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Brewing Ingredients Symposium
The British Guild of Beer Writers

        Hops & Hop Products

            Trevor Roberts

          28th February 2012
Hops & Hop Products

Influences of hops on beer quality

Introduction to the full range of hop products

Different ways of hopping & flavour differentiation

The cost of hops in beer

The case for Hops & Hop Products

The objective....
... to convince you that hops are THE brewing raw
material that open up many opportunities for the
brewer whilst at the same time representing
excellent value for money!!
Hops & Hop Products

Influences of hops on beer quality

Introduction to the full range of hop products

Different ways of hopping & flavour differentiation

The cost of hops in beer

Typical Analysis
of Hops (after Stevens)
Resins             15%
Proteins           15%
Monosaccharides     2%
Polyphenols         4%
Pectins             2%
Volatile Oils     0.5%
Ash                 8%
Moisture           10%
Cellulose etc.    43%
Typical Analysis
of Hops (after Stevens)
Resins             15%
Proteins           15%
Monosaccharides     2%
Polyphenols         4%
Pectins             2%
Volatile Oils     0.5%
Ash                 8%
Moisture           10%
Cellulose etc.    43%
Lupulin Glands
Why Use Hops?

                              of proteins


  Foam                       Anti-Oxidant
Why Use Hops – Hop Resins?
      (principally the alpha- and beta-acids)

                                       of proteins


  Foam                                Anti-Oxidant
Hop Resins - Bitterness
• Principal hop resins are the alpha acids (non-bitter
taste) – converted to iso-alpha-acids (bitter taste)
when boiled with the wort by the process of
• Alpha acids not very soluble in wort but iso-alpha-
acids more soluble; however the efficiency of
conversion and dissolution in wort is poor - only
about 45-55%
• Iso-alpha-acids readily stripped out by absorption
onto yeast, protein and filters; final efficiency in beer
is only around 30-35% (when using traditional hopping
Hop Resins – Contribution to Formation
            of Beer Foam
  • Hydrophobicity – Iso-alpha-acids show a
    tendency to readily come out of solution
  • Ability to bind proteins – readily form
    complexes with polypeptides from the beer
  • Iso-alpha-acid/Polypeptide complexes –
    provide structural strength to the film layer around the
    bubbles; helps prevent foam collapse
Hop Resins – Contribution to
          Foam Lacing
• Beer slowly drains from foam
• Iso-alpha-acid/Polypeptide complexes get
  stronger - left behind on surface of glass
• >10 mgs/l iso-alpha acids (10 BU’s) required
  to achieve lacing; >20 mgs/l for optimum effect
Hop Resins – Biological Stability
 • Use of hops in brewing dates back to medieval
 • Introduced into Europe in the 11th century
 • In due course consequent benefits realised by
  - able to brew in the summer months
  - beers could be shipped long distances
   without spoilage (IPA to India)
Hop Resins – Biological Stability
• Alpha acids, beta acids and iso-alpha-acids - all
  demonstrate antibacterial activity
• Disrupt transport systems across bacterial cell
• Known to suppress the development of gram positive
  bacteria e.g. Acetobacter, Lactobacillus, Pediococcus
• Some inhibitory effect against fungi (but fortunately not
• Recent work has shown that a minimum of 10 BU’s
  needed for any effect (previously though to be 18)?
• Unhopped or very lowly hopped worts can be vulnerable
Hop Resins – Biological Stability
Recognition of the inhibitory effect of the NATURAL hop
resins in many non-brewing applications:
•Incorporation into a burn ointment
•Use in deodorants
•Use in mouthwash and toothpaste
•Suppression of Listeria sp. in soft cheeses & other
processed food products (hot dogs in the USA!)
•Bacterial suppression in sugar beet processing
•Control of micro-organisms in distilleries
Why Use Hops – Essential Oils?

                        of proteins


   Foam                Anti-Oxidant
Essential Oils – Hop Aroma & Character
Wikipedia defines Essential Oils thus:

An essential oil is a concentrated hydrophobic liquid
 containing volatile aroma compounds from plants.
 Essential oils are also known as volatile oils, ethereal
 oils or aetherolea, or simply as the "oil of" the plant
 from which they were extracted, such as oil of clove. An
 oil is "essential" in the sense that it carries a distinctive
 scent, or essence, of the plant.
Principal Constituents of Hop Oils
                     ESSENTIAL OILS

   FRACTION              FRACTION           FRACTION
       50-80%               20-50%            <1.0%

• Highly volatile    • Volatile       • Highly volatile
• Not very soluble   • More soluble   •Undesirable
•Apparent when       •Desirable hop   •Sulphury, dirty
dry hopping          characters       aromas

 60+ compounds       230+ compounds    30+ compounds
Essential Oils – Hop Aroma &
• Hop oil analysis (in beer) is difficult and complex (GLC,
  GLC-MS techniques) – also expensive
• Difficult to be precise in which compounds found in beer
  come from hops (9 definitely) as some of the oxygenated
  compounds also produced during fermentation
• Linalool is one of the easiest to identify and is used as a
  ‘hoppy’ marker - > 20 µg/l then beer can be said to be
• Difficult to predict aroma effect in beer from rubbing hops
The Hop Aroma ‘Contradiction’…
  Hop essential oils largely responsible for the
  desirable hop aroma in beer
• No one oil component typically “hoppy”
• Only a few hop oil compounds are found
  unchanged in beer (dry hopped beers?)
• Normally hop oil components in beer are below
  their taste thresholds
• Additive & synergistic effects
Why Use Hops - Polyphenols?

                                       of proteins


       Foam                           Anti-Oxidant

Body, Fullness    Flavour Stability   Health Benefits?
Hop Polyphenols – Precipitation of
      Proteins (in wort & beer)
  Most common causes of Beer Haze:
  • Residual starch - malting/mashing regimes
  • Oxalate - calcium deficient worts
  • β-glucan - poorly modified malts
  • Carbohydrate & Protein - damaged yeast
  • Lubricants - from can lids
  • Dead bacteria - malt
  • Protein-Polyphenol complexes
Protein-Polyphenol Interaction in Beer
              (after Siebert)
Hop Polyphenols – Relevance in
  Protein removal from Beer?
• “Only 20-30% of Polyphenols in beer are

  derived from hops” (rest from mash tun
• “70% of malt Polyphenols but only 20% of
  hop-derived Polyphenols survive precipitation
  as hot & cold break during and after kettle
  boiling?” (McMurrough et al)
• Hop polyphenols have some importance in
  achieving haze stability in beer by removing
  large molecular weight proteins
Hop Polyphenols – Anti-oxidants
   • What are anti-oxidants?
   Compounds capable of:
   o Delaying, retarding or preventing oxidation
   o Reducing the undesirable effects of oxidation

• Hop Polyphenols demonstrate good anti-oxidant activity
  and can therefore be shown to be beneficial in preventing
  oxidation processes in beer thereby improving flavour
• Flavour stability of hop pellet brewed beers (containing
  hop polyphenols) has been shown to be better than CO2
  Extract brewed beers (no polyphenols)
Hop Polyphenols – Anti-oxidants
• What are anti-oxidants?
Compounds capable of:
o Delaying, retarding or preventing oxidation
o Reducing the undesirable effects of oxidation
Possible health benefits? Help to combat dangerous
free radicals in body thereby:

 educing cardiovascular problems
•Fighting the development of cancer
•Reducing the incidence of osteoporosis
•Slowing up the ageing process (arthritis, strokes,
cataracts, alzheimers etc.)
Hop Polyphenols - Flavour
Contribution to Flavour:
•Some polyphenols do add a bitter flavour (sometimes
described as astringency)
•Has been shown in taste tests that hop polyphenols add
‘body’, ‘fullness’ and ‘mouthfeel’ to beer
•Compare beers brewed to same bitterness specification
but using:
• Low alpha aroma hop (more weight therefore pro-rata
more polyphenols added)
• High alpha hop (less weight therefore pro-rata less
polyphenols added)
•Low alpha aroma hop beers preferred by tasters
Hops & Hop Products

Influences of hops on beer quality

Introduction to the full range of hop products

Different ways of hopping & flavour differentiation

The cost of hops in beer

The Development of Hop Products
              First commercial, aqueous hop extracts produced in Germany in the
1800’s        1850’s followed by petroleum ether (USA, 1870’s) and alcohol
              extracts (1890’s).
1910 - 1930   First hop oil emulsions produced.
              First aqueous iso-extracts produced in the UK; hop powders and
              pellets introduced into Europe.
              Widespread use of Type 90 and Type 45 pellets; stabilised pellet
              patent and early patents on reduced products registered (USA).
              Liquid and supercritical CO2 extraction processes developed;
1980’s        increasing use of iso-extracts; iso-pellets patented and fractionated
              hop essences available.
              Further reduced product patents registered and the more general use
              of reduced products for foam enhancement and light stable beers.
              Publication of patents for non-brewing uses of hops & hop
              components including many potential pharmaceutical uses
The General Benefits of Hop
Products over Leaf (or cone) Hops
  •   Increased shelf-life/stability
  •   Increased bulk density/volume reduction
  •   Improved efficiency of bittering (utilisation)
  •   Reduction in chemical residues/heavy metals
  •   Reduced wort (extract) losses
  •  Opportunity for automated dosing systems
    (labour saving)
  • Homogeneity
  • Provide additional quality benefits (see later)
Hop Products                                  Hops

                                            Concentrated                             Steam
      Pellets               Stabilized                                 Ethanol
                                               Pellets                              Distilled
      Type 90                Pellets                                   Extract
                                              (Type 45)                             Hop Oils

      CO2 Hop            Isomerized
       Extract             Pellets                                     Xantho-       Hop Oil
                        Type 45 or 90                                  Extract      Type Dry
        Kettle                                                           Pure        Hop Oil
    Extract (IKE)                            Spent                                 Type Noble
                                                           Tannin    Xanthohumol
     Potassium                                             Extract
                        Light Stable
                        Kettle Extract
    Kettle Extract
        Beta                                                   Concentrate
                              Concentrate      Tetra
                                                            Rho         Rho
             Light Stable     Iso-Extract                   35%         10%
Beta 20%                         30%
             Beta Aroma                        Tetra
 in PG
               Extract                         10%
Objectives of the ‘Newer’ Hop
To add value for the brewer by:

          • Providing greater efficiency leading to
            reduced costs – ‘pre-isomerisation’ of
            alpha-acids to iso-alpha-acids
          • Providing additional quality benefits
            compared to ‘traditional’ hop products
              o Improved foam performance
              o Light stable
Hop Products – Kettle Added
        (Usually solid materials or resin extracts)
 - Leaf Hops - bitterness & aroma
 - Hop Pellets - bitterness & aroma
 - Hop Extracts - bitterness & aroma
 - Pre-isomerised Pellets – b’ness, aroma & cost saving
 - Pre-isomerised Extracts – b’ness, aroma & cost saving
 - Aroma Extracts – aroma only
 - Light stable Extracts – b’ness, aroma & Light stability
Hop Products – What is meant by
• Isomerisation normally takes place during boiling in the
  kettle – inefficient (final efficiency in beer 30-40%)
• In pre-isomerised products the alpha-acids are
  isomerised to iso-alpha in the product before the boiling
• Involves optimising the conditions for isomerisation during
  the hop product production process using:
   o heat
   o magnesium salts (naturally present in wort)
   • Usually achieve 50-60+% efficiency in beer
Hop Products – Post Fermentation
    Addition (usually aqueous liquids)
‘Old’ Technology:
 - Dry hops – aroma only
 - Isomerised Extract (PFB) – bitterness only
‘New’ Technology:
 - Reduced Isomerised Extracts
o Rho (Di-hydro-iso-alpha-acid) – b’ness, Light Stability
o Tetra (Tetra-hydro-iso-alpha-acid) – b’ness, LS & foam
o Hexa (Hexa-hydro-alpha-acid) – b’ness, LS & foam
- Hop Oil Products – aroma only
Hop Products – What is meant by
• Hop products in which the alpha-acid is firstly converted to
  iso-alpha-acids and then modified by the process of
  hydrogenation to a ‘reduced’ form
• Because the iso-alpha is in a reduced form it is resistant
  to effects of UV light (i.e. doesn’t split and produce
  ‘skunky’ flavours) therefore referred to as light stable;
  can therefore use clear glass bottles
• Some of the reduced products are also more foam
  positive than unreduced iso-alpha-acids. The modified
  molecular structure encourages even more combination
  with polypeptides leading to more stable foam.
Hops & Hop Products

Influences of hops on beer quality

Introduction to the full range of hop products

Different ways of hopping & flavour differentiation

The cost of hops in beer

Product Differentiation is a key objective of many
large, regional and craft brewers for new, seasonal
or one-off products.

 Arguably most typically (and most easily)
 achieved by use of hops by:
 • Choice of variety (Paul will hopefully discuss)
 • Choice of hop product
 • Time and point of addition
Product Differentiation.............
  Typically achieved by:
  • Choice of hop product
         • whole hop products i.e. those products
           containing the full range of important hop
           components – leaf, (iso-) pellets
         • partially fractionated products i.e. those
           products with some components removed –
           CO2 Extract, iso-resin extracts, beta aroma
         • fractionated products i.e. single component
           products – hop oil fractions, iso-alpha extract
           (including reduced iso-extracts)
Product Differentiation.............
Typically achieved by:
• Time and point of addition
       o Kettle addition – early or late in the boil [leaf,
         pellets, extracts & aroma extracts]
       o Addition into hopback, whirlpool or even fermenter
         [leaf, (iso-)pellets, (iso-resin-) extracts, aroma
         extracts & oil fractions]
       o Addition into RBT, in-line pre-filter or BBT [pellets,
         (reduced-) iso-extracts, oil fractions]
       o Addition into container [leaf hops, oil fractions]
Changes in Linalool (μg/l) during Brewing
                                                 Hop additions
                                         1                           2
                                                   (Pellets)                          & Maturation
 Linalool micro-grams/litre

                                                                             Whirlpool                 Beer



                                     Wort Boiling

                                     1       2     3     4       5       6   7   8       9   10   11   12     13
                                                                         Sample No.
Hops & Hop Products

Influences of hops on beer quality

Introduction to the full range of hop products

Different ways of hopping & flavour differentiation

The cost of hops in beer

Cost of a Typical Cask Beer - % Split

(Beer – 4% abv; BU – c.25; brewery: 300,000 – 400,000 barrels pa)
Cost of a Typical Cask Beer - % Split

(Beer – 4% abv; BU – c.25; brewery: 300,000 – 400,000 barrels pa)
The case for Hops & Hop Products
So for around £0.005 - £0.01 per pint the brewer
can cost effectively achieve........
• Flavour & aroma
• Improved haze & flavour stability
• Light stability
• Improved foam performance
• Microbiological protection
• Cost savings
............... a genuine ‘value-for-money’, flexible
and convenient raw material!!?
I rest my case!
Thank you for your attention

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Trevor roberts

  • 1. Brewing Ingredients Symposium for The British Guild of Beer Writers Hops & Hop Products Trevor Roberts 28th February 2012
  • 2. Hops & Hop Products Influences of hops on beer quality Introduction to the full range of hop products Different ways of hopping & flavour differentiation The cost of hops in beer Questions
  • 3. The case for Hops & Hop Products The objective.... ... to convince you that hops are THE brewing raw material that open up many opportunities for the brewer whilst at the same time representing excellent value for money!!
  • 4. Hops & Hop Products Influences of hops on beer quality Introduction to the full range of hop products Different ways of hopping & flavour differentiation The cost of hops in beer Questions
  • 5. Typical Analysis of Hops (after Stevens) Resins 15% Proteins 15% Monosaccharides 2% Polyphenols 4% Pectins 2% Volatile Oils 0.5% Ash 8% Moisture 10% Cellulose etc. 43%
  • 6. Typical Analysis of Hops (after Stevens) Resins 15% Proteins 15% Monosaccharides 2% Polyphenols 4% Pectins 2% Volatile Oils 0.5% Ash 8% Moisture 10% Cellulose etc. 43%
  • 8. Why Use Hops? Precipitation Bitterness of proteins Biological Aroma Stability Foam Anti-Oxidant
  • 9. Why Use Hops – Hop Resins? (principally the alpha- and beta-acids) Precipitation Bitterness of proteins Biological Aroma Stability Foam Anti-Oxidant
  • 10. Hop Resins - Bitterness • Principal hop resins are the alpha acids (non-bitter taste) – converted to iso-alpha-acids (bitter taste) when boiled with the wort by the process of Isomerisation • Alpha acids not very soluble in wort but iso-alpha- acids more soluble; however the efficiency of conversion and dissolution in wort is poor - only about 45-55% • Iso-alpha-acids readily stripped out by absorption onto yeast, protein and filters; final efficiency in beer is only around 30-35% (when using traditional hopping methods)
  • 11. Hop Resins – Contribution to Formation of Beer Foam • Hydrophobicity – Iso-alpha-acids show a tendency to readily come out of solution • Ability to bind proteins – readily form complexes with polypeptides from the beer • Iso-alpha-acid/Polypeptide complexes – provide structural strength to the film layer around the bubbles; helps prevent foam collapse
  • 12. Hop Resins – Contribution to Foam Lacing • Beer slowly drains from foam • Iso-alpha-acid/Polypeptide complexes get stronger - left behind on surface of glass • >10 mgs/l iso-alpha acids (10 BU’s) required to achieve lacing; >20 mgs/l for optimum effect
  • 13. Hop Resins – Biological Stability • Use of hops in brewing dates back to medieval times • Introduced into Europe in the 11th century • In due course consequent benefits realised by brewers: - able to brew in the summer months - beers could be shipped long distances without spoilage (IPA to India)
  • 14. Hop Resins – Biological Stability • Alpha acids, beta acids and iso-alpha-acids - all demonstrate antibacterial activity • Disrupt transport systems across bacterial cell membranes • Known to suppress the development of gram positive bacteria e.g. Acetobacter, Lactobacillus, Pediococcus • Some inhibitory effect against fungi (but fortunately not yeast!!) • Recent work has shown that a minimum of 10 BU’s needed for any effect (previously though to be 18)? • Unhopped or very lowly hopped worts can be vulnerable
  • 15. Hop Resins – Biological Stability Recognition of the inhibitory effect of the NATURAL hop resins in many non-brewing applications: •Incorporation into a burn ointment •Use in deodorants •Use in mouthwash and toothpaste •Suppression of Listeria sp. in soft cheeses & other processed food products (hot dogs in the USA!) •Bacterial suppression in sugar beet processing •Control of micro-organisms in distilleries
  • 16. Why Use Hops – Essential Oils? Precipitation Bitterness of proteins Biological Aroma Stability Foam Anti-Oxidant
  • 17. Essential Oils – Hop Aroma & Character Wikipedia defines Essential Oils thus: An essential oil is a concentrated hydrophobic liquid containing volatile aroma compounds from plants. Essential oils are also known as volatile oils, ethereal oils or aetherolea, or simply as the "oil of" the plant from which they were extracted, such as oil of clove. An oil is "essential" in the sense that it carries a distinctive scent, or essence, of the plant.
  • 18. Principal Constituents of Hop Oils ESSENTIAL OILS HYDROCARBON OXYGENATED SULPHUR FRACTION FRACTION FRACTION 50-80% 20-50% <1.0% • Highly volatile • Volatile • Highly volatile • Not very soluble • More soluble •Undesirable •Apparent when •Desirable hop •Sulphury, dirty dry hopping characters aromas 60+ compounds 230+ compounds 30+ compounds
  • 19. Essential Oils – Hop Aroma & Character • Hop oil analysis (in beer) is difficult and complex (GLC, GLC-MS techniques) – also expensive • Difficult to be precise in which compounds found in beer come from hops (9 definitely) as some of the oxygenated compounds also produced during fermentation • Linalool is one of the easiest to identify and is used as a ‘hoppy’ marker - > 20 µg/l then beer can be said to be ‘hoppy’ • Difficult to predict aroma effect in beer from rubbing hops
  • 20. The Hop Aroma ‘Contradiction’… Hop essential oils largely responsible for the desirable hop aroma in beer But………. • No one oil component typically “hoppy” • Only a few hop oil compounds are found unchanged in beer (dry hopped beers?) • Normally hop oil components in beer are below their taste thresholds • Additive & synergistic effects
  • 21. Why Use Hops - Polyphenols? Precipitation Bitterness? of proteins Biological Aroma Stability Foam Anti-Oxidant Body, Fullness Flavour Stability Health Benefits?
  • 22. Hop Polyphenols – Precipitation of Proteins (in wort & beer) Most common causes of Beer Haze: • Residual starch - malting/mashing regimes • Oxalate - calcium deficient worts • β-glucan - poorly modified malts • Carbohydrate & Protein - damaged yeast • Lubricants - from can lids • Dead bacteria - malt • Protein-Polyphenol complexes
  • 23. Protein-Polyphenol Interaction in Beer (after Siebert)
  • 24. Hop Polyphenols – Relevance in Protein removal from Beer? • “Only 20-30% of Polyphenols in beer are . derived from hops” (rest from mash tun materials)? • “70% of malt Polyphenols but only 20% of hop-derived Polyphenols survive precipitation as hot & cold break during and after kettle boiling?” (McMurrough et al) • Hop polyphenols have some importance in achieving haze stability in beer by removing large molecular weight proteins
  • 25. Hop Polyphenols – Anti-oxidants • What are anti-oxidants? Compounds capable of: o Delaying, retarding or preventing oxidation o Reducing the undesirable effects of oxidation • Hop Polyphenols demonstrate good anti-oxidant activity and can therefore be shown to be beneficial in preventing oxidation processes in beer thereby improving flavour stability • Flavour stability of hop pellet brewed beers (containing hop polyphenols) has been shown to be better than CO2 Extract brewed beers (no polyphenols)
  • 26. Hop Polyphenols – Anti-oxidants • What are anti-oxidants? Compounds capable of: o Delaying, retarding or preventing oxidation o Reducing the undesirable effects of oxidation Possible health benefits? Help to combat dangerous free radicals in body thereby: educing cardiovascular problems •Fighting the development of cancer •Reducing the incidence of osteoporosis •Slowing up the ageing process (arthritis, strokes, cataracts, alzheimers etc.)
  • 27. Hop Polyphenols - Flavour Contribution to Flavour: •Some polyphenols do add a bitter flavour (sometimes described as astringency) •Has been shown in taste tests that hop polyphenols add ‘body’, ‘fullness’ and ‘mouthfeel’ to beer •Compare beers brewed to same bitterness specification but using: • Low alpha aroma hop (more weight therefore pro-rata more polyphenols added) • High alpha hop (less weight therefore pro-rata less polyphenols added) •Low alpha aroma hop beers preferred by tasters
  • 28. Hops & Hop Products Influences of hops on beer quality Introduction to the full range of hop products Different ways of hopping & flavour differentiation The cost of hops in beer Questions
  • 29. The Development of Hop Products First commercial, aqueous hop extracts produced in Germany in the 1800’s 1850’s followed by petroleum ether (USA, 1870’s) and alcohol extracts (1890’s). 1910 - 1930 First hop oil emulsions produced. First aqueous iso-extracts produced in the UK; hop powders and 1960’s pellets introduced into Europe. Widespread use of Type 90 and Type 45 pellets; stabilised pellet 1970’s patent and early patents on reduced products registered (USA). Liquid and supercritical CO2 extraction processes developed; 1980’s increasing use of iso-extracts; iso-pellets patented and fractionated hop essences available. Further reduced product patents registered and the more general use 1990’s of reduced products for foam enhancement and light stable beers. Publication of patents for non-brewing uses of hops & hop 2000’s components including many potential pharmaceutical uses
  • 30. The General Benefits of Hop Products over Leaf (or cone) Hops • Increased shelf-life/stability • Increased bulk density/volume reduction • Improved efficiency of bittering (utilisation) • Reduction in chemical residues/heavy metals • Reduced wort (extract) losses • Opportunity for automated dosing systems (labour saving) • Homogeneity • Provide additional quality benefits (see later)
  • 31. Raw Hop Products Hops Concentrated Steam Pellets Stabilized Ethanol Pellets Distilled Type 90 Pellets Extract (Type 45) Hop Oils CO2 Hop Isomerized Extract Pellets Xantho- Hop Oil Type 45 or 90 Extract Type Dry Isomerized Kettle Pure Hop Oil Extract (IKE) Spent Type Noble Tannin Xanthohumol Hops Potassium Extract Light Stable Isomerized Kettle Extract Kettle Extract (LSKE) (PIKE) Rho Beta Concentrate Iso Aroma Concentrate Tetra Extract Concentrate Rho Rho Light Stable Iso-Extract 35% 10% Beta 20% 30% Beta Aroma Tetra in PG Extract 10%
  • 32. Objectives of the ‘Newer’ Hop Products… To add value for the brewer by: • Providing greater efficiency leading to reduced costs – ‘pre-isomerisation’ of alpha-acids to iso-alpha-acids • Providing additional quality benefits compared to ‘traditional’ hop products o Improved foam performance o Light stable
  • 33. Hop Products – Kettle Added (Usually solid materials or resin extracts) ‘Traditional’: - Leaf Hops - bitterness & aroma - Hop Pellets - bitterness & aroma - Hop Extracts - bitterness & aroma ‘New’: - Pre-isomerised Pellets – b’ness, aroma & cost saving - Pre-isomerised Extracts – b’ness, aroma & cost saving - Aroma Extracts – aroma only - Light stable Extracts – b’ness, aroma & Light stability
  • 34. Hop Products – What is meant by ‘Pre-isomerisation’ • Isomerisation normally takes place during boiling in the kettle – inefficient (final efficiency in beer 30-40%) • In pre-isomerised products the alpha-acids are isomerised to iso-alpha in the product before the boiling process • Involves optimising the conditions for isomerisation during the hop product production process using: o heat o magnesium salts (naturally present in wort) • Usually achieve 50-60+% efficiency in beer
  • 35. Hop Products – Post Fermentation Addition (usually aqueous liquids) ‘Old’ Technology: - Dry hops – aroma only - Isomerised Extract (PFB) – bitterness only ‘New’ Technology: - Reduced Isomerised Extracts o Rho (Di-hydro-iso-alpha-acid) – b’ness, Light Stability o Tetra (Tetra-hydro-iso-alpha-acid) – b’ness, LS & foam o Hexa (Hexa-hydro-alpha-acid) – b’ness, LS & foam - Hop Oil Products – aroma only
  • 36. Hop Products – What is meant by ‘Reduced’ • Hop products in which the alpha-acid is firstly converted to iso-alpha-acids and then modified by the process of hydrogenation to a ‘reduced’ form • Because the iso-alpha is in a reduced form it is resistant to effects of UV light (i.e. doesn’t split and produce ‘skunky’ flavours) therefore referred to as light stable; can therefore use clear glass bottles • Some of the reduced products are also more foam positive than unreduced iso-alpha-acids. The modified molecular structure encourages even more combination with polypeptides leading to more stable foam.
  • 37. Hops & Hop Products Influences of hops on beer quality Introduction to the full range of hop products Different ways of hopping & flavour differentiation The cost of hops in beer Questions
  • 38. Product Differentiation is a key objective of many large, regional and craft brewers for new, seasonal or one-off products. Arguably most typically (and most easily) achieved by use of hops by: • Choice of variety (Paul will hopefully discuss) • Choice of hop product • Time and point of addition
  • 39. Product Differentiation............. Typically achieved by: • Choice of hop product • whole hop products i.e. those products containing the full range of important hop components – leaf, (iso-) pellets • partially fractionated products i.e. those products with some components removed – CO2 Extract, iso-resin extracts, beta aroma extracts • fractionated products i.e. single component products – hop oil fractions, iso-alpha extract (including reduced iso-extracts)
  • 40. Product Differentiation............. Typically achieved by: • Time and point of addition o Kettle addition – early or late in the boil [leaf, pellets, extracts & aroma extracts] o Addition into hopback, whirlpool or even fermenter [leaf, (iso-)pellets, (iso-resin-) extracts, aroma extracts & oil fractions] o Addition into RBT, in-line pre-filter or BBT [pellets, (reduced-) iso-extracts, oil fractions] o Addition into container [leaf hops, oil fractions]
  • 41. Changes in Linalool (μg/l) during Brewing Hop additions Fermentation 1 2 (Pellets) & Maturation 60.0 Linalool micro-grams/litre Whirlpool Beer 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 Wort Boiling 10.0 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Sample No.
  • 42. Hops & Hop Products Influences of hops on beer quality Introduction to the full range of hop products Different ways of hopping & flavour differentiation The cost of hops in beer Questions
  • 43. Cost of a Typical Cask Beer - % Split (Beer – 4% abv; BU – c.25; brewery: 300,000 – 400,000 barrels pa)
  • 44. Cost of a Typical Cask Beer - % Split (Beer – 4% abv; BU – c.25; brewery: 300,000 – 400,000 barrels pa)
  • 45. The case for Hops & Hop Products So for around £0.005 - £0.01 per pint the brewer can cost effectively achieve........ • Flavour & aroma • Improved haze & flavour stability • Light stability • Improved foam performance • Microbiological protection • Cost savings ............... a genuine ‘value-for-money’, flexible and convenient raw material!!?
  • 46. I rest my case! Thank you for your attention