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Content Modelling and Policy Behaviors 0 Jan Vonka Repository Team, Alfresco
Introduction - Contents 1 Introduction Modelling Overview Components Examples Behaviours Overview Components Examples Past, present & future Q & A … feedback
Introduction – Hi 2 About me I’ve been with Alfresco since early 2007 primarily working in the core repository team worked for various companies in UK & California I enjoy flying hot-air balloons ;-) Spelling to be consistent I’ll stick with the British spelling Modelling <=> Modeling Behaviour <=> Behavior About you Modelling vs Behaviours … how much time (50/50) ? I’d like to allow enough time for  Q & A and general feedback (your experience)
Introduction - Assumptions 3 How many of you have … ? attended training course DevConJumpStart course Intensive Developers course and/or read Professional Alfresco book (chapter 5) Jeff Pott’sAlfresco Developer Guide (chapters 3 & 4) Alfresco wiki (“Data Dictionary” and related pages) and/or hands-on experience followed examples (eg. Books and/or Alfresco SDK) developed your own custom content model & app’
Introduction – “Dictionary” Definitions 4 [something] used as an example to follow or imitate to make [something] conform to a chosen standard Modelling the way in which [something] behaves in response to a particular situation or stimulus Behaviour
Introduction – Alfresco Content Repository 5 which enables storage of a potentially arbitrary network of entity data content entities  “metadata” (about the entities) relationships (between the entities) Stores store ref(erence) root node Nodes unique node ref(erence) Properties on nodes (Peer) Associations from source to target node Child associations between parent & child node primary & secondary Domain Embeds a storage engine
Introduction – model / domain consistency 6 Model / domain consistency can be maintained via … Content Model + Integrity Checker formal model definition including built-in constraints option to also write & plug-in custom constraints (not specifically covered here) Behaviours custom business logic bound to policies Rules & Actions not covered here … see separate session
Modelling 7 [something] used as an example to follow or imitate to make [something] conform to a chosen standard
Modelling overview – Content Models 8 Content models are all about metadata (data that describes data) constrain otherwise arbitrary nodes, properties and associations are named and define one or more namespaces can import namespaces in order to allow references to other models must be configured and loaded in dependent order “bootstrap” models are statically loaded from the filesystem (“extensions” classpath) when repo starts “dynamic” models are dynamically loaded from the repo (“Models” space) when models are added or changed integrity checks fire when transaction commits mandatory can be enforced (else node is marked as incomplete)
Modelling overview – Services 9 Get def’ (or all QNames) model types / aspect property datatype constraint association also: is sub-class ? Also refers to QName NamespaceService (prefix resolver) Dictionary Service Nodes create, move, delete, restore Properties set, get, remove Associations create, remove,  get sources, get targets Child Associations get children, get parents get primary parent Node Service
Modelling overview - M2 (meta-)model 10 Aspect Type Association Class Child Association Data Type Property Constraint
Modelling overview – M2 (meta-)model 11 modelSchema.xsd Imports Namespaces Data-types Constraints Types / Aspects Properties Constraints Associations Child Associations Summary
Model components – Types & Aspects (Nodes) 12 Node must be of a given type when created can also setType (ie. specialise / change type) may have zero or more aspects attached either from type or at runtime may have a set of properties  defined by type & aspects (including inherited types & aspects) may be associated with other nodes defined by type & aspects (including inherited types & aspects)
Model components – Properties 13 Property must be named must be of a given datatype may be single-valued (default) or multi-valued may have zero or more constraints (inline or referenced) may be mandatory either: enforced  or: relaxed (if missing, node marked with incomplete aspect) may have default value may be “residual” in this case there is no associated property definition can be overridden in terms of inheritance to a limited extent – mandatory, default, constraints
Model components – Constraints 14 Built-in constraint types: LIST		(“ListOfValuesConstraint) LENGTH	(“StringLengthConstraint”) MINMAX	(“NumericRangeConstraint”) REGEXP	(“RegexConstraint”) Other examples, eg. RM caveats use: “RMListOfValuesConstraint” (extends “ListOfValuesConstraint”) You can hook in your own constraint implementations implement “Constraint” interface typically extend “AbstractConstraint” must have default constructor (as it’s used to instantiate it) in model, define constraint with “type” attribute set to fully-qualified class name make sure you unit test your constraint (it is performance sensitive) Constraints execute as part of integrity checks prior to commit (ie. at the end of a server transaction)
Model components – Associations (Peer) 15 (Peer) Association association type is named source node may be associated with zero or more target nodes may be mandatory enforced or relaxed (missing => node marked with incomplete aspect) cardinality can be defined via many / mandatory 0 or 1(mandatory = false, many = false) 1 (mandatory = true, many = false) 0 or more (mandatory = false, many = true) 1 or more (mandatory = true, many = true)
Model components – Child Associations 16 Child Association defined in same way as peer association with extra features parent node may be associated with zero or more child nodes affects certain operations, eg. delete will cascade also defines if child name can be duplicated or unique within parent a node can have one primary child association a node may have one or more secondary child associations
Model components – Admin Node Browser 17 Don’t forget “the Node Browser is your friend !” in theory never lies … … although be careful with browser back button (JSF issue)
Model components – some changes since 3.x 18 Dynamic models since 3.0 reduces need for server restart, also enables multi-tenancy option CMIS mapping CMIS type, CMIS property, CMIS relationship (peer assoc) CMIS document (cm:content), CMIS folder (cm:folder) Constraints support title & description (needed by RM) since 3.2 Tightened validation check for content models since 3.4 unfortunately, due to a long standing bug, it has always been possible to define new model elements using a namespace that wasn't defined by the containing model (eg. using an imported namespace) with the recent bug fix, it is now only possible to create model elements whose namespace is also defined by the containing model “DataModel” split out from “Repository” since 3.4 split into separate JAR / Eclipse project – for future SOLR integration
Model components – example 19 sys:referenceable ,[object Object]
sys:node-dbidsys:base cm:auditable ,[object Object]
cm:modifiercm:cmobject - cm:name cm:folder cm:content
Example – custom model 20 cm:folder cm:content my:customBaseFolder my:customBaseAspect my:customBaseContent my:customContent my:customSubFolder my:customSubAspect
Model demo – Sample XMI generator 21 … more here … Map<String, Object> fmModel = new HashMap<String, Object>(); fmModel.put("prefixDelimiter", prefixDelimiter); fmModel.put("classes", allM2Classes); fmModel.put("datatypes", datatypes); Configuration cfg = new Configuration(); cfg.setObjectWrapper(ObjectWrapper.DEFAULT_WRAPPER); String userDir = System.getProperty("user.dir"); cfg.setDirectoryForTemplateLoading(newFile(userDir+"/source/test-resources/SimpleXMI")); // UML 1.4 / XMI 1.2 - suitable for ArgoUML (eg. 0.30.2) Template temp = cfg.getTemplate("simple-Xmi1.2-Uml1.4.ftl"); File f = new File(userDir, "simpleXMI-"+System.currentTimeMillis()+".xmi"); Writer out = new FileWriter(f); temp.process(fmModel, out); out.flush(); out.close(); … more here … (extract) … more here … <#list datatypesas datatype>            <#assign":")>            < = 'id-datatype:${}'  name = '${}'isSpecification= 'false' isRoot = 'false' isLeaf = 'false' isAbstract= 'false'/>  </#list>  <#list classes as class>       < = 'id-class:${}'  	name = '${":",prefixDelimiter)}’     	isSpecification= 'false' isRoot = 'false' isLeaf= 'false' isAbstract = 'false' isActive = 'false'>           <#if class.isAspect() == true > 		<UML:ModelElement.stereotype>  	<UML:Stereotypexmi.idref = 'id-stereotype:aspect'/>  	</UML:ModelElement.stereotype> 	    <#else> … more here … simple-Xmi1.2-Uml1.4.ftl (extract)
Model examples –DevCon sample 22
Model examples – Web Quick Start (WQS) 23
Model examples – many “OOTB” 24 Many examples “out-of-the-box” Search for “*Model.xml” across the Alfresco source tree Core model files (with defined namespaces) include: dictionaryModel.xml (alf) (d) (view) systemModel.xml (sys) (reg) (module) contentModel.xml (cm) (rn) (exif)
Model examples – modules (eg. RM, WQS) 25 Alfresco modules also provide some great examples, eg. Records Management (RM / DOD5015) dod5015Model.xml (dod) recordsCustomModel.xml (dynamically managed) (rmc) Web Quick Start (WQS) webSiteModel.xml (ws)
Behaviours 26 the way in which [something] behaves in response to a particular situation or stimulus
Behaviours overview – policy + behaviour 	 27 Policies provide hook points to which you can bind behaviours to events based on class or association behaviours are (policy) handlers that execute specific business logic behaviours can be implemented in Java and/or JavaScript Behaviours can be bound to a type or aspect node in the content repository must be of a single type node may have one or more aspects attached aspects are either inherited from its type (defined by the model) or can be attached (or detached) at runtime … allowing a node to dynamically inherit features and capabilities aspects can be interpreted by the repository to change behaviour eg. by the presence of an aspect (even with no properties)
Behaviours overview – policy component	 28 From JavaDoc (org.alfresco.repo.policy) … The Policy Component manages Policies and Behaviours. It provides the ability to: a) Register policies b) Bind behaviours to policies c) Invoke policy behaviours A behaviour may be bound to a Policy before the Policy is registered. In this case, the behaviour is not validated (i.e. checked to determine if it Supports the policy interface) until the Policy is registered. Otherwise, the behaviour is validated at bind-time. Policies may be selectively "turned off" by the Behaviour Filter.
Behaviour components – behaviour interface 29 Behaviour BaseBehaviour JavaBehaviour ScriptBehaviour
Behaviour components – policy interface 30   Policy ClassPolicy (type or aspect) AssociationPolicy (peer or parent-child) PropertyPolicy (not used)
Behaviour components – some OOTB policies 31 Search for “*” across the Alfresco source tree Examples include: NodeServicePolicies before/onCreateNode,  beforeDeleteNode (don’t use “on”) before/onUpdateNode onUpdateProperties before/onAddAspect before/onRemoveAspect before/onCreateChildAssociation before/onDeleteChildAssocation onCreateAssociation onDeleteAssociation …. ContentServicePolicies onContentUpdate onContentPropertyUpdate
Behaviour components - other policy examples 32 CopyServicePolicies before/onCopy onCopyComplete CheckOutCheckInServicePolicies before/OnCheckOut before/OnCheckIn before/OnCancelCheckOut And more … VersionServicePolicies StoreSelectorPolicies AsynchronousActionExecutionQueuePolicies RecordsManagementPolicies Note: you can define, register and invoke you own custom policies, eg. RecordsManagementPolicies <= RecordsManagementActionServiceImpl
Behaviour components – register & invoke 33 public interface NodeServicePolicies {	 	public interface OnAddAspectPolicy extends ClassPolicy 	{ 		public static final QName QNAME = QName.createQName(NamespaceService.ALFRESCO_URI, "onAddAspect"); 		// Called after an <b>aspect</b> has been added to a node 		public void onAddAspect(NodeRefnodeRef, QNameaspectTypeQName); 	} } public abstract class AbstractNodeServiceImpl implements NodeService { 	// note: policyComponent is injected … (not shown here) 	public void init() 	{ 		// Register the policy onAddAspectDelegate = policyComponent.registerClassPolicy 									(NodeServicePolicies.OnAddAspectPolicy.class); 	}  	protected void invokeOnAddAspect(NodeRefnodeRef, QNameaspectTypeQName) 	{		 NodeServicePolicies.OnAddAspectPolicy policy = onAddAspectDelegate.get(nodeRef, aspectTypeQName); policy.onAddAspect(nodeRef, aspectTypeQName); 	} }
Behaviour components – bind & implement 34 public class XyzAspect implements NodeServicePolicies.OnAddAspectPolicy, ... { 	// note: policyComponent is injected … (not shown here) 	public void init() 	{ 		// bind to the policy policyComponent.bindClassBehaviour( OnAddAspectPolicy.QNAME, ContentModel.ASPECT_XYZ, 			new JavaBehaviour(this, "onAddAspect”, 							    Behaviour.NotificationFrequency.TRANSACTION_COMMIT)); 	} 	public void onAddAspect(NodeRefnodeRef, QNameaspectTypeQName) 	{ 		// implement behaviour here … (for when aspect XYZ is added) 	} }
Behaviour components – class vs service binding 35 … // // note: usually try to bind on specific class (type/aspect) rather than service method // // class binding – specific type or aspect policyComponent.bindClassBehaviour( NodeServicePolicies.OnUpdatePropertiesPolicy.QNAME, ContentModel.TYPE_PERSON,  		new JavaBehaviour(this,  						"onUpdateProperties”, Behaviour.NotificationFrequency.EVERY_EVENT)); // service binding – all types/aspects policyComponent.bindClassBehaviour(             NodeServicePolicies.OnUpdatePropertiesPolicy.QNAME, this, 		new JavaBehaviour(this,  						 "onUpdateProperties”, Behaviour.NotificationFrequency.EVERY_EVENT)); …
Behaviour components - handle now or later 36 Notification Frequency behaviours can be defined with a notification frequency – “every event” (default), “first event”, “transaction commit” consider that during a given transaction, certain policies may fire multiple times (ie. “every event”) can set notification frequency to “first event” or “transaction commit” Using Transactional Resource option to execute logic immediately or queue (eg. via transactional resource) until commit (beforeCommit and/or afterCommit) AlfrescoTransactionSupport.bindResource(K, V) V = AlfrescoTransactionSupport.getResource(K)
Behaviour components – disable / (re-)enable 37 Behaviours can be temporarily disabled BehaviourFilterinterface for current transaction only for “class” (type or aspect) or “node + class” disableBehaviour enableBehaviour isEnabled for “node” enableBehaviours for “all” disableAllBehaviours enableAllBehaviours isActivated Behaviour interface for current thread only disable / enable, eg. in try / finally block Examples – importer, transfer – disable behaviours
Behaviour components - delete is delete ! 38 ,[object Object],delete is delete (you should not need to care whether it is archived) create is create (even if it is restored from the archive) ,[object Object],note: will fire for parent and recursively for each of it’s cascade deleted children (if any) ,[object Object],deleted node may not be archived archived node may never be restored you should not need to check for archive store ,[object Object],assocs to “archived” nodes may remain (pending ALF-4119 for 3.4+)
Behaviour components - delete is delete ! (cont) 39 “live” store “archive” store deleteNode (purgeArchivedNode) deleteNode restoreNode archive://SpacesStore version://version2Store workspace://SpacesStore deleteNode “version” store createVersion deleteVersion deleteVersionHistory
Behaviour components – some changes in 3.x 40 More than one handler can be registered for a given policy since 3.0 We now also trigger policies through the type hierarchy since 3.4 if you use earlier Alfresco and yet to upgrade then workaround is to bind to service bind and use “isSubClassOf” to check type You should not need to check for archive store since 3.3 operations on archive store no longer fire polices also applies to version store
Example behaviours - more 41 Search through the code for policy bindings or use Eclipse to find call hierarchy for bindClassBehaviour (x2) bindAssociationBehaviour (x3) Many examples both in core services as well as module extensions such as Web Quick Start DOD 5015 (Records Management) You can refer to the SDK for a simple example Also, for JavaScript Behaviours, refer to *old* RM module
Modelling & Behaviours – some general tips 42 Modelling consider using dynamic models during dev & test cycles beware of deep class hierarchies consider performance of any custom registered constraints Behaviours consider notification frequency add debug logging don’t rely on archive store can temporarily disable/re-enable (thread or transaction) General start with the SDK and if needed move to complete SVN source tree write unit tests (+ve & -ve) to exercise custom models & behaviours run existing regression tests (eg. “ant test-repository” or continuous) develop and package as an AMP (Alfresco Module Package)

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Content Modeling Behavior

  • 1. Content Modelling and Policy Behaviors 0 Jan Vonka Repository Team, Alfresco
  • 2. Introduction - Contents 1 Introduction Modelling Overview Components Examples Behaviours Overview Components Examples Past, present & future Q & A … feedback
  • 3. Introduction – Hi 2 About me I’ve been with Alfresco since early 2007 primarily working in the core repository team worked for various companies in UK & California I enjoy flying hot-air balloons ;-) Spelling to be consistent I’ll stick with the British spelling Modelling <=> Modeling Behaviour <=> Behavior About you Modelling vs Behaviours … how much time (50/50) ? I’d like to allow enough time for Q & A and general feedback (your experience)
  • 4. Introduction - Assumptions 3 How many of you have … ? attended training course DevConJumpStart course Intensive Developers course and/or read Professional Alfresco book (chapter 5) Jeff Pott’sAlfresco Developer Guide (chapters 3 & 4) Alfresco wiki (“Data Dictionary” and related pages) and/or hands-on experience followed examples (eg. Books and/or Alfresco SDK) developed your own custom content model & app’
  • 5. Introduction – “Dictionary” Definitions 4 [something] used as an example to follow or imitate to make [something] conform to a chosen standard Modelling the way in which [something] behaves in response to a particular situation or stimulus Behaviour
  • 6. Introduction – Alfresco Content Repository 5 which enables storage of a potentially arbitrary network of entity data content entities “metadata” (about the entities) relationships (between the entities) Stores store ref(erence) root node Nodes unique node ref(erence) Properties on nodes (Peer) Associations from source to target node Child associations between parent & child node primary & secondary Domain Embeds a storage engine
  • 7. Introduction – model / domain consistency 6 Model / domain consistency can be maintained via … Content Model + Integrity Checker formal model definition including built-in constraints option to also write & plug-in custom constraints (not specifically covered here) Behaviours custom business logic bound to policies Rules & Actions not covered here … see separate session
  • 8. Modelling 7 [something] used as an example to follow or imitate to make [something] conform to a chosen standard
  • 9. Modelling overview – Content Models 8 Content models are all about metadata (data that describes data) constrain otherwise arbitrary nodes, properties and associations are named and define one or more namespaces can import namespaces in order to allow references to other models must be configured and loaded in dependent order “bootstrap” models are statically loaded from the filesystem (“extensions” classpath) when repo starts “dynamic” models are dynamically loaded from the repo (“Models” space) when models are added or changed integrity checks fire when transaction commits mandatory can be enforced (else node is marked as incomplete)
  • 10. Modelling overview – Services 9 Get def’ (or all QNames) model types / aspect property datatype constraint association also: is sub-class ? Also refers to QName NamespaceService (prefix resolver) Dictionary Service Nodes create, move, delete, restore Properties set, get, remove Associations create, remove, get sources, get targets Child Associations get children, get parents get primary parent Node Service
  • 11. Modelling overview - M2 (meta-)model 10 Aspect Type Association Class Child Association Data Type Property Constraint
  • 12. Modelling overview – M2 (meta-)model 11 modelSchema.xsd Imports Namespaces Data-types Constraints Types / Aspects Properties Constraints Associations Child Associations Summary
  • 13. Model components – Types & Aspects (Nodes) 12 Node must be of a given type when created can also setType (ie. specialise / change type) may have zero or more aspects attached either from type or at runtime may have a set of properties defined by type & aspects (including inherited types & aspects) may be associated with other nodes defined by type & aspects (including inherited types & aspects)
  • 14. Model components – Properties 13 Property must be named must be of a given datatype may be single-valued (default) or multi-valued may have zero or more constraints (inline or referenced) may be mandatory either: enforced or: relaxed (if missing, node marked with incomplete aspect) may have default value may be “residual” in this case there is no associated property definition can be overridden in terms of inheritance to a limited extent – mandatory, default, constraints
  • 15. Model components – Constraints 14 Built-in constraint types: LIST (“ListOfValuesConstraint) LENGTH (“StringLengthConstraint”) MINMAX (“NumericRangeConstraint”) REGEXP (“RegexConstraint”) Other examples, eg. RM caveats use: “RMListOfValuesConstraint” (extends “ListOfValuesConstraint”) You can hook in your own constraint implementations implement “Constraint” interface typically extend “AbstractConstraint” must have default constructor (as it’s used to instantiate it) in model, define constraint with “type” attribute set to fully-qualified class name make sure you unit test your constraint (it is performance sensitive) Constraints execute as part of integrity checks prior to commit (ie. at the end of a server transaction)
  • 16. Model components – Associations (Peer) 15 (Peer) Association association type is named source node may be associated with zero or more target nodes may be mandatory enforced or relaxed (missing => node marked with incomplete aspect) cardinality can be defined via many / mandatory 0 or 1(mandatory = false, many = false) 1 (mandatory = true, many = false) 0 or more (mandatory = false, many = true) 1 or more (mandatory = true, many = true)
  • 17. Model components – Child Associations 16 Child Association defined in same way as peer association with extra features parent node may be associated with zero or more child nodes affects certain operations, eg. delete will cascade also defines if child name can be duplicated or unique within parent a node can have one primary child association a node may have one or more secondary child associations
  • 18. Model components – Admin Node Browser 17 Don’t forget “the Node Browser is your friend !” in theory never lies … … although be careful with browser back button (JSF issue)
  • 19. Model components – some changes since 3.x 18 Dynamic models since 3.0 reduces need for server restart, also enables multi-tenancy option CMIS mapping CMIS type, CMIS property, CMIS relationship (peer assoc) CMIS document (cm:content), CMIS folder (cm:folder) Constraints support title & description (needed by RM) since 3.2 Tightened validation check for content models since 3.4 unfortunately, due to a long standing bug, it has always been possible to define new model elements using a namespace that wasn't defined by the containing model (eg. using an imported namespace) with the recent bug fix, it is now only possible to create model elements whose namespace is also defined by the containing model “DataModel” split out from “Repository” since 3.4 split into separate JAR / Eclipse project – for future SOLR integration
  • 20.
  • 23.
  • 26. cm:modifiercm:cmobject - cm:name cm:folder cm:content
  • 27. Example – custom model 20 cm:folder cm:content my:customBaseFolder my:customBaseAspect my:customBaseContent my:customContent my:customSubFolder my:customSubAspect
  • 28. Model demo – Sample XMI generator 21 … more here … Map<String, Object> fmModel = new HashMap<String, Object>(); fmModel.put("prefixDelimiter", prefixDelimiter); fmModel.put("classes", allM2Classes); fmModel.put("datatypes", datatypes); Configuration cfg = new Configuration(); cfg.setObjectWrapper(ObjectWrapper.DEFAULT_WRAPPER); String userDir = System.getProperty("user.dir"); cfg.setDirectoryForTemplateLoading(newFile(userDir+"/source/test-resources/SimpleXMI")); // UML 1.4 / XMI 1.2 - suitable for ArgoUML (eg. 0.30.2) Template temp = cfg.getTemplate("simple-Xmi1.2-Uml1.4.ftl"); File f = new File(userDir, "simpleXMI-"+System.currentTimeMillis()+".xmi"); Writer out = new FileWriter(f); temp.process(fmModel, out); out.flush(); out.close(); … more here … (extract) … more here … <#list datatypesas datatype> <#assign":")> < = 'id-datatype:${}' name = '${}'isSpecification= 'false' isRoot = 'false' isLeaf = 'false' isAbstract= 'false'/> </#list> <#list classes as class> < = 'id-class:${}' name = '${":",prefixDelimiter)}’ isSpecification= 'false' isRoot = 'false' isLeaf= 'false' isAbstract = 'false' isActive = 'false'> <#if class.isAspect() == true > <UML:ModelElement.stereotype> <UML:Stereotypexmi.idref = 'id-stereotype:aspect'/> </UML:ModelElement.stereotype> <#else> … more here … simple-Xmi1.2-Uml1.4.ftl (extract)
  • 30. Model examples – Web Quick Start (WQS) 23
  • 31. Model examples – many “OOTB” 24 Many examples “out-of-the-box” Search for “*Model.xml” across the Alfresco source tree Core model files (with defined namespaces) include: dictionaryModel.xml (alf) (d) (view) systemModel.xml (sys) (reg) (module) contentModel.xml (cm) (rn) (exif)
  • 32. Model examples – modules (eg. RM, WQS) 25 Alfresco modules also provide some great examples, eg. Records Management (RM / DOD5015) dod5015Model.xml (dod) recordsCustomModel.xml (dynamically managed) (rmc) Web Quick Start (WQS) webSiteModel.xml (ws)
  • 33. Behaviours 26 the way in which [something] behaves in response to a particular situation or stimulus
  • 34. Behaviours overview – policy + behaviour 27 Policies provide hook points to which you can bind behaviours to events based on class or association behaviours are (policy) handlers that execute specific business logic behaviours can be implemented in Java and/or JavaScript Behaviours can be bound to a type or aspect node in the content repository must be of a single type node may have one or more aspects attached aspects are either inherited from its type (defined by the model) or can be attached (or detached) at runtime … allowing a node to dynamically inherit features and capabilities aspects can be interpreted by the repository to change behaviour eg. by the presence of an aspect (even with no properties)
  • 35. Behaviours overview – policy component 28 From JavaDoc (org.alfresco.repo.policy) … The Policy Component manages Policies and Behaviours. It provides the ability to: a) Register policies b) Bind behaviours to policies c) Invoke policy behaviours A behaviour may be bound to a Policy before the Policy is registered. In this case, the behaviour is not validated (i.e. checked to determine if it Supports the policy interface) until the Policy is registered. Otherwise, the behaviour is validated at bind-time. Policies may be selectively "turned off" by the Behaviour Filter.
  • 36. Behaviour components – behaviour interface 29 Behaviour BaseBehaviour JavaBehaviour ScriptBehaviour
  • 37. Behaviour components – policy interface 30 Policy ClassPolicy (type or aspect) AssociationPolicy (peer or parent-child) PropertyPolicy (not used)
  • 38. Behaviour components – some OOTB policies 31 Search for “*” across the Alfresco source tree Examples include: NodeServicePolicies before/onCreateNode, beforeDeleteNode (don’t use “on”) before/onUpdateNode onUpdateProperties before/onAddAspect before/onRemoveAspect before/onCreateChildAssociation before/onDeleteChildAssocation onCreateAssociation onDeleteAssociation …. ContentServicePolicies onContentUpdate onContentPropertyUpdate
  • 39. Behaviour components - other policy examples 32 CopyServicePolicies before/onCopy onCopyComplete CheckOutCheckInServicePolicies before/OnCheckOut before/OnCheckIn before/OnCancelCheckOut And more … VersionServicePolicies StoreSelectorPolicies AsynchronousActionExecutionQueuePolicies RecordsManagementPolicies Note: you can define, register and invoke you own custom policies, eg. RecordsManagementPolicies <= RecordsManagementActionServiceImpl
  • 40. Behaviour components – register & invoke 33 public interface NodeServicePolicies { public interface OnAddAspectPolicy extends ClassPolicy { public static final QName QNAME = QName.createQName(NamespaceService.ALFRESCO_URI, "onAddAspect"); // Called after an <b>aspect</b> has been added to a node public void onAddAspect(NodeRefnodeRef, QNameaspectTypeQName); } } public abstract class AbstractNodeServiceImpl implements NodeService { // note: policyComponent is injected … (not shown here) public void init() { // Register the policy onAddAspectDelegate = policyComponent.registerClassPolicy (NodeServicePolicies.OnAddAspectPolicy.class); } protected void invokeOnAddAspect(NodeRefnodeRef, QNameaspectTypeQName) { NodeServicePolicies.OnAddAspectPolicy policy = onAddAspectDelegate.get(nodeRef, aspectTypeQName); policy.onAddAspect(nodeRef, aspectTypeQName); } }
  • 41. Behaviour components – bind & implement 34 public class XyzAspect implements NodeServicePolicies.OnAddAspectPolicy, ... { // note: policyComponent is injected … (not shown here) public void init() { // bind to the policy policyComponent.bindClassBehaviour( OnAddAspectPolicy.QNAME, ContentModel.ASPECT_XYZ, new JavaBehaviour(this, "onAddAspect”, Behaviour.NotificationFrequency.TRANSACTION_COMMIT)); } public void onAddAspect(NodeRefnodeRef, QNameaspectTypeQName) { // implement behaviour here … (for when aspect XYZ is added) } }
  • 42. Behaviour components – class vs service binding 35 … // // note: usually try to bind on specific class (type/aspect) rather than service method // // class binding – specific type or aspect policyComponent.bindClassBehaviour( NodeServicePolicies.OnUpdatePropertiesPolicy.QNAME, ContentModel.TYPE_PERSON, new JavaBehaviour(this, "onUpdateProperties”, Behaviour.NotificationFrequency.EVERY_EVENT)); // service binding – all types/aspects policyComponent.bindClassBehaviour( NodeServicePolicies.OnUpdatePropertiesPolicy.QNAME, this, new JavaBehaviour(this, "onUpdateProperties”, Behaviour.NotificationFrequency.EVERY_EVENT)); …
  • 43. Behaviour components - handle now or later 36 Notification Frequency behaviours can be defined with a notification frequency – “every event” (default), “first event”, “transaction commit” consider that during a given transaction, certain policies may fire multiple times (ie. “every event”) can set notification frequency to “first event” or “transaction commit” Using Transactional Resource option to execute logic immediately or queue (eg. via transactional resource) until commit (beforeCommit and/or afterCommit) AlfrescoTransactionSupport.bindResource(K, V) V = AlfrescoTransactionSupport.getResource(K)
  • 44. Behaviour components – disable / (re-)enable 37 Behaviours can be temporarily disabled BehaviourFilterinterface for current transaction only for “class” (type or aspect) or “node + class” disableBehaviour enableBehaviour isEnabled for “node” enableBehaviours for “all” disableAllBehaviours enableAllBehaviours isActivated Behaviour interface for current thread only disable / enable, eg. in try / finally block Examples – importer, transfer – disable behaviours
  • 45.
  • 46. Behaviour components - delete is delete ! (cont) 39 “live” store “archive” store deleteNode (purgeArchivedNode) deleteNode restoreNode archive://SpacesStore version://version2Store workspace://SpacesStore deleteNode “version” store createVersion deleteVersion deleteVersionHistory
  • 47. Behaviour components – some changes in 3.x 40 More than one handler can be registered for a given policy since 3.0 We now also trigger policies through the type hierarchy since 3.4 if you use earlier Alfresco and yet to upgrade then workaround is to bind to service bind and use “isSubClassOf” to check type You should not need to check for archive store since 3.3 operations on archive store no longer fire polices also applies to version store
  • 48. Example behaviours - more 41 Search through the code for policy bindings or use Eclipse to find call hierarchy for bindClassBehaviour (x2) bindAssociationBehaviour (x3) Many examples both in core services as well as module extensions such as Web Quick Start DOD 5015 (Records Management) You can refer to the SDK for a simple example Also, for JavaScript Behaviours, refer to *old* RM module
  • 49. Modelling & Behaviours – some general tips 42 Modelling consider using dynamic models during dev & test cycles beware of deep class hierarchies consider performance of any custom registered constraints Behaviours consider notification frequency add debug logging don’t rely on archive store can temporarily disable/re-enable (thread or transaction) General start with the SDK and if needed move to complete SVN source tree write unit tests (+ve & -ve) to exercise custom models & behaviours run existing regression tests (eg. “ant test-repository” or continuous) develop and package as an AMP (Alfresco Module Package)
  • 50. Past, present and future 43 Modelling integrity checks do not apply to version store data model has been split off (eg. for future SOLR integration) now only possible to create model elements whose namespace is also defined by the containing model composite content (anticipated for Project “Swift”) major model enhancement will also impact various foundation services see wiki for more details (early draft - subject to change) Behaviours more than one handler can be registered for a policy policies do not fire for archive store & version store policies are now triggered through the type hierarchy maybe some consolidation & rationalisation also potentially new policies (to hook into)
  • 51. References & examples 44 Alfresco wiki / forums Books Professional Alfresco (Wrox) Alfresco Developer Guide (Packt Publishing) Alfresco Training courses Intensive Developers Course (5 day) Fundamentals (2 day) – new Advanced Content Modelling – TBC and obviously the source code itself  including modules, such as RM (DOD 5015)
  • 52. Feedback … Q & A 45
  • 53. Learn More 46 twitter: @AlfrescoECM
  • 54. Another Code Sample (Screenshot) 47
  • 55. 48 Shape & Color Pallette Normal Text Normal Text Normal Text
  • 56. 49
  • 57. Content Model ex1 – model, import, namespace 50 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <model name="cm:contentmodel" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""> <description>Alfresco Content Domain Model</description> <author>Alfresco</author> <published>2009-06-04</published> <version>1.1</version> <imports> <import uri="" prefix="d"/> <import uri="" prefix="sys"/> </imports> <namespaces> <namespace uri="" prefix="cm"/> <namespace uri="" prefix="rn"/> <namespace uri="" prefix="exif"/> </namespaces>
  • 58. Content Model ex2 - type, property, constraint 51 <type name="cm:cmobject"> <title>Object</title> <parent>sys:base</parent> <properties> <property name="cm:name"> <title>Name</title> <type>d:text</type> <mandatory enforced="true">true</mandatory> <index enabled="true"> <atomic>true</atomic> <stored>false</stored> <tokenised>both</tokenised> </index> <constraints> <constraint ref="cm:filename" /> </constraints> </property> </properties> <mandatory-aspects> <aspect>cm:auditable</aspect> </mandatory-aspects> </type>
  • 59. Content Model ex3 – child assoc … 52 <type name="cm:folder"> <title>Folder</title> <parent>cm:cmobject</parent> <archive>true</archive> <associations> <child-association name="cm:contains"> <source> <mandatory>false</mandatory> <many>true</many> </source> <target> <class>sys:base</class> <mandatory>false</mandatory> <many>true</many> </target> <duplicate>false</duplicate> <propagateTimestamps>true</propagateTimestamps> </child-association> </associations> </type>

Notas do Editor

  1. Other foundation services include Content Service, Search Service …Other higher-level services include FileFolderService, CheckoutCheckInService, VersionService, CopyService …
  2. ALF-680 - Previously valid content models now fail with CMISAbstractDictionaryService$DictionaryRegistry exception (r20488)CHK-8823 -Dictionary/Constraint improvements (required by MOB-1276) (r15913)
  3. ALF-955 - Deletion of dynamic custom model (Ent 3.2.1 / Com 3.3)ALF-4119 - NodeService: beforeDeleteNode archiving (WIP – targeted for Com 3.4b)
  4. ALF-3885 - Allow multiple policies through type hierarchy (r21253) (Com 3.4.a / Ent 3.4.0)CHK-2720 - Fixed AR-401 Can only have one policy handler (r8698)