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Cost sheet of a chocolate company and its

by amardeepbardhan on Nov 01, 2009

cost sheet of a chocolate company is bee prepared and its analysis has been done


cost sheet of a chocolate company is bee prepared and its analysis has been done



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    •           Ajay Kumar thanks allot 4 help 15 hours ago Reply

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    •          Sujata Sahoo please give me the cost sheet of cadbury ltd. for dairy milk silk. 2 months
        ago Reply

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    •          Mehar Mandher can you please post the balance sheet for the same year as the cost sheet
        2 months ago Reply

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    •           Mehar Mandher can you please show the balance sheet too for the same year as the cost
        sheet 2 months ago Reply

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    •           Singh Mukesh at none Thanks............ 6 months ago Reply
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Cost sheet of a chocolate company and its analysis — Document
  • 1. Management Accounting Project Work “GOOBERS CHOCOLATE” Melts in your mouth, not
    on your hands Submitted to: Submitted by: Dr. Ritesh Srivastava Amardeep Bardhan Roll No: FT-
    RM (09)-202
  • 2. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The satisfaction and euphoria that accompany the successful
    completion of any task would be incomplete without mentioning the name of the people whose
    constant guidance and encouragement has crowned all our effort with success. Firstly I would like
    to thank Dr. Ritesh Srivastava for giving us his precious time and guidance that helped us a lot in
    completing this project. Last but not the least I would like to thank all those people for their
    immense co-operation who helped me in any way and without help of these people this project
    never be completed successfully. Amardeep Bardhan
  • 3. Chocolates!!! Chocolates! Chocolates! Every body has a liking for them, be they in the form of
    bar Or a tiny little gem, Or shaped like a rectangle, Or a sphere, a brick or an éclair. For chocolate
    lovers it is fun, To have them during rain, breeze or sun. They are white and brown in color, And
    taste sweet and bitter Some have them in a glass of cold coffee, or in the form of a toffee. Some
    eat them when they are sad Some relish them when they are happy or have sweet dreams, But I
    feel, to have chocolates We don’t need a reason, ‘Cause we can have it Anytime, any season!
  • 4. TABLE OF CONTENTS  History of Chocolate  Process of Making Chocolate 
    Ingredients of Chocolate  Company Profile  Business Plan & Strategy  Competitive brands
    in Market  SWOT Analysis  Cost Sheet  Analysis  Scope in Indian Market  Conclusion
     Biblography
  • 5. History of Chocolate: The origin of chocolate can be traced back to the ancient Maya and Aztec
    civilizations in Central America, who first enjoyed “chocolati” a much-prized spicy drink made
    from roasted cocoa beans. Throughout its history, whether as cocoa or drinking chocolate
    beverage or confectionary treat, chocolate has been a much sought after food. The Aztec empire
    “Chocolate”(in the form of a luxury drink) was consumed in large quantities by the Aztecs: the
    drink was described as “ finely ground, soft, foamy, reddish, bitter with chilli water, aromatic
    flowers, vanilla and wild bee honey. The dry climate meant the Aztecs were unable to grow cocoa
    trees, and had to obtain supplies of cocoa beans from “ tribute” or trade. Don Cortes The Spanish
    invaded Mexico in the 16th century, by this time the Aztecs had created a powerful empire, and
    the Spanish armies conquered Mexico. Don Cortes was made captain general and governor of
    Mexico. When he returned to Spain in1528 he loaded his galleons with cocoa beans and
    equipment for making the chocolate drink. Soon “chocolate” became a fashionable drink enjoyed
    by the rich in Spain. Chocolate across Europe An Italian traveler, Francesco carletti, was the first
    to break the Spanish monopoly. He had visited Central America and seen how the Indians
    prepared the cocoa beans and how they made the drink, and by 1606 chocolate was well
    established in Italy. Drinking chocolate The secret of chocolate was taken to France in 1615, when
    Anne, daughter of Phillip 2 of Spain married king Louis 13 of France. The French court
    enthusiastically adopted this new exotic drink, which was considered to have medicinal benefits as
    well as being a nourishing food. Gradually the custom of drinking chocolate spread across Europe,
    reaching England in the 1650‟s.
  • 6. First chocolate for eating Up until this point all chocolate recipes were based on plain chocolate.
    It was an English doctor, sir Hans‟s sloane, who- after traveling in south America- focused on
cocoa and food values, bringing a milk chocolate recipe back to England. The original Cadbury
  milk chocolate was prepared to his recipe. History: The earliest record of chocolate was over
  fifteen hundred years ago in the central America rain forests, where the tropical mix of high rain
  fall combined with high year round temperatures and humidity provide the ideal climate for
  cultivation of the plant from which chocolate is derived, the cacao tree. “ Chocolate is made from
  the cocoa bean, found in pods growing from the trunk and lower branches of the cacao tree, Latin
  name “ theobroma cacao” meaning “ food of the gods” Cacao was corrupted into the more
  familiar “ cocoa” by the early European explorers. The Maya brewed a spicy, bittersweet drink by
  roasting and pounding the seeds of the cacao tree with maize and capsicum peppers and letting the
  mixture ferment. This drink was reserved for use in ceremonies as well as for drinking by the
  wealthy and religious elite; they also ate cacao porridge. The Aztecs, like the Mayans, also
  enjoyed cacao as a beverage fermented from the raw beans, which again featured prominently in
  ritual and as a luxury available only to the very wealthy. The Aztecs called this drink xocolatl, the
  Spanish conquistadors found this almost impossible to pronounce and so corrupted it to the easier
  “ chocolat” the English further changed this to chocolate. The Aztec‟s regarded chocolate as an
  aphrodisiac and their emperor, Montezuma reputedly drank it fifty times a day from a golden
  goblet and is quoted as saying of Xocolatl: “ the divine drink, which builds up resistance and
  fights fatigue. A cup of this precious drink permits a man to walk for a whole day without food”.
• 7. Chocolate in Europe Xocolatl! or chocolat or chocolate as it became known, was brought to
  Europe by Cortez, by this time the conquistadors had learned to make the drink more palatable to
  European tastes by mixing the ground roasted beans with sugar and vanilla ( a practice still
  continued today), thus offsetting the spicy bitterness of the brew the Aztec‟s drank. The first
  chocolate factories opened in Spain, where the dried fermented beans brought back from the new
  world by the Spanish treasure fleets were roasted and ground, and by the early 17th century
  chocolate powder – from which the European version of the drink was made- was being exported
  to other parts of Europe. The Spanish kept the source of the drink- the beans- a secret for many
  years, so successfully in fact, that when English buccaneers boarded what they thought was a
  Spanish “ treasurer galleon” in 1579, only to find it loaded with what appeared to be “ dried
  sheep‟s droppings, they burned the whole ship in frustration. If only they had known, chocolate
  was so expensive at that time, that it was worth it‟s weight in silver ( if not gold), chocolate was
  treasure indeed ! Within a few years, the cocoa beverage made from the powder produced in Spain
  had become popular throughout Europe, in the Spanish Netherlands, Italy, France, Germany and –
  in about 1520 – it arrived in England. The first chocolate house in England opened in London in
  1657 followed rapidly by many others. Like the already well established coffee houses, they were
  used as clubs where the wealthy and business community met to smoke a clay pipe of tobacco,
  conduct business and socialize over a cup of chocolate. Back to the America’s Event‟s went full
  circle when English colonists carried chocolate (and coffee) with them to England‟s colonies in
  north America. Destined to become the united states of America and Canada, they are now the
  worlds largest consumers – by far – of both chocolate and coffee, consuming over half of the
  words total production of chocolate alone. The Quakers The Quakers were, and still are, a pacifist
  religious sect, an offshoot of the puritans of English civil war and pilgrim fathers fame and a
  history of chocolate would not be complete without mentioning their part in it. Some of the most
  famous names in chocolate were Quakers, who for centuries held a virtual monopoly of chocolate
  making in the English speaking world – fry, Cadbury and row tree are probably the best known.
• 8. Its probably before the time of the English civil war between parliament and king Charles 1st
  that the Quaker‟s who evolved from the puritans, first began their historic association with
  chocolate. Because of their pacifist religion, they were prohibited from many normal business
  activities, so as an industrious people with a strong belief in the work ethic (like the puritans), they
  involved themselves in food related businesses and did very well. Baking was a common
  occupation for them because bread was regarded as the biblical “staff of life”, and bakers in
  England were the first to add chocolate to cakes so it would be a natural progression for them to
  start making pure chocolate. They were also heavily involved in breakfast cereals but that‟s
  another story. What is certain is that the fry, row tree and Cadbury families in England among
  others, began chocolate making and in fact Joseph fry of fry &sons (founded 1728 in Bristol,
  England) is credited with producing and selling the world‟s first chocolate bar. Fry‟s have now all
  but disappeared (taken over by Cadbury) and row tree have merged Swiss company nestle, to form
the largest chocolate manufacturer in the world. Cadbury have stayed with chocolate production
    and are now, if not quite the largest, probably one of the best-known chocolate makers in the
    world. Chocolate as we know it The first mention of chocolate being eaten in solid form is when
    bakers in England began adding cocoa powder to cakes in the mid 1600‟s. Then in 1828 a Dutch
    chemist, Johannes van houten, invented a method of extracting the bitter tasting fat or “cocoa
    butter” from the roasted ground beans, his aim was to make the drink smoother and more
    palatable, however he unknowingly paved the way for solid chocolate as we know it. Chocolate as
    we know it today first appeared in 1847 when fry & sons of Bristol, England – mixed sugar with
    cocoa powder and cocoa butter (made by the van houten process) to produce the first solid
    chocolate bar then in1875 a Swiss manufacturer, Daniel peters, found a way to combine (some
    would say improve, some would say ruin) cocoa powder and cocoa butter with sugar and dried
    milk powder to produce the first milk chocolate.
•   9. Process of Making Chocolate Hundreds of pounds of fermented and dried cacao beans bundled
    in burlap sacks arrive at factories around the world everyday, ready to be turned into fine bars and
    cocoa powder. Over a period of about one to three days, the bean is transformed from tropical seed
    into treasured chocolate. Roasting After being cleaned, the cacao beans pass to the first critical
    step in flavor development at the factory: roasting. There are two main approaches to roasting:
    roast the beans for a short time at high heat, which produces a strong chocolate flavor but
    eliminates any subtle, floral notes and risks the development of charred flavors from over-roasting,
    or roast the beans for a long time at low heat, which allows the more delicate flavors to come
    through but sacrifices the big, chocolate flavor. Winnowing — Getting Rid of the Shells After
    roasting, the beans are put through a winnowing machine which removes the outer husks or shells,
    leaving behind the roasted beans, now called nibs. Milling — Making Cocoa Liquor The nibs are
    then ground into a thick liquid called chocolate liquor, which essentially is cocoa solids suspended
    in cocoa butter. Despite its name, chocolate liquor contains no alcohol. Pressing — Cocoa Powder
    and Cocoa Butter The processing now goes in a couple of different directions. Some batches of
    chocolate liquor are pressed to extract the cocoa butter, which leaves a solid mass behind that is
    pulverized into cocoa powder. The remaining cocoa butter is reserved to help in chocolate-
    making. Other batches of chocolate liquor are used directly to make chocolate.
•   10. The Beginnings of Chocolate To make dark chocolate, chocolate liquor, sugar and other minor
    ingredients such as vanilla are mixed together and kneaded until well blended. To make milk
    chocolate, milk and sugar are mixed together and then blended with chocolate liquor. This sweet
    combination of ingredients is stirred until the flavors are thoroughly combined. Refining —
    Smoothing It All Out After being mixed, both dark and milk chocolates go through the same
    process. The mixture travels through a series of heavy rollers which press the ingredients until the
    mixture is refined to a dry flake. Additional cocoa butter and a small amount of emulsifying agent
    are added to the flake and then mixed to make a smooth paste ready for “conching.” Conching —
    Kneading for Exquisite Flavor Conching further develops flavor by putting chocolate through a
    kneading process. The conches, as the machines are known, have heavy rollers that plow back and
    forth through the chocolate mass anywhere from a few hours to up to seven days. Tempering —
    Temperature Magic For A Perfect Product The mixture is then tempered, or passed through a
    heating, cooling and reheating process. Tempering allows you to solidify chocolate in a way that
    keeps it glossy, causes it to break with a distinctive snap and allows it to melt smoothly in your
    mouth. Moulding — We're Getting Closer The mixture is then poured into moulds and cooled in a
    cooling chamber. Finally — Something We Can Eat! Once cooled, the chocolate is demoulded,
    packaged for distribution and is ready for savoring.
•   11. Ingredients of Chocolate Pure chocolate comes from Cocoa beans. A typical chocolate bar will
    also have: • Sugar, • Milk (if it's milk chocolate, not if it's dark), • Cocoa Butter, • Lecithin, •
    Flavorings (like vanilla), • Sometimes, Vegetable Oil Exotic ingredients of chocolate GOOBERS
    CHOCOLATES: • Sugar • Cocoa Butter • Cocoa Solids • Peanuts • Milk Solids • Chocolate
    coated Raisins • Almonds • Vanilin • Honey Boston Baked Bean
•   12. Company Profile The name of my company is Blumenthal Chocolate Company which
    introduced GOOBERS in 1985 in India. Initially, The Company was dealing in 2-3 types of spices
    and dry fruits only. But later on it came up with an idea of chocolate coated peanuts with milk
    chocolate. In the year 1992, the CEO of Blumenthal Chocolate Company thought about increasing
    the profit of the company with some bigger margins and making the company bigger then ever. In
the Year 1993 company had introduced the full variety of chocolate like dark chocolate, chocolate
    enriched with dry fruits etc., and also he started exporting them to neighboring countries. At that
    time Blumenthal Chocolate Company was the only company who was there in Indian Market with
    full varieties of dark chocolate, chocolate with dry fruits, wafer chocolate, bar chocolate etc. In the
    year 1995, This Company got listed in NSE. Now, in the year 2009, after reading the Indian
    booming food industry, The Company has decided to launch a new Chocolate (only in Indian
    market) by the name of “GOOBERS”. This chocolate is a unique in its category which is has
    peanuts coated in milk chocolate with butter, caramels, dry fruits and honey in it. This chocolate is
    available in different packs of 15 grams, 35 grams, 65 grams and JUMBO pack of 125 grams. This
    chocolate is especially launched in a way so that it suits the middle class pocket and even low call
    of people as well. The JUMBO pack of this chocolate is the biggest chocolate available in the
    Indian market.
•   13. Business Plan & Stretegy Since the GOOBERS CHOCOLATES has been launched under the
    brand name Blumenthal Chocolate Company, so the company has the advantage of easily
    poisoning of GOOBERS CHOCOLATE on such competitive market. Firstly to attract the target
    audience towards the chocolate product the company will place a low promotional price for the
    chocolate for time being and will also distribute some free sample in the market to make feel the
    audience of the caramelized taste of milk chocolate coated peanuts. The target audience for this
    chocolate is the younger generation, children and also middle age groups who like chocolate. Also
    the company has decided to launch this chocolate before Christmas so that the audience can taste
    it earlier and then can gift it to their near and dear ones on the occasion of Christmas and New
    Year. Also the company will launched the „Santa Gift‟ pack for Christmas and „New Year‟ pack
    of GOOBERS CHOCOLATES which contains the dry fruits and the GOOBERS CHOCOLATES.
    These packs are especially designed to be sold at the time of Christmas and New Year. Before
    Christmas and New Year, the Company has planned to launch the small pack worth Rs 5 and Rs10
    so that the audience are intended to purchase Goobers chocolates. There will be some offer also
    associated with the purchase of two packs of GOOBERS CHOCOLATES.
•   14. GOOBERS CHOCOLATES main concern is advertisement and the promotion, and then
    making sure the consumers get a nice tasting, good quality product. No other chocolate bar is
    similar to this, making it almost certain that this bar will occupy its own market segment and make
    it something different from other confectionaries. If promoted correctly, stressing the point that
    the, the bar will be a big hit in stores and adding the factor that it is healthier will arouse people‟s
    attention and curiosities. Since it is the first Chocolate with a Milk chocolate coated peanuts and
    other dry fruits in it so it‟s already a added benefit for the Chocolate. The main thing that
    GOOBERS CHOCOLATES should try to do is make the consumers think this bar is so different
    and special compared to regular chocolate bars that they will need to try it in order to see if this is
    true or not, and arouse a sort of craving for the bar that will secure sales for years, if lucky. If
    executed correctly, this strategy will ensure a good entrance to the market and GOOBERS
    CHOCOLATES will soon have a successful new chocolate on the market that will ensure sales
    and let GOOBERS CHOCOLATES reap profit from it. If all the above written plans goes well
    then the GOOBERS CHOCOLATES will get better positioning in the market.
•   15. Competitive Brands in the Market NESTLÉ Nestlé India is a subsidiary of Nestlé S.A. of
    Switzerland. With seven factories and a large number of co-packers, Nestlé India is a vibrant
    Company that provides consumers in India with products of global standards and is committed to
    long-term sustainable growth and shareholder satisfaction. The Company insists on honesty,
    integrity and fairness in all aspects of its business and expects the same in its relationships. This
    has earned it the trust and respect of every strata of society that it comes in contact with and is
    acknowledged amongst India's 'Most Respected Companies' and amongst the 'Top Wealth
    Creators of India'. Various brands of Nestle available in the market – NESTLÉ KIT KAT
    Milk Chocolate POLO POLO Powermint NESTLÉ Eclairs
•   16. CADBURY Cadbury is the world's largest confectionery company and have a strong regional
    presence in beverages in the Americas and Australia. With origins stretching back over 200 years,
    today their products - which include brands such as Cadbury, Schweppes, Halls, Trident, Dr
    Pepper, Snapple, Trebor, Dentyne, Bubblicious and Bassett - are enjoyed in almost every country
around the world. We employ around 60,00 people. Their heritage starts back in 1783 when Jacob
    Schweppe perfected his process for manufacturing carbonated mineral water in Geneva,
    Switzerland. And in 1824 John Cadbury opened in Birmingham selling cocoa and chocolate.
    These two great household names merged in 1969 to form Cadbury Schweppes plc. Since then
    they have expanded their business throughout the world by a programme of organic and
    acquisition led growth. Concentrating on their core brands in beverages and confectionery since
    the 1980s, they have strengthened their portfolio through almost fifty acquisitions, including brand
    icons such as Mott's, Canada Dry, Halls, Trident, Dentyne, Bubblicious, Trebor, Bassett, Dr
    Pepper, 7 Up and Snapple. - It employ 60,000 people in over 200 countries - Worlds No 1
    Confectionery company - World's No 2 Gums company - World's No 3 beverage company
    CADBURY CHOCOLATES Dairy Milk 5 Star Perk Celebrations Temptation Eclairs Gems
•   17. SWOT Analysis Strengths: • Almost 80,000 employees are working for the company • The
    company is a respected employer that values its workforce. • It is cheap in comparison to other
    chocolates. The company provides better quality of chocolate at competitive prices. Weaknesses: •
    Transportation and its costs giant because of the company‟s size. • Production costs are high. • A
    lot of work just to keep the company running in an orderly and organized fashion • Quality of new
    products is automatically expected to be very good • It causes health problems. Opportunities: •
    Expansion into every country around the world. • Increase in control over their market segment. •
    Acquisition of more famous and well known brand names. • Expand product range in order to
    target multiple user groups. • Production of sugar-free chocolates.
•   18. Threats: • Increased international taxes on goods, especially beverages and confectionary
    goods. • Rise of transportation prices. • Other companies such as Cadbury and Nestle who also
    strive for market leadership. • Change in laws that inhibit production or sales in any way.
•   19. COST SHEET For the month of December Total Output = 4,50,000 units Particulars Cost Per
    Unit Total Cost Raw material Sugar = 3,00,000 Cocoa Butter= 3,00,000 Cocoa Solids = 3,20,000
    Peanuts = 2,00,000 5.16 23,20,000 Milk Solids = 2,00,000 Chocolate Coated Rasins= 4,00,000
    Almonds= 3,00,000 Vanilin= 1,00,000 Honey= 50,000 Boston Baked Bean= 1,50,000 Direct
    Labour= 7,00,000 1.56 7,00,000 Carriage on Material= 2,42,500 0.53 2,42,500 Prime Cost:- 7.25
    32,62,500 Factory expenses:- Fixed – Depreciation on Plant and Machinery= 2,57,500 Rent=
    1,50,000 Power and Consumable Stores= 1,50,000 Factory Insurance= 1,50,000 Supervisors
    Salary= 50,000 2.35 10,57,500 Variable – Electricity Charges= 50,000
•   20. Power and Consumable Stores= 1,00,000 Running Expenses of Machine= 1,50,000 Factory
    Cost:- 9.60 43,20,000 Office and Administration Expenses Office staff salary= 10,00,000 Rent=
    80,000 Computer= 1,20,000 Furniture= 3,00,000 4.40 19,80,000 Telephone= 10,000 Carriage
    outward= 20,000 Depreciation on furniture= 50,000 Salaries to administrative staff= 3,70,000
    Rent, rates, and taxes= 30,000 Office and Administration Cost:- 14.00 63,00,000 Selling &
    Distribution Expenses Advertisement (Print and by local T.V. channels)= 4,00,000 Petrol=
    1,00,000 2.00 9,00,000 Delivery vehicles= 2,50,200 Maintenance of delivery vehicles= 49,800
    Packing rates= 50,000 Bad Debts written off= 1,00,000 Total cost 16.00 72,00,000 Net Profit
    (20% on selling price) 4.00 18,00,000 Sales 20.00 90,00,000
•   21. Analysis The GOOBERS CHOCOLATES will be introduced in the market with a competitive
    edge that it is under the banner of BLUEMENTHAL CHOCOLATE COMPANY. The goodwill
    to get the market captured in a shorter span of time. The chocolate will be launched just before
    Christmas and New Year so the time is perfect to gain the market in max. The company is
    producing 4,50,0000 units of chocolates at the rate of Rs. 16 for which we are incurring the total
    cost of Rs. 72,00,000 and the total sales of Rs. 90,00,000which implies that we are having the
    profit of Rs. 18,00,000. The company is producing a single unit of chocolate at the rate of Rs. 20
    which includes the cost of chocolate as Rs. 16 which again implies that the profit of Rs. 4 is
    gained on the single unit of chocolate. Since the company is earning some percentage of profit
    above the cost it means increasing cost can be the favorable condition for the company. Since the
    company is earning some amount of profit so our business is a feasible to launch over. The punch
    will make people to get attracted towards the chocolate. Also the Pack is designed in such a way
    like a king of all chocolates is sitting in the shop.
•   22. Scope in Indian Market This chocolate has a great scope in Indian Market as it is a different
kind of product amongst all other chocolates present under different brands. GOOBERS
  CHOCOLATE is cheaper than Fruit n Nut, Crackle and Temptation which is an added benefit to
  the company. The chocolate will be launched before Christmas and New Year with attractive
  packing and with offers so the chocolate will capture the market quickly. As according to some
  survey in India it is found that 90% of people consume chocolates and 42% consumers are of age
  group 10-20 and 33% consumers are of age group 21-30, thus this chocolate has a great scope in
  India. It is also found from the survey that the most important aspect of the consumers they keep
  in mind before purchasing chocolate is the Flavor, Quality and Packing and the GOOBERS
  CHOCOLATE has priorised this aspects the most to capture the market and compete with the
  chocolate of same kind.
• 23. Conclusion As we compare my company product with some other company‟s product, the
  chocolate may seem to be same as other chocolates existing in the market but it has a distinct taste
  of its own and also the main difference is the marketing strategy and the profit margin ensured. As
  we know if strong competitors are already exist in the market, it gets really very tough to enter
  into the market. Instead of all these if we give value for money product to the customers, we can
  definitely compete with the competitor‟s and can draw the positive attitude of the customer
  towards the product.
• 24. Biblography
• 25. "Hmmmmmmmm...... Getting hungry yet? Make time for your favorite chocolate today!"

                                                    Object 10


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  • 12. Dhiraj Nemade at Tata Consultancy Services 1 year ago • Hiran Kannoly Kishor at no 1 year ago More… Cost sheet of a chocolate company and its analysis — Document Transcript • 1. Management Accounting Project Work “GOOBERS CHOCOLATE” Melts in your mouth, not on your hands Submitted to: Submitted by: Dr. Ritesh Srivastava Amardeep Bardhan Roll No: FT- RM (09)-202 • 2. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The satisfaction and euphoria that accompany the successful completion of any task would be incomplete without mentioning the name of the people whose constant guidance and encouragement has crowned all our effort with success. Firstly I would like to thank Dr. Ritesh Srivastava for giving us his precious time and guidance that helped us a lot in completing this project. Last but not the least I would like to thank all those people for their immense co-operation who helped me in any way and without help of these people this project never be completed successfully. Amardeep Bardhan • 3. Chocolates!!! Chocolates! Chocolates! Every body has a liking for them, be they in the form of bar Or a tiny little gem, Or shaped like a rectangle, Or a sphere, a brick or an éclair. For chocolate lovers it is fun, To have them during rain, breeze or sun. They are white and brown in color, And taste sweet and bitter Some have them in a glass of cold coffee, or in the form of a toffee. Some eat them when they are sad Some relish them when they are happy or have sweet dreams, But I feel, to have chocolates We don’t need a reason, ‘Cause we can have it Anytime, any season! • 4. TABLE OF CONTENTS  History of Chocolate  Process of Making Chocolate  Ingredients of Chocolate  Company Profile  Business Plan & Strategy  Competitive brands in Market  SWOT Analysis  Cost Sheet  Analysis  Scope in Indian Market  Conclusion  Biblography • 5. History of Chocolate: The origin of chocolate can be traced back to the ancient Maya and Aztec civilizations in Central America, who first enjoyed “chocolati” a much-prized spicy drink made from roasted cocoa beans. Throughout its history, whether as cocoa or drinking chocolate beverage or confectionary treat, chocolate has been a much sought after food. The Aztec empire “Chocolate”(in the form of a luxury drink) was consumed in large quantities by the Aztecs: the drink was described as “ finely ground, soft, foamy, reddish, bitter with chilli water, aromatic flowers, vanilla and wild bee honey. The dry climate meant the Aztecs were unable to grow cocoa trees, and had to obtain supplies of cocoa beans from “ tribute” or trade. Don Cortes The Spanish invaded Mexico in the 16th century, by this time the Aztecs had created a powerful empire, and the Spanish armies conquered Mexico. Don Cortes was made captain general and governor of Mexico. When he returned to Spain in1528 he loaded his galleons with cocoa beans and equipment for making the chocolate drink. Soon “chocolate” became a fashionable drink enjoyed by the rich in Spain. Chocolate across Europe An Italian traveler, Francesco carletti, was the first to break the Spanish monopoly. He had visited Central America and seen how the Indians prepared the cocoa beans and how they made the drink, and by 1606 chocolate was well established in Italy. Drinking chocolate The secret of chocolate was taken to France in 1615, when Anne, daughter of Phillip 2 of Spain married king Louis 13 of France. The French court enthusiastically adopted this new exotic drink, which was considered to have medicinal benefits as well as being a nourishing food. Gradually the custom of drinking chocolate spread across Europe, reaching England in the 1650‟s. • 6. First chocolate for eating Up until this point all chocolate recipes were based on plain chocolate. It was an English doctor, sir Hans‟s sloane, who- after traveling in south America- focused on
  • 13. cocoa and food values, bringing a milk chocolate recipe back to England. The original Cadbury milk chocolate was prepared to his recipe. History: The earliest record of chocolate was over fifteen hundred years ago in the central America rain forests, where the tropical mix of high rain fall combined with high year round temperatures and humidity provide the ideal climate for cultivation of the plant from which chocolate is derived, the cacao tree. “ Chocolate is made from the cocoa bean, found in pods growing from the trunk and lower branches of the cacao tree, Latin name “ theobroma cacao” meaning “ food of the gods” Cacao was corrupted into the more familiar “ cocoa” by the early European explorers. The Maya brewed a spicy, bittersweet drink by roasting and pounding the seeds of the cacao tree with maize and capsicum peppers and letting the mixture ferment. This drink was reserved for use in ceremonies as well as for drinking by the wealthy and religious elite; they also ate cacao porridge. The Aztecs, like the Mayans, also enjoyed cacao as a beverage fermented from the raw beans, which again featured prominently in ritual and as a luxury available only to the very wealthy. The Aztecs called this drink xocolatl, the Spanish conquistadors found this almost impossible to pronounce and so corrupted it to the easier “ chocolat” the English further changed this to chocolate. The Aztec‟s regarded chocolate as an aphrodisiac and their emperor, Montezuma reputedly drank it fifty times a day from a golden goblet and is quoted as saying of Xocolatl: “ the divine drink, which builds up resistance and fights fatigue. A cup of this precious drink permits a man to walk for a whole day without food”. • 7. Chocolate in Europe Xocolatl! or chocolat or chocolate as it became known, was brought to Europe by Cortez, by this time the conquistadors had learned to make the drink more palatable to European tastes by mixing the ground roasted beans with sugar and vanilla ( a practice still continued today), thus offsetting the spicy bitterness of the brew the Aztec‟s drank. The first chocolate factories opened in Spain, where the dried fermented beans brought back from the new world by the Spanish treasure fleets were roasted and ground, and by the early 17th century chocolate powder – from which the European version of the drink was made- was being exported to other parts of Europe. The Spanish kept the source of the drink- the beans- a secret for many years, so successfully in fact, that when English buccaneers boarded what they thought was a Spanish “ treasurer galleon” in 1579, only to find it loaded with what appeared to be “ dried sheep‟s droppings, they burned the whole ship in frustration. If only they had known, chocolate was so expensive at that time, that it was worth it‟s weight in silver ( if not gold), chocolate was treasure indeed ! Within a few years, the cocoa beverage made from the powder produced in Spain had become popular throughout Europe, in the Spanish Netherlands, Italy, France, Germany and – in about 1520 – it arrived in England. The first chocolate house in England opened in London in 1657 followed rapidly by many others. Like the already well established coffee houses, they were used as clubs where the wealthy and business community met to smoke a clay pipe of tobacco, conduct business and socialize over a cup of chocolate. Back to the America’s Event‟s went full circle when English colonists carried chocolate (and coffee) with them to England‟s colonies in north America. Destined to become the united states of America and Canada, they are now the worlds largest consumers – by far – of both chocolate and coffee, consuming over half of the words total production of chocolate alone. The Quakers The Quakers were, and still are, a pacifist religious sect, an offshoot of the puritans of English civil war and pilgrim fathers fame and a history of chocolate would not be complete without mentioning their part in it. Some of the most famous names in chocolate were Quakers, who for centuries held a virtual monopoly of chocolate making in the English speaking world – fry, Cadbury and row tree are probably the best known. • 8. Its probably before the time of the English civil war between parliament and king Charles 1st that the Quaker‟s who evolved from the puritans, first began their historic association with chocolate. Because of their pacifist religion, they were prohibited from many normal business activities, so as an industrious people with a strong belief in the work ethic (like the puritans), they involved themselves in food related businesses and did very well. Baking was a common occupation for them because bread was regarded as the biblical “staff of life”, and bakers in England were the first to add chocolate to cakes so it would be a natural progression for them to start making pure chocolate. They were also heavily involved in breakfast cereals but that‟s another story. What is certain is that the fry, row tree and Cadbury families in England among others, began chocolate making and in fact Joseph fry of fry &sons (founded 1728 in Bristol, England) is credited with producing and selling the world‟s first chocolate bar. Fry‟s have now all but disappeared (taken over by Cadbury) and row tree have merged Swiss company nestle, to form
  • 14. the largest chocolate manufacturer in the world. Cadbury have stayed with chocolate production and are now, if not quite the largest, probably one of the best-known chocolate makers in the world. Chocolate as we know it The first mention of chocolate being eaten in solid form is when bakers in England began adding cocoa powder to cakes in the mid 1600‟s. Then in 1828 a Dutch chemist, Johannes van houten, invented a method of extracting the bitter tasting fat or “cocoa butter” from the roasted ground beans, his aim was to make the drink smoother and more palatable, however he unknowingly paved the way for solid chocolate as we know it. Chocolate as we know it today first appeared in 1847 when fry & sons of Bristol, England – mixed sugar with cocoa powder and cocoa butter (made by the van houten process) to produce the first solid chocolate bar then in1875 a Swiss manufacturer, Daniel peters, found a way to combine (some would say improve, some would say ruin) cocoa powder and cocoa butter with sugar and dried milk powder to produce the first milk chocolate. • 9. Process of Making Chocolate Hundreds of pounds of fermented and dried cacao beans bundled in burlap sacks arrive at factories around the world everyday, ready to be turned into fine bars and cocoa powder. Over a period of about one to three days, the bean is transformed from tropical seed into treasured chocolate. Roasting After being cleaned, the cacao beans pass to the first critical step in flavor development at the factory: roasting. There are two main approaches to roasting: roast the beans for a short time at high heat, which produces a strong chocolate flavor but eliminates any subtle, floral notes and risks the development of charred flavors from over-roasting, or roast the beans for a long time at low heat, which allows the more delicate flavors to come through but sacrifices the big, chocolate flavor. Winnowing — Getting Rid of the Shells After roasting, the beans are put through a winnowing machine which removes the outer husks or shells, leaving behind the roasted beans, now called nibs. Milling — Making Cocoa Liquor The nibs are then ground into a thick liquid called chocolate liquor, which essentially is cocoa solids suspended in cocoa butter. Despite its name, chocolate liquor contains no alcohol. Pressing — Cocoa Powder and Cocoa Butter The processing now goes in a couple of different directions. Some batches of chocolate liquor are pressed to extract the cocoa butter, which leaves a solid mass behind that is pulverized into cocoa powder. The remaining cocoa butter is reserved to help in chocolate- making. Other batches of chocolate liquor are used directly to make chocolate. • 10. The Beginnings of Chocolate To make dark chocolate, chocolate liquor, sugar and other minor ingredients such as vanilla are mixed together and kneaded until well blended. To make milk chocolate, milk and sugar are mixed together and then blended with chocolate liquor. This sweet combination of ingredients is stirred until the flavors are thoroughly combined. Refining — Smoothing It All Out After being mixed, both dark and milk chocolates go through the same process. The mixture travels through a series of heavy rollers which press the ingredients until the mixture is refined to a dry flake. Additional cocoa butter and a small amount of emulsifying agent are added to the flake and then mixed to make a smooth paste ready for “conching.” Conching — Kneading for Exquisite Flavor Conching further develops flavor by putting chocolate through a kneading process. The conches, as the machines are known, have heavy rollers that plow back and forth through the chocolate mass anywhere from a few hours to up to seven days. Tempering — Temperature Magic For A Perfect Product The mixture is then tempered, or passed through a heating, cooling and reheating process. Tempering allows you to solidify chocolate in a way that keeps it glossy, causes it to break with a distinctive snap and allows it to melt smoothly in your mouth. Moulding — We're Getting Closer The mixture is then poured into moulds and cooled in a cooling chamber. Finally — Something We Can Eat! Once cooled, the chocolate is demoulded, packaged for distribution and is ready for savoring. • 11. Ingredients of Chocolate Pure chocolate comes from Cocoa beans. A typical chocolate bar will also have: • Sugar, • Milk (if it's milk chocolate, not if it's dark), • Cocoa Butter, • Lecithin, • Flavorings (like vanilla), • Sometimes, Vegetable Oil Exotic ingredients of chocolate GOOBERS CHOCOLATES: • Sugar • Cocoa Butter • Cocoa Solids • Peanuts • Milk Solids • Chocolate coated Raisins • Almonds • Vanilin • Honey Boston Baked Bean • 12. Company Profile The name of my company is Blumenthal Chocolate Company which introduced GOOBERS in 1985 in India. Initially, The Company was dealing in 2-3 types of spices and dry fruits only. But later on it came up with an idea of chocolate coated peanuts with milk chocolate. In the year 1992, the CEO of Blumenthal Chocolate Company thought about increasing the profit of the company with some bigger margins and making the company bigger then ever. In
  • 15. the Year 1993 company had introduced the full variety of chocolate like dark chocolate, chocolate enriched with dry fruits etc., and also he started exporting them to neighboring countries. At that time Blumenthal Chocolate Company was the only company who was there in Indian Market with full varieties of dark chocolate, chocolate with dry fruits, wafer chocolate, bar chocolate etc. In the year 1995, This Company got listed in NSE. Now, in the year 2009, after reading the Indian booming food industry, The Company has decided to launch a new Chocolate (only in Indian market) by the name of “GOOBERS”. This chocolate is a unique in its category which is has peanuts coated in milk chocolate with butter, caramels, dry fruits and honey in it. This chocolate is available in different packs of 15 grams, 35 grams, 65 grams and JUMBO pack of 125 grams. This chocolate is especially launched in a way so that it suits the middle class pocket and even low call of people as well. The JUMBO pack of this chocolate is the biggest chocolate available in the Indian market. • 13. Business Plan & Stretegy Since the GOOBERS CHOCOLATES has been launched under the brand name Blumenthal Chocolate Company, so the company has the advantage of easily poisoning of GOOBERS CHOCOLATE on such competitive market. Firstly to attract the target audience towards the chocolate product the company will place a low promotional price for the chocolate for time being and will also distribute some free sample in the market to make feel the audience of the caramelized taste of milk chocolate coated peanuts. The target audience for this chocolate is the younger generation, children and also middle age groups who like chocolate. Also the company has decided to launch this chocolate before Christmas so that the audience can taste it earlier and then can gift it to their near and dear ones on the occasion of Christmas and New Year. Also the company will launched the „Santa Gift‟ pack for Christmas and „New Year‟ pack of GOOBERS CHOCOLATES which contains the dry fruits and the GOOBERS CHOCOLATES. These packs are especially designed to be sold at the time of Christmas and New Year. Before Christmas and New Year, the Company has planned to launch the small pack worth Rs 5 and Rs10 so that the audience are intended to purchase Goobers chocolates. There will be some offer also associated with the purchase of two packs of GOOBERS CHOCOLATES. • 14. GOOBERS CHOCOLATES main concern is advertisement and the promotion, and then making sure the consumers get a nice tasting, good quality product. No other chocolate bar is similar to this, making it almost certain that this bar will occupy its own market segment and make it something different from other confectionaries. If promoted correctly, stressing the point that the, the bar will be a big hit in stores and adding the factor that it is healthier will arouse people‟s attention and curiosities. Since it is the first Chocolate with a Milk chocolate coated peanuts and other dry fruits in it so it‟s already a added benefit for the Chocolate. The main thing that GOOBERS CHOCOLATES should try to do is make the consumers think this bar is so different and special compared to regular chocolate bars that they will need to try it in order to see if this is true or not, and arouse a sort of craving for the bar that will secure sales for years, if lucky. If executed correctly, this strategy will ensure a good entrance to the market and GOOBERS CHOCOLATES will soon have a successful new chocolate on the market that will ensure sales and let GOOBERS CHOCOLATES reap profit from it. If all the above written plans goes well then the GOOBERS CHOCOLATES will get better positioning in the market. • 15. Competitive Brands in the Market NESTLÉ Nestlé India is a subsidiary of Nestlé S.A. of Switzerland. With seven factories and a large number of co-packers, Nestlé India is a vibrant Company that provides consumers in India with products of global standards and is committed to long-term sustainable growth and shareholder satisfaction. The Company insists on honesty, integrity and fairness in all aspects of its business and expects the same in its relationships. This has earned it the trust and respect of every strata of society that it comes in contact with and is acknowledged amongst India's 'Most Respected Companies' and amongst the 'Top Wealth Creators of India'. Various brands of Nestle available in the market – NESTLÉ KIT KAT NESTLÉ KIT KAT LITE NESTLÉ MUNCH NESTLÉ MUNCH POP CHOC NESTLÉ MILKYBAR NESTLÉ MILKYBAR CHOO NESTLÉ BAR-ONE NESTLÉ FUNBAR NESTLÉ Milk Chocolate POLO POLO Powermint NESTLÉ Eclairs • 16. CADBURY Cadbury is the world's largest confectionery company and have a strong regional presence in beverages in the Americas and Australia. With origins stretching back over 200 years, today their products - which include brands such as Cadbury, Schweppes, Halls, Trident, Dr Pepper, Snapple, Trebor, Dentyne, Bubblicious and Bassett - are enjoyed in almost every country
  • 16. around the world. We employ around 60,00 people. Their heritage starts back in 1783 when Jacob Schweppe perfected his process for manufacturing carbonated mineral water in Geneva, Switzerland. And in 1824 John Cadbury opened in Birmingham selling cocoa and chocolate. These two great household names merged in 1969 to form Cadbury Schweppes plc. Since then they have expanded their business throughout the world by a programme of organic and acquisition led growth. Concentrating on their core brands in beverages and confectionery since the 1980s, they have strengthened their portfolio through almost fifty acquisitions, including brand icons such as Mott's, Canada Dry, Halls, Trident, Dentyne, Bubblicious, Trebor, Bassett, Dr Pepper, 7 Up and Snapple. - It employ 60,000 people in over 200 countries - Worlds No 1 Confectionery company - World's No 2 Gums company - World's No 3 beverage company CADBURY CHOCOLATES Dairy Milk 5 Star Perk Celebrations Temptation Eclairs Gems • 17. SWOT Analysis Strengths: • Almost 80,000 employees are working for the company • The company is a respected employer that values its workforce. • It is cheap in comparison to other chocolates. The company provides better quality of chocolate at competitive prices. Weaknesses: • Transportation and its costs giant because of the company‟s size. • Production costs are high. • A lot of work just to keep the company running in an orderly and organized fashion • Quality of new products is automatically expected to be very good • It causes health problems. Opportunities: • Expansion into every country around the world. • Increase in control over their market segment. • Acquisition of more famous and well known brand names. • Expand product range in order to target multiple user groups. • Production of sugar-free chocolates. • 18. Threats: • Increased international taxes on goods, especially beverages and confectionary goods. • Rise of transportation prices. • Other companies such as Cadbury and Nestle who also strive for market leadership. • Change in laws that inhibit production or sales in any way. • 19. COST SHEET For the month of December Total Output = 4,50,000 units Particulars Cost Per Unit Total Cost Raw material Sugar = 3,00,000 Cocoa Butter= 3,00,000 Cocoa Solids = 3,20,000 Peanuts = 2,00,000 5.16 23,20,000 Milk Solids = 2,00,000 Chocolate Coated Rasins= 4,00,000 Almonds= 3,00,000 Vanilin= 1,00,000 Honey= 50,000 Boston Baked Bean= 1,50,000 Direct Labour= 7,00,000 1.56 7,00,000 Carriage on Material= 2,42,500 0.53 2,42,500 Prime Cost:- 7.25 32,62,500 Factory expenses:- Fixed – Depreciation on Plant and Machinery= 2,57,500 Rent= 1,50,000 Power and Consumable Stores= 1,50,000 Factory Insurance= 1,50,000 Supervisors Salary= 50,000 2.35 10,57,500 Variable – Electricity Charges= 50,000 • 20. Power and Consumable Stores= 1,00,000 Running Expenses of Machine= 1,50,000 Factory Cost:- 9.60 43,20,000 Office and Administration Expenses Office staff salary= 10,00,000 Rent= 80,000 Computer= 1,20,000 Furniture= 3,00,000 4.40 19,80,000 Telephone= 10,000 Carriage outward= 20,000 Depreciation on furniture= 50,000 Salaries to administrative staff= 3,70,000 Rent, rates, and taxes= 30,000 Office and Administration Cost:- 14.00 63,00,000 Selling & Distribution Expenses Advertisement (Print and by local T.V. channels)= 4,00,000 Petrol= 1,00,000 2.00 9,00,000 Delivery vehicles= 2,50,200 Maintenance of delivery vehicles= 49,800 Packing rates= 50,000 Bad Debts written off= 1,00,000 Total cost 16.00 72,00,000 Net Profit (20% on selling price) 4.00 18,00,000 Sales 20.00 90,00,000 • 21. Analysis The GOOBERS CHOCOLATES will be introduced in the market with a competitive edge that it is under the banner of BLUEMENTHAL CHOCOLATE COMPANY. The goodwill of the BLUEMENTHAL CHOCOLATE COMPANY will help the GOOBERS CHOCOLATES to get the market captured in a shorter span of time. The chocolate will be launched just before Christmas and New Year so the time is perfect to gain the market in max. The company is producing 4,50,0000 units of chocolates at the rate of Rs. 16 for which we are incurring the total cost of Rs. 72,00,000 and the total sales of Rs. 90,00,000which implies that we are having the profit of Rs. 18,00,000. The company is producing a single unit of chocolate at the rate of Rs. 20 which includes the cost of chocolate as Rs. 16 which again implies that the profit of Rs. 4 is gained on the single unit of chocolate. Since the company is earning some percentage of profit above the cost it means increasing cost can be the favorable condition for the company. Since the company is earning some amount of profit so our business is a feasible to launch over. The punch line of GOOBERS CHOCOLATE is “MELTS IN YOUR MOUTH, NOT ON YOUR HANDS” will make people to get attracted towards the chocolate. Also the Pack is designed in such a way like a king of all chocolates is sitting in the shop. • 22. Scope in Indian Market This chocolate has a great scope in Indian Market as it is a different
  • 17. kind of product amongst all other chocolates present under different brands. GOOBERS CHOCOLATE is cheaper than Fruit n Nut, Crackle and Temptation which is an added benefit to the company. The chocolate will be launched before Christmas and New Year with attractive packing and with offers so the chocolate will capture the market quickly. As according to some survey in India it is found that 90% of people consume chocolates and 42% consumers are of age group 10-20 and 33% consumers are of age group 21-30, thus this chocolate has a great scope in India. It is also found from the survey that the most important aspect of the consumers they keep in mind before purchasing chocolate is the Flavor, Quality and Packing and the GOOBERS CHOCOLATE has priorised this aspects the most to capture the market and compete with the chocolate of same kind. • 23. Conclusion As we compare my company product with some other company‟s product, the chocolate may seem to be same as other chocolates existing in the market but it has a distinct taste of its own and also the main difference is the marketing strategy and the profit margin ensured. As we know if strong competitors are already exist in the market, it gets really very tough to enter into the market. Instead of all these if we give value for money product to the customers, we can definitely compete with the competitor‟s and can draw the positive attitude of the customer towards the product. • 24. Biblography • 25. "Hmmmmmmmm...... Getting hungry yet? Make time for your favorite chocolate today!" GOOBERS CHOCOLATE MELTS IN YOUR MOUTH, NOT ON YOUR HANDS Object 10 Search • Connect on LinkedIn • Follow us on Twitter • Find us on Facebook • Find us on Google+ • Learn About Us • About • Careers • Our Blog • Press • Contact us • Help & Support • Using SlideShare • SlideShare 101 • Terms of Use • Privacy Policy • Copyright & DMCA • Community Guidelines • SlideShare on mobile • Pro & more • Go PRO New
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