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           11. Conditions Mistaken for Child Physical Abuse

Abstract                                                      Fractures
                                                                 Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Learning Objectives
                                                                    Diagnostic Considerations in Distinguishing
Confusing Cutaneous Conditions                                        Osteogenesis Imperfecta From
  Folk Medicine                                                           Inflicted Injuries
  Burns                                                          Temporary Brittle Bone Disease
                                                                 Infantile Cortical Hyperostosis
Intracranial Bleeding
                                                                          (Caffey’s Disease)
Ocular Hemorrhages
                                                              Other Miscellaneous Conditions Mistaken for
                                                                        Child Abuse

Visual Diagnosis of Child Abuse on CD-ROM Lecture Series                     11. CONDITIONS MISTAKEN FOR CHILD PHYSICAL ABUSE

     Abstract                                                      • Dermatitis herpetiformis

     Numerous conditions exist that can suggest an                 • Diaper dermatitis
     etiology of inflicted injury. Strict adherence to              • Chilblains
     evidence based on objective findings and consid-               • Drug eruption
     eration of all diagnostic possibilities help to avoid         • Mechanical abrasion
     mistakes. An organ-system approach is outlined
                                                                   • Chemical burns
     here. The medical conditions that may mimic child
     maltreatment are discussed with an eye toward                 • Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
     distinguishing them from inflicted injury.                     • Accidental burns

     Learning Objectives                                           Intracranial Bleeding
     • To identify conditions, disorders, and syndromes            Accidental Trauma—There have been numerous
       that may be confused with child abuse                       articles detailing the kinds of falls that produce seri-
     • To differentiate inflicted injury from preexisting           ous intracranial injuries in infants and children.9–32
       medical conditions                                          The conclusion of these studies is that children do
     • To identify cultural practices that may be confused         not suffer serious intracranial injuries from short
       with child abuse                                            (<4 feet) falls. The exception is epidural hematomas,
                                                                   which usually are easily distinguished on computed
                                                                   tomography (CT) scans of the head, appearing as
     Confusing Cutaneous Conditions
                                                                   lenticular-shaped densities. The impact caused by
     The process of diagnosing medical conditions is               motor vehicle crashes and falls, usually from 2 to
     organized around gathering information about the              3 stories, is necessary to produce subdural or sub-
     onset, severity, and duration of the symptoms and             arachnoid hematomas. Extensive, multilayered reti-
     signs; the objective findings on physical examination          nal hemorrhages (RHs) are almost exclusively seen
     of the patient; and collection of additional data from        in shaken baby syndrome/shaken impact syndrome
     the laboratory, special studies, or x-rays. When all of       (SBS/SIS). Retinal folds are diagnostic of abusive
     these are synthesized, a list of diagnostic possibili-        head trauma.
     ties is developed. This list—called the differential
                                                                   Coagulation Disorders—Although bleeding and
     diagnosis—forms the basis for further thinking about
                                                                   clotting disorders can exacerbate intracranial bleed-
     the possible etiology of the patient’s disorder.
                                                                   ing when a traumatic event has occurred, the brain
     It is no different when approaching a case of                 is not the usual site for such bleeding. In hemo-
     suspected abuse. There are a number of medical                philia, for example, bleeding is usually into joints
     conditions that may mimic physical child abuse.               or soft tissue. Appropriate laboratory tests for bleed-
     These possibilities must be considered and ruled              ing and clotting abnormalities will diagnose a coagu-
     out in the diagnostic process.                                lation disorder.

     Folk medicine                                                 Tumors—These are usually diagnosable by radio-
                                                                   graphic techniques such as CT scans or magnetic
     • Coin rubbing (cao gio)1,2
                                                                   resonance imaging.
     • Spooning (quat sha)3,4
                                                                   Vascular Malformations—Rare in childhood, when
     • Moxibustion4,5
                                                                   intracranial bleeding is due to these it is usually in
     • Cupping4,6                                                  the brain tissue itself.
     • Maqua5
                                                                   Caida de Mollera (Fallen Fontanelle)33—In some
     Burns                                                         cultures, a flat or sunken fontanelle is considered
                                                                   unhealthy, although it may be present for a variety
     • Phytophotodermatitis7
                                                                   of benign reasons. When caida de mollera is
     • Impetigo                                                    employed to “raise” the fallen fontanelle, the baby
     • Varicella                                                   is held upside down, often shaken in that position,
     • Epidermolysis bullosa                                       and the head is held over or dipped into boiling
                                                                   liquid. The shaking motion is sometimes extreme
Visual Diagnosis of Child Abuse on CD-ROM Lecture Series                          11. CONDITIONS MISTAKEN FOR CHILD PHYSICAL ABUSE

                                           TABLE 11-1. CONDITIONS CONFUSED WITH BRUISING

       Condition                                   Distinguishing Features

       Mongolian spots                             • Slate gray and uniform in color from one side to the other
                                                   • Seen at time of birth, become less visible slowly
                                                   • Seen usually on buttocks, lower back, but can be seen anywhere on
                                                     the body

       Ehlers-Danlos syndrome                      • Skin is velvety, hyperelastic, and fragile
       (India rubber syndrome)                     • Minor trauma can lead to bruises

       Erythema multiforme                         • Splotchy, covering various areas of body
       Hypersensitivity vasculitis                 • Often itchy, may be raised (hives)
                                                   • Recurrent, indolent

       Phytophotodermatitis                        • Exposure to psoralens in the juice of certain plants followed by exposure
                                                     to sunlight (limes, lemons, figs, parsnip, celery, herbal preparations)

       Millipedes secretions8                      • Mahogany-colored lesions from contact to skin

       Contact dermatitis and allergic reactions   • Rubber, face masks, surf boards, squash balls, elastic bands in clothing,
                                                     plants, chemicals

       Lice, “crabs”                               • Can inject anticoagulant under the skin causing deposit of hemosiderin

       Ink or dye on skin (clothing)               • Mimics bruises or abrasions

       Coagulation defect (hemophilia, von         • Coagulation studies—PT, PTT, TT, fibrinogen, Factor VIII, platelets,
       Willebrand’s, leukemia, ITP, HSP, vitamin     special studies
       K deficiency, ingestion of anticoagulants

     and can lead to tearing of the bridging veins and                 Ocular Hemorrhages
     resultant subdural or subarachnoid hematomas.
                                                                       Periorbital Ecchymoses—Bilateral black eyes are
     Obstetric Trauma—Cephalohematomas are com-                        usually from abuse, but they can be caused by blunt
     mon parturitional injuries, especially in births                  trauma to the forehead with resultant seepage of
     involving instrumentation. They occur in 3% to                    the extravasated blood into the periorbital tissues.
     10% of newborns.34 In 25% of cases they are
                                                                       Subconjunctival Hemorrhage—Forceful coughing,
     associated with skull fractures, usually in the
                                                                       sneezing, vomiting, or other Valsalva maneuvers can
     posterior parietal region.35
                                                                       cause subconjunctival hemorrhages.
     Subdural hemorrhage related to the tentorium is
                                                                       Retinal Hemorrhages—Retinal hemorrhages must be
     associated with vacuum extraction.36 Chronic sub-
                                                                       described in terms of their characteristics, because
     dural collections seen in the first months of life may
                                                                       not all RHs are alike.38 Retinal hemorrhages do not
     be attributed to parturitional events, but examina-
                                                                       occur as the result of cardiopulmonary resuscita-
     tion of those events will usually clarify whether
                                                                       tion,38–41 seizures,38–42 or thoracic compression in
     there were factors during the birth that may have
                                                                       childhood (Purtscher’s retinopathy).38,43,44
     given rise to the collections seen later. The CT
     imaging characteristics and the absence of asso-
     ciated injuries (other fractures, RHs, abusive bruises)
     and the social history often can help distinguish
     these conditions from parturitional injuries.37

Visual Diagnosis of Child Abuse on CD-ROM Lecture Series                       11. CONDITIONS MISTAKEN FOR CHILD PHYSICAL ABUSE

     Other conditions in which RHs are seen include                Rib fractures resulting from birth trauma are almost
                                                                   unknown. Kleinman37 has found only 4 examples
     Vaginal Delivery—Occurring in 40% of children
                                                                   of rib fractures associated with birth injuries in
     delivered vaginally, these fine petechial preretinal
                                                                   otherwise normal infants.52–55
     hemorrhages usually resolve within 10 to 14 days
     of delivery leaving no residual.38                            Forceful Manipulation—Overzealous passive exercise
                                                                   and chiropractic or other health care providers have
     Bleeding Disorders—Isolated RHs in coagulopathies
                                                                   been reported to cause fractures.56
     have not been described. When they occur in
     patients with bleeding or clotting disorders, they            Metabolic Disorders, Nutritional Deficiencies, and
     are associated with other sites of bleeding.                  Infectious Conditions—Preterm or very low birth
                                                                   weight babies (neonatal osteopenia), Menke’s kinky
     Arteriovenous Malformations—Arteriovenous mal-
                                                                   hair syndrome, rickets, scurvy, and altered vitamin D
     formations are extremely rare in infancy and, when
                                                                   metabolism due to drugs (phenobarbital, phenytoin)
     present, are seldom associated with RHs.
                                                                   may cause fractures.
     Increased Intracranial Pressure—This is present in
     most cases of SBS/SIS, but current thinking is that           Osteogenesis Imperfecta
     if this caused RHs, it would be present in all cases          Osteogenesis imperfecta is a disorder of
     of increased intracranial pressure secondary to all           collagen synthesis.
     causes. This is not supported by medical literature
     about accidental head trauma with increased                   Type I: 70% of all cases
     intracranial pressure.24,45–49                                • Normal stature
     Meningitis—Increasingly rare in pediatrics, it is not         • Little or no long bone involvement
     likely this diagnosis would be overlooked after               • Blue sclerae
     clinical assessment, culturing, and examination of
                                                                   • Dentinogenesis imperfecta uncommon
     cerebrospinal fluid.
                                                                   • Osteoporosis often found on plain radiograph
     Accidental Head Trauma—Recent literature on
                                                                   • Autosomal dominant positive, family history
     the incidence of RHs in accidental head trauma
                                                                     usually positive
     indicates they are seldom seen in cases of acci-
     dental origin.                                                Type II: Severe bone disease evident prior to birth
     Thromboembolic Phenomena (eg, subacute bac-                   • At birth, severe shortening and distortion of limbs
     terial endocarditis)—These conditions would be                  ~ Large head
     diagnosed based on numerous other findings.                      ~ Striking blue sclerae
                                                                     ~ Severe generalized skeletal dysplasia
     Fractures                                                       ~ Poor mineralization of calvarium with
                                                                        wormian bones
     Birth Injuries—Fracture of the clavicle is the most
                                                                     ~ Fractures and crumpling of long bones, beading
     common obstetrical fracture with an incidence of
                                                                        of ribs, distortion of vertebral bodies
     up to 7 per 1,000 term deliveries.37 This fracture
                                                                     ~ Early death in perinatal period or infancy
     usually occurs in large babies. Callus formation is
                                                                     ~ Autosomal dominant
     present by 11 days of age and if not present then,
     excludes the diagnosis of birth injury. Fracture of           Type III: Unlikely to be confused with inflicted injuries
     the humerus occurs in a small number of births
                                                                   • Large head
     (7/15,435).50 This fracture occurs in difficult deliver-
     ies and breech extractions. Fracture of the femur             • Severe bowing and shortening of extremities
     occurs even less frequently than humeral fractures            • Normal or slightly blue sclerae
     (2/20,409).51 Subperisoteal new bone formation is             • Severe skeletal dysplasia
     present by 10 to 12 days of age and mature callus
                                                                   • Presence of fractures at birth common
     by 2 to 3 weeks.
                                                                   • Severe deformities of extremities and spine
                                                                   • Autosomal recessive pattern of inheritance—
                                                                     family history often is negative

Visual Diagnosis of Child Abuse on CD-ROM Lecture Series                    11. CONDITIONS MISTAKEN FOR CHILD PHYSICAL ABUSE

     Type IV
     • Variable degree of short stature, some deformity                            Other Causes of Fractures

     • Fractures may begin prenatally, deformities at birth            • Cerebral palsy
     • Most affected infants are short in stature                      • Osteopenia secondary to nutritional problems,
                                                                         Down syndrome, chronic pulmonary disease
     • Triangular heads, prominent foreheads
                                                                       • Prostaglandin therapy for patent ductus
     • Normal sclerae                                                    arteriosus
     • Osteoporosis, with variable deformity of                        • Methotrexate therapy
                                                                       • Hypervitaminosis A
       long bones
                                                                       • Congenital syphilis
     • Dentinogenesis imperfecta common                                • Congenital indifference to pain
     • Autosomal dominant, family history typically
                                                                  colleagues suggest the underlying problem in TBBD
     DIAGNOSTIC CONSIDERATIONS IN DISTINGUISHING                  is a “temporary deficiency of an enzyme, perhaps
     OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA FROM INFLICTED INJURIES              a metallo-enzyme, involved in the posttransitional
     • Family history is positive in Types I and II.              processing of collagen.” Several investigators58 have
     • Clinical features help distinguish.                        challenged these assertions on the basis that there
                                                                  is no scientific evidence to support their theory.
     • If in doubt, cultured skin fibroblasts to detect
       collagen abnormalities yield a definitive diagnosis         Infantile Cortical Hyperostosis (Caffey’s Disease)
       in 90% of cases tested.
                                                                  This rare idiopathic disease of young infants causes
     Temporary Brittle Bone Disease (TBBD)                        painful subperiosteal new bone formation and cor-
                                                                  tical thickening in multiple bones. It usually involves
     Paterson and colleagues57 described 39 patients
                                                                  the mandible, clavicle, and ulna. Onset after 6 months
     older than 10 years who seemed to have “self-
                                                                  of age is very rare. Complete healing is the rule in
     limiting osteogenesis imperfecta.” These patients
                                                                  Caffey’s disease. Familial distribution is common.
     had fractures in infancy, and the fractures occurred
     at home in 32 cases and in hospital in 7.
                                                                  Other Miscellaneous Conditions
     This entity has stirred intense controversy in the           Mistaken for Child Abuse
     medical community because of its citation in abuse
                                                                  • Hair tourniquet syndrome
     cases by legal representatives of alleged perpetra-
     tors. Most of the features of temporary brittle bone         • Alopecia areata
     disease (TBBD) are those seen in inflicted injury or          • Hypogammaglobulinemia
     normal variants in normal children. Paterson and             • Mental retardation in parent(s)

Visual Diagnosis of Child Abuse on CD-ROM Lecture Series                                  11. CONDITIONS MISTAKEN FOR CHILD PHYSICAL ABUSE

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11 Conditions Mistaken For Child Abuse

  • 1. VISUAL DIAGNOSIS OF CHILD ABUSE ON CD-ROM LECTURE SERIES 11. Conditions Mistaken for Child Physical Abuse Outline Abstract Fractures Osteogenesis Imperfecta Learning Objectives Diagnostic Considerations in Distinguishing Confusing Cutaneous Conditions Osteogenesis Imperfecta From Folk Medicine Inflicted Injuries Burns Temporary Brittle Bone Disease Infantile Cortical Hyperostosis Intracranial Bleeding (Caffey’s Disease) Ocular Hemorrhages Other Miscellaneous Conditions Mistaken for Child Abuse References 1
  • 2. Visual Diagnosis of Child Abuse on CD-ROM Lecture Series 11. CONDITIONS MISTAKEN FOR CHILD PHYSICAL ABUSE Abstract • Dermatitis herpetiformis Numerous conditions exist that can suggest an • Diaper dermatitis etiology of inflicted injury. Strict adherence to • Chilblains evidence based on objective findings and consid- • Drug eruption eration of all diagnostic possibilities help to avoid • Mechanical abrasion mistakes. An organ-system approach is outlined • Chemical burns here. The medical conditions that may mimic child maltreatment are discussed with an eye toward • Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome distinguishing them from inflicted injury. • Accidental burns Learning Objectives Intracranial Bleeding • To identify conditions, disorders, and syndromes Accidental Trauma—There have been numerous that may be confused with child abuse articles detailing the kinds of falls that produce seri- • To differentiate inflicted injury from preexisting ous intracranial injuries in infants and children.9–32 medical conditions The conclusion of these studies is that children do • To identify cultural practices that may be confused not suffer serious intracranial injuries from short with child abuse (<4 feet) falls. The exception is epidural hematomas, which usually are easily distinguished on computed tomography (CT) scans of the head, appearing as Confusing Cutaneous Conditions lenticular-shaped densities. The impact caused by The process of diagnosing medical conditions is motor vehicle crashes and falls, usually from 2 to organized around gathering information about the 3 stories, is necessary to produce subdural or sub- onset, severity, and duration of the symptoms and arachnoid hematomas. Extensive, multilayered reti- signs; the objective findings on physical examination nal hemorrhages (RHs) are almost exclusively seen of the patient; and collection of additional data from in shaken baby syndrome/shaken impact syndrome the laboratory, special studies, or x-rays. When all of (SBS/SIS). Retinal folds are diagnostic of abusive these are synthesized, a list of diagnostic possibili- head trauma. ties is developed. This list—called the differential Coagulation Disorders—Although bleeding and diagnosis—forms the basis for further thinking about clotting disorders can exacerbate intracranial bleed- the possible etiology of the patient’s disorder. ing when a traumatic event has occurred, the brain It is no different when approaching a case of is not the usual site for such bleeding. In hemo- suspected abuse. There are a number of medical philia, for example, bleeding is usually into joints conditions that may mimic physical child abuse. or soft tissue. Appropriate laboratory tests for bleed- These possibilities must be considered and ruled ing and clotting abnormalities will diagnose a coagu- out in the diagnostic process. lation disorder. Folk medicine Tumors—These are usually diagnosable by radio- graphic techniques such as CT scans or magnetic • Coin rubbing (cao gio)1,2 resonance imaging. • Spooning (quat sha)3,4 Vascular Malformations—Rare in childhood, when • Moxibustion4,5 intracranial bleeding is due to these it is usually in • Cupping4,6 the brain tissue itself. • Maqua5 Caida de Mollera (Fallen Fontanelle)33—In some Burns cultures, a flat or sunken fontanelle is considered unhealthy, although it may be present for a variety • Phytophotodermatitis7 of benign reasons. When caida de mollera is • Impetigo employed to “raise” the fallen fontanelle, the baby • Varicella is held upside down, often shaken in that position, • Epidermolysis bullosa and the head is held over or dipped into boiling liquid. The shaking motion is sometimes extreme 2
  • 3. Visual Diagnosis of Child Abuse on CD-ROM Lecture Series 11. CONDITIONS MISTAKEN FOR CHILD PHYSICAL ABUSE TABLE 11-1. CONDITIONS CONFUSED WITH BRUISING Condition Distinguishing Features Mongolian spots • Slate gray and uniform in color from one side to the other • Seen at time of birth, become less visible slowly • Seen usually on buttocks, lower back, but can be seen anywhere on the body Ehlers-Danlos syndrome • Skin is velvety, hyperelastic, and fragile (India rubber syndrome) • Minor trauma can lead to bruises Erythema multiforme • Splotchy, covering various areas of body Hypersensitivity vasculitis • Often itchy, may be raised (hives) • Recurrent, indolent Phytophotodermatitis • Exposure to psoralens in the juice of certain plants followed by exposure to sunlight (limes, lemons, figs, parsnip, celery, herbal preparations) Millipedes secretions8 • Mahogany-colored lesions from contact to skin Contact dermatitis and allergic reactions • Rubber, face masks, surf boards, squash balls, elastic bands in clothing, plants, chemicals Lice, “crabs” • Can inject anticoagulant under the skin causing deposit of hemosiderin Ink or dye on skin (clothing) • Mimics bruises or abrasions Coagulation defect (hemophilia, von • Coagulation studies—PT, PTT, TT, fibrinogen, Factor VIII, platelets, Willebrand’s, leukemia, ITP, HSP, vitamin special studies K deficiency, ingestion of anticoagulants and can lead to tearing of the bridging veins and Ocular Hemorrhages resultant subdural or subarachnoid hematomas. Periorbital Ecchymoses—Bilateral black eyes are Obstetric Trauma—Cephalohematomas are com- usually from abuse, but they can be caused by blunt mon parturitional injuries, especially in births trauma to the forehead with resultant seepage of involving instrumentation. They occur in 3% to the extravasated blood into the periorbital tissues. 10% of newborns.34 In 25% of cases they are Subconjunctival Hemorrhage—Forceful coughing, associated with skull fractures, usually in the sneezing, vomiting, or other Valsalva maneuvers can posterior parietal region.35 cause subconjunctival hemorrhages. Subdural hemorrhage related to the tentorium is Retinal Hemorrhages—Retinal hemorrhages must be associated with vacuum extraction.36 Chronic sub- described in terms of their characteristics, because dural collections seen in the first months of life may not all RHs are alike.38 Retinal hemorrhages do not be attributed to parturitional events, but examina- occur as the result of cardiopulmonary resuscita- tion of those events will usually clarify whether tion,38–41 seizures,38–42 or thoracic compression in there were factors during the birth that may have childhood (Purtscher’s retinopathy).38,43,44 given rise to the collections seen later. The CT imaging characteristics and the absence of asso- ciated injuries (other fractures, RHs, abusive bruises) and the social history often can help distinguish these conditions from parturitional injuries.37 3
  • 4. Visual Diagnosis of Child Abuse on CD-ROM Lecture Series 11. CONDITIONS MISTAKEN FOR CHILD PHYSICAL ABUSE Other conditions in which RHs are seen include Rib fractures resulting from birth trauma are almost unknown. Kleinman37 has found only 4 examples Vaginal Delivery—Occurring in 40% of children of rib fractures associated with birth injuries in delivered vaginally, these fine petechial preretinal otherwise normal infants.52–55 hemorrhages usually resolve within 10 to 14 days of delivery leaving no residual.38 Forceful Manipulation—Overzealous passive exercise and chiropractic or other health care providers have Bleeding Disorders—Isolated RHs in coagulopathies been reported to cause fractures.56 have not been described. When they occur in patients with bleeding or clotting disorders, they Metabolic Disorders, Nutritional Deficiencies, and are associated with other sites of bleeding. Infectious Conditions—Preterm or very low birth weight babies (neonatal osteopenia), Menke’s kinky Arteriovenous Malformations—Arteriovenous mal- hair syndrome, rickets, scurvy, and altered vitamin D formations are extremely rare in infancy and, when metabolism due to drugs (phenobarbital, phenytoin) present, are seldom associated with RHs. may cause fractures. Increased Intracranial Pressure—This is present in most cases of SBS/SIS, but current thinking is that Osteogenesis Imperfecta if this caused RHs, it would be present in all cases Osteogenesis imperfecta is a disorder of of increased intracranial pressure secondary to all collagen synthesis. causes. This is not supported by medical literature about accidental head trauma with increased Type I: 70% of all cases intracranial pressure.24,45–49 • Normal stature Meningitis—Increasingly rare in pediatrics, it is not • Little or no long bone involvement likely this diagnosis would be overlooked after • Blue sclerae clinical assessment, culturing, and examination of • Dentinogenesis imperfecta uncommon cerebrospinal fluid. • Osteoporosis often found on plain radiograph Accidental Head Trauma—Recent literature on • Autosomal dominant positive, family history the incidence of RHs in accidental head trauma usually positive indicates they are seldom seen in cases of acci- dental origin. Type II: Severe bone disease evident prior to birth Thromboembolic Phenomena (eg, subacute bac- • At birth, severe shortening and distortion of limbs terial endocarditis)—These conditions would be ~ Large head diagnosed based on numerous other findings. ~ Striking blue sclerae ~ Severe generalized skeletal dysplasia Fractures ~ Poor mineralization of calvarium with wormian bones Birth Injuries—Fracture of the clavicle is the most ~ Fractures and crumpling of long bones, beading common obstetrical fracture with an incidence of of ribs, distortion of vertebral bodies up to 7 per 1,000 term deliveries.37 This fracture ~ Early death in perinatal period or infancy usually occurs in large babies. Callus formation is ~ Autosomal dominant present by 11 days of age and if not present then, excludes the diagnosis of birth injury. Fracture of Type III: Unlikely to be confused with inflicted injuries the humerus occurs in a small number of births • Large head (7/15,435).50 This fracture occurs in difficult deliver- ies and breech extractions. Fracture of the femur • Severe bowing and shortening of extremities occurs even less frequently than humeral fractures • Normal or slightly blue sclerae (2/20,409).51 Subperisoteal new bone formation is • Severe skeletal dysplasia present by 10 to 12 days of age and mature callus • Presence of fractures at birth common by 2 to 3 weeks. • Severe deformities of extremities and spine • Autosomal recessive pattern of inheritance— family history often is negative 4
  • 5. Visual Diagnosis of Child Abuse on CD-ROM Lecture Series 11. CONDITIONS MISTAKEN FOR CHILD PHYSICAL ABUSE Type IV • Variable degree of short stature, some deformity Other Causes of Fractures • Fractures may begin prenatally, deformities at birth • Cerebral palsy • Most affected infants are short in stature • Osteopenia secondary to nutritional problems, Down syndrome, chronic pulmonary disease • Triangular heads, prominent foreheads • Prostaglandin therapy for patent ductus • Normal sclerae arteriosus • Osteoporosis, with variable deformity of • Methotrexate therapy • Hypervitaminosis A long bones • Congenital syphilis • Dentinogenesis imperfecta common • Congenital indifference to pain • Autosomal dominant, family history typically positive colleagues suggest the underlying problem in TBBD DIAGNOSTIC CONSIDERATIONS IN DISTINGUISHING is a “temporary deficiency of an enzyme, perhaps OSTEOGENESIS IMPERFECTA FROM INFLICTED INJURIES a metallo-enzyme, involved in the posttransitional • Family history is positive in Types I and II. processing of collagen.” Several investigators58 have • Clinical features help distinguish. challenged these assertions on the basis that there is no scientific evidence to support their theory. • If in doubt, cultured skin fibroblasts to detect collagen abnormalities yield a definitive diagnosis Infantile Cortical Hyperostosis (Caffey’s Disease) in 90% of cases tested. This rare idiopathic disease of young infants causes Temporary Brittle Bone Disease (TBBD) painful subperiosteal new bone formation and cor- tical thickening in multiple bones. It usually involves Paterson and colleagues57 described 39 patients the mandible, clavicle, and ulna. Onset after 6 months older than 10 years who seemed to have “self- of age is very rare. Complete healing is the rule in limiting osteogenesis imperfecta.” These patients Caffey’s disease. Familial distribution is common. had fractures in infancy, and the fractures occurred at home in 32 cases and in hospital in 7. Other Miscellaneous Conditions This entity has stirred intense controversy in the Mistaken for Child Abuse medical community because of its citation in abuse • Hair tourniquet syndrome cases by legal representatives of alleged perpetra- tors. Most of the features of temporary brittle bone • Alopecia areata disease (TBBD) are those seen in inflicted injury or • Hypogammaglobulinemia normal variants in normal children. Paterson and • Mental retardation in parent(s) 5
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