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D.E.V Project
The Wheel
goes Round
and Round!
Question #1
The Wheel goes Round and Round!
A wheel of a car has a radius of 26cm, and rotates at a rate of 20 revolutions
per minute. The wheel of the car is constantly touching the pavement.

A) Point X is situated on the wheel of the car and is touching the pavement.
Sketch a graph of point X making two complete revolutions as a function of
time. The graph begins at t = 0 seconds.

B) Write a sine and cosine equation for the function.

C) Determine one time, when point X 20cm above the pavement.

D) How long, in centimeters is one full revolution of the car wheel.

E) How many complete revolutions would the car wheel have to make, in order
for the car to travel one (1) kilometer.

                                                  Click the speaker to
                                                  hear the question.
The Wheel goes Round and Round! Solution

                                                  26cm is the radius
 52cm above                      52cm             of the car wheel,
 the pavement                                     which is where
 is where point                                   point X is half the
                         Car Wheel
 X is farthest                                    distance between
 from the                            26cm         where X is
 pavement and                                     touching the
 is also the                                      pavement (0cm),
 diameter of the                                  and where X is
 car wheel.                                       farthest from the
                        0cm          Point X      pavement (52cm).

                                 0cm is where point X is touching the
 Ocm (touching the pavement)
                                 pavement, X's closest point to the
 and where Point X begins.
The Wheel goes Round and Round! Solution
  In order to find the period when
  given the amount of revolutions in   Period:
  a certain amount of time, you               20 revolutions per minute
  must divide the amount of time by
  the number of revolutions. In this        20 revolutions per 60 seconds
  case there were 20 revolutions in
  one minute, one minute is also 60              60 secs         secs
  seconds. So 60 seconds divided               20 revolutions    rev
  by 20 revolutions is 3
                                                      Period = 3
  seconds/revolutions ( / = over)
  which is the Period.
                  3 = Period

Now that we have figured out the diagram for the wheel and found the period
of the function. The revolution of the wheel being the function, we now have
enough information to answer part A) of the question. Part A) asks that we
sketch a graph of the function point X situated on the wheel, for two complete
The Wheel goes Round and Round! A) Solution
                                                            Maximum of the graph is 52,
                Point X's journey on the Car's w heel

                                                            due to the fact that the highest
                                                            point on the wheel was 52cm

                                                            and the minimum of the graph
  of Point X
                                                            was 0, for 0cm (Touching the

                                                            The Amplitude of this graph is
                     0      2        4         6        8
                                                            26, as it is the distance from
                                 Period (Seconds)
                                                            either the max or min value.
Period of the Graph is 3 meaning that one complete revolution will end at 3
seconds. Although, the period in seconds of the complete two revolutions
starting at zero and moving to the right are, 0.75 secs, 1.5 secs, 2.25 secs, 3
secs, 3.75 secs, 4.5 secs, 5.25 secs, 6 secs. In order to sketch two complete
revolutions the graph is just basically duplicated from (0 to 3) to (3 to 6). A sine
and cosine graph duplicates itself every period.
The sinusoidal axis is located at 26, the reason being that 26 is the radius of
the wheel, meaning it is have the distance between 0 and 52. (expressed by
the solid red line).
The Wheel goes Round and Round! B) Solution
       B) Write a Sine And Cosine equation for the function of Point X.
To begin, we must Create charts for both Sine and Cosine so that once those
charts are filled the equation is just pieced together by the numbers in the

                  Sine                             Cosine
                     A = 26                            A = -26
                        2!                                 2!
                     B= 3                              B=
                     C=!3                              C= 0

                     D = 26                            D = 26

         Sine Equation:                       Cosine Equation:
                                              h=-26cos[ 23 t] + 26
                     2!                                  !
         h=26sin[         (t- )] +26
The Wheel goes Round and Round! B) Solution

A= Amplitude (The distance from either the Max or Min value, in this case it is
26, as it is 26 from the sinusoidal axis to either the max (52) or min (0) value).

B= Period Determiner (2Π divided by the period of the graph, in this case 3)

C= Phase Shift ( It is the horizontal shift that occurs if a cosine or sine equation
does not begin at a maximum or minimum on y=0. In this case the Cosine
equation has a minimum value on y =0, although the Sine equation does have
a phase shift, forward 0.75 or 3 seconds so that y=0 shifts forward 0.75 or 3
                                4                                              4
seconds so the Sine equation begins at a maximum. Although if y=0 is shifted
forward C becomes negative.

D= Vertical Shift ( Number on the sinusoidal axis, as it is technically the new x-
axis, it is half way between the minimum and maximum, in this case it is 26.
The Wheel goes Round and Round! C) Solution
 C) Determine one time, when Point X is 20cm above the pavement.

There are two ways of trying to figure out when Point x on the wheel is going to
be over 20cm, one with the sine equation and one with the cosine equation. I
will begin by showing you the sine equation method.

            " 2!       $ 3 %#               You must begin this problem by
 20 = 26sin )          ' t & ( * + 26       plugging in the appropriate
            -3         + 4 ,.               values into the equation.

                                             I brought over the 26 from the
            " 2!          $ 3 %#             right side of the equation to the
 &6 = 26sin )             ' t & (*           left side to add the two values
            -3            + 4 ,.             together. 20+(-26)=-6.
The Wheel goes Round and Round! C) Solution
                                         Next I am dividing each side of
               " 2! $ 3 % #
         26sin ) ' t & ( *               the equation by 26, the right
               - 3 + 4 ,.
    &6                                   side would reduce, and the left
                                         side becomes -0.2307.
    26            26
                                         I took the arch sine of (-
                       $ 2!   & 3 '%
   #1                                    0.2307) on the left side, so that
sin " (#0.2307 ) = sin *      ( t # )+
                       .3     , 4 -/     the sin on the right side of the
                                         equation would reduce.
                                         I then after I received the
            " 2!             3 %#
                        $                arch sine of -0.2307, divided
                        ' t & (*         each side by 2 pi over 3, so
            )3               4 ,.
   &0.2329 -            +                that the right side would
          =                              reduce and I would have to
     2!                 2!               divide the arch sine of
      3                   3              (-0.2307), which is (-0.2329)
                                         by 2 pi over 3.
The Wheel goes Round and Round! C) Solution

                                           -0.2329 divided by 2 pi over 3
               3                           equals -0.0124. Then I brought
      !0.0124 + = t                        over the -3/4 on the right side to

               4                           the left, so I can isolate t and
                                           derive a value for t.

                                             t = 0.7376, which is the amount

     0.7376 = t                              of time that it takes point X
                                             (0cm) to reach 20 cm above the

It takes 0.7376 seconds for Point X (starts at 0cm) to reach 20 cm above the
The Wheel goes Round and Round! D) Solution

D) How long is one revolution
       of this car wheel.

One (1) complete revolution is the circumference of the wheel. So to
figure out this question we will use the circumference formula.

                                 C = πd
                        d = 2r = 2(26cm) = 52cm
Now that we have found the diameter of the car wheel, we can now find
the circumference of the wheel.

        C = πd

        C = π (52cm)
        C ≈ 163.3628cm
One revolution of the car wheel measures 163.3628 centimeters.
The Wheel goes Round and Round! E) Solution
E) How many complete revolutions would the wheel have to take to reach one
(1) kilometer (Km).

C ≈ 163.3628
       Km = 1000m
              m = 100cm

If one (1) kilometer is (1000) one thousand meters, and one meter is (100) one
hundred centimeters, then C ≈ 1.633628m. You must change it to meters so
that you can divide a kilometer by the circumference of the wheel to figure out
how many revolutions the wheel must take.
# of revolutions = 1.603628m

# of revolutions = 612.1345

That is not the answer, as the question asks for the # of Complete revolutions,
so the # of complete revolutions is 613, as you must round to the next highest
number which is 613.
The Next
Question #2
The Next Scrooge!
Bobby wants to invest his savings at a bank. Right now he
keeps his money at home, but he wants his money to gain
interest, so he can increase his savings. Bobby has (3)
three banks to choose from, the Royal Bank of Canada
(RBC), the Toronto Dominion bank (TD), and Scotia Bank.
Bobby has $5631.00 to invest. Bobby wants to choose the
bank that would increase his savings the most from
interest. The Royal Bank of Canada has offered Bobby an
interest rate of 8.0%, bi-annually. The Toronto Dominion
Bank has offered Bobby an interest rate of 3.0%, monthly.
The Scotia Bank has offered Bobby an interest rate of 5%,
quarterly. Bobby is asking for your help, he wants you to
find out which bank would increase his savings the most     Click the speaker to
over two years. So, are you going to help Bobby?            hear the question.
The Next Scrooge! Solution
We will begin with the Royal Bank of Canada, but to begin we must use the
Compound interest formula, which is :

                       A = P (1 +                  )
  Before I solve the problem I am going to explain to you what each letter is
  and what number it is going to be in accordance to the question.
  A: The amount of money you are going to receive after two years.
  P: The amount of money (Principle) you begin with, in this case $5631.00.
  r: The amount of interest the bank is joining to be giving you, in this case
  it is 0.08 (8%).
  n: The amount of compounding periods in a year, in this case it is two (Bi-
  annually/twice a year).
  t: The amount of years the principle is going to be compounded by the
  interest rate, in this case it is 2, for two years.
Royal Bank of Canada
                               I began this problem by taking the
                    0.08 2*2
A = $5631.00 (1 +      )       Compound interest formula and inserting
                               the appropriate values into the equation
                               that were given in the question.
                               I multiplied the exponents together so I
A = $5631.00 (1 + 0.04 )       can work with the one exponent and I
                               divided the interest rate by the amount of
                               compounding periods.
                               I began working out the equation by
A = $5631.00 (1.1699 )         adding the 1 and 0.04 and then I worked
                               out 1.04 to the exponent of 4 to equal
                                I worked out the last little bit of the
 A = $6587.47                   equation by multiplying $5631.00 by
                                1.1699 to equal $6587.47.
                                           So, over two years of
                                           $5631.00 being
$6587.47 ! $5631.00 = $956.47              compounded bi-annually at
                                           8%, Bobby collected
                                           $956.47 worth of interest at
Toronto Dominion Bank
                          2*12 I began this problem by taking the
              ! 0.03 "         Compound interest formula and inserting
 A = $5631.00 #1 +    $        the appropriate values into the equation
                   12 &
              %                that were given in the question.
                               I multiplied the exponents together so I
                            24 can work with the one exponent and I
 A = $5631.00 (1 + 0.0025)     divided the interest rate by the amount of
                               compounding periods.
                                I began working out the equation by

  A = $5631.00 (1.0618 )        adding the 1 and 0.0025 and then I worked
                                out 1.0025 to the exponent of 24 to equal
                                 I worked out the last little bit of the
   A = $5978.75                  equation by multiplying $5631.00 by
                                 1.0618 to equal $5978.75.
                                            So, over two years of
                                            $5631.00 being
$5978.75 ! $5631.00 = $347.75               compounded monthly at
                                            3%, Bobby collected
                                            $347.75 worth of interest at
Scotia Bank
                                 I began this problem by taking the
               ! 0.05 "          Compound interest formula and inserting
  A = $5631.00 #1 +   $          the appropriate values into the equation
               %                 that were given in the question.

                                8 I multiplied the exponents together so I
 A = $5631.00 (1 + .0125 )       can work with the one exponent and I
                                 divided the interest rate by the amount of
                                 compounding periods.
                                  I began working out the equation by

 A = $5631.00 (1.1045 )           adding the 1 and 0.0125 and then I worked
                                  out 1.0125 to the exponent of 8 to equal
                                   I worked out the last little bit of the
    A = $6219.36                   equation by multiplying $5631.00 by
                                   1.1045 to equal $6219.36.
                                              So, over two years of
                                              $5631.00 being
$6219.36 ! $5631.00 = $588.36                 compounded quarterly at
                                              5%, Bobby collected
                                              $347.75 worth of interest at
                                              Scotia Bank.
The Next Scrooge! Solution
       So, now that we have found the amount of interest Bobby could be
making at each bank, which bank should Bobby invest his money at?
        Well, it is obviously the Royal Bank of Canada. Due to the fact that
Bobby would be making $956.47 of interest after two years. Whereas if he
chose the TD Bank, he would only be making $347.75 and if he chose the
Scotia Bank he would have only made $588.36 of interest.
                     The Bank that Bobby had invested in:

                                The RBC
The Planet of
Question #3
The Planet of Zorbia
Dear Human,
The Planet of Zorbia is situated 10 light years away from earth. There are
creatures inhabiting that planet, those creatures are named Zorbians. The
leader of the planet Zorbia is calling on humans to help the planet Zorbia
analyze its population and population rates. There are 4600000 zorbians living
on the planet Zorbia. How many Zorbians would there be on the planet Zorbia
in 25 years, if the rate of growth is 2.72% a year. Zorbians also want to know
another piece of information regarding their planet. There are two large cities
on the planet of Zorbia, Xora and Yorp. The leader of Zorbia wants to pick a
Capital City for the Planet, although he wants the city with the highest growth
rate, so that the city will always grow and stay the largest city on the planet of
Zorbia. Xora is a city located near the equator of the planet Zorbia and has a
population of 256,230, but 7 years ago it had a population of 227,351. Yorp on
the other hand is situated in the Northern hemisphere of the planet Zorbia and
has a population of 239,973, but 7 years ago it had a population of 208,659.
The leader of Zorbia has given all the information that he has on the planet and
cities of Zorbia, so the rest is up to you.
                                                       Click the speaker to
        Your favorite Zorbian,
                                                       hear the question.
                         Xavi Zorb
The Planet of Zorbia Solution
For the first question, the population of the Planet Zorbia is 4,600,000 and has
a growth rate of 2.72% a year. The question is how many Zorbians would there
be in 25 years? For this question we are going to be using this equation, as
this equation represents population growth.

                P = Po(mod el)
P: Is the final population, in this case it is the population we are trying to find
that is 25 years away.
Po: Is the current population, in this case it is the population we are starting
with, 4,600,000.
Model: Is 1 + 0.0272, because it is the full population (1, which is 100%) plus
the annual growth of (0.0272, which is 2.72%).
Y: Is the amount of years that are to be elapsed in order to get the final
population, in this case it is 25 (25 years).
The Planet of Zorbia Solution
                               You begin this problem by
                          25   plugging in the appropriate values
P = 4600000(1 + 0.0272)        into the equation that we were
                               using from the previous slide.

                               You then calculate (1.0272) to the
P = 4600000(1.0272)            power of 25, to give you the value
                               of (1.9560), so you are able to
                               multiply 4,600,000, to achieve the
                               value of P.

                               You then add the two model
P = 4600000(1.9560)            numbers together to achieve
                               After you multiply 4,600,000 by
   P = 8,997, 700              (1.9560), you achieve the total
The Planet of Zorbia Solution
For the (First Part) of the second question, the city of Xora has a population of
256,230, but 7 years ago it had a population of 227,351. What is its growth
rate? We are using the same equation that we used to solve the first question,
and the answer will be showed in log and in e, I will do e first.

                                                You must begin this problem by
256, 230 = 227,351(m)                           plugging in the appropriate
                                                values into the equation.

256, 230 227,351(m)                             You must divide 227,351 from
                                                each side, so that the m^7
        =                                       becomes isolated, so then you
227,351    227,351                              are able to solve for m.
The Planet of Zorbia Solution
                        You must then add Ln to each side,
                        so that m can later be isolated, when
ln1.1270 = 7 ln m       you add the Ln, the exponent on the
                        m, in this case 7 moves in front of
                        the Ln symbol.

                        You must then multiply each side by
                        1/7 (1 over 7) so that the 7 on the
  0.0171 = ln m         right side reduces, and then you
                        must multiply 1.1270 by Ln, and then
                        multiply by 1/7 to equal m.

                        Due to the fact that we are using the
                        e method, 0.0171 is put to the
   e            =m      exponent of e, which equals m.
                        0.0171 is the actual percentage of
                        growth (1.71%).
The Planet of Zorbia Solution
      Here is the log version on how to solve this equation:
                                      You must begin this problem by
                                 7 plugging in the appropriate
256, 230 = 227,351(m)                 values into the equation.

                                     You must divide 227,351 from
256, 230 227,351(m)                  each side, so that the m^7
        =                            becomes isolated, so then you
227,351    227,351                   are able to solve for m.

                                     You must then add Log to each
                                     side, so that m can later be
log1.1270 = 7 log m                  isolated, when you add the Log,
                                     the exponent on the m, in this
                                     case 7 moves in front of the Log
The Planet of Zorbia Solution
                                  You must then multiply each side by

0.0074 = log m                    1/7 (1 over 7) so that the 7 on the
                                  right side reduces, and then you
                                  must multiply 1.1270 by log, and
                                  then multiply by 1/7 to equal m.

                                  Due to the fact that we are using the
                                  log method, 0.0074 is put to the
  10              =m              exponent of base 10 (log), which
                                  equals m. You must calculate
                                  10^0.0074 in order to receive a
                                  growth rate of 0.0171 or 1.71%.

  The city of Xora has a population growth rate of 0.0171 or 1.71%
The Planet of Zorbia Solution
For the (Second Part) of the second question, the city of Yorp has a population
of 239,973, but 7 years ago it had a population of 208,659. What is its growth
rate? We are using the same equation that we used to solve the first question,
and the answer will be showed in log and in e, I will do e first.

                                              You must begin this problem by
 239,973 = 208, 659(m)                        plugging in the appropriate
                                              values into the equation.

239,973 208, 659(m)                           You must divide 208,659 from
                                              each side, so that the m^7
         =                                    becomes isolated, so then you
208, 659   208, 659                           are able to solve for m.
The Planet of Zorbia Solution
                       You must then add Ln to each side,
                       so that m can later be isolated, when
ln1.1501 = 7 ln m      you add the Ln, the exponent on the
                       m, in this case 7 moves in front of
                       the Ln symbol.

                       You must then multiply each side by

0.0200 = ln m          1/7 (1 over 7) so that the 7 on the
                       right side reduces, and then you
                       must multiply 1.1501 by Ln, and then
                       multiply by 1/7 to equal m.

                       Due to the fact that we are using the
                       e method, 0.0200 is put to the
e            =m        exponent of e, which equals m.
                       0.0200 is the actual percentage of
                       growth (2.00%).
The Planet of Zorbia Solution
      Here is the log version on how to solve this equation:

                                    7 You must begin this problem by
239,973 = 208, 659(m)                  plugging in the appropriate
                                       values into the equation.

                                       You must divide 208,659 from
239, 973 208, 659(m)                   each side, so that the m^7
         =                             becomes isolated, so then you
208, 659   208, 659                    are able to solve for m.

                                       You must then add Log to each
                                       side, so that m can later be
log1.1501 = 7 log m                    isolated, when you add the Log,
                                       the exponent on the m, in this
                                       case 7 moves in front of the Log
The Planet of Zorbia Solution
                                  You must then multiply each side by

0.0087 = log m                    1/7 (1 over 7) so that the 7 on the
                                  right side reduces, and then you
                                  must multiply 1.1501 by log, and
                                  then multiply by 1/7 to equal m.

                                  Due to the fact that we are using the
                                  log method, 0.0087 is put to the
10                =m              exponent of base 10 (log), which
                                  equals m. You must calculate
                                  10^0.0087 in order to receive a
                                  growth rate of 0.0200 or 2.00%.

  The city of Yorp has a population growth rate of 0.0200 or 2.00%
The Planet of Zorbia Solution
Now that you have found the answers to the questions that the leader of Zorbia
has asked of you, you are ready to present your answers.

For the first question, the population of the planet Zorbia in 25 years at a
2.72% growth rate, is going to be: 8,997,700 (Zorbians).

For the second question, the growth rate for Xora and Yorp is:

                 Xora: 1.71%                       Yorp: 2.00%
So the capital city of Zorbia should be Yorp, as it has the highest growth rate.
Trig Mania
Question #4
Trig Mania

This trigonometric problem, is a problem that spans the better part of the
trigonometric identities unit. It showcases the multiple identity formulas and
also requires careful though in how to workout the problem as there are many
ways of doing so. So to not keep you waiting here is the question:
                                 Click the speaker to
                                 hear the question.

                    1          1
     2csc !     1 " cos ! 1 + cos !
            2         4       4
   1 " 2sin !      cos ! " sin !
Trig Mania! Solution

             1 + cos ! + 1 " cos !   We will work on the right side of the
  2csc2 !                            identity. 1 over 1-cosθ + 1 over 1+cosθ
                  1 " cos 2 !        becomes 1+cosθ + 1-cosθ over 1-
                cos 4 ! " sin 4 !
1 " 2sin !                           2sin²θ so that there is a common

                  2                    The two cosθ’s reduce and 1+1=2.
  2 csc !                              1-cos²θ is a trigonometric identity so
               sin !
           =                           it becomes sin²θ. It is now 2 over
         2    4       4
1 " 2sin ! cos ! " sin !               2sin²θ
Trig Mania! Solution

    2csc2 !        2csc2 !         Cos²θ + sin²θ becomes 1, it is a
            =                      trigonometric identity.
          2      2        2
  1 " 2sin ! (cos ! " sin ! )(1)

                                               2 over sin²θ after
                                               dividing is nicely
  2csc2 !              2csc2 !                 converted into
          =                                                          4
                                               2csc²θ. Cos4 θ – sin
        2      2       2       2       2
1 " 2sin ! (cos ! " sin ! )(cos ! + sin ! )    θ is nicely multiplied
                                               out to (cos²θ -
Trig Mania! Solution

       2                   2
  2csc !           2csc !                Cos²θ becomes 1 - sin²θ, it is
          =                              another trigonometric identity.
1 " 2sin ! (1 " sin 2 ! " sin 2 ! )(1)

           2                   2
  2 csc !      2 csc !                    The two -sin²θ are added
          =                               together to become -2sin²θ.
        2           2
1 " 2sin ! (1 " 2sin ! )(1)
Trig Mania! Solution

     2            2      (1-2sin²θ) is multiplied by
  2csc !     2csc !      one, obviously nothing
          =              changes. Now both sides are
        2          2
1 " 2sin ! 1 " 2sin !    equal to one another. Do not
                         forget Q.E.D..

 ON D.E.V.
         Well, I am finally done this project. This was somewhat of a challenge
for me, especially when it came to posting these slides on the DEV blog,
because I have never imported slides to slideshare and bliptv and then post
them onto the DEV blog. Although, it worked out for the best and I am here
finally done this project that was like hiking over Mount Everest. I would not
say it was a very hard project, in terms of making the questions and solutions.
The hardest part was the posting to the blog, as computer illiterate people like
me will probably agree. All in all I liked this project, because it expanded your
imagination in how to create fun and well thought out questions, and how to
explain those question in the easiest way possible. So personally, I believe this
project is good to have and this should be used for every 40s math course in
DMCI. It makes you appreciate how much time teachers spend in creating
questions for students to do in class.


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DEV project

  • 2. The Wheel goes Round and Round! Question #1
  • 3. The Wheel goes Round and Round! A wheel of a car has a radius of 26cm, and rotates at a rate of 20 revolutions per minute. The wheel of the car is constantly touching the pavement. A) Point X is situated on the wheel of the car and is touching the pavement. Sketch a graph of point X making two complete revolutions as a function of time. The graph begins at t = 0 seconds. B) Write a sine and cosine equation for the function. C) Determine one time, when point X 20cm above the pavement. D) How long, in centimeters is one full revolution of the car wheel. E) How many complete revolutions would the car wheel have to make, in order for the car to travel one (1) kilometer. Click the speaker to hear the question.
  • 4. The Wheel goes Round and Round! Solution 26cm is the radius 52cm above 52cm of the car wheel, the pavement which is where is where point point X is half the Car Wheel X is farthest distance between from the 26cm where X is pavement and touching the radius is also the pavement (0cm), diameter of the and where X is car wheel. farthest from the 0cm Point X pavement (52cm). 0cm is where point X is touching the Ocm (touching the pavement) pavement, X's closest point to the and where Point X begins. pavement.
  • 5. The Wheel goes Round and Round! Solution In order to find the period when given the amount of revolutions in Period: a certain amount of time, you 20 revolutions per minute must divide the amount of time by the number of revolutions. In this 20 revolutions per 60 seconds case there were 20 revolutions in one minute, one minute is also 60 60 secs secs =3 seconds. So 60 seconds divided 20 revolutions rev by 20 revolutions is 3 Period = 3 seconds/revolutions ( / = over) which is the Period. 3 = Period Now that we have figured out the diagram for the wheel and found the period of the function. The revolution of the wheel being the function, we now have enough information to answer part A) of the question. Part A) asks that we sketch a graph of the function point X situated on the wheel, for two complete revolutions.
  • 6. The Wheel goes Round and Round! A) Solution Maximum of the graph is 52, Point X's journey on the Car's w heel due to the fact that the highest 60 point on the wheel was 52cm 50 and the minimum of the graph 40 Height of Point X was 0, for 0cm (Touching the 30 (cm) 20 pavement). 10 The Amplitude of this graph is 0 0 2 4 6 8 26, as it is the distance from Period (Seconds) either the max or min value. Period of the Graph is 3 meaning that one complete revolution will end at 3 seconds. Although, the period in seconds of the complete two revolutions starting at zero and moving to the right are, 0.75 secs, 1.5 secs, 2.25 secs, 3 secs, 3.75 secs, 4.5 secs, 5.25 secs, 6 secs. In order to sketch two complete revolutions the graph is just basically duplicated from (0 to 3) to (3 to 6). A sine and cosine graph duplicates itself every period. The sinusoidal axis is located at 26, the reason being that 26 is the radius of the wheel, meaning it is have the distance between 0 and 52. (expressed by the solid red line).
  • 7. The Wheel goes Round and Round! B) Solution B) Write a Sine And Cosine equation for the function of Point X. To begin, we must Create charts for both Sine and Cosine so that once those charts are filled the equation is just pieced together by the numbers in the chart. Sine Cosine A = 26 A = -26 2! 2! B= 3 B= 3 C=!3 C= 0 4 D = 26 D = 26 Sine Equation: Cosine Equation: 3 h=-26cos[ 23 t] + 26 2! ! h=26sin[ (t- )] +26 4 3
  • 8. The Wheel goes Round and Round! B) Solution A= Amplitude (The distance from either the Max or Min value, in this case it is 26, as it is 26 from the sinusoidal axis to either the max (52) or min (0) value). B= Period Determiner (2Π divided by the period of the graph, in this case 3) C= Phase Shift ( It is the horizontal shift that occurs if a cosine or sine equation does not begin at a maximum or minimum on y=0. In this case the Cosine equation has a minimum value on y =0, although the Sine equation does have a phase shift, forward 0.75 or 3 seconds so that y=0 shifts forward 0.75 or 3 4 4 seconds so the Sine equation begins at a maximum. Although if y=0 is shifted forward C becomes negative. D= Vertical Shift ( Number on the sinusoidal axis, as it is technically the new x- axis, it is half way between the minimum and maximum, in this case it is 26.
  • 9. The Wheel goes Round and Round! C) Solution C) Determine one time, when Point X is 20cm above the pavement. There are two ways of trying to figure out when Point x on the wheel is going to be over 20cm, one with the sine equation and one with the cosine equation. I will begin by showing you the sine equation method. " 2! $ 3 %# You must begin this problem by 20 = 26sin ) ' t & ( * + 26 plugging in the appropriate -3 + 4 ,. values into the equation. I brought over the 26 from the " 2! $ 3 %# right side of the equation to the &6 = 26sin ) ' t & (* left side to add the two values -3 + 4 ,. together. 20+(-26)=-6.
  • 10. The Wheel goes Round and Round! C) Solution Next I am dividing each side of " 2! $ 3 % # 26sin ) ' t & ( * the equation by 26, the right - 3 + 4 ,. &6 side would reduce, and the left side becomes -0.2307. = 26 26 I took the arch sine of (- $ 2! & 3 '% #1 0.2307) on the left side, so that sin " (#0.2307 ) = sin * ( t # )+ .3 , 4 -/ the sin on the right side of the equation would reduce. I then after I received the " 2! 3 %# $ arch sine of -0.2307, divided ' t & (* each side by 2 pi over 3, so )3 4 ,. &0.2329 - + that the right side would = reduce and I would have to 2! 2! divide the arch sine of 3 3 (-0.2307), which is (-0.2329) by 2 pi over 3.
  • 11. The Wheel goes Round and Round! C) Solution -0.2329 divided by 2 pi over 3 3 equals -0.0124. Then I brought !0.0124 + = t over the -3/4 on the right side to 4 the left, so I can isolate t and derive a value for t. t = 0.7376, which is the amount 0.7376 = t of time that it takes point X (0cm) to reach 20 cm above the pavement. It takes 0.7376 seconds for Point X (starts at 0cm) to reach 20 cm above the pavement.
  • 12. The Wheel goes Round and Round! D) Solution D) How long is one revolution of this car wheel. One (1) complete revolution is the circumference of the wheel. So to figure out this question we will use the circumference formula. C = πd d = 2r = 2(26cm) = 52cm Now that we have found the diameter of the car wheel, we can now find the circumference of the wheel. C = πd C = π (52cm) C ≈ 163.3628cm One revolution of the car wheel measures 163.3628 centimeters.
  • 13. The Wheel goes Round and Round! E) Solution E) How many complete revolutions would the wheel have to take to reach one (1) kilometer (Km). C ≈ 163.3628 Km = 1000m m = 100cm If one (1) kilometer is (1000) one thousand meters, and one meter is (100) one hundred centimeters, then C ≈ 1.633628m. You must change it to meters so that you can divide a kilometer by the circumference of the wheel to figure out how many revolutions the wheel must take. 1000m # of revolutions = 1.603628m # of revolutions = 612.1345 That is not the answer, as the question asks for the # of Complete revolutions, so the # of complete revolutions is 613, as you must round to the next highest number which is 613.
  • 15. The Next Scrooge! Bobby wants to invest his savings at a bank. Right now he keeps his money at home, but he wants his money to gain interest, so he can increase his savings. Bobby has (3) three banks to choose from, the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), the Toronto Dominion bank (TD), and Scotia Bank. Bobby has $5631.00 to invest. Bobby wants to choose the bank that would increase his savings the most from interest. The Royal Bank of Canada has offered Bobby an interest rate of 8.0%, bi-annually. The Toronto Dominion Bank has offered Bobby an interest rate of 3.0%, monthly. The Scotia Bank has offered Bobby an interest rate of 5%, quarterly. Bobby is asking for your help, he wants you to find out which bank would increase his savings the most Click the speaker to over two years. So, are you going to help Bobby? hear the question.
  • 16. The Next Scrooge! Solution We will begin with the Royal Bank of Canada, but to begin we must use the Compound interest formula, which is : tn A = P (1 + ) r n Before I solve the problem I am going to explain to you what each letter is and what number it is going to be in accordance to the question. A: The amount of money you are going to receive after two years. P: The amount of money (Principle) you begin with, in this case $5631.00. r: The amount of interest the bank is joining to be giving you, in this case it is 0.08 (8%). n: The amount of compounding periods in a year, in this case it is two (Bi- annually/twice a year). t: The amount of years the principle is going to be compounded by the interest rate, in this case it is 2, for two years.
  • 17. Royal Bank of Canada I began this problem by taking the 0.08 2*2 A = $5631.00 (1 + ) Compound interest formula and inserting the appropriate values into the equation 2 that were given in the question. I multiplied the exponents together so I 4 A = $5631.00 (1 + 0.04 ) can work with the one exponent and I divided the interest rate by the amount of compounding periods. I began working out the equation by A = $5631.00 (1.1699 ) adding the 1 and 0.04 and then I worked out 1.04 to the exponent of 4 to equal 1.1699. I worked out the last little bit of the A = $6587.47 equation by multiplying $5631.00 by 1.1699 to equal $6587.47. So, over two years of $5631.00 being $6587.47 ! $5631.00 = $956.47 compounded bi-annually at 8%, Bobby collected $956.47 worth of interest at RBC.
  • 18. Toronto Dominion Bank 2*12 I began this problem by taking the ! 0.03 " Compound interest formula and inserting A = $5631.00 #1 + $ the appropriate values into the equation 12 & % that were given in the question. I multiplied the exponents together so I 24 can work with the one exponent and I A = $5631.00 (1 + 0.0025) divided the interest rate by the amount of compounding periods. I began working out the equation by A = $5631.00 (1.0618 ) adding the 1 and 0.0025 and then I worked out 1.0025 to the exponent of 24 to equal 1.0618. I worked out the last little bit of the A = $5978.75 equation by multiplying $5631.00 by 1.0618 to equal $5978.75. So, over two years of $5631.00 being $5978.75 ! $5631.00 = $347.75 compounded monthly at 3%, Bobby collected $347.75 worth of interest at TD.
  • 19. Scotia Bank I began this problem by taking the 2*4 ! 0.05 " Compound interest formula and inserting A = $5631.00 #1 + $ the appropriate values into the equation 4& % that were given in the question. 8 I multiplied the exponents together so I A = $5631.00 (1 + .0125 ) can work with the one exponent and I divided the interest rate by the amount of compounding periods. I began working out the equation by A = $5631.00 (1.1045 ) adding the 1 and 0.0125 and then I worked out 1.0125 to the exponent of 8 to equal 1.1045. I worked out the last little bit of the A = $6219.36 equation by multiplying $5631.00 by 1.1045 to equal $6219.36. So, over two years of $5631.00 being $6219.36 ! $5631.00 = $588.36 compounded quarterly at 5%, Bobby collected $347.75 worth of interest at Scotia Bank.
  • 20. The Next Scrooge! Solution So, now that we have found the amount of interest Bobby could be making at each bank, which bank should Bobby invest his money at? Well, it is obviously the Royal Bank of Canada. Due to the fact that Bobby would be making $956.47 of interest after two years. Whereas if he chose the TD Bank, he would only be making $347.75 and if he chose the Scotia Bank he would have only made $588.36 of interest. The Bank that Bobby had invested in: The RBC
  • 21. The Planet of Zorbia Question #3
  • 22. The Planet of Zorbia Dear Human, The Planet of Zorbia is situated 10 light years away from earth. There are creatures inhabiting that planet, those creatures are named Zorbians. The leader of the planet Zorbia is calling on humans to help the planet Zorbia analyze its population and population rates. There are 4600000 zorbians living on the planet Zorbia. How many Zorbians would there be on the planet Zorbia in 25 years, if the rate of growth is 2.72% a year. Zorbians also want to know another piece of information regarding their planet. There are two large cities on the planet of Zorbia, Xora and Yorp. The leader of Zorbia wants to pick a Capital City for the Planet, although he wants the city with the highest growth rate, so that the city will always grow and stay the largest city on the planet of Zorbia. Xora is a city located near the equator of the planet Zorbia and has a population of 256,230, but 7 years ago it had a population of 227,351. Yorp on the other hand is situated in the Northern hemisphere of the planet Zorbia and has a population of 239,973, but 7 years ago it had a population of 208,659. The leader of Zorbia has given all the information that he has on the planet and cities of Zorbia, so the rest is up to you. Click the speaker to Your favorite Zorbian, hear the question. Xavi Zorb
  • 23. The Planet of Zorbia Solution For the first question, the population of the Planet Zorbia is 4,600,000 and has a growth rate of 2.72% a year. The question is how many Zorbians would there be in 25 years? For this question we are going to be using this equation, as this equation represents population growth. y P = Po(mod el) P: Is the final population, in this case it is the population we are trying to find that is 25 years away. Po: Is the current population, in this case it is the population we are starting with, 4,600,000. Model: Is 1 + 0.0272, because it is the full population (1, which is 100%) plus the annual growth of (0.0272, which is 2.72%). Y: Is the amount of years that are to be elapsed in order to get the final population, in this case it is 25 (25 years).
  • 24. The Planet of Zorbia Solution You begin this problem by 25 plugging in the appropriate values P = 4600000(1 + 0.0272) into the equation that we were using from the previous slide. You then calculate (1.0272) to the 25 P = 4600000(1.0272) power of 25, to give you the value of (1.9560), so you are able to multiply 4,600,000, to achieve the value of P. You then add the two model P = 4600000(1.9560) numbers together to achieve 1.0272. After you multiply 4,600,000 by P = 8,997, 700 (1.9560), you achieve the total population.
  • 25. The Planet of Zorbia Solution For the (First Part) of the second question, the city of Xora has a population of 256,230, but 7 years ago it had a population of 227,351. What is its growth rate? We are using the same equation that we used to solve the first question, and the answer will be showed in log and in e, I will do e first. You must begin this problem by 7 256, 230 = 227,351(m) plugging in the appropriate values into the equation. 7 256, 230 227,351(m) You must divide 227,351 from each side, so that the m^7 = becomes isolated, so then you 227,351 227,351 are able to solve for m.
  • 26. The Planet of Zorbia Solution You must then add Ln to each side, so that m can later be isolated, when ln1.1270 = 7 ln m you add the Ln, the exponent on the m, in this case 7 moves in front of the Ln symbol. You must then multiply each side by 1/7 (1 over 7) so that the 7 on the 0.0171 = ln m right side reduces, and then you must multiply 1.1270 by Ln, and then multiply by 1/7 to equal m. Due to the fact that we are using the e method, 0.0171 is put to the 0.0171 e =m exponent of e, which equals m. 0.0171 is the actual percentage of growth (1.71%).
  • 27. The Planet of Zorbia Solution Here is the log version on how to solve this equation: You must begin this problem by 7 plugging in the appropriate 256, 230 = 227,351(m) values into the equation. You must divide 227,351 from 7 256, 230 227,351(m) each side, so that the m^7 = becomes isolated, so then you 227,351 227,351 are able to solve for m. You must then add Log to each side, so that m can later be log1.1270 = 7 log m isolated, when you add the Log, the exponent on the m, in this case 7 moves in front of the Log symbol.
  • 28. The Planet of Zorbia Solution You must then multiply each side by 0.0074 = log m 1/7 (1 over 7) so that the 7 on the right side reduces, and then you must multiply 1.1270 by log, and then multiply by 1/7 to equal m. Due to the fact that we are using the log method, 0.0074 is put to the 0.0074 10 =m exponent of base 10 (log), which equals m. You must calculate 10^0.0074 in order to receive a growth rate of 0.0171 or 1.71%. The city of Xora has a population growth rate of 0.0171 or 1.71%
  • 29. The Planet of Zorbia Solution For the (Second Part) of the second question, the city of Yorp has a population of 239,973, but 7 years ago it had a population of 208,659. What is its growth rate? We are using the same equation that we used to solve the first question, and the answer will be showed in log and in e, I will do e first. You must begin this problem by 7 239,973 = 208, 659(m) plugging in the appropriate values into the equation. 7 239,973 208, 659(m) You must divide 208,659 from each side, so that the m^7 = becomes isolated, so then you 208, 659 208, 659 are able to solve for m.
  • 30. The Planet of Zorbia Solution You must then add Ln to each side, so that m can later be isolated, when ln1.1501 = 7 ln m you add the Ln, the exponent on the m, in this case 7 moves in front of the Ln symbol. You must then multiply each side by 0.0200 = ln m 1/7 (1 over 7) so that the 7 on the right side reduces, and then you must multiply 1.1501 by Ln, and then multiply by 1/7 to equal m. Due to the fact that we are using the e method, 0.0200 is put to the 0.0200 e =m exponent of e, which equals m. 0.0200 is the actual percentage of growth (2.00%).
  • 31. The Planet of Zorbia Solution Here is the log version on how to solve this equation: 7 You must begin this problem by 239,973 = 208, 659(m) plugging in the appropriate values into the equation. You must divide 208,659 from 7 239, 973 208, 659(m) each side, so that the m^7 = becomes isolated, so then you 208, 659 208, 659 are able to solve for m. You must then add Log to each side, so that m can later be log1.1501 = 7 log m isolated, when you add the Log, the exponent on the m, in this case 7 moves in front of the Log symbol.
  • 32. The Planet of Zorbia Solution You must then multiply each side by 0.0087 = log m 1/7 (1 over 7) so that the 7 on the right side reduces, and then you must multiply 1.1501 by log, and then multiply by 1/7 to equal m. Due to the fact that we are using the log method, 0.0087 is put to the 0.0087 10 =m exponent of base 10 (log), which equals m. You must calculate 10^0.0087 in order to receive a growth rate of 0.0200 or 2.00%. The city of Yorp has a population growth rate of 0.0200 or 2.00%
  • 33. The Planet of Zorbia Solution Now that you have found the answers to the questions that the leader of Zorbia has asked of you, you are ready to present your answers. For the first question, the population of the planet Zorbia in 25 years at a 2.72% growth rate, is going to be: 8,997,700 (Zorbians). For the second question, the growth rate for Xora and Yorp is: Xora: 1.71% Yorp: 2.00% So the capital city of Zorbia should be Yorp, as it has the highest growth rate.
  • 35. Trig Mania This trigonometric problem, is a problem that spans the better part of the trigonometric identities unit. It showcases the multiple identity formulas and also requires careful though in how to workout the problem as there are many ways of doing so. So to not keep you waiting here is the question: Click the speaker to hear the question. 1 1 + 2 2csc ! 1 " cos ! 1 + cos ! = 2 4 4 1 " 2sin ! cos ! " sin !
  • 36. Trig Mania! Solution 1 + cos ! + 1 " cos ! We will work on the right side of the 2csc2 ! identity. 1 over 1-cosθ + 1 over 1+cosθ 1 " cos 2 ! becomes 1+cosθ + 1-cosθ over 1- = 2 cos 4 ! " sin 4 ! 1 " 2sin ! 2sin²θ so that there is a common denominator. 2 The two cosθ’s reduce and 1+1=2. 2 2 csc ! 1-cos²θ is a trigonometric identity so 2 sin ! = it becomes sin²θ. It is now 2 over 2 4 4 1 " 2sin ! cos ! " sin ! 2sin²θ
  • 37. Trig Mania! Solution 2csc2 ! 2csc2 ! Cos²θ + sin²θ becomes 1, it is a = trigonometric identity. 2 2 2 1 " 2sin ! (cos ! " sin ! )(1) 2 over sin²θ after dividing is nicely 2csc2 ! 2csc2 ! converted into = 4 2csc²θ. Cos4 θ – sin 2 2 2 2 2 1 " 2sin ! (cos ! " sin ! )(cos ! + sin ! ) θ is nicely multiplied out to (cos²θ - sin²θ)(cos²θ+sin²θ)
  • 38. Trig Mania! Solution 2 2 2csc ! 2csc ! Cos²θ becomes 1 - sin²θ, it is = another trigonometric identity. 1 " 2sin ! (1 " sin 2 ! " sin 2 ! )(1) 2 2 2 2 csc ! 2 csc ! The two -sin²θ are added = together to become -2sin²θ. 2 2 1 " 2sin ! (1 " 2sin ! )(1)
  • 39. Trig Mania! Solution 2 2 (1-2sin²θ) is multiplied by 2csc ! 2csc ! one, obviously nothing = changes. Now both sides are 2 2 1 " 2sin ! 1 " 2sin ! equal to one another. Do not forget Q.E.D.. Q.E.D.
  • 41. MY THOUGHTS ON D.E.V. Well, I am finally done this project. This was somewhat of a challenge for me, especially when it came to posting these slides on the DEV blog, because I have never imported slides to slideshare and bliptv and then post them onto the DEV blog. Although, it worked out for the best and I am here finally done this project that was like hiking over Mount Everest. I would not say it was a very hard project, in terms of making the questions and solutions. The hardest part was the posting to the blog, as computer illiterate people like me will probably agree. All in all I liked this project, because it expanded your imagination in how to create fun and well thought out questions, and how to explain those question in the easiest way possible. So personally, I believe this project is good to have and this should be used for every 40s math course in DMCI. It makes you appreciate how much time teachers spend in creating questions for students to do in class. Dinoppc40sw07