson’s
Previous studies have shown that the part
of the brain affected most by Parkinson’s, the
substantia nigra, has high levels of the Vitamin
D receptor, which suggests Vitamin D may be
important for normal functions of these cells.
If we look at other Vitamin D research, low
levels of Vitamin D have been found to be
associated with:
• Many neurological diseases such as
Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s
• Autoimmune disorders such as
multiple sclerosis
• Metabolic disorders such as diabetes.
Vitamin D is formed when sunlight strikes the
skin and interacts with cholesterol. Its main
purpose is to shuttle calcium and other minerals
to the bones.
Vitamin d – a messenger
Information is carried by a number of messengers
inside your body, including proteins and fats.
Vitamin D can also act like a messenger, telling
the cells how much work to do.
Think of this like building a house. Proteins
give specific instructions in the same way
a carpenter may decide how best to connect
walls and windows and doors. Fats may serve
as the building materials for the entire house.
Vitamin D serves as the general contractor to
determine how much building should be done
at any specific time.
We certainly need proteins and protein
complexes of Vitamin B-12 to create the
structures making up our brain. We also need
the fats found in such products as OmegaPrime®
to serve as raw materials and general information
on brain repair. We need Vitamin D to tell us
how much brain to build when we are young
and how much repair work to do as we age.
Why winter is the time for
more Vitamin d
We get Vitamin D from sunlight, foods
and supplements. Because we are exposed
to less sunshine in the winter than in the
summer, we need to be more vigilant about
supplementing with Vitamin D and exposing
our skin to sunshine whenever practical. Most
doctors who recommend Vitamin D explain
that winter cold and flu outbreaks are directly
related to Vitamin D deficiency.
If you take supplements to ensure you’re
getting enough Vitamin D, make sure they’re
the type that your body can really use. It’s best
to take supplements formulated for maximum
absorption, such as TriVita’s VitaCal-Mag D
or TriVita Bone Growth Factor. This way,
you can help ensure that you’re getting the
full benefits of Vitamin D to meet the serious
challenges of daily life.
* You should not stop taking any medication
without first consulting your healthcare provider.
“I’ve had amazing results
with Nopalea.”
– Bill A.
“Nopalea has been such
a blessing to us and we
want to share it with
everyone we know who
is dealing with pain.”
– Cindy A.
“The inflammation in my
brain and skin is gone, and
my neck, hip and hand pains
are dramatically down.”
– Joyce P.
“The doctors were surprised
by my improved liver and
kidney functions.”
– Edward B.
We’re So Ecstatic We Took
bill A. – richland, Or Cindy A. – richland, Or
Within a few days of beginning the Challenge,
I noticed that the painful plantar fasciitis had
resolved and I was finding it much easier
to sleep. I didn’t have to use any of the old
remedies; I just took my daily Nopalea and
the problem resolved. It is amazing how fast
Nopalea worked for me.
It’s such a great product that my husband
has even started taking it.”
KaNDy M. – cooKeVIlle, tN
“I started drinking Nopalea as soon
as it arrived on a Tuesday... Wednesday
night the leg cramps went away.”
“I’ve had amazing results with Nopalea. I
suffered with chronic back problems for years,
but was able to live with this pain with exercise
and behavior modification. However, a little
over a year ago my pain got worse and lasted
longer. Having always been physically active,
I started to get depressed. I also had to wear
a back brace and take pain pills just to get
through the day. After a doctor’s exam and the
usual nerve tests and x-rays, I was told that I had
five herniated discs and two disintegrated discs.
I also had leg cramps and severe headaches to
add to my misery.
When I first heard about Nopalea, I figured that I
had nothing to lose, so I started drinking Nopalea
as soon as it arrived on a Tuesday. Starting on
Wednesday, the leg cramps went away. By
Thursday, the headaches were gone and the pains
in my back, hip, leg and shoulder were noticeably
reduced. On Saturday my wife and I walked around
all day and I did not wear my back brace or take
any pills.* Thanks to Nopalea, I continue to find
more areas which are noticeably improving.”
BIll a. – rIchlaND, or
“Within a short time of starting
Nopalea, the pains started to lessen.”
“I deal with a variety of aches and pains,
especially in my neck. I also have had pain in
my hip and lower back, extreme arthritis in my
wrists and a recurring pain on the right side of
my abdomen. Within a short time of starting
Nopalea, the pains started to lessen. I have had
only one day in six weeks where the abdominal
pain returned. My neck and wrists are virtually
This has been a life-altering experience for both my
husband (see Bill’s story to the left) and me. It is so
good to have my husband back. Just two months
ago he could barely walk from the house to the
truck. He recently went pheasant hunting for six
hours and on a cattle drive in rugged terrain for
eight hours. It has been such a blessing to us and
we want to share it with everyone we know who is
dealing with pain.”
cINDy a. – rIchlaND, or
“My doctor and family are thrilled, and
I am so glad I gave Nopalea a chance.”
“I was first introduced to Nopalea in March of 2009
when I attended the launch in Phoenix. It sounded
like a wonderful product, but I was hesitant because
I am type 2 diabetic. Luckily, I’ve been very fortunate
that I have never had to do insulin shots. I have been
on and off medication over the years and it’s been a
constant battle to normalize my blood sugar levels.
My diabetic condition wasn’t getting any better and
I also had pain in my knuckles due to mild arthritis.
Finally, after reading many success stories in your
monthly catalog and VitaJournal from people with
diabetes who had positive results with Nopalea, I
decided to give it a try. Before I went on Nopalea, I
had very extensive blood tests to create a baseline.
January 2010 l 15
What’s	your	amazing	Nopalea	story?	Share	
it	and	enjoy	even	more	benefi	ts:	a	$25	
TriVita	Gift	Card,	PLUS	an	exclusive	Nopalea	
t-shirt	–	a	$14.99	value!	Just	email	your	
Nopalea	story	to,	or	
call	1-800-693-4083.	Please	include	your	
Member	ID,	your	address	and	daytime	
phone	number	(along	with	email	address,	
if	you	have	one).	
For more details on The Nopalea Wellness
Challenge, see pages 4-5.
the Nopalea Wellness Challenge
joyce P. – Clearwater, fl Edward b. – Palatine, IlSandy Z. – bath, Oh
The day after blood was drawn, I started on the
Nopalea Wellness Challenge. Shortly afterwards,
I noticed that the pain in my knuckles had been
reduced by 70%. My doctor ordered another round
of blood work and I was amazed to see that my A1C
(glucose) levels dropped from 7.9 down to 6.4, which
represents a 30 point drop in blood sugar levels.
My doctor and family are thrilled, and I am so glad I
gave Nopalea a chance.
I am more active, more energetic and feel like a new
woman since being on Nopalea. I’m also starting to
see my blood pressure go down. I’ve even broken
out my treadmill and I get on it for 1/2 an hour
every morning and every evening. I look forward to
continuing Nopalea and seeing what happens
with my health.“
saNDy Z. – Bath, oh
“This is such a great product that
you just cannot help but share it
with people.”
“I have been an insomniac for 20 years and
survived on strong sedatives, which no longer
worked. Extreme stress and lack of sleep caused
inflammation in my brain and an extreme case
of eczema, which caused me to lose most of
my hair. Here’s what I did to start improving
my health.
I changed my diet, drank more water and took
more vitamins. But it wasn’t until I started taking
Nopalea that I began to notice really significant
changes taking place in my body.
The juice of the Sonoran Nopal cactus fruit
contains the full spectrum of 24 rare Betalains
which are anti-inflammatory. Inflammation is
the root cause of all degenerative diseases,
including most of my health problems.
I quickly noticed changes in my sleeping, mental
clarity and focus. The blues went away and
my joint pains became bearable. Then I began
drinking a bottle of Nopalea a week and the
results multiplied. I slept better and was able
to nap when needed. The inflammation in my
brain and skin is gone, and my neck, hip and
hand pains are dramatically down. I can now
do vigorous cardio exercise and weight lifting,
which was impossible before Nopalea. This
is such a great product that you just cannot
help but share it with people... that is why I am
sharing it with you!”
Joyce P. – clearWater, Fl
“Nine days later, I suddenly noticed
there was no familiar pain.”
“I am a 61-year-old professional karate teacher
with over 40 years of experience. While training
over a year ago, I sustained an injury to my hip
and then my knee, which threatened to end my
karate career altogether. To complicate matters,
I also suffered a heart attack.
I started taking Nopalea and to be honest, I was
a bit skeptical. About nine days later, I suddenly
noticed there was no familiar pain. That little
moment of hope made all the difference in the
world. I had a blood test one month after taking
Nopalea, and the doctors were surprised by my
improved liver and kidney functions.
I have gone from not being able to kick at all,
to leading a two-hour charity kick-a-thon. My
students and their parents always compliment me
on the sudden turnaround, and I am very pleased
to tell them about the reason for that change.”
eDWarD B. – PalatINe, Il
trivita.com16 l VITAJOURNAL
10by Christa Orecchio, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Holistic Health Counselor
ippocrates, the father of modern medicine,
said “let food be thy medicine and medicine
be thy food.” Many of the foods below are
easy-to-find, easy-to-eat, inexpensive and delicious.
Beginning this first month in 2010, stock these 10
foods in your kitchen consistently to reap myriad
health benefits. These products are largely available
in health food stores nationwide.
1.	 Coconut oil: Although it looks like Crisco, it has a much different interaction
in the body. Coconut oil is one of the healthiest fats around. It is a medium-chain
fatty acid, which means that it’s the good fat, which helps us burn the bad fat.
2.	 Grapeseed oil: A great oil to use for high heat because it has a high smoke
point, which means that it will not turn rancid like olive oil and other commonly
used oils can at high temperatures.
3.	 Avocados: This creamy fruit can help lower cholesterol and regulate blood
pressure because it is a great source of potassium. It also contains Vitamin E, which
is an antioxidant essential for protection against many diseases. Eat avocados by
making homemade guacamole, add slices to a sandwich in place of cheese, or use
as a creamy treat on top of a salad.
4.	 Eggs: A complete protein that is highly absorbable by the body. They are very
high in phosphorus, choline and other B vitamins; also high in Vitamins A and D,
making them one of nature’s perfect foods. Eat them regularly, but not more than
five per week.
5.	 Kale: A nutrition powerhouse in and of itself. Kale is loaded with vitamins,
minerals and fiber, containing more of the most well absorbed form of calcium
than any other food.
6.	 Sea salt: The best way to get your essential trace minerals, which iodized salt
is devoid of. Trace minerals aid our digestion and support our nervous system.
Celtic or Himalayan sea salts match the exact mineral profile of our blood, which
makes them the best choice.
7.	 Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV): Far and away the healthiest vinegar to use for all
your salad dressings. ACV is alkalizing, which means it has the ability to neutralize
acidity and shift the pH back to balance. This is a very helpful and healing addition
to the diet of those who regularly experience heartburn or acid reflux.
8.	 Goat’s milk yogurt and cheese: Goat’s milk is easier to digest than cow’s
milk. Goat products digest within 20 minutes, vs. 8 hours to digest cow’s milk.
9.	 Almonds: One of the most nutritious of all nuts, almonds are low in saturated
fat and high in many protective nutrients, namely magnesium, which nourishes
the nervous system.
10.	 Walnuts: Not only high in protein and B vitamins, walnuts are high in Omega-3
fatty acids, which is our brain’s preferred source of fuel. 
Christa Orecchio
Healthy Foods to
Keep on Hand!
Cider Roasted Vegetables
•	1sweetorredonion,cutintowedges
•	2 carrots, sliced
•	6 baby gold, purple or red 	
potatoes, cut up (may use yams 	
or sweet potatoes)
•	1 1/2 cups butternut squash 	
or pumpkin, peeled, cubed
•	1/2cabbagesliced(greenorpurple)
•	1 1/2 cups broccoli floret
•		1 cup cauliflower florets
•	1 yellow squash, cut into 	
half moons
•	A few green beans, whole, trimmed
•	1-2 portobello mushrooms 	
sliced or cut up
•	1-2 cloves of minced garlic
•	3Tbsp.extravirginoliveoil
•	3Tbsp.applecidervinegar
•	1cupnaturalapplecider
•	1Tbsp.agavenectarorhoney
Cider Roasting Sauce
Curried Kale w/Caramelized Shallots & Agave
•	3 shallots, thinly sliced
•	1 Tbsp. coconut oil
•	1 Tbsp. curry powder
•	1 Tbsp. agave nectar
•	1 tsp. fresh lemon juice
•	½ bunch kale (about 4 oz) 	
stems removed and chopped 	
into large pieces
•	2Tbsp.Tamari(wheat-freesoysauce)
•	2 Tbsp. water
For more recipes, please visit page 21.
Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116 or visit us at
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f I had known I was going to
live this long, I would have
taken better care of myself.”
Whoever voiced those painful/funny
words (Mark Twain, Mickey Mantle
and George Burns have been credited),
we all get the idea: taking care of
ourselves today will pay off tomorrow.
How will you “experience wellness®
” this year to
get on the right track for all the tomorrows to
come? Here are five smart ways to build a strong
foundation for your long-term health. Why not
use this first month of the New Year to get going?
Get moving
As you know, regular physical activity is
important for your overall health and well-being.
Include activities that you enjoy and can easily
fit into your daily routine, such as walking your
dog, working in your garden or riding your bike.
Being active for 30-60 minutes on most days can
help you build strength and fitness, relax and
reduce stress, gain more energy, and improve your
sleep. These benefits all add up to decreasing your
risk of heart disease and other conditions.
Eat smart
Every day you see and hear messages from
advertisers who want you to buy their food
products. Some products are healthy, but others
may be lacking in nutrients. Sometimes it’s hard
to sort it all out. What’s important is to follow
the basics: eat a healthy diet by choosing a
variety of fruits and vegetables. Avoid fats,
added sugars and salt. Eat in moderation.
Eating right makes you feel good, and it’s impor-
tant for reducing your risk for serious diseases.
In fact, experts say that healthier eating could
reduce cancer deaths in the United States by as
much as 35 percent!
Get tested
Do you know your cholesterol numbers or what
your blood pressure is? Do certain diseases and
conditions run in your family? Did you know
that your genes and personal habits could be
putting your health at risk?
Visit your doctor to discuss your family medical
history and the tests and screenings that are
recommended for you. Learn how you can protect
against disease and improve your quality of life.
reduce risk
When faced with choices that may affect
your health and the lives of those you love,
it’s important to remember that there are
programs and organizations to help you
make healthy decisions.
Of course, you know that cigarette smoking
can cause cancer in smokers and in those who
breathe in the air around them. Using nicotine,
alcohol and other drugs has consequences for
you and those who care about you. If substance
abuse is affecting you and/or your family, ask your
healthcare professional or clergy member for help
in locating local resources.
take premium triVita supplements
Make sure your body gets all the vitamins and
minerals it needs by taking only the best quality
supplements: TriVita products. Scientifically-
validated formulas, the best ingredients and
stringent quality control all combine to give you
this assurance: you can trust TriVita products to
help you build a strong foundation for your health.
Now, you can give yourself the wellness benefits
of Wellavoh, the new daily multi-nutrient com-
plex for complete nutrition. Wellavoh’s exclusive
formulas (one especially for men, one for women)
provide superior health support for day and night.
Its 22 different vitamins and minerals are scien-
tifically formulated to give your body powerful
support for optimal health in these key areas:
• Cardiovascular health • Skin health
• Immune function • Bone health
• Cognitive health • Hormonal health
• Digestive health • Reproductive health
Wellavoh provides four blends of powerful
nutrients, plus six essential nutrient classes. So
even when you eat a healthy and balanced diet
(and especially if you don’t), be sure to give your
body all the nutrients it needs every single day
with Wellavoh.
Happy new year of health!
Set a strong foundation to build on in 2010
Women #30740
Men #30750
Non-Member $62.99
Member $49.99Redeem with 500 VitaPoints
For a full list of ingredients visit
formulated for
formulated for
trivita.com18 l VITAJOURNAL
Want a healthier retirement? It may require getting a job
College Park, Maryland
Retirees who go back to work after retiring may reduce their risk of major disease and functional limitations,
according to research in the October 2009 Journal of Occupational Health Psychology.
Using data from the national Health and Retirement Study, researchers analyzed information from 12,189 retirees
between the ages of 51 and 61. They found that those who worked part-time or at temp jobs after retirement were
less likely to be diagnosed with high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, lung disease, heart disease, stroke, psychiatric
problems and arthritis.
Retirees who worked at least part-time were also less likely to show a decline in their ability to perform daily living
tasks. And those who worked post-retirement jobs in their original career field had better mental health than those
who worked in a different field.
Insecticide use could increase risk of autoimmune diseases
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Insecticides may increase the risk of rheumatoid arthritis and lupus in post-menopausal women, according to research
presented at the American College of Rheumatology’s Annual Scientific Meeting in October 2009.
Using data from the Women’s Health Initiative Observational Study, researchers identified 76,861 women between
50 and 79 years old and studied their reported personal and commercial use of pesticides and if they had lived or
worked on a farm.
They discovered that women who reported more insecticide use had a higher risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis
and/or lupus, regardless of whether they had been in a farm environment.
“Although suggestive, we need to start thinking about what chemicals or other factors related to insecticide use
could explain these findings,” said lead investigator Christine G. Parks, PhD, epidemiologist, National Institute of
Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. “Our results also provide support for
the idea that environmental factors may increase susceptibility or trigger the development of autoimmune diseases
in some individuals.”
Friends, family, social networks & obesity
Boston, Massachusetts
If your friends or loved ones become obese, you may experience an increase in girth too, according to a recent
study in the New England Journal of Medicine. Researchers from Harvard Medical School and the University of
California, San Diego found that when a person gains weight, it increases the chances that their friends and family
members will gain weight as well. If a person becomes obese, the risk of their spouse becoming obese increases 37%;
siblings have a 40% increase in risk of obesity and friends have a 57% increase in risk.
Analyzing 32 years’ worth of data from the Framingham Heart Study, researchers observed 12,067 people, among
whom 38,611 social and family ties were discovered. Interestingly, gender played a prominent role in the study results:
in same-sex friendships, the risk of obesity increased to 7%; brothers experienced a 44% increase in risk and sisters
experienced a 67% increase. Friends and siblings of the opposite sex showed no increased risk.
Researchers hypothesize that by being around obese individuals, a person’s view of appropriate body size changes. 
Research Desk
New findings in health and wellness
January 2010 l 191-800-991-7116
Just how important is water
to our survival?
Water makes up more than two-thirds of the
weight of our bodies, and without it, we would
die in a few days. The human brain is made up
of 95% water, blood is 82% and lungs 90%. You
can live for weeks without food, but only a few
days without water. Many of us routinely feel the
effects of too little water. Mild dehydration is one
of the most common causes of daytime fatigue.
Age-related changes make older adults more
vulnerable to shifts in water balance that can
result in over-hydration or, more frequently,
dehydration. And because seniors often have a
reduced sense of thirst, dehydration is one of the
most frequent causes of hospitalization after age 65.
If our bodies are mostly water, it makes sense that
water definitely plays an important role in how
long and how well we live. Water is something
we take very seriously at TriVita and that’s why
Essential #2 in our 10 Essentials for Health and
Wellness emphatically states:
Drink water – nature’s best
beverage not only quenches
thirst, but also enhances energy
metabolism depends on water
Metabolism describes the way you convert food
into energy. Most foods contain enough water for
the plant or animal to live; however, there is not
enough water in most foods to metabolize them.
You can do your part by eating foods high in
water, including most fruits and vegetables. (See
chart at right.)
Detoxification depends on water. It begins at
the cellular level and ends when waste has
been detoxified and eliminated. An amazing
three quarters of all the toxins in your body are
eliminated in the water vapor from your lungs as
you breathe. The remaining toxins are eliminated
through the urine, stool, sweat and mucus. How
well you detoxify depends largely on the quantity
and quality of the water you drink.
how much water should you
drink every day?
Start by drinking plenty of water every day.
To calculate your daily water needs, use the
simple formula below:
how do you know if you’re not
drinking enough water?
Dehydration can be extremely serious and life
threatening and may require medical care.
Symptoms may include:
• Dry mouth
• Limited tear production
• Thirst and weakness
• Decreased or unusually dark urine
• Sunken eyes or parched, cracked lips
• Dizziness, drowsiness, nausea or feeling
• Irritability or confusion
• Fever, low blood pressure or increased pulse
Eat water-rich fruits
and vegetables every day
The recommendation is five servings per day for
children, seven for women and nine for men.
Some fruits and vegetables high in water content
you can easily include in your diet include:
• Broccoli • Spinach
• Cucumber • Bell peppers
• Cabbage • Asparagus
• Cauliflower • Carrots
• Oranges • Watermelon
• Apples • Cantaloupe
• Bananas • Blueberries
• Grapefruit • Grapes
• Tomatoes
÷2 =
your weight
in pounds
Ounces of water
per day
Example: A 150-pound person would need to drink
about 75 ounces of water per day. 150 ÷ 2 = 75
ounces (a little over 9 cups of water)
1. Approximately 75% of Americans are
chronically dehydrated. This same statistic
applies to half the world population.
2. In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism
is so weak that it is mistaken for hunger.
3. Even mild dehydration can slow down a
person’s metabolism by as much as 3%.
4. One glass of water shut down midnight
hunger pangs for almost 100% of dieters
in a University of Washington study.
5. Lack of water is the #1 trigger of
daytime fatigue.
6. Preliminary research indicates that 8-10
glasses of water can significantly ease back
and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.
7. Just a small 2% drop in body water can
trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble
with basic math and difficulty focusing on
the computer screen or on a printed page.
8. Drinking five glasses of water daily
decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%,
plus it can cut the risk of breast cancer
by 79% and bladder cancer by 50%.
9. Dehydration has been identified as a
possible trigger to acute gout attacks.
Drinking a half-gallon of water a day
may also keep gout attacks away,
according to researchers at Boston
University School of Medicine.
1. Approximately 75% of Americans are
Drink Up!Water is crucial in maintaining good health
trivita.com20 l VITAJOURNAL
besity is one of
the most serious
health threats we
face. Combating obesity
is a priority for most
people in North America
because two-thirds of us
are overweight or obese.
In simplest terms, weight
gain occurs when the number of calories we
consume exceeds the number of calories we
burn off during our daily activity. In order
to lose weight, we can either limit calories
or increase our level of activity (or do a little
of both). However, our typical diet does not
provide the nutrients that are necessary to aid
in weight loss. Fortunately for us, the peoples of
the Sonoran Desert have gifts to help us meet
our weight loss goals.
Natives in the Sonoran Desert are thin and
energetic throughout their entire lives. They
have one of the lowest rates of obesity, diabetes
and general disability of all Native peoples.
And they also enjoy one of the greatest life-
spans and health-spans of any culture.
With that in mind, I have re-formulated
nutritional shakes with the gifts
of the Sonoran Desert.
fruits and vegetables
All healthy diets include protein, fats,
vegetables and fruits. The main fruit of the
Sonoran people is the Nopal cactus superfruit.
The most common green vegetable they eat are
nopalitos – the leaf of the nopal cactus. The
nopal leaf has many fascinating characteristics.
According to several studies, including one
from the Institute of Nuclear Medicine, Univer-
sity of Perugia, Italy, the Nopal leaf has been
shown to help reduce “bad” cholesterol and
increase “good” cholesterol. These leaves help
balance your blood sugar and effectively assist
with weight loss. They offer high density of
nutrients coupled with low calories for our
Leanology nutritional shakes. Nopal cactus
leaves in the diet of the Sonoran Desert
Natives are one important reason why these
people are so remarkably healthy!
Although the peoples of the Sonoran Desert
eat lean, grass-fed game in season, their
primary sources of protein are plant-based.
Key among these are the pods from the
mesquite tree. The mesquite produces a seed
that is so hard it is inedible. The pod that
carries the seed is edible and delicious! The
mesquite tree is a cousin to the carob tree. So,
the pods have a naturally sweet, chocolate-like
flavor. The pods are high in fiber (necessary
for weight loss) and high in protein while
being very low in calories. The natives pulver-
ize the mesquite pods into a fine powder and
use it in many ways, often simply blending it
with water and enjoying the natural sweetness.
healthy fats
Almost every cell in the human body is
surrounded by fat. Rather than being “bad,”
fats are necessary for life, health and energy.
Omega-3 fats are especially important for
both heart and brain health, and to balance
healthy hormones. Salmon and walnuts are
two excellent sources of Omega-3 fats. But the
undisputed champion of Omega-3 is the sage
seed from the Sonoran Desert! The seed itself
is one-quarter Omega-3 by weight – more than
any other food. So, a little goes a long way.
Sage seeds give the natives of the Sonoran
the health and energy they need for vibrant,
low-illness life.
Calories in, calories out
You can’t lose weight if you are always hungry.
Three things stop hunger: high-volume foods
with abundant nutrients; hearty foods that
satisfy our need for protein; and foods that
contain the fats we need for energy. The
leaves of the nopal cactus are nutrient dense
and satisfy our “volume” cravings. The pods
of the mesquite tree are sweet, loaded with
fiber and protein-rich. The seeds of the
sage plant are loaded with beneficial fats –
especially Omega-3 fats.
Sonoran Desert natives also live a very active
life. They work and play within the harshest
desert in the world. Most of us here in North
America get less than 25 minutes of activity per
day while the natives average around 2 ½ hours
daily! The foods of the Sonoran are nutrient-
packed and they fuel enthusiasm. They make
you want to get up off the couch and get active
doing the things you love.
Enjoy the new Leanology shakes and accept the
gifts of the Sonoran Desert: a lean body, a long
life and robust vitality!
See page 8 for more information about Leanology.
They are packed with nutrients from the Sonoran Desert
for an even better weight loss experience
By Brazos Minshew, Chief Science Officer
GOOD NEWS!about re-formulated Leanology shakes
brazos minshew
besity is one of
· Chiaseed
· Mesquite
· Nopalcactus
Article from Michael Ellison continued from page 2...
I am sure James Robison won’t mind that I share his story with
you. James and Betty have a wonderful mission of helping people
worldwide experience wellness by offering food, shelter and
clothing to aid the poor; they also offer spiritual wellness by
helping people experience a relationship with God. They teach and
put into practice our 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness every
day. We have worked and traveled with them for over 25 years in
their far-reaching mission outreach. Every now and then James and
I will play golf together and he always wears a brace on his left arm
to protect an injured tendon. I introduced James to Nopalea, and
after a couple of months we went and played golf and he did not
wear his brace for the first time in over 15 years. He looked at me,
smiled, shrugged and said, “What can I say, it must be Nopalea.”
Why not start your year off with another step to enhance your
health? If you have only taken an ounce a day you may not
have experienced the more immediate benefits that come from a
larger quantity. Some people only take it off and on and may not
experience measurable results. It may sound like a miracle drink
when we talk about the experiences people are having from it, but
it is not. You have to give it the opportunity to demonstrate its
ability to put the fire of inflammation out by starting out with the
Nopalea loading dose we are suggesting. If your house was on fire,
would you want your fire department to show up with garden hoses
to attach to water spouts, or a 4-inch fire hose to attach to a fire
hydrant? Of course we all know the answer. I am only saying this
because I know that’s how people have approached this product.
Some have wanted to stretch it out so they water it down, some
think it is too sweet so they only take a little, but some love the
taste and drink 3-6 ounces or more a day.
Those who have taken the Challenge with this Nopalea loading
dose are those who are experiencing incredible results, and you can
read about a few of them on pages 10-11 and 14-15. We want you
to take the Nopalea Wellness Challenge to kick off the New Year
so you too can experience greater wellness in 2010! Learn more
about the Challenge on pages 4-5.
May you have a Blessed and Healthy New Year!
TriVita’s House of Giving and Life Outreach International have partnered
to provide pure, fresh water for children and their families:
• Over 1 billion people throughout the world do not have
access to pure, fresh water
• Waterborne illnesses run rampant in these areas
• Just a $4.80 donation can save one person’s life
• With your donation, you can leave a legacy by giving
the gift of life
Your tax-deductible gift can be combined with others to create new
wells – providing water to thousands of people for a lifetime! Last year,
we saved 21,000 lives. This year, our goal is to save even more!
Want to make a difference?
Call 1-800-991-7116 and a Wellness Consultant will be happy to take
your tax-deductible donation along with your order.
you can mail your donation to:
House of Giving
16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop
Ste. 950
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
you can make a
lAStInG dIffErEnCE
Your contribution will touch countless lives
We value your feedback.
Please send your comments to: or mail to Editor,
c/o TriVita, Inc., 16100 N. Greenway Hayden
Loop, Suite 950, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
“You too can experience greater
wellness in 2010!”
January 2010 l 211-800-991-7116
Bitter Greens with Walnuts
•	1/2	cup	walnut	pieces
• 1	bunch	dandelion	greens
•	1	bunch	mustard	greens
•	1	bunch	collard	greens
•	1	Tbsp.	grapeseed	oil
•	4	cloves	garlic
•	Sea	salt	to	taste
Toast	the	walnuts	in	a	350	degree	F	oven	for	5-10	minutes,	until	they	release	a	fragrant	
odor.	Wash	the	greens	and	remove	any	coarse	stems	(especially	from	collards	and	mustard	
greens).	Bring	three	inches	of	salted	water	to	boil,	add	the	greens	and	boil	for	fi	ve	minutes	
uncovered.	Drain	the	greens,	lay	on	a	fl	at	surface	to	cool,	and	then	chop.	Heat	the	oil	in	a	
large	sauté	pan,	add	garlic	and	cook	for	one	minute,	stirring	so	the	garlic	does	not	burn.	
Add	greens,	walnuts	and	salt	to	taste.	Cook	until	greens	are	heated	through.	
Christa’s recipes continued from page 16...
s I sit down
to write this
article, my
life is changing in a
big way. I am leaving
the city of Scottsdale
where I have lived
for the past 28 years
and the house I have
lived in for 14 of those years. It’s
hard for me to leave the familiar and
go to the unknown: A new city and
a new house void of the memories
that makes a house a home. All
three of my children lived in this
house and left the safety of the nest
to go out on their own. They did it!
Why am I clinging?
I was sharing with a friend about how hard
it is for me to move and let go of the memo-
ries that had taken place in this house. (Not
that they were all good; I have had my
regrets.) He said, “Judy, life is like a mural
that we keep adding to with every change
that takes place. You don’t lose the memo-
ries, you just add to them. Consider the
move and the new year ‘white space’ to
create whatever you really want on your
mural.” For some reason this thought really
struck a chord with me. I had “white space,”
a fresh space on which to create the
continuing mural of my life.
Let go of the regrets
You may be having regrets for things that
happened in 2009. Life isn’t just about good
times. We all make mistakes and have regrets.
That’s what makes us human. Don’t beat your-
self up for things that happened. Don’t live your
life through a rearview mirror.
There is a way to release ourselves, and
others, from the pain and suffering of regret.
Let go. Let go of blaming yourself and others
by choosing to forgive and move on.
Here are four steps to get you started
	 Acknowledge your mistakes –
Taking personal ownership that your
past actions resulted in bringing about
your current reality is the first step to
moving past regrets and into a
brighter future.
	 Choose to forgive – If your past
actions or words have harmed another
person, an apology may be in order.
Sometimes it isn’t feasible to apologize
as it may only make matters worse to
open up wounds. If you feel badly about
a past action you’ve taken that cannot
be made right, definitely forgive yourself,
and let it go.
	 Be Grateful – The most valuable
lessons learned in life often come
from the mistakes we make. Embrace
them, and feel gratitude for getting
past the incident.
	 Don’t repeat the same mistake –
	 If you are faced with similar difficulties
over and over again, this is an indica-
tion that you have not learned the
lessons these situations are trying to
teach. New opportunity will come about
only after you take responsibility for
your actions and change your current
and future behavior.
As you face 2010, you have the opportunity
to begin again and create on the white space
of your life. The past is the past but you have
the chance here to make things the way you
want them to be.
The best is yet to come in this brand new year!
Just believe it and make it happen. 
Live Your
Life Without
and Move onby Dr. Judy
Judy Ellison, Ph.D.
Judy Ellison, Ph.D., is a psychologist, author and motivational
speaker. She has inspired people around the world to reach
within and find their passionate purpose to live a more
meaningful life.
We all make mistakes and have
regrets. That’s what makes us human.
trivita.com22 l VITAJOURNAL
“For the gifts and
the calling of God
are irrevocable.”
– Romans 11:29
hroughout this
issue of the
VitaJournal, you
can feel the excitement
about the Nopalea™
Wellness Challenge. You can feel the excite-
ment in our TriVita headquarters, too, and
all the “buzz” got me thinking: why not have
a “Faith Challenge?”
Spiritual health is essential to overall health,
of course, so there’s no better time than this
first month of 2010 to challenge ourselves:
let’s re-examine the foundation of our faith,
and challenge ourselves to make it the rock
on which we build our relationship to God.
I’m not talking about a New Year’s resolution
here, but a re-commitment to following His
will for our life purpose. What we need to
bring forward into 2010 and beyond is our
fundamental faith in the wisdom of what God
has called us to do. What is it that God has
called you to do, and are you going towards
that calling? This is the time to sit down and
write it down.
Write down your purpose
It’s so easy for us all to get absorbed in minor
day-to-day tasks and events that we lose our
focus on why we’re here. So today, I urge you
to write down your purpose. We know that
writing things down helps make them “real”
for us, so take a note card or piece of paper
and write it down: what is it that God has
promised you would do in your lifetime?
Once you’ve written down your purpose, what
action steps can you take to achieve it? Maybe
your life purpose is to help others less fortunate.
That’s pretty general, but the specific steps might
look like this:
1. Donate time to the local soup kitchen
once a week.
2. Take clothes and household items
to the homeless shelter.
3. Be a volunteer at a hospital or hospice.
My own “Faith Challenge” is with me all the
time. My wife and I feel that our purpose is to
establish a retreat center for weary pastors to be
renewed, restored and recharged. Every day, an
index card on my mirror reminds me of this
purpose, and it adds two important words: “Be
aware.” You might ask, “Be aware of what?” and
that’s the issue. What does God have going on
around you to be aware of?
A plan fell through, yet I was thrilled
A few years ago a close friend came to me
with news of a retreat center in Arizona that
was available. It had changed hands, and the
new owners wanted to sell. But the price was
too high and the deal didn’t happen. I wasn’t
disappointed; I got very excited, because I
had been aware, the opportunity was
presented and I was ready to move forward.
Each year, I renew my faith that establishing
that retreat is one of my God callings. What’s
yours? Maybe you think your purpose has
passed by: you’re “too old,” or “don’t have the
money,” or whatever excuse comes up. Put the
excuses aside and take the Faith Challenge:
Dream again. Write down your purpose. Be
specific. Take the steps that will get you there.
This is the time to renew your faith that God
has a plan for you. Maybe you haven’t seen it yet;
maybe it hasn’t come to fruition yet. Know that
whatever the plan, God’s working on it for you.
As we read in Romans 11:29, once God reveals
His purpose for you, He doesn’t take it back.
Has it been a while since you thought about
your purpose? Is your faith rooted in bygone
dreams? Renew that faith now; shore up that
foundation, and let God’s plan be present in
your everyday life. It doesn’t matter who you are,
or where: faith transcends all personalities and
backgrounds. It’s the belief in that thing that
you can’t touch, that thing that isn’t there.
This New Year, I wish you the power of God’s
will made manifest in your life through faith.
In the New Year,
strengthen your faith
by Chaplain Gene Henderson
Gene henderson
your body, His Temple – 1 Cor. 6:19-20
January 2010 l 231-800-991-7116
Put the excuses aside and take
the Faith Challenge.
What is it that God has called
you to do, and are you going
towards that calling? This is
the time to sit down and
write it down.
trivita.com24 l VITAJOURNAL
“The Leanology System inspired me
to change the way I was eating.”
“I had gone up to slightly over 300 pounds,
then I got down to 200 within 8 months,
but I was sick and anemic and did not
take a healthy approach to weight loss.
I began to put the weight back on and
obesity damaged my intestines and I
developed severe diverticulitis.
So, I decided to order the Leanology
System. Well, I lost just over 20 pounds
in 30 days! I used the capsules, the shakes
and the chews. I began to eat a good,
healthy lunch – usually a salad with
protein and three Leanology capsules.
I usually make one Leanology shake per day. The
Leanology System inspired me to change the way I
was eating – especially with fresh fruit, veggies and
lean meats. Using Leanology gave me the power to
change my thoughts about eating and get in the
zone to make a lifestyle change. The capsules were
especially helpful with cravings and burning off
excess fat.
I am thrilled to report that my waist size is now 36,
and I was at size 42-44 before I started Leanology.”
JohN W. – sPoKaNe, Wa
“My energy was back!”
“I have a mitro-valve condition in
my heart, so I have my blood tested
often. During one blood test, the
doctor found that I had anemia,
which made me tired. A lady in our
church suggested Sublingual B-12,
so I started taking it. At my next blood test, the
anemia didn’t show up at all, and my energy was
back! I mentioned the B-12 to my daughter. She
has a 21-year-old girl with dyslexia and attention
deficit disorder. Now my granddaughter is taking
the B-12 and can hardly live without it. The
Sublingual B-12 really perks her up; she even drives
100 miles each way to college 3 times a week.”
lorraINe W. – aVoN ParK, Fl
“I noticed I was feeling less edgy
and distressed.”
“I am a 29-year-old woman who was first diagnosed
with depression and generalized anxiety disorder
when I was 19. I started taking anti-depressants and
then stopped taking them and continued to live
with my symptoms for several years. I saw a new
psychotherapist who prescribed several anxiety and
depression medications, which didn’t really help.
After a horrible detox from the drugs I was still left
with depression and anxiety. Two weeks ago I told
a friend that I felt like I was at the end of my rope.
She suggested that I try Adaptogen 10 Plus. At
first I was skeptical, but shortly after I started taking
Adaptogen I noticed I was feeling less edgy and
distressed. It is an awesome product and I have
never gotten such quick results.”
cyNthIa h. – QueeN creeK, aZ
“My cholesterol level hasn’t
been this low since high school.”
“I am a 30-something stay-at-home
mom of 2 very active girls. I heard
about all the wonderful things fish
oils can do for you, so I decided to
try TriVita’s OmegaPrime. After
about two months of taking the
OmegaPrime, I was due for my yearly exam. My
cholesterol has been borderline high for years.
Both my parents have high cholesterol, so I am
always very concerned about mine. I was pleasantly
surprised to find that my cholesterol level had gone
down and the only thing I did differently was take
the OmegaPrime. Thanks for a quality product.”
JaN D. – MattheWs, Nc
See what Members like you have to say about TriVita®
“Super Sublingual B-12 is absolutely one of my favorites.”
“I want to thank TriVita for their Super Sublingual
B-12 product. It has helped me greatly ever since I
started taking it and I always notice how much better
I feel.
Super Sublingual B-12 has given me energy,
focus and improved my memory and kept me in
good health.
Because I have regularly taken high quality TriVita products over the
years and practiced the 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness, I have
enjoyed a healthy lifestyle in my senior years without medications and
few doctor visits.
Super Sublingual B-12 is absolutely one of my favorites and I always
have some handy in my purse to share with others so that they can also
experience wellness.”
DelFINa F. – rochester, MI
Real Storiesfrom real people
“I lost 22 pounds and I have kept it off almost one year.”
“I love Leanology capsules – they work great for me! I lost 22 pounds and
have kept it off for almost one year. It has been great. Normally when I go on
a diet, the weight comes back on in three months. I also have the Leanology
shake as a meal replacement three to four times a week. This helps when I am
in a rush and need a quick, tasty, healthy meal.
I am happy to say that I have gone down at least two sizes in my clothing. I have
more energy and a lot of people have really noticed and made great comments!
What’s really great is that I lost this weight nine months ago, so when I say that
I’ve kept it off, I really have!
I know there are things that I eat which would normally trigger my body to
gain a few pounds, but with Leanology capsules I do not gain the weight and
I really do feel great! They are so easy to take and they help with cravings. I feel
very comfortable recommending Leanology as a really excellent product for
weight reduction.”
Mary Kay P. – east yorK, oN
“I had gone up to slightly over 300 pounds,
then I got down to 200 within 8 months,
but I was sick and anemic and did not
take a healthy approach to weight loss.
I began to put the weight back on and
So, I decided to order the
in 30 days! I used the capsules, the shakes
and the chews. I began to eat a good,
healthy lunch – usually a salad with
protein and three Leanology capsules.
I usually make one Leanology shake per day. The
January 2010 l 251-800-991-7116
imberly’s heartrending
story makes the occasional
inconveniences of life seem
very trivial in comparison. When
she spoke at TriVita’s 2009 Galaxy
of Stars event, many attendees
were moved to tears by Kimberly’s
inspirational saga of survival.
This Mesa, Arizona resident was diagnosed with
bone cancer in 1996. Unfortunately, the cancer
was very advanced and doctors gave her little
hope. “The doctor told me I had one month
to live at the most,” Kimberly remembers. “He
added that I should probably start planning
my own funeral.” This was devastating news –
because Kimberly was planning to get married
in one month. She went ahead with the
marriage – and her husband, David, has strongly
supported her through many very difficult times.
Kimberly’s torturous
chemotherapy and surgery
Always the fighter, Kimberly refused to give
up and die. She met with other specialists and
underwent a radical chemotherapy treatment
that had excruciating side effects. By this time,
the fast-growing cancer had spread into her hip,
spine and lungs. Yet the chemotherapy shrank
the tumors enough to make surgery a possibility.
However, there were major risks involved and
many doctors refused to do it. “I prayed to the
Lord that if there’s anything else, show it to me,
I need it now,” Kimberly recalls. “I checked out
every possible type of alternative medicine and
there was nothing they could do for me.”
She finally found a hospital that was willing
to perform the surgery, yet Kimberly was
warned that she would have to lose her
right leg and possibly even her left leg. “This
changed everything,” comments Kimberly.
“I went home and prayed to make the right
decision and decided to go ahead with it.”
Originally the doctors thought the surgery
would be completed within six hours. Yet, it
took six hours to stop the bleeding and another
six hours for the surgery. She lost her
right leg and half of her pelvis, but
thankfully the surgeons saved her left
leg. Finally, Kimberly
was cancer-free. Doctors
were doubtful she could
ever have children, yet
once again Kimberly
proved the naysayers
wrong and she has
since delivered 2
beautiful children, a
7-year-old girl and
10-month-old boy.
the painful
Kimberly’s troubles were only beginning after
the cancer surgery, because she now had to
deal with unrelenting pain. “I’ve battled pain
for many years and it has really taken a toll on
my life,” she says. “I had to be on heavy duty
pain medications just to get through the day.
Sometimes they didn’t work at all. The pain
got so bad that I couldn’t leave the house, or
even leave my bedroom. I’d hide in the closet
with my pillow because I was screaming in
pain and praying to God to ease my incredible
nopalea’s life-changing effect
Kimberly was resigned to a lifetime of
suffering when she was approached by Don,
a fellow churchgoer and TriVita® Affiliate
Member, as she was getting into her car. He
helped her children get situated and asked
what had happened to her. “I told him my
cancer story and resulting pain and he said
‘I think I know something that might be
able to help you. Would you be willing to try
a product called Nopalea?’ I told him I’d try
anything if it would help with my pain.”
Sure enough, Don followed through and a
bottle of Nopalea arrived in the mail several
days later. Both Kimberly and her husband
were understandably skeptical, because she
had tried some of the strongest prescription
pain medications available. Don checked in
with her later in the week and Kimberly was
pleased to report that after only a few days
the Nopalea was helping. “I kept taking it
and realized that the pain in my left hip and
spine and the phantom pain from my lost leg
dramatically improved,” she says. “Better yet,
after my doctor saw how great I was doing he
agreed to greatly reduce the pain medication
that I had done nothing but increase in the
past 13 years.”*
“I am so excited about Nopalea,” Kimberly
continues. “I just want to keep taking it
and tell other people about it so they can
experience what I have – a major decrease
in pain. This is a great product that really
works!” Nopalea has given Kimberly hope
that after many years filled with pain and
anguish she can finally enjoy life and her
wonderful family.
* Results may vary. Do not stop taking any medication
without first consulting your healthcare provider.
from unrelenting pain
to everlasting hope
Sonoran Bloom Nopalea has dramatically eased
Kimberly’s post-cancer pain
Member Spotlight
– Kimberly
Member Spotlight
with her later in the week and Kimberly was
trivita.com26 l VITAJOURNAL
egular stretching can lengthen
your muscles and increase
your range of motion: in
other words, it can help improve your
flexibility. And flexibility can help:
• Reduce the risk of injury
• Increase balance
• Improve coordination
• Promote circulation
• Improve posture
• Reduce stress
Improved flexibility can also mean an easier
time picking something off the floor or reaching
for something on a high shelf. Just be sure to
follow these stretching do’s and don’ts:
• Consult your healthcare provider before
beginning a stretching program, especially
if you have had hip replacement surgery
• Warm up before stretching to reduce your
risk of injury
• Try to stretch for 20 minutes at least 3
times per week
• Stretch all muscle groups including those
in the back, chest, shoulders, neck, legs
and arms
• Stretch to the point of pain; you
may feel discomfort but pain is a
warning sign
• Stretch before warming up
• Bounce while you stretch; this
can lead to injury
• Twist your spine or overextend
your neck
• Hold your breath while stretching
• Jerk into position; move slowly
ready to get started?
Try these stretching exercises from the U.S.
Department of Health & Human Services
Office on Women’s Health (both women and
men can perform these stretches):
• Cross shoulder stretch
Stand up straight, with knees slightly
bent. Place feet hip distance apart. Make
sure toes are pointing forward. Keep
shoulders even. Bend right arm at elbow
joint, extend arm across chest. Place left
hand on the right elbow to gently support
the arm during this stretch. Hold stretch
for a count of eight. Repeat this stretch
on opposite side, using right hand to
stretch left arm and shoulder.
• triceps stretch
Stand up straight, with knees slightly bent.
Place feet hip distance apart. Make sure
toes are pointing forward. Keep shoulders
even. Bend right arm at elbow joint, lift
arm next to your head. Position right
fingers so they touch the shoulder blade
area. Place left arm across top of head, and
place left hand on the right elbow to gently
support the arm during this stretch. Hold
stretch for a count of eight. Repeat this
stretch on the opposite side, using right
hand to stretch left triceps.
• Chest stretch
Stand up straight, with knees slightly
bent. Place feet hip distance apart.
Make sure toes are pointing forward.
Keep shoulders even. Place arms
behind your back. Clasp your hands
together, extending your arms behind
your back and hold this position. Hold
stretch for a count of eight.
• quadriceps stretch
Stand facing a wall, about one foot
away from it. Keep yourself up by
putting your right hand against the
wall. Raise your left leg behind you
and grab your foot with your left hand.
Pull your heel slightly up toward your
bottom, stretching the muscles in the
front of your left thigh for 20 seconds.
Keep your thighs close together to keep
your knee aligned and stretch effective.
Repeat the stretch with your right leg.
• hamstring stretch
Lie down with your back flat on the
floor, with both of your knees bent.
Place your feet flat on the floor, about
six inches apart. Bend your right knee
up to your chest and hold onto your
right thigh with both hands placed
behind your knee. Slowly straighten
your right leg, feeling slight stretching in
the back of your leg. Hold the stretch for
20 seconds, and then repeat with your
left leg.
REACHfor better flexibilityStretching can help improve your freedom of movement and range of motion

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  • 2. Kick off 2010 with the Nopalea™ Wellness Challenge by Michael R. Ellison, CEO & Founder of TriVita, Inc. Happy New Year! We are so excited about the wellness experiences people are having with Nopalea that we have made it our goal to offer the Nopalea Wellness Challenge to one million people. The experiences people are having are just astonishing. Like Melody C. in North Carolina – she had a terrible accident and suffered with much pain due to a severe neck and back injury. It was so severe that she had to give up two of her passions in life: barrel racing with her prized horse and long trail rides with her son. But then a long-time friend introduced her to Nopalea, and within three weeks she was experiencing significantly less pain. Now, several months later, she is back to riding horses with her son and loving it. This is just one example of the relief people are experiencing from the symptoms caused by chronic inflammation. Not only have we heard from people experiencing the benefits of Nopalea, but we have also heard about dogs, horses, birds and other pets benefiting from the product. One of the most remarkable testimonies came from Cody R., a good friend and Affiliate Member with TriVita (I get all my friends and anyone who will listen involved with TriVita!). Cody has a nine-year-old dog that had major hip problems and could no longer jump into the family SUV. They had actually built a ramp for the 100-pound dog to walk up. After just weeks on Nopalea, the dog was back to jumping in the vehicle. Like Cody says, “I doubt if dogs exaggerate their experience!” The impact of lowered inflammation has become so profound that we now have veterinarians using the product in their practices. We also have chiropractors and medical doctors recommending Nopalea to their patients to help lower inflammation. This is so exciting to me personally, as I want everyone to experience greater wellness. Living in an inflamed world with toxins in the food, air and water, it is nearly impossible to escape the escalation of inflammation as we age. We are inviting you to experience the power of Nopalea by taking the Nopalea Wellness Challenge and proving its powerful anti-inflammatory benefits. We have reduced the price of a case of Nopalea so you can give it a fair chance to give you a wellness experience and enhance the quality of your life. This could mean living with less pain, breathing problems, poor skin conditions or other inflammatory issues. And, we offer our 60-day money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose – but everything to gain once Nopalea starts working for you. Taking the Nopalea Wellness Challenge is easy – here is all we ask: 1. Commit to drinking 3-6 ounces of Nopalea every day. 2. Fill out a Nopalea Wellness Challenge Form to see how inflammation may be affecting your health. 3. Read The Silent Killer Health Alert (included with your Nopalea order) on the serious effects of chronic inflammation and how it can lead to disease if left unchecked. 4. Follow up with a TriVita Wellness Consultant to share your results. By taking these steps, you can identify your symptoms before you start the Challenge and track your progress as you go through your case of Nopalea. It is not just a “feel-good” product; it can actually help you experience incredible, specific results. “We are inviting you to experience the power of Nopalea by taking the Nopalea Wellness Challenge and proving its powerful anti-inflammatory benefits.” 10Essentialsfor health and wellness Good health is a gift to be treasured and nurtured every day. TriVita joyfully shares these keys to helping you experience wellness® : the 10 Essentials of physical, emotional and spiritual health. Physical 1. Breathe Deeply Let your lungs fill deep down, hold, then exhale toxins and stress. 2. Drink Water Nature’s best beverage not only quenches thirst, but also enhances energy. 3. Sleep Peacefully Every body needs the rest and repair that comes with a regular sleep routine. 4. Eat Nutritiously Feed both body and mind with healthy, nourishing food for life. 5. Enjoy Activity Let an active lifestyle move you to improved health and wellness in all ways. Emotional 6. Give and Receive Love Offer and accept the greatest gift, and you can enhance your immune system. 7. Be Forgiving When you let go of old grudges, your hands are open to accept feelings of peace. 8. Practice Gratitude A thankful heart releases stress, making room for greater happiness and health. 9. Develop Acceptance If you can’t change it, accept it and move on. Worry will shrink, serenity will grow. Spiritual 10. Develop a Relationship with God Nurture the spiritual aspect of your life to achieve complete well-being. 2 l VITAJOURNAL Article from Michael Ellison continued on page 21...
  • 3. 4 Could Nopalea™ Help You Be Pain-Free? Take the Nopalea Wellness Challenge and find out. 6 The Dynamic Duo: Sublingual B-12 and Nopalea Combine these two products for a tremendous wellness experience. 8 Smart Weight Loss Swaps These easy-to-implement tips will help reduce calories and control your weight. 10 Nopalea Wellness Challenge Success Stories They took the Challenge... and the results have been fantastic. 13 Maintain Your Winter Supply of Vitamin D What you can do to ensure you get the right amount. JANUARY2010 Inside 16 10 Healthy Foods For Your Pantry These easy-to-find, inexpensive foods are “musts” for any kitchen. 25 From Unrelenting Pain to Everlasting Hope Nopalea has dramatically eased Kimberly’s post-cancer pain. 30 It’s Easier Than Ever to Become an Affiliate Member Share your product experience and earn great rewards. ON MY MIND EDITOR’S NOTE W hen thinking about what to write for this January note, I read through the different articles featured this month. One that stood out to me was Dr. Judy’s article on page 22 about living life with no regrets. It doesn’t matter what year it is, there are always those who can’t wait to say goodbye to the past year. Life is interesting the way it works. Born and raised in Texas, I would never have imagined that I would wind up calling Arizona my home. I remember the day in June of 1993 when the moving van drove my daughters and me away from a home that was all they had ever known. Seeing their little handprints in the concrete walkway next to the flowers I planted each year was heartbreaking as I said goodbye to a lifetime of memories. The fear of starting over after experiencing a divorce was devastating for all of us. Not only was there fear of beginning life again in another state, but being forced to start a career outside of the one I knew best – being a mom – was extremely challenging. What I didn’t realize at the time, was that I was soon to be transformed into a stronger woman, not only in my faith in God, but in my own ability to succeed in a world I only observed from the outside for many years. Having a career at TriVita these past 10+ years has not only taught me so much about my health and wellness journey, but has unleashed talents, strengths and life purposes that might have otherwise been buried. If you’re struggling with a world of hurt left over from 2009, I encourage you to go into the year with a healthy anticipation and begin again in 2010! If you’re hurting with physical pain, I also encourage you to take the Nopalea Wellness Challenge and just see what happens. You too could join the ranks of those featured this month who have shared their life-changing results. You don’t have anything to lose – except maybe the pain! Here’s to a life with no regrets. Happy New Year! Pam Knox, Editor of Publications The information in this VitaJournal may contain errors or inaccuracies. We reserve the right to change prices, selections, update information and limit quantities without prior notice. Make family time a priority. 12 Start your New Year off right by taking The Nopalea Wellness Challenge. 4-5, 10-11, 14-15 January 2010 l 3 We took the Nopalea Wellness Challenge, now we’re living pain-free. 10
  • 4. Could Nopalea help your Take the Nopalea Wellness Challenge and find out! W ill 2010 be the year you free yourself of constant pain, aches and soreness? Will the New Year give you new release from the symptoms of allergy or asthma-related breathing problems? Of course you’d like the answer to be “yes!” And that’s why you should take the Nopalea™ Wellness Challenge right away. Nopalea, as you probably know, is the astonishing wellness drink that has helped so many get relief from the damaging effects of chronic inflammation. If you haven’t tried it yet, consider these important questions: • Do you deal with pain on a constant basis? • Does anyone in your family or group of friends complain of chronic pain? • Do you, or anyone you know, have allergy or asthma-related breathing problems? • Are you concerned about premature aging? • Are daily toxins wreaking havoc on your body? These symptoms can all be linked to chronic inflammation – precisely the problem that Nopalea was developed to help address. the perfect time to experience wellness® yourself If you haven’t yet tried Nopalea for yourself, now is the perfect time. The Nopalea Wellness Challenge was created to show the power of Nopalea in helping the body reduce chronic inflammation quickly. One of the most exciting ingredients in Nopalea is Betalains, a rare and potent class of natural antioxidants. They’re found in only a few of the world’s plants, including the Nopal cactus. The Nopal fruit, from which Nopalea is made, contains one of the highest amounts of Betalains in all of nature. That’s why taking a Nopalea Loading Dose can help put out the “fire” of inflammation in our bodies. Here’s how the Challenge works: • Take 3-6 ounces of Nopalea every day, until your bottle is empty. • Fill out the Nopalea Wellness Challenge form, which will be included in your order, to track your progress during the Challenge. • Read The Secret Killer Health Alert, which will be included in your shipment. • Follow up with a TriVita Wellness Consultant to share your results. Experience wellness for yourself! • Follow up with a TriVita Wellness Nopalea,abreakthroughinwellnessdrinks Try this delicious wellness drink, with an exclusive blend of rare antioxidants called Betalains and other healthful nutrients. A daily dose of Nopalea can help your body: Nopalea,abreakthroughinwellnessdrinks Nopalea™ #30710 Non-Member $49.99 Member $39.99 Nopalea™ 4 bottle pack #33427 Non-Member $199.96 Member $139.99 Now $119.99 Drink it and thrive! Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116. • Lessen inflammation which causes pain • Cleanse itself of daily toxins • Promote optimal health right down to your cells • Protect against premature aging NEW YEAR SPECIAL! Nopalea 4 Pack only $119.99 Offergoodthrough 1-31-10
  • 5. January 2010 l 51-800-991-7116 body be pain-free? That’s it! In these four easy steps, you could make 2010 the year you finally deal with the harmful effects of chronic inflammation – and maybe help others, as well, when you share your experience. Called The Secret Killer for a reason When you start your Challenge, be sure to read The Secret Killer Health Alert. You may be stunned to learn what a major role inflammation plays in our health. You’ll find out about chronic inflammation – what happens when our bodies get “stuck” in defense mode against injury or infection – and how this kind of inflammation is on the increase. The Secret Killer details the sad results: chronic pain, discomfort and poor health that may lead to serious disease. So many people just like you have had great success with the Nopalea Wellness Challenge already. To read their personal stories, see pages 10-11, and 14-15. You’ll be inspired to start “writing” your own story. take the Challenge and save now! Here’s more reason to take the Challenge now: you can save even more by purchasing the Nopalea 4-pack at special savings through January 31, 2010 only! See back cover page for details. If you’re not sure whether Nopalea could improve the quality of your life or of those you care for, just review these questions, and see if you recognize your own health issues, or those of family or friends: does this sound like you? • Do you suffer from chronic (constant or regular) pain anywhere in your body? Has it been going on for weeks, months or even years? • Do you routinely get low on energy during any part of the day? • Do you have trouble sleeping at night? • Do you have allergy or asthma-related breathing problems? • Do you fear your’e not doing enough to protect your body against all the toxins in today’s world (air, food, water, etc.)? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you need to take the Nopalea Wellness Challenge and see what a difference it can make in the quality of your life. These are the kinds of questions you’ll find on your Nopalea Challenge form, which will help you or someone you care for to pinpoint the areas in which you could most benefit from relief. Then, as you take your Nopalea Loading Dose, you can track your progress on the form. This January, start the New Year off right. Give yourself the benefits of Nopalea that have helped so many others, and take the Nopalea Wellness Challenge.happens when our bodies get “stuck” The diagnosis was devastating: tErmInAl CAnCEr Kimberly was given only weeks to live, but she wasn’t going to give up without a fight. Kimberly went through excruciating chemotherapy and cancer surgery, where she had one leg amputated. Kimberly was officially cancer-free, but she had another tough battle to face – unrelenting post-surgery pain. Nothing seemed to work, including very powerful pain medications, until one caring person gave Kimberly a Nopalea Gift of Health that let her finally enjoy life again. read Kimberly’s dramatic story on page 25. Shareyourstory,getgreatrewards! What’s your amazing Nopalea story? Share it and enjoy even more benefi ts: a $25 TriVita Gift Card, PLUS an exclusive Nopalea t-shirt – a $14.99 value! Just email your Nopalea story to, or call 1-800-693-4083. Please include your Member ID, your address and daytime phone number (along with email address, if you have one). Whenyousubmitaletteroremail,youarealsogivingTriVitafullrightstoit,includingtherighttopublishitin futurepublicationsandtoedititasneeded. ™ FRONT BACKGiftCard $25 SUCCESS STORIES
  • 6. trivita.com6 l VITAJOURNAL Scott Conard, M.D., is the founder of TienaHealth, an organization of medical doctors in primary care practice who emphasize healthy lifestyles to maintain wellness. Dr. Conard is considered a national expert on disease prevention. TienaHealth also conducts clinical trials. Scott Conard, M.D. Founder, TienaHealth Y ou may have made a New Year’s resolution or two to achieve greater wellness. Maybe you’ll increase your activity level, or eat more fruits and vegetables, or work on your emotional health, as outlined in the 10 Essentials (page 2). These are all great ideas, and I’d like to add another suggestion for enhancing your health: take TriVita® Sublingual B-12 and Nopalea™ together. This could be the most important step you take in helping you stay as alert, sharp and fully-functioning as possible. Of course, we’ve known for a long time how important it is to nourish your brain with B-12. This powerhouse vitamin helps fight brain erosion, dementia, moodiness, fatigue and forgetfulness, while improving sustained mental energy, stamina and concentration. What’s very new and exciting is how you can benefit with both B-12 and Nopalea, the new anti-inflammatory wellness drink from TriVita. I recommend Sublingual B-12 with Nopalea for a range of inflammatory brain disorders, and for inflammatory artery disorders such as high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries. When you take these two remarkable products together, the results can be astonishing. Just take a look at the personal stories on the next page to see how B-12 and Nopalea together are helping people like you. Why Sublingual b-12 and nopalea work so well together There’s a “fat” story at work when we talk about B-12 and Nopalea. As TriVita Chief Science Officer Brazos Minshew recently explained, our brains are two-thirds fat. The “good” fat we need to repair nerves and produce energy can be insufficient in our diets, or be blocked by toxins in our environment. TriVita’s Sublingual B-12 helps make this good fat available to our bodies so it can do its good work. However, the fat still needs to get to all the places in our brain and body where it’s needed. Transporting the fat is done by an amino acid called taurine, and this is where Nopalea plays such a key role. We don’t get taurine in our diet; our bodies have to manufacture it, and the process can be interrupted by nutrient deficiencies, emotional stress or toxins. Nopalea has an abundance of taurine, so it helps the good, essential fat we need to get to all the places where it can do us the most good. In brief, in order to have optimum fat metabolism you need to take B-12 and Nopalea together, every day. I encourage you to make and keep your resolutions for greater wellness in 2010 and beyond. And I also encourage you to consider Sublingual B-12 and Nopalea together as “must-haves” to reach your goal. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. B-12 Update by Dr. Scott Conard A New Year of brainpower and wellness: Sublingual B-12 and Nopalea Why these products together are “must-haves” When you take these two remarkable products together, the results can be astonishing.
  • 7. Faster-acting, longer-lasting and more potent than ever before with three times the Vitamin B-12 TriVita Super Sublingual B-12 helps you achieve: • Sustained mental energy, stamina and alertness • Improved mood with a more positive outlook on life • Greater mental focus, clarity and concentration • Sharper memory with less forgetfulness Plus, Super Sublingual B-12 gives your brain and nerves the essential nutrients they need to help replenish brain fuel and help repair damaged nerves. And all this is yours with a convenient, once-a-day tablet. Alfred Libby, M.D. – Inventor of TriVita Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid Dr. Libby, a renowned nutraceutical pioneer, worked to help hundreds of patients feel better every day. An associate of Dr. Linus Pauling (Nobel Prize Laureate), Dr. Libby developed this unique, sublingual delivery system for his own patients. It was known to give similar mental energy results as B-12 shots, but without the shots’ added pain and expense.Alfred Libby, M.D. SUP ER SUBLINGUAL B-12 AVAILABLE EXCLUSIVELY FR O M TRIVITAFor maximum sustained mental energy take TriVita Super Sublingual B-12 Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116 or visit us at SUCCESS STORIES “We swear by Nopalea and Sublingual B-12: they work!” “My husband John is retired and works the seasonal potato harvest for a nearby farmer. The past few years he had a terrible time with dust allergies caused by the harvest. He took over-the- counter medicine and found some relief, but still struggled with head congestion, sneezing and just feeling lousy. We have been taking Sublingual B-12 for years and thought we would also give Nopalea a try this year. IT WORKED! He feels so much better and even has more energy for the long days of the harvest. I couldn’t wait to order a case of Nopalea and get started on it myself. Sublingual B-12 gives us the extra energy we need and we believe that it has helped keep us healthy, especially in the cold and flu season. If I forget and miss my tablet in the morning, about midday I start to feel sluggish and it dawns on me why. We swear by Nopalea and B-12 and will continue taking them. Thank you so much for these great TriVita products.” lINDa W. – BaNgor, Me “Nopalea and Sublingual B-12: we would not be without them.” “My husband and I have been taking Sublingual B-12 for six years, and adding Nopalea has made a believer out of him. Since he started taking Nopalea, the pain in his hand, shoulders and his knees has gone away. He has been taking Nopalea for a few months and wouldn’t be without it. He takes a B-12 and three ounces of Nopalea daily along with his other TriVita supplements: OmegaPrime, Daily Men, Bone Growth Factor and Joint Complex. He said he noticed that there was no pain when he parked his car and reached for his jacket on the back seat, plus his shoulders, which had been painful, did NOT hurt. He also noticed that his knees didn’t hurt when walking or bending. He’s very pleased with the improvements in his health. Plus, we both love the taste. Nopalea and Sublingual B-12 – we would not be without them.” DeaNNa M. – PhoeNIX, aZ “Every day that I take Nopalea the swelling stays away.” “I have arthritis, and any reduction in pain is a major help to me. I also have swelling in my neck due to a car accident in 2003. I started taking Nopalea as soon as it arrived. The swelling in my neck went down, and every day that I take Nopalea the swelling stays away. If I don’t take Nopalea, the swelling returns. When I started taking Nopalea, I was already taking Sublingual B-12, and began to notice that I was losing weight. Now I feel so much better. I’ve been telling my family and friends about TriVita products. God bless you, and thanks for helping me to feel better.” PattI t. – huDsoN, MI TriVita Super Sublingual B-12 #33356 Non-Member $28.99 Member $22.99 Redeem with 230 VitaPoints TriVita Super SPECIALPRICE See article on page 9 to find out more about the inflammation/obesity connection.
  • 8. Lose the Weight You Want – in 3 Easy Steps! STEP 1: Fat burning capsules for “losing the bulge” Leanology® Weight Loss Capsules (180 ct.) #33325 Non-Member $74.99 Member $59.99 Redeem with 600 VitaPoints STEP 2: Tasty chews for snack replacement and appetite control Leanology® Appetite Control Chews (60 soft chews) Flavor: Chocolate Mocha #30690 Non-Member $37.99 Member $29.99 Redeem with 300 VitaPoints STEP 3: Delicious shakes for low calorie meal substitution Leanology® Nutritional Shake (2 lbs – 30 servings) Flavors: Chocolate and Vanilla Non-Member $68.99 Member $54.99 Redeem with 550 VitaPoints VALUE PACK The Value Pack includes: • 1bottleofWeightLossCapsules • 1container(30servings)of NutritionalShake(chooseflavor) • 2bags(1FREE)of AppetiteControlChews Leanology® 3-Step Value Pack Member $139.99 Redeem with 1400 VitaPoints SAVE $34.97! One frEE bag of Chews Buy one bottle of Leanology Capsulesget second bottle 50% OFFOffer good through 1-31-10 breakfast lunch dinner and home cooking Salad add-ons desserts Snacks dairy products food shopping A pply the following weight loss suggestions to your daily diet to eat more sensibly and lose pounds!* Swap 3 slices of french toast with syrup (800) For 2 x 6” buckwheat pancakes with 1 Tbsp. of syrup (325) Save 475 calories (once a week = 24,700 calories per year) Annual Weight Loss 7 pounds Swap 2 oz cooked pasta with 2 oz pesto sauce (500) For 2 oz cooked pasta with 2 oz tomato pasta sauce (240) Save 260 calories (once a week = 13,520 calories per year) Annual Weight Loss 3.9 pounds Swap 2 Tbsp. creamy Italian dressing (165) For 2 Tbsp. low calorie dressing (5) Save 160 calories (twice a week = 16,640 calories per year) Annual Weight Loss 4.75 pounds Swap Ice cream sundae: 2 scoops ice cream w/ syrup, whipped cream, nuts, cherry (1065) For Strawberries romanoff, 4 oz serving (115) Save 950 calories (1 x monthly = 11,400 calories per year) Annual Weight Loss 3.3 pounds Swap Microwaved caramel popcorn, 3 cups (280) For Air popped popcorn, 3 cups (90) Save 190 calories (4 x weekly = 39,520 calories per year) Annual Weight Loss 11.3 pounds Swap 4 oz ground beef (304) For 4 oz ground chicken or turkey breast (129) Save 175 calories (2 x weekly = 18,200 calories per year) Annual Weight Loss 5.2 pounds Swap 1 cup whole milk (150) For 1 cup skim milk (90) Save 60 calories (7 x weekly = 21,840 calories per year) Annual Weight Loss 6.5 pounds Swap Foods labeled “low-fat” which contain 3g fat or less per serving For Foods labeled “fat-free” which contain 0.5g fat or less per serving Save 22.5 calories / serving (1 x daily = 8,212 calories) Annual Weight Loss 2.3 pounds * Suggestions from the Anne Collins Weight Management Program SMART weight loss swaps Use these easy tips to reduce calories and control your weight
  • 9. January 2010 l 91-800-991-7116 I f we could reduce inflammation, could we also reduce the problem of excess weight? There is growing evidence of a connection between the two conditions – and mounting excitement over the possibility of easing both. For several years, medical science has turned its eye toward inflammation as the main issue behind a number of health problems, from joint pain to allergies, high blood pressure to ulcers, and even cancer and heart attacks. As early as 2004, TIME magazine called chronic inflammation “The Secret Killer.” Continuing research suggests that obesity might be added to the list of conditions caused, at least in part, by inflammation. the brain, inflammation and excess weight Researchers recently found that weight could be lowered or managed by reducing inflammation in a certain part of the brain. Just over a year ago, a study published in the journal Cell indicated that inflammation could be a key factor in obesity. Obesity is known to increase inflammation throughout the body. But could the inflamma- tion be a cause, not an effect, of the obesity? A study based at the University of Wisconsin, Madison and the University of California, San Diego zeroed in on two areas: 1. The hypothalamus, a brain region that regulates the body’s energy balance. 2. A “master switch” of inflammation that’s usually turned off. In lab tests on mice, that “master switch” of inflammation turned on in the brains of mice on a high-fat diet. With that master switch turned on, the mice gained weight. Next, the scientists used genetic engi- neering to flip that master switch off in the hypothalamus of other mice. Those mice were “significantly protected” from becoming obese, even on a high-fat diet, the researchers wrote. It’s important to note that inflammation alone isn’t a bad thing: it’s a vital tool for the body to fight off infection. It’s when the body’s defense switch gets stuck in the “on” position that we have chronic inflammation. The researchers concluded that finding out how to control that switch in the hypothalamus might open the door to fighting obesity and related diseases. Obesity as “chronic low-level inflammation” More connections between obesity and inflam- mation were found by Dutch researchers writing in the journal PPAR Research. The article, which looks at the complex relationship between fat storage, insulin resistance and secreted proteins, comes to a provocative conclusion. After studying the affect of obesity on tissue in body parts including the liver, the scientists said that their findings “feed a growing recogni- tion that obesity represents a state of chronic low-level inflammation.” Adding diabetes to the story Because our bodies are so complex, some of the research into obesity and inflammation takes an extra step to understand. In the case of diabetes, for example, a connection between body fat and diabetes has pointed a finger at inflammation as the root problem. Researchers at the University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine published findings of a study in the journal Cell Metabolism, that can be summed up in four words: “Inflammation is the key.” The research found that obesity, in animals or people, leads to increased fat in the liver, called “steatosis.” Steatosis, in turn, leads to liver inflammation and insulin resistance, which can result in diabetes. Problem: inflammation A solution: nopalea™ As research continues into the relationship between inflammation and excess weight, there is a way to help your body reduce inflammation: Nopalea. This breakthrough wellness drink is helping people across North America enjoy optimal wellness, because with daily use it helps your body: • reduce inflammation • detoxify • Achieve optimal cellular health • Protect against premature aging Now, the Nopalea Wellness Challenge can help you see for yourself what all the excitement is about (see pages 4-5 for details). Find out what others are learning through the Challenge: Nopalea can help you feel better, feel healthier and thrive. Is inflammation the cause of obesity?Research points to a connection that’s gaining awareness on a high-fat diet. With that master switch turned on, the Next, the scientists used genetic engi- neering to flip that master switch off in the
  • 10. 10 l VITAJOURNAL Read these fantastic success stories – and submit one of your own t hese are just a few of the inspiring testimonials from Members who have taken the Nopalea™ Wellness Challenge. Could you feel better, too? The New Year is the perfect time to find out. So, take the Challenge and make a major difference in your own life. What is the Nopalea Welless Challenge? • Take 3-6 ounces of chilled Nopalea everyday • Fill out the Nopalea Challenge Form • Read TheSecretKiller Health Alert • Share your Nopalea experience! See pages 4-5 for more details. * You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your healthcare provider. Paige C. – belleair bluffs, fl raji C. – Phoenix, AZ “…Within five days of starting the Nopalea Challenge, I noticed that my range of motion was improving.” “I am in my late 40s and am trying to do the right things now to take better care of my health. I had a very stiff neck that caused a lot of pain and affected my range of motion. I had some tests done which showed that there was a lot of inflammation in my neck. I wanted to make big changes in my life because over the past few years, people in my life began getting sick and coming down with degenerative diseases. So, I was already in a mode to improve my health and take better care of my body. I began drinking Nopalea and within five days of starting the Nopalea Challenge, I noticed that my range of motion was improving. I was very happy and quite impressed. I also suffer from seasonal allergies, which cause puffiness around my eyes and my face. After a short time on Nopalea, people commented on how healthy my skin looked. This delicious drink helped with my allergy symptoms and the puffiness went away. I had blood work done as part of my regular physical and, as usual, I always get a C-Reactive Protein test. Last time it was 1.3, but since Nopalea it has gone down to just barely over zero – one full point. Other lab results showed additional decrease in the inflammation in my body, which is just fantastic. I am a firm believer that we need to keep inflammation down in our bodies. By drinking Nopalea, I know I am reducing inflammation. I am worth spending money on my body to feel good and be healthy.” PaIge c. – BelleaIr BluFFs, Fl “I was thrilled when Nopalea helped improve my asthma symptoms.” “I have a few health issues, but recently I took a misstep to avoid an obstacle on the floor and it totally aggravated my spine. I have a herniated disk, my left side is sciatic and I’ve developed arthritis. That whole mess sits there kind of dormant until I sit up, twist or step wrong and then it puts me in even more pain. This time around, pain pills didn’t even work. I was given a bottle of Nopalea and was told to follow the guidelines for the Nopalea Wellness Challenge. This super drink is so good for me and I enjoy it as much as fresh orange juice. It’s AMAZING. I particularly wanted Nopalea to stop the inflamma- tion I my spine, along with poor circulation in my legs which caused swelling and water retention. I also have asthma, which of course is inflammatory. I have noticed that the swelling in my spine has gone down. Now I am able to sit up and walk more erect. However, I needed to take a larger dose of Nopalea to really get rid of that visible knot on the lower part of my spine. Being asthmatic and having to take lots of pills and asthma shots and using inhalers is no fun, so I was thrilled when Nopalea helped improve my asthma symptoms. Three days after I drank the whole bottle, I also noticed that my attitude was better. Instead of feeling down, with Nopalea I feel awesome and it has definitely improved my mental health. I was so grateful about what Nopalea had done for me that I decided to encourage other people to try it. God created an amazing plant and the fruit of that plant has really improved my life. We’re So Ecstatic We Took
  • 11. January 2010 l 11 “Lab results showed an additional decrease in the inflammation in my body, which is just fantastic.” – Paige C. “I was thrilled when Nopalea helped improve my asthma symptoms.” – Raji C. “I noticed that the painful plantar fasciitis had resolved and I was finding it much easier to sleep.” – Kandy M. “I have been taking Nopalea for almost two weeks and can really tell a big difference.” – Beth T. Continued on pages 14-15... beth t. – Colbert, WAbrian O. – n. hollywood, CA Kandy m. – Cookeville, tn There are a lot of benefits for taking Nopalea, and I hope anyone who reads this will take the time and get a bottle for themselves and write their own testimonial after taking the Nopalea Wellness Challenge.” raJI c. – PhoeNIX, aZ “I also noticed a significant reduction in my aches and pains.” “My wellness journey started about a year ago when my brother told me that he was suffering from ankylosing spondylitis (A.S.), a rare form of arthritis. He said it can be hereditary and suggested that I get tested for it. I was suffering from some of the same symptoms as my brother. I am only 27 years old and was not prepared to be disabled in any way. My doctor confirmed that I had the same disease as my brother. This is a very strange condition that can attack any organ of your body at any time. It can go from simple aches and pains, soreness and stiffness on up to major eye problems and can lead to something called ‘bamboo spine,’ where your spine actually fuses together. Luckily I crossed paths with a mutual friend who suffers from A.S. After hearing that he is living pain-free and energized thanks to Nopalea, I decided to take the Nopalea Wellness Challenge myself. I took three ounces of Nopalea both in the morning and evening, and in four short days I was already feeling better and more energized. After only one bottle, I was interacting more with my daughter and feeling more refreshed after sleep. I also noticed a significant reduction in my aches and pains.” BrIaN o. – North hollyWooD, ca “I have been taking Nopalea for almost two weeks and can tell the difference.” “Before I took the Nopalea Wellness Challenge, I was feeling pretty hopeless. I suffer from a rare form of soft tissue arthritis. It hit fast and hard – going from nothing to extreme. This arthritis attacked the iris in my eyes. I looked like I had been beaten up – my eyes were red and bloodshot and you could only see the pupil area. I jumped from specialist to specialist and started taking steroid drops and steroid shots into my eyeball to stop it, as this disease can blind you if left unchecked. I also suffered from skin and muscle problems. I could not get up in the morning and my back hurt. The shots were extremely expensive – about $1,100 a month just for two shots. These shots are only effective for a few days and then the pain comes back. Once I began the Challenge, Nopalea quickly improved my condition. By the second day I was already feeling dramatically better. I am currently taking the full suggested loading dose of three to six ounces per day. I may increase the amount even more. Thanks to Nopalea I’ve started losing the 30 pounds I gained from the steroids. I have been taking Nopalea for almost two weeks and can really tell a big difference.” Beth t. – colBert, Wa “It is amazing how fast Nopalea worked for me.” “One month prior to taking the Nopalea Wellness Challenge, I began working out at the local fitness center, which includes 2-3 personal training sessions a week. Almost immediately an old plantar fasciitis problem in my foot resurfaced. It was also difficult to sleep due to the circulating lactic acid from the vigorous workout sessions. the Nopalea Wellness Challenge
  • 12. trivita.com12 l VITAJOURNAL B etween after-school activities, long work hours and other demands of our hectic life- styles, family time can take a backseat. This year, make quality family time your top goal. Time goes by fast... soon enough, youngsters will be leaving the nest and making their own way in the world. Help prepare them while strengthening family bonds by making quality family time a priority. make time for meals Everyone has to eat, but how often do you sit down as a family? Between soccer practices and long work days, family mealtime can be neglected. But neglecting this important part of family life can result in negative outcomes for your children. According to a report by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University, teens who eat fewer than three family meals a week – compared to those who eat five or more family dinners – are: • Twice as likely to use tobacco or marijuana • More than one and a half times likelier to use alcohol • Twice as likely to expect to try drugs in the future • One and a half times likelier to report getting grades of C or lower in school. Engage your children and truly make dinner- time family time. Ask them specific questions about their days, discuss current events, plan your next family vacation, and so on. Turn off distractions such as televisions, phones and other electronic devices. Make it a rule that no phone calls are made or answered and that everyone stays at the table until dinner is over. television: turn it off! What’s one way to squander precious family time? Watching television. When kids stay glued to the television, important family time is wasted. Plus, television has been linked to such health problems as higher blood pressure and obesity – in children! And then there’s the content to consider... A study by the Rand Corporation showed that teens who are exposed to high levels of sexual content on TV are twice as likely to experience a pregnancy before the age of 20, compared to those who have lower levels of exposure, while another study showed that TV watching – and even just having a TV on somewhere in the house – is associated with increased aggression in small children. Although TV isn’t the only culprit in these problems, it is one that you can easily take action on. Above all, television takes away from quality family time. One study showed that even just having a TV on in the background can reduce parent-child interactions by 20 percent. Do your family a favor: turn off the tube. You may also want to limit the time they spend on electronic devices and on the Internet. Nothing – not texting, not social networking sites – can replace face-to-face interaction. family time ideas Depending on the structure of your family, pick and choose from these family time tips: • Schedule a weekly game night – Designate one night per week as game night. Games will help sharpen young minds (and older ones!), plus it’s a great opportunity to model teamwork and good sportsmanship. • limit extracurricular activities – Saying “no” to yet another commitment isn’t going to stunt Johnny’s development. Quality, not quantity is the key here. Also, make sure your child is genuinely interested in the activity. • tell bedtime stories – Help younger kids wind down for bed with a 10-minute story time. Plus, once they get hooked on a story, they’ll be eager for bed the next night! This year, make quality family time a priority. If timing is an issue, schedule family time the way you would a doctor’s appointment. It will be well worth it! MakingTime forFamily Turn off distractions and enjoy some quality family time
  • 13. Help avoid fractures from weakened bones with TriVita Bone Growth Factor • Clinically proven to rebuild bone • Physician-approved formula • Highly-absorbable calcium Simply put: Female study participants gained an average of 6% bone mass after taking TriVita Bone Growth Factor for three to six months. If you are concerned about bone loss or have a family history of bone fragility, get TriVita Bone Growth Factor! Try it today! Call 1-800-991-7116 or visit us at TriVita Bone Growth Factor™ #30600 Non-Member $43.99 Member $34.99 Redeem with 350 VitaPoints HELP INCREASE BONE DENSITY tammy Pon, m.d. Tammy Pon, M.D, a functional medicine physician, received her medical degree from the University of Texas in Houston. She completed specialty training in Healthy Aging. dId yOu KnOW? Growing evidence links low Vitamin D levels to stroke, congestive heart failure and common heart disease risk factors such as hypertension (high blood pressure), obesity and diabetes. Patients with Vitamin D levels below 15 ng/ml double their chances of heart attack or stroke within the next fi ve years. Researchers strongly recommend screening for and treating low Vitamin D levels, especially in patients who are at risk for heart disease or diabetes. Make sure you get an adequate supply of Vitamin D. Call a Wellness Consultant at 1-800-991-7116 to fi nd out more about VitaCal-Mag D and Bone Growth Factor. Don’t let winter rob you of your essential Vitamin D By Dr. Tammy Pon P ractically every day another benefit of Vitamin D is revealed. Vitamin D is created when our skin is exposed to sunshine. It is also present in our diet, mainly in cold-water fish and dark green vegetables. A recent newspaper headline read, “Vitamin D Linked to Parkinson’s disease.” At first glance, it may not be clear if Vitamin D is a culprit or an “illness-fighter.” Well, in fact, just as Vitamin D helps build bones, Vitamin D plays a role in building our brains – it is an “illness-fighter.” Vitamin d and Parkinson’s Previous studies have shown that the part of the brain affected most by Parkinson’s, the substantia nigra, has high levels of the Vitamin D receptor, which suggests Vitamin D may be important for normal functions of these cells. If we look at other Vitamin D research, low levels of Vitamin D have been found to be associated with: • Many neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s • Autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis • Metabolic disorders such as diabetes. Vitamin D is formed when sunlight strikes the skin and interacts with cholesterol. Its main purpose is to shuttle calcium and other minerals to the bones. Vitamin d – a messenger Information is carried by a number of messengers inside your body, including proteins and fats. Vitamin D can also act like a messenger, telling the cells how much work to do. Think of this like building a house. Proteins give specific instructions in the same way a carpenter may decide how best to connect walls and windows and doors. Fats may serve as the building materials for the entire house. Vitamin D serves as the general contractor to determine how much building should be done at any specific time. We certainly need proteins and protein complexes of Vitamin B-12 to create the structures making up our brain. We also need the fats found in such products as OmegaPrime® to serve as raw materials and general information on brain repair. We need Vitamin D to tell us how much brain to build when we are young and how much repair work to do as we age. Why winter is the time for more Vitamin d We get Vitamin D from sunlight, foods and supplements. Because we are exposed to less sunshine in the winter than in the summer, we need to be more vigilant about supplementing with Vitamin D and exposing our skin to sunshine whenever practical. Most doctors who recommend Vitamin D explain that winter cold and flu outbreaks are directly related to Vitamin D deficiency. If you take supplements to ensure you’re getting enough Vitamin D, make sure they’re the type that your body can really use. It’s best to take supplements formulated for maximum absorption, such as TriVita’s VitaCal-Mag D ™ or TriVita Bone Growth Factor. This way, you can help ensure that you’re getting the full benefits of Vitamin D to meet the serious challenges of daily life.
  • 14. 14 l VITAJOURNAL * You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your healthcare provider. “I’ve had amazing results with Nopalea.” – Bill A. “Nopalea has been such a blessing to us and we want to share it with everyone we know who is dealing with pain.” – Cindy A. “The inflammation in my brain and skin is gone, and my neck, hip and hand pains are dramatically down.” – Joyce P. “The doctors were surprised by my improved liver and kidney functions.” – Edward B. We’re So Ecstatic We Took bill A. – richland, Or Cindy A. – richland, Or Within a few days of beginning the Challenge, I noticed that the painful plantar fasciitis had resolved and I was finding it much easier to sleep. I didn’t have to use any of the old remedies; I just took my daily Nopalea and the problem resolved. It is amazing how fast Nopalea worked for me. It’s such a great product that my husband has even started taking it.” KaNDy M. – cooKeVIlle, tN “I started drinking Nopalea as soon as it arrived on a Tuesday... Wednesday night the leg cramps went away.” “I’ve had amazing results with Nopalea. I suffered with chronic back problems for years, but was able to live with this pain with exercise and behavior modification. However, a little over a year ago my pain got worse and lasted longer. Having always been physically active, I started to get depressed. I also had to wear a back brace and take pain pills just to get through the day. After a doctor’s exam and the usual nerve tests and x-rays, I was told that I had five herniated discs and two disintegrated discs. I also had leg cramps and severe headaches to add to my misery. When I first heard about Nopalea, I figured that I had nothing to lose, so I started drinking Nopalea as soon as it arrived on a Tuesday. Starting on Wednesday, the leg cramps went away. By Thursday, the headaches were gone and the pains in my back, hip, leg and shoulder were noticeably reduced. On Saturday my wife and I walked around all day and I did not wear my back brace or take any pills.* Thanks to Nopalea, I continue to find more areas which are noticeably improving.” BIll a. – rIchlaND, or “Within a short time of starting Nopalea, the pains started to lessen.” “I deal with a variety of aches and pains, especially in my neck. I also have had pain in my hip and lower back, extreme arthritis in my wrists and a recurring pain on the right side of my abdomen. Within a short time of starting Nopalea, the pains started to lessen. I have had only one day in six weeks where the abdominal pain returned. My neck and wrists are virtually pain-free. This has been a life-altering experience for both my husband (see Bill’s story to the left) and me. It is so good to have my husband back. Just two months ago he could barely walk from the house to the truck. He recently went pheasant hunting for six hours and on a cattle drive in rugged terrain for eight hours. It has been such a blessing to us and we want to share it with everyone we know who is dealing with pain.” cINDy a. – rIchlaND, or “My doctor and family are thrilled, and I am so glad I gave Nopalea a chance.” “I was first introduced to Nopalea in March of 2009 when I attended the launch in Phoenix. It sounded like a wonderful product, but I was hesitant because I am type 2 diabetic. Luckily, I’ve been very fortunate that I have never had to do insulin shots. I have been on and off medication over the years and it’s been a constant battle to normalize my blood sugar levels. My diabetic condition wasn’t getting any better and I also had pain in my knuckles due to mild arthritis. Finally, after reading many success stories in your monthly catalog and VitaJournal from people with diabetes who had positive results with Nopalea, I decided to give it a try. Before I went on Nopalea, I had very extensive blood tests to create a baseline.
  • 15. January 2010 l 15 Shareyourstory, getgreatrewards! What’s your amazing Nopalea story? Share it and enjoy even more benefi ts: a $25 TriVita Gift Card, PLUS an exclusive Nopalea t-shirt – a $14.99 value! Just email your Nopalea story to, or call 1-800-693-4083. Please include your Member ID, your address and daytime phone number (along with email address, if you have one). Whenyousubmitaletteroremail,youarealsogiving TriVitafullrightstoit,includingtherighttopublishit infuturepublicationsandtoedititasneeded. ™ FRONT BACKGiftCard $25 For more details on The Nopalea Wellness Challenge, see pages 4-5. the Nopalea Wellness Challenge joyce P. – Clearwater, fl Edward b. – Palatine, IlSandy Z. – bath, Oh The day after blood was drawn, I started on the Nopalea Wellness Challenge. Shortly afterwards, I noticed that the pain in my knuckles had been reduced by 70%. My doctor ordered another round of blood work and I was amazed to see that my A1C (glucose) levels dropped from 7.9 down to 6.4, which represents a 30 point drop in blood sugar levels. My doctor and family are thrilled, and I am so glad I gave Nopalea a chance. I am more active, more energetic and feel like a new woman since being on Nopalea. I’m also starting to see my blood pressure go down. I’ve even broken out my treadmill and I get on it for 1/2 an hour every morning and every evening. I look forward to continuing Nopalea and seeing what happens with my health.“ saNDy Z. – Bath, oh “This is such a great product that you just cannot help but share it with people.” “I have been an insomniac for 20 years and survived on strong sedatives, which no longer worked. Extreme stress and lack of sleep caused inflammation in my brain and an extreme case of eczema, which caused me to lose most of my hair. Here’s what I did to start improving my health. I changed my diet, drank more water and took more vitamins. But it wasn’t until I started taking Nopalea that I began to notice really significant changes taking place in my body. The juice of the Sonoran Nopal cactus fruit contains the full spectrum of 24 rare Betalains which are anti-inflammatory. Inflammation is the root cause of all degenerative diseases, including most of my health problems. I quickly noticed changes in my sleeping, mental clarity and focus. The blues went away and my joint pains became bearable. Then I began drinking a bottle of Nopalea a week and the results multiplied. I slept better and was able to nap when needed. The inflammation in my brain and skin is gone, and my neck, hip and hand pains are dramatically down. I can now do vigorous cardio exercise and weight lifting, which was impossible before Nopalea. This is such a great product that you just cannot help but share it with people... that is why I am sharing it with you!” Joyce P. – clearWater, Fl “Nine days later, I suddenly noticed there was no familiar pain.” “I am a 61-year-old professional karate teacher with over 40 years of experience. While training over a year ago, I sustained an injury to my hip and then my knee, which threatened to end my karate career altogether. To complicate matters, I also suffered a heart attack. I started taking Nopalea and to be honest, I was a bit skeptical. About nine days later, I suddenly noticed there was no familiar pain. That little moment of hope made all the difference in the world. I had a blood test one month after taking Nopalea, and the doctors were surprised by my improved liver and kidney functions. I have gone from not being able to kick at all, to leading a two-hour charity kick-a-thon. My students and their parents always compliment me on the sudden turnaround, and I am very pleased to tell them about the reason for that change.” eDWarD B. – PalatINe, Il
  • 16. trivita.com16 l VITAJOURNAL 10by Christa Orecchio, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Holistic Health Counselor H ippocrates, the father of modern medicine, said “let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Many of the foods below are easy-to-find, easy-to-eat, inexpensive and delicious. Beginning this first month in 2010, stock these 10 foods in your kitchen consistently to reap myriad health benefits. These products are largely available in health food stores nationwide. 1. Coconut oil: Although it looks like Crisco, it has a much different interaction in the body. Coconut oil is one of the healthiest fats around. It is a medium-chain fatty acid, which means that it’s the good fat, which helps us burn the bad fat. 2. Grapeseed oil: A great oil to use for high heat because it has a high smoke point, which means that it will not turn rancid like olive oil and other commonly used oils can at high temperatures. 3. Avocados: This creamy fruit can help lower cholesterol and regulate blood pressure because it is a great source of potassium. It also contains Vitamin E, which is an antioxidant essential for protection against many diseases. Eat avocados by making homemade guacamole, add slices to a sandwich in place of cheese, or use as a creamy treat on top of a salad. 4. Eggs: A complete protein that is highly absorbable by the body. They are very high in phosphorus, choline and other B vitamins; also high in Vitamins A and D, making them one of nature’s perfect foods. Eat them regularly, but not more than five per week. 5. Kale: A nutrition powerhouse in and of itself. Kale is loaded with vitamins, minerals and fiber, containing more of the most well absorbed form of calcium than any other food. 6. Sea salt: The best way to get your essential trace minerals, which iodized salt is devoid of. Trace minerals aid our digestion and support our nervous system. Celtic or Himalayan sea salts match the exact mineral profile of our blood, which makes them the best choice. 7. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV): Far and away the healthiest vinegar to use for all your salad dressings. ACV is alkalizing, which means it has the ability to neutralize acidity and shift the pH back to balance. This is a very helpful and healing addition to the diet of those who regularly experience heartburn or acid reflux. 8. Goat’s milk yogurt and cheese: Goat’s milk is easier to digest than cow’s milk. Goat products digest within 20 minutes, vs. 8 hours to digest cow’s milk. 9. Almonds: One of the most nutritious of all nuts, almonds are low in saturated fat and high in many protective nutrients, namely magnesium, which nourishes the nervous system. 10. Walnuts: Not only high in protein and B vitamins, walnuts are high in Omega-3 fatty acids, which is our brain’s preferred source of fuel.  Christa Orecchio Healthy Foods to Keep on Hand! Cider Roasted Vegetables Ingredients • 1sweetorredonion,cutintowedges • 2 carrots, sliced • 6 baby gold, purple or red potatoes, cut up (may use yams or sweet potatoes) • 1 1/2 cups butternut squash or pumpkin, peeled, cubed • 1/2cabbagesliced(greenorpurple) • 1 1/2 cups broccoli floret • 1 cup cauliflower florets • 1 yellow squash, cut into half moons • A few green beans, whole, trimmed • 1-2 portobello mushrooms sliced or cut up • 1-2 cloves of minced garlic DIRECTIONS Tossthevegetablesinalargeroastingpan.Seasontheveggieswithseasaltand freshgroundpepper.Makeyoursauce. 10 9 8 7 6 1 2 3 4 5 Ingredients • 3Tbsp.extravirginoliveoil • 3Tbsp.applecidervinegar • 1cupnaturalapplecider • 1Tbsp.agavenectarorhoney DIRECTIONS Stirtoblend.Pourthesauceovertheveggies,tosswelltocoat.Sprinklewith warmingspices,ifyoulike:curry,nutmeg,atouchofcinnamon,somethyme. Roastfor30to45minutesat375degreesF,oruntiltheveggiesaretender. Cider Roasting Sauce Curried Kale w/Caramelized Shallots & Agave Ingredients • 3 shallots, thinly sliced • 1 Tbsp. coconut oil • 1 Tbsp. curry powder • 1 Tbsp. agave nectar • 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice • ½ bunch kale (about 4 oz) stems removed and chopped into large pieces • 2Tbsp.Tamari(wheat-freesoysauce) • 2 Tbsp. water DIRECTIONS Heatoilovermediumheat,addshallotsandsautéuntildarkbrownand caramelized,about20minutes.Stirincurrypowder,agaveandlemonjuice.Add kale,soysauceandwater.Coverandsteamfor5minutes,stirringoccasionally untilkaleisstillchewybuttender.Donotovercook. For more recipes, please visit page 21.
  • 17. Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116 or visit us at Wellavoh is not your ordinary multi-vitamin It’sauniquemulti-nutrientcomplexthatsupportswellness,strengthandvitality Wellavoh is not your ordinary multi-vitamin wellness,strengthandvitality Feed your body the nutrients it may lack from an average diet: take Sonoran Bloom Wellavoh, the complete multi-nutrient complex. Wellavoh’s customized men’s and women’s formulas give you 22 different vitamins and minerals. • The mEn’S fOrmulA supports optimal prostate, cholesterol and blood sugar health. • The WOmEn’S fOrmulA supports optimal bone, skin, hormone and breast health. “I f I had known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself.” Whoever voiced those painful/funny words (Mark Twain, Mickey Mantle and George Burns have been credited), we all get the idea: taking care of ourselves today will pay off tomorrow. How will you “experience wellness® ” this year to get on the right track for all the tomorrows to come? Here are five smart ways to build a strong foundation for your long-term health. Why not use this first month of the New Year to get going? Get moving As you know, regular physical activity is important for your overall health and well-being. Include activities that you enjoy and can easily fit into your daily routine, such as walking your dog, working in your garden or riding your bike. Being active for 30-60 minutes on most days can help you build strength and fitness, relax and reduce stress, gain more energy, and improve your sleep. These benefits all add up to decreasing your risk of heart disease and other conditions. Eat smart Every day you see and hear messages from advertisers who want you to buy their food products. Some products are healthy, but others may be lacking in nutrients. Sometimes it’s hard to sort it all out. What’s important is to follow the basics: eat a healthy diet by choosing a variety of fruits and vegetables. Avoid fats, added sugars and salt. Eat in moderation. Eating right makes you feel good, and it’s impor- tant for reducing your risk for serious diseases. In fact, experts say that healthier eating could reduce cancer deaths in the United States by as much as 35 percent! Get tested Do you know your cholesterol numbers or what your blood pressure is? Do certain diseases and conditions run in your family? Did you know that your genes and personal habits could be putting your health at risk? Visit your doctor to discuss your family medical history and the tests and screenings that are recommended for you. Learn how you can protect against disease and improve your quality of life. reduce risk When faced with choices that may affect your health and the lives of those you love, it’s important to remember that there are programs and organizations to help you make healthy decisions. Of course, you know that cigarette smoking can cause cancer in smokers and in those who breathe in the air around them. Using nicotine, alcohol and other drugs has consequences for you and those who care about you. If substance abuse is affecting you and/or your family, ask your healthcare professional or clergy member for help in locating local resources. take premium triVita supplements Make sure your body gets all the vitamins and minerals it needs by taking only the best quality supplements: TriVita products. Scientifically- validated formulas, the best ingredients and stringent quality control all combine to give you this assurance: you can trust TriVita products to help you build a strong foundation for your health. Now, you can give yourself the wellness benefits of Wellavoh, the new daily multi-nutrient com- plex for complete nutrition. Wellavoh’s exclusive formulas (one especially for men, one for women) provide superior health support for day and night. Its 22 different vitamins and minerals are scien- tifically formulated to give your body powerful support for optimal health in these key areas: • Cardiovascular health • Skin health • Immune function • Bone health • Cognitive health • Hormonal health • Digestive health • Reproductive health Wellavoh provides four blends of powerful nutrients, plus six essential nutrient classes. So even when you eat a healthy and balanced diet (and especially if you don’t), be sure to give your body all the nutrients it needs every single day with Wellavoh. Happy new year of health! Set a strong foundation to build on in 2010 Wellavoh™ Women #30740 Men #30750 Non-Member $62.99 Member $49.99Redeem with 500 VitaPoints NEW! For a full list of ingredients visit Scientifically formulated for MEN Scientifically formulated for WOMEN
  • 18. trivita.com18 l VITAJOURNAL Want a healthier retirement? It may require getting a job College Park, Maryland Retirees who go back to work after retiring may reduce their risk of major disease and functional limitations, according to research in the October 2009 Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. Using data from the national Health and Retirement Study, researchers analyzed information from 12,189 retirees between the ages of 51 and 61. They found that those who worked part-time or at temp jobs after retirement were less likely to be diagnosed with high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, lung disease, heart disease, stroke, psychiatric problems and arthritis. Retirees who worked at least part-time were also less likely to show a decline in their ability to perform daily living tasks. And those who worked post-retirement jobs in their original career field had better mental health than those who worked in a different field. Insecticide use could increase risk of autoimmune diseases Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Insecticides may increase the risk of rheumatoid arthritis and lupus in post-menopausal women, according to research presented at the American College of Rheumatology’s Annual Scientific Meeting in October 2009. Using data from the Women’s Health Initiative Observational Study, researchers identified 76,861 women between 50 and 79 years old and studied their reported personal and commercial use of pesticides and if they had lived or worked on a farm. They discovered that women who reported more insecticide use had a higher risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis and/or lupus, regardless of whether they had been in a farm environment. “Although suggestive, we need to start thinking about what chemicals or other factors related to insecticide use could explain these findings,” said lead investigator Christine G. Parks, PhD, epidemiologist, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. “Our results also provide support for the idea that environmental factors may increase susceptibility or trigger the development of autoimmune diseases in some individuals.” Friends, family, social networks & obesity Boston, Massachusetts If your friends or loved ones become obese, you may experience an increase in girth too, according to a recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine. Researchers from Harvard Medical School and the University of California, San Diego found that when a person gains weight, it increases the chances that their friends and family members will gain weight as well. If a person becomes obese, the risk of their spouse becoming obese increases 37%; siblings have a 40% increase in risk of obesity and friends have a 57% increase in risk. Analyzing 32 years’ worth of data from the Framingham Heart Study, researchers observed 12,067 people, among whom 38,611 social and family ties were discovered. Interestingly, gender played a prominent role in the study results: in same-sex friendships, the risk of obesity increased to 7%; brothers experienced a 44% increase in risk and sisters experienced a 67% increase. Friends and siblings of the opposite sex showed no increased risk. Researchers hypothesize that by being around obese individuals, a person’s view of appropriate body size changes.  The Research Desk New findings in health and wellness
  • 19. January 2010 l 191-800-991-7116 Just how important is water to our survival? Water makes up more than two-thirds of the weight of our bodies, and without it, we would die in a few days. The human brain is made up of 95% water, blood is 82% and lungs 90%. You can live for weeks without food, but only a few days without water. Many of us routinely feel the effects of too little water. Mild dehydration is one of the most common causes of daytime fatigue. Age-related changes make older adults more vulnerable to shifts in water balance that can result in over-hydration or, more frequently, dehydration. And because seniors often have a reduced sense of thirst, dehydration is one of the most frequent causes of hospitalization after age 65. If our bodies are mostly water, it makes sense that water definitely plays an important role in how long and how well we live. Water is something we take very seriously at TriVita and that’s why Essential #2 in our 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness emphatically states: Drink water – nature’s best beverage not only quenches thirst, but also enhances energy metabolism depends on water Metabolism describes the way you convert food into energy. Most foods contain enough water for the plant or animal to live; however, there is not enough water in most foods to metabolize them. You can do your part by eating foods high in water, including most fruits and vegetables. (See chart at right.) detoxification Detoxification depends on water. It begins at the cellular level and ends when waste has been detoxified and eliminated. An amazing three quarters of all the toxins in your body are eliminated in the water vapor from your lungs as you breathe. The remaining toxins are eliminated through the urine, stool, sweat and mucus. How well you detoxify depends largely on the quantity and quality of the water you drink. how much water should you drink every day? Start by drinking plenty of water every day. To calculate your daily water needs, use the simple formula below: how do you know if you’re not drinking enough water? Dehydration can be extremely serious and life threatening and may require medical care. Symptoms may include: • Dry mouth • Limited tear production • Thirst and weakness • Decreased or unusually dark urine • Sunken eyes or parched, cracked lips • Dizziness, drowsiness, nausea or feeling faint • Irritability or confusion • Fever, low blood pressure or increased pulse Eat water-rich fruits and vegetables every day The recommendation is five servings per day for children, seven for women and nine for men. Some fruits and vegetables high in water content you can easily include in your diet include: • Broccoli • Spinach • Cucumber • Bell peppers • Cabbage • Asparagus • Cauliflower • Carrots • Oranges • Watermelon • Apples • Cantaloupe • Bananas • Blueberries • Grapefruit • Grapes • Tomatoes ÷2 = your weight in pounds Ounces of water per day Example: A 150-pound person would need to drink about 75 ounces of water per day. 150 ÷ 2 = 75 ounces (a little over 9 cups of water) 1. Approximately 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. This same statistic applies to half the world population. 2. In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is mistaken for hunger. 3. Even mild dehydration can slow down a person’s metabolism by as much as 3%. 4. One glass of water shut down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of dieters in a University of Washington study. 5. Lack of water is the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue. 6. Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water can significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers. 7. Just a small 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math and difficulty focusing on the computer screen or on a printed page. 8. Drinking five glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can cut the risk of breast cancer by 79% and bladder cancer by 50%. 9. Dehydration has been identified as a possible trigger to acute gout attacks. Drinking a half-gallon of water a day may also keep gout attacks away, according to researchers at Boston University School of Medicine. FASCINATING FACTS ABOUT WATER 1. Approximately 75% of Americans are Drink Up!Water is crucial in maintaining good health 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  • 20. trivita.com20 l VITAJOURNAL O besity is one of the most serious health threats we face. Combating obesity is a priority for most people in North America because two-thirds of us are overweight or obese. In simplest terms, weight gain occurs when the number of calories we consume exceeds the number of calories we burn off during our daily activity. In order to lose weight, we can either limit calories or increase our level of activity (or do a little of both). However, our typical diet does not provide the nutrients that are necessary to aid in weight loss. Fortunately for us, the peoples of the Sonoran Desert have gifts to help us meet our weight loss goals. Natives in the Sonoran Desert are thin and energetic throughout their entire lives. They have one of the lowest rates of obesity, diabetes and general disability of all Native peoples. And they also enjoy one of the greatest life- spans and health-spans of any culture. With that in mind, I have re-formulated Leanology® nutritional shakes with the gifts of the Sonoran Desert. fruits and vegetables All healthy diets include protein, fats, vegetables and fruits. The main fruit of the Sonoran people is the Nopal cactus superfruit. The most common green vegetable they eat are nopalitos – the leaf of the nopal cactus. The nopal leaf has many fascinating characteristics. According to several studies, including one from the Institute of Nuclear Medicine, Univer- sity of Perugia, Italy, the Nopal leaf has been shown to help reduce “bad” cholesterol and increase “good” cholesterol. These leaves help balance your blood sugar and effectively assist with weight loss. They offer high density of nutrients coupled with low calories for our Leanology nutritional shakes. Nopal cactus leaves in the diet of the Sonoran Desert Natives are one important reason why these people are so remarkably healthy! Protein Although the peoples of the Sonoran Desert eat lean, grass-fed game in season, their primary sources of protein are plant-based. Key among these are the pods from the mesquite tree. The mesquite produces a seed that is so hard it is inedible. The pod that carries the seed is edible and delicious! The mesquite tree is a cousin to the carob tree. So, the pods have a naturally sweet, chocolate-like flavor. The pods are high in fiber (necessary for weight loss) and high in protein while being very low in calories. The natives pulver- ize the mesquite pods into a fine powder and use it in many ways, often simply blending it with water and enjoying the natural sweetness. healthy fats Almost every cell in the human body is surrounded by fat. Rather than being “bad,” fats are necessary for life, health and energy. Omega-3 fats are especially important for both heart and brain health, and to balance healthy hormones. Salmon and walnuts are two excellent sources of Omega-3 fats. But the undisputed champion of Omega-3 is the sage seed from the Sonoran Desert! The seed itself is one-quarter Omega-3 by weight – more than any other food. So, a little goes a long way. Sage seeds give the natives of the Sonoran the health and energy they need for vibrant, low-illness life. Calories in, calories out You can’t lose weight if you are always hungry. Three things stop hunger: high-volume foods with abundant nutrients; hearty foods that satisfy our need for protein; and foods that contain the fats we need for energy. The leaves of the nopal cactus are nutrient dense and satisfy our “volume” cravings. The pods of the mesquite tree are sweet, loaded with fiber and protein-rich. The seeds of the sage plant are loaded with beneficial fats – especially Omega-3 fats. Sonoran Desert natives also live a very active life. They work and play within the harshest desert in the world. Most of us here in North America get less than 25 minutes of activity per day while the natives average around 2 ½ hours daily! The foods of the Sonoran are nutrient- packed and they fuel enthusiasm. They make you want to get up off the couch and get active doing the things you love. Enjoy the new Leanology shakes and accept the gifts of the Sonoran Desert: a lean body, a long life and robust vitality! See page 8 for more information about Leanology. They are packed with nutrients from the Sonoran Desert for an even better weight loss experience By Brazos Minshew, Chief Science Officer GOOD NEWS!about re-formulated Leanology shakes brazos minshew O besity is one of SonoranDesert Reformulation · Chiaseed · Mesquite · Nopalcactus 30SERVINGS New Formulation HIGH IN PROTEIN LOW IN SUGAR
  • 21. Article from Michael Ellison continued from page 2... I am sure James Robison won’t mind that I share his story with you. James and Betty have a wonderful mission of helping people worldwide experience wellness by offering food, shelter and clothing to aid the poor; they also offer spiritual wellness by helping people experience a relationship with God. They teach and put into practice our 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness every day. We have worked and traveled with them for over 25 years in their far-reaching mission outreach. Every now and then James and I will play golf together and he always wears a brace on his left arm to protect an injured tendon. I introduced James to Nopalea, and after a couple of months we went and played golf and he did not wear his brace for the first time in over 15 years. He looked at me, smiled, shrugged and said, “What can I say, it must be Nopalea.” Why not start your year off with another step to enhance your health? If you have only taken an ounce a day you may not have experienced the more immediate benefits that come from a larger quantity. Some people only take it off and on and may not experience measurable results. It may sound like a miracle drink when we talk about the experiences people are having from it, but it is not. You have to give it the opportunity to demonstrate its ability to put the fire of inflammation out by starting out with the Nopalea loading dose we are suggesting. If your house was on fire, would you want your fire department to show up with garden hoses to attach to water spouts, or a 4-inch fire hose to attach to a fire hydrant? Of course we all know the answer. I am only saying this because I know that’s how people have approached this product. Some have wanted to stretch it out so they water it down, some think it is too sweet so they only take a little, but some love the taste and drink 3-6 ounces or more a day. Those who have taken the Challenge with this Nopalea loading dose are those who are experiencing incredible results, and you can read about a few of them on pages 10-11 and 14-15. We want you to take the Nopalea Wellness Challenge to kick off the New Year so you too can experience greater wellness in 2010! Learn more about the Challenge on pages 4-5. May you have a Blessed and Healthy New Year! TriVita’s House of Giving and Life Outreach International have partnered to provide pure, fresh water for children and their families: • Over 1 billion people throughout the world do not have access to pure, fresh water • Waterborne illnesses run rampant in these areas • Just a $4.80 donation can save one person’s life • With your donation, you can leave a legacy by giving the gift of life Your tax-deductible gift can be combined with others to create new wells – providing water to thousands of people for a lifetime! Last year, we saved 21,000 lives. This year, our goal is to save even more! Want to make a difference? Call 1-800-991-7116 and a Wellness Consultant will be happy to take your tax-deductible donation along with your order. you can mail your donation to: House of Giving 16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop Ste. 950 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 you can make a lAStInG dIffErEnCE Your contribution will touch countless lives We value your feedback. Please send your comments to: or mail to Editor, c/o TriVita, Inc., 16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop, Suite 950, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 “You too can experience greater wellness in 2010!” January 2010 l 211-800-991-7116 Bitter Greens with Walnuts InGrEdIEntS • 1/2 cup walnut pieces • 1 bunch dandelion greens • 1 bunch mustard greens • 1 bunch collard greens • 1 Tbsp. grapeseed oil • 4 cloves garlic • Sea salt to taste dIrECtIOnS Toast the walnuts in a 350 degree F oven for 5-10 minutes, until they release a fragrant odor. Wash the greens and remove any coarse stems (especially from collards and mustard greens). Bring three inches of salted water to boil, add the greens and boil for fi ve minutes uncovered. Drain the greens, lay on a fl at surface to cool, and then chop. Heat the oil in a large sauté pan, add garlic and cook for one minute, stirring so the garlic does not burn. Add greens, walnuts and salt to taste. Cook until greens are heated through. Christa’s recipes continued from page 16...
  • 22. A s I sit down to write this article, my life is changing in a big way. I am leaving the city of Scottsdale where I have lived for the past 28 years and the house I have lived in for 14 of those years. It’s hard for me to leave the familiar and go to the unknown: A new city and a new house void of the memories that makes a house a home. All three of my children lived in this house and left the safety of the nest to go out on their own. They did it! Why am I clinging? I was sharing with a friend about how hard it is for me to move and let go of the memo- ries that had taken place in this house. (Not that they were all good; I have had my regrets.) He said, “Judy, life is like a mural that we keep adding to with every change that takes place. You don’t lose the memo- ries, you just add to them. Consider the move and the new year ‘white space’ to create whatever you really want on your mural.” For some reason this thought really struck a chord with me. I had “white space,” a fresh space on which to create the continuing mural of my life. Let go of the regrets You may be having regrets for things that happened in 2009. Life isn’t just about good times. We all make mistakes and have regrets. That’s what makes us human. Don’t beat your- self up for things that happened. Don’t live your life through a rearview mirror. There is a way to release ourselves, and others, from the pain and suffering of regret. Let go. Let go of blaming yourself and others by choosing to forgive and move on. Here are four steps to get you started Acknowledge your mistakes – Taking personal ownership that your past actions resulted in bringing about your current reality is the first step to moving past regrets and into a brighter future. Choose to forgive – If your past actions or words have harmed another person, an apology may be in order. Sometimes it isn’t feasible to apologize as it may only make matters worse to open up wounds. If you feel badly about a past action you’ve taken that cannot be made right, definitely forgive yourself, and let it go. Be Grateful – The most valuable lessons learned in life often come from the mistakes we make. Embrace them, and feel gratitude for getting past the incident. Don’t repeat the same mistake – If you are faced with similar difficulties over and over again, this is an indica- tion that you have not learned the lessons these situations are trying to teach. New opportunity will come about only after you take responsibility for your actions and change your current and future behavior. As you face 2010, you have the opportunity to begin again and create on the white space of your life. The past is the past but you have the chance here to make things the way you want them to be. The best is yet to come in this brand new year! Just believe it and make it happen.  Live Your Life Without Regrets... and Move onby Dr. Judy Judy Ellison, Ph.D. Judy Ellison, Ph.D., is a psychologist, author and motivational speaker. She has inspired people around the world to reach within and find their passionate purpose to live a more meaningful life. We all make mistakes and have regrets. That’s what makes us human. trivita.com22 l VITAJOURNAL 1 2 3 4
  • 23. “For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.” – Romans 11:29 T hroughout this issue of the VitaJournal, you can feel the excitement about the Nopalea™ Wellness Challenge. You can feel the excite- ment in our TriVita headquarters, too, and all the “buzz” got me thinking: why not have a “Faith Challenge?” Spiritual health is essential to overall health, of course, so there’s no better time than this first month of 2010 to challenge ourselves: let’s re-examine the foundation of our faith, and challenge ourselves to make it the rock on which we build our relationship to God. I’m not talking about a New Year’s resolution here, but a re-commitment to following His will for our life purpose. What we need to bring forward into 2010 and beyond is our fundamental faith in the wisdom of what God has called us to do. What is it that God has called you to do, and are you going towards that calling? This is the time to sit down and write it down. Write down your purpose It’s so easy for us all to get absorbed in minor day-to-day tasks and events that we lose our focus on why we’re here. So today, I urge you to write down your purpose. We know that writing things down helps make them “real” for us, so take a note card or piece of paper and write it down: what is it that God has promised you would do in your lifetime? Once you’ve written down your purpose, what action steps can you take to achieve it? Maybe your life purpose is to help others less fortunate. That’s pretty general, but the specific steps might look like this: 1. Donate time to the local soup kitchen once a week. 2. Take clothes and household items to the homeless shelter. 3. Be a volunteer at a hospital or hospice. My own “Faith Challenge” is with me all the time. My wife and I feel that our purpose is to establish a retreat center for weary pastors to be renewed, restored and recharged. Every day, an index card on my mirror reminds me of this purpose, and it adds two important words: “Be aware.” You might ask, “Be aware of what?” and that’s the issue. What does God have going on around you to be aware of? A plan fell through, yet I was thrilled A few years ago a close friend came to me with news of a retreat center in Arizona that was available. It had changed hands, and the new owners wanted to sell. But the price was too high and the deal didn’t happen. I wasn’t disappointed; I got very excited, because I had been aware, the opportunity was presented and I was ready to move forward. Each year, I renew my faith that establishing that retreat is one of my God callings. What’s yours? Maybe you think your purpose has passed by: you’re “too old,” or “don’t have the money,” or whatever excuse comes up. Put the excuses aside and take the Faith Challenge: Dream again. Write down your purpose. Be specific. Take the steps that will get you there. This is the time to renew your faith that God has a plan for you. Maybe you haven’t seen it yet; maybe it hasn’t come to fruition yet. Know that whatever the plan, God’s working on it for you. As we read in Romans 11:29, once God reveals His purpose for you, He doesn’t take it back. Has it been a while since you thought about your purpose? Is your faith rooted in bygone dreams? Renew that faith now; shore up that foundation, and let God’s plan be present in your everyday life. It doesn’t matter who you are, or where: faith transcends all personalities and backgrounds. It’s the belief in that thing that you can’t touch, that thing that isn’t there. This New Year, I wish you the power of God’s will made manifest in your life through faith. In the New Year, strengthen your faith by Chaplain Gene Henderson Gene henderson your body, His Temple – 1 Cor. 6:19-20 January 2010 l 231-800-991-7116 Put the excuses aside and take the Faith Challenge. What is it that God has called you to do, and are you going towards that calling? This is the time to sit down and write it down.
  • 24. trivita.com24 l VITAJOURNAL “The Leanology System inspired me to change the way I was eating.” “I had gone up to slightly over 300 pounds, then I got down to 200 within 8 months, but I was sick and anemic and did not take a healthy approach to weight loss. I began to put the weight back on and obesity damaged my intestines and I developed severe diverticulitis. So, I decided to order the Leanology System. Well, I lost just over 20 pounds in 30 days! I used the capsules, the shakes and the chews. I began to eat a good, healthy lunch – usually a salad with protein and three Leanology capsules. I usually make one Leanology shake per day. The Leanology System inspired me to change the way I was eating – especially with fresh fruit, veggies and lean meats. Using Leanology gave me the power to change my thoughts about eating and get in the zone to make a lifestyle change. The capsules were especially helpful with cravings and burning off excess fat. I am thrilled to report that my waist size is now 36, and I was at size 42-44 before I started Leanology.” JohN W. – sPoKaNe, Wa “My energy was back!” “I have a mitro-valve condition in my heart, so I have my blood tested often. During one blood test, the doctor found that I had anemia, which made me tired. A lady in our church suggested Sublingual B-12, so I started taking it. At my next blood test, the anemia didn’t show up at all, and my energy was back! I mentioned the B-12 to my daughter. She has a 21-year-old girl with dyslexia and attention deficit disorder. Now my granddaughter is taking the B-12 and can hardly live without it. The Sublingual B-12 really perks her up; she even drives 100 miles each way to college 3 times a week.” lorraINe W. – aVoN ParK, Fl “I noticed I was feeling less edgy and distressed.” “I am a 29-year-old woman who was first diagnosed with depression and generalized anxiety disorder when I was 19. I started taking anti-depressants and then stopped taking them and continued to live with my symptoms for several years. I saw a new psychotherapist who prescribed several anxiety and depression medications, which didn’t really help. After a horrible detox from the drugs I was still left with depression and anxiety. Two weeks ago I told a friend that I felt like I was at the end of my rope. She suggested that I try Adaptogen 10 Plus. At first I was skeptical, but shortly after I started taking Adaptogen I noticed I was feeling less edgy and distressed. It is an awesome product and I have never gotten such quick results.” cyNthIa h. – QueeN creeK, aZ “My cholesterol level hasn’t been this low since high school.” “I am a 30-something stay-at-home mom of 2 very active girls. I heard about all the wonderful things fish oils can do for you, so I decided to try TriVita’s OmegaPrime. After about two months of taking the OmegaPrime, I was due for my yearly exam. My cholesterol has been borderline high for years. Both my parents have high cholesterol, so I am always very concerned about mine. I was pleasantly surprised to find that my cholesterol level had gone down and the only thing I did differently was take the OmegaPrime. Thanks for a quality product.” JaN D. – MattheWs, Nc *Youshouldconsultwithahealthcareproviderbeforestartinganydiet,exercise orsupplementationprogram,beforetakinganymedicationorifyoususpect youmighthaveaheartproblem.Youshouldnotstoptakinganymedication withoutfirstconsultingyourhealthcareprovider. See what Members like you have to say about TriVita® products! “Super Sublingual B-12 is absolutely one of my favorites.” “I want to thank TriVita for their Super Sublingual B-12 product. It has helped me greatly ever since I started taking it and I always notice how much better I feel. Super Sublingual B-12 has given me energy, focus and improved my memory and kept me in good health. Because I have regularly taken high quality TriVita products over the years and practiced the 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness, I have enjoyed a healthy lifestyle in my senior years without medications and few doctor visits. Super Sublingual B-12 is absolutely one of my favorites and I always have some handy in my purse to share with others so that they can also experience wellness.” DelFINa F. – rochester, MI Real Storiesfrom real people “I lost 22 pounds and I have kept it off almost one year.” “I love Leanology capsules – they work great for me! I lost 22 pounds and have kept it off for almost one year. It has been great. Normally when I go on a diet, the weight comes back on in three months. I also have the Leanology shake as a meal replacement three to four times a week. This helps when I am in a rush and need a quick, tasty, healthy meal. I am happy to say that I have gone down at least two sizes in my clothing. I have more energy and a lot of people have really noticed and made great comments! What’s really great is that I lost this weight nine months ago, so when I say that I’ve kept it off, I really have! I know there are things that I eat which would normally trigger my body to gain a few pounds, but with Leanology capsules I do not gain the weight and I really do feel great! They are so easy to take and they help with cravings. I feel very comfortable recommending Leanology as a really excellent product for weight reduction.” Mary Kay P. – east yorK, oN “I had gone up to slightly over 300 pounds, then I got down to 200 within 8 months, but I was sick and anemic and did not take a healthy approach to weight loss. I began to put the weight back on and So, I decided to order the System in 30 days! I used the capsules, the shakes and the chews. I began to eat a good, healthy lunch – usually a salad with protein and three Leanology capsules. I usually make one Leanology shake per day. The
  • 25. January 2010 l 251-800-991-7116 K imberly’s heartrending story makes the occasional inconveniences of life seem very trivial in comparison. When she spoke at TriVita’s 2009 Galaxy of Stars event, many attendees were moved to tears by Kimberly’s inspirational saga of survival. This Mesa, Arizona resident was diagnosed with bone cancer in 1996. Unfortunately, the cancer was very advanced and doctors gave her little hope. “The doctor told me I had one month to live at the most,” Kimberly remembers. “He added that I should probably start planning my own funeral.” This was devastating news – because Kimberly was planning to get married in one month. She went ahead with the marriage – and her husband, David, has strongly supported her through many very difficult times. Kimberly’s torturous chemotherapy and surgery Always the fighter, Kimberly refused to give up and die. She met with other specialists and underwent a radical chemotherapy treatment that had excruciating side effects. By this time, the fast-growing cancer had spread into her hip, spine and lungs. Yet the chemotherapy shrank the tumors enough to make surgery a possibility. However, there were major risks involved and many doctors refused to do it. “I prayed to the Lord that if there’s anything else, show it to me, I need it now,” Kimberly recalls. “I checked out every possible type of alternative medicine and there was nothing they could do for me.” She finally found a hospital that was willing to perform the surgery, yet Kimberly was warned that she would have to lose her right leg and possibly even her left leg. “This changed everything,” comments Kimberly. “I went home and prayed to make the right decision and decided to go ahead with it.” Originally the doctors thought the surgery would be completed within six hours. Yet, it took six hours to stop the bleeding and another six hours for the surgery. She lost her right leg and half of her pelvis, but thankfully the surgeons saved her left leg. Finally, Kimberly was cancer-free. Doctors were doubtful she could ever have children, yet once again Kimberly proved the naysayers wrong and she has since delivered 2 beautiful children, a 7-year-old girl and 10-month-old boy. the painful aftermath Unfortunately, Kimberly’s troubles were only beginning after the cancer surgery, because she now had to deal with unrelenting pain. “I’ve battled pain for many years and it has really taken a toll on my life,” she says. “I had to be on heavy duty pain medications just to get through the day. Sometimes they didn’t work at all. The pain got so bad that I couldn’t leave the house, or even leave my bedroom. I’d hide in the closet with my pillow because I was screaming in pain and praying to God to ease my incredible suffering.” nopalea’s life-changing effect Kimberly was resigned to a lifetime of suffering when she was approached by Don, a fellow churchgoer and TriVita® Affiliate Member, as she was getting into her car. He helped her children get situated and asked what had happened to her. “I told him my cancer story and resulting pain and he said ‘I think I know something that might be able to help you. Would you be willing to try a product called Nopalea?’ I told him I’d try anything if it would help with my pain.” Sure enough, Don followed through and a bottle of Nopalea arrived in the mail several days later. Both Kimberly and her husband were understandably skeptical, because she had tried some of the strongest prescription pain medications available. Don checked in with her later in the week and Kimberly was pleased to report that after only a few days the Nopalea was helping. “I kept taking it and realized that the pain in my left hip and spine and the phantom pain from my lost leg dramatically improved,” she says. “Better yet, after my doctor saw how great I was doing he agreed to greatly reduce the pain medication that I had done nothing but increase in the past 13 years.”* “I am so excited about Nopalea,” Kimberly continues. “I just want to keep taking it and tell other people about it so they can experience what I have – a major decrease in pain. This is a great product that really works!” Nopalea has given Kimberly hope that after many years filled with pain and anguish she can finally enjoy life and her wonderful family. * Results may vary. Do not stop taking any medication without first consulting your healthcare provider. from unrelenting pain to everlasting hope Sonoran Bloom Nopalea has dramatically eased Kimberly’s post-cancer pain Member Spotlight “Iamsoexcitedabout Nopalea...Thisisagreat productthatreallyworks!” – Kimberly Member Spotlight “Iamsoexcitedabout KimberlywithMichaelEllisonatthe2009GalaxyofStars with her later in the week and Kimberly was KimberlywithMichaelEllison KimberlywithMichaelEllison Kimberlyandfamily
  • 26. trivita.com26 l VITAJOURNAL R egular stretching can lengthen your muscles and increase your range of motion: in other words, it can help improve your flexibility. And flexibility can help: • Reduce the risk of injury • Increase balance • Improve coordination • Promote circulation • Improve posture • Reduce stress Improved flexibility can also mean an easier time picking something off the floor or reaching for something on a high shelf. Just be sure to follow these stretching do’s and don’ts: do: • Consult your healthcare provider before beginning a stretching program, especially if you have had hip replacement surgery • Warm up before stretching to reduce your risk of injury • Try to stretch for 20 minutes at least 3 times per week • Stretch all muscle groups including those in the back, chest, shoulders, neck, legs and arms don’t: • Stretch to the point of pain; you may feel discomfort but pain is a warning sign • Stretch before warming up • Bounce while you stretch; this can lead to injury • Twist your spine or overextend your neck • Hold your breath while stretching • Jerk into position; move slowly ready to get started? Try these stretching exercises from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Office on Women’s Health (both women and men can perform these stretches): • Cross shoulder stretch Stand up straight, with knees slightly bent. Place feet hip distance apart. Make sure toes are pointing forward. Keep shoulders even. Bend right arm at elbow joint, extend arm across chest. Place left hand on the right elbow to gently support the arm during this stretch. Hold stretch for a count of eight. Repeat this stretch on opposite side, using right hand to stretch left arm and shoulder. • triceps stretch Stand up straight, with knees slightly bent. Place feet hip distance apart. Make sure toes are pointing forward. Keep shoulders even. Bend right arm at elbow joint, lift arm next to your head. Position right fingers so they touch the shoulder blade area. Place left arm across top of head, and place left hand on the right elbow to gently support the arm during this stretch. Hold stretch for a count of eight. Repeat this stretch on the opposite side, using right hand to stretch left triceps. • Chest stretch Stand up straight, with knees slightly bent. Place feet hip distance apart. Make sure toes are pointing forward. Keep shoulders even. Place arms behind your back. Clasp your hands together, extending your arms behind your back and hold this position. Hold stretch for a count of eight. • quadriceps stretch Stand facing a wall, about one foot away from it. Keep yourself up by putting your right hand against the wall. Raise your left leg behind you and grab your foot with your left hand. Pull your heel slightly up toward your bottom, stretching the muscles in the front of your left thigh for 20 seconds. Keep your thighs close together to keep your knee aligned and stretch effective. Repeat the stretch with your right leg. • hamstring stretch Lie down with your back flat on the floor, with both of your knees bent. Place your feet flat on the floor, about six inches apart. Bend your right knee up to your chest and hold onto your right thigh with both hands placed behind your knee. Slowly straighten your right leg, feeling slight stretching in the back of your leg. Hold the stretch for 20 seconds, and then repeat with your left leg. REACHfor better flexibilityStretching can help improve your freedom of movement and range of motion