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By Darnell T. Glover

“A child can ask questions that a wise man or woman cannot answer!”
Table of Contents
© 2013 Publish by Darnell T. Glover Publishing Company All Rights Reserved

● Page 3 ..... ten Steps To Clear Thinking
● Page four ...... seven Blocks To Creative Thinking And How To Solve
Creativity And Rebellion! Why They Go Hand-In-Hand?
● Page 5 … Create Your Destiny
● Page 6
Manifest Your Dreams
● Page 7
Being First, Being Original, Being Innovative
● Page 8
Achieving Success And Progress Through Creative
Connect With Your Body
● Page 9
How To Remember
Things Developing Intuition

In this 21st centaury we have move away from all the very important things that
create creative thinking human beings. The whole meaning of family and love no
longer excise, Our children are running wild seeking more attention then most
time will allow. The public schools no longer teaching our students how to think
but has started teaching them what to think in many ways. We are moving into a
society that is losing control of their mind and thinking powers and allowing others to think and define who and what they are.
This Self Improvement E book was put together by our publisher Darnell T.
Glover to help others in their motivation of becoming more successful in their

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Try some of these ten ways to clearer thinking. Make
one or two of them a habit, and you'll have more
brainpower permanently.

Does your mind sometimes feel like a television
station you can't quite tune in? You know there's an
interesting program on - or several, but everything is
mixed with static. What if you could "tune in" at will,
have clear thinking whenever you want it? Try some
of the following.
Ten Clear Thinking Techniques And Tips
1. Take a walk. Science will eventually prove this to
be a great way to improve the quality of your thinking,
but don't wait for the proof. Aren't there enough other
reasons to take a walk anyhow?
2. Stay away from sugar. If you want to understand
what brain fog is, eat a sugary donut on an empty
stomach, then do math problems twenty minutes
later. What you will experience, along with the "sugar
blues," is brain fog. At least lay off sugar and simple
carbohydrates when you need to think clearly.

5. Try meditating. No time? Just close your eyes,
relax, and watch your breath for a while. Accept that
your mind will wander, but continually return your
attention to your breath. Five minutes of this, and
afterwards you'll feel a boost in your brainpower.
6. Resolve your "mind irritations." Watch your busy
brain. Maybe a call you need to make has been
bothering you, just below consciousness. Find these
stressors, and do something to let them go. For
example, make that call, or put it on a list, and your
mind will let go of it for now. Just seeing a problem
and saying, "There's nothing I can do about this until
Friday," will often stop unconscious worrying.
7. Don't drink alcohol. At least don't drink too much.
While moderate amounts can be conducive to
creative thinking, all the evidence says that it is bad
for the long-term health of your brain.
8. Make decisions quickly. Nothing gets in the way of
clear thinking like a dozen decisions hanging around
unmade. If nothing else, decide when you'll make the

3. Organized space means clear thinking. It's rare
that a person can actually work better in clutter.
Organised working space means you won't have the
thought "where is that..." distracting your mind.

9. Get some fresh air. Go outside and breath deeply
through your nose. You'll get a good dose of oxtgen
to your brain, and the change of surroundings can
help clear your mind.

4. Get better sleep. Sleep requirements vary, but the
minimum for most is somewhere around five hours.
Some suffer if they sleep less than eight hours. The
research, however, indicates that after a certain
minimum quantity, the quality of sleep is more
important to normal brain function.

10. Satisfy your physical needs. Clear thinking is
easier if you aren't too hungry, thirsty, or hot.
You can think more clearly starting today. There are
certainly more than ten ways, but you really only need
to make a few of them a habit to have a more powerful

7 Blocks To Creative Thinking And How To Solve Them
We're all skilled at creative thinking. It is, after all, the predominant way
we think as children. The reason we lose the skill as we grow up is
because of the blocks we put in the way. In this article I'll show you 7
ways you can unblock your creativity and think like a child again.
Each of us has the power to
be creative. It's part of our
natural make-up as human
beings. The trouble is that,
too often, we block our
natural creativity and so
make errors in thinking and
problems than we should.
Here are 7 ways to open up your natural creativity and keep the
channels unblocked.


1. Don't Make Assumptions.
When we assume, we often make an "ass" out of "u" and "me".
Assumptions are examples of lazy thinking. We simply don't wait to get
all the information we need to come to the right conclusions. There is

the story of the customer at the bank who after cashing a cheque and
turning to leave, returns and says: "Excuse me, I think you made a
mistake." The cashier responds, "I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do.
You should have counted it. Once you walk away we are no longer
responsible." Whereupon the customer replies: "Well, okay. Thanks for
the extra $20."
Tip: When you feel yourself wanting to draw conclusions, just wait until
you have all the information.
2. See Things From Other Points Of View.
A truly open mind is willing to accept that, not only do other people
have other just as valid points of view from theirs, but that these other
points of view may be more valid. A story is told that the modernist
painter Pablo Picasso was once traveling on a train across Spain when
he got into conversation with a rich businessman who was dismissive
of modern art. As evidence that modern art didn't properly represent
reality, he took out a photo of his wife from his wallet and said: "This is
how my wife should look, not in some silly stylized representation."
Picasso took the photo, studied it for a few moments and asked: "This
is your wife?" The businessman proudly nodded. "She's very small,"
observed Picasso wryly.

Page 3
7 Blocks To Creative Thinking And How To Solve Them
Tip: Don't have a monopoly on how things
are. Things aren't always what they seem. Be
ready to consider other points of view.
3. Avoid Yo-Yo Thinking.
Some people tend to have a tendency to
swing from a highly positive mood one minute
to a highly negative one the next, all because
of what they see in front of them. It's like a
yo-yo: up one minute, down the next. It's far
more healthy to stay neutral and not let
emotions get the better of you.
Tip: Remember that things are rarely as good
- or as bad - as you think they are.
4. Get Rid Of Lazy Thinking Habits.
Habit can be a major stumbling block to clear
thinking and another example of laziness. Try
this experiment. Write down the Scottish
surnames Macdonald, Macpherson, and
Macdougall and ask someone to pronounce
them. Now follow these with the word
Machinery and see what happens. Most
people are likely to mis-pronounce it. This is
because we tend to think in habitual ways and
don't like what doesn't fit.
Tip: Don't think that, just because things
happened in a certain way once before, that
they will happen like that again.
5. Don't Think Like An Old Person, Think
Like A Child.
Research shows that the number of
synapses, or connections, in the brain is
greater in a child of two than in an average
adult. The reason for this is that, while a child
of two has no limiting world view, as adults we
do. It's like a sculptor who starts off with a
large block of clay, more than he needs, and
then gradually removes the clay as he moulds
his sculpture. If we use our brain like a child,
accepting everything without judgment, we
can actually halt and reverse the brain ageing
Tip: Don't worry about the myth of age. With
the right stimulus and a passion for learning,
you can actually improve your brain's powers.

6. See The Detail As Well As The Big
You may know the poem by John Godfrey
Saxe called "The Blind Men and the
Elephant". This tells how six blind men of
Indostan go to see an elephant and each try
to work out what it is from touching it. One
blind man touches the tusk, another the trunk,
another the tail, and so on. Of course, not
being able to see the whole elephant, they
come to wildly different conclusions.
Tip: Try to keep the big picture in front of you
while looking at details. It will help to put
everything in its proper place and context.
7. Think For Yourself.
Taking time out to think is still frowned on in
many organizations that prize activity over
creativity. People who work in creativityconstrained organizations are likely to think
the way they are supposed to think, or as
others think, or as has always been the way
to think. It's like the blinkered thinking that
Hans Christian Anderson describes in his
story of "The Emperor's New Clothes".
Everyone in the land refuses to see that the
emperor is naked and has been duped into
believing he is wearing a splendid costume for
his coronation. Only a young boy who has
been ill and not party to the cultural
brainwashing can see the truth and cries out:
"Look, everyone, the Emperor is wearing no
Tip: Don't let others tell you how to think.
When others ask your opinion, tell it to them
Once you make these 7 techniques part of
your habitual thinking patterns, you will
amaze yourself with how easy it is to come up
with fresh, innovative and creative solutions to
all of life's problems.

Creativity and Rebellion:
Why They Go Hand-in-Hand
Studies on creative people have consistently demonstrated that
creativity is associated with openness to new ideas, risk-taking, and
being inner-directed. Do these traits put creative people at odds with
the culture and people around them? The answer is sometimes yes
and sometimes no.
Say for example that Jeremy is a creative child that performs below
average in school. He may be seen as a poor student by teachers and
parents for “daydreaming” and doing poorly on objective tests. His
latent skills as a right- brain thinker might be underappreciated and
Or consider the case of Alycia, a high school teacher who works in a
constrictive environment. She is eager to try new teaching techniques
but finds that her colleagues are traditional in their approach and even
hostile to her ideas. What can she do?

Page 4

There is little doubt that creative people will struggle in environments
that are overly structured and they will feel frustrated with tasks that are
not challenging. This helps explain why creative children often have
trouble in school, their right-brain minds wandering while their left-brain
teachers are trying to force them to memorize information that these
creative children instinctively see as irrelevant or trivial to
understanding the “big picture” in life.
Things often get worse for creative people when they enter the
workforce. If they haven’t chosen their occupation carefully they may
wind up in a job that is not well suited for their particular talents and
gifts. Unfortunately, they may find this out the hard way by being bored
and frustrated at work.
But the job itself may not be the problem. It may also be the social
milieu of the workplace. Every workplace has its own personality which
organically evolves and changes over time. Some workplaces value
new ideas and risk- taking, an environment that will be very stimulating
Create Your Own Destiny
We are constantly imitating others. When we copy other people, we
can't reproduce their charisma, talent or success. Externally, we can
imitate their life, their way of dressing and drive the same kind of car,
but this does not bring us fulfilment.
We can take another's life as an example, but we must think hard
before we follow them. Look at the virtues of others and ask yourself:
"I have something valuable and worthwhile myself? How can I bring it
out?" When you notice something bad in those around you, make a
firm resolve: "Let me not nurture such vices".
There is much hidden potential in each one of us. What should we do
to make this blossom? When you activate yourself, you bring out all the
strengths and talents that God has given you, all that is inherent in you,
that is natural in you, something genuine and original.
Create your own identity. When you do this other people gravitate
towards you. Activation leads to gravitation. Then you don't imitate
others. Instead others might want to be like you. We are used to paying
more attention to the external world. We try to gain social approval by
dressing ourselves in a certain manner.
We stand in front of the mirror and make sure that we are presentable
before we leave the house. We trust the mirror implicitly. The mirror
reflects our outward appearance, not our thoughts, feelings and
Does it reflect the love in your heart? You may go to your workplace
dressed in your best clothes. When somebody provokes you there, you
may retort in anger or sulk in silence. Either way your peace of mind is
shattered. Now your beautiful dress does nothing to help you.

Imitation cannot give you peace. So, watch your attitude, thoughts,
words and desires. Be aware of the calmness in your inner core and
try to retain it.
External beauty is temporary. Inner beauty is permanent and eternal.
This is the beauty we need and this is what we gain when we activate
ourselves. This is the beauty God recognises. So seek love, for you
seek inner beauty. Direct your mind to a higher ideal.
When you see the divine beauty concealed in your own heart, you also
see it in others. "Do not see, seek". Don't look merely at the external
form, but also at the divinity within. Today when you see a beggar, you
will give him alms.
You will not pat him on the back or shake his hand. If your child comes
home, dirty from the playground and calls you "Mummy, Daddy ...", you
hug him with love.
If a child in rags comes to you, you drive him away because you don't
love him. For the realised soul a beggar and a king are equally divine
and beautiful because he has activated his inner core.
When you imitate you only see. When you activate you seek. The
difference between "see" and "seek" is the "k". That "k" is kindness or
When there is care, compassion and kindness, nothing else matters.
So let us stop imitating. Let us evaluate ourselves and nurture the
divine core within. Let us seek. Let us activate.

Only inner strength and equipoise can continue to keep you calm,
cheerful and unruffled. For this you have to activate the divine core
within, from which flows a perennial stream of peace and tranquillity.

Creativity and Rebellion:
Why They Go Hand-in-Hand
for a creative, risk-taker. Other environments are rigid and traditional,
which will be frustrating and could lead to conflict and dissatisfaction.
Social psychologists have noted that some work groups suffer from
groupthink, which is the tendency for some groups to feel superior to
others and to downplay any evidence to the contrary. These groups
value conformity and resist new ideas. An innovator will feel isolated
and rejected by co- workers who support this type of environment.
These co-workers often adopt an unspoken code regarding people
who are different or stand out from the crowd. They send overt and
covert messages of rejection to a creative co-worker who proposes
new ideas. These signals include ignoring a person’s comments or
providing perfunctory, hollow praise or worse punishments such as
threats and ridicule for proposing ideas that threaten the perceived
integrity of the group.
Many people at work become comfortable with their daily routines and
over time they defend these routines as something akin to being
sacred. These kinds of people often bow to the timeworn expression:
“If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it,” but they over apply this attitude and to
them nothing is ever really “broken” and to suggest otherwise is to
threaten the comfort of their work routines. These people might
respond in a venomous manner to creative and risk-taking co-workers
who threaten their “comfort zone” by proposing new ways of doing
All of this suggests that creative people will often be at odds with
people around them and frustrated by work environments and
organizational structures that are rigid and unbending. This is partially
due to the fact that creative people are attracted to novelty and new

ideas and ways of doing things, and their creative minds are often
generating alternatives to accepted practices.
The accumulated effects of these frustrations at school, work, or
whatever the setting, may lead some creative people to adopt a
rebellious attitude regarding rules and authority. When this happens
the result may be frustration and conflict on all sides where a
downward spiral results from interpersonal conflict and disagreement.
This frustration may lead to a career change or disciplinary action in
the workplace, an unfortunate byproduct of creative people not being
successfully integrated into the workplace community.
These negative manifestations of rebellion can be avoided only when
organizations and individuals are made aware of the interpersonal
dynamics that distinguish different personality types from each other.
One way to do so that is popular today is for co-workers to take the
Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory and to discuss the results with
each other. While this test is not necessarily rigorous in terms of
accepted statistical measures of reliability or validity, it serves the
greater purpose of opening the door to discussing interpersonal
response styles and to respect each other for these differences.
Workplace diversity is typically defined in sociological terms by placing
people in black-and-white categories, for example gender, race, and
age. Meanwhile, other important personality and interpersonal
differences, such as creativity, rarely get the same amount of attention.
And yet the creativity dimension is one of the most important because
creativity and risk-taking are crucial traits for organizational health and
In order to avoid the traps of blind rebellion and open conflict,
organizations must do a better job of identifying creative employees
and in fact nurturing creativity and respect for creativity in all their

Page 5
Creativity and Rebellion:
employees. This is not to suggest that common group practices such
as “brainstorming” are necessarily a good way to nurture creativity.
Creative people are often different from other co-workers in several
ways that include interpersonal differences, inner- directedness, and
work habits. These differences in style as well as substance need to
be addressed in an open and comfortable manner.

Creative people must also be taught to understand themselves and to
appreciate that they have needs that can only be met in certain ways.
They may prosper as artists, entrepreneurs, or in other professions
that encourage openness, risk-taking, and eccentricity. This means

that our educational system must be more responsive to the needs of
creative children and must offer ways for creative children to learn that
fits their learning styles.

When schools and workplaces are better educated about creativity
and are in a better position to integrate creative people into the
community, then individuals and society will benefit. And youngsters
like Jeremy will be more likely to reach their full potential and adults
like Alycia will be able to enhance their work environment by
contributing unique and challenging ideas.

Manifest Your Dreams
Our perception of the universe creates our reality. Through
understanding how our beliefs shape our destiny you can learn to
manifest your dreams into your reality.
For each of us, the universe is different. A homeless man may view the
universe as unfair, hard and tough. A rich man may view the universe
as a lovely place full of luxury and pleasure. Both of them are viewing
the same universe, it is just different because of their perceptions of it
and their life experiences.
This is a fundamental key to understanding, to know that how you
perceive the universe is how it is to you. If you feel it is full of fear and
hatred, then it will be. If you think it is full of love and happiness, it is.
Using some of the techniques discussed in this, and other articles, you
can start to reprogram the way you perceive the universe and change
your life!
Think about how many times you have feared something happening
and then it has. For example, you might be worried that you are going
to bump your car, and then you do. Was it a premonition or did you
create it? Compare this to the amount of times you have looked forward
to something and then it has happened. Usually the fear is a much
stronger emotion and focus, which causes the object of that
fear/thought to manifest much more quickly.
Of course, thought and belief does not just create the universe on an
emotional and psychological level, but also on a material level. We may
fear that we are not good with money and hence we are not. You can
use your will and focus on manifesting items that you want to further
your life with. Remember that you can only manifest things you believe
you can have. You may wish for a million dollars, but unless you really
believe you can have it, you will not get it.

ways. You need to be open to this because if you mentally limit the
ways the Universe can provide to you then it is going to be much harder
for what you want to come into your life. Listen to your intuition too
because it will help guide you. You might get the urge to buy a
newspaper suddenly. You buy it and notice the exact car you want for
sale in it. Our intuition is from our higher self and will guide us if we listen
to it.
You can use decrees, affirmations, and positive visualisation to help
you create what you want in your universe. This does not just have to
be limited to material items, but you can work on bringing more love,
more joy and many other things into your life and the lives of those
around you. When you are working on manifesting things such as these
into your life look to the root cause of what you are lacking. For
example, you might feel you are lacking love in your life. Examine the
cause and you might see it is because of a lack of self-worth or
self-love, or because of something in your childhood. Once you are
aware of why you can work on dealing with the issue and healing
yourself. Then you will find it much easier to bring, and to keep, what
you desire in your life.
Another exercise you can do to help you manifest is to realise the
abundance of the universe. Abundance will be the subject of another
article, and is dealt with fully within the course, but take a walk outside
some time and look at how abundant nature is. See how freely nature
gives and how much is given. Think about this and how abundance can
be a part of your life.
You can use affirmations such as:
* I am worthy of love and respect from others and myself
* I have an abundance of money in my life

You need to be aware that things are not just going to fall out of the air
and land on your lap, though on occasion they may well do so, literally
as well as figuratively. It sometimes takes a little while for what you want
to manifest to appear. Sometimes it requires faith and patience on your
part. It might be the Universe is testing you to see if you really want it
and will really dedicate yourself to getting it before you get it. You
cannot sit back and wait for what you want to manifest.

* I am good with money and spend it wisely
* I open myself to the abundance of the universe
* I am in tune with my higher self
* I accept that I am a good and worthy person

There is a saying "God helps those who help themselves". This is true.
When you are manifesting it is essential that you listen to your intuition
and follow your instincts. It often also depends on whether what you are
trying to manifest is in tune with your life's purpose or not. If it is not then
you have an uphill struggle to manifest it. Also, if you manifest for selfish
needs and with your ego then it is not likely to work. It works best when
you manifest for the greater good, selflessly, and from your higher self.

Finally, remember these points:
Believe in what you are trying to manifest
Listen to your intuition
Manifest from your higher self and in harmony with your life's purpose

When working on manifesting remember to keep your mind open as to
how it is going to appear in your life. For example, many of us may want
to manifest more money. We have a mental program that says, "more
money means I have to work more". This is not necessarily true. You
might manifest more money from a promotion, a raise at work, a change
of job or career, from a competition win, an inheritance, and many other

Manifesting is not just limited to material items. You can manifest more
love, happiness, peace, and much more
Manifest for others, not just yourself

Page 6
Manifest Your Dreams
That YOU create the universe you live in, so changing your
perceptions of it, changes the universe
Believe in yourself and what you can achieve. You can manifest
anything you desire in your life, good or bad. Harness the power of

your sub-conscious mind in manifesting your desires through the

Being First, Being Original, Being Innovative
There is an often missed distinction among Being the First, Being
Original, and Being Innovative.
To determine that someone (or something) has been the first, we need
to apply a temporal test. It should answer at least three questions: what
exactly was done, when exactly was it done and was this ever done
To determine whether someone (or something) is original - a test of
substance has to be applied. It should answer at least the following
questions: what exactly was done, when exactly was it done and was
this ever done before.
To determine if someone (or something) is innovative - a practical test
has to be applied. It should answer at least the following questions:
what exactly was done, in which way was it done and was exactly this
ever done before in exactly the same way.

Society may judge us differently than we perceive ourselves to be less original and innovative. Hence, perhaps, is the syndrome of the
"misunderstood Admittedly, things are easier for those of us who use
words as their raw material: there are so many permutations, that the
likelihood of not being first or innovative with words is minuscule.
Hence the copyright laws.
Yet, since originality is measured by the substance of the created
(idea) content, the chances of being original as well as first are slim. At
most, we end restating or re-phrasing old ideas. The situation is worse
(and the tests more rigorous) when it comes to non-verbal fields of
human endeavour, as any applicant for a patent can attest.
But then surely this is too severe! Do not we all stand on the shoulders
of giants? Can one be original, first, even innovative without assimilating the experience of past generations? Can innovations occur in
vacuum, discontinuously and disruptively? Is not intellectual continuity
a prerequisite?

Reviewing the tests above leads us to two conclusions:
1.. Being first and being original is more closely linked than being first
and being innovative or than being original and being innovative. The
tests applied to determine "firstness" and originality are the same.
2.. Though the tests are the same, the emphasis is not. To determine
whether someone or something is a first, we primarily ask "when" while to determine originality we primarily ask "what".
Innovation helps in the conservation of resources and, therefore, in the
delicate act of human survival. Being first demonstrates feasibility ("it
is possible"). By being original, what is needed or can be done is
expounded upon. And by being innovative, the practical aspect is
revealed: how should it be done.
Society rewards these pathfinders with status and lavishes other
tangible and intangible benefits on them - mainly on the Originators
and the Innovators. The Firsts are often ignored because they do not
directly open a new path - they merely demonstrate that such a path is
there. The Originators and the Innovators are the ones who discover,
expose, invent, put together, or verbalize something in a way which
enables others to repeat the feat (really to reconstruct the process)
with a lesser investment of effort and resources.
It is possible to be First and not be Original. This is because Being First
is context dependent. For instance: had I travelled to a tribe in the
Amazon forests and quoted a speech of Kennedy to them - I would
hardly have been original but I would definitely have been the first to
have done so in that context (of that particular tribe at that particular
time). Popularises of modern science and religious missionaries are all
first at doing their thing - but they are not original. It is their audience
which determines their First-ness - and history which proves their (lack
of) originality.

True, a scientist innovates, explores, and discovers because of (a
limited and somewhat random) selection of previous explorations and
research. He evens uses equipment - to measure and perform other
functions - that was invented by his predecessors. But progress and
advance are conceivable without access to the treasure troves of the
passed. True again, the very concept of progress entails comparison
with the past. But language, here, defies reality. Some innovation
comes "out of the blue" with no
Scientific revolutions are not smooth evolutionary processes (even
biological evolution is no longer considered a smooth affair). They are
phase transitions, paradigmatic changes, jumps, fits and starts rather
than orderly unfolding syllogisms (Kuhn: "The Structure of Scientific
There is very little continuity in quantum mechanics (or even in the
Relativity Theories). There is even less in modern genetics and immunology. The notion of laboriously using building blocks to construct an
ebony tower of science is not supported by the history of human
knowledge. And what about the first human being who had a thought
or invented a device - on what did he base himself and whose work did
he continue?
Innovation is the father of new context. Original thoughts shape the
human community and the firsts among us dictate the rules of the
game. There is very little continuity in the discontinuous processes
called invention and revolution. But our reactions to new things and
adaptation to the new world in their wake remain the same. It is there
that continuity is to be found.

Many of us reinvent the wheel. It is humanly impossible to be aware of
all that was written and done by others before us. Unaware of the fact
that we are not the first, neither original or innovative - we file patent
applications, make "discoveries" in science, exploit (not so) "new"
themes in the arts.

Page 7
Achieving Success And Progress Through Creative Thinking
Many people believe that the goal of any society is progress, however
for most of us it is not easy to get used to something new. It takes
more or less time for every person to adapt to new environment, even
if it is only using a new tool, cooking a new dish or finding a new bus
stop. That is the reason why many people cling to the way things are
and it is much easier for them to do habitual things.
Any person's every day of life consists of many repeated activities,
such as driving car, dressing, eating. People do most of these
activities automatically, without much thinking. Automatic operations
help brains to avoid unnecessary efforts, but many people also use
this natural capability of brain in a wrong way.
They create "cliché" for many activities in their life, use same
expressions, eat same food, and go to same supermarkets. People
live with same world outlook whole their life. It is clear that in most
cases laziness makes them live with "cliché" because it is much easier
for people to make habitual things, say habitual phrases and do the
same job everyday, then straining the brain, creating something new,
and making progress in their life.
However, there are still many activities, which demand creativity,
ability to orientate us in new, unusual situations. Life brings us
surprises every day, and sometimes it is impossible to be prepared for
all circumstances. Economical and political situation of any country in
the world transforms every month or year and leads to changes in
many life aspects. Today people need to be creative to get ahead,

because it is impossible to find favorable work or life conditions,
without any changes and unexpected circumstances.
There are not too many people, which think and act creatively. Most
of those people are successful businessmen, artists or politicians,
because they can effectively use the natural capability of brain to think
creatively. Creative and imaginative people do not achieve success
for themselves only; they also contribute to progress of the society.
That is why it is important to train yourself to be creative and get rid of
many "cliché" opinions in your mind.
First step to think creatively is to comprehend which activities are
indeed in need of "cliché" (such every day simple operations as driving
car) and which activities demand creativity (such as work, business,
education, upbringing of children).
Second, do your daily activities such as work or family creatively,
enrich your knowledge about your business, and find new ways to
improve it, do not be afraid to give work to your brain, because in daily
life most people use only 4-5% of their brain ability to think.
Last, but not least is to be aware that if you are creative and
imaginative person you would not be disarmed by unexpected or
unusual life circumstances and changes because you can always find
a way to adjust and get ahead in your life.

Connect with Your Body
When we're in the creative flow, we can sometimes forget we even
have a body, because our minds are exploding with color, sounds,
words and images. But when unhealthy habits sap your body of its
vitality and strength, your creativity and productivity will be sapped as
What could be more frustrating than the interruption of your creative
flow by an uninvited headache, back spasm, dullness of mind or the
I once heard the expression that a guitar player, is a "small muscle
athlete" – meaning they need to warm up those muscles and treat
them well. Perhaps as artists we're ALL small muscle athletes. After
all, we do need a good measure of physical endurance to get through
our creative tasks.
Whether it's sitting hunched over an easel, the repetitive movements
of playing a musical instrument, the stamina to stand and walk on
stage throughout an entire show or sitting at a computer keyboard for
most of the day, our creative tools all require the use of the body.
To keep that body strong and resilient takes daily attention.
Day-to-day self-care practices such as getting enough sleep, eating
three healthy and balanced meals that are evenly timed throughout the
day (plus healthy snacks if you need them), moving your body actively
and drinking enough water are all essential for taking care of your
Taking care of the body also affects the mind. Fatigue, malnutrition,
inactivity and dehydration will all have adverse effects on the mind and
the ability to problem solve, concentrate and connect ideas.

The Creative Cycle and Self-Care
Touring with a band, rehearsing for a show or burning the midnight oil
to finish a painting before a gallery opening, are all examples of
extraordinary circumstances where we might relax our self-care
discipline and adopt a whole new set of rules.
Then, when the show or tour is over or the piece is finished, we
sometimes sink into an anti-climactic "low" or a period of transition
before we get back into the creative flow again.
The daily practices you keep when things are "normal" will build
resilience for the times when these extraordinary circumstances come
up. They also build habits and healthy living skills that you can draw
on when life gets more challenging.
Put it into play
One of the best practices for a healthy body, mind and spirit is to get
enough sleep and rest. Tonight, end your evening activities a half hour
early and spend that time winding down. Release the worries of the
day by writing or speaking about them. Calm yourself with a bath, tea,
massage, music or a good read that doesn’t remind you of your work.
We can all come up with reasons why we can't exercise, we can't
make different food choices and we can't focus more on our health.
You have a unique creative gift to share with the world, but your
creativity relies on a sound mind and body.
So which of your reasons for not taking care of yourself are more
important than that?

Page eight
How To Remember Things
If you looked at fifteen things on a table, could you remember what
they were an hour later? You can with a simple technique.
What's the biggest problem with memory tricks? Remembering to use
them, of course. There are many memory techniques that work well,
but you'll forget them when you need them most - unless you make
using them a habit. So when you take the time to learn a technique,
use it until it becomes automatic. Here are some to try.

with a FORK, and finally pick up a bouquet of FLOWERS and smile at
the mirror. Say each item while mentally reviewing your "movie," and
you'll remember all five things, even the next day.
Some Other Memory Tricks
Tell yourself to remember. When you learn a person's name, for
example, tell yourself, "remember that". This signals your unconscious
mind to rank this input as more important.

Using a Story-List
I went to a party as a child. There was a game that involved looking at
a table covered in 15 various items. After a few minutes, we were
taken to another room, and each child was given paper and a pencil.
We had to write down as many items as we could remember. I
recalled seven or eight, but one boy won the prize by remembering all
15 items.
Years later I learned why he won. His father taught him a simple trick
that none of us other kids knew. The technique is to tie the items
together in an imaginative story. For example, what if you want to
remember a list of the following things: Soap, milk, honey, fork, and
Start a vivid story in your imagination, adding each item to it as you go:
At the sink, you reach for the SOAP. The soap dish is full of MILK, so
you wash your hands in that. Then you comb HONEY into your hair

Know WHY you want to remember something, and HOW you'll
remember it. To remember a person, for example, ask why they'll be
important to you in the future, imagine where you'll see them next, and
connect that to anything you notice about them. Seeing the importance
of remembering really helps, and additional associations (where you
expect to see the person next) set the memory more firmly in your brain.
Do you ever forget where you put your car keys? You've probably tried
retracing your steps, at least doing it in your imagination. This can work
well, but even better is to prevent the forgetting beforehand. When you
set the keys on the chair, see yourself walking in and setting the keys
on the chair. You won't forget where they are.
There are many more of these memory tricks. If you want them to be
useful, though, don't just read about them. Make a memory technique
or two into a habit, starting today.

Developing Intuition
Developing intuition starts by realizing you have it already. If you've
ever had a hunch about something, that was intuition. Intuition is just
your mind using more than what you are consciously aware of. But can
you trust your intuition? How do you improve it?

not to get into yellow taxis for the rest of your life. So even learning to
recognize your intuition and encourage it may leave you wonder when
to trust it.
<b>Study Your Intuition</b>

Developing Intuition In Three Steps
Start questioning your hunches. If we had asked why we felt badly
about that bus, it may have occurred to us, "Oh yeah, crowded busses
are a bad idea - we know Study your strong feeling about that taxi,
and you might say, "Oh, it's just my fear of yellow Get in the habit of
paying attention to and studying your intuitive feelings.

1. Recognize it and encourage it.
2. Study it to make it more trustworthy.
3. Give it good information to work with.
Gary Kasparov will admit that a computer can calculate chess positions many moves further ahead than he can. Yet he still beats the
best computers out there because of his intuitive grasp of the game.
His experience allows him to combine analysis with a "sense" of which
move is best. Try to find areas in your own life where you intuitively
Of course, intuition is also a warning device. Both my wife and I felt we
should not get on that bus in Ecuador. This is no psychic power.
Crowded busses are prime locations for pickpockets. A drunk man
was bumping into people repeatedly. We did not consciously pay
attention, but these things registered in our minds, warning us. We felt
"something is not right When we ignored our intuition, I was robbed.
When I bought a conversion van, I saw them all over. Maybe you've
had a similar experience. Looking for and recognizing a thing trains
your mind to find more of it. The same process will happen if you watch
for your intuition - you will start to see more of it.

Where does your intuition work best? If you are always right about
your intuitive stock picks, give a little credence to them. On the other
hand, if your hunches about people are usually wrong, do not follow
them. Just pay attention more, and you will be developing intuition
about your intuition.
Give Your Intuition Good Information
Your skill, knowledge and experience determine the potential effectiveness of your intuition. No weak chess player will never intuitively
beat that computer, like Kasparov can. Learn enough about a subject,
before expecting good hunches about it - or before trusting the hunches. Work in the area you want more intuition in. When enough information is in your mind, it will go to work for you with or without your
conscious participation, so feed it well.
Recognize your intuition and you will have hunches and ideas more
often. Study it and you will learn when to trust it. Give it good information and you will be repaid with good hunches and ideas. This is the
simple formula for developing intuition.

Unfortunately, a strong hunch can be for irrelevant reasons too. If you
were hit by a yellow taxi as a child, you might have "intuitive" hunches

Page 9
“Your daily surroundings have a powerful impact on your life!”
“So consciously choose your environment!”

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Darnell T. Glover Free Self Improvement E-Book

  • 1. SELF-IMPROVEMENT By Darnell T. Glover “A child can ask questions that a wise man or woman cannot answer!”
  • 2. Table of Contents © 2013 Publish by Darnell T. Glover Publishing Company All Rights Reserved ● Page 3 ..... ten Steps To Clear Thinking ● Page four ...... seven Blocks To Creative Thinking And How To Solve Them Creativity And Rebellion! Why They Go Hand-In-Hand? ● Page 5 … Create Your Destiny ● Page 6 Manifest Your Dreams ● Page 7 Being First, Being Original, Being Innovative ● Page 8 Achieving Success And Progress Through Creative Thinking Connect With Your Body ● Page 9 How To Remember Things Developing Intuition In this 21st centaury we have move away from all the very important things that create creative thinking human beings. The whole meaning of family and love no longer excise, Our children are running wild seeking more attention then most time will allow. The public schools no longer teaching our students how to think but has started teaching them what to think in many ways. We are moving into a society that is losing control of their mind and thinking powers and allowing others to think and define who and what they are. This Self Improvement E book was put together by our publisher Darnell T. Glover to help others in their motivation of becoming more successful in their lives.
  • 3. 10 inking lear Th s To C S t ep Try some of these ten ways to clearer thinking. Make one or two of them a habit, and you'll have more brainpower permanently. Does your mind sometimes feel like a television station you can't quite tune in? You know there's an interesting program on - or several, but everything is mixed with static. What if you could "tune in" at will, have clear thinking whenever you want it? Try some of the following. Ten Clear Thinking Techniques And Tips 1. Take a walk. Science will eventually prove this to be a great way to improve the quality of your thinking, but don't wait for the proof. Aren't there enough other reasons to take a walk anyhow? 2. Stay away from sugar. If you want to understand what brain fog is, eat a sugary donut on an empty stomach, then do math problems twenty minutes later. What you will experience, along with the "sugar blues," is brain fog. At least lay off sugar and simple carbohydrates when you need to think clearly. 5. Try meditating. No time? Just close your eyes, relax, and watch your breath for a while. Accept that your mind will wander, but continually return your attention to your breath. Five minutes of this, and afterwards you'll feel a boost in your brainpower. 6. Resolve your "mind irritations." Watch your busy brain. Maybe a call you need to make has been bothering you, just below consciousness. Find these stressors, and do something to let them go. For example, make that call, or put it on a list, and your mind will let go of it for now. Just seeing a problem and saying, "There's nothing I can do about this until Friday," will often stop unconscious worrying. 7. Don't drink alcohol. At least don't drink too much. While moderate amounts can be conducive to creative thinking, all the evidence says that it is bad for the long-term health of your brain. 8. Make decisions quickly. Nothing gets in the way of clear thinking like a dozen decisions hanging around unmade. If nothing else, decide when you'll make the decision. 3. Organized space means clear thinking. It's rare that a person can actually work better in clutter. Organised working space means you won't have the thought "where is that..." distracting your mind. 9. Get some fresh air. Go outside and breath deeply through your nose. You'll get a good dose of oxtgen to your brain, and the change of surroundings can help clear your mind. 4. Get better sleep. Sleep requirements vary, but the minimum for most is somewhere around five hours. Some suffer if they sleep less than eight hours. The research, however, indicates that after a certain minimum quantity, the quality of sleep is more important to normal brain function. 10. Satisfy your physical needs. Clear thinking is easier if you aren't too hungry, thirsty, or hot. You can think more clearly starting today. There are certainly more than ten ways, but you really only need to make a few of them a habit to have a more powerful 7 Blocks To Creative Thinking And How To Solve Them We're all skilled at creative thinking. It is, after all, the predominant way we think as children. The reason we lose the skill as we grow up is because of the blocks we put in the way. In this article I'll show you 7 ways you can unblock your creativity and think like a child again. Each of us has the power to be creative. It's part of our natural make-up as human beings. The trouble is that, too often, we block our natural creativity and so make errors in thinking and give ourselves more problems than we should. Here are 7 ways to open up your natural creativity and keep the channels unblocked. “CREATIVE THINKING” 1. Don't Make Assumptions. When we assume, we often make an "ass" out of "u" and "me". Assumptions are examples of lazy thinking. We simply don't wait to get all the information we need to come to the right conclusions. There is the story of the customer at the bank who after cashing a cheque and turning to leave, returns and says: "Excuse me, I think you made a mistake." The cashier responds, "I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do. You should have counted it. Once you walk away we are no longer responsible." Whereupon the customer replies: "Well, okay. Thanks for the extra $20." Tip: When you feel yourself wanting to draw conclusions, just wait until you have all the information. 2. See Things From Other Points Of View. A truly open mind is willing to accept that, not only do other people have other just as valid points of view from theirs, but that these other points of view may be more valid. A story is told that the modernist painter Pablo Picasso was once traveling on a train across Spain when he got into conversation with a rich businessman who was dismissive of modern art. As evidence that modern art didn't properly represent reality, he took out a photo of his wife from his wallet and said: "This is how my wife should look, not in some silly stylized representation." Picasso took the photo, studied it for a few moments and asked: "This is your wife?" The businessman proudly nodded. "She's very small," observed Picasso wryly. Page 3
  • 4. 7 Blocks To Creative Thinking And How To Solve Them Tip: Don't have a monopoly on how things are. Things aren't always what they seem. Be ready to consider other points of view. 3. Avoid Yo-Yo Thinking. Some people tend to have a tendency to swing from a highly positive mood one minute to a highly negative one the next, all because of what they see in front of them. It's like a yo-yo: up one minute, down the next. It's far more healthy to stay neutral and not let emotions get the better of you. Tip: Remember that things are rarely as good - or as bad - as you think they are. 4. Get Rid Of Lazy Thinking Habits. Habit can be a major stumbling block to clear thinking and another example of laziness. Try this experiment. Write down the Scottish surnames Macdonald, Macpherson, and Macdougall and ask someone to pronounce them. Now follow these with the word Machinery and see what happens. Most people are likely to mis-pronounce it. This is because we tend to think in habitual ways and don't like what doesn't fit. Tip: Don't think that, just because things happened in a certain way once before, that they will happen like that again. 5. Don't Think Like An Old Person, Think Like A Child. Research shows that the number of synapses, or connections, in the brain is greater in a child of two than in an average adult. The reason for this is that, while a child of two has no limiting world view, as adults we do. It's like a sculptor who starts off with a large block of clay, more than he needs, and then gradually removes the clay as he moulds his sculpture. If we use our brain like a child, accepting everything without judgment, we can actually halt and reverse the brain ageing process. Tip: Don't worry about the myth of age. With the right stimulus and a passion for learning, you can actually improve your brain's powers. 6. See The Detail As Well As The Big Picture. You may know the poem by John Godfrey Saxe called "The Blind Men and the Elephant". This tells how six blind men of Indostan go to see an elephant and each try to work out what it is from touching it. One blind man touches the tusk, another the trunk, another the tail, and so on. Of course, not being able to see the whole elephant, they come to wildly different conclusions. Tip: Try to keep the big picture in front of you while looking at details. It will help to put everything in its proper place and context. 7. Think For Yourself. Taking time out to think is still frowned on in many organizations that prize activity over creativity. People who work in creativityconstrained organizations are likely to think the way they are supposed to think, or as others think, or as has always been the way to think. It's like the blinkered thinking that Hans Christian Anderson describes in his story of "The Emperor's New Clothes". Everyone in the land refuses to see that the emperor is naked and has been duped into believing he is wearing a splendid costume for his coronation. Only a young boy who has been ill and not party to the cultural brainwashing can see the truth and cries out: "Look, everyone, the Emperor is wearing no clothes!" Tip: Don't let others tell you how to think. When others ask your opinion, tell it to them straight. Once you make these 7 techniques part of your habitual thinking patterns, you will amaze yourself with how easy it is to come up with fresh, innovative and creative solutions to all of life's problems. Creativity and Rebellion: Why They Go Hand-in-Hand Studies on creative people have consistently demonstrated that creativity is associated with openness to new ideas, risk-taking, and being inner-directed. Do these traits put creative people at odds with the culture and people around them? The answer is sometimes yes and sometimes no. Say for example that Jeremy is a creative child that performs below average in school. He may be seen as a poor student by teachers and parents for “daydreaming” and doing poorly on objective tests. His latent skills as a right- brain thinker might be underappreciated and underdeveloped. Or consider the case of Alycia, a high school teacher who works in a constrictive environment. She is eager to try new teaching techniques but finds that her colleagues are traditional in their approach and even hostile to her ideas. What can she do? Page 4 There is little doubt that creative people will struggle in environments that are overly structured and they will feel frustrated with tasks that are not challenging. This helps explain why creative children often have trouble in school, their right-brain minds wandering while their left-brain teachers are trying to force them to memorize information that these creative children instinctively see as irrelevant or trivial to understanding the “big picture” in life. Things often get worse for creative people when they enter the workforce. If they haven’t chosen their occupation carefully they may wind up in a job that is not well suited for their particular talents and gifts. Unfortunately, they may find this out the hard way by being bored and frustrated at work. But the job itself may not be the problem. It may also be the social milieu of the workplace. Every workplace has its own personality which organically evolves and changes over time. Some workplaces value new ideas and risk- taking, an environment that will be very stimulating
  • 5. Create Your Own Destiny We are constantly imitating others. When we copy other people, we can't reproduce their charisma, talent or success. Externally, we can imitate their life, their way of dressing and drive the same kind of car, but this does not bring us fulfilment. We can take another's life as an example, but we must think hard before we follow them. Look at the virtues of others and ask yourself: "I have something valuable and worthwhile myself? How can I bring it out?" When you notice something bad in those around you, make a firm resolve: "Let me not nurture such vices". There is much hidden potential in each one of us. What should we do to make this blossom? When you activate yourself, you bring out all the strengths and talents that God has given you, all that is inherent in you, that is natural in you, something genuine and original. Create your own identity. When you do this other people gravitate towards you. Activation leads to gravitation. Then you don't imitate others. Instead others might want to be like you. We are used to paying more attention to the external world. We try to gain social approval by dressing ourselves in a certain manner. We stand in front of the mirror and make sure that we are presentable before we leave the house. We trust the mirror implicitly. The mirror reflects our outward appearance, not our thoughts, feelings and relationships. Does it reflect the love in your heart? You may go to your workplace dressed in your best clothes. When somebody provokes you there, you may retort in anger or sulk in silence. Either way your peace of mind is shattered. Now your beautiful dress does nothing to help you. Imitation cannot give you peace. So, watch your attitude, thoughts, words and desires. Be aware of the calmness in your inner core and try to retain it. External beauty is temporary. Inner beauty is permanent and eternal. This is the beauty we need and this is what we gain when we activate ourselves. This is the beauty God recognises. So seek love, for you seek inner beauty. Direct your mind to a higher ideal. When you see the divine beauty concealed in your own heart, you also see it in others. "Do not see, seek". Don't look merely at the external form, but also at the divinity within. Today when you see a beggar, you will give him alms. You will not pat him on the back or shake his hand. If your child comes home, dirty from the playground and calls you "Mummy, Daddy ...", you hug him with love. If a child in rags comes to you, you drive him away because you don't love him. For the realised soul a beggar and a king are equally divine and beautiful because he has activated his inner core. When you imitate you only see. When you activate you seek. The difference between "see" and "seek" is the "k". That "k" is kindness or karuna. When there is care, compassion and kindness, nothing else matters. So let us stop imitating. Let us evaluate ourselves and nurture the divine core within. Let us seek. Let us activate. Only inner strength and equipoise can continue to keep you calm, cheerful and unruffled. For this you have to activate the divine core within, from which flows a perennial stream of peace and tranquillity. Creativity and Rebellion: Why They Go Hand-in-Hand for a creative, risk-taker. Other environments are rigid and traditional, which will be frustrating and could lead to conflict and dissatisfaction. Social psychologists have noted that some work groups suffer from groupthink, which is the tendency for some groups to feel superior to others and to downplay any evidence to the contrary. These groups value conformity and resist new ideas. An innovator will feel isolated and rejected by co- workers who support this type of environment. These co-workers often adopt an unspoken code regarding people who are different or stand out from the crowd. They send overt and covert messages of rejection to a creative co-worker who proposes new ideas. These signals include ignoring a person’s comments or providing perfunctory, hollow praise or worse punishments such as threats and ridicule for proposing ideas that threaten the perceived integrity of the group. Many people at work become comfortable with their daily routines and over time they defend these routines as something akin to being sacred. These kinds of people often bow to the timeworn expression: “If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it,” but they over apply this attitude and to them nothing is ever really “broken” and to suggest otherwise is to threaten the comfort of their work routines. These people might respond in a venomous manner to creative and risk-taking co-workers who threaten their “comfort zone” by proposing new ways of doing things. All of this suggests that creative people will often be at odds with people around them and frustrated by work environments and organizational structures that are rigid and unbending. This is partially due to the fact that creative people are attracted to novelty and new ideas and ways of doing things, and their creative minds are often generating alternatives to accepted practices. The accumulated effects of these frustrations at school, work, or whatever the setting, may lead some creative people to adopt a rebellious attitude regarding rules and authority. When this happens the result may be frustration and conflict on all sides where a downward spiral results from interpersonal conflict and disagreement. This frustration may lead to a career change or disciplinary action in the workplace, an unfortunate byproduct of creative people not being successfully integrated into the workplace community. These negative manifestations of rebellion can be avoided only when organizations and individuals are made aware of the interpersonal dynamics that distinguish different personality types from each other. One way to do so that is popular today is for co-workers to take the Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory and to discuss the results with each other. While this test is not necessarily rigorous in terms of accepted statistical measures of reliability or validity, it serves the greater purpose of opening the door to discussing interpersonal response styles and to respect each other for these differences. Workplace diversity is typically defined in sociological terms by placing people in black-and-white categories, for example gender, race, and age. Meanwhile, other important personality and interpersonal differences, such as creativity, rarely get the same amount of attention. And yet the creativity dimension is one of the most important because creativity and risk-taking are crucial traits for organizational health and survival. In order to avoid the traps of blind rebellion and open conflict, organizations must do a better job of identifying creative employees and in fact nurturing creativity and respect for creativity in all their Page 5
  • 6. Creativity and Rebellion: employees. This is not to suggest that common group practices such as “brainstorming” are necessarily a good way to nurture creativity. Creative people are often different from other co-workers in several ways that include interpersonal differences, inner- directedness, and work habits. These differences in style as well as substance need to be addressed in an open and comfortable manner. Creative people must also be taught to understand themselves and to appreciate that they have needs that can only be met in certain ways. They may prosper as artists, entrepreneurs, or in other professions that encourage openness, risk-taking, and eccentricity. This means that our educational system must be more responsive to the needs of creative children and must offer ways for creative children to learn that fits their learning styles. When schools and workplaces are better educated about creativity and are in a better position to integrate creative people into the community, then individuals and society will benefit. And youngsters like Jeremy will be more likely to reach their full potential and adults like Alycia will be able to enhance their work environment by contributing unique and challenging ideas. Manifest Your Dreams Our perception of the universe creates our reality. Through understanding how our beliefs shape our destiny you can learn to manifest your dreams into your reality. For each of us, the universe is different. A homeless man may view the universe as unfair, hard and tough. A rich man may view the universe as a lovely place full of luxury and pleasure. Both of them are viewing the same universe, it is just different because of their perceptions of it and their life experiences. This is a fundamental key to understanding, to know that how you perceive the universe is how it is to you. If you feel it is full of fear and hatred, then it will be. If you think it is full of love and happiness, it is. Using some of the techniques discussed in this, and other articles, you can start to reprogram the way you perceive the universe and change your life! Think about how many times you have feared something happening and then it has. For example, you might be worried that you are going to bump your car, and then you do. Was it a premonition or did you create it? Compare this to the amount of times you have looked forward to something and then it has happened. Usually the fear is a much stronger emotion and focus, which causes the object of that fear/thought to manifest much more quickly. Of course, thought and belief does not just create the universe on an emotional and psychological level, but also on a material level. We may fear that we are not good with money and hence we are not. You can use your will and focus on manifesting items that you want to further your life with. Remember that you can only manifest things you believe you can have. You may wish for a million dollars, but unless you really believe you can have it, you will not get it. ways. You need to be open to this because if you mentally limit the ways the Universe can provide to you then it is going to be much harder for what you want to come into your life. Listen to your intuition too because it will help guide you. You might get the urge to buy a newspaper suddenly. You buy it and notice the exact car you want for sale in it. Our intuition is from our higher self and will guide us if we listen to it. You can use decrees, affirmations, and positive visualisation to help you create what you want in your universe. This does not just have to be limited to material items, but you can work on bringing more love, more joy and many other things into your life and the lives of those around you. When you are working on manifesting things such as these into your life look to the root cause of what you are lacking. For example, you might feel you are lacking love in your life. Examine the cause and you might see it is because of a lack of self-worth or self-love, or because of something in your childhood. Once you are aware of why you can work on dealing with the issue and healing yourself. Then you will find it much easier to bring, and to keep, what you desire in your life. Another exercise you can do to help you manifest is to realise the abundance of the universe. Abundance will be the subject of another article, and is dealt with fully within the course, but take a walk outside some time and look at how abundant nature is. See how freely nature gives and how much is given. Think about this and how abundance can be a part of your life. You can use affirmations such as: * I am worthy of love and respect from others and myself * I have an abundance of money in my life You need to be aware that things are not just going to fall out of the air and land on your lap, though on occasion they may well do so, literally as well as figuratively. It sometimes takes a little while for what you want to manifest to appear. Sometimes it requires faith and patience on your part. It might be the Universe is testing you to see if you really want it and will really dedicate yourself to getting it before you get it. You cannot sit back and wait for what you want to manifest. * I am good with money and spend it wisely * I open myself to the abundance of the universe * I am in tune with my higher self * I accept that I am a good and worthy person There is a saying "God helps those who help themselves". This is true. When you are manifesting it is essential that you listen to your intuition and follow your instincts. It often also depends on whether what you are trying to manifest is in tune with your life's purpose or not. If it is not then you have an uphill struggle to manifest it. Also, if you manifest for selfish needs and with your ego then it is not likely to work. It works best when you manifest for the greater good, selflessly, and from your higher self. Finally, remember these points: Believe in what you are trying to manifest Listen to your intuition Manifest from your higher self and in harmony with your life's purpose When working on manifesting remember to keep your mind open as to how it is going to appear in your life. For example, many of us may want to manifest more money. We have a mental program that says, "more money means I have to work more". This is not necessarily true. You might manifest more money from a promotion, a raise at work, a change of job or career, from a competition win, an inheritance, and many other Manifesting is not just limited to material items. You can manifest more love, happiness, peace, and much more Manifest for others, not just yourself Page 6
  • 7. Manifest Your Dreams That YOU create the universe you live in, so changing your perceptions of it, changes the universe Believe in yourself and what you can achieve. You can manifest anything you desire in your life, good or bad. Harness the power of your sub-conscious mind in manifesting your desires through the Manifestation Being First, Being Original, Being Innovative There is an often missed distinction among Being the First, Being Original, and Being Innovative. To determine that someone (or something) has been the first, we need to apply a temporal test. It should answer at least three questions: what exactly was done, when exactly was it done and was this ever done before. To determine whether someone (or something) is original - a test of substance has to be applied. It should answer at least the following questions: what exactly was done, when exactly was it done and was this ever done before. To determine if someone (or something) is innovative - a practical test has to be applied. It should answer at least the following questions: what exactly was done, in which way was it done and was exactly this ever done before in exactly the same way. Society may judge us differently than we perceive ourselves to be less original and innovative. Hence, perhaps, is the syndrome of the "misunderstood Admittedly, things are easier for those of us who use words as their raw material: there are so many permutations, that the likelihood of not being first or innovative with words is minuscule. Hence the copyright laws. Yet, since originality is measured by the substance of the created (idea) content, the chances of being original as well as first are slim. At most, we end restating or re-phrasing old ideas. The situation is worse (and the tests more rigorous) when it comes to non-verbal fields of human endeavour, as any applicant for a patent can attest. But then surely this is too severe! Do not we all stand on the shoulders of giants? Can one be original, first, even innovative without assimilating the experience of past generations? Can innovations occur in vacuum, discontinuously and disruptively? Is not intellectual continuity a prerequisite? Reviewing the tests above leads us to two conclusions: 1.. Being first and being original is more closely linked than being first and being innovative or than being original and being innovative. The tests applied to determine "firstness" and originality are the same. 2.. Though the tests are the same, the emphasis is not. To determine whether someone or something is a first, we primarily ask "when" while to determine originality we primarily ask "what". Innovation helps in the conservation of resources and, therefore, in the delicate act of human survival. Being first demonstrates feasibility ("it is possible"). By being original, what is needed or can be done is expounded upon. And by being innovative, the practical aspect is revealed: how should it be done. Society rewards these pathfinders with status and lavishes other tangible and intangible benefits on them - mainly on the Originators and the Innovators. The Firsts are often ignored because they do not directly open a new path - they merely demonstrate that such a path is there. The Originators and the Innovators are the ones who discover, expose, invent, put together, or verbalize something in a way which enables others to repeat the feat (really to reconstruct the process) with a lesser investment of effort and resources. It is possible to be First and not be Original. This is because Being First is context dependent. For instance: had I travelled to a tribe in the Amazon forests and quoted a speech of Kennedy to them - I would hardly have been original but I would definitely have been the first to have done so in that context (of that particular tribe at that particular time). Popularises of modern science and religious missionaries are all first at doing their thing - but they are not original. It is their audience which determines their First-ness - and history which proves their (lack of) originality. True, a scientist innovates, explores, and discovers because of (a limited and somewhat random) selection of previous explorations and research. He evens uses equipment - to measure and perform other functions - that was invented by his predecessors. But progress and advance are conceivable without access to the treasure troves of the passed. True again, the very concept of progress entails comparison with the past. But language, here, defies reality. Some innovation comes "out of the blue" with no Scientific revolutions are not smooth evolutionary processes (even biological evolution is no longer considered a smooth affair). They are phase transitions, paradigmatic changes, jumps, fits and starts rather than orderly unfolding syllogisms (Kuhn: "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions"). There is very little continuity in quantum mechanics (or even in the Relativity Theories). There is even less in modern genetics and immunology. The notion of laboriously using building blocks to construct an ebony tower of science is not supported by the history of human knowledge. And what about the first human being who had a thought or invented a device - on what did he base himself and whose work did he continue? Innovation is the father of new context. Original thoughts shape the human community and the firsts among us dictate the rules of the game. There is very little continuity in the discontinuous processes called invention and revolution. But our reactions to new things and adaptation to the new world in their wake remain the same. It is there that continuity is to be found. Many of us reinvent the wheel. It is humanly impossible to be aware of all that was written and done by others before us. Unaware of the fact that we are not the first, neither original or innovative - we file patent applications, make "discoveries" in science, exploit (not so) "new" themes in the arts. Page 7
  • 8. Achieving Success And Progress Through Creative Thinking Many people believe that the goal of any society is progress, however for most of us it is not easy to get used to something new. It takes more or less time for every person to adapt to new environment, even if it is only using a new tool, cooking a new dish or finding a new bus stop. That is the reason why many people cling to the way things are and it is much easier for them to do habitual things. Any person's every day of life consists of many repeated activities, such as driving car, dressing, eating. People do most of these activities automatically, without much thinking. Automatic operations help brains to avoid unnecessary efforts, but many people also use this natural capability of brain in a wrong way. They create "cliché" for many activities in their life, use same expressions, eat same food, and go to same supermarkets. People live with same world outlook whole their life. It is clear that in most cases laziness makes them live with "cliché" because it is much easier for people to make habitual things, say habitual phrases and do the same job everyday, then straining the brain, creating something new, and making progress in their life. However, there are still many activities, which demand creativity, ability to orientate us in new, unusual situations. Life brings us surprises every day, and sometimes it is impossible to be prepared for all circumstances. Economical and political situation of any country in the world transforms every month or year and leads to changes in many life aspects. Today people need to be creative to get ahead, because it is impossible to find favorable work or life conditions, without any changes and unexpected circumstances. There are not too many people, which think and act creatively. Most of those people are successful businessmen, artists or politicians, because they can effectively use the natural capability of brain to think creatively. Creative and imaginative people do not achieve success for themselves only; they also contribute to progress of the society. That is why it is important to train yourself to be creative and get rid of many "cliché" opinions in your mind. First step to think creatively is to comprehend which activities are indeed in need of "cliché" (such every day simple operations as driving car) and which activities demand creativity (such as work, business, education, upbringing of children). Second, do your daily activities such as work or family creatively, enrich your knowledge about your business, and find new ways to improve it, do not be afraid to give work to your brain, because in daily life most people use only 4-5% of their brain ability to think. Last, but not least is to be aware that if you are creative and imaginative person you would not be disarmed by unexpected or unusual life circumstances and changes because you can always find a way to adjust and get ahead in your life. Connect with Your Body When we're in the creative flow, we can sometimes forget we even have a body, because our minds are exploding with color, sounds, words and images. But when unhealthy habits sap your body of its vitality and strength, your creativity and productivity will be sapped as well. What could be more frustrating than the interruption of your creative flow by an uninvited headache, back spasm, dullness of mind or the "shakes"? I once heard the expression that a guitar player, is a "small muscle athlete" – meaning they need to warm up those muscles and treat them well. Perhaps as artists we're ALL small muscle athletes. After all, we do need a good measure of physical endurance to get through our creative tasks. Whether it's sitting hunched over an easel, the repetitive movements of playing a musical instrument, the stamina to stand and walk on stage throughout an entire show or sitting at a computer keyboard for most of the day, our creative tools all require the use of the body. To keep that body strong and resilient takes daily attention. Day-to-day self-care practices such as getting enough sleep, eating three healthy and balanced meals that are evenly timed throughout the day (plus healthy snacks if you need them), moving your body actively and drinking enough water are all essential for taking care of your body. Taking care of the body also affects the mind. Fatigue, malnutrition, inactivity and dehydration will all have adverse effects on the mind and the ability to problem solve, concentrate and connect ideas. The Creative Cycle and Self-Care Touring with a band, rehearsing for a show or burning the midnight oil to finish a painting before a gallery opening, are all examples of extraordinary circumstances where we might relax our self-care discipline and adopt a whole new set of rules. Then, when the show or tour is over or the piece is finished, we sometimes sink into an anti-climactic "low" or a period of transition before we get back into the creative flow again. The daily practices you keep when things are "normal" will build resilience for the times when these extraordinary circumstances come up. They also build habits and healthy living skills that you can draw on when life gets more challenging. Put it into play One of the best practices for a healthy body, mind and spirit is to get enough sleep and rest. Tonight, end your evening activities a half hour early and spend that time winding down. Release the worries of the day by writing or speaking about them. Calm yourself with a bath, tea, massage, music or a good read that doesn’t remind you of your work. We can all come up with reasons why we can't exercise, we can't make different food choices and we can't focus more on our health. You have a unique creative gift to share with the world, but your creativity relies on a sound mind and body. So which of your reasons for not taking care of yourself are more important than that? Page eight
  • 9. How To Remember Things If you looked at fifteen things on a table, could you remember what they were an hour later? You can with a simple technique. What's the biggest problem with memory tricks? Remembering to use them, of course. There are many memory techniques that work well, but you'll forget them when you need them most - unless you make using them a habit. So when you take the time to learn a technique, use it until it becomes automatic. Here are some to try. with a FORK, and finally pick up a bouquet of FLOWERS and smile at the mirror. Say each item while mentally reviewing your "movie," and you'll remember all five things, even the next day. Some Other Memory Tricks Tell yourself to remember. When you learn a person's name, for example, tell yourself, "remember that". This signals your unconscious mind to rank this input as more important. Using a Story-List I went to a party as a child. There was a game that involved looking at a table covered in 15 various items. After a few minutes, we were taken to another room, and each child was given paper and a pencil. We had to write down as many items as we could remember. I recalled seven or eight, but one boy won the prize by remembering all 15 items. Years later I learned why he won. His father taught him a simple trick that none of us other kids knew. The technique is to tie the items together in an imaginative story. For example, what if you want to remember a list of the following things: Soap, milk, honey, fork, and flowers. Start a vivid story in your imagination, adding each item to it as you go: At the sink, you reach for the SOAP. The soap dish is full of MILK, so you wash your hands in that. Then you comb HONEY into your hair Know WHY you want to remember something, and HOW you'll remember it. To remember a person, for example, ask why they'll be important to you in the future, imagine where you'll see them next, and connect that to anything you notice about them. Seeing the importance of remembering really helps, and additional associations (where you expect to see the person next) set the memory more firmly in your brain. Do you ever forget where you put your car keys? You've probably tried retracing your steps, at least doing it in your imagination. This can work well, but even better is to prevent the forgetting beforehand. When you set the keys on the chair, see yourself walking in and setting the keys on the chair. You won't forget where they are. There are many more of these memory tricks. If you want them to be useful, though, don't just read about them. Make a memory technique or two into a habit, starting today. Developing Intuition Developing intuition starts by realizing you have it already. If you've ever had a hunch about something, that was intuition. Intuition is just your mind using more than what you are consciously aware of. But can you trust your intuition? How do you improve it? not to get into yellow taxis for the rest of your life. So even learning to recognize your intuition and encourage it may leave you wonder when to trust it. <b>Study Your Intuition</b> Developing Intuition In Three Steps Start questioning your hunches. If we had asked why we felt badly about that bus, it may have occurred to us, "Oh yeah, crowded busses are a bad idea - we know Study your strong feeling about that taxi, and you might say, "Oh, it's just my fear of yellow Get in the habit of paying attention to and studying your intuitive feelings. 1. Recognize it and encourage it. 2. Study it to make it more trustworthy. 3. Give it good information to work with. Gary Kasparov will admit that a computer can calculate chess positions many moves further ahead than he can. Yet he still beats the best computers out there because of his intuitive grasp of the game. His experience allows him to combine analysis with a "sense" of which move is best. Try to find areas in your own life where you intuitively operate. Of course, intuition is also a warning device. Both my wife and I felt we should not get on that bus in Ecuador. This is no psychic power. Crowded busses are prime locations for pickpockets. A drunk man was bumping into people repeatedly. We did not consciously pay attention, but these things registered in our minds, warning us. We felt "something is not right When we ignored our intuition, I was robbed. When I bought a conversion van, I saw them all over. Maybe you've had a similar experience. Looking for and recognizing a thing trains your mind to find more of it. The same process will happen if you watch for your intuition - you will start to see more of it. Where does your intuition work best? If you are always right about your intuitive stock picks, give a little credence to them. On the other hand, if your hunches about people are usually wrong, do not follow them. Just pay attention more, and you will be developing intuition about your intuition. Give Your Intuition Good Information Your skill, knowledge and experience determine the potential effectiveness of your intuition. No weak chess player will never intuitively beat that computer, like Kasparov can. Learn enough about a subject, before expecting good hunches about it - or before trusting the hunches. Work in the area you want more intuition in. When enough information is in your mind, it will go to work for you with or without your conscious participation, so feed it well. Recognize your intuition and you will have hunches and ideas more often. Study it and you will learn when to trust it. Give it good information and you will be repaid with good hunches and ideas. This is the simple formula for developing intuition. Unfortunately, a strong hunch can be for irrelevant reasons too. If you were hit by a yellow taxi as a child, you might have "intuitive" hunches Page 9
  • 10. ? “Your daily surroundings have a powerful impact on your life!” “So consciously choose your environment!”