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The Complete Book of Eye Care
Dr. M.S. Agarwal

About the Author
Dr. M.S. Agarwal (son of Dr. R.S. Agarwal, founder of Dr. Agarwal's Eye Institute)
was born on 7th August 1928 at Bulandshahr (U.P.). He spent his childhood at Sri
Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry. He is an M.Sc. and M.D. from Calcutta and has
worked as Director and Principal of Dr. Agarwal's Eye Institute, New Delhi.
He represented India at the Third Asian Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology held in
He is an advocate of yogic exercises and other natural methods together with proper
Dr. Agarwal was awarded a first prize by the Union Health Ministry for his book
Ankhen written in Hindi.

The Complete Book of Eye Care by the eminent eye specialist Dr. M.S. Agarwal,
who has done pioneering work by popularising natural methods of protecting the
eyes from various defects, should be of great interest and value to all. More than
anything else, it is our vision which we desire to keep intact as long as we live.
Many expensive medicines and treatments are available today, but it should not be
forgotten that the methods provided by nature are the best. These are not only more
effective but are also less expensive.
The exercises given here are yogic as well as others. Yoga, as we all know, is an
ancient Indian science and is being increasingly practised all over the world today. I
highly recommend this book to the readers and advise them to follow it religiously to
save their vision, God's greatest gift, from deterioration.
Hari Om

Indian Heritage Research Foundation
(Swami Chidanand Saraswati)
Normal vision is essential for carrying out our day-to-day activities efficiently.
Defective vision is a handicap and total loss of it is not only a personal tragedy but a
national one too. In India lack of health education, unhygienic living conditions and
malnutrition contribute greatly to the problems related to the eyes. Of course, that
curse of modern society, the television, is the greatest single factor responsible for
defective vision among urban people, especially children.
According to a World Health Organisation study, there are more than 10 million
people in the world today who are totally blind. Most countries are now realising the
urgent need to deal with the problem of blindness, and have various programmes
and plans for its prevention and cure. These include, among other things, extensive
use of the audio-visual media for mass education.
India too is making tremendous efforts in this direction. Eye-camps are set up with
teams of doctors and paramedical staff working day and night to perform operations
on a mass scale. Patients trudge along for miles to avail of these facilities. According
to the surveys conducted, 1.3 million patients in India need to be treated by surgery
every year but the total capacity is only for 80,000 patients.
The Government and voluntary agencies both need to intensify their efforts to
remove this lacuna.
Various seminars, workshops and other programmes are conducted regularly to
highlight the problem of blindness and discuss ways and means of dealing with it.
The most important thing is to educate the masses and to make them understand the
precautions to be taken to prevent defective eyesight. People should cooperate with
the doctors to eradicate blindness from the country.
In this book, I have tried to speak to our readers with the help of illustrations.
According to me, the principal cause of defective vision is overstraining the eyes,
nervous tension, wrong use of the eyes and a wrong diet. A simple way out of this is
mental relaxation, learning the correct use of eyes and proper balanced diet with
Vitamin A. I have also tried simple and effective treatment with herbal medicines and
the latest orthoptic treatment.
It is my sincere hope that this book will be of benefit to the young and the old, in our
country and elsewhere.
I gratefully acknowledge the love and affection of my friend Late Dr. B.M. Sinha
(Editor, Evening News), Shri Rajendra Awasthy (Editor, Kadambani) and Ms. Madhvi
Malhotra of Hind Pocket Books who inspired me to write this book.
I also pay my homage to my Gurudev, Shri Aurobindo, The Mother and my late father
Dr. R.S. Agarwal, a pioneer in natural treatment of eye diseases.


(Dr. M.S. Agarwal)
Treating Eyes Through Natural Methods
The courtyard outside the doctor's office is crowded with children and grown-ups.
Some are as young as five-year old, others middle-aged and older, but the majority
are school and college-going students.
Each one is engaged in sunning, palming, swinging, shifting, rocking or practising on
the Snellen Chart. Some ares winging the pencil in a slow motion, as they follow the
movement with one eye, while the other is kept covered with a patch. All have
earnest, rather harrowed expressions. They are suffering from defective eyesight.
Dr. M.S. Agarwal, who has been treating defective eyesight through natural methods
for 48 years, shakes his head in despair. "What is going to happen in another ten
years?" he asks. "Each one of these children here has spoilt his/her eyesight by
watching TV and video movies for hours."
Just then a small boy and his mother enter the office. The woman asks hesitantly if
her son can see the Sunday movie on TV for "just a little while".
Figure 1: Diosonic Massage by Dr. Agarwal

The doctor looks up sternly, "Nahin, Bllkul Nahin", he says. "Not even for a minute".
"This new craze for videos is going to turn more children blind than any deficiency in
their diet. They think it is a sign of affluence to have a colour TV and video recorder.
Some of these children watch as many as three movies in one evening. They are
slowly going blind".
Next to me, a girl sits on a stool, one eye covered with a patch, as she swings from
side to side and alternately opens and closes her eyes. She is totally absorbed in
what she is doing - intent on what she considers some magical process by which her
eyes will suddenly be able to see again.
"Now everyone has a TV", says the doctor. "Look at the lower income group flats.
There are more TV antennae there, than a top the houses of the wealthy. The rooms
are small and the parents allow children watch TV from very close to the screen. TV
should be watched from a distance of at least ten feet and for not more than 45
minutes at a time for those with normal eyes. For those whose sight is already
defective, TV viewing should not be permitted at all - or only for very short periods.
"While they are sitting and watching they eat nuts, chips, popcorn, and drink aerated
waters. They sits lumped in chairs for long hours, their eyes fixed on the small
screen. If their parents were determined to destroy their children's eyes, they could
hardly have thought of a better way", he added.
Dr. Agarwal's natural treatment is based on the Bates method of "better sight without
glasses". The treatment begins by putting the patient on a natural diet. Coffee and
tea are forbidden, all fried foods are on the banned list and cokes, bottled soft drinks,
white sugar and hot spicy foods are to be avoided. Milk, fruits and fruit juices, fresh
green vegetables, honey, lemon and curd can be freely included. A slumped, sitting
position restricts the circulation to the head, neck and eyes, with detrimental effects
on the eyes. The body needs good, healthy, fresh blood circulating in the head to
promote good eyesight. When children and adults sit for long hours in front of the
small screen, eye strain is inevitable, there is
Figure 2
tension and physical and mental strain, and the eyes become weaker and weaker.
Dr. Agarwal's instructions for viewing TV and I.C. Video include viewing for limited
periods of 40 to 50 minutes, at the correct distance and in the correct posture, which
is with the chin slightly raised. Children with acute myopia or other defects should not
watch TV at all. Nor should children be allowed to do their homework while TV is on.
If children are sleepy and tired or suffering from colds, headaches or flu, then TV
should be totally avoided.
All the patients who had come to the clinic were hoping to have their eyesight
restored. In the early stages, these defects can be cured and, according to the
doctor, children were generally the best patients, once it had been explained to them
how they were ruining their sight. But parents too should cooperate by not watching
TV at all hours and switching the set off when the children are at home.
Palming the Eyes
There were some young men, patiently palming and sunning their eyes, and swinging
in front of vertical iron grills. Their chances of entering the armed forces had been
ruined by weak and defective eyesight.
Miraculous cures have been effected by those who stick to the programme without
deviation. It is not particularly easy these days to go for long walks, play games, swim
and exercise, when every one else is watching TV and video. All sport is good for the
eyes. Following the flight of the ball is an excellent
exercise for the eyes. Swimming, walking and yoga asanas improve the circulation
and bring fresh blood to nourish the eyes. Sunning in the early morning or late
evening with closed eyes relieves all sorts of eye discomfort and strain.
Surprisingly, meditation is good for the eyes, since the mind and body are both
relaxed at this time and the eyes behind closed lids get healed.
The eyes, they say, are the windows of the soul. Certainly happenings, thoughts and
emotions are reflected first in our eyes. Tension, ill-health, fear and stress have a
marked effect on them. The yogi's say, "Tense eyes, tense body, tense mind".
The three common faults in human vision are: not using peripheral vision; staring (a
non-focused, unblinking condition); and not moving the eyes sufficiently in their
sockets - all these conditions are prevalent while watching TV.
Flabby Muscles
Reflecting the general condition of the body, the muscles of the eye may be in a
flabby state with too little tone, or in a high-strung state which may in due course of
time alter the natural shape of the eyeball. Lack of full movement seriously affects
eye muscles, and repeated small, tense eye actions (as when watching the mini TV
screen) strains and disables the eye function. Just as a muscle will ache if held for
too long in one position, so the intrinsic eye muscles tend to become exhausted
when confined to watching movements on a small screen.
Watching TV for long hours or seeing one or more movies on video encourages the
eye to perform a restricted range of actions and it slowly becomes less elastic, less
adaptable and too easily tired.
A young woman entered the doctor's office, pushing a reluctant child ahead Of her:
"Doctor", she said, «he can't see the blackboard in school any more".
The doctor looked up from his desk and sighed. "How many hours does he watch TV
everyday?" he asked, and one more young patient joined the endless queue in
search of good eyesight.
If he comes early enough, he has a good chance of regaining his normal eyesight. If
he follows instructions and cultivates awareness of what is good and what is bad for
his eyes, he has a good chance of maintaining the improvement.
Prevention is always better than cure. Natural methods for prevention and cure of
eye defects recommended here are based on the Bates method of "Better eyesight
without glasses". A balanced diet, correct postures, exercise, personal hygiene and
fresh air are highly recommended for prevention of eye defects.
The three common faults of vision are: not using peripheral vision, staring (a nonfocused, unblinking condition)and not moving the eyes sufficiently in their sockets. All
these conditions are there while watching TV. Therefore TV and Video viewing
should be restricted to 40 to 50 minutes especially for children. The viewing should
be do neat a correct distance (at least 10 feet) and in the correct posture (sitting
upright). If these habits are formed in childhood, they can help prevent many
problems in the future.
Miraculous cures have been effected by strictly adhering to the programme detailed
here. In the hustle and bustle of crowded city life it is not easy to find parks or open
spaces for morning walks or
to play outdoor games or do other exercises regularly. Swimming, walking and yogic
improve the blood circulation and bring fresh blood to nourish the eyes.
Sun Treatment
Sun Treatment is very useful in relieving all kinds of eye discomforts. It gives new
energy to the retina and the eye muscles.
Figure 3: Sun Treatment
Method : Sit comfortably facing the sun with eyes closed and sway the body from
side to side gently or moving on a rocking chair. Continue for five to ten minutes
morning or evening or when the sun is mild in the sky. Never take it when it is too hot
or the body feels uncomfortable. Application of honey (medicated) or Vizon with the
help of a glass or silver rod in each eye is very useful.
After enjoying the sun treatment, come to the shade and wash your eyes with cold
Washing the Eyes
Method I: Take an eye cup of filtered water and mix 5 drops of Opthalmo Special in
it. Change the water for each eye.
Figure 4: Washing the Eyes
In cold days lukewarm water may be used.

Figure 5: Palming
in such a way that no pressure is felt on the delicate eye balls. When all the light is
cut off by palming, imagine something pleasant such as beautiful flowers, etc.
If you feel relaxed, the period can be extended.
This is a very useful exercise which relaxes the eye muscles as well as the mind.
Method : Facing the bar stand with your feet about a foot apart. Then move your
body side to side like a pendulum. While swinging, your sight moves on the ground
and you feel the opposite movement.
Never fix your sight on the bars. The movement should be slow and not very fast.
Swinging with open eyes may be done ten times. Then close your eyes and do the
same and imagine the movement of the bars. This exercise can be done sitting or
Neck Exercise
This exercise is very useful in cases of ocular imbalance.
Method : Move your head clockwise slowly while keeping the eyes closed. Before
starting the movement stop the breath slowly, take the full round and exhale it when
your chin comes to the normal position. This exercise may be done five to seven
times. (Figs. 8, 9, 10 and 11)
Now move the chin from right to left. While starting the movement inhale slowly and
exhale it

Figure 7: Swinging - II
Figure 8: Neck Exercise - I

while taking the reverse round. Repeat five to seven times. (See figs. 12 and 13)
Now bring the chin to the normal position and touch the chest and slowly inhale.
Move the chin upward and take it as back as possible and exhale the air. This
exercise may be done five to seven times. (Fig. 14).
This exercise is very helpful in cases of spondylitis also.
Figure 10: Neck Exercise - III
Figure 12: Neck Exercise - V
Figure 14: Neck Exercise - VII
Pencil Exercise
You may keep a pencil at a hand's distance and move it slowly towards the nose.
Remember, the sight should not deviate from the pencil tip. This exercise may be
done seven to ten times.
In the same way move the pencil in such a way that with the movement of the body
the pencil comes near the other elbow. Now change yourself to the other direction.
Keep the sight fixed at the tip of the
Figure 15: Pencil Exercise - I
Figure 17: Pencil Exercise - III
Figure 19: Pencil Exercise - V
pencil and you will feel the distant objects swinging on the opposite side. Repeat
seven to ten times.
Figure 20: Pencil Exercise - VI
Eye Massage
This exercise is very helpful in improving the blood circulation of eye muscles.
Method: With the index fingers of both hands apply light pressure on the upper
eyebrow - do circular massage.The movement of the fingers should be very light and
circular on the orbit portion of the
Figure 21: Eye Massage

eyes. This may be done five to seven times, keeping the eyes closed, in early hours
of the day.
After finishing the above massage (Fig. 21), gently make a circular movement only on
the eyes (Fig. 22). This delicate massage will give relaxation to the eyes and improve
the vision.
Figure 22: Eye Massage
Acupressure is an Eastern therapy which helps cure disease of various parts of the
body. For eye problems one can try putting pressure on the points around the eyes
and brows, as shown in the picture.
Pressure is put for 2 to 3 minutes at a time and one may do this 3 or 4 times in a day.
For proper treatment one may consult a doctor specialising in this therapy. This
treatment has proved useful in severe cases of eye diseases.
With the light pressure of the index finger or thumb applied to the particular portion of
the face

Figure 23: Acupressure Points
or eye. It helps in giving energy and relaxation.

Apply light pressure to the temporal portion of the face for a few minutes. This
is very helpful in the inflamed condition of the eyes and cataract. (Fig. 24a)


Apply light pressure to the lower edge of eyebrows for a few minutes. This
relaxes the tension in cases of glaucoma and retinal diseases.
Apply gentle pressure with the help of index finger to the middle portion of the
forehead. This is good for glaucoma cases. (Fig. 24b)
Apply light pressure below the eye with the index finger. This helps in cases of
defective vision and floating specks.
An early morning walk with Acupressure sandals gives energy and keeps
many diseases away.
Apply light pressure on the tip of the nose with the help of the index finger.
Good for cases of nasal cough.
Apply pressure to the edge of the nose. Helpful in cases of nasal defect. (Fig.
Apply pressure with the help of the index finger on the upper portion of the lip
and below the nose. Helpful in cases of giddiness and floating specks. (Fig.
Apply pressure to the lower edge of the ear. Helpful in cases of defective
vision. (Fig. 24e)

Figure 24b: Acupressure
Figure 24d: Acupressure

Figure 24e: Acupressure
Steam Bath
This is very useful in case of eye inflammation and defective vision.
Method: Take a small electric kettle. Fill it with water, boil the water and allow its
vapour to come out. Before the water gets boiled, add a few leaves of Tulsi plant in it.
Then expose your eyes to light steam coming out of the kettle for a few seconds.
While doing so, cover your head with a cloth to provide sufficient supply of vapour to
your eyes.

Figure 25: Steam Bath
Cold Pads
After the eye exercises or when one feels strain in the eyes, cold pads give
Figure 26: Cold Pads
Method: Take two cotton pads, dip them in cold water and place them gently on the
eyes. You can cover both the eyes with a small bandage.
Yogic and Other Exercises
A lot has been said and written about the miraculous effect of Yoga on the body and
mind. Yogic asanas help greatly not only in preventing diseases but in curing them
too. There are several yogic exercises which are helpful in keeping the eyes healthy
and trouble-free.
Two kinds of yogic exercises are given here. The first set of exercises, like
pranayam, surya namaskar, pavan muktasana,jal neti and others can be learnt by
following the instructions given here and perfected by regular practice. For the other
set of exercises, such as shalabh asana, sarvangasana, matsyasana, bhujangasana,
etc., one needs an instructor as doing them the wrong way could lead to other
The efficacy of these exercises cannot be over emphasised. The candle exercise, the
pencil exercise, central fixation on the Om chart and the cross chart are equally
important and should be done regularly. Regularity is very important for achieving the
desired result.
There is a Yogic saying, "tense eyes, tense body, tense mind". It is not enough to try
and keep your
eyes healthy if your general health is poor and the mind tense. Relaxation of the
body and mind are important.Remember, exercises are only one part of the entire
programme. Others should also be followed religiously to deriveut most benefit from
the exercises.
Pawan Muktasana
Lie on the back and fold your legs on the chest. Wrap the arms around the knees and
breathe deeply. Exhale slowly while pressing the knees to the abdomen. Repeat the
exercise a few times.

Figure 27: Pawan Muktasana
Surya namaskar
Suryanamaskar comprises twelve positions:
Stage 1
Stand upright with feet together, join the palms together close to your chest and the
relax the whole body.Breathe in a normal way.
Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 2
Raise the arms straight above the head (separated by one shoulder width), while
gently bending back the head and the trunk. Inhale while raising the arms.
Stage 3
Bend forward till the arms touch the ground either on the side or in front of the feet.
Bend the head towards the knee, as close as possible, without bending the legs, and
without straining. While bending forward exhale.Expel maximum air by contracting
the abdomen at the end.

Stage 3
Stage 4
Stretch the right leg backwards, as far back as you can. Simultaneously bend the left
leg at the knee, but don't move the foot. The position of the arms remains the same.
Arch your back bending the head back and look upwards.Inhale while you stretch the
left leg.

Stage 4
Stage 5
Take the left leg back to the side of the right leg and raise the- buttocks in the air;
lower the head between the arms. Legs and arms should be straight, forming two
side of a triangle. Heels should touch the ground as far as possible. Expel breath
while you straighten the right leg.

Stage 5
Stage 6
Lower your body so that the toes, the two knees, the chest, the hands and the chin
touch the ground while the hips and abdomen are slightly raised off the ground.
Breath should be out; no inhaling.
Stage 6
Stage 7
Straighten the arms from the elbows while lowering legs, buttocks and stomach flat
on the ground as you

Stage 7
raise the body waist upward. Bending the head backwards- Breathe in while raising
the body and the head backward.
Stage 8
This is a repetition of stage 5.
Stage 9
This is a repetition of stage 4 with left leg bent instead of the right.

Stage 9
Stage 10
This is a repetition of stage 3.
Stage 11
This is a repetition of stage 2.
Stage 12
This is a repetition of stage 1.
This constitutes half-a-round. In the next half from position 4, start with left leg
forward and in 9 bend the right leg. The right leg takes the position of the left and
This exercise restores lost vitality, both physical and mental, as it is an excellent
method of loosening all the joints and the muscles besides massaging the internal
organs. Relaxation of eye-related nerves is beneficial to the eyes.
Lie on the back, with legs stretched out, slightly apart. Close the eyes, breathe slowly
and deeply. Consciously relax every part of the body, and stay in this position for
sometime. Try to feel like a corpse.

Figure 28: Shavasana
This asana is good for relaxing the body and the mind.
Method: Stretch the legs forward, bend the legs at the knees and place the heel at
the point between the anus and the scrotum. Fold the right leg and place the heel
against the pubic bone.
Figure 29: Siddhasana
Place the right foot on the left thigh and the left foot on the right thigh. Adjust the
heels in such a way that they are both pressing on the abdomen. The hands may rest
on the knees. Keep the head and the back straight.
Figure 30: Padmasana
Shanmukhi Mudra
Practise, as shown below, pressing your eyes with the fingers. Relax while doing so
and breathe slowly. This will help relieve your eyes of strain.
Figure 31: Shanmukhi Mudra
This asana relaxes the body and the mind.
Method: Sit on your knees, keeping the legs and toes parallel to the ground. The
buttocks will rest on the soles of your feet and the thigh over the legs.
Figure 32: Vajrasana
Lie on the stomach, with the chin touching the ground. Inhale, tense the arms, clench
the fists and raise the legs. Hold for a few seconds. Then exhale and lower the legs.
Relax. Repeat the exercise a few times.
Figure 34: Bhringasana
Lie down on your back. Slowly raise the legs. Lift the trunk, hips and legs vertically.
Rest the elbows on the ground firmly and support the back with both your hands.
Press the chin against your chest. Breathe slowly and concentrate on the thyroid
gland. It is very good for eye patients because it activates blood circulation in the
head. This asana is very good for building the body. It removes dyspepsia,
constipation and gastrointestinal disorders.
Figure 35: Sarvangasana
Assume Padmasana. Lie on the back without allowing the feet to leave the ground,
raise the trunk up. Rest the top of the head on the ground. Hold the toes with the
This asana is very good for neck-larynx and wind pipe - and also for eye patients.

Figure 36: Matsyasana
Lie on the stomach, with palms on the ground. Inhale and, supporting yourself on the
arms, raise the head and the trunk, leaning backwards. Stay in this position for a few
seconds, then exhale slowly and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise a
few times.

Figure 37: Bhujangasana
Jal Neti
This is a simple yoga treatment to clear the toxic material that collects inside the
nose. Many people have nasal defects that affect their eyesight. After doing Jal Neti
you will feel relaxed. If done regularly, it improves one's vision most effectively.
Method: Take a Jal Neti pot (a small round pot specially designed for this purpose)
and fill it with warm water. Mix in a spoonful of salt. Slowly bend yourself and place
the nozzle of the pot at one of the openings of your nose. Slowly bend the pot letting
water flow inside. In a minute, the warm water will start coming out of the other
Change the nozzle of the pot to the other nostril and repeat the process. Let the
warm water flow out. Keep sneezing out the water from the nostrils so that none
remains inside.
This will eject a lot of impurities from the nose and give you great relaxation.
Figure 38: Jal Neti
Pranayama (Nadi Sodhan)
Stage 1
Sit in any of the meditative poses such as Padmasana, Siddhasana, Sukhasana,
etc., but not Vajrasana. It should be a pose which can be comfortably maintained for
at least 15 minutes. Place the hands on the knees, straighten the spine, hold the
head up-right so that it faces directly forward and relax the whole body. Close the
eyes and mentally prepare the mind and body for the forthcoming practice. For a few
minutes be aware only of the body and the breath.
Now start the practice.
Keeping the left hand on the knee, raise the right hand. The right fingers should
control the flow of air through the nostrils in the following way:
The index and middle fingers should remain on the eye brow center (bhrumadhya)
throughout the whole practice.The thumb should be near the right nostril so that it
can control the flow of air by pressing the side of the nostril.The third finger should be
placed beside the left nostril so that it can control the flow of air in the left nostril.
Close the right nostril with the thumb. Inhale through the left nostril and then exhale
through the same nostril.
Figure 39: Pranayama - Stage 1
The rate of inhalation and exhalation should be normal. Breathe in and out five times.
Release the pressure of the thumb on the side of the right nostril. Press the side of
the left nostril with the ring finger to prevent the flow of air.
Inhale and exhale through the right nostril. Again the rate of respiration should be
normal. Repeat five times.Respiration through each nostril five times in turn is one
round. Practise 25 rounds. The practitioner should not breathe heavily and there
should be no sound as the air passes through the nostrils.
After 15 days, leave Stage 1 and practise Stage 2.
Stage 2
Alternate nostril breathing. Close the right nostril with the thumb.
Inhale through the left nostril. At the end of the inhalation close the left nostril with the
ring finger, release the pressure of the thumb on the right nostril and breathe out
through the right nostril. Then inhale through the right nostril, open the left nostril and
exhale through the left nostril. This is one round. In this stage, the practitioner should
start counting the length of each inhalation and exhalation. The counting should be
done mentally by repeating 1-Om, 2-Om, 3-Om, etc. The time for inhalation and
exhalation should be equal. For example, in 5 and out 5, or whatever number is
comfortable. Do not strain under any circumstances.
After a few days try to increase the period of inhalation and exhalation, maintaining
the same 1 to 1 ratio.In other words, try to increase the time of inhalation to 6 and the
time of exhalation also to 6. When this is easily achieved try to obtain a count of 7 for
inhalation and 7 for exhalation. Do not force the breath in anyway. Be careful not to
speed up the counting during exhalation to compensate for shortage of breath. At the
slightest sign of discomfort reduce the time of each inhalation and exhalation or
discontinue the practice for a day.
Figure 40: Pranayama - Stage 2
Other Exercises
Two 'O' Exercise
Keep the sight on the white centre of the letter 'O'. Blink gently. Note that the white
centre seems to be whiter than the rest. Further, note that the blackness of the letter
'O' is darker than the other 'O' which is within the field of vision. Close the eyes for a
second and imagine 'O' and repeat. One will see the whiter outline darker.Do the
excercise five times. This improves Central Fixation and brings energy to the Central
Spot (Fovea Centralis).
(a) Look at the top letter and then shift to the small letter. Repeat several times. If the
practice is successful,the letters and the black line between the two letters will appear
to move in the opposite direction and the small letter will appear blacker than the
larger one.
If not successful after a few trials, rest the eyes by closing them and palming, and try
(b) Look at a point above the top of the big letter so as to see the bottom portion
Then look at a point below the bottom part of the letter so as to see the top of the
letter clearly.
Figure 41: Two 'O' Exercise
Repeat three times.
If successful, the letter will appear to move up and down, and the vision will improve.
Then repeat on the small letter.
Imagination Exercise
The exercise is meant to obtain Central Fixation (Trataka) at a near point.
Method: Look at the black dot from a distance of 72 cms, and observe its darkness
with both the eyes. After gazing at the dot for some time you will feel it has got darker
and a flame is seen moving like in a fire.Now close your eyes. You will see the dot in
your imagination and your mind will feel relaxed.

Figure 42: Imagination Exercise - I
Here is another variation of the Central Fixation exercise, which you can try in the
same manner.
Figure 43: Imagination Exercise - II
Central Fixation on Om Chart
Look at the Om Chart for a few seconds and then close your eyes, meditating on the
figure. Open your eyes and look at the flames, then again, closing the eyes meditate
on it. Repeat this process by looking at various other parts of the figure and
meditating on them.
Figure 44: Central Fixation on Om Chart
Central Fixation on the Cross Chart
One can concentrate on this Cross Chart also in the same way as with the Om Chart.
In this case fix your mindon the point at the centre of the Cross.
Figure 45: Central Fixation on the Cross Chart
Trataka / Candle Exercise
Sit-in a quiet, dark place and look at the lighted flame. Keep the sight at the blue part
of the flame and blink gently. Now try to imagine the lighted flame with closed eyes.
If the visualization is not perfect, again look at the blue part of the flame and try to
imagine the same without making any effort.
Figure 46: Trataka / Candle Exercise
When you are able to visualize the flame in your imagination, then open your eyes.
Read the testing chart or photo print. This exercise can be done with both the eyes.
One may palm the eyes whenever they feel strained. This exercise gives perfect
control over the mind. This is also known as the Trataka.

Keep the flame at a distance where one can see it clearly.
Do Trataka in a peaceful place.
While doing the exercise sit in a relaxed posture.

Useful General Hints
A balanced diet and adequate exercise are crucial factors for general health and
clear vision. However, in today's urban scenario people have irregular eating habits,
without enough exercise and usually live at an hectic pace in the midst of
considerable environmental pollution and degradation. These factors are the grim,
inevitable consequence of modern life, far removed from a direct, earthy connection
with nature.
The pleasure of eating rich food saturated with fat and cholesterol, is short-lived, as
you eventually pay a heavy price for it with your health. So, say no to heavy, spicy
food whenever you can, since it leads to a pain in the joints, cardiac problems,
stomach ulcers, migraine, backache besides skin and eye problems. Even
medication and treatment is ineffective if your diet is unsuitable.
Nourishing meals at set hours can work wonders for your health. Have substantial
breakfast, a light lunch and dinner.Chew your food well. Milk and certain milk
products are recommended along with ayurvedic tonics Chyavanaparsh or
Drakshasava. Avoid high-calorie foods like ice-creams, chocolates, milk-shakes,
cakes, desserts, jams, jellies and aerated drinks.
Refrain from drinking strong tea or coffee, alcohol, smoking or chewing tobacco and
heavy medication. Though these may give you a temporary feeling of well-being, they
are likely to cause irreparable damage to your health. Expectant mothers, especially,
should avoid these since they cause congenital defects to the foetus Excessive
smoking and consumption of pan masala often results in cancer besides impaired
Wash eyes regularly with rose water to keep them clean, fresh and relaxed. Do not
take medicine or use eye drops without first consulting your doctor. Certain strong
drugs can lead to mental disorders and eye diseases, if used carelessly. Refrain from
excessive use of antibiotics or sulphur eye-drops.
Correct reading habits need to be inculcated at an early age. Often, children read
and eat at the same time Some even have a book open while watching television,
taking the cue from adults around them. Too much television viewing causes eye
strain. Greater awareness from adults in the family therefore becomes imperative, as
they should refrain from such practices and discourage them in their children. Young
eyes behind thick glasses should serve as a chilling reminder.
Even excessive sleep or lack of it, over-eating or too many fasts can all adversely
affect your eyes.
For clearer vision, eat plenty of green and yellow fruits supplemented with
vegetables, since they are rich in vitamin C, A and iron. Also recommended are soup
and juices before or in between meals, especially Karela (bittergourd) juice and
papaya since they are good for the liver too and prevent constipation.
So does one spoon of triphala powder or gulkand at bed-time. Eat sprouted grains
and drink plenty of water.
Avoid Mental Strain
Yogic asanas keep your body healthy and active, while pranayama (breathing
rhythmically), helps you to relax. Meditation should be done early in the morning and
in the evening.
Use either a dim or green light in a well ventilated room and never bright red bulbs. A
noisy atmosphere results in tension. Light-colour curtains, flowers and mild perfume
help to produce a soothing effect.
Morning walks on dew-covered grass or along a sea-shore refresh both body and
soul. So does a light body massage as you listen to soft music. Oil massages are
also good for your health. Unwind by bathing or showering with luke warm water.
Laughter and a positive attitude to life reduces stress. Negative thoughts and worry
over trifles should be set aside, at least for the day. Do not start arguments during
meals. The company of children will keep you happy.Play outdoor/indoor games with
children whenever you can.
Daily Diet Programme

Milk with carrot kheer, dalia (whole wheat)
or cornflakes. Toast with butter or cheese
or tomato.
Fruits: Papaya, apple, pears, cherries,
mango etc. Almond milk with amla, carrot
and apple Murabba.
Fruit juice - Orange-apple-mausami or
grapes or vegetable soup.
Green vegetables - tomato with torai,
ghia, spinach, beetroot with cream.
Salad: tomato, carrot, radish, cucumber
Green vegetables: cabbage, carrot, ghia,
torai, beans, spinach, parmal etc.
Curd, a little rice and chapati.
Take boiled vegetables.
Mango or almond milk and fruit. Apple
juice is very good.
Light dinner of salad, green vegetables, a
little dal, rice and chapati.
Pickles: Only lemon with meals.
For non-vegetarians - mixed vegetables in
boiled meat. AVOID FRIED RED MEAT.

10 A.M.


4 P.M.


Mineral Chart


Dairy product,
Strong bones and teeth, nerve function. fresh green vegetables, eggs,
almonds and soyabean.
Key element in reactions and storage of Dairy products, beans, peas,
cell energy.
and soyabeans.
Major mineral within body cells,
Fruits-banana, apricots etc.;
Potassium essential for fluid balance and cell
potatoes and green vegetable.
Basic requirement of all cells, important
Fresh green vegetables, peas,
Magnesium for electrical activity of nerves and
beans, cereals and nuts.
Thyroid gland.
Iodized salt and sea food.
Manufacture of haemoglobin. It is an
Green vegetables, spinach
oxygen carrying compound in the
salad, beet root, cereals,
blood.Important during pregnancy.
soyabean, wheat and eggs.
Water, fluoride tooth paste,
Protects against tooth decay, oxygen
beans, peas, nuts, wheat
uptake of the cells and cell enzyme.
product, sea food, liver.
Maintains body fluid balance, muscle
Cereals and vegetables.
contraction and nerve reaction.
Vitamin Chart

Maintains cell membrane, retina, lining
A (Retinol) of the lungs, strengthens the digestive
system and bones.

Utlization of carbohydrates in the body.

Release of energy and body repair
(Nicotinic Body fuel and oxygen.
Red Blood cells
Energy to body cells

Skin and Circulatory system.


RBC production in bone marrow and
nervous system.

Folic Acid

RBC production

C (Ascorbic
Bones, teeth and tissue repair.

Blood calcium levels and bone growth.
Utilization of fatty substances and cell
Blood clotting and Intestinal bacteria.

Green and yellow vegetables,
fruits, eggs and liver
Whole grain, cereals, nuts,
peas, beans and pork.
Flour, liver, poultry products,
whole grain, and lean meat.
Milk, cheese and eggs.
Milk, whole grain, eggs, liver
and lean meat.
Whole grain, nuts, egg yolk.
Fresh vegetables, nuts, egg
yolk, liver, kidney
Dairy products, eggs and
Fresh vegetables, fish and
Citrus fruits, tomatoes,
cabbage, strawberries and
Dairy products, eggs, fish and
Vegetable oil and sprouted
Leafy vegetables.

Herbal Medicines
Eye Drops - Very cooling and refreshing for the eyes
Please refer to hardcopy available from Hind Pocket Books.
Eye Drops - Good for inflamed eyes and vision
Please refer to hardcopy available from Hind Pocket Books.
Eye Drops - Good for vision
Please refer to hardcopy available from Hind Pocket Books.
Eye Drops to Soothe
Please refer to hardcopy available from Hind Pocket Books.
Eye Lotion for Washing - Especially good for early stage of cataract
Please refer to hardcopy available from Hind Pocket Books.
Eye Tonic Juice - Very good tonic for the eye
Please refer to hardcopy available from Hind Pocket Books.
Eye Tonic
Please refer to hardcopy available from Hind Pocket Books.
Eye Tonic in Winter
Please refer to hardcopy available from Hind Pocket Books.
Liver Tonic
Please refer to hardcopy available from Hind Pocket Books.
General Tonic 1
Please refer to hardcopy available from Hind Pocket Books.
General Tonic 2
Please refer to hardcopy available from Hind Pocket Books.
Tonic for Diabetes
Take 12 leaves of Bail & Neem and mash them well. 5 leaves each of tulsi, jamun,
giloyand gular. Mash them well. Mix 5 black munakka and black pepper. Make pills
and take after meals.
Please refer to hardcopy available from Hind Pocket Books.
Effects of Television and Computer
TV provides knowledge, but children and adults watch it in a wrong manner, which
causes visual defects.
Sit at a proper distance, five to six metres away from the TV. This protects the eyes
from the bad effect of theX-rays of the TV screen.
if the colour picture is shaking or it is presenting defective colours.
watch TV
if the eyes are inflamed or watering.
from a close distance or in a bending posture.
if suffering from a headache.
in a reclining posture.
from a close distance if pregnant.
mind is disturbed.

Figure 47: Television Viewing
Correct Reading
Keep the book lower than the chin so that the lids may be raised. Blink twice while
reading a line. Avoid reading for long hours in the sun. The glare strains the eyes.
Reading while lying on the bed should also be avoided.
Correct Reading

Incorrect Reading

Figure 48
Correct Writing
While writing your sight should move with the pen. Never try to read written letters
while writing. If you want to read, stop writing; move the chin slowly and read.
Moving the eyeballs backwards and reading the letters is harmful, and it causes eye
strain and headache.
Figure 49: Correct Writing
Common Defects
There are some common eye defects like Trichiasis, Trachoma Conjunctivitis, etc. for
which treatment has been suggested.
Most of these defects can be got rid of by following the instructions given here. There
are some eye defects, however,which need a specialist's attention, like Glaucoma,
Cataract, Iritis, Pterygium, etc. Some of these defects can be corrected only by
surgery. An eye surgeon should be consulted in the early stages. Almost all diseases
can be cured if treated in time. Delay or neglect on the part of the patients renders it
difficult for the doctor to effect a complete cure.
Names of common defects are: Squint, trachoma, ocular imbalance blepharit is,
spring catarrh progressive myopia.
In this state a few small scattered and distorted eyelashes get turned inwardly and
rub on the cornea. Dirty and infected eyelids, and burn injuries lead to trichiasis.
Prevention and Precautions
Eyelids should be kept clean with warm water. Proper medication in sore eye
prevents this condition. Avoid irritation of the cornea. Trichiasis leads to lacrymation
(watering of the eyes), foggy vision, gritty sensation; sometimes,even cornea ulcers
may occur in the eye. It causes loss of sleep.
It is a very common infection of the eye. Atmospheric dust, smoke and strong light
may cause inflammation of the eyes, hence these should be avoided. Trachoma
causes redness of the eye, swelling, uneasy sandy sensation,constant irritation and a
tendency to rub frequently on the conjunctival layer (inner side) of the eye. About
one-fifth of the world population is affected by it. Its complication can lead to the loss
of vision. It is a contagious disease and can pass from person to person. A person
suffering from conjunctivitis should not use others' handkerchiefs.and towels. The
advancement of trachoma to the second or the third stage can be prevented by
proper use of eye lotions, triphala and medicines. Nutritious diet is very essential.
It is a common inflammatory condition at the margin of the eyelids. Crusts and scales
are seen between eyelashes.Ulcerated lids become red and swollen. Pain and, at
times, mild photophobia with lacrymation causes problems.
Girls and boys, of fair complexion living in poor hygienic conditions are prone to
develop this defect. Early treatment can prevent the condition from becoming chronic.
Prevention and Precautions
The best treatment is to clear the crusts with mild fomentation and proper medicines.
Clean the eye lashes 2-3 times a day. The condition becomes worse after taking fried
or spicy food. Hence avoid it.
Early stage of conjunctivitis and nasal problems should be properly treated. Patients
suffering from measles should not be exposed to dust, smoke and strong light to
avoid complications of blepharitis.
It is inflammation of the conjunctiva which makes the eyes red. It is more marked in
the fornix layer and fades towards the cornea. Mild itching and a sandy sensation is
felt in the eyelids. At times there is hot sensation.Glare is felt while moving- in the
Prevention and Precautions
The condition is worsened by exposure to smoke, strong wind, or high intensity flame
(e.g. welding flame). Any foreign body on the Conjunctiva should be removed with
great care. Flu can worsen the infection. Give complete rest to the eye.
Handkerchiefs, towels and fingers should be kept clean. Mild saline lotion or rose
water may be used for cleaning the eyes.
Use eye drops or ointments as advised. If the inflammation is due to an injury or a
blow, cold compress and complete rest are very helpful.
Rest in a dim light if the eyes have been hurt by exposure to snow.
Corneal Ulcer
Corneal Ulcer is an inflammation of the corneal layer of the eye. It is observed as a
white spot on the cornea.
Prevention and Precautions
Avoid corneal injury which can be caused in various ways: a foreign body like sand or
metal particles, fire works, gulal or coloured water during holi festival watery
discharge from smallpox or herpes-zoster, and heavy smoking,etc. Eye infection can
be due to trachoma, dipthertic conjunctivitis, gonorrheal ophthalmia and lack of
lacrymation.Mental tension can cause inflammative glaucoma which, in turn, brings
ulcer formation on the cornea. Always keep the eyes clean and moist.
Consult an eye specialist in the early stage.
Spring Catarrh
This is an uncommon conjunctival disease which attacks both the eyes and lasts for
many seasons in weak children (mostly male). A bluish white film is observed around
cornea with a mild inflammation of the conjunctiva. There is a feverish sensation,
lacrymation. Itching and photophobia.
Appetite is poor. Worms are observed in the stool.
Prevention and Precautions
Improve your general health with a balanced diet. Avoid eye strain. Keep away from
dust and smoke. Take cold compress with advised medical eye treatment. Clean
eyes with an eye lotion. Take anti-worm treatment if required. Use coloured glasses.
Strolling on green grass or along a seashore is very helpful.
It is a triangular fold of membrane from conjunctival layer to the cornea. If advanced,
it may lead to blindness.In early stages, a layer of red blood vessels is seen which
changes to a white membrane. There is irritation, watering and dimness of vision. It is
mostly seen in one eye (rarely in both the eyes) in elderly persons.
Prevention and Precautions
Use coloured glasses which keep the eyes well covered. Avoid strong wind, smoke
or dust, eye strain, and constipation. Keep general health good by taking light,
vitaminised diet.
The best treatment is surgery by a specialist.
Xerosis is dryness of the eye in which the lacrymal apparatus is not much affected
but secretion of the membrane is impaired. The lustre of the cornea is reduced. It
causes cicatrical degeneration of the conjunctival layer.Lack of vitamin A in the diet
causes this disease. It is mostly seen in children and young adults. Small or big
triangular spots are seen near the cornea. Keratomalacia are seen in advanced
cases. It is more common in the summer season.
Prevention and Precautions
Avoid taking food which lacks in Vitamin A. General improvement in the diet and
Vitamin A will be helpful. Wash your eyes regularly with triphala lotion or rose water.
Walking on green grass and the greenery of hillsare good for the eyes.
Herpes Zoster
It is a viral infection on the face. It brings fever and body pain; swelling on the eyelids,
and small or large maculae (dots) are observed on the cornea.
Prevention and Precautions
The eyelids and the skin around the eyelids should be kept clean. Take complete
rest. Use of eye drops with Vitamin C and a vitaminised diet in general is helpful in
reducing the infection. Use coloured glasses. Delay in treatment can affect the vision.
Isolation from others is important.
Iritis is the inflammation of the iris - the black curtain that hangs between the anterior
chamber in front and the posterior chamber behind. The condition may be acute,
subacute or chronic. It may be a complication of a local eye disease or a general
body ailment like tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea or gout. It may be sympathetic.
The eye loses its lustre. The markings on the iris become indistinct. The colour of the
iris may become greenishor bluish grey or muddy black. It is painful, causes
photophobia and lacrymation and detective vision. The painis generally in the temple
region and gets worse at night. The disease may spread to almost all parts of the
eye,viz. conjunctiva, cornea, ciliary body, choroid vitreous, optic nerve and retina.
Prevention and Precautions
It requires treatment by an eye specialist in the early stages. Complications can lead
to blindness. Avoid strong light. Use of smoked glasses is soothing.
In myopia, the vision is usually good upto a short distance. The eye ball is elongated
and the eye cannot focus on distant objects. By using concave lenses, the distant
objects become clear.
Prevention and Precautions
Walk bare foot on grass early in the morning. Take sun treatment with eyes closed.
Splash cold water on the eyes or wash them with cold water 8-10 times a day using
an eye cup. Perform yoga pranayama, palming and trataka using a candle or a pencil
regularly. Avoid mental and emotional stress. Try to sleep well and relax. Do not
strain the eyes to see near or distant objects. Tub bath is very helpful. Relaxation is
one of the best ways of helping your eyes.
Take five grams each of saunf, black and white pepper, almond, small pipal,
khaskhas, dhania(dry), sat magaj and ten grams of mishri. Powder and mix them,
and take 1/2 spoon in the morning and evening with milk. Triphala, rose water and
honey are also good for the eyes. Constipation aggravates the myopic condition. A
light diet with green vegetables, soups and fruits is helpful.
Squint is a common problem and causes a great deal of anxiety to the parents of the
afflicted child. Squintis caused by disturbance of the synchronisation of the eye
movement. Children often try to mimic squint-eyed persons,and thereby tend to
develop a squint. A squint-eyed child needs a lot of sympathy, assurance and
support from parents. Over anxiety on their part does not help.
When we see an object, two images are formed, one in each eye. The brain
perceives them as one. This single perception depends upon perfect harmony of
movements of the two eyes. Disturbance in the synchronisation of eye movement is
seen as squint.
Formation of focal image on macula (central spot of the retina) leads to difficulty in
image fusion. At the time of deviation, the sharp and blurred image brings about
double vision.
Prevention and Precautions
Mental strain and lack of sleep bring tension to the eye muscles. This can be
prevented by giving proper relaxation to the eye and the body. Intestinal worms and
other conditions that reduce body. Resistance also make occular muscles weak.
Orthoptic exercises on Synoptophore/Stereoscope, Maddox Chereoscope, Remy
Separator and with a pencil can help correct muscle balance. Covering the good eye
with an eye-cover gives time for the defective eye to change to a better condition.
The affected person should draw or cut pictures with the use of the defective eye.
Children with normal vision should avoid the company of persons with squint as they
have a tendency to imitate them. Shirts with tight collars should be avoided as they
cause pressure on the nerves. For psychological reasons, parents should be patient
with children who have a squint and refrain from admonishing.
Any opacity in the lens or its capsule, whether developmental or acquired, is called
cataract. It is due to the aging process. Sometimes it is due to a complication caused
by diabetes or an injury to the eye.
Prevention and Precautions
The best treatment is a surgical operation. After surgery, certain precautions are
necessary. Do not rub the eyeballs or poke your finger in them. Use of green eye
shield, tinted glasses and proper correction of refraction by appropriate lenses bring
back good vision. It is better to avoid strong light, smoke and dust. Take simple food
with dairy products and green vegetables. Enjoy juicy fruits and soup. Avoid extra
sugar or salt. Yoga, pranayama and meditationare helpful. Wash the eyes regularly
with triphala lotion. Avoid mental and physical strain. Change of colours and moving
lines on the TV screen, cause strain to the eye muscles.
Glaucoma is a serious condition. There is an increased pressure of aqueous humor
in the anterior chamber. This can lead to degeneration of the retina and ultimately to
blindness. It requires a specialist's care.
Prevention and Precautions
The condition can be improved to a considerable extent by avoiding eye strain and
by following general principles of nutrition and yogic exercises.
If conditions like purulent conjunctivitis (opththalmia neonatorum), glaucoma, retinal
diseases, corneal ulcers, cataract, trachoma are not taken care of and treated in
time, they can lead to loss of vision.
Prevention and Precautions
Give due care to the eyes of a new born child. It is important to get the eyes
examined. Visit a retinal clinic for a check up of the diseases of the retina. Take
timely care and specialist's treatment for all eye problems.
Colour Blindness
Human eye perceives colour through the cones in the retina. The three primary
colours, red, green and blue in the white light spectrum are appreciated by different
cones, since each cone is able to respond only to a specific wave length. Normal
appreciation of colour shades depends on the intensity of the light and summation of
impulses from different cone regions. In low intensity of light, colours cannot be
appreciated. Colour blindness is a congenital disease. It is confirmed by giving the
patient the Ishiera colour book and the Edridge green lantern tests. The patients
misinterpret different colours.
Suggestion: Vitamin A helps in some cases. Also see general hints.
Contact Lens
Contact lenses have cosmetic value and provide better vision than glasses.
Trachoma patients have difficulty in using contact lenses. Hard contact lenses are
made of rigid plastic.
If you notice scratches on them, have them removed. Hard lenses are less expensive
but they are unsuitable for sensitive eyes.
Soft lenses look like drops of water. They are made of hydrophilic plastic polymer and
are more comfortable than hard lenses. They also last longer.
Coloured contact lenses are used by film stars, or by people whose cornea is
damaged. Contact lenses should be used only after consulting an eye specialist.
Never keep them on while sleeping, and do not use them when eyes are inflamed.
Take proper care of the lenses and keep them in their cases. Some lenses last one
year. Never over use them. Whenever there is a problem consult your eye specialist.
Exercises with Mechanical Devices
Case of muscular imbalance, squint and amblyopia are very much benefitted by this

Figure 50: Stereoscope
The instrument is adjustable with the help of two lenses at the forehead. You can
move the lenses and fuse the two pictures into one.
This convergence exercise with the instrument helps in educating the eye muscles.
Wells, Hamblin No. 1 and 2 series can be used for educating the eyes.
This instrument helps detect the binocular condition of the eyes.

Figure 51: Diploscope
Method: Look through the holes:
Normal eye will see three letters: DOG
If right eye is defective: Two letters: DO
If left eye is defective: Two letters: OG
Ocular imbalance: DOG
Maddox Cheiroscope
This apparatus is used for training the ocular muscles and developing sight in squint
and amblyopic eye.
Method: The head is comfortably supported on the forehead rest, the whole
instrument being tilted to ensure correct head posture and the eyes look into a pair of
spherical lenses. The double-sided mirror may be inclined to the left or to the right.
The picture acrrier is designed to fit on to either side of the instrument.
Figure 52: Maddox Cheiroscope
When the mirror is inclined, one eye looks into the mirror and the other at the base of
the cheiroscope and draws the figure. A set of pictures is provided with the
instrument for the exercises.
Remy Separator
A simple and inexpensive instrument designed to promote parallelism of the optic
axes, it consists of a septrum,to one end of which is fitted a carrier for transparencies.
A patient is directed to look through the transparencies into the distance and by
relaxing the convergence the two pictures are superimposed.
Figure 53: Remy Separator
With practice the patient learns to accommodate until the pictures are clear, whilst
keeping the visual axes straight.
Sonimac - Supersonic Therapeutic Eye Instrument
This latest invention from Japan cures strained muscles of Myopia by Multiple Mixed
Waves of about 6 KHz-12KHz. Using this for 5 to 15 minutes once or twice will make
you feel better. The instrument Sonimac makes adaptable supersonic waves by very
low input and output electric power.
Figure 54: Sonimac - Supersonic Therapeutic Eye Instrument
Snellen Chart for Squint
First cover the good eye and then take a Snellen Chart and try to cut letters of
different sizes. The cutting should be done slowly, without damaging the inner portion
of the letters.
Figure 55: Snellen Chart for Squint
Questions and Answers
Q. Can progressive myopia be checked by exercises?
Ans. Yes, but one has to do them regularly.
Q. Can squint in a child be helped by exercises?
Ans. Yes, proper health care and orthoptic exercises are helpful.
Q. Can cataract be removed by a natural way?
It can be removed in the early stage. In advanced cases surgery is necessary. It
restores normal vision.
Q. What do you say about the cause of Retinitis Pigmentosa (Night Blindness)?
This is a defect of the retinal layer. Small pigments are seen and gradually they
Ans. cover the whole of the retina and cause blindness. Proper treatment with
Vitamin A can improve the condition.
Q. What is the Russian way of treatment by Microsurgery?
This is the latest invention by a Russian eye specialist Dr. Svyotoslov Fyodorov.
Thousands of operations have been done in U.S.S.R and in India. Some eye
hospitals have started doing the operation on the Russian lines on myopic
Q. What is Glaucoma?
In this disease ocular tension is increased. In the early stages, proper
Ans. medicines should be given. Avoid nasal defects and constipation. Surgery
should be done if tension is not controlled by medicines.
Q. What is Intra-Ocular operation in cataract cases?
This is also one of the latest inventions by eye specialists of U.S.A and U.K.
People of advanced aged should not undergo this operation.
Q. How to take care of the general health of the eyes?
Never strain your eyes while viewing distant and nearby objects. Use proper
Ans. light. Try to keep your eyes mentally relaxed. Take green vegetables in your
daily diet. Avoid watching too much TV etc.
Ajwain / Thyme / Carrom seeds
Amla / (Emblica officinalis)
Bael: Aegle marmelos
Bahera / (Terminalia belerica)
BrahmiButi: Indian Pennywort
Dhania / Coriander
Dalchini / Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verus Presl)
Elaichi Chhoti / Green Cardamoms (Elettaria cardamomum (L) Maton)
Giloy: Tinospora cordifolia
Gular: Ficus glomerata
Gulkand / Rose petal preserve, jam
Harar / Myrobalan (Terminalia chebula)
Jaiphal / Nutmeg (Myrstica fragrans)
Jamun: Eugenia jambolana
Javitri / Mace
Jira (safed) / Cumin seeds
Kaddu: Pumpkin (Cucurbita mascima)
Karela / Bitter-gourd
Kharbooja: Musk-Melon / Cucumis melo
Khira: Cucumber
Khus Khus / Poppy seeds
Mishri / Rock sugar
Magz / Melon seeds
Mulethi / Liquorice
Munakka / Sultanas
Neem - Margosa (Azadirachta indica)
Nirgundi (Vitex negundo)
Pippali / Long pepper (Piper longum)
Pudina / Mint (Mentha arvensis L.)
Punarnava: Spreding Hogweed
Rasot / Rasanjana (Berberis aristata)
Samudrun phen / Samudri jhaag / Sea foam / Cuttle fish bone
Saunf / Fennel, aniseed
Sendha Namak / Rock salt
Shankh bhasam / Conch shell
Sohanjan ki Patti (bitter sweet) / Moringa concanensis
Sonth / Dry ginger powder
Tankana / borax
Tarbooj: Water melon / Citrullos vulgaris
Triphala: Collective name for three myrobalans - Harar, Bahera and Amla
Tulsi / black basil (Ocimum sanctum)
Vach: Ipomoea obscura

Swami Arjundev maharaj of Haridwar was using - 20.0
glasses and was completely cured by these methods.
- Swami Shivananda


The treatment suggested by Dr. Agarwal is simple.
- Shri Lal Bahadur


Dr. Agarwal's methods appear to be based on ancient,
if forgotten, Indian practice.
- Shri G.S. Shankar


The suggestions are easy to follow and readers can find
for themselves the result ...
Hindu (Madras)


The author has blessings from Sri Aurobinda ...
Hindustan Standard


Dr. Agarwal is an Indian pioneer of the treatment by
exercises ...
Indian Express
(New Delhi)

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Agarwal the complete book of eye care

  • 1. The Complete Book of Eye Care Dr. M.S. Agarwal About the Author Dr. M.S. Agarwal (son of Dr. R.S. Agarwal, founder of Dr. Agarwal's Eye Institute) was born on 7th August 1928 at Bulandshahr (U.P.). He spent his childhood at Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry. He is an M.Sc. and M.D. from Calcutta and has worked as Director and Principal of Dr. Agarwal's Eye Institute, New Delhi. He represented India at the Third Asian Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology held in Singapore. He is an advocate of yogic exercises and other natural methods together with proper diet. Dr. Agarwal was awarded a first prize by the Union Health Ministry for his book Ankhen written in Hindi. Foreword The Complete Book of Eye Care by the eminent eye specialist Dr. M.S. Agarwal, who has done pioneering work by popularising natural methods of protecting the eyes from various defects, should be of great interest and value to all. More than anything else, it is our vision which we desire to keep intact as long as we live. Many expensive medicines and treatments are available today, but it should not be forgotten that the methods provided by nature are the best. These are not only more effective but are also less expensive. The exercises given here are yogic as well as others. Yoga, as we all know, is an ancient Indian science and is being increasingly practised all over the world today. I highly recommend this book to the readers and advise them to follow it religiously to save their vision, God's greatest gift, from deterioration.
  • 2. Hari Om President Indian Heritage Research Foundation Himalayas (Swami Chidanand Saraswati) Introduction Normal vision is essential for carrying out our day-to-day activities efficiently. Defective vision is a handicap and total loss of it is not only a personal tragedy but a national one too. In India lack of health education, unhygienic living conditions and malnutrition contribute greatly to the problems related to the eyes. Of course, that curse of modern society, the television, is the greatest single factor responsible for defective vision among urban people, especially children. According to a World Health Organisation study, there are more than 10 million people in the world today who are totally blind. Most countries are now realising the urgent need to deal with the problem of blindness, and have various programmes and plans for its prevention and cure. These include, among other things, extensive use of the audio-visual media for mass education. India too is making tremendous efforts in this direction. Eye-camps are set up with teams of doctors and paramedical staff working day and night to perform operations on a mass scale. Patients trudge along for miles to avail of these facilities. According to the surveys conducted, 1.3 million patients in India need to be treated by surgery every year but the total capacity is only for 80,000 patients. The Government and voluntary agencies both need to intensify their efforts to remove this lacuna. Various seminars, workshops and other programmes are conducted regularly to highlight the problem of blindness and discuss ways and means of dealing with it. The most important thing is to educate the masses and to make them understand the precautions to be taken to prevent defective eyesight. People should cooperate with the doctors to eradicate blindness from the country. In this book, I have tried to speak to our readers with the help of illustrations. According to me, the principal cause of defective vision is overstraining the eyes, nervous tension, wrong use of the eyes and a wrong diet. A simple way out of this is mental relaxation, learning the correct use of eyes and proper balanced diet with Vitamin A. I have also tried simple and effective treatment with herbal medicines and the latest orthoptic treatment.
  • 3. It is my sincere hope that this book will be of benefit to the young and the old, in our country and elsewhere. I gratefully acknowledge the love and affection of my friend Late Dr. B.M. Sinha (Editor, Evening News), Shri Rajendra Awasthy (Editor, Kadambani) and Ms. Madhvi Malhotra of Hind Pocket Books who inspired me to write this book. I also pay my homage to my Gurudev, Shri Aurobindo, The Mother and my late father Dr. R.S. Agarwal, a pioneer in natural treatment of eye diseases. Himalayas (Dr. M.S. Agarwal) Treating Eyes Through Natural Methods The courtyard outside the doctor's office is crowded with children and grown-ups. Some are as young as five-year old, others middle-aged and older, but the majority are school and college-going students. Each one is engaged in sunning, palming, swinging, shifting, rocking or practising on the Snellen Chart. Some ares winging the pencil in a slow motion, as they follow the movement with one eye, while the other is kept covered with a patch. All have earnest, rather harrowed expressions. They are suffering from defective eyesight. Dr. M.S. Agarwal, who has been treating defective eyesight through natural methods for 48 years, shakes his head in despair. "What is going to happen in another ten years?" he asks. "Each one of these children here has spoilt his/her eyesight by watching TV and video movies for hours." Just then a small boy and his mother enter the office. The woman asks hesitantly if her son can see the Sunday movie on TV for "just a little while".
  • 4. Figure 1: Diosonic Massage by Dr. Agarwal The doctor looks up sternly, "Nahin, Bllkul Nahin", he says. "Not even for a minute". "This new craze for videos is going to turn more children blind than any deficiency in their diet. They think it is a sign of affluence to have a colour TV and video recorder. Some of these children watch as many as three movies in one evening. They are slowly going blind". Next to me, a girl sits on a stool, one eye covered with a patch, as she swings from side to side and alternately opens and closes her eyes. She is totally absorbed in what she is doing - intent on what she considers some magical process by which her eyes will suddenly be able to see again. "Now everyone has a TV", says the doctor. "Look at the lower income group flats. There are more TV antennae there, than a top the houses of the wealthy. The rooms are small and the parents allow children watch TV from very close to the screen. TV should be watched from a distance of at least ten feet and for not more than 45 minutes at a time for those with normal eyes. For those whose sight is already defective, TV viewing should not be permitted at all - or only for very short periods. "While they are sitting and watching they eat nuts, chips, popcorn, and drink aerated waters. They sits lumped in chairs for long hours, their eyes fixed on the small
  • 5. screen. If their parents were determined to destroy their children's eyes, they could hardly have thought of a better way", he added. Dr. Agarwal's natural treatment is based on the Bates method of "better sight without glasses". The treatment begins by putting the patient on a natural diet. Coffee and tea are forbidden, all fried foods are on the banned list and cokes, bottled soft drinks, white sugar and hot spicy foods are to be avoided. Milk, fruits and fruit juices, fresh green vegetables, honey, lemon and curd can be freely included. A slumped, sitting position restricts the circulation to the head, neck and eyes, with detrimental effects on the eyes. The body needs good, healthy, fresh blood circulating in the head to promote good eyesight. When children and adults sit for long hours in front of the small screen, eye strain is inevitable, there is
  • 6. Figure 2 tension and physical and mental strain, and the eyes become weaker and weaker. Dr. Agarwal's instructions for viewing TV and I.C. Video include viewing for limited periods of 40 to 50 minutes, at the correct distance and in the correct posture, which is with the chin slightly raised. Children with acute myopia or other defects should not watch TV at all. Nor should children be allowed to do their homework while TV is on. If children are sleepy and tired or suffering from colds, headaches or flu, then TV should be totally avoided. All the patients who had come to the clinic were hoping to have their eyesight restored. In the early stages, these defects can be cured and, according to the doctor, children were generally the best patients, once it had been explained to them how they were ruining their sight. But parents too should cooperate by not watching TV at all hours and switching the set off when the children are at home. Palming the Eyes There were some young men, patiently palming and sunning their eyes, and swinging in front of vertical iron grills. Their chances of entering the armed forces had been ruined by weak and defective eyesight. Miraculous cures have been effected by those who stick to the programme without deviation. It is not particularly easy these days to go for long walks, play games, swim and exercise, when every one else is watching TV and video. All sport is good for the eyes. Following the flight of the ball is an excellent exercise for the eyes. Swimming, walking and yoga asanas improve the circulation and bring fresh blood to nourish the eyes. Sunning in the early morning or late evening with closed eyes relieves all sorts of eye discomfort and strain. Surprisingly, meditation is good for the eyes, since the mind and body are both relaxed at this time and the eyes behind closed lids get healed. The eyes, they say, are the windows of the soul. Certainly happenings, thoughts and emotions are reflected first in our eyes. Tension, ill-health, fear and stress have a marked effect on them. The yogi's say, "Tense eyes, tense body, tense mind". The three common faults in human vision are: not using peripheral vision; staring (a non-focused, unblinking condition); and not moving the eyes sufficiently in their sockets - all these conditions are prevalent while watching TV. Flabby Muscles Reflecting the general condition of the body, the muscles of the eye may be in a flabby state with too little tone, or in a high-strung state which may in due course of time alter the natural shape of the eyeball. Lack of full movement seriously affects eye muscles, and repeated small, tense eye actions (as when watching the mini TV screen) strains and disables the eye function. Just as a muscle will ache if held for
  • 7. too long in one position, so the intrinsic eye muscles tend to become exhausted when confined to watching movements on a small screen. Watching TV for long hours or seeing one or more movies on video encourages the eye to perform a restricted range of actions and it slowly becomes less elastic, less adaptable and too easily tired. A young woman entered the doctor's office, pushing a reluctant child ahead Of her: "Doctor", she said, «he can't see the blackboard in school any more". The doctor looked up from his desk and sighed. "How many hours does he watch TV everyday?" he asked, and one more young patient joined the endless queue in search of good eyesight. If he comes early enough, he has a good chance of regaining his normal eyesight. If he follows instructions and cultivates awareness of what is good and what is bad for his eyes, he has a good chance of maintaining the improvement. Prevention Prevention is always better than cure. Natural methods for prevention and cure of eye defects recommended here are based on the Bates method of "Better eyesight without glasses". A balanced diet, correct postures, exercise, personal hygiene and fresh air are highly recommended for prevention of eye defects. The three common faults of vision are: not using peripheral vision, staring (a nonfocused, unblinking condition)and not moving the eyes sufficiently in their sockets. All these conditions are there while watching TV. Therefore TV and Video viewing should be restricted to 40 to 50 minutes especially for children. The viewing should be do neat a correct distance (at least 10 feet) and in the correct posture (sitting upright). If these habits are formed in childhood, they can help prevent many problems in the future. Miraculous cures have been effected by strictly adhering to the programme detailed here. In the hustle and bustle of crowded city life it is not easy to find parks or open spaces for morning walks or to play outdoor games or do other exercises regularly. Swimming, walking and yogic asanas improve the blood circulation and bring fresh blood to nourish the eyes. Sun Treatment Sun Treatment is very useful in relieving all kinds of eye discomforts. It gives new energy to the retina and the eye muscles.
  • 8. Figure 3: Sun Treatment Method : Sit comfortably facing the sun with eyes closed and sway the body from side to side gently or moving on a rocking chair. Continue for five to ten minutes morning or evening or when the sun is mild in the sky. Never take it when it is too hot or the body feels uncomfortable. Application of honey (medicated) or Vizon with the help of a glass or silver rod in each eye is very useful. After enjoying the sun treatment, come to the shade and wash your eyes with cold water. Washing the Eyes Method I: Take an eye cup of filtered water and mix 5 drops of Opthalmo Special in it. Change the water for each eye.
  • 9. Figure 4: Washing the Eyes
  • 10. In cold days lukewarm water may be used. Figure 5: Palming in such a way that no pressure is felt on the delicate eye balls. When all the light is cut off by palming, imagine something pleasant such as beautiful flowers, etc. If you feel relaxed, the period can be extended. Swinging This is a very useful exercise which relaxes the eye muscles as well as the mind. Method : Facing the bar stand with your feet about a foot apart. Then move your body side to side like a pendulum. While swinging, your sight moves on the ground and you feel the opposite movement. Never fix your sight on the bars. The movement should be slow and not very fast. Swinging with open eyes may be done ten times. Then close your eyes and do the same and imagine the movement of the bars. This exercise can be done sitting or standing.
  • 11. Neck Exercise This exercise is very useful in cases of ocular imbalance. Method : Move your head clockwise slowly while keeping the eyes closed. Before starting the movement stop the breath slowly, take the full round and exhale it when your chin comes to the normal position. This exercise may be done five to seven times. (Figs. 8, 9, 10 and 11) Now move the chin from right to left. While starting the movement inhale slowly and exhale it Figure 7: Swinging - II
  • 12. Figure 8: Neck Exercise - I while taking the reverse round. Repeat five to seven times. (See figs. 12 and 13) Now bring the chin to the normal position and touch the chest and slowly inhale. Move the chin upward and take it as back as possible and exhale the air. This exercise may be done five to seven times. (Fig. 14). This exercise is very helpful in cases of spondylitis also.
  • 13. Figure 10: Neck Exercise - III
  • 14. Figure 12: Neck Exercise - V
  • 15. Figure 14: Neck Exercise - VII Pencil Exercise You may keep a pencil at a hand's distance and move it slowly towards the nose. Remember, the sight should not deviate from the pencil tip. This exercise may be done seven to ten times. In the same way move the pencil in such a way that with the movement of the body the pencil comes near the other elbow. Now change yourself to the other direction. Keep the sight fixed at the tip of the
  • 16. Figure 15: Pencil Exercise - I
  • 17. Figure 17: Pencil Exercise - III
  • 18. Figure 19: Pencil Exercise - V pencil and you will feel the distant objects swinging on the opposite side. Repeat seven to ten times.
  • 19. Figure 20: Pencil Exercise - VI Eye Massage This exercise is very helpful in improving the blood circulation of eye muscles. Method: With the index fingers of both hands apply light pressure on the upper eyebrow - do circular massage.The movement of the fingers should be very light and circular on the orbit portion of the
  • 20. Figure 21: Eye Massage eyes. This may be done five to seven times, keeping the eyes closed, in early hours of the day. After finishing the above massage (Fig. 21), gently make a circular movement only on the eyes (Fig. 22). This delicate massage will give relaxation to the eyes and improve the vision.
  • 21. Figure 22: Eye Massage Acupressure Acupressure is an Eastern therapy which helps cure disease of various parts of the body. For eye problems one can try putting pressure on the points around the eyes and brows, as shown in the picture. Pressure is put for 2 to 3 minutes at a time and one may do this 3 or 4 times in a day.
  • 22. For proper treatment one may consult a doctor specialising in this therapy. This treatment has proved useful in severe cases of eye diseases. With the light pressure of the index finger or thumb applied to the particular portion of the face Figure 23: Acupressure Points or eye. It helps in giving energy and relaxation. • Apply light pressure to the temporal portion of the face for a few minutes. This is very helpful in the inflamed condition of the eyes and cataract. (Fig. 24a)
  • 23. • • • • • • • • Apply light pressure to the lower edge of eyebrows for a few minutes. This relaxes the tension in cases of glaucoma and retinal diseases. Apply gentle pressure with the help of index finger to the middle portion of the forehead. This is good for glaucoma cases. (Fig. 24b) Apply light pressure below the eye with the index finger. This helps in cases of defective vision and floating specks. An early morning walk with Acupressure sandals gives energy and keeps many diseases away. Apply light pressure on the tip of the nose with the help of the index finger. Good for cases of nasal cough. Apply pressure to the edge of the nose. Helpful in cases of nasal defect. (Fig. 24c) Apply pressure with the help of the index finger on the upper portion of the lip and below the nose. Helpful in cases of giddiness and floating specks. (Fig. 24d) Apply pressure to the lower edge of the ear. Helpful in cases of defective vision. (Fig. 24e) Figure 24b: Acupressure
  • 24. Figure 24d: Acupressure Figure 24e: Acupressure Steam Bath This is very useful in case of eye inflammation and defective vision. Method: Take a small electric kettle. Fill it with water, boil the water and allow its vapour to come out. Before the water gets boiled, add a few leaves of Tulsi plant in it. Then expose your eyes to light steam coming out of the kettle for a few seconds.
  • 25. While doing so, cover your head with a cloth to provide sufficient supply of vapour to your eyes. Figure 25: Steam Bath Cold Pads After the eye exercises or when one feels strain in the eyes, cold pads give relaxation.
  • 26. Figure 26: Cold Pads Method: Take two cotton pads, dip them in cold water and place them gently on the eyes. You can cover both the eyes with a small bandage. Yogic and Other Exercises A lot has been said and written about the miraculous effect of Yoga on the body and mind. Yogic asanas help greatly not only in preventing diseases but in curing them too. There are several yogic exercises which are helpful in keeping the eyes healthy and trouble-free. Two kinds of yogic exercises are given here. The first set of exercises, like pranayam, surya namaskar, pavan muktasana,jal neti and others can be learnt by following the instructions given here and perfected by regular practice. For the other set of exercises, such as shalabh asana, sarvangasana, matsyasana, bhujangasana, etc., one needs an instructor as doing them the wrong way could lead to other problems. The efficacy of these exercises cannot be over emphasised. The candle exercise, the pencil exercise, central fixation on the Om chart and the cross chart are equally important and should be done regularly. Regularity is very important for achieving the desired result. There is a Yogic saying, "tense eyes, tense body, tense mind". It is not enough to try and keep your eyes healthy if your general health is poor and the mind tense. Relaxation of the body and mind are important.Remember, exercises are only one part of the entire programme. Others should also be followed religiously to deriveut most benefit from the exercises.
  • 27. Pawan Muktasana Lie on the back and fold your legs on the chest. Wrap the arms around the knees and breathe deeply. Exhale slowly while pressing the knees to the abdomen. Repeat the exercise a few times. Figure 27: Pawan Muktasana Surya namaskar Suryanamaskar comprises twelve positions: Stage 1 Stand upright with feet together, join the palms together close to your chest and the relax the whole body.Breathe in a normal way.
  • 28. Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 2 Raise the arms straight above the head (separated by one shoulder width), while gently bending back the head and the trunk. Inhale while raising the arms. Stage 3 Bend forward till the arms touch the ground either on the side or in front of the feet. Bend the head towards the knee, as close as possible, without bending the legs, and without straining. While bending forward exhale.Expel maximum air by contracting the abdomen at the end. Stage 3 Stage 4
  • 29. Stretch the right leg backwards, as far back as you can. Simultaneously bend the left leg at the knee, but don't move the foot. The position of the arms remains the same. Arch your back bending the head back and look upwards.Inhale while you stretch the left leg. Stage 4 Stage 5 Take the left leg back to the side of the right leg and raise the- buttocks in the air; lower the head between the arms. Legs and arms should be straight, forming two side of a triangle. Heels should touch the ground as far as possible. Expel breath while you straighten the right leg. Stage 5 Stage 6 Lower your body so that the toes, the two knees, the chest, the hands and the chin touch the ground while the hips and abdomen are slightly raised off the ground. Breath should be out; no inhaling.
  • 30. Stage 6 Stage 7 Straighten the arms from the elbows while lowering legs, buttocks and stomach flat on the ground as you Stage 7 raise the body waist upward. Bending the head backwards- Breathe in while raising the body and the head backward. Stage 8 This is a repetition of stage 5. Stage 9 This is a repetition of stage 4 with left leg bent instead of the right. Stage 9 Stage 10 This is a repetition of stage 3.
  • 31. Stage 11 This is a repetition of stage 2. Stage 12 This is a repetition of stage 1. This constitutes half-a-round. In the next half from position 4, start with left leg forward and in 9 bend the right leg. The right leg takes the position of the left and vice-versa. This exercise restores lost vitality, both physical and mental, as it is an excellent method of loosening all the joints and the muscles besides massaging the internal organs. Relaxation of eye-related nerves is beneficial to the eyes. Shavasana Lie on the back, with legs stretched out, slightly apart. Close the eyes, breathe slowly and deeply. Consciously relax every part of the body, and stay in this position for sometime. Try to feel like a corpse. Figure 28: Shavasana Siddhasana This asana is good for relaxing the body and the mind. Method: Stretch the legs forward, bend the legs at the knees and place the heel at the point between the anus and the scrotum. Fold the right leg and place the heel against the pubic bone.
  • 32. Figure 29: Siddhasana Padmasana Place the right foot on the left thigh and the left foot on the right thigh. Adjust the heels in such a way that they are both pressing on the abdomen. The hands may rest on the knees. Keep the head and the back straight.
  • 33. Figure 30: Padmasana Shanmukhi Mudra Practise, as shown below, pressing your eyes with the fingers. Relax while doing so and breathe slowly. This will help relieve your eyes of strain.
  • 34. Figure 31: Shanmukhi Mudra Vajrasana This asana relaxes the body and the mind. Method: Sit on your knees, keeping the legs and toes parallel to the ground. The buttocks will rest on the soles of your feet and the thigh over the legs.
  • 35. Figure 32: Vajrasana Shalabhasana Lie on the stomach, with the chin touching the ground. Inhale, tense the arms, clench the fists and raise the legs. Hold for a few seconds. Then exhale and lower the legs. Relax. Repeat the exercise a few times.
  • 36. Figure 34: Bhringasana Sarvangasana Lie down on your back. Slowly raise the legs. Lift the trunk, hips and legs vertically. Rest the elbows on the ground firmly and support the back with both your hands. Press the chin against your chest. Breathe slowly and concentrate on the thyroid gland. It is very good for eye patients because it activates blood circulation in the head. This asana is very good for building the body. It removes dyspepsia, constipation and gastrointestinal disorders.
  • 37. Figure 35: Sarvangasana Matsyasana Assume Padmasana. Lie on the back without allowing the feet to leave the ground, raise the trunk up. Rest the top of the head on the ground. Hold the toes with the hand. This asana is very good for neck-larynx and wind pipe - and also for eye patients. Figure 36: Matsyasana
  • 38. Bhujangasana Lie on the stomach, with palms on the ground. Inhale and, supporting yourself on the arms, raise the head and the trunk, leaning backwards. Stay in this position for a few seconds, then exhale slowly and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise a few times. Figure 37: Bhujangasana Jal Neti This is a simple yoga treatment to clear the toxic material that collects inside the nose. Many people have nasal defects that affect their eyesight. After doing Jal Neti you will feel relaxed. If done regularly, it improves one's vision most effectively. Method: Take a Jal Neti pot (a small round pot specially designed for this purpose) and fill it with warm water. Mix in a spoonful of salt. Slowly bend yourself and place the nozzle of the pot at one of the openings of your nose. Slowly bend the pot letting water flow inside. In a minute, the warm water will start coming out of the other nostril. Change the nozzle of the pot to the other nostril and repeat the process. Let the warm water flow out. Keep sneezing out the water from the nostrils so that none remains inside. This will eject a lot of impurities from the nose and give you great relaxation.
  • 39. Figure 38: Jal Neti Pranayama (Nadi Sodhan) Stage 1 Sit in any of the meditative poses such as Padmasana, Siddhasana, Sukhasana, etc., but not Vajrasana. It should be a pose which can be comfortably maintained for at least 15 minutes. Place the hands on the knees, straighten the spine, hold the head up-right so that it faces directly forward and relax the whole body. Close the eyes and mentally prepare the mind and body for the forthcoming practice. For a few minutes be aware only of the body and the breath. Now start the practice. Keeping the left hand on the knee, raise the right hand. The right fingers should control the flow of air through the nostrils in the following way: The index and middle fingers should remain on the eye brow center (bhrumadhya) throughout the whole practice.The thumb should be near the right nostril so that it can control the flow of air by pressing the side of the nostril.The third finger should be placed beside the left nostril so that it can control the flow of air in the left nostril. Close the right nostril with the thumb. Inhale through the left nostril and then exhale through the same nostril.
  • 40. Figure 39: Pranayama - Stage 1 The rate of inhalation and exhalation should be normal. Breathe in and out five times. Release the pressure of the thumb on the side of the right nostril. Press the side of the left nostril with the ring finger to prevent the flow of air. Inhale and exhale through the right nostril. Again the rate of respiration should be normal. Repeat five times.Respiration through each nostril five times in turn is one round. Practise 25 rounds. The practitioner should not breathe heavily and there should be no sound as the air passes through the nostrils. After 15 days, leave Stage 1 and practise Stage 2. Stage 2 Alternate nostril breathing. Close the right nostril with the thumb. Inhale through the left nostril. At the end of the inhalation close the left nostril with the ring finger, release the pressure of the thumb on the right nostril and breathe out
  • 41. through the right nostril. Then inhale through the right nostril, open the left nostril and exhale through the left nostril. This is one round. In this stage, the practitioner should start counting the length of each inhalation and exhalation. The counting should be done mentally by repeating 1-Om, 2-Om, 3-Om, etc. The time for inhalation and exhalation should be equal. For example, in 5 and out 5, or whatever number is comfortable. Do not strain under any circumstances. After a few days try to increase the period of inhalation and exhalation, maintaining the same 1 to 1 ratio.In other words, try to increase the time of inhalation to 6 and the time of exhalation also to 6. When this is easily achieved try to obtain a count of 7 for inhalation and 7 for exhalation. Do not force the breath in anyway. Be careful not to speed up the counting during exhalation to compensate for shortage of breath. At the slightest sign of discomfort reduce the time of each inhalation and exhalation or discontinue the practice for a day.
  • 42. Figure 40: Pranayama - Stage 2 Other Exercises Two 'O' Exercise Keep the sight on the white centre of the letter 'O'. Blink gently. Note that the white centre seems to be whiter than the rest. Further, note that the blackness of the letter
  • 43. 'O' is darker than the other 'O' which is within the field of vision. Close the eyes for a second and imagine 'O' and repeat. One will see the whiter outline darker.Do the excercise five times. This improves Central Fixation and brings energy to the Central Spot (Fovea Centralis). (a) Look at the top letter and then shift to the small letter. Repeat several times. If the practice is successful,the letters and the black line between the two letters will appear to move in the opposite direction and the small letter will appear blacker than the larger one. If not successful after a few trials, rest the eyes by closing them and palming, and try again. (b) Look at a point above the top of the big letter so as to see the bottom portion clearly. Then look at a point below the bottom part of the letter so as to see the top of the letter clearly.
  • 44. Figure 41: Two 'O' Exercise Repeat three times. If successful, the letter will appear to move up and down, and the vision will improve. Then repeat on the small letter. Imagination Exercise The exercise is meant to obtain Central Fixation (Trataka) at a near point. Method: Look at the black dot from a distance of 72 cms, and observe its darkness with both the eyes. After gazing at the dot for some time you will feel it has got darker and a flame is seen moving like in a fire.Now close your eyes. You will see the dot in your imagination and your mind will feel relaxed. Figure 42: Imagination Exercise - I Here is another variation of the Central Fixation exercise, which you can try in the same manner.
  • 45. Figure 43: Imagination Exercise - II Central Fixation on Om Chart Look at the Om Chart for a few seconds and then close your eyes, meditating on the figure. Open your eyes and look at the flames, then again, closing the eyes meditate on it. Repeat this process by looking at various other parts of the figure and meditating on them.
  • 46. Figure 44: Central Fixation on Om Chart Central Fixation on the Cross Chart One can concentrate on this Cross Chart also in the same way as with the Om Chart. In this case fix your mindon the point at the centre of the Cross.
  • 47. Figure 45: Central Fixation on the Cross Chart Trataka / Candle Exercise Sit-in a quiet, dark place and look at the lighted flame. Keep the sight at the blue part of the flame and blink gently. Now try to imagine the lighted flame with closed eyes. If the visualization is not perfect, again look at the blue part of the flame and try to imagine the same without making any effort.
  • 48. Figure 46: Trataka / Candle Exercise When you are able to visualize the flame in your imagination, then open your eyes. Read the testing chart or photo print. This exercise can be done with both the eyes. One may palm the eyes whenever they feel strained. This exercise gives perfect control over the mind. This is also known as the Trataka. Note: • • • Keep the flame at a distance where one can see it clearly. Do Trataka in a peaceful place. While doing the exercise sit in a relaxed posture. Useful General Hints A balanced diet and adequate exercise are crucial factors for general health and clear vision. However, in today's urban scenario people have irregular eating habits, without enough exercise and usually live at an hectic pace in the midst of considerable environmental pollution and degradation. These factors are the grim, inevitable consequence of modern life, far removed from a direct, earthy connection with nature. The pleasure of eating rich food saturated with fat and cholesterol, is short-lived, as you eventually pay a heavy price for it with your health. So, say no to heavy, spicy food whenever you can, since it leads to a pain in the joints, cardiac problems, stomach ulcers, migraine, backache besides skin and eye problems. Even medication and treatment is ineffective if your diet is unsuitable. Nourishing meals at set hours can work wonders for your health. Have substantial breakfast, a light lunch and dinner.Chew your food well. Milk and certain milk products are recommended along with ayurvedic tonics Chyavanaparsh or
  • 49. Drakshasava. Avoid high-calorie foods like ice-creams, chocolates, milk-shakes, cakes, desserts, jams, jellies and aerated drinks. Refrain from drinking strong tea or coffee, alcohol, smoking or chewing tobacco and heavy medication. Though these may give you a temporary feeling of well-being, they are likely to cause irreparable damage to your health. Expectant mothers, especially, should avoid these since they cause congenital defects to the foetus Excessive smoking and consumption of pan masala often results in cancer besides impaired vision. Wash eyes regularly with rose water to keep them clean, fresh and relaxed. Do not take medicine or use eye drops without first consulting your doctor. Certain strong drugs can lead to mental disorders and eye diseases, if used carelessly. Refrain from excessive use of antibiotics or sulphur eye-drops. Correct reading habits need to be inculcated at an early age. Often, children read and eat at the same time Some even have a book open while watching television, taking the cue from adults around them. Too much television viewing causes eye strain. Greater awareness from adults in the family therefore becomes imperative, as they should refrain from such practices and discourage them in their children. Young eyes behind thick glasses should serve as a chilling reminder. Even excessive sleep or lack of it, over-eating or too many fasts can all adversely affect your eyes. For clearer vision, eat plenty of green and yellow fruits supplemented with vegetables, since they are rich in vitamin C, A and iron. Also recommended are soup and juices before or in between meals, especially Karela (bittergourd) juice and papaya since they are good for the liver too and prevent constipation. So does one spoon of triphala powder or gulkand at bed-time. Eat sprouted grains and drink plenty of water. Avoid Mental Strain Yogic asanas keep your body healthy and active, while pranayama (breathing rhythmically), helps you to relax. Meditation should be done early in the morning and in the evening. Use either a dim or green light in a well ventilated room and never bright red bulbs. A noisy atmosphere results in tension. Light-colour curtains, flowers and mild perfume help to produce a soothing effect. Morning walks on dew-covered grass or along a sea-shore refresh both body and soul. So does a light body massage as you listen to soft music. Oil massages are also good for your health. Unwind by bathing or showering with luke warm water. Laughter and a positive attitude to life reduces stress. Negative thoughts and worry over trifles should be set aside, at least for the day. Do not start arguments during meals. The company of children will keep you happy.Play outdoor/indoor games with children whenever you can. Daily Diet Programme Breakfast Milk with carrot kheer, dalia (whole wheat) or cornflakes. Toast with butter or cheese or tomato.
  • 50. Fruits: Papaya, apple, pears, cherries, mango etc. Almond milk with amla, carrot and apple Murabba. Fruit juice - Orange-apple-mausami or grapes or vegetable soup. Green vegetables - tomato with torai, ghia, spinach, beetroot with cream. Salad: tomato, carrot, radish, cucumber etc. Green vegetables: cabbage, carrot, ghia, torai, beans, spinach, parmal etc. Curd, a little rice and chapati. NO SPICY AND FRIED FOOD. Take boiled vegetables. Mango or almond milk and fruit. Apple juice is very good. Light dinner of salad, green vegetables, a little dal, rice and chapati. Pickles: Only lemon with meals. For non-vegetarians - mixed vegetables in boiled meat. AVOID FRIED RED MEAT. 10 A.M. Lunch 4 P.M. Dinner Mineral Chart Mineral Importance Source Dairy product, Calcium Strong bones and teeth, nerve function. fresh green vegetables, eggs, almonds and soyabean. Key element in reactions and storage of Dairy products, beans, peas, Phosphorus cell energy. and soyabeans. Major mineral within body cells, Fruits-banana, apricots etc.; Potassium essential for fluid balance and cell potatoes and green vegetable. reaction. Basic requirement of all cells, important Fresh green vegetables, peas, Magnesium for electrical activity of nerves and beans, cereals and nuts. muscles. Iodine Thyroid gland. Iodized salt and sea food. Manufacture of haemoglobin. It is an Green vegetables, spinach Iron oxygen carrying compound in the salad, beet root, cereals, blood.Important during pregnancy. soyabean, wheat and eggs. Mineral Importance Source Water, fluoride tooth paste, Fluoride, Protects against tooth decay, oxygen beans, peas, nuts, wheat Copper uptake of the cells and cell enzyme. product, sea food, liver. Maintains body fluid balance, muscle Sodium Cereals and vegetables. contraction and nerve reaction.
  • 51. Vitamin Chart Vitamin Importance Maintains cell membrane, retina, lining A (Retinol) of the lungs, strengthens the digestive system and bones. B Utlization of carbohydrates in the body. B2 Release of energy and body repair (Riboflavin) Niacin (Nicotinic Body fuel and oxygen. Acid) Vitamin Importance B4 Red Blood cells (Pyridoxine) Pantothenic Energy to body cells Acid Biotin Skin and Circulatory system. B12 RBC production in bone marrow and nervous system. Folic Acid RBC production C (Ascorbic Bones, teeth and tissue repair. Acid) D E K Blood calcium levels and bone growth. Utilization of fatty substances and cell membranes. Blood clotting and Intestinal bacteria. Source Green and yellow vegetables, fruits, eggs and liver Whole grain, cereals, nuts, peas, beans and pork. Flour, liver, poultry products, whole grain, and lean meat. Milk, cheese and eggs. Source Milk, whole grain, eggs, liver and lean meat. Whole grain, nuts, egg yolk. Fresh vegetables, nuts, egg yolk, liver, kidney Dairy products, eggs and meat. Fresh vegetables, fish and eggs. Citrus fruits, tomatoes, cabbage, strawberries and potatoes. Dairy products, eggs, fish and sunlight Vegetable oil and sprouted grains. Leafy vegetables. Herbal Medicines Eye Drops - Very cooling and refreshing for the eyes Please refer to hardcopy available from Hind Pocket Books. Eye Drops - Good for inflamed eyes and vision Please refer to hardcopy available from Hind Pocket Books. Eye Drops - Good for vision Please refer to hardcopy available from Hind Pocket Books. Eye Drops to Soothe
  • 52. Please refer to hardcopy available from Hind Pocket Books. Eye Lotion for Washing - Especially good for early stage of cataract Please refer to hardcopy available from Hind Pocket Books. Eye Tonic Juice - Very good tonic for the eye Please refer to hardcopy available from Hind Pocket Books. Eye Tonic Please refer to hardcopy available from Hind Pocket Books. Eye Tonic in Winter Please refer to hardcopy available from Hind Pocket Books. Liver Tonic Please refer to hardcopy available from Hind Pocket Books. General Tonic 1 Please refer to hardcopy available from Hind Pocket Books. General Tonic 2 Please refer to hardcopy available from Hind Pocket Books. Tonic for Diabetes Take 12 leaves of Bail & Neem and mash them well. 5 leaves each of tulsi, jamun, giloyand gular. Mash them well. Mix 5 black munakka and black pepper. Make pills and take after meals. Tonic Please refer to hardcopy available from Hind Pocket Books. Effects of Television and Computer TV provides knowledge, but children and adults watch it in a wrong manner, which causes visual defects. Sit at a proper distance, five to six metres away from the TV. This protects the eyes from the bad effect of theX-rays of the TV screen. Never if the colour picture is shaking or it is presenting defective colours. watch TV
  • 53. if the eyes are inflamed or watering. from a close distance or in a bending posture. if suffering from a headache. in a reclining posture. from a close distance if pregnant. mind is disturbed. Figure 47: Television Viewing Correct Reading Keep the book lower than the chin so that the lids may be raised. Blink twice while reading a line. Avoid reading for long hours in the sun. The glare strains the eyes. Reading while lying on the bed should also be avoided.
  • 54. Correct Reading Incorrect Reading Figure 48 Correct Writing While writing your sight should move with the pen. Never try to read written letters while writing. If you want to read, stop writing; move the chin slowly and read. Moving the eyeballs backwards and reading the letters is harmful, and it causes eye strain and headache.
  • 55. Figure 49: Correct Writing Common Defects There are some common eye defects like Trichiasis, Trachoma Conjunctivitis, etc. for which treatment has been suggested. Most of these defects can be got rid of by following the instructions given here. There are some eye defects, however,which need a specialist's attention, like Glaucoma, Cataract, Iritis, Pterygium, etc. Some of these defects can be corrected only by surgery. An eye surgeon should be consulted in the early stages. Almost all diseases can be cured if treated in time. Delay or neglect on the part of the patients renders it difficult for the doctor to effect a complete cure. Names of common defects are: Squint, trachoma, ocular imbalance blepharit is, spring catarrh progressive myopia.
  • 56. Trichiasis In this state a few small scattered and distorted eyelashes get turned inwardly and rub on the cornea. Dirty and infected eyelids, and burn injuries lead to trichiasis. Prevention and Precautions Eyelids should be kept clean with warm water. Proper medication in sore eye prevents this condition. Avoid irritation of the cornea. Trichiasis leads to lacrymation (watering of the eyes), foggy vision, gritty sensation; sometimes,even cornea ulcers may occur in the eye. It causes loss of sleep. Trachoma It is a very common infection of the eye. Atmospheric dust, smoke and strong light may cause inflammation of the eyes, hence these should be avoided. Trachoma causes redness of the eye, swelling, uneasy sandy sensation,constant irritation and a tendency to rub frequently on the conjunctival layer (inner side) of the eye. About one-fifth of the world population is affected by it. Its complication can lead to the loss of vision. It is a contagious disease and can pass from person to person. A person suffering from conjunctivitis should not use others' handkerchiefs.and towels. The advancement of trachoma to the second or the third stage can be prevented by proper use of eye lotions, triphala and medicines. Nutritious diet is very essential. Blepharitis It is a common inflammatory condition at the margin of the eyelids. Crusts and scales are seen between eyelashes.Ulcerated lids become red and swollen. Pain and, at times, mild photophobia with lacrymation causes problems. Girls and boys, of fair complexion living in poor hygienic conditions are prone to develop this defect. Early treatment can prevent the condition from becoming chronic. Prevention and Precautions The best treatment is to clear the crusts with mild fomentation and proper medicines. Clean the eye lashes 2-3 times a day. The condition becomes worse after taking fried or spicy food. Hence avoid it. Early stage of conjunctivitis and nasal problems should be properly treated. Patients suffering from measles should not be exposed to dust, smoke and strong light to avoid complications of blepharitis. Conjunctivitis It is inflammation of the conjunctiva which makes the eyes red. It is more marked in the fornix layer and fades towards the cornea. Mild itching and a sandy sensation is felt in the eyelids. At times there is hot sensation.Glare is felt while moving- in the sun. Prevention and Precautions The condition is worsened by exposure to smoke, strong wind, or high intensity flame (e.g. welding flame). Any foreign body on the Conjunctiva should be removed with
  • 57. great care. Flu can worsen the infection. Give complete rest to the eye. Handkerchiefs, towels and fingers should be kept clean. Mild saline lotion or rose water may be used for cleaning the eyes. Use eye drops or ointments as advised. If the inflammation is due to an injury or a blow, cold compress and complete rest are very helpful. Rest in a dim light if the eyes have been hurt by exposure to snow. Corneal Ulcer Corneal Ulcer is an inflammation of the corneal layer of the eye. It is observed as a white spot on the cornea. Prevention and Precautions Avoid corneal injury which can be caused in various ways: a foreign body like sand or metal particles, fire works, gulal or coloured water during holi festival watery discharge from smallpox or herpes-zoster, and heavy smoking,etc. Eye infection can be due to trachoma, dipthertic conjunctivitis, gonorrheal ophthalmia and lack of lacrymation.Mental tension can cause inflammative glaucoma which, in turn, brings ulcer formation on the cornea. Always keep the eyes clean and moist. Consult an eye specialist in the early stage. Spring Catarrh This is an uncommon conjunctival disease which attacks both the eyes and lasts for many seasons in weak children (mostly male). A bluish white film is observed around cornea with a mild inflammation of the conjunctiva. There is a feverish sensation, lacrymation. Itching and photophobia. Appetite is poor. Worms are observed in the stool. Prevention and Precautions Improve your general health with a balanced diet. Avoid eye strain. Keep away from dust and smoke. Take cold compress with advised medical eye treatment. Clean eyes with an eye lotion. Take anti-worm treatment if required. Use coloured glasses. Strolling on green grass or along a seashore is very helpful. Pterygium It is a triangular fold of membrane from conjunctival layer to the cornea. If advanced, it may lead to blindness.In early stages, a layer of red blood vessels is seen which changes to a white membrane. There is irritation, watering and dimness of vision. It is mostly seen in one eye (rarely in both the eyes) in elderly persons. Prevention and Precautions Use coloured glasses which keep the eyes well covered. Avoid strong wind, smoke or dust, eye strain, and constipation. Keep general health good by taking light, vitaminised diet. The best treatment is surgery by a specialist.
  • 58. Xerosis Xerosis is dryness of the eye in which the lacrymal apparatus is not much affected but secretion of the membrane is impaired. The lustre of the cornea is reduced. It causes cicatrical degeneration of the conjunctival layer.Lack of vitamin A in the diet causes this disease. It is mostly seen in children and young adults. Small or big triangular spots are seen near the cornea. Keratomalacia are seen in advanced cases. It is more common in the summer season. Prevention and Precautions Avoid taking food which lacks in Vitamin A. General improvement in the diet and Vitamin A will be helpful. Wash your eyes regularly with triphala lotion or rose water. Walking on green grass and the greenery of hillsare good for the eyes. Herpes Zoster It is a viral infection on the face. It brings fever and body pain; swelling on the eyelids, and small or large maculae (dots) are observed on the cornea. Prevention and Precautions The eyelids and the skin around the eyelids should be kept clean. Take complete rest. Use of eye drops with Vitamin C and a vitaminised diet in general is helpful in reducing the infection. Use coloured glasses. Delay in treatment can affect the vision. Isolation from others is important. Iritis Iritis is the inflammation of the iris - the black curtain that hangs between the anterior chamber in front and the posterior chamber behind. The condition may be acute, subacute or chronic. It may be a complication of a local eye disease or a general body ailment like tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea or gout. It may be sympathetic. The eye loses its lustre. The markings on the iris become indistinct. The colour of the iris may become greenishor bluish grey or muddy black. It is painful, causes photophobia and lacrymation and detective vision. The painis generally in the temple region and gets worse at night. The disease may spread to almost all parts of the eye,viz. conjunctiva, cornea, ciliary body, choroid vitreous, optic nerve and retina. Prevention and Precautions It requires treatment by an eye specialist in the early stages. Complications can lead to blindness. Avoid strong light. Use of smoked glasses is soothing. Myopia In myopia, the vision is usually good upto a short distance. The eye ball is elongated and the eye cannot focus on distant objects. By using concave lenses, the distant objects become clear. Prevention and Precautions Walk bare foot on grass early in the morning. Take sun treatment with eyes closed.
  • 59. Splash cold water on the eyes or wash them with cold water 8-10 times a day using an eye cup. Perform yoga pranayama, palming and trataka using a candle or a pencil regularly. Avoid mental and emotional stress. Try to sleep well and relax. Do not strain the eyes to see near or distant objects. Tub bath is very helpful. Relaxation is one of the best ways of helping your eyes. Take five grams each of saunf, black and white pepper, almond, small pipal, khaskhas, dhania(dry), sat magaj and ten grams of mishri. Powder and mix them, and take 1/2 spoon in the morning and evening with milk. Triphala, rose water and honey are also good for the eyes. Constipation aggravates the myopic condition. A light diet with green vegetables, soups and fruits is helpful. Squint Squint is a common problem and causes a great deal of anxiety to the parents of the afflicted child. Squintis caused by disturbance of the synchronisation of the eye movement. Children often try to mimic squint-eyed persons,and thereby tend to develop a squint. A squint-eyed child needs a lot of sympathy, assurance and support from parents. Over anxiety on their part does not help. When we see an object, two images are formed, one in each eye. The brain perceives them as one. This single perception depends upon perfect harmony of movements of the two eyes. Disturbance in the synchronisation of eye movement is seen as squint. Formation of focal image on macula (central spot of the retina) leads to difficulty in image fusion. At the time of deviation, the sharp and blurred image brings about double vision. Prevention and Precautions Mental strain and lack of sleep bring tension to the eye muscles. This can be prevented by giving proper relaxation to the eye and the body. Intestinal worms and other conditions that reduce body. Resistance also make occular muscles weak. Orthoptic exercises on Synoptophore/Stereoscope, Maddox Chereoscope, Remy Separator and with a pencil can help correct muscle balance. Covering the good eye with an eye-cover gives time for the defective eye to change to a better condition. The affected person should draw or cut pictures with the use of the defective eye. Children with normal vision should avoid the company of persons with squint as they have a tendency to imitate them. Shirts with tight collars should be avoided as they cause pressure on the nerves. For psychological reasons, parents should be patient with children who have a squint and refrain from admonishing. Cataract Any opacity in the lens or its capsule, whether developmental or acquired, is called cataract. It is due to the aging process. Sometimes it is due to a complication caused by diabetes or an injury to the eye. Prevention and Precautions The best treatment is a surgical operation. After surgery, certain precautions are necessary. Do not rub the eyeballs or poke your finger in them. Use of green eye shield, tinted glasses and proper correction of refraction by appropriate lenses bring
  • 60. back good vision. It is better to avoid strong light, smoke and dust. Take simple food with dairy products and green vegetables. Enjoy juicy fruits and soup. Avoid extra sugar or salt. Yoga, pranayama and meditationare helpful. Wash the eyes regularly with triphala lotion. Avoid mental and physical strain. Change of colours and moving lines on the TV screen, cause strain to the eye muscles. Glaucoma Glaucoma is a serious condition. There is an increased pressure of aqueous humor in the anterior chamber. This can lead to degeneration of the retina and ultimately to blindness. It requires a specialist's care. Prevention and Precautions The condition can be improved to a considerable extent by avoiding eye strain and by following general principles of nutrition and yogic exercises. Blindness If conditions like purulent conjunctivitis (opththalmia neonatorum), glaucoma, retinal diseases, corneal ulcers, cataract, trachoma are not taken care of and treated in time, they can lead to loss of vision. Prevention and Precautions Give due care to the eyes of a new born child. It is important to get the eyes examined. Visit a retinal clinic for a check up of the diseases of the retina. Take timely care and specialist's treatment for all eye problems. Colour Blindness Human eye perceives colour through the cones in the retina. The three primary colours, red, green and blue in the white light spectrum are appreciated by different cones, since each cone is able to respond only to a specific wave length. Normal appreciation of colour shades depends on the intensity of the light and summation of impulses from different cone regions. In low intensity of light, colours cannot be appreciated. Colour blindness is a congenital disease. It is confirmed by giving the patient the Ishiera colour book and the Edridge green lantern tests. The patients misinterpret different colours. Suggestion: Vitamin A helps in some cases. Also see general hints. Contact Lens Contact lenses have cosmetic value and provide better vision than glasses. Trachoma patients have difficulty in using contact lenses. Hard contact lenses are made of rigid plastic. If you notice scratches on them, have them removed. Hard lenses are less expensive but they are unsuitable for sensitive eyes. Soft lenses look like drops of water. They are made of hydrophilic plastic polymer and are more comfortable than hard lenses. They also last longer. Coloured contact lenses are used by film stars, or by people whose cornea is
  • 61. damaged. Contact lenses should be used only after consulting an eye specialist. Never keep them on while sleeping, and do not use them when eyes are inflamed. Take proper care of the lenses and keep them in their cases. Some lenses last one year. Never over use them. Whenever there is a problem consult your eye specialist. Exercises with Mechanical Devices Stereoscope Case of muscular imbalance, squint and amblyopia are very much benefitted by this instrument. Figure 50: Stereoscope The instrument is adjustable with the help of two lenses at the forehead. You can move the lenses and fuse the two pictures into one.
  • 62. This convergence exercise with the instrument helps in educating the eye muscles. Wells, Hamblin No. 1 and 2 series can be used for educating the eyes. Diploscope This instrument helps detect the binocular condition of the eyes. Figure 51: Diploscope Method: Look through the holes: Normal eye will see three letters: DOG If right eye is defective: Two letters: DO If left eye is defective: Two letters: OG Ocular imbalance: DOG Maddox Cheiroscope This apparatus is used for training the ocular muscles and developing sight in squint and amblyopic eye. Method: The head is comfortably supported on the forehead rest, the whole instrument being tilted to ensure correct head posture and the eyes look into a pair of spherical lenses. The double-sided mirror may be inclined to the left or to the right. The picture acrrier is designed to fit on to either side of the instrument.
  • 63. Figure 52: Maddox Cheiroscope When the mirror is inclined, one eye looks into the mirror and the other at the base of the cheiroscope and draws the figure. A set of pictures is provided with the instrument for the exercises. Remy Separator A simple and inexpensive instrument designed to promote parallelism of the optic axes, it consists of a septrum,to one end of which is fitted a carrier for transparencies. A patient is directed to look through the transparencies into the distance and by relaxing the convergence the two pictures are superimposed.
  • 64. Figure 53: Remy Separator With practice the patient learns to accommodate until the pictures are clear, whilst keeping the visual axes straight. Sonimac - Supersonic Therapeutic Eye Instrument This latest invention from Japan cures strained muscles of Myopia by Multiple Mixed Waves of about 6 KHz-12KHz. Using this for 5 to 15 minutes once or twice will make you feel better. The instrument Sonimac makes adaptable supersonic waves by very low input and output electric power.
  • 65. Figure 54: Sonimac - Supersonic Therapeutic Eye Instrument Snellen Chart for Squint First cover the good eye and then take a Snellen Chart and try to cut letters of different sizes. The cutting should be done slowly, without damaging the inner portion of the letters.
  • 66. Figure 55: Snellen Chart for Squint Questions and Answers Q. Can progressive myopia be checked by exercises? Ans. Yes, but one has to do them regularly. Q. Can squint in a child be helped by exercises? Ans. Yes, proper health care and orthoptic exercises are helpful. Q. Can cataract be removed by a natural way? It can be removed in the early stage. In advanced cases surgery is necessary. It Ans. restores normal vision. Q. What do you say about the cause of Retinitis Pigmentosa (Night Blindness)? This is a defect of the retinal layer. Small pigments are seen and gradually they Ans. cover the whole of the retina and cause blindness. Proper treatment with Vitamin A can improve the condition. Q. What is the Russian way of treatment by Microsurgery? This is the latest invention by a Russian eye specialist Dr. Svyotoslov Fyodorov. Thousands of operations have been done in U.S.S.R and in India. Some eye Ans. hospitals have started doing the operation on the Russian lines on myopic patients. Q. What is Glaucoma? In this disease ocular tension is increased. In the early stages, proper Ans. medicines should be given. Avoid nasal defects and constipation. Surgery should be done if tension is not controlled by medicines. Q. What is Intra-Ocular operation in cataract cases? This is also one of the latest inventions by eye specialists of U.S.A and U.K. Ans. People of advanced aged should not undergo this operation. Q. How to take care of the general health of the eyes? Never strain your eyes while viewing distant and nearby objects. Use proper Ans. light. Try to keep your eyes mentally relaxed. Take green vegetables in your daily diet. Avoid watching too much TV etc. Glossary A Ajwain / Thyme / Carrom seeds Amla / (Emblica officinalis) B Bael: Aegle marmelos Bahera / (Terminalia belerica) BrahmiButi: Indian Pennywort D Dhania / Coriander Dalchini / Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verus Presl)
  • 67. E Elaichi Chhoti / Green Cardamoms (Elettaria cardamomum (L) Maton) G Giloy: Tinospora cordifolia Gular: Ficus glomerata Gulkand / Rose petal preserve, jam H Harar / Myrobalan (Terminalia chebula) J Jaiphal / Nutmeg (Myrstica fragrans) Jamun: Eugenia jambolana Javitri / Mace Jira (safed) / Cumin seeds K Kaddu: Pumpkin (Cucurbita mascima) Karela / Bitter-gourd Kharbooja: Musk-Melon / Cucumis melo Khira: Cucumber Khus Khus / Poppy seeds M Mishri / Rock sugar Magz / Melon seeds Mulethi / Liquorice Munakka / Sultanas N Neem - Margosa (Azadirachta indica) Nirgundi (Vitex negundo) P Pippali / Long pepper (Piper longum) Pudina / Mint (Mentha arvensis L.) Punarnava: Spreding Hogweed R Rasot / Rasanjana (Berberis aristata) S Samudrun phen / Samudri jhaag / Sea foam / Cuttle fish bone Saunf / Fennel, aniseed Sendha Namak / Rock salt Shankh bhasam / Conch shell Sohanjan ki Patti (bitter sweet) / Moringa concanensis Sonth / Dry ginger powder T
  • 68. Tankana / borax Tarbooj: Water melon / Citrullos vulgaris Triphala: Collective name for three myrobalans - Harar, Bahera and Amla Tulsi / black basil (Ocimum sanctum) V Vach: Ipomoea obscura Opinions • Swami Arjundev maharaj of Haridwar was using - 20.0 glasses and was completely cured by these methods. - Swami Shivananda • The treatment suggested by Dr. Agarwal is simple. - Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri • Dr. Agarwal's methods appear to be based on ancient, if forgotten, Indian practice. - Shri G.S. Shankar Bajpai • The suggestions are easy to follow and readers can find for themselves the result ... Hindu (Madras) • The author has blessings from Sri Aurobinda ... Hindustan Standard (Calcutta) • Dr. Agarwal is an Indian pioneer of the treatment by exercises ... Indian Express (New Delhi)