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Podcast- How to Use Video to Market Your Business
                                      Autopilot Your Business Podcast Transcription

  Andrew McCauley:          Welcome back to Podcast #12, this is Andrew McCauley with
  „Autopilot Your Business‟ and of course joining me on this Podcast today is Heather
  Porter. Hello!

  Heather Porter: Hey guys! Hey Andrew, how‟s everybody doing? Well, I hope.

  Andrew McCauley:         Awesome, awesome, awesome, I think today‟s Podcast we
  are going to touch on a topic that we really haven‟t touched on much at all in our
  previous Podcasts, and that is all about videos.

  Heather Porter: Yes!

  Andrew McCauley:        Video marketing and Youtube and what‟s all this Amazon S3
  stuff, and how do you get your players to work and make them look pretty, and all
  that sort of stuff.

  Heather Porter: What are players? Where do you get? We haven‟t even talked about
  video; I don‟t think at all really, you‟re right! So, this is exciting, this will be good.

  Andrew McCauley:          Yeah! I love video, and I think one of the- I think that this
  could even be potentially two or three Podcasts, because there is so much information
  about video, and video is just, it‟s the way of the future that‟s happening now. I think!

  Heather Porter: Yeah absolutely. What is just YouTube being the number two search
  engines in the world right? I mean people are, that‟s where they are getting their
  information, and I‟ve been reading a lot lately that, not only by 2015 is everything
  going to be mobile, so people are not even going to really be hanging out on their
  computers much anymore. But also they are going to get most of the information from
  videos. That is why, T.V stations I know at least here in Australia are lately, their

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Podcast- How to Use Video to Market Your Business
                                      Autopilot Your Business Podcast Transcription

  putting all of their episodes on websites. So you can watch the T.V episode whenever
  they want, because people now want to get their information when they want it.

  Andrew McCauley:          I don‟t know if they already do that over here. If I haven‟t
  recorded something on the DVR over here, then I just go straight to the website, and I
  can watch it without the Ads.

  Heather Porter: Yeah!

  Andrew McCauley:           Watch it straight away! Stream it, it‟s pretty fast these days,
  you‟re not sitting there like an old-time dial-up networks where it‟s loading, loading,
  loading it. It downloads pretty quick. In fact you can‟t watch it as quick as it
  downloads, which is great!

  Heather Porter: Yeah! And in fact you were actually watching live streaming last
  night at 2:30 am weren‟t you?

  Andrew McCauley:          I was. I was. I was watching my beloved football team.
  Here‟s the funny thing, I wasn‟t watching it, it wasn‟t an Australian football game,
  Aussie rules! I was going for the Swans. I wasn‟t able to watch it from Australia, they
  wouldn‟t send the feed out from Australia, because of some sort of rights that they
  have. But they, and they wouldn‟t send that to US, but they would send it to the UK.
  So I subscribed to a service that provided live feeds for every game this year. I
  watched the Swans play and win via the UK, if you like.

  Heather Porter: Love it!

  Andrew McCauley:         I‟ll tell you the funny thing, and we‟re talking about speeds
  of streaming. So I watching the streaming on my computer, and I also have an app

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  that was letting me listen to the radio stations directly from Australia. So, generally
  audio is quicker to download and stream than video, right?

  Heather Porter: Yeah!

  Andrew McCauley:          But listening to the radio broadcast from the actual radio
  stations that were at the game, they were about 20 seconds behind the actual video
  that I was actually watching.

  Heather Porter: Wow! If that‟s not a testament to the power of video, I don‟t know
  what is.

  Andrew McCauley:                       Yeah!

  Heather Porter: Actually that kind of makes me want to have a quick chat about
  some cool statistics that you and I just came up with, just to really illustrate that you
  guys listening to this, you must be using video for your business.

  Andrew McCauley:                       Yeah Yeah!

  Heather Porter: We just found out that 72 hours of video are uploaded every minute
  to YouTube. This was back in- online isn‟t it? Or is it just YouTube?

  Andrew McCauley:                       That‟s YouTube! That‟s just YouTube.

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  Heather Porter: Just YouTube! 72 hours per minute, that is insane and that was
  back in May of this year 2012, so who knows where we are even now! I know you just
  found some really cool things about the Olympics as well.

  Andrew McCauley:        Yeah well, we had the Olympics on recently and YouTube
  said that people watched 231 million streams of different, live streams of different
  stuff coming through YouTube, because yeah, Youtube offers a lot of live stuff too
  which is awesome. There was something like half a million live streams all at the same

  Heather Porter: Yeah!

  Andrew McCauley:            So that‟s a pretty powerful bunch of services that YouTube
  have. It just kind of, it just blows your mind even if you‟re not technical. How big are
  these servers that YouTube must have?

  Heather Porter: I know!

  Andrew McCauley:           To drive all this traffic and 72 hours of video uploaded every
  single minute. That‟s a lot of storage space, I mean just think of one video on your
  computer right now, it‟s I think a 20 minute video is worth about a Gig, roughly Gig.

  Heather Porter: If it‟s raw yeah. Exactly.

  Andrew McCauley:                       It‟s some pretty serious size of servers they‟ve got.

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  Heather Porter: You have that and you have the internet over the Youtube enabled
  T.Vs that are coming out for videos and it‟s just everywhere.

  Andrew McCauley:           You touched on something too, that the world is going
  mobile. Cell phones, and mobile phones and that‟s where people are working on. The
  iPads is becoming part of their mobile movement as well. YouTube just released a
  new iPhone app where you can do so much more with your YouTube channel now and
  your YouTube video watching. So they‟re spending a lot of money on it, they all know
  that the future is mobile and video, and you got video and mobile together, it‟s going
  to be a crazy situation that they are coming up there in a few years.

  Heather Porter: It will. It‟s so exciting but I guess you know one thing, if we want to
  just tie this back in to business just quickly, there‟s also something quite interesting
  that I just researched the other day as well, is that when you have a video on your
  webpage, you actually get at least a 40% higher click through rate than if you just use

  Andrew McCauley:                       Click through rate?

  Heather Porter: Yeah, I can‟t go there yet. Go ahead!

  Andrew McCauley:                       What does click through rate mean?

  Heather Porter: It just means that if somebody actually clicks on something, it goes
  somewhere within your websites. So if you imagine that if you have a video in every
  single page of your website, and your leading somebody on a journey to either buy
  something from you or get something for free, then you have 40% more chance of
  people actually doing that, if you put a video on your page. So, videos are powerful
  people, people buy more if there‟s a video. But we‟ll go into it a little bit more about
  what you guys can do in your videos.

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  Andrew McCauley:           I was going to say just by putting AV up there it does not
  guarantee it is going to be a 40% increase.

  Heather Porter: No! Not at all. It‟s the tricks!

  Andrew McCauley:                       May be up to 40%, just by doing things in your video. We
  will touch on that.

  Heather Porter: Exactly. So let‟s start with the big question. With video, do you
  really need quality? In your video as far as the type of camera you use, the type of
  mike, the type of lighting. That‟s always a question I get, initially as what equipment
  should I use? And how good does it actually have to be?

  Andrew McCauley:       The answer I‟d like to give is that, everyone should start
  with a minimum budget of $10,000 for their video. I‟m joking.

  Heather Porter: Nice!

  Andrew McCauley:           Seriously, we talked about mobiles, and the iPhone5 is just
  coming out today in the US, it‟s actually coming out today. But the iPhones, all of the
  smart phones these days today with these flip cameras and this you know, cheap
  cameras that are $100, there are digital cameras that are producing awesome videos
  and quality video, that‟s all you need. You do not need to have all of that wiz bank
  stuff, and you don‟t need to have all the green screens and the super lighting. Yes it
  does help, and it does help make your video stand out a little bit more, but don‟t let
  that be a barrier to you getting involved with video.

  Heather Porter: No, no. I mean I always seen people look literally, you can stand
  facing your window when the lighting is decent in the afternoon and beautiful natural

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  light coming in flushing out your face, stick the camera up on a, like prop it up on a
  cheap tri-pod or you know something stable in front of you while you‟re looking out of
  the window and you can be lit, almost professionally just from that little technique.

  Andrew McCauley:           Exactly. I‟ve been using video for a long time, and I don‟t
  need to have all that sort of stuff. If I haven‟t got a tri-pod, I use my hand. I would
  stick my hand and film my self. Now is it the best, stable quality video? No it is not. Is
  it something that I would use to try and you know sell my services or sales video? No
  I wouldn‟t do that. But if I wanted to use it for content, for some content on my blog
  or my site, definitely, just pull it up and start doing whatever you need to do. If you
  got a great idea and you are in a location that‟s different. Lets say you‟re trekking up
  a mountain somewhere and you got a beautiful view behind you, and all of a sudden
  you might think, you know this can be related to what I do in business. Here‟s a great
  tip, let me pull out my video camera or your cell phone, your mobile phone and record
  yourself just giving yourself a business tip.

  Heather Porter: Yeah and here‟s a great example of that actually. We have a client
  in the UK. She‟s traveling over to Paris, and she is in this spiritual space, so basically
  she researched some of the landmarks, what they are, what they mean from past and
  history, as far as spirituality. She would go in front of them and film herself and
  literally give a little bit of a background about that, but then tie that into her business
  with a tutorial or tip around spirituality. So, it‟s incredible. Little bit of a history, she
  can use great titles like, something about the Eiffel Tower, we should go to titles in a
  moment, so you know, get creative with it.

  Andrew McCauley:           Yeah! So you definitely don‟t need a big budget to start a
  video. You‟ve already got your equipment in your pocket as we speak, probably right
  this minute. So, start using that sutff.

  Heather Porter: And if you guys do want to know, we‟ll put on our website for this
  on for such Podcasts. We‟ll actually list in this Podcast
  episode, on the show notes we‟ll put some suggested equipment that you guys can
  actually get access to. I‟m not going to go too deep in to that in this episode, but you

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                                      Autopilot Your Business Podcast Transcription

  there‟s some inexpensive little microphones, things that we use as well that work
  really well. Also just a quick point on that, you don‟t have to get in front of the
  camera, either you can actually do screen casts, screen flows or Captagia, we‟ll
  explain it. Basically you get on your computer, and if you want to do tutorial on
  something on your computer, it‟s just a software that allows you to record what you‟re
  doing, and package that as a video. And then, on your screen yeah!

  Andrew McCauley:                       Your screen right?

  Heather Porter: Exactly. You can record your screen, so you don‟t have to ever be
  in front of the camera, if you‟re trying to teach something just somebody can use a
  power point or you could just show them what you‟re doing online. So we‟ll list them
  as well, there‟s beautiful software programs that are very inexpensive that allow you
  to do that.

  Andrew McCauley:           While we‟re talking about this sort of stuff, and what can you
  do in front of the video before you get in to some more techy side of stuff. You know,
  one of the questions we often get from a lot of our customers is “well you know, I get
  how video is important, I understand why it should be done, but I don‟t have
  anything to say, I don‟t know what I can say, I don‟t know if anyone‟s going to watch
  me.” So then let those sort of limitations that stop them from doing videos, what are
  some of the things that we can come up with right now on the spot to give them an
  idea of the things that they can possibly film, so people will watch what they are

  Heather Porter: Great question actually. God there‟s so many things you can film.
  Let‟s start with your office. You can do a tour of your office, you can have each of your
  team say something if you have an office, you can if you have a product, you can do-

  Andrew McCauley:          You got to that. What is virtual office, or your plant or your
  factory or whatever it is you‟ve got. Or it could even be just a work space that you
  work in.

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  Heather Porter: True.

  Andrew McCauley:       So it can be a virtual tour, then you got the team. You
  mentioned the team, now, it could be staff profile.

  Heather Porter: Absolutely.

  Andrew McCauley:            People want to know who they are dealing with on the
  phone, there are so many businesses done over the phone, and over the internet.
  You got these names to these businesses but no faces or real human contact. You
  could do a little video to, “hey this is Mary and I work at this particular venue and my
  role here is this and blah-blah-blah.” So you could do a staff profile.

  Heather Porter: Especially if you‟re service based. Like if you‟re a hair dresser for
  example. A salon, you could, how amazing would it be to have all your hairdressers
  and your massage therapists talk about who they are and their area of expertise as
  well so you get to know everybody that‟s there and how amazing they are before you
  book in. So, yeah that‟s one if you have-

  Andrew McCauley:                       What about customer success stories?

  Heather Porter: Absolutely, customer success stories, case studies, so that can be
  as small as a testimonial that they give. As big as a before and after; of what has
  happened while working with that client. Demos are great.

  Andrew McCauley:                       What about customer feedback.

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  Heather Porter: Customer feedback, yeah! Yeah, absolutely.

  Andrew McCauley:          It‟s almost as, customer feedbacks and reviews which is
  almost like testimonials.

  Heather Porter: Almost as much as you can, people send in videos, and do contests
  with that even. Back to the demos, if you have a product, show that product in action.
  If you have a service, show that service in action. That was actually what I was
  speaking about not too long ago, to a spa beauty expo, I was telling them that as a
  salon that basically- have a camera in there, and show how you do blonde highlights,
  how you‟re the best in the business, or if you‟re a massage therapist, show some of
  your massage techniques. There are channels I found on YouTube with millions of
  views just massage channels just showing massage techniques. Crazy!

  Andrew McCauley:           We‟ve been dealing with some massage comings for a while
  now, and I remember one of the earlier ones we had was that did some hot rocks,
  something, something, bizarre massage technique. I have never heard of that before.
  They tried to explain it to me and I said do you have a video, and they said no and
  god, go and get a video. Just film, just film yourselves doing that particular massage,
  because I‟m a guy and I may not get it but I‟m sure that there are some females out
  there who don‟t know that type of massage who don‟t know it either.

  Heather Porter: Who want to know, yeah!

  Andrew McCauley:               Usually if I, why would I go and pay $85 for this particular
  rough rock, moonshine, special, duper massage if I don‟t know what it is. So, give me
  an example of it, show me what it looks like, and then I can say “Aah! Is that what
  you call it. Cool, I‟ll take it”.

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                                      Autopilot Your Business Podcast Transcription

  Heather Porter: And film a couple before they had it, and after they had it. Talking
  about how amazing they feel.

  Andrew McCauley:           Exactly. What else, what else. What about FAQ feedbacks.
  You know people have a lot of questions you know, or you‟ll have regular questions
  that come through for your business. People often, you know, you go in and you
  answer the phone in your business and say what are the top four questions that
  people ask all the time, and turn that into a video.

  Heather Porter: Yeah! You‟re educating people even before they come to you, and
  you can actually turn that into a full tutorial on that topic. But you are also answering
  their objections potentially, before they come to you as well, so that does 2 things.
  Yeah I love FAQs, they should ask questions as well, those are the questions that
  oftentimes, people don‟t know the right questions to ask, it‟s because they actually
  don‟t know enough about you. So, if you could come up with the questions you wish
  your clients would ask you to get the most out of you, you write those down and then
  answer those at the camera. You know, and that‟s a whole other set of videos that you
  can do right there, so say you do 10 frequently asked questions, and few should asks,
  and you suddenly have 15+ videos that you can put up.

  Andrew McCauley:             What about things like company update. What if you‟re
  expanding or you‟re doing something special, or something that‟s coming up that‟s
  worth telling people about. Do a video about those sort of stuff, tell them there‟s a
  new service or new product being launched, or you‟ve received an award. You know
  often many people don‟t toot their own horns. But we‟ve waited for lot of businesses
  that have won awards in their local community for doing something, even if they have
  done something charitable act. Local schools may recognize these businesses for
  helping out in their school fate. Do a little video on that because it‟s all of this stuff.
  We‟ll get in to that a little bit later, but it‟s counting creation that is getting in there by
  the biggest search engine in the world which is Google, and all of the other search
  engines which are getting you found for certain key terms which you won‟t even
  realize which you can get found.

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                                      Autopilot Your Business Podcast Transcription

  Heather Porter: Yes. Do that, make a video newsletter like you said, and I guess
  one of the thing to kind of finish this little chunk up with is this, that what you do a
  video on is whatever you‟re good at, and often times we‟re all blind sighted or we
  have a blind spot I should say, of what we are actually good at. We get so used to it,
  we forget that that‟s our area of expertise. So if you could get just somebody that‟s
  just in your life or your business to sit down with you and have them say to you, what
  do you think I‟m good at? And then write down 5 things, and then you can make 5
  videos with those, teaching people with those 5 things that you‟re good at. So
  whatever, and again I was talking about, bringing it back to the spa group that I was
  with, one of them was saying, well I‟m not really good at anything. I said, ‟well,
  mixing, being a chemist and mixing the hair dyes is quite amazing and it takes a lot of
  study‟. Then suddenly they had this whole idea of how to do this video series on how
  to mix for red hair, how to mix for blonde hair. I mean it was incredible and I never
  realized that how incredible their area of expertise actually was, and now they have a
  whole series. So, talk about yourselves.

  Andrew McCauley:           What about someone that‟s got a head for radio? And I know
  it, and you know what. I don‟t want to scare my customers off because I‟m not a
  Japanese sunset. Or they‟re just completely nervous, and the camera freaks them
  out. Alright, so they don‟t want to get in front of the camera. What sort of, I mean I
  got a couple of ideas too but, I‟ll hear from you. What sort of ways can you get their
  message out without them even having their face on camera?

  Heather Porter: Well, they can either record their voice and they can actually talk
  through something that they can do, and that can be supplemented with, like a power
  point style video that has a combination of photos and images and some sort of
  animations as well. Or if they really don‟t like their voice either, you know you can get
  a really inexpensive amazing voice over artists now that will read your words for you,
  like „Fiverr‟ you know, which we should have talked about before. Yeah so, you can
  talk it, or you could get somebody else to talk it for you, put it on the top of sort of an
  animated style background.

  Andrew McCauley:         Definitely, so there is no excuse. I know we had the „no
  excuse‟ episode previously, but there is not excuse for you not to be using video right

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  Heather Porter: Absolutely.

  Andrew McCauley:           Anyway, that‟s probably 10 or 12 ideas that you can use for
  your business. Then come up with your own ideas. There are all sorts of different
  ways for your own business that you know about more than us. But we just want to
  try and get started, get you started, so you can start turning-

  Heather Porter: Turning these videos out.

  Andrew McCauley:                       Turning these videos out.

  Heather Porter: Exactly.

  Andrew McCauley:                       Alright, so let‟s move on to the next,

  Heather Porter: Let‟s talk about differences of what‟s out there, like there‟s video
  players, there‟s video websites. What‟s the difference? What do you need to get
  started on all the good stuff?

  Andrew McCauley:                       Warning! We‟re going to get a little technical.

  Heather Porter: Yeah!

  Andrew McCauley:                       Little technical, but it won‟t hurt a bit!

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  Heather Porter: No!

  Andrew McCauley:          Alright, so let‟s talk about YouTube for a minute. YouTube is
  the biggest video player that‟s on the market. It‟s a player that lets you play videos,
  from YouTube directly, or you can embed videos from YouTube into your website. So,
  that‟s considered a video platform, it‟s a player and a place to go and watch other
  videos being played.

  Heather Porter: It‟s a public one. It is free, that‟s why it‟s one of the biggest. I
  guess the pro is obviously, it is the biggest video player on the internet. The Con,
  which we‟ll talk about a couple of these other players as well that you can‟t have
  complete control over it, because it is public domain, it‟s going to be branded as a
  YouTube video.

  Andrew McCauley:          That‟s an important thing. A lot of the content that gets put
  up on YouTube becomes public, so anybody, even if you created something, and it‟s
  your video, with your camera, and your face on it, other people can use that
  information on their website, anyway they like.

  Heather Porter: Exactly right!

  Andrew McCauley:         So you do need to keep that in mind. The other thing is that,
  the way YouTube and Google make money is through advertising, and they‟ll often put
  advertising on videos that starts getting frequently watched. So, you‟ll have ads that
  you really won‟t have any control over, popping up on your videos. So, if you‟ve
  embedded a video of yourself, and it‟s a pretty popular video, and you put it on your
  website, then you could potentially have someone else, or your competitors‟ ads
  popping up on your website or on your video.

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  Heather Porter: Yeah exactly, so not complete control but you know, there‟s a time
  and a place for using these video players. What else? What are the other really big

  Andrew McCauley:        Yeah, the other part to that is, there is a school of thought
  out there from some people that think that, having YouTube embedded video on your
  website is cheap?

  Heather Porter: Yes!

  Andrew McCauley:                       Looks cheap. Because people know that it‟s a free.

  Heather Porter: True!

  Andrew McCauley:         So, if you are down that school of thought, then this next
  section is probably for you too. That‟s talking about videos that are played with a
  player that doesn‟t have ads, and advertising on it, that you control. How you want
  the viewer to see.

  Heather Porter: Including the controller, how to player looks, you put your own logo
  on it, all sorts of fancy things.

  Andrew McCauley:           You can make a player automatically, as soon as the person
  reaches that page, you can let them seek control buttons that pause, stop, fast-
  forward; you can let people download that video on to their computer. So there are
  other sections like that. So let‟s talk about some of those. Is that where you want to
  go with this, right now?

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  Heather Porter: Yeah I guess, before jumping to that because I know this is going
  to take a little bit of time. Quickly let‟s name a few other free players that exist
  outside of YouTube.

  Andrew McCauley:                       Oh sure!

  Heather Porter: So, we have Vimeo. Vimeo is another very popular one.

  Andrew McCauley:             

  Heather Porter:, Metacafe‟. There‟s another one, Dailymotion, Viddler,
  now they‟re all similar to Youtube, in the fact that they‟re free to upload your video,
  up to a certain level.

  Andrew McCauley:          Some of them have free, some of them have advance paid
  subscription. But most of them are free.

  Heather Porter: Yeah most of them are free. They are quite easy to use. You know
  for the general smaller player, small to middle size business, you just whack your
  video, and up it goes! It‟s easy to put it out there. But again the cons are that you
  don‟t have complete control. So, if you want to have control of how your content
  looks, and people can‟t click off your site and in to the player, you know, with YouTube
  player you actually, even if it‟s embedded on your website, you can still click, down at
  the bottom of the player, and leave the website, and go back into YouTube. So, these
  videos keep the person on your website, and they can‟t click anywhere else because
  they just are a player that you put on your website. They are great for private content
  you might use in say a membership site, or private area of your website. They are
  great for, videos that you might want to share with intranets, or internally with your
  staffs on certain websites. They are great for you know, sales pages, if you‟re doing a
  sales page campaign, and the reason why I say that is because, if you have a YouTube

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  video on a sales page, and if somebody wants to get sneaky and research a little bit
  further, they can click on the YouTube icon, go off to YouTube and see how many
  people have actually watched the video. If they are on a sales page for social proof
  and they found out that only 15 people have watched your video, they might not buy
  from you. So, using a private player controls that environment, so that no one will
  ever know how many people have watched, or have not watched your video as your
  growing your business. What else, Andrew, what else?

  Andrew McCauley:                       That‟s great!

  Heather Porter: Yeah! That‟s what I always use.

  Andrew McCauley:         Yeah, so what else. I think maybe a few more will pop up in
  the next couple of minutes as we talk about that sort of different things, yeah?

  Heather Porter: How they work, yeah! The biggest common theme around using a
  private player is that you need a place to store your files. You seen YouTube,
  Metacafe‟, Vimeo, all these, when you upload your video to them, they are actually
  storing your video file on their server for you. Now these other private players, you
  have to store the file somewhere. So the best place to do that, the cheapest, fastest,
  the one that we love, that works is the player we‟re going to talk about is the Amazon
  S3, and it‟s a big, massive, I guess network of servers all over the world that store
  your files for you.

  Andrew McCauley:                       Yeah! The Amazon S3 is part of the Amazon network.

  Heather Porter: That‟s right!

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  Andrew McCauley:            Amazon is huge as you know, it stores a lot of content
  including all of the books and various bits and pieces that it sells. What I found was
  that it only served, they had a up time and down time for this service. And they
  thought why don‟t we rent out some space to people that are looking for high
  bandwidth sort of space. So they come up with the S3 accounts which means you can
  put any sorts of files, it can be audio, it can be video, it can even be PDFs and Word
  documents, if you like, and Excel spreadsheets, any sort of files you like. It has this on
  Amazon S3. Now there probably are some people listening to this Podcast thinking
  well I don‟t need that because I‟ve got my own website, and I got my own server, and
  if I do videos I just put them on to my own website and house them there. Now you
  can do that. So you may have your own website, and you may upload your video to
  that website, and then when somebody hits play, it plays the video and comes straight
  out of your website. You‟re not paying anything more for it. It‟s totally in the cost of
  hosting that you pay on a monthly basis. Now the problem with doing that though is
  that when your site goes to load, so when someone clicks on your site, and you‟ve got
  a video that needs to play on that page; it‟s going to take up a lot of load time, its
  going to take up a fair while for your page to load up. Because what it does is, that it
  needs to put up all the elements of your webpage on the screen in front of somebody
  who has just clicked it.

  Heather Porter: Yes!

  Andrew McCauley:         So that may include having a video that you may already
  got there, because as soon as someone clicks on the video, you want it to start
  playing. So that puts some serious pressure on your server.

  Heather Porter: The other problem too is that, general hosting accounts don‟t have
  a lot of what‟s called bandwidth where you can where people are visiting your site,
  they are using your bandwidth to access your content. So if suddenly overnight you
  get very popular and there‟s always people coming to your site, watching your videos.
  It could use up all that bandwidth in one moment and your whole website will crash
  and be taken offline. So, not cool and also most hosting, just general hosting
  companies are not great for hosting video because, again, like Andrew said, it‟s all
  about the speed or the lack there of. So you really want a place to store your videos

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  that‟s easily accessible globally, quick, reliable, and can be seen on all devices,
  computers and mobile devices as well.

  Andrew McCauley:           So let me just tell people how that works. So if you‟ve got a
  video that‟s housed on S3, Amazon S3 or another hosting site like that, let‟s say
  you‟ve got one on Amazon, what it does is you still grab the code from Amazon or
  your video player, and we‟ll talk about these video players in just a moment. But you‟ll
  grab that, it‟ll give you a certain code, just like the codes that YouTube gives you.
  Okay, so you copy that code, and you paste it into your own websites, so you get back
  to your website and you may say, you may write an article about this video that says
  “watch this video”, and you grab the code that Amazon or your video player gives you,
  and you just paste the code into your webpage. Now the good thing about this is when
  somebody clicks on your site, you‟ve got your server, and your website delivering the
  information to the screen the person‟s on, but you‟ve got this super, super duper
  scooped up computer servers through Amazon that will deliver your video faster than
  you can ever believe. So what‟s happening is 2 things at once, your website is being
  loaded by your own server, the main information, the text, and the beautiful borders
  you‟ve got and your headers. And then Amazon is downloading the videos just as fast,
  so that your website loads up real fast, and you‟ve got instant access to your videos
  when somebody hits „play‟.

  Heather Porter: Absolutely. Well said actually. Very well, I understand that, I would
  understand that if I didn‟t understand that. So, that‟s good! That‟s good, that‟s good!
  And I guess, where does the player come in? Well like Andrew is saying, where you‟re
  just uploading your video on Amazon S3, it does give you a little bit of, like a link or a
  piece of code that you can use, but you have no control over the size of the player.
  Last time I embedded or stuck a link from Amazon S3 to my website, you click on it
  and it opens up in a private, in another page, and your video is just whacked in there.
  So it‟s kind of clumsy, so these, these--

  Andrew McCauley:       Yeah, yeah, the thing about this the other day, it‟s a bit like
  having, say you have payTV, and the PayTV company will deliver the cable to your

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  Heather Porter: Yes!

  Andrew McCauley:         Okay, so you got to sock it in to your house. Now you
  essentially have cable TV, you have the ability to watch cable TV, except the
  component that‟s missing is something to play it on. Like a TV.

  Heather Porter: Yeah!

  Andrew McCauley:           Alright, so this is what a player is. It‟s now something to
  make it look pretty, and there‟s all sorts of different players out there, different TVs
  out there. You got digital, you got the old analog, you‟ve got black and white, you‟ve
  got whatever, you‟ve got 67 million inch, you got 3 inch. So there‟s all sorts of
  different players with different controls with different things you can do on each of
  those TVs. Same with these players. So what a player does is, it grabs the information
  from Amazon and it actually connects the 2 together so it lets people watch what they
  want to see.

  Heather Porter: In the way you want to. So if you want to say your site to be filled
  with plasma screens for example, big, wide, amazing plasma screens then you‟d have
  a player that looks like that, yeah! We love a couple of players, one that we‟ve been
  using for a while, but also there‟s another one out there that‟s floating around that
  we‟d like to, the one we use is Easyvideo player.

  Andrew McCauley:         Easyvideo player yes, that‟s been a good video player for us,
  we house a lot of videos there. Some of the cool things you can do with some of the
  video players, while we‟re talking about these is, I think we touched on this a bit
  earlier but you can even have things like different screens and borders and skins
  around your video player. You can have different controls where people can do certain
  things. You can even have opt in boxes in some of them now.

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  Heather Porter: It‟s incredible.

  Andrew McCauley:         Which is pretty cool, some might even watch a video and
  enter their e-mail address inside the video and it gets sent to you. You put your
  Facebook likes, and your share icons in that sort of stuff too, which is pretty powerful.

  Heather Porter: Yeah you have „buy now‟ buttons that pop up at certain times in the
  video so you can say in 30 seconds, in I want the button to pop up, you can
  completely hide the video controls, I know a lot of people are doing this now with
  sales pages. Which is, I have my own thoughts about that, but.

  Andrew McCauley:             Yeah! I‟m not a big fan of that anymore, it used to be good,
  but now it‟s a bit annoying. Because I‟ll often get to sales page, I want to watch it,
  and maybe I‟ve got things to do, you know it‟s a 20 minute sales page, I don‟t want to
  watch it all right there, I need to come back and watch something else.

  Heather Porter: Yeah!

  Andrew McCauley:                       So, that can be annoying, but that‟s another thing.

  Heather Porter: That‟s another topic altogether, we cut time on sales pages I guess.
  Yeah so I guess, Easyvideo player, how it works, and why it is easy is because
  basically you get an Amazon S3 account, but after you get it, you really don‟t have to
  deal with it ever again, it‟s easy in the fact that, you log into Easyvideo player
  account, they can either log in with their servers or you can actually create your own
  website where you have the Easyvideo player on it. I‟m not going to go too deep into
  that, I think that‟s just going to fry people‟s heads.

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  Andrew McCauley:          Let‟s just say they give you a website, you log into it and all
  of your accounts and all of your videos are in there. It says upload a new video, you
  click on upload, and it automatically uploads it for you, and it puts it in Amazon for
  you as well.

  Heather Porter: Yes, that‟s right!

  Andrew McCauley:         So, you don‟t, I haven‟t touched my Amazon account for
  years, I can‟t even remember how to get in to be honest with you. But I know there‟s
  hundreds of videos there because I‟ve been uploading in Easyvideo to it.

  Heather Porter: It synchs automatically which is great so, it‟s just how you upload
  anything else, so you click on upload and find it on your hard drive so, yeah, I want
  that file and it sucks it in and puts it on your Amazon and that‟s actually where it
  accesses the file. So, it‟s a really cool little tool. And it‟s got great statistics as well,
  you can see how many people have watched it, most popular videos and all those
  good stuff that you would like to see to.

  Andrew McCauley:                       Any idea of the cost of that one?

  Heather Porter: Gosh it‟s been a while, what is it a 100?

  Andrew McCauley:                       I was going to say, you wouldn‟t know because I‟m the one

  Heather Porter: It‟s a one off!

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  Andrew McCauley:                       It‟s around, about $37

  Heather Porter: For a?

  Andrew McCauley:       $37 a month, there‟s a one off payment, and there‟s a rough
  monthly payment of around about $37.

  Heather Porter: Yeah Okay.

  Andrew McCauley:            It‟s a little bit on the high side but we‟ve been getting some
  great results, so we‟re sticking to it.

  Heather Porter: Yeah, so that‟s good. And then the second one out there is Easy S3,
  so     again,   we‟ll  put    these    links   on     our    website,, but EasyS3 is a similar sort of tool isn‟t it

  Andrew McCauley:                       That‟s right!

  Heather Porter: Yeah!

  Andrew McCauley:           EasyS3 is around about I think from memory around $20 to
  $25, does the same sort of thing. Of course they have each of these unique little
  features, so click on a link and check that out. There‟s another one that‟s out there
  which has been around for a long time, and that‟s called the JW player. JW player has
  been around doing rounds for different people that lets you put all sorts of skins

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  around it‟s videos and that‟s a cool video player. I can‟t tell you the price on that one,
  I can‟t remember what it is, but it‟s not that expensive either.

  Heather Porter: So, you have a lot of different options, and I guess the easy way to
  look at this would be if you want to use, just getting started, just get yourself a
  YouTube account, use your YouTube account initially and as you grow, and you want
  to have private content and on some of your websites, webpages, think about one of
  these private players to use side by side, so that actually brings me to another point
  which is, if you have both these players, what sort of videos do you use on one versus
  what do you use on the other? Is there sort of a method around this madness?

  Andrew McCauley:           Well there is, a lot of our free content, and the content that
  I‟d like to get out to people are usually put out on the free video, like YouTube and
  send them out to other sites like Dailymotion, and your Metacafe‟ and all of those
  ones. So I‟d like to tell people because that‟s information that I want people to
  discover, but when it‟s content that people have paid for such as a membership site,
  or a product we have, then I don‟t want that to be public because what‟s the point of
  having it available to everyone if they are going to get it for free rather paying for it.

  Heather Porter: Yeah so like a good thing we‟ve done before is, we call „teaser
  content‟, or a little short video on YouTube, and it doesn‟t cover the whole topic but
  it‟s just a couple of minutes, and then it might say that, underneath the video under
  comments to finish watching this video or to get the rest of the video „click here‟ and
  that will actually take you in to a website off of YouTube but into a website where you
  can then click somebody‟s e-mail address to give them the rest of the video. And in
  that case you would have that video played in a private player. And we know where
  they could download the video if they wanted to or other options from there.

  Andrew McCauley:        So, private player versus public player, it‟s up to you, you
  can get some relatively good insights or statistics from YouTube on your public
  channel. You can get some good information from there. You can also get some other
  good information from your hosted Easy video player account or your JW player. So

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  you can get some good information from those as well. So, this is just has been what
  you just want to achieve with your videos at that time.

  Heather Porter: Yeah! So, I think that‟s a great overview about the players in the
  public accounts and how they work. I guess what we should wrap up with is once you
  have your video and you put it up online, how do you name it, and what do you
  actually put in the description, so people can find it and so, it‟s helpful not only to your
  business but to users.

  Andrew McCauley:           Sure, the description stuff is all part of the, and I think we‟ll
  do another video, podcast on video marketing and SEO, and all that sort of stuff, as
  well. But there are 3 components you want to have in a video generally. One is a good
  introduction, or something to capture the people‟s attention when they first listen to
  you because I think that the statistics out there say that if you haven‟t captured the
  people‟s attentions in the first 8 seconds, they‟re not going to watch the rest of that.

  Heather Porter: Yeah it‟s like that whole first impression thing isn‟t it, I think 7

  Andrew McCauley:           Yeah, so you want to make sure you make some good first
  impressions straight up. Then inside the video, particularly if it‟s a free video like a
  YouTube video, you might want to put something like a, what they call it, a bottom
  third, which is essentially your name or your website, your website address on the
  bottom of your video, and let that happen, or stay on the video throughout the whole
  entire video. And one of the reasons you might want to do that is because if somebody
  embeds your video on their website. Let‟s say you got some great information, and
  they can‟t be bothered to make their own video, then they can grab your video and
  stick it on their own website. Now if they do that, so be it. But what‟s going to happen
  is your name of your website or your business name is going to come across the
  bottom of that website, and they‟ll have to, they can‟t scrub it, they can‟t delete it.
  They are going to have to leave it on there. So that you are getting some props for
  that content you‟ve delivered them.

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  Heather Porter: Well said. And say you‟re using one of the public players as well
  and you‟re uploading to say YouTube for example. A great rule of thumb on how to
  name your videos is by the very thing that you‟re teaching in the video. So most
  people go to YouTube and they type in „How to‟ „How do I‟ so they want to learn
  something. So, instead of naming your video, you know for me example, I do an
  interview with somebody and it says Heather Porter interviews Andrew McCauley, well
  most people don‟t know us yet, probably.

  Andrew McCauley:                       But they are not searching for our names right now.

  Heather Porter: They are not searching for our names.

  Andrew McCauley:                       Looking for the content of the interview.

  Heather Porter: Exactly, so, a much better name would be find out how, or how to
  market your videos, or how to use video marketing, so that would be the topic of the
  interview we‟re talking about right now, and that‟s what we name the video. And then
  in the description below, you could then use Heather Porter interviews Andrew
  McCauley about using video marketing, get another cool free video with more
  advanced tips and strategies and tactics here, and then you would put a URL in your
  description. So your description really actually is a call to action or is actually saying
  „hey here‟s what you can do next‟ if you liked this video, so you will always-

  Andrew McCauley:                       That‟s in a written description of your video when you
  upload it.

  Heather Porter: That‟s exactly right. So, that‟s in the written description. So the title
  is the topic of the video that you‟re talking about and the description is little bit more
  about the video but most importantly you always want to put a URL for them to go
  somewhere else to get more things from you. So that could be your sales page, that

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  could be your free bonus, or the thing that you‟re giving away on your website, that
  could be individual pages on your website that you want to draw attention to. So,
  that‟s what you want to do on your description.

  Andrew McCauley:             So in summary, the 3 things you need in a video are the
  intro. A good „attraction benefit‟ sort of thing at the start; a „bottom third‟ that would
  tell people where they are or where they can get more information from, and then also
  a „call of action‟, tell them in the video itself. Don‟t rely on your description only, but
  tell them in the video. „Hey go and get my stuff from this website or click on this link
  below to go and find out more‟. So just tell them in the video, so you‟re directing them
  to do something particular.

  Heather Porter: Everything that you guys do online should have an outcome, if it
  doesn‟t, you‟re just adding more noise to the internet. So basically you want to think,
  what am I doing, is it to educate somebody? Is it to inspire them? Or is it to sell or
  give something away? What am I going to do as an outcome of creating this piece of
  content? Is it again to give something away via a form where they can enter their
  details? Is it to sell something or promote something that I‟m doing? Taking them to a
  page where they can buy it? Or is it something where you‟re just raising awareness
  and doing inspiration but also directing them back to somewhere in your site where
  they can learn more about you. So jus think about the outcome before you even get
  started so everything is tight and consistent and you‟re not just doing content for the
  sake of doing content but you‟re doing it to get an outcome.

  Andrew McCauley:          Exactly, well said. Well I think. You know what I think?
  We‟re getting to the time of our podcast, is there anything else that we need to add
  about video, anything else we could fry people‟s brains with before we end today?

  Heather Porter: No I think we‟ve done, you know, a pretty good introductory,
  informative little session about public, so we talked about public players versus the
  private ones. We talked about what you guys can do in your videos; how to name
  them or describe them or to make them a little more appealing to the public. It‟s a
  really cool statistics, why it‟s so important. I guess really just remember that all of

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  you guys are experts, you really are that‟s why you‟re in business and that‟s why
  you‟re listening to this. So talk about that, educate people with that expertise that you
  have; do tutorials, do case studies, if you could just plan on doing one a month to get
  yourself started, some of this great inexpensive gear that you already have access to
  that would be great.

  Andrew McCauley:          Excellent well said. So having said that Heather I think it‟s
  time to wrap up now. If you‟re listening to us on iTunes then please go and subscribe
  to our iTunes podcast even if you‟re listening to it on the website, jump out to iTunes,
  do a search for Internet Marketing or Internet Marketing Strategy. You‟ll find us up
  there Business Strategy. You‟ll find us under those key terms. Go and click subscribe.
  And the thing about subscribing on iTunes is that it automatically sends the podcast,
  any new ones that we do they automatically sends it into iTunes and you can listen to
  it anytime you like. It doesn‟t, it means that you don‟t have to keep coming back to
  the website to see if we‟ve uploaded a new podcast. So go ahead, do that. If you want
  to find out more, if you want the show notes, or you want to get some of the
  resources and some of the links that we spoke about today, where do they go?

  Heather Porter:

  Andrew McCauley:                       /podcast. Alright thank you very much it has been a

  Heather Porter: You too Andrew. Thanks everybody for listening.

  Andrew McCauley:                       I always enjoy doing this kind of stuff.

  Heather Porter: Yeah me too. They‟re good fun actually. Thanks to you guys.

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  Andrew McCauley:                       Until next time.

  Heather Porter: Talk to you very soon.

  Andrew McCauley:                       We don‟t know what we‟re doing next time but I‟m sure we‟ll
  make it up as well.

  Heather Porter: Exactly.

  Andrew McCauley:                       Alright everybody. Take care.

  Heather Porter: Bye, bye.

  **End of Audio.

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#12 How to Use Video to Market Your Business

  • 1. Podcast- How to Use Video to Market Your Business Autopilot Your Business Podcast Transcription Andrew McCauley: Welcome back to Podcast #12, this is Andrew McCauley with „Autopilot Your Business‟ and of course joining me on this Podcast today is Heather Porter. Hello! Heather Porter: Hey guys! Hey Andrew, how‟s everybody doing? Well, I hope. Andrew McCauley: Awesome, awesome, awesome, I think today‟s Podcast we are going to touch on a topic that we really haven‟t touched on much at all in our previous Podcasts, and that is all about videos. Heather Porter: Yes! Andrew McCauley: Video marketing and Youtube and what‟s all this Amazon S3 stuff, and how do you get your players to work and make them look pretty, and all that sort of stuff. Heather Porter: What are players? Where do you get? We haven‟t even talked about video; I don‟t think at all really, you‟re right! So, this is exciting, this will be good. Andrew McCauley: Yeah! I love video, and I think one of the- I think that this could even be potentially two or three Podcasts, because there is so much information about video, and video is just, it‟s the way of the future that‟s happening now. I think! Heather Porter: Yeah absolutely. What is just YouTube being the number two search engines in the world right? I mean people are, that‟s where they are getting their information, and I‟ve been reading a lot lately that, not only by 2015 is everything going to be mobile, so people are not even going to really be hanging out on their computers much anymore. But also they are going to get most of the information from videos. That is why, T.V stations I know at least here in Australia are lately, their Listen to the audio version of this document HERE Get your FREE Online Survival guide at © 2013 AutoPilot Your Business. All Rights Reserved. Note: We of course can't promise that all links mentioned in this document will be live, and if you stumble upon any that aren't, we apologise!
  • 2. Podcast- How to Use Video to Market Your Business Autopilot Your Business Podcast Transcription putting all of their episodes on websites. So you can watch the T.V episode whenever they want, because people now want to get their information when they want it. Andrew McCauley: I don‟t know if they already do that over here. If I haven‟t recorded something on the DVR over here, then I just go straight to the website, and I can watch it without the Ads. Heather Porter: Yeah! Andrew McCauley: Watch it straight away! Stream it, it‟s pretty fast these days, you‟re not sitting there like an old-time dial-up networks where it‟s loading, loading, loading it. It downloads pretty quick. In fact you can‟t watch it as quick as it downloads, which is great! Heather Porter: Yeah! And in fact you were actually watching live streaming last night at 2:30 am weren‟t you? Andrew McCauley: I was. I was. I was watching my beloved football team. Here‟s the funny thing, I wasn‟t watching it, it wasn‟t an Australian football game, Aussie rules! I was going for the Swans. I wasn‟t able to watch it from Australia, they wouldn‟t send the feed out from Australia, because of some sort of rights that they have. But they, and they wouldn‟t send that to US, but they would send it to the UK. So I subscribed to a service that provided live feeds for every game this year. I watched the Swans play and win via the UK, if you like. Heather Porter: Love it! Andrew McCauley: I‟ll tell you the funny thing, and we‟re talking about speeds of streaming. So I watching the streaming on my computer, and I also have an app Listen to the audio version of this document HERE Get your FREE Online Survival guide at © 2013 AutoPilot Your Business. All Rights Reserved. Note: We of course can't promise that all links mentioned in this document will be live, and if you stumble upon any that aren't, we apologise!
  • 3. Podcast- How to Use Video to Market Your Business Autopilot Your Business Podcast Transcription that was letting me listen to the radio stations directly from Australia. So, generally audio is quicker to download and stream than video, right? Heather Porter: Yeah! Andrew McCauley: But listening to the radio broadcast from the actual radio stations that were at the game, they were about 20 seconds behind the actual video that I was actually watching. Heather Porter: Wow! If that‟s not a testament to the power of video, I don‟t know what is. Andrew McCauley: Yeah! Heather Porter: Actually that kind of makes me want to have a quick chat about some cool statistics that you and I just came up with, just to really illustrate that you guys listening to this, you must be using video for your business. Andrew McCauley: Yeah Yeah! Heather Porter: We just found out that 72 hours of video are uploaded every minute to YouTube. This was back in- online isn‟t it? Or is it just YouTube? Andrew McCauley: That‟s YouTube! That‟s just YouTube. Listen to the audio version of this document HERE Get your FREE Online Survival guide at © 2013 AutoPilot Your Business. All Rights Reserved. Note: We of course can't promise that all links mentioned in this document will be live, and if you stumble upon any that aren't, we apologise!
  • 4. Podcast- How to Use Video to Market Your Business Autopilot Your Business Podcast Transcription Heather Porter: Just YouTube! 72 hours per minute, that is insane and that was back in May of this year 2012, so who knows where we are even now! I know you just found some really cool things about the Olympics as well. Andrew McCauley: Yeah well, we had the Olympics on recently and YouTube said that people watched 231 million streams of different, live streams of different stuff coming through YouTube, because yeah, Youtube offers a lot of live stuff too which is awesome. There was something like half a million live streams all at the same time. Heather Porter: Yeah! Andrew McCauley: So that‟s a pretty powerful bunch of services that YouTube have. It just kind of, it just blows your mind even if you‟re not technical. How big are these servers that YouTube must have? Heather Porter: I know! Andrew McCauley: To drive all this traffic and 72 hours of video uploaded every single minute. That‟s a lot of storage space, I mean just think of one video on your computer right now, it‟s I think a 20 minute video is worth about a Gig, roughly Gig. Heather Porter: If it‟s raw yeah. Exactly. Andrew McCauley: It‟s some pretty serious size of servers they‟ve got. Listen to the audio version of this document HERE Get your FREE Online Survival guide at © 2013 AutoPilot Your Business. All Rights Reserved. Note: We of course can't promise that all links mentioned in this document will be live, and if you stumble upon any that aren't, we apologise!
  • 5. Podcast- How to Use Video to Market Your Business Autopilot Your Business Podcast Transcription Heather Porter: You have that and you have the internet over the Youtube enabled T.Vs that are coming out for videos and it‟s just everywhere. Andrew McCauley: You touched on something too, that the world is going mobile. Cell phones, and mobile phones and that‟s where people are working on. The iPads is becoming part of their mobile movement as well. YouTube just released a new iPhone app where you can do so much more with your YouTube channel now and your YouTube video watching. So they‟re spending a lot of money on it, they all know that the future is mobile and video, and you got video and mobile together, it‟s going to be a crazy situation that they are coming up there in a few years. Heather Porter: It will. It‟s so exciting but I guess you know one thing, if we want to just tie this back in to business just quickly, there‟s also something quite interesting that I just researched the other day as well, is that when you have a video on your webpage, you actually get at least a 40% higher click through rate than if you just use text. Andrew McCauley: Click through rate? Heather Porter: Yeah, I can‟t go there yet. Go ahead! Andrew McCauley: What does click through rate mean? Heather Porter: It just means that if somebody actually clicks on something, it goes somewhere within your websites. So if you imagine that if you have a video in every single page of your website, and your leading somebody on a journey to either buy something from you or get something for free, then you have 40% more chance of people actually doing that, if you put a video on your page. So, videos are powerful people, people buy more if there‟s a video. But we‟ll go into it a little bit more about what you guys can do in your videos. Listen to the audio version of this document HERE Get your FREE Online Survival guide at © 2013 AutoPilot Your Business. All Rights Reserved. Note: We of course can't promise that all links mentioned in this document will be live, and if you stumble upon any that aren't, we apologise!
  • 6. Podcast- How to Use Video to Market Your Business Autopilot Your Business Podcast Transcription Andrew McCauley: I was going to say just by putting AV up there it does not guarantee it is going to be a 40% increase. Heather Porter: No! Not at all. It‟s the tricks! Andrew McCauley: May be up to 40%, just by doing things in your video. We will touch on that. Heather Porter: Exactly. So let‟s start with the big question. With video, do you really need quality? In your video as far as the type of camera you use, the type of mike, the type of lighting. That‟s always a question I get, initially as what equipment should I use? And how good does it actually have to be? Andrew McCauley: The answer I‟d like to give is that, everyone should start with a minimum budget of $10,000 for their video. I‟m joking. Heather Porter: Nice! Andrew McCauley: Seriously, we talked about mobiles, and the iPhone5 is just coming out today in the US, it‟s actually coming out today. But the iPhones, all of the smart phones these days today with these flip cameras and this you know, cheap cameras that are $100, there are digital cameras that are producing awesome videos and quality video, that‟s all you need. You do not need to have all of that wiz bank stuff, and you don‟t need to have all the green screens and the super lighting. Yes it does help, and it does help make your video stand out a little bit more, but don‟t let that be a barrier to you getting involved with video. Heather Porter: No, no. I mean I always seen people look literally, you can stand facing your window when the lighting is decent in the afternoon and beautiful natural Listen to the audio version of this document HERE Get your FREE Online Survival guide at © 2013 AutoPilot Your Business. All Rights Reserved. Note: We of course can't promise that all links mentioned in this document will be live, and if you stumble upon any that aren't, we apologise!
  • 7. Podcast- How to Use Video to Market Your Business Autopilot Your Business Podcast Transcription light coming in flushing out your face, stick the camera up on a, like prop it up on a cheap tri-pod or you know something stable in front of you while you‟re looking out of the window and you can be lit, almost professionally just from that little technique. Andrew McCauley: Exactly. I‟ve been using video for a long time, and I don‟t need to have all that sort of stuff. If I haven‟t got a tri-pod, I use my hand. I would stick my hand and film my self. Now is it the best, stable quality video? No it is not. Is it something that I would use to try and you know sell my services or sales video? No I wouldn‟t do that. But if I wanted to use it for content, for some content on my blog or my site, definitely, just pull it up and start doing whatever you need to do. If you got a great idea and you are in a location that‟s different. Lets say you‟re trekking up a mountain somewhere and you got a beautiful view behind you, and all of a sudden you might think, you know this can be related to what I do in business. Here‟s a great tip, let me pull out my video camera or your cell phone, your mobile phone and record yourself just giving yourself a business tip. Heather Porter: Yeah and here‟s a great example of that actually. We have a client in the UK. She‟s traveling over to Paris, and she is in this spiritual space, so basically she researched some of the landmarks, what they are, what they mean from past and history, as far as spirituality. She would go in front of them and film herself and literally give a little bit of a background about that, but then tie that into her business with a tutorial or tip around spirituality. So, it‟s incredible. Little bit of a history, she can use great titles like, something about the Eiffel Tower, we should go to titles in a moment, so you know, get creative with it. Andrew McCauley: Yeah! So you definitely don‟t need a big budget to start a video. You‟ve already got your equipment in your pocket as we speak, probably right this minute. So, start using that sutff. Heather Porter: And if you guys do want to know, we‟ll put on our website for this on for such Podcasts. We‟ll actually list in this Podcast episode, on the show notes we‟ll put some suggested equipment that you guys can actually get access to. I‟m not going to go too deep in to that in this episode, but you Listen to the audio version of this document HERE Get your FREE Online Survival guide at © 2013 AutoPilot Your Business. All Rights Reserved. Note: We of course can't promise that all links mentioned in this document will be live, and if you stumble upon any that aren't, we apologise!
  • 8. Podcast- How to Use Video to Market Your Business Autopilot Your Business Podcast Transcription there‟s some inexpensive little microphones, things that we use as well that work really well. Also just a quick point on that, you don‟t have to get in front of the camera, either you can actually do screen casts, screen flows or Captagia, we‟ll explain it. Basically you get on your computer, and if you want to do tutorial on something on your computer, it‟s just a software that allows you to record what you‟re doing, and package that as a video. And then, on your screen yeah! Andrew McCauley: Your screen right? Heather Porter: Exactly. You can record your screen, so you don‟t have to ever be in front of the camera, if you‟re trying to teach something just somebody can use a power point or you could just show them what you‟re doing online. So we‟ll list them as well, there‟s beautiful software programs that are very inexpensive that allow you to do that. Andrew McCauley: While we‟re talking about this sort of stuff, and what can you do in front of the video before you get in to some more techy side of stuff. You know, one of the questions we often get from a lot of our customers is “well you know, I get how video is important, I understand why it should be done, but I don‟t have anything to say, I don‟t know what I can say, I don‟t know if anyone‟s going to watch me.” So then let those sort of limitations that stop them from doing videos, what are some of the things that we can come up with right now on the spot to give them an idea of the things that they can possibly film, so people will watch what they are doing. Heather Porter: Great question actually. God there‟s so many things you can film. Let‟s start with your office. You can do a tour of your office, you can have each of your team say something if you have an office, you can if you have a product, you can do- Andrew McCauley: You got to that. What is virtual office, or your plant or your factory or whatever it is you‟ve got. Or it could even be just a work space that you work in. Listen to the audio version of this document HERE Get your FREE Online Survival guide at © 2013 AutoPilot Your Business. All Rights Reserved. Note: We of course can't promise that all links mentioned in this document will be live, and if you stumble upon any that aren't, we apologise!
  • 9. Podcast- How to Use Video to Market Your Business Autopilot Your Business Podcast Transcription Heather Porter: True. Andrew McCauley: So it can be a virtual tour, then you got the team. You mentioned the team, now, it could be staff profile. Heather Porter: Absolutely. Andrew McCauley: People want to know who they are dealing with on the phone, there are so many businesses done over the phone, and over the internet. You got these names to these businesses but no faces or real human contact. You could do a little video to, “hey this is Mary and I work at this particular venue and my role here is this and blah-blah-blah.” So you could do a staff profile. Heather Porter: Especially if you‟re service based. Like if you‟re a hair dresser for example. A salon, you could, how amazing would it be to have all your hairdressers and your massage therapists talk about who they are and their area of expertise as well so you get to know everybody that‟s there and how amazing they are before you book in. So, yeah that‟s one if you have- Andrew McCauley: What about customer success stories? Heather Porter: Absolutely, customer success stories, case studies, so that can be as small as a testimonial that they give. As big as a before and after; of what has happened while working with that client. Demos are great. Andrew McCauley: What about customer feedback. Listen to the audio version of this document HERE Get your FREE Online Survival guide at © 2013 AutoPilot Your Business. All Rights Reserved. Note: We of course can't promise that all links mentioned in this document will be live, and if you stumble upon any that aren't, we apologise!
  • 10. Podcast- How to Use Video to Market Your Business Autopilot Your Business Podcast Transcription Heather Porter: Customer feedback, yeah! Yeah, absolutely. Andrew McCauley: It‟s almost as, customer feedbacks and reviews which is almost like testimonials. Heather Porter: Almost as much as you can, people send in videos, and do contests with that even. Back to the demos, if you have a product, show that product in action. If you have a service, show that service in action. That was actually what I was speaking about not too long ago, to a spa beauty expo, I was telling them that as a salon that basically- have a camera in there, and show how you do blonde highlights, how you‟re the best in the business, or if you‟re a massage therapist, show some of your massage techniques. There are channels I found on YouTube with millions of views just massage channels just showing massage techniques. Crazy! Andrew McCauley: We‟ve been dealing with some massage comings for a while now, and I remember one of the earlier ones we had was that did some hot rocks, something, something, bizarre massage technique. I have never heard of that before. They tried to explain it to me and I said do you have a video, and they said no and god, go and get a video. Just film, just film yourselves doing that particular massage, because I‟m a guy and I may not get it but I‟m sure that there are some females out there who don‟t know that type of massage who don‟t know it either. Heather Porter: Who want to know, yeah! Andrew McCauley: Usually if I, why would I go and pay $85 for this particular rough rock, moonshine, special, duper massage if I don‟t know what it is. So, give me an example of it, show me what it looks like, and then I can say “Aah! Is that what you call it. Cool, I‟ll take it”. Listen to the audio version of this document HERE Get your FREE Online Survival guide at © 2013 AutoPilot Your Business. All Rights Reserved. Note: We of course can't promise that all links mentioned in this document will be live, and if you stumble upon any that aren't, we apologise!
  • 11. Podcast- How to Use Video to Market Your Business Autopilot Your Business Podcast Transcription Heather Porter: And film a couple before they had it, and after they had it. Talking about how amazing they feel. Andrew McCauley: Exactly. What else, what else. What about FAQ feedbacks. You know people have a lot of questions you know, or you‟ll have regular questions that come through for your business. People often, you know, you go in and you answer the phone in your business and say what are the top four questions that people ask all the time, and turn that into a video. Heather Porter: Yeah! You‟re educating people even before they come to you, and you can actually turn that into a full tutorial on that topic. But you are also answering their objections potentially, before they come to you as well, so that does 2 things. Yeah I love FAQs, they should ask questions as well, those are the questions that oftentimes, people don‟t know the right questions to ask, it‟s because they actually don‟t know enough about you. So, if you could come up with the questions you wish your clients would ask you to get the most out of you, you write those down and then answer those at the camera. You know, and that‟s a whole other set of videos that you can do right there, so say you do 10 frequently asked questions, and few should asks, and you suddenly have 15+ videos that you can put up. Andrew McCauley: What about things like company update. What if you‟re expanding or you‟re doing something special, or something that‟s coming up that‟s worth telling people about. Do a video about those sort of stuff, tell them there‟s a new service or new product being launched, or you‟ve received an award. You know often many people don‟t toot their own horns. But we‟ve waited for lot of businesses that have won awards in their local community for doing something, even if they have done something charitable act. Local schools may recognize these businesses for helping out in their school fate. Do a little video on that because it‟s all of this stuff. We‟ll get in to that a little bit later, but it‟s counting creation that is getting in there by the biggest search engine in the world which is Google, and all of the other search engines which are getting you found for certain key terms which you won‟t even realize which you can get found. Listen to the audio version of this document HERE Get your FREE Online Survival guide at © 2013 AutoPilot Your Business. All Rights Reserved. Note: We of course can't promise that all links mentioned in this document will be live, and if you stumble upon any that aren't, we apologise!
  • 12. Podcast- How to Use Video to Market Your Business Autopilot Your Business Podcast Transcription Heather Porter: Yes. Do that, make a video newsletter like you said, and I guess one of the thing to kind of finish this little chunk up with is this, that what you do a video on is whatever you‟re good at, and often times we‟re all blind sighted or we have a blind spot I should say, of what we are actually good at. We get so used to it, we forget that that‟s our area of expertise. So if you could get just somebody that‟s just in your life or your business to sit down with you and have them say to you, what do you think I‟m good at? And then write down 5 things, and then you can make 5 videos with those, teaching people with those 5 things that you‟re good at. So whatever, and again I was talking about, bringing it back to the spa group that I was with, one of them was saying, well I‟m not really good at anything. I said, ‟well, mixing, being a chemist and mixing the hair dyes is quite amazing and it takes a lot of study‟. Then suddenly they had this whole idea of how to do this video series on how to mix for red hair, how to mix for blonde hair. I mean it was incredible and I never realized that how incredible their area of expertise actually was, and now they have a whole series. So, talk about yourselves. Andrew McCauley: What about someone that‟s got a head for radio? And I know it, and you know what. I don‟t want to scare my customers off because I‟m not a Japanese sunset. Or they‟re just completely nervous, and the camera freaks them out. Alright, so they don‟t want to get in front of the camera. What sort of, I mean I got a couple of ideas too but, I‟ll hear from you. What sort of ways can you get their message out without them even having their face on camera? Heather Porter: Well, they can either record their voice and they can actually talk through something that they can do, and that can be supplemented with, like a power point style video that has a combination of photos and images and some sort of animations as well. Or if they really don‟t like their voice either, you know you can get a really inexpensive amazing voice over artists now that will read your words for you, like „Fiverr‟ you know, which we should have talked about before. Yeah so, you can talk it, or you could get somebody else to talk it for you, put it on the top of sort of an animated style background. Andrew McCauley: Definitely, so there is no excuse. I know we had the „no excuse‟ episode previously, but there is not excuse for you not to be using video right now. Listen to the audio version of this document HERE Get your FREE Online Survival guide at © 2013 AutoPilot Your Business. All Rights Reserved. Note: We of course can't promise that all links mentioned in this document will be live, and if you stumble upon any that aren't, we apologise!
  • 13. Podcast- How to Use Video to Market Your Business Autopilot Your Business Podcast Transcription Heather Porter: Absolutely. Andrew McCauley: Anyway, that‟s probably 10 or 12 ideas that you can use for your business. Then come up with your own ideas. There are all sorts of different ways for your own business that you know about more than us. But we just want to try and get started, get you started, so you can start turning- Heather Porter: Turning these videos out. Andrew McCauley: Turning these videos out. Heather Porter: Exactly. Andrew McCauley: Alright, so let‟s move on to the next, Heather Porter: Let‟s talk about differences of what‟s out there, like there‟s video players, there‟s video websites. What‟s the difference? What do you need to get started on all the good stuff? Andrew McCauley: Warning! We‟re going to get a little technical. Heather Porter: Yeah! Andrew McCauley: Little technical, but it won‟t hurt a bit! Listen to the audio version of this document HERE Get your FREE Online Survival guide at © 2013 AutoPilot Your Business. All Rights Reserved. Note: We of course can't promise that all links mentioned in this document will be live, and if you stumble upon any that aren't, we apologise!
  • 14. Podcast- How to Use Video to Market Your Business Autopilot Your Business Podcast Transcription Heather Porter: No! Andrew McCauley: Alright, so let‟s talk about YouTube for a minute. YouTube is the biggest video player that‟s on the market. It‟s a player that lets you play videos, from YouTube directly, or you can embed videos from YouTube into your website. So, that‟s considered a video platform, it‟s a player and a place to go and watch other videos being played. Heather Porter: It‟s a public one. It is free, that‟s why it‟s one of the biggest. I guess the pro is obviously, it is the biggest video player on the internet. The Con, which we‟ll talk about a couple of these other players as well that you can‟t have complete control over it, because it is public domain, it‟s going to be branded as a YouTube video. Andrew McCauley: That‟s an important thing. A lot of the content that gets put up on YouTube becomes public, so anybody, even if you created something, and it‟s your video, with your camera, and your face on it, other people can use that information on their website, anyway they like. Heather Porter: Exactly right! Andrew McCauley: So you do need to keep that in mind. The other thing is that, the way YouTube and Google make money is through advertising, and they‟ll often put advertising on videos that starts getting frequently watched. So, you‟ll have ads that you really won‟t have any control over, popping up on your videos. So, if you‟ve embedded a video of yourself, and it‟s a pretty popular video, and you put it on your website, then you could potentially have someone else, or your competitors‟ ads popping up on your website or on your video. Listen to the audio version of this document HERE Get your FREE Online Survival guide at © 2013 AutoPilot Your Business. All Rights Reserved. Note: We of course can't promise that all links mentioned in this document will be live, and if you stumble upon any that aren't, we apologise!
  • 15. Podcast- How to Use Video to Market Your Business Autopilot Your Business Podcast Transcription Heather Porter: Yeah exactly, so not complete control but you know, there‟s a time and a place for using these video players. What else? What are the other really big ones? Andrew McCauley: Yeah, the other part to that is, there is a school of thought out there from some people that think that, having YouTube embedded video on your website is cheap? Heather Porter: Yes! Andrew McCauley: Looks cheap. Because people know that it‟s a free. Heather Porter: True! Andrew McCauley: So, if you are down that school of thought, then this next section is probably for you too. That‟s talking about videos that are played with a player that doesn‟t have ads, and advertising on it, that you control. How you want the viewer to see. Heather Porter: Including the controller, how to player looks, you put your own logo on it, all sorts of fancy things. Andrew McCauley: You can make a player automatically, as soon as the person reaches that page, you can let them seek control buttons that pause, stop, fast- forward; you can let people download that video on to their computer. So there are other sections like that. So let‟s talk about some of those. Is that where you want to go with this, right now? Listen to the audio version of this document HERE Get your FREE Online Survival guide at © 2013 AutoPilot Your Business. All Rights Reserved. Note: We of course can't promise that all links mentioned in this document will be live, and if you stumble upon any that aren't, we apologise!
  • 16. Podcast- How to Use Video to Market Your Business Autopilot Your Business Podcast Transcription Heather Porter: Yeah I guess, before jumping to that because I know this is going to take a little bit of time. Quickly let‟s name a few other free players that exist outside of YouTube. Andrew McCauley: Oh sure! Heather Porter: So, we have Vimeo. Vimeo is another very popular one. Andrew McCauley: Heather Porter:, Metacafe‟. There‟s another one, Dailymotion, Viddler, now they‟re all similar to Youtube, in the fact that they‟re free to upload your video, up to a certain level. Andrew McCauley: Some of them have free, some of them have advance paid subscription. But most of them are free. Heather Porter: Yeah most of them are free. They are quite easy to use. You know for the general smaller player, small to middle size business, you just whack your video, and up it goes! It‟s easy to put it out there. But again the cons are that you don‟t have complete control. So, if you want to have control of how your content looks, and people can‟t click off your site and in to the player, you know, with YouTube player you actually, even if it‟s embedded on your website, you can still click, down at the bottom of the player, and leave the website, and go back into YouTube. So, these videos keep the person on your website, and they can‟t click anywhere else because they just are a player that you put on your website. They are great for private content you might use in say a membership site, or private area of your website. They are great for, videos that you might want to share with intranets, or internally with your staffs on certain websites. They are great for you know, sales pages, if you‟re doing a sales page campaign, and the reason why I say that is because, if you have a YouTube Listen to the audio version of this document HERE Get your FREE Online Survival guide at © 2013 AutoPilot Your Business. All Rights Reserved. Note: We of course can't promise that all links mentioned in this document will be live, and if you stumble upon any that aren't, we apologise!
  • 17. Podcast- How to Use Video to Market Your Business Autopilot Your Business Podcast Transcription video on a sales page, and if somebody wants to get sneaky and research a little bit further, they can click on the YouTube icon, go off to YouTube and see how many people have actually watched the video. If they are on a sales page for social proof and they found out that only 15 people have watched your video, they might not buy from you. So, using a private player controls that environment, so that no one will ever know how many people have watched, or have not watched your video as your growing your business. What else, Andrew, what else? Andrew McCauley: That‟s great! Heather Porter: Yeah! That‟s what I always use. Andrew McCauley: Yeah, so what else. I think maybe a few more will pop up in the next couple of minutes as we talk about that sort of different things, yeah? Heather Porter: How they work, yeah! The biggest common theme around using a private player is that you need a place to store your files. You seen YouTube, Metacafe‟, Vimeo, all these, when you upload your video to them, they are actually storing your video file on their server for you. Now these other private players, you have to store the file somewhere. So the best place to do that, the cheapest, fastest, the one that we love, that works is the player we‟re going to talk about is the Amazon S3, and it‟s a big, massive, I guess network of servers all over the world that store your files for you. Andrew McCauley: Yeah! The Amazon S3 is part of the Amazon network. Heather Porter: That‟s right! Listen to the audio version of this document HERE Get your FREE Online Survival guide at © 2013 AutoPilot Your Business. All Rights Reserved. Note: We of course can't promise that all links mentioned in this document will be live, and if you stumble upon any that aren't, we apologise!
  • 18. Podcast- How to Use Video to Market Your Business Autopilot Your Business Podcast Transcription Andrew McCauley: Amazon is huge as you know, it stores a lot of content including all of the books and various bits and pieces that it sells. What I found was that it only served, they had a up time and down time for this service. And they thought why don‟t we rent out some space to people that are looking for high bandwidth sort of space. So they come up with the S3 accounts which means you can put any sorts of files, it can be audio, it can be video, it can even be PDFs and Word documents, if you like, and Excel spreadsheets, any sort of files you like. It has this on Amazon S3. Now there probably are some people listening to this Podcast thinking well I don‟t need that because I‟ve got my own website, and I got my own server, and if I do videos I just put them on to my own website and house them there. Now you can do that. So you may have your own website, and you may upload your video to that website, and then when somebody hits play, it plays the video and comes straight out of your website. You‟re not paying anything more for it. It‟s totally in the cost of hosting that you pay on a monthly basis. Now the problem with doing that though is that when your site goes to load, so when someone clicks on your site, and you‟ve got a video that needs to play on that page; it‟s going to take up a lot of load time, its going to take up a fair while for your page to load up. Because what it does is, that it needs to put up all the elements of your webpage on the screen in front of somebody who has just clicked it. Heather Porter: Yes! Andrew McCauley: So that may include having a video that you may already got there, because as soon as someone clicks on the video, you want it to start playing. So that puts some serious pressure on your server. Heather Porter: The other problem too is that, general hosting accounts don‟t have a lot of what‟s called bandwidth where you can where people are visiting your site, they are using your bandwidth to access your content. So if suddenly overnight you get very popular and there‟s always people coming to your site, watching your videos. It could use up all that bandwidth in one moment and your whole website will crash and be taken offline. So, not cool and also most hosting, just general hosting companies are not great for hosting video because, again, like Andrew said, it‟s all about the speed or the lack there of. So you really want a place to store your videos Listen to the audio version of this document HERE Get your FREE Online Survival guide at © 2013 AutoPilot Your Business. All Rights Reserved. Note: We of course can't promise that all links mentioned in this document will be live, and if you stumble upon any that aren't, we apologise!
  • 19. Podcast- How to Use Video to Market Your Business Autopilot Your Business Podcast Transcription that‟s easily accessible globally, quick, reliable, and can be seen on all devices, computers and mobile devices as well. Andrew McCauley: So let me just tell people how that works. So if you‟ve got a video that‟s housed on S3, Amazon S3 or another hosting site like that, let‟s say you‟ve got one on Amazon, what it does is you still grab the code from Amazon or your video player, and we‟ll talk about these video players in just a moment. But you‟ll grab that, it‟ll give you a certain code, just like the codes that YouTube gives you. Okay, so you copy that code, and you paste it into your own websites, so you get back to your website and you may say, you may write an article about this video that says “watch this video”, and you grab the code that Amazon or your video player gives you, and you just paste the code into your webpage. Now the good thing about this is when somebody clicks on your site, you‟ve got your server, and your website delivering the information to the screen the person‟s on, but you‟ve got this super, super duper scooped up computer servers through Amazon that will deliver your video faster than you can ever believe. So what‟s happening is 2 things at once, your website is being loaded by your own server, the main information, the text, and the beautiful borders you‟ve got and your headers. And then Amazon is downloading the videos just as fast, so that your website loads up real fast, and you‟ve got instant access to your videos when somebody hits „play‟. Heather Porter: Absolutely. Well said actually. Very well, I understand that, I would understand that if I didn‟t understand that. So, that‟s good! That‟s good, that‟s good! And I guess, where does the player come in? Well like Andrew is saying, where you‟re just uploading your video on Amazon S3, it does give you a little bit of, like a link or a piece of code that you can use, but you have no control over the size of the player. Last time I embedded or stuck a link from Amazon S3 to my website, you click on it and it opens up in a private, in another page, and your video is just whacked in there. So it‟s kind of clumsy, so these, these-- Andrew McCauley: Yeah, yeah, the thing about this the other day, it‟s a bit like having, say you have payTV, and the PayTV company will deliver the cable to your house. Listen to the audio version of this document HERE Get your FREE Online Survival guide at © 2013 AutoPilot Your Business. All Rights Reserved. Note: We of course can't promise that all links mentioned in this document will be live, and if you stumble upon any that aren't, we apologise!
  • 20. Podcast- How to Use Video to Market Your Business Autopilot Your Business Podcast Transcription Heather Porter: Yes! Andrew McCauley: Okay, so you got to sock it in to your house. Now you essentially have cable TV, you have the ability to watch cable TV, except the component that‟s missing is something to play it on. Like a TV. Heather Porter: Yeah! Andrew McCauley: Alright, so this is what a player is. It‟s now something to make it look pretty, and there‟s all sorts of different players out there, different TVs out there. You got digital, you got the old analog, you‟ve got black and white, you‟ve got whatever, you‟ve got 67 million inch, you got 3 inch. So there‟s all sorts of different players with different controls with different things you can do on each of those TVs. Same with these players. So what a player does is, it grabs the information from Amazon and it actually connects the 2 together so it lets people watch what they want to see. Heather Porter: In the way you want to. So if you want to say your site to be filled with plasma screens for example, big, wide, amazing plasma screens then you‟d have a player that looks like that, yeah! We love a couple of players, one that we‟ve been using for a while, but also there‟s another one out there that‟s floating around that we‟d like to, the one we use is Easyvideo player. Andrew McCauley: Easyvideo player yes, that‟s been a good video player for us, we house a lot of videos there. Some of the cool things you can do with some of the video players, while we‟re talking about these is, I think we touched on this a bit earlier but you can even have things like different screens and borders and skins around your video player. You can have different controls where people can do certain things. You can even have opt in boxes in some of them now. Listen to the audio version of this document HERE Get your FREE Online Survival guide at © 2013 AutoPilot Your Business. All Rights Reserved. Note: We of course can't promise that all links mentioned in this document will be live, and if you stumble upon any that aren't, we apologise!
  • 21. Podcast- How to Use Video to Market Your Business Autopilot Your Business Podcast Transcription Heather Porter: It‟s incredible. Andrew McCauley: Which is pretty cool, some might even watch a video and enter their e-mail address inside the video and it gets sent to you. You put your Facebook likes, and your share icons in that sort of stuff too, which is pretty powerful. Heather Porter: Yeah you have „buy now‟ buttons that pop up at certain times in the video so you can say in 30 seconds, in I want the button to pop up, you can completely hide the video controls, I know a lot of people are doing this now with sales pages. Which is, I have my own thoughts about that, but. Andrew McCauley: Yeah! I‟m not a big fan of that anymore, it used to be good, but now it‟s a bit annoying. Because I‟ll often get to sales page, I want to watch it, and maybe I‟ve got things to do, you know it‟s a 20 minute sales page, I don‟t want to watch it all right there, I need to come back and watch something else. Heather Porter: Yeah! Andrew McCauley: So, that can be annoying, but that‟s another thing. Heather Porter: That‟s another topic altogether, we cut time on sales pages I guess. Yeah so I guess, Easyvideo player, how it works, and why it is easy is because basically you get an Amazon S3 account, but after you get it, you really don‟t have to deal with it ever again, it‟s easy in the fact that, you log into Easyvideo player account, they can either log in with their servers or you can actually create your own website where you have the Easyvideo player on it. I‟m not going to go too deep into that, I think that‟s just going to fry people‟s heads. Listen to the audio version of this document HERE Get your FREE Online Survival guide at © 2013 AutoPilot Your Business. All Rights Reserved. Note: We of course can't promise that all links mentioned in this document will be live, and if you stumble upon any that aren't, we apologise!
  • 22. Podcast- How to Use Video to Market Your Business Autopilot Your Business Podcast Transcription Andrew McCauley: Let‟s just say they give you a website, you log into it and all of your accounts and all of your videos are in there. It says upload a new video, you click on upload, and it automatically uploads it for you, and it puts it in Amazon for you as well. Heather Porter: Yes, that‟s right! Andrew McCauley: So, you don‟t, I haven‟t touched my Amazon account for years, I can‟t even remember how to get in to be honest with you. But I know there‟s hundreds of videos there because I‟ve been uploading in Easyvideo to it. Heather Porter: It synchs automatically which is great so, it‟s just how you upload anything else, so you click on upload and find it on your hard drive so, yeah, I want that file and it sucks it in and puts it on your Amazon and that‟s actually where it accesses the file. So, it‟s a really cool little tool. And it‟s got great statistics as well, you can see how many people have watched it, most popular videos and all those good stuff that you would like to see to. Andrew McCauley: Any idea of the cost of that one? Heather Porter: Gosh it‟s been a while, what is it a 100? Andrew McCauley: I was going to say, you wouldn‟t know because I‟m the one who-- Heather Porter: It‟s a one off! Listen to the audio version of this document HERE Get your FREE Online Survival guide at © 2013 AutoPilot Your Business. All Rights Reserved. Note: We of course can't promise that all links mentioned in this document will be live, and if you stumble upon any that aren't, we apologise!
  • 23. Podcast- How to Use Video to Market Your Business Autopilot Your Business Podcast Transcription Andrew McCauley: It‟s around, about $37 Heather Porter: For a? Andrew McCauley: $37 a month, there‟s a one off payment, and there‟s a rough monthly payment of around about $37. Heather Porter: Yeah Okay. Andrew McCauley: It‟s a little bit on the high side but we‟ve been getting some great results, so we‟re sticking to it. Heather Porter: Yeah, so that‟s good. And then the second one out there is Easy S3, so again, we‟ll put these links on our website,, but EasyS3 is a similar sort of tool isn‟t it Andrew? Andrew McCauley: That‟s right! Heather Porter: Yeah! Andrew McCauley: EasyS3 is around about I think from memory around $20 to $25, does the same sort of thing. Of course they have each of these unique little features, so click on a link and check that out. There‟s another one that‟s out there which has been around for a long time, and that‟s called the JW player. JW player has been around doing rounds for different people that lets you put all sorts of skins Listen to the audio version of this document HERE Get your FREE Online Survival guide at © 2013 AutoPilot Your Business. All Rights Reserved. Note: We of course can't promise that all links mentioned in this document will be live, and if you stumble upon any that aren't, we apologise!
  • 24. Podcast- How to Use Video to Market Your Business Autopilot Your Business Podcast Transcription around it‟s videos and that‟s a cool video player. I can‟t tell you the price on that one, I can‟t remember what it is, but it‟s not that expensive either. Heather Porter: So, you have a lot of different options, and I guess the easy way to look at this would be if you want to use, just getting started, just get yourself a YouTube account, use your YouTube account initially and as you grow, and you want to have private content and on some of your websites, webpages, think about one of these private players to use side by side, so that actually brings me to another point which is, if you have both these players, what sort of videos do you use on one versus what do you use on the other? Is there sort of a method around this madness? Andrew McCauley: Well there is, a lot of our free content, and the content that I‟d like to get out to people are usually put out on the free video, like YouTube and send them out to other sites like Dailymotion, and your Metacafe‟ and all of those ones. So I‟d like to tell people because that‟s information that I want people to discover, but when it‟s content that people have paid for such as a membership site, or a product we have, then I don‟t want that to be public because what‟s the point of having it available to everyone if they are going to get it for free rather paying for it. Heather Porter: Yeah so like a good thing we‟ve done before is, we call „teaser content‟, or a little short video on YouTube, and it doesn‟t cover the whole topic but it‟s just a couple of minutes, and then it might say that, underneath the video under comments to finish watching this video or to get the rest of the video „click here‟ and that will actually take you in to a website off of YouTube but into a website where you can then click somebody‟s e-mail address to give them the rest of the video. And in that case you would have that video played in a private player. And we know where they could download the video if they wanted to or other options from there. Andrew McCauley: So, private player versus public player, it‟s up to you, you can get some relatively good insights or statistics from YouTube on your public channel. You can get some good information from there. You can also get some other good information from your hosted Easy video player account or your JW player. So Listen to the audio version of this document HERE Get your FREE Online Survival guide at © 2013 AutoPilot Your Business. All Rights Reserved. Note: We of course can't promise that all links mentioned in this document will be live, and if you stumble upon any that aren't, we apologise!
  • 25. Podcast- How to Use Video to Market Your Business Autopilot Your Business Podcast Transcription you can get some good information from those as well. So, this is just has been what you just want to achieve with your videos at that time. Heather Porter: Yeah! So, I think that‟s a great overview about the players in the public accounts and how they work. I guess what we should wrap up with is once you have your video and you put it up online, how do you name it, and what do you actually put in the description, so people can find it and so, it‟s helpful not only to your business but to users. Andrew McCauley: Sure, the description stuff is all part of the, and I think we‟ll do another video, podcast on video marketing and SEO, and all that sort of stuff, as well. But there are 3 components you want to have in a video generally. One is a good introduction, or something to capture the people‟s attention when they first listen to you because I think that the statistics out there say that if you haven‟t captured the people‟s attentions in the first 8 seconds, they‟re not going to watch the rest of that. Heather Porter: Yeah it‟s like that whole first impression thing isn‟t it, I think 7 seconds. Andrew McCauley: Yeah, so you want to make sure you make some good first impressions straight up. Then inside the video, particularly if it‟s a free video like a YouTube video, you might want to put something like a, what they call it, a bottom third, which is essentially your name or your website, your website address on the bottom of your video, and let that happen, or stay on the video throughout the whole entire video. And one of the reasons you might want to do that is because if somebody embeds your video on their website. Let‟s say you got some great information, and they can‟t be bothered to make their own video, then they can grab your video and stick it on their own website. Now if they do that, so be it. But what‟s going to happen is your name of your website or your business name is going to come across the bottom of that website, and they‟ll have to, they can‟t scrub it, they can‟t delete it. They are going to have to leave it on there. So that you are getting some props for that content you‟ve delivered them. Listen to the audio version of this document HERE Get your FREE Online Survival guide at © 2013 AutoPilot Your Business. All Rights Reserved. Note: We of course can't promise that all links mentioned in this document will be live, and if you stumble upon any that aren't, we apologise!
  • 26. Podcast- How to Use Video to Market Your Business Autopilot Your Business Podcast Transcription Heather Porter: Well said. And say you‟re using one of the public players as well and you‟re uploading to say YouTube for example. A great rule of thumb on how to name your videos is by the very thing that you‟re teaching in the video. So most people go to YouTube and they type in „How to‟ „How do I‟ so they want to learn something. So, instead of naming your video, you know for me example, I do an interview with somebody and it says Heather Porter interviews Andrew McCauley, well most people don‟t know us yet, probably. Andrew McCauley: But they are not searching for our names right now. Heather Porter: They are not searching for our names. Andrew McCauley: Looking for the content of the interview. Heather Porter: Exactly, so, a much better name would be find out how, or how to market your videos, or how to use video marketing, so that would be the topic of the interview we‟re talking about right now, and that‟s what we name the video. And then in the description below, you could then use Heather Porter interviews Andrew McCauley about using video marketing, get another cool free video with more advanced tips and strategies and tactics here, and then you would put a URL in your description. So your description really actually is a call to action or is actually saying „hey here‟s what you can do next‟ if you liked this video, so you will always- Andrew McCauley: That‟s in a written description of your video when you upload it. Heather Porter: That‟s exactly right. So, that‟s in the written description. So the title is the topic of the video that you‟re talking about and the description is little bit more about the video but most importantly you always want to put a URL for them to go somewhere else to get more things from you. So that could be your sales page, that Listen to the audio version of this document HERE Get your FREE Online Survival guide at © 2013 AutoPilot Your Business. All Rights Reserved. Note: We of course can't promise that all links mentioned in this document will be live, and if you stumble upon any that aren't, we apologise!
  • 27. Podcast- How to Use Video to Market Your Business Autopilot Your Business Podcast Transcription could be your free bonus, or the thing that you‟re giving away on your website, that could be individual pages on your website that you want to draw attention to. So, that‟s what you want to do on your description. Andrew McCauley: So in summary, the 3 things you need in a video are the intro. A good „attraction benefit‟ sort of thing at the start; a „bottom third‟ that would tell people where they are or where they can get more information from, and then also a „call of action‟, tell them in the video itself. Don‟t rely on your description only, but tell them in the video. „Hey go and get my stuff from this website or click on this link below to go and find out more‟. So just tell them in the video, so you‟re directing them to do something particular. Heather Porter: Everything that you guys do online should have an outcome, if it doesn‟t, you‟re just adding more noise to the internet. So basically you want to think, what am I doing, is it to educate somebody? Is it to inspire them? Or is it to sell or give something away? What am I going to do as an outcome of creating this piece of content? Is it again to give something away via a form where they can enter their details? Is it to sell something or promote something that I‟m doing? Taking them to a page where they can buy it? Or is it something where you‟re just raising awareness and doing inspiration but also directing them back to somewhere in your site where they can learn more about you. So jus think about the outcome before you even get started so everything is tight and consistent and you‟re not just doing content for the sake of doing content but you‟re doing it to get an outcome. Andrew McCauley: Exactly, well said. Well I think. You know what I think? We‟re getting to the time of our podcast, is there anything else that we need to add about video, anything else we could fry people‟s brains with before we end today? Heather Porter: No I think we‟ve done, you know, a pretty good introductory, informative little session about public, so we talked about public players versus the private ones. We talked about what you guys can do in your videos; how to name them or describe them or to make them a little more appealing to the public. It‟s a really cool statistics, why it‟s so important. I guess really just remember that all of Listen to the audio version of this document HERE Get your FREE Online Survival guide at © 2013 AutoPilot Your Business. All Rights Reserved. Note: We of course can't promise that all links mentioned in this document will be live, and if you stumble upon any that aren't, we apologise!
  • 28. Podcast- How to Use Video to Market Your Business Autopilot Your Business Podcast Transcription you guys are experts, you really are that‟s why you‟re in business and that‟s why you‟re listening to this. So talk about that, educate people with that expertise that you have; do tutorials, do case studies, if you could just plan on doing one a month to get yourself started, some of this great inexpensive gear that you already have access to that would be great. Andrew McCauley: Excellent well said. So having said that Heather I think it‟s time to wrap up now. If you‟re listening to us on iTunes then please go and subscribe to our iTunes podcast even if you‟re listening to it on the website, jump out to iTunes, do a search for Internet Marketing or Internet Marketing Strategy. You‟ll find us up there Business Strategy. You‟ll find us under those key terms. Go and click subscribe. And the thing about subscribing on iTunes is that it automatically sends the podcast, any new ones that we do they automatically sends it into iTunes and you can listen to it anytime you like. It doesn‟t, it means that you don‟t have to keep coming back to the website to see if we‟ve uploaded a new podcast. So go ahead, do that. If you want to find out more, if you want the show notes, or you want to get some of the resources and some of the links that we spoke about today, where do they go? Heather Porter: Andrew McCauley: /podcast. Alright thank you very much it has been a pleasure. Heather Porter: You too Andrew. Thanks everybody for listening. Andrew McCauley: I always enjoy doing this kind of stuff. Heather Porter: Yeah me too. They‟re good fun actually. Thanks to you guys. Listen to the audio version of this document HERE Get your FREE Online Survival guide at © 2013 AutoPilot Your Business. All Rights Reserved. Note: We of course can't promise that all links mentioned in this document will be live, and if you stumble upon any that aren't, we apologise!
  • 29. Podcast- How to Use Video to Market Your Business Autopilot Your Business Podcast Transcription Andrew McCauley: Until next time. Heather Porter: Talk to you very soon. Andrew McCauley: We don‟t know what we‟re doing next time but I‟m sure we‟ll make it up as well. Heather Porter: Exactly. Andrew McCauley: Alright everybody. Take care. Heather Porter: Bye, bye. **End of Audio. Listen to the audio version of this document HERE Get your FREE Online Survival guide at © 2013 AutoPilot Your Business. All Rights Reserved. Note: We of course can't promise that all links mentioned in this document will be live, and if you stumble upon any that aren't, we apologise!