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                 Sebastian Rettig

“Work on Haskell began in 1987 when aa committee of
 “Work on Haskell began in 1987 when committee of
researchers got together to design aa kick-asslanguage.” ([1])
 researchers got together to design kick-ass language.” ([1])
Imperative Programming
●   Variables (value placeholder)
       –   Value can change during program flow
●   Modules, Classes, Functions, Procedures
●   Control Flow Structures (IF THEN ELSE,
     Loops (WHILE), Goto)
Functional Programming
●   No Variables
●   Functions only, eventually stored in
       –   Behavior do not change, once defined
       –   → Function called with same parameter
            calculates always the same result
●   Function definitions (Match Cases)
●   Recursion
Haskell Refresher Quiz
●   What's the red one ?

maxList :: (Ord a) => [a] -> a

maxList [] = error “empty”
maxList [x] = x
maxList (x:xs)
    | x > maxTail = x
    | otherwise = maxTail
    where maxTail = maxList xs
Haskell Refresher Quiz
●   What's the red one ?

maxList :: (Ord a) => [a] -> a
maxList [] = error “empty”
maxList [x] = x
maxList (x:xs)
    | x > maxTail = x
    | otherwise = maxTail
    where maxTail = maxList xs
Haskell Refresher Quiz
●   What's the red one ?

maxList :: (Ord a) => [a] -> a

maxList [] = error “empty”
maxList [x] = x
maxList (x:xs)
    | x > maxTail = x
    | otherwise = maxTail
    where maxTail = maxList xs
Haskell Refresher Quiz
●   What's the red one ?

maxList :: (Ord a) => [a] -> a
                                 Function Header
maxList [] = error “empty”
maxList [x] = x
maxList (x:xs)
    | x > maxTail = x
    | otherwise = maxTail
    where maxTail = maxList xs
Haskell Refresher Quiz
●   What's the red one ?
    maxList :: [Int] -> Int

    maxList [] = error “empty”
    maxList [x] = x
    maxList (x:xs)
     | x > maxTail = x
     | otherwise = maxTail
     where maxTail = maxList xs
Haskell Refresher Quiz
●   What's the red one ?
    maxList :: [Int] -> Int

●   maxList [] = error “empty”
    maxList [x] = x
    maxList (x:xs)
     | x > maxTail = x            Function Body
     | otherwise = maxTail
     where maxTail = maxList xs
Haskell Functions
●   function contains header and body
●   header consists of type definition:
    <funcname> :: <param> [ -> <param_n>] -> <result>
●   body consists of pattern rules and calculation
     <funcname> <paramalias_1> [<paramalias_n>] =
●   Example (2 params if type [Int] & Int, result Bool):
          isHead :: [Int] -> Int -> Bool
          isHead xs i = i==head xs
Haskell Refresher Quiz
●    What's the red one ?

    maxList :: [Int] ->   Int

    maxList [] = error “empty”
    maxList [x] = x
    maxList (x:xs)
     | x > maxTail = x
     | otherwise = maxTail
     where maxTail = maxList xs
Haskell Refresher Quiz
●    What's the red one ?

    maxList :: [Int] ->   Int
    maxList [] = error “empty”
    maxList [x] = x
    maxList (x:xs)
     | x > maxTail = x
     | otherwise = maxTail
     where maxTail = maxList xs
Types in Haskell (1)
Starts with uppercase first character

●   Int bounded from -2147483648 to 2147483647
●   Integer unbounded (for big numbers) but slower than Int
●   Float floating point (single precision)
●   Double floating point (double precision)
●   Bool boolean
●   Char character
●   String list of Char (String == [Char])
Types in Haskell (2)
●   Lists: must be homogenous (entries from the same type)
        –   [] empty List
        –   [Int] List of Int
        –   But e.g. [Int, Bool] not allowed (not homogenous)!
●   Tuples: can contain different types BUT have fixed length
        –   () empty tuple (has only 1 value)
        –   (Int, Bool) tuple of a pair Int, Bool
        –   (Int, Bool, Bool) tuple of Int, Bool, Bool
Lists & List Comprehension
●   Example: double entries in list
           doubleList [] = []
           doubleList (x:xs) = x:x:doubleList xs
       –   e.g. [1,2,3] → x=1; xs=[2,3]
●   Multiplication of a list of values:
           Hugs> product [1..5]
●   or in a function:
           fac n = product [1..n]
Haskell Refresher Quiz
●    What's the red one ?
maxList :: [Int] -> Int

maxList [] =          error “empty”
maxList [x] = x
maxList (x:xs)

    | x > maxTail = x
    | otherwise = maxTail
    where maxTail = maxList xs
Haskell Refresher Quiz
●    What's the red one ?
maxList :: [Int] -> Int

maxList [] =
maxList [x] = x
                      error “empty”
maxList (x:xs)
    | x > maxTail = x
    | otherwise = maxTail
    where maxTail = maxList xs
Haskell Refresher Quiz
●   What's the red one ?
●   maxList :: [Int] -> Int

    maxList [] = error “empty”
    maxList [x] = x
    maxList (x:xs)

     | x > maxTail = x
     | otherwise = maxTail

     where maxTail = maxList xs
Haskell Refresher Quiz
●   What's the red one ?

    maxList :: [Int] -> Int

    maxList [] = error “empty”
    maxList [x] = x
    maxList (x:xs)

     | x > maxTail = x
     | otherwise = maxTail        Guards
     where maxTail = maxList xs
Haskell Refresher Quiz
●   What's the red one ?
    maxList :: [Int] -> Int

    maxList [] = error “empty”
    maxList [x] = x
    maxList (x:xs)
     | x > maxTail = x
     | otherwise = maxTail

     where maxTail = maxList xs
Haskell Refresher Quiz
●   What's the red one ?
    maxList :: [Int] -> Int

    maxList [] = error “empty”
    maxList [x] = x
    maxList (x:xs)
     | x > maxTail = x
     | otherwise = maxTail
     where maxTail = maxList xs
                                  'where' clause
Pattern Matching (1)
●   create matching rules:
        fac 0 = 1
        fac n = n * fac (n-1)
●   use wildcards to ignore parameters in
        take 0 _ = []
        take _ [] = []
        take n (x:xs) = [x] ++ take (n-1) xs
Pattern Matching (2)
●   use Guards to separate a matching case deeper:
            myFilter _ [] = []
            myFilter f (x:xs)
               | f==x = x:myFilter g xs
               | otherwise = myFilter f xs
               where g = 2*f
        –   like an IF THEN ELSE
        –   Guard Condition evaluate to Bool (True/False)
●   eventually define values with where-clause
            myFilter 2 [1,2,3,4,5,6] results to [2,4]
●   Recursion vs. Final Recursion:
countX :: Int -> [Int] -> Int           ●   Hugs> countX 3 [1,4,3,5,3]
countX x [] = 0                              2
countX x (y:ys)
  | x==y = 1 + countX x ys
  | otherwise = countX x ys

                     countXFinal :: Int -> [Int] -> Int -> Int
                     countXFinal x [] accu = accu
                     countXFinal x (y:ys) accu
                       | x==y = countXFinal x ys accu+1
                       | otherwise = countXFinal x ys accu
●   use accumulator to reduce stack usage
●   Hugs> countXFinal 3 [1,4,3,5,3] 0
Haskell Refresher Quiz
  ●   What's the red one ?

maxList ::   (Ord a) =>   [a] -> a

maxList [] = error “empty”
maxList [x] = x
maxList (x:xs)
 | x > maxTail = x
 | otherwise = maxTail
 where maxTail = maxList xs
Haskell Refresher Quiz
  ●   What's the red one ?

maxList ::   (Ord a) =>   [a] -> a
maxList [] = error “empty”
maxList [x] = x
maxList (x:xs)
 | x > maxTail = x
 | otherwise = maxTail
 where maxTail = maxList xs
Haskell Refresher Quiz
 ●     What's the red one ?

maxList :: (Ord       a   ) =>    [a] -> a

maxList [] = error “empty”
maxList [x] = x
maxList (x:xs)
     | x > maxTail = x
     | otherwise = maxTail
     where maxTail = maxList xs
Haskell Refresher Quiz
 ●     What's the red one ?

maxList :: (Ord       a   ) =>    [a] -> a
                                             Type variable
maxList [] = error “empty”
maxList [x] = x
maxList (x:xs)
     | x > maxTail = x
     | otherwise = maxTail
     where maxTail = maxList xs
Type Polymorphism (1)
●   Statically typed, but Compiler can read type from
      context (type inference)
●   → no need to set type explicitly
●   → makes function more generic for different
     kinds of types (type polymorphism)
       –   Why should I use quicksort :: [Int] -> [Int]
       –   even if I also want to sort character?
           Hugs> quicksort ['f','a','d','b']
Type Polymorphism (2)
●   the header of our previous implementations could be
    fact :: Int -> Int
    maxList :: [Int] -> Int
●   but is only limited to Int, but maxList could also
      handle Char
●   → why not make it generic?
    maxList :: [a] -> a
●   but what happens, if the corresponding Type is not
      comparable or cannot be ordered?
Type Polymorphism (3)
●   Solution: use Typeclasses
    maxList :: (Ord a) => [a] -> a
●   then we can be sure to use (<,<=, ==, /=, >=, >)
●   function header can contain multiple typeclasses
    maxList :: (Ord a, Eq b) => [a] -> [b] -> a
●   In Haskell-Interpreter: to list the function header
    :t <function_name>
Typeclasses (1)
●   define properties of the types
●   like an interface
●   Typeclasses:
         –   Eq can be compared
         –   Ord can be ordered (>, <, >=, <=) (extending Eq)
         –   Show can be shown as string
         –   Read opposite of Show
         –   Enum sequentially ordered types (can be enumerated
             and usable in List-Ranges ['a'..'e'])
Typeclasses (2)
●   Typeclasses:
         –   Bounded upper/lower bound (minBound, maxBound)
         –   Num types behave like numbers (must already be Show, Eq)
         –   Integral contains only integrals (subclass of Num)
         –   Floating corresponding real numbers (subclass of Num)
●   if all Types of tuple are in same Typeclass → Tuple also in
Haskell Refresher Quiz
●   Which will terminate?
    (1)   head [1..]
    (2)   last [1..]
    (3)   tail [1,2,3,4,5,6]
    (4)   init (take 5 (cycle [1..]))
Haskell Refresher Quiz
●   Which will terminate?
    (1) head [1..]
    (2) last [1..]
    (3) tail [1,2,3,4,5,6]
    (4) init (take 5 (cycle [1..]))
●   (1), (3) and (4) because of
    Lazy Evaluation
Lazy Evaluation
●   Function execution only if result is needed
●   → Program = series of data-transformations
●   Example: A(B(C(x)))
       –   If A needs result from B → call B
       –   If B needs result from C → call C
Haskell Refresher Quiz
●   Which one is faster?
    (1)   head (take 5 [1,2,3,4,5,6])
    (2)   head (take 5 [1..10])
    (3)   head (take 5 [1..])
    (4)   head (take 5 (cycle [1..10]))
Haskell Refresher Quiz
●   Which one is faster?
    (1) head (take 5 [1,2,3,4,5,6])
    (2) head (take 5 [1..10])
    (3) head (take 5 [1..])
    (4) head (take 5 (cycle [1..10]))
●   Everyone is equal because of
    Lazy Loading
[1] Haskell-Tutorial: Learn you a Haskell (,
[2] The Hugs User-Manual (, 2012/03/15)
[3] The Haskellwiki (, 2012/03/15)

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03. haskell refresher quiz

  • 1. Refresher Sebastian Rettig “Work on Haskell began in 1987 when aa committee of “Work on Haskell began in 1987 when committee of researchers got together to design aa kick-asslanguage.” ([1]) researchers got together to design kick-ass language.” ([1])
  • 2. Imperative Programming ● Variables (value placeholder) – Value can change during program flow ● Modules, Classes, Functions, Procedures ● Control Flow Structures (IF THEN ELSE, Loops (WHILE), Goto)
  • 3. Functional Programming ● No Variables ● Functions only, eventually stored in Modules – Behavior do not change, once defined – → Function called with same parameter calculates always the same result ● Function definitions (Match Cases) ● Recursion
  • 4. Haskell Refresher Quiz ● What's the red one ? ● maxList :: (Ord a) => [a] -> a maxList [] = error “empty” maxList [x] = x maxList (x:xs) | x > maxTail = x | otherwise = maxTail where maxTail = maxList xs
  • 5. Haskell Refresher Quiz ● What's the red one ? ● maxList :: (Ord a) => [a] -> a Function maxList [] = error “empty” maxList [x] = x maxList (x:xs) | x > maxTail = x | otherwise = maxTail where maxTail = maxList xs
  • 6. Haskell Refresher Quiz ● What's the red one ? ● maxList :: (Ord a) => [a] -> a maxList [] = error “empty” maxList [x] = x maxList (x:xs) | x > maxTail = x | otherwise = maxTail where maxTail = maxList xs
  • 7. Haskell Refresher Quiz ● What's the red one ? ● maxList :: (Ord a) => [a] -> a Function Header maxList [] = error “empty” maxList [x] = x maxList (x:xs) | x > maxTail = x | otherwise = maxTail where maxTail = maxList xs
  • 8. Haskell Refresher Quiz ● What's the red one ? maxList :: [Int] -> Int maxList [] = error “empty” maxList [x] = x maxList (x:xs) | x > maxTail = x | otherwise = maxTail where maxTail = maxList xs
  • 9. Haskell Refresher Quiz ● What's the red one ? ● maxList :: [Int] -> Int ● maxList [] = error “empty” maxList [x] = x maxList (x:xs) | x > maxTail = x Function Body | otherwise = maxTail where maxTail = maxList xs
  • 10. Haskell Functions ● function contains header and body ● header consists of type definition: <funcname> :: <param> [ -> <param_n>] -> <result> ● body consists of pattern rules and calculation <funcname> <paramalias_1> [<paramalias_n>] = {calc} ● Example (2 params if type [Int] & Int, result Bool): isHead :: [Int] -> Int -> Bool isHead xs i = i==head xs
  • 11. Haskell Refresher Quiz ● What's the red one ? ● maxList :: [Int] -> Int maxList [] = error “empty” maxList [x] = x maxList (x:xs) | x > maxTail = x | otherwise = maxTail where maxTail = maxList xs
  • 12. Haskell Refresher Quiz ● What's the red one ? ● maxList :: [Int] -> Int Type maxList [] = error “empty” maxList [x] = x maxList (x:xs) | x > maxTail = x | otherwise = maxTail where maxTail = maxList xs
  • 13. Types in Haskell (1) Starts with uppercase first character ● Int bounded from -2147483648 to 2147483647 ● Integer unbounded (for big numbers) but slower than Int ● Float floating point (single precision) ● Double floating point (double precision) ● Bool boolean ● Char character ● String list of Char (String == [Char])
  • 14. Types in Haskell (2) ● Lists: must be homogenous (entries from the same type) – [] empty List – [Int] List of Int – But e.g. [Int, Bool] not allowed (not homogenous)! ● Tuples: can contain different types BUT have fixed length – () empty tuple (has only 1 value) – (Int, Bool) tuple of a pair Int, Bool – (Int, Bool, Bool) tuple of Int, Bool, Bool
  • 15. Lists & List Comprehension ● Example: double entries in list doubleList [] = [] doubleList (x:xs) = x:x:doubleList xs – e.g. [1,2,3] → x=1; xs=[2,3] ● Multiplication of a list of values: Hugs> product [1..5] 120 ● or in a function: fac n = product [1..n]
  • 16. Haskell Refresher Quiz ● What's the red one ? ● maxList :: [Int] -> Int maxList [] = error “empty” maxList [x] = x maxList (x:xs) | x > maxTail = x | otherwise = maxTail where maxTail = maxList xs
  • 17. Haskell Refresher Quiz ● What's the red one ? ● maxList :: [Int] -> Int maxList [] = maxList [x] = x error “empty” Pattern maxList (x:xs) Matching | x > maxTail = x | otherwise = maxTail where maxTail = maxList xs
  • 18. Haskell Refresher Quiz ● What's the red one ? ● maxList :: [Int] -> Int maxList [] = error “empty” maxList [x] = x maxList (x:xs) | x > maxTail = x | otherwise = maxTail where maxTail = maxList xs
  • 19. Haskell Refresher Quiz ● What's the red one ? ● maxList :: [Int] -> Int maxList [] = error “empty” maxList [x] = x maxList (x:xs) | x > maxTail = x | otherwise = maxTail Guards where maxTail = maxList xs
  • 20. Haskell Refresher Quiz ● What's the red one ? ● maxList :: [Int] -> Int maxList [] = error “empty” maxList [x] = x maxList (x:xs) | x > maxTail = x | otherwise = maxTail where maxTail = maxList xs
  • 21. Haskell Refresher Quiz ● What's the red one ? ● maxList :: [Int] -> Int maxList [] = error “empty” maxList [x] = x maxList (x:xs) | x > maxTail = x | otherwise = maxTail Additional where maxTail = maxList xs 'where' clause
  • 22. Pattern Matching (1) ● create matching rules: fac 0 = 1 fac n = n * fac (n-1) ● use wildcards to ignore parameters in pattern: take 0 _ = [] take _ [] = [] take n (x:xs) = [x] ++ take (n-1) xs
  • 23. Pattern Matching (2) ● use Guards to separate a matching case deeper: myFilter _ [] = [] myFilter f (x:xs) | f==x = x:myFilter g xs | otherwise = myFilter f xs where g = 2*f – like an IF THEN ELSE – Guard Condition evaluate to Bool (True/False) ● eventually define values with where-clause myFilter 2 [1,2,3,4,5,6] results to [2,4]
  • 24. Recursion ● Recursion vs. Final Recursion: countX :: Int -> [Int] -> Int ● Hugs> countX 3 [1,4,3,5,3] countX x [] = 0 2 countX x (y:ys) | x==y = 1 + countX x ys | otherwise = countX x ys countXFinal :: Int -> [Int] -> Int -> Int countXFinal x [] accu = accu countXFinal x (y:ys) accu | x==y = countXFinal x ys accu+1 | otherwise = countXFinal x ys accu ● use accumulator to reduce stack usage ● Hugs> countXFinal 3 [1,4,3,5,3] 0 2
  • 25. Haskell Refresher Quiz ● What's the red one ? ● maxList :: (Ord a) => [a] -> a maxList [] = error “empty” maxList [x] = x maxList (x:xs) | x > maxTail = x | otherwise = maxTail where maxTail = maxList xs
  • 26. Haskell Refresher Quiz ● What's the red one ? ● maxList :: (Ord a) => [a] -> a Typeclass maxList [] = error “empty” maxList [x] = x maxList (x:xs) | x > maxTail = x | otherwise = maxTail where maxTail = maxList xs
  • 27. Haskell Refresher Quiz ● What's the red one ? ● maxList :: (Ord a ) => [a] -> a maxList [] = error “empty” maxList [x] = x maxList (x:xs) | x > maxTail = x | otherwise = maxTail where maxTail = maxList xs
  • 28. Haskell Refresher Quiz ● What's the red one ? ● maxList :: (Ord a ) => [a] -> a Type variable maxList [] = error “empty” maxList [x] = x maxList (x:xs) | x > maxTail = x | otherwise = maxTail where maxTail = maxList xs
  • 29. Type Polymorphism (1) ● Statically typed, but Compiler can read type from context (type inference) ● → no need to set type explicitly ● → makes function more generic for different kinds of types (type polymorphism) – Why should I use quicksort :: [Int] -> [Int] – even if I also want to sort character? Hugs> quicksort ['f','a','d','b'] "abdf"
  • 30. Type Polymorphism (2) ● the header of our previous implementations could be fact :: Int -> Int maxList :: [Int] -> Int ● but is only limited to Int, but maxList could also handle Char ● → why not make it generic? maxList :: [a] -> a ● but what happens, if the corresponding Type is not comparable or cannot be ordered?
  • 31. Type Polymorphism (3) ● Solution: use Typeclasses maxList :: (Ord a) => [a] -> a ● then we can be sure to use (<,<=, ==, /=, >=, >) ● function header can contain multiple typeclasses maxList :: (Ord a, Eq b) => [a] -> [b] -> a ● In Haskell-Interpreter: to list the function header :t <function_name>
  • 32. Typeclasses (1) ● define properties of the types ● like an interface ● Typeclasses: – Eq can be compared – Ord can be ordered (>, <, >=, <=) (extending Eq) – Show can be shown as string – Read opposite of Show – Enum sequentially ordered types (can be enumerated and usable in List-Ranges ['a'..'e'])
  • 33. Typeclasses (2) ● Typeclasses: – Bounded upper/lower bound (minBound, maxBound) – Num types behave like numbers (must already be Show, Eq) – Integral contains only integrals (subclass of Num) – Floating corresponding real numbers (subclass of Num) ● if all Types of tuple are in same Typeclass → Tuple also in Typeclass
  • 34. Haskell Refresher Quiz ● Which will terminate? (1) head [1..] (2) last [1..] (3) tail [1,2,3,4,5,6] (4) init (take 5 (cycle [1..]))
  • 35. Haskell Refresher Quiz ● Which will terminate? (1) head [1..] (2) last [1..] (3) tail [1,2,3,4,5,6] (4) init (take 5 (cycle [1..])) ● (1), (3) and (4) because of Lazy Evaluation
  • 36. Lazy Evaluation ● Function execution only if result is needed ● → Program = series of data-transformations ● Example: A(B(C(x))) – If A needs result from B → call B – If B needs result from C → call C
  • 37. Haskell Refresher Quiz ● Which one is faster? (1) head (take 5 [1,2,3,4,5,6]) (2) head (take 5 [1..10]) (3) head (take 5 [1..]) (4) head (take 5 (cycle [1..10]))
  • 38. Haskell Refresher Quiz ● Which one is faster? (1) head (take 5 [1,2,3,4,5,6]) (2) head (take 5 [1..10]) (3) head (take 5 [1..]) (4) head (take 5 (cycle [1..10])) ● Everyone is equal because of Lazy Loading
  • 39. Sources [1] Haskell-Tutorial: Learn you a Haskell (, 2012/03/15) [2] The Hugs User-Manual (, 2012/03/15) [3] The Haskellwiki (, 2012/03/15)