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Today We Will
Define  hepatitis, viral hepatitis &
 the liver
Learn about the 5 different
 types of viral hepatitis
What Is Hepatitis?
Hepatitis   means inflammation of the liver
 ◦ Hepat (liver) + itis (inflammation)= Hepatitis
Viral hepatitis means there is a specific
 virus that is causing your liver to inflame
 (swell or become larger than normal)
The Liver
Is located in the upper right quadrant of
 the abdomen

 •Cleans the blood
 •Regulates hormones
 •Helps with blood clotting
 •Produces bile
 •Produces important proteins
 •Maintains blood sugar levels
 •And much, much, more
• The liver is essential
               for life !

 Walls of
 begin to      Healthy liver cells
 form          become trapped
               by a wall of scar
Viral Hepatitis
  5 types:
  A: fecal-oral transmission
  B: sexual fluids & blood to blood
  C: blood to blood
  D: travels with B                 Vaccine
  E: fecal–oral transmission      Preventable

Adapted from Corneil, 2003
Hepatitis A

Ca used by hepatitis A virus

Humans    as their reservoir
SOC: Infected feces, HAV-contaminated food

POC:        1–2 weeks before the
       onset of symptoms until about 7 days
after the    patient becomes jaundiced.
Fecal oral contamination

Oral anal sexual activity contamination,
shellfish from contaminated water
Incubation 18 – 45 days

Immune globulin within two weeks of exposure
Hepatitis     A virus (HAV)
 HAV  is one kind of picornavirus and used to be
  classified as enterovirus type72, but recently, it is
  considered to be classified as heparnavirus
 Hepatitis A virion is a naked spherical particle,
  diameter 27nm
 Consists of a genome of linear, single-stranded RNA,
  7.5kb. The genome may be divided into 3 coding
  region: P1 region (encoding structural protein), P2 and
  P3 regions (encoding non-structure protein)
 During acute stage of infection, HAV can be found in
  blood and feces of infected human and primates
 Marmoset and chimpanzee are susceptible animals
 Hepatitis     A virus (HAV)
  HAV can not cause cytopathy, replicate within
   cytoplasma of hepatocytes and via bill are discharged
   with feces
  7 genetypes, 1, 2, 3, 7 types from humanbody
  Only one antigen-antibody system. Anti-HAV IgM is
   diagnostic evidence of recent infection, IgG is
   protective antibody.
  Resistance of HAV: 56°C, 30 min, usually temperature
   1 week, dry feces at 25°C 30 days, fresh water, sea
   water ,shellfish or soil for several months. 70% alcohol
   at 25°C , 3 min, 100°C, 5 min and ultraviolet, 1 min
Hepatitis A, E
Inoculation of the pathogen (entrance gate –
 small intestine).
Viral fixation on hepatocytes, intracellular
Primary replication of the virus.
Excretion with a goal to intestine.
Part of the viruses caused viremia (prodromal
 period of the disease).
Activation of immune system, that causes
 cytolysis, mesenchimal inflammation and
Immune response, elimination of the virus.
Hepatitis A

  •Most are anicteric and
  •Flu-like URTI with low-grade fever
  •Aversion to cigarette smoke and
  other strong odors
  •May or may not be jaundiced
Hepatitis E
Hepatitis E Virus (HEV)

Reservoir: Infected Humans and Animals: wild and domestic esp. swine
Incubation: 14-60 days

Period of Communicability:

-Not known.
- Hepa-E virus has been detected in stools 14 days after the
onset of jaundice and approximately 4 weeks after ingestion of
contaminated food or
water and persists for about 2 weeks.
Source of infection:

        -       Contaminated water in areas of poor sanitation
        -household member,sex partners, shared injection
        S/S: JAUNDICE is almost always present
Source of infection
Hepatitis A and E: patients
 with acute hepatitis and
 person with sublinical infection
Route of transmission
Hepatitis A and E:
       fecal-oral route
Hepatitis  A:
  HAV invade into human body by mouth
 and cause viremia.After one week,the
 HAV reach liver cells replicate within.Then
 enter intestien with bill and appear in
 feces.someone believe that damage of
 liver cells maybe caused by immune
 response.Due to:
 ◦ HAV does not cause cytopathy
◦ After HAV replicating and discharging,liver
  cells damage begin
◦ Animal experiment proved that immune
  complex may attend the pathogenesis of HA
◦ Complement level reduce the pathogenesis
  maybe following:activated T cell secrete γ-
  INF that promote the representation of HLA-
  Ⅰantigen on the liver cells,CTL may kill the
  target cell infected with HAV
 ◦ Degeneration
 ◦ Necrosis
 ◦ Regeneration
 ◦ Infiltration of inflammatory cells
 ◦ Hyperplasia of interstitial cells
Clinical picture
1.   Preicetric stage or prodromal stage:3 – 9 days
    Sudden onset of influenza like picture: fever -
     headache – malaise – muscular pain
    Anorexia is marked with nausea – vomiting –
    Pain in Rt hypochondrium & epigastrium
    Dark urine – pale stool
    Transient itching
    Examination: fever with relative bradycardia +
     enlarged tender liver
Clinical picture
   Icteric stage: 2-4 w
   Jaundice with fever & improvement of general
   Anorexia nausea & vomiting diminish or disappear
   Urine is dark brown & frothy
   Stool are clay in color – bulky – offensive – greasy
   Examination:
   Soft tender enlarged liver Spleen is enlarged in 20
   L N 10% generalized lymph adenopathy with LN
    of post. Triangle of neck
Clinical picture
Convalescence     stage:

 Signs  & symptoms gradually disappear
 Jaundice may persist for some times due to
  affinity of bile pigment to elastic tissue
 Complete recovery of liver may take up to 6
L    FT:
1.   serum bilirubin : total, direct and indirect

2.   ALT – AST : from 500 – 2000 IU/L       ALT > AST

3. Alkaline     phosphatase – 5’nucleotidase – GGT:

Blood      :
 Leucopenia       with relative lymphocytosis, ESR
Urine     :
 Early bilirubin appearance
 Bile salt : granular casts – frothy urine - +ve hay
  sulfur test

 Pale   – clay with stetorrhea


                    Acute stage   Chronic stage   others
     Hepatitis A   Anti HAV IgM   Anti HAV IgG     Fecal
    Hepatitis D    Anti HDV IgM   Anti HDV IgG
     Hepatitis E   Anti HEV IgM   Anti HEV IgG
Susceptibility    and immunity of
 Hepatitis   A
     Most adult has anti-HAV due to covert
 infection. Infant under 6 month acquired
 antibody from mother. Young children is
 Hepatitis   E
    Common susceptible. Children appear
 covert infection, adult show overt infection
 Hepatitis B virus (HBV)
HBV is a kind of hepadnovirus
Three particles in serum:
     spherical particles and tubular particles with
 a diameter of 20 nm, composed of HBsAg
     large particles with a diameter of 42 nm,
 named Dane particle. It consists of an outer
 protein shell (envelope, contain HBsAg) and an
 inner body ( core, contain HBcAg, HBeAg, HBV-
 DNA and DNAP )
 Hepatitis B virus (HBV)
Hepatitis B viron genome is a small
 circular, partially double stranded DNA
 with 3200 nucleotides long. HBV DNA is
 asymmetry in length of two strands:
 minus strand (long strand, L) has full
 length. Four open reading frames (ORF)
 coded on the minus strand: C, S, X, and P


    Hepatitis B virus (HBV)
    Four open reading frames (ORF)
      S region: include pre-s1, pre-s2 and S gene,
       encoded pre-s1 protein, pre-s2 protein and HBsAg.
       Pre-s1 protein + pre-s2 protein + HBsAg—large
        Pre-s2 protein + HBsAg—middle protein
        HBsAg—major protein
     C region included pre-c and C gene, encode HBeAg
     X region encoded HBxAg
     P region encoded DNA polymerase
HBcAg—anti-HBc         system
 HBcAg   can be found in the nuclei of liver cells, no
  free HBcAg in serum
 HBcAg is the marker of replication of HBV
 The stage called window phase
 Anti-HBc IgM is a marker of acute infection and
  acute attack of chronic infection of HBV. Anti-HBc
  IgG is the marker of past infection, high titer
  means low level replication of HBV
  Related to chronocity, activity of
 hepatitis B or liver cancer
 Resistant to heating and common
 disinfections. Chimpanzee is susceptible to
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)
Reservoir: Humans

Source of infection:

       -infected individuals
       - receipt of blood transfusion or
other blood products
       - use of shared needles
       - history of tattooing, ear or body
piercing,      or acupuncture
Incubation: 30-180 days

Period of communicability:

-1-2 months before and after the onset of
Mode of transmission: Heterosexual

transmission, contact with blood and body
Hepatitis B

             •Loss of appetite,
             •abdominal pain
             •Gen. aching malaise and weakness
             •Ligh-colored stools and dark urine
             •Hepatomegaly and splenomegaly
             •Enlarged posterior cervical lymph
Hepatitis B
Inoculation of the pathogen.
Viral integration and replication in
 hepatocytes, also may be in blood cells, bone
 marrow, lymph nodes, spleen.
Activation of immune system, that causes
 cytolysis, mesenchimal inflammation and
Immune response, elimination or persistence
 of the virus.
Hepatitis B marker:
  antigen         Significance          Corresponding          significance

  HBsAg        Appear after 6 week         Anti HBs          Appear after 3 m
 (surface)    Acute infection, remain                       Reflecting recovery
                    for 3 ms                                   & immunity
              Chronic infection if >6
  HBcAg         Detected on Liver          Anti HBc          Appear after 2 m
  (core)     Biopsy only (not serum)                          Reflecting sever
                                                           acute & chronic form
  HBeAg        Reflect ongoing viral       Anti HBe          Appear after 2.5 m
 (envolop)   replication (chronicity)                         Non replicating
 HBV DNA       Most sensitive indication for viral replication & chronicity (Dan
                                   It is detected by PCR
•Serological gap:
It is a window last several weeks between
 disappearing of HBs Ag & appearance of
 Anti Hbs. Anti HBc Ab may represent
 serological evidence of recent HBV

Blood  free from Hbs Ag & Anti Hbs (but
 containing anti – HBC) is the major cause
 of trasfusion HBV infection
   Hepatitis C virus (HCV)
 HCV is a member of flavivirus family.
 HCV genome is a single stranded positive-sense RNA
  and contains 9.4kb
 The genome contains 5’-non coding region, C region, E
  region and NS region
 HCV genome may be divided into many types and
 Resistance
 Antigen-antibody system
   The concentration of HCV in blood is low, HCV Ag has not be
    detected, anti-HCV is the indicator of infection and the
    marker of infectivity
      HCV-RNA may be detected from blood or liver tissue, it’s
    the direct evidence of infectivity
• Hepatitis C
  – Is similar to that of HB. CTL and
    some cytokines play an important
  – The chronicity is related to the
    variability of gene
  – HCV infection is related to HCC
    closely but HCV does not integrate to
    liver cells, so from HCV infection to
    HCC may be related to chronic
    inflammation and cirrhosis
Natural History of Hep C
      Only 20% will                        Clear the
      show symptoms                          Virus
      Initially !

   Healthy                 Acute           Chronic
   Liver                  Infection        Infection

                                           80% Virus
                                           to Damage
Adapted from Lauer and Walker, NEJM 2001
Natural History Con’t

  Chronic              Cirrhosis                  Liver
  Hepatitis            20-30%                    Cancer

Most symptoms begin to show only when liver is more severely damaged
 Route of transmission
 Hepatitis B, C, and D:
humoral transmission (parenteral
Mather to infent transmission(vertical
Sexual contact transmission
Insect transmission
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)
Source of infection:

        -Parenteral drug, needlestick injuries, Blood transfusion
        -High-risk sexual contact (multiple partners, history of other
        STDs, anal sex, etc.)
Incubation: 15-160 days

Contact with blood and body fluids: transfusion of blood and blood

Period of communicability:

        -one or more weeks before onset of symptoms and persists in
        most persons
Hepatitis C

      •Asymptomatic or experience mild
      •Abdominal pain and poor appetite
      •joint aches
      •muscle aches
Hepatitis D
Hepatitis D Virus (HDV)
Reservoir: humans

        Animals: chimpanzee and          pigs
Source of infection: same as Hepa-B

Incubation: 30-180 days

Period of communicability: not been yet determined,

but virus excretion in stool has been demonstrated up to 14
days after onset of illness
Co-infects with hepatitis B, close personal contact

Hepatitis D
Need virus hepatitis B for its replication,
 develops only in infected HBV patients
Hepatitis D

         •Similar to those with hepatitis B
         •May progress to chronic active hepatitis
         and cirrhosis
         •always associated with a coexistent
         hepatitis B virus infection, either
         simultaneous new infections (co- infection)
         or a chronic hepatitis B infection
        viremia, with inflammation of GIT

 Intrahepatic        localization               lead to
 A- diffuse centrilobular necrosis, with cellular infiltration
   around portal tracts
 B- intrahepatic cholestasis due to cellualar edema &
   inspissation of bile

 Other organ: splenomegaly –
 Hypoplasia of BM
Sadaf Baig ppt

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Sadaf Baig ppt

  • 1. Today We Will Define hepatitis, viral hepatitis & the liver Learn about the 5 different types of viral hepatitis
  • 2. What Is Hepatitis? Hepatitis means inflammation of the liver ◦ Hepat (liver) + itis (inflammation)= Hepatitis Viral hepatitis means there is a specific virus that is causing your liver to inflame (swell or become larger than normal)
  • 3. The Liver Is located in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen •Cleans the blood •Regulates hormones •Helps with blood clotting •Produces bile •Produces important proteins •Maintains blood sugar levels •And much, much, more • The liver is essential for life !
  • 4. Inflammation Walls of scar tissue begin to Healthy liver cells form become trapped by a wall of scar tissue
  • 5. Viral Hepatitis 5 types: A: fecal-oral transmission B: sexual fluids & blood to blood C: blood to blood D: travels with B Vaccine E: fecal–oral transmission Preventable Adapted from Corneil, 2003
  • 6. Hepatitis A Ca used by hepatitis A virus Ca Humans as their reservoir SOC: Infected feces, HAV-contaminated food POC: 1–2 weeks before the onset of symptoms until about 7 days after the patient becomes jaundiced. Fecal oral contamination Oral anal sexual activity contamination, shellfish from contaminated water Incubation 18 – 45 days Immune globulin within two weeks of exposure
  • 7. Etiology Hepatitis A virus (HAV)  HAV is one kind of picornavirus and used to be classified as enterovirus type72, but recently, it is considered to be classified as heparnavirus  Hepatitis A virion is a naked spherical particle, diameter 27nm  Consists of a genome of linear, single-stranded RNA, 7.5kb. The genome may be divided into 3 coding region: P1 region (encoding structural protein), P2 and P3 regions (encoding non-structure protein)  During acute stage of infection, HAV can be found in blood and feces of infected human and primates  Marmoset and chimpanzee are susceptible animals
  • 8. Etiology Hepatitis A virus (HAV)  HAV can not cause cytopathy, replicate within cytoplasma of hepatocytes and via bill are discharged with feces  7 genetypes, 1, 2, 3, 7 types from humanbody  Only one antigen-antibody system. Anti-HAV IgM is diagnostic evidence of recent infection, IgG is protective antibody.  Resistance of HAV: 56°C, 30 min, usually temperature 1 week, dry feces at 25°C 30 days, fresh water, sea water ,shellfish or soil for several months. 70% alcohol at 25°C , 3 min, 100°C, 5 min and ultraviolet, 1 min
  • 9. HAV
  • 10. HEV
  • 11. Pathogenesis: Hepatitis A, E Inoculation of the pathogen (entrance gate – small intestine). Viremia. Viral fixation on hepatocytes, intracellular localization. Primary replication of the virus. Excretion with a goal to intestine. Part of the viruses caused viremia (prodromal period of the disease). Activation of immune system, that causes cytolysis, mesenchimal inflammation and cholestasis. Immune response, elimination of the virus.
  • 12. Hepatitis A SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS •Most are anicteric and asymptomatic •Flu-like URTI with low-grade fever •Anorexia •Indigestion •nausea •Aversion to cigarette smoke and other strong odors •May or may not be jaundiced
  • 13. Hepatitis E Hepatitis E Virus (HEV)  Reservoir: Infected Humans and Animals: wild and domestic esp. swine Incubation: 14-60 days Period of Communicability: -Not known. - Hepa-E virus has been detected in stools 14 days after the onset of jaundice and approximately 4 weeks after ingestion of contaminated food or water and persists for about 2 weeks. Source of infection: - Contaminated water in areas of poor sanitation -household member,sex partners, shared injection equipment S/S: JAUNDICE is almost always present
  • 14. Epidemiology Source of infection Hepatitis A and E: patients with acute hepatitis and person with sublinical infection Route of transmission Hepatitis A and E: fecal-oral route predominantly
  • 15. pathogenesis Hepatitis A: HAV invade into human body by mouth and cause viremia.After one week,the HAV reach liver cells replicate within.Then enter intestien with bill and appear in feces.someone believe that damage of liver cells maybe caused by immune response.Due to: ◦ HAV does not cause cytopathy
  • 16. ◦ After HAV replicating and discharging,liver cells damage begin ◦ Animal experiment proved that immune complex may attend the pathogenesis of HA ◦ Complement level reduce the pathogenesis maybe following:activated T cell secrete γ- INF that promote the representation of HLA- Ⅰantigen on the liver cells,CTL may kill the target cell infected with HAV
  • 17. Pathology ◦ Degeneration ◦ Necrosis ◦ Regeneration ◦ Infiltration of inflammatory cells ◦ Hyperplasia of interstitial cells
  • 18. Clinical picture 1. Preicetric stage or prodromal stage:3 – 9 days  Sudden onset of influenza like picture: fever - headache – malaise – muscular pain  Anorexia is marked with nausea – vomiting – distension  Pain in Rt hypochondrium & epigastrium  Dark urine – pale stool  Transient itching  Examination: fever with relative bradycardia + enlarged tender liver
  • 19. Clinical picture  Icteric stage: 2-4 w  Jaundice with fever & improvement of general condition  Anorexia nausea & vomiting diminish or disappear  Urine is dark brown & frothy  Stool are clay in color – bulky – offensive – greasy  Examination:  Soft tender enlarged liver Spleen is enlarged in 20 %  L N 10% generalized lymph adenopathy with LN of post. Triangle of neck
  • 20. Clinical picture Convalescence stage:  Signs & symptoms gradually disappear  Jaundice may persist for some times due to affinity of bile pigment to elastic tissue  Complete recovery of liver may take up to 6 months
  • 21. Investigation: L FT: 1. serum bilirubin : total, direct and indirect 2. ALT – AST : from 500 – 2000 IU/L ALT > AST 3. Alkaline phosphatase – 5’nucleotidase – GGT: Blood :  Leucopenia with relative lymphocytosis, ESR
  • 22. Urine :  Early bilirubin appearance  Bile salt : granular casts – frothy urine - +ve hay sulfur test Stool:  Pale – clay with stetorrhea Serology Acute stage Chronic stage others Hepatitis A Anti HAV IgM Anti HAV IgG Fecal HAV Hepatitis D Anti HDV IgM Anti HDV IgG Hepatitis E Anti HEV IgM Anti HEV IgG
  • 23. Susceptibility and immunity of population  Hepatitis A Most adult has anti-HAV due to covert infection. Infant under 6 month acquired antibody from mother. Young children is susceptible  Hepatitis E Common susceptible. Children appear covert infection, adult show overt infection
  • 24.
  • 25. Etiology  Hepatitis B virus (HBV) HBV is a kind of hepadnovirus Three particles in serum: spherical particles and tubular particles with a diameter of 20 nm, composed of HBsAg large particles with a diameter of 42 nm, named Dane particle. It consists of an outer protein shell (envelope, contain HBsAg) and an inner body ( core, contain HBcAg, HBeAg, HBV- DNA and DNAP )
  • 26. Etiology  Hepatitis B virus (HBV) Hepatitis B viron genome is a small circular, partially double stranded DNA with 3200 nucleotides long. HBV DNA is asymmetry in length of two strands: minus strand (long strand, L) has full length. Four open reading frames (ORF) coded on the minus strand: C, S, X, and P region
  • 27. 大球形 颗粒 管 形 颗 小球形 粒 颗粒 HBV
  • 28. Etiology  Hepatitis B virus (HBV)  Four open reading frames (ORF) S region: include pre-s1, pre-s2 and S gene, encoded pre-s1 protein, pre-s2 protein and HBsAg. Pre-s1 protein + pre-s2 protein + HBsAg—large protein Pre-s2 protein + HBsAg—middle protein HBsAg—major protein C region included pre-c and C gene, encode HBeAg and HBcAg X region encoded HBxAg P region encoded DNA polymerase
  • 29. Etiology HBcAg—anti-HBc system  HBcAg can be found in the nuclei of liver cells, no free HBcAg in serum  HBcAg is the marker of replication of HBV  The stage called window phase  Anti-HBc IgM is a marker of acute infection and acute attack of chronic infection of HBV. Anti-HBc IgG is the marker of past infection, high titer means low level replication of HBV
  • 30. Etiology HBSAg Related to chronocity, activity of hepatitis B or liver cancer Resistance Resistant to heating and common disinfections. Chimpanzee is susceptible to HBV
  • 31. Hepatitis B Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Reservoir: Humans Source of infection: -infected individuals - receipt of blood transfusion or other blood products - use of shared needles - history of tattooing, ear or body piercing, or acupuncture Incubation: 30-180 days Period of communicability: -1-2 months before and after the onset of symptoms Mode of transmission: Heterosexual transmission, contact with blood and body fluids
  • 32. Hepatitis B SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS •Loss of appetite, •dyspepsia, •abdominal pain •Gen. aching malaise and weakness •Jaundice •Ligh-colored stools and dark urine •Hepatomegaly and splenomegaly •Enlarged posterior cervical lymph nodes
  • 33. Pathogenesis: Hepatitis B Inoculation of the pathogen. Viremia. Viral integration and replication in hepatocytes, also may be in blood cells, bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen. Activation of immune system, that causes cytolysis, mesenchimal inflammation and cholestasis. Immune response, elimination or persistence of the virus.
  • 34. Hepatitis B marker: antigen Significance Corresponding significance Ab HBsAg Appear after 6 week Anti HBs Appear after 3 m (surface) Acute infection, remain Reflecting recovery for 3 ms & immunity Chronic infection if >6 ms HBcAg Detected on Liver Anti HBc Appear after 2 m (core) Biopsy only (not serum) Reflecting sever acute & chronic form HBeAg Reflect ongoing viral Anti HBe Appear after 2.5 m (envolop) replication (chronicity) Non replicating virus HBV DNA Most sensitive indication for viral replication & chronicity (Dan particle) It is detected by PCR
  • 35. •Serological gap: It is a window last several weeks between disappearing of HBs Ag & appearance of Anti Hbs. Anti HBc Ab may represent serological evidence of recent HBV infection Blood free from Hbs Ag & Anti Hbs (but containing anti – HBC) is the major cause of trasfusion HBV infection
  • 36.
  • 37. Etiology  Hepatitis C virus (HCV)  HCV is a member of flavivirus family.  HCV genome is a single stranded positive-sense RNA and contains 9.4kb  The genome contains 5’-non coding region, C region, E region and NS region  HCV genome may be divided into many types and subtypes.  Resistance  Antigen-antibody system  The concentration of HCV in blood is low, HCV Ag has not be detected, anti-HCV is the indicator of infection and the marker of infectivity  HCV-RNA HCV-RNA may be detected from blood or liver tissue, it’s the direct evidence of infectivity
  • 38. HCV
  • 39. • Hepatitis C – Is similar to that of HB. CTL and some cytokines play an important action – The chronicity is related to the variability of gene – HCV infection is related to HCC closely but HCV does not integrate to liver cells, so from HCV infection to HCC may be related to chronic inflammation and cirrhosis
  • 40. Natural History of Hep C 20% Only 20% will Clear the show symptoms Virus Initially ! Healthy Acute Chronic Liver Infection Infection 80% Virus Continues to Damage Liver Adapted from Lauer and Walker, NEJM 2001
  • 41. Natural History Con’t Chronic Cirrhosis Liver Hepatitis 20-30% Cancer 1-4%/year Most symptoms begin to show only when liver is more severely damaged
  • 42. Epidemiology  Route of transmission  Hepatitis B, C, and D: humoral transmission (parenteral transmission) Mather to infent transmission(vertical transmission) Sexual contact transmission Insect transmission
  • 43. Hepatitis C Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Source of infection: -Parenteral drug, needlestick injuries, Blood transfusion -High-risk sexual contact (multiple partners, history of other STDs, anal sex, etc.) Incubation: 15-160 days Contact with blood and body fluids: transfusion of blood and blood products Period of communicability: -one or more weeks before onset of symptoms and persists in most persons
  • 44. Hepatitis C SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS •Asymptomatic or experience mild symptoms •Fatigue •Abdominal pain and poor appetite •Jaundice •Headaches •joint aches •muscle aches •nausea
  • 45. Hepatitis D Hepatitis D Virus (HDV) Reservoir: humans Animals: chimpanzee and pigs Source of infection: same as Hepa-B Incubation: 30-180 days Period of communicability: not been yet determined, but virus excretion in stool has been demonstrated up to 14 days after onset of illness Co-infects with hepatitis B, close personal contact
  • 46. Pathogenesis: Hepatitis D Need virus hepatitis B for its replication, develops only in infected HBV patients
  • 47. Hepatitis D SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS •Similar to those with hepatitis B •May progress to chronic active hepatitis and cirrhosis •always associated with a coexistent hepatitis B virus infection, either simultaneous new infections (co- infection) or a chronic hepatitis B infection (superinfection)
  • 48. Pathogenesis Initial viremia, with inflammation of GIT mucosa. Intrahepatic localization lead to A- diffuse centrilobular necrosis, with cellular infiltration around portal tracts B- intrahepatic cholestasis due to cellualar edema & inspissation of bile Other organ: splenomegaly – lymphoadenopathy Hypoplasia of BM

Notas do Editor

  1. Hepatitis B