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      x]g{ ;Sg]5 .
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      agfpg ;Sg] 5 .
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      c?df k| rlnt g] kfn sfg"g adf]lhd x' g]5 .

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Jhora kshetra-ko-jagga

  • 1. ´f]/ f If]q sf] hUuf ;DaGwL P]g , @)@* nfndf]x/ / k| sfzg ldlt @)@*.^.^ @)@* ;fnsf] P]g g+= !# ´f]/f If]qsf] hUuf ;DaGwdf Joj:yf ug{ ag]sf] P]g k| :tfjgf M zflGt / Joj:yf sfod /fVg tyf ;j{ ;fwf/0f hgtfsf] cfly{s lxtsf] nflu df] /, ;'g ;/L / ´fkf lhNnfx?sf] h+ un km8fgL ePsf] ´f]/ f If] qsf] hUufsf] ;dof]l rt Joj:yf ug{ jfG5gLo ePsf] n], >L % dxf/fhflw/fh dx] Gb| jL/ ljqmd zfxb] j af6 /fli6«o kGrfotsf] ;Nnfx / ;Ddltn] of] P]g agfOaS;]s f] 5 . != ;+lIfKt gfd, lj:tf/ / k|f/De M -!_ o; P] gsf] gfd æ´f]/f If]qsf] hUuf ;DaGwL P]g, @)@*Æ /x]s f] 5 . -@_ of] P]g df] /Ë, ;'g ;/L / ´fkf lhNnfsf] ´f]/f If] qx?df nfu" x'g]5 . -#_ of] P] g g] kfn ;/sf/n] g] kfn /fhkqdf ;" rgf k| s flzt u/L tf]l slbPsf] ldlt b]l v tf]lslbPsf] ´f]/ f If]q df k| f/De x' g]5 . @= kl/efiff M ljifo jf k| ;+un] csf]{ cy{ gnfu]df o; P] gdf– -s_ æ´f]/ f If] qÆ eGgfn] sfg" gL ?kaf6 clwsf/ kfO{ h+ un km8fgL u/L a;f]j f; cfjfb u/] sf] If]q nfO{ ;D´g' k5{ . -v_ æhUufjfnfÆ eGgfn] k| rlnt g] kfn sfg"g adf]l hd cfkmgf] gfddf hUuf btf{ ePsf] jf To:tf] btf{ ug]{ clwsf/ ePsf] JolQm ;D´g' k5{ . -u_ æ/}tLÆ eGgfn] ´f]/ f If]q sf] hUuf cfjfb u/L cfkmgf] jf cfkmgf] kl/jf/sf] >dn] v] tL u/L sdfO{ ;f]x L 7fpF d f a;f] jf; u/L cfPsf] JolQmnfO{ ;D´g' k5{ . P]g nfu" ePsf] ldlt / :yfgM– -!_ df] /Ë ;' g;/L / emfkf lhNnfx?sf emf] /f If]qx?df ldlt @)@*.*.! b] lv P] g k|f /De x'g]u/L tf] lsPsf] -g] kfn /fhkq– @)@*.&.@(_ . -@_ ;'g;/L lhNnfsf] plNnlvt If]q df ldlt @)#$.!).% b]lv P] g k|f /De x' g] u/L tf] lsPsf] -g] kfn /fhkq– @)#$.!).%_ .
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