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Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual

                 Integrated Commune Development Planning

        Participatory Rural Appraisal
                                         Training Manual

Integrated Commune Development Planning (Integrated CDP) in Quang Ngai Prov-
ince merges household and community needs with available Programs, Projects and
funding sources. This Participatory Rural Appraisal ‘Training Manual’ is used
by Commune People’s Committees and District People’s Committees. This Manual
outlines the Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) training course outline, training
sessions and training approaches applied in Integrated CDP to train Facilitators in

                                               Quang Ngai Province—2006
Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual

Integrated Commune Development Planning (Integrated CDP) aims to improve planning in Quang Ngai Prov-
ince through merging community needs with available projects, programs and funding resources. Integrated
CDP Guidelines were developed and approved by the Provincial People’s Committee on 6 July 2006 (PPC Deci-
sion No. 1611/QD-UBND). Integrated CDP will be conducted in 76 Communes in 7 Districts in Quang Ngai
Province in 2006. Nine Steps are conducted under Integrated CDP:
         •         Step 1: PRA Training to Facilitators and PRA Field Exercises
         •         Step 2: Provincial and District Orientation Plan Workshops to outline available projects, pro-
                   grams and funding sources for Communes for the following year
         •         Step 3: The Commune People’s Committee reports the implementation status of 2006 Plan and
                   drafts mandatory targets (including State revenue/expenditure) and Guidance targets for the fol-
                   lowing year’s Plan
         •         Step 4: Village Planning Meetings to identify priority household and community problems and
         •         Step 5: The Commune People’s Committee finalises the Commune Plan at a Commune Plan
                   Preparation Meeting and submits the Plan to the Commune Communist Party Committee and
                   Commune People’s Council Standing Committee for ratification
         •         Step 6: The Commune Plan is submitted to the District People’s Committee via the District Plan-
                   ning and Finance Division for approval
         •         Step 7: The Commune Plan is prepared for implementation with a Commune Plan Feedback
         •         Step 8: Monitoring and Evaluation of the Commune Plan by the Commune People’s Committee
         •         Step 9: The Commune People’s Committee prepares a list of priority projects not funded under
                   the current Commune Plan and submits to the Commune People’s Council for consideration and
                   possible funding in the following year.

This Participatory Rural Appraisal ‘Training Manual’ was prepared for Commune and District People’s
Committees to train Facilitators that will conduct Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) Field Exercises con-
ducted under Integrated CDP. Guidance is given on the PRA Training Course outline, training approaches, fa-
cilitation skills and methods to teach Facilitators on how to conduct PRA Tools. Facilitators will conduct PRA
Field Exercises with households in Villages. The PRA results are presented to households at Village Planning
Meetings and form a foundation for the preparation of the Commune Plan.

Department of Planning and Investment—DPI                                    Quang Ngai Rural Development Program — RUDEP
                                                                                      Funded by the People of Viet Nam and Australia

96 Nguyen Nghiem Street                                                                                    37 Pham Van Dong Street
Quang Ngai City                                                                                                     Quang Ngai City
Quang Ngai Province                                                                                             Quang Ngai Province
Socialist Republic of Viet Nam                                                                         Socialist Republic of Viet Nam

Telephone: 055—055—822 868                                                                                  Telephone: 055—816 265
Fax: 055-825 701                                                                                                    Fax: 055-816 260
Email:                                                                        Email:
Website:                                                                                Website:

The printing of this Manual was funded by the Quang Ngai Rural Development Program. All illustrations were drawn by Mr. Duong Huu

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Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual

PRA Training Course Agenda
                                                    DAY 1
    Session    Time                                               Topic
        1       8:00       30      Welcome, Introduction of Trainees and Ice-Breaker
                                   Introduction to PRA Training Course for Facilitator
        2       8:30       40
                                   Overview of Integrated Commune Development Planning
        3       9:10       20      Agenda and Trainer/Trainee Agreement
        -       9:30       15                                 MORNING TEA
        4       9:45       45      Introduction and Purpose of PRA
        5      10:30       60      Roles and Purpose of Facilitators
        -      11:30       120                                    LUNCH
        6      13:30       60      Historical Timelines
        7      14:30       60      Village Resource Mapping
        -      15:30       15                               AFTERNOON TEA
        8      15:45       60      Transect Walks
        9      16:45       15      Day 1 Review and Conclusions
                                                    DAY 2
       10       8:00       20      Day 1 Review and Day 2 Activities
       11       8:20       60      Wealth Ranking
        -       9:20       15                                 MORNING TEA
       12       9:35       60      Seasonal Calendars
       13      10:35       60      Linkage Diagrams
        -      11:30       120                                    LUNCH
       14      13:30       60      Matrix Scoring and Ranking
       15      14:30       60      Problem-Cause-Effect-Solution Trees
        -      15:30       15                               AFTERNOON TEA
       16      15:45       30      Review of PRA Tools
       17      16:15       45      Preparation for PRA Field Exercises (Morning Day 3)
                                                    DAY 3
                                   Welcome and introduction to Integrated CDP and PRA Field Exer-
       18       7:30       20
       19       7:50       130     PRA Tool Exercises
       20      10:00       60      PRA Field Exercise Review with households
        -      11:30       120                                    LUNCH
       21      13:30       90      Review of PRA Field Exercise
        -      15:00       15                               AFTERNOON TEA
       21      15:15       30      Review of PRA Field Exercise
       22      15:45       45      Presentations at Village Planning Meetings
       23      16:15       45      Training Course Review, Conclusion and Closing

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Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual

Participatory Rural Appraisal: Tools

             PRA TOOLS                                           PURPOSE

                                          •   Understand the history of the Village and Commune
                                          •   Identify key points and trends throughout history of a
   Historical Timelines
                                              Commune or Village—either positive or negative
                                          •   Discuss the effect (influences) of key points in history

                                          •   Visual map to represent the Village and different re-
                                              source types and how these are used
   Village Resource Mapping
                                          •   Identify resources that are scarce or abundant and
                                              propose opportunities to develop

                                          •   Facilitates discussion on the status, problems and
                                              potential of different land types
   Transect Walks
                                          •   Discuss problems and the causes of problems associ-
                                              ated with land use

                                          •   Identify household perceptions of wealth classes in a
                                              Village or Hamlet
   Wealth Ranking                         •   Identify the resources and characteristics of each
                                              wealth class
                                          •   Wealth class of individual households in a Village
                                          •   Exercise to identify and discuss seasonal events and
   Seasonal Calendars                         activities (cropping, livestock, migration, income/
                                          •   Identify and analyse household farming systems, re-
                                              sources and their uses
   Linkage Diagrams
                                          •   Identify options and activities to improve household
                                              farming systems, resource productivity and income
                                          •   Analyse preferences of households of different income
                                              generating activities and reasons for preferences
   Matrix Scoring and Ranking             •   Analyse common problems or issues and score or
                                              rank these in order of importance (e.g. health or so-
                                              cial problems)
                                          •   Highlights the compounding causes and effects of a
   Problem-Cause-Effect-Solution              specific problems faced by households in a Village
   Trees                                  •   Propose activities to overcome some of the causes and
                                              effects of problem faced by households in a Village

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Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual

 PRA Training Course for Facilitators:

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Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual

PRA Training Course for Facilitators—Preparation
Training Courses require a great deal of preparation. You need to prepare well for the PRA Train-
ing Course for Facilitators to ensure that the Course runs well. Here are some items that you
should prepare before the Training Course.

Facilitators                         •   Facilitators are required to conduct PRA Field Exercises
                                     •   Facilitators need to be identified in each Commune
                                     •   This Training Course is delivered to Facilitators in each Com-

Timing and Dates                     •    Trainers and the Commune People’s Committee need to ar-
                                          range a date for the Training Course
                                     •    Ensure that the Commune People’s Committee confirms the
                                          date and sends invitation letters to the Facilitators (‘Trainees’)

Training Materials                   •    Each Training Course requires materials—you need to prepare
                                          sufficient pens, A0/A4 paper, chalk and refreshments for the
                                          Training Course
                                     •    Presentations are required for the Training Course —prepare
                                          these in advance carefully

PRA Field Exercise                   •    The morning of Day 3 involves are PRA Field Exercise with
                                          households—this provides an opportunity for the Facilitators
(Day 3)                                   (Trainees) to practice the PRA Tools with households
                                     •    Arrange this PRA Field Exercise with the Commune People’s
                                          Committee in one of the Villages in the Commune
                                     •    Confirm the number of households that will attend—and en-
                                          sure that there are sufficient number of women

Roles of Trainers                    •    Three Trainers conduct the Training Course
                                     •    It is best when the Trainers share training responsibilities
                                     •    Go through the Agenda of the Training Course and discuss
                                          which trainer will be the Trainer for each part of the Agenda

Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual

Identifying Facilitators in each Commune
Facilitators are extremely important and you need to be careful about people from each Commune
that will play the role of a Facilitator. Facilitators need to be identified before PRA Training
Courses for Facilitators. Here is some background information to help you and the Commune Peo-
ple’s Committee identify good Facilitators.

                                          •   The number of Facilitators required for each Commune will
How Many                                      vary
Facilitators are                          •   Communes that have few households or a small number of Vil-
Required for each                             lages don’t need many Facilitators (only 10-15 Facilitators)
                                          •   Communes with a large number of households and many Vil-
Commune?                                      lages will require up to 20 Facilitators
                                          •   Collect background information on each Commune—
                                              particularly the number of Villages and households—this will
                                              help you and the Commune People’s Committee identify an ap-
                                              propriate number of Facilitators

Facilitators—Quality                      •   It is better to have a small number of good and enthusiastic
                                              Facilitators—don’t go for quantity!
is Better than
                                          •   It is always better to have 5 dedicated and enthusiastic Facili-
Quantity!                                     tators rather than 10 unenthusiastic and lazy Facilitators

                                          •   Pay close attention to the ‘Characteristics of Good Facilitators’
                                              —this should provide a foundation for selecting Facilitators in
                                              each Commune and Village

Discuss Criteria of                       •   Facilitators have to dedicate a lot of time to attend Training
                                              Courses and facilitate PRA Field Exercises and Village Plan-
Facilitators before                           ning Meetings—make sure that you invite people that reliable
                                              and dedicated
                                          •   Mistakes are often made when people select their friends or
                                              relatives to act as Facilitators—this will cause problems if they
                                              don’t possess the characteristics of good Facilitators

                                          •   Women need to be encouraged to be Facilitators—each Com-
                                              mune should have at least 40% of Facilitators being women
Encourage Women!                          •   Female Facilitators will conduct PRA Field Exercises with
                                              groups of women to identify issues and opportunities according
                                              to women

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Setting a Date for the PRA Training Course for Facilitators
You need to set a date with the Commune People’s Committee for the PRA Training Course for Fa-
cilitators. Confirm the number of Facilitators (Trainees), the Training Course location and prepare
for the PRA Field Exercise conducted on the morning of Day 3. Here is some useful information to
help you and the Commune People’s Committee prepare.

Meet with the                         •   Meet with the Commune People’s Committee to confirm a date
                                          for the PRA Training Course for Facilitators
Commune People’s                      •   The Training Course is 3 full days in duration—confirm these
Committee                                 dates don’t clash with other activities

Confirm the Number                    •   Confirm whether any Commune People’s Committee or Mass
                                          Movement Officials will also attend the Training Course
of Facilitators                       •   Request the names of all Facilitators and confirm the number
(Trainees)                                of Trainees

Training Location                     •   Agree with the Commune People’s Committee on the Training
                                          Course location
                                      •   Check that the location is suitable and appropriate for the num-
                                          ber of Trainees
                                      •   Visit the location with the Commune People’s Committee and
                                          think about any additional materials or equipment that you
                                          might need (e.g. chairs, etc.)

Preparation for PRA                   •   The Morning of Day 3 of the Training Course involves a PRA
                                          Field Exercise
Field Exercise (Day                   •   This is conducted with 20-25 households in one Village in the
3)                                        Commune and provides an opportunity for Facilitators to test
                                          the PRA Tool and their facilitation skills
                                      •   Discuss with the Commune People’s Committee about a Village
                                          and location where the PRA Field Exercise will be conducted
                                      •   Check the location of the PRA Field Exercise with the Com-
                                          mune People’s Committee and confirm that it is suitable
                                      •   Remember to request the Commune People’s Committee to in-
                                          vite households to participate in the PRA Field Exercise—make
                                          sure that 50% of people invited are women

Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual

Preparation of Training Materials
It is very important to prepare sufficient Training Materials for the Training Course. Here is some
useful information on the Training Materials required and their purpose.

A0 Paper                                  •   About 50 A0 sheets of paper are required for the Training
                                          •   These are used record discussion during the Course and the re-
                                              sults of PRA Field Exercises

A0 PRA Tools                              •   You need to prepare A0 presentations of PRA Tools—these are
                                              used to demonstrate to Trainees how to conduct each PRA Tool
                                          •   These need to be prepared by the Trainers in advance—make
                                              sure that they are colourful and easy for Trainees to see

Marker Pens                               •   You will need a box of Marker Pens for the Training Course
                                          •   Make sure that you have blue, black and red Marker Pens
                                          •   Look after the Marker Pens—they will run out if you don’t take
                                              good care of them.

Coloured Cards                            •   Coloured Cards are small pieces of coloured paper about one-
                                              third A4 size
                                          •   The different coloured cards are used to record ideas and results
                                              of Trainees/Trainers and are stuck on A0 paper during the
                                              Training Course
                                          •   Coloured Cards are also used to highlight difficulties, opportuni-
                                              ties and activities proposed by households during PRA Field

A4 Paper, Pens and                        •   A4 paper and Folders are required for Trainees during the PRA
                                              Field Exercises
Folders                                   •   The A4 paper and Folders are used to record the results of the
                                              PRA Field Exercises

Chalk and                                 •   Coloured chalk is used to conduct some of the PRA Tools (e.g.
                                              Village Resource Mapping and Linkage Diagrams) - use the
Coloured Pens                                 chalk to draw items on the ground
                                          •   Coloured pens are used for drawing on A0 results of PRA Tools
                                              and make results more visual and easier for households to un-

Additional                                •   Rope is sometimes needed to hang A0 paper at the front of the
Materials                                 •   Clips are needed to attach A0 paper on rope to present results
                                          •   Masking tape is used to stick Coloured Card and other items on
                                              A0 paper and PRA Tools

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Roles of Trainers
You are now nearly prepared for your PRA Training Course for Facilitators. Before you start, the
Trainers need to discuss training roles. Here are some suggestions that you might want to consider:

Review the Training                       •   The 3 Trainers need to review the Agenda of the PRA Training
                                              Course for Facilitators
Course Agenda                             •   Go through the Agenda with each other and make sure that you
                                              all understand the Training Session Plans and the steps in-

Agree on Training                         •   The Agenda of the PRA Training Course Facilitators is outlined
                                              on Page 3 and 4.
Roles                                     •   Nominate a ‘Lead Trainer’ for the Training Course—this person
                                              will guide all Training Sessions, the Trainers and Trainees
                                          •   Go through the Agenda and agree on which Trainer will train
                                              each Training Session
                                          •   The nominated Trainer of each Session is helped by the remain-
                                              ing two Trainers

Preparation of                            •   The nominated Trainer for each Session is responsible for the
                                              preparation of all materials and preparation required for that
Training Materials                            Session
                                          •   Check the materials and preparation required for each Ses-
                                              sion—make sure that it is all prepared before the Training

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PRA Training Course for Facilitators:
                   Training Sessions

Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual

Introduction to the Training Course Session Plans
The PRA Training Course for Facilitators is divided into 23 Training Sessions.
Each Training Session has ‘Session Plan’ that is contained in this Manual.
Use the Session Plans to guide you through each Training Session.
Here is some information to guide you through how to use the Session Plans:

  Session Plan
  Learning Outcomes
           •    These are the main points that the Trainees should know or understand at the completion of
                each Training Session.

  Duration:                                               Materials:
                                                          •    This outlines the materials required for each
                    This is the time al-                       Training Session
                    located for each par-                 •    Make sure that these are prepared in advance
                    ticular Training                           and ready when you start each Training Ses-
                    Session.                                   sion.

                                            TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD
         Time                     Topic                              Method and Materials
                                                   •   The training methods and materials used to deliver training
   Time required for
                                                       on each particular topic
   each particular       The main topics of each
   Topic of the Train-   Training Session          •   This Method and Materials Column will guide you step-by-
   ing Session                                         step through each Training Session and Topic

  Tips for the Trainer:
           •    This section provides you with some useful suggestions to help you through Session
           •    Difficulties that you might encounter are sometimes highlighted and tips are given on how
                to overcome these.
           •    Always take time to read this section of the Session Plans—it can be very useful for you!

Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual

Session 1: Welcome and Introduction
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this session, participants will:
         •     Know the Trainers and the other participants in the Training Course
         •     Feel welcome and are ready to start!

Duration:                                                       Materials:
                                                                •    Coloured cards
                                                                •    Marker pens
                   30 minutes                                   •    Box of matches

                                             TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD

  Time                 Topic                                          Method and Materials

                                           Welcome the Trainees and thank them for their attendance
             Welcome to Facilitators and Explain briefly the objectives of the Training Course and the activities to be con-
             Trainees                    ducted
                                           Introduce the Trainers and other relevant people to the Trainees

                                           Begin by conducting an Ice-Breaking Exercise to introduce all Trainees to one-
                                           another and create a comfortable atmosphere to start the Training Course!
                                           Make sure that each Trainee is wearing a name tag written on a Coloured Card
                                           There are 3 Ice-Breaking Exercise options to use for Trainees to introduce each

                                                   •    Ask each person to light a match and introduce themselves in the
                                                        time it takes for the match to go out
   20’       Ice-Breaking Exercise
                                                   •    Throw a ball from person-to-person and ask each Trainee to intro-
                                                        duce themselves when they catch the ball

                                                   •    Split the Trainees into pairs—each Trainee in a pair will find out
                                                        some information about the other Trainee—they will then introduce
                                                        each other
                                           Give a round of applause when everyone is finished—you now request the Train-
                                           ees to be seated and prepare for Session 2.

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Session 1: Welcome and Introduction

Tips for the Trainer!
•    Make sure people stand in a circle when introducing one another during the Ice-Breaking Exercise
•    You can use an Ice-Breaking Exercise at the beginning of each half-day session—you will find that Train-
     ees will respond more enthusiastically during the Training Course
•    Check the seating arrangements when Trainees are seated. Make sure that Trainees are sitting in a cir-
     cle—no writing or desk work is required during the Training Courses

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Session 2: Introduction to the Training Course and Integrated
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this session, participants will know:
         •     The content of the Training Course and activities to be conducted
         •     Steps involved in Integrated CDP and the role of PRA in the planning process

Duration:                                                     Materials:
                                                              •     A0 sheet with the Steps involved in Integrated
                   30 minutes                                 •     A0 Planning diagram to summarise Integrated

                                            TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD

 Time                  Topic                                        Method and Materials

                                          Use the A0 sheet with the Steps involved in Integrated CDP to inform the Train-
                                          ees on the planning process

                                                  •   Highlight the previous methods to prepare a Commune Plan

                                                  •   Highlight improvements to the Planning Process initiated through
             Overview of Integrated                   Integrated CDP
   15’       Commune Development
             Planning                     Summarise Integrated CDP by using the A0 planning diagram

                                                  •   Ask the Trainees what they think the diagram shows about making
                                                      the Commune Plan
                                          Facilitate discussion between the Trainees and answer that Integrated CDP aims
                                          to merge available projects, programs and funds with household needs.

                                          Use the same two A0 sheets to outline and emphasise the steps that involve the
                                          participation of households

                                                  •   PRA Field Exercises

                                                  •   Village Planning Meetings

                                        Explain briefly the activities that are conducted during the PRA Field Exercises
             Household Participation in
                                        and the Village Planning Meetings
   15’       Integrated Commune Devel-
             opment Planning            Emphasize once again that PRA Field Exercises and Village Planning Meetings
                                        are Steps under Integrated CDP that collect information on the difficulties and
                                        priority activities of households

                                                  •   This information is used to prepare the Commune Plan

                                          Quickly review the information that you presented and ask questions to check
                                          that Trainees understand the content.

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Session 2: Introduction to the Training Course and Integrated

                                 TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD (Continued)

    Time            Topic                                       Method and Materials

                                     Emphasize two of the main Steps under Integrated CDP where households par-
                                     ticipation is high:

                                             •   PRA Field Exercises and Village Planning Meetings

                                     Ask the Trainees about possible methods to gather household ideas at PRA Field
                                     Exercises and Village Planning Meetings

                                             •   This is conducted through Facilitators

           PRA Training Course for
                                             •   Facilitators work with groups of households and collect their ideas
     10’                                         raised at PRA Field Exercises and Village Planning Meetings
                                     Conclude that the Trainees were nominated to be Facilitators in the Commune

                                             •   This is a very important job—they should be congratulated for being
                                     This Training Course aims to equip Trainees with the necessary skills to act as
                                     Facilitators for PRA Field Exercises
                                     You are now ready proceed to Session 3 on the Agenda and Trainer/Trainee

Tips for the Trainer!
•     Try to summarise the Integrated CDP Steps—don’t go into too much detail and confuse the Trainees on
      specific items.

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Session 3: Training Times, Agenda and Trainer/Trainee Agree-
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this session, participants will:
         •    Know the Agenda of the PRA Training Course for Facilitators
         •    Agree with the Trainer on start times, Course rules and obligations of the Trainer/Trainees

Duration:                                                     Materials:
                                                              •    Blank A0 Paper
                                                              •    Marker Pens
                   20 minutes

                                           TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD

  Time                 Topic                                        Method and Materials

                                         Each of the Trainees should have a copy of the Training Course Agenda
             Agenda of the Training
    5’                                   Read through the Agenda with the Trainees—you might need to elaborate on
                                         some items or topics

                                         A Trainer/Trainee Agreement sets the rules for the Training Course! All Trainees
                                         (and Trainers) agree to adhere to the rules!
                                         Start by asking the Trainees to agree on preferred start times, lunch times and
                                         finish times for each day

                                                 •    Write these times on A0 Paper

                                         Discuss things that Trainees and Trainers should not do and discuss some penal-
   15’       Trainer/Trainee Agreement   ties if these rules are broken!

                                                 •     Late to arrive

                                                 •     Missing a Training Session

                                                 •     The Trainees will think of some more!

                                         Once you have written all items on the Trainer/Trainee Agreement and you con-
                                         firm that everyone agrees—request everyone to sign the Agreement before start-
                                         ing Morning Tea!

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Session 3: Training Times, Agenda and Trainer/Trainee Agree-

Tips for the Trainer!
•    Prepare an A0 copy of the Agenda before the Training Course—you can hang this on a wall for the dura-
     tion of the Training Course so that Trainees know time limits and the duration of different Training Ses-
•    The Trainer/Trainee Agreement is very important—this sets rules for the Training Course. Keep this up
     on a wall so that all Trainees can see—and of course, you have to enforce the punishments!

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Session 4: Introduction and Purpose of PRA
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this session, participants will:
         •     Know the purpose of PRA and how PRA is conducted
         •     Understand basic concepts and terms used in PRA

Duration:                                                   Materials:
                                                            •     Blank A0 Paper
                                                            •     Coloured Cards
                   45 minutes                               •     Marker pens

                                          TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD

  Time                   Topic                                    Method and Materials
                                       Hang a sheet of A0 Paper at the front of the room with the word ‘Participatory
                                       Rural Appraisal’ written on a card (in Vietnamese) - explain the abbreviation
    5’       What is PRA?
                                       Using Coloured Cards, emphasize the main point of ‘What is PRA?’

                                                 •   Set of Exercises conducted with households

                                       Emphasise using Coloured Cards on the same A0 sheet ‘The Purpose of PRA’

                                                 •   Gather and analyse information on community resources

                                                 •   Analyse current situation and potential in a Village

                                                 •   Analyse problems and their causes

                                                 •   Support households to identify activities that respond to difficulties
             What is the Purpose of
   10’                                               and opportunities
                                       Ask the Trainees ’How could PRA be useful in Integrated CDP?’

                                                 •   Record their answers and write them on Coloured Cards to place on
                                                     the A0 Paper
                                       Refer to the Integrated CDP A0 diagram and explain that PRA supports the iden-
                                       tification of difficulties and needs of households—these are considered when de-
                                       veloping the Commune Plan

                                       Write the word ‘PRA Tools’ on the A0 Paper and start to slowly explain what PRA
                                       Tools are to the Trainees

                                                 •   PRA is actually many different exercises or activities—these are
                                                     called ‘PRA Tools’

                                                 •   Each PRA Tool is conducted differently

                                                 •   Each PRA Tool has a different purpose and outcome
   15’       PRA Tools
                                       Explain that there are many PRA Tools—this Training Course will only focus on
                                       8 of these PRA Tools
                                       Refer to the information you provided the Trainees at the beginning of the Session
                                       about the purpose of the PRA

                                                 •   These 8 PRA Tools are used to gather and analyse information on
                                                     the community resource status, problems, potential and needs.

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Session 4: Introduction and Purpose of PRA

                                   TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD (Continued)

    Time             Topic                                       Method and Materials

                                      Write the words ‘How is PRA Conducted’ on the A0 Paper and start to slowly ex-
                                      plain how PRA is conducted
                                      PRA is conducted with households from a Village or Hamlet

                                              •    20—25 households

                                              •    Half-day in duration in each Village or Hamlet

                                              •    Each half-day in a Village or Hamlet is called a ‘PRA Field Exercise’
     15’   How is PRA Conducted?
                                      PRA Field Exercises are conducted with households and Facilitators

                                              •     Facilitators are people that guide discussion between households—
                                                    we will learn more about Facilitators in Session 5

                                              •     Facilitators work with groups of households to conduct the PRA
                                      Review the content learnt in Session 4 and refresh the information for the Train-
                                      ees—check that Trainees have an understanding of what you discussed.

Tips for the Trainer!
•     Don’t be too concerned if Trainees find it hard to understand the content of Session 4—this information
      will be consolidated as you proceed through the Training Course and following Training Sessions.
•     Use Coloured Cards to highlight the main points that you make in Session 4—remember Coloured Cards
      should only have 1 main idea and be easy for all Trainees to read.
•     Don’t go into too much detail in Session 4—one of the most important Learning Outcomes of Session 4 is
      that Trainees understand PRA terminology (e.g. PRA, PRA Tools, PRA Field Exercises, Facilitators, etc.)
      and the difference between these.

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Session 5: Roles and Purpose of Facilitators
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this session, participants will:
         •     Know the roles of a Facilitator in Integrated Commune Development Planning
         •     Understand good Facilitation behaviours and behaviours to avoid

Duration:                                                       Materials:
                                                                •     Blank A0 Paper
                                                                •     Coloured Cards
                   60 minutes                                   •     Marker pens
                                                                •     A0 Integrated CDP Diagram (used in Session 2)

                                             TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD

  Time                 Topic                                            Method and Materials
                                           Place an A0 Paper at the front of the room with ‘Facilitators’ written on the top
                                           Ask the Trainees

                                                   •     What is a Facilitator?

                                                   •     What might the role of a Facilitator be?

                                           Record the answers of Trainees on Coloured Cards and place them on a sheet of
                                           A0 Paper and continue discussion
   15’       What are Facilitators?
                                           Review the responses of the Trainees, congratulate correct responses and write
                                           the correct answer on Coloured Cards:

                                                   •     Facilitators guide discussion between households

                                                   •     Facilitators are not teachers

                                                   •     Facilitators work with households to identify community needs and
                                                         link households to the planning process

                                           On the A0 Paper write ‘Characteristics of Good Facilitators’ and ask the Trainees
                                           ‘What do think are characteristics of a good Facilitator’?
                                           Record the answers of Trainees on Coloured Cards and place them on the A0 Pa-
                                           per and continue discussion
                                           Review the responses of the Trainees, congratulate correct responses and write
                                           the correct answer on Coloured Cards:

             What are Characteristics of           •     Enthusiastic
             a Good Facilitator?
                                                   •     Respect ideas raised by households

                                                   •     Someone people like and respect

                                                   •     Have some background knowledge of the people and the Commune

                                                   •     Understand and respect the local culture

                                                   •     A good listener

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Session 5: Roles and Purpose of Facilitators

                                     TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD (continued)

    Time              Topic                                           Method and Materials
                                           Write ‘Behaviours that Facilitators should Avoid’ on the bottom-half of the A0
                                           Paper and ask the Trainees ‘What do think are behaviours a Facilitator’ should
                                           Record the answers of Trainees on Coloured Cards and place them on a sheet of
                                           A0 Paper and continue discussion
                                           Review the responses of the Trainees, congratulate correct responses and write
           What Behaviours should          the correct answer on Coloured Cards:
           Facilitators Avoid?                     •     Prejudice or possess a negative attitude towards people

                                                   •     Use complex terms with households

                                                   •     Project one’s own idea all the time

                                                   •     Lecture or teach households

                                                   •     Reject ideas or comments raised by households

                                           Use the A0 Planning Diagram used in Session 2 to discuss the roles of Facilitators
                                           in Integrated CDP and help the Trainees to visualize

                                                   •     PRA Field Exercises

                                                   •     PRA Field Exercises Review Meeting
           Role of Facilitators in Inte-
     15’   grated CDP and Review of                •     PRA Presentations at Village Planning Meetings
           Session 5                               •     Village Planning Meetings—Facilitating household groups

                                                   •     Participation at Commune Plan Preparation Meetings

                                           Review the content of Session 5 with the Trainees—ask questions to confirm that
                                           Trainees understand the content

Tips for the Trainer!
•     The Trainers can use simple examples to demonstrate behaviours that Facilitators should avoid—you can
      do this by acting some of these behaviours. Ask the households if these behaviours are good or not—and
      how should Facilitators act?
•     Emphasize the important role that Facilitators play and give them some praise to make them feel impor-
      tant—this will increase their level of confidence and enthusiasm in the Training Course.

Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual

Session 6: Historical Timelines
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this session, participants will:
         •     Know the methods used to conduct Historical Timeline exercises
         •     Understand the use of Historical Timelines and how to analyse results

Duration:                                                      Materials:
                                                               •     Blank A0 Paper
                                                               •     Coloured Cards
                   60 minutes                                  •     Marker pens
                                                               •     A0 Historical Timeline Exercise
                                                               •     Chalk

                                            TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD

  Time                 Topic                                          Method and Materials
                                          Explain to the Trainees that you are going to conduct a Historical Timeline exer-
                                          cise together—you can either do this on the floor of the Training Room or outside
                                          Follow the Method outlined in the ‘Participatory Rural Appraisal: Manual for

                                                  •     Work through slowly and carefully—make sure all Trainees can see
                                                        and understand what you are doing
             Example of a Historical      Remember to ask the Trainees about key positive and negative events throughout
             Timeline Exercise            history

                                                  •     Record ‘events’ and ‘influences’ on the Timeline for each event

                                          Record the results on an A0 sheet of Paper with 3 columns: Date, Event and Influ-

                                                   •    Facilitate discussion between the participants on key events and
                                                        trends in History and look at future vulnerability to events

                                          Discuss the results of the Historical Timeline exercise with the Trainees
                                          Show the Trainees the results of the A0 Historical Timeline you prepared before
                                          the Training Course

             Review of Historical Time-           •     Discuss the similarities and differences between the two exercises
             line Results                 Ask about the facilitation skills that Facilitators should use to do Historical Time-

                                                   •    Can the Trainees think of any difficulties that they will face doing
                                                        Historical Timelines? If so—how can these be overcome?

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Session 6: Historical Timelines

                                       TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD (continued)

    Time             Topic                                            Method and Materials
                                          Look at the Historical Timelines, ask the Trainees ‘How can the results of Histori-
                                          cal Timelines be used?’—record and discuss answers
                                          Historical Timelines can be used to:

                                                   •   Provide orientation to development plans

                                                   •   Learn lessons on events that have happened in the past and their
           Application of Historical                   effects
           Timelines                               •   Identify issues associated with livestock/crop production and their

                                                   •   Identify community vulnerability to events (e.g. natural disasters)
                                                       and their frequency
                                          Review the activities conducted in Session 6 and clarify any questions or difficul-
                                          ties that Trainees have with Historical Timelines.

Tips for the Trainer!
•     Historical Timelines are very interesting—you can learn a lot about the history of the people and the Com-
      mune—show your interest when you are conducting the exercise with the Trainees
•     Start the Historical Timeline exercise on the floor of the Training Room or outside on the ground—using
      this method means that the Trainees are likely to use a similar approach when facilitating the exercise
      with households.

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Session 7: Village Resource Mapping
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this session, participants will:
         •     Know the methods used to conduct Village Resource Mapping exercises
         •     Understand the use of Village Resource Mapping and how to analyse results

Duration:                                                      Materials:
                                                               •     Blank A0 Paper
                                                               •     Coloured Cards

                   60 minutes                                  •     Marker pens
                                                               •     A0 Village Resource Map
                                                               •     Chalk and local materials

                                            TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD

  Time                 Topic                                          Method and Materials
                                          Explain to the Trainees that you are going to conduct a Village Resource Mapping
                                          exercise together—do this on the ground outside the Training Room
                                          Follow the Method outlined in the ‘Participatory Rural Appraisal: Manual for

                                                  •    Work through slowly and carefully—make sure all Trainees can see
                                                       and understand what you are doing
                                          Remember to keep all Trainees active and participate in the Mapping exercise
             Example of a Village Re-
             source Map                           •    Use some locally available products to stick on the Map (e.g. sticks,
                                                       stones, leaves, etc.)
                                          Facilitate discussion between the Trainees on the resources/land types, which
                                          resources are abundant/scarce, current problems and potential activities

                                                   •   Show the Trainees how to transfer the results from the Village Re-
                                                       source Mapping exercise onto an A0 Matrix highlighting land/
                                                       resource type, status, problems, potential and solutions

                                          Discuss the results of the Village Resource Mapping exercise with the Trainees
                                          Show the Trainees the results of the A0 Village Resource Mapping you prepared
                                          before the Training Course

                                                  •    Discuss the similarities and differences between the results of the
             Review of Village Resource                two exercises
             Mapping Results              Ask about facilitation skills that Facilitators should use to do Village Resource

                                                   •   Can the Trainees think of any difficulties that they will face doing
                                                       Village Resource Mapping? If so—how can these be overcome?

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Session 7: Village Resource Mapping

                                    TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD (continued)

    Time             Topic                                          Method and Materials
                                        Look at the Village Resource Mapping results, ask the Trainees ‘How can the re-
                                        sults of Village Resource Mapping be used?’—record and discuss answers
                                        Village Resource Mapping can be used to:

                                                 •   Identify issues associated with local resources and land types

                                                 •   Identify appropriate solutions and opportunities to improve land use

                                                 •   Develop simple land use management plans

                                        Ask the Trainees to think of times when you can use Village Resource Mapping—
           Application of Village Re-
     20’                                record and discuss the answers
           source Mapping
                                                 •   Planning large-scale activities in a community (e.g. roads, irrigation,

                                                 •   Assessing different land types, their uses and opportunities

                                                 •   Doing farming systems or forestry surveys to assess land use and
                                        Review the activities conducted in Session 7 and clarify any questions or difficul-
                                        ties that Trainees have with Village Resource Mapping
                                        It is now time for Afternoon Tea!

Tips for the Trainer!
•     Having a beautiful map is not the most important result of Village Resource Mapping—discussion on re-
      source issues and opportunities is the most important element of Village Resource Mapping—you need to
      demonstrate this when you are conducting this exercise with the Trainees!
•     Remember to make the map on the ground first using local materials (rocks, sticks, grass, etc.) - this
      makes it easy to make changes to the Map—the Map can then copied onto A0 paper and coloured in.
•     Keep the Village Resource Map and the results close by—this will be needed for Session 8 (Transect
      Walks) - Village Resource Mapping and Transect Walk results complement each other.

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Session 8: Transect Walks
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this session, participants will:
         •     Know the methods used to conduct a Transect Walk exercise
         •     Understand the use of Transect Walks and how to analyse results

Duration:                                                     Materials:
                                                              •     A0 Village Resource Map
                                                              •     A4 Paper and Folder

                   60 minutes                                 •     A0 paper
                                                              •     Marker Pens
                                                              •     A0 Transect Walk Matrix

                                         TIME, CONTENT AND METHOD

  Time                 Topic                                         Method and Materials
                                         Explain to the Trainees that you are going to conduct a Transect Walk exercise

                                         Follow the Method outlined in the ‘Participatory Rural Appraisal: Manual for

                                                  •    Make sure that you actually conduct a small Transect Walk with the
                                                       Trainees—pick a route on the Village Resource Map

                                                  •    Walk slowly and stop at each location discuss carefully
   25’       Example of a Transect Walk Remember to keep all Trainees active and participate in the discussions at each

                                                  •    Record the discussion on the Matrix on the A4 Paper

                                         Facilitate discussion between the Trainees on the resources and land types and
                                         their current status/uses, issues, potential and suggested activities

                                                  •    Show the Trainees how to transfer the results from the Transect
                                                       Walk exercise onto an A0 Matrix highlighting land type, status,
                                                       problems, potential and solutions
                                         Discuss the results of the Transect Walk exercise with the Trainees
                                         Show the Trainees the results of an A0 Matrix you prepared before the Training

             Review of Transect Walk
                                                  •    Discuss the similarities and differences between the results of the
   15’                                                 two exercises
                                         Ask about facilitation skills that Facilitators should use to do Transect Walks

                                                  •    Can the Trainees think of any difficulties that they will face doing
                                                       Transect Walks? If so—how can these be overcome?

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Session 8: Transect Walks

                                     TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD (continued)

    Time             Topic                                          Method and Materials
                                        Look at the Transect Walk results, ask the Trainees ‘How can the results of Tran-
                                        sect Walks be used’? - record and discuss answers
                                        Transect Walks can be used to:

                                                 •   Identify issues associated with local resources and land types

                                                 •   Discuss and visualize issues associated with local resources and
                                                     land types

                                                 •   Develop simple land use management plans

           Application of Transect               •   Transect Walks also contribute to the land and resource status, is-
     20’                                             sues and potential outlined in Village Resource Mapping!
                                        Ask the Trainees to think of times when you can use Transect Walks—record and
                                        discuss the answers

                                                 •   Planning activities in a community (e.g. roads, irrigation, etc.)

                                                 •   Assessing different land types, their uses and opportunities

                                                 •   Planning farming systems of agricultural activities with households

                                        Review the activities conducted in Session 8 and clarify any questions or difficul-
                                        ties that Trainees have with Transect Walks

Tips for the Trainer!
•     Emphasize that Transect Walks are best conducted after Village Resource Mapping—these two Tools are
•     As you walk with the Trainees through the Village, take some small samples of leaves of crops—you can
      place these on your Village Resource Map
•     Remember that Transect Walks are a Tool that households and Facilitators can learn together—ask ques-
      tions about why households do/don’t do certain cropping or land use practices

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Session 9: Day 1 Review and Conclusions
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this session, participants will:
         •    Review and consolidate knowledge learnt on Day 1
         •    Outline any difficulties or areas requiring some further information or understanding

Duration:                                                   Materials:
                                                            •    A0 PRA Results and Session Materials
                                                            •    Marker Pens
                   15 minutes
                                                            •    Coloured Cards

                                          TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD

  Time                 Topic                                      Method and Materials
                                       Explain to the Trainees that you are quickly going to review the Sessions on Day
                                       1 and information provided

                                                 •   Use the A0 Session Presentations or A0 PRA Results to do this

                                       Go through each Training Session briefly highlighting the main points that Train-
                                       ees should remember

                                                 •   Session 2—Introduction to Integrated CDP and PRA

                                                 •   Session 3—Agenda and Trainer/Trainee Agreement

   10’       Review of Day 1                     •   Session 4—Introduction and Purpose of PRA

                                                 •   Session 5—Roles and Purpose of Facilitators

                                                 •   Session 6—Historical Timelines

                                                 •   Session 7—Village Resource Mapping

                                                 •   Session 8—Transect Walks

                                       There is no need to go into great detail—remember that you will review Day 1
                                       again at the beginning of Day 2

                                       It is now time to conclude Day 1!

    5’       Conclusion and Closing
                                                 •   Thank the Trainees for their attendance and enthusiasm

                                                 •   Remind them of the starting time for Day 2

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Session 9: Day 1 Review and Conclusions

Tips for the Trainer!
•   Collect all the Training Materials for Day 1 and prepare for the Session 10 on Day 2—you will need these
    Materials for this Session
•   It is often good for Trainers to have a brief discussion at the end of the Training Session to review Day 1
    and prepare for Day 2—think about information or PRA Tools that Trainees do not understand well—you
    could focus on these in Session 10 of Day 2.

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Session 10: Day 1 Review and Day 2 Activities
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this session, participants will:
         •     Review and consolidate knowledge learnt on Day 1
         •     Understand the activities to be conducted on Day 2 of the Training Course

Duration:                                                   Materials:
                                                            •     A0 PRA Results and Session Materials
                                                            •     Marker Pens

                   20 minutes                               •     Coloured Cards
                                                            •     A0 Agenda

                                          TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD

  Time                 Topic                                       Method and Materials
                                       Explain to the Trainees that you are quickly going to review the PRA Tools on
                                       Day 1 and information provided

                                                 •   Make sure that you have the A0 PRA Results to do this

                                       Go through each PRA Tool briefly highlighting the main points that Trainees
                                       should remember—ask questions and request Trainees to give answers!

   10’       Review of Day 1                     •   Historical Timelines

                                                 •   Village Resource Mapping

                                                 •   Transect Walks

                                       Think about PRA Tools and facilitation approaches that Trainees had difficulties
                                       with on Day 1—you can refresh their knowledge in this Session

                                       It is now time to inform the Trainees on the activities that will be conducted on
                                       Day 2
                                       Training will be delivered on 5 PRA Tools

                                                 •   Wealth Ranking

                                                 •   Seasonal Calendars

   10’       Day 2 Activities                    •   Linkage Diagrams

                                                 •   Matrix Scoring and Ranking

                                                 •   Problem-Cause-Effect-Solution Trees

                                       Time will be allocated to review all of the PRA Tools
                                       A PRA Field Exercise will be conducted on the morning of Day 3—the final Train-
                                       ing Session on Day 2 will prepare for this Field Exercise

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Session 10: Day 1 Review and Day 2 Activities

Tips for the Trainer!
•   The Review of Day 1 activities should focus mainly on the PRA Tools from Day 1—ask a lot of questions
    and answers to check the Trainees’ understanding

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Session 11: Wealth Ranking
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this session, participants will:
         •     Know the methods used to conduct a Wealth Ranking exercise
         •     Understand the use of Wealth Ranking and how to analyse results

Duration:                                                      Materials:
                                                               •    Blank A0 Paper
                                                               •    Coloured Cards

                   60 minutes                                  •    Coloured Cards with household names
                                                               •    Marker pens
                                                               •    A0 Wealth Ranking Results

                                            TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD

  Time                 Topic                                         Method and Materials
                                          Explain to the Trainees that you are going to conduct a Wealth Ranking exercise

                                          Follow the Method outlined in the ‘Participatory Rural Appraisal: Manual for

                                                  •    Work through slowly and carefully—make sure all Trainees can see
                                                       and understand what you are doing
                                          Remember to ask Trainees about the different characteristics of each Wealth

                                                  •    Record the different characteristics on the A0 paper—use drawings
   25’       Example of Wealth Ranking                 and pictures to show these characteristics
                                          Explain to the Trainees that you record the names of households from a Village
                                          on small Coloured Cards

                                                  •    Give some examples of methods to facilitate discussion to place
                                                       households in a separate Wealth Class

                                                  •    Once you have completed placing households in a Wealth Class,
                                                       demonstrate how the names of households and their Wealth Class
                                                       are recorded on A4 paper
                                          Facilitate discussion on the results of the Wealth Ranking exercise

                                          Discuss the results of the Wealth Ranking exercise with the Trainees
                                          Show the Trainees the results of the A0 Wealth Ranking exercise you prepared
                                          before the Training Course
             Review of Historical Time-           •    Discuss the similarities and differences between the two exercises
             line Results
                                          Ask about facilitation skills that Facilitators should use to do Wealth Ranking

                                                  •    Can the Trainees think of any difficulties that they will face doing
                                                       Wealth Ranking? If so—how can these be overcome?

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Session 11: Wealth Ranking

                                  TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD (continued)

    Time             Topic                                           Method and Materials
                                         Look at the Wealth Ranking results, ask the Trainees ‘How can the results of
                                         Wealth Ranking be used?’—record and discuss answers
                                         Wealth Ranking can be used to:

                                                  •   Identify the characteristics and resources of different Wealth
                                                      Classes in a Village or Hamlet

           Application of Wealth Rank-            •   Target poor households for assistance
           ing                                    •   Design suitable activities for different Wealth Classes (especially
                                                      the poor) based on their available resources

                                                  •   Monitor and evaluate development assistance over time to observe
                                                      changes in asset ownership
                                         Review the activities conducted in Session 11 and clarify any questions or difficul-
                                         ties that the Trainees have with Wealth Ranking.

Tips for the Trainer!
•     You need to prepare some names of households on small Coloured Cards before the Training Session—
      these are used to provide an example for the Trainees on methods to place households in a Wealth Class
•     Trainers should emphasize to Trainees that households are sometimes shy or afraid to place households in
      a Wealth Class—you can then discuss with the Trainees that Facilitators have to be very patient and em-
•     In the ‘Participatory Rural Appraisal: Manual for Facilitators’ some suggestions are given on how Wealth
      Ranking can be combined with Linkage Village Resource Mapping. Demonstrate how the names of poor
      households can placed on the Village Resource Map and facilitate discussion on what is interesting about
      the results. Can further information be added to the Wealth Ranking results based on the locations where
      poor household live???

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Session 12: Seasonal Calendars
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this session, participants will:
         •     Know the methods used to conduct a Seasonal Calendar exercises
         •     Understand the use of Seasonal Calendars and how to analyse results

Duration:                                                       Materials:
                                                                •     Blank A0 Paper and Marker Pens
                                                                •     Coloured Cards

                   60 minutes                                   •     Sticks and Stones
                                                                •     A0 Seasonal Calendar Results (Income and Ex-
                                                                      penditure and Household Consumption)

                                            TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD

  Time                 Topic                                          Method and Materials
                                          Explain to the Trainees that you are going to conduct a Seasonal Calendar exer-
                                          cise together

                                          Follow the Method outlined in the ‘Participatory Rural Appraisal: Manual for

                                                   •    Work through slowly and carefully—make sure all Trainees can see
                                                        and understand what you are doing
                                          Remember to ask households about the different activities or items required for
                                          each topic of the Seasonal Calendar

                                                   •    It is best to use two different Seasonal Calendars as an example:
             Example of a Seasonal Cal-
   25’                                                  Cattle Raising Seasonal Calendar and a Rice Paddy Seasonal Calen-
                                          Use local materials (sticks and stones) to highlight the intensity of activities or
                                          availability of resources

                                                   •    Facilitate discussion between the households and use sticks and
                                                        stones to complete the Seasonal Calendar

                                                   •    Make sure you demonstrate how women’s and men’s priorities can
                                                        be identified through men and women using different objects
                                          Facilitate discussion on the results of the Seasonal Calendar exercise

                                          Discuss the results of the Seasonal Calendar exercises with the Trainees
                                          Show the Trainees the results of the A0 Seasonal Calendar exercises you pre-
                                          pared before the Training Course on Income and Expenditure and Household con-
             Review of Seasonal Calen-             •    Discuss methods on how this can be conducted and how to modify
             dar Results                                Seasonal Calendars for other topics
                                          Ask about facilitation skills that Facilitators should use to do Seasonal Calendars

                                                   •    Can the Trainees think of any difficulties that they will face doing
                                                        Seasonal Calendars? If so—how can these be overcome?

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Session 12: Seasonal Calendars

                                   TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD (continued)

    Time             Topic                                          Method and Materials
                                        Look at the Seasonal Calendar results, ask the Trainees ‘How can the results of
                                        Seasonal Calendars be used?’—record and discuss answers
                                        Seasonal Calendars can be used to:

                                                 •   Identify appropriate timing and duration to plan different activities

                                                 •   Identify seasonal problems and issues

                                                 •   Identify activities to solve potential problems or issues

                                        Ask the Trainees about the different topics you can use Seasonal Calendars to
           Application of Seasonal Cal- investigate and plan:
                                                 •   Cropping

                                                •    Livestock

                                                •    Income/Expenditure

                                                •    Household consumption

                                                •    Social or community issues or events

                                        Review the activities conducted in Session 12 and clarify any questions or difficul-
                                        ties that Trainees have with Seasonal Calendars

Tips for the Trainer!
•     It is important for the Trainers to emphasize that Seasonal Calendars can be used for a range of different
      topics—you need to facilitate discussion between the Trainees on methods to do this and give some exam-
•     Remember to use local materials and pictures when doing the Seasonal Calendars—the Trainees will learn
      this from you and will apply this method when facilitating with households

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Session 13: Linkage Diagrams
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this session, participants will:
         •    Know the methods used to conduct a Linkage Diagram exercises
         •    Understand the use of Linkage Diagram and how to analyse results

Duration:                                                     Materials:
                                                              •    Chalk
                                                              •    Blank A0 Paper

                   60 minutes                                 •    Coloured Cards
                                                              •    Marker pens
                                                              •    A0 Linkage Diagram Results

                                           TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD

  Time                 Topic                                        Method and Materials
                                         Explain to the Trainees that you are going to conduct a Linkage Diagram exercise

                                         Follow the Method outlined in the ‘Participatory Rural Appraisal: Manual for
                                         Facilitators’ - conduct the Linkage Diagram outside on the ground

                                                 •    Work through slowly and carefully—make sure all Trainees can see
                                                      and understand what you are doing
                                         Remember to ask households about the resources in typical households and in-
                                         clude these in the Linkage Diagram
             Example of a Linkage Dia-           •    Use local materials (sticks, rocks, grass, flowers, etc.) to highlight
             gram                                     different objects on the Linkage Diagram
                                         Discuss the resource flows and use of resources in the Linkage Diagram—use the
                                         chalk to highlight the direction of these resource flows

                                                 •    Remember to demonstrate how it is possible to highlight women’s
                                                      and men’s roles—you can use different coloured chalk or different
                                                      materials (e.g. different coloured flowers)
                                         Facilitate discussion on the results of the Seasonal Calendar exercise—use col-
                                         oured cards to identify any problems discussed or opportunities identified

                                         Discuss the results of the Linkage Diagram exercise with the Trainees
                                         Show the Trainees the results of an A0 Linkage Diagram exercise you prepared
                                         before the Training Course

             Review of Linkage Diagram           •    Discuss the similarities and differences between the results of the
   15’                                                two exercises
                                         Ask about facilitation skills that Facilitators should use to do Linkage Diagrams

                                                 •    Can the Trainees think of any difficulties that they will face doing
                                                      Linkage Diagrams? If so—how can these be overcome?

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Session 13: Linkage Diagrams

                                   TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD (continued)

    Time             Topic                                           Method and Materials
                                         Look at the Linkage Diagram results, ask the Trainees ‘How can the results of
                                         Linkage Diagrams be used?’—record and discuss answers
                                         Linkage Diagrams can be used to:

                                                  •   Analyse farming systems and the flow of resources in the local area

                                                  •   Analyse labour divisions and gender roles in household farming sys-

                                                  •   Identify resource constraints, problems and opportunities
           Application of Linkage Dia-
     20’                                 Ask the Trainees about other possible uses of Linkage Diagrams—discuss the
                                         comments raised by Trainees

                                                 •    Economic analysis of household farming systems (quantities and
                                                      unit costs of inputs and outputs)

                                                 •    Comparing and analyzing household resources of different Wealth
                                                      Classes—which PRA Tool can this be combined with?
                                         Review the activities conducted in Session 13 and clarify any questions or difficul-
                                         ties that Trainees have with Linkage Diagrams

Tips for the Trainer!
•     Remember that Linkage Diagrams can be combined with Wealth Ranking—you should look at the Wealth
      Ranking results and discuss how a Linkage Diagram could be done for a particular Wealth Class (e.g. poor

Integrated Commune Development Planning                                                                                    38
PRA facilitator Training
PRA facilitator Training
PRA facilitator Training
PRA facilitator Training
PRA facilitator Training
PRA facilitator Training
PRA facilitator Training
PRA facilitator Training
PRA facilitator Training
PRA facilitator Training
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PRA facilitator Training
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PRA facilitator Training
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Phat trien con nguoi VN 1999-2004
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Ngheo và giam ngheo của VN 1993-2004
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Toan cau hoa, van de Gioi va viec lam trong nen kinh te chuyen doi:Truong hop...
Toan cau hoa, van de Gioi va viec lam trong nen kinh te chuyen doi:Truong hop...Toan cau hoa, van de Gioi va viec lam trong nen kinh te chuyen doi:Truong hop...
Toan cau hoa, van de Gioi va viec lam trong nen kinh te chuyen doi:Truong hop...
Huong dan long ghep Gioi trong hoach dinh va thuc thi chinh sach
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Suy Gam
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Suy Gam
Bai ca ve cuoc song
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Nhung ky nang co ban cho hoc sinh pho thong
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Nhung ky nang co ban cho hoc sinh pho thong
Hoc theo tinh than Unesco
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Hoc theo tinh than Unesco
Cau Chuyen Ly Nuoc Stress
Cau Chuyen Ly Nuoc StressCau Chuyen Ly Nuoc Stress
Cau Chuyen Ly Nuoc Stress
Learn to live
Learn to liveLearn to live
Learn to live
Games used in workshop and in community
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Games used in workshop and in community
Development Communication Sourcebook
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Development Communication Sourcebook
Participatory Communication Strategy Design
Participatory Communication Strategy DesignParticipatory Communication Strategy Design
Participatory Communication Strategy Design
Empowering communities
Empowering communitiesEmpowering communities
Empowering communities
Ctxh nhap mon
Ctxh nhap monCtxh nhap mon
Ctxh nhap mon
Ky Nang Phat Trien Cong Dong
Ky Nang Phat Trien Cong DongKy Nang Phat Trien Cong Dong
Ky Nang Phat Trien Cong Dong
Ky Nang Thuyet Trinh
Ky Nang Thuyet TrinhKy Nang Thuyet Trinh
Ky Nang Thuyet Trinh
Ky Nang Quan Ly Thoi Gian
Ky Nang Quan Ly Thoi GianKy Nang Quan Ly Thoi Gian
Ky Nang Quan Ly Thoi Gian
Ky Nang Thuong Luong
Ky Nang Thuong LuongKy Nang Thuong Luong
Ky Nang Thuong Luong


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PRA facilitator Training

  • 1. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual Integrated Commune Development Planning Participatory Rural Appraisal Training Manual Integrated Commune Development Planning (Integrated CDP) in Quang Ngai Prov- ince merges household and community needs with available Programs, Projects and funding sources. This Participatory Rural Appraisal ‘Training Manual’ is used by Commune People’s Committees and District People’s Committees. This Manual outlines the Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) training course outline, training sessions and training approaches applied in Integrated CDP to train Facilitators in PRA. Quang Ngai Province—2006
  • 2. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual FOREWORD Integrated Commune Development Planning (Integrated CDP) aims to improve planning in Quang Ngai Prov- ince through merging community needs with available projects, programs and funding resources. Integrated CDP Guidelines were developed and approved by the Provincial People’s Committee on 6 July 2006 (PPC Deci- sion No. 1611/QD-UBND). Integrated CDP will be conducted in 76 Communes in 7 Districts in Quang Ngai Province in 2006. Nine Steps are conducted under Integrated CDP: • Step 1: PRA Training to Facilitators and PRA Field Exercises • Step 2: Provincial and District Orientation Plan Workshops to outline available projects, pro- grams and funding sources for Communes for the following year • Step 3: The Commune People’s Committee reports the implementation status of 2006 Plan and drafts mandatory targets (including State revenue/expenditure) and Guidance targets for the fol- lowing year’s Plan • Step 4: Village Planning Meetings to identify priority household and community problems and activities • Step 5: The Commune People’s Committee finalises the Commune Plan at a Commune Plan Preparation Meeting and submits the Plan to the Commune Communist Party Committee and Commune People’s Council Standing Committee for ratification • Step 6: The Commune Plan is submitted to the District People’s Committee via the District Plan- ning and Finance Division for approval • Step 7: The Commune Plan is prepared for implementation with a Commune Plan Feedback Meeting • Step 8: Monitoring and Evaluation of the Commune Plan by the Commune People’s Committee • Step 9: The Commune People’s Committee prepares a list of priority projects not funded under the current Commune Plan and submits to the Commune People’s Council for consideration and possible funding in the following year. This Participatory Rural Appraisal ‘Training Manual’ was prepared for Commune and District People’s Committees to train Facilitators that will conduct Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) Field Exercises con- ducted under Integrated CDP. Guidance is given on the PRA Training Course outline, training approaches, fa- cilitation skills and methods to teach Facilitators on how to conduct PRA Tools. Facilitators will conduct PRA Field Exercises with households in Villages. The PRA results are presented to households at Village Planning Meetings and form a foundation for the preparation of the Commune Plan. Department of Planning and Investment—DPI Quang Ngai Rural Development Program — RUDEP Funded by the People of Viet Nam and Australia 96 Nguyen Nghiem Street 37 Pham Van Dong Street Quang Ngai City Quang Ngai City Quang Ngai Province Quang Ngai Province Socialist Republic of Viet Nam Socialist Republic of Viet Nam Telephone: 055—055—822 868 Telephone: 055—816 265 Fax: 055-825 701 Fax: 055-816 260 Email: Email: Website: Website: The printing of this Manual was funded by the Quang Ngai Rural Development Program. All illustrations were drawn by Mr. Duong Huu Nghia. Integrated Commune Development Planning 2
  • 3. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual PRA Training Course Agenda DAY 1 Duration Session Time Topic (Minutes) 1 8:00 30 Welcome, Introduction of Trainees and Ice-Breaker Introduction to PRA Training Course for Facilitator 2 8:30 40 Overview of Integrated Commune Development Planning 3 9:10 20 Agenda and Trainer/Trainee Agreement - 9:30 15 MORNING TEA 4 9:45 45 Introduction and Purpose of PRA 5 10:30 60 Roles and Purpose of Facilitators - 11:30 120 LUNCH 6 13:30 60 Historical Timelines 7 14:30 60 Village Resource Mapping - 15:30 15 AFTERNOON TEA 8 15:45 60 Transect Walks 9 16:45 15 Day 1 Review and Conclusions DAY 2 10 8:00 20 Day 1 Review and Day 2 Activities 11 8:20 60 Wealth Ranking - 9:20 15 MORNING TEA 12 9:35 60 Seasonal Calendars 13 10:35 60 Linkage Diagrams - 11:30 120 LUNCH 14 13:30 60 Matrix Scoring and Ranking 15 14:30 60 Problem-Cause-Effect-Solution Trees - 15:30 15 AFTERNOON TEA 16 15:45 30 Review of PRA Tools 17 16:15 45 Preparation for PRA Field Exercises (Morning Day 3) DAY 3 Welcome and introduction to Integrated CDP and PRA Field Exer- 18 7:30 20 cises 19 7:50 130 PRA Tool Exercises 20 10:00 60 PRA Field Exercise Review with households - 11:30 120 LUNCH 21 13:30 90 Review of PRA Field Exercise - 15:00 15 AFTERNOON TEA 21 15:15 30 Review of PRA Field Exercise 22 15:45 45 Presentations at Village Planning Meetings 23 16:15 45 Training Course Review, Conclusion and Closing Integrated Commune Development Planning 3
  • 4. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual Participatory Rural Appraisal: Tools PRA TOOLS PURPOSE • Understand the history of the Village and Commune • Identify key points and trends throughout history of a Historical Timelines Commune or Village—either positive or negative • Discuss the effect (influences) of key points in history • Visual map to represent the Village and different re- source types and how these are used Village Resource Mapping • Identify resources that are scarce or abundant and propose opportunities to develop • Facilitates discussion on the status, problems and potential of different land types Transect Walks • Discuss problems and the causes of problems associ- ated with land use • Identify household perceptions of wealth classes in a Village or Hamlet Wealth Ranking • Identify the resources and characteristics of each wealth class • Wealth class of individual households in a Village • Exercise to identify and discuss seasonal events and Seasonal Calendars activities (cropping, livestock, migration, income/ expenditure) • Identify and analyse household farming systems, re- sources and their uses Linkage Diagrams • Identify options and activities to improve household farming systems, resource productivity and income • Analyse preferences of households of different income generating activities and reasons for preferences Matrix Scoring and Ranking • Analyse common problems or issues and score or rank these in order of importance (e.g. health or so- cial problems) • Highlights the compounding causes and effects of a Problem-Cause-Effect-Solution specific problems faced by households in a Village Trees • Propose activities to overcome some of the causes and effects of problem faced by households in a Village Integrated Commune Development Planning 4
  • 5. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual PRA Training Course for Facilitators: Preparation Integrated Commune Development Planning 5
  • 6. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual PRA Training Course for Facilitators—Preparation Training Courses require a great deal of preparation. You need to prepare well for the PRA Train- ing Course for Facilitators to ensure that the Course runs well. Here are some items that you should prepare before the Training Course. Facilitators • Facilitators are required to conduct PRA Field Exercises • Facilitators need to be identified in each Commune • This Training Course is delivered to Facilitators in each Com- mune Timing and Dates • Trainers and the Commune People’s Committee need to ar- range a date for the Training Course • Ensure that the Commune People’s Committee confirms the date and sends invitation letters to the Facilitators (‘Trainees’) Training Materials • Each Training Course requires materials—you need to prepare sufficient pens, A0/A4 paper, chalk and refreshments for the Training Course • Presentations are required for the Training Course —prepare these in advance carefully PRA Field Exercise • The morning of Day 3 involves are PRA Field Exercise with households—this provides an opportunity for the Facilitators (Day 3) (Trainees) to practice the PRA Tools with households • Arrange this PRA Field Exercise with the Commune People’s Committee in one of the Villages in the Commune • Confirm the number of households that will attend—and en- sure that there are sufficient number of women Roles of Trainers • Three Trainers conduct the Training Course • It is best when the Trainers share training responsibilities • Go through the Agenda of the Training Course and discuss which trainer will be the Trainer for each part of the Agenda 6
  • 7. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual Identifying Facilitators in each Commune Facilitators are extremely important and you need to be careful about people from each Commune that will play the role of a Facilitator. Facilitators need to be identified before PRA Training Courses for Facilitators. Here is some background information to help you and the Commune Peo- ple’s Committee identify good Facilitators. • The number of Facilitators required for each Commune will How Many vary Facilitators are • Communes that have few households or a small number of Vil- Required for each lages don’t need many Facilitators (only 10-15 Facilitators) • Communes with a large number of households and many Vil- Commune? lages will require up to 20 Facilitators • Collect background information on each Commune— particularly the number of Villages and households—this will help you and the Commune People’s Committee identify an ap- propriate number of Facilitators Facilitators—Quality • It is better to have a small number of good and enthusiastic Facilitators—don’t go for quantity! is Better than • It is always better to have 5 dedicated and enthusiastic Facili- Quantity! tators rather than 10 unenthusiastic and lazy Facilitators • Pay close attention to the ‘Characteristics of Good Facilitators’ —this should provide a foundation for selecting Facilitators in each Commune and Village Discuss Criteria of • Facilitators have to dedicate a lot of time to attend Training Courses and facilitate PRA Field Exercises and Village Plan- Facilitators before ning Meetings—make sure that you invite people that reliable and dedicated Selecting • Mistakes are often made when people select their friends or relatives to act as Facilitators—this will cause problems if they don’t possess the characteristics of good Facilitators • Women need to be encouraged to be Facilitators—each Com- mune should have at least 40% of Facilitators being women Encourage Women! • Female Facilitators will conduct PRA Field Exercises with groups of women to identify issues and opportunities according to women Integrated Commune Development Planning 7
  • 8. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual Setting a Date for the PRA Training Course for Facilitators You need to set a date with the Commune People’s Committee for the PRA Training Course for Fa- cilitators. Confirm the number of Facilitators (Trainees), the Training Course location and prepare for the PRA Field Exercise conducted on the morning of Day 3. Here is some useful information to help you and the Commune People’s Committee prepare. Meet with the • Meet with the Commune People’s Committee to confirm a date for the PRA Training Course for Facilitators Commune People’s • The Training Course is 3 full days in duration—confirm these Committee dates don’t clash with other activities Confirm the Number • Confirm whether any Commune People’s Committee or Mass Movement Officials will also attend the Training Course of Facilitators • Request the names of all Facilitators and confirm the number (Trainees) of Trainees Training Location • Agree with the Commune People’s Committee on the Training Course location • Check that the location is suitable and appropriate for the num- ber of Trainees • Visit the location with the Commune People’s Committee and think about any additional materials or equipment that you might need (e.g. chairs, etc.) Preparation for PRA • The Morning of Day 3 of the Training Course involves a PRA Field Exercise Field Exercise (Day • This is conducted with 20-25 households in one Village in the 3) Commune and provides an opportunity for Facilitators to test the PRA Tool and their facilitation skills • Discuss with the Commune People’s Committee about a Village and location where the PRA Field Exercise will be conducted • Check the location of the PRA Field Exercise with the Com- mune People’s Committee and confirm that it is suitable • Remember to request the Commune People’s Committee to in- vite households to participate in the PRA Field Exercise—make sure that 50% of people invited are women 8
  • 9. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual Preparation of Training Materials It is very important to prepare sufficient Training Materials for the Training Course. Here is some useful information on the Training Materials required and their purpose. A0 Paper • About 50 A0 sheets of paper are required for the Training Course • These are used record discussion during the Course and the re- sults of PRA Field Exercises A0 PRA Tools • You need to prepare A0 presentations of PRA Tools—these are used to demonstrate to Trainees how to conduct each PRA Tool • These need to be prepared by the Trainers in advance—make sure that they are colourful and easy for Trainees to see Marker Pens • You will need a box of Marker Pens for the Training Course • Make sure that you have blue, black and red Marker Pens • Look after the Marker Pens—they will run out if you don’t take good care of them. Coloured Cards • Coloured Cards are small pieces of coloured paper about one- third A4 size • The different coloured cards are used to record ideas and results of Trainees/Trainers and are stuck on A0 paper during the Training Course • Coloured Cards are also used to highlight difficulties, opportuni- ties and activities proposed by households during PRA Field Exercises A4 Paper, Pens and • A4 paper and Folders are required for Trainees during the PRA Field Exercises Folders • The A4 paper and Folders are used to record the results of the PRA Field Exercises Chalk and • Coloured chalk is used to conduct some of the PRA Tools (e.g. Village Resource Mapping and Linkage Diagrams) - use the Coloured Pens chalk to draw items on the ground • Coloured pens are used for drawing on A0 results of PRA Tools and make results more visual and easier for households to un- derstand Additional • Rope is sometimes needed to hang A0 paper at the front of the room Materials • Clips are needed to attach A0 paper on rope to present results • Masking tape is used to stick Coloured Card and other items on A0 paper and PRA Tools Integrated Commune Development Planning 9
  • 10. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual Roles of Trainers You are now nearly prepared for your PRA Training Course for Facilitators. Before you start, the Trainers need to discuss training roles. Here are some suggestions that you might want to consider: Review the Training • The 3 Trainers need to review the Agenda of the PRA Training Course for Facilitators Course Agenda • Go through the Agenda with each other and make sure that you all understand the Training Session Plans and the steps in- volved Agree on Training • The Agenda of the PRA Training Course Facilitators is outlined on Page 3 and 4. Roles • Nominate a ‘Lead Trainer’ for the Training Course—this person will guide all Training Sessions, the Trainers and Trainees • Go through the Agenda and agree on which Trainer will train each Training Session • The nominated Trainer of each Session is helped by the remain- ing two Trainers Preparation of • The nominated Trainer for each Session is responsible for the preparation of all materials and preparation required for that Training Materials Session • Check the materials and preparation required for each Ses- sion—make sure that it is all prepared before the Training Course Integrated Commune Development Planning 10
  • 11. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual PRA Training Course for Facilitators: Training Sessions 11
  • 12. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual Introduction to the Training Course Session Plans The PRA Training Course for Facilitators is divided into 23 Training Sessions. Each Training Session has ‘Session Plan’ that is contained in this Manual. Use the Session Plans to guide you through each Training Session. Here is some information to guide you through how to use the Session Plans: Session Plan Learning Outcomes • These are the main points that the Trainees should know or understand at the completion of each Training Session. Duration: Materials: • This outlines the materials required for each This is the time al- Training Session located for each par- • Make sure that these are prepared in advance ticular Training and ready when you start each Training Ses- Session. sion. TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD Time Topic Method and Materials • The training methods and materials used to deliver training Time required for on each particular topic each particular The main topics of each Topic of the Train- Training Session • This Method and Materials Column will guide you step-by- ing Session step through each Training Session and Topic Tips for the Trainer: • This section provides you with some useful suggestions to help you through Session • Difficulties that you might encounter are sometimes highlighted and tips are given on how to overcome these. • Always take time to read this section of the Session Plans—it can be very useful for you! 12
  • 13. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual Session 1: Welcome and Introduction Learning Outcomes At the end of this session, participants will: • Know the Trainers and the other participants in the Training Course • Feel welcome and are ready to start! Duration: Materials: • Coloured cards • Marker pens 30 minutes • Box of matches TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD Time Topic Method and Materials Welcome the Trainees and thank them for their attendance Welcome to Facilitators and Explain briefly the objectives of the Training Course and the activities to be con- 10’ Trainees ducted Introduce the Trainers and other relevant people to the Trainees Begin by conducting an Ice-Breaking Exercise to introduce all Trainees to one- another and create a comfortable atmosphere to start the Training Course! Make sure that each Trainee is wearing a name tag written on a Coloured Card There are 3 Ice-Breaking Exercise options to use for Trainees to introduce each other: • Ask each person to light a match and introduce themselves in the time it takes for the match to go out 20’ Ice-Breaking Exercise • Throw a ball from person-to-person and ask each Trainee to intro- duce themselves when they catch the ball • Split the Trainees into pairs—each Trainee in a pair will find out some information about the other Trainee—they will then introduce each other Give a round of applause when everyone is finished—you now request the Train- ees to be seated and prepare for Session 2. Integrated Commune Development Planning 13
  • 14. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual Session 1: Welcome and Introduction Tips for the Trainer! • Make sure people stand in a circle when introducing one another during the Ice-Breaking Exercise • You can use an Ice-Breaking Exercise at the beginning of each half-day session—you will find that Train- ees will respond more enthusiastically during the Training Course • Check the seating arrangements when Trainees are seated. Make sure that Trainees are sitting in a cir- cle—no writing or desk work is required during the Training Courses Integrated Commune Development Planning 14
  • 15. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual Session 2: Introduction to the Training Course and Integrated CDP Learning Outcomes At the end of this session, participants will know: • The content of the Training Course and activities to be conducted • Steps involved in Integrated CDP and the role of PRA in the planning process Duration: Materials: • A0 sheet with the Steps involved in Integrated CDP 30 minutes • A0 Planning diagram to summarise Integrated CDP TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD Time Topic Method and Materials Use the A0 sheet with the Steps involved in Integrated CDP to inform the Train- ees on the planning process • Highlight the previous methods to prepare a Commune Plan • Highlight improvements to the Planning Process initiated through Overview of Integrated Integrated CDP 15’ Commune Development Planning Summarise Integrated CDP by using the A0 planning diagram • Ask the Trainees what they think the diagram shows about making the Commune Plan Facilitate discussion between the Trainees and answer that Integrated CDP aims to merge available projects, programs and funds with household needs. Use the same two A0 sheets to outline and emphasise the steps that involve the participation of households • PRA Field Exercises • Village Planning Meetings Explain briefly the activities that are conducted during the PRA Field Exercises Household Participation in and the Village Planning Meetings 15’ Integrated Commune Devel- opment Planning Emphasize once again that PRA Field Exercises and Village Planning Meetings are Steps under Integrated CDP that collect information on the difficulties and priority activities of households • This information is used to prepare the Commune Plan Quickly review the information that you presented and ask questions to check that Trainees understand the content. Integrated Commune Development Planning 15
  • 16. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual Session 2: Introduction to the Training Course and Integrated CDP TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD (Continued) Time Topic Method and Materials Emphasize two of the main Steps under Integrated CDP where households par- ticipation is high: • PRA Field Exercises and Village Planning Meetings Ask the Trainees about possible methods to gather household ideas at PRA Field Exercises and Village Planning Meetings • This is conducted through Facilitators PRA Training Course for • Facilitators work with groups of households and collect their ideas 10’ raised at PRA Field Exercises and Village Planning Meetings Facilitators Conclude that the Trainees were nominated to be Facilitators in the Commune • This is a very important job—they should be congratulated for being nominated This Training Course aims to equip Trainees with the necessary skills to act as Facilitators for PRA Field Exercises You are now ready proceed to Session 3 on the Agenda and Trainer/Trainee Agreement Tips for the Trainer! • Try to summarise the Integrated CDP Steps—don’t go into too much detail and confuse the Trainees on specific items. Integrated Commune Development Planning 16
  • 17. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual Session 3: Training Times, Agenda and Trainer/Trainee Agree- ment Learning Outcomes At the end of this session, participants will: • Know the Agenda of the PRA Training Course for Facilitators • Agree with the Trainer on start times, Course rules and obligations of the Trainer/Trainees Duration: Materials: • Blank A0 Paper • Marker Pens 20 minutes TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD Time Topic Method and Materials Each of the Trainees should have a copy of the Training Course Agenda Agenda of the Training 5’ Read through the Agenda with the Trainees—you might need to elaborate on Course some items or topics A Trainer/Trainee Agreement sets the rules for the Training Course! All Trainees (and Trainers) agree to adhere to the rules! Start by asking the Trainees to agree on preferred start times, lunch times and finish times for each day • Write these times on A0 Paper Discuss things that Trainees and Trainers should not do and discuss some penal- 15’ Trainer/Trainee Agreement ties if these rules are broken! • Late to arrive • Missing a Training Session • The Trainees will think of some more! Once you have written all items on the Trainer/Trainee Agreement and you con- firm that everyone agrees—request everyone to sign the Agreement before start- ing Morning Tea! Integrated Commune Development Planning 17
  • 18. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual Session 3: Training Times, Agenda and Trainer/Trainee Agree- ment Tips for the Trainer! • Prepare an A0 copy of the Agenda before the Training Course—you can hang this on a wall for the dura- tion of the Training Course so that Trainees know time limits and the duration of different Training Ses- sions • The Trainer/Trainee Agreement is very important—this sets rules for the Training Course. Keep this up on a wall so that all Trainees can see—and of course, you have to enforce the punishments! Integrated Commune Development Planning 18
  • 19. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual Session 4: Introduction and Purpose of PRA Learning Outcomes At the end of this session, participants will: • Know the purpose of PRA and how PRA is conducted • Understand basic concepts and terms used in PRA Duration: Materials: • Blank A0 Paper • Coloured Cards 45 minutes • Marker pens TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD Time Topic Method and Materials Hang a sheet of A0 Paper at the front of the room with the word ‘Participatory Rural Appraisal’ written on a card (in Vietnamese) - explain the abbreviation ‘PRA’ 5’ What is PRA? Using Coloured Cards, emphasize the main point of ‘What is PRA?’ • Set of Exercises conducted with households Emphasise using Coloured Cards on the same A0 sheet ‘The Purpose of PRA’ • Gather and analyse information on community resources • Analyse current situation and potential in a Village • Analyse problems and their causes • Support households to identify activities that respond to difficulties What is the Purpose of 10’ and opportunities PRA? Ask the Trainees ’How could PRA be useful in Integrated CDP?’ • Record their answers and write them on Coloured Cards to place on the A0 Paper Refer to the Integrated CDP A0 diagram and explain that PRA supports the iden- tification of difficulties and needs of households—these are considered when de- veloping the Commune Plan Write the word ‘PRA Tools’ on the A0 Paper and start to slowly explain what PRA Tools are to the Trainees • PRA is actually many different exercises or activities—these are called ‘PRA Tools’ • Each PRA Tool is conducted differently • Each PRA Tool has a different purpose and outcome 15’ PRA Tools Explain that there are many PRA Tools—this Training Course will only focus on 8 of these PRA Tools Refer to the information you provided the Trainees at the beginning of the Session about the purpose of the PRA • These 8 PRA Tools are used to gather and analyse information on the community resource status, problems, potential and needs. Integrated Commune Development Planning 19
  • 20. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual Session 4: Introduction and Purpose of PRA TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD (Continued) Time Topic Method and Materials Write the words ‘How is PRA Conducted’ on the A0 Paper and start to slowly ex- plain how PRA is conducted PRA is conducted with households from a Village or Hamlet • 20—25 households • Half-day in duration in each Village or Hamlet • Each half-day in a Village or Hamlet is called a ‘PRA Field Exercise’ 15’ How is PRA Conducted? PRA Field Exercises are conducted with households and Facilitators • Facilitators are people that guide discussion between households— we will learn more about Facilitators in Session 5 • Facilitators work with groups of households to conduct the PRA Tools Review the content learnt in Session 4 and refresh the information for the Train- ees—check that Trainees have an understanding of what you discussed. Tips for the Trainer! • Don’t be too concerned if Trainees find it hard to understand the content of Session 4—this information will be consolidated as you proceed through the Training Course and following Training Sessions. • Use Coloured Cards to highlight the main points that you make in Session 4—remember Coloured Cards should only have 1 main idea and be easy for all Trainees to read. • Don’t go into too much detail in Session 4—one of the most important Learning Outcomes of Session 4 is that Trainees understand PRA terminology (e.g. PRA, PRA Tools, PRA Field Exercises, Facilitators, etc.) and the difference between these. Integrated Commune Development Planning 20
  • 21. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual Session 5: Roles and Purpose of Facilitators Learning Outcomes At the end of this session, participants will: • Know the roles of a Facilitator in Integrated Commune Development Planning • Understand good Facilitation behaviours and behaviours to avoid Duration: Materials: • Blank A0 Paper • Coloured Cards 60 minutes • Marker pens • A0 Integrated CDP Diagram (used in Session 2) TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD Time Topic Method and Materials Place an A0 Paper at the front of the room with ‘Facilitators’ written on the top Ask the Trainees • What is a Facilitator? • What might the role of a Facilitator be? Record the answers of Trainees on Coloured Cards and place them on a sheet of A0 Paper and continue discussion 15’ What are Facilitators? Review the responses of the Trainees, congratulate correct responses and write the correct answer on Coloured Cards: • Facilitators guide discussion between households • Facilitators are not teachers • Facilitators work with households to identify community needs and link households to the planning process On the A0 Paper write ‘Characteristics of Good Facilitators’ and ask the Trainees ‘What do think are characteristics of a good Facilitator’? Record the answers of Trainees on Coloured Cards and place them on the A0 Pa- per and continue discussion Review the responses of the Trainees, congratulate correct responses and write the correct answer on Coloured Cards: What are Characteristics of • Enthusiastic 15’ a Good Facilitator? • Respect ideas raised by households • Someone people like and respect • Have some background knowledge of the people and the Commune • Understand and respect the local culture • A good listener Integrated Commune Development Planning 21
  • 22. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual Session 5: Roles and Purpose of Facilitators TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD (continued) Time Topic Method and Materials Write ‘Behaviours that Facilitators should Avoid’ on the bottom-half of the A0 Paper and ask the Trainees ‘What do think are behaviours a Facilitator’ should avoid? Record the answers of Trainees on Coloured Cards and place them on a sheet of A0 Paper and continue discussion Review the responses of the Trainees, congratulate correct responses and write What Behaviours should the correct answer on Coloured Cards: 15’ Facilitators Avoid? • Prejudice or possess a negative attitude towards people • Use complex terms with households • Project one’s own idea all the time • Lecture or teach households • Reject ideas or comments raised by households Use the A0 Planning Diagram used in Session 2 to discuss the roles of Facilitators in Integrated CDP and help the Trainees to visualize • PRA Field Exercises • PRA Field Exercises Review Meeting Role of Facilitators in Inte- 15’ grated CDP and Review of • PRA Presentations at Village Planning Meetings Session 5 • Village Planning Meetings—Facilitating household groups • Participation at Commune Plan Preparation Meetings Review the content of Session 5 with the Trainees—ask questions to confirm that Trainees understand the content Tips for the Trainer! • The Trainers can use simple examples to demonstrate behaviours that Facilitators should avoid—you can do this by acting some of these behaviours. Ask the households if these behaviours are good or not—and how should Facilitators act? • Emphasize the important role that Facilitators play and give them some praise to make them feel impor- tant—this will increase their level of confidence and enthusiasm in the Training Course. 22
  • 23. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual Session 6: Historical Timelines Learning Outcomes At the end of this session, participants will: • Know the methods used to conduct Historical Timeline exercises • Understand the use of Historical Timelines and how to analyse results Duration: Materials: • Blank A0 Paper • Coloured Cards 60 minutes • Marker pens • A0 Historical Timeline Exercise • Chalk TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD Time Topic Method and Materials Explain to the Trainees that you are going to conduct a Historical Timeline exer- cise together—you can either do this on the floor of the Training Room or outside Follow the Method outlined in the ‘Participatory Rural Appraisal: Manual for Facilitators’ • Work through slowly and carefully—make sure all Trainees can see and understand what you are doing Example of a Historical Remember to ask the Trainees about key positive and negative events throughout 25’ Timeline Exercise history • Record ‘events’ and ‘influences’ on the Timeline for each event Record the results on an A0 sheet of Paper with 3 columns: Date, Event and Influ- ence • Facilitate discussion between the participants on key events and trends in History and look at future vulnerability to events Discuss the results of the Historical Timeline exercise with the Trainees Show the Trainees the results of the A0 Historical Timeline you prepared before the Training Course Review of Historical Time- • Discuss the similarities and differences between the two exercises 15’ line Results Ask about the facilitation skills that Facilitators should use to do Historical Time- lines • Can the Trainees think of any difficulties that they will face doing Historical Timelines? If so—how can these be overcome? Integrated Commune Development Planning 23
  • 24. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual Session 6: Historical Timelines TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD (continued) Time Topic Method and Materials Look at the Historical Timelines, ask the Trainees ‘How can the results of Histori- cal Timelines be used?’—record and discuss answers Historical Timelines can be used to: • Provide orientation to development plans • Learn lessons on events that have happened in the past and their Application of Historical effects 20’ Timelines • Identify issues associated with livestock/crop production and their effects • Identify community vulnerability to events (e.g. natural disasters) and their frequency Review the activities conducted in Session 6 and clarify any questions or difficul- ties that Trainees have with Historical Timelines. Tips for the Trainer! • Historical Timelines are very interesting—you can learn a lot about the history of the people and the Com- mune—show your interest when you are conducting the exercise with the Trainees • Start the Historical Timeline exercise on the floor of the Training Room or outside on the ground—using this method means that the Trainees are likely to use a similar approach when facilitating the exercise with households. Integrated Commune Development Planning 24
  • 25. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual Session 7: Village Resource Mapping Learning Outcomes At the end of this session, participants will: • Know the methods used to conduct Village Resource Mapping exercises • Understand the use of Village Resource Mapping and how to analyse results Duration: Materials: • Blank A0 Paper • Coloured Cards 60 minutes • Marker pens • A0 Village Resource Map • Chalk and local materials TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD Time Topic Method and Materials Explain to the Trainees that you are going to conduct a Village Resource Mapping exercise together—do this on the ground outside the Training Room Follow the Method outlined in the ‘Participatory Rural Appraisal: Manual for Facilitators’ • Work through slowly and carefully—make sure all Trainees can see and understand what you are doing Remember to keep all Trainees active and participate in the Mapping exercise Example of a Village Re- 25’ source Map • Use some locally available products to stick on the Map (e.g. sticks, stones, leaves, etc.) Facilitate discussion between the Trainees on the resources/land types, which resources are abundant/scarce, current problems and potential activities • Show the Trainees how to transfer the results from the Village Re- source Mapping exercise onto an A0 Matrix highlighting land/ resource type, status, problems, potential and solutions Discuss the results of the Village Resource Mapping exercise with the Trainees Show the Trainees the results of the A0 Village Resource Mapping you prepared before the Training Course • Discuss the similarities and differences between the results of the Review of Village Resource two exercises 15’ Mapping Results Ask about facilitation skills that Facilitators should use to do Village Resource Mapping • Can the Trainees think of any difficulties that they will face doing Village Resource Mapping? If so—how can these be overcome? Integrated Commune Development Planning 25
  • 26. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual Session 7: Village Resource Mapping TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD (continued) Time Topic Method and Materials Look at the Village Resource Mapping results, ask the Trainees ‘How can the re- sults of Village Resource Mapping be used?’—record and discuss answers Village Resource Mapping can be used to: • Identify issues associated with local resources and land types • Identify appropriate solutions and opportunities to improve land use management • Develop simple land use management plans Ask the Trainees to think of times when you can use Village Resource Mapping— Application of Village Re- 20’ record and discuss the answers source Mapping • Planning large-scale activities in a community (e.g. roads, irrigation, etc.) • Assessing different land types, their uses and opportunities • Doing farming systems or forestry surveys to assess land use and potential Review the activities conducted in Session 7 and clarify any questions or difficul- ties that Trainees have with Village Resource Mapping It is now time for Afternoon Tea! Tips for the Trainer! • Having a beautiful map is not the most important result of Village Resource Mapping—discussion on re- source issues and opportunities is the most important element of Village Resource Mapping—you need to demonstrate this when you are conducting this exercise with the Trainees! • Remember to make the map on the ground first using local materials (rocks, sticks, grass, etc.) - this makes it easy to make changes to the Map—the Map can then copied onto A0 paper and coloured in. • Keep the Village Resource Map and the results close by—this will be needed for Session 8 (Transect Walks) - Village Resource Mapping and Transect Walk results complement each other. Integrated Commune Development Planning 26
  • 27. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual Session 8: Transect Walks Learning Outcomes At the end of this session, participants will: • Know the methods used to conduct a Transect Walk exercise • Understand the use of Transect Walks and how to analyse results Duration: Materials: • A0 Village Resource Map • A4 Paper and Folder 60 minutes • A0 paper • Marker Pens • A0 Transect Walk Matrix TIME, CONTENT AND METHOD Time Topic Method and Materials Explain to the Trainees that you are going to conduct a Transect Walk exercise together Follow the Method outlined in the ‘Participatory Rural Appraisal: Manual for Facilitators’ • Make sure that you actually conduct a small Transect Walk with the Trainees—pick a route on the Village Resource Map • Walk slowly and stop at each location discuss carefully 25’ Example of a Transect Walk Remember to keep all Trainees active and participate in the discussions at each site • Record the discussion on the Matrix on the A4 Paper Facilitate discussion between the Trainees on the resources and land types and their current status/uses, issues, potential and suggested activities • Show the Trainees how to transfer the results from the Transect Walk exercise onto an A0 Matrix highlighting land type, status, problems, potential and solutions Discuss the results of the Transect Walk exercise with the Trainees Show the Trainees the results of an A0 Matrix you prepared before the Training Course Review of Transect Walk • Discuss the similarities and differences between the results of the 15’ two exercises Results Ask about facilitation skills that Facilitators should use to do Transect Walks • Can the Trainees think of any difficulties that they will face doing Transect Walks? If so—how can these be overcome? Integrated Commune Development Planning 27
  • 28. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual Session 8: Transect Walks TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD (continued) Time Topic Method and Materials Look at the Transect Walk results, ask the Trainees ‘How can the results of Tran- sect Walks be used’? - record and discuss answers Transect Walks can be used to: • Identify issues associated with local resources and land types • Discuss and visualize issues associated with local resources and land types • Develop simple land use management plans Application of Transect • Transect Walks also contribute to the land and resource status, is- 20’ sues and potential outlined in Village Resource Mapping! Walks Ask the Trainees to think of times when you can use Transect Walks—record and discuss the answers • Planning activities in a community (e.g. roads, irrigation, etc.) • Assessing different land types, their uses and opportunities • Planning farming systems of agricultural activities with households Review the activities conducted in Session 8 and clarify any questions or difficul- ties that Trainees have with Transect Walks Tips for the Trainer! • Emphasize that Transect Walks are best conducted after Village Resource Mapping—these two Tools are similar • As you walk with the Trainees through the Village, take some small samples of leaves of crops—you can place these on your Village Resource Map • Remember that Transect Walks are a Tool that households and Facilitators can learn together—ask ques- tions about why households do/don’t do certain cropping or land use practices Integrated Commune Development Planning 28
  • 29. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual Session 9: Day 1 Review and Conclusions Learning Outcomes At the end of this session, participants will: • Review and consolidate knowledge learnt on Day 1 • Outline any difficulties or areas requiring some further information or understanding Duration: Materials: • A0 PRA Results and Session Materials • Marker Pens 15 minutes • Coloured Cards TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD Time Topic Method and Materials Explain to the Trainees that you are quickly going to review the Sessions on Day 1 and information provided • Use the A0 Session Presentations or A0 PRA Results to do this Go through each Training Session briefly highlighting the main points that Train- ees should remember • Session 2—Introduction to Integrated CDP and PRA • Session 3—Agenda and Trainer/Trainee Agreement 10’ Review of Day 1 • Session 4—Introduction and Purpose of PRA • Session 5—Roles and Purpose of Facilitators • Session 6—Historical Timelines • Session 7—Village Resource Mapping • Session 8—Transect Walks There is no need to go into great detail—remember that you will review Day 1 again at the beginning of Day 2 It is now time to conclude Day 1! 5’ Conclusion and Closing • Thank the Trainees for their attendance and enthusiasm • Remind them of the starting time for Day 2 Integrated Commune Development Planning 29
  • 30. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual Session 9: Day 1 Review and Conclusions Tips for the Trainer! • Collect all the Training Materials for Day 1 and prepare for the Session 10 on Day 2—you will need these Materials for this Session • It is often good for Trainers to have a brief discussion at the end of the Training Session to review Day 1 and prepare for Day 2—think about information or PRA Tools that Trainees do not understand well—you could focus on these in Session 10 of Day 2. Integrated Commune Development Planning 30
  • 31. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual Session 10: Day 1 Review and Day 2 Activities Learning Outcomes At the end of this session, participants will: • Review and consolidate knowledge learnt on Day 1 • Understand the activities to be conducted on Day 2 of the Training Course Duration: Materials: • A0 PRA Results and Session Materials • Marker Pens 20 minutes • Coloured Cards • A0 Agenda TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD Time Topic Method and Materials Explain to the Trainees that you are quickly going to review the PRA Tools on Day 1 and information provided • Make sure that you have the A0 PRA Results to do this Go through each PRA Tool briefly highlighting the main points that Trainees should remember—ask questions and request Trainees to give answers! 10’ Review of Day 1 • Historical Timelines • Village Resource Mapping • Transect Walks Think about PRA Tools and facilitation approaches that Trainees had difficulties with on Day 1—you can refresh their knowledge in this Session It is now time to inform the Trainees on the activities that will be conducted on Day 2 Training will be delivered on 5 PRA Tools • Wealth Ranking • Seasonal Calendars 10’ Day 2 Activities • Linkage Diagrams • Matrix Scoring and Ranking • Problem-Cause-Effect-Solution Trees Time will be allocated to review all of the PRA Tools A PRA Field Exercise will be conducted on the morning of Day 3—the final Train- ing Session on Day 2 will prepare for this Field Exercise Integrated Commune Development Planning 31
  • 32. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual Session 10: Day 1 Review and Day 2 Activities Tips for the Trainer! • The Review of Day 1 activities should focus mainly on the PRA Tools from Day 1—ask a lot of questions and answers to check the Trainees’ understanding Integrated Commune Development Planning 32
  • 33. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual Session 11: Wealth Ranking Learning Outcomes At the end of this session, participants will: • Know the methods used to conduct a Wealth Ranking exercise • Understand the use of Wealth Ranking and how to analyse results Duration: Materials: • Blank A0 Paper • Coloured Cards 60 minutes • Coloured Cards with household names • Marker pens • A0 Wealth Ranking Results TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD Time Topic Method and Materials Explain to the Trainees that you are going to conduct a Wealth Ranking exercise together Follow the Method outlined in the ‘Participatory Rural Appraisal: Manual for Facilitators’ • Work through slowly and carefully—make sure all Trainees can see and understand what you are doing Remember to ask Trainees about the different characteristics of each Wealth Class • Record the different characteristics on the A0 paper—use drawings 25’ Example of Wealth Ranking and pictures to show these characteristics Explain to the Trainees that you record the names of households from a Village on small Coloured Cards • Give some examples of methods to facilitate discussion to place households in a separate Wealth Class • Once you have completed placing households in a Wealth Class, demonstrate how the names of households and their Wealth Class are recorded on A4 paper Facilitate discussion on the results of the Wealth Ranking exercise Discuss the results of the Wealth Ranking exercise with the Trainees Show the Trainees the results of the A0 Wealth Ranking exercise you prepared before the Training Course Review of Historical Time- • Discuss the similarities and differences between the two exercises 15’ line Results Ask about facilitation skills that Facilitators should use to do Wealth Ranking • Can the Trainees think of any difficulties that they will face doing Wealth Ranking? If so—how can these be overcome? Integrated Commune Development Planning 33
  • 34. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual Session 11: Wealth Ranking TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD (continued) Time Topic Method and Materials Look at the Wealth Ranking results, ask the Trainees ‘How can the results of Wealth Ranking be used?’—record and discuss answers Wealth Ranking can be used to: • Identify the characteristics and resources of different Wealth Classes in a Village or Hamlet Application of Wealth Rank- • Target poor households for assistance 20’ ing • Design suitable activities for different Wealth Classes (especially the poor) based on their available resources • Monitor and evaluate development assistance over time to observe changes in asset ownership Review the activities conducted in Session 11 and clarify any questions or difficul- ties that the Trainees have with Wealth Ranking. Tips for the Trainer! • You need to prepare some names of households on small Coloured Cards before the Training Session— these are used to provide an example for the Trainees on methods to place households in a Wealth Class • Trainers should emphasize to Trainees that households are sometimes shy or afraid to place households in a Wealth Class—you can then discuss with the Trainees that Facilitators have to be very patient and em- pathetic • In the ‘Participatory Rural Appraisal: Manual for Facilitators’ some suggestions are given on how Wealth Ranking can be combined with Linkage Village Resource Mapping. Demonstrate how the names of poor households can placed on the Village Resource Map and facilitate discussion on what is interesting about the results. Can further information be added to the Wealth Ranking results based on the locations where poor household live??? Integrated Commune Development Planning 34
  • 35. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual Session 12: Seasonal Calendars Learning Outcomes At the end of this session, participants will: • Know the methods used to conduct a Seasonal Calendar exercises • Understand the use of Seasonal Calendars and how to analyse results Duration: Materials: • Blank A0 Paper and Marker Pens • Coloured Cards 60 minutes • Sticks and Stones • A0 Seasonal Calendar Results (Income and Ex- penditure and Household Consumption) TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD Time Topic Method and Materials Explain to the Trainees that you are going to conduct a Seasonal Calendar exer- cise together Follow the Method outlined in the ‘Participatory Rural Appraisal: Manual for Facilitators’ • Work through slowly and carefully—make sure all Trainees can see and understand what you are doing Remember to ask households about the different activities or items required for each topic of the Seasonal Calendar • It is best to use two different Seasonal Calendars as an example: Example of a Seasonal Cal- 25’ Cattle Raising Seasonal Calendar and a Rice Paddy Seasonal Calen- endar dar Use local materials (sticks and stones) to highlight the intensity of activities or availability of resources • Facilitate discussion between the households and use sticks and stones to complete the Seasonal Calendar • Make sure you demonstrate how women’s and men’s priorities can be identified through men and women using different objects Facilitate discussion on the results of the Seasonal Calendar exercise Discuss the results of the Seasonal Calendar exercises with the Trainees Show the Trainees the results of the A0 Seasonal Calendar exercises you pre- pared before the Training Course on Income and Expenditure and Household con- sumption Review of Seasonal Calen- • Discuss methods on how this can be conducted and how to modify 15’ dar Results Seasonal Calendars for other topics Ask about facilitation skills that Facilitators should use to do Seasonal Calendars • Can the Trainees think of any difficulties that they will face doing Seasonal Calendars? If so—how can these be overcome? Integrated Commune Development Planning 35
  • 36. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual Session 12: Seasonal Calendars TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD (continued) Time Topic Method and Materials Look at the Seasonal Calendar results, ask the Trainees ‘How can the results of Seasonal Calendars be used?’—record and discuss answers Seasonal Calendars can be used to: • Identify appropriate timing and duration to plan different activities • Identify seasonal problems and issues • Identify activities to solve potential problems or issues Ask the Trainees about the different topics you can use Seasonal Calendars to Application of Seasonal Cal- investigate and plan: 20’ endars • Cropping • Livestock • Income/Expenditure • Household consumption • Social or community issues or events Review the activities conducted in Session 12 and clarify any questions or difficul- ties that Trainees have with Seasonal Calendars Tips for the Trainer! • It is important for the Trainers to emphasize that Seasonal Calendars can be used for a range of different topics—you need to facilitate discussion between the Trainees on methods to do this and give some exam- ples. • Remember to use local materials and pictures when doing the Seasonal Calendars—the Trainees will learn this from you and will apply this method when facilitating with households Integrated Commune Development Planning 36
  • 37. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual Session 13: Linkage Diagrams Learning Outcomes At the end of this session, participants will: • Know the methods used to conduct a Linkage Diagram exercises • Understand the use of Linkage Diagram and how to analyse results Duration: Materials: • Chalk • Blank A0 Paper 60 minutes • Coloured Cards • Marker pens • A0 Linkage Diagram Results TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD Time Topic Method and Materials Explain to the Trainees that you are going to conduct a Linkage Diagram exercise together Follow the Method outlined in the ‘Participatory Rural Appraisal: Manual for Facilitators’ - conduct the Linkage Diagram outside on the ground • Work through slowly and carefully—make sure all Trainees can see and understand what you are doing Remember to ask households about the resources in typical households and in- clude these in the Linkage Diagram Example of a Linkage Dia- • Use local materials (sticks, rocks, grass, flowers, etc.) to highlight 25’ gram different objects on the Linkage Diagram Discuss the resource flows and use of resources in the Linkage Diagram—use the chalk to highlight the direction of these resource flows • Remember to demonstrate how it is possible to highlight women’s and men’s roles—you can use different coloured chalk or different materials (e.g. different coloured flowers) Facilitate discussion on the results of the Seasonal Calendar exercise—use col- oured cards to identify any problems discussed or opportunities identified Discuss the results of the Linkage Diagram exercise with the Trainees Show the Trainees the results of an A0 Linkage Diagram exercise you prepared before the Training Course Review of Linkage Diagram • Discuss the similarities and differences between the results of the 15’ two exercises Results Ask about facilitation skills that Facilitators should use to do Linkage Diagrams • Can the Trainees think of any difficulties that they will face doing Linkage Diagrams? If so—how can these be overcome? Integrated Commune Development Planning 37
  • 38. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Training Manual Session 13: Linkage Diagrams TIME, TOPIC AND METHOD (continued) Time Topic Method and Materials Look at the Linkage Diagram results, ask the Trainees ‘How can the results of Linkage Diagrams be used?’—record and discuss answers Linkage Diagrams can be used to: • Analyse farming systems and the flow of resources in the local area • Analyse labour divisions and gender roles in household farming sys- tems • Identify resource constraints, problems and opportunities Application of Linkage Dia- 20’ Ask the Trainees about other possible uses of Linkage Diagrams—discuss the grams comments raised by Trainees • Economic analysis of household farming systems (quantities and unit costs of inputs and outputs) • Comparing and analyzing household resources of different Wealth Classes—which PRA Tool can this be combined with? Review the activities conducted in Session 13 and clarify any questions or difficul- ties that Trainees have with Linkage Diagrams Tips for the Trainer! • Remember that Linkage Diagrams can be combined with Wealth Ranking—you should look at the Wealth Ranking results and discuss how a Linkage Diagram could be done for a particular Wealth Class (e.g. poor households) Integrated Commune Development Planning 38