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QTPIE and water
                                    Jiahao Chen

quot;We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.quot;
                                - attributed to Albert Einstein
Since last time...
• QTPIE has become much faster
• We now know why dipole moments and
  polarizabilities previously weren’t
  translationally invariant, and why they aren’t
  size extensive.
• We have (some) parameters for a new
  water model
• We’ve shown that QTPIE gets the correct
  direction of intermolecular charge transfer
What is QTPIE: a
      scientific POV
• A way to model polarization and
  intermolecular charge transfer in molecular
• One of the simplest electronic structure
  methods, except without electrons
• Give me a geometry, and I will give you a
  charge distribution
What is QTPIE? A
       numerical POV
• Give me a geometry, and I will give you a
   charge distribution
     f : R = R1 , . . . , RN       → (q1 , . . . , qN )

• Minimize the quadratic form1
E(q1 , . . . , qN ; R) =       qi vi (R) +            qi qj Jij (R)
                                             2   ij

• subject to the constraint
                               qi = 0
How to make QTPIE faster
  • Using GTOs in place of STOs
  • Integral prescreening
  • Sparse matrix data structure for overlap
  • Conjugate gradients to solve linear problem
    (vs GMRES)
  • Initial guess from previous solution
  • Fast multipole methods (future work)
Optimizing GTOs for
                                                       n!e−α         αν
                                   An (α)     =
                                                       αn+1      ν=0
                                                                  n        ν
                                                       n!e−α         (−α) − αν
                                   Bn (α)     =
                                                       αn+1      ν=0
                                                                  k      m           n
                                       Dp     =             (−1)
                                                                        p−k          k
                              1   (2α) R2m−1
  K2 (α, β, m, n, R)   =        +            (2αR − 2m) A2m−1 (2αR) − e−2αR
                              R       (2m)!
                                             2n                         2m−1+ν
                              α2m+1 R2m          2n − ν     ν
                            −                           (βR)                      2m−1,ν
                                                                                 Dp      Bp (R (α − β)) A2m+ν−1−p (R (α + β))
                               2n (2m)!      ν=0
                                                   ν!                     p=0
   dK2            2m + 1 2m      (2αR)
          = −           +   K2 +                        2m (1 + 2m − 2αR) A2m−1 (2αR) + (1 + 2m) e−2αR
    dR              R 2   R        (2m)!
                                2n−1                             2m+ν
                 α2m+1 R2m             2n − ν − 1     ν
              −β                                  (βR)                   2m−1,ν+1
                                                                        Dp        Bp (R (α − β)) A2m+ν−p (R (α + β))
                  2n (2m)!      ν=0
                                           ν!                    p=0
                           2m 2n                       2m−1+ν
                  α2m+1 R          2n − ν     ν
              +                           (βR)                     2m−1,ν
                                                                  Dp      ×
                   2n (2m)!    ν=0
                                     ν!                    p=0
              [(α − β) Bp+1 (R (α − β)) A2m+ν−1−p (R (α + β)) + (α + β) Bp (R (α − β)) A2m+ν−p (R (α + β))]

Unlike GTOs, STOs are really, really nasty to work with.
                                                  p    =
                                             dK2              2p −p2 R2 erf (pR)
                                                       =      √ e      −
                                              dR             R π           R2
STO-nG orbitals were defined by fitting an orbital of n
contracted Gaussian primitives to an STO to reproduce
  the orbital in a least-squares sense. The conventional
 wisdom is n > 2 for some kind of useful, reasonable fit.

       STO-1Gs suck when used in QEq/QTPIE.

However, there is a way to get accurate results with just
                 primitive Gaussians...
Instead of maximizing overlap in a least-squares sense,
   minimize the deviation in the Coulomb integrals.
                               min J ST O − J GT O (α)
                     This is equivalent to minimizing
J GT O − J ST O      2
                     2   =      J GT O , J GT O − 2 J GT O , J ST O + J ST O , J ST O
                         =      J GT O , J GT O − 2J ST O      + J ST O , J ST O
        which is minimized by the exponent such that
    0   =            J GT O (α) , J GT O (α) − 2J ST O
                   ∂ GT O                                                 ∂ GT O
        =            J      (α) , J GT O (α) − 2J ST O    + J GT O (α) ,    J    (α)
                  ∂α                                                     ∂α
                                            ∂ GT O
        =          2J GT O (α) − 2J ST O ,    J       (α)

                                                        1 −αR2
                    J   GT O
                               (R; α) − J   ST O
                                                   (R) √ e     =0
            0                                           απ
Element   Best Coulomb   Least-squares
  H          0.5343         0.3101
  Li         0.1668         0.0440
  C          0.2069         0.1853
  N          0.2214         0.2088
  O          0.2240         0.2400
  F          0.2312         0.2142
  Na         0.0959         0.0399
  Si         0.1032         0.1256
  P          0.1085         0.1430
  S          0.1156         0.1584
  Cl         0.1137         0.1758
  K          0.0602         0.0361
  Br         0.0701         0.1850
  Rb         0.0420         0.0402
   I         0.0469         0.1735
  Cs         0.0307         0.0374
• STOs are really, really nasty to work with
• GTOs fit to STOs by reproducing the
  Coulomb self-repulsion integrals yield
  excellent approximations
• Use in QEq and QTPIE result in very little
  error (< 0.00001e)
• There is very little basis to the claim that
  STOs can be used “for extra accuracy”
Sparse matrices in
Matrix-vector multiplication
  in computer memory
                   
  1.0   0.4 0.0                             do i = 1, N
                                              do j = 1, N
 0.4   1.0 0.0                                u(i) = M(i, j) * v(j)
                                              end do
  0.0   0.0 1.0                             end do

In (linear) memory, matrix data structure looks like this:
M(:)    1.0   0.4   0.0   0.4   1.0   0.0    0.0   0.0   1.0
                                            k = 0
                                            do i = 1, N
                                              do j = 1, N
                                                k = k + 1
                                                u(i) = M(k) * v(j)
                                              end do
                                            end do
Conventional matrix data structure
         1.0   0.4      0.0   0.4   1.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   1.0
                                              k = 0
    1.0     0.4       0.0                       do i = 1, N
                                                  do j = 1, N
   0.4     1.0       0.0                          k = k + 1
                                                    u(i) = M(k) * v(j)
    0.0     0.0       1.0                         end do
                                                end do

      Compressed sparse row (CSR) data structure
row start         1     3     5     6           do i = 1, N
                                                  do k=M%r(i),M%r(i+1)-1
                                                    j = M%c(k)
column          1       2      1     2     3        u(i) = M%d(k) * v(j)
                                                  end do
data           1.0     0.4    0.4   1.0   1.0   end do

Fewer operations and lower memory latency, so faster!
Calculating the linear
 coefficients in QTPIE
• In QTPIE, minimize                        1
E(q1 , . . . , qN ; R) =        qi vi (R) +             qi qj Jij (R)
                                            2      ij
• The linear coefficients are given by
                               j (χi   − χj )Sij
                 vi =
• The main costs are matrix-vector

   multiplication and memory latency
Using conjugate
    gradients for
constrained problems
QTPIE is a saddle-point
• In matrix notation,         1 T
                min      q v + q Jq
              q: q·1=0        2
• Solving QTPIE with a Lagrange multiplier,
             J     1         q       −v
             1T    0         µ        0
• J is positive definite but this constrained problem
  is not (the constraint introduces a negative
  eigenvalue). Conjugate gradients can (and does)
  fail by going uphill, thinking it’s going downhill.
Solving the saddle-point
   •       There exists a block inversion formula1 for
           2 x 2 structured matrices
      J      1            J −1 + J −1 1S1T J −1   −J −1 1S
      1T     0                 −S1T J −1             S
                          S = − T −1
                                1 J 1
   • The analytic solution is given by
  q              J    1         −v          −J −1 (v − µ1)
           =                           =
  µ              1T   0          0           1T J −1 v S

1. e.g. P.-O. Löwdin, Linear algebra for quantum mechanics
Solving the saddle-point
       problem with CG
    • Analytic solution can be solved numerically
      with two symmetric, positive definite
      problems (CG is guaranteed to work)

q         −J −1 (v − µ1)            Jw = 1
      =                                   w·v
µ           1T J −1 v S              µ=−
            1                       Jy = −v
    S = − T −1
         1 J 1
                                      q = y − µw
II. Fixing the
translational invariance
of dipole moments and
Dipoles and
polarizabilities in QEq
• The regular story: the charge model is
  solved by q = −J −1 v
• The energy is therefore minimized by
                E = − v T J −1 v
• Want to calculate dipole moments and
               ∂E                       ∂dν
   dν =                   ανλ =
              ∂Riν                 j
How to calculate dipoles
        and polarizabilities
    • Dipole coupling prescription
E(q1 , . . . , qN ; R, ) =       qi vi (R) +            qi qj Jij (R) −       q i Ri ·
                                               2   ij                     i

    • The external field shifts the voltages on each atom
        by an external potential
E(q1 , . . . , qN ; R, ) =       qi vi (R) − Ri ·          +          qi qj Jij (R)
                                                             2   ij
    • Now calculate dipole moments and polarizabilities
                  ∂E                                          ∂2E
             dν =                                   ανλ    =
                  ∂ ν                                        ∂ ν∂ λ
Physically, the universe is translationally invariant.
Therefore, electrostatic properties (mostly) don’t
          depend on the choice of origin.


                 ⇒     d → d + δQ
                     ανλ → ανλ
This is not the case in QEq!

               d→d+δ 1 J        T   −1
ανλ → ανλ − 1 JT   −1
                        · (δν Rλ + Rν δλ ) − δν δλ 1 J
                                                  T      −1

   The solution in the literature is to fix an origin
 arbitrarily, even though nobody has a good physical
   reason why that should be the “correct” origin
As it turns out, QEq and other fluctuating charge
     models do obey the correct translational
 properties, as long as one works with the correct
      solution of the constrained minimization

                     q = −J −1 v
                                   J −1 1
    q = −J −1 (v − µ1) = −J −1 v − T −1
                                  1 J 1

 The second term actually generates counterterms
under translation that kill all the pathological terms.
The analytic solutions for the dipole
moment and polarizability in QTPIE
            are given by
         µ T −1                1T J−1 Rµ
dµ = − (R ) J v − 1T J−1 v + Q
                                1T J−1 1

            µ T −1 ν 1T J−1 Rµ 1T J−1 Rν
αµν   = − (R ) J R −
                            1T J−1 1
dµ   →   − (R + δ 1) J−1 v
              µ       µ

                             1T J−1
         − 1T J−1 v + Q T −1 (Rµ + δ µ 1)
                            1 J 1
                 T −1                      1T J−1 Rµ
     =   − (Rµ ) J v + 1T J−1 v + Q
                                            1T J−1 1
                                            1T J−1 1
         −δ µ 1T J−1 v + δ µ 1T J−1 v + Q T −1
                                            1 J 1
     =   dµ − δ µ 1T J−1 v + δ µ 1T J−1 v + Q
     =   dµ + δ µ Q
αµν   →   − (Rµ + δ µ 1) J−1 (Rν + δ ν 1)
             1T J−1 (Rµ + δ µ 1) 1T J−1 (Rν + δ ν 1)
                             1T J−1 1
      =   − (Rµ ) J−1 Rν − δ µ δ ν 1T J−1 1
          −δ µ 1T J−1 Rν − δ ν (Rµ ) J−1 1
             1T J−1 Rµ 1T J−1 Rν
                     1T J−1 1
                   1T J−1 1 1T J−1 1
          −δ µ δ ν
                         1T J−1 1
                 1T J−1 1 1T J−1 Rν
          −δ µ
                       1T J−1 1
                 1T J−1 Rµ 1T J−1 1
          −δ ν
                       1T J−1 1
      =   αµν
III. Fixing the size
extensivity of dipole
    moments and
Not size extensive!

lim               =     2
Work it out analytically for N identical, noninteracting

                                                           
             Rµ                    ¯
                                   Rµ                   0
         ¯
          Rµ + ∆µ 1           Rµ ¯                  1       
                                       µ                   
R =
              .             = .       +∆            .       
             .
              .               .   .                 .
                                                        .       
       Rµ + (N   − 1) ∆µ 1         ¯
                                   Rµ               (N − 1) 1
                ¯ 0 ··· 0                        
                 J                              ¯
                          ..   . 
                0 J  ¯       . . 
                                . 
                                               ¯
                                                v   
                . ..           .      v=     .
                                                .   
                 .         ..                      
                .      .     . . 
                                .               .
                 0 ··· ··· J    ¯               ¯
T            1
dµ   = − (Rµ ) J−1 v − T −1 1T J−1 v + Q
                         1 J 1
                              −1                                        
                   R                ¯ v
                                    J ¯                               ¯
                                                                      J−1 1
               ¯
                Rµ + ∆µ 1           ¯ ¯
                               J−1 v  N 1T J−1 v + Q 
                                               ¯ ¯                    ¯
                                                                      J−1 1   
                                                                        
     = −           .         ·    .   −      ¯                    .     
                   .
                    .              .
                                      .     N 1T J−1 1                .
                                                                        .     
           Rµ + (N − 1) ∆µ 1        ¯ ¯
                                    J−1 v                             ¯
                                                                      J−1 1
                                       T −1 ¯
     = −N         ¯
                         T   ¯ −1 v − 1 J v + Q/N Rµ
                             J ¯                  ¯       T   ¯
                                                              J−1 1
                                         1T J−1 1
                 N −1
                              T ¯ −1             ¯
                                          1T J−1 v + Q/N T ¯ −1
        −∆   µ
                        n 1 J          ¯
                                       v−               1 J 1
                                              1T J−1 1

         ¯    (N − 1) (N − 2) µ T ¯ −1
     = N dµ −                          ¯       ¯
                              ∆ 1 J v − 1T J−1 v − Q/N
         ¯    (N − 1) (N − 2) Q µ
     = N dµ −                  ∆
µ T           1T J−1 Rµ 1T J−1 Rν
αµν   = − (R ) J R +    −1       ν
                                     1T J−1 1
                                  T  J−1
                                          ¯       0              0
                                                                                                      
                      R¯µ                               ···                       ¯
                 ¯
                  Rµ + ∆µ 1                            ..       . 
                                                                  .         ¯
                                                                              Rν + ∆ν 1                 
                                    0        ¯
                                                J−1         .     .                                    
      = −              .              
                                     .                                           .
                       .
                        .            .         ..      ..       . 
                                                                  .              .
                                            .       .       .     .
            R¯ µ + (N − 1) ∆µ 1                                 ¯         ¯ ν + (N − 1) ∆ν 1
                                           0    · · · · · · J−1
                                                                               
                          ¯ ¯
                       1T J−1 Rµ                                  ¯ ¯
                                                              1T J−1 Rν
                    ¯     ¯
                  1T J−1 Rµ + ∆µ 1                        ¯       ¯
                                                        1T J−1 Rν + ∆ν 1          
                                                                               
                           .
                            .                                      .
                                                                     .            
                           .                                      .            
                ¯      ¯
            1T J−1 Rµ + (N − 1) ∆µ 1                  ¯       ¯
                                                  1T J−1 Rν + (N − 1) ∆ν 1
        +                                     ¯
                                         N 1T J−1 1
              N −1
      = −             ¯
                             T   ¯ ¯          ¯
                                 J−1 Rν + n∆ν Rµ
                                                      T   ¯            ¯ ¯                  ¯
                                                          J−1 1 + n∆µ 1J−1 Rν + n2 ∆µ ∆ν 1T J−1 1
                 N −1   ¯
                                 T   ¯              ¯
                                     J−1 1 + n∆µ 1T J−1 1
                                                                N −1   ¯
                                                                            T   ¯               ¯
                                                                                J−1 1 + n ∆ν 1T J−1 1
                 n=0                                            n =0
          +                                  ¯
                                        N 1T J−1 1
             ¯ T¯ ¯         (N − 1) (N − 2) ν ¯ µ T ¯ −1
      = −N Rµ J−1 Rν −                     ∆ R        J 1
          (N − 1) (N − 2) µ ¯ −1 ¯ ν (N − 1) (N − 2) (2N − 3) µ ν T ¯ −1
        −                 ∆ 1J R −                            ∆ ∆ 1 J 1
                 2                                 6
              ¯ T¯
              Rµ J−1 1       ¯ T¯
                             Rν J−1 1               2      2
                                           (N − 1) (N − 2) µ ν T ¯ −1
        +N                ¯              +                   ∆ ∆ 1 J 1
                      1T J−1 1                      N
          (N − 1) (N − 2)   ¯ T¯             ¯ T¯
        +                   Rµ J−1 1∆ν + Rν J−1 1∆µ
                (N − 1) (N − 2)                        ¯
      = N αµν −
          ¯                     N 2 − 3N − 6 ∆µ ∆ν 1T J−1 1
Dipole moments have the correct translational
properties because the terms and counterterms
               cancel perfectly.

The terms in the polarizabilities cancel only to
 second order; the cubic terms do not cancel
perfectly, giving rise to anomalous cubic scaling.
Modified dipole coupling
In QEq, the external field shifts the electronegativities on
           each atom by an external potential
        E(q1 , . . . , qN ; R) =       qi vi (R) +          qi qj Jij (R)
                                                   2   ij
                         vi (R) = χi → χi − Ri ·
E(q1 , . . . , qN ; R, ) =       qi vi (R) − Ri ·       +            qi qj Jij (R)
                                                          2     ij
Modified dipole coupling
We propose to apply the same coupling in QTPIE, which
   shifts the atomic voltages in a less trivial manner
     E(q1 , . . . , qN ; R) =         qi vi (R) +              qi qj Jij (R)
                                                  2       ij

                                     j (χi   − χj )Sij
                      vi =
                                         j    Sij
                           χi → χi − Ri ·

                               (χi − χj ) Sij              j    Ri − Rj Sij
   vi (R) → vi (R, ) =                              − ·
                                  j   Sij                         j   Sij
With this coupling, the dipole moments and polarizabilities
                                           µ  µ
                                   Sik (Ri − Rk ) −1
       dµ   =                    k
                                                  J v                        i
                     i                  l Sil
                                                                             P              “                       ”
                                                                                                     µ        µ
                                                                                     Si k       R −R
                             1 J
                             T     −1
                                        v          i    1 J
                                                        T     −1
                                                                                                     i        k
                                                                                        l            l
                                                         1T J−1 1

                             µ    µ
                     k Sik (Ri − Rk ) J−1               ij      l
                                                                         ν    ν
                                                                    Sjl Rj − Rl
αµν   = −
            ij                                k   Sik    l    Sjl
                                       P                                                         P
                                           k Sik (Ri −Rk )                                                            (Ri −Rk )
                                                    µ  µ                                                                ν   ν
                                                                                                             Si k
                 i   1 J T    −1              P
                                                                         i   1 J T    −1                 k    P
                                   i             l Sil                                      i                     l   Si   l
                                                             1T J−1 1
More importantly, these expressions are still translationally
         invariant, but are now size-extensive
                       dµ → dµ                                        α→α
                       dµ = N dµ                                      α = Nα

The key difference is that the overlap matrix attenuates any
  contributions across subsystems to terms of this form
                                ¯ −1                                          ¯                   
                                 J              0   ···     0                    S 0      ···    0
                                                   ..       .
                                                             .                          ..     .
                                                                                                 .   
                                0          ¯
                                            J−1        .     .                 0 S¯        .   .   
J−1                 ν    ν
               Sjl Rj − Rl   =  .
                                                            .
                                                                                . .             .
                                .           ..     ..       .                  .   ..   ..     .
           l                       .            .      .     .            l     .           .   .   
                                  0         ···     ···    ¯
                                                           J −1
                                                                                 0 ···    ···    ¯
                                                                      ij                             jl
                                                                                                 
                                                   Rν                                  ¯
                                              ¯
                                                Rν + ∆ν 1                         ¯
                                                                                    Rν + ∆ν 1                
                                                                                                         
                                 ×                .
                                                    .              −                  .
                                                                                        .                    
                                                  .                                 .                    
                                        Rν + (N − 1) ∆ν 1                        ¯
                                                                                 Rν + (N − 1) ∆ν 1
                                                                       j                                  l

                             =   ¯
                                 J−1            ¯ ¯ν     ¯ν
                                                Sjl Rj − Rl
Planar water chains with z-spacing 10.00 Angstroms
                                                                                linear fit (gradient = -0.325919, intercept = 0.007088)



Polarizability (bohr^3)





                                 0           500            1000                1500                 2000                  2500             3000
                                                                          Number of atoms
                                                           Planar water chains with z-spacing 10.00 Angstroms
                                                             linear fit (gradient = -5773165.409344, intercept = 1434581215.053739)


Polarizability (bohr^3)




                                         0         500         1000                1500                2000                 2500            3000
                                                                            Number of atoms
IV. Parameters for

•   Aim: reproduce ab initio               1

    data (LCCSD(T)/aug-cc-                                                            4

    pVTZ) with three-site                      3
    water model
                               E   = EB (R12 ) + EB (R13 ) + EB (R45 ) + EB (R46 )
                                      OH          OH          OH          OH

•                                      +EA   (R12 , R13 , R23 ) + EA   (R45 , R46 , R56 )
                                         HOH                       HOH

    First determine QTPIE              +EvdW (R14 )

    parameters (4) by fitting           +EvdW (R15 ) + EvdW (R16 ) + EvdW (R42 ) + EvdW (R43 )
                                         OH            OH            OH            OH

                                       +EvdW (R25 ) + EvdW (R26 ) + EvdW (R35 ) + EvdW (R36 )
                                         HH            HH            HH            HH
    to dipole moments                  +EQT P IE (R)

    Then fit other parameters               EB (r) = k OH r − r0
                                            OH                OH

    (10) to energies (up to               HOH
                                         EA   (θ) = κOH θ − θ0

                                                          σAB 12   σAB                          6
    constant)                            EvdW (r) = AB
•       1,230 water monomer
        geometries generated
        by directly varying
        internal coordinates

•   890 water dimer geometries generated by classical MD
    sampling (TINKER, flexible SPC water model, 1000K)

    •   O-O distance constrained by varying vdW radius of O

    •   10 ps equilibration then 10 geometries at 1ps intervals
Fitting method
• Weighted least-squares fitting with
   Boltzmann weight (β = 100)
f (ζ) =       e−βEi               (dab initio − dQTPIE (ζ))2
                                    iν           iν
          i           ν∈{x,y,z}

• Fitting done with Neader-Mead downhill
   simplex algorithm in scipy
  import scipy.optimize
  z0 = (8.741, 13.364, 4.528, 13.890)
  zopt = scipy.optimize.fmin(f, z0)
  print quot;Optimal parameters = quot;, zopt
Best-fit parameters
Par./eV    QEq       New

 χ(H)     4.5280    5.6841

 η(H)     13.8904   12.4166

 χ(O)      8.741    7.9173

 η(O)     13.364    13.1643
        Dipoles correlation

                              ab initio
Dipole moment per water / D

                         Number of water molecules
yy-polarizability per water / ų

                              Number of water molecules
zz-polarizability per water / ų

                              Number of water molecules
That’s all, folks!

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QTPIE and water (Part 2)

  • 1. QTPIE and water Jiahao Chen 2008-05-20 quot;We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.quot; - attributed to Albert Einstein
  • 2. Since last time... • QTPIE has become much faster • We now know why dipole moments and polarizabilities previously weren’t translationally invariant, and why they aren’t size extensive. • We have (some) parameters for a new water model • We’ve shown that QTPIE gets the correct direction of intermolecular charge transfer
  • 3. What is QTPIE: a scientific POV • A way to model polarization and intermolecular charge transfer in molecular mechanics • One of the simplest electronic structure methods, except without electrons • Give me a geometry, and I will give you a charge distribution
  • 4. What is QTPIE? A numerical POV • Give me a geometry, and I will give you a charge distribution f : R = R1 , . . . , RN → (q1 , . . . , qN ) • Minimize the quadratic form1 E(q1 , . . . , qN ; R) = qi vi (R) + qi qj Jij (R) i 2 ij • subject to the constraint qi = 0 i
  • 5. How to make QTPIE faster • Using GTOs in place of STOs • Integral prescreening • Sparse matrix data structure for overlap matrix • Conjugate gradients to solve linear problem (vs GMRES) • Initial guess from previous solution • Fast multipole methods (future work)
  • 7. n n!e−α αν An (α) = αn+1 ν=0 ν! n ν n!e−α (−α) − αν Bn (α) = αn+1 ν=0 ν! k m n mn Dp = (−1) p−k k k 2m 1 (2α) R2m−1 K2 (α, β, m, n, R) = + (2αR − 2m) A2m−1 (2αR) − e−2αR R (2m)! 2n 2m−1+ν α2m+1 R2m 2n − ν ν − (βR) 2m−1,ν Dp Bp (R (α − β)) A2m+ν−1−p (R (α + β)) 2n (2m)! ν=0 ν! p=0 2m dK2 2m + 1 2m (2αR) = − + K2 + 2m (1 + 2m − 2αR) A2m−1 (2αR) + (1 + 2m) e−2αR dR R 2 R (2m)! 2n−1 2m+ν α2m+1 R2m 2n − ν − 1 ν −β (βR) 2m−1,ν+1 Dp Bp (R (α − β)) A2m+ν−p (R (α + β)) 2n (2m)! ν=0 ν! p=0 2m 2n 2m−1+ν α2m+1 R 2n − ν ν + (βR) 2m−1,ν Dp × 2n (2m)! ν=0 ν! p=0 [(α − β) Bp+1 (R (α − β)) A2m+ν−1−p (R (α + β)) + (α + β) Bp (R (α − β)) A2m+ν−p (R (α + β))] Unlike GTOs, STOs are really, really nasty to work with. ab p = a+b dK2 2p −p2 R2 erf (pR) = √ e − dR R π R2
  • 8. STO-nG orbitals were defined by fitting an orbital of n contracted Gaussian primitives to an STO to reproduce the orbital in a least-squares sense. The conventional wisdom is n > 2 for some kind of useful, reasonable fit. STO-1Gs suck when used in QEq/QTPIE. However, there is a way to get accurate results with just primitive Gaussians...
  • 9. Instead of maximizing overlap in a least-squares sense, minimize the deviation in the Coulomb integrals. min J ST O − J GT O (α) α This is equivalent to minimizing J GT O − J ST O 2 2 = J GT O , J GT O − 2 J GT O , J ST O + J ST O , J ST O = J GT O , J GT O − 2J ST O + J ST O , J ST O which is minimized by the exponent such that ∂ 0 = J GT O (α) , J GT O (α) − 2J ST O ∂α ∂ GT O ∂ GT O = J (α) , J GT O (α) − 2J ST O + J GT O (α) , J (α) ∂α ∂α ∂ GT O = 2J GT O (α) − 2J ST O , J (α) ∂α i.e. ∞ 1 −αR2 J GT O (R; α) − J ST O (R) √ e =0 0 απ
  • 10. Element Best Coulomb Least-squares H 0.5343 0.3101 Li 0.1668 0.0440 C 0.2069 0.1853 N 0.2214 0.2088 O 0.2240 0.2400 F 0.2312 0.2142 Na 0.0959 0.0399 Si 0.1032 0.1256 P 0.1085 0.1430 S 0.1156 0.1584 Cl 0.1137 0.1758 K 0.0602 0.0361 Br 0.0701 0.1850 Rb 0.0420 0.0402 I 0.0469 0.1735 Cs 0.0307 0.0374
  • 11.
  • 12. Summary • STOs are really, really nasty to work with • GTOs fit to STOs by reproducing the Coulomb self-repulsion integrals yield excellent approximations • Use in QEq and QTPIE result in very little error (< 0.00001e) • There is very little basis to the claim that STOs can be used “for extra accuracy”
  • 14. Matrix-vector multiplication in computer memory   1.0 0.4 0.0 do i = 1, N do j = 1, N  0.4 1.0 0.0  u(i) = M(i, j) * v(j) end do 0.0 0.0 1.0 end do In (linear) memory, matrix data structure looks like this: M(:) 1.0 0.4 0.0 0.4 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 k = 0 do i = 1, N do j = 1, N k = k + 1 u(i) = M(k) * v(j) end do end do
  • 15. Conventional matrix data structure 1.0 0.4 0.0 0.4 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0   k = 0 1.0 0.4 0.0 do i = 1, N do j = 1, N  0.4 1.0 0.0  k = k + 1 u(i) = M(k) * v(j) 0.0 0.0 1.0 end do end do Compressed sparse row (CSR) data structure row start 1 3 5 6 do i = 1, N do k=M%r(i),M%r(i+1)-1 j = M%c(k) column 1 2 1 2 3 u(i) = M%d(k) * v(j) end do data 1.0 0.4 0.4 1.0 1.0 end do Fewer operations and lower memory latency, so faster!
  • 16. Calculating the linear coefficients in QTPIE • In QTPIE, minimize 1 E(q1 , . . . , qN ; R) = qi vi (R) + qi qj Jij (R) i 2 ij • The linear coefficients are given by j (χi − χj )Sij vi = Sij • The main costs are matrix-vector j multiplication and memory latency
  • 17. Using conjugate gradients for constrained problems
  • 18. QTPIE is a saddle-point problem • In matrix notation, 1 T min q v + q Jq T q: q·1=0 2 • Solving QTPIE with a Lagrange multiplier, J 1 q −v = 1T 0 µ 0 • J is positive definite but this constrained problem is not (the constraint introduces a negative eigenvalue). Conjugate gradients can (and does) fail by going uphill, thinking it’s going downhill.
  • 20. Solving the saddle-point problem • There exists a block inversion formula1 for 2 x 2 structured matrices −1 J 1 J −1 + J −1 1S1T J −1 −J −1 1S = 1T 0 −S1T J −1 S 1 S = − T −1 1 J 1 • The analytic solution is given by −1 q J 1 −v −J −1 (v − µ1) = = µ 1T 0 0 1T J −1 v S 1. e.g. P.-O. Löwdin, Linear algebra for quantum mechanics
  • 21. Solving the saddle-point problem with CG • Analytic solution can be solved numerically with two symmetric, positive definite problems (CG is guaranteed to work) q −J −1 (v − µ1) Jw = 1 = w·v µ 1T J −1 v S µ=− w·1 1 Jy = −v S = − T −1 1 J 1 q = y − µw
  • 22. II. Fixing the translational invariance of dipole moments and polarizabilities
  • 23. Dipoles and polarizabilities in QEq • The regular story: the charge model is solved by q = −J −1 v • The energy is therefore minimized by 1 E = − v T J −1 v 2 • Want to calculate dipole moments and polarizabilities ∂E ∂dν dν = ανλ = ∂Riν j ∂Rjλ i
  • 24. How to calculate dipoles and polarizabilities • Dipole coupling prescription 1 E(q1 , . . . , qN ; R, ) = qi vi (R) + qi qj Jij (R) − q i Ri · i 2 ij i • The external field shifts the voltages on each atom by an external potential 1 E(q1 , . . . , qN ; R, ) = qi vi (R) − Ri · + qi qj Jij (R) i 2 ij • Now calculate dipole moments and polarizabilities ∂E ∂2E dν = ανλ = ∂ ν ∂ ν∂ λ
  • 25. Physically, the universe is translationally invariant. Therefore, electrostatic properties (mostly) don’t depend on the choice of origin. x→x+δ ⇒ d → d + δQ ανλ → ανλ
  • 26. This is not the case in QEq! d→d+δ 1 J T −1 v ανλ → ανλ − 1 JT −1 · (δν Rλ + Rν δλ ) − δν δλ 1 J T −1 1 The solution in the literature is to fix an origin arbitrarily, even though nobody has a good physical reason why that should be the “correct” origin
  • 27. As it turns out, QEq and other fluctuating charge models do obey the correct translational properties, as long as one works with the correct solution of the constrained minimization q = −J −1 v J −1 1 q = −J −1 (v − µ1) = −J −1 v − T −1 1 J 1 The second term actually generates counterterms under translation that kill all the pathological terms.
  • 28. The analytic solutions for the dipole moment and polarizability in QTPIE are given by µ T −1 1T J−1 Rµ dµ = − (R ) J v − 1T J−1 v + Q 1T J−1 1 µ T −1 ν 1T J−1 Rµ 1T J−1 Rν αµν = − (R ) J R − 1T J−1 1
  • 29. T dµ → − (R + δ 1) J−1 v µ µ 1T J−1 − 1T J−1 v + Q T −1 (Rµ + δ µ 1) 1 J 1 T −1 1T J−1 Rµ = − (Rµ ) J v + 1T J−1 v + Q 1T J−1 1 1T J−1 1 −δ µ 1T J−1 v + δ µ 1T J−1 v + Q T −1 1 J 1 = dµ − δ µ 1T J−1 v + δ µ 1T J−1 v + Q = dµ + δ µ Q
  • 30. T αµν → − (Rµ + δ µ 1) J−1 (Rν + δ ν 1) 1T J−1 (Rµ + δ µ 1) 1T J−1 (Rν + δ ν 1) − 1T J−1 1 T = − (Rµ ) J−1 Rν − δ µ δ ν 1T J−1 1 T −δ µ 1T J−1 Rν − δ ν (Rµ ) J−1 1 1T J−1 Rµ 1T J−1 Rν − 1T J−1 1 1T J−1 1 1T J−1 1 −δ µ δ ν 1T J−1 1 1T J−1 1 1T J−1 Rν −δ µ 1T J−1 1 1T J−1 Rµ 1T J−1 1 −δ ν 1T J−1 1 = αµν
  • 31. III. Fixing the size extensivity of dipole moments and polarizabilities
  • 32. Not size extensive! 2n lim = 2 n→∞ 4 n Why?
  • 33. Work it out analytically for N identical, noninteracting subsystems...       ¯ Rµ ¯ Rµ 0  ¯ Rµ + ∆µ 1   Rµ ¯   1      µ  R = µ . = . +∆  .   . .   . .   . .  ¯ Rµ + (N − 1) ∆µ 1 ¯ Rµ (N − 1) 1  ¯ 0 ··· 0    J ¯ v  .. .   0 J ¯ . .  .    ¯ v   J=  . .. .  v= . .  . ..    . . . .  . . 0 ··· ··· J ¯ ¯ v
  • 34. T 1 dµ = − (Rµ ) J−1 v − T −1 1T J−1 v + Q 1 J 1    −1    ¯µ R ¯ v J ¯ ¯ J−1 1  ¯ Rµ + ∆µ 1 ¯ ¯   J−1 v  N 1T J−1 v + Q  ¯ ¯ ¯ J−1 1        = − .  ·  . − ¯  .   . .   . .  N 1T J−1 1  . .  ¯ Rµ + (N − 1) ∆µ 1 ¯ ¯ J−1 v ¯ J−1 1 T −1 ¯ = −N ¯ Rµ T ¯ −1 v − 1 J v + Q/N Rµ J ¯ ¯ T ¯ J−1 1 1T J−1 1 N −1 T ¯ −1 ¯ 1T J−1 v + Q/N T ¯ −1 −∆ µ n 1 J ¯ v− 1 J 1 n=0 1T J−1 1 ¯ (N − 1) (N − 2) µ T ¯ −1 = N dµ − ¯ ¯ ∆ 1 J v − 1T J−1 v − Q/N 2 ¯ (N − 1) (N − 2) Q µ = N dµ − ∆ 2N
  • 35. µ T 1T J−1 Rµ 1T J−1 Rν αµν = − (R ) J R + −1 ν 1T J−1 1  T  J−1 ¯ 0 0   R¯µ ··· ¯ Rν  ¯ Rµ + ∆µ 1   .. .  .  ¯ Rν + ∆ν 1     0 ¯ J−1 . .   = − .    . .  . .   . .. .. .  .  . .   . . . . R¯ µ + (N − 1) ∆µ 1 ¯ ¯ ν + (N − 1) ∆ν 1 R 0 · · · · · · J−1    ¯ ¯ 1T J−1 Rµ ¯ ¯ 1T J−1 Rν  ¯ ¯ 1T J−1 Rµ + ∆µ 1  ¯ ¯ 1T J−1 Rν + ∆ν 1      . .  . .   .  .  ¯ ¯ 1T J−1 Rµ + (N − 1) ∆µ 1 ¯ ¯ 1T J−1 Rν + (N − 1) ∆ν 1 + ¯ N 1T J−1 1 N −1 = − ¯ Rµ T ¯ ¯ ¯ J−1 Rν + n∆ν Rµ T ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ J−1 1 + n∆µ 1J−1 Rν + n2 ∆µ ∆ν 1T J−1 1 n=0 N −1 ¯ Rµ T ¯ ¯ J−1 1 + n∆µ 1T J−1 1 N −1 ¯ Rν T ¯ ¯ J−1 1 + n ∆ν 1T J−1 1 n=0 n =0 + ¯ N 1T J−1 1 ¯ T¯ ¯ (N − 1) (N − 2) ν ¯ µ T ¯ −1 = −N Rµ J−1 Rν − ∆ R J 1 2 (N − 1) (N − 2) µ ¯ −1 ¯ ν (N − 1) (N − 2) (2N − 3) µ ν T ¯ −1 − ∆ 1J R − ∆ ∆ 1 J 1 2 6 ¯ T¯ Rµ J−1 1 ¯ T¯ Rν J−1 1 2 2 (N − 1) (N − 2) µ ν T ¯ −1 +N ¯ + ∆ ∆ 1 J 1 1T J−1 1 N (N − 1) (N − 2) ¯ T¯ ¯ T¯ + Rµ J−1 1∆ν + Rν J−1 1∆µ 2 (N − 1) (N − 2) ¯ = N αµν − ¯ N 2 − 3N − 6 ∆µ ∆ν 1T J−1 1 6N
  • 36. Dipole moments have the correct translational properties because the terms and counterterms cancel perfectly. The terms in the polarizabilities cancel only to second order; the cubic terms do not cancel perfectly, giving rise to anomalous cubic scaling.
  • 37. Modified dipole coupling In QEq, the external field shifts the electronegativities on each atom by an external potential 1 E(q1 , . . . , qN ; R) = qi vi (R) + qi qj Jij (R) i 2 ij vi (R) = χi → χi − Ri · 1 E(q1 , . . . , qN ; R, ) = qi vi (R) − Ri · + qi qj Jij (R) i 2 ij
  • 38. Modified dipole coupling We propose to apply the same coupling in QTPIE, which shifts the atomic voltages in a less trivial manner 1 E(q1 , . . . , qN ; R) = qi vi (R) + qi qj Jij (R) i 2 ij j (χi − χj )Sij vi = j Sij χi → χi − Ri · (χi − χj ) Sij j Ri − Rj Sij j vi (R) → vi (R, ) = − · j Sij j Sij
  • 39. With this coupling, the dipole moments and polarizabilities become µ µ Sik (Ri − Rk ) −1 dµ = k J v i i l Sil P “ ” µ µ Si k R −R 1 J T −1 v i 1 J T −1 i k P Si i k l l − 1T J−1 1 µ µ k Sik (Ri − Rk ) J−1 ij l ν ν Sjl Rj − Rl αµν = − ij k Sik l Sjl P P k Sik (Ri −Rk ) (Ri −Rk ) µ µ ν ν Si k i 1 J T −1 P i 1 J T −1 k P i l Sil i l Si l + 1T J−1 1
  • 40. More importantly, these expressions are still translationally invariant, but are now size-extensive dµ → dµ α→α dµ = N dµ α = Nα ¯ The key difference is that the overlap matrix attenuates any contributions across subsystems to terms of this form  ¯ −1   ¯  J 0 ··· 0 S 0 ··· 0  .. . .   .. . .   0 ¯ J−1 . .   0 S¯ . .  J−1 ν ν Sjl Rj − Rl =  .  .     . . .   ij  . .. .. .  . .. .. . l . . . .  l . . .  0 ··· ··· ¯ J −1 0 ··· ··· ¯ S ij jl     ¯ Rν ¯ Rν  ¯ Rν + ∆ν 1   ¯ Rν + ∆ν 1        ×  . .  − . .    .   .   ¯ Rν + (N − 1) ∆ν 1 ¯ Rν + (N − 1) ∆ν 1 j l = ¯ J−1 ¯ ¯ν ¯ν Sjl Rj − Rl ij l
  • 41. Planar water chains with z-spacing 10.00 Angstroms 0 zz-polarizability linear fit (gradient = -0.325919, intercept = 0.007088) -100 -200 -300 Polarizability (bohr^3) -400 -500 -600 -700 -800 -900 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Number of atoms Planar water chains with z-spacing 10.00 Angstroms 5e+09 zz-polarizability linear fit (gradient = -5773165.409344, intercept = 1434581215.053739) 0 -5e+09 Polarizability (bohr^3) -1e+10 -1.5e+10 -2e+10 -2.5e+10 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Number of atoms
  • 43. Strategy 5 2 • Aim: reproduce ab initio 1 data (LCCSD(T)/aug-cc- 4 pVTZ) with three-site 3 6 water model E = EB (R12 ) + EB (R13 ) + EB (R45 ) + EB (R46 ) OH OH OH OH • +EA (R12 , R13 , R23 ) + EA (R45 , R46 , R56 ) HOH HOH First determine QTPIE +EvdW (R14 ) OO parameters (4) by fitting +EvdW (R15 ) + EvdW (R16 ) + EvdW (R42 ) + EvdW (R43 ) OH OH OH OH +EvdW (R25 ) + EvdW (R26 ) + EvdW (R35 ) + EvdW (R36 ) HH HH HH HH to dipole moments +EQT P IE (R) • 2 Then fit other parameters EB (r) = k OH r − r0 OH OH 2 (10) to energies (up to HOH EA (θ) = κOH θ − θ0 HOH σAB 12 σAB 6 constant) EvdW (r) = AB AB r − r
  • 44. Geometries • 1,230 water monomer geometries generated by directly varying internal coordinates • 890 water dimer geometries generated by classical MD sampling (TINKER, flexible SPC water model, 1000K) • O-O distance constrained by varying vdW radius of O • 10 ps equilibration then 10 geometries at 1ps intervals
  • 45. Fitting method • Weighted least-squares fitting with Boltzmann weight (β = 100) f (ζ) = e−βEi (dab initio − dQTPIE (ζ))2 iν iν i ν∈{x,y,z} • Fitting done with Neader-Mead downhill simplex algorithm in scipy import scipy.optimize z0 = (8.741, 13.364, 4.528, 13.890) zopt = scipy.optimize.fmin(f, z0) print quot;Optimal parameters = quot;, zopt
  • 46. Best-fit parameters Par./eV QEq New χ(H) 4.5280 5.6841 η(H) 13.8904 12.4166 χ(O) 8.741 7.9173 η(O) 13.364 13.1643
  • 47. QTPIE Dipoles correlation ab initio
  • 48. Dipole moment per water / D Number of water molecules
  • 49. yy-polarizability per water / ų Number of water molecules
  • 50. zz-polarizability per water / ų Number of water molecules