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David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 1 / 29
The power and Arnoldi methods in an algebra of circulants
David F. Gleich
Computer Science
Purdue University
CCAM Seminar
April 19th, 2013
In collaboration with
Chen Greif and Jim Varah (UBC)
Supported by a research grant from NSERC
and the Sandia National Labs John von Neumann fellowship
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David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 2 / 29
Kilmer, Martin, and Perrone (2008) presented a circulant
algebra: a set of operations that generalize matrix algebra to
three-way data and provided an SVD.
The essence of this approach amounts to viewing
three-dimensional objects as two-dimensional arrays (i.e.,
matrices) of one-dimensional arrays (i.e., vectors).
Braman (2010) developed spectral
and other decompositions.
We have extended this algebra with
the ingredients required for iterative
methods such as the power method
and Arnoldi method, and have char-
acterized the behavior of these algo-
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David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 3 / 29
A look at the power method
Require A, x(0), τ
x(0) ← x(0) x(0) −1
for k = 1, . . . , until convergence
y(k) ← Ax(k−1)
α(k) ← y(k)
x(k) ← y(k)α(k)−1
if sign(
1 )x(k) − sign(
1 )x(k−1) < τ
return x(k)
end if
end for
Require a scalar inverse, norm, absolute value,...
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David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 4 / 29
Three-way arrays
Given an m × n × k table of data,
we view this data as an m × n ma-
trix where each “scalar” is a vector
of length k.
A ∈ Km×n
We denote the space of length-k scalars as Kk.
These scalars interact like circulant matrices.
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David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 5 / 29
Circulant matrices are a commutative, closed class under the
standard matrix operations.
α1 αk . . . α2
α2 α1
... αk
αk . . . α2 α1
We'll see more of their properties shortly!
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David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 6 / 29
The circ operation
We denote the space of length-k scalars as Kk.
These scalars interact like circulant matrices.
α = {α1 ... αk } ∈ Kk.
α ↔ circ(α) ≡
α1 αk . . . α2
α2 α1
... αk
αk . . . α2 α1
α+β ↔ circ(α)+circ(β) and α◦β ↔ circ(α)circ(β);
0 = {0 0 ... 0} 1 = {1 0 ... 0}
Kk is the ring of length-k circulants.
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David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 7 / 29
The circ operation on matrices
A ◦ x =
A1,j ◦ j
Am,j ◦ j
 ↔
circ(A1,1) ... circ(A1,n)
circ(Am,1) ... circ(Am,n)
 .
circ(A) ≡
circ(A1,1) ... circ(A1,n)
circ(Am,1) ... circ(Am,n)
 circ(x) ≡
A ◦ x ↔ circ(A)circ(x) matrix-vector products.
x ◦ α ↔ circ(x)circ(α) vector-scalar products
This is equivalent to Kilmer, Martin, Perrone (2008).
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David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 8 / 29
A look at the power method
Require A, x(0), τ −→ A, x(0), τ
x(0) ← x(0) x(0) −1
−→ x(0) ◦ x(0) −1
↔ circ(x(0))circ( x(0) )−1
for k = 1, . . . , until convergence
y(k) ← Ax(k−1) −→ y(k) ← A ◦ x(k−1) ↔ circ(A)circ(x(k−1))
α(k) ← y(k) −→ . . .
x(k) ← y(k)α(k)−1
if sign(
1 )x(k) − sign(
1 )x(k−1) < τ
return x(k)
end if
end for
Require a scalar inverse , norm (?), absolute value (?) ,...
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David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 9 / 29
Circulants and Fourier transforms
Let C be a k × k circulant matrix. Then the eigenvector matrix
of C is given by the k × k discrete Fourier transform matrix F,
Fj =
and ω = e2πι/k.
This matrix is complex symmetric, FT
= F, and unitary,
= F−1
. Thus, C = FDF∗
, D = dig(λ1, . . . , λk).
Multiplying a vector by F or F∗
can be accomplished via
the fast Fourier transform in O(k log k) time instead of
O(k2) for the typical matrix-vector product algorithm.
Computing the matrix D can be done in time O(k log k) as
d = fft(a)
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David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 10 / 29
cft and icft
We define the “Circulant Fourier Transform” or cft
cft : α ∈ Kk → Ck×k
and its inverse
icft : Ck×k
→ Kk
as follows:
cft(α) ≡
= F∗
≡ α ↔ F cft(α)F∗
where ˆαj are the eigenvalues of circ(α) as produced in the
Fourier transform. These transformations satisfy
icft(cft(α)) = α and provide a convenient way of moving
between operations in Kk to the more familiar environment of
diagonal matrices in Ck×k.
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David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 11 / 29
Let α, β ∈ Kk. Note that
α + β = icft(cft(α) + cft(β)), and
α ◦ β = icft(cft(α) cft(β)).
In the Fourier space – the output of the cft operation – these
operations are both O(k) time because they occur between
diagonal matrices. These simplifications generalize to
matrix-based operations too. For example,
A ◦ x = icft(cft(A) cft(x)).
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David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 12 / 29
Operations (cont.)
In the Fourier space, this system is a series of independent
matrix vector products:
cft(A) cft(x) =
ˆA1 ˆx1
ˆAk ˆxk
 .
We use ˆAj and ˆxj to denote the blocks of Fourier coefficients, or
equivalently, circulant eigenvalues. This formulation takes
O(mnk log k + nk log k)
cft and icft
+ O(kmn)
operations instead of O(mnk2) using the circ formulation.
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David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 13 / 29
Operations (cont.)
More operations are simplified in the Fourier space too. Let
cft(α) = dig [ˆα1, ..., ˆαk]. Because the ˆαj values are the
eigenvalues of circ(α), we have:
abs(α) = icft(dig [| ˆα1|, ..., | ˆαk|]),
α = icft(dig [ˆα1, ..., ˆαk]) = icft(cft(α)∗
), and
angle(α) = icft(dig [ˆα1/| ˆα1|, ..., ˆαk/| ˆαk|]).
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David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 14 / 29
Decompositional interpretation of cft
Algebraically, the cft operation for a matrix A ∈ Km×n
k is
cft(A) = Pm(m ⊗ F∗
)circ(A)(n ⊗ F)PT
where Pm and Pn are permutation matrices. We can
equivalently write this directly in terms of the eigenvalues of
each of the circulant blocks of circ(A):
cft(A) ≡
 , ˆAj =
j ... λ
j ... λ
 ,
where λ
1 , . . . , λ
k are the diagonal elements of cft(Ar,s). The
inverse operation icft, takes a block diagonal matrix and
returns the matrix in Km×n
k :
icft(A) ↔ (m ⊗ F)PT
APn(n ⊗ F∗
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David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 15 / 29
Back to gure
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David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 16 / 29
Let A = {2 3 1} {8 −2 0}
{−2 0 2} {3 1 1} . The result of the circ and cft
operations are:
circ(A) =
2 1 3 8 0 −2
3 2 1 −2 8 0
1 3 2 0 −2 8
−2 2 0 3 1 1
0 −2 2 1 3 1
2 0 −2 1 1 3
( ⊗ F∗)circ(A)( ⊗ F) =
6 6
− 3ι −9 + 3ι
3ι −9 − 3ι
0 5
−3 + 3ι 2
−3 − 3ι 2
cft(A) =
6 6
0 5
− 3ι −9 + 3ι
−3 + 3ι 2
3ι −9 − 3ι
−3 − 3ι 2
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David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 17 / 29
A look at the power method
Require A, x(0), τ
x(0) ← x(0) x(0) −1
for k = 1, . . . , until convergence
y(k) ← Ax(k−1)
α(k) ← y(k)
x(k) ← y(k)α(k)−1
if sign(
1 )x(k) − sign(
1 )x(k−1) < τ
return x(k)
end if
end for
Require a scalar inverse , norm , absolute value ,...
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David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 18 / 29
These operations can now be
straightforwardly de ned
inverse of a scalar:
↔ circ(α)−1
more generally, function of a scalar:
ƒ(α) ↔ ƒ(circ(α))
angle() || = , angle(α) ↔ circ(abs(α))−1
The norm of a vector in Kn
produces a scalar in Kk:
x ↔ (circ(x)∗
Inner product:
〈x, y〉 ↔ circ(y)∗
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David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 19 / 29
Run the power method on
{2 3 1} {0 0 0}
{0 0 0} {3 1 1}
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David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 19 / 29
Run the power method on
{2 3 1} {0 0 0}
{0 0 0} {3 1 1}
Result λ = (1/3) {10 4 4}
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David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 20 / 29
A =
{2 3 1} {0 0 0}
{0 0 0} {3 1 1}
ˆA1 =
6 0
0 5
, ˆA2 =
-ι 3 0
0 2
, ˆA3 =
ι 3 0
0 2
λ1 = icft(dig [6 2 2]) = (1/3) {10 4 4}
λ2 = icft(dig [5 -ι 3 ι 3]) = (1/3) {5 2 2}
λ3 = icft(dig [6 -ι 3 ι 3]) = {2 3 1}
λ4 = icft(dig [5 2 2]) = (1/3) {3 1 1} .
The corresponding eigenvectors are
x1 =
{1/3 1/3 1/3}
{2/3 -1/3 -1/3}
; x2 =
{2/3 -1/3 -1/3}
{1/3 1/3 1/3}
x3 =
{1 0 0}
{0 0 0}
; x4 =
{0 0 0}
{1 0 0}
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David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 21 / 29
Canonical set
There are more eigenvalues
λ5 = icft(dig [6 -ι 3 2]) λ6 = icft(dig [6 2 ι 3])
λ7 = icft(dig [5 -ι 3 2]) λ8 = icft(dig [5 2 ι 3]),
altogether polynomial number, exceeds dimension of matrix.
Definition. A canonical set of eigenvalues and eigenvectors is
a set of minimum size, ordered such that
abs(λ1) ≥ abs(λ2) ≥ . . . ≥ abs(λk), which contains the
information to reproduce any eigenvalue or eigenvector of A
In this case, the only canonical set is {(λ1, x1), (λ2, x2)}. (Need
two, and have abs(λ1) ≥ abs(λ2).)
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David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 22 / 29
Keeping in real...
Let A ∈ Kn×n
k be real-valued with diagonalizable ˆAj matrices. If
k is odd, then the eigendecomposition X ◦ Λ ◦ X−1
is real-valued
if and only if ˆA1 has real-valued eigenvalues. If k is even, then
X ◦ Λ ◦ X−1
is real-valued if and only if ˆA1 and ˆAk/2+1 have
real-valued eigenvalues.
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David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 23 / 29
The power method converges
Let A ∈ Kn×n
k have a canonical set of eigenvalues λ1, . . . , λn
where |λ1| > |λ2|, then the power method in the circulant
algebra convergences to an eigenvector x1 with eigenvalue λ1.
Where we use the ordering ...
α < β ↔ cft(α) < cft(β) elementwise
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David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 24 / 29
The Arnoldi process
Let A be an n × n matrix with real valued entries. Then the
Arnoldi method is a technique to build an orthogonal basis
for the Krylov subspace Kt(A, v) = span{v, Av, . . . , At−1
where v is an initial vector.
We have the decomposition
AQt = Qt+1Ht+1,t
where Qt is an n × t matrix, and Ht+1,t is a (t + 1) × t upper
Hessenberg matrix.
Using our repertoire of operations, the Arnoldi method in
the circulant algebra is equivalent to individual Arnoldi
processes on each matrix ˆAj.
Equivalent to a block Arnoldi process.
Using the cft and icft operations, we produce an Arnoldi
A ◦ Qt = Qt+1 ◦ Ht+1,t.
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David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 25 / 29
−Δ(, y) = ƒ(, y) (, 0) = (, 1), (0, y) = y(1, y) = 0
for (, y) ∈ [0, 1] × [0, 1] with a uniform mesh and the standard
5-point discrete Laplacian:
−Δ(, yj) ≈ −(−1, yj) − (, yj−1)
+ 4(, yj) − (+1, yj) − (, yj+1).
Apply the boundary conditions and organizing the unknowns of
 in y-major order.
An approximate solution  is given by solving an
N(N − 1) × N(N − 1) block-tridiagonal, circulant-block system.
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The Linear System
C −
− C
... −
− C
(1, ·)
(2, ·)
(N−1, ·)
f(1, ·)
f(2, ·)
f(N−1, ·)
C =
4 −1 −1
−1 4
... −1
−1 −1 4
That is, A = f, or A ◦  = f, where A is an N − 1 × N − 1 matrix
of KN elements,  and f have compatible sizes, and
A = circ(A),  = vec(), f = vec(f).
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The canonical eigenvalues of A are
λj = {4+2 cos(jπ/N),−1,0,...,0,−1} .
To see this result, let λ(μ) = {μ,−1,0,...,0,−1} . Then
(A − λ(μ) ◦ ) =
(4 − μ) ◦ 1 −1 ◦ 1
−1 ◦ 1 (4 − μ) ◦ 1
... −1 ◦ 1
−1 ◦ 1 (4 − μ) ◦ 1
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2000 4000 6000 8000
2 +2 cos( 2π/n)
2 +2 cos( π/n)
2 i
6 +2 cos( 2π/n)
6 +2 cos( π/n)
2 i
6 +2 cos( 2π/n)
6 +2 cos( π/n)
Eigenvalue Error
Eigenvector Change
Figure: The convergence behavior of the power
method in the circulant algebra. The gray lines show
the error in the each eigenvalue in Fourier space.
These curves track the predictions made based on
the eigenvalues as discussed in the text. The red
line shows the magnitude of the change in the
eigenvector. We use this as the stopping criteria. It
also decays as predicted by the ratio of eigenvalues.
The blue fit lines have been visually adjusted to
match the behavior in the convergence tail.
0 10 20 30 40 50
Arnoldi iteration
Absolute error
Residual magnitude
Figure: The convergence behavior of a GMRES
procedure using the circulant Arnoldi process. The
gray lines show the error in each Fourier component
and the red line shows the magnitude of the
residual. We observe poor convergence in one
Fourier component; until the Arnoldi basis captures
all of the eigenvalues after N/2 + 1 = 26 iterations.
These results show how the two computations are
performing individual power methods or Arnoldi
processes in Fourier space.
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The End
Paper available online from˜greif:
“The power and Arnoldi methods in an algebra of circulants”,
David Gleich, Chen Greif and Jim Varah
Thank you!

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A dynamical system for PageRank with time-dependent teleportationDavid Gleich
Fast relaxation methods for the matrix exponential
Fast relaxation methods for the matrix exponential Fast relaxation methods for the matrix exponential
Fast relaxation methods for the matrix exponential David Gleich
Vertex neighborhoods, low conductance cuts, and good seeds for local communit...
Vertex neighborhoods, low conductance cuts, and good seeds for local communit...Vertex neighborhoods, low conductance cuts, and good seeds for local communit...
Vertex neighborhoods, low conductance cuts, and good seeds for local communit...David Gleich
MapReduce for scientific simulation analysis
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Higher-order organization of complex networks
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Higher-order organization of complex networksDavid Gleich
Personalized PageRank based community detection
Personalized PageRank based community detectionPersonalized PageRank based community detection
Personalized PageRank based community detectionDavid Gleich

Destaque (20)

Anti-differentiating Approximation Algorithms: PageRank and MinCut
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Anti-differentiating Approximation Algorithms: PageRank and MinCut
MapReduce Tall-and-skinny QR and applications
MapReduce Tall-and-skinny QR and applicationsMapReduce Tall-and-skinny QR and applications
MapReduce Tall-and-skinny QR and applications
A history of PageRank from the numerical computing perspective
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A history of PageRank from the numerical computing perspective
What you can do with a tall-and-skinny QR factorization in Hadoop: Principal ...
What you can do with a tall-and-skinny QR factorization in Hadoop: Principal ...What you can do with a tall-and-skinny QR factorization in Hadoop: Principal ...
What you can do with a tall-and-skinny QR factorization in Hadoop: Principal ...
Tall and Skinny QRs in MapReduce
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Tall and Skinny QRs in MapReduce
Direct tall-and-skinny QR factorizations in MapReduce architectures
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Anti-differentiating approximation algorithms: A case study with min-cuts, sp...
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Anti-differentiating approximation algorithms: A case study with min-cuts, sp...
Iterative methods for network alignment
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Iterative methods for network alignment
A multithreaded method for network alignment
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A multithreaded method for network alignment
Gaps between the theory and practice of large-scale matrix-based network comp...
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Spacey random walks and higher-order data analysis
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Tall-and-skinny QR factorizations in MapReduce architectures
Relaxation methods for the matrix exponential on large networks
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How does Google Google: A journey into the wondrous mathematics behind your f...
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A dynamical system for PageRank with time-dependent teleportation
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Fast relaxation methods for the matrix exponential
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Vertex neighborhoods, low conductance cuts, and good seeds for local communit...
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MapReduce for scientific simulation analysis
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Higher-order organization of complex networks
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Personalized PageRank based community detection
Personalized PageRank based community detectionPersonalized PageRank based community detection
Personalized PageRank based community detection

Semelhante a The power and Arnoldi methods in an algebra of circulants

Iterative methods with special structures
Iterative methods with special structuresIterative methods with special structures
Iterative methods with special structuresDavid Gleich
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Computing the masses of hyperons and charmed baryons from Lattice QCD
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Direct method for soliton solution
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preTEST3A Double Integrals Solved
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Building Compatible Bases on Graphs, Images, and Manifolds
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26 Machine Learning Unsupervised Fuzzy C-Means
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New data structures and algorithms for \\post-processing large data sets and ...
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Multiscale methods for graphene based nanocomposites
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Semelhante a The power and Arnoldi methods in an algebra of circulants (20)

Iterative methods with special structures
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Iterative methods with special structures
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Data sparse approximation of the Karhunen-Loeve expansion
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Data sparse approximation of the Karhunen-Loeve expansion
Data sparse approximation of Karhunen-Loeve Expansion
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Computing the masses of hyperons and charmed baryons from Lattice QCD
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ADA - Minimum Spanning Tree Prim Kruskal and Dijkstra
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preTEST3A Double Integrals
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Strong convergence of an algorithm about strongly quasi nonexpansive mappings
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preTEST3A Double Integrals Solved
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Building Compatible Bases on Graphs, Images, and Manifolds
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Indefinite Integral
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26 Machine Learning Unsupervised Fuzzy C-Means
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New data structures and algorithms for \\post-processing large data sets and ...
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New data structures and algorithms for \\post-processing large data sets and ...
Multiscale methods for graphene based nanocomposites
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Mais de David Gleich

Engineering Data Science Objectives for Social Network Analysis
Engineering Data Science Objectives for Social Network AnalysisEngineering Data Science Objectives for Social Network Analysis
Engineering Data Science Objectives for Social Network AnalysisDavid Gleich
Correlation clustering and community detection in graphs and networks
Correlation clustering and community detection in graphs and networksCorrelation clustering and community detection in graphs and networks
Correlation clustering and community detection in graphs and networksDavid Gleich
Spectral clustering with motifs and higher-order structures
Spectral clustering with motifs and higher-order structuresSpectral clustering with motifs and higher-order structures
Spectral clustering with motifs and higher-order structuresDavid Gleich
Non-exhaustive, Overlapping K-means
Non-exhaustive, Overlapping K-meansNon-exhaustive, Overlapping K-means
Non-exhaustive, Overlapping K-meansDavid Gleich
Using Local Spectral Methods to Robustify Graph-Based Learning
Using Local Spectral Methods to Robustify Graph-Based LearningUsing Local Spectral Methods to Robustify Graph-Based Learning
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Spacey random walks and higher order Markov chains
Spacey random walks and higher order Markov chainsSpacey random walks and higher order Markov chains
Spacey random walks and higher order Markov chainsDavid Gleich
Localized methods in graph mining
Localized methods in graph miningLocalized methods in graph mining
Localized methods in graph miningDavid Gleich
PageRank Centrality of dynamic graph structures
PageRank Centrality of dynamic graph structuresPageRank Centrality of dynamic graph structures
PageRank Centrality of dynamic graph structuresDavid Gleich
Big data matrix factorizations and Overlapping community detection in graphs
Big data matrix factorizations and Overlapping community detection in graphsBig data matrix factorizations and Overlapping community detection in graphs
Big data matrix factorizations and Overlapping community detection in graphsDavid Gleich
Localized methods for diffusions in large graphs
Localized methods for diffusions in large graphsLocalized methods for diffusions in large graphs
Localized methods for diffusions in large graphsDavid Gleich
Fast matrix primitives for ranking, link-prediction and more
Fast matrix primitives for ranking, link-prediction and moreFast matrix primitives for ranking, link-prediction and more
Fast matrix primitives for ranking, link-prediction and moreDavid Gleich
Recommendation and graph algorithms in Hadoop and SQL
Recommendation and graph algorithms in Hadoop and SQLRecommendation and graph algorithms in Hadoop and SQL
Recommendation and graph algorithms in Hadoop and SQLDavid Gleich
Sparse matrix computations in MapReduce
Sparse matrix computations in MapReduceSparse matrix computations in MapReduce
Sparse matrix computations in MapReduceDavid Gleich
Matrix methods for Hadoop
Matrix methods for HadoopMatrix methods for Hadoop
Matrix methods for HadoopDavid Gleich

Mais de David Gleich (14)

Engineering Data Science Objectives for Social Network Analysis
Engineering Data Science Objectives for Social Network AnalysisEngineering Data Science Objectives for Social Network Analysis
Engineering Data Science Objectives for Social Network Analysis
Correlation clustering and community detection in graphs and networks
Correlation clustering and community detection in graphs and networksCorrelation clustering and community detection in graphs and networks
Correlation clustering and community detection in graphs and networks
Spectral clustering with motifs and higher-order structures
Spectral clustering with motifs and higher-order structuresSpectral clustering with motifs and higher-order structures
Spectral clustering with motifs and higher-order structures
Non-exhaustive, Overlapping K-means
Non-exhaustive, Overlapping K-meansNon-exhaustive, Overlapping K-means
Non-exhaustive, Overlapping K-means
Using Local Spectral Methods to Robustify Graph-Based Learning
Using Local Spectral Methods to Robustify Graph-Based LearningUsing Local Spectral Methods to Robustify Graph-Based Learning
Using Local Spectral Methods to Robustify Graph-Based Learning
Spacey random walks and higher order Markov chains
Spacey random walks and higher order Markov chainsSpacey random walks and higher order Markov chains
Spacey random walks and higher order Markov chains
Localized methods in graph mining
Localized methods in graph miningLocalized methods in graph mining
Localized methods in graph mining
PageRank Centrality of dynamic graph structures
PageRank Centrality of dynamic graph structuresPageRank Centrality of dynamic graph structures
PageRank Centrality of dynamic graph structures
Big data matrix factorizations and Overlapping community detection in graphs
Big data matrix factorizations and Overlapping community detection in graphsBig data matrix factorizations and Overlapping community detection in graphs
Big data matrix factorizations and Overlapping community detection in graphs
Localized methods for diffusions in large graphs
Localized methods for diffusions in large graphsLocalized methods for diffusions in large graphs
Localized methods for diffusions in large graphs
Fast matrix primitives for ranking, link-prediction and more
Fast matrix primitives for ranking, link-prediction and moreFast matrix primitives for ranking, link-prediction and more
Fast matrix primitives for ranking, link-prediction and more
Recommendation and graph algorithms in Hadoop and SQL
Recommendation and graph algorithms in Hadoop and SQLRecommendation and graph algorithms in Hadoop and SQL
Recommendation and graph algorithms in Hadoop and SQL
Sparse matrix computations in MapReduce
Sparse matrix computations in MapReduceSparse matrix computations in MapReduce
Sparse matrix computations in MapReduce
Matrix methods for Hadoop
Matrix methods for HadoopMatrix methods for Hadoop
Matrix methods for Hadoop


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The power and Arnoldi methods in an algebra of circulants

  • 1. 40 60 80 100 120 40 60 80 mm David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 1 / 29 The power and Arnoldi methods in an algebra of circulants David F. Gleich Computer Science Purdue University CCAM Seminar April 19th, 2013 In collaboration with Chen Greif and Jim Varah (UBC) Supported by a research grant from NSERC and the Sandia National Labs John von Neumann fellowship
  • 2. 40 60 80 100 120 40 60 80 mm David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 2 / 29 Introduction Kilmer, Martin, and Perrone (2008) presented a circulant algebra: a set of operations that generalize matrix algebra to three-way data and provided an SVD. The essence of this approach amounts to viewing three-dimensional objects as two-dimensional arrays (i.e., matrices) of one-dimensional arrays (i.e., vectors). Braman (2010) developed spectral and other decompositions. We have extended this algebra with the ingredients required for iterative methods such as the power method and Arnoldi method, and have char- acterized the behavior of these algo- rithms.
  • 3. 40 60 80 100 120 40 60 80 mm David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 3 / 29 A look at the power method Require A, x(0), τ x(0) ← x(0) x(0) −1 for k = 1, . . . , until convergence y(k) ← Ax(k−1) α(k) ← y(k) x(k) ← y(k)α(k)−1 if sign( (k) 1 )x(k) − sign( (k−1) 1 )x(k−1) < τ return x(k) end if end for Require a scalar inverse, norm, absolute value,...
  • 4. 40 60 80 100 120 40 60 80 mm David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 4 / 29 Three-way arrays Given an m × n × k table of data, we view this data as an m × n ma- trix where each “scalar” is a vector of length k. A ∈ Km×n k We denote the space of length-k scalars as Kk. These scalars interact like circulant matrices.
  • 5. 40 60 80 100 120 40 60 80 mm David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 5 / 29 Circulants Circulant matrices are a commutative, closed class under the standard matrix operations.        α1 αk . . . α2 α2 α1 ... ... ... ... ... αk αk . . . α2 α1        We'll see more of their properties shortly!
  • 6. 40 60 80 100 120 40 60 80 mm David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 6 / 29 The circ operation We denote the space of length-k scalars as Kk. These scalars interact like circulant matrices. α = {α1 ... αk } ∈ Kk. α ↔ circ(α) ≡        α1 αk . . . α2 α2 α1 ... ... ... ... ... αk αk . . . α2 α1        . α+β ↔ circ(α)+circ(β) and α◦β ↔ circ(α)circ(β); 0 = {0 0 ... 0} 1 = {1 0 ... 0} Kk is the ring of length-k circulants.
  • 7. 40 60 80 100 120 40 60 80 mm David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 7 / 29 The circ operation on matrices A ◦ x =    n j=1 A1,j ◦ j ... n j=1 Am,j ◦ j    ↔   circ(A1,1) ... circ(A1,n) ... ... ... circ(Am,1) ... circ(Am,n)     circ(1) ... circ(n)   . Define circ(A) ≡   circ(A1,1) ... circ(A1,n) ... ... ... circ(Am,1) ... circ(Am,n)   circ(x) ≡   circ(1) ... circ(n)   A ◦ x ↔ circ(A)circ(x) matrix-vector products. x ◦ α ↔ circ(x)circ(α) vector-scalar products This is equivalent to Kilmer, Martin, Perrone (2008).
  • 8. 40 60 80 100 120 40 60 80 mm David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 8 / 29 A look at the power method Require A, x(0), τ −→ A, x(0), τ x(0) ← x(0) x(0) −1 −→ x(0) ◦ x(0) −1 ↔ circ(x(0))circ( x(0) )−1 for k = 1, . . . , until convergence y(k) ← Ax(k−1) −→ y(k) ← A ◦ x(k−1) ↔ circ(A)circ(x(k−1)) α(k) ← y(k) −→ . . . x(k) ← y(k)α(k)−1 if sign( (k) 1 )x(k) − sign( (k−1) 1 )x(k−1) < τ return x(k) end if end for Require a scalar inverse , norm (?), absolute value (?) ,...
  • 9. 40 60 80 100 120 40 60 80 mm David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 9 / 29 Circulants and Fourier transforms Let C be a k × k circulant matrix. Then the eigenvector matrix of C is given by the k × k discrete Fourier transform matrix F, where Fj = 1 k ω(−1)(j−1) and ω = e2πι/k. This matrix is complex symmetric, FT = F, and unitary, F∗ = F−1 . Thus, C = FDF∗ , D = dig(λ1, . . . , λk). Multiplying a vector by F or F∗ can be accomplished via the fast Fourier transform in O(k log k) time instead of O(k2) for the typical matrix-vector product algorithm. Computing the matrix D can be done in time O(k log k) as well. d = fft(a)
  • 10. 40 60 80 100 120 40 60 80 mm David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 10 / 29 cft and icft We define the “Circulant Fourier Transform” or cft cft : α ∈ Kk → Ck×k and its inverse icft : Ck×k → Kk as follows: cft(α) ≡ ˆα1 ... ˆαk = F∗ circ(α)F, icft ˆα1 ... ˆαk ≡ α ↔ F cft(α)F∗ , where ˆαj are the eigenvalues of circ(α) as produced in the Fourier transform. These transformations satisfy icft(cft(α)) = α and provide a convenient way of moving between operations in Kk to the more familiar environment of diagonal matrices in Ck×k.
  • 11. 40 60 80 100 120 40 60 80 mm David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 11 / 29 Operations Let α, β ∈ Kk. Note that α + β = icft(cft(α) + cft(β)), and α ◦ β = icft(cft(α) cft(β)). In the Fourier space – the output of the cft operation – these operations are both O(k) time because they occur between diagonal matrices. These simplifications generalize to matrix-based operations too. For example, A ◦ x = icft(cft(A) cft(x)).
  • 12. 40 60 80 100 120 40 60 80 mm David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 12 / 29 Operations (cont.) In the Fourier space, this system is a series of independent matrix vector products: cft(A) cft(x) =   ˆA1 ... ˆAk   ˆx1 ... ˆxk =   ˆA1 ˆx1 ... ˆAk ˆxk   . We use ˆAj and ˆxj to denote the blocks of Fourier coefficients, or equivalently, circulant eigenvalues. This formulation takes O(mnk log k + nk log k) cft and icft + O(kmn) matvecs operations instead of O(mnk2) using the circ formulation.
  • 13. 40 60 80 100 120 40 60 80 mm David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 13 / 29 Operations (cont.) More operations are simplified in the Fourier space too. Let cft(α) = dig [ˆα1, ..., ˆαk]. Because the ˆαj values are the eigenvalues of circ(α), we have: abs(α) = icft(dig [| ˆα1|, ..., | ˆαk|]), α = icft(dig [ˆα1, ..., ˆαk]) = icft(cft(α)∗ ), and angle(α) = icft(dig [ˆα1/| ˆα1|, ..., ˆαk/| ˆαk|]).
  • 14. 40 60 80 100 120 40 60 80 mm David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 14 / 29 Decompositional interpretation of cft Algebraically, the cft operation for a matrix A ∈ Km×n k is cft(A) = Pm(m ⊗ F∗ )circ(A)(n ⊗ F)PT n , where Pm and Pn are permutation matrices. We can equivalently write this directly in terms of the eigenvalues of each of the circulant blocks of circ(A): cft(A) ≡   ˆA1 ... ˆAk   , ˆAj =    λ 1,1 j ... λ 1,n j ... ... ... λ m,1 j ... λ m,n j    , where λ r,s 1 , . . . , λ r,s k are the diagonal elements of cft(Ar,s). The inverse operation icft, takes a block diagonal matrix and returns the matrix in Km×n k : icft(A) ↔ (m ⊗ F)PT m APn(n ⊗ F∗ ).
  • 15. 40 60 80 100 120 40 60 80 mm David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 15 / 29 Back to gure
  • 16. 40 60 80 100 120 40 60 80 mm David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 16 / 29 Example Let A = {2 3 1} {8 −2 0} {−2 0 2} {3 1 1} . The result of the circ and cft operations are: circ(A) =         2 1 3 8 0 −2 3 2 1 −2 8 0 1 3 2 0 −2 8 −2 2 0 3 1 1 0 −2 2 1 3 1 2 0 −2 1 1 3         , ( ⊗ F∗)circ(A)( ⊗ F) =          6 6 − 3ι −9 + 3ι 3ι −9 − 3ι 0 5 −3 + 3ι 2 −3 − 3ι 2          , cft(A) =          6 6 0 5 − 3ι −9 + 3ι −3 + 3ι 2 3ι −9 − 3ι −3 − 3ι 2          .
  • 17. 40 60 80 100 120 40 60 80 mm David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 17 / 29 A look at the power method Require A, x(0), τ x(0) ← x(0) x(0) −1 for k = 1, . . . , until convergence y(k) ← Ax(k−1) α(k) ← y(k) x(k) ← y(k)α(k)−1 if sign( (k) 1 )x(k) − sign( (k−1) 1 )x(k−1) < τ return x(k) end if end for Require a scalar inverse , norm , absolute value ,...
  • 18. 40 60 80 100 120 40 60 80 mm David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 18 / 29 These operations can now be straightforwardly de ned inverse of a scalar: α−1 ↔ circ(α)−1 . more generally, function of a scalar: ƒ(α) ↔ ƒ(circ(α)) angle: angle() || = , angle(α) ↔ circ(abs(α))−1 circ(α). The norm of a vector in Kn k produces a scalar in Kk: x ↔ (circ(x)∗ circ(x))1/2 = n =1 circ()∗ circ() 1/2 . Inner product: 〈x, y〉 ↔ circ(y)∗ circ(x).
  • 19. 40 60 80 100 120 40 60 80 mm David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 19 / 29 Example Run the power method on {2 3 1} {0 0 0} {0 0 0} {3 1 1} Result
  • 20. 40 60 80 100 120 40 60 80 mm David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 19 / 29 Example Run the power method on {2 3 1} {0 0 0} {0 0 0} {3 1 1} Result λ = (1/3) {10 4 4}
  • 21. 40 60 80 100 120 40 60 80 mm David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 20 / 29 Example A = {2 3 1} {0 0 0} {0 0 0} {3 1 1} ˆA1 = 6 0 0 5 , ˆA2 = -ι 3 0 0 2 , ˆA3 = ι 3 0 0 2 . λ1 = icft(dig [6 2 2]) = (1/3) {10 4 4} λ2 = icft(dig [5 -ι 3 ι 3]) = (1/3) {5 2 2} λ3 = icft(dig [6 -ι 3 ι 3]) = {2 3 1} λ4 = icft(dig [5 2 2]) = (1/3) {3 1 1} . The corresponding eigenvectors are x1 = {1/3 1/3 1/3} {2/3 -1/3 -1/3} ; x2 = {2/3 -1/3 -1/3} {1/3 1/3 1/3} ; x3 = {1 0 0} {0 0 0} ; x4 = {0 0 0} {1 0 0} .
  • 22. 40 60 80 100 120 40 60 80 mm David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 21 / 29 Canonical set There are more eigenvalues λ5 = icft(dig [6 -ι 3 2]) λ6 = icft(dig [6 2 ι 3]) λ7 = icft(dig [5 -ι 3 2]) λ8 = icft(dig [5 2 ι 3]), altogether polynomial number, exceeds dimension of matrix. Definition. A canonical set of eigenvalues and eigenvectors is a set of minimum size, ordered such that abs(λ1) ≥ abs(λ2) ≥ . . . ≥ abs(λk), which contains the information to reproduce any eigenvalue or eigenvector of A In this case, the only canonical set is {(λ1, x1), (λ2, x2)}. (Need two, and have abs(λ1) ≥ abs(λ2).)
  • 23. 40 60 80 100 120 40 60 80 mm David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 22 / 29 Keeping in real... Let A ∈ Kn×n k be real-valued with diagonalizable ˆAj matrices. If k is odd, then the eigendecomposition X ◦ Λ ◦ X−1 is real-valued if and only if ˆA1 has real-valued eigenvalues. If k is even, then X ◦ Λ ◦ X−1 is real-valued if and only if ˆA1 and ˆAk/2+1 have real-valued eigenvalues.
  • 24. 40 60 80 100 120 40 60 80 mm David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 23 / 29 The power method converges Let A ∈ Kn×n k have a canonical set of eigenvalues λ1, . . . , λn where |λ1| > |λ2|, then the power method in the circulant algebra convergences to an eigenvector x1 with eigenvalue λ1. Where we use the ordering ... α < β ↔ cft(α) < cft(β) elementwise
  • 25. 40 60 80 100 120 40 60 80 mm David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 24 / 29 The Arnoldi process Let A be an n × n matrix with real valued entries. Then the Arnoldi method is a technique to build an orthogonal basis for the Krylov subspace Kt(A, v) = span{v, Av, . . . , At−1 v}, where v is an initial vector. We have the decomposition AQt = Qt+1Ht+1,t where Qt is an n × t matrix, and Ht+1,t is a (t + 1) × t upper Hessenberg matrix. Using our repertoire of operations, the Arnoldi method in the circulant algebra is equivalent to individual Arnoldi processes on each matrix ˆAj. Equivalent to a block Arnoldi process. Using the cft and icft operations, we produce an Arnoldi factorization: A ◦ Qt = Qt+1 ◦ Ht+1,t.
  • 26. 40 60 80 100 120 40 60 80 mm David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 25 / 29 Example Consider −Δ(, y) = ƒ(, y) (, 0) = (, 1), (0, y) = y(1, y) = 0 for (, y) ∈ [0, 1] × [0, 1] with a uniform mesh and the standard 5-point discrete Laplacian: −Δ(, yj) ≈ −(−1, yj) − (, yj−1) + 4(, yj) − (+1, yj) − (, yj+1). Apply the boundary conditions and organizing the unknowns of  in y-major order. An approximate solution  is given by solving an N(N − 1) × N(N − 1) block-tridiagonal, circulant-block system.
  • 27. 40 60 80 100 120 40 60 80 mm David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 26 / 29 The Linear System        C − − C ... ... ... − − C        A       (1, ·) (2, ·) ... (N−1, ·)        =       f(1, ·) f(2, ·) ... f(N−1, ·)       f , C =        4 −1 −1 −1 4 ... ... ... −1 −1 −1 4        N×N , That is, A = f, or A ◦  = f, where A is an N − 1 × N − 1 matrix of KN elements,  and f have compatible sizes, and A = circ(A),  = vec(), f = vec(f).
  • 28. 40 60 80 100 120 40 60 80 mm David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 27 / 29 The canonical eigenvalues of A are λj = {4+2 cos(jπ/N),−1,0,...,0,−1} . To see this result, let λ(μ) = {μ,−1,0,...,0,−1} . Then (A − λ(μ) ◦ ) =        (4 − μ) ◦ 1 −1 ◦ 1 −1 ◦ 1 (4 − μ) ◦ 1 ... ... ... −1 ◦ 1 −1 ◦ 1 (4 − μ) ◦ 1        .
  • 29. 40 60 80 100 120 40 60 80 mm David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 28 / 29 2000 4000 6000 8000 10 −15 10 −10 10 −5 10 0 2 +2 cos( 2π/n) 2 +2 cos( π/n) 2 i 6 +2 cos( 2π/n) 6 +2 cos( π/n) 2 i 6 +2 cos( 2π/n) 6 +2 cos( π/n) i iteration magnitude Eigenvalue Error Eigenvector Change Figure: The convergence behavior of the power method in the circulant algebra. The gray lines show the error in the each eigenvalue in Fourier space. These curves track the predictions made based on the eigenvalues as discussed in the text. The red line shows the magnitude of the change in the eigenvector. We use this as the stopping criteria. It also decays as predicted by the ratio of eigenvalues. The blue fit lines have been visually adjusted to match the behavior in the convergence tail. 0 10 20 30 40 50 10 −15 10 −10 10 −5 10 0 Arnoldi iteration Magnitude Absolute error Residual magnitude Figure: The convergence behavior of a GMRES procedure using the circulant Arnoldi process. The gray lines show the error in each Fourier component and the red line shows the magnitude of the residual. We observe poor convergence in one Fourier component; until the Arnoldi basis captures all of the eigenvalues after N/2 + 1 = 26 iterations. These results show how the two computations are performing individual power methods or Arnoldi processes in Fourier space.
  • 30. 40 60 80 100 120 40 60 80 mm David F. Gleich (Purdue) CCAM Seminar 29 / 29 The End Paper available online from˜greif: “The power and Arnoldi methods in an algebra of circulants”, David Gleich, Chen Greif and Jim Varah Thank you!