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The Next Step in 
AS3 Framework 
About me
Senior AS3 Developer
Working with Flash from 2001
Author of open source AS3 framework – mvcExpress
Twitter : @Deril
About this presentation
● AS3 framework evolution
● Modular programming in mvcExpress
● mvcExpress live
AS3 framework 
AS3 framework history
PureMVC (2006)
Cairngorm (2007?) [flex only]
Springactionscript (2007)
Mate(2008) [flex only]
Swiz(2009) [flex only]
Robotlegs 2 (2012) (in beta)
(ActionScript 3.0 released in 2006)
AS3 framework history
PureMVC (2006)
Cairngorm (2007?) [flex only]
Springactionscript (2007)
Mate(2008) [flex only]
Swiz(2009) [flex only]
Robotlegs 2 (2012) (in beta)
(ActionScript 3.0 released in 2006)
Organize your code is small units
Let those units communication
Standardize your code
Focus on app instead of
Ported to many languages
Slightly hurts performance
Built on static classes
Lot of boilerplate code
Can't it be done simpler?
The good The bad
The good The bad
All PureMVC goodness.
Removed most boilerplate
Introduces dependency
Hurts performance a lot!
Can't it be done simpler...
and run fast?
The good The bad
robotlegs 2 (beta)
Highly configurable
Guards ,hooks, rules.
Adds some boilerplate code
Code less standardized
Hurts performance a lot
(and more)
I meant faster! Not slower...
The good The bad
All PureMVC and robotlegs
Focus on modular
Simplifies code even more
Hurts performance the least
Young framework
Simplest and fastest MVC framework!
package {
public class PureMvcMediator extends Mediator implements IMediator {
public static const NAME:String = "PureMvcMediator";
public function PureMvcMediator(initViewComponent:ViewComponent) {
super(NAME, initViewComponent);
// cast view for convenient local use.
public function get view():ViewComponent {
return super.getViewComponent() as ViewComponent;
// listen for framework notices
override public function listNotificationInterests():Array {
return [ //
DataNote.STUFF_DONE //
// handle framework events
override public function handleNotification(notice:INotification):void {
switch (notice.getName()) {
case DataNote.STUFF_DONE:
// do stuff…
pureMVC mediator
package {
public class PureMvcMediator extends Mediator implements IMediator {
public static const NAME:String = "PureMvcMediator";
public function PureMvcMediator(initViewComponent:ViewComponent) {
super(NAME, initViewComponent);
// cast view for convenient local use.
public function get view():ViewComponent {
return super.getViewComponent() as ViewComponent;
// listen for framework notices
override public function listNotificationInterests():Array {
return [ //
DataNote.STUFF_DONE //
// handle framework events
override public function handleNotification(notice:INotification):void {
switch (notice.getName()) {
case DataNote.STUFF_DONE:
// do stuff…
pureMVC mediator
package {
public class PureMvcMediator extends Mediator implements IMediator {
public static const NAME:String = "PureMvcMediator";
public function PureMvcMediator(initViewComponent:ViewComponent) {
super(NAME, initViewComponent);
// cast view for convenient local use.
public function get view():ViewComponent {
return super.getViewComponent() as ViewComponent;
// listen for framework notices
override public function listNotificationInterests():Array {
return [ //
DataNote.STUFF_DONE //
// handle framework events
override public function handleNotification(notice:INotification):void {
switch (notice.getName()) {
case DataNote.STUFF_DONE:
// do stuff…
pureMVC mediator
package {
public class PureMvcMediator extends Mediator implements IMediator {
public static const NAME:String = "PureMvcMediator";
public function PureMvcMediator(initViewComponent:ViewComponent) {
super(NAME, initViewComponent);
// cast view for convenient local use.
public function get view():ViewComponent {
return super.getViewComponent() as ViewComponent;
// listen for framework notices
override public function listNotificationInterests():Array {
return [ //
DataNote.STUFF_DONE //
// handle framework events
override public function handleNotification(notice:INotification):void {
switch (notice.getName()) {
case DataNote.STUFF_DONE:
// do stuff…
pureMVC mediator
package {
public class MvcExpressMediator extends Mediator {
public var view:ViewComponent;
override public function onRegister():void {
// listen for framework events
addHandler(DataMessage.STUFF_DONE, handleStuffDone);
// handle framework events
private function handleStuffDone(params:DataChangeParamsVO):void {
mvcExress mediator
package {
public class MvcExpressMediator extends Mediator {
public var view:ViewComponent;
override public function onRegister():void {
// listen for framework events
addHandler(DataMessage.STUFF_DONE, handleStuffDone);
// handle framework events
private function handleStuffDone(params:DataChangeParamsVO):void {
mvcExress mediator
package {
public class MvcExpressMediator extends Mediator {
public var view:ViewComponent;
override public function onRegister():void {
// listen for framework events
addHandler(DataMessage.STUFF_DONE, handleStuffDone);
// handle framework events
private function handleStuffDone(params:DataChangeParamsVO):void {
mvcExress mediator
package {
public class MvcExpressMediator extends Mediator {
public var view:ViewComponent;
override public function onRegister():void {
// listen for framework events
addHandler(DataMessage.STUFF_DONE, handleStuffDone);
// handle framework events
private function handleStuffDone(params:DataChangeParamsVO):void {
mvcExress mediator
Speed test data
mvcExpress pureMVC robotlegs robotlegs 2
Command creation and execution: 0.00087 0.00219 0.00866 0.01894
Proxy inject into command: 0.00037 0.00024 0.00491 0.00247
Mediator create: 0.02100 0.02100 0.05100 0.13600
Mediator remove: 0.01700 0.10300 0.01850 0.05550
Communication 1 to 1: 0.00030 0.00060 0.00153 0.00141
Communication 1 to 10: 0.00073 0.00788 0.00670 0.00629
Communication 1 to 100: 0.00480 0.06897 0.05746 0.05071
1.0 /2.5 /10.0 /21.8
1.0 /0.7 /13.2 /6.6
1.0 /1.0 /2.4 /6.5
1.0 /6.1 /1.1 /3.3
1.0 /2.0 /5.0 /4.6
1.0 /10.9 /9.2 /8.7
1.0 /14.4 /12.0 /10.6
Command runs /1ms
pureMVC robotlegs robotlegs 2 mvcExpress mvcExpress
Command with nothing: 495.0 109.3 55.3 1010.1 1754.4
Command with 1 inject: 487.5 70.4 49.6 961.5 1694.9
Command with 2 injects: 458.7 58.6 47.2 724.6 1724.1
Command with 4 injects: 340.1 44.1 42.7 480.8 1783.3
Command performance
Command runs /1ms
pureMVC robotlegs robotlegs 2 mvcExpress mvcExpress
Command with nothing: 495.0 109.3 55.3 1010.1 1754.4
Command with 1 inject: 487.5 70.4 49.6 961.5 1694.9
Command with 2 injects: 458.7 58.6 47.2 724.6 1724.1
Command with 4 injects: 340.1 44.1 42.7 480.8 1783.3
Command performance
Command runs /1ms
pureMVC robotlegs robotlegs 2 mvcExpress mvcExpress
Command with nothing: 495.0 109.3 55.3 1010.1 1754.4
Command with 1 inject: 487.5 70.4 49.6 961.5 1694.9
Command with 2 injects: 458.7 58.6 47.2 724.6 1724.1
Command with 4 injects: 340.1 44.1 42.7 480.8 1783.3
Command performance
Command runs /1ms
pureMVC robotlegs robotlegs 2 mvcExpress mvcExpress
Command with nothing: 495.0 109.3 55.3 1010.1 1754.4
Command with 1 inject: 487.5 70.4 49.6 961.5 1694.9
Command with 2 injects: 458.7 58.6 47.2 724.6 1724.1
Command with 4 injects: 340.1 44.1 42.7 480.8 1783.3
Command performance
Command runs /1ms
pureMVC robotlegs robotlegs 2 mvcExpress mvcExpress
Command with nothing: 495.0 109.3 55.3 1010.1 1754.4
Command with 1 inject: 487.5 70.4 49.6 961.5 1694.9
Command with 2 injects: 458.7 58.6 47.2 724.6 1724.1
Command with 4 injects: 340.1 44.1 42.7 480.8 1783.3
Command performance
Command runs /1ms
pureMVC robotlegs robotlegs 2 mvcExpress mvcExpress
Command with nothing: 495.0 109.3 55.3 1010.1 1754.4
Command with 1 inject: 487.5 70.4 49.6 961.5 1694.9
Command with 2 injects: 458.7 58.6 47.2 724.6 1724.1
Command with 4 injects: 340.1 44.1 42.7 480.8 1783.3
Command performance
Communication performance
Direct communication:
Indirect communication:
Communication performance
Direct communication:
Indirect communication:
Modular programming in 
Modular programming
Permission control (v1.4)
var moduleB:ModuleB = new ModuleB();
Module communication
Module communication
Module communication
sendScopeMessage("scopeName", "messageType", new ParamObject());
addScopeHandler("scopeName", "messageType", scopedMessageHandrlerFunction);
Module data sharing
(data dependencies)
Module data sharing
(data dependencies)
Module data sharing
(data dependencies)
proxyMap.scopeMap("scopeName", myProxyObject);
public var myProxy:MyProxy;
Scope permissions
messageSending:Boolean = true,
messageReceiving:Boolean = true,
proxieMapping:Boolean = false
Dungeon viewer example
Modular programming
Planning is needed
Good module should be able to stand
as application on its own
– Chat window
– Stand alone tutorial
Worst case scenario: extracting
module/reintegrating module refactoring.
MvcExpress live
mvcExpress live
mvcExpress live = mvcExpress + game engine
– Continuous logic execution
– Dynamic animations
– Breaking execution in parts. (batching)
Compatible with mvcExpress
mvcExress live diagram
mvcExress live diagram
mvcExress live diagram
mvcExress live diagram
mvcExress live diagram
mvcExress live diagram
mvcExress live diagram
Process examplepackage com.mindscriptact.testProject.engine {
public class GameEngineProcess extends Process {
override protected function onRegister():void {
addHandler(Message.PAUSE_GAME, handleGamePause);
private function handleGamePause(isPaused:Boolean):void {
if (isPaused) {
} else {
Task example
package com.mindscriptact.testProject.engine.tasks {
public class ShowEnemiesTask extends Task {
public var enemyDatas:Vector.<EnemyVO>;
public var enemyImages:Vector.<EnemySprite>;
override public function run():void {
for (var i:int = 0; i < enemyDatas.length; i++) {
enemyImages[i].x = enemyDatas[i].x;
enemyImages[i].y = enemyDatas[i].y;
enemyImages[i].rotation = enemyDatas[i].rotations;
mvcExpress live testing
package com.mindscriptact.testProject.engine.tasks {
public class ShowEnemiesTask extends Task {
public var enemyDatas:Vector.<EnemyVO>;
public var enemyImages:Vector.<EnemySprite>;
override public function run():void {
for (var i:int = 0; i < enemyDatas.length; i++) {
enemyImages[i].x = enemyDatas[i].x;
enemyImages[i].y = enemyDatas[i].y;
enemyImages[i].rotation = enemyDatas[i].rotations;
public function showEnemiesTask_enemyViewAndDataCount_isEqual():void {
assert.equals(enemyDatas.length, enemyImages.length, "Enemies data and view count must be the same!");
public function showEnemiesTask_enemyViewAndDataPosition_isEqual():void {
for (var i:int = 0; i < enemyDatas.length; i++) {
assert.equals(enemyImages[i].x, enemyDatas[i].x, "Enemy x is damaged. enemyId:" + enemyDatas[i].id);
assert.equals(enemyImages[i].y, enemyDatas[i].y, "Enemy y is damaged. enemyId:" + enemyDatas[i].id);
Process run speed
Best case:
– Runs 1000000 empty Task's in 17 ms
– 58823 empty tasks in 1 ms
Worst case:
– 13300 empty tasks in 1 ms
MvcExpress live overview
Designed with games in mind but can be used in any
application than has repeating logic to run.
Processes and Task's are decoupled
Convenient communication with MVC
It is possible to break Model and View decoupling
rules, but gives tools to detect it.
It is fast!
It just works!
On learning 
On learning curve
MVC framework initial learning curve is steep...
But if you learned one – learning another is easy!
Also I do workshops.
Also I do workshops.
MvcExpress logger
Twitter : @Deril
Thank you for your time!
Twitter : @Deril

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The Next Step in AS3 Framework Evolution - FITC Amsterdam 2013

  • 2. About me Senior AS3 Developer Working with Flash from 2001 Author of open source AS3 framework – mvcExpress Twitter : @Deril
  • 3. About this presentation ● AS3 framework evolution ● Modular programming in mvcExpress ● mvcExpress live
  • 5. AS3 framework history ● PureMVC (2006) ● Cairngorm (2007?) [flex only] ● Springactionscript (2007) ● Parsley(2008) ● Mate(2008) [flex only] ● Robotlegs(2009) ● Swiz(2009) [flex only] ● MvcExpress(2012) ● Robotlegs 2 (2012) (in beta) (ActionScript 3.0 released in 2006)
  • 6. AS3 framework history ● PureMVC (2006) ● Cairngorm (2007?) [flex only] ● Springactionscript (2007) ● Parsley(2008) ● Mate(2008) [flex only] ● Robotlegs(2009) ● Swiz(2009) [flex only] ● MvcExpress(2012) ● Robotlegs 2 (2012) (in beta) (ActionScript 3.0 released in 2006)
  • 7. PureMVC ● Organize your code is small units ● Let those units communication ● Standardize your code ● Focus on app instead of architecture ● Ported to many languages ● Slightly hurts performance ● Built on static classes ● Lot of boilerplate code Can't it be done simpler? The good The bad
  • 8. The good The bad robotlegs ● All PureMVC goodness. ● Removed most boilerplate code ● Introduces dependency injection ● Hurts performance a lot! Can't it be done simpler... and run fast?
  • 9. The good The bad robotlegs 2 (beta) ● Highly configurable ● Modular ● Guards ,hooks, rules. ● Adds some boilerplate code ● Code less standardized ● Hurts performance a lot (and more) I meant faster! Not slower...
  • 10. The good The bad mvcExpress ● All PureMVC and robotlegs goodness. ● Focus on modular development ● Simplifies code even more ● Hurts performance the least ● Young framework Simplest and fastest MVC framework!
  • 11. package { public class PureMvcMediator extends Mediator implements IMediator { public static const NAME:String = "PureMvcMediator"; public function PureMvcMediator(initViewComponent:ViewComponent) { super(NAME, initViewComponent); } // cast view for convenient local use. public function get view():ViewComponent { return super.getViewComponent() as ViewComponent; } // listen for framework notices override public function listNotificationInterests():Array { return [ // DataNote.STUFF_DONE // ]; } // handle framework events override public function handleNotification(notice:INotification):void { switch (notice.getName()) { case DataNote.STUFF_DONE: // do stuff… break; } }} pureMVC mediator
  • 12. package { public class PureMvcMediator extends Mediator implements IMediator { public static const NAME:String = "PureMvcMediator"; public function PureMvcMediator(initViewComponent:ViewComponent) { super(NAME, initViewComponent); } // cast view for convenient local use. public function get view():ViewComponent { return super.getViewComponent() as ViewComponent; } // listen for framework notices override public function listNotificationInterests():Array { return [ // DataNote.STUFF_DONE // ]; } // handle framework events override public function handleNotification(notice:INotification):void { switch (notice.getName()) { case DataNote.STUFF_DONE: // do stuff… break; } }} pureMVC mediator
  • 13. package { public class PureMvcMediator extends Mediator implements IMediator { public static const NAME:String = "PureMvcMediator"; public function PureMvcMediator(initViewComponent:ViewComponent) { super(NAME, initViewComponent); } // cast view for convenient local use. public function get view():ViewComponent { return super.getViewComponent() as ViewComponent; } // listen for framework notices override public function listNotificationInterests():Array { return [ // DataNote.STUFF_DONE // ]; } // handle framework events override public function handleNotification(notice:INotification):void { switch (notice.getName()) { case DataNote.STUFF_DONE: // do stuff… break; } }} pureMVC mediator
  • 14. package { public class PureMvcMediator extends Mediator implements IMediator { public static const NAME:String = "PureMvcMediator"; public function PureMvcMediator(initViewComponent:ViewComponent) { super(NAME, initViewComponent); } // cast view for convenient local use. public function get view():ViewComponent { return super.getViewComponent() as ViewComponent; } // listen for framework notices override public function listNotificationInterests():Array { return [ // DataNote.STUFF_DONE // ]; } // handle framework events override public function handleNotification(notice:INotification):void { switch (notice.getName()) { case DataNote.STUFF_DONE: // do stuff… break; } }} pureMVC mediator
  • 15. package { public class MvcExpressMediator extends Mediator { [Inject] public var view:ViewComponent; override public function onRegister():void { // listen for framework events addHandler(DataMessage.STUFF_DONE, handleStuffDone); } // handle framework events private function handleStuffDone(params:DataChangeParamsVO):void { view.showStuff(params.dataParam1); } }} mvcExress mediator
  • 16. package { public class MvcExpressMediator extends Mediator { [Inject] public var view:ViewComponent; override public function onRegister():void { // listen for framework events addHandler(DataMessage.STUFF_DONE, handleStuffDone); } // handle framework events private function handleStuffDone(params:DataChangeParamsVO):void { view.showStuff(params.dataParam1); } }} mvcExress mediator
  • 17. package { public class MvcExpressMediator extends Mediator { [Inject] public var view:ViewComponent; override public function onRegister():void { // listen for framework events addHandler(DataMessage.STUFF_DONE, handleStuffDone); } // handle framework events private function handleStuffDone(params:DataChangeParamsVO):void { view.showStuff(params.dataParam1); } }} mvcExress mediator
  • 18. package { public class MvcExpressMediator extends Mediator { [Inject] public var view:ViewComponent; override public function onRegister():void { // listen for framework events addHandler(DataMessage.STUFF_DONE, handleStuffDone); } // handle framework events private function handleStuffDone(params:DataChangeParamsVO):void { view.showStuff(params.dataParam1); } }} mvcExress mediator
  • 19. Speed test data mvcExpress pureMVC robotlegs robotlegs 2 Command creation and execution: 0.00087 0.00219 0.00866 0.01894 Proxy inject into command: 0.00037 0.00024 0.00491 0.00247 Mediator create: 0.02100 0.02100 0.05100 0.13600 Mediator remove: 0.01700 0.10300 0.01850 0.05550 Communication 1 to 1: 0.00030 0.00060 0.00153 0.00141 Communication 1 to 10: 0.00073 0.00788 0.00670 0.00629 Communication 1 to 100: 0.00480 0.06897 0.05746 0.05071 1.0 /2.5 /10.0 /21.8 1.0 /0.7 /13.2 /6.6 1.0 /1.0 /2.4 /6.5 1.0 /6.1 /1.1 /3.3 1.0 /2.0 /5.0 /4.6 1.0 /10.9 /9.2 /8.7 1.0 /14.4 /12.0 /10.6
  • 20. Command runs /1ms pureMVC robotlegs robotlegs 2 mvcExpress mvcExpress (pooled) Command with nothing: 495.0 109.3 55.3 1010.1 1754.4 Command with 1 inject: 487.5 70.4 49.6 961.5 1694.9 Command with 2 injects: 458.7 58.6 47.2 724.6 1724.1 Command with 4 injects: 340.1 44.1 42.7 480.8 1783.3 Command performance
  • 21. Command runs /1ms pureMVC robotlegs robotlegs 2 mvcExpress mvcExpress (pooled) Command with nothing: 495.0 109.3 55.3 1010.1 1754.4 Command with 1 inject: 487.5 70.4 49.6 961.5 1694.9 Command with 2 injects: 458.7 58.6 47.2 724.6 1724.1 Command with 4 injects: 340.1 44.1 42.7 480.8 1783.3 Command performance
  • 22. Command runs /1ms pureMVC robotlegs robotlegs 2 mvcExpress mvcExpress (pooled) Command with nothing: 495.0 109.3 55.3 1010.1 1754.4 Command with 1 inject: 487.5 70.4 49.6 961.5 1694.9 Command with 2 injects: 458.7 58.6 47.2 724.6 1724.1 Command with 4 injects: 340.1 44.1 42.7 480.8 1783.3 Command performance
  • 23. Command runs /1ms pureMVC robotlegs robotlegs 2 mvcExpress mvcExpress (pooled) Command with nothing: 495.0 109.3 55.3 1010.1 1754.4 Command with 1 inject: 487.5 70.4 49.6 961.5 1694.9 Command with 2 injects: 458.7 58.6 47.2 724.6 1724.1 Command with 4 injects: 340.1 44.1 42.7 480.8 1783.3 Command performance
  • 24. Command runs /1ms pureMVC robotlegs robotlegs 2 mvcExpress mvcExpress (pooled) Command with nothing: 495.0 109.3 55.3 1010.1 1754.4 Command with 1 inject: 487.5 70.4 49.6 961.5 1694.9 Command with 2 injects: 458.7 58.6 47.2 724.6 1724.1 Command with 4 injects: 340.1 44.1 42.7 480.8 1783.3 Command performance
  • 25. Command runs /1ms pureMVC robotlegs robotlegs 2 mvcExpress mvcExpress (pooled) Command with nothing: 495.0 109.3 55.3 1010.1 1754.4 Command with 1 inject: 487.5 70.4 49.6 961.5 1694.9 Command with 2 injects: 458.7 58.6 47.2 724.6 1724.1 Command with 4 injects: 340.1 44.1 42.7 480.8 1783.3 Command performance
  • 33. Aggregation mediatorMap.mediate(moduleB); var moduleB:ModuleB = new ModuleB(); view.addChild(moduleB);
  • 36. Module communication sendScopeMessage("scopeName", "messageType", new ParamObject()); addScopeHandler("scopeName", "messageType", scopedMessageHandrlerFunction);
  • 37. Module data sharing (data dependencies)
  • 38. Module data sharing (data dependencies)
  • 39. Module data sharing (data dependencies) proxyMap.scopeMap("scopeName", myProxyObject); [Inject(scope="scopeName")] public var myProxy:MyProxy;
  • 40. Scope permissions registerScope(scopeName:String, messageSending:Boolean = true, messageReceiving:Boolean = true, proxieMapping:Boolean = false ):void
  • 42. Modular programming pitfalls ● Planning is needed ● Good module should be able to stand as application on its own – Chat window – Stand alone tutorial ● Worst case scenario: extracting module/reintegrating module refactoring.
  • 44. mvcExpress live ● mvcExpress live = mvcExpress + game engine – Continuous logic execution – Dynamic animations – Breaking execution in parts. (batching) ● Compatible with mvcExpress
  • 52. Process examplepackage com.mindscriptact.testProject.engine { public class GameEngineProcess extends Process { override protected function onRegister():void { addTask(MoveHeroTask); addTask(MoveEnemiesTask); addTask(HeroCollideEnemiesTask); addTask(EnemySpawnTask); addTask(ShowHeroTask); addTask(ShowEnemiesTask); addHandler(Message.PAUSE_GAME, handleGamePause); } private function handleGamePause(isPaused:Boolean):void { if (isPaused) { disableTask(MoveHeroTask); disableTask(MoveEnemiesTask); } else { enableTask(MoveHeroTask); enableTask(MoveEnemiesTask); } } }}
  • 53. Task example package com.mindscriptact.testProject.engine.tasks { public class ShowEnemiesTask extends Task { [Inject(constName="com.mindscriptact.testProject.constants.ProvideIds.ENEMY_DATAS")] public var enemyDatas:Vector.<EnemyVO>; [Inject(constName="com.mindscriptact.testProject.constants.ProvideIds.ENEMY_VIEWS")] public var enemyImages:Vector.<EnemySprite>; override public function run():void { for (var i:int = 0; i < enemyDatas.length; i++) { enemyImages[i].x = enemyDatas[i].x; enemyImages[i].y = enemyDatas[i].y; enemyImages[i].rotation = enemyDatas[i].rotations; } } }}
  • 54. mvcExpress live testing package com.mindscriptact.testProject.engine.tasks { public class ShowEnemiesTask extends Task { [Inject(constName="com.mindscriptact.testProject.constants.ProvideIds.ENEMY_DATAS")] public var enemyDatas:Vector.<EnemyVO>; [Inject(constName="com.mindscriptact.testProject.constants.ProvideIds.ENEMY_VIEWS")] public var enemyImages:Vector.<EnemySprite>; override public function run():void { for (var i:int = 0; i < enemyDatas.length; i++) { enemyImages[i].x = enemyDatas[i].x; enemyImages[i].y = enemyDatas[i].y; enemyImages[i].rotation = enemyDatas[i].rotations; } } }} [Test] public function showEnemiesTask_enemyViewAndDataCount_isEqual():void { assert.equals(enemyDatas.length, enemyImages.length, "Enemies data and view count must be the same!"); } [Test(delay="500")] public function showEnemiesTask_enemyViewAndDataPosition_isEqual():void { for (var i:int = 0; i < enemyDatas.length; i++) { assert.equals(enemyImages[i].x, enemyDatas[i].x, "Enemy x is damaged. enemyId:" + enemyDatas[i].id); assert.equals(enemyImages[i].y, enemyDatas[i].y, "Enemy y is damaged. enemyId:" + enemyDatas[i].id); } }
  • 55. Process run speed ● Best case: – Runs 1000000 empty Task's in 17 ms – 58823 empty tasks in 1 ms ● Worst case: – 13300 empty tasks in 1 ms
  • 56. MvcExpress live overview ● Designed with games in mind but can be used in any application than has repeating logic to run. ● Processes and Task's are decoupled ● Convenient communication with MVC ● It is possible to break Model and View decoupling rules, but gives tools to detect it. ● It is fast! ● It just works!
  • 58. On learning curve ● MVC framework initial learning curve is steep... ● But if you learned one – learning another is easy! Also I do workshops. Also I do workshops.
  • 60. Links Twitter : @Deril Thank you for your time! Twitter : @Deril