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Wayne K. W. Yung []
  President of Snake Crane Wing Chun Martial Arts Association, Hong Kong
                              26 August 2008

       Conservation - Snake Crane Wing Chun Mun
                             Date : 07/07/2008
                      華華 Wah Wah
                 新武俠雜誌 New Martial Hero Magazine

過;但是它的中心思想及理念又是什樣? 傳到這一代的, 對它本門有何看法? 是不是
有什麼不何告人的技法, 故特找來羅昭榮師父的兩名弟子來對這些問題談談. 也為


Recently, we have introduced the hidden Snake Crane Wing Chun Mun, one of
the Wing Chun branches, and its history in the last publishing. What is the
religion of this branch? Nowadays, how to describe itself open to the public in
this century? Are there any special techniques in this branch? Today we are
happy inviting two disciples of Mr. Law Chiu Wing, Master of this branch, to talk
about their techniques and give us a picture of their branch.

翁國榮(翁)拜入羅氏門下已三十年頭;早年習柔道, 跆拳道及國術.

Mr. Wayne K.W. Yung, a follower since 1978, experienced in Judo, Taekwondo
and some Chinese martial arts.


Mr. Sammy T.C. Ho, a follower since 1986

華華:上次介紹你們(蛇鶴詠春門)師父收的弟子很少, 寥寥可數,是不是真的? 為什

Editor:     We know that there is only small number of followers in your branch.
Is it true?

何: 是,在這方面師父是很傳統的人,收弟子他很揀擇.當時有很多人想拜他為師,

Sammy:       Yes, my master is a very traditional Chinese, and he is a careful and
serious person to choose the disciple(s). In the past, he had refused a lot of
people who would like to be his disciples.

翁:  而現在都不是一樣嗎?據我所知六十年代,有陳榮錚、李遠(... )七十年代中有
阮賜才,有我,八十年代末有何師弟, 九十年代有楊子昌及阮敏光,二千年頭有莫偉強,
林國明.所以也只是十多人而已, 平均數年收一二個弟子. 也因為師父沒有開館授徒,

Wayne:       It is almost the same now. According to my knowledge, in the last
60s , there are Chan Wing Jin and Li Yuen, 70s, there are Mr. Yuen Chi Choy,
Chan Kwok Keung and 80s, there are Sammy Ho,90s there are Mr. Yeung Chi
Cheong and David Yuen Man Kong. In this century, there are Mr. Mok Wei Keung
and Mr. Lam Kwok Ming and make totally around 16 followers. General
speaking, every few years, he would accept one or two persons as disciples for
training. He didn’t teach openly and that’s why he only accepts people as
disciples, not students.

華華: 那不是很可惜嗎? 這麼少人可認識.

Editor:    There are only few followers getting this skill, do you regret that?

何:   至於可惜與否,可分兩方面看.一是由於祖訓規限,以往只保傳此技不作公開
授徒;二是師父嚴選弟子,可以親身教授及跟其對練, 弟子們很快就領會到這套拳法
的奧秘;而本門是很著重二人對練的,最重要是師父強調傳技不賣技, 所以他平生所
學, 都會傳給他的弟子們!

Sammy :        Whether regret or not, it can be viewed from two different
directions; one is the rules of this branch governing us “to keep this skill and
does not open it up to the public”. The other is that my master choosing a
disciples carefully, not for the money to live. He always teaches the skill and
trains us personally. In this way, he can keep practicing with himself and we
can also achieve the spirit of this technique in a very short period. The most
important point is my master emphasizing teaching the skill rather than selling
the skill. Without any consideration, he teaches us everything all he knows. In
our practices, we emphasize a lot with two sparring people rather than a wooden
dummy, because the dummy is dead and the people can react.

翁:    對!師父最強調的是傳技不賣技! 回想起拜師時就有一則有趣的事情,那就
是拜師的紅封包; 那時我是學生沒有多餘錢. 拜師當天師父是從自己的皮包內拿出
3.6元來作我拜師的紅封包. 以後我都沒有付過任何金錢. 而師父也沒有為金錢多少,

Wayne:        Yes, my master emphasizes a lot on teaching the skill, and not
selling the skill. As I recalled the day of the accepting me as disciple ceremony,
at that moment, because I was still a student and with no money for the lucky
money to my master. That moment, my master took HK$3.60 from his wallet
and put it to a red-pocket and passed it to me as lucky money for him.
Afterwards, I never pay any more cents to him and he still paid effort on
teaching me.

何:  我跟翁師兄也差不多.不過紅封包是自己的,多少就忘了,但也只是數百元,很

Sammy:        I got the similar case, but the money in the red-pocket was mime,
and I forgot how much money it was and was small amount. I think it was jut
few hundred dollars. Therefore, we respect him very much.

翁:  以往, 師父是個別收徒及教授, 所以師兄弟們甚少交往或毫不認識, 這都是
師太祖傳下來的習俗, 但到今天己不同,今天師父也開始改變了這思維, 讓我們知道
各師兄弟們的情況 。

Wayne:       In the past, he chose us as disciples individually, and most of us
very seldom to deal with other, or even we don’t know each other.

何: 是啊!到今天我們師兄弟才有來往,以往可能只知道有某師兄存在,但從未

Sammy:       Yes, we only have the chance to sit on the same table in the last
few years as we are open. In the past, we only knew who the senior is, but
never met once. Today, some of them are getting retired, aged over 60.

華華: 而你說貴派很注重二人對練,那麼木人椿,套拳的程況如何? 不重要嗎?

Editor:     You have mentioned that you emphasize on practice with two
sparring partners. How about the practice of forms and with the wooden
dummy? Are they not important?

何: 其實套拳、木人椿、散式都很重要,而二人對練的碌手及黏手就尤其重要,這裏


Sammy:         Generally speaking, the forms and wooden dummy are important
practices, but the two sparring partners practice on the sticky hands practice are
more important. They are not only to promote us the reflex actions, but also on
improving the grabbing and throwing techniques, and also increase the strength
of attacking with little power.

翁: 對,木椿是死靶、人是活靶;木椿是模擬活人支態所做的死物,不會反應;而活人
和木椿是學習拳術手法,但如果沒有對手練習,它就不失為練習的好幫手 別人常常說,
是內家拳 不求硬碰, 所以二人對練;例如三星捶;就比打木椿還好,因為當打木椿手痛
我們會用技巧去『諸』塞對方,所以對方會比自己痛, 日子久了,自己的橋也自然

Wayne:        Yes, the wooden dummy is a dead wood and cannot response to
any attack, but the people, who are live and can be reacting, are totally different.
With the two sparring people, one is attacking and the other responses to any
non-preset attacks by reflex, and it is the real fighting situation practice.
Actually, the forms and the wooden dummy are used to train the basics of skill.
If there is no sparring partner to practice, they can be a good way. Most people
say that practicing with the dummy will improve the hardness of your front arms
and make them stronger. Developing the two hard front arms is easy.
However, the style of our branch is “Inner style”, and we do not recommend to
oppose the enemy hardly. That’s why we strongly encourage to practice with
two sparring partners. For example, the 3-star punches practice is more
effective than with the dummy. With the dummy, you can get the correct form
of the technique and the hardness of your front arm, but you cannot get any
feeling from your opponent. Training on the punches with the sparring partners,
we can block and attack simultaneously to your opponent. By means of these
actions, after a certain period, your front arms would also become harder. At
the same time, you can also get the feeling on how your opponent’s punch is
and, by reflex, to take the blocking and attacking actions. This is also the

philosophy of our style. As recalled in the 70s, I started to play with the dummy.
One time, my master was not coming yet, I learnt from a film, describing the
“Shoaling 36 houses”by the Chinese martial arts star, Master Lau Ka Fai, hitting
the dummy very hard and tried to break it. As my master came and saw that,
and blamed me that I abandoned the philosophy of our style. If the dummy
was broken, I would be deported from this branch.
In additions, there are a lot rhymed formulae for us in our practice. They can
also help us in our mental training, for example, the sparring formula.

華華: 我好早期(七八十年代)已聽說你門派,招式狠辣, 但從未見過,及不知令師
何在,真的是狠辣嗎? 真的這麼厲害嗎?

Editor:        I had known your branch in the 70s and 80s in the last century, and
your skill is cruel. However, I never see that. Is it really cruel?

何:  其實你聽聞我們招式狠辣,都是因為我們的手法裏有很多連環手法、憑感覺
反射而出招、內裏包括擒拿的招式, 是不停頓,同時我們很在意關節部位,在攻擊和
防守已及各動作上我們都在意的 我們練習時是很要求速度,動作要快,攻擊時憑感覺

Sammy:        Cruelly or not? Because we have a lot of consecutive motions, based
on the feeling of the front arms. Also, with the grabbing techniques, attack is
consecutively and mainly on the weakness points such as joints, and we have
also paid a lot of attention on defencing followed with attacking. Our training is
mainly on speed, and motion must be soft and fast. Attack is mainly by reflex,
simple and direct. Once the target is reached, the power is enriched explosively.
The target is hit heavily.

翁:   對,以往別人認為狠辣,除何師弟所說之外,還因為以往本門是隱蔽的, 從而
套功夫的中心思想而決定的,是一個哲學問題。比如,人就像現今電腦的硬件, 各門

Wayne:        Right. In the past, most people recognize us cruelly, just like
Sammy said. There is another reason that we are hiding and governing by our
rules, and without any communication with the martial arts society. Therefore,
most people feel that we are enigmatic branch; no one really understand us.
Cruelly or not, it does not depend on the styles of the martial art, and depends
on the people who can attain the philosophy and the religion of the style thay is
learning. It is a philosophy question. For example, the learner resembles
computer hardware, and the styles resemble the computer software. It is not
true that any computer software can put to any computer hardware to run
efficiently. Just like a person, his personality is suitable for the hard style and
long motions. If you put him to learn the soft style and short motion, it will take
a long time for him to get and adapt to the style. Even he can learn that, but it
wastes a long time to get. Is it worth? I believe all styles of martial arts are
good. If not, there would not be so many styles, families coming out. Good
or not, it depends on the person who learns the style suitable for him or not.

華華: 你說有對練訣?還有什麼拳訣呢?可否說多少給讀者認識呢?

Editor:    You mentioned you have training rhymed formulae. Do you have
any more rhymed formulae? Can you introduce some of them to my readers?

翁: 拳訣都是從師太祖羅悌雲學習蛇鶴詠春時的手抄本記錄 己有百多年歷史, 大
多是四言五言七言詩句, 非常公整及押韻 , 易記,內裏還有很多跌打及各類醫療跌

Wayne:     The rhymed formulae are recorded by our Grandmaster, Law Tiu
Wen, as he was learning this skill, in 19 century in his recorded learning diary.
Most of them are 4 characters, 5 characters and 7 characters poems, tidy and
easy to remember. Also, he recorded a lot of the Chinese medical treatment
methods and a lot of Chinese herb prescriptions for being wound.

華華: 可否看看你們拳訣?及給新武俠讀者認識?

Editor:     Can you show us the training rhymed formula and introduce them to
my readers?

翁: 這本就是手抄本的副本,在這裏我只能給你看看。至於給新武俠的讀者,我

Wayne:      This is the photocopy of the written diary by my Grandmaster, Law
Tiu Wen. Here, I can let you read it, and however, to your readers, I think I
can only post some of them. For examples, there are 26 statements for the
Sticky-hand training and 16 statements for the Skill-learning attitude. Here, let
me show the first 4 statements to your readers...

  來留去送 逢甩直衝                敵一移動       重心已空…

Sticky hand
     Coming Retaining Going Sending
     As hand-quitting, plunge straightly
     As enemy moves
     The stand is unstable …..

  大凡習技擊            悟透裏因由           正歪力在處          對鏡與樁求…

Skill-Learning Attitude
      For learning of martial art
      Should understand how to use
      For the application of the forces
      Can be found from the dummy or mirror …..

  戰場無情面         假要作真攻        敵若佔貳龍
 馬浮身瘡痛          四平忌直撞        子午防橫衝…

   No commitment is in the war
   Practice should be treated as real situation
   As enemy holds my upper arms
   Stand will be floated and body would get hurt
   Sitting stand is afraid of direct impact
   Walking stand is afraid of the side impact….

華華: 聽聞你門的小念頭有首歌訣,是否真的?為何人家沒有而你有?

Editor: I know that your basic form, Siu Lim Tau, also comes with a poem, which
describes the forms. Is it? Why do only you have it?

翁: 那我就不清楚,可能其他人都有,只不過沒有公開而已,而這歌訣是記述於

Wayne: For this, I don’t know and maybe, in some other branches, they have it,
but they never show it off. Also, this poem is also appeared in the Grandmaster,
Law Tiu Wen, hand-written learning diary.

華華: 那你們對師弟莫偉強公開授徒有何看法?

Editor: How do you think, Mok Wai Keung, a disciple of your master, teaches the
Snake Crane Wing Chun openly?

何: 高興!從前沒對別人多提自己玩功夫,現在就無需隱瞞了。而莫師弟那麼用心推

Sammy: Glad to seeing that! Before, I never talked to any people that I know
Wing Chun. Now, there is no need to hide, and Mr. Mok, he promotes this skill
aggressively, after we open ourselves. I can see that we will have a good

翁:   莫師弟這麼熱誠,不單鼓舞,令我有種像『南海一號』,沈睡在深海百年的沈船, 今


Wayne: Mr. Mok has promotes this skill enthusiastically. Just like the
“Southern Sea Number One” sunk into the deep sea over several centuries and
today, it is refloated to the water. There are a lot of treasures for the people to

華華: 莫偉強收費授徒不是賣技嗎?

Editor: Mr. Mok teaches with the money. Does it mean he sells the technique?

何:   這真是很有趣的問題,現今商業社會教授一門功夫而收費是平常。但我不覺

Sammy : This is a very interesting question. Nowadays, teaching martial arts
with the fee is very common. I don’t think this is selling the technique. I have
a lot of friends they teaches martial arts, and they told me that most of their
students they paid the fee and they would pay more attention to learn. Also, a
master pays effort to teach and gets money as the reasonable rewards. We are
emphasizing promoting the skill and not selling the skill, without any
contradiction and I pass this question to let Wayne to answer.

翁:  這問題非常難答,因為很容易得罪人,我所暸解,其實賣技是將一套拳或一
套路回來,那未必是件好事, 可能影響一生。而師父要求一步一步的學習,一套一套的

Wayne: This is a very difficult question to answer, and it is easy to get angry
with other people. To my understanding, selling the technique means selling
the fist-form or weapon-form to other people, not the followers, exchange with
the money. This may not a good thing. Learning skill is needed to go through
a process, stage by stage to learn. As the fist-form foundation is setup, and
then starts to learn the weapon. Without the basic foundation, and selling the
advanced technique to get money is not a good thing. The key of the technique
may not be achieved, and maybe, it is easy to getting hurt.

Moreover, the master also needs to maintain his/her life of living. That’s why,
taking a small amount of fee is OK, just like a private tutor to earn money.
Among the students, they can choose the good students and make them as the
followers. As a follower, like the father-son relationship, they don’t need to pay
any more. Recently, Mr. Mok accepted two students as his disciples, and now,
they don’t pay any more fees to him. This is also the thinking of my master, Mr.
Law Chiu Wing to promote our branch.

華華: 你們還有沒有其他器具或兵器可協助練習手法?

Editor:   Do you have any other weapons and training tools?

翁: 藤圈:藤製的藤圈是一個約11英吋的有彈性的圈圈, 藤圈的用法主要練習雙手
握出拳角度和靈活度, 藤圈的練法主要一個字『柔』, 力不可大, 否則很容易被迫斷
它, 回想當年, 家師的數個藤圈都被我打斷, 後來為了讓我領會它的用法,就找人燒
了一些鋼圈給我練, 每次練完,對手都瘀傷纍纍的, 後來明白了師父的用心,從此以
頭棍,重約十多斤, 練習時手握棍頭, 來練習棍尾的吊力, 初時相當困難, 久而久
之,雙手便適應了。雙刀:短兵器,兩寸闊、十寸長左右,於清朝, 由於衣服寬襟大
袖, 所以易於收藏於衣袖裏, 不易被人察覺, 前一期新武俠也曾介紹過。木樁:本門
木樁是插在一個可移動的鐵架基礎上,打起來鐵架會隨力度大小輕微移動, 不易傷

Wayne: Rattan ring: It is an 11-inches-elastic-ring made with rattan. The ring
is mainly to train the individual techniques and activities in the central line within
a small area. It also trains the softness, the direction and the lightness of your
hands. Playing with the ring is based on a word “Softness”, and cannot use
much power, not recommended to break it. As recalled, in the 70s of the last

century, the only few rattan rings of master were broken by my hands.
Afterwards, my master ordered some stainless steel made rings for me. Every
time, I used power to play them, my hands always got stasis. Eventually, I
understand why I got stasis and started to play the ring softly till today.
Bamboo chopstick: Training the centre line and the finger power.

Long staff: 7 feet more long Single-head staff, and weight more than 10 catty.
Training is to take the staff head to overcome the hanging weight of it. In the
beginning, it is very difficult to take. After a period, the two hands become
stronger and can hold it effectively.

Twin-knife: Short weapon, two-inch wide and 10 inch-long. In Qing-dynasty, the
knives are hid in the long sleeves and not easy to be discovered. In the last
edition, it has been introduced in this magazine and the New Marital Hero

Wooden Dummy: Our wooden dummy is erected on the steel frame foundation.
As the wooden dummy is hit, the foundation will move slightly according to the
direction of the force. Basically it is used to practice the skill of the technique.
Slightly movement avoids hurting the body internally by the bouncing force
produced by dummy.

華華: 你們對你家門派的將來有何看法?

Editor:   How do you see your future?

何: 我覺得未來是要變,功夫及取向要跟時代及實際需要而改變 所以我們應多著眼

Sammy: Change is our future. Chinese martial arts are also changing with time.
That’s why we need to pay more attention to train the new learners. We
encourage Mr. Mok to train his students and let them join the Chinese Martial Art
open competition. Also, to understand the merit of the others and to improve
ourselves and this is the blessed event of us and the marital art society.

翁: 本門現在開放了,其實不單師兄弟們要變,師父都在變;記得有次席間我們談到
雙刀如何厲害時,師父就二話不說地打斷我們的說話,說單刀比雙刀還要厲害 起初還
以為師父訓勉我們,當夜他又沒有說清究竟;但後來才明白他的用意 原來現今香港的

Wayne: Now, our branch is open. The changes are not limited to us, and also,
our master is in changes. As recalled, one time in a dinner, we had discussed
how the powerful of twin-knives and our master broke our discussion and said
that single knife is more powerful than the twin-knives. In the beginning, we
expected he would like to encourage us and that night he hadn’t mentioned
clearly. Afterwards, we understand what he means. Nowadays, in Hong Kong,
you cannot take the knives with you. As you come across danger situation, it is
difficult for you to take the two same things as knives rather than taking a thing
as single knife. Using the single knife is more efficient. That’s why single knife
is more powerful than the twin-knives. Of course, only you took the real knives,
otherwise, taking the easy thing as the weapon is easier to win. That’s why our
master has this comment.

華華: 最後,可否讓我的讀者見識一下你們的小念頭及念頭歌,令讀者們加深對蛇

Editor: Finally, can you show us your form of Siu Lim Tau and the associated
poem. Let our reader to understand you more.

翁: 我家的念頭歌,是一首押韻的七言詩,至於小念頭招式方面,現在時間也晚了,

Wayne: The following is the poem of our Siu Lim Tau. It is written in
7-characters statements and describes the form. Now, it is sunset and let us
have the other time, take a place and show it to your readers and explain how
the poem describing the form.

 白鶴戲水蛇歸洞             飛麟九轉表掌通            蛇鶴爭揮堵勁融
 鶴足三提翼四功             白鶴摺翼登天際            蛇鶴能制逆宗童

Lim Tau Poem
  White crane plays water and the snake goes back hole
  The palm like the flying snake moving in nine ways.
  Snake and white crane demonstrate and express the “Chu” power
  White crane toes step three times and the wings swing four times
  White crane is stretching the wings and flying to the sky
  Snake and White crane can overcome the Shaolin traitors

華華: 談到這裡我們也加深了對(蛇鶴詠春)認識,現期待現看一下蛇鶴詠春的小念

Editor: Up to here, we have understood more about Snake Crane Wing Chun,
and let see the Siu Lim Tau! See you next time.


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Conversation - Snake Crane Wing Chun Mun 2008-07- 07

  • 1. Wayne K. W. Yung [] President of Snake Crane Wing Chun Martial Arts Association, Hong Kong 26 August 2008 與蛇鶴詠春門人的對談 Conservation - Snake Crane Wing Chun Mun 07/07/2008 Date : 07/07/2008 華華 Wah Wah 新武俠雜誌 New Martial Hero Magazine 早前為大家介紹過的一個隱藏已久詠春門派(蛇鶴詠春門).它的歷史在前一期已介紹 過;但是它的中心思想及理念又是什樣? 傳到這一代的, 對它本門有何看法? 是不是 有什麼不何告人的技法, 故特找來羅昭榮師父的兩名弟子來對這些問題談談. 也為 1
  • 2. 大家剖析一下. Recently, we have introduced the hidden Snake Crane Wing Chun Mun, one of the Wing Chun branches, and its history in the last publishing. What is the religion of this branch? Nowadays, how to describe itself open to the public in this century? Are there any special techniques in this branch? Today we are happy inviting two disciples of Mr. Law Chiu Wing, Master of this branch, to talk about their techniques and give us a picture of their branch. 翁國榮(翁)拜入羅氏門下已三十年頭;早年習柔道, 跆拳道及國術. Mr. Wayne K.W. Yung, a follower since 1978, experienced in Judo, Taekwondo and some Chinese martial arts. 何滌燦(何)拜入羅氏門下也二十年頭. Mr. Sammy T.C. Ho, a follower since 1986 華華:上次介紹你們(蛇鶴詠春門)師父收的弟子很少, 寥寥可數,是不是真的? 為什 麼? Editor: We know that there is only small number of followers in your branch. Is it true? 2
  • 3. 何: 是,在這方面師父是很傳統的人,收弟子他很揀擇.當時有很多人想拜他為師, 但他都宛拒。 Sammy: Yes, my master is a very traditional Chinese, and he is a careful and serious person to choose the disciple(s). In the past, he had refused a lot of people who would like to be his disciples. 翁: 而現在都不是一樣嗎?據我所知六十年代,有陳榮錚、李遠(... )七十年代中有 阮賜才,有我,八十年代末有何師弟, 九十年代有楊子昌及阮敏光,二千年頭有莫偉強, 林國明.所以也只是十多人而已, 平均數年收一二個弟子. 也因為師父沒有開館授徒, 故只收拜師弟子. Wayne: It is almost the same now. According to my knowledge, in the last 60s , there are Chan Wing Jin and Li Yuen, 70s, there are Mr. Yuen Chi Choy, Chan Kwok Keung and 80s, there are Sammy Ho,90s there are Mr. Yeung Chi Cheong and David Yuen Man Kong. In this century, there are Mr. Mok Wei Keung and Mr. Lam Kwok Ming and make totally around 16 followers. General speaking, every few years, he would accept one or two persons as disciples for training. He didn’t teach openly and that’s why he only accepts people as disciples, not students. 華華: 那不是很可惜嗎? 這麼少人可認識. Editor: There are only few followers getting this skill, do you regret that? 何: 至於可惜與否,可分兩方面看.一是由於祖訓規限,以往只保傳此技不作公開 授徒;二是師父嚴選弟子,可以親身教授及跟其對練, 弟子們很快就領會到這套拳法 的奧秘;而本門是很著重二人對練的,最重要是師父強調傳技不賣技, 所以他平生所 學, 都會傳給他的弟子們! Sammy : Whether regret or not, it can be viewed from two different directions; one is the rules of this branch governing us “to keep this skill and does not open it up to the public”. The other is that my master choosing a disciples carefully, not for the money to live. He always teaches the skill and trains us personally. In this way, he can keep practicing with himself and we can also achieve the spirit of this technique in a very short period. The most important point is my master emphasizing teaching the skill rather than selling the skill. Without any consideration, he teaches us everything all he knows. In our practices, we emphasize a lot with two sparring people rather than a wooden dummy, because the dummy is dead and the people can react. 3
  • 4. 翁: 對!師父最強調的是傳技不賣技! 回想起拜師時就有一則有趣的事情,那就 是拜師的紅封包; 那時我是學生沒有多餘錢. 拜師當天師父是從自己的皮包內拿出 3.6元來作我拜師的紅封包. 以後我都沒有付過任何金錢. 而師父也沒有為金錢多少, 也惜心地教導我. Wayne: Yes, my master emphasizes a lot on teaching the skill, and not selling the skill. As I recalled the day of the accepting me as disciple ceremony, at that moment, because I was still a student and with no money for the lucky money to my master. That moment, my master took HK$3.60 from his wallet and put it to a red-pocket and passed it to me as lucky money for him. Afterwards, I never pay any more cents to him and he still paid effort on teaching me. 何: 我跟翁師兄也差不多.不過紅封包是自己的,多少就忘了,但也只是數百元,很 少的.所以師父很得我們敬重! Sammy: I got the similar case, but the money in the red-pocket was mime, and I forgot how much money it was and was small amount. I think it was jut few hundred dollars. Therefore, we respect him very much. 翁: 以往, 師父是個別收徒及教授, 所以師兄弟們甚少交往或毫不認識, 這都是 師太祖傳下來的習俗, 但到今天己不同,今天師父也開始改變了這思維, 讓我們知道 各師兄弟們的情況 。 Wayne: In the past, he chose us as disciples individually, and most of us very seldom to deal with other, or even we don’t know each other. 何: 是啊!到今天我們師兄弟才有來往,以往可能只知道有某師兄存在,但從未 見過,到現在才遇到了,但他們有些已年過六十了。 Sammy: Yes, we only have the chance to sit on the same table in the last few years as we are open. In the past, we only knew who the senior is, but never met once. Today, some of them are getting retired, aged over 60. 華華: 而你說貴派很注重二人對練,那麼木人椿,套拳的程況如何? 不重要嗎? Editor: You have mentioned that you emphasize on practice with two sparring partners. How about the practice of forms and with the wooden dummy? Are they not important? 何: 其實套拳、木人椿、散式都很重要,而二人對練的碌手及黏手就尤其重要,這裏 不單只訓練對戰時的反應,同時有擒拿摔跌的招式在這裏鍛鍊,使其攻擊力大大提升, 4
  • 5. 用最少力量,最短時間把對手制服. Sammy: Generally speaking, the forms and wooden dummy are important practices, but the two sparring partners practice on the sticky hands practice are more important. They are not only to promote us the reflex actions, but also on improving the grabbing and throwing techniques, and also increase the strength of attacking with little power. 翁: 對,木椿是死靶、人是活靶;木椿是模擬活人支態所做的死物,不會反應;而活人 就大大不同,兩人練習是要各出其謀,使出渾身解數;也正是鬥智鬥力的對練。而套拳 和木椿是學習拳術手法,但如果沒有對手練習,它就不失為練習的好幫手 別人常常說, 。 練習木椿可令橋手加強加硬就會更厲害;其實要把橋手綀硬很容易的,但本門的拳法 是內家拳 不求硬碰, 所以二人對練;例如三星捶;就比打木椿還好,因為當打木椿手痛 , 的時候,你會減力,那麼你只會練好椿法,橋是硬的但毫無感覺;而二人對練三星捶, 我們會用技巧去『諸』塞對方,所以對方會比自己痛, 日子久了,自己的橋也自然 慢慢地加硬,想強調一點,這種練法才可練到有感覺的橋手。再者二人練習可使反 應敏捷,雙橋更加敏感。所以雖然其他鍛鍊我們都注重,但是二人對練是本門最著重 了。再者、此拳的哲理是以感覺去作出攔截及同時作出攻擊反應,及後發先至作用, 並非以橋硬來對砍,誰的橋硬便占上風,。 回想七十年代少年時,有一次,師父還未到來,我在練習椿法,練起來學劉家輝師 傅的少林三十六房,打到『拍拍聲』,被師父到來痛罵,他強調如果打斷椿手或腳 就會被驅逐出師門,因已遺反本門拳法哲理。再者,本門有很多拳理和要訣給我們 作依據練習的,除了二人練習外也要孰讀此等要訣,這樣連心理質素也一起鍛鍊,如 對練訣等 Wayne: Yes, the wooden dummy is a dead wood and cannot response to any attack, but the people, who are live and can be reacting, are totally different. With the two sparring people, one is attacking and the other responses to any non-preset attacks by reflex, and it is the real fighting situation practice. Actually, the forms and the wooden dummy are used to train the basics of skill. If there is no sparring partner to practice, they can be a good way. Most people say that practicing with the dummy will improve the hardness of your front arms and make them stronger. Developing the two hard front arms is easy. However, the style of our branch is “Inner style”, and we do not recommend to oppose the enemy hardly. That’s why we strongly encourage to practice with two sparring partners. For example, the 3-star punches practice is more effective than with the dummy. With the dummy, you can get the correct form of the technique and the hardness of your front arm, but you cannot get any feeling from your opponent. Training on the punches with the sparring partners, we can block and attack simultaneously to your opponent. By means of these actions, after a certain period, your front arms would also become harder. At the same time, you can also get the feeling on how your opponent’s punch is and, by reflex, to take the blocking and attacking actions. This is also the 5
  • 6. philosophy of our style. As recalled in the 70s, I started to play with the dummy. One time, my master was not coming yet, I learnt from a film, describing the “Shoaling 36 houses”by the Chinese martial arts star, Master Lau Ka Fai, hitting the dummy very hard and tried to break it. As my master came and saw that, and blamed me that I abandoned the philosophy of our style. If the dummy was broken, I would be deported from this branch. In additions, there are a lot rhymed formulae for us in our practice. They can also help us in our mental training, for example, the sparring formula. 華華: 我好早期(七八十年代)已聽說你門派,招式狠辣, 但從未見過,及不知令師 何在,真的是狠辣嗎? 真的這麼厲害嗎? Editor: I had known your branch in the 70s and 80s in the last century, and your skill is cruel. However, I never see that. Is it really cruel? 何: 其實你聽聞我們招式狠辣,都是因為我們的手法裏有很多連環手法、憑感覺 反射而出招、內裏包括擒拿的招式, 是不停頓,同時我們很在意關節部位,在攻擊和 防守已及各動作上我們都在意的 我們練習時是很要求速度,動作要快,攻擊時憑感覺 。 去反射攻擊目標,不用多餘的招式,簡單直接,其實我們招式不是狠辣而是要在對戰 時省氣力為主。 6
  • 7. Sammy: Cruelly or not? Because we have a lot of consecutive motions, based on the feeling of the front arms. Also, with the grabbing techniques, attack is consecutively and mainly on the weakness points such as joints, and we have also paid a lot of attention on defencing followed with attacking. Our training is mainly on speed, and motion must be soft and fast. Attack is mainly by reflex, simple and direct. Once the target is reached, the power is enriched explosively. The target is hit heavily. 翁: 對,以往別人認為狠辣,除何師弟所說之外,還因為以往本門是隱蔽的, 從而 不作公開及與別派交往,所以其他人沒接觸到的,便令人感到神秘。同時也不像你所 說那麼狠辣,厲害與否?不是取決於那套功夫有多厲害,而取決於習武者能否發揮那 套功夫的中心思想而決定的,是一個哲學問題。比如,人就像現今電腦的硬件, 各門 派的拳術就是電腦的軟件。不是任何的軟件都適合任何類型的電腦硬件。而是要雙 配合的;就如一個思想和體格都很適合練大橋大馬功夫的人(最重要是思想上),要他 學習短橋小馬,淨是學習時也要花很多時間來改變他的思想來適應和領悟。雖然勤奮 努勞會改變一切,但時間一定花上很多了;還要他將這功夫有所發揮,那時間便要花得 更多更久了,最終可能得不常失。我相信各家各派功夫都了得,所以才有各家門派 出現,功夫的厲害與否,不在乎功夫,而是在乎人,和兩者的雙配合。我相信各們各 家的功夫都很了得的。 Wayne: Right. In the past, most people recognize us cruelly, just like Sammy said. There is another reason that we are hiding and governing by our rules, and without any communication with the martial arts society. Therefore, most people feel that we are enigmatic branch; no one really understand us. Cruelly or not, it does not depend on the styles of the martial art, and depends on the people who can attain the philosophy and the religion of the style thay is learning. It is a philosophy question. For example, the learner resembles computer hardware, and the styles resemble the computer software. It is not true that any computer software can put to any computer hardware to run efficiently. Just like a person, his personality is suitable for the hard style and long motions. If you put him to learn the soft style and short motion, it will take a long time for him to get and adapt to the style. Even he can learn that, but it wastes a long time to get. Is it worth? I believe all styles of martial arts are good. If not, there would not be so many styles, families coming out. Good or not, it depends on the person who learns the style suitable for him or not. 華華: 你說有對練訣?還有什麼拳訣呢?可否說多少給讀者認識呢? Editor: You mentioned you have training rhymed formulae. Do you have any more rhymed formulae? Can you introduce some of them to my readers? 7
  • 8. 翁: 拳訣都是從師太祖羅悌雲學習蛇鶴詠春時的手抄本記錄 己有百多年歷史, 大 , 多是四言五言七言詩句, 非常公整及押韻 , 易記,內裏還有很多跌打及各類醫療跌 打療方。 Wayne: The rhymed formulae are recorded by our Grandmaster, Law Tiu Wen, as he was learning this skill, in 19 century in his recorded learning diary. Most of them are 4 characters, 5 characters and 7 characters poems, tidy and easy to remember. Also, he recorded a lot of the Chinese medical treatment methods and a lot of Chinese herb prescriptions for being wound. 華華: 可否看看你們拳訣?及給新武俠讀者認識? Editor: Can you show us the training rhymed formula and introduce them to my readers? 翁: 這本就是手抄本的副本,在這裏我只能給你看看。至於給新武俠的讀者,我 只能給大家數句而已。例如:黐手訣有二十六句、習技訣有十六句,各節錄前四句 及對練訣給讀者看看: Wayne: This is the photocopy of the written diary by my Grandmaster, Law Tiu Wen. Here, I can let you read it, and however, to your readers, I think I can only post some of them. For examples, there are 26 statements for the Sticky-hand training and 16 statements for the Skill-learning attitude. Here, let me show the first 4 statements to your readers... 黐手訣 來留去送 逢甩直衝 敵一移動 重心已空… Sticky hand Coming Retaining Going Sending As hand-quitting, plunge straightly As enemy moves The stand is unstable ….. 習技訣 大凡習技擊 悟透裏因由 正歪力在處 對鏡與樁求… Skill-Learning Attitude For learning of martial art Should understand how to use For the application of the forces Can be found from the dummy or mirror ….. 8
  • 9. 對練訣 戰場無情面 假要作真攻 敵若佔貳龍 馬浮身瘡痛 四平忌直撞 子午防橫衝… Sparring No commitment is in the war Practice should be treated as real situation As enemy holds my upper arms Stand will be floated and body would get hurt Sitting stand is afraid of direct impact Walking stand is afraid of the side impact…. 華華: 聽聞你門的小念頭有首歌訣,是否真的?為何人家沒有而你有? Editor: I know that your basic form, Siu Lim Tau, also comes with a poem, which describes the forms. Is it? Why do only you have it? 翁: 那我就不清楚,可能其他人都有,只不過沒有公開而已,而這歌訣是記述於 師太祖羅悌雲的蛇鶴詠春手抄記錄本內,是描述小念頭的各招式。 Wayne: For this, I don’t know and maybe, in some other branches, they have it, but they never show it off. Also, this poem is also appeared in the Grandmaster, Law Tiu Wen, hand-written learning diary. 華華: 那你們對師弟莫偉強公開授徒有何看法? Editor: How do you think, Mok Wai Keung, a disciple of your master, teaches the Snake Crane Wing Chun openly? 何: 高興!從前沒對別人多提自己玩功夫,現在就無需隱瞞了。而莫師弟那麼用心推 廣本門功夫,令我感到十分鼓舞,同時我可預見本門將有一個新的未來。 Sammy: Glad to seeing that! Before, I never talked to any people that I know Wing Chun. Now, there is no need to hide, and Mr. Mok, he promotes this skill aggressively, after we open ourselves. I can see that we will have a good future. 翁: 莫師弟這麼熱誠,不單鼓舞,令我有種像『南海一號』,沈睡在深海百年的沈船, 今 9
  • 10. 天終被打撈,浮上水面一樣,內裏有珍貴的歷史寶物,有待大家發現。 Wayne: Mr. Mok has promotes this skill enthusiastically. Just like the “Southern Sea Number One” sunk into the deep sea over several centuries and today, it is refloated to the water. There are a lot of treasures for the people to discover. 華華: 莫偉強收費授徒不是賣技嗎? Editor: Mr. Mok teaches with the money. Does it mean he sells the technique? 何: 這真是很有趣的問題,現今商業社會教授一門功夫而收費是平常。但我不覺 得這是賣技;因為我有很多朋友也教授功夫,他們告訴我有 過奇怪現象,就是付了錢學習的徒弟通常是比較有心機,因此在學習的初中段這方法 是可行,故此收費授徒也有他的理由。同時用勞力教授來換取金錢也是合理的。而我 們強調傳技不賣技喜不是自傷矛盾,那我就把這問題給翁師兄回答吧。 Sammy : This is a very interesting question. Nowadays, teaching martial arts with the fee is very common. I don’t think this is selling the technique. I have a lot of friends they teaches martial arts, and they told me that most of their students they paid the fee and they would pay more attention to learn. Also, a master pays effort to teach and gets money as the reasonable rewards. We are emphasizing promoting the skill and not selling the skill, without any contradiction and I pass this question to let Wayne to answer. 翁: 這問題非常難答,因為很容易得罪人,我所暸解,其實賣技是將一套拳或一 套兵器套路以金錢賣給買家。練武是要從根基扎根,如根基未穩買來一套拳法或兵器 套路回來,那未必是件好事, 可能影響一生。而師父要求一步一步的學習,一套一套的 打上去;練好拳法,根底厚了再學習兵器。而不主張賣技是因為不由淺入深打好基礎, 而立即練習上段功夫或兵器,這不單只可能練得不好,還有機會令身體受傷。再者, 師父都要吃飯的,公開授徒,只收取小小學費,就如補習老師般也要收取補習費來 作收入,從中也可選擇資質較好的學員,收為拜師弟子,自此以後就有正式師徒關 系,情同父子,不會再收取任何費用,正如莫師弟最近也收了兩位拜師弟子,他們 也沒有再付任何金錢作學費,以繼承家師收徒傳技的宗旨。 Wayne: This is a very difficult question to answer, and it is easy to get angry with other people. To my understanding, selling the technique means selling the fist-form or weapon-form to other people, not the followers, exchange with the money. This may not a good thing. Learning skill is needed to go through a process, stage by stage to learn. As the fist-form foundation is setup, and then starts to learn the weapon. Without the basic foundation, and selling the advanced technique to get money is not a good thing. The key of the technique may not be achieved, and maybe, it is easy to getting hurt. 10
  • 11. Moreover, the master also needs to maintain his/her life of living. That’s why, taking a small amount of fee is OK, just like a private tutor to earn money. Among the students, they can choose the good students and make them as the followers. As a follower, like the father-son relationship, they don’t need to pay any more. Recently, Mr. Mok accepted two students as his disciples, and now, they don’t pay any more fees to him. This is also the thinking of my master, Mr. Law Chiu Wing to promote our branch. 11
  • 12. 華華: 你們還有沒有其他器具或兵器可協助練習手法? Editor: Do you have any other weapons and training tools? 翁: 藤圈:藤製的藤圈是一個約11英吋的有彈性的圈圈, 藤圈的用法主要練習雙手 歸中的習慣,讓你的手在小小的藤圈中活動,並進而提高上半身的柔軟度,並進而掌 握出拳角度和靈活度, 藤圈的練法主要一個字『柔』, 力不可大, 否則很容易被迫斷 它, 回想當年, 家師的數個藤圈都被我打斷, 後來為了讓我領會它的用法,就找人燒 了一些鋼圈給我練, 每次練完,對手都瘀傷纍纍的, 後來明白了師父的用心,從此以 後我就改用『柔』手練習。竹筷子,練習子午歸中及指力。六點半棍:七尺多長單 頭棍,重約十多斤, 練習時手握棍頭, 來練習棍尾的吊力, 初時相當困難, 久而久 之,雙手便適應了。雙刀:短兵器,兩寸闊、十寸長左右,於清朝, 由於衣服寬襟大 袖, 所以易於收藏於衣袖裏, 不易被人察覺, 前一期新武俠也曾介紹過。木樁:本門 木樁是插在一個可移動的鐵架基礎上,打起來鐵架會隨力度大小輕微移動, 不易傷 身,主要是練習手法。 Wayne: Rattan ring: It is an 11-inches-elastic-ring made with rattan. The ring is mainly to train the individual techniques and activities in the central line within a small area. It also trains the softness, the direction and the lightness of your hands. Playing with the ring is based on a word “Softness”, and cannot use much power, not recommended to break it. As recalled, in the 70s of the last 12
  • 13. century, the only few rattan rings of master were broken by my hands. Afterwards, my master ordered some stainless steel made rings for me. Every time, I used power to play them, my hands always got stasis. Eventually, I understand why I got stasis and started to play the ring softly till today. Bamboo chopstick: Training the centre line and the finger power. Long staff: 7 feet more long Single-head staff, and weight more than 10 catty. Training is to take the staff head to overcome the hanging weight of it. In the beginning, it is very difficult to take. After a period, the two hands become stronger and can hold it effectively. Twin-knife: Short weapon, two-inch wide and 10 inch-long. In Qing-dynasty, the knives are hid in the long sleeves and not easy to be discovered. In the last edition, it has been introduced in this magazine and the New Marital Hero website Wooden Dummy: Our wooden dummy is erected on the steel frame foundation. As the wooden dummy is hit, the foundation will move slightly according to the direction of the force. Basically it is used to practice the skill of the technique. Slightly movement avoids hurting the body internally by the bouncing force produced by dummy. 13
  • 14. 華華: 你們對你家門派的將來有何看法? Editor: How do you see your future? 何: 我覺得未來是要變,功夫及取向要跟時代及實際需要而改變 所以我們應多著眼 。 放在培育新人上,因此我很贊成莫師弟讓他的徒弟參加各樣的國術公開賽。在各賽事 中暸解各家各派的長處來改善自家的缺點,這樣才是本門及武林之福。 Sammy: Change is our future. Chinese martial arts are also changing with time. That’s why we need to pay more attention to train the new learners. We encourage Mr. Mok to train his students and let them join the Chinese Martial Art open competition. Also, to understand the merit of the others and to improve ourselves and this is the blessed event of us and the marital art society. 翁: 本門現在開放了,其實不單師兄弟們要變,師父都在變;記得有次席間我們談到 雙刀如何厲害時,師父就二話不說地打斷我們的說話,說單刀比雙刀還要厲害 起初還 。 以為師父訓勉我們,當夜他又沒有說清究竟;但後來才明白他的用意 原來現今香港的 。 環境,你是不可以除便拿刀出街,但當你遇到危急時,你要拿兩件雙同的東西來代替雙 刀來運用,就真的不及拿一件東西作單刀運用而來得方便和快捷。所以現今社會練習 單刀真的有機會比雙刀厲害;因為要勝過對手是取決於如何運用器材快捷地準確的 擊倒對手。除非你真的拿到真刀來對戰,如不是就要用最快方法拿到任何器具來當作 武器使用,這才有勝算,因此師父才有這言論,故變才是本門的將來。 Wayne: Now, our branch is open. The changes are not limited to us, and also, our master is in changes. As recalled, one time in a dinner, we had discussed how the powerful of twin-knives and our master broke our discussion and said that single knife is more powerful than the twin-knives. In the beginning, we expected he would like to encourage us and that night he hadn’t mentioned clearly. Afterwards, we understand what he means. Nowadays, in Hong Kong, you cannot take the knives with you. As you come across danger situation, it is difficult for you to take the two same things as knives rather than taking a thing as single knife. Using the single knife is more efficient. That’s why single knife is more powerful than the twin-knives. Of course, only you took the real knives, otherwise, taking the easy thing as the weapon is easier to win. That’s why our master has this comment. 華華: 最後,可否讓我的讀者見識一下你們的小念頭及念頭歌,令讀者們加深對蛇 鶴詠春的認識? Editor: Finally, can you show us your form of Siu Lim Tau and the associated poem. Let our reader to understand you more. 14
  • 15. 翁: 我家的念頭歌,是一首押韻的七言詩,至於小念頭招式方面,現在時間也晚了, 留待下次早一點,找個好地方,讓師弟示範小念頭給你的讀者看,及它如何刻錄於 念頭歌內。 Wayne: The following is the poem of our Siu Lim Tau. It is written in 7-characters statements and describes the form. Now, it is sunset and let us have the other time, take a place and show it to your readers and explain how the poem describing the form. 念頭歌 白鶴戲水蛇歸洞 飛麟九轉表掌通 蛇鶴爭揮堵勁融 鶴足三提翼四功 白鶴摺翼登天際 蛇鶴能制逆宗童 Lim Tau Poem White crane plays water and the snake goes back hole The palm like the flying snake moving in nine ways. Snake and white crane demonstrate and express the “Chu” power White crane toes step three times and the wings swing four times White crane is stretching the wings and flying to the sky Snake and White crane can overcome the Shaolin traitors 華華: 談到這裡我們也加深了對(蛇鶴詠春)認識,現期待現看一下蛇鶴詠春的小念 頭!下期再會 Editor: Up to here, we have understood more about Snake Crane Wing Chun, and let see the Siu Lim Tau! See you next time. 15