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Debugging Dojo Applications
        February 10, 2010
            Chris Barber
             CB1, INC.
About Me
●   Chris Barber
●   Open source hacker
●   Software consultant
●   JavaScript, C++, PHP
●   Dojo committer

          dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
All Software Has Bugs

dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Fixing Bugs Sucks

dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Things You Could Be Doing
            Instead of Fixing Bugs
●   Sleeping                                     ●   Playing Bioshock 2
●   Reading a book                               ●   Shopping for new shoes
●   Working out                                  ●   Getting your picture
●   Enjoying a frosty brew                           taken at those little
                                                     booths at the mall
●   Mowing the lawn                              ●   Shoveling snow
●   Watching a movie                                  ●   Actually, this is worse
●   Bowling                                               that fixing bugs
●   Doing laundry                                ●   Selling junk on eBay
●   Attending this                               ●   Buying junk on eBay
         dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Debugging Dojo
         & JavaScript

dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Types of Bugs
●   Syntax errors
●   Runtime errors
●   Logic errors
●   Performance issues
●   Bugs that other people committed into svn
    ●   Because our code is flawless

           dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Old School Debugging

dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Old School Debugging
  <textarea name="output"></textarea>
<script type="text/javascript">
  alert("If you're reading this, it doesn't work.");

  document.write("x should be 10, but for some reason it's " + x);

  document.forms[0].output.value += "Loading external resource...n";
  document.forms[0].output.value += "Still loading...n";
  document.forms[0].output.value += "Hello?n";

            dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Old School Debugging
●   Write some code, reload, test, write some code,
    reload test, write some code, reload, test
●   But if you write too much code
    ●   Comment out / remove huge chunks of code until
        things work again
●   View source
    ●   What exactly did the server send?
    var quote_of_the_day = "Who said "debugging" ain't easy?";

           dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Old School Debugging
●   Custom error handling awesomeness

    window.onerror = function(msg, url, lineno){
        alert("Thou art detects an error:n"
            + "Message: " + msg + "n"
            + "URL: " + url + "n"
            + "Line #: " + lineno);

    function foo(){
        var bar = "fail";

           dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Old School Debugging
●   JavaScript console
    ●   Netscape 4, Mozilla, Firefox

●   Internet Explorer
    ●   Generally sucked
    ●   Line # rarely correct
    ●   Crappy error messages
         –   "Object required"

             dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Old School Debugging
●   Microsoft Script                               ●   Microsoft Script Editor
    Debugger                                           ● Uses Visual Studio

    ●   Steaming pile                                  ● It's on your Office

                                                         2003 CDs

           dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Old School Debugging
●   Venkman
    ●   Component of the Mozilla Suite
    ●   Also a Firefox extension
    ●   Sloooooooooooow
        –   Provided it didn't crash

            dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Not So Old School
●   try/catch/throw
    ●   New in ECMAScript 3!
         –   Published Dec 1999
    ●   Implemented by IE6/NS6
             try {
                 if (something) {
                     throw new Error("oh snap!");
             } catch (e) {

●   Catches that suppressed errors
    ●   All over Dojo code base
    ●   If something is not working, check if it's being silently
        being caught
             dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Advanced Tactics
●   Proxy server
●   Packet sniffing

         dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
JavaScript Bugs

dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
JavaScript Bugs
●   Syntax errors
    ●   Things that the cause the parser to hate life

          function foo() {

          foo(1 2);


           dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
JavaScript Bugs
●   Runtime Bugs
    ●   Undefined variables & methods
    ●   Unexpected results

    foo(); // foo() undefined

    var i = 10 + x; // x undefined

    function bar() {
        return arguments.join(',');

    function baz(y) {
            y * y;

    alert(baz(2)); // undefined!
          dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
JavaScript Bugs
●   Variable scopes                                  ●   Watch out for reserved
    ●   Local vs global                                  words!
●   Naming                                                ●   Rhino (used by Dojo's
                                                              build tool) is very picky
    ●   Case sentivity                            break, case, catch, continue, default,
                                                  delete, do, else, finally, for,
    ●   Try to use unique                         function, if, in, instanceof, new,
        names to avoid                            return, switch, this, throw, try,
        accidentally overwriting                  typeof, var, void, while, with

                                                  abstract, boolean, byte, char, class,
    ●   Use meaningful names                      const, debugger, double, enum, export,
         –   Unless you need a little             extends, final, float, goto,
                                                  implements, import, int, interface,
             more job security                    long, native, package, private,
                                                  protected, public, short, static,
                                                  super, synchronized, throws,
                                                  transient, volatile

             dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
JavaScript Bugs
●   Functions
    ●   Forgetting commas between arguments
    ●   Forgetting braces
    ●   Misspelling funtcion
    ●   Avoid resuing function names
                      function foo(){
                      foo(); // alerts "world"

                      function foo(){
                      foo(); // alerts "world"

          dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
●   Missing commas
●   Hanging commas
●   Confusing } and ]
●   Not quoting names that contain special chars
    var i = {                                       var k = [
        firstName: "Chris"                              {
        lastName: "Barber"                                  "class": "JavaScript",
    };                                                      "course #": 101
    var j = {                                           {
        firstName: "Chris",                                 "class": "C++",
        lastName: "Barber",                                 "course #": 102
    };                                                  };

           dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
JavaScript Engine Limits
●   Max string length
     ●    Implementation dependent
●   Max integer value
     ●    Really, really huge
●   Max z-index
     ●    2,147,483,647
●   ...

             dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |

dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
●   Only useful in browsers that don't have a console
    ●   IE6/7
    ●   Firefox without Firebug
    ●   Old versions of Opera/Safari

           dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
●   Automatically loads dojo._firebug.firebug
●   Limited functionality
    ●   ReCSS, console, DOM viewer, Object viewer

           dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
●   Used to define objects
●   Careful what you initialize
    ●   Numbers, booleans, & strings are OK
    ●   Arrays & objects are a bad idea
        –   Use constructor() or postCreate() (if a dijit)
                 dojo.declare("MyObj", null, {
                     foo: [ "Hello" ],
                     bar: null,
                     constructor: function() { = ["baz"]; }

                 var obj1 = new MyObj;
                 var obj2 = new MyObj;

                 console.debug(;   // outputs ["Hello"]
                 console.debug(;   // outputs ["Hello"]
                 console.debug(;   // outputs ["Hello","world!"]
                 console.debug(;   // outputs ["Hello","world!"]

                 console.debug(; // outputs ["baz","zap"]
                 console.debug(; // outputs ["baz"]
            dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
●   Extending objects
    ●   Invoking an inherited object's method
          dojo.declare("MyObj", nullj, {

                foo: function(){
                    alert("Hi from MyObj!");


          dojo.declare("MyNewObj", MyObj, {

                foo: function(){
                    alert("Hi from MyNewObj");


           dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
●   fetchItemByIdentity()
    ●   Make sure IDs are unique!

         var s = new{
             data: {
                 identifier: "id",
                     items: [
                              id: "/foo",
                              name: "foo",
                              children: [
                                      id: "/foo/bar",
                                      name: "bar"

             identity: "/foo",
             onItem: function(item){
             onError: function(item){

           dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Manipulating the DOM
●   Wait until onload
    ●   dojo.addOnLoad() or dojo.ready() (new in 1.4)
●   If you can't wait, use document.write()

           dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
●   djConfig.parseOnLoad does not autoload
●   Must dojo.require("dojo.parser")
●   Can fire the parser manually
    ●   dojo.parser.parse()

           dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
●   Build system is a little too smart
    ●   Uses regex to find requires



             dojo.requireIf("my.module", condition);

           dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Closures & dojo.hitch()
// assume we're in an object's function...
dojo.forEach([1, 2, 3],; // Error!
var _t = this;
dojo.forEach([1, 2, 3], function(n){ });
dojo.forEach([1, 2, 3], dojo.hitch(this, "foo"));
// does the same thing internally as dojo.hitch()
dojo.forEach([1, 2, 3], "foo", this);
// dojo.connect does the same thing
dojo.connect(myButton, "onclick", this, "foo");

         dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
file:/// issues
●   Firefox 3 security causes issues
    ●   about:config
    ●   security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy = false

            dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
●   Use errbacks
●   dojo.xhr() returns a deferred
    function getData(i, n){
        return dojo.xhrPost({
            url: "/fetchData.php",
            postData: {
                id: i,
                name: n
            handleAs: "json"

    var deferred = getData(123, "foo");
        console.error("Oh noes!");

          dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |

dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Widget Params
●   Param must be defined before mixin

    <div dojoType="MyObj" param1="abc" param2="def" param3="ghi"></div>

    <script type="text/javascript">
    dojo.declare("MyObj", dijit._Widget, {
        param1: "",
        constructor: function(){
            this.param2 = "";
        postCreate: function(){
            console.debug(this.param1); // abc
            console.debug(this.param2); // def
            console.debug(this.param3); // undefined

          dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Template Errors
●   404 File not found
●   No root node
●   Invalid variables ${foo}
    ●   Variables must be defined before buildRendering()
        –   member variable
        –   initialize in constructor()
        –   initialize in postMixInProperties()

            dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Template Errors
●   Say you want to speed up development
●   Do a Dojo build of dojo, dijit, code that is good to go
●   Your namespace is "foo" and you have a custom
    dialog that extends dijit.Dialog
●   If using Dojo 1.3.2 or earlier, you MUST define
    templateString:null before your templatePath
    ●   Otherwise the dijit.Dialog's templateString overrides
        your templatePath!
        dojo.declare("foo.MyDialog", dijit.Dialog, {
            templateString: null,
            templatePath: dojo.moduleUrl("foo", "MyDialog.html")

           dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Template Errors
●   Not an issue with 1.4 and newer
●   Just use templateString
●   Use dojo.cache!
    ●   You can still use dojo.moduleUrl()

dojo.declare("foo.MyDialog", dijit.Dialog, {
    templateString: dojo.cache("foo", "MyDialog.html")

// After build, template is inlined! Awesome
dojo.declare("foo.MyDialog", dijit.Dialog, {
    templateString: dojo.cache("foo", "MyDialog.html", "<div>Hi from my dialog!</div>")

           dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Template Errors
●   Build system uses regex to inline templates
●   Don't get cute

        $.declare("foo.MyDialog", dijit.Dialog, {
            templateString: $.cache("foo", "MyDialog.html") // NO!



        $.declare("foo.MyDialog", dijit.Dialog, {
            templateString: dojo.cache("foo", "MyDialog.html") // OK!


          dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Templates Caching Issues
●   When not using a build, templates are loaded via
●   Templates may be cached by the browser
    ●   Definitely in Firefox
●   Disable cache or empty cache after template

           dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
postCreate() vs startup()
●   postCreate()
    ●   Template created
    ●   Can create new DOM nodes
    ●   Not every widget's postCreate() has been called yet!
●   startup()
    ●   Called after a widget and its children have been created
        and added to the page
    ●   All parent/child widgets created, postCreate() has been
    ●   Now you can start talking to other widgets :)

           dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Dijit Themes
●   Live coding mistake #253
    ●   Forgetting to include the dijit theme's css file
        <link rel="stylesheet"

             dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Dijit Themes
●   Live coding mistake #254
    ●   Forgetting to add the theme name to the body class
        <body class="tundra">



              dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Dijit Themes
●   Only use what you need!
●   Example: you only need a dijit.Calendar
      // mytundra.css

      @import   url("/path/to/dijit/themes/dijit.css");
      @import   url("/path/to/dijit/themes/tundra/Common.css");
      @import   url("/path/to/dijit/themes/tundra/form/Common.css");
      @import   url("/path/to/dijit/themes/tundra/Calendar.css");

●   Build system inlines only those files!
      <link rel="stylesheet"

           dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
The Build System

dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Build Profiles
●   Define the prefixes you need
    ●   Build system copies each namespace
    ●   Don't need to specify "dojo" prefix
             dependencies = {
                  stripConsole: "normal",
                  version: "1.4.1",
                  cssOptimize: "comments",
                  copyTests: false,
                  optimize: "shrinksafe.keepLines",
                  layerOptimize: "shrinksafe.keepLines",

                  layers: [
                              name: "dojo.js",
                              dependencies: [

                  prefixes: [
                       [ "dijit", "../dijit" ]

           dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
●   optimize & layerOptimize
    ●   shrinksafe
        –   Awesome for production!
    ●   shrinksafe.keepLines
        –   Awesome for debugging!
●   dojo.js & dojo.js.uncompressed.js
    ●   Use the uncompressed version for debugging

            dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Other Tricks!

dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
●   Use it to send info back to the server
    ●   Dojo startup info
    ●   Window information
    ●   mouseover sampling
    ●   idle activity
    ●   console.* messages
        <script type="text/javascript"
            djConfig="sendMethod:'script', sendInterval:5000,

        <script type="text/javascript">
             dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
CSS Tricks
●   Disable a style/property by changing the name to
    something invalid
    ●   x.myStyle{padding:10px;}
●   Styling dojo.dnd.Avatars
    ●   Start a drag, then disable JavaScript
    ●   Use Firebug/ReCSS to finish styling
●   Empty cache or disable cache to refresh
    background images

           dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Missing Images
●   Create images and be notified if the image is 404
●   dojox.image.Lightbox uses this technique

      dojo.create("img", {
          id: "myimage",
          src: "/path/to/my/image.jpg",
          onerror: function(){
              dojo.create("img", {
                  id: "missingimage",
                  src: "/path/to/missing/image.jpg"
              }, dojo.body());
      }, dojo.body());

      // note: this code is untested... don't shoot me
      //       if it doesn't work :)

          dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
             If it's slow, it's a bug

dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
●   Use a Dojo build
●   Only include the dijit css files you need
●   Cache values that won't change
    ●   getViewport(), marginBox(), etc
●   Destroy non-visible tab content
●   Combine XHR payloads
●   Use a profiler
●   Write better code

           dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
●   Combine images into sprites
    ●   Additional sprite for repeat-x & repeat-y
●   Enable gzip
●   Use a CDN
    ●   Or multiple subdomains
●   Put scripts at the bottom of the page
●   Read Steve Souder's books!

           dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |

dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Test Cases
●   Write simple test cases
    ●   Individual html files to test a specific feature
●   DOH: Dojo Objective Harness
    ●   Little chunks of code to test stuff

            doh.register("myTest", [
                function myFunction(){
                    var foo = [];
          , 2);

             dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Testing Multiple Browsers
●   Use a bunch of old computers
●   Or join the modern web development revolution and
    use a virtual machine
    ●   Virtual Box
    ●   VMware Workstation
    ●   VMware Fusion
    ●   Parallels
    ●   IE6/IE7/IE8
    ●   FF2/FF3
    ●   Safari 3/4
    ●   Opera 9/10
          dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Testing Multiple Browsers
●   Microsoft Virtual PC Disk Images

Disk Image                Expires                         Size
IE6 + XP SP3              April 1, 2010                   753.8MB
IE7 + XP SP3              April 1, 2010                   813.1MB
IE8 + XP SP3              April 1, 2010                   812.9MB
IE7 + Vista               120 days after first run        700.0MB, 700.0MB, 590.5MB
IE8 + Vista               120 days after first run        50.6MB, 700.0MB, 700.0MB, 687.9MB

              dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |

dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Firefox Extensions
●   Lori – Life-of-request info (page load times)
●   Tamper Data
    ●   Dated, but can still be useful
●   Web Developer Toolbar
●   Firebug
●   Firecookie
●   Yslow
●   Many, many, many, many more...

           dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
●   console.log(), console.debug(),,
    console.warn(), console.error()
    ●   Use "," instead of "+": console.debug("x =", x);
●   Console
●   Debugger
●   Profiler
●   more...

           dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Firebug Lite
●   Bookmarklet
●   More featureful than Dojo's FBL

         dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Webkit Web Inspector
●   Chrome/Safari/Epiphany/Titanium
    ● Enable in Safari from command line:

       –   defaults write IncludeDebugMenu 1
●   Console
●   Debugger
●   Profiler
●   more...

           dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
IE Developer Toolbar
●   IE6/IE7
●   DOM viewer
●   Modify CSS
●   Clear cache

        dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Internet Explorer 8
●   Integrated into IE8!
●   Console
●   Debugger

         dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
IDEs With JavaScript Debuggers
●   Netbeans
    ●   Firefox & IE
●   Aptana Studio
●   Eclipse + Fireclipse
    ●   Still active?

            dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
●   Dojo Extensions for Adobe AIR
●   Debug console
●   Command line logger
●   File logger

        dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |

dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Getting Help
●   API Docs


●   IRC
    ●   #dojo on
●   dojo-interest Mailing List
●   Dojo's source code

           dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
Getting Help

                            CB1, INC
                    Dojo Consulting
                    Web Applications

dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |



dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |

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Debugging Dojo Applications (2/10/2010)

  • 1. Debugging Dojo Applications dojo.connect February 10, 2010 Chris Barber CB1, INC.
  • 2. About Me ● Chris Barber ● Open source hacker ● Software consultant ● JavaScript, C++, PHP ● Dojo committer ● ● ● dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 3. All Software Has Bugs dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 4. Fixing Bugs Sucks dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 5. Things You Could Be Doing Instead of Fixing Bugs ● Sleeping ● Playing Bioshock 2 ● Reading a book ● Shopping for new shoes ● Working out ● Getting your picture ● Enjoying a frosty brew taken at those little booths at the mall ● Mowing the lawn ● Shoveling snow ● Watching a movie ● Actually, this is worse ● Bowling that fixing bugs ● Doing laundry ● Selling junk on eBay ● Attending this ● Buying junk on eBay presentation! dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 6. Debugging Dojo & JavaScript dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 7. Types of Bugs ● Syntax errors ● Runtime errors ● Logic errors ● Performance issues ● Bugs that other people committed into svn ● Because our code is flawless dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 8. Old School Debugging dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 9. Old School Debugging <form> <textarea name="output"></textarea> </form> <script type="text/javascript"> alert("If you're reading this, it doesn't work."); document.write("x should be 10, but for some reason it's " + x); document.forms[0].output.value += "Loading external resource...n"; document.forms[0].output.value += "Still loading...n"; document.forms[0].output.value += "Hello?n"; </script> dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 10. Old School Debugging ● Write some code, reload, test, write some code, reload test, write some code, reload, test ● But if you write too much code ● Comment out / remove huge chunks of code until things work again ● View source ● What exactly did the server send? var quote_of_the_day = "Who said "debugging" ain't easy?"; dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 11. Old School Debugging ● Custom error handling awesomeness window.onerror = function(msg, url, lineno){ alert("Thou art detects an error:n" + "Message: " + msg + "n" + "URL: " + url + "n" + "Line #: " + lineno); }; function foo(){ var bar = "fail"; dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 12. Old School Debugging ● JavaScript console ● Netscape 4, Mozilla, Firefox ● Internet Explorer ● Generally sucked ● Line # rarely correct ● Crappy error messages – "Object required" dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 13. Old School Debugging ● Microsoft Script ● Microsoft Script Editor Debugger ● Uses Visual Studio ● Steaming pile ● It's on your Office 2003 CDs dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 14. Old School Debugging ● Venkman ● Component of the Mozilla Suite ● Also a Firefox extension ● Sloooooooooooow – Provided it didn't crash dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 15. Not So Old School ● try/catch/throw ● New in ECMAScript 3! – Published Dec 1999 ● Implemented by IE6/NS6 try { if (something) { throw new Error("oh snap!"); } } catch (e) { alert(e); } ● Catches that suppressed errors ● All over Dojo code base ● If something is not working, check if it's being silently being caught dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 16. Advanced Tactics ● Proxy server ● Packet sniffing dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 17. JavaScript Bugs dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 18. JavaScript Bugs ● Syntax errors ● Things that the cause the parser to hate life function foo() { foo(1 2); dojo..isFunction(foo); dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 19. JavaScript Bugs ● Runtime Bugs ● Undefined variables & methods ● Unexpected results foo(); // foo() undefined var i = 10 + x; // x undefined function bar() { return arguments.join(','); } function baz(y) { return y * y; } alert(baz(2)); // undefined! dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 20. JavaScript Bugs ● Variable scopes ● Watch out for reserved ● Local vs global words! ● Naming ● Rhino (used by Dojo's build tool) is very picky ● Case sentivity break, case, catch, continue, default, delete, do, else, finally, for, ● Try to use unique function, if, in, instanceof, new, names to avoid return, switch, this, throw, try, accidentally overwriting typeof, var, void, while, with abstract, boolean, byte, char, class, ● Use meaningful names const, debugger, double, enum, export, – Unless you need a little extends, final, float, goto, implements, import, int, interface, more job security long, native, package, private, protected, public, short, static, super, synchronized, throws, transient, volatile dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 21. JavaScript Bugs ● Functions ● Forgetting commas between arguments ● Forgetting braces ● Misspelling funtcion ● Avoid resuing function names function foo(){ alert("hello"); } foo(); // alerts "world" function foo(){ alert("world"); } foo(); // alerts "world" dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 22. JSON Bugs ● Missing commas ● Hanging commas ● Confusing } and ] ● Not quoting names that contain special chars var i = { var k = [ firstName: "Chris" { lastName: "Barber" "class": "JavaScript", }; "course #": 101 }, var j = { { firstName: "Chris", "class": "C++", lastName: "Barber", "course #": 102 }; }; dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 23. JavaScript Engine Limits ● Max string length ● Implementation dependent ● Max integer value ● Really, really huge ● Max z-index ● 2,147,483,647 ● ... dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 24. dojo dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 25. djConfig.isDebug ● Only useful in browsers that don't have a console ● IE6/7 ● Firefox without Firebug ● Old versions of Opera/Safari dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 26. djConfig.isDebug ● Automatically loads dojo._firebug.firebug ● Limited functionality ● ReCSS, console, DOM viewer, Object viewer dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 27. dojo.declare ● Used to define objects ● Careful what you initialize ● Numbers, booleans, & strings are OK ● Arrays & objects are a bad idea – Use constructor() or postCreate() (if a dijit) dojo.declare("MyObj", null, { foo: [ "Hello" ], bar: null, constructor: function() { = ["baz"]; } }); var obj1 = new MyObj; var obj2 = new MyObj; console.debug(; // outputs ["Hello"] console.debug(; // outputs ["Hello"]"world!"); console.debug(; // outputs ["Hello","world!"] console.debug(; // outputs ["Hello","world!"]"zap"); console.debug(; // outputs ["baz","zap"] console.debug(; // outputs ["baz"] dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 28. dojo.declare ● Extending objects ● Invoking an inherited object's method dojo.declare("MyObj", nullj, { foo: function(){ alert("Hi from MyObj!"); } }); dojo.declare("MyNewObj", MyObj, { foo: function(){ alert("Hi from MyNewObj"); this.inherited(arguments); } }); dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 29. ● fetchItemByIdentity() ● Make sure IDs are unique! dojo.require(""); var s = new{ data: { identifier: "id", items: [ { id: "/foo", name: "foo", children: [ { id: "/foo/bar", name: "bar" } ] } ] } }); s.fetchItemByIdentity({ identity: "/foo", onItem: function(item){; }, onError: function(item){ console.error(item); } }); dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 30. Manipulating the DOM ● Wait until onload ● dojo.addOnLoad() or dojo.ready() (new in 1.4) ● If you can't wait, use document.write() dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 31. dojo.parser ● djConfig.parseOnLoad does not autoload dojo.parser ● Must dojo.require("dojo.parser") ● Can fire the parser manually ● dojo.parser.parse() dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 32. dojo.require() ● Build system is a little too smart ● Uses regex to find requires if(condition){ dojo.require("my.module"); } if(condition){ dojo["require"]("my.module"); } dojo.requireIf("my.module", condition); dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 33. Closures & dojo.hitch() // assume we're in an object's function... dojo.forEach([1, 2, 3],; // Error! var _t = this; dojo.forEach([1, 2, 3], function(n){ }); dojo.forEach([1, 2, 3], dojo.hitch(this, "foo")); // does the same thing internally as dojo.hitch() dojo.forEach([1, 2, 3], "foo", this); // dojo.connect does the same thing dojo.connect(myButton, "onclick", this, "foo"); dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 34. file:/// issues ● Firefox 3 security causes issues ● about:config ● security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy = false – dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 35. dojo.deferred ● Use errbacks ● dojo.xhr() returns a deferred function getData(i, n){ return dojo.xhrPost({ url: "/fetchData.php", postData: { id: i, name: n }, handleAs: "json" }); } var deferred = getData(123, "foo"); deferred.addCallback(function(data){ console.log("Whoo!"); }); deferred.addErrback(function(error){ console.error("Oh noes!"); console.error(error); }); dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 36. dijit dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 37. Widget Params ● Param must be defined before mixin <div dojoType="MyObj" param1="abc" param2="def" param3="ghi"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> dojo.require("dijit._Widget"); dojo.declare("MyObj", dijit._Widget, { param1: "", constructor: function(){ this.param2 = ""; }, postCreate: function(){ console.debug(this.param1); // abc console.debug(this.param2); // def console.debug(this.param3); // undefined } }); </script> dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 38. Template Errors ● 404 File not found ● No root node ● Invalid variables ${foo} ● Variables must be defined before buildRendering() – member variable – initialize in constructor() – initialize in postMixInProperties() dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 39. Template Errors ● Say you want to speed up development ● Do a Dojo build of dojo, dijit, code that is good to go ● Your namespace is "foo" and you have a custom dialog that extends dijit.Dialog ● If using Dojo 1.3.2 or earlier, you MUST define templateString:null before your templatePath ● Otherwise the dijit.Dialog's templateString overrides your templatePath! dojo.declare("foo.MyDialog", dijit.Dialog, { templateString: null, templatePath: dojo.moduleUrl("foo", "MyDialog.html") }); dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 40. Template Errors ● Not an issue with 1.4 and newer ● Just use templateString ● Use dojo.cache! ● You can still use dojo.moduleUrl() dojo.declare("foo.MyDialog", dijit.Dialog, { templateString: dojo.cache("foo", "MyDialog.html") }); // After build, template is inlined! Awesome dojo.declare("foo.MyDialog", dijit.Dialog, { templateString: dojo.cache("foo", "MyDialog.html", "<div>Hi from my dialog!</div>") }); dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 41. Template Errors ● Build system uses regex to inline templates ● Don't get cute (function($){ $.declare("foo.MyDialog", dijit.Dialog, { templateString: $.cache("foo", "MyDialog.html") // NO! }); })(dojo); (function($){ $.declare("foo.MyDialog", dijit.Dialog, { templateString: dojo.cache("foo", "MyDialog.html") // OK! }); })(dojo); dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 42. Templates Caching Issues ● When not using a build, templates are loaded via XHR ● Templates may be cached by the browser ● Definitely in Firefox ● Disable cache or empty cache after template changes dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 43. postCreate() vs startup() ● postCreate() ● Template created ● Can create new DOM nodes ● Not every widget's postCreate() has been called yet! ● startup() ● Called after a widget and its children have been created and added to the page ● All parent/child widgets created, postCreate() has been called ● Now you can start talking to other widgets :) dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 44. Dijit Themes ● Live coding mistake #253 ● Forgetting to include the dijit theme's css file <link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/dijit/themes/tundra/tundra.css" type="text/css"/> dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 45. Dijit Themes ● Live coding mistake #254 ● Forgetting to add the theme name to the body class <body class="tundra"> ... </body> dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 46. Dijit Themes ● Only use what you need! ● Example: you only need a dijit.Calendar // mytundra.css @import url("/path/to/dijit/themes/dijit.css"); @import url("/path/to/dijit/themes/tundra/Common.css"); @import url("/path/to/dijit/themes/tundra/form/Common.css"); @import url("/path/to/dijit/themes/tundra/Calendar.css"); ● Build system inlines only those files! <link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/mybuild/mytundra.css" type="text/css"/> dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 47. The Build System dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 48. Build Profiles ● Define the prefixes you need ● Build system copies each namespace ● Don't need to specify "dojo" prefix dependencies = { stripConsole: "normal", version: "1.4.1", cssOptimize: "comments", copyTests: false, optimize: "shrinksafe.keepLines", layerOptimize: "shrinksafe.keepLines", layers: [ { name: "dojo.js", dependencies: [ "dijit.Dialog", "dijit.layout.BorderContainer", "dijit.layout.ContentPane" ] } ], prefixes: [ [ "dijit", "../dijit" ] ] } dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 49. ShrinkSafe ● optimize & layerOptimize ● shrinksafe – Awesome for production! ● shrinksafe.keepLines – Awesome for debugging! ● dojo.js & dojo.js.uncompressed.js ● Use the uncompressed version for debugging dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 50. Other Tricks! dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 51. ● Use it to send info back to the server ● Dojo startup info ● Window information ● mouseover sampling ● idle activity ● console.* messages <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/dojo.js" djConfig="sendMethod:'script', sendInterval:5000, analyticsUrl:''" ></script> <script type="text/javascript"> dojo.require(""); dojo.require(""); dojo.require(""); dojo.require(""); dojo.require(""); dojo.require(""); dojo.require(""); </script> dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 52. CSS Tricks ● Disable a style/property by changing the name to something invalid ● x.myStyle{padding:10px;} ● Styling dojo.dnd.Avatars ● Start a drag, then disable JavaScript ● Use Firebug/ReCSS to finish styling ● Empty cache or disable cache to refresh background images dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 53. Missing Images ● Create images and be notified if the image is 404 ● dojox.image.Lightbox uses this technique dojo.create("img", { id: "myimage", src: "/path/to/my/image.jpg", onerror: function(){ dojo.create("img", { id: "missingimage", src: "/path/to/missing/image.jpg" }, dojo.body()); } }, dojo.body()); // note: this code is untested... don't shoot me // if it doesn't work :) dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 54. Performance If it's slow, it's a bug dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 55. Performance ● Use a Dojo build ● Only include the dijit css files you need ● Cache values that won't change ● getViewport(), marginBox(), etc ● Destroy non-visible tab content ● Combine XHR payloads ● Use a profiler ● Write better code dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 56. Performance ● Combine images into sprites ● Additional sprite for repeat-x & repeat-y ● Enable gzip ● Use a CDN ● Or multiple subdomains ● Put scripts at the bottom of the page ● Read Steve Souder's books! ● dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 57. Testing dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 58. Test Cases ● Write simple test cases ● Individual html files to test a specific feature ● DOH: Dojo Objective Harness ● Little chunks of code to test stuff dojo.require("doh.runner"); dojo.addOnLoad(function(){ doh.register("myTest", [ function myFunction(){ var foo = []; foo.push(6); foo.push(1); foo.push(2);, 2); } ]);; }); dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 59. Testing Multiple Browsers ● Use a bunch of old computers ● Or join the modern web development revolution and use a virtual machine ● Virtual Box ● VMware Workstation ● VMware Fusion ● Parallels ● IE6/IE7/IE8 ● FF2/FF3 ● Safari 3/4 ● Opera 9/10 dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 60. Testing Multiple Browsers ● Microsoft Virtual PC Disk Images ● Disk Image Expires Size IE6 + XP SP3 April 1, 2010 753.8MB IE7 + XP SP3 April 1, 2010 813.1MB IE8 + XP SP3 April 1, 2010 812.9MB IE7 + Vista 120 days after first run 700.0MB, 700.0MB, 590.5MB IE8 + Vista 120 days after first run 50.6MB, 700.0MB, 700.0MB, 687.9MB dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 61. Tools dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 62. Firefox Extensions ● Lori – Life-of-request info (page load times) ● Tamper Data ● Dated, but can still be useful ● Web Developer Toolbar ● Firebug ● Firecookie ● Yslow ● Many, many, many, many more... dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 63. Firebug ● ● console.log(), console.debug(),, console.warn(), console.error() ● Use "," instead of "+": console.debug("x =", x); ● Console ● Debugger ● Profiler ● more... dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 64. Firebug Lite ● ● Bookmarklet ● More featureful than Dojo's FBL dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 65. Webkit Web Inspector ● Chrome/Safari/Epiphany/Titanium ● Enable in Safari from command line: – defaults write IncludeDebugMenu 1 ● Console ● Debugger ● Profiler ● more... dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 66. IE Developer Toolbar ● IE6/IE7 ● DOM viewer ● Modify CSS ● Clear cache dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 67. Internet Explorer 8 ● Integrated into IE8! ● Console ● Debugger dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 68. IDEs With JavaScript Debuggers ● Netbeans ● ● Firefox & IE ● Aptana Studio ● ● Eclipse + Fireclipse ● ● Still active? dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 69. dair ● Dojo Extensions for Adobe AIR ● ● Debug console ● Command line logger ● File logger dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 70. Resources dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 71. Getting Help ● API Docs ● ● ● IRC ● #dojo on ● dojo-interest Mailing List ● ● Dojo's source code dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 72. Getting Help CB1, INC Dojo Consulting Web Applications dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |
  • 73. Thanks! Questions? dojo.connect | 2.10.2010 | Chris Barber | CB1, INC. |