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Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461)
                             PART A
Name: show / manipulate routing, devices, policy routing and tunnels .
ip [ OPTIONS ] OBJECT { COMMAND | help }

OBJECT := { link | addr | addrlabel | route | rule | neigh | tunnel | maddr | mroute | monitor }

OPTIONS := { -V[ersion] | -s[tatistics] | -r[esolve] | -f[amily] { inet | inet6 | ipx | dnet | link } | -o[neline] }

       ip link show : List network interfaces

       ip link set dev eth0 name eth1 :         Rename interface eth0 to eth1
Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461)
                           PART A

      ip link set dev eth0 up :Bring interface eth0 up (or down)
      ip addr show : List addresses for interfaces

      ip route show :List routing table

      ip route add default via   Set default gateway to

NAME: nc — arbitrary TCP and UDP connections and listens.
SYNOPSIS:       nc [-46DdhklnrStUuvzC] [-i interval] [-P proxy_username] [-p source_port]
                [-s source_ip_address] [-T ToS] [-w timeout] [-X proxy_protocol] [-x
               proxy_address[:port]] [hostname] [port[s]]
  The nc (or netcat) utility is used for just about anything under the sun
  involving TCP or UDP. It can open TCP connections, send UDP packets,
  listen on arbitrary TCP and UDP ports, do port scanning, and deal with
  both IPv4 and IPv6. Unlike telnet(1), nc scripts nicely, and separates
  error messages onto standard error instead of sending them to standard
  output, as telnet(1) does with some.
Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461)
                           PART A
    nc host port: where host is the IP address or DNS name of a host to connect to and port is the TCP
      port number to connect to. By default, netcat uses TCP. Unlike telnet, netcat doesn't print
      anything to the screen when a connection is made unless you use the -v command line option.

      To scan ports command used is : nc -z 10-100 and to show close ports too include –v:
       nc -vz 10-100

NAME: ssh — OpenSSH SSH client (remote login program).


         ssh [-1246AaCfgKkMNnqsTtVvXxYy] [-b bind_address] [-c cipher_spec] [-D
           [bind_address:]port] [-e escape_char] [-F configfile] [-I pkcs11]
           [-i identity_file] [-L [bind_address:]port:host:hostport]
           [-l login_name] [-m mac_spec] [-O ctl_cmd] [-o option] [-p port]
           [-R [bind_address:]port:host:hostport] [-S ctl_path] [-W host:port]
           [-w local_tun[:remote_tun]] [user@]hostname [command]
Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461)
                            PART A

          ssh (SSH client) is a program for logging into a remote machine and for
          executing commands on a remote machine. It is intended to replace rlogin
          and rsh, and provide secure encrypted communications between two
          untrusted hosts over an insecure network. X11 connections and arbitrary
          TCP ports can also be forwarded over the secure channel.

      ssh user@hostname

NAME: scp — secure copy (remote file copy program).


scp [-1246BCpqrv] [-c cipher] [-F ssh_config] [-i identity_file]

[-l limit] [-o ssh_option] [-P port] [-S program]

[[user@]host1:]file1 ... [[user@]host2:]file
Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461)
                            PART A

scp copies files between hosts on a network. It uses ssh(1) for data

transfer, and uses the same authentication and provides the same security

 as ssh(1). Unlike rcp(1), scp will ask for passwords or passphrases if

they are needed for authentication.

 File names may contain a user and host specification to indicate that the

file is to be copied to/from that host. Local file names can be made

explicit using absolute or relative pathnames to avoid scp treating file

names containing ‘:’ as host specifiers. Copies between two remote hosts

are also permitted.


      scp sampletextfile.txt

      scp /some/local/directory
Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461)
                          PART A
    NAME: arp - manipulate the system ARP cache.
       arp [-vn] [-H type] [-i if] [-a] [hostname]

        arp [-v] [-i if] -d hostname [pub]

        arp [-v] [-H type] [-i if] -s hostname hw_addr [temp]

        arp [-v] [-H type] [-i if] -s hostname hw_addr [netmask nm] pub

        arp [-v] [-H type] [-i if] -Ds hostname ifname [netmask nm] pub

       arp [-vnD] [-H type] [-i if] -f [filename]
       Arp manipulates or displays the kernel's IPv4 network neighbour cache.
       It can add entries to the table, delete one or display the current con‐

        ARP stands for Address Resolution Protocol, which is used to find the
        media access control address of a network neighbour for a given IPv4

   arp -a

   arp –a ip
Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461)
                        PART A

   Delete an ARP entry: arp -d

    NAME: rarp - manipulate the system RARP table
         rarp [-V] [--version] [-h] [--help]
         rarp -a
         rarp [-v] -d hostname ...
         rarp [-v] [-t type] -s hostname hw_addr
      Arp manipulates or displays the kernel's IPv4 network neighbour cache.
      It can add entries to the table, delete one or display the current con‐
      ARP stands for Address Resolution Protocol, which is used to find the
      media access control address of a network neighbour for a given IPv4

   rarp –a
    aniket@ubuntu:~$ rarp -a
    This kernel does not support RARP.
Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461)
                         PART A
    NAME: route - show / manipulate the IP routing table.
       route [-CFvnee]

       route [-v] [-A family] add [-net|-host] target [netmask Nm] [gw Gw]
           [metric N] [mss M] [window W] [irtt I] [reject] [mod] [dyn]
           [reinstate] [[dev] If]

       route [-v] [-A family] del [-net|-host] target [gw Gw] [netmask Nm]
           [metric N] [[dev] If]

       route [-V] [--version] [-h] [--help]
       Route manipulates the kernel's IP routing tables. Its primary use is
       to set up static routes to specific hosts or networks via an interface
       after it has been configured with the ifconfig(8) program.

       When the add or del options are used, route modifies the routing
       tables. Without these options, route displays the current contents of
       the routing tables.
   route
Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461)
                        PART A

   route add default gw eth0

    NAME: netstat - Print network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade
    connections, and multicast memberships.
        netstat [address_family_options] [--tcp|-t] [--udp|-u] [--raw|-w] [--listening|-l] [--all|-a]
    [--numeric|-n] [--numeric-hosts] [--numeric-ports]
        [--numeric-users] [--symbolic|-N] [--extend|-e[--extend|-e]] [--timers|-o] [--program|-p] [--
    verbose|-v] [--continuous|-c]

       netstat {--route|-r} [address_family_options] [--extend|-e[--extend|-e]] [--verbose|-v] [--
    numeric|-n] [--numeric-hosts] [--numeric-ports] [--numeric-users]

       netstat {--interfaces|-i} [--all|-a] [--extend|-e[--extend|-e]] [--verbose|-v] [--program|-p] [--
    numeric|-n] [--numeric-hosts] [--numeric-ports] [--numeric-
       users] [--continuous|-c]

        netstat {--groups|-g} [--numeric|-n] [--numeric-hosts] [--numeric-ports] [--numeric-users] [--

       netstat {--masquerade|-M} [--extend|-e] [--numeric|-n] [--numeric-hosts] [--numeric-ports] [--
    numeric-users] [--continuous|-c]

        netstat {--statistics|-s} [--tcp|-t] [--udp|-u] [--raw|-w]

        netstat {--version|-V}

        netstat {--help|-h}
Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461)
                        PART A
       Netstat prints information about the Linux networking subsystem.


   List All Ports (both listening and non listening ports : netstat -a (-u if for udp ports)

   show statistics for all ports using netstat –s
Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461)
                        PART A

   Display the kernel routing information using netstat –r

   Show the list of network interfaces: netstat -i

    NAME: ifup - bring a network interface up.
       ifup [-nv] [--no-act] [--verbose] [-i FILE|--interfaces=FILE] [--allow
       CLASS] -a|IFACE...
       ifup -h|--help
       ifup -V|--version
       The ifup and ifdown commands may be used to configure (or, respec‐
       tively, deconfigure) network interfaces based on interface definitions
       in the file /etc/network/interfaces.
Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461)
                        PART A

    NAME: take a network interface down
           ifdown [-nv] [--no-act] [--verbose] [-i FILE|--interfaces=FILE]
            [--allow CLASS] -a|IFACE...
       The ifup and ifdown commands may be used to configure (or, respec‐
       tively, deconfigure) network interfaces based on interface definitions
       in the file /etc/network/interfaces.
    Examples(ifup and ifdown examples are provided together):
   sudo ifup lo/ sudo ifdown lo

    NAME: iwconfig - configure a wireless network
       iwconfig [interface]
       iwconfig interface [essid X] [nwid N] [mode M] [freq F]
                  [channel C][sens S ][ap A ][nick NN ]
                  [rate R] [rts RT] [frag FT] [txpower T]
                  [enc E] [key K] [power P] [retry R]
                  [modu M] [commit]
       iwconfig --help
       iwconfig –version
Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461)
                        PART A

       Iwconfig is similar to ifconfig(8), but is dedicated to the wireless
       interfaces. It is used to set the parameters of the network interface
       which are specific to the wireless operation (for example : the fre‐
       quency). Iwconfig may also be used to display those parameters, and
       the wireless statistics (extracted from /proc/net/wireless).

       All these parameters and statistics are device dependent. Each driver
       will provide only some of them depending on hardware support, and the
       range of values may change

   iwconfig(output is given for both with and without wireless connections)
Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461)
                        PART A

    NAME: iwspy - Get wireless statistics from specific nodes.
       iwspy [interface]
       iwspy interface [+] DNSNAME | IPADDR | HWADDR [...]
       iwspy interface off
       iwspy interface setthr low high
       iwspy interface getthr
       Iwspy is used to set a list of addresses to monitor in a wireless net‐
       work interface and to read back quality of link information for each of
       those. This information is the same as the one available in
       /proc/net/wireless : quality of the link, signal strength and noise

        This information is updated each time a new packet is received, so each
        address of the list adds some overhead in the driver.

        Note that this functionality works only for nodes part of the current
        wireless cell, you can not monitor Access Points you are not associated
        with (you can use Scanning for that) and nodes in other cells. In Man‐
        aged mode, in most case packets are relayed by the Access Point, in
        this case you will get the signal strength of the Access Point. For
        those reasons this functionality is mostly useful in Ad-Hoc and Master

   sudo iwspy eth0
    aniket@ubuntu:~$ sudo iwspy eth0
    eth0 Interface doesn't support wireless statistic collection
Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461)
                    PART A
NAME: iwlist - Get more detailed wireless information from a wireless inter‐
    iwlist [interface] scanning
    iwlist [interface] frequency
    iwlist [interface] rate
    iwlist [interface] keys
    iwlist [interface] power
    iwlist [interface] txpower
    iwlist [interface] retry
    iwlist [interface] event
    iwlist [interface] auth
    iwlist [interface] wpakeys
    iwlist [interface] genie
    iwlist [interface] modulation
    iwlist --help
    iwlist –version
    Iwlist is used to display some additional information from a wireless
    network interface that is not displayed by iwconfig(8). The main argu‐
    ment is used to select a category of information, iwlist displays in
    detailed form all information related to this category, including
    information already shown by iwconfig(8).
Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461)
                        PART A
   iwlist wlan0 scan

    NAME: tracepath, tracepath6 - traces path to a network host discovering MTU
       along this path.
       tracepath [-n] [-b] [-l pktlen] destination [port]
       It traces path to destination discovering MTU along this path. It uses
       UDP port port or some random port. It is similar to traceroute, only
       does not require superuser privileges and has no fancy options.

        tracepath6 is good replacement for traceroute6 and classic example of
        application of Linux error queues. The situation with IPv4 is worse,
        because commercial IP routers do not return enough information in icmp
        error messages. Probably, it will change, when they will be updated.
        For now it uses Van Jacobson's trick, sweeping a range of UDP ports to
        maintain trace history.
Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461)
                        PART A

   tracepath localhost

   tracepath -b localhost(-b resolves ip address)

   tracepath from localhost(of bits mail server)
Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461)
                        PART A
    NAME: dhclient - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Client.
       dhclient [ -p port ] [ -d ] [ -e VAR=value ] [ -q ] [ -1 ] [ -r ] [ -x
       ] [ -lf lease-file ] [ -pf pid-file ] [ -cf config-file ] [ -sf
       script-file ] [ -s server ] [ -g relay ] [ -n ] [ -nw ] [ -w ] [ if0 [
       ...ifN ] ]
       The Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client, dhclient, provides a means
       for configuring one or more network interfaces using the Dynamic Host
       Configuration Protocol, BOOTP protocol, or if these protocols fail, by
       statically assigning an address.

   sudo dhclient eth0

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Basic linux commands

  • 1. Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461) Assignments PART A 1)ip: Name: show / manipulate routing, devices, policy routing and tunnels . Synopsis: ip [ OPTIONS ] OBJECT { COMMAND | help } OBJECT := { link | addr | addrlabel | route | rule | neigh | tunnel | maddr | mroute | monitor } OPTIONS := { -V[ersion] | -s[tatistics] | -r[esolve] | -f[amily] { inet | inet6 | ipx | dnet | link } | -o[neline] } Examples:  ip link show : List network interfaces  ip link set dev eth0 name eth1 : Rename interface eth0 to eth1
  • 2. Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461) Assignments PART A  ip link set dev eth0 up :Bring interface eth0 up (or down)  ip addr show : List addresses for interfaces  ip route show :List routing table  ip route add default via Set default gateway to 2)nc: NAME: nc — arbitrary TCP and UDP connections and listens. SYNOPSIS: nc [-46DdhklnrStUuvzC] [-i interval] [-P proxy_username] [-p source_port] [-s source_ip_address] [-T ToS] [-w timeout] [-X proxy_protocol] [-x proxy_address[:port]] [hostname] [port[s]] DESCRIPTION: The nc (or netcat) utility is used for just about anything under the sun involving TCP or UDP. It can open TCP connections, send UDP packets, listen on arbitrary TCP and UDP ports, do port scanning, and deal with both IPv4 and IPv6. Unlike telnet(1), nc scripts nicely, and separates error messages onto standard error instead of sending them to standard output, as telnet(1) does with some.
  • 3. Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461) Assignments PART A Examples:  nc host port: where host is the IP address or DNS name of a host to connect to and port is the TCP port number to connect to. By default, netcat uses TCP. Unlike telnet, netcat doesn't print anything to the screen when a connection is made unless you use the -v command line option.  To scan ports command used is : nc -z 10-100 and to show close ports too include –v: nc -vz 10-100 3)ssh: NAME: ssh — OpenSSH SSH client (remote login program). SYNOPSIS: ssh [-1246AaCfgKkMNnqsTtVvXxYy] [-b bind_address] [-c cipher_spec] [-D [bind_address:]port] [-e escape_char] [-F configfile] [-I pkcs11] [-i identity_file] [-L [bind_address:]port:host:hostport] [-l login_name] [-m mac_spec] [-O ctl_cmd] [-o option] [-p port] [-R [bind_address:]port:host:hostport] [-S ctl_path] [-W host:port] [-w local_tun[:remote_tun]] [user@]hostname [command]
  • 4. Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461) Assignments PART A DESCRIPTION: ssh (SSH client) is a program for logging into a remote machine and for executing commands on a remote machine. It is intended to replace rlogin and rsh, and provide secure encrypted communications between two untrusted hosts over an insecure network. X11 connections and arbitrary TCP ports can also be forwarded over the secure channel. Examples:  ssh user@hostname 4)scp: NAME: scp — secure copy (remote file copy program). SYNOPSIS: scp [-1246BCpqrv] [-c cipher] [-F ssh_config] [-i identity_file] [-l limit] [-o ssh_option] [-P port] [-S program] [[user@]host1:]file1 ... [[user@]host2:]file
  • 5. Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461) Assignments PART A DESCRIPTION: scp copies files between hosts on a network. It uses ssh(1) for data transfer, and uses the same authentication and provides the same security as ssh(1). Unlike rcp(1), scp will ask for passwords or passphrases if they are needed for authentication. File names may contain a user and host specification to indicate that the file is to be copied to/from that host. Local file names can be made explicit using absolute or relative pathnames to avoid scp treating file names containing ‘:’ as host specifiers. Copies between two remote hosts are also permitted. Examples:  scp sampletextfile.txt  scp /some/local/directory
  • 6. Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461) Assignments PART A 5)arp: NAME: arp - manipulate the system ARP cache. SYNOPSIS: arp [-vn] [-H type] [-i if] [-a] [hostname] arp [-v] [-i if] -d hostname [pub] arp [-v] [-H type] [-i if] -s hostname hw_addr [temp] arp [-v] [-H type] [-i if] -s hostname hw_addr [netmask nm] pub arp [-v] [-H type] [-i if] -Ds hostname ifname [netmask nm] pub arp [-vnD] [-H type] [-i if] -f [filename] DESCRIPTION: Arp manipulates or displays the kernel's IPv4 network neighbour cache. It can add entries to the table, delete one or display the current con‐ tent. ARP stands for Address Resolution Protocol, which is used to find the media access control address of a network neighbour for a given IPv4 Address. Examples:  arp -a  arp –a ip
  • 7. Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461) Assignments PART A  Delete an ARP entry: arp -d 6)rarp: NAME: rarp - manipulate the system RARP table SYNOPSIS: rarp [-V] [--version] [-h] [--help] rarp -a rarp [-v] -d hostname ... rarp [-v] [-t type] -s hostname hw_addr DESCRIPTION: Arp manipulates or displays the kernel's IPv4 network neighbour cache. It can add entries to the table, delete one or display the current con‐ tent. ARP stands for Address Resolution Protocol, which is used to find the media access control address of a network neighbour for a given IPv4 Address. Examples:  rarp –a aniket@ubuntu:~$ rarp -a This kernel does not support RARP.
  • 8. Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461) Assignments PART A 7)route: NAME: route - show / manipulate the IP routing table. SYNOPSIS: route [-CFvnee] route [-v] [-A family] add [-net|-host] target [netmask Nm] [gw Gw] [metric N] [mss M] [window W] [irtt I] [reject] [mod] [dyn] [reinstate] [[dev] If] route [-v] [-A family] del [-net|-host] target [gw Gw] [netmask Nm] [metric N] [[dev] If] route [-V] [--version] [-h] [--help] DESCRIPTION: Route manipulates the kernel's IP routing tables. Its primary use is to set up static routes to specific hosts or networks via an interface after it has been configured with the ifconfig(8) program. When the add or del options are used, route modifies the routing tables. Without these options, route displays the current contents of the routing tables. Examples:  route
  • 9. Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461) Assignments PART A  route add default gw eth0 8)netstat: NAME: netstat - Print network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multicast memberships. SYNOPSIS: netstat [address_family_options] [--tcp|-t] [--udp|-u] [--raw|-w] [--listening|-l] [--all|-a] [--numeric|-n] [--numeric-hosts] [--numeric-ports] [--numeric-users] [--symbolic|-N] [--extend|-e[--extend|-e]] [--timers|-o] [--program|-p] [-- verbose|-v] [--continuous|-c] netstat {--route|-r} [address_family_options] [--extend|-e[--extend|-e]] [--verbose|-v] [-- numeric|-n] [--numeric-hosts] [--numeric-ports] [--numeric-users] [--continuous|-c] netstat {--interfaces|-i} [--all|-a] [--extend|-e[--extend|-e]] [--verbose|-v] [--program|-p] [-- numeric|-n] [--numeric-hosts] [--numeric-ports] [--numeric- users] [--continuous|-c] netstat {--groups|-g} [--numeric|-n] [--numeric-hosts] [--numeric-ports] [--numeric-users] [-- continuous|-c] netstat {--masquerade|-M} [--extend|-e] [--numeric|-n] [--numeric-hosts] [--numeric-ports] [-- numeric-users] [--continuous|-c] netstat {--statistics|-s} [--tcp|-t] [--udp|-u] [--raw|-w] netstat {--version|-V} netstat {--help|-h}
  • 10. Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461) Assignments PART A DESCRIPTION: Netstat prints information about the Linux networking subsystem. Examples:  List All Ports (both listening and non listening ports : netstat -a (-u if for udp ports)  show statistics for all ports using netstat –s
  • 11. Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461) Assignments PART A  Display the kernel routing information using netstat –r  Show the list of network interfaces: netstat -i 9)ifup: NAME: ifup - bring a network interface up. SYNOPSIS: ifup [-nv] [--no-act] [--verbose] [-i FILE|--interfaces=FILE] [--allow CLASS] -a|IFACE... ifup -h|--help ifup -V|--version DESCRIPTION: The ifup and ifdown commands may be used to configure (or, respec‐ tively, deconfigure) network interfaces based on interface definitions in the file /etc/network/interfaces.
  • 12. Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461) Assignments PART A 10)ifdown: NAME: take a network interface down SYNOPSIS: ifdown [-nv] [--no-act] [--verbose] [-i FILE|--interfaces=FILE] [--allow CLASS] -a|IFACE... DESCRIPTION: The ifup and ifdown commands may be used to configure (or, respec‐ tively, deconfigure) network interfaces based on interface definitions in the file /etc/network/interfaces. Examples(ifup and ifdown examples are provided together):  sudo ifup lo/ sudo ifdown lo 11)iwconfig: NAME: iwconfig - configure a wireless network SYNOPSIS: iwconfig [interface] iwconfig interface [essid X] [nwid N] [mode M] [freq F] [channel C][sens S ][ap A ][nick NN ] [rate R] [rts RT] [frag FT] [txpower T] [enc E] [key K] [power P] [retry R] [modu M] [commit] iwconfig --help iwconfig –version
  • 13. Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461) Assignments PART A DESCRIPTION: Iwconfig is similar to ifconfig(8), but is dedicated to the wireless interfaces. It is used to set the parameters of the network interface which are specific to the wireless operation (for example : the fre‐ quency). Iwconfig may also be used to display those parameters, and the wireless statistics (extracted from /proc/net/wireless). All these parameters and statistics are device dependent. Each driver will provide only some of them depending on hardware support, and the range of values may change Examples:  iwconfig(output is given for both with and without wireless connections)
  • 14. Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461) Assignments PART A 12)iwspy: NAME: iwspy - Get wireless statistics from specific nodes. SYNOPSIS: iwspy [interface] iwspy interface [+] DNSNAME | IPADDR | HWADDR [...] iwspy interface off iwspy interface setthr low high iwspy interface getthr DESCRIPTION: Iwspy is used to set a list of addresses to monitor in a wireless net‐ work interface and to read back quality of link information for each of those. This information is the same as the one available in /proc/net/wireless : quality of the link, signal strength and noise level. This information is updated each time a new packet is received, so each address of the list adds some overhead in the driver. Note that this functionality works only for nodes part of the current wireless cell, you can not monitor Access Points you are not associated with (you can use Scanning for that) and nodes in other cells. In Man‐ aged mode, in most case packets are relayed by the Access Point, in this case you will get the signal strength of the Access Point. For those reasons this functionality is mostly useful in Ad-Hoc and Master mode. Examples:  sudo iwspy eth0 Output: aniket@ubuntu:~$ sudo iwspy eth0 eth0 Interface doesn't support wireless statistic collection
  • 15. Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461) Assignments PART A 13)iwlist: NAME: iwlist - Get more detailed wireless information from a wireless inter‐ Face. SYNOPSIS: iwlist [interface] scanning iwlist [interface] frequency iwlist [interface] rate iwlist [interface] keys iwlist [interface] power iwlist [interface] txpower iwlist [interface] retry iwlist [interface] event iwlist [interface] auth iwlist [interface] wpakeys iwlist [interface] genie iwlist [interface] modulation iwlist --help iwlist –version DESCRIPTION: Iwlist is used to display some additional information from a wireless network interface that is not displayed by iwconfig(8). The main argu‐ ment is used to select a category of information, iwlist displays in detailed form all information related to this category, including information already shown by iwconfig(8).
  • 16. Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461) Assignments PART A Examples:  iwlist wlan0 scan 14)tracepath: NAME: tracepath, tracepath6 - traces path to a network host discovering MTU along this path. SYNOPSIS: tracepath [-n] [-b] [-l pktlen] destination [port] DESCRIPTION: It traces path to destination discovering MTU along this path. It uses UDP port port or some random port. It is similar to traceroute, only does not require superuser privileges and has no fancy options. tracepath6 is good replacement for traceroute6 and classic example of application of Linux error queues. The situation with IPv4 is worse, because commercial IP routers do not return enough information in icmp error messages. Probably, it will change, when they will be updated. For now it uses Van Jacobson's trick, sweeping a range of UDP ports to maintain trace history.
  • 17. Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461) Assignments PART A Examples:  tracepath localhost  tracepath -b localhost(-b resolves ip address)  tracepath from localhost(of bits mail server)
  • 18. Computer Networks (CS C461 / IS C461) Assignments PART A 15)dhclient: NAME: dhclient - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Client. SYNOPSIS: dhclient [ -p port ] [ -d ] [ -e VAR=value ] [ -q ] [ -1 ] [ -r ] [ -x ] [ -lf lease-file ] [ -pf pid-file ] [ -cf config-file ] [ -sf script-file ] [ -s server ] [ -g relay ] [ -n ] [ -nw ] [ -w ] [ if0 [ ...ifN ] ] DESCRIPTION: The Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client, dhclient, provides a means for configuring one or more network interfaces using the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, BOOTP protocol, or if these protocols fail, by statically assigning an address. Examples:  sudo dhclient eth0