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       Eden Hamill
Brittany`s family has moved from the sunny state of Florida to Toronto
since her diagnosis of Bloom Syndrome. She has been assigned to my
preschool room and will begin in a couple days. Since the move
Brittany is feeling sad because she misses her friends back home. Her
brother is very mad at Brittany because he believes that the move is all
of her fault. His behaviour is very difficult for the parents and has
asked for my help.
Adapted learning environment
for physical barriers
                               Frequent doctor’s appointments to
                                   monitor the health of the child

Specific observation
relating to the
child`s health

              Adaptive environment for respiratory
                and immune system challenges

 Resources that provide information on the community and aspects it
 may offer or have to allow parents to become more familiar with their
                           new surroundings

  Resources to help the son cope with the new move and to help the
parents with guidance strategies that will help with their sons behaviour
                        issues during this time
 Bloom syndrome is a condition that affects both genders. People
 with Bloom Syndrome have an extremely small stature and are
 not usually taller than five feet. They also high pitched voice,
 long and narrow face, smaller and lower jaw, and distinctive nose
 and ears. With sun exposure, red lesions appear on the nose
 and cheeks. Many but not all people with Bloom Syndrome can
 be affected by a metal or learning disability. Bloom syndrome
 also affects people`s ability to fight infection, have weak immune
 systems, chronic lung problems, diabetes and frequent
 pneumonia and ear infections. People with Bloom Syndrome
 have. It is more common for the cancer to present itself when a
 person is in the early twenties however there are just as many
 cases that show it can start earlier than ten years of age. Men
 are often infertile, while women can still have children but
 experience menopause at an early stage. Bloom Syndrome is a
 condition that is inherited and is prominently seen in people with
 a Jewish descent. Bloom Syndrome happens when
 chromosomes re-arrange themselves and break down. There is
 no cure for Bloom Syndrome.

 When planning to meet the needs of Brittany joining my
 class, I need to ensure that I create an environment that
 meet her needs and is inclusive. Providing an inclusive
 environment for children and their families allows for the
 ``same opportunities to learn, enjoy and participate as
 others, actively welcome children with special needs,
 respond to them and their parents and reduce barriers
 that may present themselves``(McCaie, L.
 Connectability-inclusion workshop, 2013). Inclusion is
 important on so many levels. Research has prove it be
 ``beneficial to all involved, improves social and adaptive
 skills and cognitive and physical development is
 increased``(McCaie, L. Connectability-inclusion
 workshop, 2013).
 With Brittany shortly joining my class I would have
 to make some modifications to the environment
 and how I will teach her. ``Adaptive learning
 environment would include the physical space,
 removal of barriers, materials, toys, equipment,
 adaptive devices for greater independence and
 flexibility in routines, schedules and
 activities``(McCaie,L. Adaptive learning
 environment, 2013). Modifications to the
 environment would be to possibly change the size
 of the furniture. Because Brittany has a small
 stature, the height of table and chairs may be too
 high. Providing proper size furniture that is
 suitable for Brittany will resolve the issue. Cutlery
 used at meal times should also accommodate the
 size that is comfortable fore Brittany to hold.
  The placement of toys may need to be on lower
 shelves so that they are easily accessible. When
 using the washroom, if the toilet is not easily
 reached by Brittany, a step stool can be added
 which will allow her easy access and more
 When going up and down stairs that may be
 around the childcare, additional railings
 may need to be at a lower height. An air
 purifier may need to be installed to ensure
 that the air is as clean as possible. This
 could help with reducing respiratory and
 immune problems. Brittany is more
 susceptible to catching illnesses. When a
 child is sick in the class, water and play
 dough play can be put aside to reduce the
 possibility of spreading of the illness.
 When on the outdoor playground, ride
 on toys may need to be of a smaller
 size. On sunny days, Brittany will need
 to play in areas that are not in the sun
 due to the sensitivity of her skin. This
 consideration will need to be
 implemented in the classroom or on the
 outdoor playground. This can be done
 by providing shaded areas on the
 playground and drawing the blinds
 inside the classroom. Brittany may be
 absent repeatedly because of frequent
 doctor’s appointments and illnesses.
 When Brittany is absent, ensuring she
 gets to catch up and take part in
 learning she may have missed is
 essential. Bloom Syndrome can affect
 a person`s mental or learning ability.
  With Brittany joining the class soon, I can be proactive by scheduling
 appointments with specialist. Brittany should be assessed to
 determine her cognitive abilities to ensure she gets access to
 resources that may be available for her. Having Brittany assessed
 will also help when planning curriculum for her. ``The role of the
 early childhood educator is to assist in making the earliest possible
 identification of developmental differences or at risk
 conditions``(McCaie, L. The role of the early childhood
 educator,2013). Brittany has already been diagnosed with Blooms
 Syndrome; however I need to be aware of any physical conditions
 that may change in her health. As we know people with Bloom
 Syndrome can also have a metal and learning disabilities so
 ensuring the right assessments are provided is essential. When
 working with children with special needs, you also work in
 ``collaboration with resources consultants and specialists, families
 and coworkers``(McCaie, L. The role of the early childhood
 educator,2013). Getting access to such ``services as consultants
 and specialist, a Form 14 is needed``(McCaie, L. The role of the
 early childhood educator,2013).
 Teaching strategies for Brittany will vary from others
 depending on her cognitive abilities. Once assessed,
 ``creating and implementing individual program plans
 and individual educational plans can happen. This
 includes providing thoughts, ideas, observations,
 strategies and solutions``(McCaie, L. The role of the
 early childhood educator,2013). When working with
 children with special needs, considerations need to
 be made when giving instruction and completing
 tasks sometimes needs to be adapted.
 ``Expectations need to be set that are realistic, set a
 child up for success, expect follow through, provide
 assistance when needed, use positive language and
 allow enough time for the child to process``(McCaie,
 Lisa. Connectability-giving instructions, 2013).
 ``When giving directions be brief, use visuals to help
 the child understand like gestures, photos, objects
 and printed words``(McCaie, Lisa. Connectability-
 giving instructions, 2013).
 Creating an inclusive environment impacts
 the child with special needs and the other
 children in the room in a positive way.
 ``Children with special needs should
 attend educational, recreational and
 community programs with their
 peers``(McCaie, L. Inclusion of children
 with special needs, 2013). Providing an
 inclusive environment benefits everyone
 with ``developmental progress by children
 learning from other children, development
 of sensitivity and benefits families and the
 community``(McCaie, L. Inclusion of
 children with special needs, 2013)

 Providing an inclusive environment in the class that
 Brittany will shortly be joining allows the children in her
 class to see that she is just like them and that not one
 person in the world looks exactly the same. Reading
 prosocial stories about acceptance and inclusion daily
 will encourage children to not be bias. ``People with
 special needs should be included as full members of
 society``(McCaie, L. The history of inclusion, 2013).
 Providing an inclusive environment creates friendships
 amongst all children. When creating environments that
 are inclusive, it allows children to ``understand reasons
 for individual differences in other children and allows for
 a learning space to encourage active
 participation``(McCaie, Lisa. Acceptance, 2013).
 When looking at everyone involved in
 Brittany`s life, her parents play the biggest
 role. ``Parents of children with special
 needs should be greeted with a welcoming
 environment, provided with workshops that
 they can take part in, provided information
 that will help and time``(McCaie, L.
 Adaptive learning environment, 2013).
 Educators can keep a daily log of Brittany’s health that can be
 shared with her parent’s at the end of the day. This will for her
 health to be monitored because with Bloom Syndrome
 children frequently get sick. When meeting with Brittany’s
 parent’s, a private room should be used. Because of
 Brittany’s frequent illnesses, allowances should be made for
 regular phone calls from her parents. Brittany`s brother has
 been affected by her diagnosis in many ways. His parents
 have had to focus more attention on Brittany because they
 have recently moved after the revelation of her conditions
 health effects.

 They have had to focus on setting up their lives in a new
 place and has impacted him in a negative way.
 Brittany`s brother has had behavioural issues which
 could be a result in the lack of attention he may not be
 getting and having to more to a new place not by choice.
 Ensure that he is involved in any ways possible with
 have an impact on the family, even if it is just
 interactions with his sister. ``Involvement of typical
 children can be seen in social and physical
 activities``(McCaie,L. Adaptive learning environment,
 2013). Also ensuring that there is time set aside just for
 Brittany’s brother will make him feel equally important
 and validated as well.

 Brittany and her family are new to the country and the
 busy city of Toronto. Brittany’s family needs more
 support than other because they are not familiar with
 their surroundings. With Brittany’s medical condition, it
 is important that efficiently connects with resources and
 agencies. ``A major responsibility of teachers is to refer
 children to the appropriate support and services. It is
 important that ECE`s know the local community
 services``(McCaie, L. The role of the early childhood
 educator,2013). Children with special needs should
 always have ``appropriate supports such as education
 and accessible environments should be provided to
 ensure inclusion``(McCaie, L. The history of inclusion,
   Early Childhood Educator: “observes, participates in creating and implementing
    IPP’s, making adaptations in the environment, supports families, links with other
    professionals, and much more”
    Cost: Provided at children centre. Childcare varies in cost but can be subsidized if
    Contact information: Access through childcare
   Special Education Teacher: “Specialty teacher who overseas and may also
    implement the education and development of children with special needs”
    Cost: Free service, provided at children centre. Childcare varies in cost but can be
    subsidized if eligible
    Contact information: Access through childcare
   Resource Teacher or Consultant: “promote the inclusion of children with special
    needs in the childcare community, gather information in relation to children with
    special needs, assist families and childcare staff in identifying strengths, needs and
    goals for the child with special needs, access and coordinate resources to support
    children, families and childcare staff, develop appropriate strategies and service
    plans to support inclusion of the child with special needs and interact with related
    professionals in the community”
    Cost: Free service, provided at children centre. Childcare varies in cost but can be
    subsidized if eligible
    Contact information: Access through childcare
   Pediatrician: “a pediatrician specializes in child development
    and medical care for children”

   Family Doctor: “make a diagnosis, can advise parents about
    accessing and referral for diagnosis and help the family find

   Physiotherapist: “works with children and their families to
    develop the child’s maximum level of independence by
    addressing physical aspects (movement, muscle strength,
    coordination, fitness and respiration)

   Public Health Nurse: “provide information on healthy growth
    and development of children, immunization and resources,
    supports and services in their community”

   Name: 211 Toronto
    Service: Trained professional social workers provide
    non-clinical assessments, information, referral and
    advocacy for people looking for services. Services are
    available in various languages
    Referral Process: Not required
    Cost: Free
    Location: Box 203, 543 Richmond St. W., Suite 125
    Toronto, ON, M5V 1Y6
    Contact: 416 392-4605 / Fax 416 392-4404

   Name: Macaulay Child Development Centre
    Service: home and centre-based integrated child care programs,
    family resource programs, parent/caregiver drop-ins, homework
    clubs, consultation to child care programs, community parents’
    program (in-home peer support to high-needs pregnant
    women/families with children birth-6 years), speech/language
    services, family and early literacy specialists.
    Referral Process: Not required
    Cost: Free, expect for child care service and subsidy is available
    if eligible
    Location:400-2010 Eglington Ave. W., Toronto, ON, M6E 2K3
    Contact:416 789-7441 / Fax 416 789-4719

   Name: Toronto Children’s Services Division
    Service: provides families with detailed information on licensed
    child care options in Toronto (includes both child
    care centres and home care arranged through a licensed private
    home agency), assistance in placement and care of children with
    special needs and registry of family resource programs and other
    parent programs. Administers child care fee subsidy program for
    families who require financial assistance with cost of licensed
    child care.
    Referral Process: Not Required
    Cost: Free
    Location: Metro Hall, 55 John St., 10th Fl., Toronto, ON, M5V
    Contact: 416 392-KIDS(5437) / Fax 416 392-4576

   Name: Variety Village
    Service: Program: to improve the quality of life of all people,
    regardless of their abilities. By offering specialized programs and
    services, we create a level playing field without barriers,
    intimidation or other obstacles. Dedicated to people of all
    abilities, A great place to get fit and have fun. special events, day
    camps, meeting rooms. A sports, fitness and training centre with
    integrated programming for children who are physically,
    developmentally and/or medically disabled.
    Referral Process: Not Required
    Cost: Not Available
    Location: 3701 Danforth Ave., Scarborough, ON,M1N 2G2
    Contact: 416 699-7167, 416 699-8147 (TTY) / Fax 416 699-5752

   Name: Child Development Institute
    Service: Consultation services include individual child and program
    consultations, as well as education, training and support to staff and
    parents. Consultants are involved in assessment of children’s needs,
    active coordination of services, and developing individualized
    intervention plans for identified children that will support the child’s
    optimal development and functioning within the childcare centre.
    Workshops and the sharing of information and resources are also
    available to child care staff and parents at the childcare centres, based
    on identified needs and interests. For families with children aged 0-12
    who are in child care.
    Referral Process: The service is requested by the individual child care
    centre with the consent of the parent.
    Cost: Free, expect for child care service and subsidy is available if
    Location: 197 Euclid Ave. Toronto, Ontario M6J 2J8
    Contact: Tel: (416) 603-1827 Fax: (416) 603-6655

   Name: North York General Hospital
    Service: To better serve our community, North York General
    Hospital has an after-hours clinic that is run by over 125 family
    physicians from our hospital. The clinic represents the largest
    family health group in the province. Physicians in the clinic
    report back to the patient's family physician, ensuring good
    continuity of care.
    Cost: Free
    Referral Process: Not Required
    Location: 2901 Bayview Avenue North York, ON M2K 1E6
    Contact:Tel: (416) 491-6338

   Name: Developmental Services
    Service: The Ministry of Community and Social Services provides
    services and supports to people of all ages who have a
    developmental disability and their families, primarily through a
    network of community-based, board operated, non-profit transfer
    payment agencies. Services and supports are provided to meet
    the individual needs of people with developmental disabilities and
    their families to allow them to live, work and participate in a wide
    range of activities within the community, thereby improving the
    quality of their lives.
    Referral Process: Not Required
    Cost: Free
    Location: Several locations across Toronto
    Contact: Tel.: 905-868-8900 Fax: 905-895-4330 Toll Free:
   Counsyl. (n.d.). Counsyl. Retrieved March 22, 2013, from
   FDNA - Accessible Genetics -Comprehensive information and resources about genetics.
    (n.d.). FDNA - Accessible Genetics -Discover symptoms of genetic syndromes,
    conditions & disorders. Retrieved March 22, 2013, from
   cartoon child - Google Search. (n.d.). Google. Retrieved March 22, 2013, from
   Bloom&. (n.d.). bloom syndrome children - Google Search. Google. Retrieved March 23,
    2013, from
   toilet - Google Search. (n.d.). Google. Retrieved March 23, 2013, from,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.44158598,
   toilet - Google Search. (n.d.). Google. Retrieved March 23, 2013, from,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.44158598,
   toilet - Google Search. (n.d.). Google. Retrieved March 23, 2013, from,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.44158598
   Behold | Search High Quality Flickr Images. (n.d.). Behold | Search High Quality
    Flickr Images. Retrieved March 23, 2013, from
   Behold | Search High Quality Flickr Images. (n.d.). Behold | Search High Quality
    Flickr Images. Retrieved March 23, 2013, from
   Behold | Search High Quality Flickr Images. (n.d.). Behold | Search High Quality
    Flickr Images. Retrieved March 23, 2013, from
   toilet - Google Search. (n.d.). Google. Retrieved March 23, 2013, from,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.44158598,
   Behold | Search High Quality Flickr Images. (n.d.). Behold | Search High Quality Flickr
    Images. Retrieved March 23, 2013, from
   toilet - Google Search. (n.d.). Google. Retrieved March 23, 2013, from,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.44158598,
   McCaie, L. Connectability-inclusion workshop, 2013
   McCaie,L. Adaptive learning environment, 2013
   McCaie, L. The role of the early childhood educator,2013
   McCaie, L. Connectability-giving instructions, 2013
   McCaie, L. Inclusion of children with special needs, 2013
   McCaie, L. The history of inclusion, 2013
   McCaie, Lisa. Acceptance, 2013

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Bloom syndrome 1

  • 1. BLOOM SYNDROME Eden Hamill 300457998
  • 2. HOW BRITTANY`S LIFE HAS CHANGED Brittany`s family has moved from the sunny state of Florida to Toronto since her diagnosis of Bloom Syndrome. She has been assigned to my preschool room and will begin in a couple days. Since the move Brittany is feeling sad because she misses her friends back home. Her brother is very mad at Brittany because he believes that the move is all of her fault. His behaviour is very difficult for the parents and has asked for my help.
  • 3. THE NEEDS OF THE CHILD THAT NEED TO BE CONSIDERED AND ADDRESSED Adapted learning environment for physical barriers Frequent doctor’s appointments to monitor the health of the child Specific observation relating to the child`s health Adaptive environment for respiratory and immune system challenges
  • 4. THE NEEDS OF THE FAMILY THAT NEED TO BE CONSIDERED AND ADDRESSED Resources that provide information on the community and aspects it may offer or have to allow parents to become more familiar with their new surroundings Resources to help the son cope with the new move and to help the parents with guidance strategies that will help with their sons behaviour issues during this time
  • 5. DEFINING BLOOM SYNDROME Bloom syndrome is a condition that affects both genders. People with Bloom Syndrome have an extremely small stature and are not usually taller than five feet. They also high pitched voice, long and narrow face, smaller and lower jaw, and distinctive nose and ears. With sun exposure, red lesions appear on the nose and cheeks. Many but not all people with Bloom Syndrome can be affected by a metal or learning disability. Bloom syndrome also affects people`s ability to fight infection, have weak immune systems, chronic lung problems, diabetes and frequent pneumonia and ear infections. People with Bloom Syndrome have. It is more common for the cancer to present itself when a person is in the early twenties however there are just as many cases that show it can start earlier than ten years of age. Men are often infertile, while women can still have children but experience menopause at an early stage. Bloom Syndrome is a condition that is inherited and is prominently seen in people with a Jewish descent. Bloom Syndrome happens when chromosomes re-arrange themselves and break down. There is no cure for Bloom Syndrome.
  • 7. MEETING THE NEEDS OF CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS WITHIN THE CHILDCARE SETTING When planning to meet the needs of Brittany joining my class, I need to ensure that I create an environment that meet her needs and is inclusive. Providing an inclusive environment for children and their families allows for the ``same opportunities to learn, enjoy and participate as others, actively welcome children with special needs, respond to them and their parents and reduce barriers that may present themselves``(McCaie, L. Connectability-inclusion workshop, 2013). Inclusion is important on so many levels. Research has prove it be ``beneficial to all involved, improves social and adaptive skills and cognitive and physical development is increased``(McCaie, L. Connectability-inclusion workshop, 2013).
  • 8. MODIFICATIONS TO THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT With Brittany shortly joining my class I would have to make some modifications to the environment and how I will teach her. ``Adaptive learning environment would include the physical space, removal of barriers, materials, toys, equipment, adaptive devices for greater independence and flexibility in routines, schedules and activities``(McCaie,L. Adaptive learning environment, 2013). Modifications to the environment would be to possibly change the size of the furniture. Because Brittany has a small stature, the height of table and chairs may be too high. Providing proper size furniture that is suitable for Brittany will resolve the issue. Cutlery used at meal times should also accommodate the size that is comfortable fore Brittany to hold.
  • 9. MODIFICATIONS TO THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT-CONTINUED The placement of toys may need to be on lower shelves so that they are easily accessible. When using the washroom, if the toilet is not easily reached by Brittany, a step stool can be added which will allow her easy access and more independence.
  • 10. MODIFICATIONS TO THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT-CONTINUED When going up and down stairs that may be around the childcare, additional railings may need to be at a lower height. An air purifier may need to be installed to ensure that the air is as clean as possible. This could help with reducing respiratory and immune problems. Brittany is more susceptible to catching illnesses. When a child is sick in the class, water and play dough play can be put aside to reduce the possibility of spreading of the illness.
  • 11. MODIFICATIONS TO THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT-CONTINUED When on the outdoor playground, ride on toys may need to be of a smaller size. On sunny days, Brittany will need to play in areas that are not in the sun due to the sensitivity of her skin. This consideration will need to be implemented in the classroom or on the outdoor playground. This can be done by providing shaded areas on the playground and drawing the blinds inside the classroom. Brittany may be absent repeatedly because of frequent doctor’s appointments and illnesses. When Brittany is absent, ensuring she gets to catch up and take part in learning she may have missed is essential. Bloom Syndrome can affect a person`s mental or learning ability.
  • 12. CHANGES IN TEACHING STRATEGIES With Brittany joining the class soon, I can be proactive by scheduling appointments with specialist. Brittany should be assessed to determine her cognitive abilities to ensure she gets access to resources that may be available for her. Having Brittany assessed will also help when planning curriculum for her. ``The role of the early childhood educator is to assist in making the earliest possible identification of developmental differences or at risk conditions``(McCaie, L. The role of the early childhood educator,2013). Brittany has already been diagnosed with Blooms Syndrome; however I need to be aware of any physical conditions that may change in her health. As we know people with Bloom Syndrome can also have a metal and learning disabilities so ensuring the right assessments are provided is essential. When working with children with special needs, you also work in ``collaboration with resources consultants and specialists, families and coworkers``(McCaie, L. The role of the early childhood educator,2013). Getting access to such ``services as consultants and specialist, a Form 14 is needed``(McCaie, L. The role of the early childhood educator,2013).
  • 13. CHANGES IN TEACHING STRATEGIES- CONTINUED Teaching strategies for Brittany will vary from others depending on her cognitive abilities. Once assessed, ``creating and implementing individual program plans and individual educational plans can happen. This includes providing thoughts, ideas, observations, strategies and solutions``(McCaie, L. The role of the early childhood educator,2013). When working with children with special needs, considerations need to be made when giving instruction and completing tasks sometimes needs to be adapted. ``Expectations need to be set that are realistic, set a child up for success, expect follow through, provide assistance when needed, use positive language and allow enough time for the child to process``(McCaie, Lisa. Connectability-giving instructions, 2013). ``When giving directions be brief, use visuals to help the child understand like gestures, photos, objects and printed words``(McCaie, Lisa. Connectability- giving instructions, 2013).
  • 14. FOCUS ON THE CHILD AS PART OF THE LARGER GROUP OF CHILDREN Creating an inclusive environment impacts the child with special needs and the other children in the room in a positive way. ``Children with special needs should attend educational, recreational and community programs with their peers``(McCaie, L. Inclusion of children with special needs, 2013). Providing an inclusive environment benefits everyone with ``developmental progress by children learning from other children, development of sensitivity and benefits families and the community``(McCaie, L. Inclusion of children with special needs, 2013)
  • 15. FOCUS ON THE CHILD AS PART OF THE LARGER GROUP OF CHILDREN- CONTINUED Providing an inclusive environment in the class that Brittany will shortly be joining allows the children in her class to see that she is just like them and that not one person in the world looks exactly the same. Reading prosocial stories about acceptance and inclusion daily will encourage children to not be bias. ``People with special needs should be included as full members of society``(McCaie, L. The history of inclusion, 2013). Providing an inclusive environment creates friendships amongst all children. When creating environments that are inclusive, it allows children to ``understand reasons for individual differences in other children and allows for a learning space to encourage active participation``(McCaie, Lisa. Acceptance, 2013).
  • 16. THE NEEDS OF THE FAMILY AS A WHOLE When looking at everyone involved in Brittany`s life, her parents play the biggest role. ``Parents of children with special needs should be greeted with a welcoming environment, provided with workshops that they can take part in, provided information that will help and time``(McCaie, L. Adaptive learning environment, 2013).
  • 17. THE NEEDS OF THE FAMILY AS A WHOLE- CONTINUED Educators can keep a daily log of Brittany’s health that can be shared with her parent’s at the end of the day. This will for her health to be monitored because with Bloom Syndrome children frequently get sick. When meeting with Brittany’s parent’s, a private room should be used. Because of Brittany’s frequent illnesses, allowances should be made for regular phone calls from her parents. Brittany`s brother has been affected by her diagnosis in many ways. His parents have had to focus more attention on Brittany because they have recently moved after the revelation of her conditions health effects.
  • 18. THE NEEDS OF THE FAMILY AS A WHOLE- CONTINUED They have had to focus on setting up their lives in a new place and has impacted him in a negative way. Brittany`s brother has had behavioural issues which could be a result in the lack of attention he may not be getting and having to more to a new place not by choice. Ensure that he is involved in any ways possible with have an impact on the family, even if it is just interactions with his sister. ``Involvement of typical children can be seen in social and physical activities``(McCaie,L. Adaptive learning environment, 2013). Also ensuring that there is time set aside just for Brittany’s brother will make him feel equally important and validated as well.
  • 19. CONNECTING FAMILIES WITH RESOURCES AND AGENCIES IN THE LOCAL AREA Brittany and her family are new to the country and the busy city of Toronto. Brittany’s family needs more support than other because they are not familiar with their surroundings. With Brittany’s medical condition, it is important that efficiently connects with resources and agencies. ``A major responsibility of teachers is to refer children to the appropriate support and services. It is important that ECE`s know the local community services``(McCaie, L. The role of the early childhood educator,2013). Children with special needs should always have ``appropriate supports such as education and accessible environments should be provided to ensure inclusion``(McCaie, L. The history of inclusion, 2013).
  • 20. RESOURCES AND AGENCIES IN THE LOCAL AREA- EDUCATIONAL  Early Childhood Educator: “observes, participates in creating and implementing IPP’s, making adaptations in the environment, supports families, links with other professionals, and much more” Cost: Provided at children centre. Childcare varies in cost but can be subsidized if eligible Contact information: Access through childcare  Special Education Teacher: “Specialty teacher who overseas and may also implement the education and development of children with special needs” Cost: Free service, provided at children centre. Childcare varies in cost but can be subsidized if eligible Contact information: Access through childcare  Resource Teacher or Consultant: “promote the inclusion of children with special needs in the childcare community, gather information in relation to children with special needs, assist families and childcare staff in identifying strengths, needs and goals for the child with special needs, access and coordinate resources to support children, families and childcare staff, develop appropriate strategies and service plans to support inclusion of the child with special needs and interact with related professionals in the community” Cost: Free service, provided at children centre. Childcare varies in cost but can be subsidized if eligible Contact information: Access through childcare
  • 21. RESOURCES AND AGENCIES IN THE LOCAL AREA- MEDICAL  Pediatrician: “a pediatrician specializes in child development and medical care for children”  Family Doctor: “make a diagnosis, can advise parents about accessing and referral for diagnosis and help the family find support”  Physiotherapist: “works with children and their families to develop the child’s maximum level of independence by addressing physical aspects (movement, muscle strength, coordination, fitness and respiration)  Public Health Nurse: “provide information on healthy growth and development of children, immunization and resources, supports and services in their community”
  • 22. RESOURCES AND AGENCIES IN THE LOCAL AREA- MEDICAL AND EDUCATIONAL  Name: 211 Toronto Service: Trained professional social workers provide non-clinical assessments, information, referral and advocacy for people looking for services. Services are available in various languages Referral Process: Not required Cost: Free Location: Box 203, 543 Richmond St. W., Suite 125 Toronto, ON, M5V 1Y6 Contact: 416 392-4605 / Fax 416 392-4404
  • 23. RESOURCES AND AGENCIES IN THE LOCAL AREA- MEDICAL AND EDUCATIONAL  Name: Macaulay Child Development Centre Service: home and centre-based integrated child care programs, family resource programs, parent/caregiver drop-ins, homework clubs, consultation to child care programs, community parents’ program (in-home peer support to high-needs pregnant women/families with children birth-6 years), speech/language services, family and early literacy specialists. Referral Process: Not required Cost: Free, expect for child care service and subsidy is available if eligible Location:400-2010 Eglington Ave. W., Toronto, ON, M6E 2K3 Contact:416 789-7441 / Fax 416 789-4719
  • 24. RESOURCES AND AGENCIES IN THE LOCAL AREA- MEDICAL AND EDUCATIONAL  Name: Toronto Children’s Services Division Service: provides families with detailed information on licensed child care options in Toronto (includes both child care centres and home care arranged through a licensed private home agency), assistance in placement and care of children with special needs and registry of family resource programs and other parent programs. Administers child care fee subsidy program for families who require financial assistance with cost of licensed child care. Referral Process: Not Required Cost: Free Location: Metro Hall, 55 John St., 10th Fl., Toronto, ON, M5V 3C6 Contact: 416 392-KIDS(5437) / Fax 416 392-4576
  • 25. RESOURCES AND AGENCIES IN THE LOCAL AREA- MEDICAL AND EDUCATIONAL  Name: Variety Village Service: Program: to improve the quality of life of all people, regardless of their abilities. By offering specialized programs and services, we create a level playing field without barriers, intimidation or other obstacles. Dedicated to people of all abilities, A great place to get fit and have fun. special events, day camps, meeting rooms. A sports, fitness and training centre with integrated programming for children who are physically, developmentally and/or medically disabled. Referral Process: Not Required Cost: Not Available Location: 3701 Danforth Ave., Scarborough, ON,M1N 2G2 Contact: 416 699-7167, 416 699-8147 (TTY) / Fax 416 699-5752
  • 26. RESOURCES AND AGENCIES IN THE LOCAL AREA- MEDICAL AND EDUCATIONAL  Name: Child Development Institute Service: Consultation services include individual child and program consultations, as well as education, training and support to staff and parents. Consultants are involved in assessment of children’s needs, active coordination of services, and developing individualized intervention plans for identified children that will support the child’s optimal development and functioning within the childcare centre. Workshops and the sharing of information and resources are also available to child care staff and parents at the childcare centres, based on identified needs and interests. For families with children aged 0-12 who are in child care. Referral Process: The service is requested by the individual child care centre with the consent of the parent. Cost: Free, expect for child care service and subsidy is available if eligible Location: 197 Euclid Ave. Toronto, Ontario M6J 2J8 Contact: Tel: (416) 603-1827 Fax: (416) 603-6655
  • 27. RESOURCES AND AGENCIES IN THE LOCAL AREA- MEDICAL AND EDUCATIONAL  Name: North York General Hospital Service: To better serve our community, North York General Hospital has an after-hours clinic that is run by over 125 family physicians from our hospital. The clinic represents the largest family health group in the province. Physicians in the clinic report back to the patient's family physician, ensuring good continuity of care. Cost: Free Referral Process: Not Required Location: 2901 Bayview Avenue North York, ON M2K 1E6 Contact:Tel: (416) 491-6338
  • 28. RESOURCES AND AGENCIES IN THE LOCAL AREA- MEDICAL AND EDUCATIONAL  Name: Developmental Services Service: The Ministry of Community and Social Services provides services and supports to people of all ages who have a developmental disability and their families, primarily through a network of community-based, board operated, non-profit transfer payment agencies. Services and supports are provided to meet the individual needs of people with developmental disabilities and their families to allow them to live, work and participate in a wide range of activities within the community, thereby improving the quality of their lives. Referral Process: Not Required Cost: Free Location: Several locations across Toronto Contact: Tel.: 905-868-8900 Fax: 905-895-4330 Toll Free: 1-877-669-6658
  • 29. BIBLIOGRAPHY  Counsyl. (n.d.). Counsyl. Retrieved March 22, 2013, from  FDNA - Accessible Genetics -Comprehensive information and resources about genetics. (n.d.). FDNA - Accessible Genetics -Discover symptoms of genetic syndromes, conditions & disorders. Retrieved March 22, 2013, from center/conditions-and-diseases/bloom-syndrome  cartoon child - Google Search. (n.d.). Google. Retrieved March 22, 2013, from  Bloom&. (n.d.). bloom syndrome children - Google Search. Google. Retrieved March 23, 2013, from rce=univ&sa=X&ei=EMRNUdWTM4Lm2QW_8IHIAw&ved=0CDwQsAQ&biw=1311&bih= 617#hl=en&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=bloom+syndrome+girl&oq=bloom+syndrome+girl&gs_l=i mg.3...224553.225347.0.225842. Whg&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.44158598,d.b2I&fp=5d0f2c112344687c&biw=1311&bih =617&imgrc=StxRF0g4XmsMmM%3A%3Bt6bHpkRJlIuhwM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252 252Frc- t4C4e2rA%252Fs320%252FBloom's%252BSyndrome.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fli
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