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DayZ: Sur vi vi ng
Chr i s Tor chi a
Associ at e Ar t Di r ect or
Bohemi a I nt er act i ve St udi os
Out l i ne
The backgr ound
The success
The ar t goal s
The chal l enges
The sol ut i ons
The concl usi on
DayZ Background
Modi f i cat i on of Ar ma2 by Dean Hal l
Mul t i pl ayer onl y, open- wor l d sur vi val ant i - game
 per madeat h
 no dr i vi ng nar r at i ve
 no i nt er f er ence wi t h pl ayer ’ s chosen pl ayst yl e
I ni t i al l y concei ved as a way of t r ai ni ng sol di er s on an
emot i onal l evel
 Lat er added ‘ zombi es’
DayZ History According to Me
DayZ History According to Me
Fr om Ar ma2 t o VBS2 t o Ar ma3 t o DayZ ( 2nd hal f 2012) …
Oh gr eat . . . anot her zombi e mod
Until I was Infected
DayZ mod’ s Recept i on
DayZ had one or t wo ser ver s at ear l y st ages
CHKi l r oy “ The Days Ahead” on Apr i l 10t h, 2012
Apr i l 2012 - back on t he char t s
Twi t ch/ Yout ube/ Reddi t / 4Chan/ NeoGAF
Lot s of medi a at t ent i on
Li f el i ne f or BI S
 Ar ma3 devel opment mor e compl i cat ed t han expect ed
 4 year s bet ween A2 and A3, moder at e success f r om ot her t i t l es
 Key per sonnel ar r est ed 9/ 2012
 Tot al r eor g of t he pr oj ect mgt and cr eat i ve di r ect i on
A2 was 3 yr s ol d
300k A2 copi es sol d/ 330k
uni que user s af t er 2
mont hs
1 mi l l i on+ uni que pl ayer s
af t er 4 mont hs
Br i an Hi cks/ Sur vi vor GameZ
I - 6mo l at er
Obvi ous commer ci al
pot ent i al
Por t f ol i o di ver si f i cat i on
Apr i l 29t h 2012
Keys t o Success
Moddabi l i t y of Ar ma
Gi ve pl ayer s t ool s, not i nst r uct i ons
Cont ent cr eat or s
DayZ Mod
ver y buggy
scr i pt - hacked
t oget her
ver y vul ner abl e t o
cheat er s
dat ed/ unopt i mi zed
ar t / non- ent er abl e
bui l di ngs
opt i mi ze code
move f unct i ons t o engi ne
ant i - cheat f eat ur es
massi ve ar t over haul t o
sui t t he new i nt ended
pur pose
DayZ St and- al one
What wer e t he def i ned ar t goal s?
Cher nar us was bi g ( 180km2)
 ~800k obj ect s
Cher nar us + was t o be bi gger ( 220km2)
 1. 6m and gr owi ng
Cat er i ng t o a new set t i ng
 “ post - apoc”
 ent er abl e bui l di ngs
 f i l l ed wi t h l oot ( cl ot hes, weapons, f ood, wat er , equi pment )
Exceed qual i t y ar t wor k pr oduced i n t he st udi o pr evi ousl y
 vast amount s of ar t t o be r epl aced
 gener al r ul e AGAI NST r eusi ng ar t f r om pr evi ous pr oj ect s
Man year s wor t h of wor k
Avai l abl e Resour ces
1 i nt er nal , 1 ext er nal envi r onment desi gner s
I nt er nal Team of ~5 ar t i st s
 3 envi r onment
 1 char act er ar t i st s ( base char act er s, zombi es)
 1 gener al i st
Out sour ced t o Vi gi l ant e Desi gn
 Pl ayabl e cont ent desi gn ( char act er cl ot hi ng, l oot , weapons)
 Coor di nat ed 5 f r eel ance ar t i st s
Ever yone r epor t ed t o Dean…
E3 2013
Ar t Lead by November 2013
Cr unch! !
DayZ ( bar ebones) Dec. 2013
172k copi es i n 24hr s
400k sol d i n 1 week
1m i n 4 weeks
Cur r ent l y 3. 2m+
Shot s Fi r ed!
" . . . . we' r e j ust bl own away wi t h t he success of i t , " Hal l
t ol d Pol ygon i n an emai l t oday. " We obvi ousl y knew t hat
t her e was st r ong i nt er est i n t he concept , but wer en' t sur e
whet her t hat i nt er est was j ust ‘ hype' or whet her i t woul d
act ual l y t r ansl at e i nt o r eal sal es. I r emember when we
f i nal l y pushed t he but t on, I had t hi s moment of pani c when I
wonder ed i f many peopl e woul d r eal l y buy i t . "
Pi t cher , Jenna ( 14 Januar y 2014) . " DayZ r eaches 1M i n sal es,
' shot s f i r ed' agai nst t r adi t i onal publ i shi ng model " .
Pol ygon.
Keys t o Success
A smal l , ver y exper i enced, hi ghl y mot i vat ed t eam.
Capabl e of wor ki ng wi t hout much management and wi t hout
document at i on.
Abl e t o easi l y adapt t o changes.
Just Get t i ng St ar t ed
The success br ought i t s own pr obl ems
Dr eams got bi gger
Request ed cont ent expanded massi vel y
 Mor e base char act er s t o choose f r om
 l oads of new zombi es
 dozens of f ul l y- cust omi zabl e guns ( at t achment s, accessor i es, col or s)
 ever y bui l di ng ent er abl e
 advanced vehi cl es
 ani mal s t o hunt
 et c…
St ar t ed hi r i ng t o meet demand
The Ar t Team Ear l y 2014
Management was pr et t y smar t about t hi s.
Vi gi l ant e Desi gn ( 2013) = me + al l of my exper i enced
ar t i st s
 hi r ed one of t hem i nt er nal l y
 pr ovi ded t he capaci t y t o of f l oad wor k on backl og i t ems
Mar ch 2014 - Cal dr on - Br at i sl ava, Sl ovaki a
 ~25 devel oper s j oi ned DayZ
 ~10 ar t i st s
June 2014 - Bl ack El ement Sof t war e - Pat t aya, Thai l and
 12 ar t i st s ( spl i t t i me bet ween A3, DayZ)
Buy or Bui l d a Busi ness? Bot h! ?
The Ar t Team Ear l y 2014
 Par t i ci pat ed qui t e a
l ot i n desi gn
 Had publ i c- f aci ng
dut i es
 Was r esponsi bl e f or
bot h pr oduct i on and
ar t i st i c di r ect i on
The Ar t Team Lat e 2014 
Conf usi on about
dut i es ( many hat s
wer e wor n)
 desi gn
 PR
 pr oduct i on
No document ed
pr ocess
Had i nadequat e
t ool s
Per sonal l y Ar t
Di r ect i ng al l wor k
Gener al l y, t oo much
r esponsi bi l i t y.
Mi st akes wer e made. . .
Absol ut el y not pr epar ed t o i nt egr at e t hat much manpower
Need t o be f l exi bl e t o adapt t o changes, not f i ght t hem
Vi r t ual l y no r el evant document at i on f or desi gn, pr ocesses,
t ool s or pi pel i nes
Di f f i cul t i es wi t h maki ng peopl e f eel par t of t he t eam when
you r ar el y i nt er act
A t al e of t wo Pr obl ems
How do you si mul t aneousl y:
1. ~2x t he si ze of your t eam AND
2. Out sour ci ng t o a br and- new t eam of ar t i st s wi t hout
f unct i oni ng t ool s or document at i on?
The Odd Coupl e
Dean was t r ansi t i oni ng away as pr oj ect l ead
Davi d Dur čák began t o r eor g Sept ember 2014
 I nt r oduced me t o Lubos Lednar
 Lubos was named Ar t Di r ect or ( Ar t Pr oducer )
 I was pr omot ed t o Associ at e Ar t Di r ect or ( Ar t
Di r ect or )
Davi d al so st ar t ed r unni ng mont hl y l eads
meet i ngs bet ween Br at i sl ava and Pr ague
Had a gr eat wor ki ng r el at i onshi p ear l y on
 Qui ckl y began di vi di ng dut i es
 Wor ki ng on document at i on
The Ar t Team Lat e 2014  Conf usi on about
dut i es ( many hat s
wer e wor n)
 desi gn
 PR
 pr oduct i on
 No document ed
pr ocess
 Had i nadequat e
t ool s
 Per sonal l y Ar t
Di r ect i ng al l wor k
 Gener al l y, t oo much
r esponsi bi l i t y.
The Ar t Team Ear l y 2015
Cl ar i f i ed r ol es and r esponsi bi l i t i es
Document at i on
Of f l oaded ar t pr oduct i on t o Lubos
Al l owed me t o concent r at e on ar t i st i c di r ect i on, desi gni ng
wi t h Pet er , PR
Sol ut i on
The Ar t Team Ear l y 2015
Out sour ci ng 101
Out sour ci ng can be gr eat i f i t s done r i ght .
 al l ows mor e cont ent t o be cr eat ed
 mor e t i me f or key f eat ur es and pol i sh
 l ess cr unch
 i sn’ t cheap, but can hel p save money i n t he l ong t er m
Can be a ni ght mar e i f i t i s not car ef ul l y pl anned
 Tr ai ni ng i n- house i s har d
Embr aci ng t he Suck
Bl ack El ement 2013
oper at i onal by spr i ng 2014 - Ar ma3
Ar ma3 had good document at i on
r ecei ved most l y t echni cal t r ai ni ng
Ar ma3 and DayZ have di f f er ent ar t i st i c st yl es,
r equi r ement s, and pi pel i nes
wor ki ng on DayZ by summer 2014
DayZ document at i on f ol kl or e
ar t i st s woul d need ar t i st i c di r ect i on AND t echni cal t r ai ni ng
shi f t i ng f ocus t o Thai l and meant i gnor i ng Br at i sl ava
No Pl an Sur vi ves Cont act . . .
Two weeks of hands- on ar t i st i c di r ect i on compl et e
Remot e management of Thai l and was ver y t i me consumi ng
Of t en much sl ower t han est i mat es
 t i mezone
 my i t er at i ons
 l anguage bar r i er
 shar i ng wi t h Ar ma3
Li mi t ed i n what t ypes of asset s coul d be t asked
 new ki nds of asset s r equi r es new t r ai ni ng
Became pai nf ul l y obvi ous, i t coul dn’ t be me doi ng i t
Thai - Lor d Vespa
That s act ual l y what t hey cal l hi m i n Thai l and
He was i nst r ument al i n my own ar t i st i c devel opment
Tr ai ned and suppor t ed t he t eam i n Br at i sl ava
Wasn’ t af r ai d t o go t o Thai l and
Thai - Lor d Vespa
Thai - Lor d Vespa
Hel ped wi t h document at i on
Di r ect suppor t of t he t eam
On- si t e t r ai ni ng
Rel at i onshi p bui l di ng
Out sour ci ng 101
Fi r st st eps
Def i ne needs: do you need t o expl or e or qui ckl y pr oduce?
Assess r i sks, t hi nk of measur es t hat can pr event bad t hi ngs,
buf f er gener ousl y as mi st akes WI LL happen
St ar t wi t h somet hi ng smal l and easy t o cont r ol , unt i l you
f eel synced wi t h t he out sour cer
Out sour ci ng 101
Al l ocat e dedi cat ed st af f
Don' t r el y on on t hem gr abbi ng t he br i ef i ng and del i ver i ng
per f ect asset s. Never happens.
Out sour cer s NEED suppor t , communi cat i on and gui dance.
Pr ovi di ng t hose i s t i me- consumi ng and r equi r es dedi cat ed
st af f .
Common set - up:
Good t o have one poi nt of cont act on each end
Pr oceed t hr ough t he ar t i n a st ep- wi se f ashi on wi t h checkpoi nt s f or each
Out sour ci ng 101
Pr epar e br i ef i ng
Per haps t he most i mpor t ant st ep t o avoi d wast ed i t er at i ons
Document ever yt hi ng needed as i f t he r eader was a new
i nt er nal hi r e f or j uni or posi t i on.
Document EVERYTHI NG ( pr ocess, t ool s, expect at i ons,
sampl es, st yl e gui des…)
Def i ne si gn- of f st ages and what cr i t er i a t hey wi l l be appr oved upon.
I deal l y pr ovi de a sampl e per st age.
Out sour ci ng 101
Pl anni ng
Buf f er bi g ( e. g. 2x mor e t i me t han an i nt er nal devel oper
woul d need) .
The f ur t her f r om your t i mezone i s t he par t ner , t he mor e t i me he wi l l need
t o compl et e t he asset .
Pr epar e br i ef i ng f or asset bat ches ahead of t i me.
They al l ow seaml ess wor k f or out sour cer s wai t i ng r evi ews
The i ni t i al pl an can and shoul d be i mpr oved on. Lear n and
adapt .
Ti me t o Thai i t of f . . .
St ar t smal l and expand f r om t her e
Buf f er . . . mi st akes wi l l happen
Have dedi cat ed st af f
Pr epar e det ai l ed desi gn br i ef s ahead of t i me
DO vi si t s and on- si t e t r ai ni ng
Quest i ons?
Chris Torchia
Twitter: @ctorchia

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Strategies and case studies to grow LTV in 2023 / Julia Iljuk (Balancy)
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Why is ASO not working in 2023 and how to change it? / Olena Vedmedenko (Keya...
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How to increase wishlists & game sales from China? Growth marketing tactics &...
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Branded Content: How to overcome players' immunity to advertising / Alex Brod...
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Chris Torchia: DayZ: Surviving Success

  • 1. DayZ: Sur vi vi ng Success Chr i s Tor chi a Associ at e Ar t Di r ect or Bohemi a I nt er act i ve St udi os
  • 2. Out l i ne  The backgr ound  The success  The ar t goal s  The chal l enges  The sol ut i ons  The concl usi on  Q&A
  • 3. DayZ Background  Modi f i cat i on of Ar ma2 by Dean Hal l  Mul t i pl ayer onl y, open- wor l d sur vi val ant i - game  per madeat h  no dr i vi ng nar r at i ve  no i nt er f er ence wi t h pl ayer ’ s chosen pl ayst yl e  I ni t i al l y concei ved as a way of t r ai ni ng sol di er s on an emot i onal l evel  Lat er added ‘ zombi es’
  • 5. DayZ History According to Me  Fr om Ar ma2 t o VBS2 t o Ar ma3 t o DayZ ( 2nd hal f 2012) …  Oh gr eat . . . anot her zombi e mod
  • 6. Until I was Infected
  • 7. DayZ mod’ s Recept i on  DayZ had one or t wo ser ver s at ear l y st ages  CHKi l r oy “ The Days Ahead” on Apr i l 10t h, 2012  Apr i l 2012 - back on t he char t s  Twi t ch/ Yout ube/ Reddi t / 4Chan/ NeoGAF  Lot s of medi a at t ent i on  Li f el i ne f or BI S  Ar ma3 devel opment mor e compl i cat ed t han expect ed  4 year s bet ween A2 and A3, moder at e success f r om ot her t i t l es  Key per sonnel ar r est ed 9/ 2012  Tot al r eor g of t he pr oj ect mgt and cr eat i ve di r ect i on
  • 8. A2 was 3 yr s ol d 300k A2 copi es sol d/ 330k uni que user s af t er 2 mont hs 1 mi l l i on+ uni que pl ayer s af t er 4 mont hs Br i an Hi cks/ Sur vi vor GameZ I - 6mo l at er Obvi ous commer ci al pot ent i al Por t f ol i o di ver si f i cat i on Apr i l 29t h 2012
  • 9. Keys t o Success Moddabi l i t y of Ar ma Gi ve pl ayer s t ool s, not i nst r uct i ons Cont ent cr eat or s
  • 10. DayZ Mod  ver y buggy  scr i pt - hacked t oget her  ver y vul ner abl e t o cheat er s  dat ed/ unopt i mi zed ar t / non- ent er abl e bui l di ngs  opt i mi ze code  move f unct i ons t o engi ne  ant i - cheat f eat ur es  massi ve ar t over haul t o sui t t he new i nt ended pur pose DayZ St and- al one
  • 11. What wer e t he def i ned ar t goal s?  Cher nar us was bi g ( 180km2)  ~800k obj ect s  Cher nar us + was t o be bi gger ( 220km2)  1. 6m and gr owi ng  Cat er i ng t o a new set t i ng  “ post - apoc”  ent er abl e bui l di ngs  f i l l ed wi t h l oot ( cl ot hes, weapons, f ood, wat er , equi pment )  Exceed qual i t y ar t wor k pr oduced i n t he st udi o pr evi ousl y  vast amount s of ar t t o be r epl aced  gener al r ul e AGAI NST r eusi ng ar t f r om pr evi ous pr oj ect s  Man year s wor t h of wor k
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 19. Avai l abl e Resour ces  1 i nt er nal , 1 ext er nal envi r onment desi gner s  I nt er nal Team of ~5 ar t i st s  3 envi r onment  1 char act er ar t i st s ( base char act er s, zombi es)  1 gener al i st  Out sour ced t o Vi gi l ant e Desi gn  Pl ayabl e cont ent desi gn ( char act er cl ot hi ng, l oot , weapons)  Coor di nat ed 5 f r eel ance ar t i st s  Ever yone r epor t ed t o Dean…  E3 2013  Ar t Lead by November 2013  Cr unch! !
  • 20. DayZ ( bar ebones) Dec. 2013 172k copi es i n 24hr s 400k sol d i n 1 week 1m i n 4 weeks Cur r ent l y 3. 2m+
  • 21. Shot s Fi r ed! " . . . . we' r e j ust bl own away wi t h t he success of i t , " Hal l t ol d Pol ygon i n an emai l t oday. " We obvi ousl y knew t hat t her e was st r ong i nt er est i n t he concept , but wer en' t sur e whet her t hat i nt er est was j ust ‘ hype' or whet her i t woul d act ual l y t r ansl at e i nt o r eal sal es. I r emember when we f i nal l y pushed t he but t on, I had t hi s moment of pani c when I wonder ed i f many peopl e woul d r eal l y buy i t . " Pi t cher , Jenna ( 14 Januar y 2014) . " DayZ r eaches 1M i n sal es, ' shot s f i r ed' agai nst t r adi t i onal publ i shi ng model " . Pol ygon.
  • 22. Keys t o Success A smal l , ver y exper i enced, hi ghl y mot i vat ed t eam. Capabl e of wor ki ng wi t hout much management and wi t hout document at i on. Abl e t o easi l y adapt t o changes.
  • 23. Just Get t i ng St ar t ed  The success br ought i t s own pr obl ems  Dr eams got bi gger  Request ed cont ent expanded massi vel y  Mor e base char act er s t o choose f r om  l oads of new zombi es  dozens of f ul l y- cust omi zabl e guns ( at t achment s, accessor i es, col or s)  ever y bui l di ng ent er abl e  advanced vehi cl es  ani mal s t o hunt  et c…  St ar t ed hi r i ng t o meet demand
  • 24. The Ar t Team Ear l y 2014
  • 25. Management was pr et t y smar t about t hi s.  Vi gi l ant e Desi gn ( 2013) = me + al l of my exper i enced ar t i st s  hi r ed one of t hem i nt er nal l y  pr ovi ded t he capaci t y t o of f l oad wor k on backl og i t ems  Mar ch 2014 - Cal dr on - Br at i sl ava, Sl ovaki a  ~25 devel oper s j oi ned DayZ  ~10 ar t i st s  June 2014 - Bl ack El ement Sof t war e - Pat t aya, Thai l and  12 ar t i st s ( spl i t t i me bet ween A3, DayZ) Buy or Bui l d a Busi ness? Bot h! ?
  • 26. The Ar t Team Ear l y 2014  Par t i ci pat ed qui t e a l ot i n desi gn  Had publ i c- f aci ng dut i es  Was r esponsi bl e f or bot h pr oduct i on and ar t i st i c di r ect i on
  • 27. The Ar t Team Lat e 2014  Conf usi on about dut i es ( many hat s wer e wor n)  desi gn  PR  pr oduct i on  No document ed pr ocess  Had i nadequat e t ool s  Per sonal l y Ar t Di r ect i ng al l wor k  Gener al l y, t oo much r esponsi bi l i t y.
  • 28. Mi st akes wer e made. . . Absol ut el y not pr epar ed t o i nt egr at e t hat much manpower Need t o be f l exi bl e t o adapt t o changes, not f i ght t hem Vi r t ual l y no r el evant document at i on f or desi gn, pr ocesses, t ool s or pi pel i nes Di f f i cul t i es wi t h maki ng peopl e f eel par t of t he t eam when you r ar el y i nt er act
  • 29. A t al e of t wo Pr obl ems How do you si mul t aneousl y: 1. ~2x t he si ze of your t eam AND 2. Out sour ci ng t o a br and- new t eam of ar t i st s wi t hout f unct i oni ng t ool s or document at i on?
  • 30. The Odd Coupl e  Dean was t r ansi t i oni ng away as pr oj ect l ead  Davi d Dur čák began t o r eor g Sept ember 2014  I nt r oduced me t o Lubos Lednar  Lubos was named Ar t Di r ect or ( Ar t Pr oducer )  I was pr omot ed t o Associ at e Ar t Di r ect or ( Ar t Di r ect or )  Davi d al so st ar t ed r unni ng mont hl y l eads meet i ngs bet ween Br at i sl ava and Pr ague  Had a gr eat wor ki ng r el at i onshi p ear l y on  Qui ckl y began di vi di ng dut i es  Wor ki ng on document at i on
  • 31. The Ar t Team Lat e 2014  Conf usi on about dut i es ( many hat s wer e wor n)  desi gn  PR  pr oduct i on  No document ed pr ocess  Had i nadequat e t ool s  Per sonal l y Ar t Di r ect i ng al l wor k  Gener al l y, t oo much r esponsi bi l i t y.
  • 32. The Ar t Team Ear l y 2015
  • 33. Cl ar i f i ed r ol es and r esponsi bi l i t i es Document at i on Of f l oaded ar t pr oduct i on t o Lubos Al l owed me t o concent r at e on ar t i st i c di r ect i on, desi gni ng wi t h Pet er , PR Sol ut i on
  • 34. The Ar t Team Ear l y 2015
  • 35. Out sour ci ng 101  Out sour ci ng can be gr eat i f i t s done r i ght .  al l ows mor e cont ent t o be cr eat ed  mor e t i me f or key f eat ur es and pol i sh  l ess cr unch  i sn’ t cheap, but can hel p save money i n t he l ong t er m  Can be a ni ght mar e i f i t i s not car ef ul l y pl anned  Tr ai ni ng i n- house i s har d
  • 36. Embr aci ng t he Suck Bl ack El ement 2013  oper at i onal by spr i ng 2014 - Ar ma3  Ar ma3 had good document at i on  r ecei ved most l y t echni cal t r ai ni ng Ar ma3 and DayZ have di f f er ent ar t i st i c st yl es, r equi r ement s, and pi pel i nes  wor ki ng on DayZ by summer 2014  DayZ document at i on f ol kl or e  ar t i st s woul d need ar t i st i c di r ect i on AND t echni cal t r ai ni ng  shi f t i ng f ocus t o Thai l and meant i gnor i ng Br at i sl ava
  • 37.
  • 38. No Pl an Sur vi ves Cont act . . . Two weeks of hands- on ar t i st i c di r ect i on compl et e  Remot e management of Thai l and was ver y t i me consumi ng  Of t en much sl ower t han est i mat es  t i mezone  my i t er at i ons  l anguage bar r i er  shar i ng wi t h Ar ma3  Li mi t ed i n what t ypes of asset s coul d be t asked  new ki nds of asset s r equi r es new t r ai ni ng  Became pai nf ul l y obvi ous, i t coul dn’ t be me doi ng i t
  • 39. Thai - Lor d Vespa  That s act ual l y what t hey cal l hi m i n Thai l and  He was i nst r ument al i n my own ar t i st i c devel opment  Tr ai ned and suppor t ed t he t eam i n Br at i sl ava  Wasn’ t af r ai d t o go t o Thai l and
  • 40. Thai - Lor d Vespa
  • 41. Thai - Lor d Vespa  Hel ped wi t h document at i on  Di r ect suppor t of t he t eam  On- si t e t r ai ni ng  Rel at i onshi p bui l di ng
  • 42. Out sour ci ng 101 Fi r st st eps  Def i ne needs: do you need t o expl or e or qui ckl y pr oduce?  Assess r i sks, t hi nk of measur es t hat can pr event bad t hi ngs, buf f er gener ousl y as mi st akes WI LL happen  St ar t wi t h somet hi ng smal l and easy t o cont r ol , unt i l you f eel synced wi t h t he out sour cer
  • 43. Out sour ci ng 101 Al l ocat e dedi cat ed st af f  Don' t r el y on on t hem gr abbi ng t he br i ef i ng and del i ver i ng per f ect asset s. Never happens.  Out sour cer s NEED suppor t , communi cat i on and gui dance. Pr ovi di ng t hose i s t i me- consumi ng and r equi r es dedi cat ed st af f .  Common set - up:  Good t o have one poi nt of cont act on each end  Pr oceed t hr ough t he ar t i n a st ep- wi se f ashi on wi t h checkpoi nt s f or each
  • 44. Out sour ci ng 101 Pr epar e br i ef i ng  Per haps t he most i mpor t ant st ep t o avoi d wast ed i t er at i ons  Document ever yt hi ng needed as i f t he r eader was a new i nt er nal hi r e f or j uni or posi t i on.  Document EVERYTHI NG ( pr ocess, t ool s, expect at i ons, sampl es, st yl e gui des…)  Def i ne si gn- of f st ages and what cr i t er i a t hey wi l l be appr oved upon.  I deal l y pr ovi de a sampl e per st age.
  • 45. Out sour ci ng 101 Pl anni ng  Buf f er bi g ( e. g. 2x mor e t i me t han an i nt er nal devel oper woul d need) .  The f ur t her f r om your t i mezone i s t he par t ner , t he mor e t i me he wi l l need t o compl et e t he asset .  Pr epar e br i ef i ng f or asset bat ches ahead of t i me.  They al l ow seaml ess wor k f or out sour cer s wai t i ng r evi ews  The i ni t i al pl an can and shoul d be i mpr oved on. Lear n and adapt .
  • 46. Ti me t o Thai i t of f . . . St ar t smal l and expand f r om t her e Buf f er . . . mi st akes wi l l happen Have dedi cat ed st af f Pr epar e det ai l ed desi gn br i ef s ahead of t i me DO vi si t s and on- si t e t r ai ni ng
  • 47. Quest i ons? Chris Torchia Twitter: @ctorchia

Editor's Notes

  1. The explosion of the project -history of DayZ mod -history of DayZ standalone -scope of design mushroomed with DayZ game's success -with it, the team -DayZ is a story of acquisitions
  2. Permadeath = value (currency) No narrative = giving power to the player...Let them make the story. They will value it more than anything you could give them. Don’t interfere = suspension of disbelief. Dean regretted adding zombies
  3. Intro my own background. Formation of Vigilante Design
  4. Not on topic but worth mentioning.
  5. Chernarus is the centerpiece of DayZ art. It has been a massive undertaking. We shifted it from a terrain suited for large-scale combined ops in open terrain to a free-roaming survival game.
  6. It took 5 years of dev to get Cherno to the point where it is now. How did I get started on the project. We never had similar experience before...seems kind of crazy it worked out. Not only were large amounts of new content required, we also had to improve large amounts of existing assets.
  7. Expanded borders
  8. Artists all reporting to Dean wasn’t a sustainable scenerio. By June 2013 we were in serious talks for Art Lead. It was basically like a “merger”
  9. This was a serious statement to the games industry. We couldn’t really figure out why - just kind of stared in disbelief at the numbers. We expected perhaps a couple hundred-thousand units sold the first quarter, not first day. Dean once called it the self-fulfilling prophesey.
  10. Not on topic but worth mentioning.
  11. Seems like a nice ending to the story but it wasn’t the was only the beginning.
  12. This was already a challenge to all keep moving. I was a “lead” of the project and of the art team, meaning I had one foot in design, and one in art.
  13. There’s no way we could have hired everybody fast enough. It definitely made sense to purchase existing capabilities and while attempting to build it organically. Were competing for resources with Arma3. Anybody see a problem with this?
  14. This was already a challenge to all keep moving. I was a “lead” of the project and of the art team, meaning I had one foot in design, and one in art.
  15. This was impossible to keep moving. I was a “lead” of the project and of the art team, meaning I had one foot in design, and one in art.
  16. This went for the whole project, not just the art team. No training for mgt, no preparation, inadequate design documentation. A lot of this was beyond my control. There were two main challenges for the art department here.
  17. Each Had its own challenges, I wasn’t prepared for either one.
  18. Lubos was named Art Director of DayZ and I was made the Associate Art Director. By no means was this a completely smooth process...
  19. This was impossible to keep moving. I was a “lead” of the project and of the art team, meaning I had one foot in design, and one in art.
  20. This isn’t exactly how David “organized” us on paper but this is more how it was working in reality and helps me transition into the next topic - outsourcing
  21. This isn’t exactly how David “organized” us on paper but this is more how it was working in reality and helps me transition into the next topic - outsourcing
  22. Not trying beat on BES too much here - just discussing the REALITY of the situation...BES was a brand-new team without a proven track record and no previous experience in RV tools or pipelines.
  23. We essentially had to train a completely novice art team in the middle of the massive expansion of our own internal one. The Arma3/DayZ pipeline disparity (mention in passing that its another problem which needed to be solved)
  24. Helmuth von Moltke, who commanded the German Army during World War I famously said…
  25. Vespa was very instrumental in my own artistic development - seemed natural to send him to Thailand. He was like SF - send him into a foreign country to train and command an army.
  26. This went for the whole project, not just the art team. No training for mgt, no preparation, inadequate design documentation. A lot of this was beyond my control. There were two main challenges for the art department here.