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                            Table of Content

    About JUT Foundation and the Museum of Tomorrow……   2

    Past Exhibitions ……………………………………………                  3

             展 1「the FLOW market」 ………………………
      B-1                                               4
             展 2「Happy Living」 ……………………………
      B-2                                               6
             展 3「Rice for Thoughts」 ………………………
      B-3                                               7

    展 4 徵選說明
    The 4th exhibition brief     …………………………………          10

             Objective         ………………………………………          10
             Project location    …………………………………          10
             Project site      ………………………………………          12
             Surrounding environment ………………………          14
             Conditions        ………………………………………          15
             Direction for submission   ………………………       17

    Appendix      …………………………………………………                   19
基金會與明日博物館 About JUT Foundation and the Museum of Tomorrow
                            2007         。 會金 基術藝 化文築 建泰忠 「立成 年 於, 旨宗為 動推育 教
                                                                 A better tomorrow」
                        Museum of Tomorrow」系列展演活動,將對社會、人類與環境的關懷,以非定形的「museum」 館物博日明「展發
    出 提,學 美、 化 文 、意 創 結 連 位 方 全, 念 概 營 經 的 觀 參 費 免 及 烊 打 不 時 小 創 首 並 ,中 之 間 空 市 城 於 移 游 ,念 概
                                                                         。能可 限無的 日明好 美
    In order to integrate the interdisciplinary vitality and creativity of culture and arts into its core architecture
    business, Jut Housing Development Group established “JUT Foundation for Arts and Architecture” in 2007 with
    the principle of building better life quality through cultural creations and of promoting exhibitions and education.

    Through the multi-directional cooperation of architects, artists and cultural professionals, and with both profundity
    and breadth as its basis of development, the Foundation wishes to apply the professional knowledge in the
    architecture field from the parent business to the development and care of urban residential environment and
    culture, and in extension to energize the creativity of arts, the creative industry and culture in general.   This goal
    will be implemented into everyday life through exhibitions, competitions, lectures, and publication projects, in
    order to inspire and elevate the public’s imagination of the aesthetics of living space.

    JUT Foundation for Arts and Architecture proposes
    the idea of “A better tomorrow” and sets the city as
    the stage of realization of dreams as the central
    concepts of the exhibition series “Museum of
    Tomorrow”.        The     “Museum      of     Tomorrow”
    engages the idea of “museum” as a non-formalized
    space that flows in the larger urban scene. It is also
    the first museum with the operation concepts of
    opening 24 hours and free admission.                The
    “Museum of Tomorrow” is the location for the
    connection of creativity, culture and aesthetics for
    the realization of the infinite possibilities of a better

歷屆展覽 Past Exhibitions

    FLOWmarket」及「HAPPY LIVING」兩檔主題展。

    The first wave of the “Museum of Tomorrow” exhibition projects includes the renovation of the abandoned
    factories on the Civic Boulevard as the location for the exhibitions “the FLOWmarket” and “HAPPY LIVING”,
    which relates the aesthetics of living to all walks of everyday life.

B-1 展 1「the FLOW market」 2007/01/04 to 2007/02/28

                         the FLOW market」直接空運來台,成為一個 24
                                                「 市超性 題話具 最麥丹 將
 。市超 的西東 買以可 正真、 業營時小
                      。動行 持支項 一表代 ,念概 的同認 種一費 消是即 ,品商 些這買 購;球 地
This exhibition shipped the controversial conceptual market in Denmark, “the FLOWmarket,” to Taiwan and
modeled it into a 24-hour open space where customers can actually shop.       The minimal and simple packaged
imaginative merchandises represent the issues everybody in the modern world should pay attention to.       These
issues include one’s relationship with oneself, with other people and even with all aspects of the planet Earth.
Purchasing these merchandises is to consume on a concept one affirms, it represents an action of support.

    The FLOW market」

Imaginary merchandises

             Museum shop
B-2 展 2「Happy Living」               2007/03/22 to 2007/05/17

                                       Akinori OISHI(日本) ANTOINE + MANUEL(法國) eBOY(德國)
                                    括 包者與 參,待 期與驗 經的家 於對們 他
Martί Guixé(西班牙)                                         Filip Pagowski。觀眾經由實際體驗每一個空間存在的快
                          師計設 蘭波之 用御玲 保久川 及以 ,
                       。義 定的」 宅住「 於對會 社今現 的向導 質物討 探人引 更,感 樂
This exhibition explored what are the so-called “ideal life” and “a home of happiness”. Internationally renowned
designers and illustrators reconstructed virtual residence houses to share their experience and expectation of
home. The participants include Akinori OISHI (Japan), ANTOINE + MANUEL (France), EBOY (Germany), Marti
Guixe (Spain), and Rei Kawakubo’s Polish designer Filip Pagowski.     Through actual experience of the
joyfulness of spatial existence, spectators can explore more deeply into the meaning of “residence” in the
material-oriented modern society.


Model house by Filip Pagowski   Model house by ANTOINE + MANUEL

     Talks and event
B-3 展 3「Rice for Thoughts」 2007/08/16 to 2007/12/15

                                               。神精 人
The third wave of the Foundation’s exhibition, “Rice for Thoughts”, is a combination of performance and
landscape art that is rarely seen in Taiwan. The land resource provided by the parent organization JUT Housing
Development Group is utilized by artist Lin Quan-Ju to play the role of artist and farmer simultaneously in the
high-prized Dazhi Miramir area, and to experience firsthand the life style of farming in sunny days and reading in
rainy days by the ancient Chinese literati.   Through this hectare of land, the Foundation wishes to pass on the
life-force and affections originated from the soil and to exhibit the innate close relationship between human and
nature as well as the essence of people of letters in the modern age.

                           Rice for Thoughts」- The field and the studio

Artist Lin, Quan-Ju working in the field and in the studio.

     Talks program in the studio

C 展 4 徵選說明 The 4th exhibition brief

   C-1 目標 Objective

                                。的體 立或面 平、的 態靜、 的動行 、的機 有
                                    。置裝 演展的 義意有 為成, 聯串、 造
                                          。 子親、 眾大般 一為標 目:眾 觀
      、動互、賞觀中其在能眾觀使,出演態動、動互體媒多、現呈態靜用可,域場的放開時小 部局或部全:容內
                                                 。樂 玩、習 學
      Concept:Follow the concept of the         Museum of Tomorrow」, to propose a concept of an ideal life. The
                outcome can be a mix of fluid or solid, erratic or stable, flat or three-dimensional.
      Objective:Without wide damaging the building structures above the land resource provided by JUT
                  Foundation’s parent company, the project seeks to transform, rebuild or linking the structures,
                  the land and the eco environment to reflect the cultural or historical elements of the local.
      Audience:General public and family audiences. It should be accessible and safe to all visitors.
      Content:Total or partial of the area should open 24 hours. It is suggested to contain a few of the following
                  contents: exhibitions, installations, multimedia interactive contents, and dynamic performances.
                  Visitors should enjoy the project in various aspects in order to roam, to learn, to interact, and
                  have fun.

   C-2 基地位置 Project location

      體 整,展 發始開 已間年 隆乾朝 清在, 區山中 屬隸, 處北偏 心中市 為,口 街安農 與路江 松市北 台於落 坐地基 本
      便 方 區 市 出 進, 路 公 速 高 、場 機 山 松 北 台 近 鄰, 冠 之 北 台 【案 建 泰 忠 接 臨 面 北 地 基。 中 新 更 在 正 築 建 之 域 區
                                                                                         。速 快
      The project location is sitting on the intersection of the Songjiang Road and Nong-an Street. It is in the
      northern part of Taipei city center and belongs to the Zhongsheng District of Taipei City. The farthest history
      of this area can be traced back to the Ching Dynasty of the Imperial China 18 century) Currently this area
      is under going a series of urban renovation. On the north side of the site is JUT Taipei Crown, a residential
      project done by JUT GROUP in 2003. The site is also very close to the interchange of highway and the
      Taipei Songshan Airport.

Taipei City center(The site is marked in green)

       A closer look(基地處標為綠色) The site is marked in green)
照近地基                             (

C-3 基地環境 Project site
   。片 照場現 多更中 件附詳 ,籬圍 與屋皮 鐵、物 建法合 、建違 佈分內 地基前 目
   The site consists of legal and illegal concrete buildings, iron sheet structures and fences. Please see the
   appendix for more photos.

              A panorama view of the whole project site.

C-4 環境說明 Surrounding environment
                                                                               A   地基
                                                                                   Project site
                                                                               B   」 冠之北 台「案 建泰 忠
                                                                                   JUT “Taipei Crown”
                                                                               C   所 公區山 中
                                                                                   Zhongshen District Administration Office
                                                                               D   宮天 行
                                                                                   Hsing Tien Temple
                                                                               E   樓大公 辦般一
                                                                                   Other office buildings

B                     」冠 之北台 「 泰 忠
                      」冠 之北台 「 泰 忠
                      」冠 之北台 「 泰 忠
                      」冠 之北台 「 泰 忠
 松 高師大 本日與 設建泰 忠是, 年 於成 落
                                          Art Deco
         、象意 之冠皇 以。案 作合個 二第的 伸
 挑 華 豪 為 作 間 空 之 面 店 金 黃 樓 一 牲 犧 並 ,式 樣
                           2500              768
)坪 (米方平 約地佔出造打,廳門高
                      。宅 住純極 頂榮尊 的
JUT “Taipei Crown”

Completed in 2003, “Taipei Crown” is a luxury
residential project designed by Japanese master

Shin Takamatsu. Occupying 2,500sqm on the
expensive and busy Songjiang Road, the Architect

reserved the valuable ground floor for a splendid
lobby in stead of commercial shops.

C             所公 區山中 市 北 台
              所公 區山中 市 北 台
              所公 區山中 市 北 台
              所公 區山中 市 北 台
 辦務公 供提, 心中政 行之眾 民區山 中務服 為
動活民 區及以 ,務服覽閱 書圖、診 門療醫 、理
     。地基 本瞰俯 可室書 圖樓八 自。心 中
Zhongsheng District Administration Office

It provides the residents in the district common
administration services, basic outpatient service,
library service, and a community center for

multiple functions. The windows of the library on
the 8 floor can provide a good aerial view of the
exhibition site.

D                             宮天行
 之心中 化文教 宗統傳 之性表 代具最 市北台 是
元 西 (君 帝 聖 關 將 戰 的 名 有 上 史 國 中 祀 奉, 一
162~219                 。年
Hsing Tien Temple
Worships Kuan, a famous deified general who
lived between 162-219 A.D., it is the most
prestigious religion center of Taiwan’s tradition


路江 松
                                路江 松
                                路江 松
                                路江 松
山 松北台 近鄰並 道國 高山中 接連, 米 寬 路
業 融 金 以 業 行 近 附, 道 要 通 交 的 忙 繁 是 , 場 機
                                 。主 為
Songjiang Road
40 meters wide, it is a busy artery links to
highway number one and adjacent to the
Taipei Songshan Airport.

         402   7
        弄 巷 路江 松
        弄 巷 路江 松
        弄 巷 路江 松
        弄 巷 路江 松
。 看向方 的北朝 南從口 巷 於
Alley 7, Lane 402, Songjiang Road
Looking north from the intersection with Lane

         402  巷 路江 松
              巷 路江 松
              巷 路江 松
              巷 路江 松
將巷小側左。看向方東往西由,巷 為側右
             。棄廢 時建重 於
Lane 402, Songjiang Road
Lane 402 on the right side looking east. The
alley on the left will be discarded when the
building project begins.

C-5 基本條件 Conditions

                                 36.8         x 91                           2,415 sqm    730.5
        寸尺地 基                                 約間 空用使 際實 , 尺公 尺 公
                                 )坪 (
                                 36.8 meters x 91 meters / Usable area approx. 2,415 sqm          730.5 pin)
                                        2008       9       2008     10         12        2.5
        間時 行執計 預                                                 地整
                                                       出展, 月 年
                                  )月 個 ( 中月 至 月 年
        Expect timeline          Land preparation      September 2008
          Subject to change)     Exhibition     October to mid December 2008(2.5months)
        算預                        萬 幣台新 為算預 體整畫 計覽展 際實, 責負會 金基由 用費與 作工地 整
                                 Land preparation and fees will be covered by JUT Foundation. Overall
                                 expenses of the project, include curating, construction, and equipments
                                 should not exceeding 4 millions NTD(approx. 130,000 USD). PR,
                                 marketing and publicities are not included.
        求需用 使                                                   :要 必
                                 。 息休、 作工員 人場現 供心中 政行、 間空動 活、間 空覽展
        Facilities requirement
                                                               :性擇 選
                                            。議 提他其 之隊團 案提、 店啡咖 、店商
                                   Exhibition spaces
                                   Event spaces
                                   An administration center for JUT Foundation Staff and volunteers.
                                   A souvenir shop
                                   A café space
                                   Other spaces and facilities can be proposed by the curatorial team.
        件條用 使                    現 分部, 況狀之 場現 時地整 份月 年 今計預 為此, 示標區 分用使 圖下看 請
                                                        。出 遷前行 進劃計 本於將 民居之 有
        Usability of the area
                                 圍 、牌招 ,拆不 頂屋但 更變可 屋皮鐵 ,更變 度幅大 性構結 做可不 物建泥 水
                                                   。更變 可皆表 外物建 的有所 ,拆可 物雜等 籬
                                 See the following layout which shows the expected condition in
                                 September 2008. Some of the current residents will move out before the
                                 project starts.
                                 Structures of concrete buildings can not be altered substantially.
                                 Iron sheet buildings should be at least keep their roof tops. Signs
                                 and fences can be removed or altered. All surface appearance of the
                                 buildings can be changed.

Area map of the site with buildings specification

                       3D         Ariel view of the site
                 圖瞰俯 域區

                                                     Inside the red is the actual usable land area
附件 Appendix
                Close photos of the project site
     照近 他其地 基

01                                                 02

03                                                 04

05   06

07   08

09   10

11   12

13   14

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a-1   a-2

a-3   b-1

b-2   b-3

b-4   b-5


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Exhibition Brief

  • 1. 目錄 Table of Content 基金會與明日博物館 A About JUT Foundation and the Museum of Tomorrow…… 2 歷屆展覽 B Past Exhibitions …………………………………………… 3 展 1「the FLOW market」 ……………………… B-1 4 展 2「Happy Living」 …………………………… B-2 6 展 3「Rice for Thoughts」 ……………………… B-3 7 展 4 徵選說明 C The 4th exhibition brief ………………………………… 10 目標 C-1 Objective ……………………………………… 10 基地位置 C-2 Project location ………………………………… 10 基地環境 C-3 Project site ……………………………………… 12 週遭環境 C-4 Surrounding environment ……………………… 14 基本條件 C-5 Conditions ……………………………………… 15 提案須知 C-6 Direction for submission ……………………… 17 附件 D Appendix ………………………………………………… 19
  • 2. 基金會與明日博物館 About JUT Foundation and the Museum of Tomorrow A 、廣推演展、造創化文活生良優以,力造創與力活的術藝與化文合結域領跨,體本為業企築建以構機設建泰忠 2007 。 會金 基術藝 化文築 建泰忠 「立成 年 於, 旨宗為 動推育 教 」 冀希會金基本,據依展發本基為展拓度廣及根扎度深以並,合整向面體立的者作工化文和家術藝、師築建過透 活的化文及業產意創、術藝至伸延,懷關與展發之化文境環住居市都於用應,識知業專之域領築建於業企體母合結 。像想的學美間空活生對眾大升提並發激,中活生常日於實落體具,劃計版出、座講、賽競、覽展以,量能新創與化 A better tomorrow」 天明的好美更有都遠永「出提會金基術藝化文築建泰忠 ,台舞的踐實念理為市城以,念概的 Museum of Tomorrow」系列展演活動,將對社會、人類與環境的關懷,以非定形的「museum」 館物博日明「展發 24 出 提,學 美、 化 文 、意 創 結 連 位 方 全, 念 概 營 經 的 觀 參 費 免 及 烊 打 不 時 小 創 首 並 ,中 之 間 空 市 城 於 移 游 ,念 概 。能可 限無的 日明好 美 In order to integrate the interdisciplinary vitality and creativity of culture and arts into its core architecture business, Jut Housing Development Group established “JUT Foundation for Arts and Architecture” in 2007 with the principle of building better life quality through cultural creations and of promoting exhibitions and education. Through the multi-directional cooperation of architects, artists and cultural professionals, and with both profundity and breadth as its basis of development, the Foundation wishes to apply the professional knowledge in the architecture field from the parent business to the development and care of urban residential environment and culture, and in extension to energize the creativity of arts, the creative industry and culture in general. This goal will be implemented into everyday life through exhibitions, competitions, lectures, and publication projects, in order to inspire and elevate the public’s imagination of the aesthetics of living space. JUT Foundation for Arts and Architecture proposes the idea of “A better tomorrow” and sets the city as the stage of realization of dreams as the central concepts of the exhibition series “Museum of Tomorrow”. The “Museum of Tomorrow” engages the idea of “museum” as a non-formalized space that flows in the larger urban scene. It is also the first museum with the operation concepts of opening 24 hours and free admission. The “Museum of Tomorrow” is the location for the connection of creativity, culture and aesthetics for the realization of the infinite possibilities of a better tomorrow. 2
  • 3. 歷屆展覽 Past Exhibitions B the 「的關相息息行住衣食、學美活生與出推,廠工棄廢之上道大民市整重,劃規演展波一第的」館物博日明「 FLOWmarket」及「HAPPY LIVING」兩檔主題展。 The first wave of the “Museum of Tomorrow” exhibition projects includes the renovation of the abandoned factories on the Civic Boulevard as the location for the exhibitions “the FLOWmarket” and “HAPPY LIVING”, which relates the aesthetics of living to all walks of everyday life. 3
  • 4. B-1 展 1「the FLOW market」 2007/01/04 to 2007/02/28 the FLOW market」直接空運來台,成為一個 24 「 市超性 題話具 最麥丹 將 。市超 的西東 買以可 正真、 業營時小 的關相息息個整或甚、人與人、己自於之論不,題議的注關當應人個每會社今現著表代,品商像想的單簡調低裝包 。動行 持支項 一表代 ,念概 的同認 種一費 消是即 ,品商 些這買 購;球 地 This exhibition shipped the controversial conceptual market in Denmark, “the FLOWmarket,” to Taiwan and modeled it into a 24-hour open space where customers can actually shop. The minimal and simple packaged imaginative merchandises represent the issues everybody in the modern world should pay attention to. These issues include one’s relationship with oneself, with other people and even with all aspects of the planet Earth. Purchasing these merchandises is to consume on a concept one affirms, it represents an action of support. The FLOW market」 「 4
  • 5. Imaginary merchandises 品商想理 Museum shop 景實店商館物博 5
  • 6. B-2 展 2「Happy Living」 2007/03/22 to 2007/05/17 享分,宅住的擬虛棟一棟一構建新重家畫插、師計設名知際國由。家的感福幸滿充謂何與」活生想理「的謂所討探 Akinori OISHI(日本) ANTOINE + MANUEL(法國) eBOY(德國) 括 包者與 參,待 期與驗 經的家 於對們 他 、 、 、 Martί Guixé(西班牙) Filip Pagowski。觀眾經由實際體驗每一個空間存在的快 師計設 蘭波之 用御玲 保久川 及以 , 。義 定的」 宅住「 於對會 社今現 的向導 質物討 探人引 更,感 樂 This exhibition explored what are the so-called “ideal life” and “a home of happiness”. Internationally renowned designers and illustrators reconstructed virtual residence houses to share their experience and expectation of home. The participants include Akinori OISHI (Japan), ANTOINE + MANUEL (France), EBOY (Germany), Marti Guixe (Spain), and Rei Kawakubo’s Polish designer Filip Pagowski. Through actual experience of the joyfulness of spatial existence, spectators can explore more deeply into the meaning of “residence” in the material-oriented modern society. HAPPY LIVING」 「 6
  • 7. Model house by Filip Pagowski Model house by ANTOINE + MANUEL Talks and event 座講 7
  • 8. B-3 展 3「Rice for Thoughts」 2007/08/16 to 2007/12/15 寸在居銓林家術藝,源資地土供提設建泰忠構機母由。術藝景地與為行的見一得難內國是」讀雨耕晴「覽展檔三第 。活生讀耕的書讀日雨、田下日晴人文代古踐實身親,色角個兩夫農與家術藝繹演時同,內圈商華麗美直大的金寸土 文的代時個這於屬及以,係關暱親的來俱生與然自與人現展,動感與力命生的來而地土由遞傳,田畝這過透能望希 。神精 人 The third wave of the Foundation’s exhibition, “Rice for Thoughts”, is a combination of performance and landscape art that is rarely seen in Taiwan. The land resource provided by the parent organization JUT Housing Development Group is utilized by artist Lin Quan-Ju to play the role of artist and farmer simultaneously in the high-prized Dazhi Miramir area, and to experience firsthand the life style of farming in sunny days and reading in rainy days by the ancient Chinese literati. Through this hectare of land, the Foundation wishes to pass on the life-force and affections originated from the soil and to exhibit the innate close relationship between human and nature as well as the essence of people of letters in the modern age. Rice for Thoughts」- The field and the studio 「景實室作工與地田讀雨耕晴 8
  • 9. Artist Lin, Quan-Ju working in the field and in the studio. 作創為行的居銓林家術藝 Talks program in the studio 座講 9
  • 10. C 展 4 徵選說明 The 4th exhibition brief C-1 目標 Objective 、的定固、的移游是以可也,作運式方的體實+體實、擬虛以能可。案提活生的中想理為動活演展由藉:念概 。的體 立或面 平、的 態靜、 的動行 、的機 有 改、裝包以加地土與間空、築建將,下提前之物建有現壞破不在,源資地土之供提設建泰忠構機母用利:標目 。置裝 演展的 義意有 為成, 聯串、 造 。 子親、 眾大般 一為標 目:眾 觀 24 、動互、賞觀中其在能眾觀使,出演態動、動互體媒多、現呈態靜用可,域場的放開時小 部局或部全:容內 。樂 玩、習 學 Concept:Follow the concept of the Museum of Tomorrow」, to propose a concept of an ideal life. The 「 outcome can be a mix of fluid or solid, erratic or stable, flat or three-dimensional. Objective:Without wide damaging the building structures above the land resource provided by JUT Foundation’s parent company, the project seeks to transform, rebuild or linking the structures, the land and the eco environment to reflect the cultural or historical elements of the local. Audience:General public and family audiences. It should be accessible and safe to all visitors. Content:Total or partial of the area should open 24 hours. It is suggested to contain a few of the following contents: exhibitions, installations, multimedia interactive contents, and dynamic performances. Visitors should enjoy the project in various aspects in order to roam, to learn, to interact, and have fun. C-2 基地位置 Project location 體 整,展 發始開 已間年 隆乾朝 清在, 區山中 屬隸, 處北偏 心中市 為,口 街安農 與路江 松市北 台於落 坐地基 本 便 方 區 市 出 進, 路 公 速 高 、場 機 山 松 北 台 近 鄰, 冠 之 北 台 【案 建 泰 忠 接 臨 面 北 地 基。 中 新 更 在 正 築 建 之 域 區 】 。速 快 The project location is sitting on the intersection of the Songjiang Road and Nong-an Street. It is in the northern part of Taipei city center and belongs to the Zhongsheng District of Taipei City. The farthest history th of this area can be traced back to the Ching Dynasty of the Imperial China 18 century) Currently this area . ( is under going a series of urban renovation. On the north side of the site is JUT Taipei Crown, a residential project done by JUT GROUP in 2003. The site is also very close to the interchange of highway and the Taipei Songshan Airport. 10
  • 11. Taipei City center(The site is marked in green) )地基為處點綠(圖心中市北台 A closer look(基地處標為綠色) The site is marked in green) 照近地基 ( 11
  • 12. C-3 基地環境 Project site 。片 照場現 多更中 件附詳 ,籬圍 與屋皮 鐵、物 建法合 、建違 佈分內 地基前 目 The site consists of legal and illegal concrete buildings, iron sheet structures and fences. Please see the appendix for more photos. A panorama view of the whole project site. 圖瞰俯地基 C-4 環境說明 Surrounding environment A 地基 Project site B 」 冠之北 台「案 建泰 忠 JUT “Taipei Crown” C 所 公區山 中 Zhongshen District Administration Office D 宮天 行 Hsing Tien Temple E 樓大公 辦般一 Other office buildings 12
  • 13. B 」冠 之北台 「 泰 忠 」冠 之北台 「 泰 忠 」冠 之北台 「 泰 忠 」冠 之北台 「 泰 忠 2003 松 高師大 本日與 設建泰 忠是, 年 於成 落 Art Deco 、象意 之冠皇 以。案 作合個 二第的 伸 挑 華 豪 為 作 間 空 之 面 店 金 黃 樓 一 牲 犧 並 ,式 樣 2500 768 )坪 (米方平 約地佔出造打,廳門高 。宅 住純極 頂榮尊 的 JUT “Taipei Crown” Completed in 2003, “Taipei Crown” is a luxury residential project designed by Japanese master Shin Takamatsu. Occupying 2,500sqm on the expensive and busy Songjiang Road, the Architect reserved the valuable ground floor for a splendid lobby in stead of commercial shops. C 所公 區山中 市 北 台 所公 區山中 市 北 台 所公 區山中 市 北 台 所公 區山中 市 北 台 辦務公 供提, 心中政 行之眾 民區山 中務服 為 動活民 區及以 ,務服覽閱 書圖、診 門療醫 、理 。地基 本瞰俯 可室書 圖樓八 自。心 中 Zhongsheng District Administration Office It provides the residents in the district common administration services, basic outpatient service, library service, and a community center for multiple functions. The windows of the library on th the 8 floor can provide a good aerial view of the exhibition site. D 宮天行 宮天行 宮天行 宮天行 之心中 化文教 宗統傳 之性表 代具最 市北台 是 元 西 (君 帝 聖 關 將 戰 的 名 有 上 史 國 中 祀 奉, 一 162~219 。年 ) Hsing Tien Temple Worships Kuan, a famous deified general who lived between 162-219 A.D., it is the most prestigious religion center of Taiwan’s tradition culture. 13
  • 14. 路江 松 路江 松 路江 松 路江 松 40 山 松北台 近鄰並 道國 高山中 接連, 米 寬 路 業 融 金 以 業 行 近 附, 道 要 通 交 的 忙 繁 是 , 場 機 。主 為 Songjiang Road 40 meters wide, it is a busy artery links to highway number one and adjacent to the Taipei Songshan Airport. 402 7 弄 巷 路江 松 弄 巷 路江 松 弄 巷 路江 松 弄 巷 路江 松 402 。 看向方 的北朝 南從口 巷 於 Alley 7, Lane 402, Songjiang Road Looking north from the intersection with Lane 402. 402 巷 路江 松 巷 路江 松 巷 路江 松 巷 路江 松 402 將巷小側左。看向方東往西由,巷 為側右 。棄廢 時建重 於 Lane 402, Songjiang Road Lane 402 on the right side looking east. The alley on the left will be discarded when the building project begins. 14
  • 15. C-5 基本條件 Conditions 36.8 x 91 2,415 sqm 730.5 寸尺地 基 約間 空用使 際實 , 尺公 尺 公 )坪 ( 36.8 meters x 91 meters / Usable area approx. 2,415 sqm 730.5 pin) ( Dimension 2008 9 2008 10 12 2.5 間時 行執計 預 地整 出展, 月 年 )月 個 ( 中月 至 月 年 Expect timeline Land preparation September 2008 Subject to change) Exhibition October to mid December 2008(2.5months) ( 400 算預 萬 幣台新 為算預 體整畫 計覽展 際實, 責負會 金基由 用費與 作工地 整 。等作製品宣文、銷行、關公、動活含包不。等備設、造建、展策含包,元 Budget Land preparation and fees will be covered by JUT Foundation. Overall expenses of the project, include curating, construction, and equipments should not exceeding 4 millions NTD(approx. 130,000 USD). PR, marketing and publicities are not included. 求需用 使 :要 必 。 息休、 作工員 人場現 供心中 政行、 間空動 活、間 空覽展 Facilities requirement :性擇 選 。議 提他其 之隊團 案提、 店啡咖 、店商 Essential: Exhibition spaces Event spaces An administration center for JUT Foundation Staff and volunteers. Optional: A souvenir shop A café space Other spaces and facilities can be proposed by the curatorial team. 9 件條用 使 現 分部, 況狀之 場現 時地整 份月 年 今計預 為此, 示標區 分用使 圖下看 請 。出 遷前行 進劃計 本於將 民居之 有 Usability of the area 圍 、牌招 ,拆不 頂屋但 更變可 屋皮鐵 ,更變 度幅大 性構結 做可不 物建泥 水 。更變 可皆表 外物建 的有所 ,拆可 物雜等 籬 See the following layout which shows the expected condition in September 2008. Some of the current residents will move out before the project starts. Structures of concrete buildings can not be altered substantially. Iron sheet buildings should be at least keep their roof tops. Signs and fences can be removed or altered. All surface appearance of the buildings can be changed. 15
  • 16. Area map of the site with buildings specification 圖區分用使 3D Ariel view of the site 圖瞰俯 域區 Inside the red is the actual usable land area 圍範用使際實為內線紅 16
  • 17. 附件 Appendix D Close photos of the project site 照近 他其地 基 01 02 03 04 19
  • 18. 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 20
  • 19. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
  • 20. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 22
  • 21. a-1 a-2 a-3 b-1 b-2 b-3 b-4 b-5 23