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• The cell is the functional unit of all living

• Human cell consist of

    Nucleus                     Cytoplasm
  largest organelle         contains a number of
                            organelles each with a
                              defined function

• All cells are bounded by an external lipid
  membrane, called the plasma membrane or
  plasmalemma PM, which serves as a dynamic
  interface with the external environment.

• Functions :
 ▫   transfer of nutrients and metabolites,
 ▫   attachment of the cell to adjacent cells and
     extracellular matrix, and
 ▫   communication with the external environment
• NUCLEUS - largest organelle and its
  nucleoplasm is bounded by nuclear
 contains the genetic material of the cell.

• CYTOPLASM - contains a variety of other
  organelles, most of which are also bounded by

  system      of    flattened     membrane-bound
  tubules, saccules and flattened cisterns.
Widely distributed throughout the cytoplasm.
• GOLGI APPARATUS - discrete system of
  membrane-bound saccules, typically located
  close to the nucleus.

• MITOCHONDRIA - Scattered free in the
  cytoplasm are a number of relatively
  large, elongated organelles having smooth outer
  membrane and a convoluted inner membrane
• In addition to these major organelles, the cell
  contains a variety of other membrane-bound
  structures, including intracellular transport
  vesicles and a lysosome .

• The cytoplasmic organelles are suspended in

• Within the cytosol, there is a network of minute
  tubules and filaments, collectively known as the
  cytoskeleton, which provides structural
  support for the cell and its organelles, as well as
  providing a mechanism for transfer of materials
  within the cell and movement of the cell itself
• Singer    and  Nicholson,  in   the early
  1970s, proposed the fluid mosaic model of
  membrane structure which is now generally

• Cell membranes consist of a bilayer of
  phospholipid molecules that are amphipathic
 Polar, hydrophilic (water-loving) head:
    Derived from glycerol conjugated to a
 nitrogenous compound (positive charge) via a
 phosphate bridge (negative charge)

 Non-polar, hydrophobic (water-hating) tail:
  Two long-chain fatty acids, each covalently linked
 to the glycerol component of the polar head.
 One of the fatty acids is a straight-chain saturated
 fatty acid, while the other is an unsaturated fatty
 acid which is 'kinked' at the position of the
 unsaturated bond.
• The weak intermolecular forces that hold the
  bilayer together allow individual phospholipid
  molecules to move relatively freely within each

• The fluidity and flexibility of the membrane is
  increased by the presence of unsaturated fatty
  acids bridge.

• Cholesterol molecules are also present in the
  bilayer in an almost 1:1 ratio with phospholipids
• Protein molecules make up almost half of the
  total mass of the membrane.

 intrinsic or integral   extrinsic or peripheral
         proteins              proteins

  transmembrane proteins
Span entire length/thickness of membrane to be
 exposed to each surface.
Transmembrane proteins have a variety of
functions including

 ▫ cell-cell adhesion,
 ▫ cell matrix adhesion,
 ▫ communication and formation of pores or
   channels for the transport of materials into and
   out of the cell.
• On the external surface of the plasma membrane
  polysaccharide layer termed glycocalyx,
  involved in:
    Cell recognition phenomena,
    Formation      of    intercellular     adhesions,
    Adsorption of molecules to the cell surface

In some situations, provides mechanical and
chemical protection for the plasma membrane
The electron micrograph - high magnification view of the plasma membrane PM
of the minute surface projections (microvilli) MV of a lining cell from the
small intestine
• Largest organelle in the cell.
• Control centre of the cell, blueprint from which
  all the other components of the cell are
• This blueprint is stored in the form of
  deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) arranged in
  the form of chromosomes
• The nucleus contains
a) DNA (<20% of its mass),
b) Protein called nucleoprotein and some
   ribonucleic acid (RNA).

• Nucleoprotein is of two major types:
  Histone proteins
  ▫ positively charged
  ▫ low molecular weight
  ▫ bind tightly to DNA
  ▫ control the coiling and expression of the genes
    encoded by the DNA strand.
  Non-histone proteins
  ▫ include enzymes for the synthesis of DNA and RNA
    and regulatory proteins.
• All nucleoproteins are synthesised in the
  cytoplasm and imported into the nucleus.

• Nuclear RNA includes newly synthesised
  messenger, transfer and ribosomal RNA
• Nuclei are heterogeneous structures with

    electron-dense          electron-lucent areas
 Heterochromatin               Euchromatin
consist of tightly coiled     part of the DNA that
inactive chromatin found           is active in
   in irregular clumps           RNA synthesis
around the periphery of
In females, the inactivated
X chromosome Barr body,
 at the edge of the nucleus
• Collectively, heterochromatin and euchromatin
  are known as chromatin.

• Tend to clump in particular areas of the
  nucleus, known as chromosome territories
• Many nuclei, especially those of cells highly
  active in protein synthesis, contain one or more
  dense structures called nucleoli

sites of ribosomal RNA synthesis and ribosome
• Ultrastructurally, nucleoli are quite variable in

• For eg, reticular nucleolonema with dense
  filamentous components         and paler
  granular components.
 ▫ The filamentous components - sites of ribosomal
   RNA synthesis, while
 ▫ Ribosome assembly takes place in the granular
• Encloses the nucleus, consists of two layers of
  membrane with the intermembranous or
  perinuclear space in between.

• The inner and outer nuclear membranes have
  the typical phospholipid bilayer structure but
  contain different integral proteins.
• The outer lipid bilayer is continuous with the
  endoplasmic reticulum and has ribosomes on its
  cytoplasmic face.

• On the inner aspect of the inner nuclear
  membrane, there is an electron-dense layer of
  intermediate     filaments,     the      nuclear
  lamina, consisting of polypeptides called lamins
  that link inner membrane proteins and

• The nuclear envelope contains numerous nuclear
  pores at the margins of which the inner and outer
  membranes become continuous.
• Each pore contains a nuclear pore complex.
permit and regulate the exchange of
  metabolites, macromolecules and ribosomal
  subunits between nucleus and cytoplasm.

• Ions and small molecules diffuse freely through
  the nuclear pore.
• Larger molecules, such as mRNA are moved
  through the pore by an energy dependent

• Minute cytoplasmic organelles, each composed
  of two subunits of unequal size.

• Each subunit consists of a strand of RNA
  (ribosomal RNA) with associated ribosomal
  proteins forming a globular structure.
• Ribosomes are often found attached to mRNA
  molecules in small spiral-shaped aggregations
  called polyribosomes or polysomes, formed
  by a single strand of mRNA with ribosomes
  attached along its length

• Each ribosome in a polyribosome is making a
  separate molecule of the protein.

• Ribosomes and polyribosomes may also be
  attached to the surface of endoplasmic
• consists of an interconnecting network of
  membranous tubules, vesicles and flattened sacs
  (cisternae) which ramifies throughout the

• Much of its surface is studded with
  ribosomes, giving a 'rough' appearance leading
  to the name rough endoplasmic reticulum.
• Proteins destined for export, as well as lysosomal
  proteins, are synthesised by ribosomes attached to
  the surface of the rER and pass through the
  membrane into its lumen.

• Integral membrane proteins are also synthesised on
  rER and inserted into the membrane

• It is within the rER that proteins are folded to form
  their tertiary structure, intrachain disulphide bonds
  are formed and the first steps of glycosylation take

• In    contrast,   proteins    destined for       the
  cytoplasm,    nucleus    and mitochondria        are
  synthesised on free ribosomes.
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

• is continuous with and similar to rER except that it
  lacks ribosomes.
• Functions - lipid biosynthesis (eg: cholesterol
                         and phospholipids)
             - membrane synthesis and repair.

• In liver cells, smooth endoplasmic reticulum is rich
  in cytochrome P450 and plays a major role in the
  metabolism of glycogen and detoxification.

• In muscle cells, (sarcoplasmic reticulum) is
  involved in the storage and release of calcium ions
  that activate the contractile mechanism
• Consists of stacked, saucer-shaped membrane-
  bound cisternae.
• The outermost cisternae take the form of a
  network of tubules known as the cis and trans
  Golgi networks.
• Proteins synthesised in the rough ER are
  transported to the Golgi apparatus in coated
  vesicles; the coat protein is known as coat
  protein complex II (COP II).
a) On arrival at the convex forming face or cis
   Golgi network of the Golgi apparatus, the
   coat proteins disengage and the vesicles fuse
   with the membrane of the forming face.
 ▫ In the Golgi apparatus the glycosylation of
   proteins, begun in the rER, is completed by
   sequential addition of sugar residues and the
   proteins are packaged for transport to their final
b) On arrival at the concave maturing face or
   trans Golgi network, the proteins are
   accurately sorted into secretory vesicles
   destined for the extracellular space (e.g.
   hormones, neurotransmitters, collagen) or the
   plasma     membrane      (e.g.  cell   surface
   receptors, adhesion molecules) or intracellular
   organelles such as lysosomes.
• Secretory    vesicles  become    increasingly
  condensed as they migrate through the
  cytoplasm to form mature secretory
  granules, which are then liberated at the cell
  surface by exocytosis.

• A group of membrane proteins called SNAREs
  regulate docking and fusion of coated vesicles to
  their target membrane
• vary greatly in size and appearance
• recognised as membrane bound organelles
  containing an amorphous granular material.

Phagolysosomes or secondary lysosomes:
• even more variable in appearance but are
  recognisable by their diverse particulate
  content, some of which is extremely electron-
• The lysosomal enzymes comprise more than 40
  different  degradative    enzymes     including
  proteases, lipases and nucleases [acid
  hydrolases] active at a pH of about 5.0.

protective mechanism for the cell; should
lysosomal enzymes escape into the cytosol where
they would be less active at the higher pH.
PEROXISOMES (Syn: microbodies )

• small, spherical, membrane-bound organelles
• closely resemble lysosomes in size and

• contain oxidases involved in certain catabolic
  pathways (e.g. β oxidation of long-chain fatty
  acids) which result in the formation of hydrogen
  peroxide, a potentially cytotoxic by-product - kill
  ingested microorganisms.
• also contain catalase, which regulates
  hydrogen peroxide concentration, utilising it in
  the oxidation of a variety of potentially toxic
  substances including phenols and alcohol

• The peroxisomes of the liver and kidney are
  particularly large and abundant - organs of lipid
  metabolism and management of metabolic waste
Electron micrograph showing Smooth
       and Rough Endoplasmic
   Reticulum, Peroxisomes (P) and
• Lipofuscin - represents an insoluble
  degradation product of organelle turnover.
• With increasing age, it accumulates as brown
  granular material in the cytoplasm, particularly
  of sympathetic ganglion cells.

• Melanin - responsible for skin colour.
           Also present substantia nigra

• All cellular functions are dependent on a
  continuous supply of energy, which is derived
  from the sequential breakdown of organic
  molecules during the process of cellular
• The energy released during this process is
  ultimately stored in the form of ATP molecules
  which forms a pool of readily available energy
  for all the metabolic functions of the cell.
• Mitochondria are the principal organelles
  involved in cellular respiration, found in large
  numbers in metabolically active cells (liver and
  skeletal muscle)

• elongated, cigar-shaped organelles.
• very mobile, moving around the cell by means of
• localise at intracellular sites of maximum energy
• The number of mitochondria in cells is highly
  variable; liver cells contain as many as 2000
• Each   mitochondrion       consists    of    four

 The outer membrane
 ▫ relatively permeable, contains a pore-forming
   protein, (porin), which allows free passage of
   small molecules.
 ▫ contains enzymes that convert certain lipid
   substrates into forms that can be metabolised
   within the mitochondrion.

 The inner membrane,
 ▫ thinner, is thrown into complex folds and tubules
   (cristae) that project into the inner cavity.
The mitochondrial matrix.
▫ The matrix contains a number of dense matrix
  granules, thought to be binding sites for
  calcium, which is stored in mitochondria.

The intermembranous space
▫ contains a variety of enzymes
• Aerobic respiration

     matrix             on inner membrane

most of the enzymes     The inner membrane contains
involved in oxidation   molecules of the electron
of fatty acids and      transport chain,and the
Kreb’s cycle            enzymes involved in ATP
• Several unusual features

 ▫ Matrix contains one or more circular strands of
   DNA resembling the chromosomes of bacteria.

 ▫ The matrix also contains ribosomes with a similar
   structure to bacterial ribosomes.

 ▫ Mitochondria synthesise     37   of   their   own
   constituent proteins.

 ▫ undergo self-replication
Energy Storage
• Energy storage      GLYCOGEN ; LIPIDS

• Lipids are synthesised by all cells in order to
  maintain the constant turnover of cell

• as a means of storing excess energy as
  cytoplasmic droplets, for lipid transport.
• Every cell has a supporting framework of minute
  filaments and tubules, the cytoskeleton, which
  maintains the shape and polarity of the cell.

• The cytoskeleton of each cell contains structural
  elements of three main types,
 ▫   microfilaments,
 ▫   microtubules and
 ▫   intermediate filaments,
 ▫   as well as many accessory proteins responsible for
     linking these structures to one another, to the plasma
     membrane and to the membranes of intracellular
I. Microfilaments.

▫ extremely fine strands (approximately 7 nm in
  diameter) of the protein actin.

▫ Each actin filament consists of two strings of
  bead-like subunits twisted together like a rope.

▫ The globular subunits are stabilised by calcium
  ions and associated with ATP molecules to provide
  energy for contraction.
▫ Actin    filaments     are   best    demonstrated
  histologically in skeletal muscle cells where they
  form a stable arrangement of bundles with
  another type of filamentous protein called

▫ Cells not usually considered to be contractile also
  contains the globular subunits of actin (G-actin)
  which assemble readily into microfilaments (F-
  actin) and then dissociate - providing structural
  framework for cell.
• Membrane specialisations such as microvilli also
  contain a skeleton of actin filaments.
• Actin, in association with various transmembrane
  and linking proteins (predominantly filamin), forms
  a robust supporting meshwork called the cell
  cortex, which protects against deformation

•    Actin role in :
a)   cell movement,
b)   pinocytosis
c)   phagocytosis
d)   bind to intrinsic plasma membrane proteins to
     anchor them in position
II. Intermediate filaments

(10-15 nm in diameter)

▫ purely structural function

▫ consist of filaments of protein that self-assemble
  into larger filaments and bind intracellular
  structures and to plasma membrane proteins.
▫ In humans there are more than 50 different types of
  intermediate filament, but these can be divided into
  different classes.

  Eg: cytokeratin intermediate filaments
                                   (epithelial cells)
   vimentin is found in cells of mesodermal origin
   desmin in muscle cells
   neurofilament proteins in nerve cells
   glial fibrillary acidic protein in glial cells.
   Lamin intermediate filaments form a structural layer on
    the inner side of the nuclear membrane
Micrograph shows an axon in transverse section wrapped in the
cytoplasm of a Schwann cell
III. Microtubules (24nm dia)

▫ made up of globular protein subunits which can
  readily be assembled and disassembled to provide
  for alterations in cell shape and position of

▫ The microtubule subunits are of two types, alpha
  and beta tubulin, which polymerise to form a
  hollow tubule; when seen in cross-section, 13
  tubulin molecules make up a circle.
▫ Microtubules originate from a specialised
  microtubule organising centre, the centriole.
▫ Microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs)
  stabilise the tubular structure and include
  capping proteins, which stabilise the growing
  ends of the tubules.

▫ The motor proteins dynein and kinesin move
  along the tubules towards and away from the cell
  centre, respectively
▫ These motors attach to membranous organelles
  and move them about within the cytoplasm
  Eg: The function of the spindle during cell division
• includes a pair of centrioles and the
  centrosome matrix or pericentriolar

• It is usually centrally located in the cell adjacent
  to the nucleus and often surrounded by the
  Golgi apparatus.
• The pair of centrioles are also known as a
• There are also fifty or more δ-tubulin ring
  complexes, which form a nucleus for the
  polymerisation of microtubules.
• Thus the centrioles act as a microtubule
  organising centre.

• Microtubules radiate outwards from the
  centrioles in a star-like arrangement, often
  called an aster.
• Each centriole is cylindrical in form, consisting
  of nine triplets of parallel microtubules.
• Structures apparently identical to centrioles
  form the basal bodies of cilia and flagella
    ▫    PROPHASE
    ▫    METAPHASE
    ▫    ANAPHASE
    ▫    TELOPHASE
• The development of a single, fertilised egg cell to form a
  complex, multicellular organism involves cellular
  replication, growth and progressive specialisation
  (differentiation) for a variety of functions.

• The fertilised egg (zygote) divides by a process known
  as mitosis to produce two genetically identical daughter
  cells, each of which divides to produce two more
  daughter cells and so on

• The interval between mitotic divisions is known as the
  cell cycle.
• All body cells divide by mitosis except for male
  and female germ cells, which divide by meiosis
  to produce gametes

• Facultative dividers - cells such as liver cells
  that do not normally divide but retain the
  capacity to undergo mitosis.
• Historically, only two phases of the cell cycle
  were recognised:
 a relatively short mitotic phase (M phase) and
a non-dividing phase (interphase).

• With the development of radioisotopes, it was
  found that there is a discrete period during
  interphase when nuclear DNA is replicated -
  synthesis or S phase.
• Thus interphase may be divided into three
  separate phases.
 ▫ First gap or G1 phase: cells differentiate and
   perform their specialised functions.
 ▫ Second gap or G2 phase: cells prepare for mitotic
 ▫ Synthesis or S phase

G0 phase - -terminally differentiated cells leave
the cell cycle after the M phase and enter a state of
continuous differentiated function.
 Facultative dividers enter the G0 phase but retain
 the capacity to re-enter the cell cycle
• In general, the S, G and M phases of the cell
  cycle are relatively constant in duration, each
  taking up to several hours to complete.
 ▫ whereas the G1 phase is highly variable, in some
   cases lasting for several days or weeks.

• The G0 phase may last for the entire lifespan of
  the organism.
Division of somatic cells occurs in two phases.
• PHASE 1: chromosomes duplicated in S phase are
  distributed equally between the two potential
  daughter cells - mitosis.
            mitosis is always equal and symmetrical
• PHASE 2: Dividing cell is cleaved into genetically
  identical daughter cells by cytoplasmic division or
 result in the formation of two daughter cells with grossly
 unequal amounts of cytoplasm or cytoplasmic
• Continuous process; divided into four phases,
  ▫   Prophase,
  ▫   Metaphase,
  ▫   Anaphase and
  ▫   Telophase.

• Cell division requires the presence of mitotic
  apparatus, (spindle of longitudinally arranged
  microtubules extending between a pair of centrioles) at
  each pole of the dividing cell.
• The mitotic apparatus is visible within the cytoplasm
  only during the M phase of the cell cycle (disaggregates
  shortly after completion of mitosis)

• Beginning defined as the moment when the
  chromosomes (already duplicated during the
  preceding S phase) first become visible within
  the nucleus.
• The     chromosomes     become     increasingly
  condensed and shortened and the nucleoli
• Dissolution of the nuclear envelope marks the
  end of prophase.
• During prophase, the microfilaments and
  microtubules of the cytoskeleton disaggregate
  into their protein subunits

• In prophase the two pairs of centrioles migrate
  towards opposite poles of the cell while
  simultaneously a spindle of microtubules is
  formed     between      them      (interpolar

• The nuclear envelope disintegrated
• The mitotic spindle moves into the nuclear area
  and each duplicated chromosome becomes
  attached, at a site called the kinetochore, to
  another group of microtubules of the mitotic
  spindle .
• Equatorial       or    metaphase     plate    -
  chromosomes then become arranged in the
  plane of the spindle equator.
• The kinetochore also controls entry of the cell
  into anaphase so that the process of mitosis does
  not progress until all chromatid pairs are aligned
  at the cell equator.

• Metaphase checkpoint - prevents the
  formation of daughter cells with unequal
  numbers of chromosomes

• The splitting of the centromere marks this stage
  of mitosis.
• The mitotic spindle becomes lengthened by
  addition of tubulin subunits to its interpolar
• The centrioles are thus pulled apart and the
  chromatids of each duplicated chromosome are
  drawn to opposite ends of the spindle.
• By the end of anaphase - two groups of identical
  chromosomes are clustered at opposite poles of
  the cell

• Chromosomes begin to uncoil and to regain their
  interphase conformation.
• Nuclear envelope reassembles and nucleoli again
  become apparent.
• Process of cytokinesis also takes place here.
• The plasma membrane around the spindle
  equator becomes indented to form a
  circumferential      furrow       around      the
  cell, (cleavage furrow)
 ▫ progressively constricts the cell until it is cleaved
   into two daughter cells.
• A ring of microfilaments is present just beneath
  the surface of the cleavage furrow and
  cytokinesis occurs as a result of contraction of
  this filamentous ring.

• In early G1 phase, the mitotic spindle
  disaggregates and in many cell types the single
  pair of centrioles begins to duplicate in
  preparation for the next mitotic division.

• The process of sexual reproduction involves the
  production by meiosis of specialised male and
  female cells called gametes.

• Meiotic cell division   is   thus   also   called
• Each gamete contains the haploid number of
  chromosomes ( i.e. one from each homologous pair.

• When the male and female gametes fuse at
  fertilisation to form a zygote the diploid number of
  chromosomes (46 in humans) is restored

• This mixing of chromosomes contributes to the
  genetic diversity of the next generation.

• Crossing over - Further genetic diversity and
  therefore evolutionary advantage
a) First step,   duplication of the chromosomes as for

b) This is immediately followed by crossing over of the

• Crossing over mixes up these paternally and maternally
  derived alleles (alternative forms of the same gene) so
  that the haploid gamete ends up with only one of each
  chromosome pair but each individual chromosome
  include alleles from each parent .
• The mechanism of crossing over - chiasma
c) 1st meiotic division –
  involving separation of the pairs of chromatids still
  joined together at the centromere.
  Thus at the end of the first meiotic division, each
  daughter cell contains a half complement of
  duplicated    chromosomes,      one     from   each
  homologous pair of chromosomes.

d) 2nd meiotic division -
  involves splitting of the chromatids by pulling apart
  the centromeres.
  The chromatids then migrate to opposite poles of
  the spindle.
• Thus, meiotic cell division of a single diploid
  germ cell gives rise to four haploid gametes.

• In the male, each of the four gametes undergoes
  morphological development into a mature
• In the female, unequal distribution of the
  cytoplasm results in one gamete gaining almost
  all the cytoplasm from the mother cell, while the
  other three acquire almost none.
 ▫ the large gamete matures to form an ovum and
   the other three, called polar bodies, degenerate
• During both the first and second meiotic
  divisions, the cell passes through stages that
  have      many       similar    features    to
  prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase of

• Unlike mitosis, however, the process of meiotic
  cell division can be suspended for a considerable
  length of time.

  spermatogenia                    oogonia
After sexual maturity      multiply by mitosis
spermatogonia multiply     only by early fetal
continuously by mitosis    development, thereby
to provide a supply of    producing a fixed
cells which then          complement of cells
undergoes meiosis to      with the potential to
form male gamete          undergo
• The primitive germ cells of the male, the
  spermatogonia, are present only in small
  numbers in the male gonads before sexual
• After this, spermatogonia multiply continuously
  by mitosis to provide a supply of cells, which
  then undergo meiosis to form male gametes.
• In contrast, the germ cells of the female, called
  oogonia, multiply by mitosis only during early
  fetal development, thereby producing a fixed
  complement of cells with the potential to
  undergo gametogenesis
• Chromosomes are not the only source of genes
  in the germ cells.
• Mitochondria also contain DNA that codes for
  some intrinsic mitochondrial proteins required
  for energy production.
• Because     the    spermatozoa    shed     their
  mitochondria at the time of fertilisation, only
  maternal mitochondrial genes are passed on to
  the offspring.
• A number of inherited diseases are known to be
  transmitted through mitochondrial DNA
• Meiosis involves one reduplication of the
  chromosomes followed by two sequential cell
  divisions. Thus a diploid cell produces four
  haploid germ cells (gametes).

• CROSSING OVER occurs only in meiosis, to
  rearrange alleles such that every gamete is
  genetically different. In contrast, the products of
  mitosis are genetically identical
Thank you..

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Cell Structure & Cell Division

  • 4. • The cell is the functional unit of all living organism. • Human cell consist of Nucleus Cytoplasm largest organelle contains a number of organelles each with a defined function
  • 5. THE CELL – IN BRIEF • All cells are bounded by an external lipid membrane, called the plasma membrane or plasmalemma PM, which serves as a dynamic interface with the external environment. • Functions : ▫ transfer of nutrients and metabolites, ▫ attachment of the cell to adjacent cells and extracellular matrix, and ▫ communication with the external environment
  • 6. • NUCLEUS - largest organelle and its nucleoplasm is bounded by nuclear membrane.  contains the genetic material of the cell. • CYTOPLASM - contains a variety of other organelles, most of which are also bounded by membranes. • ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM - extensive system of flattened membrane-bound tubules, saccules and flattened cisterns. Widely distributed throughout the cytoplasm.
  • 7. • GOLGI APPARATUS - discrete system of membrane-bound saccules, typically located close to the nucleus. • MITOCHONDRIA - Scattered free in the cytoplasm are a number of relatively large, elongated organelles having smooth outer membrane and a convoluted inner membrane system.
  • 8. • In addition to these major organelles, the cell contains a variety of other membrane-bound structures, including intracellular transport vesicles and a lysosome . • The cytoplasmic organelles are suspended in cytosol. • Within the cytosol, there is a network of minute tubules and filaments, collectively known as the cytoskeleton, which provides structural support for the cell and its organelles, as well as providing a mechanism for transfer of materials within the cell and movement of the cell itself
  • 9.
  • 10. MEMBRANE STRUCTURE • Singer and Nicholson, in the early 1970s, proposed the fluid mosaic model of membrane structure which is now generally accepted. • Cell membranes consist of a bilayer of phospholipid molecules that are amphipathic
  • 11.  Polar, hydrophilic (water-loving) head: Derived from glycerol conjugated to a nitrogenous compound (positive charge) via a phosphate bridge (negative charge)  Non-polar, hydrophobic (water-hating) tail: Two long-chain fatty acids, each covalently linked to the glycerol component of the polar head. One of the fatty acids is a straight-chain saturated fatty acid, while the other is an unsaturated fatty acid which is 'kinked' at the position of the unsaturated bond.
  • 12.
  • 13. • The weak intermolecular forces that hold the bilayer together allow individual phospholipid molecules to move relatively freely within each layer. • The fluidity and flexibility of the membrane is increased by the presence of unsaturated fatty acids bridge. • Cholesterol molecules are also present in the bilayer in an almost 1:1 ratio with phospholipids
  • 14. • Protein molecules make up almost half of the total mass of the membrane. intrinsic or integral extrinsic or peripheral proteins proteins transmembrane proteins Span entire length/thickness of membrane to be exposed to each surface.
  • 15. Transmembrane proteins have a variety of functions including ▫ cell-cell adhesion, ▫ cell matrix adhesion, ▫ communication and formation of pores or channels for the transport of materials into and out of the cell.
  • 16. • On the external surface of the plasma membrane polysaccharide layer termed glycocalyx, involved in: Cell recognition phenomena, Formation of intercellular adhesions, Adsorption of molecules to the cell surface In some situations, provides mechanical and chemical protection for the plasma membrane
  • 17. The electron micrograph - high magnification view of the plasma membrane PM of the minute surface projections (microvilli) MV of a lining cell from the small intestine
  • 18.
  • 19. NUCLEUS • Largest organelle in the cell. • Control centre of the cell, blueprint from which all the other components of the cell are constructed. • This blueprint is stored in the form of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) arranged in the form of chromosomes
  • 20. • The nucleus contains a) DNA (<20% of its mass), b) Protein called nucleoprotein and some ribonucleic acid (RNA). • Nucleoprotein is of two major types: Histone proteins ▫ positively charged ▫ low molecular weight ▫ bind tightly to DNA ▫ control the coiling and expression of the genes encoded by the DNA strand. Non-histone proteins ▫ include enzymes for the synthesis of DNA and RNA and regulatory proteins.
  • 21. • All nucleoproteins are synthesised in the cytoplasm and imported into the nucleus. • Nuclear RNA includes newly synthesised messenger, transfer and ribosomal RNA
  • 22. • Nuclei are heterogeneous structures with electron-dense electron-lucent areas Heterochromatin Euchromatin consist of tightly coiled part of the DNA that inactive chromatin found is active in in irregular clumps RNA synthesis around the periphery of nucleus. In females, the inactivated X chromosome Barr body, at the edge of the nucleus
  • 23. • Collectively, heterochromatin and euchromatin are known as chromatin. • Tend to clump in particular areas of the nucleus, known as chromosome territories
  • 25. NUCLEOLUS • Many nuclei, especially those of cells highly active in protein synthesis, contain one or more dense structures called nucleoli sites of ribosomal RNA synthesis and ribosome assembly
  • 26. • Ultrastructurally, nucleoli are quite variable in appearance. • For eg, reticular nucleolonema with dense filamentous components and paler granular components. ▫ The filamentous components - sites of ribosomal RNA synthesis, while ▫ Ribosome assembly takes place in the granular components
  • 28. NUCLEAR ENVELOPE • Encloses the nucleus, consists of two layers of membrane with the intermembranous or perinuclear space in between. • The inner and outer nuclear membranes have the typical phospholipid bilayer structure but contain different integral proteins.
  • 29. • The outer lipid bilayer is continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum and has ribosomes on its cytoplasmic face. • On the inner aspect of the inner nuclear membrane, there is an electron-dense layer of intermediate filaments, the nuclear lamina, consisting of polypeptides called lamins that link inner membrane proteins and heterochromatin. • The nuclear envelope contains numerous nuclear pores at the margins of which the inner and outer membranes become continuous.
  • 30. • Each pore contains a nuclear pore complex. permit and regulate the exchange of metabolites, macromolecules and ribosomal subunits between nucleus and cytoplasm. • Ions and small molecules diffuse freely through the nuclear pore. • Larger molecules, such as mRNA are moved through the pore by an energy dependent process.
  • 32. RIBOSOMES • Minute cytoplasmic organelles, each composed of two subunits of unequal size. • Each subunit consists of a strand of RNA (ribosomal RNA) with associated ribosomal proteins forming a globular structure.
  • 33. • Ribosomes are often found attached to mRNA molecules in small spiral-shaped aggregations called polyribosomes or polysomes, formed by a single strand of mRNA with ribosomes attached along its length • Each ribosome in a polyribosome is making a separate molecule of the protein. • Ribosomes and polyribosomes may also be attached to the surface of endoplasmic reticulum.
  • 34. ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM • consists of an interconnecting network of membranous tubules, vesicles and flattened sacs (cisternae) which ramifies throughout the cytoplasm. • Much of its surface is studded with ribosomes, giving a 'rough' appearance leading to the name rough endoplasmic reticulum.
  • 35. • Proteins destined for export, as well as lysosomal proteins, are synthesised by ribosomes attached to the surface of the rER and pass through the membrane into its lumen. • Integral membrane proteins are also synthesised on rER and inserted into the membrane • It is within the rER that proteins are folded to form their tertiary structure, intrachain disulphide bonds are formed and the first steps of glycosylation take place. • In contrast, proteins destined for the cytoplasm, nucleus and mitochondria are synthesised on free ribosomes.
  • 37. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum • is continuous with and similar to rER except that it lacks ribosomes. • Functions - lipid biosynthesis (eg: cholesterol and phospholipids) - membrane synthesis and repair. • In liver cells, smooth endoplasmic reticulum is rich in cytochrome P450 and plays a major role in the metabolism of glycogen and detoxification. • In muscle cells, (sarcoplasmic reticulum) is involved in the storage and release of calcium ions that activate the contractile mechanism
  • 39. GOLGI APPARATUS • Consists of stacked, saucer-shaped membrane- bound cisternae. • The outermost cisternae take the form of a network of tubules known as the cis and trans Golgi networks. • Proteins synthesised in the rough ER are transported to the Golgi apparatus in coated vesicles; the coat protein is known as coat protein complex II (COP II).
  • 40. a) On arrival at the convex forming face or cis Golgi network of the Golgi apparatus, the coat proteins disengage and the vesicles fuse with the membrane of the forming face. ▫ In the Golgi apparatus the glycosylation of proteins, begun in the rER, is completed by sequential addition of sugar residues and the proteins are packaged for transport to their final destination
  • 41. b) On arrival at the concave maturing face or trans Golgi network, the proteins are accurately sorted into secretory vesicles destined for the extracellular space (e.g. hormones, neurotransmitters, collagen) or the plasma membrane (e.g. cell surface receptors, adhesion molecules) or intracellular organelles such as lysosomes.
  • 42. • Secretory vesicles become increasingly condensed as they migrate through the cytoplasm to form mature secretory granules, which are then liberated at the cell surface by exocytosis. • A group of membrane proteins called SNAREs regulate docking and fusion of coated vesicles to their target membrane
  • 43.
  • 45. LYSOSOMES • vary greatly in size and appearance • recognised as membrane bound organelles containing an amorphous granular material. Phagolysosomes or secondary lysosomes: • even more variable in appearance but are recognisable by their diverse particulate content, some of which is extremely electron- dense.
  • 46. • The lysosomal enzymes comprise more than 40 different degradative enzymes including proteases, lipases and nucleases [acid hydrolases] active at a pH of about 5.0. protective mechanism for the cell; should lysosomal enzymes escape into the cytosol where they would be less active at the higher pH.
  • 48. PEROXISOMES (Syn: microbodies ) • small, spherical, membrane-bound organelles • closely resemble lysosomes in size and ultrastructure • contain oxidases involved in certain catabolic pathways (e.g. β oxidation of long-chain fatty acids) which result in the formation of hydrogen peroxide, a potentially cytotoxic by-product - kill ingested microorganisms.
  • 49. • also contain catalase, which regulates hydrogen peroxide concentration, utilising it in the oxidation of a variety of potentially toxic substances including phenols and alcohol • The peroxisomes of the liver and kidney are particularly large and abundant - organs of lipid metabolism and management of metabolic waste products
  • 50. Electron micrograph showing Smooth and Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum, Peroxisomes (P) and Mitochondria(M)
  • 51. CELLULAR PIGMENTS: LIPOFUSCIN AND MELANIN: • Lipofuscin - represents an insoluble degradation product of organelle turnover. • With increasing age, it accumulates as brown granular material in the cytoplasm, particularly of sympathetic ganglion cells. • Melanin - responsible for skin colour. Also present substantia nigra
  • 53. MITOCHONDRIA • All cellular functions are dependent on a continuous supply of energy, which is derived from the sequential breakdown of organic molecules during the process of cellular respiration. • The energy released during this process is ultimately stored in the form of ATP molecules which forms a pool of readily available energy for all the metabolic functions of the cell.
  • 54. • Mitochondria are the principal organelles involved in cellular respiration, found in large numbers in metabolically active cells (liver and skeletal muscle) • elongated, cigar-shaped organelles. • very mobile, moving around the cell by means of microtubules. • localise at intracellular sites of maximum energy requirement. • The number of mitochondria in cells is highly variable; liver cells contain as many as 2000 mitochondria
  • 55. • Each mitochondrion consists of four compartments: The outer membrane ▫ relatively permeable, contains a pore-forming protein, (porin), which allows free passage of small molecules. ▫ contains enzymes that convert certain lipid substrates into forms that can be metabolised within the mitochondrion. The inner membrane, ▫ thinner, is thrown into complex folds and tubules (cristae) that project into the inner cavity.
  • 56. The mitochondrial matrix. ▫ The matrix contains a number of dense matrix granules, thought to be binding sites for calcium, which is stored in mitochondria. The intermembranous space ▫ contains a variety of enzymes
  • 58. • Aerobic respiration matrix on inner membrane most of the enzymes The inner membrane contains involved in oxidation molecules of the electron of fatty acids and transport chain,and the Kreb’s cycle enzymes involved in ATP production
  • 59. • Several unusual features ▫ Matrix contains one or more circular strands of DNA resembling the chromosomes of bacteria. ▫ The matrix also contains ribosomes with a similar structure to bacterial ribosomes. ▫ Mitochondria synthesise 37 of their own constituent proteins. ▫ undergo self-replication
  • 60. Energy Storage • Energy storage GLYCOGEN ; LIPIDS • Lipids are synthesised by all cells in order to maintain the constant turnover of cell membranes. • as a means of storing excess energy as cytoplasmic droplets, for lipid transport.
  • 63. THE CYTOSKELETON AND CELL MOVEMENT • Every cell has a supporting framework of minute filaments and tubules, the cytoskeleton, which maintains the shape and polarity of the cell. • The cytoskeleton of each cell contains structural elements of three main types, ▫ microfilaments, ▫ microtubules and ▫ intermediate filaments, ▫ as well as many accessory proteins responsible for linking these structures to one another, to the plasma membrane and to the membranes of intracellular organelles.
  • 64. I. Microfilaments. ▫ extremely fine strands (approximately 7 nm in diameter) of the protein actin. ▫ Each actin filament consists of two strings of bead-like subunits twisted together like a rope. ▫ The globular subunits are stabilised by calcium ions and associated with ATP molecules to provide energy for contraction.
  • 65. ▫ Actin filaments are best demonstrated histologically in skeletal muscle cells where they form a stable arrangement of bundles with another type of filamentous protein called myosin. ▫ Cells not usually considered to be contractile also contains the globular subunits of actin (G-actin) which assemble readily into microfilaments (F- actin) and then dissociate - providing structural framework for cell.
  • 66. • Membrane specialisations such as microvilli also contain a skeleton of actin filaments. • Actin, in association with various transmembrane and linking proteins (predominantly filamin), forms a robust supporting meshwork called the cell cortex, which protects against deformation • Actin role in : a) cell movement, b) pinocytosis c) phagocytosis d) bind to intrinsic plasma membrane proteins to anchor them in position
  • 68. II. Intermediate filaments (10-15 nm in diameter) ▫ purely structural function ▫ consist of filaments of protein that self-assemble into larger filaments and bind intracellular structures and to plasma membrane proteins.
  • 69. ▫ In humans there are more than 50 different types of intermediate filament, but these can be divided into different classes. Eg: cytokeratin intermediate filaments (epithelial cells)  vimentin is found in cells of mesodermal origin  desmin in muscle cells  neurofilament proteins in nerve cells  glial fibrillary acidic protein in glial cells.  Lamin intermediate filaments form a structural layer on the inner side of the nuclear membrane
  • 70. Micrograph shows an axon in transverse section wrapped in the cytoplasm of a Schwann cell
  • 71. III. Microtubules (24nm dia) ▫ made up of globular protein subunits which can readily be assembled and disassembled to provide for alterations in cell shape and position of organelles. ▫ The microtubule subunits are of two types, alpha and beta tubulin, which polymerise to form a hollow tubule; when seen in cross-section, 13 tubulin molecules make up a circle. ▫ Microtubules originate from a specialised microtubule organising centre, the centriole.
  • 72. ▫ Microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) stabilise the tubular structure and include capping proteins, which stabilise the growing ends of the tubules. ▫ The motor proteins dynein and kinesin move along the tubules towards and away from the cell centre, respectively ▫ These motors attach to membranous organelles and move them about within the cytoplasm  Eg: The function of the spindle during cell division
  • 73. CENTROSOME • includes a pair of centrioles and the centrosome matrix or pericentriolar material. • It is usually centrally located in the cell adjacent to the nucleus and often surrounded by the Golgi apparatus. • The pair of centrioles are also known as a diplosome.
  • 74. • There are also fifty or more δ-tubulin ring complexes, which form a nucleus for the polymerisation of microtubules. • Thus the centrioles act as a microtubule organising centre. • Microtubules radiate outwards from the centrioles in a star-like arrangement, often called an aster. • Each centriole is cylindrical in form, consisting of nine triplets of parallel microtubules. • Structures apparently identical to centrioles form the basal bodies of cilia and flagella
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  • 78. INTRODUCTION • The development of a single, fertilised egg cell to form a complex, multicellular organism involves cellular replication, growth and progressive specialisation (differentiation) for a variety of functions. • The fertilised egg (zygote) divides by a process known as mitosis to produce two genetically identical daughter cells, each of which divides to produce two more daughter cells and so on • The interval between mitotic divisions is known as the cell cycle.
  • 79. • All body cells divide by mitosis except for male and female germ cells, which divide by meiosis to produce gametes • Facultative dividers - cells such as liver cells that do not normally divide but retain the capacity to undergo mitosis.
  • 80. CELL CYCLE • Historically, only two phases of the cell cycle were recognised:  a relatively short mitotic phase (M phase) and a non-dividing phase (interphase). • With the development of radioisotopes, it was found that there is a discrete period during interphase when nuclear DNA is replicated - synthesis or S phase.
  • 81. • Thus interphase may be divided into three separate phases. ▫ First gap or G1 phase: cells differentiate and perform their specialised functions. ▫ Second gap or G2 phase: cells prepare for mitotic division. ▫ Synthesis or S phase G0 phase - -terminally differentiated cells leave the cell cycle after the M phase and enter a state of continuous differentiated function. Facultative dividers enter the G0 phase but retain the capacity to re-enter the cell cycle
  • 82. • In general, the S, G and M phases of the cell cycle are relatively constant in duration, each taking up to several hours to complete. ▫ whereas the G1 phase is highly variable, in some cases lasting for several days or weeks. • The G0 phase may last for the entire lifespan of the organism.
  • 83.
  • 84. MITOSIS Division of somatic cells occurs in two phases. • PHASE 1: chromosomes duplicated in S phase are distributed equally between the two potential daughter cells - mitosis. mitosis is always equal and symmetrical • PHASE 2: Dividing cell is cleaved into genetically identical daughter cells by cytoplasmic division or cytokinesis. result in the formation of two daughter cells with grossly unequal amounts of cytoplasm or cytoplasmic organelles.
  • 85. MITOSIS • Continuous process; divided into four phases, ▫ Prophase, ▫ Metaphase, ▫ Anaphase and ▫ Telophase. • Cell division requires the presence of mitotic apparatus, (spindle of longitudinally arranged microtubules extending between a pair of centrioles) at each pole of the dividing cell. • The mitotic apparatus is visible within the cytoplasm only during the M phase of the cell cycle (disaggregates shortly after completion of mitosis)
  • 86. Prophase. • Beginning defined as the moment when the chromosomes (already duplicated during the preceding S phase) first become visible within the nucleus. • The chromosomes become increasingly condensed and shortened and the nucleoli disappear. • Dissolution of the nuclear envelope marks the end of prophase.
  • 87. • During prophase, the microfilaments and microtubules of the cytoskeleton disaggregate into their protein subunits • In prophase the two pairs of centrioles migrate towards opposite poles of the cell while simultaneously a spindle of microtubules is formed between them (interpolar microtubules).
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  • 89. Metaphase. • The nuclear envelope disintegrated • The mitotic spindle moves into the nuclear area and each duplicated chromosome becomes attached, at a site called the kinetochore, to another group of microtubules of the mitotic spindle . • Equatorial or metaphase plate - chromosomes then become arranged in the plane of the spindle equator.
  • 90. • The kinetochore also controls entry of the cell into anaphase so that the process of mitosis does not progress until all chromatid pairs are aligned at the cell equator. • Metaphase checkpoint - prevents the formation of daughter cells with unequal numbers of chromosomes
  • 91.
  • 92. Anaphase • The splitting of the centromere marks this stage of mitosis. • The mitotic spindle becomes lengthened by addition of tubulin subunits to its interpolar microtubules • The centrioles are thus pulled apart and the chromatids of each duplicated chromosome are drawn to opposite ends of the spindle. • By the end of anaphase - two groups of identical chromosomes are clustered at opposite poles of the cell
  • 93.
  • 94. Telophase. • Chromosomes begin to uncoil and to regain their interphase conformation. • Nuclear envelope reassembles and nucleoli again become apparent. • Process of cytokinesis also takes place here. • The plasma membrane around the spindle equator becomes indented to form a circumferential furrow around the cell, (cleavage furrow) ▫ progressively constricts the cell until it is cleaved into two daughter cells.
  • 95. • A ring of microfilaments is present just beneath the surface of the cleavage furrow and cytokinesis occurs as a result of contraction of this filamentous ring. • In early G1 phase, the mitotic spindle disaggregates and in many cell types the single pair of centrioles begins to duplicate in preparation for the next mitotic division.
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  • 97. MEIOSIS • The process of sexual reproduction involves the production by meiosis of specialised male and female cells called gametes. • Meiotic cell division is thus also called gametogenesis.
  • 98. • Each gamete contains the haploid number of chromosomes ( i.e. one from each homologous pair. • When the male and female gametes fuse at fertilisation to form a zygote the diploid number of chromosomes (46 in humans) is restored • This mixing of chromosomes contributes to the genetic diversity of the next generation. • Crossing over - Further genetic diversity and therefore evolutionary advantage
  • 99. PROCESS OF MEIOSIS a) First step, duplication of the chromosomes as for mitosis. b) This is immediately followed by crossing over of the chromatids. • Crossing over mixes up these paternally and maternally derived alleles (alternative forms of the same gene) so that the haploid gamete ends up with only one of each chromosome pair but each individual chromosome include alleles from each parent . • The mechanism of crossing over - chiasma formation..
  • 100. c) 1st meiotic division – involving separation of the pairs of chromatids still joined together at the centromere. Thus at the end of the first meiotic division, each daughter cell contains a half complement of duplicated chromosomes, one from each homologous pair of chromosomes. d) 2nd meiotic division - involves splitting of the chromatids by pulling apart the centromeres. The chromatids then migrate to opposite poles of the spindle.
  • 101.
  • 102. • Thus, meiotic cell division of a single diploid germ cell gives rise to four haploid gametes. • In the male, each of the four gametes undergoes morphological development into a mature spermatozoon.
  • 103. • In the female, unequal distribution of the cytoplasm results in one gamete gaining almost all the cytoplasm from the mother cell, while the other three acquire almost none. ▫ the large gamete matures to form an ovum and the other three, called polar bodies, degenerate
  • 104. • During both the first and second meiotic divisions, the cell passes through stages that have many similar features to prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase of mitosis. • Unlike mitosis, however, the process of meiotic cell division can be suspended for a considerable length of time.
  • 105. PRIMITIVE GERM CELL spermatogenia oogonia After sexual maturity multiply by mitosis spermatogonia multiply only by early fetal continuously by mitosis development, thereby to provide a supply of producing a fixed cells which then complement of cells undergoes meiosis to with the potential to form male gamete undergo gametogenesis
  • 106. • The primitive germ cells of the male, the spermatogonia, are present only in small numbers in the male gonads before sexual maturity. • After this, spermatogonia multiply continuously by mitosis to provide a supply of cells, which then undergo meiosis to form male gametes. • In contrast, the germ cells of the female, called oogonia, multiply by mitosis only during early fetal development, thereby producing a fixed complement of cells with the potential to undergo gametogenesis
  • 107. • Chromosomes are not the only source of genes in the germ cells. • Mitochondria also contain DNA that codes for some intrinsic mitochondrial proteins required for energy production. • Because the spermatozoa shed their mitochondria at the time of fertilisation, only maternal mitochondrial genes are passed on to the offspring. • A number of inherited diseases are known to be transmitted through mitochondrial DNA
  • 108. COMPARISON OF MITOSIS AND MEIOSIS • Meiosis involves one reduplication of the chromosomes followed by two sequential cell divisions. Thus a diploid cell produces four haploid germ cells (gametes). • CROSSING OVER occurs only in meiosis, to rearrange alleles such that every gamete is genetically different. In contrast, the products of mitosis are genetically identical
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