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Dalet News Suite & Media Library A Walk Across the Workflow Dalet 數位系統工作流程概述
卓越特色 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],NEW NEW
主題  Agenda ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
主題  Agenda ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],distribute plan ingest schedule produce broadcast archive
媒體收錄  Ingest Material ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
技術與商用監看系統 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Dalet 系統  跨平台工作 跨平台分享 透過 Web 介面連入 Dalet 新聞系統暨片庫系統進行資料搜尋 ,  素材瀏覽 ,  剪輯 結合 Dalet 影音剪輯工具 Multimedia content repository Unified enterprise search engine Third party systems Remote sites Disaster recovery 影音素材 , shot lists, EDLs, text, graphics, rundowns,  外電…
Centralized Ingest System architecture  系統架構   Dalet  側錄工作站 Timeline Ingest – Desktop ingest Video router Router control server 影音 Router 控制主機 Automated router control FiFo recorders Loop recording 影音擷取中心 一進一出影音側錄控制主機 Control of FiFo recorders and video servers 資料庫主機 MSSQL 2005 Production storage 製播區磁碟陣列 Central production storage VTR control server VTR 自動控制 ( 透過 Sony 介面 ) Corporate Ethernet Network
從時間軸即可監看即時收錄及 VTR 收錄之頻到數量與整體收錄狀態 Time line view of all recordings Line up view  of current recording jobs 集中收錄 Centralized Ingest 影音擷取中樞 Access based on user rights 使用者登入權限管控 Automatic Channel Assignment 頻道自動設定 Manual and Scheduled Ingest 手動暨排程擷取影音 Seamless device control 無時間差控制影音設備
Crash recorder – live feeds and VTR control 現場收錄及 VTR 控制 Video router is automatically controlled 自動控制影音路由設備 Recording duration  影音擷取時間 Quality control 影音品質控制 Manual or automated target assignment 手動或自動任務派遣 Source selection  選取影音來源 VTR control and batch recordings  VTR 控制及批次側錄 Live feeds crash ingest   Live 影音擷取 集中收錄
Scheduled recordings and recurrent recordings Recurring recordings - patterns Pattern definition 側錄排程工作定義 Schedule Recording 影音側錄排程 集中收錄
先進先出收錄 FiFo recording –  影片瀏覽 browsing video buffer 先進先出側錄  (FiFo) Video Buffer 影音緩衝 Locators associated to recordings 影音側錄註腳 Video wall to monitor video feeds 電視牆監看
Desktop ingest can be made using a simple FireWire connection or using a decklink board 記者直接在 DaletPlus 工作站透過 Firewire 或 Decklink 影像擷取卡匯入影片 FireWire  記者自行簡易影音收錄 Firewire Device control DaletPlus 可控制 Firewire  擷取設備 Access to metadata 影音索引資料編輯
XDCam or P2  透過 Dalet 的 MXF Importer 模組匯入素材 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],P2 and XDCam
手動及自動 Manual and automated file import Essence files + metadata description 自動搬移到製播區磁碟陣列 影音自動轉檔 Automatic transfer on production storage Optionally, automated conversion 影音索引文字檔送至 Dalet  影音內容分類區 MXF XML 等 Metadata are imported in the Dalet content catalogue 匯入檔案至 Dalet 系統 ... WATCH FOLDER 資料夾監看
獲准使用權限的 user 一有素材收錄進 Dalet 系統 ,  隨時可編輯 ,  調用素材 As soon as a recording starts, it is immediately available for all users  影音素材 即錄即用 Content can be viewed in a proxy res of the high res.  Hi-Rec 影音預覽 Edit while recording  隨錄隨編輯 Automated update on the Media Logger 自動更新影音工作站資料 Edit while record in Final Cut Pro Very low latency for editing (7s) 集中式媒體收錄
媒體資產 ( 片庫 ) 管理介紹 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
影音資料輸入鍵 ,  開啟註解標籤 Access button to metadata Metadata can be added before a recording starts or during the recording 記者可於開始側錄前 ,  先輸入註解 Metadata ingest 影音收錄擷取註記
Customized metadata forms are defined by the administrator 由電視台管理者自行定義的客製化標籤欄位 * * * Some fields are mandatory 可增加 , 調整欄位 ,  進行多元註解 Multimedia fields, check boxes, drop down menus… 多媒體影音 分類勾選方式 影音索引資料擷取註記 Metadata for media can come from third–party systems Dalet’s Metadata forms are highly configurable, media can have various metadata forms depending on the user’s role and the metadata can be written in any language.
Customized metadata forms are defined by the administrator 由電視台管理者自行定義的客製化表單欄位 完成帶的索引資料表 Metadata form when saving a finished clip 影音片庫素材註解標籤 Metadata form after archiving 標籤格式與下列資訊有關 : User rights  使用者權限 Type of content  素材類別 Workflow  工作流程   Editorial status  編輯狀態 影音索引資料擷取註記
Time coded metadata sorted by types 時間碼分類註解 強大註解功能 ,  可插置於任何時間碼 ,  以供查詢 Locators can be inserted in Media Logger at any point of time 影音索引資料擷取註記
DaletPlus 的 Media Logger 工作站 , Dalet 記者可進行粗剪 、 瀏覽 、註解 Simple mark-in mark-out operations 輕鬆設置 In, Out 點 Relevant shots are stored in a clip-bin JKL control Logging information help journalists to select material 影音索引資料擷取註記
Selected relevant material can be stored in a collaborative clip bin A view focused on sources thumbnails  觀看模式 A simple story board 簡易 Storyboard 模式 A view focused on metadata 共享影音素材區
授權的使用者可共用  Clip-bin  共享影音素材區 Shared clip bin for collaborative editing 協同編輯用的共享素材
Clip Bin is shared across different workstations, applications and systems Dalet editing 在 Dalet 中初步編輯 Web client  外地記者用 Dalet 連網編輯 直接在 Apple Final Cut Pr o 後製編輯系統瀏覽 Dalet scripting and other applications 替新聞帶上字稿 共享影音素材區
Dalet unified search engine is multimedia 所有資料搜尋 :  影音檔 、圖片、 外電稿 … ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],共享影音素材區
Content is available from a Web client. New clips in the Dalet content catalogue are immediately available from a Web client 影音新聞帶連網使用 共享影音素材區
Search profiles are accessible from a web client Content can be searched and browsed from any location 任意上網地點瀏覽電視台內新聞帶 Rundowns can be displayed but not modified  不可修改 cue 表但可預覽 共享影音素材區
InterWeb  遠端工作模組讓記者連網方式登入 Dalet 新聞片庫系統協同作業 ,  包括粗剪 ,  存放共用素材區 Clips and clip-bin Story boarding Download selected content in high resolution 共享影音素材區
Dalet  目標 :  整合客製化流程 素材搬移工作  –  editorially driven back office services  任務規劃 影音收錄 Editor Traffic Back-office 轉檔 ,  產生 proxy  Render 檔案傳輸 文稿系統 ERP 棚內 檔案管理員 蘋果 FCP Back-office P2 Cameras distribute plan ingest schedule produce broadcast archive 編輯工作 –  customized for your needs 影音索引資料  – 透過 Dalet   內建製播工具 , 同時與其他系統交換資料 , 從頭到尾 ,  單一簡單的操作介面
Monitoring of back office processes Automated and seamless transfers allow users to edit while material is being recorded 影音收錄管理
媒體剪輯工具 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
編輯 , 剪輯 Trimmer, Clip-bin and Media Cutter in a workspace
Voice over can be recorded straight from user desktops Configurable audio compressor 編輯 , 剪輯
Up to 8 audio tracks 編輯 , 剪輯
Take advantage of Xtend to trully integrate Final Cut Pro to the Dalet MAM framework Dalet 標註與 Apple FCP 正確交換 Save directly in place holders Direct access to the Dalet content catalogue Edit while recording 可從 Apple FCP 系統直接使用 Dalet 分類夾內的 EDLs, Shotlists,  影音素材 Edit directly on central storage Frame Grabbing technology 編輯 , 剪輯
Export EDL Gain from Marquis Medway integration to integrate Avid NLEs EDL export from Dalet Automated processing of the EDL and the Media Import in Avid NLEs 編輯 , 剪輯 video audio audio Clip1 video audio audio Clip2 video audio audio Clip3 video audio audio Sequence Clip4
Marquis acts as a middleware, fully transparent for Dalet Export to Avid Export to Dalet My EDL Timeline Metadata My EDL Timeline Metadata Medway Clip Metadata & Genealogy Metadata Timeline & Additional Metadata (Medway client) Medway Dalet
Dalet  節目排程播出功能 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Multimedia rundown editor Dalet  播出單
News play-out A, A/B, A/B/C/D roll. Dalet  播出單
Channel assigment and interface configuration Dalet  播出
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],TV Playout Topic: Live Events Live events are being "played out" as well. 新聞快報播出功能 Dalet  播出
隨選隨播工具 ,  使用者輕鬆重覆播出某畫面片段 Dalet  播出
影音歸檔管理 ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
歸檔  Archive 系統架構示意圖 Dalet clients and Interweb Windows or Web access Dalet 連網工作站 Application servers Back-office services Database server MSSQL 2005 資料庫 Production storage High Resolution 高解影音磁碟陣列 Production storage Low resolution 低解影音磁碟陣列 HSM system HSM middleware HSM 中介系統 Tape Library Near line and deep archive Ethernet Network D alet  已整合多家磁碟陣列 ,  磁帶櫃等存儲系統 ,  如  :  Front Porch Divarchive, Xendata, Veritas Netvault Enterprise
透過 Dalet 系統操作介面 ,  影片自動  /  手動歸檔 從 HSM  系統讓 Dalet 使用者掌握影音使用存放狀態 低解影音檔可快速瀏覽影音檔 所有影音索引資料完整保存於 Dalet 資料庫
外地或台內記者輕鬆透過網頁或 Dalet 系統工作站連入片庫共享資料
每個流程都可編輯索引註解資料  Life cycle of metadata. Integrated desktop tools allows for users to enter metadata all along the workflow, as they use production tools Ingest After editing After archiving
結構資料便於跨平台 , 如手機 ,  隨選播出 ,  網路直播等資料分享 Structured metadata for optimized distribution on VOD, Web and mobile platforms
Publish content Dalet Media Gateway server farm Mobile Video On Demand (VOD) Internet Production storage Tape library HSM data  mover Content Catalogue  Microsoft SQL server Back office services Dalet application servers Dalet Back-office servers & Workflow engine Automatic publishing tools to multi-platforms in multiple formats 自動轉送影音素材到手機 、網路、中華電信 MOD 等 播送平台 Gigabit Ethernet
Workflow – notification – task assignment User rights – metadata Media management – conversions - transfers Ingest / import Edit Schedule Broadcast Distribute Dalet Enterprise Edition Module Map © Dalet Digital Media Systems - update: 28/08/2008 the workflow engine for open broadcast systems Web services API, SOA-compliant integration framework - Dashboard media files metadata Dalet Planner Agenda-based event and idea scheduling with customizable forms. Dalet Scheduler Rundown and playlist editing with configurable views and templates. Dalet Music Rotation Rules based, multi-criteria, constrained scheduling. Dalet MOS Gateway Dynamic integration with third-party newsroom and automation systems. Dalet iii Gateway Serial control of iii compliant studio devices. Dalet ImpEx Import and export of playlists from and to third-party systems. Dalet OnAir Player Automated and live assist single channel playout with device control. Dalet OnAir News Player Multi-channel playout (A/B/C roll) with secondary events.  Dalet OnAir Carts Flexible video wall playout tool. Dalet CG control Automated control of CG play-out Router Control Automated control of routers VTR control Automation of multiple VTRs Safety channel Automated multi-channel audio player enslaved to third-party automator. AVM Dalet Media Gateway Automated media and metadata distribution to external repository. Dalet MXF Gateway Transfer of Material eXchange Format compliant media. Dalet NetXchange Multisite media, metadata and playlist replication. Dalet standard HSM Integration with NTFS compliant HSM systems (Xendata, Veritas, etc.) Dalet Advance HSM Integration with FrontPorch HSM controlled systems. Dalet InterWeb Secure web access with advanced browse, search and check-in / check-out tools.
Dalet 內建模組介面 : (1)  收錄  (2) 剪輯  (3) 節目 rundown 排表錄音  (4)  收錄控制  (5)  副控播出  1 2 3 4 5
Dalet  副控播出站
Dalet  電視台完整無帶化製播片庫系統平台 Key Fiber Channel Dalet Enterprise Edition at SPEED © Dalet Digital Media Systems - update: April 9, 2009 IEEE-1394 SDI Metadata controllers NAS Gateways Craft Editing Apple Final Cut Pro NLEs and Dalet Xtend Dalet Catalogue File transfers Dalet Media Migration servers Dalet Conversion Servers Ingest control Dalet Ingest workstations Ingest and Playout Control Desktop Logging, browse and pre-editing DaletPlus clients Play-out automation Dalet On Air  Production or master control rooms Web based thin clients Dalet Interweb clients Dalet Ingest channels for DeckLink Production storage DDN storage Tape Library   IBM LTO 4 Playout Video Server Omneon Spectrum Data Mover (HSM) Near line and  proxy storage Core and workflow servers Dalet Interweb servers Ingest Video server Gigabit Ethernet Switched Network SDI   framework Storage Area Network (SAN) with Quantum StorNext file system Gigabit Ethernet
HD / SD  製播系統示意圖 FIFO 2 source 1 DVCPROHD source 2 HDV Direct TV decoders Dalet FIFO ingest Running DeckLink BlackMagic FIFO 1 FIFO 3 Dalet Catalogue MS-SQL and indexes on certified cluster Dalet Conversion Servers application servers Quantum  StorNext NAS gateways Quantum  StorNext Metadata  controllers HP EVA 6100 Disk arrays  of 88 X 300 GB HP MSL 6060 Tape library Apple  Final Cut Pro 12 NLE suites Xendata HSM data  mover HD playout Omneon Spectrum  Media Server HD ingest 2 HD ingest 1 Dalet News Suite core servers Dalet News Suite   20 workstations for scripting, rundown editing and preview Dalet Media Cutter 69 workstations  for rough editing Dalet OnAir 1 workstation in gallery for back-to-back playout Dalet Ingest 1 workstation for feed ingest and VTR control source 1 IMX Storage Area Network (SAN) powered by StorNext VPN over PIP FIFO 5 FIFO 4 FIFO 6 Gigabit Ethernet Switched VLAN Dalet InterWeb in remote offices and in the field Key Ethernet Dalet News Suite at TMZ.COM © Dalet Digital Media Systems - update: 30/07/07 Fibre RS-422 SDI analogue SD ingest 4 SD ingest 3 SD ingest 2 SD ingest 1

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Dalet電視數位製播系統 Dalet 數位片庫

  • 1. Dalet News Suite & Media Library A Walk Across the Workflow Dalet 數位系統工作流程概述
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7. Dalet 系統 跨平台工作 跨平台分享 透過 Web 介面連入 Dalet 新聞系統暨片庫系統進行資料搜尋 , 素材瀏覽 , 剪輯 結合 Dalet 影音剪輯工具 Multimedia content repository Unified enterprise search engine Third party systems Remote sites Disaster recovery 影音素材 , shot lists, EDLs, text, graphics, rundowns, 外電…
  • 8. Centralized Ingest System architecture 系統架構 Dalet 側錄工作站 Timeline Ingest – Desktop ingest Video router Router control server 影音 Router 控制主機 Automated router control FiFo recorders Loop recording 影音擷取中心 一進一出影音側錄控制主機 Control of FiFo recorders and video servers 資料庫主機 MSSQL 2005 Production storage 製播區磁碟陣列 Central production storage VTR control server VTR 自動控制 ( 透過 Sony 介面 ) Corporate Ethernet Network
  • 9. 從時間軸即可監看即時收錄及 VTR 收錄之頻到數量與整體收錄狀態 Time line view of all recordings Line up view of current recording jobs 集中收錄 Centralized Ingest 影音擷取中樞 Access based on user rights 使用者登入權限管控 Automatic Channel Assignment 頻道自動設定 Manual and Scheduled Ingest 手動暨排程擷取影音 Seamless device control 無時間差控制影音設備
  • 10. Crash recorder – live feeds and VTR control 現場收錄及 VTR 控制 Video router is automatically controlled 自動控制影音路由設備 Recording duration 影音擷取時間 Quality control 影音品質控制 Manual or automated target assignment 手動或自動任務派遣 Source selection 選取影音來源 VTR control and batch recordings VTR 控制及批次側錄 Live feeds crash ingest Live 影音擷取 集中收錄
  • 11. Scheduled recordings and recurrent recordings Recurring recordings - patterns Pattern definition 側錄排程工作定義 Schedule Recording 影音側錄排程 集中收錄
  • 12. 先進先出收錄 FiFo recording – 影片瀏覽 browsing video buffer 先進先出側錄 (FiFo) Video Buffer 影音緩衝 Locators associated to recordings 影音側錄註腳 Video wall to monitor video feeds 電視牆監看
  • 13. Desktop ingest can be made using a simple FireWire connection or using a decklink board 記者直接在 DaletPlus 工作站透過 Firewire 或 Decklink 影像擷取卡匯入影片 FireWire 記者自行簡易影音收錄 Firewire Device control DaletPlus 可控制 Firewire 擷取設備 Access to metadata 影音索引資料編輯
  • 14.
  • 15. 手動及自動 Manual and automated file import Essence files + metadata description 自動搬移到製播區磁碟陣列 影音自動轉檔 Automatic transfer on production storage Optionally, automated conversion 影音索引文字檔送至 Dalet 影音內容分類區 MXF XML 等 Metadata are imported in the Dalet content catalogue 匯入檔案至 Dalet 系統 ... WATCH FOLDER 資料夾監看
  • 16. 獲准使用權限的 user 一有素材收錄進 Dalet 系統 , 隨時可編輯 , 調用素材 As soon as a recording starts, it is immediately available for all users 影音素材 即錄即用 Content can be viewed in a proxy res of the high res. Hi-Rec 影音預覽 Edit while recording 隨錄隨編輯 Automated update on the Media Logger 自動更新影音工作站資料 Edit while record in Final Cut Pro Very low latency for editing (7s) 集中式媒體收錄
  • 17.
  • 18. 影音資料輸入鍵 , 開啟註解標籤 Access button to metadata Metadata can be added before a recording starts or during the recording 記者可於開始側錄前 , 先輸入註解 Metadata ingest 影音收錄擷取註記
  • 19. Customized metadata forms are defined by the administrator 由電視台管理者自行定義的客製化標籤欄位 * * * Some fields are mandatory 可增加 , 調整欄位 , 進行多元註解 Multimedia fields, check boxes, drop down menus… 多媒體影音 分類勾選方式 影音索引資料擷取註記 Metadata for media can come from third–party systems Dalet’s Metadata forms are highly configurable, media can have various metadata forms depending on the user’s role and the metadata can be written in any language.
  • 20. Customized metadata forms are defined by the administrator 由電視台管理者自行定義的客製化表單欄位 完成帶的索引資料表 Metadata form when saving a finished clip 影音片庫素材註解標籤 Metadata form after archiving 標籤格式與下列資訊有關 : User rights 使用者權限 Type of content 素材類別 Workflow 工作流程 Editorial status 編輯狀態 影音索引資料擷取註記
  • 21. Time coded metadata sorted by types 時間碼分類註解 強大註解功能 , 可插置於任何時間碼 , 以供查詢 Locators can be inserted in Media Logger at any point of time 影音索引資料擷取註記
  • 22. DaletPlus 的 Media Logger 工作站 , Dalet 記者可進行粗剪 、 瀏覽 、註解 Simple mark-in mark-out operations 輕鬆設置 In, Out 點 Relevant shots are stored in a clip-bin JKL control Logging information help journalists to select material 影音索引資料擷取註記
  • 23. Selected relevant material can be stored in a collaborative clip bin A view focused on sources thumbnails 觀看模式 A simple story board 簡易 Storyboard 模式 A view focused on metadata 共享影音素材區
  • 24. 授權的使用者可共用 Clip-bin 共享影音素材區 Shared clip bin for collaborative editing 協同編輯用的共享素材
  • 25. Clip Bin is shared across different workstations, applications and systems Dalet editing 在 Dalet 中初步編輯 Web client 外地記者用 Dalet 連網編輯 直接在 Apple Final Cut Pr o 後製編輯系統瀏覽 Dalet scripting and other applications 替新聞帶上字稿 共享影音素材區
  • 26.
  • 27. Content is available from a Web client. New clips in the Dalet content catalogue are immediately available from a Web client 影音新聞帶連網使用 共享影音素材區
  • 28. Search profiles are accessible from a web client Content can be searched and browsed from any location 任意上網地點瀏覽電視台內新聞帶 Rundowns can be displayed but not modified 不可修改 cue 表但可預覽 共享影音素材區
  • 29. InterWeb 遠端工作模組讓記者連網方式登入 Dalet 新聞片庫系統協同作業 , 包括粗剪 , 存放共用素材區 Clips and clip-bin Story boarding Download selected content in high resolution 共享影音素材區
  • 30. Dalet 目標 : 整合客製化流程 素材搬移工作 – editorially driven back office services 任務規劃 影音收錄 Editor Traffic Back-office 轉檔 , 產生 proxy Render 檔案傳輸 文稿系統 ERP 棚內 檔案管理員 蘋果 FCP Back-office P2 Cameras distribute plan ingest schedule produce broadcast archive 編輯工作 – customized for your needs 影音索引資料 – 透過 Dalet 內建製播工具 , 同時與其他系統交換資料 , 從頭到尾 , 單一簡單的操作介面
  • 31. Monitoring of back office processes Automated and seamless transfers allow users to edit while material is being recorded 影音收錄管理
  • 32.
  • 33. 編輯 , 剪輯 Trimmer, Clip-bin and Media Cutter in a workspace
  • 34. Voice over can be recorded straight from user desktops Configurable audio compressor 編輯 , 剪輯
  • 35. Up to 8 audio tracks 編輯 , 剪輯
  • 36. Take advantage of Xtend to trully integrate Final Cut Pro to the Dalet MAM framework Dalet 標註與 Apple FCP 正確交換 Save directly in place holders Direct access to the Dalet content catalogue Edit while recording 可從 Apple FCP 系統直接使用 Dalet 分類夾內的 EDLs, Shotlists, 影音素材 Edit directly on central storage Frame Grabbing technology 編輯 , 剪輯
  • 37. Export EDL Gain from Marquis Medway integration to integrate Avid NLEs EDL export from Dalet Automated processing of the EDL and the Media Import in Avid NLEs 編輯 , 剪輯 video audio audio Clip1 video audio audio Clip2 video audio audio Clip3 video audio audio Sequence Clip4
  • 38. Marquis acts as a middleware, fully transparent for Dalet Export to Avid Export to Dalet My EDL Timeline Metadata My EDL Timeline Metadata Medway Clip Metadata & Genealogy Metadata Timeline & Additional Metadata (Medway client) Medway Dalet
  • 39.
  • 40. Multimedia rundown editor Dalet 播出單
  • 41. News play-out A, A/B, A/B/C/D roll. Dalet 播出單
  • 42. Channel assigment and interface configuration Dalet 播出
  • 43.
  • 44. 隨選隨播工具 , 使用者輕鬆重覆播出某畫面片段 Dalet 播出
  • 45.
  • 46. 歸檔 Archive 系統架構示意圖 Dalet clients and Interweb Windows or Web access Dalet 連網工作站 Application servers Back-office services Database server MSSQL 2005 資料庫 Production storage High Resolution 高解影音磁碟陣列 Production storage Low resolution 低解影音磁碟陣列 HSM system HSM middleware HSM 中介系統 Tape Library Near line and deep archive Ethernet Network D alet 已整合多家磁碟陣列 , 磁帶櫃等存儲系統 , 如 : Front Porch Divarchive, Xendata, Veritas Netvault Enterprise
  • 47. 透過 Dalet 系統操作介面 , 影片自動 / 手動歸檔 從 HSM 系統讓 Dalet 使用者掌握影音使用存放狀態 低解影音檔可快速瀏覽影音檔 所有影音索引資料完整保存於 Dalet 資料庫
  • 49. 每個流程都可編輯索引註解資料 Life cycle of metadata. Integrated desktop tools allows for users to enter metadata all along the workflow, as they use production tools Ingest After editing After archiving
  • 50. 結構資料便於跨平台 , 如手機 , 隨選播出 , 網路直播等資料分享 Structured metadata for optimized distribution on VOD, Web and mobile platforms
  • 51. Publish content Dalet Media Gateway server farm Mobile Video On Demand (VOD) Internet Production storage Tape library HSM data mover Content Catalogue Microsoft SQL server Back office services Dalet application servers Dalet Back-office servers & Workflow engine Automatic publishing tools to multi-platforms in multiple formats 自動轉送影音素材到手機 、網路、中華電信 MOD 等 播送平台 Gigabit Ethernet
  • 52. Workflow – notification – task assignment User rights – metadata Media management – conversions - transfers Ingest / import Edit Schedule Broadcast Distribute Dalet Enterprise Edition Module Map © Dalet Digital Media Systems - update: 28/08/2008 the workflow engine for open broadcast systems Web services API, SOA-compliant integration framework - Dashboard media files metadata Dalet Planner Agenda-based event and idea scheduling with customizable forms. Dalet Scheduler Rundown and playlist editing with configurable views and templates. Dalet Music Rotation Rules based, multi-criteria, constrained scheduling. Dalet MOS Gateway Dynamic integration with third-party newsroom and automation systems. Dalet iii Gateway Serial control of iii compliant studio devices. Dalet ImpEx Import and export of playlists from and to third-party systems. Dalet OnAir Player Automated and live assist single channel playout with device control. Dalet OnAir News Player Multi-channel playout (A/B/C roll) with secondary events. Dalet OnAir Carts Flexible video wall playout tool. Dalet CG control Automated control of CG play-out Router Control Automated control of routers VTR control Automation of multiple VTRs Safety channel Automated multi-channel audio player enslaved to third-party automator. AVM Dalet Media Gateway Automated media and metadata distribution to external repository. Dalet MXF Gateway Transfer of Material eXchange Format compliant media. Dalet NetXchange Multisite media, metadata and playlist replication. Dalet standard HSM Integration with NTFS compliant HSM systems (Xendata, Veritas, etc.) Dalet Advance HSM Integration with FrontPorch HSM controlled systems. Dalet InterWeb Secure web access with advanced browse, search and check-in / check-out tools.
  • 53. Dalet 內建模組介面 : (1) 收錄 (2) 剪輯 (3) 節目 rundown 排表錄音 (4) 收錄控制 (5) 副控播出 1 2 3 4 5
  • 55. Dalet 電視台完整無帶化製播片庫系統平台 Key Fiber Channel Dalet Enterprise Edition at SPEED © Dalet Digital Media Systems - update: April 9, 2009 IEEE-1394 SDI Metadata controllers NAS Gateways Craft Editing Apple Final Cut Pro NLEs and Dalet Xtend Dalet Catalogue File transfers Dalet Media Migration servers Dalet Conversion Servers Ingest control Dalet Ingest workstations Ingest and Playout Control Desktop Logging, browse and pre-editing DaletPlus clients Play-out automation Dalet On Air Production or master control rooms Web based thin clients Dalet Interweb clients Dalet Ingest channels for DeckLink Production storage DDN storage Tape Library IBM LTO 4 Playout Video Server Omneon Spectrum Data Mover (HSM) Near line and proxy storage Core and workflow servers Dalet Interweb servers Ingest Video server Gigabit Ethernet Switched Network SDI framework Storage Area Network (SAN) with Quantum StorNext file system Gigabit Ethernet
  • 56. HD / SD 製播系統示意圖 FIFO 2 source 1 DVCPROHD source 2 HDV Direct TV decoders Dalet FIFO ingest Running DeckLink BlackMagic FIFO 1 FIFO 3 Dalet Catalogue MS-SQL and indexes on certified cluster Dalet Conversion Servers application servers Quantum StorNext NAS gateways Quantum StorNext Metadata controllers HP EVA 6100 Disk arrays of 88 X 300 GB HP MSL 6060 Tape library Apple Final Cut Pro 12 NLE suites Xendata HSM data mover HD playout Omneon Spectrum Media Server HD ingest 2 HD ingest 1 Dalet News Suite core servers Dalet News Suite 20 workstations for scripting, rundown editing and preview Dalet Media Cutter 69 workstations for rough editing Dalet OnAir 1 workstation in gallery for back-to-back playout Dalet Ingest 1 workstation for feed ingest and VTR control source 1 IMX Storage Area Network (SAN) powered by StorNext VPN over PIP FIFO 5 FIFO 4 FIFO 6 Gigabit Ethernet Switched VLAN Dalet InterWeb in remote offices and in the field Key Ethernet Dalet News Suite at TMZ.COM © Dalet Digital Media Systems - update: 30/07/07 Fibre RS-422 SDI analogue SD ingest 4 SD ingest 3 SD ingest 2 SD ingest 1

Editor's Notes

  1. Thanks to the Dalet Dashboard and the Dalet Audit Trail, it is possible to: Monitor system performances – be notified about failures, … Detect bottle necks in the infrastructure Monitor business activity – efficiency about user performances for instance.
  2. Dalet content repository stores multimedia content and its metadata: video, EDLs, shotlists, audio clips, wires, stories, and multimedia content such as word or ppt documents The content is accessible from DaletPlus clients (web and windows client); from third party systems such as Final Cut Pro; Disaster recovery and remote sites. Dalet also offer an enterprise search engine. It enables users to easily make multimedia searches. All the content and all metadata are indexed and searchable – and kept online even if content is archived. For instance, a search about US elections would brings as a result: wires, video material, graphics, … Web interface for corporate access with simple production tools Windows interface for advanced productions
  3. The Ingest Manager Time line is available from any workstation by any authorized user. It provides a global view of all recording tasks that happen in the background, such as Live feed ingest and VTR ingest. On the top of the Ingest Manager Timeline are display all the available sources and the available targets (ingest ports) as well as all the recording jobs planned. From this interface, users can easily zoom in and out, and browse the time line to have a global view of all planned recordings. Each recording is referenced in the database and has a customized set of metadata associated to it. We will come back to the management of metadata later on in this presentation.
  4. Users can open the crash recorder interface to make crash records. The video source is selected from a drop down menu on the top left. In this drop down menu, all sources are available (VTRs and Satellite feeds). On the top right side, another drop down menu is available to select the target. Targets can be video server ports or FiFo recorders. The routing job is done automatically in the background thanks to the Dalet router control server. At the bottom of the screen is the interface to add locators while recording occur. Those time coded metadata will be then linked to the video material and will follow during the whole life cycle of the material.
  5. It is also possible to schedule recurring recordings. For instance, a recording every Monday, during winter should be scheduled in some “patterns”. The system can have as many patterns as you want, and each pattern can have a start date and an end date, and also day restrictions.
  6. Possibility to make scheduled and crash recordings as for a standard video server. Ability to make recordings in the past if the start time of a recording was missed.
  7. Ingest can be made from Dalet Media Logger and recording workstations. You see on the screen shot above the interface that enable users to perform FireWire recordings. Metadata can be entered from this interface and recording is immediately made available for all users to perform edit while record operations.
  8. Tools to import files are also available. Media gateways enable files to be imported either manually or automatically. When provided with metadata, those can be imported and referenced in the Dalet content catalogue while the essence files are transferred to the central production storage. If needed a proxy resolution can be automatically generated. The system can also be configured to convert automatically imported files in a common system format.
  9. It doesn’t matter if the recording source is a VTR or a satellite feed nor if the target is a video server or a FiFo recorder. The Dalet Centralized ingest module allows recording to be immediately available to any authorized user and to perform edit while record operations. In addition to this, a proxy resolution can be automatically generated by some back office servers if required.
  10. From all ingest modules, it is possible to open metadata forms associated to each recording
  11. This is an example of associated metadata. All metadata are presented in some customized forms created by the administrator. The forms can have text fields, multimedia fields or set of check boxes or drop down menus for instance. Some of the fields might be mandatory so to make sure that users don’t forget to enter such or such metadata.
  12. This is an example of associated metadata. All metadata are presented in some customized forms created by the administrator. The forms can have text fields, multimedia fields or set of check boxes or drop down menus for instance. Some of the fields might be mandatory so to make sure that users don’t forget to enter such or such metadata.
  13. Time coded metadata so called locators can be added to the video.
  14. Time coded metadata so called locators can be added to the video.
  15. At the core of the system an enterprise media asset management platform that is capable to do: asset management, media management, and that is by essence an open platform that can be used to integrate many third party devices. Indeed, Dalet is compatible with many different protocols and standards such as MOS, MXF, iii. Moreover, it comes together with an SOA compliant API that is accessible through web services. In fact, Dalet is is today the only Media Asset Management platform that has an API built in. Dalet’s vision is consistent: the concept of a single platform allowing consistent metadata gathering, asset tracking and media management across the entire workflow, from planning through to distribution. DaletPlus – the technical core of the system - is by essence an open platform that can be used to integrate many third party systems and devices. Indeed, Dalet is compatible with many different protocols and standards such as MOS, MXF, iii. We are constantly working to embrace new standards and to ensure interoperability. Dalet now features an SOA compliant API that is accessible through web services. In fact, we believe that Dalet is today the only Media Asset Management platform that has an API built in. Integrate business processes into the workflow provide Integrated desktop tools that allow users to perform seamlessly MAM operations such as gathering consistently metadata and keep the flow of those metadata across the end to end operations In other terms, it is not a production platform that runs in parallel with a MAM system, but it is a trully integrated system.
  16. Workspace with clip bin Media Cutter is simple to use. It is designed to put the news fast to air. Simple cuts Simple news transitions The EDLs can be sent to a third party system if needed. For instance, Xtend to exchange EDLs with Final Cut Pro
  17. Media Cutter 強大音軌編輯工具 , 自動校準聲音與影片時間碼 , 輕鬆調整背景及旁白音量
  18. 同時 8 音軌編輯作業
  19. At TF1, the system will feature Dalet Xtend. Clip will be finalized on Final Cut pro workstations. Xtend allows FCP users to browse the Dalet database and to open: EDLs Raw material Shotlists Xtend unable material to be save directly in the Dalet database or even better, to be saved in a empty place-holder. Xtend maintain metadata between Dalet and Final Cut Pro: all locators are matained so not to loose metadata. Edit while record
  20. Collaborative scheduling. Several users can contribute to the rundown simultaneously according to their access rights. Timing is automatically calculated and updated. Views are entirely configurable. The administrators can create several rundown views, each one have their own displayed fields, their own fonts, and colors. Rundowns can be made from dalet workstations like in BFM TV. In some other cases, the play-lists are managed by a third party system such as ENPS. When rundown is done in dalet, the text part is typically going to a teleprompter, the graphic part would be sent to the graphic devices, and the video part is sent to a third party automation or Dalet automation. The synchronization between graphic, rundown, teleprompter and automation is ensured by Dalet.
  21. Dalet provides a news type of play-out This module is called Dalet On Air, and is once again fully integrated to the MAM platform. In some cases, we can also interface with a third party automation system. But let’s have a look to the Dalet OnAir automation. In case the Dalet automation is used, there is a bidirectional synchronization between the Dalet rundown and the Dalet On Air. The Dalet On Air comes together with one channel, 2 channels (A/B roll), or 4 channels (A/B/C/D roll). Typically it controls video server ports. Today, it can control Quantel ports and Omneon ports of a video server. Our system is capable to play-out while transfer. It means that if a breaking news just arrives, the play-out of the video can start a few seconds after.
  22. The entire interface is configurable. In particular, the admnistrator defines the different channels that will be assigned to either a video server port, a CG, or a VTR. The administrator can give those channels a name. In the rundown interface, it is possible to do channel assigment. It means that the users can preselect the channels that are going to be used to play-out such or such content . For instance, you might chose to play-out a particular clip to a channel assigned to a video wall…
  23. Dalet On Air provides a complete set of functionalities for News broadcasters. Live events, pause events, router control…
  24. Carts play-out is optional. It control one or several video ports. It is perfect to replay selected material manually. Typical use: sports.
  25. An HSM system, such as Xendata , Front Porch Divarchive or Masstech can be interface to the Dalet system. Material is automatically or manually archived on a tape library controlled by the HSM system. Archive statuses (online – near online – deep archived) are kept synchronized with the Dalet database. A low resolution can always be kept online and is accessible from any Interweb workstation or Dalet client.
  26. During all steps of the workflow, we saw that we can control metadata structure, and which metadata fields are filled in at which step of the workflow. In addition, some metadata can come from third party systems such as NLE systems, traffic and broadcast rights systems, … Progressively, media are turned into asset. Content is better reusable because they have relevant and complete sets of metadata to enable: Better searches and to better reuse of the archive thanks to more powerful search Better repurpose assets across different platforms to increase potential revenues.
  27. Dalet has publishing tools that are capable of exporting manually or automatically multimedia content. Dalet can push content into structured XML together with associated media converted in a relevant format. Importance to have a properly structure of metadata when it comes to publish on web portals and mobile portals.
  28. Here is a flat view of the user modules available in Dalet. Those modules are capable to cover the entire workflow, from ingest to broadcast and distribution. But they can be selected for specific requirements as well. Example: Deustche Welle has only our On Air Player.