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Guillaume Erétéo


                   Ph.D. Thesis defense
                      Michel Buffa, Kewi/I3S, UNSA/CNRS
                      Fabien Gandon, Edelweiss, INRIA Sophia Antipolis
                      Patrick Grohan, Orange Labs
1.  Context and Scientific Objectives
2.  State of the Art on Social Network Analysis & Semantic Social
3.  SemSNA: Analysing Social Networks with Semantic Web
4.  Community Detection: SemTagP, Semantic Tag Propagation


ISICIL: Information Semantic Integration
through Communities of Intelligence onLine

        enterprise 2.0
        semantic web
        business intelligence

       pluridisciplinary: ergonomists, sociologists,
        mathematicians, ontologists, computer scientists

       ANR-08-CORD-011


"the use of emergent social software   represent, exchange and analyse
platforms within companies, or         data accross applications to deliver
between companies and their            information in a way that matters to
partners or customers"                 people and to their communities.
                      [McAfee 2006]               [Berners-Lee et al., 2001]
extend social network analysis with semantic formalisms
to reveal and exploit the rich social structures embedded in the
emerging social data of web 2.0 applications:

     how to represent, link and access online social networks
   accross applications?

     how to enable classical operators of social network
   analysis to consider the semantics of these networks?

     how this semantics could be exploited to create new

1.  Context and Scientific Objectives
2.  State of the Art on Social Network Analysis & Semantic
    Social Networks
3.  SemSNA: Analysing Social Networks with Semantic Web
4.  Community Detection: SemTagP, Semantic Tag Propagation


graph algorithms to characterize the structure of a social network,
strategic positions/actors, and the distribution of networking


                    monitor information flow
                    foster communication
                    focus notifications in information systems
                    create project teams
                    identify experts

actors are represented by nodes and relations by edges
G=(V, E), n=|V|, m=|E|

                                             collaborate        sameInterest
               3           1

   0.5                           colleague                        follows

                                             manages       manages
           1           2
e.g. density and diameter highlight cohesion of the network
                                                           [Scott 2000]

                                       diam(G) = length(g(e1,e2 ));
                                       ∀e3 ,e4 ∈ E G ;
                                       length(g(e3 ,e4 )) ≤ length(g(e1,e2 ))


                                        [Zachary 1977]

degrees reveal local popularities   [Shaw1954]

directed degree differenciates support and influence
                     Din (y) = { x;∃( x, y ) ∈ E }


n-degree for variable neighborhood
                                     [Garrison 1960] [Pitts 1965]

betweenness centrality reveals intermediaries & brokers

                                 highly strategic position in
                                 communication [Shimbel 1953]
                                 [Cohn & Marriott 1958] [Burt 1992]

Closeness centrality measures reachability   [Leavitt 1951]

multiple & spread roles, context, profile, etc. distributed
across applications

who has the best betweeness centrality?

                           has met
                                     knows in

                     has met

                      works With
                                      has supervisor
              works With
how can we consider different types of relations?

                        has met
                                    knows in

                      has met

                      works with
                                      has supervisor
               works with
make assertions and describe resources with triples (subject, predicate, object)
like "the subject, verb and object of an elementary sentence“ [Berners-Lee 2001]


  "a set of representational primitives with which to model a
  domain of knowledge or discourse.
  The representational primitives are typically classes (or sets),
  attributes (or properties), and relationships (or relations
  among class members).
  The definitions of the representational primitives include
  information about their meaning and constraints on their
  logically consistent application”
                                       [Gruber 1993] [Gruber 2009]

set of primitives to define the classes of a domain knowledge,
taxonomical relations, and classes of resource that apply to properties

query language, protocol and format to send queries and
exchange results across the web

         PREFIX foaf: <>
         SELECT ?person ?name WHERE {
           ?person rdf:type foaf:Agent
           ?person foaf:firstName ?name

rich graph representations reduced to simple un-typed graphs for analysis
                                                 [Paolillo & Wright 2006]
                                                 [San Martin & Gutierrez 2009]




d (guillaume)=5



d <family> (guillaume)=?




colleague         d <family> (guillaume)=3

        sibling             parent                Yvonne	

    sister   brother   father    mother                            26
directed   weighted   labelled   parameterized
                                                                   network size
                  network    network    network      operators

                                                                    106 nodes
Graph Theory        ✔          ✔          ✔                         107 edges

[Brandes 2009]      ✔          ✔          ✔                         104 nodes

[Paolillo &                                                        ~ 104 nodes
Wright 2006]        ✔                     ✔                        ~ 105 edges

[San Martin &                                                      ~ 104 nodes
Gutierrez 2009]     ✔                     ✔                        ~ 105 edges

1.  Context and Scientific Objectives
2.  State of the Art on Social Network Analysis & Semantic Social
3.  SemSNA: Analysing Social Networks with Semantic Web
4.  Community Detection: SemTagP, Semantic Tag Propagation


exploit the semantic of social networks and parameterize SNA operators

                       parameterized SNA operators

                 SPARQL formalization of operators

            SemSNA ontology: annotate social data with results of analyses

proportion of the maximum possible number of properties of type
<rel> (or subtype)

                        number of actors of a given type (or subtype)

                        number of pairs of resources linked by a
                        property of type <rel> (or subtype)

number of paths of properties of type <rel> (or subtype) having y at one end
and with a length smaller or equal to dist

         parameterized path: a list of
         nodes of a graph G each linked
         to the next by a relation of type
         <rel> (or subtype)

length of the longest geodesic in the network for a property of type
<rel> (or subtype)

      geodesic: a shortest path
      between two resources for a given
      relation of type <rel> (or subtype)

   SPARQL is designed to query RDF data

   CORESE semantic search engine implementing semantic
    web languages using graph-based representations
     Automatic processing of semantic inference (e.g.

     Graph querying extension (e.g. paths)
                                [Corby et al 2004] [Corby 2008]

parameterized density

              SELECT cardinality(?p) as ?card WHERE {
                 { ?p rdf:type rdf:Property
                    filter(?p ^ param[rel]) }
                 { ?p rdfs:subPropertyOf ?parent
                  filter(?parent ^ param[rel]) }

              SELECT merge count(?x) as ?nbactor WHERE{
                 ?x rdf:type param[type]
parameterized n-degree

     SELECT ?y count(?x) as ?degree WHERE {
        {?x (param[rel])*::$path ?y
        filter(pathLength($path) <= param[dist])}
        {?y param[rel]::$path ?x
        filter(pathLength($path) <= param[dist])}
     GROUP BY ?y
parameterized diameter

     SELECT pathLength($path) as ?length WHERE {
          ?y s (param[rel])*::$path ?to
     ORDER BY desc(?length)
     LIMIT 1





number of geodesics
between from and to

number of geodesics
between from and to
going through b

closeness Centrality

betweenness Centrality
Ipernity   38
ANALYSED DATASET dataset extracted in RDF:

 61 937 actors & 494 510 relationships:
 –  18 771 family links between 8 047 actors

 –  136 311 friend links implicating 17 441 actors

 –  339 428 favorite links for 61 425 actors

 –  2 874 170 comments from 7 627 actors

 –  795 949 messages exchanged by 22 500 actors
validated with managers of

  friendOf, favorite, message, comment
   small diameter, high density
  family as expected: large diameter, low density
  favorite: highly centralized around Ipernity
  friendOf, family, message, comment: power law
   of degrees and betweenness centralities, different
   strategic actors
  knows: analyze all relations using subsumption
                                                              time   projections
                    Knows!      0.71 s !                                494 510!
                    Favorite!   0.64 s !                                339 428!
                    Friend!     0.31 s !                                136 311!
                    Family!     0.03 s !                                 18 771!
                    Message!    1.98 s !                                795 949!
                    Comment!    9.67 s !                              2 874 170!
                    Knows!      20.59 s !                               989 020!
                    Favorite!   18.73 s !                               678 856!
                    Friend!     1.31 s !                                272 622!
                    Family!     0.42 s !                                 37 542!
                    Message!    16.03 s !                             1 591 898!
                    Comment!    28.98 s!                              5 748 340!
Shortest paths used Knows!      Path length <= 2: 14m 50.69s !          100 000!
to calculate 	

                Path length <= 2: 2h 56m 34.13s       1 000 000!
                                Path length <= 2: 7h 19m 15.18s !     2 000 000!
                  Favorite!     Path length <= 2: 5h 33m 18.43s!      2 000 000!
                  Friend!       Path length <= 2: 1m 12.18 s !        1 000 000!
                                Path length <= 2: 2m 7.98 s!          2 000 000!
                  Family!       Path length <= 2 : 27.23 s!           1 000 000!
                                Path length <= 2 : 2m 9.73 s!         3 681 626!
                                Path length <= 3 : 1m 10.71 s!        1 000 000!
                                Path length <= 4 : 1m 9.06 s!         1 000 000! 41

annotating the networks with analysis results








                                                    colleague                                           Ivan	

Directed   Weighted   Labelled   Parametrized
                                                                     Network size
                     networks   networks   network     operators

                                                                      106 nodes
 Graph Theory          ✔          ✔          ✔                        107 edges

[Brandes 2009]         ✔          ✔          ✔                        104 nodes

[Paolillo & Wright                                                   ~ 104 nodes
      2006]            ✔                     ✔                       ~ 105 edges

                                                                     ~ 104 nodes
 [San Martin &
Gutierrez 2009]        ✔                     ✔                        ~ 104 - 105

                                                                      104 nodes
   SEMSNA              ✔          …          ✔            ✔          ~ 105 edges

•  directed typed graph structure of RDF/S
   well suited to represent social knowledge &
   socially produced medata accross applications and networks

•  parameterized SNA operators & SPARQL formalization
   enable us to exploit the diversity and the semantic structure
   of social data

•  SemSNA Ontology
   organize and structure social data

1.  Context and Scientific Objectives
2.  State of the Art on Social Network Analysis & Semantic Social
3.  SemSNA: Analysing Social Networks with Semantic Web
4.  Community Detection: SemTagP, Semantic Tag Propagation


e.g. ademe's Ph.D. thesis fundings and collaborations

helps understanding the repartition of actors and activities in a social

           SOA algorithms strategy mine linking structure in
           order to detect densely connected group of actors

output a dendrogram: a hierarchical tree of denser
and denser communities from top to bottom.

•  agglomerative algorithms start from the leaves,
   and group nodes in larger and larger communities:
   [Donetti & Munoz 2004] [Zhou & Lipowsky 2004]
   [Xu et al 2007] [Newman 2004]

•  divisive algorithms start from the root of the tree,
   and group nodes in denser and denser
   [Girvan & Newman 2002] [Radicchi et al 2004]

heuristics related to the community structure of networks
and to community characteristics:

        •  similarity with electrical networks [Wu 2004]

        •  random walk [Dongen 2000] [Pons et al 2005]

        •  label propagation [Raghavan et al 2007]
fraction of the edges that fall within communities minus the expected
such fraction if edges were distributed at random

                 1                   d<i> d< j >
              Q=        ∑ [Aij − m ]
                 m i, j∈V , c i =c j
           •  m be the number of edges of the network
           •  d<i> the degree of vertex i
           •  Aij the number of edges between i and j
€          •  ci the community of i,

(1) assigns a unique random label to each node.              [Raghavan et al 2007]

(2) each node n replaces its label by the label most used by its neighbours.
(3) if at least one node changed its label, go to step 2
(4) else nodes that share the same label form a community.

opportunity  replace random labels by tags in order to exploit not only
    the link structure but also the semantics of actors’ vocabulary!
each tag may represent a community of interest

     social tagging         flat folksonomie            thesaurus

                                                 polluant     énergie

                                                   related    related

                                      [Limpens 2010]
                                                       has narrower

                                                  pollutions du sol

exploit folksonomy for label assignement

                                           "interaction creates similarity,
                                           while similarity creates

                                           interaction" [mika
                             wiki          2005]             isicil
                              b                          e


          isicil   a                       d                           f

                              c                          g
                         sweetwiki                                            56
wiki:1, sweetwiki: 1, mediawiki: 1

                               b                  e


          isicil   a                      d                    f

                               c                  g
                          sweetwiki                                57
wiki:3, sweetwiki: 1, mediawiki: 1

                                          sweetwiki                       mediawiki

                               b                       e


          wiki     a                      d                           f

                               c                       g
                          sweetwiki                                           58
2 communities labelled with wiki & isicil

                                             sweetwiki                       mediawiki

                                b                         e


           wiki    a                         d                           f

                                c                         g
                              wiki                                               59

Algorithm SemTagP(RDFGraph network, Type relation)
1.  DO
2.  old_network = network
3.  //propagate tags (i.e. compute new partitions)
4.  FOREACH user IN network.users
5.     user.tag = mostUsedNeighborTag(user, relationType)
7.  WHILE modularity(network) > modularity(old_network)
8.  RETURN old_network

delegate all the semantic processing to a semantic graph engine to exploit
semantic relations between tags and to parameterize the analyzed relation

     SELECT ?user ?tag ?y WHERE{
          ?user param[rel] ?neighbor
          {{?neighbour scot:hasTag ?tag }
           {?neighbour scot:hasTag ?tag2
            ?tag skos:narrower ?tag2
            filter(exists{?x scot:hasTag ?tag})}
     ORDER BY ?user ?tag

« bad » generalizations
•  ubiquitous tags
•  too broad tags
•  semantic errors


user control to disable
semantic relations with
given tags, which
stengthen others
narrower tags


 1,853 agents
  1,597 academic supervisors
  256 ADEME engineers.
 13,982 relationships
  10,246 rel:worksWith
  3,736 rel:colleagueOf
 6,583 tags
 3,570 skos:narrower
 relations between 2,785 tags

X axis: propagation iterations, Y axis: modularity

 •  “the ‘optimal partition’, imposed by mathematics, does not
    necessarily capture the actual community structure of the
   confirmed by experiments

 •  modularity optimization might miss important substructures
    •  modules are very fuzzy
    •  modules have more than 2m edges (which is the case for
       half of ADEME’s detected communities)

 •  perspectives: measuring the average quality of each
                                   [Fortunato & Barthélemy 2007]
1.  pollution

2.  sustainable

3.  energy

4.  chemistry

5.  air pollution

6.  metals

7.  biomass

8.  wastes

•  engineer
•  supervisor
•  community         67
node size = degree

•  SemTagP: semantic community detection and controlled

•  applied to reveal the repartition of ADEME Ph.D fundings

•  many perspectives to integrate more semantics:
    •  investigate other semantics, e.g. skos:related, skos:closematch
   •  propagate tags through different types of relations
   •  propagate multiple tags and detect overlapping communities


• leveraging online social networks to ontology-based

• extending social network analysis to ontology-based

• semantic community detection and labelling

 scaling to large network
  sampling, parallel, iterative algorithms

 considering temporal data in the analysis
  representing and analysing temporal data

 enrich social activities with SemSNA results
  better management of resources and relationships

International conference
 Erétéo G., Gandon F., Corby O., Buffa M., “Analysis of a Real Online
Social Network Using Semantic Web Frameworks”. ISWC2009,
Washington D.C., USA.
 Erétéo G., Gandon F., Corby O., Buffa M., “Semantic Social Network
Analysis”. Web Science 2009, Athens, Greece.
Book chapter
 Erétéo, G., Buffa, M., Gandon, F., Leitzelman, M., Limpens, F., Sanders,
P., “Semantic Social Network Analysis, a concrete case”. Handbook of
Research on Methods and Techniques for Studying Virtual
Communities: Paradigms and Phenomena. A book edited by Ben Kei
Daniel, IGI Global 2011.
National conference
 Leitzelman M., Erétéo, G., Grohan,, P., Herledan, F., Buffa, M., Gandon,
F., “De l'utilité d'un outil de veille d'entreprise de seconde génération”.
poster in IC2009, Hammamet, Tunisia.
 Erétéo, G., Buffa, M., Gandon, F., Leitzelman, M., Limpens,
F., "Leveraging Social data with Semantics", W3C Workshop on the
Future of Social Networking, Barcelona, Spain.
 Erétéo, G., Buffa, M., Gandon, F., Grohan, P., Leitzelman, M., Sander,
P., "A State of the Art on Social Network Analysis and its Applications on a
Semantic Web", SDoW2008, Karlsruhe, Germany.


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Ph.D. defense: semantic social network analysis

  • 1. Guillaume Erétéo SEMANTIC SOCIAL NETWORK ANALYSIS Ph.D. Thesis defense supervisors: Michel Buffa, Kewi/I3S, UNSA/CNRS Fabien Gandon, Edelweiss, INRIA Sophia Antipolis Patrick Grohan, Orange Labs
  • 2. 1.  Context and Scientific Objectives 2.  State of the Art on Social Network Analysis & Semantic Social Networks 3.  SemSNA: Analysing Social Networks with Semantic Web Frameworks 4.  Community Detection: SemTagP, Semantic Tag Propagation OUTLINE 2
  • 3. CONTEXT ISICIL: Information Semantic Integration through Communities of Intelligence onLine   enterprise 2.0   semantic web   business intelligence  pluridisciplinary: ergonomists, sociologists, mathematicians, ontologists, computer scientists  ANR-08-CORD-011 3
  • 4. SEMANTIC INTRANET OF PEOPLE "the use of emergent social software represent, exchange and analyse platforms within companies, or data accross applications to deliver between companies and their information in a way that matters to partners or customers" people and to their communities. [McAfee 2006] [Berners-Lee et al., 2001] 4
  • 5. SCIENTIFIC OBJECTIVES extend social network analysis with semantic formalisms to reveal and exploit the rich social structures embedded in the emerging social data of web 2.0 applications:   how to represent, link and access online social networks accross applications?   how to enable classical operators of social network analysis to consider the semantics of these networks?   how this semantics could be exploited to create new algorithms? 5
  • 6. 1.  Context and Scientific Objectives 2.  State of the Art on Social Network Analysis & Semantic Social Networks 3.  SemSNA: Analysing Social Networks with Semantic Web Frameworks 4.  Community Detection: SemTagP, Semantic Tag Propagation OUTLINE 6
  • 7. SOCIAL NETWORK ANALYSIS graph algorithms to characterize the structure of a social network, strategic positions/actors, and the distribution of networking activities. applications:   monitor information flow   foster communication   focus notifications in information systems   create project teams   identify experts 7
  • 8. SOCIAL NETWORKS AND GRAPHS actors are represented by nodes and relations by edges G=(V, E), n=|V|, m=|E| collaborate sameInterest 3 1 follows 4 0.5 colleague follows 1,5 manages manages 1 2 8
  • 9. NETWORK STRUCTURE e.g. density and diameter highlight cohesion of the network [Scott 2000] diam(G) = length(g(e1,e2 )); ∀e3 ,e4 ∈ E G ; length(g(e3 ,e4 )) ≤ length(g(e1,e2 )) € [Zachary 1977] 9
  • 10. STRATEGIC POSITIONS & ACTORS degrees reveal local popularities [Shaw1954] 10
  • 11. STRATEGIC POSITIONS & ACTORS directed degree differenciates support and influence [Nieminem1973] Din (y) = { x;∃( x, y ) ∈ E } € 11
  • 12. STRATEGIC POSITIONS & ACTORS n-degree for variable neighborhood [Garrison 1960] [Pitts 1965] 12
  • 13. STRATEGIC POSITIONS & ACTORS betweenness centrality reveals intermediaries & brokers [Freeman1977] highly strategic position in communication [Shimbel 1953] [Cohn & Marriott 1958] [Burt 1992] 13
  • 14. STRATEGIC POSITIONS & ACTORS Closeness centrality measures reachability [Leavitt 1951] 14
  • 15. ONLINE SOCIAL DATA ARE MORE COMPLEX TO REPRESENT multiple & spread roles, context, profile, etc. distributed across applications 15
  • 16. LINK STRUCTURE IS NOT ENOUGH who has the best betweeness centrality? has met knows in passing has met works With has supervisor works With 16
  • 17. SEMANTICS MATTER! how can we consider different types of relations? has met knows in passing has met works with has supervisor works with 17
  • 18. RESOURCE DESCRIPTION FRAMEWORK make assertions and describe resources with triples (subject, predicate, object) like "the subject, verb and object of an elementary sentence“ [Berners-Lee 2001] 18
  • 19. ONTOLOGY "a set of representational primitives with which to model a domain of knowledge or discourse. The representational primitives are typically classes (or sets), attributes (or properties), and relationships (or relations among class members). The definitions of the representational primitives include information about their meaning and constraints on their logically consistent application” [Gruber 1993] [Gruber 2009] 19
  • 20. RESOURCE DESCRIPTION FRAMEWORK SCHEMA set of primitives to define the classes of a domain knowledge, taxonomical relations, and classes of resource that apply to properties 20
  • 21. SPARQL PROTOCOL AND RDF QUERY LANGUAGE query language, protocol and format to send queries and exchange results across the web PREFIX foaf: <> SELECT ?person ?name WHERE { ?person rdf:type foaf:Agent ?person foaf:firstName ?name } 21
  • 22. 22
  • 23. CLASSIC SNA ON SEMANTIC WEB rich graph representations reduced to simple un-typed graphs for analysis [Paolillo & Wright 2006] [San Martin & Gutierrez 2009] foaf:knows foaf:interest 23
  • 24. Fabien   Gérard   Mylène   coworker d (guillaume)=5 Michel   Yvonne   24
  • 25. Fabien   Gérard   Mylène   coworker d <family> (guillaume)=? Michel   Yvonne   25
  • 26. Fabien   Gérard   Mylène   oworker knows c colleague d <family> (guillaume)=3 Michel   sibling parent Yvonne   sister brother father mother 26
  • 27. directed weighted labelled parameterized network size network network network operators 106 nodes Graph Theory ✔ ✔ ✔ 107 edges [Brandes 2009] ✔ ✔ ✔ 104 nodes [Paolillo & ~ 104 nodes Wright 2006] ✔ ✔ ~ 105 edges [San Martin & ~ 104 nodes Gutierrez 2009] ✔ ✔ ~ 105 edges 27
  • 28. 1.  Context and Scientific Objectives 2.  State of the Art on Social Network Analysis & Semantic Social Networks 3.  SemSNA: Analysing Social Networks with Semantic Web Frameworks 4.  Community Detection: SemTagP, Semantic Tag Propagation OUTLINE 28
  • 29. SEMANTIC SNA FRAMEWORK exploit the semantic of social networks and parameterize SNA operators parameterized SNA operators SPARQL formalization of operators SemSNA ontology: annotate social data with results of analyses 29
  • 30. PARAMETERIZED DENSITY proportion of the maximum possible number of properties of type <rel> (or subtype) number of actors of a given type (or subtype) number of pairs of resources linked by a property of type <rel> (or subtype) 30
  • 31. PARAMETERIZED N-DEGREE number of paths of properties of type <rel> (or subtype) having y at one end and with a length smaller or equal to dist parameterized path: a list of nodes of a graph G each linked to the next by a relation of type <rel> (or subtype) 31
  • 32. PARAMETRIZED DIAMETER length of the longest geodesic in the network for a property of type <rel> (or subtype) geodesic: a shortest path between two resources for a given relation of type <rel> (or subtype) 32
  • 33. SPARQL FORMALIZATION OF PARAMETERIZED OPERATORS   SPARQL is designed to query RDF data   CORESE semantic search engine implementing semantic web languages using graph-based representations  Automatic processing of semantic inference (e.g. subsumption)  Graph querying extension (e.g. paths) [Corby et al 2004] [Corby 2008] 33
  • 34. SPARQL FORMALIZATION parameterized density SELECT cardinality(?p) as ?card WHERE { { ?p rdf:type rdf:Property filter(?p ^ param[rel]) } UNION { ?p rdfs:subPropertyOf ?parent filter(?parent ^ param[rel]) } } SELECT merge count(?x) as ?nbactor WHERE{ ?x rdf:type param[type] 34 }
  • 35. SPARQL FORMALIZATION parameterized n-degree SELECT ?y count(?x) as ?degree WHERE { {?x (param[rel])*::$path ?y filter(pathLength($path) <= param[dist])} UNION {?y param[rel]::$path ?x filter(pathLength($path) <= param[dist])} } GROUP BY ?y 35
  • 36. SPARQL FORMALIZATION parameterized diameter SELECT pathLength($path) as ?length WHERE { ?y s (param[rel])*::$path ?to } ORDER BY desc(?length) LIMIT 1 36
  • 37. component degree in-degree diameter number of geodesics between from and to number of geodesics between from and to going through b closeness Centrality 37 betweenness Centrality
  • 38. Ipernity 38
  • 39. ANALYSED DATASET dataset extracted in RDF: 61 937 actors & 494 510 relationships: –  18 771 family links between 8 047 actors –  136 311 friend links implicating 17 441 actors –  339 428 favorite links for 61 425 actors –  2 874 170 comments from 7 627 actors –  795 949 messages exchanged by 22 500 actors 39
  • 40. INTERPRETATIONS OF RESULTS validated with managers of  friendOf, favorite, message, comment small diameter, high density  family as expected: large diameter, low density  favorite: highly centralized around Ipernity animator.  friendOf, family, message, comment: power law of degrees and betweenness centralities, different strategic actors  knows: analyze all relations using subsumption 40
  • 41. PERFORMANCES & LIMITS time projections Knows! 0.71 s ! 494 510! Favorite! 0.64 s ! 339 428! Friend! 0.31 s ! 136 311! Family! 0.03 s ! 18 771! Message! 1.98 s ! 795 949! Comment! 9.67 s ! 2 874 170! Knows! 20.59 s ! 989 020! Favorite! 18.73 s ! 678 856! Friend! 1.31 s ! 272 622! Family! 0.42 s ! 37 542! Message! 16.03 s ! 1 591 898! Comment! 28.98 s! 5 748 340! Shortest paths used Knows! Path length <= 2: 14m 50.69s ! 100 000! to calculate Path length <= 2: 2h 56m 34.13s 1 000 000! Path length <= 2: 7h 19m 15.18s ! 2 000 000! Favorite! Path length <= 2: 5h 33m 18.43s! 2 000 000! Friend! Path length <= 2: 1m 12.18 s ! 1 000 000! Path length <= 2: 2m 7.98 s! 2 000 000! Family! Path length <= 2 : 27.23 s! 1 000 000! Path length <= 2 : 2m 9.73 s! 3 681 626! Path length <= 3 : 1m 10.71 s! 1 000 000! Path length <= 4 : 1m 9.06 s! 1 000 000! 41
  • 42. high  centrality   annotating the networks with analysis results SEMSNA SCHEMA 42
  • 43. SEMSNA AN ONTOLOGY OF SNA h6p://   43
  • 45. 4   Gérard   Mylène   hasCentrality 2   Distance Degree   father colleague   isDefinedForPro perty Yvonne   Guillaume   mother supervisor   Michel   Fabien   colleague colleague Ivan   Philippe   Peter   45
  • 46. Directed Weighted Labelled Parametrized Network size networks networks network operators 106 nodes Graph Theory ✔ ✔ ✔ 107 edges [Brandes 2009] ✔ ✔ ✔ 104 nodes [Paolillo & Wright ~ 104 nodes 2006] ✔ ✔ ~ 105 edges ~ 104 nodes [San Martin & Gutierrez 2009] ✔ ✔ ~ 104 - 105 edges 104 nodes SEMSNA ✔ … ✔ ✔ ~ 105 edges 46
  • 47. SEMSNA: CONCLUSION •  directed typed graph structure of RDF/S well suited to represent social knowledge & socially produced medata accross applications and networks •  parameterized SNA operators & SPARQL formalization enable us to exploit the diversity and the semantic structure of social data •  SemSNA Ontology organize and structure social data 47
  • 48. 1.  Context and Scientific Objectives 2.  State of the Art on Social Network Analysis & Semantic Social Networks 3.  SemSNA: Analysing Social Networks with Semantic Web Frameworks 4.  Community Detection: SemTagP, Semantic Tag Propagation OUTLINE 48
  • 49. DISTRIBUTION OF ACTIVITIES? e.g. ademe's Ph.D. thesis fundings and collaborations 49
  • 50. COMMUNITY DETECTION helps understanding the repartition of actors and activities in a social network SOA algorithms strategy mine linking structure in order to detect densely connected group of actors 50
  • 51. HIERARCHICAL ALGORITHMS output a dendrogram: a hierarchical tree of denser and denser communities from top to bottom. •  agglomerative algorithms start from the leaves, and group nodes in larger and larger communities: [Donetti & Munoz 2004] [Zhou & Lipowsky 2004] [Xu et al 2007] [Newman 2004] •  divisive algorithms start from the root of the tree, and group nodes in denser and denser communities: [Girvan & Newman 2002] [Radicchi et al 2004] 51
  • 52. HEURISTIC BASED ALGORITHMS heuristics related to the community structure of networks and to community characteristics: •  similarity with electrical networks [Wu 2004] •  random walk [Dongen 2000] [Pons et al 2005] •  label propagation [Raghavan et al 2007] 52
  • 53. MODULARITY MEASURES [Newman 2004] COMMUNITY PARTITION QUALITY fraction of the edges that fall within communities minus the expected such fraction if edges were distributed at random 1 d<i> d< j > Q= ∑ [Aij − m ] m i, j∈V , c i =c j With: •  m be the number of edges of the network •  d<i> the degree of vertex i •  Aij the number of edges between i and j € •  ci the community of i, 53
  • 54. LABEL PROPAGATION / RAK (1) assigns a unique random label to each node. [Raghavan et al 2007] (2) each node n replaces its label by the label most used by its neighbours. (3) if at least one node changed its label, go to step 2 (4) else nodes that share the same label form a community. opportunity  replace random labels by tags in order to exploit not only the link structure but also the semantics of actors’ vocabulary! 54
  • 55. FOLKSONOMIES each tag may represent a community of interest social tagging flat folksonomie thesaurus polluant énergie related related pollution [Limpens 2010] has narrower pollutions du sol 55
  • 56. TAG PROPAGATION exploit folksonomy for label assignement "interaction creates similarity, while similarity creates interaction" [mika wiki 2005] isicil b e mediawiki inria isicil a d f c g isicil sweetwiki 56
  • 57. TAG PROPAGATION wiki:1, sweetwiki: 1, mediawiki: 1 wiki isicil b e mediawiki inria isicil a d f c g isicil sweetwiki 57
  • 58. SEMANTIC TAG PROPAGATION wiki:3, sweetwiki: 1, mediawiki: 1 wiki skos:narrower sweetwiki mediawiki wiki isicil b e mediawiki inria wiki a d f c g isicil sweetwiki 58
  • 59. SEMANTIC TAG PROPAGATION 2 communities labelled with wiki & isicil wiki skos:narrower sweetwiki mediawiki wiki isicil b e wiki isicil wiki a d f c g isicil wiki 59
  • 60. ALGORITHM SEMTAGP Algorithm SemTagP(RDFGraph network, Type relation) 1.  DO 2.  old_network = network 3.  //propagate tags (i.e. compute new partitions) 4.  FOREACH user IN network.users 5.  user.tag = mostUsedNeighborTag(user, relationType) 6.  END FOREACH 7.  WHILE modularity(network) > modularity(old_network) 8.  RETURN old_network 60
  • 61. PARAMETRIZED SPARQL QUERY delegate all the semantic processing to a semantic graph engine to exploit semantic relations between tags and to parameterize the analyzed relation SELECT ?user ?tag ?y WHERE{ ?user param[rel] ?neighbor {{?neighbour scot:hasTag ?tag } UNION {?neighbour scot:hasTag ?tag2 ?tag skos:narrower ?tag2 filter(exists{?x scot:hasTag ?tag})} } ORDER BY ?user ?tag 61
  • 62. PROBLEM « bad » generalizations •  ubiquitous tags •  too broad tags •  semantic errors environment 62
  • 63. SOLUTION user control to disable semantic relations with given tags, which stengthen others narrower tags nanotechnology 63
  • 64. APPLIED TO ADEME PH.D. NETWORK  1,853 agents  1,597 academic supervisors  256 ADEME engineers.  13,982 relationships  10,246 rel:worksWith  3,736 rel:colleagueOf  6,583 tags  3,570 skos:narrower relations between 2,785 tags 64
  • 65. MODULARITY COMPARISONS X axis: propagation iterations, Y axis: modularity 65
  • 66. MODULARITY LIMITS •  “the ‘optimal partition’, imposed by mathematics, does not necessarily capture the actual community structure of the network”  confirmed by experiments •  modularity optimization might miss important substructures when: •  modules are very fuzzy •  modules have more than 2m edges (which is the case for half of ADEME’s detected communities) •  perspectives: measuring the average quality of each € community [Fortunato & Barthélemy 2007] 66
  • 67. RESULT 1.  pollution 2.  sustainable development 3.  energy 4.  chemistry 5.  air pollution 6.  metals 7.  biomass 8.  wastes •  engineer •  supervisor •  community 67 node size = degree
  • 68. « POLLUTION » AREA 68
  • 69. SEMTAGP: CONCLUSION •  SemTagP: semantic community detection and controlled labelling •  applied to reveal the repartition of ADEME Ph.D fundings •  many perspectives to integrate more semantics: •  investigate other semantics, e.g. skos:related, skos:closematch •  propagate tags through different types of relations •  propagate multiple tags and detect overlapping communities 69
  • 71. CONTRIBUTIONS • leveraging online social networks to ontology-based representations • extending social network analysis to ontology-based representations • semantic community detection and labelling 71
  • 72. PERSPECTIVES  scaling to large network sampling, parallel, iterative algorithms  considering temporal data in the analysis representing and analysing temporal data  enrich social activities with SemSNA results better management of resources and relationships 72
  • 73. International conference  Erétéo G., Gandon F., Corby O., Buffa M., “Analysis of a Real Online Social Network Using Semantic Web Frameworks”. ISWC2009, Washington D.C., USA.  Erétéo G., Gandon F., Corby O., Buffa M., “Semantic Social Network Analysis”. Web Science 2009, Athens, Greece. Book chapter  Erétéo, G., Buffa, M., Gandon, F., Leitzelman, M., Limpens, F., Sanders, P., “Semantic Social Network Analysis, a concrete case”. Handbook of Research on Methods and Techniques for Studying Virtual Communities: Paradigms and Phenomena. A book edited by Ben Kei Daniel, IGI Global 2011. National conference  Leitzelman M., Erétéo, G., Grohan,, P., Herledan, F., Buffa, M., Gandon, F., “De l'utilité d'un outil de veille d'entreprise de seconde génération”. poster in IC2009, Hammamet, Tunisia. Workshop  Erétéo, G., Buffa, M., Gandon, F., Leitzelman, M., Limpens, F., "Leveraging Social data with Semantics", W3C Workshop on the Future of Social Networking, Barcelona, Spain.  Erétéo, G., Buffa, M., Gandon, F., Grohan, P., Leitzelman, M., Sander, P., "A State of the Art on Social Network Analysis and its Applications on a Semantic Web", SDoW2008, Karlsruhe, Germany. QUESTIONS 73