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Opening Session
Lesson 1                                            Included in GLTI Combined Training Resources
Length: 45 minutes                                  n/a

Materials                                           Prepare before Session
• Shofar                                            • Create Collaboration Outcomes poster (see Lesson 1 Resources)
• Markers                                           • Create GLTI Outcomes poster (see Lesson 1 Resources)
• Poster board/paper                                • Create Training Schedule poster
• Tape                                              • Create Expectations poster
                                                    • Check in with facility staff about content and timing
                                                    • Recruit a shofar blower

Established Outcomes
• GLs will feel safe and comfortable in the GLTI community and at the retreat center.
• GLs will act safely and in compliance with host rules. They can manage their needs and fulfill professional expectations throughout the
   training independently or with staff assistance.
• GLs will understand and engage their role as active participants throughout GLTI (e.g., be on time and prepared for all sessions,
   contribute to discussions, communicate needs and suggestions to staff, etc.).
• GLs will engage with each other to begin building personal connections and a professional Jewish service-learning group leader
   community at GLTI and beyond.
• GLs will appreciate and support the value of a combined training by understanding why the organizations are collaborating.

1. Welcome
2. Energizer
3. Staff introductions
4. Outcomes
5. Ice Breaker
6. GLTI expectations
7. Housekeeping
8. Closing

This material was developed by American Jewish World Service, Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice and BBYO Panim
Institute with support from Repair the World.
Opening Session
Lesson/Activity Plan
     als                                                                Content
  Welcome      1. Ask the group to sit in a circle. Blow the shofar. [Note to facilitator: The sound of the shofar, traditionally made
                   from a ram’s horn, rouses us and brings us together as a conscious community.]
   2 min.
               2. Welcome everyone present to GLTI with a warm, upbeat tone.
   Shofar      3. Say: “In this session we will begin to meet each other and get oriented to our temporary home, our hosts and our
                   schedule. We will become familiar with goals and expectations for training and start to have fun together so that
                   we can be prepared to work and live together over the next five days. If any questions aren’t answered by the end
                   of our time together, you will know whom to ask or where to look for the answers.”
    Energizer   1.   Explain that you will read identifying statements in order to visually demonstrate who we are as a group and as
                     individuals. If a GL identifies with the statement, s/he should stand up. Those who don’t identify with the
     3 min.          statement should stay seated and cheer/applaud for those standing. After several seconds of applause,
                     announce a new statement.
                2. Read Identifying Statements (see Lesson 1 Resources).
     Staff      1.   Staff announce their name, job title, role this week and favorite musician.

     5 min.
    Outcomes    1.   Explain that multiple organizations are collaborating on GLTI and asking participants to speculate about the
                     reasons for the collaboration. Capture those in addition to the ones that are identified in the three main points
     5 min.          from the Collaboration Outcomes poster (see Lesson 1 Resources).

Collaboration   2. Explain the intentions and outcomes for the week by reading the GLTI Outcomes poster (see Lesson 1
  Outcomes         Resources).
Poster, GLTI    3. Hang the posters so that participants can review this information later.
poster, tape
 Ice Breaker    1.   Ask the group a question (see Mixer Questions in Lesson 1 Resources) and explain that they need to form small
                     groups with other participants who share the same answer.
     15 min.
                2. Ask the small groups to spend 1-2 minutes discussing a new question (see Small Group Questions in Lesson 1
                3. Repeat as time allows.
                4. (Alternate Activity) Partner Interview: Instruct participants to find a partner that they don’t know very well (from a
                   different organization if possible). Announce that you will ask them a question. Each partner will have limited time
                   to respond. After both partners have responded, ask the next question. (Note: The facilitator should keep track of
                   time for this activity and announce when it is time for partners to switch roles.)

This material was developed by American Jewish World Service, Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice and BBYO Panim
Institute with support from Repair the World.
Opening Session
                       a. What is your favorite season?
                       b. What is your sign?
                       c. What is your favorite condiment?
                       d. What is your favorite mode of transportation?
   GLTI        1.   Present chart paper with the Training Schedule.
               2. Announce where the schedule will be posted.
    8 min.     3. Explain that the role of participant “motivators” is to help everyone to be on time. Announce to the group: “The
                  idea for motivators arose simultaneously with our idea to build in more break time. We want to add more time
  Training        between sessions because not only do we think you will absorb session information better with some breathing
 Schedule         space, but we have also observed the need to process the information and discuss content more deeply in small
  poster,         groups during these breaks. However, we also have seen these breaks get longer than we have time for. Thus,
Expectations      motivators were born to help us gather together where we need to be after these breaks and keep on schedule.
   poster         Once we fall behind schedule, the only ways to catch up are to shorten future breaks or go later into the evening,
                  neither of which is good for learning or training. Not only is it important for motivators to think ahead in order to
                  be effective, but we all need to respect our colleagues and make this an easy job.”
               4. Say: “As you can see, we have a lot to get done in five days. In order to accomplish all of this, we all need to be
                  focused on and share responsibility for being productive and successful. On your programs you will create group
                  agreements together to establish these norms together, and this is a process and technique that we will discuss
                  in detail in our separate organizations in the future. For the purpose of this retreat, we are not going to go
                  through the same process because this is a different kind of program. Thus, in the interest of time and clarity, we
                  are going to present our expectations for the group.” Note to facilitator: As time allows, consider allowing co-
                  creation of the expectations with participants. Be sure also that the following expectations from the Expectations
                  poster are identified. Also be sure that participants are aware of their level of participation in this and other
                  activities; encourage them to “step up” if they have been quieter for the duration of the activity and “step back” if
                  their voices have dominated conversation.
                       a. Arrive at all sessions on time.
                       b. Arrive prepared at all session (e.g., materials, personal needs, focus).
                       c. Show openness to new learning and practices.
                       d. Contribute to discussions.
                       e. Volunteer to lead and help.
                       f.   Communicate your needs and suggestions to staff.
                       g. Do not leave the property during free time or at night.
                       h. Behave respectfully.
                       i.   Do not use drugs or alcohol.

This material was developed by American Jewish World Service, Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice and BBYO Panim
Institute with support from Repair the World.
Opening Session
              5. Say: “Our goal is to set fair, professional expectations that we all can commit to and trust one another to uphold.
                 Are there any questions about these expectations or suggestions for additions?”
Housekeepin   1.   Review the site policies, procedures and resources for the following:
                      a. Bathroom locations
    5 min.            b. Meal protocols
                      c. Phone and internet availability and expectations for use/non-use
                      d. Host rules (e.g., shoes, food out of dining area, use your own mugs, noise, etc.)
                      e. Procedures for medical or fire emergencies
              2. Discuss Shabbat time and prep time.
              3. Present the opportunity for GLs to plan social activities (e.g., Saturday free periods).
              4. Announce that staff will be available during the break to answer individual questions.
    Closing   1.   Say: “The shofar calls us to action. Its blasts shake us awake from complacency and remind us of the good work
                   we have ahead of us to do. Let’s get to it!”
    2 min.
              2. Blow the shofar.
              (Note: Staff should remain available during the break to answer individual questions.)

This material was developed by American Jewish World Service, Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice and BBYO Panim
Institute with support from Repair the World.
Opening Session
Lesson Resources

Identifying Statements
Please stand if you…
   • are at GLTI training for the first time.
   • have been to this training site before.
   • travelled more than four hours to get here.
   • have spent more than six weeks living in one place abroad.
   • are working on or have a Master’s degree.
   • do not currently have a permanent address.
   • are a returning group leader.
   • speak more than two languages.
   • have had traveler’s diarrhea.
   • live or have family within 30 minutes of this site.
   • spent part of your childhood living outside the USA.

Collaboration Outcomes (Or: Why are the 3 agencies working together on GLTI?)
1. Share and cross-pollinate ideas and practices to improve our work, training and staff.
    • Refine best practices through evaluation (internal, together and external).
    • Evaluate what is unique to each program and where standards and agreement benefit all.
    • Cross-pollinate ideas, practices and materials.

2. Create replicable models and materials to support the Jewish service-learning professional field.
   • Create open source materials to support the field of service-learning.
   • Create a shared language that promotes professional practice and future collaboration among Jewish service-learning and Jewish
      social justice organizations.
   • Role model cooperation and collaboration between agencies and leaders.

3.    Support a larger community of Jewish social justice professionals.
     • Bring together a large number of leaders to learn, work and socialize with each other.
     • Bring leaders into close contact with a variety of Jewish service-learning and Jewish social justice organizations.
     • Experience Jewish social justice as part of an historical movement that is larger than any one organization, job or project.

GLTI Outcomes
   • Prepare Group Leaders with the knowledge, skills and practice required to perform their roles well.
   • Ground the work of Group Leaders philosophically and meaningfully in Jewish values.
   • Build a community (at GLTI and beyond) among Jewish service-learning and Jewish social justice professionals.

This material was developed by American Jewish World Service, Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice and BBYO Panim
Institute with support from Repair the World.
Opening Session
    •    Experience a safe, productive and inspiring week of learning and professional development for both new and returning Group

Mixer   Questions
   •     What is your birth month?
   •     In what state were you born?
   •     What time do you usually go to sleep?
   •     How many siblings do you have?
   •     How many times have you travelled outside of the U.S.?
   •     How many times have you been to Israel?

Small   Group Questions
  •      How old are you and what did you do for your last birthday?
  •      Would you prefer to have the ability to fly or to be invisible?
  •      How many hours of sleep do you need ideally? How many do you usually get?
  •      Where are you in the order of siblings? How are you most different from one of them? (If an only child, did you ever have an
         imaginary friend?)
    •    What is your guilty TV pleasure? If no TV, what is one of your favorite movie quotes?
    •    What was the last book you read? Do you recommend it and why?
    •    Who are the people you grew up living with?
    •    What is the best present you ever gave?
    •    Who was your favorite teacher you wish to emulate and why?
    •    What is the best thing you can cook? What food do you not like that most people do?
    •    Describe the last time you did something specifically because it was a mitzvah?

This material was developed by American Jewish World Service, Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice and BBYO Panim
Institute with support from Repair the World.
UbD, Lesson 1: Opening Session
                                      Stage 1 – Desired Results
                                            Established Outcomes
• GLs will feel safe and comfortable in the GLTI community and at the retreat center.
• GLs will act safely and in compliance with host rules. They will manage their needs and fulfill professional
    expectations throughout the training independently or with staff assistance.
• GLs will understand and engage in their role as active participants throughout GLTI (e.g., being on time
    and prepared for all sessions, contribute to discussions, communicate needs and suggestions to staff,
• GLs will engage with each other to begin building personal connections and a professional Jewish
    service-learning group leader community at GLTI and beyond.
• GLs will appreciate and buy into the value of a combined training by understanding why the
    organizations are collaborating.
     Concepts to be Covered During the Session                      Key Questions to Ask Learners
Big Ideas presented:                                     1. What is a GL’s role during training?
1. GLs are active participants and leaders at            2. What are the differences between a GL’s role
    training.                                                during training and in the field?
2. GLTI Outcomes (see Lesson 1 Resources).               3. How will abiding by these behavior expectations
3. Reasons for joint training.                               impact the GL experience during training?
Specific ideas/concepts to learn/remember:
1. Behavior expectations for Group Leaders.
2. Facility rules, resources, layout, emergency plans.
Predictable misunderstandings:
1. GLs attend GLTI as passive participants.
2. GLs should be building relationships solely within
    their own organizational cohort.
                                        Stage 2 – Assessment
    How Will We Check for Understanding at GLTI             Field Work/Performance Assessment Methods
Demonstrate:                                            1. Cohen Center report
1. GLs participate in ice breakers.                     2. Supervisor check-ins
2. GLs are on time to all sessions.
3. GLs are prepared with materials/personal
4. GLs are open to new learning/practices.
5. GLs contribute to discussions.
6. GLSs volunteer to lead and help during activities.
7. GLs communicate needs and suggestions to
                                  Stage 3 – Lesson Plan Checklist
•   Materials and pre-session prep list.                •   Use 2-3 different modalities (not just
•   Each part of lesson has an assigned time limit.         talk/listen/discuss; reflection/writing, small group
                                                            presentations/poster making, theater games,
•   The presentation is significantly different from        partners/smaller groups, art).
    past versions in order to maintain returning GL’s
    interest.                                           •   Check for understanding (e.g., ask direct
                                                            questions, use group discussion to gauge, have
•   Taps into learners’ previous                            learners practice/demonstrate).
•   Provides new content/information.

This material was developed by American Jewish World Service, Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for
Justice and BBYO Panim Institute with support from Repair the World.


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1 opening session lesson plan and ub-d

  • 1. Opening Session ! Lesson 1 Included in GLTI Combined Training Resources Length: 45 minutes n/a Materials Prepare before Session • Shofar • Create Collaboration Outcomes poster (see Lesson 1 Resources) • Markers • Create GLTI Outcomes poster (see Lesson 1 Resources) • Poster board/paper • Create Training Schedule poster • Tape • Create Expectations poster • Check in with facility staff about content and timing • Recruit a shofar blower Established Outcomes • GLs will feel safe and comfortable in the GLTI community and at the retreat center. • GLs will act safely and in compliance with host rules. They can manage their needs and fulfill professional expectations throughout the training independently or with staff assistance. • GLs will understand and engage their role as active participants throughout GLTI (e.g., be on time and prepared for all sessions, contribute to discussions, communicate needs and suggestions to staff, etc.). • GLs will engage with each other to begin building personal connections and a professional Jewish service-learning group leader community at GLTI and beyond. • GLs will appreciate and support the value of a combined training by understanding why the organizations are collaborating. Flow 1. Welcome 2. Energizer 3. Staff introductions 4. Outcomes 5. Ice Breaker 6. GLTI expectations 7. Housekeeping 8. Closing This material was developed by American Jewish World Service, Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice and BBYO Panim Institute with support from Repair the World.
  • 2. Opening Session ! Lesson/Activity Plan Time/Materi als Content Welcome 1. Ask the group to sit in a circle. Blow the shofar. [Note to facilitator: The sound of the shofar, traditionally made from a ram’s horn, rouses us and brings us together as a conscious community.] 2 min. 2. Welcome everyone present to GLTI with a warm, upbeat tone. Shofar 3. Say: “In this session we will begin to meet each other and get oriented to our temporary home, our hosts and our schedule. We will become familiar with goals and expectations for training and start to have fun together so that we can be prepared to work and live together over the next five days. If any questions aren’t answered by the end of our time together, you will know whom to ask or where to look for the answers.” Energizer 1. Explain that you will read identifying statements in order to visually demonstrate who we are as a group and as individuals. If a GL identifies with the statement, s/he should stand up. Those who don’t identify with the 3 min. statement should stay seated and cheer/applaud for those standing. After several seconds of applause, announce a new statement. Identifying 2. Read Identifying Statements (see Lesson 1 Resources). Statements Staff 1. Staff announce their name, job title, role this week and favorite musician. Introductions 5 min. Outcomes 1. Explain that multiple organizations are collaborating on GLTI and asking participants to speculate about the reasons for the collaboration. Capture those in addition to the ones that are identified in the three main points 5 min. from the Collaboration Outcomes poster (see Lesson 1 Resources). Collaboration 2. Explain the intentions and outcomes for the week by reading the GLTI Outcomes poster (see Lesson 1 Outcomes Resources). Poster, GLTI 3. Hang the posters so that participants can review this information later. Outcomes poster, tape Ice Breaker 1. Ask the group a question (see Mixer Questions in Lesson 1 Resources) and explain that they need to form small groups with other participants who share the same answer. 15 min. 2. Ask the small groups to spend 1-2 minutes discussing a new question (see Small Group Questions in Lesson 1 Resources). 3. Repeat as time allows. 4. (Alternate Activity) Partner Interview: Instruct participants to find a partner that they don’t know very well (from a different organization if possible). Announce that you will ask them a question. Each partner will have limited time to respond. After both partners have responded, ask the next question. (Note: The facilitator should keep track of time for this activity and announce when it is time for partners to switch roles.) This material was developed by American Jewish World Service, Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice and BBYO Panim Institute with support from Repair the World.
  • 3. Opening Session ! a. What is your favorite season? b. What is your sign? c. What is your favorite condiment? d. What is your favorite mode of transportation? GLTI 1. Present chart paper with the Training Schedule. Expectations 2. Announce where the schedule will be posted. 8 min. 3. Explain that the role of participant “motivators” is to help everyone to be on time. Announce to the group: “The idea for motivators arose simultaneously with our idea to build in more break time. We want to add more time Training between sessions because not only do we think you will absorb session information better with some breathing Schedule space, but we have also observed the need to process the information and discuss content more deeply in small poster, groups during these breaks. However, we also have seen these breaks get longer than we have time for. Thus, Expectations motivators were born to help us gather together where we need to be after these breaks and keep on schedule. poster Once we fall behind schedule, the only ways to catch up are to shorten future breaks or go later into the evening, neither of which is good for learning or training. Not only is it important for motivators to think ahead in order to be effective, but we all need to respect our colleagues and make this an easy job.” 4. Say: “As you can see, we have a lot to get done in five days. In order to accomplish all of this, we all need to be focused on and share responsibility for being productive and successful. On your programs you will create group agreements together to establish these norms together, and this is a process and technique that we will discuss in detail in our separate organizations in the future. For the purpose of this retreat, we are not going to go through the same process because this is a different kind of program. Thus, in the interest of time and clarity, we are going to present our expectations for the group.” Note to facilitator: As time allows, consider allowing co- creation of the expectations with participants. Be sure also that the following expectations from the Expectations poster are identified. Also be sure that participants are aware of their level of participation in this and other activities; encourage them to “step up” if they have been quieter for the duration of the activity and “step back” if their voices have dominated conversation. a. Arrive at all sessions on time. b. Arrive prepared at all session (e.g., materials, personal needs, focus). c. Show openness to new learning and practices. d. Contribute to discussions. e. Volunteer to lead and help. f. Communicate your needs and suggestions to staff. g. Do not leave the property during free time or at night. h. Behave respectfully. i. Do not use drugs or alcohol. This material was developed by American Jewish World Service, Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice and BBYO Panim Institute with support from Repair the World.
  • 4. Opening Session ! 5. Say: “Our goal is to set fair, professional expectations that we all can commit to and trust one another to uphold. Are there any questions about these expectations or suggestions for additions?” Housekeepin 1. Review the site policies, procedures and resources for the following: g a. Bathroom locations 5 min. b. Meal protocols c. Phone and internet availability and expectations for use/non-use d. Host rules (e.g., shoes, food out of dining area, use your own mugs, noise, etc.) e. Procedures for medical or fire emergencies 2. Discuss Shabbat time and prep time. 3. Present the opportunity for GLs to plan social activities (e.g., Saturday free periods). 4. Announce that staff will be available during the break to answer individual questions. Closing 1. Say: “The shofar calls us to action. Its blasts shake us awake from complacency and remind us of the good work we have ahead of us to do. Let’s get to it!” 2 min. 2. Blow the shofar. (Note: Staff should remain available during the break to answer individual questions.) This material was developed by American Jewish World Service, Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice and BBYO Panim Institute with support from Repair the World.
  • 5. Opening Session ! Lesson Resources Identifying Statements Please stand if you… • are at GLTI training for the first time. • have been to this training site before. • travelled more than four hours to get here. • have spent more than six weeks living in one place abroad. • are working on or have a Master’s degree. • do not currently have a permanent address. • are a returning group leader. • speak more than two languages. • have had traveler’s diarrhea. • live or have family within 30 minutes of this site. • spent part of your childhood living outside the USA. Collaboration Outcomes (Or: Why are the 3 agencies working together on GLTI?) 1. Share and cross-pollinate ideas and practices to improve our work, training and staff. • Refine best practices through evaluation (internal, together and external). • Evaluate what is unique to each program and where standards and agreement benefit all. • Cross-pollinate ideas, practices and materials. 2. Create replicable models and materials to support the Jewish service-learning professional field. • Create open source materials to support the field of service-learning. • Create a shared language that promotes professional practice and future collaboration among Jewish service-learning and Jewish social justice organizations. • Role model cooperation and collaboration between agencies and leaders. 3. Support a larger community of Jewish social justice professionals. • Bring together a large number of leaders to learn, work and socialize with each other. • Bring leaders into close contact with a variety of Jewish service-learning and Jewish social justice organizations. • Experience Jewish social justice as part of an historical movement that is larger than any one organization, job or project. GLTI Outcomes • Prepare Group Leaders with the knowledge, skills and practice required to perform their roles well. • Ground the work of Group Leaders philosophically and meaningfully in Jewish values. • Build a community (at GLTI and beyond) among Jewish service-learning and Jewish social justice professionals. This material was developed by American Jewish World Service, Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice and BBYO Panim Institute with support from Repair the World.
  • 6. Opening Session ! • Experience a safe, productive and inspiring week of learning and professional development for both new and returning Group Leaders. Mixer Questions • What is your birth month? • In what state were you born? • What time do you usually go to sleep? • How many siblings do you have? • How many times have you travelled outside of the U.S.? • How many times have you been to Israel? Small Group Questions • How old are you and what did you do for your last birthday? • Would you prefer to have the ability to fly or to be invisible? • How many hours of sleep do you need ideally? How many do you usually get? • Where are you in the order of siblings? How are you most different from one of them? (If an only child, did you ever have an imaginary friend?) • What is your guilty TV pleasure? If no TV, what is one of your favorite movie quotes? • What was the last book you read? Do you recommend it and why? • Who are the people you grew up living with? • What is the best present you ever gave? • Who was your favorite teacher you wish to emulate and why? • What is the best thing you can cook? What food do you not like that most people do? • Describe the last time you did something specifically because it was a mitzvah? This material was developed by American Jewish World Service, Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice and BBYO Panim Institute with support from Repair the World.
  • 7. UbD, Lesson 1: Opening Session Stage 1 – Desired Results Established Outcomes • GLs will feel safe and comfortable in the GLTI community and at the retreat center. • GLs will act safely and in compliance with host rules. They will manage their needs and fulfill professional expectations throughout the training independently or with staff assistance. • GLs will understand and engage in their role as active participants throughout GLTI (e.g., being on time and prepared for all sessions, contribute to discussions, communicate needs and suggestions to staff, etc.). • GLs will engage with each other to begin building personal connections and a professional Jewish service-learning group leader community at GLTI and beyond. • GLs will appreciate and buy into the value of a combined training by understanding why the organizations are collaborating. Concepts to be Covered During the Session Key Questions to Ask Learners Big Ideas presented: 1. What is a GL’s role during training? 1. GLs are active participants and leaders at 2. What are the differences between a GL’s role training. during training and in the field? 2. GLTI Outcomes (see Lesson 1 Resources). 3. How will abiding by these behavior expectations 3. Reasons for joint training. impact the GL experience during training? Specific ideas/concepts to learn/remember: 1. Behavior expectations for Group Leaders. 2. Facility rules, resources, layout, emergency plans. Predictable misunderstandings: 1. GLs attend GLTI as passive participants. 2. GLs should be building relationships solely within their own organizational cohort. Stage 2 – Assessment How Will We Check for Understanding at GLTI Field Work/Performance Assessment Methods Demonstrate: 1. Cohen Center report 1. GLs participate in ice breakers. 2. Supervisor check-ins 2. GLs are on time to all sessions. 3. GLs are prepared with materials/personal needs/focus. 4. GLs are open to new learning/practices. 5. GLs contribute to discussions. 6. GLSs volunteer to lead and help during activities. 7. GLs communicate needs and suggestions to staff. Stage 3 – Lesson Plan Checklist • Materials and pre-session prep list. • Use 2-3 different modalities (not just • Each part of lesson has an assigned time limit. talk/listen/discuss; reflection/writing, small group presentations/poster making, theater games, • The presentation is significantly different from partners/smaller groups, art). past versions in order to maintain returning GL’s interest. • Check for understanding (e.g., ask direct questions, use group discussion to gauge, have • Taps into learners’ previous learners practice/demonstrate). knowledge/experience. • Provides new content/information. This material was developed by American Jewish World Service, Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice and BBYO Panim Institute with support from Repair the World. !