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Individual Report

           Marketing Research on
 the Junior Hiking Textile Market for Quechua

                              Dilara ADAYLAR
                              Annecy, 6th of April 2010
1 Table of Contents
   2     T h e P r o j e c t a n d O b j e c t i v e s o f t h e S u r v e y .................................................... 3
   3     M e t h o d o l o g y o f D e s k R e s e a r c h ........................................................................ 4
       3.1     S a m p l e , s c h e d u l e a n d t o o l .......................................................................... 4
       3.2     L i m i t a t i o n s .......................................................................................................... 5
   4     R e s u l t s o f d e s k r e s e a r c h ..................................................................................... 6
       4.1     F r e n c h m a r k e t : .................................................................................................. 6
       4.2     D u t c h m a r k e t : .................................................................................................... 6
       4.3     H u n g a r i a n m a r k e t : ........................................................................................... 7
       4.4     I t a l i a n m a r k e t : ................................................................................................... 7
       4.5     F i n n i s h m a r k e t : ................................................................................................. 7
   5     A n a l y s i s ...................................................................................................................... 8
       5.1     A n a l y s i s o n t h e f i r s t s e c t i o n – G e n e r a l i t e m s ...................................... 8
       5.2     A n a l y s i s o n t h e s e c o n d s e c t i o n - P r o d u c t s .......................................... 11
       5.3     A n a l y s i s o n t h e t h i r d s e c t i o n - P r e f e r e n c e s ......................................... 14
         5.3.1        L o w p r i c e : .................................................................................................. 15
         5.3.2        M a i n t e n a n c e , S t r e n g t h , A e s t h e t i c s & F i t ( N i c e l y c u t ) : ............ 15
         5.3.3        R e c y c l e d c o m p o n e n t s : .......................................................................... 15
         5.3.4        B r a n d t r u s t : ............................................................................................... 15
         5.3.5        C o u n t r y o f O r i g i n : ................................................................................... 16
       5.4     A n a l y s i s o n t h e f o u r t h s e c t i o n - I d e n t i f i c a t i o n .................................... 16
   6     Managerial Summary.................................................................................................... 19
       6.1     Profile of respondents: ........................................................................................... 19
       6.2     Key Findings: ......................................................................................................... 19
   7     Recommendations for Quechua ................................................................................... 20
   8     Appendix ...................................................................................................................... 21

2 The P ro je ct and Ob je cti ve s o f t he Survey
  The EuroSurvey is an official Intensive Program, which focuses
  on International Marketing Research. Within this program, a
  team of students from different European universities work
  together and conduct a real international online survey. Each
  year the students cooperate with another company. This year
  the EuroSurvey team works with the brand Quechua.

  Quechua is a French mountain sports clothes brand, which was
  founded in 1997 and belongs to the Oxyline. The goal of the
  directives of Quechua, which is mainly distributed through the
  leading French Sportswear store Decathlon, is to become world
  leader in offering kids clothes for hiking. In order to achieve
  this goal the company aims at increasing the practice of hiking
  is an easy and affordable sport for families with children and
  providing families with most qualitative kids hiking clothes for
  the best price.

  With a view to this goal, Quechua decided to join the EuroSurvey
  Program in despite of getting insights into the European Junior
  Textile Market. With help of the findings of the EuroSurvey
  Marketing Research Quechua aims at improving their offer of
  Junior Hiking clothes. The main objectives of the company are to
  get information on the general expectations and preferences of
  customers in the Junior Textile Market. Furthermore, they would
  like to get to know, which people and why people buy their
  clothes in Decathlon stores. Moreover, the company seeks to
  enlarge its knowledge concerning the customers’ preferences
  regarding    price,   quality   and    material   of   children’s   hiking
  clothes. Additionally it is interested in information regarding
  the customers’ knowledge of textile characteristics and their
  level   of   understanding      in    reference   to   special   material

3 M et ho dolo gy o f De sk Re se arch

  As time was limited only for preparing questionnaire and
  analyzing data, students who took part in EuroSurvey 2010 had
  completed their desk research before the program.

  The goals of desk research were figuring out the general facts of
  junior textile market, analyzing the popularity of Decathlon and
  Quechua, looking for main competitors, general limitations &
  problems in 9 countries.

3.1 Sample, schedule and tool

  This year the EuroSurvey Research is focused on the European
  Junior Hiking Textile Market. Therefore the questionnaire is
  addressed to parents with children in the age between 5-14
  years. In order to get in contact with this international target
  group   it   was   decided   to   conduct   an   on-line   questionnaire.
  Therefore all students of the EuroSurvey Intensive Program
  collected email contacts of people, which fit in this profile, in
  their home countries. Predominantly the students asked people
  from their familiar environment to take a part in the survey and
  visited schools or kindergartens in order to recruit further
  potential participants. All in all the students were able to gather
  approximately 1200 contacts. On Sunday, 7th of March 2010 the
  questionnaire was sent to all contacts. Two days later, on
  Tuesday 9th of March a reminder was sent, in order to again ask
  the contacts, who did not answer the questionnaire till then, to
  participate in the EuroSurvey project. Finally, on Thursday 11th
  of March the students started to analyze the results of the
  survey, by using the Sphinx Survey software.

Sphinx Survey Software is professional statistic software. This
 software offers an easy all-in-one tool, which supported the
 students of the EuroSurvey project in developing, conducting as
 well as analyzing their survey.

3.2 Limitations
 Even though Quechua was appreciated about the
 results of the EuroSurvey, there were some
 difficulties and limitations during the process of
 Before all else, as EuroSurvey hosted students
 from 9 different Western European countries, so all the contacts
 were among these countries.
 In addition, there were big differences between the numbers of
 the responses to the survey between the countries. Most of the
 responses came from Italy, France and Hungary. So we decided to
 analyze the data country by country instead of re-weightening
 the countries.
 Furthermore, there is a possibility that the sample group may
 not be representative for whole population in each country, since
 the most of the contacts collected are from the cities where
 participatory universities located.
 Thirdly, as online survey was the only way to reach sample, the
 sample is consist of the families who have computer and internet
 access.    Although   internet   connection   is   getting   widespread
 nowadays, it also depends on the conditions of the countries.
 Nevertheless it can be seen from former study results that the
 group of people with internet access is usually, better educated
 and is in funds of more money than the average of the population
 (Ganassali, Stephane 2010: Lecture-web surveys 09.03.2010).

4 Re sults o f de sk research

4.1 French market:
  Consumers are demanding more innovative products in French
  junior sport textile. In addition to that, the junior sport
  products are more expensive comparing with other textile
  products. Since it price-sensitive market, consumers tend to buy
  relatively cheaper clothes for their children.

  Quechua has already big market share in France. But it’s also
  affected by global economic crisis & competition. They’re using
  the low price strategy. Main problem of French market is:
  there’s no specific brand on kids sports.

4.2 Dutch market:
  General information about country: Most of families have 2 or
  3 children. In addition they are used buy 2 pairs for the sports
  they practice (e.g. indoor clothes for winter & outdoor ones for
  summer). Since there are not so many mountains, hiking is not a
  popular sport. In addition, they are so sensitive for brands and
  they are willing to pay more for the sport clothes and also
  appearance of products is important.

  Nike has approximately 700 shops with 80% market share for
  sportswear. Dutch consumers are also buying sport products for
  the casual wear.

  Distribution: Intersport is the biggest channel of distribution.
  The others are Bever Zwerfsport and Perry Sport. Also they are
  used to buy products via internet. (Since Nike has the same
  sizes for every product, it is easy to purchase their products
  through internet)

4.3 Hungarian market:
  General information about country: In Hungary, wages are
  really low comparing the other European countries and in
  addition Hungarians do not have so much leisure time because
  of the high working hours. That is why they want to buy the
  necessary clothes in big malls or the shopping centers not to
  spend so much time & money. Also they are not willing to spend
  so much money on junior textile.

   The biggest competitors of Decathlon are Auchan and Harves.
  Lastly, as there are not many mountains, hiking is not so
  popular in Hungary.

4.4 Italian market:
  Approximately 40% of population is not interested in sports.
  Plus, the population is getting older. Hiking is more popular in
  the North part of country.500€ per person on junior textile
  products in 2008. Italian consumers are sensitive to advertising
  & brand but they prefer to buy national products.

   There‘re quite big companies producing sportswear: Diadora,
  Kappa, Lotto, Tocchini. These brands are giving importance to
  new product development and innovations. Lastly, Decathlon is
  more popular in North of country and especially in big cities.

4.5 Finnish market:
  Only in the Northern Finland is suitable for hiking since they do
  not have many mountains. But they prefer durable clothes for
  children. Finnish consumers do not prefer to buy their sport
  clothes from the brand stores since they are expensive.
  Furthermore they prefer to buy national product more.

  The big companies which can be considered as competitors:
  Reima (leading marketing strategy for junior textile); Kiwa

(popular with their woolen products); H&M; Rukka (for junior
  sport textile).

5 A naly si s
  As a result of the email sending campaign, we
  got 682 responses in total. To be more specific
  and        to     have          more          measurable                   results,   we
  divided the survey into 4 sections.

  The first section is about the general facts
  about the textile market and consumer behavior. The second
  part is related with the preference of the consumer about the
  Quechua hiking clothes and consumers’ knowledge on materials.
  The next part designed to analyze the factors which affect
  consumer choice in general. And lastly, the forth section is
  about identification of the respondents.

5.1 Analysis on the first section – General items
  In this section we tried to analyze the general buying behavior
  of respondents.

  So firstly, we had asked about the people in charge of buying
  clothes for their children. The results of survey showed us that
  women have a big influence on decision about buying the
  children’s clothes.1

  Furthermore, as one of the objectives of this survey was to find
  out in which occasions the European consumers buy junior
  clothes, the analysis showed us, almost all of them buy when
  they need it without any big differences between nationalities.
  The second occasion is “buying when they just like something”
  except from Spain, Germany and France which prefer to buy

  1 Appendix : 1.1. Who is in charge of buying children’s clothes X Gender

children’s clothes during the sales. Apart from these results, we
can suppose that these nationalities are more sensible to price
of products.2

The analysis of question four regarding the favorite children’s
clothes shops of the respondents shows that in general the four
most popular stores for children’s clothes are: On the first
position H&M by 21%, followed with C&A by 11%, Decathlon
by10% and lastly Zara by 7%. These stores operate in the low
price segment of the textile market and offer besides junior
textile also a range of clothes for adults.

When we analyze these shops considering the countries, the
results show that H&M is really popular competitor for
Decathlon in Finland, Germany, Netherlands and Belgium; while
most of the Hungarian respondents tend to buy from C&A.3

2 Appendix: 1.2. In which occasions X Country
3 Appendix: 1.3. Competitors X Country

Concerning the reasons of choosing these shops, there were 5
basic factors: color, comfort, convenience, price, design. It was
also surprising since it’s mentioned that some markets are
sensible to price as result of desk research. But after receiving
the results of online survey, it can be seen that the first factor
which attracts most of the consumers (except from Spanish and
Hungarian respondents) in these stores is colors of products.
On the other hand, Hungarian, French and Finnish respondents
think that price is the secondly most important reason for
choosing these shops.

After analyzing the most preferred shops in Europe and the
factors which affect their choice, we also checked the consumer
behavior related with web -stores and second hand shops.

So concerning second hand shops, it’s observed that most of the
  European               consumers                prefer      to   buy   new   clothes   for    their
  children (61%). Yet, it’s more common to buy from second-hand
  shop in Hungary, France and Germany comparing with other
  European countries.4

  About web-stores, it can be understood from the results that
  they are not so attractive for the European consumers. Almost
  69% percent of respondents said that they never buy clothes of
  their children through web-stores.

  O n t h e o t h e r h a n d , t h e y o u n g p e o p l e ( b e t w e e n 2 5 - 4 5 y e a r s o l d 5)
  with qualified job6 especially from France, Germany and Finland7
  tend to buy through internet their children’s clothes.

5.2 Analysis on the second section- Products
  In this section, there were some questions related with the
  products which Quechua is offering for junior hiking clothes
  (fleeces, jackets, t-shirts and pants). With these questions, we
  had aimed to analyze the thought of European consumers about
  these clothes.

  In general, the rank of buying children clothes is: 1st pants
  (85%), 2nd jacket (72%), 3rd sport T-shirt (59%) and 4th
  fleeces (44%).                8

  4 Appendix: 1.4. Second-hand shops X Country
  5 Appendix:1.7.Buying from Web-stores X Age
  6 Appendix:1.6. Buying from web-stores X Occupation
  7 Appendix: 1.5.Buying from Webstores X Country
  8 Appendix: 2.1. Demand on following products (last year)

Regarding               the        age         of    children,     there    are   no   significant
differences in the purchasing of junior textile. The parents who
have children older than 12 years old, tend to buy more sport T-
shirts than the others while the parents who have children
younger than 8 years old tend to buy more fleece jackets.

Concerning the national buying habits of jackets, fleeces, sport
T-shirts and pants, the data marks significant differences. For
example, we can notice that Italy (28%), Poland (28%) and
Spain (27%) buy more T-shirt than Finland (10%), France (17%)
and Germany (17%). Concerning pants, Finland (38%), France
(36%) and Belgium/NL (35%) buy more pants comparing to the
others.           France           is         also    a   big    consumer    of   fleeces   (22%)
comparing to the other countries. Finally, demand of jackets is
higher in Finland (35%) and Germany (35%).9

When we look up the budgets for these 4 products on country
basis,         we       can       easily            see   that   without    difference   between
products, consumers from Netherlands and Belgium are tend to
buy more expensive clothes, while French, Hungarian and Polish
consumers prefer relatively cheaper ones.

But when we analyze deeply of the price which consumers are
willing to pay for these products; it can be said that most of the
European consumers tend to buy jackets between 36€-50€
(exception: Hungarian and Polish consumers are more prudent

9 Appendix: 2.2. Type of products X Country

about the price of jackets-between 16€/25€-). Concerning the
fleeces, the most common price is around 16€ and20; and for t-
shirts, it is around 8€-15€ without any significant difference
among 9 countries. Lastly, most of the European consumers
pointed out that they are willing to pay between 21€-30€ for a
kids pant.           10

Secondly, related with the criterias which European consumer
take care about when they buy one of these 4 products, the
results showed us they give more importance to aesthetics and
fit     for T-shirts and pants while the most important criteria is
warmth and water resistance for fleeces and jackets.

I f w e a n a l y z e t h e m o s t i m p o r t a n t c r i t e r i a s f o r e a c h p r o d u c t : 11

For jackets: 1-Warmth, 2-Water resistance, 3-aesthetics, and 4-

For fleeces: 1-Warmth, 2-Softness, 3-Aesthetics, and 4-Fit

For        T-shirts:             1-Aesthetics,2-Maintainance,                 3-Pleasant           touch,
and 4-Fit

For pants: 1-Fit,2-Aesthetics,3-Solidity/Strength and 4-Pleasant

In addition to the analysis on the criterias for these 4 products,
as Quechua wants to learn the level of consumers’ knowledge on
materials used in these products, there were also 4 main
questions about synthetics, wool and cotton.

As consequences of our survey, we see that the most important
characteristic of wool considered as “warmth” while for cotton
and synthetic is “ease of maintenance”.

10 Appendix: 2.3.Budgets X Country
11 Appendix: 2.4. Criteria X Products

Moreover the cotton in the t-shirts and pants is preferred to be
  easy to maintenance. Also this characteristic is the favourite for
  synthetic materials which are used by Quechua to produce jacket
  and fleeces.

5.3 Analysis on the third section- Preferences
  In the third part of our survey, we would like to have more
  detailed information about the preferences of consumer on
  junior textile products in general. So we defined 8 basic factors
  (low price, ease of maintenance, aesthetics, fit (nicely cut),
  recycled components, strength, brand trust, country of origin)
  which may affect consumers’ choice and asked to the sample to
  rank the importance of these factors.

5.3.1 Low price:
   Most of the European consumers ranked the low price as a
  important factor without big differentiation among the 9
  European countries. Also results showed us it is not related with
  the number of children and the occupation of the respondents,
  except from the people with a professional occupation (e.g.
  lawyer and doctor) who pointed out that low price is slightly
  i m p o r t a n t f o r t h e m . 12

5.3.2 Maintenance, Strength, Aesthetics & Fit (Nicely cut):
  These are the factors which are ranked as important by most of
  the respondents. Furthermore, for the people who practices
  hiking rarely or do not practice hiking at all, think that
  aesthetics and nicely cut are very important factors when
  t h e y ’ r e c h o o s i n g c l o t h e s f o r t h e i r c h i l d r e n . 13

5.3.3 Recycled components:
  As one of the comparative advantages of Quechua is using the
  environment-friendly materials, they wanted to know how
  important this factor is for the European consumers. The results
  showed us that most of respondents give slightly importance on
  that factor. Plus, the respondents from Netherlands and Belgium
  p o i n t e d o u t t h a t r e c y c l e d c o m p o n e n t s a r e n o t i m p o r t a n t a t a l l . 14

5.3.4 Brand trust:
  This factor is also related with the brand loyalty of consumers.
  So the results showed us brand trust is a important factor for
  Dutch, Hungarian and Polish consumers and it is not important
  at all for Spanish consumers. For the rest of countries it has
  slight importance. In addition importance of brand trust doesn’t
  differentiate significantly when we compare it among different

  12 Appendix: 3.1.Low Price
  13 Appendix :3.2. Ease of Maintenance Strength, Aesthetics & Fit
  14 Appendix: 3.3. Recycled components

occupations. But we also noticed that the unemployed people
  d o n ’ t g i v e a n y i m p o r t a n c e a t a l l o n b r a n d t r u s t . 15

5.3.5 Country of Origin:
  Almost all of the respondents do not think that the nationality
  of product is an important factor which may affect their decision
  on buying; except from the Italian consumers who ranked it as
  a n i m p o r t a n t o n e . 16

5.4 Analysis on the fourth section- Identification
  In this section, we focus on the main identifications of the
  respondents, besides this we also tried to figure out their
                                        knowledge about decathlon and practice of
                                        hiking behaviour.

                                        To start with range of the countries, we see
                                        that most of the respondents are from Italy,
                                        France and Hungary.

                                        As it’s already mentioned in limitations
                                        part of report, this could be seen as a
  disadvantage for analyzing the data for the “European market”.
  Since we noticed this big range differences between the
  countries, we tried to analyze all questions based on every
  country which attends to EuroSurvey.

  Moreover, as Quechua objective of this survey is to challenge
  the new collection, we are going to focus on the specificities of
  children’s age, practice of hiking and the occupation of the

  Our typical profile of respondents are female between 36 to 45
  years old , with an occupation of qualified employee (teacher,

  15 Appendix: 3.4. Brand trust
  16 Appendix: 3.5. Country of Origin

nurse, etc) who live in small towns (between 5 000 to 50 000).
They mostly have 2 children (44%) older than 12 years old
(28%).          17

Considering the knowledge of Decathlon, results showed that it
is very popular in France and Spain, and they frequently buy in
Decathlon. This result is logical, because Decathlon has a lot of
s t o r e s i n t h o s e c o u n t r i e s . 18

According to the last product bought from Decathlon, we
observed differences between ages of children. Concerning
children less than 4 years old are using more pants, for 4-8
years old they’re using more fleeces, between 9-10 they tend to
use more jackets, between 11-12 years old they demand more
pants, finally the children older than 12 years old demand more
s p o r t t - s h i r t . 19

Besides of these results, most of respondents practise hiking
w i t h t h e i r c h i l d r e n r e g u l a r l y ( 5 3 % ) 20 e x c e p t f r o m G e r m a n a n d
Dutch respondents.

17 Appendix: 4.1. Profile of respondents
18 Appendix : 4.2. Buying from Decathlon X Country
19 Appendix: 4.3.Last product from Decathlon X Age of children
20 Appendix: 4.4. Hiking Practice

The people who practise hiking with their children (frequently
& rarely) don’t prefer to buy children’s clothes from Decathlon.

6   Managerial Summary

6.1 Profile of respondents:
    Concerning the main characteristics of the respondents, we can
    affirm due to our results that a big percentage of the sample is
    female between 36 to 45 years old, with an occupation of qualified
    employee (teacher, nurse, etc). Many of the respondents are from
    Italy, France and Hungary who live in small towns (between 5 000
    to 50 000).They have mostly 2 children older than 12 years old.
    Most of them practice hiking with their children regularly but
    unfortunately they don’t prefer to buy from Decathlon.

6.2 Key Findings:
    About the buying behavior of respondents, we figured out that
    they usually buy clothes for their children when they need it. Also
    results show us that people with qualified job tend to buy through
    internet their children’s clothes, but web-stores are not so
    attractive for the European customers.

    When we focus on the preferences of customer, we realized that
    environmental factors on the junior clothes are slightly important
    without any differences between countries. Moreover, except from
    Finland, the price of children’s clothes is important. In addition,
    only for Finland and Germany, the aesthetic is very important.
    Concerning the brand trust, for German and Spanish consumers, is
    not important while Italian and Finnish people think that it is
    slightly important. On the other hand, surprisingly, brand trust is
    important for the Hungarian consumers.

    Also people who practice hiking tend to spend more money in
    Decathlon, even they are willing to spend more money especially
    in hiking clothes. That means that they take care about the quality
    (materials) of products more than the people who don’t practice

7 Recommendations for Quechua

  As a result of our desk research and survey, there are several
  advices that we can give to Quechua.

  Firstly, Decathlon and Quechua should try to hold people who
  practice hiking, due to they tend to spend more money in hiking
  clothes and show loyalty to the Decathlon. Besides they are
  willing to spend more money in clothes (mainly in jackets) than
  people who do not practice hiking. On the other hand, if they
  want to attract new customers, Quechua should fabricate more
  fashionable clothes.

  Moreover, as Quechua wants to point out their effort on
  protecting environment, they should promote this characteristic
  of their products. So they could improve the brand image and
  also get the competitive advantage over its competitors.

  For the advertising and communication strategy, we advice to
  Quechua to focus on women since they have a big influence on
  buying decision of children’s clothes.

  Concerning the online shopping, Quechua should keep their
  website and web stores simple to increase their web sales.

  In addition, Quechua should observe closely H&M, Zara and C&A
  which is the biggest competitor in all the countries we analyzed.

  Finally, we see that consumers pay attention on color except
  from price and quality. So we recommend to Quechua to follow
  the color trends in each country, trying to differentiate in their
  distribution channels which colors they sell in that market.

8 Appendix

1.     Analysis on the first section – General items

     1.1.   Who is in charge of buying children’s clothes X Gender

     1.2.   In which occasions X Country

1.3.             Competitors X Country

Most important shops in the EuroSurvey countries
                            Belgium-NL   France      Finland      Germ any   Hungary       Italy          Poland    Spain    Total
   h_and_m                         12%       10%         23%           20%       21%               5%          1%       8%     100%
   C_and_A                         13%          3%           0%        24%       55%               0%          0%       5%     100%
   DeCAthlon                       4%        59%             0%         0%       22%               6%          3%       6%     100%
   Negozi                          0%           0%           0%         0%        0%           100%            0%       0%     100%
   zara                            12%       12%             0%         6%       25%               8%          2%      35%     100%
   oviesse                         0%           0%           0%         0%        0%           100%            0%       0%     100%
   Benetton                        0%           0%           2%         0%        2%            93%            0%       2%     100%
   Kiabi                           0%        97%             0%         0%        0%               0%          0%       3%     100%
   la_redoute                      7%        89%             0%         0%        0%               0%          0%       4%     100%
   Kappahl                         0%           0%      100%            0%        0%               0%          0%       0%     100%
   Auchan                          0%        17%             0%         0%       75%               8%          0%       0%     100%
   Tradycyjnych                    0%           0%           0%         0%        0%               0%         95%       5%     100%
   Lindex                          0%           0%      100%            0%        0%               0%          0%       0%     100%
   Okaidi                          0%        95%             0%         0%        0%               5%          0%       0%     100%
   Tesco                           0%           0%           0%         0%      100%               0%          0%       0%     100%
   vert_baudet                     0%        89%             0%        11%        0%               0%          0%       0%     100%
   Citym arket                     0%           0%      100%            0%        0%               0%          0%       0%     100%
   la_halle_aux_vetements          0%       100%             0%         0%        0%               0%          0%       0%     100%
   abbigliamento                   0%           0%           0%         0%        0%           100%            0%       0%     100%
   grandi_m agazzini               0%           0%           0%         0%        0%           100%            0%       0%     100%
   JBC                           100%           0%           0%         0%        0%               0%          0%       0%     100%
   Intersport                      23%       38%         15%            8%       15%               0%          0%       0%     100%
   du_pareil_au_même               0%       100%             0%         0%        0%               0%          0%       0%     100%
   Total                           7%        24%         13%            7%       18%            24%            3%       5%

  1.4.             Second-hand shops X Country
    Group no.1
                                     Yes, but         No,
                        regul                                     Total
                                      rarely         never                                0%          100%
     Belgium-NL             11%          20%           69%          100% Belgium-NL                69%     100%

     France                 20%          24%           56%          100%          France            56%    100%

     Finland                10%          52%           38%          100%         Finland       52% 38%     100%

     Germany                13%          50%           37%          100%       Germany         50%         100%

     Hungary                20%          46%           34%          100%        Hungary         46%        100%

     Italy                    3%         11%           87%          100%               Italy       87%     100%

     Poland                   9%         40%           51%          100%          Poland       40% 51%     100%

     Spain                    2%          6%           92%          100%           Spain           92%     100%

     Other                    0%         50%           50%          100%           Other       50% 50%     100%

     Total                  11%          28%           62%                         Total            62%    100%

1.5.       Buying from Web-stores X Country
Buying from Webstores X Country
              0% or    Less                More    All or
                                  een 25
              almost   than                than   almost    Total
                0%     25%                 50%      all
                                   50%                                      0%          100%
 Belgium-NL     61%      30%         5%      3%       2%     100% Belgium-NL     61%       100%

 France         57%      30%        11%      2%      <1%     100%     France     57%      100%

 Finland        42%      38%        15%      0%       4%     100%     Finland 42%         100%

 Germany        47%      27%        17%      7%       3%     100%   Germany 47%           100%

 Hungary        89%       9%        <1%      2%       0%     100%    Hungary      89%     100%

 Italy          88%       9%         3%      0%       0%     100%        Italy    88%     100%

 Poland         31%      46%        17%      6%       0%     100%     Poland       46%    100%

 Spain          89%       6%         6%      0%       0%     100%      Spain      89%     100%

 Other         100%       0%         0%      0%       0%     100%      Other      100%    100%

 Total          71%      20%         7%      2%      <1%               Total     71%      100%

1.6.       Buying from Web-stores X Occupation

1.7.           Buying from Web-stores X Age
    Buying from Web-stores X Age
                               0% or almost         Less than            Between 25           More than               All or almost
                                   0%                 25%                 and 50%               50%                         all
     Less than 25 years                 75%                     19%              5%                        1%                        0%               100%
     25-35                              59%                     27%             10%                        3%                        2%               100%
     36-45                              75%                     18%              6%                       <1%                    <1%                  100%
     46-55                              78%                     15%              5%                        2%                    <1%                  100%
     more than 55 years                 50%                     10%             10%                       20%                    10%                  100%
     Total                              71%                     20%              7%                        2%                    <1%
                       0%         10%         20%         30%          40%     50%            60%         70%           80%           90%         100%
     Less than 25 years                                           75%                                                          19%           5%      100%

                  25-35                                   59%                                                   27%                   10%        3%   100%

                  36-45                                            75%                                                         18%           6%       100%

                  46-55                                                78%                                                      15%          5%       100%

    more than 55 years                              50%                               10%           10%                  20%                10%       100%

                   Total                                         71%                                                     20%                7%        100%

2. A n a l y s i s o n t h e s e c o n d s e c t i o n - P r o d u c t s

   2.1.           Demand on following products (last year)

   2.2.           Type of products X Country
     Type of product bought last year / country
                                   Fleece           Sport
                      Jacket                                      Pants                  0%         50% 100%
                                   jacket           t-shirt
     Belgium-NL            31%          13%            21%              35% Belgium-NL        31%         35%     100%

     France                25%          22%            17%              36%     France 25%                36%     100%

     Finland               35%          17%            10%              38%     Finland       35%         38%     100%

     Germany               35%          16%            17%              33%    Germany        35%         33%     100%

     Hungary               29%          17%            22%              32%    Hungary        29%         32%     100%

     Italy                 26%          15%            28%              31%           Italy   26%   28% 31%       100%

     Poland                28%          16%            28%              27%     Poland        28%    28% 27%      100%

     Spain                 25%          19%            27%              29%      Spain 25%           27% 29%      100%

     Total                 28%          17%            23%              33%       Total       28%         33%     100%

     p = <1% ; chi2 = 53.0 ; dof = 21 (VS)

2.3.   Budgets X Country

2.4.        Criteria X Products

3. A n a l y s i s o n t h e t h i r d s e c t i o n - P r e f e r e n c e s

   3.1.        Low Price
     Low price X Country
                             Slightly            Very
                   impor                Impor             It is a
                              impor             impor               Total
                   tant at               tant            priority
                               tant              tant                                 0%          100%
     Belgium-NL       16%       42%       32%      8%         2%     100% Belgium-NL       42%      100%

     France            2%       22%       46%     23%         7%     100%       France      46%     100%

     Finland           4%       52%       33%     10%         2%     100%       Finland    52%      100%

     Germany           3%       30%       52%     13%         2%     100%      Germany       52%    100%

     Hungary          <1%       22%       47%     25%         6%     100%      Hungary      47%     100%

     Italy             6%       24%       53%     13%         4%     100%          Italy     53%    100%

     Poland            9%         9%      46%     31%         6%     100%       Poland     46%      100%

     Spain             4%       19%       58%     15%         4%     100%        Spain      58%     100%

     Other             0%         0%     100%      0%         0%     100%        Other      100%    100%

     Total             5%       26%       47%     17%         4%                 Total       47%    100%

Low Price X No. of children
                                                                           5 or
                            1            2       3               4                           Total
Not important at all         32%         38%     15%                 9%           6%          100%
Slightly important           32%         46%     18%                 2%           2%          100%
Important                    32%         45%     18%                 4%           2%          100%
Very important               41%         40%     15%                 3%           2%          100%
It is a priority             21%         52%     17%                 7%           3%          100%
Total                        33%         44%     17%                 4%           2%
                  0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Not important at all    32%           38%        15%  9% 6% 100%

 Slightly important              32%                 46%                        18%            100%

           Important             32%                 45%                    18%         4%     100%

    Very important                 41%                     40%                   15%           100%

        It is a priority   21%                 52%                        17%          7%      100%

                   Total         33%                 44%                    17%                100%

3.2.        Ease of Maintenance Strength, Aesthetics & Fit

Aesthetics X Practice hiking
                                     Slightly                Very
                           impor                  Impor                  It is a
                                      impor                 impor                        Total
                           tant at                 tant                 priority
                                       tant                  tant
 Regularly Practice           <1%          10%      45%         37%          8%           100%
 Rarely Practice               1%            9%     43%         34%        12%            100%
 Never practice                3%            5%     35%         38%        20%            100%
 Total                         1%            9%     44%         36%        10%
                 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Regularly Practice 10%        45%             37%      8%  100%

   Rarely Practice     9%                  43%                  34%                12%     100%

    Never practice    5%             35%                  38%                20%           100%

             Total     9%                  44%                    36%              10%     100%

Fit X Hiking Practice
                                     Slightly                Very
                           impor                  Impor                  It is a
                                      impor                 impor                        Total
                           tant at                 tant                 priority
                                       tant                  tant
 Regularly Practice           <1%          10%      41%         36%        12%            100%
 Rarely Practice              <1%          11%      41%         34%        14%            100%
 Never practice                8%            0%     43%         33%        18%            100%
 Total                         1%          10%      41%         35%        13%
                 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Regularly Practice 10%       41%            36%       12%  100%

   Rarely Practice    11%                  41%                  34%            14%         100%

    Never practice    8%               43%                  33%              18%           100%

             Total    10%                  41%                  35%            13%         100%

Strength X Hiking Practice
                                               Slightly                             Very
                                 impor                               Impor                            It is a
                                                impor                              impor                              Total
                                 tant at                              tant                           priority
                                                 tant                               tant
 Regularly Practice                     1%               8%            35%           43%                   12%         100%
 Rarely Practice                        1%               7%            38%           43%                   11%         100%
 Never practice                         3%           18%               33%           35%                   13%         100%
 Total                                  1%               8%            36%           42%                   12%
                 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Regularly Practice 8%      35%             43%        12%  100%

   Rarely Practice          7%                 38%                                  43%                         11%     100%

    Never practice                18%                     33%                        35%                     13%        100%

                   Total     8%                    36%                              42%                         12%     100%

3.3.              Recycled components
Recycled components X Country
                                        Slightly                          Very
                      impor                               Impor                           It is a
                                         impor                           impor                              Total
                      tant at                              tant                          priority
                                          tant                            tant
 Belgium-NL                42%               37%               18%             2%               2%           100%
 France                    14%               58%               23%             4%              <1%           100%
 Finland                   29%               65%                6%             0%               0%           100%
 Germany                   23%               42%               23%            10%               2%           100%
 Hungary                   31%               41%               22%             4%               2%           100%
 Italy                     15%               36%               33%            11%               5%           100%
 Poland                    43%               43%                9%             3%               3%           100%
 Spain                     26%               47%               26%             0%               0%           100%
 Other                     33%               0%                67%             0%               0%           100%
 Total                     24%               44%               24%             6%               2%
              0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Belgium-NL                        42%                                 37%                      18%              100%

         France      14%                             58%                                  23%           4%      100%

     Finland               29%                                         65%                              6%      100%

   Germany             23%                               42%                       23%               10%        100%

    Hungary                 31%                                41%                       22%           4%       100%

           Italy     15%                     36%                             33%                11%     5%      100%

         Poland                   43%                                   43%                     9%              100%

         Spain             26%                                 47%                          26%                 100%

          Other              33%                                             67%                                100%

          Total         24%                               44%                        24%              6%        100%

3.4.              Brand trust
Brand trust X Country
                                      Slightly                         Very
                    impor                              Impor                             It is a
                                       impor                          impor                               Total
                    tant at                             tant                            priority
                                        tant                           tant
 Belgium-NL              16%                24%          39%               16%                 5%          100%
 France                  14%                32%          31%               19%                 4%          100%
 Finland                 31%                48%          19%                2%                 0%          100%
 Germany                 37%                38%          18%                7%                 0%          100%
 Hungary                 13%                23%          42%               14%                 8%          100%
 Italy                   16%                37%          25%               19%                 3%          100%
 Poland                  26%                23%          29%               23%                 0%          100%
 Spain                   60%                32%           8%                0%                 0%          100%
 Other                    0%                 0%          67%                0%             33%             100%
 Total                   22%                32%          28%               14%                 3%
         0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Belgium-NL  16%     24%         39%        16%  5% 100%

         France    14%                     32%                   31%                      19%               100%

     Finland              31%                              48%                             19%              100%

   Germany                     37%                         38%                           18%         7%     100%

    Hungary        13%               23%                       42%                       14%         8%     100%

           Italy   16%                       37%                      25%                  19%              100%

         Poland          26%                     23%                 29%                    23%             100%

         Spain                             60%                                    32%                8%     100%

          Other                              67%                                        33%                 100%

          Total      22%                         32%                       28%                 14%          100%

Brand trust X Occupation
                                                                                 Slightly             Very                    It is a
                                                                      important           Important                                     Total
                                                                                important           important                priority
                                                                        at all
 Student                                                                         17%            25%           33%      14%       10%     100%
 Self-employed/Business Owner                                                    15%            36%           31%      18%         0%    100%
 Professional (Doctor, Lawyer, other)                                            22%            35%           22%      14%         6%    100%
 Qualified employee/expert (Teacher, Nurse, other)                               24%            33%           25%      16%         2%    100%
 Operator/industrial worker                                                      29%            34%           23%      13%         2%    100%
 Top Management                                                                  3%             29%           45%      16%         6%    100%
 Retired                                                                         33%            67%               0%   0%          0%    100%
 Unemployed                                                                      50%            30%           20%      0%          0%    100%
 Housewife                                                                       22%            35%           29%      10%         4%    100%
 Other                                                                           23%            28%           37%      9%          3%    100%
 Total                                                                           22%            32%           28%      14%         3%

3.5.              Country of Origin
Country of Origin X Country
                                     Slightly                     Very
                    impor                              Impor                  It is a
                                      impor                      impor                           Total
                    tant at                             tant                 priority
                                       tant                       tant
 Belgium-NL              52%               29%           18%        2%             0%             100%
 France                  18%               37%           33%        7%             5%             100%
 Finland                 19%               62%           15%        4%             0%             100%
 Germany                 15%               43%           30%       10%             2%             100%
 Hungary                 24%               43%           24%        8%            <1%             100%
 Italy                   14%               22%           32%       21%            11%             100%
 Poland                  34%               40%           23%        3%             0%             100%
 Spain                   36%               32%           21%       11%             0%             100%
 Other                     0%              0%            67%       33%             0%             100%
 Total                   23%               35%           27%       11%             4%
         0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Belgium-NL         52%             29%      18%    100%

         France     18%                     37%                     33%                7%    5%    100%

     Finland        19%                                 62%                       15%              100%

   Germany         15%                      43%                      30%               10%         100%

    Hungary              24%                       43%                     24%              8%     100%

           Italy   14%               22%                 32%               21%          11%        100%

         Poland            34%                             40%                   23%               100%

         Spain                 36%                       32%               21%          11%        100%

          Other                            67%                               33%                   100%

          Total      23%                         35%                27%            11%       4%    100%

4. Analysis on the fourth section- Identification

  4.1.   Profile of respondents

4.2.   Buying from Decathlon X Country

4.3.       Last product from Decathlon X Age of children

                      Purchase of following products
                                      Non response (<1%)
                                                           Jacket (73%)
                       Pants (86%)

                                                           Fleece jacket (45%)
                      Sport t-shirt (59%)

4.4.       Hiking Practice
practise hiking children
                                No.        % cit.
           Regularly Practice    356         53%
           Rarely Practice       274         41%
           Never practice             40       6%
         Total                   670        100%


 41%                                                 53%


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European Junior Textile Market

  • 1. EuroSurvey Individual Report Marketing Research on the Junior Hiking Textile Market for Quechua Dilara ADAYLAR Annecy, 6th of April 2010
  • 2. 1 Table of Contents 2 T h e P r o j e c t a n d O b j e c t i v e s o f t h e S u r v e y .................................................... 3 3 M e t h o d o l o g y o f D e s k R e s e a r c h ........................................................................ 4 3.1 S a m p l e , s c h e d u l e a n d t o o l .......................................................................... 4 3.2 L i m i t a t i o n s .......................................................................................................... 5 4 R e s u l t s o f d e s k r e s e a r c h ..................................................................................... 6 4.1 F r e n c h m a r k e t : .................................................................................................. 6 4.2 D u t c h m a r k e t : .................................................................................................... 6 4.3 H u n g a r i a n m a r k e t : ........................................................................................... 7 4.4 I t a l i a n m a r k e t : ................................................................................................... 7 4.5 F i n n i s h m a r k e t : ................................................................................................. 7 5 A n a l y s i s ...................................................................................................................... 8 5.1 A n a l y s i s o n t h e f i r s t s e c t i o n – G e n e r a l i t e m s ...................................... 8 5.2 A n a l y s i s o n t h e s e c o n d s e c t i o n - P r o d u c t s .......................................... 11 5.3 A n a l y s i s o n t h e t h i r d s e c t i o n - P r e f e r e n c e s ......................................... 14 5.3.1 L o w p r i c e : .................................................................................................. 15 5.3.2 M a i n t e n a n c e , S t r e n g t h , A e s t h e t i c s & F i t ( N i c e l y c u t ) : ............ 15 5.3.3 R e c y c l e d c o m p o n e n t s : .......................................................................... 15 5.3.4 B r a n d t r u s t : ............................................................................................... 15 5.3.5 C o u n t r y o f O r i g i n : ................................................................................... 16 5.4 A n a l y s i s o n t h e f o u r t h s e c t i o n - I d e n t i f i c a t i o n .................................... 16 6 Managerial Summary.................................................................................................... 19 6.1 Profile of respondents: ........................................................................................... 19 6.2 Key Findings: ......................................................................................................... 19 7 Recommendations for Quechua ................................................................................... 20 8 Appendix ...................................................................................................................... 21 2
  • 3. 2 The P ro je ct and Ob je cti ve s o f t he Survey The EuroSurvey is an official Intensive Program, which focuses on International Marketing Research. Within this program, a team of students from different European universities work together and conduct a real international online survey. Each year the students cooperate with another company. This year the EuroSurvey team works with the brand Quechua. Quechua is a French mountain sports clothes brand, which was founded in 1997 and belongs to the Oxyline. The goal of the directives of Quechua, which is mainly distributed through the leading French Sportswear store Decathlon, is to become world leader in offering kids clothes for hiking. In order to achieve this goal the company aims at increasing the practice of hiking is an easy and affordable sport for families with children and providing families with most qualitative kids hiking clothes for the best price. With a view to this goal, Quechua decided to join the EuroSurvey Program in despite of getting insights into the European Junior Textile Market. With help of the findings of the EuroSurvey Marketing Research Quechua aims at improving their offer of Junior Hiking clothes. The main objectives of the company are to get information on the general expectations and preferences of customers in the Junior Textile Market. Furthermore, they would like to get to know, which people and why people buy their clothes in Decathlon stores. Moreover, the company seeks to enlarge its knowledge concerning the customers’ preferences regarding price, quality and material of children’s hiking clothes. Additionally it is interested in information regarding the customers’ knowledge of textile characteristics and their level of understanding in reference to special material characteristics. 3
  • 4. 3 M et ho dolo gy o f De sk Re se arch As time was limited only for preparing questionnaire and analyzing data, students who took part in EuroSurvey 2010 had completed their desk research before the program. The goals of desk research were figuring out the general facts of junior textile market, analyzing the popularity of Decathlon and Quechua, looking for main competitors, general limitations & problems in 9 countries. 3.1 Sample, schedule and tool This year the EuroSurvey Research is focused on the European Junior Hiking Textile Market. Therefore the questionnaire is addressed to parents with children in the age between 5-14 years. In order to get in contact with this international target group it was decided to conduct an on-line questionnaire. Therefore all students of the EuroSurvey Intensive Program collected email contacts of people, which fit in this profile, in their home countries. Predominantly the students asked people from their familiar environment to take a part in the survey and visited schools or kindergartens in order to recruit further potential participants. All in all the students were able to gather approximately 1200 contacts. On Sunday, 7th of March 2010 the questionnaire was sent to all contacts. Two days later, on Tuesday 9th of March a reminder was sent, in order to again ask the contacts, who did not answer the questionnaire till then, to participate in the EuroSurvey project. Finally, on Thursday 11th of March the students started to analyze the results of the survey, by using the Sphinx Survey software. 4
  • 5. Sphinx Survey Software is professional statistic software. This software offers an easy all-in-one tool, which supported the students of the EuroSurvey project in developing, conducting as well as analyzing their survey. 3.2 Limitations Even though Quechua was appreciated about the results of the EuroSurvey, there were some difficulties and limitations during the process of analyses Before all else, as EuroSurvey hosted students from 9 different Western European countries, so all the contacts were among these countries. In addition, there were big differences between the numbers of the responses to the survey between the countries. Most of the responses came from Italy, France and Hungary. So we decided to analyze the data country by country instead of re-weightening the countries. Furthermore, there is a possibility that the sample group may not be representative for whole population in each country, since the most of the contacts collected are from the cities where participatory universities located. Thirdly, as online survey was the only way to reach sample, the sample is consist of the families who have computer and internet access. Although internet connection is getting widespread nowadays, it also depends on the conditions of the countries. Nevertheless it can be seen from former study results that the group of people with internet access is usually, better educated and is in funds of more money than the average of the population (Ganassali, Stephane 2010: Lecture-web surveys 09.03.2010). 5
  • 6. 4 Re sults o f de sk research 4.1 French market: Consumers are demanding more innovative products in French junior sport textile. In addition to that, the junior sport products are more expensive comparing with other textile products. Since it price-sensitive market, consumers tend to buy relatively cheaper clothes for their children. Quechua has already big market share in France. But it’s also affected by global economic crisis & competition. They’re using the low price strategy. Main problem of French market is: there’s no specific brand on kids sports. 4.2 Dutch market: General information about country: Most of families have 2 or 3 children. In addition they are used buy 2 pairs for the sports they practice (e.g. indoor clothes for winter & outdoor ones for summer). Since there are not so many mountains, hiking is not a popular sport. In addition, they are so sensitive for brands and they are willing to pay more for the sport clothes and also appearance of products is important. Nike has approximately 700 shops with 80% market share for sportswear. Dutch consumers are also buying sport products for the casual wear. Distribution: Intersport is the biggest channel of distribution. The others are Bever Zwerfsport and Perry Sport. Also they are used to buy products via internet. (Since Nike has the same sizes for every product, it is easy to purchase their products through internet) 6
  • 7. 4.3 Hungarian market: General information about country: In Hungary, wages are really low comparing the other European countries and in addition Hungarians do not have so much leisure time because of the high working hours. That is why they want to buy the necessary clothes in big malls or the shopping centers not to spend so much time & money. Also they are not willing to spend so much money on junior textile. The biggest competitors of Decathlon are Auchan and Harves. Lastly, as there are not many mountains, hiking is not so popular in Hungary. 4.4 Italian market: Approximately 40% of population is not interested in sports. Plus, the population is getting older. Hiking is more popular in the North part of country.500€ per person on junior textile products in 2008. Italian consumers are sensitive to advertising & brand but they prefer to buy national products. There‘re quite big companies producing sportswear: Diadora, Kappa, Lotto, Tocchini. These brands are giving importance to new product development and innovations. Lastly, Decathlon is more popular in North of country and especially in big cities. 4.5 Finnish market: Only in the Northern Finland is suitable for hiking since they do not have many mountains. But they prefer durable clothes for children. Finnish consumers do not prefer to buy their sport clothes from the brand stores since they are expensive. Furthermore they prefer to buy national product more. The big companies which can be considered as competitors: Reima (leading marketing strategy for junior textile); Kiwa 7
  • 8. (popular with their woolen products); H&M; Rukka (for junior sport textile). 5 A naly si s As a result of the email sending campaign, we got 682 responses in total. To be more specific and to have more measurable results, we divided the survey into 4 sections. The first section is about the general facts about the textile market and consumer behavior. The second part is related with the preference of the consumer about the Quechua hiking clothes and consumers’ knowledge on materials. The next part designed to analyze the factors which affect consumer choice in general. And lastly, the forth section is about identification of the respondents. 5.1 Analysis on the first section – General items In this section we tried to analyze the general buying behavior of respondents. So firstly, we had asked about the people in charge of buying clothes for their children. The results of survey showed us that women have a big influence on decision about buying the children’s clothes.1 Furthermore, as one of the objectives of this survey was to find out in which occasions the European consumers buy junior clothes, the analysis showed us, almost all of them buy when they need it without any big differences between nationalities. The second occasion is “buying when they just like something” except from Spain, Germany and France which prefer to buy 1 Appendix : 1.1. Who is in charge of buying children’s clothes X Gender 8
  • 9. children’s clothes during the sales. Apart from these results, we can suppose that these nationalities are more sensible to price of products.2 The analysis of question four regarding the favorite children’s clothes shops of the respondents shows that in general the four most popular stores for children’s clothes are: On the first position H&M by 21%, followed with C&A by 11%, Decathlon by10% and lastly Zara by 7%. These stores operate in the low price segment of the textile market and offer besides junior textile also a range of clothes for adults. When we analyze these shops considering the countries, the results show that H&M is really popular competitor for Decathlon in Finland, Germany, Netherlands and Belgium; while most of the Hungarian respondents tend to buy from C&A.3 2 Appendix: 1.2. In which occasions X Country 3 Appendix: 1.3. Competitors X Country 9
  • 10. Concerning the reasons of choosing these shops, there were 5 basic factors: color, comfort, convenience, price, design. It was also surprising since it’s mentioned that some markets are sensible to price as result of desk research. But after receiving the results of online survey, it can be seen that the first factor which attracts most of the consumers (except from Spanish and Hungarian respondents) in these stores is colors of products. On the other hand, Hungarian, French and Finnish respondents think that price is the secondly most important reason for choosing these shops. After analyzing the most preferred shops in Europe and the factors which affect their choice, we also checked the consumer behavior related with web -stores and second hand shops. 10
  • 11. So concerning second hand shops, it’s observed that most of the European consumers prefer to buy new clothes for their children (61%). Yet, it’s more common to buy from second-hand shop in Hungary, France and Germany comparing with other European countries.4 About web-stores, it can be understood from the results that they are not so attractive for the European consumers. Almost 69% percent of respondents said that they never buy clothes of their children through web-stores. O n t h e o t h e r h a n d , t h e y o u n g p e o p l e ( b e t w e e n 2 5 - 4 5 y e a r s o l d 5) with qualified job6 especially from France, Germany and Finland7 tend to buy through internet their children’s clothes. 5.2 Analysis on the second section- Products In this section, there were some questions related with the products which Quechua is offering for junior hiking clothes (fleeces, jackets, t-shirts and pants). With these questions, we had aimed to analyze the thought of European consumers about these clothes. In general, the rank of buying children clothes is: 1st pants (85%), 2nd jacket (72%), 3rd sport T-shirt (59%) and 4th fleeces (44%). 8 4 Appendix: 1.4. Second-hand shops X Country 5 Appendix:1.7.Buying from Web-stores X Age 6 Appendix:1.6. Buying from web-stores X Occupation 7 Appendix: 1.5.Buying from Webstores X Country 8 Appendix: 2.1. Demand on following products (last year) 11
  • 12. Regarding the age of children, there are no significant differences in the purchasing of junior textile. The parents who have children older than 12 years old, tend to buy more sport T- shirts than the others while the parents who have children younger than 8 years old tend to buy more fleece jackets. Concerning the national buying habits of jackets, fleeces, sport T-shirts and pants, the data marks significant differences. For example, we can notice that Italy (28%), Poland (28%) and Spain (27%) buy more T-shirt than Finland (10%), France (17%) and Germany (17%). Concerning pants, Finland (38%), France (36%) and Belgium/NL (35%) buy more pants comparing to the others. France is also a big consumer of fleeces (22%) comparing to the other countries. Finally, demand of jackets is higher in Finland (35%) and Germany (35%).9 When we look up the budgets for these 4 products on country basis, we can easily see that without difference between products, consumers from Netherlands and Belgium are tend to buy more expensive clothes, while French, Hungarian and Polish consumers prefer relatively cheaper ones. But when we analyze deeply of the price which consumers are willing to pay for these products; it can be said that most of the European consumers tend to buy jackets between 36€-50€ (exception: Hungarian and Polish consumers are more prudent 9 Appendix: 2.2. Type of products X Country 12
  • 13. about the price of jackets-between 16€/25€-). Concerning the fleeces, the most common price is around 16€ and20; and for t- shirts, it is around 8€-15€ without any significant difference among 9 countries. Lastly, most of the European consumers pointed out that they are willing to pay between 21€-30€ for a kids pant. 10 Secondly, related with the criterias which European consumer take care about when they buy one of these 4 products, the results showed us they give more importance to aesthetics and fit for T-shirts and pants while the most important criteria is warmth and water resistance for fleeces and jackets. I f w e a n a l y z e t h e m o s t i m p o r t a n t c r i t e r i a s f o r e a c h p r o d u c t : 11 For jackets: 1-Warmth, 2-Water resistance, 3-aesthetics, and 4- Fit For fleeces: 1-Warmth, 2-Softness, 3-Aesthetics, and 4-Fit For T-shirts: 1-Aesthetics,2-Maintainance, 3-Pleasant touch, and 4-Fit For pants: 1-Fit,2-Aesthetics,3-Solidity/Strength and 4-Pleasant touch In addition to the analysis on the criterias for these 4 products, as Quechua wants to learn the level of consumers’ knowledge on materials used in these products, there were also 4 main questions about synthetics, wool and cotton. As consequences of our survey, we see that the most important characteristic of wool considered as “warmth” while for cotton and synthetic is “ease of maintenance”. 10 Appendix: 2.3.Budgets X Country 11 Appendix: 2.4. Criteria X Products 13
  • 14. Moreover the cotton in the t-shirts and pants is preferred to be easy to maintenance. Also this characteristic is the favourite for synthetic materials which are used by Quechua to produce jacket and fleeces. 5.3 Analysis on the third section- Preferences In the third part of our survey, we would like to have more detailed information about the preferences of consumer on junior textile products in general. So we defined 8 basic factors (low price, ease of maintenance, aesthetics, fit (nicely cut), recycled components, strength, brand trust, country of origin) which may affect consumers’ choice and asked to the sample to rank the importance of these factors. 14
  • 15. 5.3.1 Low price: Most of the European consumers ranked the low price as a important factor without big differentiation among the 9 European countries. Also results showed us it is not related with the number of children and the occupation of the respondents, except from the people with a professional occupation (e.g. lawyer and doctor) who pointed out that low price is slightly i m p o r t a n t f o r t h e m . 12 5.3.2 Maintenance, Strength, Aesthetics & Fit (Nicely cut): These are the factors which are ranked as important by most of the respondents. Furthermore, for the people who practices hiking rarely or do not practice hiking at all, think that aesthetics and nicely cut are very important factors when t h e y ’ r e c h o o s i n g c l o t h e s f o r t h e i r c h i l d r e n . 13 5.3.3 Recycled components: As one of the comparative advantages of Quechua is using the environment-friendly materials, they wanted to know how important this factor is for the European consumers. The results showed us that most of respondents give slightly importance on that factor. Plus, the respondents from Netherlands and Belgium p o i n t e d o u t t h a t r e c y c l e d c o m p o n e n t s a r e n o t i m p o r t a n t a t a l l . 14 5.3.4 Brand trust: This factor is also related with the brand loyalty of consumers. So the results showed us brand trust is a important factor for Dutch, Hungarian and Polish consumers and it is not important at all for Spanish consumers. For the rest of countries it has slight importance. In addition importance of brand trust doesn’t differentiate significantly when we compare it among different 12 Appendix: 3.1.Low Price 13 Appendix :3.2. Ease of Maintenance Strength, Aesthetics & Fit 14 Appendix: 3.3. Recycled components 15
  • 16. occupations. But we also noticed that the unemployed people d o n ’ t g i v e a n y i m p o r t a n c e a t a l l o n b r a n d t r u s t . 15 5.3.5 Country of Origin: Almost all of the respondents do not think that the nationality of product is an important factor which may affect their decision on buying; except from the Italian consumers who ranked it as a n i m p o r t a n t o n e . 16 5.4 Analysis on the fourth section- Identification In this section, we focus on the main identifications of the respondents, besides this we also tried to figure out their knowledge about decathlon and practice of hiking behaviour. To start with range of the countries, we see that most of the respondents are from Italy, France and Hungary. As it’s already mentioned in limitations part of report, this could be seen as a disadvantage for analyzing the data for the “European market”. Since we noticed this big range differences between the countries, we tried to analyze all questions based on every country which attends to EuroSurvey. Moreover, as Quechua objective of this survey is to challenge the new collection, we are going to focus on the specificities of children’s age, practice of hiking and the occupation of the respondent. Our typical profile of respondents are female between 36 to 45 years old , with an occupation of qualified employee (teacher, 15 Appendix: 3.4. Brand trust 16 Appendix: 3.5. Country of Origin 16
  • 17. nurse, etc) who live in small towns (between 5 000 to 50 000). They mostly have 2 children (44%) older than 12 years old (28%). 17 Considering the knowledge of Decathlon, results showed that it is very popular in France and Spain, and they frequently buy in Decathlon. This result is logical, because Decathlon has a lot of s t o r e s i n t h o s e c o u n t r i e s . 18 According to the last product bought from Decathlon, we observed differences between ages of children. Concerning children less than 4 years old are using more pants, for 4-8 years old they’re using more fleeces, between 9-10 they tend to use more jackets, between 11-12 years old they demand more pants, finally the children older than 12 years old demand more s p o r t t - s h i r t . 19 Besides of these results, most of respondents practise hiking w i t h t h e i r c h i l d r e n r e g u l a r l y ( 5 3 % ) 20 e x c e p t f r o m G e r m a n a n d Dutch respondents. 17 Appendix: 4.1. Profile of respondents 18 Appendix : 4.2. Buying from Decathlon X Country 19 Appendix: 4.3.Last product from Decathlon X Age of children 20 Appendix: 4.4. Hiking Practice 17
  • 18. The people who practise hiking with their children (frequently & rarely) don’t prefer to buy children’s clothes from Decathlon. 18
  • 19. 6 Managerial Summary 6.1 Profile of respondents: Concerning the main characteristics of the respondents, we can affirm due to our results that a big percentage of the sample is female between 36 to 45 years old, with an occupation of qualified employee (teacher, nurse, etc). Many of the respondents are from Italy, France and Hungary who live in small towns (between 5 000 to 50 000).They have mostly 2 children older than 12 years old. Most of them practice hiking with their children regularly but unfortunately they don’t prefer to buy from Decathlon. 6.2 Key Findings: About the buying behavior of respondents, we figured out that they usually buy clothes for their children when they need it. Also results show us that people with qualified job tend to buy through internet their children’s clothes, but web-stores are not so attractive for the European customers. When we focus on the preferences of customer, we realized that environmental factors on the junior clothes are slightly important without any differences between countries. Moreover, except from Finland, the price of children’s clothes is important. In addition, only for Finland and Germany, the aesthetic is very important. Concerning the brand trust, for German and Spanish consumers, is not important while Italian and Finnish people think that it is slightly important. On the other hand, surprisingly, brand trust is important for the Hungarian consumers. Also people who practice hiking tend to spend more money in Decathlon, even they are willing to spend more money especially in hiking clothes. That means that they take care about the quality (materials) of products more than the people who don’t practice hiking. 19
  • 20. 7 Recommendations for Quechua As a result of our desk research and survey, there are several advices that we can give to Quechua. Firstly, Decathlon and Quechua should try to hold people who practice hiking, due to they tend to spend more money in hiking clothes and show loyalty to the Decathlon. Besides they are willing to spend more money in clothes (mainly in jackets) than people who do not practice hiking. On the other hand, if they want to attract new customers, Quechua should fabricate more fashionable clothes. Moreover, as Quechua wants to point out their effort on protecting environment, they should promote this characteristic of their products. So they could improve the brand image and also get the competitive advantage over its competitors. For the advertising and communication strategy, we advice to Quechua to focus on women since they have a big influence on buying decision of children’s clothes. Concerning the online shopping, Quechua should keep their website and web stores simple to increase their web sales. In addition, Quechua should observe closely H&M, Zara and C&A which is the biggest competitor in all the countries we analyzed. Finally, we see that consumers pay attention on color except from price and quality. So we recommend to Quechua to follow the color trends in each country, trying to differentiate in their distribution channels which colors they sell in that market. 20
  • 21. 8 Appendix 1. Analysis on the first section – General items 1.1. Who is in charge of buying children’s clothes X Gender 1.2. In which occasions X Country 21
  • 22. 1.3. Competitors X Country Most important shops in the EuroSurvey countries Belgium-NL France Finland Germ any Hungary Italy Poland Spain Total h_and_m 12% 10% 23% 20% 21% 5% 1% 8% 100% C_and_A 13% 3% 0% 24% 55% 0% 0% 5% 100% DeCAthlon 4% 59% 0% 0% 22% 6% 3% 6% 100% Negozi 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 100% zara 12% 12% 0% 6% 25% 8% 2% 35% 100% oviesse 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 100% Benetton 0% 0% 2% 0% 2% 93% 0% 2% 100% Kiabi 0% 97% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 3% 100% la_redoute 7% 89% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 4% 100% Kappahl 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% Auchan 0% 17% 0% 0% 75% 8% 0% 0% 100% Tradycyjnych 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 95% 5% 100% Lindex 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% Okaidi 0% 95% 0% 0% 0% 5% 0% 0% 100% Tesco 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 100% vert_baudet 0% 89% 0% 11% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% Citym arket 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% la_halle_aux_vetements 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% abbigliamento 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 100% grandi_m agazzini 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 100% JBC 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% Intersport 23% 38% 15% 8% 15% 0% 0% 0% 100% du_pareil_au_même 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% Total 7% 24% 13% 7% 18% 24% 3% 5% 1.4. Second-hand shops X Country Group no.1 Yes, Yes, but No, regul Total rarely never 0% 100% arly Belgium-NL 11% 20% 69% 100% Belgium-NL 69% 100% France 20% 24% 56% 100% France 56% 100% Finland 10% 52% 38% 100% Finland 52% 38% 100% Germany 13% 50% 37% 100% Germany 50% 100% Hungary 20% 46% 34% 100% Hungary 46% 100% Italy 3% 11% 87% 100% Italy 87% 100% Poland 9% 40% 51% 100% Poland 40% 51% 100% Spain 2% 6% 92% 100% Spain 92% 100% Other 0% 50% 50% 100% Other 50% 50% 100% Total 11% 28% 62% Total 62% 100% 22
  • 23. 1.5. Buying from Web-stores X Country Buying from Webstores X Country Betw 0% or Less More All or een 25 almost than than almost Total and 0% 25% 50% all 50% 0% 100% Belgium-NL 61% 30% 5% 3% 2% 100% Belgium-NL 61% 100% France 57% 30% 11% 2% <1% 100% France 57% 100% Finland 42% 38% 15% 0% 4% 100% Finland 42% 100% Germany 47% 27% 17% 7% 3% 100% Germany 47% 100% Hungary 89% 9% <1% 2% 0% 100% Hungary 89% 100% Italy 88% 9% 3% 0% 0% 100% Italy 88% 100% Poland 31% 46% 17% 6% 0% 100% Poland 46% 100% Spain 89% 6% 6% 0% 0% 100% Spain 89% 100% Other 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% Other 100% 100% Total 71% 20% 7% 2% <1% Total 71% 100% 1.6. Buying from Web-stores X Occupation 23
  • 24. 1.7. Buying from Web-stores X Age Buying from Web-stores X Age 0% or almost Less than Between 25 More than All or almost Total 0% 25% and 50% 50% all Less than 25 years 75% 19% 5% 1% 0% 100% 25-35 59% 27% 10% 3% 2% 100% 36-45 75% 18% 6% <1% <1% 100% 46-55 78% 15% 5% 2% <1% 100% more than 55 years 50% 10% 10% 20% 10% 100% Total 71% 20% 7% 2% <1% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Less than 25 years 75% 19% 5% 100% 25-35 59% 27% 10% 3% 100% 36-45 75% 18% 6% 100% 46-55 78% 15% 5% 100% more than 55 years 50% 10% 10% 20% 10% 100% Total 71% 20% 7% 100% 2. A n a l y s i s o n t h e s e c o n d s e c t i o n - P r o d u c t s 2.1. Demand on following products (last year) 2.2. Type of products X Country Type of product bought last year / country Fleece Sport Jacket Pants 0% 50% 100% jacket t-shirt Belgium-NL 31% 13% 21% 35% Belgium-NL 31% 35% 100% France 25% 22% 17% 36% France 25% 36% 100% Finland 35% 17% 10% 38% Finland 35% 38% 100% Germany 35% 16% 17% 33% Germany 35% 33% 100% Hungary 29% 17% 22% 32% Hungary 29% 32% 100% Italy 26% 15% 28% 31% Italy 26% 28% 31% 100% Poland 28% 16% 28% 27% Poland 28% 28% 27% 100% Spain 25% 19% 27% 29% Spain 25% 27% 29% 100% Total 28% 17% 23% 33% Total 28% 33% 100% p = <1% ; chi2 = 53.0 ; dof = 21 (VS) 24
  • 25. 2.3. Budgets X Country 25
  • 26. 2.4. Criteria X Products 3. A n a l y s i s o n t h e t h i r d s e c t i o n - P r e f e r e n c e s 3.1. Low Price Low price X Country Not Slightly Very impor Impor It is a impor impor Total tant at tant priority tant tant 0% 100% all Belgium-NL 16% 42% 32% 8% 2% 100% Belgium-NL 42% 100% France 2% 22% 46% 23% 7% 100% France 46% 100% Finland 4% 52% 33% 10% 2% 100% Finland 52% 100% Germany 3% 30% 52% 13% 2% 100% Germany 52% 100% Hungary <1% 22% 47% 25% 6% 100% Hungary 47% 100% Italy 6% 24% 53% 13% 4% 100% Italy 53% 100% Poland 9% 9% 46% 31% 6% 100% Poland 46% 100% Spain 4% 19% 58% 15% 4% 100% Spain 58% 100% Other 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 100% Other 100% 100% Total 5% 26% 47% 17% 4% Total 47% 100% 26
  • 27. Low Price X No. of children 5 or 1 2 3 4 Total more Not important at all 32% 38% 15% 9% 6% 100% Slightly important 32% 46% 18% 2% 2% 100% Important 32% 45% 18% 4% 2% 100% Very important 41% 40% 15% 3% 2% 100% It is a priority 21% 52% 17% 7% 3% 100% Total 33% 44% 17% 4% 2% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Not important at all 32% 38% 15% 9% 6% 100% Slightly important 32% 46% 18% 100% Important 32% 45% 18% 4% 100% Very important 41% 40% 15% 100% It is a priority 21% 52% 17% 7% 100% Total 33% 44% 17% 100% 27
  • 28. 3.2. Ease of Maintenance Strength, Aesthetics & Fit Aesthetics X Practice hiking Not Slightly Very impor Impor It is a impor impor Total tant at tant priority tant tant all Regularly Practice <1% 10% 45% 37% 8% 100% Rarely Practice 1% 9% 43% 34% 12% 100% Never practice 3% 5% 35% 38% 20% 100% Total 1% 9% 44% 36% 10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Regularly Practice 10% 45% 37% 8% 100% Rarely Practice 9% 43% 34% 12% 100% Never practice 5% 35% 38% 20% 100% Total 9% 44% 36% 10% 100% Fit X Hiking Practice Not Slightly Very impor Impor It is a impor impor Total tant at tant priority tant tant all Regularly Practice <1% 10% 41% 36% 12% 100% Rarely Practice <1% 11% 41% 34% 14% 100% Never practice 8% 0% 43% 33% 18% 100% Total 1% 10% 41% 35% 13% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Regularly Practice 10% 41% 36% 12% 100% Rarely Practice 11% 41% 34% 14% 100% Never practice 8% 43% 33% 18% 100% Total 10% 41% 35% 13% 100% 28
  • 29. Strength X Hiking Practice Not Slightly Very impor Impor It is a impor impor Total tant at tant priority tant tant all Regularly Practice 1% 8% 35% 43% 12% 100% Rarely Practice 1% 7% 38% 43% 11% 100% Never practice 3% 18% 33% 35% 13% 100% Total 1% 8% 36% 42% 12% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Regularly Practice 8% 35% 43% 12% 100% Rarely Practice 7% 38% 43% 11% 100% Never practice 18% 33% 35% 13% 100% Total 8% 36% 42% 12% 100% 3.3. Recycled components Recycled components X Country Not Slightly Very impor Impor It is a impor impor Total tant at tant priority tant tant all Belgium-NL 42% 37% 18% 2% 2% 100% France 14% 58% 23% 4% <1% 100% Finland 29% 65% 6% 0% 0% 100% Germany 23% 42% 23% 10% 2% 100% Hungary 31% 41% 22% 4% 2% 100% Italy 15% 36% 33% 11% 5% 100% Poland 43% 43% 9% 3% 3% 100% Spain 26% 47% 26% 0% 0% 100% Other 33% 0% 67% 0% 0% 100% Total 24% 44% 24% 6% 2% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Belgium-NL 42% 37% 18% 100% France 14% 58% 23% 4% 100% Finland 29% 65% 6% 100% Germany 23% 42% 23% 10% 100% Hungary 31% 41% 22% 4% 100% Italy 15% 36% 33% 11% 5% 100% Poland 43% 43% 9% 100% Spain 26% 47% 26% 100% Other 33% 67% 100% Total 24% 44% 24% 6% 100% 29
  • 30. 3.4. Brand trust Brand trust X Country Not Slightly Very impor Impor It is a impor impor Total tant at tant priority tant tant all Belgium-NL 16% 24% 39% 16% 5% 100% France 14% 32% 31% 19% 4% 100% Finland 31% 48% 19% 2% 0% 100% Germany 37% 38% 18% 7% 0% 100% Hungary 13% 23% 42% 14% 8% 100% Italy 16% 37% 25% 19% 3% 100% Poland 26% 23% 29% 23% 0% 100% Spain 60% 32% 8% 0% 0% 100% Other 0% 0% 67% 0% 33% 100% Total 22% 32% 28% 14% 3% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Belgium-NL 16% 24% 39% 16% 5% 100% France 14% 32% 31% 19% 100% Finland 31% 48% 19% 100% Germany 37% 38% 18% 7% 100% Hungary 13% 23% 42% 14% 8% 100% Italy 16% 37% 25% 19% 100% Poland 26% 23% 29% 23% 100% Spain 60% 32% 8% 100% Other 67% 33% 100% Total 22% 32% 28% 14% 100% Brand trust X Occupation Not Slightly Very It is a important Important Total important important priority at all Student 17% 25% 33% 14% 10% 100% Self-employed/Business Owner 15% 36% 31% 18% 0% 100% Professional (Doctor, Lawyer, other) 22% 35% 22% 14% 6% 100% Qualified employee/expert (Teacher, Nurse, other) 24% 33% 25% 16% 2% 100% Operator/industrial worker 29% 34% 23% 13% 2% 100% Top Management 3% 29% 45% 16% 6% 100% Retired 33% 67% 0% 0% 0% 100% Unemployed 50% 30% 20% 0% 0% 100% Housewife 22% 35% 29% 10% 4% 100% Other 23% 28% 37% 9% 3% 100% Total 22% 32% 28% 14% 3% 30
  • 31. 3.5. Country of Origin Country of Origin X Country Not Slightly Very impor Impor It is a impor impor Total tant at tant priority tant tant all Belgium-NL 52% 29% 18% 2% 0% 100% France 18% 37% 33% 7% 5% 100% Finland 19% 62% 15% 4% 0% 100% Germany 15% 43% 30% 10% 2% 100% Hungary 24% 43% 24% 8% <1% 100% Italy 14% 22% 32% 21% 11% 100% Poland 34% 40% 23% 3% 0% 100% Spain 36% 32% 21% 11% 0% 100% Other 0% 0% 67% 33% 0% 100% Total 23% 35% 27% 11% 4% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Belgium-NL 52% 29% 18% 100% France 18% 37% 33% 7% 5% 100% Finland 19% 62% 15% 100% Germany 15% 43% 30% 10% 100% Hungary 24% 43% 24% 8% 100% Italy 14% 22% 32% 21% 11% 100% Poland 34% 40% 23% 100% Spain 36% 32% 21% 11% 100% Other 67% 33% 100% Total 23% 35% 27% 11% 4% 100% 31
  • 32. 4. Analysis on the fourth section- Identification 4.1. Profile of respondents 32
  • 33. 4.2. Buying from Decathlon X Country 33
  • 34. 4.3. Last product from Decathlon X Age of children Purchase of following products Non response (<1%) Jacket (73%) Pants (86%) Fleece jacket (45%) Sport t-shirt (59%) 4.4. Hiking Practice practise hiking children No. % cit. Regularly Practice 356 53% Rarely Practice 274 41% Never practice 40 6% Total 670 100% 6% 41% 53% 34