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Table Of Contents
Muscle Building Hack #1: The Magic Bicep Exercise – One Rep, One Set!

Muscle Building Hack #2: Stop Playing Hide And Seek With Your Chest

Muscle Building Hack #3: Become A Nutrient Timing Black Belt Ninja

Muscle Building Hack #4: To Cardio Or Not To Cardio? That Is The Question?

Muscle Building Hack #5: Become A Renegade To Build Your Core

Muscle Building Hack #6: Play Mr Fix It With This Common Wrist Curl Mistake

Muscle Building Hack #7: Become A Monk And Increase Muscle Mass

Muscle Building Hack #8: Get A Six Pack While You Vacuum

Muscle Building Hack #9: Build Muscle Using Your iPhone

Muscle Building Hack #10: Get A Restraining Order On Your Protein Shake

Muscle Building Hack #11: The Only Fat You Need In The Gym

Muscle Building Hack #12: Snooze...You Don't Lose!

Muscle Building Hack #13: A Strange Method To Resurrect Weak Bodyparts

Muscle Building Hack #14: Get Naked For Fast Recovery

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Dreams Of Desire, Expanding Your Muscle Building Horizons,
Pushing The Limits Of Possibility, And Breaking Through The
Barriers To Create A New You... Or How To Get A Killer Body

You now have at your digital fingertips a muscle hacking recipe book, that you
can use to completely turbo-charge your current workout program and
experience results so dramatic that it will make your head spin as you wonder
what the hell just happened!

Sounds like a tall order doesn't it? Well, let me tell you, when you are exposed
to cutting-edge information and you act on what you learn, anything can become

If up until now, you have been dreaming about achieving significant amounts of
muscle fast but you've seen no real physical results reflected back your way
when you look in the mirror. Then it's time for a massive wake up call!

This guide in conjunction with the Extreme 3D Muscle Blueprint course has
been designed to get your head out of the clouds and give you a ton of powerful
tips, techniques, exercises and underground knowledge, so you can start getting
insane results that are actually noticeable!

Underground Muscle Hacks can be looked at as an “add-on” resource for your
current workout to take whatever results you are getting, whether big or small
and completely revolutionize them.

Each hack is the equivalent of a software program that will enhance your
system. The more of these “software programs” you install and use, the greater
your results will be. It's really as simple as that. Just like you can add software to
your computer or install “apps” on your iPhone, you can now do the same with
your body.

Just choose the muscle hack that matches the result you desire, “download” the

hack to your system, and take action. You could start off with one or two hacks
and then gradually add multiple hacks to give yourself a major upgrade. It's
really up to you and how serious you are about achieving your bodybuilding

Before I reveal these powerful hacks make sure you read the following...

If you didn't get Underground Muscle Hacks by signing up to the 100% free
Dude Where's My Muscle Newsletter, make sure you do!

Once you subscribe you will also get access to the Extreme 3D Muscle
Blueprint. This is a powerful 9 day course that will expand on the information in
this guide to a much greater extend.

During the Extreme 3D Muscle Blueprint training, you will get a ton of free
bodybuilding guides and a special free sophisticated muscle building software
that will blow you away. This thing is an absolute beast and will dramatically
accelerate your results!

So if you haven't done so already, sign up by going to:


Remember, to regularly make an appearance at the Dude Where's My Muscle
blog to stay up-to-date with the latest and greatest tips, tricks and killer content.

Are you ready to get stuck into these powerful muscle building hacks?

Your journey or should I say your adventure, is about to begin...

All the best,

Alex Siddy

Hack #1 The Magic Bicep Exercise – One
Rep, One Set!
                                           What man doesn't want a pair of
                                           massive guns? But how many can
                                           actually say they are happy with the
                                           size of their bicep muscles? Not too
                                           many! But that is all about to change
                                           once you learn this simple yet
                                           exceptionally powerful exercise that
                                           can appear to be magical in the way it
                                           will totally transform the size of your
                                           biceps in record time.

This amazing exercise is called the Flexed Arm Hang and it is usually used in
the US Marine Physical Fitness Test but we will be using it for our own sneaky
purposes (insert evil sinister laughter).

If you have ever done a regular chin up before (which I am sure you have) the
essence of the Flexed Arm Hang is to hold the top position of a chin up for as
long as you can to totally isolate and blast your biceps. I will walk you through
the easy steps for this hard exercise:

1. To start off, it's recommended that you only bring out this bicep building
weapon towards the end of your workout. Make sure you do not do it at any
other time otherwise you won't have the strength to lift anything else!

After you have completed all your exercises, talk a hold of a chin up bar with
your palms facing you (supinated grip). Position your hands so that they are
about 6 inches apart, this position will isolate the bicep muscles and increase
the intensity.

2. Pull or boost yourself up to the top position of the chin up. Position yourself so
that your eyes are almost level with the chin up bar, as you do this stay as
vertical as you possibly can so that the tension stays on the biceps.

3.Once you are in position, hold it for as long as you possibly can. Squeeze your
biceps and fight against gravity. If this is your first attempt at this exercise, you

probably won't be able to hold the position for very long. You will eventually feel
your arms start to uncurl and straighten up, when this happens continue to hold
on as you feel the tension in your biceps. Then when your biceps cannot take it
any longer, gently let go. One rep and one set is all that is needed to get
massive results using this technique.

Pretty simple huh? Well in theory it is, but as you practice this exercises your
biceps will be screaming out for mercy! This exercise is excellent using your
body weight only, but if you want to add weight use a weight vest, belt, or hold a
dumbbell between your legs. Give this a shot at the end of your next workout
and feel its power.

Side Note: Isolated exercises like this one will only work within the framework of
a powerful workout. You must have a solid workout routine that focuses on big
compound lifts as the foundation. So make sure you have this sorted before
introducing this weapon into your routine.

Hack #2      Stop Playing Hide And Seek
With Your Chest
                                 Having a chiseled chest ranks as one of the
                                 highest goals for men all over the world who
                                 pack themselves into the gym and hit the bench
                                 press with obsession. The pecs are a difficult
                                 muscle to develop and I am sure many people
                                 stare at their pecs in the mirror, from all different
                                 angles, wondering where the hell has the size,
                                 shape, and definition run off to!

                                Here are a three tips to stop the game of hide
and seek with your chest development so you can experience your pecs actually
working and responding to the resistance...

1. Pre Exhaustive Muscle Training

Being able to isolate the pecs without hitting or relying too much on other
muscle groups such as the triceps and deltoids is tricky business, especially
with compound exercises such as the bench press.

If you struggle to feel your pecs working during the bench press try this crafty
little trick to bring your chest back to life again. It's simple but very effective.

Before you do your normal bench press routine, pre exhaust and isolate your
pecs by doing 8 – 10 reps of dumbbell flyes. Then rest for 30 seconds before
doing your bench routine.

Why would I want to do this? I hear you ask... The reason is because you want
your pecs to be in a weakened state when you start bench pressing so that your
delts and triceps work harder than normal and the pecs become more targeted.

You won't be able to do as many reps or lift the same amount of weight as you
normally would but you will get much greater results in pectoral development. By
putting this simple technique to use before benching you will stop the endless
game of hide and seek with your pecs and start finding them instead!

2. Relax Your Trigger Finger

You may have been taught to grip as hard as you can while benching and while
this can help you in the short term to add more weight, it's really not helping to
add resistance to where it matters most. By gripping hard the tension is diverted
away from the chest and onto the triceps and deltoids.

Obviously you still need to hold the bar with some grip strength, but you don't
need to be squeezing the life out of the bar either. Loosen your grip (only just
enough to still stay 100% safe) and see if you can feel more tension in your
chest as you lift.

3. Pour Water On Yourself

Well actually you are not going to pour water on yourself but you are going to
pretend to do this every time you perform dumbbell presses. To do this lie on
the bench with a dumbbell in each hand and your arms stretched out. Next tilt
your hands inwards and down slightly, this is the hand position you want to
maintain throughout the whole lift.

Hence the metaphor of pouring water on yourself because that is what it would
look like if you had two glasses of water in your hands. By making this simple
adjustment you will be able to target the chest with much more precision.

Hack #3        Become A Nutrient Timing
Black Belt Ninja
                                    The most important time to become a black
                                    belt ninja of nutrition is right after you
                                    workout. As you know, gym sessions are
                                    brutal to the body, carb sources become
                                    exhausted, muscle tissue is broken down,
                                    and your body is crying out for a savior. That
                                    savior is in the form of nutrition or more
                                    specifically, the right nutrition.

                                      Many bodybuilders and nutritionists say that
                                      there is a “window of opportunity” that stays
                                      open for only a short period of time, usually
                                      only for about one hour. If you do not give
                                      your body the nutrition it needs during this
time your cortisol levels are increased (not good if you want to build muscle) and
your body will literally turn on itself and break down muscle tissue (once again
not good).

So to stop this from happening make sure you get roughly 30 grams of protein
and 70 – 100 grams of carbohydrates(dextrose works great) immediately after
you workout. This is where a protein and carb drink becomes essential.

After working out you don't want to have a heavy meal because it will take time
to digest. Instead focus on fueling your body with liquid protein and carbs. For
best results pre-mix the drink before you go to the gym so that you can chug it
down as soon as you finish your workout.

After you have ingested your liquid protein/carb drink wait about 30 minutes
before having a high protein and high carb meal, this will give you digestive
system enough time to digest and use the protein and carbs you supplied in the
liquid drink.

When you plan your post workout nutrition this way, you will prevent your body
from breaking down muscle tissue, you will recover quicker, and your results will
be far more spectacular.

Hack #4 To Cardio Or Not To Cardio?
That Is The Question...
                                        Lets keep this real simple! If you are
                                        super skinny, drop all cardio until you put
                                        some weight on your frame, otherwise
                                        you will just speed up your already super
                                        fast Ferrari like metabolism. For everyone
                                        else, you need to strike a balance
                                        between weight training and cardio. This
                                        balance really depends on what your
                                        goals are. Are you looking to lose weight?
                                        Bulk up? Or are you training for a specific

Once again, let's keep things real simple!

If you are trying to burn fat, crank up your cardio activity to three times per week,
30 minutes a session. If you want to build muscle mass, you will need to
conserve most of your energy for your workouts and also to grow muscle. 1 – 2
cardio sessions per week is more than enough and they should be done on the
days when you are not in the gym lifting weights.

If you have been trying to build muscle, while doing cardio multiple times per
week and on the same day as your gym session. When you make the switch
you should notice a huge increase in available energy, which will help you lift
more, recover quicker, and grow bigger.

If you want increased sports performance, you will need to work out the balance
between cardiovascular benefits vs the benefits of weight training. This will be
specific to the type of sport you are doing and the level you are at. If your sport
is more cardiovascular based then you will need to do more cardio work. If your
sport is more strength based then you will need to focus more on lifting weights
than on cardio. Some sports require an even mixture of both, so let the type of
sport you do dictate how you will train.

I should also be clear about what type of cardio I am recommending, which is
high intensity training (HITT). This will give you the quickest results.

Other forms of low intensity training such as walking or slow cycling can be done
frequently and moderate intensity training such as jogging on the treadmill,
swimming, fast cycling should be done with minimal frequency unless they fit
under your sports performance goals.

Hack #5 Become A Renegade To Build
Your Core
                            Training your core muscles may not sound as sexy
                            as blasting your biceps or benching big but
                            strengthening your core muscles (abdominal group
                            of muscles, hip flexors, and the muscles along the
                            spine) will give you a ton of benefits. The best ones
                            being injury and lower back pain prevention.

                            Although there is a variety of exercises that work
                            your core muscle groups, the best one I have found
                            by far is an exercise called Renegade Dumbbell
                            Rows. Doing this exercise will work your whole core,
                            especially your abs, and as a bonus they will also
                            work the entire upper body.

                       Check out this YouTube video to get a visual ideal of
how Renegade Rows are performed: Click Here

These may be a bit tricky to learn how to do at first but after a few attempts you
will learn how to distribute your weight, stay balanced and get the correct

This is how to do this exercise:

1.Get into the same position you would be in if you were about to do push ups,
the only differences are you will be holding a dumbbell in each hand so each
palm is facing each other, you will also need to stretch your legs out just over
shoulder width.

2.To do the actual movement, row your right arm up to the side, keeping you
elbow close to your body. As you do this your left arm must be totally straight
and solid. It should not move at all. Now return the right arm back to the ground,
row your left arm and continue the movement.

You will most likely need to start off lightly when doing Renegade Dumbbell
Rows as they are a pretty killer exercise and work multiple muscle groups at the

same time. Start off with 3 sets of 10 – 12 reps and adjust weight as you get

Hack #6      Play Mr Fix It With This
Common Wrist Curl Mistake
                                       Next time you do bicep curls fix this
                                       simple wrist curl mistake that many
                                       bodybuilders make. To do bicep curls
                                       properly and to get the full effect you
                                       need to isolate the bicep and minimize
                                       other muscle groups from stealing the
                                       center stage. In this movement it's
                                       usually the forearms that get weak and
                                       tired before the bicep has its moment to
                                       truly shine.

                                      The reason why this happens is
because of the wrist position many people use while curling the bar. Bending the
wrist towards the forearm is the quickest way to exhaust the forearm muscle
causing you to bail out before you have hit your bicep with the full intensity it
needs to grow.

So the trick is to bend your wrists away from you as you curl upwards, towards
the very top you can curl them back in towards your forearm as you feel the
squeeze in your bicep and then you need to bend them away from your
forearms before curling the bar back down again.

By fixing this wrist curl mistake you will place a much greater amount of stress
on your biceps and more stress equals more growth!

Hack #7 Become A Monk And Increase
Muscle Mass
                            Are you a bundle of stress? Do you live a life where
                            you melt under the pressures of work, family,
                            friends, and well, just plain living? If you would
                            classify yourself as a stressful person, without you
                            even knowing, you are sabotaging the gains in mass
                            that you should be making.

                            Monks are about the most happy and stress free
                            people you will ever meet, they have the state of
                            mind and body chemistry that is ideal in building
                            mass. The only thing that is missing is the resistance
                            training! The reason why I bring monks up, is that it
                            is a fact that people who manage their stress will be
                            better able to build muscle.

If you walk around all day stressed, anxious, depressed or in a bad mood your
body reacts to this by releasing chemical called cortisol which is seriously bad
news. Cortisol is responsible for breaking down muscle tissue. And if that isn't
bad enough, being highly stressed will also dramatically lower your precious
reserves of testosterone.

The combination of cortisol and your dwindling testosterone levels will cause
you to lose muscle mass and not perform at your peak when you hit the gym.
The key to lowering cortisol and boosting your testosterone is to manage stress
by learning relaxation techniques.

Sure you could get all zen'd out and mediate (this is very effective), or if that is
too strange and new age for you, then learn to relax your body by doing deep
breathing and muscle relaxation techniques. Try to spend 20 – 30 minutes every
day consciously learning to relax and manage your stress levels.

Click Here to get a free “hypnosis” relaxation mp3 that you can start using. Just
go to the top right corner of the Website and you will see the link for the free
session. Very relaxing! Listen to it each day for best results.

Less stress equals more muscle, never forget this simple equation!

Hack #8                    Get A Six Pack While You
                         I always here people winging that they don't get any
                         time to work on their abs, if this happens to be you,
                         after learning this simple exercise you won't have any
                         excuses left.

                         The exercise you are about to learn can be done
                         anywhere. You could do it when you wake up in the
                         morning and pump out a few reps, or you could do it
                         when they are sitting at your office chair, and you could
                         even do it while you are sitting in the middle of a traffic
                         jam. While everyone else is experiencing “road rage”
                         you will be working on your 6 pack!

This exercise is called Abdominal Vacuums or the Ab Vacuum for short. This
works a muscle called the transverses abdominis (TVA), this is the muscle that
wraps around the torso from front to back and from the ribs to the pelvis. It is
often referred to as the “deep abs”.

Ab Vacuum's are really easy to perform. All you need to do is inhale deeply and
pull your belly button in as far as you can towards your spine. Hold this position
for about 10 – 20 seconds and then release it. You can bang out 5 – 10 reps of
these at a time and repeat a few times throughout the day.

Hack #9                      Build Muscle Using Your
                            Whether you aim is to lose weight, put on weight, or
                            build muscle, you need to become intimately
                            connected to calorie counting if you want the best
                            results. The problem with counting calories is that it's
                            downright boring, takes time, and can start to
                            consume your life.

                            There are books to help you count calories,
                            Websites, and clever computer programs but none of
                            these are all that practical. To get the most out of
                            counting calories, you are going to need something
                            that is compact, easy to use, and follows you around
                            wherever you you iPhone.

                            I will not be covering how to choose the ideal number
                            of daily calories per body type and exercise goal in
                            this report as this information can be found

If you do know your ideal daily calorie intake, follow along with these easy steps
to get up and running with this breakthrough (did I mention free!) calorie
counting App which also doubles as a food diary.

1. Log into the App store on your iPhone.

2. Search for the App called My Fitness Pal and install.

3. Create your account.

4. Edit your profile. Do not use their settings they suggest straight out of the box
as you will need to customize these yourself for best results.

5. Play around and tweak the settings. The most important ones to change are:
Net Calorie Goal (put in the maximum amount of calories you are shooting for
each day), Activity Level (this should usually be set to very active for best

results), Weight Gain Goal (input your goal), and Exercise Goals (how many
workouts you plan on doing a week).

6. After editing your profile settings, all that is needed to do is add to your diary
so you can track your intake of calories for that specific day. Do this by clicking
on: Diary ---> Add ---> Select your meal and search for the food item ---> Adjust
the portion size ---> Click Add and you're done. Too easy!

The best way to use this App is to work out a system that you can follow. Either
record each meal before or after you eat and stick to this so that it becomes a
habit. Make it a game you play each day to try and hit your chosen calorie level.

If you fall short don't be hard on yourself, a few hundred calories here and there
is really not going to make a big difference but when you're not hitting your
calorie goals by the thousands, you will need to sit down and find out what is
going on, make changes, and focus again.

Using My Fitness Pal is the simplest and easiest way to take the headache out
of calorie counting. You no longer have to carry a diary and pen around with you
everywhere you go or a book telling you the calories of popular meals and food
items, and you don't have to do any manual calculations. This is all done for you
by this handy iPhone App!

Hack #10       Get A Restraining Order On
Your Protein Shake
                               Protein shakes are an awesome way to crank up
                               your protein levels when you cannot reach them
                               through whole foods alone plus they are super
                               convenient. But you knew this already, didn't

                               But I bet you don't know when to run away from
                               your protein shake and replace it with something
                               far more powerful? It's your pre-workout protein
                               shake which many people have about 1 hour
                               before they go to the gym.

                               Now, when I say protein shake I am talking about
                               what most people have in their shake which is
                               protein powder (obviously) and the mixer which is
                               usually always milk. It is the addition of milk which
causes the problem and I will tell you why.

Milk takes many hours to digest and if you have it before you work out it will sit
in your stomach. All the valuable blood that urgently needs to be used by your
muscles which are under assault during your workout, will instead get directed
to your digestive system to help digest the milk. This is not a good thing!

Not only will it stop you from performing at your best but it will also cut your
gains and zap your energy. Three things you though you were going to get from
your pre-workout drink!

So is protein bad before working out. The answer is no but you do have to use
the right type and mix it using straight water. Yeah it may not taste as nice as
milk but your aim is to get the protein digested as quickly as possible.

The best type of protein to take before working out is hydrolyzed whey isolate.
This type of protein gets absorbed by the body at a rapid speed. It does cost
more than other types of protein powder and that is why I stick to using it before
and after workouts when “the need for speed” is essential.

I don't recommend casein based protein powders before working out as they
take a greater time to digest. If you absolutely cannot invest in hydrolyzed whey
isolate then stick with normal whey protein.

Ideally you also want to have carbs in your pre and post workout drink at a 2:1
(carb to protein) ratio.

Hack #11 The Only Fat You Need In The
                                       Can you guess what the weakest link in
                                       strength development is when you lift
                                       weights? Ding, ding, ding, time's up! The
                                       answer is your grip – the weaker your grip
                                       the weaker your lifting potential. One of the
                                       all time best ways to get a stronger grip is
                                       to use thick bars when you lift. The only
                                       problem is that they are a rarely found in
                                       most gyms and if you want to buy them
                                       they cost a small fortune.

                                    Sure you could do wrist curls, forearm
                                    extensions, use grippers, and other typical
grip strengthening exercises but do you really have the time to focus on these
exercises even though you know they're important? What if there was an easy
way to improve your grip strength dramatically while you go about your normal
workout? Well, now you can!

There is a funny training tool that is becoming better known and is being used
by some big name bodybuilders and conditioning coaches but is still pretty much
underground. It's called Fat Gripz. Funny name but it's an awesome training tool
to add size and strength to your forearms and upper arms, while dramatically
improving your grip strength.

Fat Gripz work on the same principle as using fat bars but without the cost. They
are inexpensive and easily fit onto all types of bars. I won't give you too much
information about this amazing tool instead I will just point you over to the info
packed Website where you can learn all about them in detail.

                       Click Here To Check Out Fat Gripz

I urge you to pick up this super cheap tool so you can experience first hand how
powerful they can be in totally revolutionizing your ability to lift more weight. It's
time to get Fat!

Hack #12 Snooze...You Don't Lose!
                                          We all know that lifting weights is
                                          extremely taxing to our body. But many
                                          people think that the only thing that
                                          needs to recover from a workout is the
                                          muscles. But the nervous system also
                                          needs to recover. If you have
                                          experienced the effects of over-training,
                                          there is a good chance you have
                                          experienced central nervous system

This can have a whole variety of negative symptoms that can stop your gains
dead in their tracks. CNS fatigue can be responsible for a total lack of motivation
to train, mood swings, drastic drops in performance, impaired cognitive ability,
and can even cause depression. All these things are not cool if you want to pack
on slabs of muscle mass.

So what causes CNS fatigue? A lack of rest and recovery are the primary
candidates. You need to carefully monitor your training, diet and nutrition, and
sleeping patterns to make sure they are optimal in creating an environment
where you are growing mass and not stalling. But you don't want to wait until
you experience these symptoms before you do anything about them.

One of the best ways to minimize CNS fatigue and to aid in recovering after a
workout is to chug down your recovery drink as soon as you finish your training
session and then take a 20 – 30 min sleep.

Now this nap is not as powerful as your nightly 8 hour sleep because you will be
in the twilight sleep cycle and wake up before you reach the deep delta cycle
where muscle building occurs. What this short nap period will do is control
nervous system fatigue, boost recovery, and increase anabolic hormones.

Right after your workout, fatigue is at it's highest, your body is struggling to
recover, and your hormone levels have dropped significantly. Combining a
recovery drink with a short nap is the best way to reverse all these conditions
and help you to build mass. This is especially true if you are in a hypertrophy

So next time you workout, knock yourself out for 20 – 30 minutes, or get
someone else to do it :) and feel the positive impact it will have on your training.

Hack #13        A Strange Method To
Resurrect Weak Bodyparts
                                         Every one of us has certain bodyparts
                                         that we train like crazy but never seem to
                                         be able to develop to the extent that we
                                         want. For me it use to be my chest
                                         development which was always seriously
                                         lacking. It didn't matter what exercises I
                                         used or what rep and set scheme, my
                                         chest was always lagging behind all my
                                         other muscle groups.

Weak bodyparts suck, that's for sure! Some people after failing to develop a
certain bodypart usually like to slap down the “genetics” card and use that as an
excuse but that is just a cop out. It's true that genetics can play an important role
but blaming them (or more likely your parents) will get you nowhere fast.

Now before I tell you about the unconventional method I used to powerfully
resurrect my chest into becoming one of my most prized possessions, I have to
give credit where credit is due. I first learned about this technique from a guy
called Nick Nilsson or the Muscle Frankenstein as I like to call him.
 Click Here To Check Out Nick's Awesome Program The Muscle Scientist

The method I learned was coined “Daily Specialization” and is extremely
effective to help resurrect weak and lagging bodyparts it's like your body using a
Jedi mind trick to command your muscle to grow against its will. Ready to learn?
Let's begin...

This specialization program will be done two times per day, everyday for a
period of a month, then take a week off and either repeat with the same exercise
focusing on the same bodypart or choose another one and repeat the cycle until
you get the desired results.

Step By Step Guide:

1. Choose which bodypart you need to resurrect using this method and then
choose a body weight exercise that targets the specific bodypart. You can use

weights for this if you have a home gym but you will get awesome results from
body weight exercises only and they are much more convenient.

The best body weight exercises to choose from are: push ups (chest), close
hand push ups (triceps), dips (chest, triceps), chin ups and pull ups (back),
handstand push ups (shoulders), calf raises (calves), body leg curls
(hamstrings), one legged squats (thighs), chin up static holds (biceps).

These are the best exercises to choose from but you can really use any that you
are familiar with.

2. After you have chosen your exercise you must follow the following workout to
a T. You cannot skip days (unless sick or injured) or let excuses get the better of
you. Each morning upon arising you, perform your exercise until failure. So if
you picked to work on your chest with push ups, you would wake up, drop to the
floor and pump out as many reps as possible and then go about your day.

3. Late in the evening, repeat your exercise to failure. That's it! Then the next
day you would repeat the same process all over again.

A few points that are worth noting:

- You will be doing this workout everyday, even on the days of your normal

-You will only achieve results if you stay consistent with this method.

- You may think that this method will lead to over-training but it will not. Your
body is fully capable of recovering from doing only one exercise with a large
break in between doing the next one.

Test this super powerful method out and you will be shocked at the results after
a few weeks. It may be unconventional but it works amazingly well. Dare
yourself to try out this tweak today. And just remember each day is going to
pass you by anyway, why not spend a maximum of 5 minutes every day working
to bring up a lagging bodypart that is holding you back? It's a no brainer!

Hack #14 Get Naked For Fast Recovery
                                 The quicker you can recover from a workout the
                                 quicker you will be back in the gym and make
                                 consistent gains. One awesome way to speed
                                 up the recovery process after a hard workout
                                 session is to get naked and practice a technique
                                 called contrast showers.

                                 This simple but powerful technique is done by
                                 standing in the shower and using hot and cold
                                 water in cycles. The contrasting temperatures
                                 send out fresh blood which is nutrient and
                                 oxygen rich and clears away lactic acid build up
                                 from your workout. If you are sick of feeling
crippled the next day after a workout? This is the solution!

Here's how to recover using contrast showers:

1. After stepping into the shower start off with warm water and have a normal
shower and get busy with the soap and wash away all the sweat from the

2. Next, switch to hot water for one minute and then to cold water for one

3. Cycle back and forth between hot and cold water for between 8 – 10 rounds
for best results.

4. It doesn't really mater how you finish off after you have completed the cycles.
It really depends on you. I like to finish on cold but you could finish on hot, it
doesn't really make any difference.

Note: Always be careful with hot water and make sure that it's not too hot, it
should not scold your skin or cause any burns. The cold water works best when
it is super cold, I like to turn the hot water off completely and just use the cold
water during the cold cycle.

Tip – If you find it hard to wake up in the morning doing this process will jolt you
wide awake first thing in the morning. Much better than a hit of caffeine!

The End...

        Or A just a new beginning?
I hope you enjoyed Underground Muscle Hacks and you have now installed and
upgraded your system with the latest and greatest hacks!

But this is not the end, far from it! The adventure has just begun. To keep on
developing, growing, and evolving, the totally free Extreme 3D Muscle Blueprint
will help you take things to a completely new level.

This powerful 9 day course will take you further down the muscle building rabbit
hole and reveal a step-by-step system to put your results into hyperdrive. Each
day will contain a unique muscle building lesson and a invaluable free gift.
Simply take action on the lesson and you will reap massive rewards.

Anyway, I have said too much already.

So make sure you have subscribed to the free newsletter (if you haven't done so
already) by going to:


Then all you need to do is keep your eyes on your email inbox.

Things are about to get very exciting...

See you on the inside!

Alex Siddy


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Underground Muscle Hacks

  • 1.
  • 2. Table Of Contents Muscle Building Hack #1: The Magic Bicep Exercise – One Rep, One Set! Muscle Building Hack #2: Stop Playing Hide And Seek With Your Chest Muscle Building Hack #3: Become A Nutrient Timing Black Belt Ninja Muscle Building Hack #4: To Cardio Or Not To Cardio? That Is The Question? Muscle Building Hack #5: Become A Renegade To Build Your Core Muscle Building Hack #6: Play Mr Fix It With This Common Wrist Curl Mistake Muscle Building Hack #7: Become A Monk And Increase Muscle Mass Muscle Building Hack #8: Get A Six Pack While You Vacuum Muscle Building Hack #9: Build Muscle Using Your iPhone Muscle Building Hack #10: Get A Restraining Order On Your Protein Shake Muscle Building Hack #11: The Only Fat You Need In The Gym Muscle Building Hack #12: Snooze...You Don't Lose! Muscle Building Hack #13: A Strange Method To Resurrect Weak Bodyparts Muscle Building Hack #14: Get Naked For Fast Recovery www.DudeWheresMyMuscle.Com
  • 3. Disclaimer The information provided within this information product should not be construed as personal medical advice, consultation or instruction. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this product. The publisher of this book has made every attempt to ensure the accuracy of the information contained herein. We make no warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the book. We cannot be held liable for any injury, loss, or other damages due to your use of the information contained in this product. It is the responsibility of the reader to use the information in this book responsibly and to verify any information before use. Readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well being prior to following the information contained within this information product. “Underground Muscle Hacks” and “Extreme 3D Muscle Blueprint” was created for informational and educational purposes only, not to replace any advice from a health care professional. The information and opinions provided here are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment available to the authors, but readers who fail to consult appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. This information product and the creator is not responsible for errors or omissions. www.DudeWheresMyMuscle.Com
  • 5. Introduction Dreams Of Desire, Expanding Your Muscle Building Horizons, Pushing The Limits Of Possibility, And Breaking Through The Barriers To Create A New You... Or How To Get A Killer Body Fast! You now have at your digital fingertips a muscle hacking recipe book, that you can use to completely turbo-charge your current workout program and experience results so dramatic that it will make your head spin as you wonder what the hell just happened! Sounds like a tall order doesn't it? Well, let me tell you, when you are exposed to cutting-edge information and you act on what you learn, anything can become achievable. If up until now, you have been dreaming about achieving significant amounts of muscle fast but you've seen no real physical results reflected back your way when you look in the mirror. Then it's time for a massive wake up call! This guide in conjunction with the Extreme 3D Muscle Blueprint course has been designed to get your head out of the clouds and give you a ton of powerful tips, techniques, exercises and underground knowledge, so you can start getting insane results that are actually noticeable! Underground Muscle Hacks can be looked at as an “add-on” resource for your current workout to take whatever results you are getting, whether big or small and completely revolutionize them. Each hack is the equivalent of a software program that will enhance your system. The more of these “software programs” you install and use, the greater your results will be. It's really as simple as that. Just like you can add software to your computer or install “apps” on your iPhone, you can now do the same with your body. Just choose the muscle hack that matches the result you desire, “download” the www.DudeWheresMyMuscle.Com
  • 6. hack to your system, and take action. You could start off with one or two hacks and then gradually add multiple hacks to give yourself a major upgrade. It's really up to you and how serious you are about achieving your bodybuilding goals. Before I reveal these powerful hacks make sure you read the following... If you didn't get Underground Muscle Hacks by signing up to the 100% free Dude Where's My Muscle Newsletter, make sure you do! Once you subscribe you will also get access to the Extreme 3D Muscle Blueprint. This is a powerful 9 day course that will expand on the information in this guide to a much greater extend. During the Extreme 3D Muscle Blueprint training, you will get a ton of free bodybuilding guides and a special free sophisticated muscle building software that will blow you away. This thing is an absolute beast and will dramatically accelerate your results! So if you haven't done so already, sign up by going to: www.DudeWheresMyMuscle.Com/optin.html Remember, to regularly make an appearance at the Dude Where's My Muscle blog to stay up-to-date with the latest and greatest tips, tricks and killer content. Are you ready to get stuck into these powerful muscle building hacks? Your journey or should I say your adventure, is about to begin... All the best, Alex Siddy www.DudeWheresMyMuscle.Com
  • 7. Hack #1 The Magic Bicep Exercise – One Rep, One Set! What man doesn't want a pair of massive guns? But how many can actually say they are happy with the size of their bicep muscles? Not too many! But that is all about to change once you learn this simple yet exceptionally powerful exercise that can appear to be magical in the way it will totally transform the size of your biceps in record time. This amazing exercise is called the Flexed Arm Hang and it is usually used in the US Marine Physical Fitness Test but we will be using it for our own sneaky purposes (insert evil sinister laughter). If you have ever done a regular chin up before (which I am sure you have) the essence of the Flexed Arm Hang is to hold the top position of a chin up for as long as you can to totally isolate and blast your biceps. I will walk you through the easy steps for this hard exercise: 1. To start off, it's recommended that you only bring out this bicep building weapon towards the end of your workout. Make sure you do not do it at any other time otherwise you won't have the strength to lift anything else! After you have completed all your exercises, talk a hold of a chin up bar with your palms facing you (supinated grip). Position your hands so that they are about 6 inches apart, this position will isolate the bicep muscles and increase the intensity. 2. Pull or boost yourself up to the top position of the chin up. Position yourself so that your eyes are almost level with the chin up bar, as you do this stay as vertical as you possibly can so that the tension stays on the biceps. 3.Once you are in position, hold it for as long as you possibly can. Squeeze your biceps and fight against gravity. If this is your first attempt at this exercise, you www.DudeWheresMyMuscle.Com
  • 8. probably won't be able to hold the position for very long. You will eventually feel your arms start to uncurl and straighten up, when this happens continue to hold on as you feel the tension in your biceps. Then when your biceps cannot take it any longer, gently let go. One rep and one set is all that is needed to get massive results using this technique. Pretty simple huh? Well in theory it is, but as you practice this exercises your biceps will be screaming out for mercy! This exercise is excellent using your body weight only, but if you want to add weight use a weight vest, belt, or hold a dumbbell between your legs. Give this a shot at the end of your next workout and feel its power. Side Note: Isolated exercises like this one will only work within the framework of a powerful workout. You must have a solid workout routine that focuses on big compound lifts as the foundation. So make sure you have this sorted before introducing this weapon into your routine. www.DudeWheresMyMuscle.Com
  • 9. Hack #2 Stop Playing Hide And Seek With Your Chest Having a chiseled chest ranks as one of the highest goals for men all over the world who pack themselves into the gym and hit the bench press with obsession. The pecs are a difficult muscle to develop and I am sure many people stare at their pecs in the mirror, from all different angles, wondering where the hell has the size, shape, and definition run off to! Here are a three tips to stop the game of hide and seek with your chest development so you can experience your pecs actually working and responding to the resistance... 1. Pre Exhaustive Muscle Training Being able to isolate the pecs without hitting or relying too much on other muscle groups such as the triceps and deltoids is tricky business, especially with compound exercises such as the bench press. If you struggle to feel your pecs working during the bench press try this crafty little trick to bring your chest back to life again. It's simple but very effective. Before you do your normal bench press routine, pre exhaust and isolate your pecs by doing 8 – 10 reps of dumbbell flyes. Then rest for 30 seconds before doing your bench routine. Why would I want to do this? I hear you ask... The reason is because you want your pecs to be in a weakened state when you start bench pressing so that your delts and triceps work harder than normal and the pecs become more targeted. You won't be able to do as many reps or lift the same amount of weight as you normally would but you will get much greater results in pectoral development. By putting this simple technique to use before benching you will stop the endless game of hide and seek with your pecs and start finding them instead! www.DudeWheresMyMuscle.Com
  • 10. 2. Relax Your Trigger Finger You may have been taught to grip as hard as you can while benching and while this can help you in the short term to add more weight, it's really not helping to add resistance to where it matters most. By gripping hard the tension is diverted away from the chest and onto the triceps and deltoids. Obviously you still need to hold the bar with some grip strength, but you don't need to be squeezing the life out of the bar either. Loosen your grip (only just enough to still stay 100% safe) and see if you can feel more tension in your chest as you lift. 3. Pour Water On Yourself Well actually you are not going to pour water on yourself but you are going to pretend to do this every time you perform dumbbell presses. To do this lie on the bench with a dumbbell in each hand and your arms stretched out. Next tilt your hands inwards and down slightly, this is the hand position you want to maintain throughout the whole lift. Hence the metaphor of pouring water on yourself because that is what it would look like if you had two glasses of water in your hands. By making this simple adjustment you will be able to target the chest with much more precision. www.DudeWheresMyMuscle.Com
  • 11. Hack #3 Become A Nutrient Timing Black Belt Ninja The most important time to become a black belt ninja of nutrition is right after you workout. As you know, gym sessions are brutal to the body, carb sources become exhausted, muscle tissue is broken down, and your body is crying out for a savior. That savior is in the form of nutrition or more specifically, the right nutrition. Many bodybuilders and nutritionists say that there is a “window of opportunity” that stays open for only a short period of time, usually only for about one hour. If you do not give your body the nutrition it needs during this time your cortisol levels are increased (not good if you want to build muscle) and your body will literally turn on itself and break down muscle tissue (once again not good). So to stop this from happening make sure you get roughly 30 grams of protein and 70 – 100 grams of carbohydrates(dextrose works great) immediately after you workout. This is where a protein and carb drink becomes essential. After working out you don't want to have a heavy meal because it will take time to digest. Instead focus on fueling your body with liquid protein and carbs. For best results pre-mix the drink before you go to the gym so that you can chug it down as soon as you finish your workout. After you have ingested your liquid protein/carb drink wait about 30 minutes before having a high protein and high carb meal, this will give you digestive system enough time to digest and use the protein and carbs you supplied in the liquid drink. When you plan your post workout nutrition this way, you will prevent your body from breaking down muscle tissue, you will recover quicker, and your results will be far more spectacular. www.DudeWheresMyMuscle.Com
  • 12. Hack #4 To Cardio Or Not To Cardio? That Is The Question... Lets keep this real simple! If you are super skinny, drop all cardio until you put some weight on your frame, otherwise you will just speed up your already super fast Ferrari like metabolism. For everyone else, you need to strike a balance between weight training and cardio. This balance really depends on what your goals are. Are you looking to lose weight? Bulk up? Or are you training for a specific sport? Once again, let's keep things real simple! If you are trying to burn fat, crank up your cardio activity to three times per week, 30 minutes a session. If you want to build muscle mass, you will need to conserve most of your energy for your workouts and also to grow muscle. 1 – 2 cardio sessions per week is more than enough and they should be done on the days when you are not in the gym lifting weights. If you have been trying to build muscle, while doing cardio multiple times per week and on the same day as your gym session. When you make the switch you should notice a huge increase in available energy, which will help you lift more, recover quicker, and grow bigger. If you want increased sports performance, you will need to work out the balance between cardiovascular benefits vs the benefits of weight training. This will be specific to the type of sport you are doing and the level you are at. If your sport is more cardiovascular based then you will need to do more cardio work. If your sport is more strength based then you will need to focus more on lifting weights than on cardio. Some sports require an even mixture of both, so let the type of sport you do dictate how you will train. I should also be clear about what type of cardio I am recommending, which is high intensity training (HITT). This will give you the quickest results. www.DudeWheresMyMuscle.Com
  • 13. Other forms of low intensity training such as walking or slow cycling can be done frequently and moderate intensity training such as jogging on the treadmill, swimming, fast cycling should be done with minimal frequency unless they fit under your sports performance goals. www.DudeWheresMyMuscle.Com
  • 14. Hack #5 Become A Renegade To Build Your Core Training your core muscles may not sound as sexy as blasting your biceps or benching big but strengthening your core muscles (abdominal group of muscles, hip flexors, and the muscles along the spine) will give you a ton of benefits. The best ones being injury and lower back pain prevention. Although there is a variety of exercises that work your core muscle groups, the best one I have found by far is an exercise called Renegade Dumbbell Rows. Doing this exercise will work your whole core, especially your abs, and as a bonus they will also work the entire upper body. Check out this YouTube video to get a visual ideal of how Renegade Rows are performed: Click Here These may be a bit tricky to learn how to do at first but after a few attempts you will learn how to distribute your weight, stay balanced and get the correct movement. This is how to do this exercise: 1.Get into the same position you would be in if you were about to do push ups, the only differences are you will be holding a dumbbell in each hand so each palm is facing each other, you will also need to stretch your legs out just over shoulder width. 2.To do the actual movement, row your right arm up to the side, keeping you elbow close to your body. As you do this your left arm must be totally straight and solid. It should not move at all. Now return the right arm back to the ground, row your left arm and continue the movement. You will most likely need to start off lightly when doing Renegade Dumbbell Rows as they are a pretty killer exercise and work multiple muscle groups at the www.DudeWheresMyMuscle.Com
  • 15. same time. Start off with 3 sets of 10 – 12 reps and adjust weight as you get better. www.DudeWheresMyMuscle.Com
  • 16. Hack #6 Play Mr Fix It With This Common Wrist Curl Mistake Next time you do bicep curls fix this simple wrist curl mistake that many bodybuilders make. To do bicep curls properly and to get the full effect you need to isolate the bicep and minimize other muscle groups from stealing the center stage. In this movement it's usually the forearms that get weak and tired before the bicep has its moment to truly shine. The reason why this happens is because of the wrist position many people use while curling the bar. Bending the wrist towards the forearm is the quickest way to exhaust the forearm muscle causing you to bail out before you have hit your bicep with the full intensity it needs to grow. So the trick is to bend your wrists away from you as you curl upwards, towards the very top you can curl them back in towards your forearm as you feel the squeeze in your bicep and then you need to bend them away from your forearms before curling the bar back down again. By fixing this wrist curl mistake you will place a much greater amount of stress on your biceps and more stress equals more growth! www.DudeWheresMyMuscle.Com
  • 17. Hack #7 Become A Monk And Increase Muscle Mass Are you a bundle of stress? Do you live a life where you melt under the pressures of work, family, friends, and well, just plain living? If you would classify yourself as a stressful person, without you even knowing, you are sabotaging the gains in mass that you should be making. Monks are about the most happy and stress free people you will ever meet, they have the state of mind and body chemistry that is ideal in building mass. The only thing that is missing is the resistance training! The reason why I bring monks up, is that it is a fact that people who manage their stress will be better able to build muscle. If you walk around all day stressed, anxious, depressed or in a bad mood your body reacts to this by releasing chemical called cortisol which is seriously bad news. Cortisol is responsible for breaking down muscle tissue. And if that isn't bad enough, being highly stressed will also dramatically lower your precious reserves of testosterone. The combination of cortisol and your dwindling testosterone levels will cause you to lose muscle mass and not perform at your peak when you hit the gym. The key to lowering cortisol and boosting your testosterone is to manage stress by learning relaxation techniques. Sure you could get all zen'd out and mediate (this is very effective), or if that is too strange and new age for you, then learn to relax your body by doing deep breathing and muscle relaxation techniques. Try to spend 20 – 30 minutes every day consciously learning to relax and manage your stress levels. Click Here to get a free “hypnosis” relaxation mp3 that you can start using. Just go to the top right corner of the Website and you will see the link for the free session. Very relaxing! Listen to it each day for best results. Less stress equals more muscle, never forget this simple equation! www.DudeWheresMyMuscle.Com
  • 18. Hack #8 Get A Six Pack While You Vacuum I always here people winging that they don't get any time to work on their abs, if this happens to be you, after learning this simple exercise you won't have any excuses left. The exercise you are about to learn can be done anywhere. You could do it when you wake up in the morning and pump out a few reps, or you could do it when they are sitting at your office chair, and you could even do it while you are sitting in the middle of a traffic jam. While everyone else is experiencing “road rage” you will be working on your 6 pack! This exercise is called Abdominal Vacuums or the Ab Vacuum for short. This works a muscle called the transverses abdominis (TVA), this is the muscle that wraps around the torso from front to back and from the ribs to the pelvis. It is often referred to as the “deep abs”. Ab Vacuum's are really easy to perform. All you need to do is inhale deeply and pull your belly button in as far as you can towards your spine. Hold this position for about 10 – 20 seconds and then release it. You can bang out 5 – 10 reps of these at a time and repeat a few times throughout the day. www.DudeWheresMyMuscle.Com
  • 19. Hack #9 Build Muscle Using Your iPhone Whether you aim is to lose weight, put on weight, or build muscle, you need to become intimately connected to calorie counting if you want the best results. The problem with counting calories is that it's downright boring, takes time, and can start to consume your life. There are books to help you count calories, Websites, and clever computer programs but none of these are all that practical. To get the most out of counting calories, you are going to need something that is compact, easy to use, and follows you around wherever you you iPhone. I will not be covering how to choose the ideal number of daily calories per body type and exercise goal in this report as this information can be found elsewhere. If you do know your ideal daily calorie intake, follow along with these easy steps to get up and running with this breakthrough (did I mention free!) calorie counting App which also doubles as a food diary. 1. Log into the App store on your iPhone. 2. Search for the App called My Fitness Pal and install. 3. Create your account. 4. Edit your profile. Do not use their settings they suggest straight out of the box as you will need to customize these yourself for best results. 5. Play around and tweak the settings. The most important ones to change are: Net Calorie Goal (put in the maximum amount of calories you are shooting for each day), Activity Level (this should usually be set to very active for best www.DudeWheresMyMuscle.Com
  • 20. results), Weight Gain Goal (input your goal), and Exercise Goals (how many workouts you plan on doing a week). 6. After editing your profile settings, all that is needed to do is add to your diary so you can track your intake of calories for that specific day. Do this by clicking on: Diary ---> Add ---> Select your meal and search for the food item ---> Adjust the portion size ---> Click Add and you're done. Too easy! The best way to use this App is to work out a system that you can follow. Either record each meal before or after you eat and stick to this so that it becomes a habit. Make it a game you play each day to try and hit your chosen calorie level. If you fall short don't be hard on yourself, a few hundred calories here and there is really not going to make a big difference but when you're not hitting your calorie goals by the thousands, you will need to sit down and find out what is going on, make changes, and focus again. Using My Fitness Pal is the simplest and easiest way to take the headache out of calorie counting. You no longer have to carry a diary and pen around with you everywhere you go or a book telling you the calories of popular meals and food items, and you don't have to do any manual calculations. This is all done for you by this handy iPhone App! www.DudeWheresMyMuscle.Com
  • 21. Hack #10 Get A Restraining Order On Your Protein Shake Protein shakes are an awesome way to crank up your protein levels when you cannot reach them through whole foods alone plus they are super convenient. But you knew this already, didn't you? But I bet you don't know when to run away from your protein shake and replace it with something far more powerful? It's your pre-workout protein shake which many people have about 1 hour before they go to the gym. Now, when I say protein shake I am talking about what most people have in their shake which is protein powder (obviously) and the mixer which is usually always milk. It is the addition of milk which causes the problem and I will tell you why. Milk takes many hours to digest and if you have it before you work out it will sit in your stomach. All the valuable blood that urgently needs to be used by your muscles which are under assault during your workout, will instead get directed to your digestive system to help digest the milk. This is not a good thing! Not only will it stop you from performing at your best but it will also cut your gains and zap your energy. Three things you though you were going to get from your pre-workout drink! So is protein bad before working out. The answer is no but you do have to use the right type and mix it using straight water. Yeah it may not taste as nice as milk but your aim is to get the protein digested as quickly as possible. The best type of protein to take before working out is hydrolyzed whey isolate. This type of protein gets absorbed by the body at a rapid speed. It does cost more than other types of protein powder and that is why I stick to using it before and after workouts when “the need for speed” is essential. www.DudeWheresMyMuscle.Com
  • 22. I don't recommend casein based protein powders before working out as they take a greater time to digest. If you absolutely cannot invest in hydrolyzed whey isolate then stick with normal whey protein. Ideally you also want to have carbs in your pre and post workout drink at a 2:1 (carb to protein) ratio. www.DudeWheresMyMuscle.Com
  • 23. Hack #11 The Only Fat You Need In The Gym Can you guess what the weakest link in strength development is when you lift weights? Ding, ding, ding, time's up! The answer is your grip – the weaker your grip the weaker your lifting potential. One of the all time best ways to get a stronger grip is to use thick bars when you lift. The only problem is that they are a rarely found in most gyms and if you want to buy them they cost a small fortune. Sure you could do wrist curls, forearm extensions, use grippers, and other typical grip strengthening exercises but do you really have the time to focus on these exercises even though you know they're important? What if there was an easy way to improve your grip strength dramatically while you go about your normal workout? Well, now you can! There is a funny training tool that is becoming better known and is being used by some big name bodybuilders and conditioning coaches but is still pretty much underground. It's called Fat Gripz. Funny name but it's an awesome training tool to add size and strength to your forearms and upper arms, while dramatically improving your grip strength. Fat Gripz work on the same principle as using fat bars but without the cost. They are inexpensive and easily fit onto all types of bars. I won't give you too much information about this amazing tool instead I will just point you over to the info packed Website where you can learn all about them in detail. Click Here To Check Out Fat Gripz I urge you to pick up this super cheap tool so you can experience first hand how powerful they can be in totally revolutionizing your ability to lift more weight. It's time to get Fat! www.DudeWheresMyMuscle.Com
  • 24. Hack #12 Snooze...You Don't Lose! We all know that lifting weights is extremely taxing to our body. But many people think that the only thing that needs to recover from a workout is the muscles. But the nervous system also needs to recover. If you have experienced the effects of over-training, there is a good chance you have experienced central nervous system fatigue. This can have a whole variety of negative symptoms that can stop your gains dead in their tracks. CNS fatigue can be responsible for a total lack of motivation to train, mood swings, drastic drops in performance, impaired cognitive ability, and can even cause depression. All these things are not cool if you want to pack on slabs of muscle mass. So what causes CNS fatigue? A lack of rest and recovery are the primary candidates. You need to carefully monitor your training, diet and nutrition, and sleeping patterns to make sure they are optimal in creating an environment where you are growing mass and not stalling. But you don't want to wait until you experience these symptoms before you do anything about them. One of the best ways to minimize CNS fatigue and to aid in recovering after a workout is to chug down your recovery drink as soon as you finish your training session and then take a 20 – 30 min sleep. Now this nap is not as powerful as your nightly 8 hour sleep because you will be in the twilight sleep cycle and wake up before you reach the deep delta cycle where muscle building occurs. What this short nap period will do is control nervous system fatigue, boost recovery, and increase anabolic hormones. Right after your workout, fatigue is at it's highest, your body is struggling to recover, and your hormone levels have dropped significantly. Combining a recovery drink with a short nap is the best way to reverse all these conditions and help you to build mass. This is especially true if you are in a hypertrophy cycle. www.DudeWheresMyMuscle.Com
  • 25. So next time you workout, knock yourself out for 20 – 30 minutes, or get someone else to do it :) and feel the positive impact it will have on your training. www.DudeWheresMyMuscle.Com
  • 26. Hack #13 A Strange Method To Resurrect Weak Bodyparts Every one of us has certain bodyparts that we train like crazy but never seem to be able to develop to the extent that we want. For me it use to be my chest development which was always seriously lacking. It didn't matter what exercises I used or what rep and set scheme, my chest was always lagging behind all my other muscle groups. Weak bodyparts suck, that's for sure! Some people after failing to develop a certain bodypart usually like to slap down the “genetics” card and use that as an excuse but that is just a cop out. It's true that genetics can play an important role but blaming them (or more likely your parents) will get you nowhere fast. Now before I tell you about the unconventional method I used to powerfully resurrect my chest into becoming one of my most prized possessions, I have to give credit where credit is due. I first learned about this technique from a guy called Nick Nilsson or the Muscle Frankenstein as I like to call him. Click Here To Check Out Nick's Awesome Program The Muscle Scientist The method I learned was coined “Daily Specialization” and is extremely effective to help resurrect weak and lagging bodyparts it's like your body using a Jedi mind trick to command your muscle to grow against its will. Ready to learn? Let's begin... This specialization program will be done two times per day, everyday for a period of a month, then take a week off and either repeat with the same exercise focusing on the same bodypart or choose another one and repeat the cycle until you get the desired results. Step By Step Guide: 1. Choose which bodypart you need to resurrect using this method and then choose a body weight exercise that targets the specific bodypart. You can use www.DudeWheresMyMuscle.Com
  • 27. weights for this if you have a home gym but you will get awesome results from body weight exercises only and they are much more convenient. The best body weight exercises to choose from are: push ups (chest), close hand push ups (triceps), dips (chest, triceps), chin ups and pull ups (back), handstand push ups (shoulders), calf raises (calves), body leg curls (hamstrings), one legged squats (thighs), chin up static holds (biceps). These are the best exercises to choose from but you can really use any that you are familiar with. 2. After you have chosen your exercise you must follow the following workout to a T. You cannot skip days (unless sick or injured) or let excuses get the better of you. Each morning upon arising you, perform your exercise until failure. So if you picked to work on your chest with push ups, you would wake up, drop to the floor and pump out as many reps as possible and then go about your day. 3. Late in the evening, repeat your exercise to failure. That's it! Then the next day you would repeat the same process all over again. A few points that are worth noting: - You will be doing this workout everyday, even on the days of your normal workout. -You will only achieve results if you stay consistent with this method. - You may think that this method will lead to over-training but it will not. Your body is fully capable of recovering from doing only one exercise with a large break in between doing the next one. Test this super powerful method out and you will be shocked at the results after a few weeks. It may be unconventional but it works amazingly well. Dare yourself to try out this tweak today. And just remember each day is going to pass you by anyway, why not spend a maximum of 5 minutes every day working to bring up a lagging bodypart that is holding you back? It's a no brainer! www.DudeWheresMyMuscle.Com
  • 28. Hack #14 Get Naked For Fast Recovery The quicker you can recover from a workout the quicker you will be back in the gym and make consistent gains. One awesome way to speed up the recovery process after a hard workout session is to get naked and practice a technique called contrast showers. This simple but powerful technique is done by standing in the shower and using hot and cold water in cycles. The contrasting temperatures send out fresh blood which is nutrient and oxygen rich and clears away lactic acid build up from your workout. If you are sick of feeling crippled the next day after a workout? This is the solution! Here's how to recover using contrast showers: 1. After stepping into the shower start off with warm water and have a normal shower and get busy with the soap and wash away all the sweat from the workout. 2. Next, switch to hot water for one minute and then to cold water for one minute. 3. Cycle back and forth between hot and cold water for between 8 – 10 rounds for best results. 4. It doesn't really mater how you finish off after you have completed the cycles. It really depends on you. I like to finish on cold but you could finish on hot, it doesn't really make any difference. Note: Always be careful with hot water and make sure that it's not too hot, it should not scold your skin or cause any burns. The cold water works best when it is super cold, I like to turn the hot water off completely and just use the cold water during the cold cycle. Tip – If you find it hard to wake up in the morning doing this process will jolt you wide awake first thing in the morning. Much better than a hit of caffeine! www.DudeWheresMyMuscle.Com
  • 29. The End... Or A just a new beginning? I hope you enjoyed Underground Muscle Hacks and you have now installed and upgraded your system with the latest and greatest hacks! But this is not the end, far from it! The adventure has just begun. To keep on developing, growing, and evolving, the totally free Extreme 3D Muscle Blueprint will help you take things to a completely new level. This powerful 9 day course will take you further down the muscle building rabbit hole and reveal a step-by-step system to put your results into hyperdrive. Each day will contain a unique muscle building lesson and a invaluable free gift. Simply take action on the lesson and you will reap massive rewards. Anyway, I have said too much already. So make sure you have subscribed to the free newsletter (if you haven't done so already) by going to: www.DudeWheresMyMuscle.Com/optin.html Then all you need to do is keep your eyes on your email inbox. Things are about to get very exciting... See you on the inside! Alex Siddy www.DudeWheresMyMuscle.Com