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PGCAP, core module, week 1


       the UK PSF

       the concept of reflective practice and continuing
        professional development within HE

       peer observation
intended learning outcomes

    By the end of the session, you will have had the opportunity to:

    •   discuss experiential learning and learning through reflection to
        enhance practice
    •   recognise the importance of peer observation and discuss key
        characteristics of how to conduct effective peer observations
    •   examine the UK Professional Standards Framework (PSF) and
        recognise its importance for own professional development
    •   explain the importance of reflective practice, including reflection on-
        and in-action
    •   explore the use of portfolios and different media to record
    •   develop a strategy to embed reflection in own practice
Who are we?

       Let‟s play and test
        each other on the
        content of the
        module guide!

PGCAP, core module, week 1
Good practice

       What does good practice
      look like for teaching in HE?

      Discuss and create a poster
          in your learning sets.
UK Professional Standards Framework
        (UK PSF)
    •   A framework for standards!
    •   for teaching and supporting learning in HE
    •   proposed in the White Paper The Future of Higher
        Education (2003)
    •   areas of activity, core knowledge and professional
        values derived from the Higher Education Academy‟s
        existing Accreditation Scheme
    •   professionalisation of teaching and supporting
        learning in HE
UK Professional Standards Framework
    (UK PSF)
    The standards framework aims to act as:

    •   an enabling mechanism to support the professional
        development of staff engaged in supporting learning
    •   a means by which professional approaches to supporting
        student learning can be fostered through creativity,
        innovation and continuous development
    •   a means of demonstrating to students and other
        stakeholders the professionalism that staff bring to the
        support of the student learning experience
    •   a means to support consistency and quality of the student
        learning experience.

    •   6 areas of activity
    •   6 core knowledge
    •   5 professional values

    •   for Fellowship of HEA & PGCert need to engage
        with all of these.

Good practice and UK PSF

        What does good practice
       look like for teaching in HE?

         Compare your posters
         against the the UK PSF

action plan

        Where am I now?
        What are my strengths?
        On what am I going to work on?
        ...

PGCAP, core module, week 1
What is reflection?

     “Reflection is a form of mental processing – like a form of thinking – that we
     may use to fulfil a purpose or to achieve some anticipated outcome or we may
     simply „be reflective‟ and then an outcome can be unexpected. Reflection is
     applied to relatively complicated, ill-structured ideas for which there is not an
     obvious solution and is largely based on the further processing of knowledge
     and understanding that we already possess.”

     Moon (2004, p. 82)

                                                  What 3 words in this quote stand
                                                  out as most important to you?
What is reflection?

     “Reflection is a form of mental processing – like a form of thinking – that we
     may use to fulfil a purpose or to achieve some anticipated outcome or we may
     simply „be reflective‟ and then an outcome can be unexpected. Reflection is
     applied to relatively complicated, ill-structured ideas for which there is not an
     obvious solution and is largely based on the further processing of knowledge
     and understanding that we already possess.”

     Moon (2004, p. 82)

                                                  What 3 words in this quote stand
                                                  out as most important to you?
Why Reflect?

        What will you get out of reflection?
        What‟s in it for me?
How? Reflective Cycle (Gibbs, 1988)

                                                          Turning experience into learning!
                     6. Action plan
                       If it arose    1. Description
                     again, what          What
                      would you        happened?

                                                                          •The role of emotions
                                                                          •Emotional reactions
     5. Conclusion                                      2. Feelings       •Emotions can distort events
      What else                                         What were
      could you                                        you thinking
     have done?                                        and feeling?       (Moon, 2004)

                                                                                    music and
                       4. Analysis     3. Evaluation                                emotions
                      What sense        What was
                     can you make     good and bad
                          of the        about the
                       situation?      experience?

So What? deepening reflection





                      stepping back

                   challenging own ideas

                     being self-critical

                     linking to theory

                     exploring options

                      linking to action

                                     Kolb (1984), Gibbs (1988); Moon (2004)

                       “Sharing your professional and personal skills and
                       experiences with another promotes growth and
                       development that might not otherwise be possible. It
                       is based upon encouragement, constructive
                       comments, openness, mutual trust, respect and the
                       willingness to learn and share”. (Schulte, 2008, p. 1)

      Moran & Dallat (1995) see a
     danger in practising monopolised
     self-reflection and recommend the
     use of reflection as a collegial

        Schön D A (1987)

            reflection reflection

               in            on
             action         action
reflection and positionality
 What am I bringing to the situation?
 What is my view of the students?

 Of myself?

(Schön, 1983)

Reflective practice has something confessional
(McFarlane and Gourlay, 2009)

      This   reflection takes place later.

      It’s
         usually a more mature process in
      which we can consider different
      aspects of the situation and

          The time-factor, former PgCert participant
           shares her thoughts

      Is   about ‘thinking on your feet’.

      Quick reflection whilst your are
      interacting with others is almost
      automatic – you act on the basis of
      your experience and intuition to deal
      with situations which arise.
1 picture is worth 1000 words

                                     Direct link:
How else? different media
a comparison

                                                                            Essay/report                                                                           Reflective writing
Moon, J (2004) A Handbook of Reflective and Experiential Learning. Theory

                                                                            The subject matter is likely to be clearly defined.                                    The subject matter may be diffuse and ill-structured.

                                                                            The subject matter is not likely to be personal.                                       The subject matter may be personal.

                                                                            The subject matter is likely to be given.                                              The subject matter may be determined by the writer.

                                                                            The purpose of this kind of writing is set in advance, usually fairly precisely in a   There may be purpose, but it is more of the nature of a „container‟ or direction,
                                                                            title/topic.                                                                           not a precise title that predicts the outcome.
                                                                            Most of the ideas drawn into an essay/report will be predictable and will be           Ideas will be drawn into reflective writing from anywhere that the writer
                                                                            determined by the subject matter.                                                      believes to be relevant. What is drawn in will be determined by the sense being
and Practice, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 190-191.

                                                                                                                                                                   forged by the writer.
                                                                            There will be a conclusion.                                                            There may be a conclusion in that something has been learnt, or there may be a
                                                                                                                                                                   recognition of further areas for reflection.
                                                                            Essays/reports are more likely to be „one off‟ – finished and handed in.               Reflective writing may be a part of a process that takes place over a period of
                                                                            There is likely to be a clear structure of introduction, discussion and conclusion.    There is not necessarily a clear structure other than some description at the
                                                                                                                                                                   beginning and some identification of process made. Structures, such as questions
                                                                                                                                                                   to prompt reflective activity may be given.
                                                                            The writing style is likely to be relatively objective – probably without use of the   The writing style is likely to be relatively subjective, using the first person.
                                                                            first person.
                                                                            An essay or report is usually intended to be a representation of learning.             The intention underlying reflective writing is likely to be for the purpose of
                                                                            An essay/a report is likely to be the product of a thinking process, tidily            Reflective writing usually involved the process of thinking and learning, and it is
                                                                            ordered.                                                                               therefore not necessarily „tidy‟ in its ordering.
PGCAP Assessment criteria

        Competence and engagement within an area(s) of
         relevance to the module (and, as appropriate, to the
         UK Professional Standards Framework)

        Engagement with, and application of, relevant
         research literature and theory

        Reflection on your learning and the development of
         your practice
Classification, a model for
         abbreviation/title           characteristics
     3   CritR                        Critical exploration and reasoning of practice in a wider
         Critical Reflection          context, link to theory and thinking about the effects upon others
                                      of one's actions.

     2   DialR                        Stepping back, practice analysed, reasoning well developed,
         Dialogic Reflection          linking own viewpoints with these of other, exploring problem

     1   DescR                        Own practice is analysed, some reasoning for decisions and
         Descriptive Reflection       actions, limited to own viewpoints and perspective.

     0   RepoR0                       Accounts limited to reporting events sporadic evidence of
         Reporting, no reflection     reflection.

                                    criteria based on Hatton‟s and Smith‟s (1995), also adapted by Moon (2004)
Criteria 3: Reflection

        Pass (excellent) - There is rich evidence of deep and appropriate reflection including critical exploration
         and reasoning about your practice within the wider HE context. Your work provides a clear picture of the
         impact of your learning on your practice. Your self-analysis is good. You provided a clear and precise
         action plan for further development. Your plan is completely informed by the reflection. You indicate how
         your ongoing actions will be assessed for impact.

        Pass (good) - Your reflections are a mix of surface (tending towards descriptive) and deep levels of critical
         reflection. There is evidence of self-analysis and your learning during the module. You provide an action
         plan with some specific details. Some clear linkage between your ongoing plan and your reflections is

        Pass - Your reflections are mainly surface or descriptive reflections, rather than analytical. You have started
         to make sense of your learning during the module and there is some self-analysis. You have put an action
         plan together but this lacks specific detail and is not always linked to the reflection.

        Fail - There is limited reflection and primarily a descriptive reporting of events, or no reflection. There is no
         or only limited self-analysis and your action plan is not linked to reflections or there is no action plan.
Dance Lesson 2

     I want to consider a situation that arose in a potentially unsettled mixed ability class where I was
     teaching dance. The focus of the situation was Ben, one of two statemented pupils. The situation left me
     feeling guilty and inadequate as a teacher.

     I began the lesson with slightly uneasy feelings. I noticed that there were several absences. The pupils
     had been creating their dance in pairs with some of the partners absent, they would have to co-operate
     in new pairings. Co-operation was a problem for some. The children are mixed in their abilities and I had
     already been thinking that I need to develop strategies both to help individuals when they work outside
     their friendship groups and also where they need to create new material quickly. I began the lesson with
     these concerns and thoughts in mind.

     I started the warm-up when the learning support assistant came in to work with Jade, the other
     statemented pupil. It might have been helpful if she had come in just a few minutes before. Generally,
     however, things went well in the warm-up. I felt that I had got that right with simple and fun activities and
     because the skill level was low, everyone could join in and enjoy it. It really engaged them and this good
     start probably helped later when things got distracting….

     (incomplete slide, see handout)
Giving Feedback

        Write feedback on the reflection.
        Use the classification model to help determine the
         „depth‟ of reflection.
        Share and compare your feedback
reflections, sharing with others

                critical

                             personal                                 module
                               tutor                                   tutor

                                        peers                mentor
Using reflection for action research

                                                                  A learning activity based on reflection on
                                                                  experience to enhance/change an element
                                                                  of own practice

                     6. Action plan
                       If it arose    1. Description
                     again, what          What
                      would you        happened?

     5. Conclusion                                      2. Feelings
      What else                                         What were
      could you                                        you thinking
     have done?                                        and feeling?

                     4. Analysis       3. Evaluation
                     What sense         What was
                       can you        good and bad
                     make of the        about the
                      situation?       experience?

PGCAP, core module, week 1
action research
   A learning activity based on reflection on experience
    to enhance/change an element of own practice
   series of spirals (planning, acting, observing,
    reflecting, revising, implementing)

            Moreno, Gasset, Herron & Reason
            McNiff, Carr & Kemmis, Koshy, Gray, Cohen, Mannion & Morrison
Lewin‟s action research spiral

               evaluate        Identifying a general/initial idea

                                                                           evaluate                        amend plan

first action step                          Reconaissance or fact-finding


                                                                                      second action step

PGCAP, core module, week 1
Who - Peer observations:

     5 in total
Empowering (being observed)

        Be prepared!
        Make a session plan
        Establish a focus for the session.
        What does the observer want to see?
        Prepare the rationale/narrative for the session
        Engage with relevant literature before the session to link theory and
         practice around your focus.
        Forward the completed pre-observation proforma to the observer in
        Check your plan.

        Remember! Tutor support available if needed.
peer observation checklist (observing)

        What went well
        Achievement of the aims and learning outcomes           The observer
                                                               comments on these!
        Effectiveness of teaching methods used
        Meeting of learner needs                              You might want to
                                                                  record the
        Use of resources                                        conversation

        Assessment/feedback considerations
        Opportunities for student interaction
        Adherence to the timed session plan
        Comment on focus/aspect given

        Reflection on observation should include reflection
         on feedback conversation with observer
Observations – the process

     •   Pre-observation form (in e-portfolio/Blackboard
         –   Need to share with observer
     •   Observation
     •   Feedback from observer
     •   Reflective Account (including links to literature)
     •   What is assessed?
         –   The reflective account based on the 3 assessment
revisiting your learning statement

        What personal learning experiences have influenced my thoughts about
        How do I learn?
        How do my students learn?
        What does university teaching and learning mean to me?
        What do I want my students to learn?
        What strategies and techniques do I employ in helping students to learn?
        What are my strengths as a teacher?
        What areas do I need to develop further and why?
        What do I want to know more about?
        What are my options?                            Make learning
        What will I do and by when?                     statement available
                                                         to peers and tutor!
intended learning outcomes

     By the end of the session, you will have had the opportunity to:

     •   Discuss experiential learning and learning through reflection to
         enhance practice
     •   understand the concept of peer observation and key characteristics
         of how to conduct effective peer observations
     •   be aware of the UK Professional Standards Framework (PSF) and
         understand its importance for own professional development
     •   develop an understanding of reflective practice, including reflection
         on- and in-action
     •   explore the use of portfolios and different media to record
     •   develop a strategy to embed reflection in own practice
    Brown M, Fry H & Marshall S (2006) Reflective Practice, in: Fry H, Ketteridge S & Marshall S (2006) A Handbook for Teaching & Learning in Higher Education.
     Enhancing Academic Practice, Oxon: RoutledgeFalmer, pp. 215-225.
    Ghaye T & Lillyman S (1997) Learning Journals and Critical Incidents: Reflective Practice for Health Care Professionals, London: Mark Allan Publishing.
    Gibbs G (1988) Learning by Doing: A guide to teaching and learning methods, Further Education Unit, Oxford: Oxford Brookes University.
    Hatton, N & Smith, D (1995) Reflection in teacher education – towards definition and implementation, Teaching and Teacher Education,11 (1), pp 33-49.
    Imel, S (1992) Reflective Practice in Adult Education, Columbus OH: ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult Career and Vocational Education, ERIC Digest No. 122
    Kolb D A (1984) Experiential Learning, Prentice Hall, New Jersey: Englewood Cliffs.
    Lisewski, B & Cove, G (2007) Peer Observation for Teaching Code of Conduct University of Salford.
    McFarlane, B & Gourlay, L (2009) The reflection game: enacting the penitent self, Teaching in Higher Education 14/4, pp. 455-459.
    Moon, J (2005) Learning through Reflection, available at [accessed 15 September 2010]
    Moon, J (2004) A Handbook of Reflective and Experiential Learning. Theory and Practice, Oxon: Routledge.
    Moon, J (2004a) Reflection and employability, available at
     [accessed 15 September 2010]
    Moran A & Dallat J (1995) Promoting reflective practice in initial teacher training, International Journal of Educational Management, MCB University Press Limited, Vol.
     9 No. 5, pp. 20-26.
    Peel, D (2005) Peer Observation as a Transformatory Tool? Teaching in Higher Education, 10 (4) 489-504
    Ramsden, P (1992) Learning to Teach in Higher Education London: Routledge.
    Schön D A (1987) „Educating the Reflective Practitioner‟ , San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
    Schön, D A )1983= The Reflective Practitioner: How professionals think in action, Ashgate.
    Schulte, J (2008) Give Back – Be a Mentor!, [accessed 10 September 2010]
    UK Professional Standards Framework, HEA available at [accessed 9 Sep 2010]
How? Reflective Cycle (Gibbs, 1988)


                                      6. Action plan
                                        If it arose    1. Description
                                      again, what          What
                                       would you        happened?

                      5. Conclusion                                      2. Feelings
                       What else                                         What were
                       could you                                        you thinking
                      have done?                                        and feeling?

                                        4. Analysis     3. Evaluation
                                       What sense        What was
                                      can you make     good and bad
                                           of the        about the
                                        situation?      experience?

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PGCAP, cohort 2: core module week 1: reflecting and developing

  • 2. aims 2 introduce  the UK PSF  the concept of reflective practice and continuing professional development within HE  peer observation
  • 3. intended learning outcomes 3 By the end of the session, you will have had the opportunity to: • discuss experiential learning and learning through reflection to enhance practice • recognise the importance of peer observation and discuss key characteristics of how to conduct effective peer observations • examine the UK Professional Standards Framework (PSF) and recognise its importance for own professional development • explain the importance of reflective practice, including reflection on- and in-action • explore the use of portfolios and different media to record reflection • develop a strategy to embed reflection in own practice
  • 4. Who are we? 4  Let‟s play and test each other on the content of the module guide!
  • 5. 5 UK PSF PGCAP, core module, week 1
  • 6. Good practice 6 What does good practice look like for teaching in HE? Discuss and create a poster in your learning sets. (10min)
  • 7. UK Professional Standards Framework 7 (UK PSF) • A framework for standards! • for teaching and supporting learning in HE • proposed in the White Paper The Future of Higher Education (2003) • areas of activity, core knowledge and professional values derived from the Higher Education Academy‟s existing Accreditation Scheme • professionalisation of teaching and supporting learning in HE
  • 8. UK Professional Standards Framework 8 (UK PSF) The standards framework aims to act as: • an enabling mechanism to support the professional development of staff engaged in supporting learning • a means by which professional approaches to supporting student learning can be fostered through creativity, innovation and continuous development • a means of demonstrating to students and other stakeholders the professionalism that staff bring to the support of the student learning experience • a means to support consistency and quality of the student learning experience.
  • 9. UK PSF 9 • 6 areas of activity • 6 core knowledge • 5 professional values • for Fellowship of HEA & PGCert need to engage with all of these. • dandrecog/ProfessionalStandardsFramework.pdf •
  • 10. Good practice and UK PSF 10 What does good practice look like for teaching in HE? Compare your posters against the the UK PSF (5min)
  • 11. action plan 11  Where am I now?  What are my strengths?  On what am I going to work on?  ...
  • 13. What is reflection? 14 “Reflection is a form of mental processing – like a form of thinking – that we may use to fulfil a purpose or to achieve some anticipated outcome or we may simply „be reflective‟ and then an outcome can be unexpected. Reflection is applied to relatively complicated, ill-structured ideas for which there is not an obvious solution and is largely based on the further processing of knowledge and understanding that we already possess.” Moon (2004, p. 82) What 3 words in this quote stand out as most important to you?
  • 14. What is reflection? 15 “Reflection is a form of mental processing – like a form of thinking – that we may use to fulfil a purpose or to achieve some anticipated outcome or we may simply „be reflective‟ and then an outcome can be unexpected. Reflection is applied to relatively complicated, ill-structured ideas for which there is not an obvious solution and is largely based on the further processing of knowledge and understanding that we already possess.” Moon (2004, p. 82) What 3 words in this quote stand out as most important to you?
  • 15. Why Reflect? 16  What will you get out of reflection?  What‟s in it for me?
  • 16. How? Reflective Cycle (Gibbs, 1988) 17 Turning experience into learning! 6. Action plan If it arose 1. Description again, what What would you happened? do? •The role of emotions •Emotional reactions 5. Conclusion 2. Feelings •Emotions can distort events What else What were could you you thinking have done? and feeling? (Moon, 2004) watch?v=leIPj3SIbNU music and 4. Analysis 3. Evaluation emotions What sense What was can you make good and bad of the about the situation? experience? %20Support/Model%20of%20Reflection.htm
  • 17. So What? deepening reflection 18 describing feeling analysing reasoning stepping back challenging own ideas being self-critical linking to theory exploring options linking to action Kolb (1984), Gibbs (1988); Moon (2004)
  • 18. Who? 19 “Sharing your professional and personal skills and experiences with another promotes growth and development that might not otherwise be possible. It is based upon encouragement, constructive comments, openness, mutual trust, respect and the willingness to learn and share”. (Schulte, 2008, p. 1) Moran & Dallat (1995) see a danger in practising monopolised self-reflection and recommend the use of reflection as a collegial activity.
  • 19. When? 20  Schön D A (1987) reflection reflection in on action action
  • 20. reflection and positionality  What am I bringing to the situation?  What is my view of the students?  Of myself? (Schön, 1983) Reflective practice has something confessional (McFarlane and Gourlay, 2009)
  • 21. reflection-on-action 22  This reflection takes place later.  It’s usually a more mature process in which we can consider different aspects of the situation and possibilities.
  • 22. Listen! 23  The time-factor, former PgCert participant shares her thoughts
  • 23. reflection-in-action 24  Is about ‘thinking on your feet’.  Quick reflection whilst your are interacting with others is almost automatic – you act on the basis of your experience and intuition to deal with situations which arise.
  • 24. 1 picture is worth 1000 words 25 Direct link: http://www .youtube.c om/watch ?v=R7aL WbSv0Dg
  • 26. a comparison 27 Essay/report Reflective writing Moon, J (2004) A Handbook of Reflective and Experiential Learning. Theory The subject matter is likely to be clearly defined. The subject matter may be diffuse and ill-structured. The subject matter is not likely to be personal. The subject matter may be personal. The subject matter is likely to be given. The subject matter may be determined by the writer. The purpose of this kind of writing is set in advance, usually fairly precisely in a There may be purpose, but it is more of the nature of a „container‟ or direction, title/topic. not a precise title that predicts the outcome. Most of the ideas drawn into an essay/report will be predictable and will be Ideas will be drawn into reflective writing from anywhere that the writer determined by the subject matter. believes to be relevant. What is drawn in will be determined by the sense being and Practice, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 190-191. forged by the writer. There will be a conclusion. There may be a conclusion in that something has been learnt, or there may be a recognition of further areas for reflection. Essays/reports are more likely to be „one off‟ – finished and handed in. Reflective writing may be a part of a process that takes place over a period of time. There is likely to be a clear structure of introduction, discussion and conclusion. There is not necessarily a clear structure other than some description at the beginning and some identification of process made. Structures, such as questions to prompt reflective activity may be given. The writing style is likely to be relatively objective – probably without use of the The writing style is likely to be relatively subjective, using the first person. first person. An essay or report is usually intended to be a representation of learning. The intention underlying reflective writing is likely to be for the purpose of learning. An essay/a report is likely to be the product of a thinking process, tidily Reflective writing usually involved the process of thinking and learning, and it is ordered. therefore not necessarily „tidy‟ in its ordering.
  • 27. PGCAP Assessment criteria 28  Competence and engagement within an area(s) of relevance to the module (and, as appropriate, to the UK Professional Standards Framework)  Engagement with, and application of, relevant research literature and theory  Reflection on your learning and the development of your practice
  • 28. Classification, a model for 29 assessment abbreviation/title characteristics 3 CritR Critical exploration and reasoning of practice in a wider Critical Reflection context, link to theory and thinking about the effects upon others of one's actions. 2 DialR Stepping back, practice analysed, reasoning well developed, Dialogic Reflection linking own viewpoints with these of other, exploring problem solving. 1 DescR Own practice is analysed, some reasoning for decisions and Descriptive Reflection actions, limited to own viewpoints and perspective. 0 RepoR0 Accounts limited to reporting events sporadic evidence of Reporting, no reflection reflection. criteria based on Hatton‟s and Smith‟s (1995), also adapted by Moon (2004)
  • 29. Criteria 3: Reflection 30  Pass (excellent) - There is rich evidence of deep and appropriate reflection including critical exploration and reasoning about your practice within the wider HE context. Your work provides a clear picture of the impact of your learning on your practice. Your self-analysis is good. You provided a clear and precise action plan for further development. Your plan is completely informed by the reflection. You indicate how your ongoing actions will be assessed for impact.  Pass (good) - Your reflections are a mix of surface (tending towards descriptive) and deep levels of critical reflection. There is evidence of self-analysis and your learning during the module. You provide an action plan with some specific details. Some clear linkage between your ongoing plan and your reflections is evident.  Pass - Your reflections are mainly surface or descriptive reflections, rather than analytical. You have started to make sense of your learning during the module and there is some self-analysis. You have put an action plan together but this lacks specific detail and is not always linked to the reflection.  Fail - There is limited reflection and primarily a descriptive reporting of events, or no reflection. There is no or only limited self-analysis and your action plan is not linked to reflections or there is no action plan.
  • 30. Dance Lesson 2 31 I want to consider a situation that arose in a potentially unsettled mixed ability class where I was teaching dance. The focus of the situation was Ben, one of two statemented pupils. The situation left me feeling guilty and inadequate as a teacher. I began the lesson with slightly uneasy feelings. I noticed that there were several absences. The pupils had been creating their dance in pairs with some of the partners absent, they would have to co-operate in new pairings. Co-operation was a problem for some. The children are mixed in their abilities and I had already been thinking that I need to develop strategies both to help individuals when they work outside their friendship groups and also where they need to create new material quickly. I began the lesson with these concerns and thoughts in mind. I started the warm-up when the learning support assistant came in to work with Jade, the other statemented pupil. It might have been helpful if she had come in just a few minutes before. Generally, however, things went well in the warm-up. I felt that I had got that right with simple and fun activities and because the skill level was low, everyone could join in and enjoy it. It really engaged them and this good start probably helped later when things got distracting…. (incomplete slide, see handout)
  • 31. Giving Feedback 32  Write feedback on the reflection.  Use the classification model to help determine the „depth‟ of reflection.  Share and compare your feedback
  • 32. reflections, sharing with others 33   critical friend personal module tutor tutor My eportfolio peers mentor
  • 33. Using reflection for action research 34 A learning activity based on reflection on experience to enhance/change an element of own practice 6. Action plan If it arose 1. Description again, what What would you happened? do? 5. Conclusion 2. Feelings What else What were could you you thinking have done? and feeling? 4. Analysis 3. Evaluation What sense What was can you good and bad make of the about the situation? experience? %20Support/Model%20of%20Reflection.htm
  • 35. action research  A learning activity based on reflection on experience to enhance/change an element of own practice  series of spirals (planning, acting, observing, reflecting, revising, implementing) Lewin, Moreno, Gasset, Herron & Reason McNiff, Carr & Kemmis, Koshy, Gray, Cohen, Mannion & Morrison
  • 36. Lewin‟s action research spiral evaluate Identifying a general/initial idea evaluate amend plan first action step Reconaissance or fact-finding planning second action step
  • 38. Who - Peer observations: 40 5 in total
  • 39. Empowering (being observed) 42  Be prepared!  Make a session plan  Establish a focus for the session.  What does the observer want to see?  Prepare the rationale/narrative for the session  Engage with relevant literature before the session to link theory and practice around your focus.  Forward the completed pre-observation proforma to the observer in advance  Check your plan.  Remember! Tutor support available if needed.
  • 40. peer observation checklist (observing) 43  What went well  Achievement of the aims and learning outcomes The observer comments on these!  Effectiveness of teaching methods used  Meeting of learner needs You might want to record the  Use of resources conversation  Assessment/feedback considerations  Opportunities for student interaction  Adherence to the timed session plan  Comment on focus/aspect given  Reflection on observation should include reflection on feedback conversation with observer
  • 41. Observations – the process 44 • Pre-observation form (in e-portfolio/Blackboard – Need to share with observer • Observation • Feedback from observer • Reflective Account (including links to literature) • What is assessed? – The reflective account based on the 3 assessment criteria
  • 42. revisiting your learning statement 46  What personal learning experiences have influenced my thoughts about teaching?  How do I learn?  How do my students learn?  What does university teaching and learning mean to me?  What do I want my students to learn?  What strategies and techniques do I employ in helping students to learn?  What are my strengths as a teacher?  What areas do I need to develop further and why?  What do I want to know more about?  What are my options? Make learning  What will I do and by when? statement available to peers and tutor!
  • 43. intended learning outcomes 47 By the end of the session, you will have had the opportunity to: • Discuss experiential learning and learning through reflection to enhance practice • understand the concept of peer observation and key characteristics of how to conduct effective peer observations • be aware of the UK Professional Standards Framework (PSF) and understand its importance for own professional development • develop an understanding of reflective practice, including reflection on- and in-action • explore the use of portfolios and different media to record reflection • develop a strategy to embed reflection in own practice
  • 44. references  Brown M, Fry H & Marshall S (2006) Reflective Practice, in: Fry H, Ketteridge S & Marshall S (2006) A Handbook for Teaching & Learning in Higher Education. Enhancing Academic Practice, Oxon: RoutledgeFalmer, pp. 215-225.  Ghaye T & Lillyman S (1997) Learning Journals and Critical Incidents: Reflective Practice for Health Care Professionals, London: Mark Allan Publishing.  Gibbs G (1988) Learning by Doing: A guide to teaching and learning methods, Further Education Unit, Oxford: Oxford Brookes University.  Hatton, N & Smith, D (1995) Reflection in teacher education – towards definition and implementation, Teaching and Teacher Education,11 (1), pp 33-49.  Imel, S (1992) Reflective Practice in Adult Education, Columbus OH: ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult Career and Vocational Education, ERIC Digest No. 122  Kolb D A (1984) Experiential Learning, Prentice Hall, New Jersey: Englewood Cliffs.  Lisewski, B & Cove, G (2007) Peer Observation for Teaching Code of Conduct University of Salford.  McFarlane, B & Gourlay, L (2009) The reflection game: enacting the penitent self, Teaching in Higher Education 14/4, pp. 455-459.  Moon, J (2005) Learning through Reflection, available at [accessed 15 September 2010]  Moon, J (2004) A Handbook of Reflective and Experiential Learning. Theory and Practice, Oxon: Routledge.  Moon, J (2004a) Reflection and employability, available at [accessed 15 September 2010]  Moran A & Dallat J (1995) Promoting reflective practice in initial teacher training, International Journal of Educational Management, MCB University Press Limited, Vol. 9 No. 5, pp. 20-26.  Peel, D (2005) Peer Observation as a Transformatory Tool? Teaching in Higher Education, 10 (4) 489-504  Ramsden, P (1992) Learning to Teach in Higher Education London: Routledge.  Schön D A (1987) „Educating the Reflective Practitioner‟ , San Francisco: Jossey Bass.  Schön, D A )1983= The Reflective Practitioner: How professionals think in action, Ashgate.  Schulte, J (2008) Give Back – Be a Mentor!, [accessed 10 September 2010]  UK Professional Standards Framework, HEA available at [accessed 9 Sep 2010]
  • 45. How? Reflective Cycle (Gibbs, 1988) 49 6. Action plan If it arose 1. Description again, what What would you happened? do? 5. Conclusion 2. Feelings What else What were could you you thinking have done? and feeling? 4. Analysis 3. Evaluation What sense What was can you make good and bad of the about the situation? experience?