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                       NFEAS JOURNAL
Charles M. Achilles (15)*           Richard L. Berg             Ronald Byrd
Glenn Acker                         Michael J. Berson           Gerald J. Calais
Michele Acker-Hocevar(2)            Authella M. Bessent         James Campbell
Charles F. Adams                    E. Wailand Bessent          Janis Campbell
Sam Adams (2)                       Loren E. Betz               Joseph P. Cangemi (4)
Leonard L. Amburgey                 Sharon I. Bevins            James L. Capps
Neil G. Amos (2)                    Harold L. Bishop (2)        Richard A. Capps
Bobby D. Anderson                   J.M. Blackbourn (8)         Ellen M. Caprio (2)
Robert H. Anderson (5)              Richard Blackbourn (20)     Chris Carem
John O. Andes (3)                   Joseph J. Blasé (2)         H.H. Carpenter
Tracy Andrus                        Jack Blendinger             Dan B. Carr
Richard L. Andrews                  Gerald R. Boardman (3)      John C. Carr
Vincent A. Anfara, Jr.              Gordon C,. Bobbett          Holly B. Casey
Kirk S. Ankeney                     Brian D. Boese              Russell N. Cassel (2)
Jeffery P. Aper                     James T. Bolding            William B. Castetter (11)
Charles T. Araki(3)                 Rex W. Bolinger             Daniel P. Cawdrey
John D. Armstrong                   Sheila Strike-Bolla         Tony W. Cawthon
Penny S. Arnold                     Diane Boothe                Cevat Celep
Shundra Arrington-Warren            John Borba                  David Center (2)
Elvis H. Arterbury                  Richard Thomas Bothel       Stephanie Chaffins
Garth J. Babcock                    Daniel J. Boudah            Lynne Chalmers (2)
John S. Backes (2)                  Lynn K. Bradshaw            John D. Chamley (2)
Kenny Baden                         EdBrand                     Edward W. Chance (10)
Richard A. Baggett                  Gary V. Branson             Patti L. Chance
Cristian Bahrim                     Jason Breaux                Paul Chapman (2)
George W. Bailey                    Frank C. Brocato            LaDonna Childers
Max A. Bailey (2)                   Barbara Brock               Ronald B. Childress
Sandra S. Bailey (2)                James D. Brodzinski         Grace Butler Chisolm
Dr. H.P. Bain                       Lesley H. Browder, Jr.      Kamil Efe Cirak
Carol E. Baker                      Gilbert C. Brown            Charles T. Clark
Brian D. Barnhart                   John A. Brown (3)           David L. Clark
David E. Bartz                      Kathleen M. Brown           Karen L. Clark
Margaret R. Basom                   Ric Brown                   Robert L. Clark
Lori A. Beach                       Kimberly Brown-Headrick     Thomas G. Clausen
Jack L. Beal                        Dale Brubaker               Delbert K. Clear
I.R. Bearden (2)                    Martha Bruckner             W. James Clees
Mary Jo Beck (3)                    Darlene Y. Bruner           John R. Cochren
Edgar H. Bedenbaugh (2)             Miles T. Bryant (3)         Seth R. Cohen
James A. Belasco                    Robert Buchanan (4)         Donna J. Cole
Edwin D. Bell                       Janiece Buck                Donald G. Coleman (6)
Alfredo H. Benavides                Daryl V. Burckel            Henry Steele Commager (2)
Ephraim Ben0Baruch                  I. Emett Burnett, Jr, (4)   Sharon Conley
Patricia A. Bennett                 Beth A. Butler              H. Phillips Constans, Jr.
Vince Benoit

*Indicates number of times published in NFEAS JOURNAL
                       NFEAS JOURNAL

Philip G. Cooker                    Donald F. DeMoulin (10)   Mary L. Fiedler
Bruce S. Cooper                     George S. Denny (3)       Beverly Findley
Mark J. Cooper                      B. C. DeSpain (4)         J.D. Finn
Robert B. Cooter (2)*               Mark W. Dewalt            Susan Fisher
J.L. Cornelius                      Gerald Dickinson          Robert W. Flinchbaugh
Joe P. Cornelius                    Victoria Jean Dimidjian   Samuel W. Flynt
Andrew Corrigan                     Feng S. Din               George Foldesy (2)
Griselda Cossio                     Eid H. Dirani             Christopher S. Fontenot
Edward Costa                        John Dively               Clifford D. Foster
Nancy Cothern                       John P. Dolly             Larry E. Frase (3)
John Cotsakos (3)                   Shelly M. Dorn (2)        Edmund R. Frazier
Eileen F. Coutts                    Carolyn J. Downey         Ron French
Glenda C. Cox                       Thelbert L. Drake         Russell French
Myron K. Cox                        Francis D. Driscoll       Sally J. Frudden (2)
Don A. Cozzetto                     Virgie M. Dronet          Hugh Fruge (2)
Carolyn Crawford                    J. Michael Drushal        Margery B. Fulton
Lee C. Crawford                     Mary Ellen Drushal (2)    Ray Fulton
Victoria Crittenden                 Penelope Duarte           Harold E. Fuqua, Jr.
Nicholas P. Criscuolo (3)           Rebecca DuFour            MaryAnn C. Gaines
Michael Crist                       Richard DuFour            Karen S. Gallagher (2)
Cynthia Cronk                       Kenneth J. Dunn           R.J. Gallagher
Victoria Crittenden                 Rita Dunn                 Olga Flores Garcia
Michael L. Cunningham               Lloyd Duvall (2)          A. Warren Garrett
Mary Curfman                        Allen B. Dyal             Gene Geisert
John P. Curley                      Robert Eaker              William Georgia (2)
Margaret H. Dalton (2)              Joan E. Eberle            W. Gregory Gerick (2)
W. Elzie Danley                     Wally Edgell              Chhanda Ghose
Leon Dappen                         David Edgerson            Frederick John Gies (5)
John C. Daresh (3)                  Carla Edlefson            Michael B. Gilbert
John R. Darling                     S. Michal Edwards         Thomas E. Glass
Larry D’Assissi                     Russell Eisenman (2)      Clement Glenn (2)
Linda J. Davenport                  Richard England           Ernest R. Goeres (2)
Barry S. Davidson (4)               Fenwick English (5)       Eugene L. Golanda
Daniel R. Davies (5)                Robin J. Enns             Keith Goldhammer
Jane Furr Davis                     Mary L. Errico            Deborah Gonzalez
T. Larry Davis (2)                  Nathan Essex (2)          Luz E. Gonzalez
Todd M. Davis                       Nolan Estes               Johnny L. Good
William E. Davis                    Ron Everhart              John I. Goodlad (2)
Ronald G. Davison                   Dan Ezell                 Judith R. Gordon
Kamal Dawani (2)                    Dorothy A. Faast          William M. Gordon
Susan T. Dean                       Susan Faircloth           Richard A. Gorton
Philip E. Dearborn                  Sidney L. Faucette        Fara M. Goulas
Lawrence Deckinger                  Neil T. Faulk (3)         Marvin W. Gould
Roger A. DeMont                     Carolyn Fiascki           Marilyn L. Grady (6)

*Indicates number of times published in NFEAS JOURNAL
                     NFEAS JOURNAL

Patricia L. Graham               Stephenie M. Hewett      Joseph A. Kariotis (2)
S. Penny Gray                    Reggie High              Katherine L. Kasten (2)
Bernal L. Green                  Beverly Hill             Jerry Kaster
Edward T. Green                  Larry W. Hillman         Malcolm Katz
Marci Greene (4)*                Chantell W. Hines        Barbara Kean
Bobbie Jean Greenlee             Charles Hinman           John Keedy (2)
Kimberly G. Griffith             Marilyn A. Hirth         JoAnn Kellogg
Ronald Gross                     J. Gardner Hobbs (2)     Albert L. Kennard (2)
Steven J. Gross                  Tim Hobbs                Thomas A. Kersten
Roslin Growe                     Mitch Holifield          Lloyd C. Kilmer (2)
Charles W. Guditus               David Holman             Dan L. King (2)
Robert D. Guillory               Brandi Holt (2)          David I. Kinman
Bruce Gunn                       H. H. Hooper             Lloyd Kinnison
Lorraine J. Guth                 Dianne D. Horgan         June A. Kisch
John W. Guyton                   Julie E. Horine          Ann G. Klein
Bill Hall                        Linda Houck              Colleen Klein
Brandi Hall                      Jane B. Huffman          Mary Alice Klein
J. Floyd Hall                    Teresa A. Hughes (2)     Stephen J. Knezevich (2)
Michael L. Hall                  William Hughes           Dianne M. Kochamba
Dean Halverson (3)               William Hunter           John W. Kohl
Herbert M. Handley               Charlotte Hutchens       Robert B. Kottkamp
Dwight Hare                      Joanne Ingham            Bruce W. Kowalski (3)
E. Jean Harper (2)               Elmer J. Ireton (4)      Casimir J. Kowalski
Benjamin M. Harris (3)           Madelyn Isaacs (2)       Theodore J. Kowalski
L.A. Harris                      Richard E. Ishler        Thomas L. Krepel (3)
Patricia Simms Harrison          Almeda R. Jacks          William J. Kritek
Karen E. Hart                    Roy L. Jacobs            Mary Alice Kritsonis (4)
Lynn Hartle                      Thomas Jeffrey           William Allan Kritsonis (88)
Richard Hartnett                  Margaret Jenkins        Bernita Krumm
Jan E. Hasbrouck                 Kathleen S. Jenney       Sherry A. Lahr
Kevin Hatch                      Ricardo Jerez            R.M. Lalik
Pamela A Havice                  Ping Ji                  James La Plant
Bree A. Hayes                    Kent F. Johansen         Y.L. Jack Lam (4)
Karen Hayes                      Annabel M. Johnson (2)   Michael Langenbach
Richard L. Hayes                 Judy A. Johnson          Gayle A. Langis
M. K. Hamza                      Margaret M. Johnson      Nan Langowitz
Margaret R. Heeney (2)           William L. Johnson (3)   Raymond F. Latta
Beverly A. Heimann               April Jones              James C. Laub (3)
Richard S. Heisler               Don Jones                Paul A. Leary (6)
Stephen P. Hencley               Linda T. Jones           Linda LaBauve LeBert
Regina P. Hendrix                Richard V. Jones         Theresa Lee
Lula J. Henry                    Sheila Dove Jones        Donald K. Lemon
Wilma J. Henry                   Teresa Jordan            Barbara Leonard
Chuck Herman                     Monday T. Joshua         Rex Leonard
Douglas Hermond                  Mohammad Kabbani         B. Charles Leonard

*Indicates number of times published in NFEAS JOURNAL
                       NFEAS JOURNAL

Leon M. Lessinger                 John McCarty                Lautrice Nickson
Paula E. Lester                   Johnny E. McGaha            Diane M. Niederriter
Joel M. Levine                    James O. McDowelle          Harold L. Nixon
Rafael Lewy                       Charles S. McElroy (2)      David Noonan
Carol N. Ligon                    Mildred L. McGee            Donald M. Norman
Claudette Merrell Ligons          Michael C. McKenna          Sharon Jenkins Norman
H. Edward Lilley                  Donna McLaughlin            Cynthia J. Norris (3)
Edward R. Lilly (3)               Larry McNeal                Ellen Elms Notar
Ronald A. Lindahl                 Richard Meckley (4)         Anna Dimy Nguyen
Elizabeth C. Lindeberg            Robert L. Medcalf           Barbara A. Nye (2)
Jimmy D. Lindsey                  Charles Meisgeier           Celeste Oakes
Walter Liston                     Robbie Kendall-Melton       Fidelis E. Obo
Ching-Jen Liu                     Allen Menlo                 Rodney T. Ogawa
Martha J. Livingston (2)*         Norma T. Mertz              Karen Okeafor
Ann Lockledge                     Phillip E. Messner          Peter F. Oliva
Judith Loredo                     Jim Meza                    Charleen B. Olliff
Gary Lounsberry                   George Michel (4)           Myrna R. Olson
Terry L. Lovelace                 Eva Midobuche               Roger G. Olstad
Otis LoVette                      John W. Miller              William James O’Neill (3)
Guat Tin Low                      Laura K. Miller             Carolyn L. O’Rourke (2)
Donald C. Lueder                  Robert Millward             Joseph J. Orze
James E. Lyons                    Clydie K. Mitchell          Nick Osborne
James E. MacAlister               Bob Moawad                  Joseph Pacha (3)
Faith MacMurtrie                  Janet Monroe                Anita M. Pankake (2)
Angus J. MacNeil                  Dianne S. Monteith          Rosemary Papalwis (6)
Cleborne D. Maddux                Cynthia Montgomery          Bobby Papasan
Richard P. Manatt                 Paula Montgomery            Marjorie L. Pappas
Terri L. Mangione                 William G. Monahan (2)      Louis V. Paradise
Nicholas Mansor                   R. Wayne Mondy              Fred R. Parker
Tom Many                          Lamar Moody (3)             David J. Parks (2)
Frank W. Markus (5)               Rock D. Moore               John J. Paterson
Robert L. Marshall(4)             Mada Kay Morehead           Estelle Pau-on-Lau
James A. Martin                   Linda Morford               James S. Payne (2)
Sharon B. Martin                  Marlene J. Morgan           Kay E. Payne
Roderick R. Matheson (2)          Nancy T. Morris             Hugh I. Peck
Myrna Matranga (4)                Stanton Morris              Gary L. Peltier (3)
Lewis B. Mayhew (2)               Rhonda Collins Morton       Jenny Penland
Melissa McBride                   Monte C. Moses              Robin Perez
Cathy McCaffrey                   Mary Mosley                 George Perreault
Bob McCaig                        Anthony Muhammad            Richard P. Perry
Linda McCall                      Sharon Mukes                Chris L. Peters (2)
Will E. McCarther (2)             Carole Heitman Murphy (2)   Arthur L. Petterway
Donna McCaw                       Richard K. Murray           Lonnie Phelps
Debra Ray McCartney-Simon         Jorge O. Nelson             Vicki Bohling-Philippi
Linda Morford                     Clyde Newmiller             William K. Poston, Jr.
                                  Everett Nicholson

*Indicates number of times published in NFEAS JOURNAL
                    NFEAS JOURNAL NATIONAL

 Judy C. Pierce                  Stanley William Rothstein       Kristen M. Snyder
 William E. Piland               Mark A. Runco                   Timothy D. Snyder
 Donald L. Piper (2)             James A. Runkel (2)             Pat Socoski
 Janet L. Pladson                Charles W. Ryan (2)             Norman Sommers
 Marsha A. Playko                Joseph F. Ryan                  Joseph C. Sommerville (2)
 Judith A. Ponticell             Roselia A, Salinas              Paul A. Spano
 Susan G. Praeger (3)            Ketty M. Sarouphim              Patricia M. Sparks
 Doris Prater                    Robert Sarrel                   Richard K. Sparks, Jr
 Vincent Presno                  Anthony Saville (2)             Deitra E. Spence
 Jewel L. Prestage               Joe E. Savoie (3)               Gerald E. Sroufe
 Louis H. Primavera              L.E. Scarr                      Robert Stalcup
 Jean Prout                      Robert F. Scherer               Marilyn Stanard
 Joe Raelin                      Phillip Schlechty               Betty E. Steffy (2)
 Charles E. Railsback            Loretta Schmidt                 Dolores A. Stegelin
 Glenda C. Rakes (3)*            Charles Schmitz                 Carl R. Steinhoff (2)
 Thomas A. Rakes (3)             Elizabeth Schmitz               Todd Stephens (2)
 Rangasamy Ramasamy              Liz Schmitz                     Shirley B. Stow
 Dana Rapp                       Gail L. Theierbach- Schneider   William Streshly (4)
 Vicky Rash                      (2)                             Michael E. Sullivan
 Marilyn Rauth                   Mary Jo Schneider               Bruce Swindle (3)
 Charles A. Reavis (2)           Martin W. Schoppmeyer (2)       Marilyn Tallerico
 Kip Redick                      Robert G. Schrader              Stephanie B. Tarver
 Claudia Reed                    Laura Schulte                   Jim Tate
 Donald R. Reed                  Mariellen F. Scott              Raymond G. Taylor, Jr. (5)
 Louis Reed (2)                  Irene Seay                      Paul M. Terry
 William Michael Reid (3)        Joyce Sellers                   W.R. Thayer
 David H. Reilly (2)             Helen M. Sharp (2)              M. Donald Thomas (3)
 Susan Bob Reis                  William L. Sharp (4)            Porter Lee Troutman, Jr. (2)
 Augustina H. Reyes              Catherine A. Shaw               E. John Turner
 Desmond Rice                    Susan Sheridan                  Eric Twadell
 George Ann Rice                 Joseph W. Showalter             Ralph W. Tyler
 Margaret L. Rice                John Sikula                     Dan A. Unruh
 Gordon Richardson               Nancy Sindelar (2)              C. Robert Utermohlen
 James D. Ricks (2)              Brenda Scofield Singleton       Thomas C. Valesky (6)
 Dennis R. Ridley                Charles A. Sloan                Johan W. van der Jagt
 Jack D. Riegle (2)              Alexis Smerecky                 Karen VanderVen
 Kenneth Rippe                   Cy J. Smith                     James P. Van Keuren
 Sam Ritchie                     Edwin R. Smith                  Sharon VanMetre
 Sandra H. Ritter                Jerry L. Smith                  James J. Van Patten (5)
 Ruth Ann Roberts (4)            Michael Clay Smith              Curtis Van Voorhees
 Kathleen Roney                  Donald W. Smitley (2)           Dorothy Vasquez-Levy
 Luis Alfredo Rosado             Bobbie C. Smothers              Jeanette Veatch
 Lee Ross                        Karolyn J. Snyder (5)           Frederick P. Venditti
 Marta A. Roth

*Indicates number of times published in NFEAS JOURNAL

                       NFEAS JOURNAL

Phillip N. Venditti             Janet Whaley                Kay D. Woelfel
Deborah A. Verstegen (2)        Thomas G. Wheeler           W.C. Wolf, Jr. (5)
Joyce P. Vincelette             Norman L. Whisler           Fred Wood
Theopolis Vinson                Kathryn S. Whitaker         James A. Wood (3)
Edward Walker                   Marcia E. O’Neill-White     Carol A. Woolbright
Yiping Wan                      Brent Edward Wholeben       Dode Worsham
Guilan Wang                     Thomas G. Wicks, III        Frances C. Worthey
Mary Ann Ward                   Jana Widder                 Darlene Yanez
Fernelle L. Warren              Richard Wiederspahn         Ginder A. Yarcha
Wenifort Washington             Louis Wildman               Niveen Yaseen
Lemuel W. Watson                Sam T. Wilkes               I. Phillip Young
Karen M. Watt                   Cynthia Williams            Joseph A. Young
James C. Watts                  James A. Williams           Ken M. Young
Olga Watts                      Robyne Carol Williams       Raymond J. Young
William C. Weeks                Charles L. Willis (4)       Russell L. Young
Christopher S. Weiler           Ben Wilson, Jr. (5)         Betty R. Yung
Dan Weinles                     Harold E. Wilson (2)        Sally J. Zepeda
Robert M. Weir, Jr.             Cynthia Wilson              Yixin Zhang
George R. Wells                 Patricia Potter Wilson      Virginia F. Ziegler
Joan E. West                    Mari J. Wirfs               Steve Zinkgraff
Philip T. West (3)*             Donald Wise                 Perry A. Zirkel (4)
                                                            Linda A. Zurplus (2)

                       WRITERS OF BOOK REVIEWS

Robert H. Anderson              David Flight                 Will E. McCarther
John Andes                      Frederick John Gies (16)*    Susan Morrison
Mildred H. Bailey               Cathy L. Guerra-Sakta        Terry Oberg (3)
William J. Bailey               Hurst Hall (2)               William J. O’Neill (5)
Michael J. Berson               Stephen Harper               Robert C. O’Reilly (2)
C. Robert Blackmon              Samuel T. Harris             Sandra rice
John A. Brown                   Lil Hoehn                    Steve Price
Richard A. Capps                Paul L. Kimmelman            James D. Ricks
Dan B. Carr                     June Kisch (2)               Louis Robison
Thomas A. Clinton               Mary Alice Kritsonis         Stern A. Roufa
Donna J. Cole                   WA Kritsonis                 Charles W. Ryan (3)
Donald G. Coleman               Charles Leonard              Kathryn S. Whitaker
                                                             Chuck L. Willis (3)

*Indicates number of times published in NFEAS JOURNAL

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NFEAS JOURNAL, National Alumni Honor Roll of Published Writers - NATIONAL FORUM JOURNALS -

  • 1. 106 NFEAS JOURNAL NATIONAL ALUMNI HONOR ROLL OF PUBLISHED WRITERS Charles M. Achilles (15)* Richard L. Berg Ronald Byrd Glenn Acker Michael J. Berson Gerald J. Calais Michele Acker-Hocevar(2) Authella M. Bessent James Campbell Charles F. Adams E. Wailand Bessent Janis Campbell Sam Adams (2) Loren E. Betz Joseph P. Cangemi (4) Leonard L. Amburgey Sharon I. Bevins James L. Capps Neil G. Amos (2) Harold L. Bishop (2) Richard A. Capps Bobby D. Anderson J.M. Blackbourn (8) Ellen M. Caprio (2) Robert H. Anderson (5) Richard Blackbourn (20) Chris Carem John O. Andes (3) Joseph J. Blasé (2) H.H. Carpenter Tracy Andrus Jack Blendinger Dan B. Carr Richard L. Andrews Gerald R. Boardman (3) John C. Carr Vincent A. Anfara, Jr. Gordon C,. Bobbett Holly B. Casey Kirk S. Ankeney Brian D. Boese Russell N. Cassel (2) Jeffery P. Aper James T. Bolding William B. Castetter (11) Charles T. Araki(3) Rex W. Bolinger Daniel P. Cawdrey John D. Armstrong Sheila Strike-Bolla Tony W. Cawthon Penny S. Arnold Diane Boothe Cevat Celep Shundra Arrington-Warren John Borba David Center (2) Elvis H. Arterbury Richard Thomas Bothel Stephanie Chaffins Garth J. Babcock Daniel J. Boudah Lynne Chalmers (2) John S. Backes (2) Lynn K. Bradshaw John D. Chamley (2) Kenny Baden EdBrand Edward W. Chance (10) Richard A. Baggett Gary V. Branson Patti L. Chance Cristian Bahrim Jason Breaux Paul Chapman (2) George W. Bailey Frank C. Brocato LaDonna Childers Max A. Bailey (2) Barbara Brock Ronald B. Childress Sandra S. Bailey (2) James D. Brodzinski Grace Butler Chisolm Dr. H.P. Bain Lesley H. Browder, Jr. Kamil Efe Cirak Carol E. Baker Gilbert C. Brown Charles T. Clark Brian D. Barnhart John A. Brown (3) David L. Clark David E. Bartz Kathleen M. Brown Karen L. Clark Margaret R. Basom Ric Brown Robert L. Clark Lori A. Beach Kimberly Brown-Headrick Thomas G. Clausen Jack L. Beal Dale Brubaker Delbert K. Clear I.R. Bearden (2) Martha Bruckner W. James Clees Mary Jo Beck (3) Darlene Y. Bruner John R. Cochren Edgar H. Bedenbaugh (2) Miles T. Bryant (3) Seth R. Cohen James A. Belasco Robert Buchanan (4) Donna J. Cole Edwin D. Bell Janiece Buck Donald G. Coleman (6) Alfredo H. Benavides Daryl V. Burckel Henry Steele Commager (2) Ephraim Ben0Baruch I. Emett Burnett, Jr, (4) Sharon Conley Patricia A. Bennett Beth A. Butler H. Phillips Constans, Jr. Vince Benoit *Indicates number of times published in NFEAS JOURNAL
  • 2. 107 NFEAS JOURNAL NATIONAL ALUMNI HONOR ROLL OF PUBLISHED WRITERS Philip G. Cooker Donald F. DeMoulin (10) Mary L. Fiedler Bruce S. Cooper George S. Denny (3) Beverly Findley Mark J. Cooper B. C. DeSpain (4) J.D. Finn Robert B. Cooter (2)* Mark W. Dewalt Susan Fisher J.L. Cornelius Gerald Dickinson Robert W. Flinchbaugh Joe P. Cornelius Victoria Jean Dimidjian Samuel W. Flynt Andrew Corrigan Feng S. Din George Foldesy (2) Griselda Cossio Eid H. Dirani Christopher S. Fontenot Edward Costa John Dively Clifford D. Foster Nancy Cothern John P. Dolly Larry E. Frase (3) John Cotsakos (3) Shelly M. Dorn (2) Edmund R. Frazier Eileen F. Coutts Carolyn J. Downey Ron French Glenda C. Cox Thelbert L. Drake Russell French Myron K. Cox Francis D. Driscoll Sally J. Frudden (2) Don A. Cozzetto Virgie M. Dronet Hugh Fruge (2) Carolyn Crawford J. Michael Drushal Margery B. Fulton Lee C. Crawford Mary Ellen Drushal (2) Ray Fulton Victoria Crittenden Penelope Duarte Harold E. Fuqua, Jr. Nicholas P. Criscuolo (3) Rebecca DuFour MaryAnn C. Gaines Michael Crist Richard DuFour Karen S. Gallagher (2) Cynthia Cronk Kenneth J. Dunn R.J. Gallagher Victoria Crittenden Rita Dunn Olga Flores Garcia Michael L. Cunningham Lloyd Duvall (2) A. Warren Garrett Mary Curfman Allen B. Dyal Gene Geisert John P. Curley Robert Eaker William Georgia (2) Margaret H. Dalton (2) Joan E. Eberle W. Gregory Gerick (2) W. Elzie Danley Wally Edgell Chhanda Ghose Leon Dappen David Edgerson Frederick John Gies (5) John C. Daresh (3) Carla Edlefson Michael B. Gilbert John R. Darling S. Michal Edwards Thomas E. Glass Larry D’Assissi Russell Eisenman (2) Clement Glenn (2) Linda J. Davenport Richard England Ernest R. Goeres (2) Barry S. Davidson (4) Fenwick English (5) Eugene L. Golanda Daniel R. Davies (5) Robin J. Enns Keith Goldhammer Jane Furr Davis Mary L. Errico Deborah Gonzalez T. Larry Davis (2) Nathan Essex (2) Luz E. Gonzalez Todd M. Davis Nolan Estes Johnny L. Good William E. Davis Ron Everhart John I. Goodlad (2) Ronald G. Davison Dan Ezell Judith R. Gordon Kamal Dawani (2) Dorothy A. Faast William M. Gordon Susan T. Dean Susan Faircloth Richard A. Gorton Philip E. Dearborn Sidney L. Faucette Fara M. Goulas Lawrence Deckinger Neil T. Faulk (3) Marvin W. Gould Roger A. DeMont Carolyn Fiascki Marilyn L. Grady (6) *Indicates number of times published in NFEAS JOURNAL
  • 3. 108 NFEAS JOURNAL NATIONAL ALUMNI HONOR ROLL OF PUBLISHED WRITERS Patricia L. Graham Stephenie M. Hewett Joseph A. Kariotis (2) S. Penny Gray Reggie High Katherine L. Kasten (2) Bernal L. Green Beverly Hill Jerry Kaster Edward T. Green Larry W. Hillman Malcolm Katz Marci Greene (4)* Chantell W. Hines Barbara Kean Bobbie Jean Greenlee Charles Hinman John Keedy (2) Kimberly G. Griffith Marilyn A. Hirth JoAnn Kellogg Ronald Gross J. Gardner Hobbs (2) Albert L. Kennard (2) Steven J. Gross Tim Hobbs Thomas A. Kersten Roslin Growe Mitch Holifield Lloyd C. Kilmer (2) Charles W. Guditus David Holman Dan L. King (2) Robert D. Guillory Brandi Holt (2) David I. Kinman Bruce Gunn H. H. Hooper Lloyd Kinnison Lorraine J. Guth Dianne D. Horgan June A. Kisch John W. Guyton Julie E. Horine Ann G. Klein Bill Hall Linda Houck Colleen Klein Brandi Hall Jane B. Huffman Mary Alice Klein J. Floyd Hall Teresa A. Hughes (2) Stephen J. Knezevich (2) Michael L. Hall William Hughes Dianne M. Kochamba Dean Halverson (3) William Hunter John W. Kohl Herbert M. Handley Charlotte Hutchens Robert B. Kottkamp Dwight Hare Joanne Ingham Bruce W. Kowalski (3) E. Jean Harper (2) Elmer J. Ireton (4) Casimir J. Kowalski Benjamin M. Harris (3) Madelyn Isaacs (2) Theodore J. Kowalski L.A. Harris Richard E. Ishler Thomas L. Krepel (3) Patricia Simms Harrison Almeda R. Jacks William J. Kritek Karen E. Hart Roy L. Jacobs Mary Alice Kritsonis (4) Lynn Hartle Thomas Jeffrey William Allan Kritsonis (88) Richard Hartnett Margaret Jenkins Bernita Krumm Jan E. Hasbrouck Kathleen S. Jenney Sherry A. Lahr Kevin Hatch Ricardo Jerez R.M. Lalik Pamela A Havice Ping Ji James La Plant Bree A. Hayes Kent F. Johansen Y.L. Jack Lam (4) Karen Hayes Annabel M. Johnson (2) Michael Langenbach Richard L. Hayes Judy A. Johnson Gayle A. Langis M. K. Hamza Margaret M. Johnson Nan Langowitz Margaret R. Heeney (2) William L. Johnson (3) Raymond F. Latta Beverly A. Heimann April Jones James C. Laub (3) Richard S. Heisler Don Jones Paul A. Leary (6) Stephen P. Hencley Linda T. Jones Linda LaBauve LeBert Regina P. Hendrix Richard V. Jones Theresa Lee Lula J. Henry Sheila Dove Jones Donald K. Lemon Wilma J. Henry Teresa Jordan Barbara Leonard Chuck Herman Monday T. Joshua Rex Leonard Douglas Hermond Mohammad Kabbani B. Charles Leonard *Indicates number of times published in NFEAS JOURNAL
  • 4. 109 NFEAS JOURNAL NATIONAL ALUMNI HONOR ROLL OF PUBLISHED WRITERS Leon M. Lessinger John McCarty Lautrice Nickson Paula E. Lester Johnny E. McGaha Diane M. Niederriter Joel M. Levine James O. McDowelle Harold L. Nixon Rafael Lewy Charles S. McElroy (2) David Noonan Carol N. Ligon Mildred L. McGee Donald M. Norman Claudette Merrell Ligons Michael C. McKenna Sharon Jenkins Norman H. Edward Lilley Donna McLaughlin Cynthia J. Norris (3) Edward R. Lilly (3) Larry McNeal Ellen Elms Notar Ronald A. Lindahl Richard Meckley (4) Anna Dimy Nguyen Elizabeth C. Lindeberg Robert L. Medcalf Barbara A. Nye (2) Jimmy D. Lindsey Charles Meisgeier Celeste Oakes Walter Liston Robbie Kendall-Melton Fidelis E. Obo Ching-Jen Liu Allen Menlo Rodney T. Ogawa Martha J. Livingston (2)* Norma T. Mertz Karen Okeafor Ann Lockledge Phillip E. Messner Peter F. Oliva Judith Loredo Jim Meza Charleen B. Olliff Gary Lounsberry George Michel (4) Myrna R. Olson Terry L. Lovelace Eva Midobuche Roger G. Olstad Otis LoVette John W. Miller William James O’Neill (3) Guat Tin Low Laura K. Miller Carolyn L. O’Rourke (2) Donald C. Lueder Robert Millward Joseph J. Orze James E. Lyons Clydie K. Mitchell Nick Osborne James E. MacAlister Bob Moawad Joseph Pacha (3) Faith MacMurtrie Janet Monroe Anita M. Pankake (2) Angus J. MacNeil Dianne S. Monteith Rosemary Papalwis (6) Cleborne D. Maddux Cynthia Montgomery Bobby Papasan Richard P. Manatt Paula Montgomery Marjorie L. Pappas Terri L. Mangione William G. Monahan (2) Louis V. Paradise Nicholas Mansor R. Wayne Mondy Fred R. Parker Tom Many Lamar Moody (3) David J. Parks (2) Frank W. Markus (5) Rock D. Moore John J. Paterson Robert L. Marshall(4) Mada Kay Morehead Estelle Pau-on-Lau James A. Martin Linda Morford James S. Payne (2) Sharon B. Martin Marlene J. Morgan Kay E. Payne Roderick R. Matheson (2) Nancy T. Morris Hugh I. Peck Myrna Matranga (4) Stanton Morris Gary L. Peltier (3) Lewis B. Mayhew (2) Rhonda Collins Morton Jenny Penland Melissa McBride Monte C. Moses Robin Perez Cathy McCaffrey Mary Mosley George Perreault Bob McCaig Anthony Muhammad Richard P. Perry Linda McCall Sharon Mukes Chris L. Peters (2) Will E. McCarther (2) Carole Heitman Murphy (2) Arthur L. Petterway Donna McCaw Richard K. Murray Lonnie Phelps Debra Ray McCartney-Simon Jorge O. Nelson Vicki Bohling-Philippi Linda Morford Clyde Newmiller William K. Poston, Jr. Everett Nicholson *Indicates number of times published in NFEAS JOURNAL
  • 5. 110 NFEAS JOURNAL NATIONAL ALUMNI HONOR ROLL OF PUBLISHED WRITERS Judy C. Pierce Stanley William Rothstein Kristen M. Snyder William E. Piland Mark A. Runco Timothy D. Snyder Donald L. Piper (2) James A. Runkel (2) Pat Socoski Janet L. Pladson Charles W. Ryan (2) Norman Sommers Marsha A. Playko Joseph F. Ryan Joseph C. Sommerville (2) Judith A. Ponticell Roselia A, Salinas Paul A. Spano Susan G. Praeger (3) Ketty M. Sarouphim Patricia M. Sparks Doris Prater Robert Sarrel Richard K. Sparks, Jr Vincent Presno Anthony Saville (2) Deitra E. Spence Jewel L. Prestage Joe E. Savoie (3) Gerald E. Sroufe Louis H. Primavera L.E. Scarr Robert Stalcup Jean Prout Robert F. Scherer Marilyn Stanard Joe Raelin Phillip Schlechty Betty E. Steffy (2) Charles E. Railsback Loretta Schmidt Dolores A. Stegelin Glenda C. Rakes (3)* Charles Schmitz Carl R. Steinhoff (2) Thomas A. Rakes (3) Elizabeth Schmitz Todd Stephens (2) Rangasamy Ramasamy Liz Schmitz Shirley B. Stow Dana Rapp Gail L. Theierbach- Schneider William Streshly (4) Vicky Rash (2) Michael E. Sullivan Marilyn Rauth Mary Jo Schneider Bruce Swindle (3) Charles A. Reavis (2) Martin W. Schoppmeyer (2) Marilyn Tallerico Kip Redick Robert G. Schrader Stephanie B. Tarver Claudia Reed Laura Schulte Jim Tate Donald R. Reed Mariellen F. Scott Raymond G. Taylor, Jr. (5) Louis Reed (2) Irene Seay Paul M. Terry William Michael Reid (3) Joyce Sellers W.R. Thayer David H. Reilly (2) Helen M. Sharp (2) M. Donald Thomas (3) Susan Bob Reis William L. Sharp (4) Porter Lee Troutman, Jr. (2) Augustina H. Reyes Catherine A. Shaw E. John Turner Desmond Rice Susan Sheridan Eric Twadell George Ann Rice Joseph W. Showalter Ralph W. Tyler Margaret L. Rice John Sikula Dan A. Unruh Gordon Richardson Nancy Sindelar (2) C. Robert Utermohlen James D. Ricks (2) Brenda Scofield Singleton Thomas C. Valesky (6) Dennis R. Ridley Charles A. Sloan Johan W. van der Jagt Jack D. Riegle (2) Alexis Smerecky Karen VanderVen Kenneth Rippe Cy J. Smith James P. Van Keuren Sam Ritchie Edwin R. Smith Sharon VanMetre Sandra H. Ritter Jerry L. Smith James J. Van Patten (5) Ruth Ann Roberts (4) Michael Clay Smith Curtis Van Voorhees Kathleen Roney Donald W. Smitley (2) Dorothy Vasquez-Levy Luis Alfredo Rosado Bobbie C. Smothers Jeanette Veatch Lee Ross Karolyn J. Snyder (5) Frederick P. Venditti Marta A. Roth *Indicates number of times published in NFEAS JOURNAL
  • 6. 111 NFEAS JOURNAL NATIONAL ALUMNI HONOR ROLL OF PUBLISHED WRITERS Phillip N. Venditti Janet Whaley Kay D. Woelfel Deborah A. Verstegen (2) Thomas G. Wheeler W.C. Wolf, Jr. (5) Joyce P. Vincelette Norman L. Whisler Fred Wood Theopolis Vinson Kathryn S. Whitaker James A. Wood (3) Edward Walker Marcia E. O’Neill-White Carol A. Woolbright Yiping Wan Brent Edward Wholeben Dode Worsham Guilan Wang Thomas G. Wicks, III Frances C. Worthey Mary Ann Ward Jana Widder Darlene Yanez Fernelle L. Warren Richard Wiederspahn Ginder A. Yarcha Wenifort Washington Louis Wildman Niveen Yaseen Lemuel W. Watson Sam T. Wilkes I. Phillip Young Karen M. Watt Cynthia Williams Joseph A. Young James C. Watts James A. Williams Ken M. Young Olga Watts Robyne Carol Williams Raymond J. Young William C. Weeks Charles L. Willis (4) Russell L. Young Christopher S. Weiler Ben Wilson, Jr. (5) Betty R. Yung Dan Weinles Harold E. Wilson (2) Sally J. Zepeda Robert M. Weir, Jr. Cynthia Wilson Yixin Zhang George R. Wells Patricia Potter Wilson Virginia F. Ziegler Joan E. West Mari J. Wirfs Steve Zinkgraff Philip T. West (3)* Donald Wise Perry A. Zirkel (4) Linda A. Zurplus (2) WRITERS OF BOOK REVIEWS Robert H. Anderson David Flight Will E. McCarther John Andes Frederick John Gies (16)* Susan Morrison Mildred H. Bailey Cathy L. Guerra-Sakta Terry Oberg (3) William J. Bailey Hurst Hall (2) William J. O’Neill (5) Michael J. Berson Stephen Harper Robert C. O’Reilly (2) C. Robert Blackmon Samuel T. Harris Sandra rice John A. Brown Lil Hoehn Steve Price Richard A. Capps Paul L. Kimmelman James D. Ricks Dan B. Carr June Kisch (2) Louis Robison Thomas A. Clinton Mary Alice Kritsonis Stern A. Roufa Donna J. Cole WA Kritsonis Charles W. Ryan (3) Donald G. Coleman Charles Leonard Kathryn S. Whitaker Chuck L. Willis (3) *Indicates number of times published in NFEAS JOURNAL
  • 7.
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