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the Scriptures



    the Scriptures

                 ˘ 2010
          All Rights Reserved

       Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
               of New York, Inc.
          Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A.

This publication is not for sale. It is provided as part
      of a worldwide Bible educational work
        supported by voluntary donations.

          Examining the Scriptures Daily—2011
                   English (es11-E)

          Made in the United States of America
Examining the Scriptures Daily
     “Good morning!” This cheerful greeting is
heard around the world countless times each day.
In whatever form or language, it is usually the first
thing said to family members on awakening or to
others we meet later on. It seems to say: “Hello,
it’s good to see you. Hope you have a nice day.” For
most people, however, it is just an expression. In
fact, when greeted with the words “good morning,”
one individual would often say, “Let’s make it so.”
But what would make a morning “good”?
     Some feel that starting the day with a nourish-
ing breakfast is most important. Others equate a
good day with feeling well and being energetic.
Weather conditions can also be a significant factor
in our outlook. To many, having a good day is just
being able to get started and satisfy their needs.
     Those needs, however, include more than food,
clothing, shelter, and other basic necessities. When
tempted by the Devil to turn stones into bread, Je-
sus said: “Man must live, not on bread alone, but
on every utterance coming forth through Jeho-
vah’s mouth.” (Matt. 4:4) Yes, we have another ba-
sic need to care for if we truly want to be happy.
In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus made mention
of it when he said: “Happy are those conscious of
their spiritual need.” (Matt. 5:3) Happiness is pos-
sible because that need can be satisfied through an
understanding of God’s written Word, the Bible.
     For many, that spiritual need comes to the sur-
face when they ask: ‘Why are we here? What is the
purpose of life?’ The answer becomes clear when
they are helped to realize that rather than evolv-
ing from lower life-forms, man was created by a
loving God. Moreover, we were formed “in God’s
image,” mirroring some of his qualities. (Gen. 1:27;
Deut. 32:4; Job 12:13; Isa. 40:26; 1 John 4:8) Jeho-
vah created us not only with physical needs but
also with a spiritual need. We have an innate desire
to know and worship God. (Rev. 4:11) By studying
the Bible, we learn spiritual truths—facts about
God, his standards, and his purpose for mankind.
What we learn is for our good because Jehovah
teaches us the best way of life.—Isa. 48:17; Luke
    Just as our body needs to be sustained regu-
larly with physical food, our spirituality must be
nourished regularly. Even though we have learned
many spiritual truths, our imperfect minds tend to
forget. We become engrossed in the daily concerns
of life. We are bombarded by the propaganda of
Satan’s system of things. But the inspired Word
of God can teach us, reprove us when necessary,
set matters straight, and keep us “fully compe-
tent, completely equipped for every good work.”
—2 Tim. 3:16, 17.
    How important, then, daily reminders from the
Bible are! That is why this publication, the 2011
edition of Examining the Scriptures Daily, is pro-
duced. In it you will find a Scripture text with com-
ments for each day of the year. These daily gems
will remind you of the truths you cherish, of the
need to stay spiritually awake, and of the way
you can please God. (1 Thess. 5:6) The brevity of
the printed comments makes it possible to review
them in just a few minutes. Many do this in the
morning, either by themselves or with their family
at the breakfast table. If you begin each day in this
way, it will truly be a good start to the day.
2011 Yeartext
  “Take refuge in the name of Jehovah.”
              —Zeph. 3:12.
     On January 12, 2010, the Haitian city of Port-au-
Prince was struck by a devastating earthquake with a mag-
nitude of 7.0. Many buildings collapsed, including hos-
pitals, schools, the headquarters of the United Nations
mission, and sections of the presidential palace. More than
225,000 deaths resulted. Not knowing where to go for ref-
uge, people poured into the streets and for weeks after-
ward camped in any open areas they could find. This
proved wise, as aftershocks rocked the city, including one
of 6.1 magnitude that occurred on January 20.
     The best place to seek refuge is always a question
when a calamity strikes. Should one stay put or move?
What location will prove safest? Who can be turned to for
help? Decisions are easier when just a relatively small area
is affected. But what if the calamity is widespread, even
     Those who think that a global calamity is far-fetched
need to consider the Flood and Jesus’ warning: “Just as the
days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will
be.” And did not Jesus say that unless the great tribulation
was cut short, “no flesh would be saved”?—Matt. 24:22, 37.
     Also of note is the prophetic account in Revelation
chapter 16. In verse 14, we learn that demonic expressions
“go forth to the kings of the entire inhabited earth, to gath-
er them together to the war of the great day of God the Al-
mighty.” The prophecy goes on to relate that “a great
earthquake occurred such as had not occurred since men
came to be on the earth, so extensive an earthquake, so
great.” (Rev. 16:18) While those statements are symbolic in
nature, they do indicate that destructive events of global
proportions are coming and that there is a great need to
seek a place of refuge. And Jehovah has promised such ref-
uge for those who seek him in true faith.—Zeph. 1:14, 15,
18; 2:2, 3.
     Even now, before those foretold events occur, there is
a need to find refuge. Why? After foretelling the Devil’s
defeat and his ouster from heaven at the time of the King-
dom’s birth in 1914, the Bible relates that Satan—full of
wrath and confined to the vicinity of the earth—goes off
to wage war with those “who observe the commandments
of God and have the work of bearing witness to Jesus.”
—Rev. 12:17.
     A powerful, invisible enemy who is aware of our per-
sonal weaknesses is a fearsome foe indeed. But there are
those who are more powerful than Satan, foremost of
whom is Jehovah God. What better stronghold, what bet-
ter place of refuge, could there be than in the protec-
tion of the Almighty One himself? With inspired wisdom,
King Solomon wrote: “The name of Jehovah is a strong
tower. Into it the righteous runs and is given protection.”
—Prov. 18:10.
     The Hebrew prophet Joel cited the saving power of Je-
hovah’s name when he wrote: “Everyone who calls on the
name of Jehovah will get away safe.” (Joel 2:32) The apos-
tle Peter confirmed this when the Christian congregation
was founded on the day of Pentecost 33 C.E. Peter said:
“Everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved.”
(Acts 2:21) Years later, the apostle Paul made the same
point. (Rom. 10:13) Today, it is Jehovah God in whom we
too must find refuge. He will prove to be our unconquer-
able stronghold!
     As the name Jehovah (meaning “He Causes To Be-
come”) implies, God will prove to be whatever is needed in
any circumstances. He will do so for the sake of his people
and in line with his purpose. Jehovah can meet any chal-
lenge successfully. There is no greater refuge in these
trialsome times. It is with this in mind that the Governing
Body has chosen as the yeartext for 2011 these words found
at Zephaniah 3:12: “Take refuge in the name of Jehovah.”

     In the following pages, you will find a Scripture text
for each day and comments on that text. The comments
are taken from the Watchtower (w) issues of April 2009 to
March 2010. Figures following the date of the Watchtower is-
sue refer to the number, in order, of each study article (1, 2,
3, 4, or 5) appearing in that issue, followed by the para-
graphs where further comments may be found.
Saturday, January 1             mandments. (John 14:15) Like
                                      Jesus, his disciples displayed
All those desiring to live with
                                      deep love and affection for those
godly devotion in association         to whom they preached. En-
with Christ Jesus will also be        during persecution and risking
    persecuted.—2 Tim. 3:12.          death, they ministered to oth-
  What precious knowledge we          ers and succeeded in preach-
as Jehovah’s servants have! Yes,      ing the good news. What affec-
we understand who is to blame         tion they felt for those whom they
for deteriorating world condi-        helped spiritually! Touching in-
tions. Do we not, then, feel im-      deed are the words of the apos-
pelled to share in the field min-      tle Paul, who wrote: “Having a
istry so as to inform people of       tender affection for you, we were
the identity of the chief trou-       well pleased to impart to you, not
blemaker? And are we not hap-         only the good news of God, but
py to stand up for the true God,      also our own souls, because you
Jehovah, and to explain to oth-       became beloved to us.”—1 Thess.
ers how he will put an end to Sa-     2:8. w09 7/15 3:16, 17
tan and to mankind’s woes? Sa-
tan is responsible not only for              Monday, January 3
many of the world’s sorrows but       [Jesus] cured all who were far-
also for the opposition that God’s         ing badly.—Matt. 8:16.
people experience. He is deter-
mined to put us to the test. Jesus      Practically everyone must face
Christ told the apostle Peter: “Si-   health problems, either his own
mon, Simon, look! Satan has de-       or those of family members. Je-
manded to have you men to sift        sus’ mental attitude toward the
you as wheat.” (Luke 22:31) Simi-     sick serves as an example for us.
larly, each of us who follows in      His love moved him to feel pity
Jesus’ footsteps will experience      for them and he cured them. To-
trials in some way or other. Peter    day, Christians do not have Je-
compared the Devil to “a roaring      sus’ miraculous power to heal,
lion, seeking to devour someone.”     but they do share Jesus’ com-
—1 Pet. 5:8. w09 4/15 2:5, 6          passionate attitude toward the
                                      sick. May we also strive to treat
       Sunday, January 2              others kindly, even when their
We became gentle in the midst         imperfections and weaknesses
                                      come to the fore. Let us coura-
    of you.—1 Thess. 2:7.             geously obey all of Jehovah’s re-
  Jesus was patient and under-        quirements, even in the face of
standing. When his disciples          trials. Finally, let us show Christ-
needed correction, he offered          like love to all our brothers, as
it with love. (Mark 9:33-37) He       Christ himself did, “to the end.”
encouraged them by expressing         Such love identifies us as Jesus’
confidence that they would be          true followers. (John 13:1, 34, 35)
effective preachers of the good        Yes, “let your brotherly love con-
news. No man has ever been a          tinue.” (Heb. 13:1) Do not hold
more loving teacher than Jesus.       back! Use your life to praise Jeho-
The love he showed to his disci-      vah and to help others! Jehovah
ples impelled them to love him        will bless your sincere efforts.
in return and to keep his com-        w09 9/15 3:16, 17, 19, 20
Tuesday, January 4              treasures that Jehovah urges his
                                      worshippers to seek. Among such
     Safeguard your heart.            treasures is “the fear of Jeho-
         —Prov. 4:23.                 vah,” which can be a protection
  In the complex world in which       and a safeguard for us in these
we live, many decisions need to       perilous times. Finding “the very
be made that involve our obe-         knowledge of God” can lead to
dience to God. How can we be          the greatest honor any human
sure that these decisions are in      can have—a close personal rela-
harmony with God’s will? Jeho-        tionship with the Most High. And
vah has given us a gift that can      with the treasures of God-given
help us greatly in this matter of     wisdom, knowledge, and discern-
obedience. It is the conscience.      ment, we will be able to deal suc-
What is the conscience? It is a       cessfully with problems and is-
special kind of self-awareness. It    sues in our daily life.—Prov. 9:10,
                                      11. w09 7/15 1:1-3
acts like an internal judge, en-
abling us to look at the choices we         Thursday, January 6
face in life or to reflect on the
actions we have already taken         The kingdom of God will be
and to evaluate them as to good       taken from you and be given to
or bad, right or wrong. (Rom. 2:      a nation producing its fruits.
14, 15) The conscience, however,               —Matt. 21:43.
has its limitations. For example,
                                        Jehovah spoke of his people,
if we were to give the desires of
                                      the ancient nation of Israel, as a
our heart too much prominence,        collective servant. “ ‘You [plural]
our selfish tendencies might well      are my witnesses [plural],’ is the
distort the conscience. (Jer. 17:9)   utterance of Jehovah, ‘even my
If we do not rely on the sure,        servant [singular] whom I have
unchanging guidance of God’s          chosen.’ ” (Isa. 43:10) All mem-
Word, the Bible, our conscience       bers of the nation were included
might be nearly useless.—Ps.          in that one servant class. How-
119:105. w09 8/15 4:6, 8              ever, it is important to note that
                                      only the priests together with
     Wednesday, January 5             the nonpriestly Levites were re-
The fear of Jehovah is pure,          sponsible for teaching the nation.
  standing forever.—Ps. 19:9.         (2 Chron. 35:3; Mal. 2:7) Was the
                                      nation of Israel the slave about
  Discoveries of hidden treasures     whom Jesus spoke in Matthew 24:
have often made headline news.        45? No. We know that from the
Some finds may have historical         words of today’s text, which Je-
or artistic value, but they usual-    sus said to the Jews of his day.
ly have little or no effect on our     Clearly, a change was to occur.
day-to-day life. However, God’s       Jehovah would use a new nation.
Word invites us to search for trea-   Nevertheless, when it comes to
sures that truly affect us. The in-    spiritual instruction, the work
vitation is open to everyone, and     of the slave in Jesus’ illustration
the reward is worth far more than     does follow a pattern similar to
any material treasure. (Prov. 2:      that of God’s “servant” in ancient
1-6) Consider the value of the        Israel. w09 6/15 4:4, 5
Friday, January 7            gel coming down out of heaven
                                    with the key of the abyss and
     Keep yourselves clean.         a great chain in his hand.” This
         —Isa. 52:11.               is none other than the archangel
  Many years before Isaiah wrote    Michael, who will bind the Devil
the above words, good King Asa      and hurl him—and evidently the
vigorously pursued a campaign       demons—into the abyss. They
to root out immorality in Ju-       will be released briefly at the end
dah. (1 Ki. 15:11-13) And centu-    of Christ’s Millennial Reign when
ries later, the apostle Paul told   perfect mankind will experience
Titus that Jesus gave himself       a final test. Thereafter, Satan
to cleanse his followers to make    and all other rebels will suffer de-
them “a people peculiarly his       struction. (Rev. 20:1-3, 7-10) All
own, zealous for fine works.” (Ti-   rebellion against God will have
                                    been removed. w09 5/15 3:20, 21
tus 2:14) In today’s vice-ridden
society, it is not easy—especial-          Sunday, January 9
ly for youths—to keep morally
clean. For instance, all of God’s   He went journeying from city
servants, young and old alike,      to city and from village to vil-
must battle to keep free from       lage, preaching and declaring
the contamination of pornog-        the good news of the kingdom of
raphy that is displayed on bill-            God.—Luke 8:1.
boards, on the TV screen, in
                                      A good teacher makes his stu-
films, and particularly on the In-
                                    dents feel comfortable so that
ternet. Our zeal in heeding God’s
                                    they are eager to involve them-
warnings can help us to develop a
                                    selves in what they are learning
hatred for what is bad. (Ps. 97:    and are happy to express them-
10; Rom. 12:9) We need to abhor     selves. A loving teacher imparts
pornography in order to “break      knowledge because he genuinely
free from its powerful, magnetic    cares for his students. He adapts
pull,” as one Christian expressed   his teaching to their needs and
it. w09 6/15 2:14, 15               their level of understanding.
                                    He is sensitive to the abilities
      Saturday, January 8           and circumstances of his stu-
The Devil has been sinning from     dents. When teachers have such
  the beginning.—1 John 3:8.        love, students will discern it, and
                                    teaching and learning are enjoy-
  “At the revelation of the Lord    able. Jesus showed that kind of
Jesus from heaven with his pow-     love. His greatest expression of
erful angels,” all “who do not      love was to surrender his perfect
know God and those who do not       human life so that others might
obey the good news about our        be saved. (John 15:13) During his
Lord Jesus” will be destroyed.      ministry, Jesus tirelessly cared
(2 Thess. 1:6-10) When John saw     for people physically and espe-
that same event in vision, he       cially spiritually. Rather than ex-
described Jesus and the angel-      pecting people to come to him,
ic heavenly armies as going forth   he traveled hundreds of miles on
on white horses in order to car-    foot to share the good news with
ry on war in righteousness. (Rev.   them.—Matt. 4:23-25. w09 7/15 3:
19:11-14) John also “saw an an-     15, 16
Monday, January 10             know Jehovah. (Ps. 77:12) A very
                                     fine way to become even more
The zeal for your house will eat
                                     intimately acquainted with Je-
      me up.—John 2:17.              hovah is to follow the Christ.
  In Jerusalem at the temple in      Just think of the glory Jesus
the Court of the Gentiles, Je-       had alongside his Father “before
sus discovers “those selling cat-    the world was”! (John 17:5) He is
tle and sheep and doves and the      “the beginning of the creation by
money brokers in their seats.”       God.” (Rev. 3:14) As “the first-
Brandishing a whip made of           born of all creation,” he lived for
ropes, he drives out all the an-     aeons in heaven with his Father,
imals. Jesus also pours out the      Jehovah. (Col. 1:15) During his
coins of the money changers and      prehuman existence, Jesus did
overturns their tables. He orders    more than just spend time with
those selling doves to take what     his Father. He was God’s person-
they have and leave. (John 2:13-     al companion. w09 5/15 4:3, 4
16) Jesus’ actions relate direct-
ly to his concern for the temple.        Wednesday, January 12
“Stop making the house of my         God gave us not a spirit of cow-
Father a house of merchandise!”      ardice, but that of power and of
he commands. As Jesus’ disci-        love and of soundness of mind.
ples observe these events, they                —2 Tim. 1:7.
recall the words penned centu-
ries earlier by the psalmist Da-       “Soundness of mind” involves
vid: “The zeal for your house will   being able to think and reason
eat me up.” (John 2:16, 17; Ps.      sensibly. It includes the ability
69:9) In this 21st century, over     to face things as they are—not
seven million Christians manifest    the way you would like them to
concern for God’s house. Individ-    be. Some immature youths man-
ually, we may ask, ‘How can I in-    ifest a spirit of cowardice and
crease my personal zeal for Jeho-    mentally try to escape stressful
vah’s house?’ w09 6/15 1:1-3         situations by resorting to exces-
                                     sive sleep or TV viewing, drug
      Tuesday, January 11            or alcohol abuse, constant party-
[God] is not far off from each        ing, or sexual immorality. Chris-
    one of us.—Acts 17:27.           tians are admonished “to repu-
                                     diate ungodliness and worldly
  We can seek God and really         desires and to live with sound-
come to know him. For example,       ness of mind and righteousness
the book of creation speaks vol-     and godly devotion amid this
umes about God’s qualities and       present system of things.” (Titus
abilities. Appreciatively reflect-    2:12) The Bible exhorts “youn-
ing on his creative works can        ger men to be sound in mind.”
teach us a great deal about the      (Titus 2:6) Heeding this counsel
Creator. (Rom. 1:20) Jehovah has     means that you will face prob-
also revealed details about him-     lems prayerfully and will rely on
self in his written Word, the Bi-    God-given strength. (1 Pet. 4:7)
ble. (2 Tim. 3:16, 17) The more      Thus, you will develop confidence
we ‘meditate on his activity’ and    in “the strength that God sup-
‘concern ourselves with his deal-    plies.”—1 Pet. 4:11. w09 5/15 2:
ings,’ the better we can get to      9, 10
Thursday, January 13            The narrative opens our eyes
                                     to events of far-reaching impor-
He went forth conquering and
                                     tance that occurred in heaven
   to complete his conquest.         and underscores the paramount
         —Rev. 6:2.                  issue of God’s universal sover-
  Like D avid, Jesus is a con-       eignty. The account of Job also
quering king. Shortly after he       deepens our understanding of
was installed as King of God’s       what is involved in keeping integ-
Kingdom, he conquered Satan in       rity and helps us to grasp why Je-
battle and hurled him and his de-    hovah sometimes allows his ser-
mons down to the earth. (Rev. 12:    vants to suffer. Furthermore, the
7-9) His victorious ride will con-   book of Job identifies Satan the
tinue until he will “complete his    Devil as Jehovah’s chief Adver-
conquest,” completely destroying     sary and mankind’s enemy. The
Satan’s wicked system. (Rev. 19:     book also shows that imperfect
11, 19-21) Like David, though, Je-   humans like Job can remain loyal
sus is a compassionate king, and     to Jehovah despite intense test-
he will protect the “great crowd”    ing. w09 4/15 1:1, 2
through Armageddon. (Rev. 7:9,
14) Furthermore, under the rule           Saturday, January 15
of Jesus and his joint heirs, the
                                     The creation itself also will be
resurrected 144,000, there will be
“a resurrection of both the righ-    set free from enslavement to
teous and the unrighteous.” (Acts    corruption and have the glori-
24:15) Those who are resurrected     ous freedom of the children of
on earth will have the prospect             God.—Rom. 8:21.
of living forever. What a wonder-
                                       Today, the prospect of living
ful future awaits them! May we
                                     forever on earth fills the hearts
all be determined to continue to
                                     of millions with gratitude to-
“do what is good,” so that we will
                                     ward Jehovah. The prophet Isa-
be alive when the earth is filled
with righteous, happy subjects of    iah was inspired to write about
the Greater David.—Ps. 37:27-29.     the kind of life that God’s people
w09 4/15 5:10, 11                    will enjoy on earth. (Isa. 65:21-
                                     25) Certain trees that were alive
       Friday, January 14            some 2,700 years ago when Isaiah
                                     wrote those words are evidently
Let the name of Jehovah contin-      still alive today. Can you imag-
   ue to be blessed.—Job 1:21.       ine yourself living that long with
  Moses was about 40 years old       strength and good health? In-
when he fled from Egypt and took      stead of being a short walk from
up residence in Midian. (Acts 7:     the cradle to the grave, life will
23) During his stay in that land,    present endless opportunities to
he could have heard of the trials    build, plant, and learn. Think of
of Job, who was living nearby        the friendships you will be able to
in the land of Uz. Jewish tradi-     cultivate. Those loving relation-
tion holds that Moses wrote the      ships will continue to grow indef-
book of Job sometime after Job’s     initely. What “glorious freedom”
death. The book of Job strength-     will then be enjoyed on earth by
ens the faith of God’s servants      “the children of God”! w09 8/15 3:
in modern times. In what ways?       17-19
Sunday, January 16              “Do not become wise in your own
                                      eyes.” (Prov. 3:7) Instead, follow
[God’s] will is that all sorts of     the wise counsel that Moses gave
men should be saved and come          to God’s people in ancient times:
to an accurate knowledge of           “Jehovah your God you should
       truth.—1 Tim. 2:4.             fear. Him you should serve, and
  Jehovah’s Witnesses scour the       to him you should cling.” (Deut.
earth in search of those who          10:20) By clinging to Jehovah, we
yearn to know and serve God.          will be imitating Jesus, of whom
In fact, for the past 17 years        it was said: “You loved righteous-
in a row, we have spent over          ness, and you hated lawless-
one billion hours annually in the     ness.” (Heb. 1:9) Paying atten-
preaching and disciple-making         tion to godly wisdom will deepen
work. We do so willingly, although    our happiness now and safeguard
the preaching work requires that      us in times to come.—Eccl. 7:12.
we sacrifice time, energy, and         w09 4/15 3:18, 19
material resources. Like Jesus,
we understand that our loving
                                            Tuesday, January 18
heavenly Father desires that peo-     Through one man sin entered
ple acquire the knowledge that        into the world and death
leads to everlasting life. (John      through sin, and thus death
17:3) Love moves us to help hon-      spread to all men because they
esthearted ones to come to know         had all sinned.—Rom. 5:12.
and love Jehovah as we do. Yes,
to be truly effective teachers, we       The infection rate of sin is
need a threefold love—love for        100 percent. (Rom. 3:23) And
God, love of the truth, and love      what is the mortality rate? Paul
for people. As we cultivate that      wrote that sin brings death “to
kind of love and display it in our    all men.” Many today do not see
ministry, we experience not only      sin and death in such dire terms.
the joy of giving but also the sat-   They worry about what they call
isfaction of knowing that we im-      premature death, but they dis-
itate Jesus and please Jehovah.       miss as “natural” the death that
w09 7/15 3:18, 20                     creeps up on humans through the
                                      aging process. It is all too easy for
      Monday, January 17              humans to forget the Creator’s
Abhor what is wicked, cling to        perspective. Our lifespan is infi-
   what is good.—Rom. 12:9.           nitely shorter than he meant it to
                                      be. Actually, no human has lived
  The unwholesome influences           for even “one day” from Jehovah’s
that are prevalent in Satan’s         point of view. (2 Pet. 3:8) God’s
world could cause us to lose our      Word thus says that our lives are
grip on godly principles. For in-     as transitory as a season’s growth
stance, association with those        of grass or as an exhaled breath.
who do not adhere to God’s laws       (Ps. 39:5; 1 Pet. 1:24) We need
—whether at school or at work         to keep that perspective in mind.
or through some form of un-           Why? If we see the severity of the
godly entertainment—might af-         “disease” that afflicts us, we can
fect our determination to do what     better appreciate the value of the
is right. Do not let that hap-        “cure”—our deliverance. w09 9/15
pen to you! God’s Word warns:         5:3, 4
Wednesday, January 19             by name. He loves his sheep so
                                      much that while on earth he will-
In every way we recommend
                                      ingly gave of himself for their
ourselves as God’s ministers,         well-being. (John 10:3, 14, 15)
    . . . by truthful speech.         As the Fine Shepherd, Jesus ac-
          —2 Cor. 6:4, 7.             complishes something that David
  This certainly proved to be the     could never do. His ransom sac-
case with a Witness living in Brit-   rifice opened the way for man-
ain. Attempting to sell a car to a    kind to be rescued from death.
prospective buyer, he described       Nothing will stop him from shep-
all its good points as well as its    herding his “little flock” to im-
faults, including those that could    mortal life in heaven and leading
not be seen. After taking the car     his “other sheep” to everlasting
for a test drive, the buyer asked     life in a righteous new world free
the brother if he was one of Jeho-    from wolflike predators.—John
vah’s Witnesses. Why did he draw      10:27-29. w09 4/15 5:7
that conclusion? The man had
taken note of the brother’s hon-             Friday, January 21
esty as well as his neat appear-
                                       Keep yourselves in God’s love.
ance. The ensuing discussion led
to a fine witness being given. Do                —Jude 21.
we likewise bring praise to our         This text implies that some ac-
Creator by our good moral char-       tion is required on our part.
acter? Paul said: “We have re-        What, then, do we need to do in
nounced the underhanded things        order to remain in God’s love?
of which to b e ashamed, not          We find the answer to that ques-
walking with cunning.” (2 Cor.        tion in Jesus’ own words, spoken
4:2) Hence, let us do our utmost      on the final night of his life here
to speak truth with our neighbor.     on earth. He said: “If you observe
In so doing, we will bring glory to   my commandments, you will re-
our heavenly Father and to his        main in my love, just as I have ob-
people. w09 6/15 3:19, 20             served the commandments of
     Thursday, January 20             the Father and remain in his
                                      love.” (John 15:10) Clearly, Je-
     I am the fine shepherd.           sus felt that observing Jehovah’s
          —John 10:11.                commandments was essential to
  The years David spent in fields      keeping a good standing with his
and on hills tending sheep pre-       Father. Now, if that was true of
p ared him for the demand-            the perfect Son of God, would it
ing duties and responsibilities of    not be true of us also? Primari-
shepherding the nation of Isra-       ly, we show that we love Jehovah
el. (Ps. 78:70, 71) Jesus too has     by obeying him. The apostle John
proved to be a model shepherd.        expressed it this way: “This is
He derives strength and guidance      what the love of God means, that
from Jehovah as he shepherds          we observe his commandments;
his “little flock” and the “other      and yet his commandments are
sheep.” (Luke 12:32; John 10:16)      not burdensome.” (1 John 5:3)
Thus Jesus proves to be the Fine      Yes, Jehovah does not ask us to
Shepherd. He knows his flock           do something that is too hard for
so well that he calls each sheep      us. w09 8/15 4:2-4
Saturday, January 22             everlasting life is an essential as-
                                      pect of the good news that we
What will be the sign of your         preach. It molds our very out-
presence and of the conclusion        look on life. For the most part,
    of the system of things?          the religions of Christendom
          —Matt. 24:3.                have ignored the hope of ever-
  The initial fulfillment of the       lasting life on earth. Whereas
prophecy that Jesus gave his dis-     the Bible teaches that the soul
ciples in answer to their question    dies, the majority of churches
took place in the first century. Je-   teach the unscriptural doctrine
sus spoke of an unusual devel-        that man has an immortal soul
opment that would signal that         that survives death and lives
the end was imminent. Upon ob-        on in the spirit realm. (Ezek.
serving that development, “those      18:20) Hence, many people are
in Judea [were to] begin fleeing       skeptical about everlasting life
to the mountains.” (Matt. 24:1, 2,    on earth. w09 8/15 1:1, 2
15-22) Nearly three decades lat-            Monday, January 24
er, in 61 C.E., the apostle Paul
penned a strong, sobering mes-        He that has endured to the end
sage to Hebrew Christians living      is the one that will be saved.
in Jerusalem and its surround-                 —Matt. 24:13.
ings. Unknown to both Paul and
                                        It would be a mistake to low-
his fellow believers, the signal
                                      er our moral and spiritual stan-
marking the opening stage of a
                                      dards, perhaps thinking that we
“great tribulation” was only about
                                      are strong enough to resist the
five years away. (Matt. 24:21) In
                                      effects of bad association, includ-
66 C.E., Cestius Gallus led Ro-
                                      ing when that association might
man troops in a nearly successful
                                      be in the form of violent, immor-
attack on Jerusalem. But then he
                                      al entertainment. Instead, we
suddenly withdrew, leaving open       must protect ourselves and our
a window of opportunity for en-       children from the corrupting in-
dangered ones to escape to safe-      fluences of Satan’s spirit. Com-
ty. w09 5/15 1:1, 2                   puter users take pains to prevent
      Sunday, January 23              their equipment from becom-
                                      ing infected with malicious vi-
He will wipe out every tear from      ruses that can destroy data, in-
their eyes, and death will be no      terfere with operation, and even
more, neither will mourning nor       take over the machine. Should we
outcry nor pain be anymore.           be any less vigilant in protect-
The former things have passed         ing ourselves from Satan’s “crafty
        away.—Rev. 21:4.              acts”? (Eph. 6:11, ftn.) Practically
                                      every day, in some way we have to
  Perhaps you recall the joy you      choose if we will do things Jeho-
felt when you first learned that       vah’s way or not. In order to gain
in the near future, people will       salvation, we must obey God and
no longer grow old and die but        live by his righteous principles.
will live forever on earth. (John     By following Christ’s example of
17:3) You have probably enjoyed       obedience even “as far as death,”
sharing that Scriptural hope with     we show that our faith is real.
others. After all, the hope of        —Phil. 2:8. w09 9/15 2:8, 9
Tuesday, January 25              to weaken in the face of world-
                                       ly pressure. Christian parents
Unless anyone is born from wa-         realize that a child’s upbringing
ter and spirit, he cannot enter        entails more than providing for
    into the kingdom of God.           his material needs. Therefore, it
           —John 3:5.                  would be extremely shortsighted
   Jesus told Nicodemus that           to teach a child to pursue goals
those entering the Kingdom of          that would serve only for his ma-
the heavens must b e “b orn            terial advantage. Jesus taught his
again.” (John 3:3, 4) Jesus did not    disciples to make spiritual val-
                                       ues and pursuits their priority.
stop with that. He then spoke of
                                       (Matt. 6:33) Therefore, in imita-
the hope that is open to the whole
                                       tion of Jesus, Christian parents
world. (John 3:16) Jesus was re-
                                       should also strive to cultivate in
ferring to the hope of everlast-
                                       their children a desire to pursue
ing life for his anointed follow-
                                       spiritual goals. w09 7/15 2:13, 14
ers in heaven and for others on
earth. After speaking to Nico-              Thursday, January 27
demus in Jerusalem, Jesus trav-
eled north toward Galilee. On          Jehovah God will raise up for
the way, he met a woman at Ja-         you from among your brothers a
cob’s fountain near the city of          prophet like me.—Acts 3:22.
Sychar in Samaria. He told her:          Shortly after Pentecost 33 C.E.,
“Whoever drinks from the water         the apostle Peter quoted a proph-
that I will give him will never get    ecy by Moses that was fulfilled
thirsty at all, but the water that I   in Jesus Christ. Peter was stand-
will give him will become in him       ing before a crowd of worship-
a fountain of water bubbling up        pers in the temple. The people
to impart everlasting life.” (John     were “surprised out of their wits”
4:5, 6, 14) This water represents      when Peter and John healed a
God’s provisions for the restora-      beggar who was lame from birth.
tion of all mankind to everlasting     (Acts 3:11) Peter explained that
life, including those who will live    this astonishing act was a result
on earth. w09 8/15 2:8, 9              of Jehovah’s holy spirit operat-
                                       ing through Jesus Christ. Then,
    Wednesday, January 26              quoting from the Hebrew Scrip-
The advantage of knowledge             tures, he said the words found
is that wisdom itself preserves        in today’s text. (Deut. 18:15, 18,
  alive its owners.—Eccl. 7:12.        19) Those words of Moses were
                                       likely familiar to Peter’s audi-
  If parents strive to apply Bible     ence. As Jews, they had a high re-
principles in everyday matters,        gard for Moses. (Deut. 34:10)
this will not escape their chil-       With keen anticip ation, they
dren’s notice. The parents’ words      looked forward to the coming of a
and teachings will carry weight.       prophet greater than Moses. That
However, if children perceive a        prophet would prove to be not
double standard, they might            just a messiah, an anointed one
draw the conclusion that Bible         of God like Moses, but the Messi-
principles are not really impor-       ah, “the Christ of God, the Cho-
tant or practical. As a result, the    sen One” of Jehovah.—Luke 23:
children may be more inclined          35; Heb. 11:26. w09 4/15 4:6, 7
Friday, January 28             states: “David’s fame began to go
                                      out into all the lands, and Jeho-
He has not done to us even ac-        vah himself put the dread of him
cording to our sins; nor accord-      upon all the nations.” (1 Chron.
ing to our errors has he brought      14:17) Like King David, the man
   upon us what we deserve.           Jesus w as fearless. As King-
          —Ps. 103:10.                Designate, he showed his au-
                                      thority over the demons, rescu-
  In order to grasp the severity of
                                      ing victims from their clutches.
sin and its effects, we must try to    (Mark 5:2, 6-13; Luke 4:36) Even
fathom what it has cost us. That      the archenemy, Satan the Devil,
may be difficult at first because        has no hold on him. With Jeho-
sin cost us something we have         vah’s support, Jesus conquered
never yet experienced. Adam and       the world, which lies in Satan’s
Eve initially enjoyed perfect hu-     power.—John 14:30; 1 John 5:19.
man life. Perfect in mind and         w09 4/15 5:8, 9
body, they could choose to con-
trol their thoughts, feelings, and          Sunday, January 30
actions. Thus they were free to
grow as servants of Jehovah God,
                                      Come to me, all you who are
to fulfill the tremendous poten-       toiling and loaded down, and I
tial within them. Instead, they       will refresh you. Take my yoke
threw away that precious gift.        upon you and learn from me,
By choosing to sin against Jeho-      for I am mild-tempered and
vah, they lost for themselves and     lowly in heart, and you will find
their offspring the kind of life          refreshment for your souls.
that Jehovah intended for them.               —Matt. 11:28, 29.
(Gen. 3:16-19) At the same time,
                                        Jesus, the perfect Son of God,
they inflicted on themselves and
                                      willingly came to earth to serve
on us the terrible “disease” of
                                      among imperfect and sinful peo-
sin. Rightly, Jehovah condemned
                                      ple. Some of those would later
them. But for us, he holds out the
                                      kill him. Yet, Jesus always main-
hope of deliverance. w09 9/15 5:5     tained his joy and self-control.
     Saturday, January 29             (1 Pet. 2:21-23) ‘Looking intent-
                                      ly’ at Jesus’ example can help
In the world you are having           us to do the same when oth-
tribulation, but take courage! I      ers’ faults and imperfections af-
   have conquered the world.          fect us. (Heb. 12:2) Jesus invit-
          —John 16:33.                ed his disciples to ‘get under his
                                      yoke with him’ and thus to learn
  As king, David was a resolute       from him. (Matt. 11:29, ftn.) What
warrior who protected the land of     could they learn? For one thing,
God’s people, and “Jehovah kept       Jesus was mild-tempered, and he
saving David wherever he went.”       was patient with his disciples de-
Under David’s leadership, the na-     spite their faults. On the night
tion’s boundaries were extended       before he died, Jesus washed
from the river of Egypt to the riv-   their feet, thereby teaching them
er Euphrates. (2 Sam. 8:1-14) In      a lesson in being “lowly in heart”
Jehovah’s strength, he became a       that they would never forget.
most powerful ruler. The Bible        —John 13:14-17. w09 9/15 1:1, 3
Monday, January 31              (Job 1:5) Even when being severe-
                                      ly tested, Job still said positive
Jehovah himself turned back the       things about Jehovah. (Job 10:12)
captive condition of Job when he      What a fine example! We too must
prayed in behalf of his compan-       regularly take in accurate knowl-
ions, and Jehovah began to give       edge of Jehovah and his purpos-
in addition all that had been         es. We hold to a healthy routine in
    Job’s, in double amount.          such spiritual activities as study,
           —Job 42:10.                meeting attendance, prayer, and
                                      the preaching of the good news.
  What Job learned about God          Moreover, we do everything in
aroused in him the desire to          our power to make known the
please Jehovah. In case his fam-      name of Jehovah. And just as
ily members might have done           Job’s integrity pleased Jehovah,
something displeasing to God or       so the integrity of God’s servants
“have cursed God in their heart,”     today makes Jehovah’s heart re-
he regularly offered sacrifices.        joice. w09 4/15 1:9, 18

      Tuesday, February 1                 Wednesday, February 2
Become an example to the faith-       Ezra . . . had prepared his heart
    ful ones.—1 Tim. 4:12.            to consult the law of Jehovah
  Paul was urging Timothy to
                                          and to do it.—Ezra 7:10.
keep applying himself in order          One way to prepare our heart is
to make progress in speech, con-      by diligently studying the Scrip-
duct, love, faith, and chasteness,    tures and Bible-based publica-
as well as in the way he fulfilled     tions. Imagine yourself in the fol-
his ministry. He was to strive to     lowing situation. Suppose it is
make his manner of life exem-         your evening for personal study.
plary. (1 Tim. 4:13-15) When Paul     You have just prayed for Jeho-
penned this counsel sometime          vah’s spirit to help you to ap-
between 61 and 64 C.E., Timothy       ply what you learn from his Word.
was already an experienced el-        You have plans to watch a par-
der. In 49 or 50 C.E. when Timo-      ticular movie on TV the next
thy was likely in his late teens or   evening, yet you know that it
early 20’s, he was “well report-      contains some immorality and vi-
ed on by the brothers in Lystra       olence. You ponder Paul’s coun-
and Iconium,” who had observed        sel at Ephesians 5:3: “Let forni-
his spiritual progress. (Acts 16:     cation and uncleanness of every
1-5) At that time, Paul took Tim-     sort or greediness not even be
othy with him on his mission-         mentioned among you, just as it
ary journey. After observing Tim-     befits holy people.” You also re-
othy’s further progress for some      call Paul’s advice at Philippians
months, Paul dispatched him to        4:8. As you weigh this inspired
Thessalonica in order to com-         counsel, you ask yourself, ‘If I de-
fort and make firm the Christians      liberately expose my heart and
in that city. (1 Thess. 3:1-3, 6)     mind to such programs, am I fol-
Clearly, Timothy began to make        lowing Jesus’ example of strict
his advancement manifest to oth-      obedience to God?’ What will you
ers when he was a young person.       do? Will you watch that movie
w09 5/15 2:3-5                        anyway? w09 9/15 2:5-7
Thursday, February 3             “Without writing a single line, he
                                      set more pens in motion, and fur-
Who really is the faithful and
                                      nished themes for more sermons,
discreet slave whom his master        orations, discussions, learned
appointed over his domestics, to      volumes, works of art, and songs
give them their food at the           of praise, than the whole army of
   proper time?—Matt. 24:45.          great men of ancient and modern
  After raising this question, Je-    times.” That remarkable young
sus then went on to say that          man was, of course, Jesus Christ.
this slave would be rewarded          Said the apostle John: “There
for his faithfulness by being ap-     are, in fact, many other things
pointed over all of the Master’s      also which Jesus did, which, if
belongings. (Matt. 24:46, 47) Je-     ever they were written in full de-
sus, the “master” in the illustra-    tail, I suppose, the world itself
tion, did not say that there would    could not contain the scrolls writ-
be a multitude of slaves scattered    ten.”—John 21:25. w09 4/15 4:1, 2
throughout the various sects of
Christendom. Instead, he clearly           Saturday, February 5
stated that there would be only       Maintain your conduct fine
one “steward,” or “slave,” whom       among the nations.—1 Pet. 2:12.
he would appoint over all his be-
longings. So as The Watchtower          At Bethel homes throughout
has often explained, the stew-        the world, brothers and sisters
ard must represent the “little        work zealously and for no wag-
flock” of anointed disciples as a      es, volunteering their time and
collective body, or group. In the     energy to help publish the good
context of Luke’s Gospel, Jesus       news. Similarly, brothers and sis-
had just referred to these ones.      ters who work secularly to care
(Luke 12:32, 42) The “body of at-     for their families go about their
tendants,” or “domestics,” refers     business in a whole-souled way.
to this same group but highlights     (Col. 3:23, 24) This often results
their role as individuals. w09 6/15   in improved job security, as em-
4:1, 3                                ployers value their conscientious
                                      attitude and do not want to lose
       Friday, February 4             them as employees. Our trust in
Jehovah God will raise up for         Jehovah, our obedience to his in-
you from among your brothers a        structions, and the care we take
                                      of our meeting places are among
prophet like me. You must listen
                                      ways that we demonstrate zeal
       to him.—Acts 3:22.             for Jehovah’s house. In addi-
  Two thousand years ago, the         tion, we want to have as full a
birth of a certain male child         share as we can in the Kingdom-
caused a multitude of angels in       preaching and disciple-making
heaven to praise God in the hear-     work. Whether we are young or
ing of some shepherds. (Luke 2:8-     old, by our strenuously uphold-
14) Thirty years later, that child,   ing the clean standards associ-
now an adult, began a minis-          ated with our worship, we shall
try that lasted just three and a      reap many benefits. And we will
half years and yet changed his-       continue to be known as a people
tory. Historian Philip Schaff was      “zealous for fine works.”—Titus
moved to state of this young man:     2:14. w09 6/15 2:16-18
Sunday, February 6              needed. Because the matter has
                                      not previously been discussed
In the re-creation, when the Son
                                      by the parents, it would be ap-
of man sits down upon his glo-        propriate for the mother to in-
rious throne, you who have fol-       quire, “Did you ask your father?”
lowed me will also yourselves         If the son has not, she should
sit upon twelve thrones, judging      discuss the matter with her hus-
    the twelve tribes of Israel.      band before anything is decided.
          —Matt. 19:28.               Moreover, a Christian wife would
  Jesus told his ap ostles that       certainly want to avoid contra-
they would be among those who         dicting her husband or challeng-
would rule as kings and judge         ing his opinion in front of their
“the twelve tribes of Israel,” that   children. If she disagrees with
is, the world of mankind outside      her husband about something,
that heavenly ruling class. (1 Cor.   she would talk with him in pri-
6:2) He also spoke of a reward        vate.—Eph. 6:4. w09 7/15 2:9, 10
for “everyone” who follows him.
Such individuals too “will inher-
                                            Tuesday, February 8
it everlasting life.” (Matt. 19:29)   [Christ] obtained an everlasting
All of this is to take place “in       deliverance for us.—Heb. 9:12.
the re-creation.” What did Je-
sus mean by “the re-creation”?          Among the most imp ortant
Since Jesus used the term with-       sacrifices required by the Law
out explanation, he evidently re-     were those offered on the an-
ferred to what had been the Jew-      nual Day of Atonement. On that
ish hope for centuries. There         day, the high priest offered sacri-
was to be a re-creation of con-       fices to Jehovah to provide for the
ditions on earth, so that things      atonement of sins—first those of
would be as they were in the gar-     the priestly class, then those of
den of Eden before Adam and           the nonpriestly tribes. (Ex. 25:
Eve sinned. The re-creation will      22; Lev. 16:1-30) The apostle Paul
fulfill God’s promise of “creating     was inspired to reveal the mean-
new heavens and a new earth.”         ing behind those symbolic ac-
—Isa. 65:17. w09 8/15 2:4, 5          tions. He showed that the high
                                      priest pictured the Messiah, Je-
      Monday, February 7              sus Christ, while the offering of
Jesus . . . gave no consideration     the sacrifices signified Christ’s
to a seizure, namely, that he         sacrificial death. (Heb. 9:11-
                                      14) That perfect sacrifice would
should be equal to God. No, but
                                      provide real atonement for two
he emptied himself and took a
                                      groups of people—the priestly
   slave’s form.—Phil. 2:5-7.         class of Christ’s 144,000 spirit-
  A Christian wife does well to       anointed brothers and the “oth-
imitate Jesus by supporting her       er sheep.” (John 10:16) When
husband’s headship. (1 Pet. 2:        the high priest entered the Most
21; 3:1, 2) Consider a situation in   Holy, he foreshadowed Jesus’ en-
which she has an opportunity to       try into heaven itself to present
do this. Her son is seeking per-      before Jehovah God the value of
mission to engage in an activity      the ransom sacrifice.—Heb. 9:24,
for which parental permission is      25. w09 9/15 5:8, 9
Wednesday, February 9            let God’s Word educate and train
                                     our conscience so that it can be
We do have the mind of Christ.
                                     truly useful to us. We need to
        —1 Cor. 2:16.                listen to our Bible-trained con-
  If the flaws of others easily an-   science instead of letting our
noy us, we need to ask ourselves,    selfish inclinations overwhelm it.
‘How can I better reflect “the       At the same time, we should en-
mind of Christ”?’ Try to keep in     deavor to respect the consciences
mind that Jesus did not become       of our beloved spiritual brothers
upset with his disciples, even       and sisters. We make every effort
when they showed a measure of        to avoid stumbling them, keeping
spiritual weakness. Consider the     in mind that our brother’s con-
case of the apostle Peter. When      science may be more sensitive or
Jesus invited Peter to get out of    restrictive than our own.—1 Cor.
the boat and walk toward Him         8:12; 2 Cor. 4:2. w09 8/15 4:8, 9
on the water, Peter actually did
so for a while. Then Peter looked          Friday, February 11
at the windstorm and began to
                                     I do indeed also consider all
sink. Did Jesus become incensed
and say to him: “Serves you right!   things to be loss on account of
Let that be a lesson to you”?        the excelling value of the knowl-
No! “Immediately stretching out       edge of Christ Jesus.—Phil. 3:8.
his hand Jesus caught hold of him      From an early age, Robert ex-
and said to him: ‘You with lit-      celled in school. His academ-
tle faith, why did you give way      ic achievements as a high-school
to doubt?’ ” (Matt. 14:28-31) If
                                     student qualified him to attend
we ever have to deal with a broth-
                                     any of the best universities in his
er’s apparent lack of faith, can
                                     country. But Robert chose to for-
we figuratively stretch out our
                                     go what many viewed as a once-
hand and help him to gain more
faith? That is certainly a lesson    in-a-lifetime opportunity in or-
evident in Jesus’ mild-tempered      der to pursue his goal of serving
action toward Peter. w09 9/15 1:     as a regular pioneer. (1 Cor. 7:
2, 4, 5                              29-31) What motivates Christians
                                     like Robert to expend themselves
    Thursday, February 10            in the preaching work? In ad-
                                     dition to their love for Jehovah,
    Hold a good conscience.          which is the foremost reason,
         —1 Pet. 3:16.               they appreciate the excelling val-
  Sadly, many p eople in this        ue of divine education. Have you
world give undue prominence to       considered lately what your life
the desires of the heart while       might be like if you had not come
paying little or no attention to     to a knowledge of the truth? Re-
the standards set out in God’s       flecting on some of the outstand-
Word. (Eph. 4:17-19) That is why     ing blessings we enjoy as a result
so many people, though endowed       of being taught by Jehovah will
with a conscience, do terrible       help us to maintain our apprecia-
things. (1 Tim. 4:2) We should       tion for the good news and to be
be determined never to be like       zealous in sharing it with others.
that! Rather, let us continue to     w09 9/15 4:1, 2
Saturday, February 12            23, 24) With the passing of time,
                                      the human life span declined.
We mustered up boldness . . .
                                      Adam lived for 930 years. The
to speak to you the good news.        Flood survivor Shem lived for only
        —1 Thess. 2:2.                600 years, and his son Arpachshad
  How pleasant it is to hear good     for 438 years. Abraham’s father,
news! And the best news of all        Terah, lived for 205 years. The life
is the good news of God’s King-       span of Abraham was 175 years,
dom. This good news assures us        that of his son Isaac was 180 years,
of an end to suffering, sickness,      and that of Jacob was 147 years.
pain, sorrow, and death. It opens     (Gen. 5:5; 11:10-13, 32; 25:7; 35:
the way to everlasting life, re-      28; 47:28) Many people must have
veals God’s purpose, and shows        realized what this decline meant
us how to come into a loving re-      —the prospect of everlasting life
lationship with him. You would        had been lost! w09 8/15 1:3
think that everyone would re-
joice to hear this news that Je-            Monday, February 14
sus shared with mankind. Sad-         Look out: perhaps there may be
ly, though, that is not the case.
Jesus told his disciples: “Do not     someone who will carry you off
think I came to put peace upon        as his prey through the philoso-
the earth; I came to put, not         phy and empty deception ac-
peace, but a sword. . . . Indeed, a   cording to the tradition of men.
man’s enemies will be persons of                 —Col. 2:8.
his own household.” (Matt. 10:34-
36) Instead of embracing the            We too must beware of the in-
good news, most people reject it.     fluences from Satan and his wick-
Some make themselves enemies          ed system. Worldly philosophy,
of those who proclaim it, even if     including secular humanism and
they are close family members.        the theory of evolution, shapes
w09 7/15 4:1, 2                       people’s thinking, morals, goals,
                                      and lifestyle. False religion plays
      Sunday, February 13             a major role in many popular hol-
                                      iday celebrations. The entertain-
As for the tree of the knowledge
                                      ment industry panders to the
of good and bad you must not          debased tendencies of the fall-
eat from it, for in the day you       en flesh, and much of the con-
eat from it you will positively       tent of the Internet poses a real
         die.—Gen. 2:17.              danger to young and old alike.
  Jehovah’s purp ose for man-         Constant exposure to these and
kind was made evident at the          other worldly trends can easily
very beginning of human history.      affect our feelings and attitude
God clearly indicated that Adam       toward the direction that Jeho-
would live forever if he was obedi-   vah provides, causing us to re-
ent. (Gen. 2:9; 3:22) Adam’s ear-     lax our firm hold on the real life.
ly descendants no doubt learned       (1 Tim. 6:17-19) Clearly, we need
about man’s fall from perfection,     to grasp the meaning of Paul’s
which was confirmed by visible         words to the Colossians and take
evidence. The entrance to the         his counsel to heart if we do not
garden of Eden was blocked, and       want to succumb to Satan’s cun-
people grew old and died. (Gen. 3:    ning schemes. w09 7/15 1:5, 6
Tuesday, February 15              on looking at a woman so as to
                                       have a passion for her has already
Upon them be peace and mercy,
                                       committed adultery with her in
 even upon the Israel of God.          his heart.” (Ex. 20:14; Matt. 5:27,
         —Gal. 6:16.                   28) After stating the Pharisaic in-
  The new nation, “the Israel of       terpretation of a statement in the
God,” is made up of spiritual Is-      Law—“you must love your neigh-
raelites. (Matt. 21:43; Rom. 2:28,     bor and hate your enemy”—Jesus
29; 9:6) It came into existence        made known Jehovah’s thinking,
with the outpouring of God’s           saying: “Continue to love your en-
spirit at Pentecost 33 C.E. There-     emies and to pray for those per-
after, all spirit-anointed Chris-      secuting you.” (Matt. 5:43, 44; Ex.
tians became part of the nation        23:4) Gaining insight into how
that now served as the slave class     God thinks and feels and what he
appointed by the Master, Jesus         requires of us equips us to imitate
Christ. Each member of that na-        him more fully. w09 5/15 4:6
tion was given the commission
to preach the good news and                 Thursday, February 17
make disciples. (Matt. 28:19, 20)        Honor your father and your
But was every member of that                mother.—Matt. 15:4.
group to be involved with provid-
ing spiritual food at the proper          You youngsters may at times
time? No. The apostle Paul tells       be tempted to disobey your par-
us: “Not all are apostles, are they?   ents. So, what can help you to
Not all are prophets, are they?        follow Jesus’ example and re-
Not all are teachers, are they?”       sist temptation? (Matt. 4:1-10)
(1 Cor. 12:29) Although all spirit-    Likely, most of your schoolmates
begotten Christians engaged in         have little or no regard for Bi-
the preaching work, only a very        ble standards. They might try to
limited number—just eight dif-         get you to participate in ques-
ferent men—were used to write          tionable activities and make fun
the 27 books of the Christian          of you when you refuse. Do your
Greek Scriptures. w09 6/15 4:          schoolmates ever call you names
6, 10                                  because you refuse to participate
                                       in certain activities with them?
    Wednesday, February 16             If so, how do you react? You
  You must love your fellow as         know that if you allow yourself to
    yourself. I am Jehovah.            be intimidated and go along with
                                       the crowd, you will disappoint
         —Lev. 19:18.                  your parents and Jehovah. Where
  Jesus showed what God re-            would you wind up if you followed
quires of us and how he feels          your schoolmates? Perhaps you
about his worshippers. (Matt.          have set certain goals for your-
22:36-40; Luke 12:6, 7; 15:4-7) For    self, such as becoming a pioneer
example, after quoting one of the      or a ministerial servant, serving
Ten Commandments—“you must             in a territory where there is a
not commit adultery”—Jesus ex-         greater need for Kingdom pub-
plained God’s view of what takes       lishers, or becoming a Bethelite.
place inside the heart of a man        Will associating with your school-
long before he commits that act.       mates help you reach your goals?
He said: “Everyone that keeps          w09 7/15 2:16, 17
Friday, February 18            believes him that sent me has
                                      everlasting life.” Jesus also said:
Will God truly dwell upon the
                                      “The hour is coming in which all
earth? Look! The heavens, yes,        those in the memorial tombs will
the heaven of the heavens,            hear [the Son of man’s] voice and
themselves cannot contain you;        come out, those who did good
how much less, then, this house       things to a resurrection of life,
  that I have built!—1 Ki. 8:27.      those who practiced vile things
   In ancient Israel, the house of    to a resurrection of judgment.”
God was the temple in Jerusa-         (John 5:1-8, 19, 22, 24-29) Jesus
lem. Of course, Jehovah did not       was telling the persecuting Jews
literally live there. He declared:    that he was the one appointed
“The heavens are my throne, and       by God to fulfill the Jewish hope
the earth is my footstool. Where,     of everlasting life on earth and
then, is the house that you peo-      that he would do so by raising the
ple can build for me, and where,      dead. w09 8/15 2:10
then, is the place as a resting-
place for me?” (Isa. 66:1) Never-           Sunday, February 20
theless, the temple built during         I am no part of the world.
Solomon’s reign served as the fo-              —John 17:16.
cal point for the worship of Jeho-
vah, where prayers were offered.         Surrounded as we are by this
(1 Ki. 8:28-30) Today, Jehovah’s      world’s attitudes and conduct, we
house is no stone edifice in Jeru-     need courage to resist contami-
salem or anywhere else. Rather,       nation. Christians deal with mor-
it is the arrangement for us to ap-   al, social, financial, and religious
proach him in worship on the ba-      pressures that could cause them
sis of Christ’s ransom sacrifice.      to deviate from Jehovah’s righ-
All of God’s faithful servants on     teous ways. Many face family op-
earth unite to worship Jehovah in     position. In some countries, edu-
this spiritual temple.—Isa. 60:4,     cational institutions promote the
8, 13; Acts 17:24; Heb. 8:5; 9:24.    theory of evolution ever more ag-
w09 6/15 1:4, 5                       gressively, and atheism is gain-
                                      ing more attention. In the face of
     Saturday, February 19            such pressures, we cannot merely
The man immediately became            hunker down and do nothing. We
                                      must take action in order to resist
sound in health, and he picked
                                      and thus protect ourselves. Jesus’
up his cot and began to walk.         example shows us how we can
          —John 5:9.                  succeed. He never yielded to the
  In Jerusalem, Jesus restored a      world’s influence. He never al-
sick man to health at the pool        lowed the world to stop him from
of Bethzatha. To the Jews who         carrying out his preaching com-
criticized what he did, Jesus ex-     mission or to cause him to low-
plained that “the Son cannot do       er his standards for true worship
a single thing of his own initia-     and proper conduct; nor should
tive, but only what he beholds the    we. Studying Christ’s courageous
Father doing.” After telling them     example and reflecting on it can
that the Father “has committed        give us the necessary courage to
all the judging to the Son,” Jesus    remain separate from the world.
said: “He that hears my word and      w09 9/15 2:10, 11
Monday, February 21              wisdom were unmatched among
                                       his contemporaries. (1 Ki. 4:30,
[Job] got up early in the morn-        32, 34) Many of his proverbs were
ing and offered up burnt sacri-         written down and are still trea-
fices according to the number of        sured by those who seek wisdom.
all [his children]. That is the        The queen of Sheba traveled
    way Job would do always.           some 1,500 miles to test Solo-
           —Job 1:5.                   mon’s wisdom with “perplexing
                                       questions.” She was impressed by
  How can we show that we keep         what Solomon said and by the
the real enemy in mind when a          prosperity of his kingdom. (1 Ki.
tragedy befalls a fellow believ-       10:1-9) The Bible identifies the
er? Instead of distancing our-         Source of Solomon’s wisdom by
selves from the affected broth-         stating: “All the people of the
er, we act like Elihu of old, who      earth were seeking the face of
spoke to Job as a true friend.         Solomon to hear his wisdom that
We join our brother in the strug-      God had put in his heart.”—1 Ki.
gle against our common ene-            10:24. w09 4/15 5:12, 13
my, Satan. (Prov. 3:27; 1 Thess.
5:25) Our goal is to help our              Wednesday, February 23
fellow servant to maintain his
integrity, come what may, and          Do not make yourselves like a
thus make Jehovah’s heart re-          horse or mule without under-
joice. The first asset that Satan             standing.—Ps. 32:9.
caused Job to lose was his live-          Some young adults have rushed
stock. Those animals were valu-        into marriage, believing that it
able, likely his livelihood. But Job   is the solution to unhappiness,
also used them in worship. Once        loneliness, boredom, and prob-
the trials began, that was no lon-     lems at home. However, the ex-
ger possible. Job had no “valuable     changing of marriage vows is a
things” with which to honor Je-        serious matter. (Prov. 20:25) At
hovah. (Prov. 3:9) But he could        times, young adults do not se-
—and did—honor Jehovah with            riously consider the demands of
his lips! w09 4/15 2:7, 8              marriage. Later, they find that
                                       much more is involved than they
     Tuesday, February 22              had realized. So before pursuing
Give me now wisdom and knowl-          a courtship, ask yourself: ‘Why do
     edge.—2 Chron. 1:10.              I want to get married? What ex-
                                       pectations do I have? Is this the
  When Solomon became king,            right person for me? What can I
Jehovah appeared to him in a           bring to a marriage?’ To help you
dream and said that He would           make an insightful examination,
give him anything he asked for.        “the faithful and discreet slave”
(2 Chron. 1:7) Solomon could have      has published very specific arti-
asked for more wealth, power,          cles. (Matt. 24:45-47) View such
or a longer life. Instead, he un-      material as advice that Jehovah
selfishly asked for wisdom and          is giving you. Carefully evaluate
knowledge. Jehovah answered            what is stated there and apply it.
Solomon’s prayer. (2 Chron. 1:         Never allow yourself to become
11, 12) As long as Solomon was         “like a horse or mule without un-
faithful to Jehovah, his words of      derstanding.” w09 5/15 2:12, 13
Thursday, February 24            tive powers are trained through
                                      use—through application of
Take the young child and its
                                      what they know—helping them
mother and flee into Egypt, and        to distinguish right from wrong.
stay there until I give you word;     When they are faced with a deci-
for Herod is about to search for      sion, this training enables them
  the young child to destroy it.      to discern what Scriptural princi-
          —Matt. 2:13.                ples are involved and how to apply
   In some respects, the earthly      them. “It is necessary for us to
life of Jesus resembled the life      pay more than the usual atten-
of Moses. For instance, as babes,     tion to the things heard by us,”
both Moses and Jesus escaped          wrote Paul, “that we may never
death at the hands of a tyrannical    drift away.”—Heb. 2:1. w09 5/15 1:
ruler. (Ex. 1:22–2:10) In addition,   3, 5, 6
both were ‘called out of Egypt.’
                                           Saturday, February 26
The prophet Hosea stated: “When
Israel was a boy, then I loved        He will bruise you in the head
him, and out of Egypt I called my     and you will bruise him in the
son.” (Hos. 11:1) Hosea’s words              heel.—Gen. 3:15.
pointed back to the time when
the nation of Israel, under its di-     In this prophecy, we learn
vinely appointed leader, Moses,       something about the cost of de-
was led out of Egypt. (Ex. 4:22,      liverance. Jehovah would provide
23; 12:29-37) However, Hosea’s        a “seed,” a rescuer, who would
words referred not only to a past     one day destroy Satan, crushing
event but also to a future one. His   him out of existence. However,
words were a prophecy that was        that rescuer would suffer along
fulfilled when Joseph and Mary         the way, receiving a figurative
returned from Egypt with Jesus        wound in the heel. That sounds
after the death of King Herod.        painful and debilitating, but
—Matt. 2:15, 19-23. w09 4/15 4:8      what does it mean? Just what
                                      would Jehovah’s Chosen One
      Friday, February 25             have to endure? In order to save
Now that we have left the pri-        mankind from sin, the rescuer
                                      would have to provide a means of
mary doctrine about the Christ,
                                      atonement, a way of reconciling
  let us press on to maturity.        humans to God by undoing the
           —Heb. 6:1.                 effects of sin. What would that
  Paul not only encouraged the        involve? There were early indi-
first-century Hebrew Christians        cations that a sacrifice would be
to press on to maturity but also      required. When the first faithful
told them what spiritual maturity     human, Abel, offered animal sac-
involves. (Heb. 5:12-14) “Mature      rifices to Jehovah, he met with
people” are not content to partake    divine approval. Later, such God-
only of “milk.” They take in “solid   fearing patriarchs as Noah, Abra-
food.” Therefore, they know both      ham, Jacob, and Job offered simi-
“the elementary things” and “the      lar sacrifices, which pleased God.
deep things” of the truth. (1 Cor.    —Gen. 4:4; 8:20, 21; 22:13; 31:54;
2:10) Moreover, their percep-         Job 1:5. w09 9/15 5:6, 7
Sunday, February 27                   Monday, February 28
The woman was thoroughly de-           There is no one like him in the
     ceived.—1 Tim. 2:14.                     earth.—Job 1:8.
  Many do not believe that Sa-          Job is described as a man who
tan exists. Thus, although they       “proved to be blameless and up-
might be alarmed about world          right, and fearing God and turn-
conditions, they do not discern       ing aside from bad.” It was Job’s
the real cause—Satan the Devil.       godly devotion—not his wealth
True, much of the responsibility      and influence—that made him a
for mankind’s woes rests with hu-     target for the attacks of Satan
mans themselves. Our first par-        the Devil. (Job 1:1; 29:7-16; 31:1)
ents, Adam and Eve, chose in-         Satan claimed that Job’s wor-
dependence from their Creator.        ship of God was based on selfish-
And since then, successive gener-     ness, not integrity. Satan alleged
ations have acted very unwisely.      that Job would be loyal to Jeho-
Still, it was the Devil who de-       vah only as long as God contin-
ceived Eve into rebelling against     ued to reward and protect him.
God. He is the one who has de-        To provide an answer to Satan’s
veloped among imperfect, dying        charge, Jehovah allowed Satan to
mankind a world system under          attack that faithful man. As a re-
his control. Because Satan is “the    sult, within the course of one day,
god of this system of things,” hu-    Job learned that his livestock had
man society displays the same         been stolen or destroyed, his at-
basic characteristics that he does    tendants had been killed, and his
—pride, contentiousness, jealou-      ten children had lost their lives.
sy, greed, deception, and rebel-      (Job 1:13-19) Instead of caving in
liousness. (2 Cor. 4:4; 1 Tim. 3:6;   to Satan’s attack, Job said: “Jeho-
Jas. 3:14, 15) Such characteristics   vah himself has given, and Jeho-
have led to political and religious   vah himself has taken away. Let
conflicts, hatred, corruption, and     the name of Jehovah continue to
disorder, which contribute much       be blessed.”—Job 1:21. w09 4/15
to mankind’s misery. w09 4/15 2:4     1:3-5

       Tuesday, March 1               ones into everlasting life.” “The
                                      righteous ones” who receive ever-
When the Son of man arrives
                                      lasting life are those who loyally
. . . , all the nations will be
                                      support Christ’s spirit-anointed
gathered before him, and he will      “brothers.” (Matt. 25:33, 34, 40,
separate people one from an-          41, 45, 46) Since the anointed are
other, just as a shepherd sepa-       chosen to be rulers in the heav-
rates the sheep from the goats.       enly Kingdom, “the righteous
        —Matt. 25:31, 32.             ones” must be the earthly sub-
  Jesus spoke of everlasting life     jects of that Kingdom. The Bi-
in his discourse about the con-       ble foretold: “[Jehovah’s King]
clusion of the system of things.      will have subjects from sea to sea
(Matt. 24:1-3) He mentioned that      and from the River to the ends of
those receiving an adverse judg-      the earth.” (Ps. 72:8) These sub-
ment “will depart into everlast-      jects will enjoy everlasting life on
ing cutting-off, but the righteous     earth. w09 8/15 2:6
Wednesday, March 2             parents, either for good or for
                                     bad. So, parents, ask yourselves:
If anyone wants to come after
                                     ‘What message are we sending
me, let him disown himself and       to our children when it comes to
. . . follow me continually.         the amount of time that we dedi-
          —Luke 9:23.                cate to TV and entertainment on
  How delighted Jehovah must         the one hand and Bible study and
feel to see among the congregat-     participation in the field service
ed throngs of his worshippers on     on the other? What really are our
earth you newly interested ones      family’s priorities? Are we setting
and young ones! As you continue      a good example by centering our
to study the Bible, attend Chris-    lives and our decisions on true
tian meetings regularly, and grow    worship?’ God’s law must first be
in your knowledge of the lifesav-    in the parents’ own hearts if they
ing truth found in God’s Word,       are to rear God-fearing children.
you need to take to heart Je-        w09 7/15 2:11, 12
sus’ invitation stated in today’s
text. Jesus is saying that disown-           Friday, March 4
ing yourself and becoming his        The princely rule will come to be
follower is something you would      upon his shoulder. And his name
want to do. What about those of      will be called Wonderful Coun-
us who are already walking in        selor, Mighty God, Eternal Fa-
the footsteps of Jesus Christ? We     ther, Prince of Peace.—Isa. 9:6.
are exhorted to “keep on doing
it more fully.” (1 Thess. 4:1, 2)      John and the other three Gos-
Whether we embraced true wor-        pel writers point to Moses, David,
ship recently or decades ago, re-    and Solomon as men who fore-
flecting on reasons for following     shadowed Jesus as God’s Anoint-
the Christ will help us to apply     ed One and designated King. In
Paul’s exhortation and follow        what way did those ancient ser-
Him ever more fully in our daily     vants of God provide foregleams
lives. w09 5/15 4:1, 2               of Jesus, and what can we learn
                                     from these accounts? In brief, the
       Thursday, March 3             Bible tells us that Moses was a
These words that I am command-       prophet, a mediator, and a de-
ing you today must prove to be on    liverer. So is Jesus. David was a
                                     shepherd and a king who con-
     your heart.—Deut. 6:6.
                                     quered Israel’s enemies. Jesus
  Jesus is an excellent model for    too is a shepherd and a conquer-
Christian parents. How so? He        ing king. (Ezek. 37:24, 25) While
lovingly and patiently taught his    still faithful, Solomon was a wise
disciples by word and example.       ruler, and under his kingship Is-
He showed them how to carry          rael enjoyed peace. (1 Ki. 4:25,
out the commission that he gave      29) Jesus too is supremely wise
them. (Luke 8:1) Jesus’ disposi-     and is called “Prince of Peace.”
tion and conduct toward his dis-     Clearly, Christ Jesus’ role resem-
ciples taught them how they were     bles that of those earlier men but
to treat one another. (John 13:14-   Jesus’ place in God’s purpose is
17) Children tend to imitate their   superlative. w09 4/15 4:4, 5
Saturday, March 5              bring happiness to a worshipper
                                      of Jehovah. (Prov. 3:13; 8:32, 33;
    Have intense love for one         14:21; 16:20) Jesus emphasized
     another.—1 Pet. 4:8.             that true happiness stems from
  Around the world, Jehovah’s         things that are related to the
Witnesses are known for putting       worship of Jehovah and the ful-
their Christlike love into action.    fillment of God’s promises. Those
Consider the Witnesses who re-        who apply the principles found
sponded to the call for help af-      in Jesus’ teachings are drawn
ter storms and hurricanes dev-        closer to Jehovah, “the source of
astated widespread areas of the       life.” (Ps. 36:9; Prov. 22:11; Matt.
southern United States in 2005.       5:8) Christ embodies “the wisdom
Moved by Jesus’ example, more         of God.” (1 Cor. 1:24, 30) As the
than 20,000 volunteered, many         Messianic King, Jesus Christ has
leaving comfortable homes and         “the spirit of wisdom.”—Isa. 11:2.
secure jobs to help their afflict-      w09 4/15 5:14
ed brothers. Two fleshly sis-                 Monday, March 7
ters, widows, packed their be-
longings into a pickup truck and      He was being pierced for our
drove over 2,000 miles to help.          transgression.—Isa. 53:5.
More than 5,600 homes of Wit-
                                        Isaiah foretold that the Messi-
nesses and others in the region
                                      ah would be rejected, persecut-
have been rebuilt or repaired.
                                      ed, and executed, or pierced, to
In numerous cases, displaced lo-
                                      bear the sins of imperfect hu-
cal Witnesses remained in their       mans. (Isa. 53:4, 7) Before he
temporary accommodations for a        came to the earth, God’s only-
year or more after their houses       begotten Son was aware of what
had been rebuilt. Why? In order       our deliverance would cost him.
to make their new home available      He would have to suffer terri-
to relief workers. What an exam-      bly and then be put to death.
ple of displaying Christ’s mental     When his Father taught him
attitude! w09 9/15 3:12-15            those truths, did he shrink back
                                      or rebel? On the contrary, he sub-
        Sunday, March 6
                                      mitted willingly to his Father’s
Happy are those conscious of          instruction. (Isa. 50:4-6) Like-
their spiritual need, since the       wise, while on earth, Jesus obe-
kingdom of the heavens belongs        diently carried out his Father’s
      to them.—Matt. 5:3.             will. Why? He provided one an-
                                      swer in these words: “I love the
   Only one human clearly sur-        Father.” He provided another in
passed Solomon in wisdom. That        these: “No one has love greater
was Jesus Christ, who described       than this, that someone should
himself as “something more than       surrender his soul in behalf of
Solomon.” (Matt. 12:42) Jesus         his friends.” (John 14:31; 15:13) So
sp oke “sayings of everlasting        our deliverance is due, in large
life.” (John 6:68) For example, the   part, to the love of Jehovah’s Son.
Sermon on the Mount expands on        Though it cost him his perfect
the principles of some of Solo-       human life, he was glad to do it
mon’s proverbs. Solomon de-           for the sake of our deliverance.
scribed a number of things that       w09 9/15 5:10, 11
Tuesday, March 8                selves with having the good sense
                                        to find the truth? No. In fact,
If . . . it is I you are looking for,
                                        on our own initiative, we would
      let these go.—John 18:8.          never have come to a knowledge
  Jesus manifested great courage        of God. Jesus said: “No man can
throughout his ministry. Exercis-       come to me unless the Father,
ing his authority as God’s Son, he      who sent me, draws him.” (John 6:
fearlessly “entered into the tem-       44) By means of the preaching
ple and threw out all those sell-       work and by means of holy spir-
ing and buying in the temple, and       it, Jehovah is drawing sheep-
overturned the tables of the mon-       like individuals, “the desirable
ey changers and the benches of          things of all the nations.” (Hag.
those selling doves.” (Matt. 21:12)     2:7) Are you not grateful to be
When soldiers came to arrest Je-        one of those whom Jehovah has
sus on his last night on earth, he      drawn to his Son?—Jer. 9:23, 24.
courageously stepped forward to         w09 9/15 4:4, 5
protect his disciples, saying the
words of today’s text. Moments                Thursday, March 10
later, he told Peter to put away
                                        Be wise, my son, and make my
his sword, thus showing that the
source of Jesus’ confidence lay,         heart rejoice, that I may make
not in earthly weapons, but in          a reply to him that is taunting
Jehovah. (John 18:11) Jesus fear-              me.—Prov. 27:11.
lessly exposed the unloving false         Jehovah permitted Satan to
teachers of his day and their
                                        test the integrity of God’s loy-
wrong teachings. (Matt. 23:13, 23,
                                        al servant Job. As a result, Job
25) Jesus’ disciples would need
                                        lost his livestock, his children,
similar courage because false re-
                                        and his health. But when Sa-
ligious leaders would also perse-
                                        tan challenged Job’s integrity,
cute them and kill some of them.
                                        he had more in mind than just
—Matt. 23:34; 24:9. w09 9/15 2:
12, 13                                  the man Job. “Skin in behalf of
                                        skin, and everything that a man
      Wednesday, March 9                has he will give in behalf of his
                                        soul,” claimed Satan. This chal-
[God] gives undeserved kindness         lenge raised an issue that went
 to the humble ones.—1 Pet. 5:5.        far beyond Job as an individual
  How can we qualify to bene-           and that has continued long after
fit from divine education? A ma-         his death. (Job 2:4) In a vision
jor requirement is that a per-          given to the apostle John, Satan
son be meek and teachable. The          was seen accusing God’s servants
psalmist David wrote: “[Jeho-           following his eviction from heav-
vah] will teach the meek ones his       en some time after the establish-
way.” (Ps. 25:8, 9) And Jesus said:     ment of God’s Kingdom in 1914.
“You have carefully hidden these        Yes, even today, so deep into the
things from wise and intellectual       last days of this wicked system,
ones, and have revealed them to         Satan is still challenging the in-
babes.” (Luke 10:21) As servants        tegrity of God’s servants!—Rev.
of Jehovah, can we credit our-          12:10. w09 4/15 2:1, 2
Friday, March 11                lent grasp of the truth, yet even
                                        he had times when it was a strug-
The [human] creation was sub-
                                        gle for him to preach. To the
jected to futility . . . on the basis   Christians in Thessalonica, Paul
      of hope.—Rom. 8:20.               wrote: “After we had first suf-
  The very first prophecy of the         fered and been insolently treated
Bible pointed to a “seed” that          (just as you know) in Philippi, we
would ‘bruise the serp ent in           mustered up boldness by means
the head.’ (Gen. 3:1-5, 15) That        of our God to speak to you the
promise provided a basis for hope       good news of God with a great
that God would not abandon his          deal of struggling.” (1 Thess. 2:2)
purpose for mankind. Consid-            In Philippi the authorities had
er Abraham. When being tested,          beaten Paul and his compan-
Abraham “as good as offered up           ion Silas with rods, thrown them
Isaac, . . . his only-begotten son.”    into prison, and confined them in
(Heb. 11:17) Why was he willing         stocks.—Acts 16:16-24. w09 7/15
to do this? (Heb. 11:19) He be-         4:3, 4
lieved in the resurrection! Abra-
ham had a basis for his belief. Af-            Sunday, March 13
ter all, Jehovah had brought back       They will by no means ever be de-
to life Abraham’s reproductive          stroyed, and no one will snatch
powers and had made it possible               them out of my hand.
for him and his wife, Sarah, to                   —John 10:28.
produce a son in their old age.
(Gen. 18:10-14; 21:1-3; Rom. 4:19-         At the Festival of Dedication
21) Abraham also had Jehovah’s          in Jerusalem, Jesus told his op-
word. God had said to him: “It          posers: “You do not believe, be-
is by means of Isaac that what          cause you are none of my sheep.
will be called your seed will be.”      My sheep listen to my voice, and
(Gen. 21:12) Therefore, Abraham         I know them, and they follow
had sound reasons for expecting         me. And I give them everlasting
that God would resurrect Isaac.         life.” (John 10:26-28) Was Jesus
w09 8/15 1:4, 5                         speaking only of life in heaven, or
                                        did he also have in mind eter-
       Saturday, March 12               nal life in an earthly paradise?
If they have persecuted me, they        Jesus had recently comforted his
     will persecute you also.           followers with the words: “Have
                                        no fear, little flock, because your
           —John 15:20.
                                        Father has approved of giving
  In many lands we do not face          you the kingdom.” (Luke 12:32)
outright persecution, but we do         At the time of this same Festi-
meet with disdain and apathy.           val of Dedication, however, Jesus
Consequently, we need faith and         said: “I have other sheep, which
courage to endure in our work           are not of this fold; those also I
of preaching the good news with         must bring.” (John 10:16) Hence,
boldness. (2 Pet. 1:5-8) Perhaps        when Jesus spoke to those oppos-
you at times find it hard to share       ers, his words included both the
in the ministry, or some aspect         hope of heavenly life for the “lit-
of it may seem intimidating. The        tle flock” and the hope of ever-
apostle Paul was a bold and fear-       lasting life on earth for millions
less preacher who had an excel-         of “other sheep.” w09 8/15 2:12
Monday, March 14                fice of oversight.” (Acts 1:20-26)
                                       What was the primary concern
Never has another man spoken
                                       of the 12 apostles? The answer
     like this.—John 7:46.             is found in the words of today’s
  The Bible gives us glimpses          text, in response to a dispute
of the impact Jesus made on            that arose about the daily dis-
those who met him. For instance,       tribution of food to widows. (Acts
Gospel writer Luke relates that        6:1-3) The new arrangement re-
people in Jesus’ hometown “be-         sulted in Jehovah’s blessing as
gan . . . to marvel at the win-        “the word of God went on grow-
some words proceeding out of           ing, and the number of the dis-
his mouth.” Matthew rep orts           ciples kept multiplying in Jeru-
that those who listened to Je-         salem very much.” (Acts 6:7) So
sus as he taught in the Sermon         the primary responsibility for
on the Mount “were astound-            the spiritual feeding work rest-
ed at his way of teaching.” And        ed with the apostles.—Acts 2:42.
John observes that the officers          w09 6/15 4:7, 8
who were sent to arrest Jesus
returned empty-handed, saying:               Wednesday, March 16
“Never has another man spoken          Speak truth each one of you
like this.” (Luke 4:22; Matt. 7:        with his neighbor.—Eph. 4:25.
28) Jesus was unquestionably the
greatest Teacher who ever lived.          First-century Roman Governor
He taught with clarity, simplici-      Pontius Pilate reflected a warped
ty, and irrefutable logic. He skill-   view of truth when he cynical-
fully used illustrations and ques-     ly asked Jesus: “What is truth?”
tions. He adapted his teaching to      (John 18:38) Conflicting attitudes
those to whom he spoke, wheth-         about truth abound in our day.
er they were of high station or        Many people say that the word
low. The truths he taught were         “truth” has various shades of
easy to grasp yet truly profound.      meaning or that truth differs
w09 7/15 3:1, 2                        from one person to another. Oth-
                                       ers are truthful only when it
       Tuesday, March 15               is convenient or expedient. The
We shall devote ourselves . . . to     book The Importance of Lying
   the ministry of the word.           states: “Honesty may be a noble
                                       ideal, but it has little value in the
          —Acts 6:4.
                                       life and death struggle for sur-
  When Jesus app ointed his            vival and security. Man has lit-
12 apostles, their primary work        tle choice in the matter—he must
involved being sent out to preach      lie to live.” How different it is for
the good news to others. (Mark         Christ’s disciples! Jesus’ view of
3:13-15) This assignment was in        truth was not philosophical. He
harmony with the basic mean-           always spoke the truth. Even his
ing of the Greek word aposto-          enemies acknowledged: “Teach-
los, which is derived from a verb      er, we know you are truthful and
meaning simply “send forth.”           teach the way of God in truth.”
However, as time went on and           (Matt. 22:16) Genuine Christians
the Christian congregation was         imitate Jesus’ example. They do
about to be established, the role      not hesitate to speak the truth.
of an ap ostle became an “of-          w09 6/15 3:1-3
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Examining Scriptures Daily

  • 2. Examining the Scriptures Daily 2011 Name
  • 3. Examining the Scriptures Daily 2011 ˘ 2010 WATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA All Rights Reserved Publishers Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A. This publication is not for sale. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. Examining the Scriptures Daily—2011 English (es11-E) Made in the United States of America
  • 4. Examining the Scriptures Daily Foreword “Good morning!” This cheerful greeting is heard around the world countless times each day. In whatever form or language, it is usually the first thing said to family members on awakening or to others we meet later on. It seems to say: “Hello, it’s good to see you. Hope you have a nice day.” For most people, however, it is just an expression. In fact, when greeted with the words “good morning,” one individual would often say, “Let’s make it so.” But what would make a morning “good”? Some feel that starting the day with a nourish- ing breakfast is most important. Others equate a good day with feeling well and being energetic. Weather conditions can also be a significant factor in our outlook. To many, having a good day is just being able to get started and satisfy their needs. Those needs, however, include more than food, clothing, shelter, and other basic necessities. When tempted by the Devil to turn stones into bread, Je- sus said: “Man must live, not on bread alone, but on every utterance coming forth through Jeho- vah’s mouth.” (Matt. 4:4) Yes, we have another ba- sic need to care for if we truly want to be happy. In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus made mention of it when he said: “Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need.” (Matt. 5:3) Happiness is pos- sible because that need can be satisfied through an understanding of God’s written Word, the Bible. For many, that spiritual need comes to the sur- face when they ask: ‘Why are we here? What is the purpose of life?’ The answer becomes clear when
  • 5. they are helped to realize that rather than evolv- ing from lower life-forms, man was created by a loving God. Moreover, we were formed “in God’s image,” mirroring some of his qualities. (Gen. 1:27; Deut. 32:4; Job 12:13; Isa. 40:26; 1 John 4:8) Jeho- vah created us not only with physical needs but also with a spiritual need. We have an innate desire to know and worship God. (Rev. 4:11) By studying the Bible, we learn spiritual truths—facts about God, his standards, and his purpose for mankind. What we learn is for our good because Jehovah teaches us the best way of life.—Isa. 48:17; Luke 11:28. Just as our body needs to be sustained regu- larly with physical food, our spirituality must be nourished regularly. Even though we have learned many spiritual truths, our imperfect minds tend to forget. We become engrossed in the daily concerns of life. We are bombarded by the propaganda of Satan’s system of things. But the inspired Word of God can teach us, reprove us when necessary, set matters straight, and keep us “fully compe- tent, completely equipped for every good work.” —2 Tim. 3:16, 17. How important, then, daily reminders from the Bible are! That is why this publication, the 2011 edition of Examining the Scriptures Daily, is pro- duced. In it you will find a Scripture text with com- ments for each day of the year. These daily gems will remind you of the truths you cherish, of the need to stay spiritually awake, and of the way you can please God. (1 Thess. 5:6) The brevity of the printed comments makes it possible to review them in just a few minutes. Many do this in the morning, either by themselves or with their family at the breakfast table. If you begin each day in this way, it will truly be a good start to the day.
  • 6. 2011 Yeartext “Take refuge in the name of Jehovah.” —Zeph. 3:12. On January 12, 2010, the Haitian city of Port-au- Prince was struck by a devastating earthquake with a mag- nitude of 7.0. Many buildings collapsed, including hos- pitals, schools, the headquarters of the United Nations mission, and sections of the presidential palace. More than 225,000 deaths resulted. Not knowing where to go for ref- uge, people poured into the streets and for weeks after- ward camped in any open areas they could find. This proved wise, as aftershocks rocked the city, including one of 6.1 magnitude that occurred on January 20. The best place to seek refuge is always a question when a calamity strikes. Should one stay put or move? What location will prove safest? Who can be turned to for help? Decisions are easier when just a relatively small area is affected. But what if the calamity is widespread, even global? Those who think that a global calamity is far-fetched need to consider the Flood and Jesus’ warning: “Just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be.” And did not Jesus say that unless the great tribulation was cut short, “no flesh would be saved”?—Matt. 24:22, 37. Also of note is the prophetic account in Revelation chapter 16. In verse 14, we learn that demonic expressions “go forth to the kings of the entire inhabited earth, to gath- er them together to the war of the great day of God the Al- mighty.” The prophecy goes on to relate that “a great earthquake occurred such as had not occurred since men came to be on the earth, so extensive an earthquake, so great.” (Rev. 16:18) While those statements are symbolic in nature, they do indicate that destructive events of global proportions are coming and that there is a great need to seek a place of refuge. And Jehovah has promised such ref- uge for those who seek him in true faith.—Zeph. 1:14, 15, 18; 2:2, 3. Even now, before those foretold events occur, there is a need to find refuge. Why? After foretelling the Devil’s
  • 7. defeat and his ouster from heaven at the time of the King- dom’s birth in 1914, the Bible relates that Satan—full of wrath and confined to the vicinity of the earth—goes off to wage war with those “who observe the commandments of God and have the work of bearing witness to Jesus.” —Rev. 12:17. A powerful, invisible enemy who is aware of our per- sonal weaknesses is a fearsome foe indeed. But there are those who are more powerful than Satan, foremost of whom is Jehovah God. What better stronghold, what bet- ter place of refuge, could there be than in the protec- tion of the Almighty One himself? With inspired wisdom, King Solomon wrote: “The name of Jehovah is a strong tower. Into it the righteous runs and is given protection.” —Prov. 18:10. The Hebrew prophet Joel cited the saving power of Je- hovah’s name when he wrote: “Everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will get away safe.” (Joel 2:32) The apos- tle Peter confirmed this when the Christian congregation was founded on the day of Pentecost 33 C.E. Peter said: “Everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved.” (Acts 2:21) Years later, the apostle Paul made the same point. (Rom. 10:13) Today, it is Jehovah God in whom we too must find refuge. He will prove to be our unconquer- able stronghold! As the name Jehovah (meaning “He Causes To Be- come”) implies, God will prove to be whatever is needed in any circumstances. He will do so for the sake of his people and in line with his purpose. Jehovah can meet any chal- lenge successfully. There is no greater refuge in these trialsome times. It is with this in mind that the Governing Body has chosen as the yeartext for 2011 these words found at Zephaniah 3:12: “Take refuge in the name of Jehovah.” DAILY TEXTS AND COMMENTS In the following pages, you will find a Scripture text for each day and comments on that text. The comments are taken from the Watchtower (w) issues of April 2009 to March 2010. Figures following the date of the Watchtower is- sue refer to the number, in order, of each study article (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) appearing in that issue, followed by the para- graphs where further comments may be found.
  • 8. Saturday, January 1 mandments. (John 14:15) Like Jesus, his disciples displayed All those desiring to live with deep love and affection for those godly devotion in association to whom they preached. En- with Christ Jesus will also be during persecution and risking persecuted.—2 Tim. 3:12. death, they ministered to oth- What precious knowledge we ers and succeeded in preach- as Jehovah’s servants have! Yes, ing the good news. What affec- we understand who is to blame tion they felt for those whom they for deteriorating world condi- helped spiritually! Touching in- tions. Do we not, then, feel im- deed are the words of the apos- pelled to share in the field min- tle Paul, who wrote: “Having a istry so as to inform people of tender affection for you, we were the identity of the chief trou- well pleased to impart to you, not blemaker? And are we not hap- only the good news of God, but py to stand up for the true God, also our own souls, because you Jehovah, and to explain to oth- became beloved to us.”—1 Thess. ers how he will put an end to Sa- 2:8. w09 7/15 3:16, 17 tan and to mankind’s woes? Sa- tan is responsible not only for Monday, January 3 many of the world’s sorrows but [Jesus] cured all who were far- also for the opposition that God’s ing badly.—Matt. 8:16. people experience. He is deter- mined to put us to the test. Jesus Practically everyone must face Christ told the apostle Peter: “Si- health problems, either his own mon, Simon, look! Satan has de- or those of family members. Je- manded to have you men to sift sus’ mental attitude toward the you as wheat.” (Luke 22:31) Simi- sick serves as an example for us. larly, each of us who follows in His love moved him to feel pity Jesus’ footsteps will experience for them and he cured them. To- trials in some way or other. Peter day, Christians do not have Je- compared the Devil to “a roaring sus’ miraculous power to heal, lion, seeking to devour someone.” but they do share Jesus’ com- —1 Pet. 5:8. w09 4/15 2:5, 6 passionate attitude toward the sick. May we also strive to treat Sunday, January 2 others kindly, even when their We became gentle in the midst imperfections and weaknesses come to the fore. Let us coura- of you.—1 Thess. 2:7. geously obey all of Jehovah’s re- Jesus was patient and under- quirements, even in the face of standing. When his disciples trials. Finally, let us show Christ- needed correction, he offered like love to all our brothers, as it with love. (Mark 9:33-37) He Christ himself did, “to the end.” encouraged them by expressing Such love identifies us as Jesus’ confidence that they would be true followers. (John 13:1, 34, 35) effective preachers of the good Yes, “let your brotherly love con- news. No man has ever been a tinue.” (Heb. 13:1) Do not hold more loving teacher than Jesus. back! Use your life to praise Jeho- The love he showed to his disci- vah and to help others! Jehovah ples impelled them to love him will bless your sincere efforts. in return and to keep his com- w09 9/15 3:16, 17, 19, 20
  • 9. Tuesday, January 4 treasures that Jehovah urges his worshippers to seek. Among such Safeguard your heart. treasures is “the fear of Jeho- —Prov. 4:23. vah,” which can be a protection In the complex world in which and a safeguard for us in these we live, many decisions need to perilous times. Finding “the very be made that involve our obe- knowledge of God” can lead to dience to God. How can we be the greatest honor any human sure that these decisions are in can have—a close personal rela- harmony with God’s will? Jeho- tionship with the Most High. And vah has given us a gift that can with the treasures of God-given help us greatly in this matter of wisdom, knowledge, and discern- obedience. It is the conscience. ment, we will be able to deal suc- What is the conscience? It is a cessfully with problems and is- special kind of self-awareness. It sues in our daily life.—Prov. 9:10, 11. w09 7/15 1:1-3 acts like an internal judge, en- abling us to look at the choices we Thursday, January 6 face in life or to reflect on the actions we have already taken The kingdom of God will be and to evaluate them as to good taken from you and be given to or bad, right or wrong. (Rom. 2: a nation producing its fruits. 14, 15) The conscience, however, —Matt. 21:43. has its limitations. For example, Jehovah spoke of his people, if we were to give the desires of the ancient nation of Israel, as a our heart too much prominence, collective servant. “ ‘You [plural] our selfish tendencies might well are my witnesses [plural],’ is the distort the conscience. (Jer. 17:9) utterance of Jehovah, ‘even my If we do not rely on the sure, servant [singular] whom I have unchanging guidance of God’s chosen.’ ” (Isa. 43:10) All mem- Word, the Bible, our conscience bers of the nation were included might be nearly useless.—Ps. in that one servant class. How- 119:105. w09 8/15 4:6, 8 ever, it is important to note that only the priests together with Wednesday, January 5 the nonpriestly Levites were re- The fear of Jehovah is pure, sponsible for teaching the nation. standing forever.—Ps. 19:9. (2 Chron. 35:3; Mal. 2:7) Was the nation of Israel the slave about Discoveries of hidden treasures whom Jesus spoke in Matthew 24: have often made headline news. 45? No. We know that from the Some finds may have historical words of today’s text, which Je- or artistic value, but they usual- sus said to the Jews of his day. ly have little or no effect on our Clearly, a change was to occur. day-to-day life. However, God’s Jehovah would use a new nation. Word invites us to search for trea- Nevertheless, when it comes to sures that truly affect us. The in- spiritual instruction, the work vitation is open to everyone, and of the slave in Jesus’ illustration the reward is worth far more than does follow a pattern similar to any material treasure. (Prov. 2: that of God’s “servant” in ancient 1-6) Consider the value of the Israel. w09 6/15 4:4, 5
  • 10. Friday, January 7 gel coming down out of heaven with the key of the abyss and Keep yourselves clean. a great chain in his hand.” This —Isa. 52:11. is none other than the archangel Many years before Isaiah wrote Michael, who will bind the Devil the above words, good King Asa and hurl him—and evidently the vigorously pursued a campaign demons—into the abyss. They to root out immorality in Ju- will be released briefly at the end dah. (1 Ki. 15:11-13) And centu- of Christ’s Millennial Reign when ries later, the apostle Paul told perfect mankind will experience Titus that Jesus gave himself a final test. Thereafter, Satan to cleanse his followers to make and all other rebels will suffer de- them “a people peculiarly his struction. (Rev. 20:1-3, 7-10) All own, zealous for fine works.” (Ti- rebellion against God will have been removed. w09 5/15 3:20, 21 tus 2:14) In today’s vice-ridden society, it is not easy—especial- Sunday, January 9 ly for youths—to keep morally clean. For instance, all of God’s He went journeying from city servants, young and old alike, to city and from village to vil- must battle to keep free from lage, preaching and declaring the contamination of pornog- the good news of the kingdom of raphy that is displayed on bill- God.—Luke 8:1. boards, on the TV screen, in A good teacher makes his stu- films, and particularly on the In- dents feel comfortable so that ternet. Our zeal in heeding God’s they are eager to involve them- warnings can help us to develop a selves in what they are learning hatred for what is bad. (Ps. 97: and are happy to express them- 10; Rom. 12:9) We need to abhor selves. A loving teacher imparts pornography in order to “break knowledge because he genuinely free from its powerful, magnetic cares for his students. He adapts pull,” as one Christian expressed his teaching to their needs and it. w09 6/15 2:14, 15 their level of understanding. He is sensitive to the abilities Saturday, January 8 and circumstances of his stu- The Devil has been sinning from dents. When teachers have such the beginning.—1 John 3:8. love, students will discern it, and teaching and learning are enjoy- “At the revelation of the Lord able. Jesus showed that kind of Jesus from heaven with his pow- love. His greatest expression of erful angels,” all “who do not love was to surrender his perfect know God and those who do not human life so that others might obey the good news about our be saved. (John 15:13) During his Lord Jesus” will be destroyed. ministry, Jesus tirelessly cared (2 Thess. 1:6-10) When John saw for people physically and espe- that same event in vision, he cially spiritually. Rather than ex- described Jesus and the angel- pecting people to come to him, ic heavenly armies as going forth he traveled hundreds of miles on on white horses in order to car- foot to share the good news with ry on war in righteousness. (Rev. them.—Matt. 4:23-25. w09 7/15 3: 19:11-14) John also “saw an an- 15, 16
  • 11. Monday, January 10 know Jehovah. (Ps. 77:12) A very fine way to become even more The zeal for your house will eat intimately acquainted with Je- me up.—John 2:17. hovah is to follow the Christ. In Jerusalem at the temple in Just think of the glory Jesus the Court of the Gentiles, Je- had alongside his Father “before sus discovers “those selling cat- the world was”! (John 17:5) He is tle and sheep and doves and the “the beginning of the creation by money brokers in their seats.” God.” (Rev. 3:14) As “the first- Brandishing a whip made of born of all creation,” he lived for ropes, he drives out all the an- aeons in heaven with his Father, imals. Jesus also pours out the Jehovah. (Col. 1:15) During his coins of the money changers and prehuman existence, Jesus did overturns their tables. He orders more than just spend time with those selling doves to take what his Father. He was God’s person- they have and leave. (John 2:13- al companion. w09 5/15 4:3, 4 16) Jesus’ actions relate direct- ly to his concern for the temple. Wednesday, January 12 “Stop making the house of my God gave us not a spirit of cow- Father a house of merchandise!” ardice, but that of power and of he commands. As Jesus’ disci- love and of soundness of mind. ples observe these events, they —2 Tim. 1:7. recall the words penned centu- ries earlier by the psalmist Da- “Soundness of mind” involves vid: “The zeal for your house will being able to think and reason eat me up.” (John 2:16, 17; Ps. sensibly. It includes the ability 69:9) In this 21st century, over to face things as they are—not seven million Christians manifest the way you would like them to concern for God’s house. Individ- be. Some immature youths man- ually, we may ask, ‘How can I in- ifest a spirit of cowardice and crease my personal zeal for Jeho- mentally try to escape stressful vah’s house?’ w09 6/15 1:1-3 situations by resorting to exces- sive sleep or TV viewing, drug Tuesday, January 11 or alcohol abuse, constant party- [God] is not far off from each ing, or sexual immorality. Chris- one of us.—Acts 17:27. tians are admonished “to repu- diate ungodliness and worldly We can seek God and really desires and to live with sound- come to know him. For example, ness of mind and righteousness the book of creation speaks vol- and godly devotion amid this umes about God’s qualities and present system of things.” (Titus abilities. Appreciatively reflect- 2:12) The Bible exhorts “youn- ing on his creative works can ger men to be sound in mind.” teach us a great deal about the (Titus 2:6) Heeding this counsel Creator. (Rom. 1:20) Jehovah has means that you will face prob- also revealed details about him- lems prayerfully and will rely on self in his written Word, the Bi- God-given strength. (1 Pet. 4:7) ble. (2 Tim. 3:16, 17) The more Thus, you will develop confidence we ‘meditate on his activity’ and in “the strength that God sup- ‘concern ourselves with his deal- plies.”—1 Pet. 4:11. w09 5/15 2: ings,’ the better we can get to 9, 10
  • 12. Thursday, January 13 The narrative opens our eyes to events of far-reaching impor- He went forth conquering and tance that occurred in heaven to complete his conquest. and underscores the paramount —Rev. 6:2. issue of God’s universal sover- Like D avid, Jesus is a con- eignty. The account of Job also quering king. Shortly after he deepens our understanding of was installed as King of God’s what is involved in keeping integ- Kingdom, he conquered Satan in rity and helps us to grasp why Je- battle and hurled him and his de- hovah sometimes allows his ser- mons down to the earth. (Rev. 12: vants to suffer. Furthermore, the 7-9) His victorious ride will con- book of Job identifies Satan the tinue until he will “complete his Devil as Jehovah’s chief Adver- conquest,” completely destroying sary and mankind’s enemy. The Satan’s wicked system. (Rev. 19: book also shows that imperfect 11, 19-21) Like David, though, Je- humans like Job can remain loyal sus is a compassionate king, and to Jehovah despite intense test- he will protect the “great crowd” ing. w09 4/15 1:1, 2 through Armageddon. (Rev. 7:9, 14) Furthermore, under the rule Saturday, January 15 of Jesus and his joint heirs, the The creation itself also will be resurrected 144,000, there will be “a resurrection of both the righ- set free from enslavement to teous and the unrighteous.” (Acts corruption and have the glori- 24:15) Those who are resurrected ous freedom of the children of on earth will have the prospect God.—Rom. 8:21. of living forever. What a wonder- Today, the prospect of living ful future awaits them! May we forever on earth fills the hearts all be determined to continue to of millions with gratitude to- “do what is good,” so that we will ward Jehovah. The prophet Isa- be alive when the earth is filled with righteous, happy subjects of iah was inspired to write about the Greater David.—Ps. 37:27-29. the kind of life that God’s people w09 4/15 5:10, 11 will enjoy on earth. (Isa. 65:21- 25) Certain trees that were alive Friday, January 14 some 2,700 years ago when Isaiah wrote those words are evidently Let the name of Jehovah contin- still alive today. Can you imag- ue to be blessed.—Job 1:21. ine yourself living that long with Moses was about 40 years old strength and good health? In- when he fled from Egypt and took stead of being a short walk from up residence in Midian. (Acts 7: the cradle to the grave, life will 23) During his stay in that land, present endless opportunities to he could have heard of the trials build, plant, and learn. Think of of Job, who was living nearby the friendships you will be able to in the land of Uz. Jewish tradi- cultivate. Those loving relation- tion holds that Moses wrote the ships will continue to grow indef- book of Job sometime after Job’s initely. What “glorious freedom” death. The book of Job strength- will then be enjoyed on earth by ens the faith of God’s servants “the children of God”! w09 8/15 3: in modern times. In what ways? 17-19
  • 13. Sunday, January 16 “Do not become wise in your own eyes.” (Prov. 3:7) Instead, follow [God’s] will is that all sorts of the wise counsel that Moses gave men should be saved and come to God’s people in ancient times: to an accurate knowledge of “Jehovah your God you should truth.—1 Tim. 2:4. fear. Him you should serve, and Jehovah’s Witnesses scour the to him you should cling.” (Deut. earth in search of those who 10:20) By clinging to Jehovah, we yearn to know and serve God. will be imitating Jesus, of whom In fact, for the past 17 years it was said: “You loved righteous- in a row, we have spent over ness, and you hated lawless- one billion hours annually in the ness.” (Heb. 1:9) Paying atten- preaching and disciple-making tion to godly wisdom will deepen work. We do so willingly, although our happiness now and safeguard the preaching work requires that us in times to come.—Eccl. 7:12. we sacrifice time, energy, and w09 4/15 3:18, 19 material resources. Like Jesus, we understand that our loving Tuesday, January 18 heavenly Father desires that peo- Through one man sin entered ple acquire the knowledge that into the world and death leads to everlasting life. (John through sin, and thus death 17:3) Love moves us to help hon- spread to all men because they esthearted ones to come to know had all sinned.—Rom. 5:12. and love Jehovah as we do. Yes, to be truly effective teachers, we The infection rate of sin is need a threefold love—love for 100 percent. (Rom. 3:23) And God, love of the truth, and love what is the mortality rate? Paul for people. As we cultivate that wrote that sin brings death “to kind of love and display it in our all men.” Many today do not see ministry, we experience not only sin and death in such dire terms. the joy of giving but also the sat- They worry about what they call isfaction of knowing that we im- premature death, but they dis- itate Jesus and please Jehovah. miss as “natural” the death that w09 7/15 3:18, 20 creeps up on humans through the aging process. It is all too easy for Monday, January 17 humans to forget the Creator’s Abhor what is wicked, cling to perspective. Our lifespan is infi- what is good.—Rom. 12:9. nitely shorter than he meant it to be. Actually, no human has lived The unwholesome influences for even “one day” from Jehovah’s that are prevalent in Satan’s point of view. (2 Pet. 3:8) God’s world could cause us to lose our Word thus says that our lives are grip on godly principles. For in- as transitory as a season’s growth stance, association with those of grass or as an exhaled breath. who do not adhere to God’s laws (Ps. 39:5; 1 Pet. 1:24) We need —whether at school or at work to keep that perspective in mind. or through some form of un- Why? If we see the severity of the godly entertainment—might af- “disease” that afflicts us, we can fect our determination to do what better appreciate the value of the is right. Do not let that hap- “cure”—our deliverance. w09 9/15 pen to you! God’s Word warns: 5:3, 4
  • 14. Wednesday, January 19 by name. He loves his sheep so much that while on earth he will- In every way we recommend ingly gave of himself for their ourselves as God’s ministers, well-being. (John 10:3, 14, 15) . . . by truthful speech. As the Fine Shepherd, Jesus ac- —2 Cor. 6:4, 7. complishes something that David This certainly proved to be the could never do. His ransom sac- case with a Witness living in Brit- rifice opened the way for man- ain. Attempting to sell a car to a kind to be rescued from death. prospective buyer, he described Nothing will stop him from shep- all its good points as well as its herding his “little flock” to im- faults, including those that could mortal life in heaven and leading not be seen. After taking the car his “other sheep” to everlasting for a test drive, the buyer asked life in a righteous new world free the brother if he was one of Jeho- from wolflike predators.—John vah’s Witnesses. Why did he draw 10:27-29. w09 4/15 5:7 that conclusion? The man had taken note of the brother’s hon- Friday, January 21 esty as well as his neat appear- Keep yourselves in God’s love. ance. The ensuing discussion led to a fine witness being given. Do —Jude 21. we likewise bring praise to our This text implies that some ac- Creator by our good moral char- tion is required on our part. acter? Paul said: “We have re- What, then, do we need to do in nounced the underhanded things order to remain in God’s love? of which to b e ashamed, not We find the answer to that ques- walking with cunning.” (2 Cor. tion in Jesus’ own words, spoken 4:2) Hence, let us do our utmost on the final night of his life here to speak truth with our neighbor. on earth. He said: “If you observe In so doing, we will bring glory to my commandments, you will re- our heavenly Father and to his main in my love, just as I have ob- people. w09 6/15 3:19, 20 served the commandments of Thursday, January 20 the Father and remain in his love.” (John 15:10) Clearly, Je- I am the fine shepherd. sus felt that observing Jehovah’s —John 10:11. commandments was essential to The years David spent in fields keeping a good standing with his and on hills tending sheep pre- Father. Now, if that was true of p ared him for the demand- the perfect Son of God, would it ing duties and responsibilities of not be true of us also? Primari- shepherding the nation of Isra- ly, we show that we love Jehovah el. (Ps. 78:70, 71) Jesus too has by obeying him. The apostle John proved to be a model shepherd. expressed it this way: “This is He derives strength and guidance what the love of God means, that from Jehovah as he shepherds we observe his commandments; his “little flock” and the “other and yet his commandments are sheep.” (Luke 12:32; John 10:16) not burdensome.” (1 John 5:3) Thus Jesus proves to be the Fine Yes, Jehovah does not ask us to Shepherd. He knows his flock do something that is too hard for so well that he calls each sheep us. w09 8/15 4:2-4
  • 15. Saturday, January 22 everlasting life is an essential as- pect of the good news that we What will be the sign of your preach. It molds our very out- presence and of the conclusion look on life. For the most part, of the system of things? the religions of Christendom —Matt. 24:3. have ignored the hope of ever- The initial fulfillment of the lasting life on earth. Whereas prophecy that Jesus gave his dis- the Bible teaches that the soul ciples in answer to their question dies, the majority of churches took place in the first century. Je- teach the unscriptural doctrine sus spoke of an unusual devel- that man has an immortal soul opment that would signal that that survives death and lives the end was imminent. Upon ob- on in the spirit realm. (Ezek. serving that development, “those 18:20) Hence, many people are in Judea [were to] begin fleeing skeptical about everlasting life to the mountains.” (Matt. 24:1, 2, on earth. w09 8/15 1:1, 2 15-22) Nearly three decades lat- Monday, January 24 er, in 61 C.E., the apostle Paul penned a strong, sobering mes- He that has endured to the end sage to Hebrew Christians living is the one that will be saved. in Jerusalem and its surround- —Matt. 24:13. ings. Unknown to both Paul and It would be a mistake to low- his fellow believers, the signal er our moral and spiritual stan- marking the opening stage of a dards, perhaps thinking that we “great tribulation” was only about are strong enough to resist the five years away. (Matt. 24:21) In effects of bad association, includ- 66 C.E., Cestius Gallus led Ro- ing when that association might man troops in a nearly successful be in the form of violent, immor- attack on Jerusalem. But then he al entertainment. Instead, we suddenly withdrew, leaving open must protect ourselves and our a window of opportunity for en- children from the corrupting in- dangered ones to escape to safe- fluences of Satan’s spirit. Com- ty. w09 5/15 1:1, 2 puter users take pains to prevent Sunday, January 23 their equipment from becom- ing infected with malicious vi- He will wipe out every tear from ruses that can destroy data, in- their eyes, and death will be no terfere with operation, and even more, neither will mourning nor take over the machine. Should we outcry nor pain be anymore. be any less vigilant in protect- The former things have passed ing ourselves from Satan’s “crafty away.—Rev. 21:4. acts”? (Eph. 6:11, ftn.) Practically every day, in some way we have to Perhaps you recall the joy you choose if we will do things Jeho- felt when you first learned that vah’s way or not. In order to gain in the near future, people will salvation, we must obey God and no longer grow old and die but live by his righteous principles. will live forever on earth. (John By following Christ’s example of 17:3) You have probably enjoyed obedience even “as far as death,” sharing that Scriptural hope with we show that our faith is real. others. After all, the hope of —Phil. 2:8. w09 9/15 2:8, 9
  • 16. Tuesday, January 25 to weaken in the face of world- ly pressure. Christian parents Unless anyone is born from wa- realize that a child’s upbringing ter and spirit, he cannot enter entails more than providing for into the kingdom of God. his material needs. Therefore, it —John 3:5. would be extremely shortsighted Jesus told Nicodemus that to teach a child to pursue goals those entering the Kingdom of that would serve only for his ma- the heavens must b e “b orn terial advantage. Jesus taught his again.” (John 3:3, 4) Jesus did not disciples to make spiritual val- ues and pursuits their priority. stop with that. He then spoke of (Matt. 6:33) Therefore, in imita- the hope that is open to the whole tion of Jesus, Christian parents world. (John 3:16) Jesus was re- should also strive to cultivate in ferring to the hope of everlast- their children a desire to pursue ing life for his anointed follow- spiritual goals. w09 7/15 2:13, 14 ers in heaven and for others on earth. After speaking to Nico- Thursday, January 27 demus in Jerusalem, Jesus trav- eled north toward Galilee. On Jehovah God will raise up for the way, he met a woman at Ja- you from among your brothers a cob’s fountain near the city of prophet like me.—Acts 3:22. Sychar in Samaria. He told her: Shortly after Pentecost 33 C.E., “Whoever drinks from the water the apostle Peter quoted a proph- that I will give him will never get ecy by Moses that was fulfilled thirsty at all, but the water that I in Jesus Christ. Peter was stand- will give him will become in him ing before a crowd of worship- a fountain of water bubbling up pers in the temple. The people to impart everlasting life.” (John were “surprised out of their wits” 4:5, 6, 14) This water represents when Peter and John healed a God’s provisions for the restora- beggar who was lame from birth. tion of all mankind to everlasting (Acts 3:11) Peter explained that life, including those who will live this astonishing act was a result on earth. w09 8/15 2:8, 9 of Jehovah’s holy spirit operat- ing through Jesus Christ. Then, Wednesday, January 26 quoting from the Hebrew Scrip- The advantage of knowledge tures, he said the words found is that wisdom itself preserves in today’s text. (Deut. 18:15, 18, alive its owners.—Eccl. 7:12. 19) Those words of Moses were likely familiar to Peter’s audi- If parents strive to apply Bible ence. As Jews, they had a high re- principles in everyday matters, gard for Moses. (Deut. 34:10) this will not escape their chil- With keen anticip ation, they dren’s notice. The parents’ words looked forward to the coming of a and teachings will carry weight. prophet greater than Moses. That However, if children perceive a prophet would prove to be not double standard, they might just a messiah, an anointed one draw the conclusion that Bible of God like Moses, but the Messi- principles are not really impor- ah, “the Christ of God, the Cho- tant or practical. As a result, the sen One” of Jehovah.—Luke 23: children may be more inclined 35; Heb. 11:26. w09 4/15 4:6, 7
  • 17. Friday, January 28 states: “David’s fame began to go out into all the lands, and Jeho- He has not done to us even ac- vah himself put the dread of him cording to our sins; nor accord- upon all the nations.” (1 Chron. ing to our errors has he brought 14:17) Like King David, the man upon us what we deserve. Jesus w as fearless. As King- —Ps. 103:10. Designate, he showed his au- thority over the demons, rescu- In order to grasp the severity of ing victims from their clutches. sin and its effects, we must try to (Mark 5:2, 6-13; Luke 4:36) Even fathom what it has cost us. That the archenemy, Satan the Devil, may be difficult at first because has no hold on him. With Jeho- sin cost us something we have vah’s support, Jesus conquered never yet experienced. Adam and the world, which lies in Satan’s Eve initially enjoyed perfect hu- power.—John 14:30; 1 John 5:19. man life. Perfect in mind and w09 4/15 5:8, 9 body, they could choose to con- trol their thoughts, feelings, and Sunday, January 30 actions. Thus they were free to grow as servants of Jehovah God, Come to me, all you who are to fulfill the tremendous poten- toiling and loaded down, and I tial within them. Instead, they will refresh you. Take my yoke threw away that precious gift. upon you and learn from me, By choosing to sin against Jeho- for I am mild-tempered and vah, they lost for themselves and lowly in heart, and you will find their offspring the kind of life refreshment for your souls. that Jehovah intended for them. —Matt. 11:28, 29. (Gen. 3:16-19) At the same time, Jesus, the perfect Son of God, they inflicted on themselves and willingly came to earth to serve on us the terrible “disease” of among imperfect and sinful peo- sin. Rightly, Jehovah condemned ple. Some of those would later them. But for us, he holds out the kill him. Yet, Jesus always main- hope of deliverance. w09 9/15 5:5 tained his joy and self-control. Saturday, January 29 (1 Pet. 2:21-23) ‘Looking intent- ly’ at Jesus’ example can help In the world you are having us to do the same when oth- tribulation, but take courage! I ers’ faults and imperfections af- have conquered the world. fect us. (Heb. 12:2) Jesus invit- —John 16:33. ed his disciples to ‘get under his yoke with him’ and thus to learn As king, David was a resolute from him. (Matt. 11:29, ftn.) What warrior who protected the land of could they learn? For one thing, God’s people, and “Jehovah kept Jesus was mild-tempered, and he saving David wherever he went.” was patient with his disciples de- Under David’s leadership, the na- spite their faults. On the night tion’s boundaries were extended before he died, Jesus washed from the river of Egypt to the riv- their feet, thereby teaching them er Euphrates. (2 Sam. 8:1-14) In a lesson in being “lowly in heart” Jehovah’s strength, he became a that they would never forget. most powerful ruler. The Bible —John 13:14-17. w09 9/15 1:1, 3
  • 18. Monday, January 31 (Job 1:5) Even when being severe- ly tested, Job still said positive Jehovah himself turned back the things about Jehovah. (Job 10:12) captive condition of Job when he What a fine example! We too must prayed in behalf of his compan- regularly take in accurate knowl- ions, and Jehovah began to give edge of Jehovah and his purpos- in addition all that had been es. We hold to a healthy routine in Job’s, in double amount. such spiritual activities as study, —Job 42:10. meeting attendance, prayer, and the preaching of the good news. What Job learned about God Moreover, we do everything in aroused in him the desire to our power to make known the please Jehovah. In case his fam- name of Jehovah. And just as ily members might have done Job’s integrity pleased Jehovah, something displeasing to God or so the integrity of God’s servants “have cursed God in their heart,” today makes Jehovah’s heart re- he regularly offered sacrifices. joice. w09 4/15 1:9, 18 Tuesday, February 1 Wednesday, February 2 Become an example to the faith- Ezra . . . had prepared his heart ful ones.—1 Tim. 4:12. to consult the law of Jehovah Paul was urging Timothy to and to do it.—Ezra 7:10. keep applying himself in order One way to prepare our heart is to make progress in speech, con- by diligently studying the Scrip- duct, love, faith, and chasteness, tures and Bible-based publica- as well as in the way he fulfilled tions. Imagine yourself in the fol- his ministry. He was to strive to lowing situation. Suppose it is make his manner of life exem- your evening for personal study. plary. (1 Tim. 4:13-15) When Paul You have just prayed for Jeho- penned this counsel sometime vah’s spirit to help you to ap- between 61 and 64 C.E., Timothy ply what you learn from his Word. was already an experienced el- You have plans to watch a par- der. In 49 or 50 C.E. when Timo- ticular movie on TV the next thy was likely in his late teens or evening, yet you know that it early 20’s, he was “well report- contains some immorality and vi- ed on by the brothers in Lystra olence. You ponder Paul’s coun- and Iconium,” who had observed sel at Ephesians 5:3: “Let forni- his spiritual progress. (Acts 16: cation and uncleanness of every 1-5) At that time, Paul took Tim- sort or greediness not even be othy with him on his mission- mentioned among you, just as it ary journey. After observing Tim- befits holy people.” You also re- othy’s further progress for some call Paul’s advice at Philippians months, Paul dispatched him to 4:8. As you weigh this inspired Thessalonica in order to com- counsel, you ask yourself, ‘If I de- fort and make firm the Christians liberately expose my heart and in that city. (1 Thess. 3:1-3, 6) mind to such programs, am I fol- Clearly, Timothy began to make lowing Jesus’ example of strict his advancement manifest to oth- obedience to God?’ What will you ers when he was a young person. do? Will you watch that movie w09 5/15 2:3-5 anyway? w09 9/15 2:5-7
  • 19. Thursday, February 3 “Without writing a single line, he set more pens in motion, and fur- Who really is the faithful and nished themes for more sermons, discreet slave whom his master orations, discussions, learned appointed over his domestics, to volumes, works of art, and songs give them their food at the of praise, than the whole army of proper time?—Matt. 24:45. great men of ancient and modern After raising this question, Je- times.” That remarkable young sus then went on to say that man was, of course, Jesus Christ. this slave would be rewarded Said the apostle John: “There for his faithfulness by being ap- are, in fact, many other things pointed over all of the Master’s also which Jesus did, which, if belongings. (Matt. 24:46, 47) Je- ever they were written in full de- sus, the “master” in the illustra- tail, I suppose, the world itself tion, did not say that there would could not contain the scrolls writ- be a multitude of slaves scattered ten.”—John 21:25. w09 4/15 4:1, 2 throughout the various sects of Christendom. Instead, he clearly Saturday, February 5 stated that there would be only Maintain your conduct fine one “steward,” or “slave,” whom among the nations.—1 Pet. 2:12. he would appoint over all his be- longings. So as The Watchtower At Bethel homes throughout has often explained, the stew- the world, brothers and sisters ard must represent the “little work zealously and for no wag- flock” of anointed disciples as a es, volunteering their time and collective body, or group. In the energy to help publish the good context of Luke’s Gospel, Jesus news. Similarly, brothers and sis- had just referred to these ones. ters who work secularly to care (Luke 12:32, 42) The “body of at- for their families go about their tendants,” or “domestics,” refers business in a whole-souled way. to this same group but highlights (Col. 3:23, 24) This often results their role as individuals. w09 6/15 in improved job security, as em- 4:1, 3 ployers value their conscientious attitude and do not want to lose Friday, February 4 them as employees. Our trust in Jehovah God will raise up for Jehovah, our obedience to his in- you from among your brothers a structions, and the care we take of our meeting places are among prophet like me. You must listen ways that we demonstrate zeal to him.—Acts 3:22. for Jehovah’s house. In addi- Two thousand years ago, the tion, we want to have as full a birth of a certain male child share as we can in the Kingdom- caused a multitude of angels in preaching and disciple-making heaven to praise God in the hear- work. Whether we are young or ing of some shepherds. (Luke 2:8- old, by our strenuously uphold- 14) Thirty years later, that child, ing the clean standards associ- now an adult, began a minis- ated with our worship, we shall try that lasted just three and a reap many benefits. And we will half years and yet changed his- continue to be known as a people tory. Historian Philip Schaff was “zealous for fine works.”—Titus moved to state of this young man: 2:14. w09 6/15 2:16-18
  • 20. Sunday, February 6 needed. Because the matter has not previously been discussed In the re-creation, when the Son by the parents, it would be ap- of man sits down upon his glo- propriate for the mother to in- rious throne, you who have fol- quire, “Did you ask your father?” lowed me will also yourselves If the son has not, she should sit upon twelve thrones, judging discuss the matter with her hus- the twelve tribes of Israel. band before anything is decided. —Matt. 19:28. Moreover, a Christian wife would Jesus told his ap ostles that certainly want to avoid contra- they would be among those who dicting her husband or challeng- would rule as kings and judge ing his opinion in front of their “the twelve tribes of Israel,” that children. If she disagrees with is, the world of mankind outside her husband about something, that heavenly ruling class. (1 Cor. she would talk with him in pri- 6:2) He also spoke of a reward vate.—Eph. 6:4. w09 7/15 2:9, 10 for “everyone” who follows him. Such individuals too “will inher- Tuesday, February 8 it everlasting life.” (Matt. 19:29) [Christ] obtained an everlasting All of this is to take place “in deliverance for us.—Heb. 9:12. the re-creation.” What did Je- sus mean by “the re-creation”? Among the most imp ortant Since Jesus used the term with- sacrifices required by the Law out explanation, he evidently re- were those offered on the an- ferred to what had been the Jew- nual Day of Atonement. On that ish hope for centuries. There day, the high priest offered sacri- was to be a re-creation of con- fices to Jehovah to provide for the ditions on earth, so that things atonement of sins—first those of would be as they were in the gar- the priestly class, then those of den of Eden before Adam and the nonpriestly tribes. (Ex. 25: Eve sinned. The re-creation will 22; Lev. 16:1-30) The apostle Paul fulfill God’s promise of “creating was inspired to reveal the mean- new heavens and a new earth.” ing behind those symbolic ac- —Isa. 65:17. w09 8/15 2:4, 5 tions. He showed that the high priest pictured the Messiah, Je- Monday, February 7 sus Christ, while the offering of Jesus . . . gave no consideration the sacrifices signified Christ’s to a seizure, namely, that he sacrificial death. (Heb. 9:11- 14) That perfect sacrifice would should be equal to God. No, but provide real atonement for two he emptied himself and took a groups of people—the priestly slave’s form.—Phil. 2:5-7. class of Christ’s 144,000 spirit- A Christian wife does well to anointed brothers and the “oth- imitate Jesus by supporting her er sheep.” (John 10:16) When husband’s headship. (1 Pet. 2: the high priest entered the Most 21; 3:1, 2) Consider a situation in Holy, he foreshadowed Jesus’ en- which she has an opportunity to try into heaven itself to present do this. Her son is seeking per- before Jehovah God the value of mission to engage in an activity the ransom sacrifice.—Heb. 9:24, for which parental permission is 25. w09 9/15 5:8, 9
  • 21. Wednesday, February 9 let God’s Word educate and train our conscience so that it can be We do have the mind of Christ. truly useful to us. We need to —1 Cor. 2:16. listen to our Bible-trained con- If the flaws of others easily an- science instead of letting our noy us, we need to ask ourselves, selfish inclinations overwhelm it. ‘How can I better reflect “the At the same time, we should en- mind of Christ”?’ Try to keep in deavor to respect the consciences mind that Jesus did not become of our beloved spiritual brothers upset with his disciples, even and sisters. We make every effort when they showed a measure of to avoid stumbling them, keeping spiritual weakness. Consider the in mind that our brother’s con- case of the apostle Peter. When science may be more sensitive or Jesus invited Peter to get out of restrictive than our own.—1 Cor. the boat and walk toward Him 8:12; 2 Cor. 4:2. w09 8/15 4:8, 9 on the water, Peter actually did so for a while. Then Peter looked Friday, February 11 at the windstorm and began to I do indeed also consider all sink. Did Jesus become incensed and say to him: “Serves you right! things to be loss on account of Let that be a lesson to you”? the excelling value of the knowl- No! “Immediately stretching out edge of Christ Jesus.—Phil. 3:8. his hand Jesus caught hold of him From an early age, Robert ex- and said to him: ‘You with lit- celled in school. His academ- tle faith, why did you give way ic achievements as a high-school to doubt?’ ” (Matt. 14:28-31) If student qualified him to attend we ever have to deal with a broth- any of the best universities in his er’s apparent lack of faith, can country. But Robert chose to for- we figuratively stretch out our go what many viewed as a once- hand and help him to gain more faith? That is certainly a lesson in-a-lifetime opportunity in or- evident in Jesus’ mild-tempered der to pursue his goal of serving action toward Peter. w09 9/15 1: as a regular pioneer. (1 Cor. 7: 2, 4, 5 29-31) What motivates Christians like Robert to expend themselves Thursday, February 10 in the preaching work? In ad- dition to their love for Jehovah, Hold a good conscience. which is the foremost reason, —1 Pet. 3:16. they appreciate the excelling val- Sadly, many p eople in this ue of divine education. Have you world give undue prominence to considered lately what your life the desires of the heart while might be like if you had not come paying little or no attention to to a knowledge of the truth? Re- the standards set out in God’s flecting on some of the outstand- Word. (Eph. 4:17-19) That is why ing blessings we enjoy as a result so many people, though endowed of being taught by Jehovah will with a conscience, do terrible help us to maintain our apprecia- things. (1 Tim. 4:2) We should tion for the good news and to be be determined never to be like zealous in sharing it with others. that! Rather, let us continue to w09 9/15 4:1, 2
  • 22. Saturday, February 12 23, 24) With the passing of time, the human life span declined. We mustered up boldness . . . Adam lived for 930 years. The to speak to you the good news. Flood survivor Shem lived for only —1 Thess. 2:2. 600 years, and his son Arpachshad How pleasant it is to hear good for 438 years. Abraham’s father, news! And the best news of all Terah, lived for 205 years. The life is the good news of God’s King- span of Abraham was 175 years, dom. This good news assures us that of his son Isaac was 180 years, of an end to suffering, sickness, and that of Jacob was 147 years. pain, sorrow, and death. It opens (Gen. 5:5; 11:10-13, 32; 25:7; 35: the way to everlasting life, re- 28; 47:28) Many people must have veals God’s purpose, and shows realized what this decline meant us how to come into a loving re- —the prospect of everlasting life lationship with him. You would had been lost! w09 8/15 1:3 think that everyone would re- joice to hear this news that Je- Monday, February 14 sus shared with mankind. Sad- Look out: perhaps there may be ly, though, that is not the case. Jesus told his disciples: “Do not someone who will carry you off think I came to put peace upon as his prey through the philoso- the earth; I came to put, not phy and empty deception ac- peace, but a sword. . . . Indeed, a cording to the tradition of men. man’s enemies will be persons of —Col. 2:8. his own household.” (Matt. 10:34- 36) Instead of embracing the We too must beware of the in- good news, most people reject it. fluences from Satan and his wick- Some make themselves enemies ed system. Worldly philosophy, of those who proclaim it, even if including secular humanism and they are close family members. the theory of evolution, shapes w09 7/15 4:1, 2 people’s thinking, morals, goals, and lifestyle. False religion plays Sunday, February 13 a major role in many popular hol- iday celebrations. The entertain- As for the tree of the knowledge ment industry panders to the of good and bad you must not debased tendencies of the fall- eat from it, for in the day you en flesh, and much of the con- eat from it you will positively tent of the Internet poses a real die.—Gen. 2:17. danger to young and old alike. Jehovah’s purp ose for man- Constant exposure to these and kind was made evident at the other worldly trends can easily very beginning of human history. affect our feelings and attitude God clearly indicated that Adam toward the direction that Jeho- would live forever if he was obedi- vah provides, causing us to re- ent. (Gen. 2:9; 3:22) Adam’s ear- lax our firm hold on the real life. ly descendants no doubt learned (1 Tim. 6:17-19) Clearly, we need about man’s fall from perfection, to grasp the meaning of Paul’s which was confirmed by visible words to the Colossians and take evidence. The entrance to the his counsel to heart if we do not garden of Eden was blocked, and want to succumb to Satan’s cun- people grew old and died. (Gen. 3: ning schemes. w09 7/15 1:5, 6
  • 23. Tuesday, February 15 on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already Upon them be peace and mercy, committed adultery with her in even upon the Israel of God. his heart.” (Ex. 20:14; Matt. 5:27, —Gal. 6:16. 28) After stating the Pharisaic in- The new nation, “the Israel of terpretation of a statement in the God,” is made up of spiritual Is- Law—“you must love your neigh- raelites. (Matt. 21:43; Rom. 2:28, bor and hate your enemy”—Jesus 29; 9:6) It came into existence made known Jehovah’s thinking, with the outpouring of God’s saying: “Continue to love your en- spirit at Pentecost 33 C.E. There- emies and to pray for those per- after, all spirit-anointed Chris- secuting you.” (Matt. 5:43, 44; Ex. tians became part of the nation 23:4) Gaining insight into how that now served as the slave class God thinks and feels and what he appointed by the Master, Jesus requires of us equips us to imitate Christ. Each member of that na- him more fully. w09 5/15 4:6 tion was given the commission to preach the good news and Thursday, February 17 make disciples. (Matt. 28:19, 20) Honor your father and your But was every member of that mother.—Matt. 15:4. group to be involved with provid- ing spiritual food at the proper You youngsters may at times time? No. The apostle Paul tells be tempted to disobey your par- us: “Not all are apostles, are they? ents. So, what can help you to Not all are prophets, are they? follow Jesus’ example and re- Not all are teachers, are they?” sist temptation? (Matt. 4:1-10) (1 Cor. 12:29) Although all spirit- Likely, most of your schoolmates begotten Christians engaged in have little or no regard for Bi- the preaching work, only a very ble standards. They might try to limited number—just eight dif- get you to participate in ques- ferent men—were used to write tionable activities and make fun the 27 books of the Christian of you when you refuse. Do your Greek Scriptures. w09 6/15 4: schoolmates ever call you names 6, 10 because you refuse to participate in certain activities with them? Wednesday, February 16 If so, how do you react? You You must love your fellow as know that if you allow yourself to yourself. I am Jehovah. be intimidated and go along with the crowd, you will disappoint —Lev. 19:18. your parents and Jehovah. Where Jesus showed what God re- would you wind up if you followed quires of us and how he feels your schoolmates? Perhaps you about his worshippers. (Matt. have set certain goals for your- 22:36-40; Luke 12:6, 7; 15:4-7) For self, such as becoming a pioneer example, after quoting one of the or a ministerial servant, serving Ten Commandments—“you must in a territory where there is a not commit adultery”—Jesus ex- greater need for Kingdom pub- plained God’s view of what takes lishers, or becoming a Bethelite. place inside the heart of a man Will associating with your school- long before he commits that act. mates help you reach your goals? He said: “Everyone that keeps w09 7/15 2:16, 17
  • 24. Friday, February 18 believes him that sent me has everlasting life.” Jesus also said: Will God truly dwell upon the “The hour is coming in which all earth? Look! The heavens, yes, those in the memorial tombs will the heaven of the heavens, hear [the Son of man’s] voice and themselves cannot contain you; come out, those who did good how much less, then, this house things to a resurrection of life, that I have built!—1 Ki. 8:27. those who practiced vile things In ancient Israel, the house of to a resurrection of judgment.” God was the temple in Jerusa- (John 5:1-8, 19, 22, 24-29) Jesus lem. Of course, Jehovah did not was telling the persecuting Jews literally live there. He declared: that he was the one appointed “The heavens are my throne, and by God to fulfill the Jewish hope the earth is my footstool. Where, of everlasting life on earth and then, is the house that you peo- that he would do so by raising the ple can build for me, and where, dead. w09 8/15 2:10 then, is the place as a resting- place for me?” (Isa. 66:1) Never- Sunday, February 20 theless, the temple built during I am no part of the world. Solomon’s reign served as the fo- —John 17:16. cal point for the worship of Jeho- vah, where prayers were offered. Surrounded as we are by this (1 Ki. 8:28-30) Today, Jehovah’s world’s attitudes and conduct, we house is no stone edifice in Jeru- need courage to resist contami- salem or anywhere else. Rather, nation. Christians deal with mor- it is the arrangement for us to ap- al, social, financial, and religious proach him in worship on the ba- pressures that could cause them sis of Christ’s ransom sacrifice. to deviate from Jehovah’s righ- All of God’s faithful servants on teous ways. Many face family op- earth unite to worship Jehovah in position. In some countries, edu- this spiritual temple.—Isa. 60:4, cational institutions promote the 8, 13; Acts 17:24; Heb. 8:5; 9:24. theory of evolution ever more ag- w09 6/15 1:4, 5 gressively, and atheism is gain- ing more attention. In the face of Saturday, February 19 such pressures, we cannot merely The man immediately became hunker down and do nothing. We must take action in order to resist sound in health, and he picked and thus protect ourselves. Jesus’ up his cot and began to walk. example shows us how we can —John 5:9. succeed. He never yielded to the In Jerusalem, Jesus restored a world’s influence. He never al- sick man to health at the pool lowed the world to stop him from of Bethzatha. To the Jews who carrying out his preaching com- criticized what he did, Jesus ex- mission or to cause him to low- plained that “the Son cannot do er his standards for true worship a single thing of his own initia- and proper conduct; nor should tive, but only what he beholds the we. Studying Christ’s courageous Father doing.” After telling them example and reflecting on it can that the Father “has committed give us the necessary courage to all the judging to the Son,” Jesus remain separate from the world. said: “He that hears my word and w09 9/15 2:10, 11
  • 25. Monday, February 21 wisdom were unmatched among his contemporaries. (1 Ki. 4:30, [Job] got up early in the morn- 32, 34) Many of his proverbs were ing and offered up burnt sacri- written down and are still trea- fices according to the number of sured by those who seek wisdom. all [his children]. That is the The queen of Sheba traveled way Job would do always. some 1,500 miles to test Solo- —Job 1:5. mon’s wisdom with “perplexing questions.” She was impressed by How can we show that we keep what Solomon said and by the the real enemy in mind when a prosperity of his kingdom. (1 Ki. tragedy befalls a fellow believ- 10:1-9) The Bible identifies the er? Instead of distancing our- Source of Solomon’s wisdom by selves from the affected broth- stating: “All the people of the er, we act like Elihu of old, who earth were seeking the face of spoke to Job as a true friend. Solomon to hear his wisdom that We join our brother in the strug- God had put in his heart.”—1 Ki. gle against our common ene- 10:24. w09 4/15 5:12, 13 my, Satan. (Prov. 3:27; 1 Thess. 5:25) Our goal is to help our Wednesday, February 23 fellow servant to maintain his integrity, come what may, and Do not make yourselves like a thus make Jehovah’s heart re- horse or mule without under- joice. The first asset that Satan standing.—Ps. 32:9. caused Job to lose was his live- Some young adults have rushed stock. Those animals were valu- into marriage, believing that it able, likely his livelihood. But Job is the solution to unhappiness, also used them in worship. Once loneliness, boredom, and prob- the trials began, that was no lon- lems at home. However, the ex- ger possible. Job had no “valuable changing of marriage vows is a things” with which to honor Je- serious matter. (Prov. 20:25) At hovah. (Prov. 3:9) But he could times, young adults do not se- —and did—honor Jehovah with riously consider the demands of his lips! w09 4/15 2:7, 8 marriage. Later, they find that much more is involved than they Tuesday, February 22 had realized. So before pursuing Give me now wisdom and knowl- a courtship, ask yourself: ‘Why do edge.—2 Chron. 1:10. I want to get married? What ex- pectations do I have? Is this the When Solomon became king, right person for me? What can I Jehovah appeared to him in a bring to a marriage?’ To help you dream and said that He would make an insightful examination, give him anything he asked for. “the faithful and discreet slave” (2 Chron. 1:7) Solomon could have has published very specific arti- asked for more wealth, power, cles. (Matt. 24:45-47) View such or a longer life. Instead, he un- material as advice that Jehovah selfishly asked for wisdom and is giving you. Carefully evaluate knowledge. Jehovah answered what is stated there and apply it. Solomon’s prayer. (2 Chron. 1: Never allow yourself to become 11, 12) As long as Solomon was “like a horse or mule without un- faithful to Jehovah, his words of derstanding.” w09 5/15 2:12, 13
  • 26. Thursday, February 24 tive powers are trained through use—through application of Take the young child and its what they know—helping them mother and flee into Egypt, and to distinguish right from wrong. stay there until I give you word; When they are faced with a deci- for Herod is about to search for sion, this training enables them the young child to destroy it. to discern what Scriptural princi- —Matt. 2:13. ples are involved and how to apply In some respects, the earthly them. “It is necessary for us to life of Jesus resembled the life pay more than the usual atten- of Moses. For instance, as babes, tion to the things heard by us,” both Moses and Jesus escaped wrote Paul, “that we may never death at the hands of a tyrannical drift away.”—Heb. 2:1. w09 5/15 1: ruler. (Ex. 1:22–2:10) In addition, 3, 5, 6 both were ‘called out of Egypt.’ Saturday, February 26 The prophet Hosea stated: “When Israel was a boy, then I loved He will bruise you in the head him, and out of Egypt I called my and you will bruise him in the son.” (Hos. 11:1) Hosea’s words heel.—Gen. 3:15. pointed back to the time when the nation of Israel, under its di- In this prophecy, we learn vinely appointed leader, Moses, something about the cost of de- was led out of Egypt. (Ex. 4:22, liverance. Jehovah would provide 23; 12:29-37) However, Hosea’s a “seed,” a rescuer, who would words referred not only to a past one day destroy Satan, crushing event but also to a future one. His him out of existence. However, words were a prophecy that was that rescuer would suffer along fulfilled when Joseph and Mary the way, receiving a figurative returned from Egypt with Jesus wound in the heel. That sounds after the death of King Herod. painful and debilitating, but —Matt. 2:15, 19-23. w09 4/15 4:8 what does it mean? Just what would Jehovah’s Chosen One Friday, February 25 have to endure? In order to save Now that we have left the pri- mankind from sin, the rescuer would have to provide a means of mary doctrine about the Christ, atonement, a way of reconciling let us press on to maturity. humans to God by undoing the —Heb. 6:1. effects of sin. What would that Paul not only encouraged the involve? There were early indi- first-century Hebrew Christians cations that a sacrifice would be to press on to maturity but also required. When the first faithful told them what spiritual maturity human, Abel, offered animal sac- involves. (Heb. 5:12-14) “Mature rifices to Jehovah, he met with people” are not content to partake divine approval. Later, such God- only of “milk.” They take in “solid fearing patriarchs as Noah, Abra- food.” Therefore, they know both ham, Jacob, and Job offered simi- “the elementary things” and “the lar sacrifices, which pleased God. deep things” of the truth. (1 Cor. —Gen. 4:4; 8:20, 21; 22:13; 31:54; 2:10) Moreover, their percep- Job 1:5. w09 9/15 5:6, 7
  • 27. Sunday, February 27 Monday, February 28 The woman was thoroughly de- There is no one like him in the ceived.—1 Tim. 2:14. earth.—Job 1:8. Many do not believe that Sa- Job is described as a man who tan exists. Thus, although they “proved to be blameless and up- might be alarmed about world right, and fearing God and turn- conditions, they do not discern ing aside from bad.” It was Job’s the real cause—Satan the Devil. godly devotion—not his wealth True, much of the responsibility and influence—that made him a for mankind’s woes rests with hu- target for the attacks of Satan mans themselves. Our first par- the Devil. (Job 1:1; 29:7-16; 31:1) ents, Adam and Eve, chose in- Satan claimed that Job’s wor- dependence from their Creator. ship of God was based on selfish- And since then, successive gener- ness, not integrity. Satan alleged ations have acted very unwisely. that Job would be loyal to Jeho- Still, it was the Devil who de- vah only as long as God contin- ceived Eve into rebelling against ued to reward and protect him. God. He is the one who has de- To provide an answer to Satan’s veloped among imperfect, dying charge, Jehovah allowed Satan to mankind a world system under attack that faithful man. As a re- his control. Because Satan is “the sult, within the course of one day, god of this system of things,” hu- Job learned that his livestock had man society displays the same been stolen or destroyed, his at- basic characteristics that he does tendants had been killed, and his —pride, contentiousness, jealou- ten children had lost their lives. sy, greed, deception, and rebel- (Job 1:13-19) Instead of caving in liousness. (2 Cor. 4:4; 1 Tim. 3:6; to Satan’s attack, Job said: “Jeho- Jas. 3:14, 15) Such characteristics vah himself has given, and Jeho- have led to political and religious vah himself has taken away. Let conflicts, hatred, corruption, and the name of Jehovah continue to disorder, which contribute much be blessed.”—Job 1:21. w09 4/15 to mankind’s misery. w09 4/15 2:4 1:3-5 Tuesday, March 1 ones into everlasting life.” “The righteous ones” who receive ever- When the Son of man arrives lasting life are those who loyally . . . , all the nations will be support Christ’s spirit-anointed gathered before him, and he will “brothers.” (Matt. 25:33, 34, 40, separate people one from an- 41, 45, 46) Since the anointed are other, just as a shepherd sepa- chosen to be rulers in the heav- rates the sheep from the goats. enly Kingdom, “the righteous —Matt. 25:31, 32. ones” must be the earthly sub- Jesus spoke of everlasting life jects of that Kingdom. The Bi- in his discourse about the con- ble foretold: “[Jehovah’s King] clusion of the system of things. will have subjects from sea to sea (Matt. 24:1-3) He mentioned that and from the River to the ends of those receiving an adverse judg- the earth.” (Ps. 72:8) These sub- ment “will depart into everlast- jects will enjoy everlasting life on ing cutting-off, but the righteous earth. w09 8/15 2:6
  • 28. Wednesday, March 2 parents, either for good or for bad. So, parents, ask yourselves: If anyone wants to come after ‘What message are we sending me, let him disown himself and to our children when it comes to . . . follow me continually. the amount of time that we dedi- —Luke 9:23. cate to TV and entertainment on How delighted Jehovah must the one hand and Bible study and feel to see among the congregat- participation in the field service ed throngs of his worshippers on on the other? What really are our earth you newly interested ones family’s priorities? Are we setting and young ones! As you continue a good example by centering our to study the Bible, attend Chris- lives and our decisions on true tian meetings regularly, and grow worship?’ God’s law must first be in your knowledge of the lifesav- in the parents’ own hearts if they ing truth found in God’s Word, are to rear God-fearing children. you need to take to heart Je- w09 7/15 2:11, 12 sus’ invitation stated in today’s text. Jesus is saying that disown- Friday, March 4 ing yourself and becoming his The princely rule will come to be follower is something you would upon his shoulder. And his name want to do. What about those of will be called Wonderful Coun- us who are already walking in selor, Mighty God, Eternal Fa- the footsteps of Jesus Christ? We ther, Prince of Peace.—Isa. 9:6. are exhorted to “keep on doing it more fully.” (1 Thess. 4:1, 2) John and the other three Gos- Whether we embraced true wor- pel writers point to Moses, David, ship recently or decades ago, re- and Solomon as men who fore- flecting on reasons for following shadowed Jesus as God’s Anoint- the Christ will help us to apply ed One and designated King. In Paul’s exhortation and follow what way did those ancient ser- Him ever more fully in our daily vants of God provide foregleams lives. w09 5/15 4:1, 2 of Jesus, and what can we learn from these accounts? In brief, the Thursday, March 3 Bible tells us that Moses was a These words that I am command- prophet, a mediator, and a de- ing you today must prove to be on liverer. So is Jesus. David was a shepherd and a king who con- your heart.—Deut. 6:6. quered Israel’s enemies. Jesus Jesus is an excellent model for too is a shepherd and a conquer- Christian parents. How so? He ing king. (Ezek. 37:24, 25) While lovingly and patiently taught his still faithful, Solomon was a wise disciples by word and example. ruler, and under his kingship Is- He showed them how to carry rael enjoyed peace. (1 Ki. 4:25, out the commission that he gave 29) Jesus too is supremely wise them. (Luke 8:1) Jesus’ disposi- and is called “Prince of Peace.” tion and conduct toward his dis- Clearly, Christ Jesus’ role resem- ciples taught them how they were bles that of those earlier men but to treat one another. (John 13:14- Jesus’ place in God’s purpose is 17) Children tend to imitate their superlative. w09 4/15 4:4, 5
  • 29. Saturday, March 5 bring happiness to a worshipper of Jehovah. (Prov. 3:13; 8:32, 33; Have intense love for one 14:21; 16:20) Jesus emphasized another.—1 Pet. 4:8. that true happiness stems from Around the world, Jehovah’s things that are related to the Witnesses are known for putting worship of Jehovah and the ful- their Christlike love into action. fillment of God’s promises. Those Consider the Witnesses who re- who apply the principles found sponded to the call for help af- in Jesus’ teachings are drawn ter storms and hurricanes dev- closer to Jehovah, “the source of astated widespread areas of the life.” (Ps. 36:9; Prov. 22:11; Matt. southern United States in 2005. 5:8) Christ embodies “the wisdom Moved by Jesus’ example, more of God.” (1 Cor. 1:24, 30) As the than 20,000 volunteered, many Messianic King, Jesus Christ has leaving comfortable homes and “the spirit of wisdom.”—Isa. 11:2. secure jobs to help their afflict- w09 4/15 5:14 ed brothers. Two fleshly sis- Monday, March 7 ters, widows, packed their be- longings into a pickup truck and He was being pierced for our drove over 2,000 miles to help. transgression.—Isa. 53:5. More than 5,600 homes of Wit- Isaiah foretold that the Messi- nesses and others in the region ah would be rejected, persecut- have been rebuilt or repaired. ed, and executed, or pierced, to In numerous cases, displaced lo- bear the sins of imperfect hu- cal Witnesses remained in their mans. (Isa. 53:4, 7) Before he temporary accommodations for a came to the earth, God’s only- year or more after their houses begotten Son was aware of what had been rebuilt. Why? In order our deliverance would cost him. to make their new home available He would have to suffer terri- to relief workers. What an exam- bly and then be put to death. ple of displaying Christ’s mental When his Father taught him attitude! w09 9/15 3:12-15 those truths, did he shrink back or rebel? On the contrary, he sub- Sunday, March 6 mitted willingly to his Father’s Happy are those conscious of instruction. (Isa. 50:4-6) Like- their spiritual need, since the wise, while on earth, Jesus obe- kingdom of the heavens belongs diently carried out his Father’s to them.—Matt. 5:3. will. Why? He provided one an- swer in these words: “I love the Only one human clearly sur- Father.” He provided another in passed Solomon in wisdom. That these: “No one has love greater was Jesus Christ, who described than this, that someone should himself as “something more than surrender his soul in behalf of Solomon.” (Matt. 12:42) Jesus his friends.” (John 14:31; 15:13) So sp oke “sayings of everlasting our deliverance is due, in large life.” (John 6:68) For example, the part, to the love of Jehovah’s Son. Sermon on the Mount expands on Though it cost him his perfect the principles of some of Solo- human life, he was glad to do it mon’s proverbs. Solomon de- for the sake of our deliverance. scribed a number of things that w09 9/15 5:10, 11
  • 30. Tuesday, March 8 selves with having the good sense to find the truth? No. In fact, If . . . it is I you are looking for, on our own initiative, we would let these go.—John 18:8. never have come to a knowledge Jesus manifested great courage of God. Jesus said: “No man can throughout his ministry. Exercis- come to me unless the Father, ing his authority as God’s Son, he who sent me, draws him.” (John 6: fearlessly “entered into the tem- 44) By means of the preaching ple and threw out all those sell- work and by means of holy spir- ing and buying in the temple, and it, Jehovah is drawing sheep- overturned the tables of the mon- like individuals, “the desirable ey changers and the benches of things of all the nations.” (Hag. those selling doves.” (Matt. 21:12) 2:7) Are you not grateful to be When soldiers came to arrest Je- one of those whom Jehovah has sus on his last night on earth, he drawn to his Son?—Jer. 9:23, 24. courageously stepped forward to w09 9/15 4:4, 5 protect his disciples, saying the words of today’s text. Moments Thursday, March 10 later, he told Peter to put away Be wise, my son, and make my his sword, thus showing that the source of Jesus’ confidence lay, heart rejoice, that I may make not in earthly weapons, but in a reply to him that is taunting Jehovah. (John 18:11) Jesus fear- me.—Prov. 27:11. lessly exposed the unloving false Jehovah permitted Satan to teachers of his day and their test the integrity of God’s loy- wrong teachings. (Matt. 23:13, 23, al servant Job. As a result, Job 25) Jesus’ disciples would need lost his livestock, his children, similar courage because false re- and his health. But when Sa- ligious leaders would also perse- tan challenged Job’s integrity, cute them and kill some of them. he had more in mind than just —Matt. 23:34; 24:9. w09 9/15 2: 12, 13 the man Job. “Skin in behalf of skin, and everything that a man Wednesday, March 9 has he will give in behalf of his soul,” claimed Satan. This chal- [God] gives undeserved kindness lenge raised an issue that went to the humble ones.—1 Pet. 5:5. far beyond Job as an individual How can we qualify to bene- and that has continued long after fit from divine education? A ma- his death. (Job 2:4) In a vision jor requirement is that a per- given to the apostle John, Satan son be meek and teachable. The was seen accusing God’s servants psalmist David wrote: “[Jeho- following his eviction from heav- vah] will teach the meek ones his en some time after the establish- way.” (Ps. 25:8, 9) And Jesus said: ment of God’s Kingdom in 1914. “You have carefully hidden these Yes, even today, so deep into the things from wise and intellectual last days of this wicked system, ones, and have revealed them to Satan is still challenging the in- babes.” (Luke 10:21) As servants tegrity of God’s servants!—Rev. of Jehovah, can we credit our- 12:10. w09 4/15 2:1, 2
  • 31. Friday, March 11 lent grasp of the truth, yet even he had times when it was a strug- The [human] creation was sub- gle for him to preach. To the jected to futility . . . on the basis Christians in Thessalonica, Paul of hope.—Rom. 8:20. wrote: “After we had first suf- The very first prophecy of the fered and been insolently treated Bible pointed to a “seed” that (just as you know) in Philippi, we would ‘bruise the serp ent in mustered up boldness by means the head.’ (Gen. 3:1-5, 15) That of our God to speak to you the promise provided a basis for hope good news of God with a great that God would not abandon his deal of struggling.” (1 Thess. 2:2) purpose for mankind. Consid- In Philippi the authorities had er Abraham. When being tested, beaten Paul and his compan- Abraham “as good as offered up ion Silas with rods, thrown them Isaac, . . . his only-begotten son.” into prison, and confined them in (Heb. 11:17) Why was he willing stocks.—Acts 16:16-24. w09 7/15 to do this? (Heb. 11:19) He be- 4:3, 4 lieved in the resurrection! Abra- ham had a basis for his belief. Af- Sunday, March 13 ter all, Jehovah had brought back They will by no means ever be de- to life Abraham’s reproductive stroyed, and no one will snatch powers and had made it possible them out of my hand. for him and his wife, Sarah, to —John 10:28. produce a son in their old age. (Gen. 18:10-14; 21:1-3; Rom. 4:19- At the Festival of Dedication 21) Abraham also had Jehovah’s in Jerusalem, Jesus told his op- word. God had said to him: “It posers: “You do not believe, be- is by means of Isaac that what cause you are none of my sheep. will be called your seed will be.” My sheep listen to my voice, and (Gen. 21:12) Therefore, Abraham I know them, and they follow had sound reasons for expecting me. And I give them everlasting that God would resurrect Isaac. life.” (John 10:26-28) Was Jesus w09 8/15 1:4, 5 speaking only of life in heaven, or did he also have in mind eter- Saturday, March 12 nal life in an earthly paradise? If they have persecuted me, they Jesus had recently comforted his will persecute you also. followers with the words: “Have no fear, little flock, because your —John 15:20. Father has approved of giving In many lands we do not face you the kingdom.” (Luke 12:32) outright persecution, but we do At the time of this same Festi- meet with disdain and apathy. val of Dedication, however, Jesus Consequently, we need faith and said: “I have other sheep, which courage to endure in our work are not of this fold; those also I of preaching the good news with must bring.” (John 10:16) Hence, boldness. (2 Pet. 1:5-8) Perhaps when Jesus spoke to those oppos- you at times find it hard to share ers, his words included both the in the ministry, or some aspect hope of heavenly life for the “lit- of it may seem intimidating. The tle flock” and the hope of ever- apostle Paul was a bold and fear- lasting life on earth for millions less preacher who had an excel- of “other sheep.” w09 8/15 2:12
  • 32. Monday, March 14 fice of oversight.” (Acts 1:20-26) What was the primary concern Never has another man spoken of the 12 apostles? The answer like this.—John 7:46. is found in the words of today’s The Bible gives us glimpses text, in response to a dispute of the impact Jesus made on that arose about the daily dis- those who met him. For instance, tribution of food to widows. (Acts Gospel writer Luke relates that 6:1-3) The new arrangement re- people in Jesus’ hometown “be- sulted in Jehovah’s blessing as gan . . . to marvel at the win- “the word of God went on grow- some words proceeding out of ing, and the number of the dis- his mouth.” Matthew rep orts ciples kept multiplying in Jeru- that those who listened to Je- salem very much.” (Acts 6:7) So sus as he taught in the Sermon the primary responsibility for on the Mount “were astound- the spiritual feeding work rest- ed at his way of teaching.” And ed with the apostles.—Acts 2:42. John observes that the officers w09 6/15 4:7, 8 who were sent to arrest Jesus returned empty-handed, saying: Wednesday, March 16 “Never has another man spoken Speak truth each one of you like this.” (Luke 4:22; Matt. 7: with his neighbor.—Eph. 4:25. 28) Jesus was unquestionably the greatest Teacher who ever lived. First-century Roman Governor He taught with clarity, simplici- Pontius Pilate reflected a warped ty, and irrefutable logic. He skill- view of truth when he cynical- fully used illustrations and ques- ly asked Jesus: “What is truth?” tions. He adapted his teaching to (John 18:38) Conflicting attitudes those to whom he spoke, wheth- about truth abound in our day. er they were of high station or Many people say that the word low. The truths he taught were “truth” has various shades of easy to grasp yet truly profound. meaning or that truth differs w09 7/15 3:1, 2 from one person to another. Oth- ers are truthful only when it Tuesday, March 15 is convenient or expedient. The We shall devote ourselves . . . to book The Importance of Lying the ministry of the word. states: “Honesty may be a noble ideal, but it has little value in the —Acts 6:4. life and death struggle for sur- When Jesus app ointed his vival and security. Man has lit- 12 apostles, their primary work tle choice in the matter—he must involved being sent out to preach lie to live.” How different it is for the good news to others. (Mark Christ’s disciples! Jesus’ view of 3:13-15) This assignment was in truth was not philosophical. He harmony with the basic mean- always spoke the truth. Even his ing of the Greek word aposto- enemies acknowledged: “Teach- los, which is derived from a verb er, we know you are truthful and meaning simply “send forth.” teach the way of God in truth.” However, as time went on and (Matt. 22:16) Genuine Christians the Christian congregation was imitate Jesus’ example. They do about to be established, the role not hesitate to speak the truth. of an ap ostle became an “of- w09 6/15 3:1-3