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Le nuove sfide della cybersecurity: Internet for
              peace...o for war?
                    Ms. Francesca Bosco
                         Project Officer
   Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI)

                       01 Aprile 2011
          Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca
Yesterday news…30/03/2011
Yesterday news…30/03/2011 tbc
Technological expected trends up to
Vulnerability:root causes
• A highly interconnected system of general
  purpose computers, not designed with security
  in mind
  – vulnerable software provides “launch pads” for easy
    propagation of attacks
  – erosion of the traditional perimeter (access systems
    and data “anytime, anywhere”)
• Shift from“attacks against networks”
        to “attacks against (web) applications”
        and “attacks against users and data”

• Insufficient security awareness of (some)
  application developers and end users
                  How Vulnerable are UN Systems ?

-which system?
  – publicly accessible websites
  – central internal applications (IMIS, email, etc.)
  – end user systems (desktops, laptops, BB, etc.)

-which threat?
  –   denial of service
  –   “defacement”
  –   abuse / threat to third parties
  –   “APT” type attacks
State of Play
UN systems are frequently attacked
  –   defacements (political, “commercial”)
  –   abuse of web sites to disseminate “malware”
  –   abuse of email systems to send spam/fraudulent email
  –   forging of UN email addresses to commit fraud
Several known examples of “APT” type attacks
  – very credible email messages
  – attachments deemed safe by Anti-Virus software
  – successful compromise of a single computer leads to
    further compromises on internal networks
Current situation:general
• All systems are “compromisable”; perfect
  security is unattainable

• Objective is to continue safe operation in a
  compromised environment, to have
  systems that are defensible, rather than
  perfectly secure

• Cybersecurity is an adversarial science
Evolution of the threat landscape
 Mobile threats – voracious malware targeting mobile
devices and the proliferation of mobile banking.

 (More) Web 2.0 malware – Attackers leveraging Social

 Attackers exploiting the erosion of network boundaries
after the adoption of cloud computing.

 Highly-motivated attackers with strong logistic or
financial support.
Predicting 2011...
Top 5 security threats for 2011
1)      Traditional malware
Traditional malware will remain the primary mechanism of distributing software to computers on the
internet. Recent numbers indicate roughly 55,000 new malware pieces identified every day, which
continues the exponential growth pattern into 2010. This trend will only continue.

2)       Shift to advanced persistent threat (APT)
Attacks will be more advanced, targeted at a specific institution with a goal to acquire specific data.
Often described as Advanced Persistent Threat (APT), these attacks are designed to infiltrate an
organisation, hop the firewall and acquire a target. Once the software gets behind the firewall, it hops
around the organisation investigating and gathering information about the internal system. It then uses
this information to gain privileged access to critical information (e.g., transactions processing,
customer lists or HR records) and begins stealing sensitive data. Without proper monitoring in place, it
can be weeks or months before an organisation detects that it is under attack.

3)      Focus on finance, hospitality and retail
Financial services, hospitality and retail industries will face an increased number of threats. As data
from the 2010 data breach report issued by the Verizon RISK team and the U.S. Secret Service
shows, these three industries combined currently represent 71% of all data breaches.

4)      Mobile devices increase vulnerabilities
Seven out of ten companies still don’t have explicit policies outlining which devices can be logged on
to the network or on working in public places. As more people work and access information remotely,
the threat levels from existing vulnerabilities will increase and new ones will appear.

5)    Hactivism as a new type of threat
The most visible example of hactivism were the recent attacks by Anonymous, a group that targeted
MasterCard, Visa and PayPal after those companies cut off financial services to WikiLeaks. We may
see more of these types of attack by groups representing political and environmental organisations.
What is Cyber Security?
Cyber security refers to measures for protecting computer systems, networks, and
information systems from disruption or unauthorized access, use, disclosure,
modification, or destruction.

The basic objectives of Cyber Security are to ensure the Confidentiality, Integrity,
and Availability of data.
What is Cyber Security?
Confidentiality has been defined by the International Organization for
  Standardization (ISO) as "ensuring that information is accessible only to
  those authorized to have access" and is one of the cornerstones of
  information security. Confidentiality is one of the design goals for many
  cryptosystems, made possible in practice by the techniques of modern
Integrity of the information implies that the data in question has not been
   tampered with through accidental or malicious activity. Source integrity also
   plays into this - ensuring that any piece of data actually came from the
   source claimed and not a "man-in-the-middle" or third party.
Availability means that the information, the computing systems used to
  process the information, and the security controls used to protect the
  information are all available and functioning correctly when the information
  is needed = timely, reliable access to data and information services for
  authorized users.
Information security incidents
• Information Security Incident:
   – an attempted or successful unauthorized access, use,
     disclosure, modification or destruction of information;
   – interference with the operation of ICT resources; or
   – violation of explicit or implied acceptable usage policy
     (as defined in ST/SGB/2004/15)
• Classification by common observable elements:
       § - Agent (internal/external)- Action
       § - Asset - Attribute
• does not include “motive” or “attributable source”
Cybersecurity as a Balancing Act

Investigative readiness vs. Privacy
Availability vs. Security
Regulation vs. Innovation
Enterprise vs. Protection

How can we make the Internet and our “Cyber -Assets” safer
  without sacrificing simplicity, privacy or availability?
Why do we need to talk about it?
Government agencies constantly face cyber attacks
Businesses are losing revenue to cybercriminals
Users are being targeted for their Personal Identifiable
  Information (PII)
Cybersecurity is a global issue, which can only be solved
  with global solutions
    Need for increased cooperation and coordination at the global
    International community must work together to ensure a
     coordinated response.
Information technology...for war?
• Military history scholars argue that warfare has shifted towards a
  Fourth Generation of Warfare
• Technology not only enables asymmetry in power relations, but can
  also be used to overcome it, undermining the enemy from within
• Information Age, military operations have been impacted and
  transformed. Likewise no civil society sector has remained immune
  from the information revolution. The ―national information
  infrastructure- (NII) is defined as the set of information systems and
  networks on which a nation depends to function
• In net-wars the confrontation takes place between “states and non-
  state actors, non-state actors that use states as arenas, or states
  that use non-state actors as their proxies”
What’s cyberwar
The United Nations Institute of Training and Research
  defines cyberwar as:
―The deliberate use of information warfare by a state,
  using weapons such as electro-magnetic pulse waves,
  viruses, worms, Trojan horses, etc., which target the
  electronic devices and networks of an enemy state-
Richard Clarke, a U.S. government security expert, defines
  cyberwar as:
―Actions by a nation-state to penetrate another nation’s
  computers or networks for the purposes of causing
  damage or disruption.
Cyber Warfare &
                                      Cyber Terrorism
Cyber Warfare and Terrorism is one of the fifteen
modalities of UnRestricted Warfare (URW) also
called asymmetric warfare.

Cyber Warfare & Terrorism
    “The premeditated use of disruptive activities,
      or the threat thereof, against computers
      and/or networks, with the intention to cause
      harm or further social, ideological, religious,
      political or similar objectives. Or to intimidate
      any person in furtherance of such objectives.”

   Source: U.S. Army Cyber Operations and Cyber Terrorism Handbook 1.02
Cyberterrorism is a phrase used to describe the
use of Internet based attacks in terrorist activities,
including acts of deliberate, large-scale disruption
of computer networks, especially of personal
computers attached to the Internet, by the means
of tools such as computer viruses.

Cyber terrorism is generally understood as the crossing over of
terrorism and cyberspace. This leads to unlawful attacks and threats of
attacks against computer, networks and the info stored therein.
What’s cyberterrorism
Controversial term !!!!!

First we need to clarify:

         Terrorist use of the Internet
              Cyber Terrorism
                    THE INTERNET: AN ATTRACTIVE

The internet is an ‘informational weapon’ for terrorists, as it provides:
       Easy access
       A decentralised structure
       Little or no regulation, censorship, or other forms of government
       Potentially huge audiences spread throughout the world
       Anonymity of communication
       Fast flow of information
       Inexpensive development and maintenance of web presence
       A multimedia environment (the ability to combine text, graphics, audio,
          video, and allow users to download films, songs, books, posters etc)
       The ability to shape coverage in the traditional mass media

 Source: “ How Modern Terrorism Uses the Internet” by Prof. Gabriel Weimann

  Data Mining (using the internet to
    collect intelligence)
  Recruitment and Radicalisation
        The internet is an important source for
          discovering and grooming potential

Mass media
Official ‘jihadist’ websites
  A well-designed and well-maintained Web site gives a group
     an aura of legitimacy and increasingly attracts attention
     from the mass media in and of itself

Unofficial websites
  Forums and blogs

Distributor sites
Video sites
  Youtube and liveleak
        1. To wage psychological warfare
      (through terror) and advance a cause
Terrorist use internet publicity to:
• amplify panic
• spread fear
• facilitate economic loss (eg. scaring away
investment and tourism)
• make populations loose faith in their
governments' ability to protect them
• trigger government and popular overreaction to
specific incidents and the overall threat of

2. To gain sympathy and support of their cause
                    The Internet has significantly
                    increased the opportunities for
                    terrorists to secure publicity for their
                    ideological causes and spread
                    The Internet has become a virtual
                    library of terrorist material, granting
                    easy access to everything from
                    political, ideological and theological
                    literature, via fatwas and khutbas, to
                    videos of assaults and attacks, and
                    even video games.
When does a computer attack become an
         act of terrorism or of war?
     Information warfare, in information
 technology, is that series of actions aimed
    at exploiting, corrupting, wasting or
  destroying the information or information
resources of the enemy in order to achieve
  a significant advantage, using the same
Modern Weapons

What does a stealth bomber cost?    $1.5 to $2 billion

What does a stealth fighter cost?   $80 to $120 million

What does a cruise missile cost?    $1 to $2 million

What does a cyber weapon cost?      $300 to $50,000
Interesting Quote

NATO's cyber defense chief has warned that
computer-based terrorism poses the same threat
to national security as a missile attack. He went on
to say that “Cyber war can become a very
effective global problem because it is low-risk,
low-cost, highly effective and easily globally
deployable. It is almost an ideal weapon that
nobody can ignore.“

Using this as a framework, we can put into context
the evolving architecture for cyber weapons.
How to build a cyber weapon:
         Cyber Weapons Design-1
Cyber Weapon – Delivery Vehicle

  There are numerous methods of delivering cyber
  weapons to their targets. Emails with malicious
  code embedded or attached is one mechanism of
  delivery. Another delivery vehicle is web sites that
  can have malicious links and downloads. Hacking
  is a manually delivery vehicle that allows a cyber
  soldier to place the malicious payload on a target
  computer, system or network. Counterfeit
  hardware, software and electronic components can
  also be used as delivery vehicles for cyber
Cyber Weapons Design-2

Cyber Weapon – Delivery Vehicle
  Just as a navigation system guides a missile, it allows
  the malicious payload to reach a specific point inside
  a computer, system or network. System
  vulnerabilities are the primary navigation systems
  used in cyber weapons. Vulnerabilities in software
  and computer system configurations provide entry
  points for the payload of a cyber weapon. These
  security exposures in operating systems or other
  software or applications allow for exploitation and
  compromise. Exploitation of these vulnerabilities
  may allow unauthorized remote access and control
  over the system.
Cyber Weapons Design-3

Cyber Weapon – Delivery Vehicle
  The payload of a missile is sometimes called a
  warhead and is packed with some type of explosive.
  In a cyber weapon the payload could be a program
  that copies information off of the computer and sends
  it to an external source. It can also be a program that
  begins to ease or alter information stored on the
  system. Finally, it can allow remote access so that
  the computer can be controlled or directed over the
  internet. A “bot” (a component of a botnet) is a great
  example of a payload that allows remote use of the
  computer by an unauthorized individual or
Cyber Weapons Design-4

Cyber Weapon – Architecture
   This three element architecture demonstrates how
  advanced and sophisticated cyber weapons are
  becoming. The architecture creates reusability and
  reconfiguration of all three components. As one
  software or system vulnerability is discovered,
  reported and patched, that component can be
  removed and replaced while the other two
  components are still viable. This not only creates
  flexibility but also significantly increase the
  productivity of the cyber weapons developers.
Recent events discussed
                                            on the media
•   Cyber Attack on Estonia [April 2007]
     –   sometimes referred to as “Web War 1”
     – sophisticated and large set of denial of service (DoS) attacks on Estonian
       parliament, banks, ministries, newspapers, other web sites
     – severe effect on above institutions for approximately three weeks

•   Cyber Attack against Georgia [August 2008]
     – denial of service against gov’t web sites
     – concurrent with armed conflict

•   Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) [December 2009]
     – (a.k.a. “Google war”)
     – “deep infiltration” of several technology providers

•   Stuxnet [June 2010]
     – technically highly sophisticated “malware” that appears to target Iranian
        nuclear facilities
Estonia depended largely on the                             Nearly every bank in the United               The U.S. is
internet because of the country's                           States runs its operations on an              increasingly
"paperless government" and web-                             internal network that connects to             dependent on "...
based banking. If these services are                        the Internet                                  the unimpeded
made slower, we of course lose                                                 Sandeep Junnarkar          and secure flow
                                                                                CNET News, 2002           of technology.“
                  Mihkel Tammet, head of                                                                            CIA Report
                         IT security at the      Hackers are intensifying                                    Cyber Threats and
           Estonian defence ministry, 2007                                                                    the US Economy,
                                                 their efforts to                                                         2007
                                                 compromise social-
                                                 networking sites using
                                                 unsecure Web 2.0             With global attacks on data networks
                                                                 Jon Swartz   increasing at an alarming rate, in a more
                                                            USA TODAY, 2008   organized and sophisticated manner, and
….repercussions go beyond the loss of                                         often originating from state-sponsored
personal data, security experts say. As                                       sources, there is precious little time to lose.
more consumers are victimized, it could                                                              Tim Bennett, president of the
undercut their confidence in legitimate                                                      Cyber Security Industry Alliance, 2008
                     Billy Hoffman, manager of
                 Hewlett-Packard Security Labs                   Several nations, including China and Russia, “have the
                                                                 technical capabilities to target and disrupt elements of the
                                                                 U.S. information infrastructure and for intelligence
…regarding counter-terrorism must be pursued                     collection.”
“Information sharing with our allies and                                            Mike McConnell, Director of National Intelligence
partners to support counter-terrorist operations                                          during the Senate Intelligence Committee
   The National Security Strategy of the United Kingdom -
                     Security in an interdependent world
“Cyber War” In Estonia, 2007
                              Iran was prime target of SCADA worm
                                           July 23 2010
                       The First Cyber Attack Specifically Targeting Control Systems
  According to antivirus company Symantec Corp., Stuxnet looks for industrial control systems and then
changes the code in them to allow the attackers to usurp controls of industrial equipment such as sensors,
                       actuators, pumps, and valves without the operators knowing.

    “Stuxnet searches for industrial control systems, often generically (but incorrectly) known as SCADA
 systems, and if it finds these systems on the compromised computer, it attempts to steal code and design
 projects,” Symantec explained. “It may also take advantage of the programming software interface to also
    upload its own code to the Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), which are ‘mini-computers’, in an
                   industrial control system that is typically monitored by SCADA systems.”

 Very complex Windows-specific computer worm that infects computers and connected industrial control
equipment (PLCs)
        First known worm to attack industrial infrastructure
 Spreads through USB thumb drives as well as network connections
 Utilizes four “zero-day” exploits
 Uses stolen valid security certificates
 Initial high rate of infection in Iran, specifically found at nuclear facilities
        May be government (Israel, US, UK?) attempt to damage
           Iranian nuclear facilities
        Unclear if delay or damage actually occurred
 Worm has spread to many other countries (including large infection of Chinese systems)
                                    SCADA: Why do I care?
SCADA systems are essentially the arteries of national infrastructure, the behind-the-
scenes devices that make our day to day life convenient and safe. Any disruption could
lead to major inconvenience, or even loss of life…

The dangers inherent in obscure or rustic SCADA architectures are very real, and no
vendor or governmental body responsible for NCIs can afford to let a lack of
communication be an excuse for passivity…


   • Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition
   • National Critical Infrastructure
Other terms:
   • ICS – Industrial Control Systems
   • PCS – Process Control System - Also known as Distributed Control System
SCADA Generations and Evolution:
   1.   Monolithic – Mainframe computing, limited to no connectivity.
   2.   Distributed – Proprietary networking technology led to increased
        efficiency and redundancy due to real-time information sharing and
        specialization of tasks.
   3.   Networked – Transition to modern, °open° networking standards such as
        IP (Internet Protocol) and the deployment of “thin clients” and web
        applications to facilitate operations.

                   NCI Examples
Modern NCIs can be resumed as:

 Food
      Agricultural and processing industry
      Food safety
      Food distribution
 Water
      Drinking water treatment
      Wastewater management
 Transportation
      Air
      Land (rail, roads)
      Marine

                  NCI Examples

Modern NCIs can be resumed as:

 Safety
      Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear safety
      Hazardous materials
      Emergency services (police, fire, amublance, etc)

 Manufacturing
      Chemical industry
      Defense industrial base
          What we’re doing wrong
1)   We tend to seek a “centralized” solution to
     what is a very multi-dimensional problem with
     hidden interdependencies.
2)   Opacity – We are not enforcing enough
     transparency nor regulating the disclosure of
     data breaches.
3)   We aren’t moving away from a purely technical
     view towards a global shared approach with
     Political Vision, Strategy, Policies and
           What we’re doing right
1)   Public – Private Partnerships
2)   Developing technical solutions.
3)   Information exchange and awareness raising
     at various levels.
Why cybersecurity partnership matters

• Public and private sectors need to share more
  information--more parties must be included and new
  platforms used.
• They must pay more attention to defending against
  attacks that threaten critical IT infrastructure and even
  damage physical facilities
• Much of the activity revolves around information sharing
  in key industries.
• Their collaboration must be ratcheted up to the next
  level--real-time identification and response as threats
  occur and, more to the point, "moving security practices
  from a reactionary posture to one that's proactive and
Critical Infrastucture Protection in the US
    Critical Infrastucture Protection in Italy
• Information security is an integral part of the e-government 2010
• 2010-A Technical group was established, under the Presidency of
  the Council of Ministers, to “foster coordination at the national and
  international level with regard to critical infrastuctures and its
  protection from cyberattacks”
• June 2009-Centro nazionale anticrimine informatico per la
  protezione delle infrastrutture critiche (CNAIPIC)
• In 2007, the Bank of Italy approved a set of guidelines to ensure
  continuity for the main financial actors, in case of cyberattack.
Creating a culture of security

 Despite our best efforts over the years,
             we need a new,
comprehensive doctrine and perspective
      to face the innovative threats.
1.Towards a new Policy Framework
Recognise the Internet as a key infrastructure in
 addressing mainstream policy challenges (e.g.
 ageing, health, environment, globalisation…)

Reaffirm fundamental principles (e.g. privacy,
 security, policies to promote broadband access
 on fair terms and competitive prices…)

Recognise the Internet as an agent of change and
 foster an enabling environment so that it can
 make positive contributions
2. Building Confidence
The Internet reflects the real world – shapes it and is shaped by it – and has a dark
side. Confidence and trust in the Internet and about its vulnerability to events,
both accidental and malicious.

 Multilateral efforts to ensure the security and integrity of the Internet have
   been limited
 We need to embed privacy protection in the design of applications and
   devices (social networking sites; profiling and advertising; geolocation;
   sensors and RFID)
 We need to identify and enforce the rights and obligations to protect digital
 Security Considerations: (i) technical – diffusion of traffic rather than
   optimisation of traffic for DoS; security of connection (SSL) vs.
   authentication of content; use of virtual machines (ii) social -- Co-operation
   to protect availability, integrity, confidentiality (security)
 Protect and inform consumers, redress and enforcement of consumer
   protection measures, including across jurisdictional borders
 Rising concerns regarding “cybersecurity”.
3.Public-Private Partnerships (PPP)
To emphasize: Both the private sector and the
public sector have crucial roles to play. The
private sector leads, the government enables.

  It is important that both agree and are
        aware of their respective roles.
International cooperation

         The European Convention on cybercrime
• The Council’s of Europe Convention on
  Cybercrime was opened for signatures on the
  23rd of November 2001.
• In January 2003, an additional Protocol was
  adopted, concerning the criminalization of acts
  of racism and xenophobia committed through
  computer systems. This protocol has not been
  signed by several states and has not yet entered
  into force.
• At the present time, 46 States among Member
  and non-Member States of the Council of
  Europe signed the Convention
• Italian ratification: 2008
Why Council of Europe Convention on cybercrime?
   The only multilateral treaty dealing with cybercrime matters already implemented in many
    countries while others are taking into consideration to become Party
   A guideline for drafting the legislation on cybercrime
   Provides important tools for law enforcement to investigate cybercrime
   Ensure adequate protection of human rights and liberties according to the relevant international
   Flexible mechanisms to avoid conflicts with national legislations and proceedings
CC provides for countries:
   Coherent national approach to legislation on cybercrime
   Harmonisation of criminal law provisions on cybercrime with those of other countries
   Legal and institutional basis for international LE and judicial cooperation with other parties
   Participation in the Consultations of the Parties
   The treaty as a platform facilitating public-private cooperation


                          Convention provides global standards and a
                          framework for an effective fast international
                          cooperation         October, 2008
              What needs to be done next
•   Develop international law to accommodate cyber warfare offensive and defensive activities,
    thus making it operative for the cyber age.

•   In that regard, elaborate on the UN Charter in the direction of topical interpretations: Define
    Article 2 armed attack and Article 51 limits of self-defense, define the concept of cyber
    weapon, define operational modes for Chapter VII action in case of cyber attack, develop and
    analyze scenarios of cyber war and cyber terrorism with a view to their legal consequences.

•   Drawing upon NATO’s Strasbourg/Kehl Summit Declaration, and previous NATO work in
    analyzing gaps in the international legal framework with respect to collective response, develop
    proposed amendments to NATO Treaty definitions of armed attack and territorial integrity and
    clarification of collective responses to accommodate collective cyber activities, self defence
    actions, and communication requirements.

•   Encourage the ratification of the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime (“Convention”)
    and internal implementation by signatory states, and, where this does not obtain, encourage the
    harmonization of cybercrime laws (substantively and procedurally) around the globe consistent
    with the Convention and the cybercrime laws enacted in developed nations.
What needs to be done next

•   Develop enterprise level security metrics so security progress can be
•   Enable time-critical system availability and resiliency across distributed
•   Improve the ability to track and trace cyber communications to enable
    source identification (accountability) and use of digital assets by technical
•   Improve transparency of network operations to enable visibility of
    activities, knowledge of status of operations, and identification of issues as a
    diagnostic tool to enhance security.
•   Develop digital identification mechanisms to protect and advance the
    interconnection of devices, information, and networks.
•   Address the security challenges of mobile/wireless systems. The
    widespread and exponential deployment of such devices and systems
    presents security challenges in and of themselves and the risks they
    present to interconnected systems and devices.
It’s a Collective Effort:
Shared datasets
Red Teaming
System stress tests
Shared common problem to tackle
…                         Academia

                 Industry               Government

New models of engagement
Sustained investment models
Lightweight submission and reporting
“The pursuit of peace and progress cannot end
   in a few years in either victory or defeat. The
    pursuit of peace and progress, with its trials
    and its errors, its successes and its setbacks,
   can never be relaxed and never abandoned.”
Dag Hammarskjold, UN Secretary-General, 1953 - 1961


      Only by joining forces and bringing together our
strategic capabilities will we be able to address current and
                   emerging cyberthreats !
Ms. Francesca Bosco

Project officer on Cybercrime
Emerging Crimes Unit

                                               Thank you                              for your attention.

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Francesca Bosco, Le nuove sfide della cyber security

  • 1. Le nuove sfide della cybersecurity: Internet for peace...o for war? Ms. Francesca Bosco Project Officer Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) 01 Aprile 2011 Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca
  • 5. Vulnerability:root causes • A highly interconnected system of general purpose computers, not designed with security in mind – vulnerable software provides “launch pads” for easy propagation of attacks – erosion of the traditional perimeter (access systems and data “anytime, anywhere”) • Shift from“attacks against networks” to “attacks against (web) applications” and “attacks against users and data” • Insufficient security awareness of (some) application developers and end users
  • 6. Example: How Vulnerable are UN Systems ? -which system? – publicly accessible websites – central internal applications (IMIS, email, etc.) – end user systems (desktops, laptops, BB, etc.) -which threat? – denial of service – “defacement” – abuse / threat to third parties – “APT” type attacks
  • 7. State of Play UN systems are frequently attacked – defacements (political, “commercial”) – abuse of web sites to disseminate “malware” – abuse of email systems to send spam/fraudulent email – forging of UN email addresses to commit fraud Several known examples of “APT” type attacks – very credible email messages – attachments deemed safe by Anti-Virus software – successful compromise of a single computer leads to further compromises on internal networks
  • 8. Current situation:general • All systems are “compromisable”; perfect security is unattainable • Objective is to continue safe operation in a compromised environment, to have systems that are defensible, rather than perfectly secure • Cybersecurity is an adversarial science
  • 9. Evolution of the threat landscape  Mobile threats – voracious malware targeting mobile devices and the proliferation of mobile banking.  (More) Web 2.0 malware – Attackers leveraging Social Networks.  Attackers exploiting the erosion of network boundaries after the adoption of cloud computing.  Highly-motivated attackers with strong logistic or financial support.
  • 11. Top 5 security threats for 2011 1) Traditional malware Traditional malware will remain the primary mechanism of distributing software to computers on the internet. Recent numbers indicate roughly 55,000 new malware pieces identified every day, which continues the exponential growth pattern into 2010. This trend will only continue. 2) Shift to advanced persistent threat (APT) Attacks will be more advanced, targeted at a specific institution with a goal to acquire specific data. Often described as Advanced Persistent Threat (APT), these attacks are designed to infiltrate an organisation, hop the firewall and acquire a target. Once the software gets behind the firewall, it hops around the organisation investigating and gathering information about the internal system. It then uses this information to gain privileged access to critical information (e.g., transactions processing, customer lists or HR records) and begins stealing sensitive data. Without proper monitoring in place, it can be weeks or months before an organisation detects that it is under attack. 3) Focus on finance, hospitality and retail Financial services, hospitality and retail industries will face an increased number of threats. As data from the 2010 data breach report issued by the Verizon RISK team and the U.S. Secret Service shows, these three industries combined currently represent 71% of all data breaches. 4) Mobile devices increase vulnerabilities Seven out of ten companies still don’t have explicit policies outlining which devices can be logged on to the network or on working in public places. As more people work and access information remotely, the threat levels from existing vulnerabilities will increase and new ones will appear. 5) Hactivism as a new type of threat The most visible example of hactivism were the recent attacks by Anonymous, a group that targeted MasterCard, Visa and PayPal after those companies cut off financial services to WikiLeaks. We may see more of these types of attack by groups representing political and environmental organisations.
  • 12. What is Cyber Security? Cyber security refers to measures for protecting computer systems, networks, and information systems from disruption or unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, or destruction. The basic objectives of Cyber Security are to ensure the Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability of data.
  • 13. What is Cyber Security? Confidentiality has been defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) as "ensuring that information is accessible only to those authorized to have access" and is one of the cornerstones of information security. Confidentiality is one of the design goals for many cryptosystems, made possible in practice by the techniques of modern cryptography. Integrity of the information implies that the data in question has not been tampered with through accidental or malicious activity. Source integrity also plays into this - ensuring that any piece of data actually came from the source claimed and not a "man-in-the-middle" or third party. Availability means that the information, the computing systems used to process the information, and the security controls used to protect the information are all available and functioning correctly when the information is needed = timely, reliable access to data and information services for authorized users.
  • 14. Information security incidents • Information Security Incident: – an attempted or successful unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification or destruction of information; – interference with the operation of ICT resources; or – violation of explicit or implied acceptable usage policy (as defined in ST/SGB/2004/15) • Classification by common observable elements: § - Agent (internal/external)- Action § - Asset - Attribute • does not include “motive” or “attributable source”
  • 15. Cybersecurity as a Balancing Act Investigative readiness vs. Privacy Availability vs. Security Regulation vs. Innovation Enterprise vs. Protection How can we make the Internet and our “Cyber -Assets” safer without sacrificing simplicity, privacy or availability?
  • 16. Why do we need to talk about it? Government agencies constantly face cyber attacks Businesses are losing revenue to cybercriminals Users are being targeted for their Personal Identifiable Information (PII) Cybersecurity is a global issue, which can only be solved with global solutions  Need for increased cooperation and coordination at the global level  International community must work together to ensure a coordinated response.
  • 18. Information technology...for war? • Military history scholars argue that warfare has shifted towards a Fourth Generation of Warfare • Technology not only enables asymmetry in power relations, but can also be used to overcome it, undermining the enemy from within • Information Age, military operations have been impacted and transformed. Likewise no civil society sector has remained immune from the information revolution. The ―national information infrastructure- (NII) is defined as the set of information systems and networks on which a nation depends to function • In net-wars the confrontation takes place between “states and non- state actors, non-state actors that use states as arenas, or states that use non-state actors as their proxies”
  • 19. What’s cyberwar The United Nations Institute of Training and Research defines cyberwar as: ―The deliberate use of information warfare by a state, using weapons such as electro-magnetic pulse waves, viruses, worms, Trojan horses, etc., which target the electronic devices and networks of an enemy state- Richard Clarke, a U.S. government security expert, defines cyberwar as: ―Actions by a nation-state to penetrate another nation’s computers or networks for the purposes of causing damage or disruption.
  • 20. Cyber Warfare & Cyber Terrorism Cyber Warfare and Terrorism is one of the fifteen modalities of UnRestricted Warfare (URW) also called asymmetric warfare. Cyber Warfare & Terrorism “The premeditated use of disruptive activities, or the threat thereof, against computers and/or networks, with the intention to cause harm or further social, ideological, religious, political or similar objectives. Or to intimidate any person in furtherance of such objectives.” Source: U.S. Army Cyber Operations and Cyber Terrorism Handbook 1.02
  • 21. Cyberterrorism Cyberterrorism is a phrase used to describe the use of Internet based attacks in terrorist activities, including acts of deliberate, large-scale disruption of computer networks, especially of personal computers attached to the Internet, by the means of tools such as computer viruses. Cyber terrorism is generally understood as the crossing over of terrorism and cyberspace. This leads to unlawful attacks and threats of attacks against computer, networks and the info stored therein.
  • 22. What’s cyberterrorism Controversial term !!!!! First we need to clarify: Terrorist use of the Internet v Cyber Terrorism
  • 23. Focus THE INTERNET: AN ATTRACTIVE ARENA FOR TERRORIST PUBLICITY The internet is an ‘informational weapon’ for terrorists, as it provides: Easy access A decentralised structure Little or no regulation, censorship, or other forms of government control Potentially huge audiences spread throughout the world Anonymity of communication Fast flow of information Inexpensive development and maintenance of web presence A multimedia environment (the ability to combine text, graphics, audio, video, and allow users to download films, songs, books, posters etc) The ability to shape coverage in the traditional mass media Source: “ How Modern Terrorism Uses the Internet” by Prof. Gabriel Weimann
  • 24. Focus TERRORIST PURPOSES IN USING THE INTERNET Data Mining (using the internet to collect intelligence) Training Fundraising Networking Recruitment and Radicalisation The internet is an important source for discovering and grooming potential jihadists Publicity
  • 25. Focus MAIN AREAS OF CYBER PRESENCE Mass media Official ‘jihadist’ websites A well-designed and well-maintained Web site gives a group an aura of legitimacy and increasingly attracts attention from the mass media in and of itself Unofficial websites Forums and blogs Distributor sites Video sites Youtube and liveleak
  • 26. Focus OBJECTIVES OF ONLINE TERRORIST PUBLICITY 1. To wage psychological warfare (through terror) and advance a cause Terrorist use internet publicity to: • amplify panic • spread fear • facilitate economic loss (eg. scaring away investment and tourism) • make populations loose faith in their governments' ability to protect them • trigger government and popular overreaction to specific incidents and the overall threat of terrorism
  • 27. Focus OBJECTIVES OF ONLINE PUBLICITY 2. To gain sympathy and support of their cause The Internet has significantly increased the opportunities for terrorists to secure publicity for their ideological causes and spread propaganda. The Internet has become a virtual library of terrorist material, granting easy access to everything from political, ideological and theological literature, via fatwas and khutbas, to videos of assaults and attacks, and even video games.
  • 28. When does a computer attack become an act of terrorism or of war? Information warfare, in information technology, is that series of actions aimed at exploiting, corrupting, wasting or destroying the information or information resources of the enemy in order to achieve a significant advantage, using the same weapon.
  • 29. Modern Weapons Economics What does a stealth bomber cost? $1.5 to $2 billion What does a stealth fighter cost? $80 to $120 million What does a cruise missile cost? $1 to $2 million What does a cyber weapon cost? $300 to $50,000
  • 30. Interesting Quote NATO's cyber defense chief has warned that computer-based terrorism poses the same threat to national security as a missile attack. He went on to say that “Cyber war can become a very effective global problem because it is low-risk, low-cost, highly effective and easily globally deployable. It is almost an ideal weapon that nobody can ignore.“ Using this as a framework, we can put into context the evolving architecture for cyber weapons.
  • 31. How to build a cyber weapon: Cyber Weapons Design-1 Cyber Weapon – Delivery Vehicle There are numerous methods of delivering cyber weapons to their targets. Emails with malicious code embedded or attached is one mechanism of delivery. Another delivery vehicle is web sites that can have malicious links and downloads. Hacking is a manually delivery vehicle that allows a cyber soldier to place the malicious payload on a target computer, system or network. Counterfeit hardware, software and electronic components can also be used as delivery vehicles for cyber weapons.
  • 32. Cyber Weapons Design-2 Cyber Weapon – Delivery Vehicle Just as a navigation system guides a missile, it allows the malicious payload to reach a specific point inside a computer, system or network. System vulnerabilities are the primary navigation systems used in cyber weapons. Vulnerabilities in software and computer system configurations provide entry points for the payload of a cyber weapon. These security exposures in operating systems or other software or applications allow for exploitation and compromise. Exploitation of these vulnerabilities may allow unauthorized remote access and control over the system.
  • 33. Cyber Weapons Design-3 Cyber Weapon – Delivery Vehicle The payload of a missile is sometimes called a warhead and is packed with some type of explosive. In a cyber weapon the payload could be a program that copies information off of the computer and sends it to an external source. It can also be a program that begins to ease or alter information stored on the system. Finally, it can allow remote access so that the computer can be controlled or directed over the internet. A “bot” (a component of a botnet) is a great example of a payload that allows remote use of the computer by an unauthorized individual or organization.
  • 34. Cyber Weapons Design-4 Cyber Weapon – Architecture This three element architecture demonstrates how advanced and sophisticated cyber weapons are becoming. The architecture creates reusability and reconfiguration of all three components. As one software or system vulnerability is discovered, reported and patched, that component can be removed and replaced while the other two components are still viable. This not only creates flexibility but also significantly increase the productivity of the cyber weapons developers.
  • 35. Recent events discussed on the media • Cyber Attack on Estonia [April 2007] – sometimes referred to as “Web War 1” – sophisticated and large set of denial of service (DoS) attacks on Estonian parliament, banks, ministries, newspapers, other web sites – severe effect on above institutions for approximately three weeks • Cyber Attack against Georgia [August 2008] – denial of service against gov’t web sites – concurrent with armed conflict • Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) [December 2009] – (a.k.a. “Google war”) – “deep infiltration” of several technology providers • Stuxnet [June 2010] – technically highly sophisticated “malware” that appears to target Iranian nuclear facilities
  • 36. Estonia depended largely on the Nearly every bank in the United The U.S. is internet because of the country's States runs its operations on an increasingly "paperless government" and web- internal network that connects to dependent on "... based banking. If these services are the Internet the unimpeded made slower, we of course lose Sandeep Junnarkar and secure flow CNET News, 2002 of technology.“ economically Mihkel Tammet, head of CIA Report IT security at the Hackers are intensifying Cyber Threats and Estonian defence ministry, 2007 the US Economy, their efforts to 2007 compromise social- networking sites using unsecure Web 2.0 With global attacks on data networks Jon Swartz increasing at an alarming rate, in a more USA TODAY, 2008 organized and sophisticated manner, and ….repercussions go beyond the loss of often originating from state-sponsored personal data, security experts say. As sources, there is precious little time to lose. more consumers are victimized, it could Tim Bennett, president of the undercut their confidence in legitimate Cyber Security Industry Alliance, 2008 websites Billy Hoffman, manager of Hewlett-Packard Security Labs Several nations, including China and Russia, “have the technical capabilities to target and disrupt elements of the U.S. information infrastructure and for intelligence …regarding counter-terrorism must be pursued collection.” “Information sharing with our allies and Mike McConnell, Director of National Intelligence partners to support counter-terrorist operations during the Senate Intelligence Committee overseas”; The National Security Strategy of the United Kingdom - Security in an interdependent world
  • 37. “Cyber War” In Estonia, 2007
  • 38. Stuxnet Iran was prime target of SCADA worm July 23 2010 The First Cyber Attack Specifically Targeting Control Systems According to antivirus company Symantec Corp., Stuxnet looks for industrial control systems and then changes the code in them to allow the attackers to usurp controls of industrial equipment such as sensors, actuators, pumps, and valves without the operators knowing. “Stuxnet searches for industrial control systems, often generically (but incorrectly) known as SCADA systems, and if it finds these systems on the compromised computer, it attempts to steal code and design projects,” Symantec explained. “It may also take advantage of the programming software interface to also upload its own code to the Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), which are ‘mini-computers’, in an industrial control system that is typically monitored by SCADA systems.” Very complex Windows-specific computer worm that infects computers and connected industrial control equipment (PLCs)  First known worm to attack industrial infrastructure Spreads through USB thumb drives as well as network connections Utilizes four “zero-day” exploits Uses stolen valid security certificates Initial high rate of infection in Iran, specifically found at nuclear facilities  May be government (Israel, US, UK?) attempt to damage Iranian nuclear facilities  Unclear if delay or damage actually occurred Worm has spread to many other countries (including large infection of Chinese systems)
  • 39. Focus SCADA: Why do I care? SCADA systems are essentially the arteries of national infrastructure, the behind-the- scenes devices that make our day to day life convenient and safe. Any disruption could lead to major inconvenience, or even loss of life… The dangers inherent in obscure or rustic SCADA architectures are very real, and no vendor or governmental body responsible for NCIs can afford to let a lack of communication be an excuse for passivity…
  • 41. Focus SCADA • Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition NCI • National Critical Infrastructure Other terms: • ICS – Industrial Control Systems • PCS – Process Control System - Also known as Distributed Control System (DCS) SCADA Generations and Evolution: 1. Monolithic – Mainframe computing, limited to no connectivity. 2. Distributed – Proprietary networking technology led to increased efficiency and redundancy due to real-time information sharing and specialization of tasks. 3. Networked – Transition to modern, °open° networking standards such as IP (Internet Protocol) and the deployment of “thin clients” and web applications to facilitate operations.
  • 42. Focus NCI Examples Modern NCIs can be resumed as:  Food  Agricultural and processing industry  Food safety  Food distribution  Water  Drinking water treatment  Wastewater management  Transportation  Air  Land (rail, roads)  Marine
  • 43. Focus NCI Examples Modern NCIs can be resumed as:  Safety  Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear safety  Hazardous materials  Emergency services (police, fire, amublance, etc)  Manufacturing  Chemical industry  Defense industrial base
  • 44. Cybersecurity: What we’re doing wrong 1) We tend to seek a “centralized” solution to what is a very multi-dimensional problem with hidden interdependencies. 2) Opacity – We are not enforcing enough transparency nor regulating the disclosure of data breaches. 3) We aren’t moving away from a purely technical view towards a global shared approach with Political Vision, Strategy, Policies and Standards.
  • 45. Cybersecurity: What we’re doing right 1) Public – Private Partnerships 2) Developing technical solutions. 3) Information exchange and awareness raising at various levels.
  • 46. Why cybersecurity partnership matters • Public and private sectors need to share more information--more parties must be included and new platforms used. • They must pay more attention to defending against attacks that threaten critical IT infrastructure and even damage physical facilities • Much of the activity revolves around information sharing in key industries. • Their collaboration must be ratcheted up to the next level--real-time identification and response as threats occur and, more to the point, "moving security practices from a reactionary posture to one that's proactive and pre-emptive"
  • 48. Example Critical Infrastucture Protection in Italy (2010) • Information security is an integral part of the e-government 2010 plan • 2010-A Technical group was established, under the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, to “foster coordination at the national and international level with regard to critical infrastuctures and its protection from cyberattacks” • June 2009-Centro nazionale anticrimine informatico per la protezione delle infrastrutture critiche (CNAIPIC) • In 2007, the Bank of Italy approved a set of guidelines to ensure continuity for the main financial actors, in case of cyberattack.
  • 49. Creating a culture of security Despite our best efforts over the years, we need a new, comprehensive doctrine and perspective to face the innovative threats.
  • 50. 1.Towards a new Policy Framework Recognise the Internet as a key infrastructure in addressing mainstream policy challenges (e.g. ageing, health, environment, globalisation…) Reaffirm fundamental principles (e.g. privacy, security, policies to promote broadband access on fair terms and competitive prices…) Recognise the Internet as an agent of change and foster an enabling environment so that it can make positive contributions
  • 51. 2. Building Confidence The Internet reflects the real world – shapes it and is shaped by it – and has a dark side. Confidence and trust in the Internet and about its vulnerability to events, both accidental and malicious. Issues:  Multilateral efforts to ensure the security and integrity of the Internet have been limited  We need to embed privacy protection in the design of applications and devices (social networking sites; profiling and advertising; geolocation; sensors and RFID)  We need to identify and enforce the rights and obligations to protect digital identity  Security Considerations: (i) technical – diffusion of traffic rather than optimisation of traffic for DoS; security of connection (SSL) vs. authentication of content; use of virtual machines (ii) social -- Co-operation to protect availability, integrity, confidentiality (security)  Protect and inform consumers, redress and enforcement of consumer protection measures, including across jurisdictional borders  Rising concerns regarding “cybersecurity”.
  • 52. 3.Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) To emphasize: Both the private sector and the public sector have crucial roles to play. The private sector leads, the government enables. It is important that both agree and are aware of their respective roles.
  • 53. International cooperation The European Convention on cybercrime • The Council’s of Europe Convention on Cybercrime was opened for signatures on the 23rd of November 2001. • In January 2003, an additional Protocol was adopted, concerning the criminalization of acts of racism and xenophobia committed through computer systems. This protocol has not been signed by several states and has not yet entered into force. • At the present time, 46 States among Member and non-Member States of the Council of Europe signed the Convention • Italian ratification: 2008
  • 54. Why Council of Europe Convention on cybercrime?  The only multilateral treaty dealing with cybercrime matters already implemented in many countries while others are taking into consideration to become Party  A guideline for drafting the legislation on cybercrime  Provides important tools for law enforcement to investigate cybercrime  Ensure adequate protection of human rights and liberties according to the relevant international documents  Flexible mechanisms to avoid conflicts with national legislations and proceedings CC provides for countries:  Coherent national approach to legislation on cybercrime  Harmonisation of criminal law provisions on cybercrime with those of other countries  Legal and institutional basis for international LE and judicial cooperation with other parties  Participation in the Consultations of the Parties  The treaty as a platform facilitating public-private cooperation Source:COE Convention provides global standards and a framework for an effective fast international cooperation October, 2008
  • 55. Legal What needs to be done next • Develop international law to accommodate cyber warfare offensive and defensive activities, thus making it operative for the cyber age. • In that regard, elaborate on the UN Charter in the direction of topical interpretations: Define Article 2 armed attack and Article 51 limits of self-defense, define the concept of cyber weapon, define operational modes for Chapter VII action in case of cyber attack, develop and analyze scenarios of cyber war and cyber terrorism with a view to their legal consequences. • Drawing upon NATO’s Strasbourg/Kehl Summit Declaration, and previous NATO work in analyzing gaps in the international legal framework with respect to collective response, develop proposed amendments to NATO Treaty definitions of armed attack and territorial integrity and clarification of collective responses to accommodate collective cyber activities, self defence actions, and communication requirements. • Encourage the ratification of the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime (“Convention”) and internal implementation by signatory states, and, where this does not obtain, encourage the harmonization of cybercrime laws (substantively and procedurally) around the globe consistent with the Convention and the cybercrime laws enacted in developed nations.
  • 56. What needs to be done next Technical • Develop enterprise level security metrics so security progress can be measured • Enable time-critical system availability and resiliency across distributed systems. • Improve the ability to track and trace cyber communications to enable source identification (accountability) and use of digital assets by technical means • Improve transparency of network operations to enable visibility of activities, knowledge of status of operations, and identification of issues as a diagnostic tool to enhance security. • Develop digital identification mechanisms to protect and advance the interconnection of devices, information, and networks. • Address the security challenges of mobile/wireless systems. The widespread and exponential deployment of such devices and systems presents security challenges in and of themselves and the risks they present to interconnected systems and devices.
  • 57. It’s a Collective Effort: Example Shared datasets Red Teaming System stress tests Shared common problem to tackle … Academia ecosystem Industry Government New models of engagement Sustained investment models Lightweight submission and reporting …
  • 58. “The pursuit of peace and progress cannot end in a few years in either victory or defeat. The pursuit of peace and progress, with its trials and its errors, its successes and its setbacks, can never be relaxed and never abandoned.” Dag Hammarskjold, UN Secretary-General, 1953 - 1961 58
  • 59. Q&A Only by joining forces and bringing together our strategic capabilities will we be able to address current and emerging cyberthreats !
  • 60. Ms. Francesca Bosco Project officer on Cybercrime Emerging Crimes Unit E-mail: Thank you for your attention.