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World Health Orga nization Classifica tion of Tumours

 Hamilton SR. Aartonen LA (Eds.) :         Fletcher C.D.. Unni KK.,                    Tavassoli F A .. Devilee P. (Eds .):
 World Health Organization                 Mertens F. (Eds,): World Health             World Health Organization
 Classification of Tumours ,               Organization Classification 01              Classification 01 Tumours .
 Patholog y and Genetics of Tumours        Tumours. Patho logy and Genetics 01         Pathology and Genetics of Tumours
 of the Digestive System (3rd edition) .   Tumours of Soft Tissue and Bone             of the Breast and Female Genital
 IARC Press: lyon 2000                     (3rd edition).                              Organs (3rd edition).
 ISBN 92 832 241 0 8                       IARC Press : lyon 2002                      IARC Press : lyon 2003
                                           ISBN 92 832 2413 2                          ISBN 92 832 2412 4

 Eble J .N., Sauter G .• Epstein J E.,     Travis wo., Brambilla E., Muller·           Delellis A.A., lloyd A.V, Heitz, P.U.,
 Sesterreon l.A . (Eds.) World Health      Hermelink H.K ., Harris C .C. (Eds.):       Eng C . (Eds.): World Hea lth
 Organization Classification of            World Health Organization                   Organization Classification of
 Tumours. Pathology and Genetics of        Classification 01 Tumours. Pathology        TlJTlOUrs. Pathology and Genetics ot
 Tumours althe Urinary System and          and Genetics of Tumours of lung             TlJTlOUrs of Endocrine Organs (3rd
 Male Genital Organs (Jrd ed ition)        P1eu"a. Thyrrus and Heart (3I"d edilon),   edition).
 fARe Press : lyon 2004                    IARC Press : lyon 2004                      IARC Press : lyon 2004
 ISBN 92 832 2415 9                        ISBN 92 832 2418 3                          ISBN 92 832 2416 7

 Barnes L , Eveson J .W , Reichart P"      leBoit P.E.. Burg G , Weedon D.,            louis D.N" Ohgaki H ., WiesUer D.O.,
 Sidransky 0 (Eds.): World Health          Sarasm A . (Ed s.): World Health            Cavenee WK (Ed s.) : World Health
 Organization Classification of            Organization Classification of              Organization Classification of
 Tumours. Pathology and Genetics of        Tumours. Pathology and Genetics of          Tumours . Tumours of the Central
 Head and Neck Tumours (3I"d edition) .    Skin Tumou rs (3rd edition).                Nervous System (4th edition ).
 IARC Press : lyon 2005                    IA RC Press : lyon 2006                     IARC, lyon 2007
 ISBN 92 832 24 17 5                       ISBN 92 832 2414 0                          ISBN 92 832 2430 2

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          International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)

                              4th Edition

      WHO Classification of Tumours of
    Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues

                               Edited by

                          Steven H. Swe rdlow
                             Elias Campo
                           Nancy Lee Harris
                            Elaine S. Jaffe
                            Stefano A. Pileri
                             Harald Stein
                            JOrgen Thiele
                          James W. Vardiman

             Intern ational Agency for Resea rch on Cancer
                              Lyon , 2008
World Health Organization Classification of Tumours

                        Series Editors   Fred T. Bosman, M.D.
                                         Elaine S. Jaffe. M.D.
                                         Sunil R. Lakhani. M.D.
                                         Hiroko Onqaki, Ph.D.

WHO Classification of Tumours of the Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues

                               Editors   Sleven H. Swerdlow, M.D.
                                         Elias Campo. M.D.
                                         Nancy Lee Harris, M.D.
                                         Elaine S. Jaffe , M D.
                                         Stefano A. Pileri. M.D.
                                         Harald Stein, M.D.
                                         JOrg en Thiele, M.D.
                                         James W. Vardi man, M.D.

                               Layout    Sebastien Antoni
                                         Marlen Grassinger
                                         Pascale Collard

                           Printed by    Participe Present
                                         69250 Neuville s/SaOne, France

                            Publisher    International Agency for
                                         Research on Cance r (IARC)
                                         69008 Lyon. France

             This volume was produced with support from the

                         Associazione S.P.E.S. Onlus, Bologna
              Friends of Jose Carreras International Leukemia Foundation
                        Leukemia Clinical Research Foundation
                                  MEDIC Foundation
                            National Cancer Institute, USA
               National Institutes of Health Office of Rare Diseases, USA
                    University of Chicago Cancer Research Center

    The WHO Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues
           presented in this book reflects the views of a Working Group
          that convened for an Editorial and Consensus Conference at the
            International Agency for Research on Cancer (fARC), Lyon
                                October 25-27. 2007.

                     Members of the Working Grou p are indicated
                     in the List of Contributors on pages 369-374.
Published by the International Agenc y for Research 00 Cancer (IARC),
                                           150 cou rs Albert Thomas, 69372 Lyon ceoex 08, France

                                             C International Agency for Research on Cancer, 2008

                                                             Distributed by
                          WHO Press, World Health Organization , 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland
                              (Tel: +4 1 22 791 3264; Fax: +4 1 22 791 4857; e-mail: bookordersOwholnt).

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                                         The copyright of figures and charts remains with the authors
                                           (see source 01 charts and photographs. page 376--379)

Format for bibliographic citations:
Swerdlow S.H., Campo E., Harris N,L., Jaffe E.S" Pileri S.A., Stein H" Thiele J , Vardiman J.w. (Eds.):
WHO Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lympho id Tissues,
IARC: Lyon 2008

IARC Ubrary Cataloguing in Publication Data

WHO Classific ation of Tumou rs of Haematopo ietic and Lymp hoid Tissues
Edited by Swerdlow S.H.. Campo E., Harris NL , Jaffe E.S.• Piled SA, Stein H., Thiele J .. Vardiman JW.

1. Haematopoie hc System Neop lasms - genetics
2. Haematopoielic System Neop lasms - pathology
I. Swerdlow. Steven H.

ISBN 978-92-832-243 1-0
WHO Classifjcatioo                                              9         AML with mutated NPM 1                            120
  Summary table                                               10          AMLwith mutated CEBPA                             122
  Introduction to the classification of tumours of                     AML with myelo dysplas ia-related changes            124
   haematopoietic and lymphoid tissues                        14       Therapy -relate d myeloid neoplasms                  127
                                                                       Acu te myeloid leukaemia, NOS                        130
  Introduction and overview of the classification of                      AML with minimal diff erentiation                 130
  the myeloid neoplasms                                       17          AML withOut matu ration                           131
                                                                          AML with maturabon                                131
2 Myeloproliferative neoplasms                                31          Acute myelomonocytic leukae mia                   132
  Chronic myelogenous leukaemia. BCR-ABL 1 positive 32                    Acute monoblastic and monocytic leukaem ia        133
  Chronic neutrophilic leukaemia                              38          Acute erythroid leukaemia                         134
  PoIycythaemia vera                                          40          Acu te megakaryoblastic leukaemia                 136
  Primary myelofibrOsis                                       44          Acute basophilic leukaemia                        137
  Essenliallhrombocythaemia                                   48          Acu te paomveosrs with myelofibros is             138
  Chronic eosinophilic leukaemia. NOS                         51       Myeloid sarcoma                                      140
  Mastocytosis                                                54       Myeloid proli ferations related 10 Down synd rome    142
     Cutaneous mastocytosis                                   57          Transient abnOrmal myelopoiesis                   142
      Systemic mastocytosis                                   58          Myeloid leukaemia associated with
      Masl cell leukaemia                                     61            Dc:rwn syndrome                                 143
      Mast cell sarcoma                                       61       Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm         145
      Extracutaneous mastocytoma                              61
  Myeloproliferative neoplasm, unc lassi fiable               64    7 Acute leukaemiasof ambiguous lineage                  149
                                                                       Acute undlHerentiated leukaemia                      151
3 Myeloid and lymphoid neoplasms with                                  Mixed phenotype acute leukaemia wilh
  eosinophilia and abnormalities of PDGFRA.                             t(9;22)(q34;q 11.2): BCR-ABL 1                      15 1
  PDGFRB Of FGFRl                                             67       Mixed phenotype acute leukaemia with
                                                                        t(v:11q 23): MLL rear ranged                        152
4 MyelodysplasticJmyeloproliferative neoplasms          75             Mixed phenotype acute leukaemia , B/myeloid, NOS     152
  Chronic mveiomonocync leukaemia                       76             Mixed phenotype ac ute leukaemia , T/myeloid , NOS   153
  Atypical ctYonic myeloid leukaEmia. BCR-
                                         ABL 1 negative 80             Mixed phenoty pe acu te leukaemia, NOS· rare
  Juvenile myelomonocytic leuk aemia                          82        types                                               154
  MyelodysplastiC/myeloproliferali ve neoplasm ,                       Other ambiguous lineage reukaerraes                  t 55
   urclasaifiable                                             85           Natura! killer (NK)-celilympho blastic
                                                                            leukaemi a/lymphoma                             155
5 Myelodysplastic syndromes                                   87
  Myelodysplastic synd romes/n eo plasms , overview           88    8 Introduction and overview 01 the c lassification of
  Refractory cytope nia with unilineage dysplasia             94       the lymphoid neoplasms                               157
  Refractory anaemia with ring side rob lasts                 96
  Refractory cytopenia with multilineage dysplasia            98    9 Precu rsor lymphoid neoplasms                         167
  Refractory anaemia with exc ess b lasts                    100      B lymp hob lastic leukaemia/lymphoma, NOS             168
  Myelodysp lastic synd rome with isolated de l(5q)          102      B lymphob lastic leukaemia/ lymphoma
  Myelodysp lastic synd rome, uncrasslttabte                 103       with recu rrent gene tic abn orma lities             171
  Childhood mye lodysp lastic synd rome                      104          B lymphob lastic leukaem iallymphoma with
     Refractory c ytopenia of c hild hood                    104           t(9 :22)(q 34;q 11.2): BCR-ABL 1                 171
                                                                          B lymp hoblastic leukaemia/ly mpho ma with
6 Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) and                                        l(v:11q 23): ML L rearranged                     171
  related precursor neoplasms                                109          B lympho blastic leukaemiall ymphom a with
  AML with recurrent genet ic abn or malities                11 0          t(12:2 1)(p1 3;q22 ): TEL-AMLl (ETV6--RUNX 1)    172
      AML with t(8:21 )(q22:q22); RUNX1 -RUNX1T1             11 0         B lymphoblastic leukaemia/lymphoma with
      AML with inv( 16)( p 13.1q22) or                                     hyperdi ploi dy                                  173
       1(16:t6)(p 13.1;q22): CBFB-MYH 11                     11 1         B lymphoblastic leukaemiallymphom a with
      Acute orornveiocvnc leukaem ia with                                  hypodiplOi dy (Hypodiploi d ALL)                 174
       t(15:17)(q22 :q 12): PML- RARA                        11 2         B lymphoblastic leukaemiallymphoma with
      AML with us.11)(p 22:q 23): MLLT3-MLL                  114           t(5; 14)(q31;q32); IL3-IGH                       174
      AML with t(6:9)(p23 :q34); DEK-NU P2 14                115          B lymphoblastic leukaemiallymphoma with
      AML with inv(3)( q2 1q26 .2) or t(3;3)( q2 1;q26.2);                 t( 1;19) (q23:P13.3): E2A-PBX1( TCF3-PBXI)       175
       RPNt ·EVI1                                            116      T lymphoblastic leukaemiallymphoma                    176
      AML (megakaryoblastic) with t( 1;22)(p13;q 13):
       RBM15-MKL 1                                           117
10 Mature B-ceUneoplasms                                179      Enteropathy -associated t-een lymphoma             289
       Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia Ismail                          Hepatosplenlc t -een lymphoma                      292
         Iympt'locytic lymphoma :f                          180      Subcutaneous panniculitis-like t-een lymphoma      294
       s-een prolyrT¢lhocytic leukaemia                     183      Mycosis fungoi des                                 296
       Splenic B-cell marginal zone lymphoma                185      Sezary syndrome                                    299
       Hairy cell leukaemia                                 188      Primary cutaneous CD30 posi tive t-een
       Splenic B-cell Iymphomalleukaemia, unclassiliable    191       Iymphoprolilerative disorders                     300
           Splenic diffuse red pulp small B-ceil lymphoma   191      Primary cutaneous per ipheral t-een lymphoma s,
           Hairy cenleckaeme-....anent                      192       rare subtypes                                     302
       lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma                           194         Primary cutaneous garnna-della T-cen lymphoma   302
       Heavy chain diseases                                 196         Primary cutaneous COB positive agg ressive
           Gamma heavy chain disease                        196           ep idermotrop ic cytotoxic T-celt lymphoma    303
           Mu heavy chain disease                           197         Primary cutaneou s CD4 positive
           Alpha heavy chain disease                        198            small/medium T-cell lymphoma                 304
       Plasma cell neoplasms                                200      Peripheral t-een lymphoma. NOS                     306
           Monoc lonal gammop athy 01 undetermined                   Ang ioimmunoblastic t -een lymphoma                309
            significance (MGUS)                             200      Anaplastic large cell lymphoma. AlK positive       312
           Plasma ce ll myeloma                             202      Anapla stic large cell lymphoma . ALK negat ive    317
           Solitary plasmacytoma of bone                    208
           Extraosseous plasmacytoma                        208   12 Hod gkin lymphoma                                  32 1
           Monoclonal immunoglobulin deposition diseases    209      Introduction                                       322
       Extranodat marginal zone lymphoma of mucosa-                  Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin Iymptuna    323
         associa ted lymphoid tissue (MALT lymphoma)        214      Classical Hodgk in lymp homa. introduction         326
      Nodal marg inal zone lymphoma                         218      Nodular sclerosis classical Hodgkin lymphoma       330
      Follicular lymphoma                                   220      Mixed ce llularity classical Hodgkin lymphoma      331
      Primary cutaneous follicle centre lymphoma            227      Lymphoc yte-rich classical Hodgkin lymphoma        332
      Mantle cell lymphoma                                  229      lymphocyte-depleted classical Hodgkin lymphoma     334
      Diffuse large B-celllymphoma (DLBCl), NOS             233
        T celilhi stiocyte-rich large B-ce ll lymphoma      238   13 1rnmunode ficiency-assoc iated
         Primary DlBCL of the CNS                           240      Iymphoproliferative disorde rs                   335
         Primary cutaneous DlBCl . leg type                 242      Lymp hoproliferative diseases associated with
         EBV positive DLBCl of the elderly                  243        primary immune disorders                       336
      DLBCL assoc iated with chronic inflammation           245      Lymphomas associa ted with HIV infection         340
      Lymphomatoid granulomatosis                           247      Post-nansotanttsmpnooronterauve disorders (PTlD) 343
      Primary med iastinal (thymic) large B-celilymphoma    250          Plasmacytic hyperp lasia and infectious-
      Intrav escurer large B-celi lymphoma                  252           rroooo ocieose-uke PTlD                     345
      ALK positive large Been lymphoma                      254          Polymorphic PTlO                             346
      Plasmablastic lymphoma                                256          Monomorph ic PTlO                            347
      large a-ceu lymphoma arising in HHV8-associated                    Classical Hodgkin lymphoma type PTLO         349
        multicent ric Castleman disease                     258      Other iatrogenic immunodeficiency-assoc iated
      Primary effusion lymphoma                             260        Iymphoproliferative disorders                  350
      Burkitllymp homa                                      262
      B-cel1lymphoma, unclassiliab le, with features              14 Histiocytic and dendritic cell neoplasms           353
        intermediate between DLBCL and                               Introd uction                                      354
        Burkitllymphoma                                     265      Histiocyt ic sarcoma                               3S6
      B-ceillymphoma, unctessmebie. with features                    Tumours der ived from langerhans cells             358
        intermediate between OLBCl and                                   Langerhans cell histiocytosis                  3S8
        clas sica l Hodgkin lymphoma                        267          Langerhans ce ll sarcoma                       360
                                                                     Interdigitating dendrit ic cell sarcoma            36 1
    11 Mature T- and NK-cell neoplasms                      269      Follicular de ndritic ce ll sarcoma                363
       r-cea prolymphocytic leukaemia                       270      Other rare dendritic cell tumours                  365
       t- een large granular lymphocytic leukaemia          272      Disseminated juvenile xanthogranuloma              366
       Chronic Iymphoproliferative disorder of NK cells     274
       Aggressive NK cell leukaemia                         276   Contributors                                          369
       Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) positive t-een                    Clinical advi sory oorrrnittee                        374
       Iymphoprol ilerative diseases of ch ildhood          278   Source of Charts and photographs                      376
           Systemic EBV+ t-een Iymphoproliferalive
            disease of childhood                            278   References                                            300
           Hydroa vacclnrtorrne-uk e lymphoma               280   Subject index                                         429
       Adull T-ceil leukaemia/lymphoma                      281
       Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma. nasal type            285   NOS, no! otherwise specifi ed

WHO Classification

                                      4th Edition

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WHO Classification of tumours of haematopoietic
and lymphoid tissues

     Chronic myelogenous leukaemia ,                           Refractory cytopenia with unilineage dysplasia
       BCR-ABL 1 positive                           987513
                                                                Refractory anaemia                          9980/3
     Chronic neutrophilic leukaemia                 996 3/3
                                                                Refractory neutropenia                          999 1/3
     Polycythaemia vera                             995 0/3
                                                                Refractory thrombocytopenia                     9992/3
     Primary myelofibrosis                          996 1/3
                                                               Refractory anaemia with ring sideroblasts    9962/3
     Essential thrombocythaemia                     996213
                                                               Refractory cytopenia with
     Chronic eosinophilic leukaemia, NOS            9964 /3      multitineage dysplasia                     9965/3
     Mastocytosis                                              Refractory anaemia with excess blasts        9983/3
      Cutaneous mastocytosis                        9 74011    MyelodysplasU syndrome
                                                                 associated with isolated del(Sq)           9966/3
      Systemic mastocytosis                         9 74 1/3
                                                               Myelodysplasticsyndrome, uncJassifiable      9969/3
      Mast cell leukaemia                           974 213
      Mast cell sarcoma                             974 0/3
                                                               Childhood myelodyspla suc syndrome

      Extracutaneous mastocytoma                    974 0/1
                                                                Refractory cytopenia of childhood           996513

     Myeloproliferative neoplasm , unctassitlable   9975/3

                                                               ACUTE MYELOID LEUKAEMIA (AML)
                                                               AND RELATED PRECURSOR NEOPLASMS
                                                               AML with recurr ent genetic abnormalities
                                                                AML with t(6 ;21)(q22;q2 2);
     Myeloid and lymphoid neoplasms
                                                                  RUNXI-RUNX1Tl                             9696/3
       with PD GFRA rearrangement                   9965/3
                                                                AML with inv(16)(pI 3.1q22 )
     Myeloid neoplasms
                                                                  or t(16;16)(pI3.1;q2 2); CBFB-MYHl1       9671/3
       with PDGFRB rearrangement                    9966/3
                                                                Acute promyelccytlc leukaemia
     Myeloid and lymphoid neoplasms                               with t(15 ;17)(q22 ;qI2); PML-RARA        9666/3
       with FGFR1 abnormalities                     9967/3
                                                                AML with t(9 ;11)(p22 ;q23); MLLT3-MLL      9697/3
                                                                AML with 1(6;9)(p2 3;q34 ); DEK-NUP214      986513
     MYELODYSPLASTIC/MYELOPROLIFERAnVE                          AML with inv( 3)(q2 1q26.2)
     NEOPLASMS                                                    ort(3; 3)(q21;q 26.2); RPNI -EV/1         9869/3

     Chronic myetcmonocytic leukaemia               9945/3      AML (megakaryoblastic)
                                                                  with t(I ;22)(p I 3;q I 3); RBMI5-MKLI        9911/3
     Atypical chronic myeloid leukaemia.
       BCR-ABL 1 negative                           967613     AML with mutated NPM1                        986 1/3

     Juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia              9946/3     AML wrlh mutated CEBPA                       9661/3

     Myelodysplasticlmyeloproliferative neoplasm.
       unclassifiable                             9975/3       AML with myelodysplasia-related changes 969513
      Refractory anaemia with ring sideroblasts                Therapy-re lated myeloid neoplasm s          99 2013
        associated WI h marked thrombocyt
                     t                     osis     99 6213

10        WHO ctassrtceton
Acute myeloid leukaemla",NOS                9861/3    B lymphoblastic leukaemia/lymphoma
                                                          with recurrent genetic abnormalities
 AML with minimal differentiation           987213
                                                       B lymphoblastic leukaemiaflymphoma
 AML without maturation                     9873/3
                                                          with 1(9;22)(q 34;q l 1.2); BCR-ABU           9812/3
 AML with maturation                        9874 /3
                                                       B lymphoblastic leukaemiall ymphoma
 Acute myelomonocytic leukaemia             9867 /3       with t(v;11q23); MLL rearranged               981Y3
 Acute monob lastic and monocytic leukaemia 9891 /3    B lymphoblastic leukaemiall ymphoma
 Acute erythroid leukaemia                  984013        with 1 12;21)(p13;q22); TEL-AMU
                                                          (ETV6-RUNX1)                                  9814/3
 Acute megakaryoblastic leukaemia           99 10/3
                                                       B lymphoblastic leukaemiallymphoma
 Acute basoph ilic leukaemia                987013       w ith hyperdiploidy                            981513
 Acute panmyelosis with myelofibrosis       9931 13    B lymphoblastic leukaemiallymphoma
                                                         with hypod iploidy (hypod iploid ALL)          981613
Myeloid sarcoma                             993013     B lymphoblastic leukaemiallymphoma
                                                         with t(5;14 Xq31 ;q32 ); IL3-IGH               9817/3
                                                       B lymphoblastic leukaemia/lymphoma with
Myeloid proliferations related to Down syndrome
                                                          t(1;19 )(q23 ;p13 .3); E2A-PBXl
Transient abnormal myelopoiesis             989811        (TCF3-PBX1)                                   9818/3
Myeloid leukaemia
 associated with Down syndrome              9898/3
                                                      T lymphoblastic leukaemia/lymphoma                9837/3

Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic
  cell neoplasm                             9727/3
                                                      MATURE B-CELL NEOPLASMS
                                                      Chronic lym phocytic leukaemia!
                                                        small lymphocytic lymphoma                      982313
                                                      B-cell prolymphocytic leukaemia                   983313
Acute undifferentiated leukaemia            980 1/3
                                                      Splenic Bccell marginal zone lymphoma             968913
Mixed phenotype ac ute leukaemia
                                                      Hairy cell leukaemia                              9940/3
  with t(9;22)(q3 4;q 11.2); BCR-ABL1       980613
Mixed phenotype ac ute leuka em ia                    Splenic B-cell fymphomalleukaemia, unclassifiable 959 1/3
  with t{v;11q23); MLL rea rranged          9807/3     Splenic diffuse red pulp small B-cell lymphoma   9591/3
Mixed phenotype ac ute leukaemia,                      Hairy eel/leukaemia-variant                      959 1/3
  B/myeloid, NO S                           9808/3
                                                      Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma                        9671/3
Mixed phenotype ac ute leukaemia,
  Tfmyeloid, NOS                            9809/3     waldenstrom macroglobulinemia                    9761/3
Natural killer (NK) cell lymphoblastic                Heavy chain diseases                              9762/3
                                                       Alpha heavy chain disease                        9762/3
                                                       Gamma heavy chain disease                        9762/3
                                                       Mu heavy cha in disease                          9762/3
                                                      Plasma cell myeloma                               9732/3
B lymphoblastic leukaemiaflymphoma
                                                      Solitary plasmacytoma of bone                     9731/3
B lymphoblastic leukaemiall ymphoma, NO S   98 11/3
                                                      Extraosseous plasmacytoma                         9734/3

                                                                                       WHO classification        11
        Extranodal marginal zone lymphoma                             Systemic EBV positive T-celllymphoproliferative
          of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue                         disease of childhood                         9724/3
          (MALT lymphoma)                                   9699/3    Hydroa vaccin iforme-like lymp homa            972513
        Nodal marginal zone lymphom a                       9699/3    Adult T-cell ieukaemia/lymphoma                9827/3
            Paediatric nodal marginal zone lymphoma         9699/3    Extranodal NKIT cell lym phoma, nasal type     9719 /3
        Follicular lymphoma                                 9690/3    Enteropamy-associated T-cell lymphoma          9717/3

            Paediatric folliculaf lymphoma                  9690/3    Hepatosplenic T-cell lymp homa                 971613

        Primary cutaneous follicle centre lym phoma         959713    Subcutaneous panniculitis-like
                                                                        T-cell lymphoma                              970813
        Mantle cell lymphoma                                967313
                                                                      Mycosis fungoides                              970013
        Diffuse large B-eelllymphoma (OlBCl), NOS 968013
                                                                      Sezary syndrome                                970113
            T-ceillhistiocyte rich large B-eelilymphorna    9688/3
                                                                      Primary cutaneous CD30 positive F-eel!
            Primary DLBCl of the CNS                        968013     Iymphoproliferative disorders
            Primary cutaneous DlBCl. leg type               9680/3
                                                                       lymphomatoid papulosis
            EBV positive OLBCL of the elderly               9680/3
                                                                       Primary cutaneous anaplastic large cell
        Ol BCl associated with chro nic inflammation 968013              lymphoma                                    9718/3
        l ymphomatoid granulomatosis                        9766 /1   Primary cutaneous qamma-delta
                                                                        r -ceuivmpncma                               9726/3
        Primary med iastinal (thym ic) large
           B-celllym phoma                                  9679/3    Primary cutaneous COB positive aggressive
                                                                        epidermotropic cytotoxic T-cefl lymphoma     9709/3
        Intravascular large B-cell lymphoma                 971213
                                                                      Primary cutaneous CD4 positive smalVmedium
        AlK positive large B-cell lym phoma                 9737/3
                                                                         T-cell lymphoma                             9709/3
        Plasmablastic lymphoma                              973 5/3
                                                                      Peripheral Tccelllympboma, NOS                 970213
        l arge Bccell lymp homa arising in HHV8-
                                                                      Angioimmunoblastic 'l-cetl Iyrnphoma           970513
           associated multicentric Castleman disease 9738/3
                                                                      Anaplastic large cell lymp homa, ALK positive 97 14/3
        Primary effusio n lymphoma                          9678/3
                                                            968 7/3
                                                                      Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK negative   970213
        Burkitt lymph oma
        B-ceillym phom a, uncl assifiable, with feature s
          intermediate between diffuse large g-ceu
          lymph oma and Burkitt lymph oma                 968 0/3
                                                                      HODGKIN LYMPHOMA
        B-ceil lymph oma , unclassifiable, with feat ures
                                                                      Nodular lymphocyte predomi nant
          intermediate betwee n diffuse large 8-cell                                                                 9659/3
                                                                        Hodgkin lymp homa
          lymphoma and classica l Hodgkin lymphoma 9596/3
                                                                      Classical Hodgkin lymp homa                    9650/3
                                                                       Nodular sclerosis classical
                                                                         Hodgkin lymphoma                            9663/3
                                                                       l ymphocyte-rich classica l
            j-cen prolymphocytic leukaemia                  9834/3        Hodgkin lymphoma                           965113
            'f-celllarqe granular lym phocytic leukaemi a   983 1/3    Mixed cellularity classica l

I       Chronic Iymphoproliferative disorder of
          NK..cells                                         983113
                                                                         Hodgkin lymphoma
                                                                       l ymphocyte-depleted classical

            Aggressive NK cell leukaemia                    9948/3        Hodgkin lymphoma                           965313

       12        WHO   ciassitcenon
Histiocytic sarcoma                                        9755 /3
l angerhans cell histiocytosis                             975 1/3
langerhans cell sarcoma                                    9756/3
Interdigitating dendritic cell sarcoma                     9757/3
Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma                          975813
Fibroblastic reticu lar cell tumour                        9759/3
Indeterminate dendritic cell tumour                        9757/3
Disseminated juvenile xanthogranuloma


Early lesi ons
 P1asmacytic hyperplasia                                   9971/1
 Infectious mononucleosis-like PTLD                        9971 /1
Polymorphic PTLO                                           9971/3
Monomorphic PTlO (B- and TINK-cell types)'
Classical Hodgkin lym phoma type PTLO'"

NOS, not otherwise speci fied .

The italicized numbers are provi siona l cod es for the 4th
edition of lCD -D . While they are expected to be incorpo-
rated in the next ICD -O editi on , they currentty remain
subjectto changes.

The italicized histologi c type s are provisional enti ties , for
which the WHO Working Group fe ll the re was insufficient
evidence to recognize as distinct diseases at this time.

"These lesions are classi fied according to the leukaemia           or
lymphoma to which they correspond, and are assigned the
respective tCO-G code.

                                                                         WHO classification   13
Introduction to the WHO classification                                                               NL Harris
                                                                                                            E. Campo
                                                                                                                                                 H. Stein
                                                                                                                                          S.H. Swerdlow
       of tumours of-haernatopoletlc                                                                        E.S. Jaffe
                                                                                                            SA Pileri
                                                                                                                                                J Thiele
                                                                                                                                          J w. Vardiman
       and lymphoid tissues

       Why classify? Classification is the lan-            committees was incorporated into the             classification , involvement of clinicians is
       guage of medic ine: diseases must be                class ification. Over 130 pa thologists and      essential to ensure its usefulness and ac-
       described , defin ed and named before the y         haem ato logis ts from around the world          ceptance in daily practice 18971. At the lime
       can be diagnosed , treated and stud ied .           were involved in writing the chap ters. A        of publication of the WHO classi fication
       A consensus on definition s and termin ol-          consensus meeting was held at the head -         (3rd edition), prop onents of other cla ssifi-
       og y is essent ial for both clinic al practice      quarters of the IARC in Lyon, France. to         cations of haematologic neoplasms agreed
       and investigation . A cl assification should        make final d eci sions on the classi ficatio n   to use the new cl assification, thus ending
       contain diseases thai are clearly defin ed .        and the con tent of the book.                    decad es of cont roversy over the classifi-
       c linically d istinc tive . norKlVerlappi ng (mu-                                                    cation of these tumo urs 147. 478 . t 89.
       tually excllsive) and that together comprise        The WHO cl assification of tumours of the        1B9A, 190, 673,7750 , 1344A. 18198 1       ,
       all known entities (collectively e xha ustive).     haematopoietic an d lymphoid system is
       II should serve as a ba sis lor future inves-       based on the principles initially d efined in    As indicated above , there is no one -gold
       tigation . and should be able to incorporate        the "Revised Europe an-Amer ican Classi-         stand ard ," by which all diseases are
       new information as it becomes ava ilab le.          fica tion of Lymp hoid Neoplasms" (REAL).        def ined in the WHO cl assific ation. Mor-
       Classification has two aspects: clas s dis-         from the Interna tiona l Lymphoma Stud y         pholog y is alway s important, and many
       covery - the proces s of identifying cate-          Group (ILSG) 18981. In the WHO classifi-         diseases have ch aracteristic or even di-
       gories of diseases, and class pre diction           cation, these p rinciples have also been         agnosti c morphologic featu res, Immune-
       - the process of determining which cere-            appl ied to the class ification of myeloid       phe notype and genetic features are an
       gory an individual case belongs to. Pamer-          and his tiocy tic neoplasms, The gu id ing       important part of the definition of tumours
       ogi sts are critical to both processes .            prin cip le of the REAL and WHO cl assifi-       of the naematopolettc and lymphoid
                                                           c ations is the attempt to define "real"         tissues , and the av ailability of this infor-
       The World Hea lth Org anizati on (WHO)              d iseases that c an be recognized by             mation makes arriving at conse nsus defi-
       Classi fication of Tumours of the Haema-            pa tholo gi sts with availabl e techniques.      nitions easier now than it was when only
       topoietic and Lymp hOid Tissues (4th Edi-           and that appear be distinct clinical enti-       subjec tive morphologic criteria were
       tion ) was a coll aborative project of the          ties . There are 3 important com ponents to      available . lrrmunophenotyping studies are
       European Association for Haematopathol-             this p rocess First. recognizing tha t the       used in routine diagnosis in the vast
       ogy and the Society lor Hematopatholog y.           underlying c auses of these neo plasms           majority of haematolog ic mali gn ancies,
       It is a revision and update of the 3rd Edi-         are often unknown and may vary, this ap-         both to d etermine lineage in malig nant
       tion 11039 }. which was the first true              proa ch to cl assifica tion uses all available   processes and to dis tinguish be nig n lrom
       worldwide consensus c lassific ation of             information - morpholog y, immunop he-           ma lignant processes . Many disea ses
       baematoiocic malignancies. The update,              notype, genetic features, and cl inical fea-     have a chara ct eristic immunophenotype.
       which began in 2006, had an a-me mbe r              tures- to define diseases. The relative          such that one would hesitate to make the
       steering committee composed of membe rs             impo rtance of eac h of these features           diagnosis in the abse nce of the immune-
       of both societies, The Steering Comminee,           varies among diseases, d epend ing upon          p henot yp e, while in others the immuno-
       in a series of meetings and discussions,            the state of current knowledge, and there        onenotvpe is only part of the diagnosis, In
       agreed on a proposed list of diseases               is therefore no one "g old standard ," by        some lymphoi d and in many myeloid ne0-
       and chapters and selec ted authors. with            which all di seases are defined . Second.        p lasms a speci fic genetic abnorma lity is
       input from both soc ieties. As with the             rec ognizing that the com plexity 01 the         the key defining criterion, while etters lack
       WHO 3fd ed ition 1 71. the advice of clin -
                             89                            field makes it impossib le for a single          specific known genet ic ebnomantes.
       ical haematologists and oncologists was             expert Of small g roup to be comptet ely         Some g enetic abnormalities, while char-
       obtained . in order to ensure that the clas-        authoritative, and that broad agreement is       acteri stic of one dis ea se, are not specific
       sifica tion will be clinica lly useful. Two Clin-   necessary if a classificati on is to be ac -     (such as MYC. CCND 1or BCl2 rearrange-
       ic al Adv isory Committee s (CAG). one for          cep ted, this cta ssrncanon relies on bu ild -   ments or mutations in JAK2). and others
       myeloid neoplasm s and other acut e                 ing a consensus among as many experts            are prognostic factors in several diseases
       leukaemias and one for lym phoid neo-               as possible on the def inition and nomen-        (such as TP mutations or FLT3-ITO) ,
       plasms. were convened, The mee tings                clatu re of the diseases, We recognize that      The inc lusion of jr munoohenotvoc lea-
       were org anized aroun d a ser ies of                com promise is essential in orde r to arrive     tures and genetic abnormalities to define
       questions, inc luding disease definitions,          at a consensus, but bel ieve that the only       entities not only provides ob jective criteria
       nomenclature, grading. and clinical rele-           thing worse than an imperfect classifica-        for disease recogni tion but has identified
       vance. The committ ees were able to                 tion is multiple competing classifi cati ons .   antigens, genes or pathways that can be
       reach consensus on mos t of the ques-               Finally. wh ile patholog ists must take          targeted for therapy; the success of
       tions po sed . and muc h of the inp ut of the       pr imary respon sib ility for developing a       rituxima b , an anti-CD20 molecule, in the

       14       Introduction to the classification
.. .
treatment of. B-cel! neoplasms, and 01           ord er of listing is in part arb itrary, and is    the WHO classification has produced a
imatinib in the treatment of leukaemias as-      not an integral part of the cl assification.       new and exciting degree of cooperation
sociated with ABL 1 and oth re!lrrange-                                                             and conmunic ation among patholog ists
ments inv olving tryoene kinase genes are        The 4th ed ition of the WHO classification         and oncologists from around the world .
testament to this approach. Finally. some        inc orpo rates new information that has            which stould facilitate con tinued progress
diseases require know ledge of clinical          emerged from basic and clinic al in....estr-       in the understand ing and treatment of
features - age, nodal versus extranodal          gat ions in the interva l since pu b lication of   haema totog ic manqnaocies . The mullipa-
presentan  on. specific anatomic site . and      the 3rd edition . It inc ludes new defining        rameter approach to c lassification, with
history 01 cytotoxic and other therapies         criter ia for some disease s, as well as a         an emphasis on defining real disease
- to make the diagnosis. Most 01 the dis-        number of new entities. some def ined by           entites. tha t has be en ad opted by the
eases described in the WHO classification        genetic criteria - particul arly among the         WHO classification, has been shown in
are considered to be distinct enti ties ;        myeloid neoplasm s- and others by a                inte rnational studi es 10 be reproducible:
howev er. some are not as clearly defined,       combination of morpholog y. immunoph e-            the disea ses d efined are c linically dis-
and these are listed as prov isional entities,   ootype . and clinic al features. The frequent      ttnct iv e. and the uniform definitions and
In addition . borderline categories ha....e      application of immunophenotyping and               terminology facilitate the interpretation of
been created in this edition for cases that      genetic stud ies to peripheral blood, bone         clinical and translational stud ies 1 1, 791 .
do not c learly fit into one category, so that   ma rrow, and lym ph node samp les has              In addition, accurate and precise classifi -
well-de fined categories ca n be kept            also led to the de tection of small clonal         c ation of d isease entities has facilitated
homogeneous, and the borderline cases            populations in asy mptomatic pe rsons .            the discovery of the genetic bas is of
can be stud ied further.                         These include small clones of cells with the       my eloid and lymphoid neoplasms in the
                                                 BCR-ABL 1 translocation seen in chronic            ba sic science laboratory
The WHO classification stratifiesneoplasms       myelogenous leukaemia. small cl ones of
primarily ac cording to lineag e: myeloid,       ce lls with BCL2-IGH rearrangement. and
lymphoid, and histiocyticfdendritic c ell. A     small populat ions of c ells that have the
normal c ounterpart is postulaled lor each       imm uoopheootype of chronic lymp hocytic
neoplasm. While the goal is to define the        leukaemia (e l l ) or folli cu lar lymphoma
lineag e of each neoplasm, lineage pla s-        (mo noc lonal B lymphocytosis, follicular
ticity may occur in precursor or imma ture       lymphoma-in Situ , paediatric follicul ar hy-
neoplasms, and has recently been identi-         perplas ia WIth monoclonal B c ells). In
fied in some mature haematotymphoid              man y case s. it is not clear whether these
neoplasms , In addition, genetic atooe       -   represent earty involvement by a neoplasm,
rreuues suc h as FGFR1, PDGFA and                a precursor iesoo. or an inconsequential
PDGFB rearrangements may give rise to            find ing. These situations have some
neoplasms 01 either myel oid or lymphoid         ana logies to the identification of small
lineage associated with eosinophilia ;           monoclonal immunoglobulin components
these disorders are now recognized as a          in serum (monoclonal gammopathy of
separate group. Precursor neoplasms              unknown significance), The ch apters on
(acute myeloid reukaemes. lymphoblastic          these neoplasms include recommenda-
Iymphomasfleukaemias, acute reukaerraas          tions for dea ling with these situations. The
01 amb iguo us lineag e, and blast ic p las-     rec omm end ations of international con -
macytoid de nd ritic ce ll neop lasm ) are       sens us group s have bee n co nsidered.
considered separately from mo re mature          with regard to criteria for the d iagnosis of
neoplasms [myeloproliferative neoplasms          e ll, plasma cell myeloma, Waldenstr6m
(MPN). myelodysplastic/myeloproliterative        macroglobulinemia, and new subtypes of
neoplasms, myelodysplastic syndromes ,           cutaneous lymphomas, as well as in the
mature (peripheral) B-cell and T/NK -cell        development of new algorithms for the
 neoplasms, Hodgkin lymphoma. and his-           diagnosis of MPN .
Iiocyteldeodritic-c ell neoplasms] . The ma-
 ture myeloid neoplasms are stratified           A critic al feature of any class ification of
 according to the ir bi ologica l features       diseases is that it be periodically reviewed
 (myeIopl'oIiferative, with effective baereio-   and updated to incorpor ate new informa-
 poiesis. ....ersus myelodysplastic , with in-   tion. TheSocietyfor Haematopathology and
 effective neematcootesfs . as welt a s by       the European Association for Haemato-
 genetiC feature s). Within the mature lym-      pathology now have a more than to-year
 phoid neop lasms , the diseases are listed      record of couebceaton and coo pe ration in
 broadly ac cord ing to clinical presentation    this effort. The societies are comm itted to
 (disseminated often leukaemi c, extran -        updating and revising the classification
 coat. indolent. aggressiv e). and to some       as needed . with input lrom clinicians and
 extent according to stage of differentiation    with the collaboration of the WHO . The
 when this can be postulated: the     experience of developing and updating

                                                                                                     Introdu ction to the cl assification      15

            CHAPTER 1

     Introduction and Overview
         of the Classification
     of the Myeloid Neoplasms



Introduction and overview of the                                                                                       J.w. Vardiman
                                                                                                                                A.D. Brunning
                                                                                                                                                                           A. Porwit
                                                                                                                                                                           A . retten
         classification of the myeloid neoplasms                                                                                D.A . Arter
                                                                                                                                M.M.Le Beau
                                                                                                                                                                    C.D. Bloomfield
                                                                                                                                                                           J. Thiele

         The WHO Classification of Tumours of the                    by its c linic al and morphologic features,                genetic features is used in an anerrctt c
         Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissue s                        and its natural progression is charac ter-                 define d isease entities , such as CML, that
         (3rd edition) published in 200 1 reflected                  ized by an inc rease in blasts of myeloid ,                are biolog ically homogeneous and clini-
         a pa radigm shift in the approach to c las-                 lymphoid or m ixed myeloid/lymphoid                        cally relevant - the same approach used
         sification of myeloid neoplasms { 1039). For                immunop henotype. It is always associ-                     in the 3rd ed ition of the classification.
         the first time. genetic information was in-                 ated with the BCR·ABL 1 fusion gen e that                  Altho ugh the previous scheme began to
         cor porated into diagnostic algorithms                      results in the production 01 an abnormal                   open the door to including genetic ab-
         provided lor the vario us en tities. The pub-               protein tyros ine kinase (PTK) with en-                    normalities as c riteria to classi fy myeloid
         licat ion was prefac ed with a comment                      hance d enzyma tic ac tivity. This p rotein is             neoplasms, this rev ision firmly acknow l-
         pred icti ng future revisions nec essitated                 sut tcrentto ca use the leukaem ia and also                edges that as in CML, recu rring ge netic
         by rapidly eme rg ing gen el ic information.                provides a targ et for prote in tyrosi ne                  abno rmali ties provi de not onl y objec tive
         The cu rrent revision is a commentary on                    kinase inhibi tor (PTKI) the ra py tha t has               c rite ria for recognition of speci fic entities
         the significant ne w molecular insights mat                 prolonge d the lives of thousands of pa -                  but also identification of abnormal gene
         have bec ome avail abl e since the publi-                   tients with this often tatal illness {6 151.               product s or pathways that are potent ial
         cation of the last ctass'ncauon .                           This successful integ ratio n of cl inical ,               targets for therapy. One example in this
         The first entity described in this mono-                    morphologi c and genetic information em-                   revised sc heme is the addition of a new
         graph . chronic myelogenous leukaemia                       bodies the goal of the WHO classific ation                 subgroup of mye loid neoplasm s (Tabte
         (CML) rema ins the prototype for the iden-                  scheme.                                                    1.01) assoc iated with eos inoph ilia and
         tification and c lassific atio n of myeloid                 In th is revis ion . a combination of c linica l,          chromo somal ab normalities that involve
         neoplasms This leukaemia is recognized                      morpholog ic . imm uno phe noty pic and                    the oiateiet-oenved growth factor rece ptor

         Table 1.01 Themyeloid neoplasms' major sul:9'OUJlS and dal;U::i tstic features at ~
                                                                                                        ..........,                                .... """"           -
                  0.....               8M ctllularity        '10 MIrf'OW bluts                                              HatrnatopOitsit

          MPN                        Usually increased.                                                                          En-.             VanabIe; 008 or        Co<m>oo
                                     often normalin ET
                                                             tbmaJ or sIighlIy
                                                            increased: <10% in
                                                               dI'onic phase
                                                                                         """'"         G••,,,''''''',
                                                                                                      relabYe/y normal,                            """..-
                                                                                                                                                    IifIeage usually

          MyeIoidIIymphoid               Increased           Normal or $IigM~            Present      Relatively normal          Elfectrve          Eosinophilia         Com~
          neoplasmswith                                     increased: <20% irl                                                                     j~t 5x10ir1.)
          eosinophilia and abriof·                             cnronc phase
          malilies of PDGFRA.
          PDGFRB Of FGFRI

          MOS                                               Nom1al or incr
                                                                         eased:          Preserlt    ~lasia    inoreor          Inel!&Cti'Ie        Cytopenia(s)        U_
                                       =-                           ""'.                            more myeloid lineage

                                                             -,,- --

                                                              incl'eased;<20'10          """'"      Usually oneormae

                                                                                                                             Moy""Y ......         IariabIe. WBC
                                                                                                                                                 ..--                    Co<m>oo

                                                                                                     rrft'!lal cIyspIaSIa

                                     """" .......                                        ......,                                ........ ..-......

                                                              _>2ll%.                    "",",       May Of may J'IOl be                                                """'-
                                                             eQPl in some cases                                                or e"ect1ve
                                                          'l'Illh specific cybJeneIlc
                                                                abnorrnaIilies or in
                                                                                         -...        dyspIaslai'loneor

                                                               some cases of

          Mf)N, myeloproliferative neoplasms: MDS, myelod)'spla:slic syndromes; MDSlMf)N, myeIodysplasbcJmyeloprolifefalive neoplasms: AMl, ICIJIe myeloid leukaemia; ET, esseflIlaj
          Ihfombocylhaemia, JMML. ju¥&nile myelomonocytic leukaemia, wec. wniIe bloocI e&II$.

         18         Introduction and overview of the c lassif ication of the mye loid neoplasms

..   '

    alpha (PDG FflA) Of platelet de rived growth      is based on cr iteria applied 10 initial spec-
    factor recep tor beta (PDGFRB) genes              imen s obtained prior to any definitive ther-
    -a subgroup defined larg er9 by genetic           apy, includ ing growth lactor therapy, for the
    events that lead to consti tutive act ivat ion    myeloid neoplasm. The blast percentage in
    of the receptor tyrosine kinase, PDGFA,           the per ip her al b lood , bone ma rrow an d
    and that respond to PTKI therapy {13 1,           other involved tissues remains of p ractica l
    466. 8121 . Similar examples are found            impo rtance to categorize myeloid neo-
    througho ut the classification in each            plas ms and to judge their progression .            11111111 111I 1111 1111 111111
    major subgroup, and inclu de not only             Cytogenetic and molecular genetic stud-
    neoplasms assoc iated with rmcroscopr-            ies are requ ired at the time of d iag nosis                  456
    cally rec og niza ble chromosomal abnor-          not only for recoq r n ton 01 specific genet-
                                                                                                       F'S!. 1.01 Bone marrow tIeI:Me biopsy, Bone marfOW
    malities but also with gene mutations             ically d efined entities, but for establiShing
                                                                                                       b'ephinebiopsies should be alleast 1. em in length and
    without a cytogenetic correlate as weu.           a baseline against which futu re studies         ollt<w1ed at right angles10 the cortical bone.
    On the other hand . the importance 01            can be judged to assess disease pro-
    careful clinical, morphological and im-          gression. Beca use of the multidisciplinary
    munophenotypic characterization of each          approach req uired to diagnose and clas-           cells to categorize some eoutes. it is rec-
    myeloid neoplasm and coeretanoo with             sify myeloid neoplasms it is recomnended           ommended that 500 nucleated BM cells
    the genetic findings cannot be over-             thaI the various diagnostic studies be             be counted on cellular aspirate smears in
    emphasized. The discovery of activating          correlated with the clinical findings and          an area as close to the particle and as
    JAK2 mutations has revolutionized the            reported in a single, integ rated report. If       undiluted with blood as possible. Countll"lQ
    approach to the diagnosis of the myelo-          a definitive classification cannot be              from multiple smears may reduce sam-
    proliferative neoplasms (MPN) 1163, 1044 ,       reached the report should indicate the             pling error due to irregular distribution of
    1186,12681. Yet JAK2mutatiQns are not            reasons why and provide guidelines for             cells. The cells to be counted include
    specific for any single clinical or morpho-      additional studies that may clarify the            blasts and promonocytes (see definition
    logic MPN phenotype, and are also                diagnosis.                                         below) . pronveocvtes. myelocytes, meta-
    reported in some cases 01 myelodysplas-          To obtain consistency, the following               myelocytes, band neutrophils, segmented
    tic syndromes (MDS), myeiooysplasnc/             guidelines are recommended for the eval-           neutrophils, eosiropnns. basophils, fTlQIlO-
    myeloproliferative neoplasms (MDSlMPN)           uation of specimens when a myeloid neo-            cytes , lymphocytes. plasma cells , erythrOid
    and ac ute mye loid leu kaemia (AMl).            plasm is suspected to be present. It is            precursors and mas t cells. Megakaryo-
    Thus, an integ rate d, multidisciplinary         assu me d tha t this evalua tion will be pe r-     cvtes. including dysplastic forms. are not
    approach is necessary for the classification     formed with full knowled ge of the clinical        inc lude d. If a concomitant non-mye loid
    of myeloid neoplasms.                            history and pertinent laboratory data.            neoplasm is present, such as p lasma ceu
    With so muc h yet 10 learn, there may be                                                            myeloma, it is reasonable to exclude
    some 'missteps" as trad itional approaches       Morphology                                         tho se neo plastic cells from the coun t
    to categorization are fused with more             Periphera l blood: A perip heral b lood (PB)      used to evaluate the myeloid neop lasm. If
    rrcecuarfy-orentec clessifcaton schemes ,        smea r sho uld be exa mined and co rre-           an aspirate ca nnot be obta ined du e to
    Nevertheless, thi s revi sion of th e WHO        late d with result s of a co mple te b loo d      fibrosis Of ce llular packing, touch prepa-
    classification is an attempt by the authors,     c ount. Freshly mad e smea rs shou ld be          ratio ns of the b iop sy may yield valuable
    editors and the c linic ians who served as       sta ined with May-Gnmwald -Giernsa or             c yto log ic informa tion, but d ifferential
    members of the Clinica l Advisory Com-           Wright-G iemsa and examined for wh ite            co unts from touc h preparations may not
    mittee (CAC ) to p rovide an "evidence-          bloo d ce ll (WBC) , red b lood ce ll (AB C)      be repr esentative . The d ifferential co unts
     based" c lass ifica tion that ca n be used in   and plate let abnormal ities It is impo rtant     obta ined from marrow aspi rate s should
    daily p ractic e for therap euti c deci sions    to ascerta in that the smears are we ll-          be compared to an estimate of the p ro-
     and yet pr ovide a flexib le framework for      stained, Evaluation of neutrophil g ranularity    po rtions of cells o bserved in avai lab le
     integration of new data ,                       is imp ortant when a myelo id d isor der is       biop sy sections,
                                                     suspected; de signat ion of neut rophils as       Bone marrow trephine biopsy: The contri-
                                                     abnormal b ased o n hypog ranular cyto-           but ion of adequate 8M bio psy sections in
    Prerequisites for classification                 plasm alo ne shoul d not be conside red           the diagnosis of myeloi d neoplasms can-
                                                     unless the stain is well-controlled . Manual      not be overstated. The tre phine biopsy
    ofmyeloid neoplasms by
                                                     2OO-cell leukocyte di fferentials of PB           provides information rega rdin g overall
    WHO criteria                                     smea rs are recommended in patients with          cellularity and the to pog raphy, propo rtion
                                                     a myeloid neoplasm when the WBC count             and maturation of baematopolenc cells ,
    The WHO c lassification of myeloid neo-          permits.                                          and allows evalu ation of 8M stroma. The
    plasms relies on the morphologic, cyto-          Bone manowaspirate: Bone marrow (BM)              biopsy also provid es material for immuno-
    chemical and immunophenotypic features           as pi rate smears should also be stained          histochemical studies th at may have
    of the neop lastic cells to esta bl ish thei r   with May-G rQnwald-G iemsa or Wright-             diagnostic and prognostic importance. A
    lineage and deg ree 01 ma turation and to        Gie msa for optimal visua lization of cyto-       biopsy is essential whenever there is
    decide whether cellular p rolife ration is       plas mic g ranules and nuclear chromatin.         myelofibrosis, and the classification of sore
    q101ogica lly normal or dysplastic or            Because the WHO Classification relies on          entities , partiCularly MPN, relies heavily on
    esecuve or ineffec tive . The classification     percentages of blasts and other specific          trephine sections, The specimen must be

                                                           Introduction and overview of the    ctassncauoo at the myeloid neoplasms                     19
adeq uate, Iake n at rig ht angle from the
cortica l bone and at least 1.5 cm in length
to enable the evaluation of at least 10 par-
tially preserved inter-trabecular areas. It
should be well-fixed, thinly sectioned at
3-4 micra, and stained with haematoxylin
and eosin and/o r a stain such as Giemsa
that allows lor detailed morphologic eval-
uation . A silver impreg nation method for
reticulin fibres is recommended and
marrow fibrosis graded according to the
European consensus scoring system
122141, A periodic acid-Schitt (PAS) stain
may aid in detection 01 megakaryocytes.
Immunohistoc hemical (IHe) study of the
biopsy is often indispensable in the eva l-
uation of myeloid neoplasms and is dis-
cussed belOw,
Blas ts: The percentage of myeloid blasts
is important for dl8gnosis and ctasstcaton
of myeloid neoplasms , In the PB the blast
percentage should be derived from a
200-cell leukocyte differential and in the
8M from a 500-cell count of cellular 8 M
aspirate smears as described above . The       biopsy. not all blasts express CD34 .          They are usually strongly positive for n0n-
blast percentage derived 'rom the 8 M          Myeloblas ts. monoblasts and megakary<>        specific esterase(NSE) but have no or only
aspirate should correlate With an estimate     blasts are included in the blast count.        weak myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity,
of the blast percentage in the trephine        Myeloblasts vary from slightly larger than     Promonocytes are considered as ' rrooo-
biop sy. although large foca l clusters or     mature lymphocytes to the size of mono-        blast equivalents " when the requisite per-
sheets 01 blasts in the biopsy should be       cvtes or larger. with moderate to abun-        centage 01 blasts is tallied for the
regarded as possible disease progression.      dant dark blue to blue-grey cytoplasm.         diagnosis of acute monoblastic . acute
Immunohistochemical staining of the BM         The nuclei are round to oval with finely       monoc ytic and acute myerorronocync
biopsy for CD34+ blasts often aids in the      granul ar chromatin and usually several        leukaemia. Promonoc vtes have a deli-
correlation of aspirate and trephine biopsy    nucleoli. but in some nuclear irregularities   cately convoluted. folded or grooved
findings, although in some myeloid neo-        may be prominent. The cytoplasm may            nucleus with finely dispersed chromatin,
plasms the blasts do not express CD34 ,        contain a few azurophil granules (Fig 1,03),   a small , indistinct or absent nucleolus,
Flow cyto metry determination of blast         Monob lasts are large cells with abundant      and finely granulated cytoplasm (Fig 1.04
percentage should not be used as a sub-        c ytoplasm that can be light grey to deeply    C, 0), Most promonocytes express NSE
stitute for visual inspection. The spec imen   blue and may show pseudopod formation          and are likely to have MPO activ ity. The
for flow c ytometry is otten haemoouute.       (Fig 1.04 A. S). Their nuc lei are usually     distinct ion between mono brasts and
and may be affected by a number of pre-        round with deli cate , lacy chromatin and      prornonocvte s is often difficu lt. but
analytic variabl es. and as noted for the      one or more large prominent nucleoli.          because the two cell types are summated


20       Introduction and overview of the classification of the myeloid neoplasms
as rr onootasf s in making the diagnosis of
AML, the distinction between a monoblast
and promonocyte is not aly,.ogys critical.
On the other hand , distinguishin g pro-
monocvtes from mo re matu re b ut ab-
normal leukaemic monocytes can also be
dilficult, but is critical, because the des-
ignation 01 a case as acu te monocytic or
acute myelomonocytic leukaemia versus
chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia olten
hinges on this distinclion . Abnormal             A                                                              B
rrooocv tes have more clumped chromatin
than a p romonocyte, variably indented.
folded nucl ei and grey cytoplasm with

rrore abundant lilac -colored granules . Nu-
cleoli are usually absent or indi stinct (Ftg
 1.04 E.F). Abnormal monocytes are rot
consider ed as monoblast eouvaeots.
Megakaryoblasts are usually 01rreoen to
large size with a round , indented or

                                                                 - .
irregular nucleu s with finefy reticular
chromatin and one to three nucleoli. The
cytOplasm is basophiliC, usually agranular,
and may show cytoplasmic blebs (See                                      • •
Chapter 6 on acute myeloid leukaemia,
NOS). Small dysplastic megakaryocytes             c                                                              o
and micrornegal<.aryocyt es are not blasts.
Inacute promyelocytic leukaemia, the blast
equivalent is the abnormal promyelocyte .
Erythroid precursors (erythroblasts) are
rot included in the blast count except in
the rare instance of "pure" acute erythroid
leukaemia, in which case they are cons id-
ered as blast equiva lents (See Chap ter 6
on acute myeloi d leukaemia, NOS).
Cytochemistry and other special steins:
Cytochemical stud ies are used to deter-
mine the lineage 01 blasts, althou gh in
some laboratories they have bee n sup-            E                                                              F
planted by immun ologi c studies usin g
flow cytometry an d/or immunohistochem -        Fig. 1.04 Monoblasts, promonocytes and abnormal mcnccytea from a case of acute monocytic laukaemia.
istry. They are usu ally perform ed on PB       A, B Monoblas    tsarelarge with abundant cylOlJlasm that ma y contain a few vacuoles Of fine granules and have roullCl
and 8M aspirate smears but some can be          nuclei withlacy chroma~n and one Of more variably prominent nucleoli. C, D Prornor.ocytes have more irregular ancl
performed on sections 01 treph ine b iop -      delicately folded n~ withfine chroma~n, small indistinct nucleoli and finely granulated cytoplasm. E, F Abnormal
sies or other tissues . Detec tion 01 MPO       monocytes appear immature, yet have mo condensed nuclear chroma tin, con'o'Q/uled Of fdded nuclai, and more
                                                cylopIasmiC granulaboo (Courtesy of Or. J. Goasguen).
indicates myeloid d ifferentia tion b ut its
absence does not exclude a myeloid lin-
eage because early myelobl asts as well          case light grey granules are seen rather                    inhibi ted by NaF, The combination of NSE
asmonoblasts may lack MPO. The MPO               than the deeply black granules that char-                   and the specific esterase , naph thol-ASD-
activity in rrweiobtasrs is usually granular    acterize mverobrasts. The non-specific                       chloroaceta te esterase (CAE), which stains
and etten concentrated in the Golgi region      este rases . u nap hthyl butyrate (ANB) and                  primarily cells 01 the neutroph il lineage
whereas monobtasts. although usually            (,( naphthyl acetate (ANA). show diffuse                     and mast cells, permits ident ification of
negative,may show line, scattered MPO+          cytoplasmic activity in monoblasts and                       monccvtes and immature and mature
granules, a pattern tha t becomes mo re         monocytes. Lymphoblasts may have foca l                      neutroph ils simultaneously. Some cells ,
pronounced in prcmonocvtes . Erythroid          punctate activity with NSE but neutrophils                   particularty in myeIornonocytic leukaemias,
blasts, megakaryoblasts and Iymphoblasts        are usually negative. Megakaryoblasts                        may exhib it NSE and CAE simultaneously.
are MPO negat ive . Sudan Black B (SSBl         and erythroid b lasts may have some mul-                     While norma l eosinoph ils lack CAE, it may
staining parallels M PO but is less spe-        titocal. punctate ANA positivity, b ut it is                 be expressed by neop lastic eosooohne.
etc. Occ asional cases of lymphoblastic         partia lly resistant to natrium ffuorid e (NaF)              CAE can be performed on tissue sections
 leult.aemia exhibit SSB POSitiVIty in which
                                   ,            inhibition whereas monocyte NSE is totally                   as well as PB ()( marrow asp irate smears.

                                                       Introduction and overview 01 the ctass.tcanoo 01 the myeloid neoplasms                                      21
In acute erythroid leukaemia. a PAS stain                     an essential tool in the cha racterization of                immunophenotyping in myeloid neoplasms
may be helpful in that the cytoplasm of                       myeloid neoplasms. Differootiation antigens                  is most com monly required in AML and in
the leukaemic oroervmrobreate may show                        that appear at various stages of haemato-                    determining the phe notype of blasts at
large globules of PAS positivity. Well-                       oo'euc develo pment and in correspon-                        the lime of transfo rmation of MOS.
controlled iron stains should always be                       ding myeloid neoplasms are illustrated in                    MOS!MPN and MPN,
per formed on the 8M aspirate to detect                       Fig . 1.05. and a thorough descriplion of                    Mulliparameter flow cytometry is the
iroo stores. normal side roblasts and ring                    lineage assignment criteria is provided in                   prefer red method of immuno phenotypic
side robrasts. the latter of which are de-                    the chapters on mixed phenotype acute                        analysis in AML due to the ability to ana-
fined as erythroid precursors with 5 or                       leukaemia, The techn iques employed and                      lyze high numbers of cells in a relatively
more granules of iron encircling one-third                    the antigens anafyzed may vary accord-                       short period of time with simultaneous
or more of the nuc leus.                                      ing to the myeloid neoplasm suspected                        recording of information about severer
                                                              and the information required 10 best char-                   antigens for each individual cell. Usually.
Immunop henotype                                              acterize it as well as by the tissue avail-                  rather extensive panels of monoclonal an-
Immunophenotypic analysis using either                        able. Although often important in the                        tibodies directed against leukocyte differ-
multiparameter flow cytometry or IHe is                       diagnosis ol any haematoiogicaJ neoplasm.                    entiation antigens are applied because

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22         mtrocucuco and overview of lhe classification of the myeloid neoplasms
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WHO 2008

  • 1.
  • 2. World Health Orga nization Classifica tion of Tumours Hamilton SR. Aartonen LA (Eds.) : Fletcher C.D.. Unni KK., Tavassoli F A .. Devilee P. (Eds .): World Health Organization Mertens F. (Eds,): World Health World Health Organization Classification of Tumours , Organization Classification 01 Classification 01 Tumours . Patholog y and Genetics of Tumours Tumours. Patho logy and Genetics 01 Pathology and Genetics of Tumours of the Digestive System (3rd edition) . Tumours of Soft Tissue and Bone of the Breast and Female Genital IARC Press: lyon 2000 (3rd edition). Organs (3rd edition). ISBN 92 832 241 0 8 IARC Press : lyon 2002 IARC Press : lyon 2003 ISBN 92 832 2413 2 ISBN 92 832 2412 4 Eble J .N., Sauter G .• Epstein J E., Travis wo., Brambilla E., Muller· Delellis A.A., lloyd A.V, Heitz, P.U., Sesterreon l.A . (Eds.) World Health Hermelink H.K ., Harris C .C. (Eds.): Eng C . (Eds.): World Hea lth Organization Classification of World Health Organization Organization Classification of Tumours. Pathology and Genetics of Classification 01 Tumours. Pathology TlJTlOUrs. Pathology and Genetics ot Tumours althe Urinary System and and Genetics of Tumours of lung TlJTlOUrs of Endocrine Organs (3rd Male Genital Organs (Jrd ed ition) P1eu"a. Thyrrus and Heart (3I"d edilon), edition). fARe Press : lyon 2004 IARC Press : lyon 2004 IARC Press : lyon 2004 ISBN 92 832 2415 9 ISBN 92 832 2418 3 ISBN 92 832 2416 7 Barnes L , Eveson J .W , Reichart P" leBoit P.E.. Burg G , Weedon D., louis D.N" Ohgaki H ., WiesUer D.O., Sidransky 0 (Eds.): World Health Sarasm A . (Ed s.): World Health Cavenee WK (Ed s.) : World Health Organization Classification of Organization Classification of Organization Classification of Tumours. Pathology and Genetics of Tumours. Pathology and Genetics of Tumours . Tumours of the Central Head and Neck Tumours (3I"d edition) . Skin Tumou rs (3rd edition). Nervous System (4th edition ). IARC Press : lyon 2005 IA RC Press : lyon 2006 IARC, lyon 2007 ISBN 92 832 24 17 5 ISBN 92 832 2414 0 ISBN 92 832 2430 2 This book and all other volumes of the series can be purchased from: From all countries WHO PRESS World Health Organization 20 Avenu e Appia 1211 Geneva 27 Switzer land www. who intlbookord ers/ Tei. + 4 1 22 791 3264 Fax +41 22 791 4857 bcokoroersewno.ot From USA I Canada WHO Publications Center 5 San d Creek Road Albany, NY 1205- 1400 Tel. +15184369686 Fax . + 1518436 7433 Renouf Pub lishing Co. lid http://www.renoufbooks.comJ From USA : Tel.+18885517470 Fax +18885517471 From Canada: Tel. + 1 866 767 6766 Fax +16137457660
  • 3. -.I
  • 4. • I WH O OMS International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) 4th Edition WHO Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues Edited by Steven H. Swe rdlow Elias Campo Nancy Lee Harris Elaine S. Jaffe Stefano A. Pileri Harald Stein JOrgen Thiele James W. Vardiman Intern ational Agency for Resea rch on Cancer Lyon , 2008
  • 5. World Health Organization Classification of Tumours Series Editors Fred T. Bosman, M.D. Elaine S. Jaffe. M.D. Sunil R. Lakhani. M.D. Hiroko Onqaki, Ph.D. WHO Classification of Tumours of the Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues Editors Sleven H. Swerdlow, M.D. Elias Campo. M.D. Nancy Lee Harris, M.D. Elaine S. Jaffe , M D. Stefano A. Pileri. M.D. Harald Stein, M.D. JOrg en Thiele, M.D. James W. Vardi man, M.D. Layout Sebastien Antoni Marlen Grassinger Pascale Collard Printed by Participe Present 69250 Neuville s/SaOne, France Publisher International Agency for Research on Cance r (IARC) 69008 Lyon. France
  • 6. This volume was produced with support from the Associazione S.P.E.S. Onlus, Bologna Friends of Jose Carreras International Leukemia Foundation Leukemia Clinical Research Foundation MEDIC Foundation National Cancer Institute, USA National Institutes of Health Office of Rare Diseases, USA University of Chicago Cancer Research Center The WHO Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues presented in this book reflects the views of a Working Group that convened for an Editorial and Consensus Conference at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (fARC), Lyon October 25-27. 2007. Members of the Working Grou p are indicated in the List of Contributors on pages 369-374.
  • 7. Published by the International Agenc y for Research 00 Cancer (IARC), 150 cou rs Albert Thomas, 69372 Lyon ceoex 08, France C International Agency for Research on Cancer, 2008 Distributed by WHO Press, World Health Organization , 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland (Tel: +4 1 22 791 3264; Fax: +4 1 22 791 4857; e-mail: bookordersOwholnt). PubliCations Of the World Health Organization enjoy copyright crotectco in accordance with the proviecos of Protocol 2 of the Universal Copyright Coeventoo. All rights reserved . The designatiOns employed and the presentation ot the material in this publicatiOn do not imply the expression ot any opiniOn whatsoever on the part of the secretarial 01 the WOOd Health OrganiZatiOn concerning the legal status 01 any country , territory. city . or area or 01 its authonltes , or concerning the delimitatiOn 01 its frontiers or ccooca-ee. The mootion ol scecac companies or 01 certain manufacturers' products does not imply that they are encIorned or fecorrmellded by the World Health Organization in preference to others of a smilar nature that are not mentioned Errors and omissions excepted, the rwnes 01 proprietary products are distmguished by initial capnatjetters. The authors alone are responsible fOf the views expressed in this pubhcatlQfl. The copyright of figures and charts remains with the authors (see source 01 charts and photographs. page 376--379) Format for bibliographic citations: Swerdlow S.H., Campo E., Harris N,L., Jaffe E.S" Pileri S.A., Stein H" Thiele J , Vardiman J.w. (Eds.): WHO Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lympho id Tissues, IARC: Lyon 2008 IARC Ubrary Cataloguing in Publication Data WHO Classific ation of Tumou rs of Haematopo ietic and Lymp hoid Tissues Edited by Swerdlow S.H.. Campo E., Harris NL , Jaffe E.S.• Piled SA, Stein H., Thiele J .. Vardiman JW. 1. Haematopoie hc System Neop lasms - genetics 2. Haematopoielic System Neop lasms - pathology I. Swerdlow. Steven H. ISBN 978-92-832-243 1-0
  • 8. Contents WHO Classifjcatioo 9 AML with mutated NPM 1 120 Summary table 10 AMLwith mutated CEBPA 122 Introduction to the classification of tumours of AML with myelo dysplas ia-related changes 124 haematopoietic and lymphoid tissues 14 Therapy -relate d myeloid neoplasms 127 Acu te myeloid leukaemia, NOS 130 Introduction and overview of the classification of AML with minimal diff erentiation 130 the myeloid neoplasms 17 AML withOut matu ration 131 AML with maturabon 131 2 Myeloproliferative neoplasms 31 Acute myelomonocytic leukae mia 132 Chronic myelogenous leukaemia. BCR-ABL 1 positive 32 Acute monoblastic and monocytic leukaem ia 133 Chronic neutrophilic leukaemia 38 Acute erythroid leukaemia 134 PoIycythaemia vera 40 Acu te megakaryoblastic leukaemia 136 Primary myelofibrOsis 44 Acute basophilic leukaemia 137 Essenliallhrombocythaemia 48 Acu te paomveosrs with myelofibros is 138 Chronic eosinophilic leukaemia. NOS 51 Myeloid sarcoma 140 Mastocytosis 54 Myeloid proli ferations related 10 Down synd rome 142 Cutaneous mastocytosis 57 Transient abnOrmal myelopoiesis 142 Systemic mastocytosis 58 Myeloid leukaemia associated with Masl cell leukaemia 61 Dc:rwn syndrome 143 Mast cell sarcoma 61 Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm 145 Extracutaneous mastocytoma 61 Myeloproliferative neoplasm, unc lassi fiable 64 7 Acute leukaemiasof ambiguous lineage 149 Acute undlHerentiated leukaemia 151 3 Myeloid and lymphoid neoplasms with Mixed phenotype acute leukaemia wilh eosinophilia and abnormalities of PDGFRA. t(9;22)(q34;q 11.2): BCR-ABL 1 15 1 PDGFRB Of FGFRl 67 Mixed phenotype acute leukaemia with t(v:11q 23): MLL rear ranged 152 4 MyelodysplasticJmyeloproliferative neoplasms 75 Mixed phenotype acute leukaemia , B/myeloid, NOS 152 Chronic mveiomonocync leukaemia 76 Mixed phenotype ac ute leukaemia , T/myeloid , NOS 153 Atypical ctYonic myeloid leukaEmia. BCR- ABL 1 negative 80 Mixed phenoty pe acu te leukaemia, NOS· rare Juvenile myelomonocytic leuk aemia 82 types 154 MyelodysplastiC/myeloproliferali ve neoplasm , Other ambiguous lineage reukaerraes t 55 urclasaifiable 85 Natura! killer (NK)-celilympho blastic leukaemi a/lymphoma 155 5 Myelodysplastic syndromes 87 Myelodysplastic synd romes/n eo plasms , overview 88 8 Introduction and overview 01 the c lassification of Refractory cytope nia with unilineage dysplasia 94 the lymphoid neoplasms 157 Refractory anaemia with ring side rob lasts 96 Refractory cytopenia with multilineage dysplasia 98 9 Precu rsor lymphoid neoplasms 167 Refractory anaemia with exc ess b lasts 100 B lymp hob lastic leukaemia/lymphoma, NOS 168 Myelodysp lastic synd rome with isolated de l(5q) 102 B lymphob lastic leukaemia/ lymphoma Myelodysp lastic synd rome, uncrasslttabte 103 with recu rrent gene tic abn orma lities 171 Childhood mye lodysp lastic synd rome 104 B lymphob lastic leukaem iallymphoma with Refractory c ytopenia of c hild hood 104 t(9 :22)(q 34;q 11.2): BCR-ABL 1 171 B lymp hoblastic leukaemia/ly mpho ma with 6 Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) and l(v:11q 23): ML L rearranged 171 related precursor neoplasms 109 B lympho blastic leukaemiall ymphom a with AML with recurrent genet ic abn or malities 11 0 t(12:2 1)(p1 3;q22 ): TEL-AMLl (ETV6--RUNX 1) 172 AML with t(8:21 )(q22:q22); RUNX1 -RUNX1T1 11 0 B lymphoblastic leukaemia/lymphoma with AML with inv( 16)( p 13.1q22) or hyperdi ploi dy 173 1(16:t6)(p 13.1;q22): CBFB-MYH 11 11 1 B lymphoblastic leukaemiallymphom a with Acute orornveiocvnc leukaem ia with hypodiplOi dy (Hypodiploi d ALL) 174 t(15:17)(q22 :q 12): PML- RARA 11 2 B lymphoblastic leukaemiallymphoma with AML with us.11)(p 22:q 23): MLLT3-MLL 114 t(5; 14)(q31;q32); IL3-IGH 174 AML with t(6:9)(p23 :q34); DEK-NU P2 14 115 B lymphoblastic leukaemiallymphoma with AML with inv(3)( q2 1q26 .2) or t(3;3)( q2 1;q26.2); t( 1;19) (q23:P13.3): E2A-PBX1( TCF3-PBXI) 175 RPNt ·EVI1 116 T lymphoblastic leukaemiallymphoma 176 AML (megakaryoblastic) with t( 1;22)(p13;q 13): RBM15-MKL 1 117
  • 9. 10 Mature B-ceUneoplasms 179 Enteropathy -associated t-een lymphoma 289 Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia Ismail Hepatosplenlc t -een lymphoma 292 Iympt'locytic lymphoma :f 180 Subcutaneous panniculitis-like t-een lymphoma 294 s-een prolyrT¢lhocytic leukaemia 183 Mycosis fungoi des 296 Splenic B-cell marginal zone lymphoma 185 Sezary syndrome 299 Hairy cell leukaemia 188 Primary cutaneous CD30 posi tive t-een Splenic B-cell Iymphomalleukaemia, unclassiliable 191 Iymphoprolilerative disorders 300 Splenic diffuse red pulp small B-ceil lymphoma 191 Primary cutaneous per ipheral t-een lymphoma s, Hairy cenleckaeme-....anent 192 rare subtypes 302 lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma 194 Primary cutaneous garnna-della T-cen lymphoma 302 Heavy chain diseases 196 Primary cutaneous COB positive agg ressive Gamma heavy chain disease 196 ep idermotrop ic cytotoxic T-celt lymphoma 303 Mu heavy chain disease 197 Primary cutaneou s CD4 positive Alpha heavy chain disease 198 small/medium T-cell lymphoma 304 Plasma cell neoplasms 200 Peripheral t-een lymphoma. NOS 306 Monoc lonal gammop athy 01 undetermined Ang ioimmunoblastic t -een lymphoma 309 significance (MGUS) 200 Anaplastic large cell lymphoma. AlK positive 312 Plasma ce ll myeloma 202 Anapla stic large cell lymphoma . ALK negat ive 317 Solitary plasmacytoma of bone 208 Extraosseous plasmacytoma 208 12 Hod gkin lymphoma 32 1 Monoclonal immunoglobulin deposition diseases 209 Introduction 322 Extranodat marginal zone lymphoma of mucosa- Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin Iymptuna 323 associa ted lymphoid tissue (MALT lymphoma) 214 Classical Hodgk in lymp homa. introduction 326 Nodal marg inal zone lymphoma 218 Nodular sclerosis classical Hodgkin lymphoma 330 Follicular lymphoma 220 Mixed ce llularity classical Hodgkin lymphoma 331 Primary cutaneous follicle centre lymphoma 227 Lymphoc yte-rich classical Hodgkin lymphoma 332 Mantle cell lymphoma 229 lymphocyte-depleted classical Hodgkin lymphoma 334 Diffuse large B-celllymphoma (DLBCl), NOS 233 T celilhi stiocyte-rich large B-ce ll lymphoma 238 13 1rnmunode ficiency-assoc iated Primary DlBCL of the CNS 240 Iymphoproliferative disorde rs 335 Primary cutaneous DlBCl . leg type 242 Lymp hoproliferative diseases associated with EBV positive DLBCl of the elderly 243 primary immune disorders 336 DLBCL assoc iated with chronic inflammation 245 Lymphomas associa ted with HIV infection 340 Lymphomatoid granulomatosis 247 Post-nansotanttsmpnooronterauve disorders (PTlD) 343 Primary med iastinal (thymic) large B-celilymphoma 250 Plasmacytic hyperp lasia and infectious- Intrav escurer large B-celi lymphoma 252 rroooo ocieose-uke PTlD 345 ALK positive large Been lymphoma 254 Polymorphic PTlO 346 Plasmablastic lymphoma 256 Monomorph ic PTlO 347 large a-ceu lymphoma arising in HHV8-associated Classical Hodgkin lymphoma type PTLO 349 multicent ric Castleman disease 258 Other iatrogenic immunodeficiency-assoc iated Primary effusion lymphoma 260 Iymphoproliferative disorders 350 Burkitllymp homa 262 B-cel1lymphoma, unclassiliab le, with features 14 Histiocytic and dendritic cell neoplasms 353 intermediate between DLBCL and Introd uction 354 Burkitllymphoma 265 Histiocyt ic sarcoma 3S6 B-ceillymphoma, unctessmebie. with features Tumours der ived from langerhans cells 358 intermediate between OLBCl and Langerhans cell histiocytosis 3S8 clas sica l Hodgkin lymphoma 267 Langerhans ce ll sarcoma 360 Interdigitating dendrit ic cell sarcoma 36 1 11 Mature T- and NK-cell neoplasms 269 Follicular de ndritic ce ll sarcoma 363 r-cea prolymphocytic leukaemia 270 Other rare dendritic cell tumours 365 t- een large granular lymphocytic leukaemia 272 Disseminated juvenile xanthogranuloma 366 Chronic Iymphoproliferative disorder of NK cells 274 Aggressive NK cell leukaemia 276 Contributors 369 Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) positive t-een Clinical advi sory oorrrnittee 374 Iymphoprol ilerative diseases of ch ildhood 278 Source of Charts and photographs 376 Systemic EBV+ t-een Iymphoproliferalive disease of childhood 278 References 300 Hydroa vacclnrtorrne-uk e lymphoma 280 Subject index 429 Adull T-ceil leukaemia/lymphoma 281 Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma. nasal type 285 NOS, no! otherwise specifi ed , •
  • 10. WHO Classification 4th Edition - / / -.,.e" / , ...,...,... ~ /,f / - ~ ~~ - -~ ~ _....i? ~.,.~ -
  • 11. WHO Classification of tumours of haematopoietic and lymphoid tissues MYELOPROLIFERATIVE NEOPLASMS MYELODYSPLASTIC SYNDROMES Chronic myelogenous leukaemia , Refractory cytopenia with unilineage dysplasia BCR-ABL 1 positive 987513 Refractory anaemia 9980/3 Chronic neutrophilic leukaemia 996 3/3 Refractory neutropenia 999 1/3 Polycythaemia vera 995 0/3 Refractory thrombocytopenia 9992/3 Primary myelofibrosis 996 1/3 Refractory anaemia with ring sideroblasts 9962/3 Essential thrombocythaemia 996213 Refractory cytopenia with Chronic eosinophilic leukaemia, NOS 9964 /3 multitineage dysplasia 9965/3 Mastocytosis Refractory anaemia with excess blasts 9983/3 Cutaneous mastocytosis 9 74011 MyelodysplasU syndrome c associated with isolated del(Sq) 9966/3 Systemic mastocytosis 9 74 1/3 Myelodysplasticsyndrome, uncJassifiable 9969/3 Mast cell leukaemia 974 213 Mast cell sarcoma 974 0/3 Childhood myelodyspla suc syndrome Extracutaneous mastocytoma 974 0/1 Refractory cytopenia of childhood 996513 Myeloproliferative neoplasm , unctassitlable 9975/3 ACUTE MYELOID LEUKAEMIA (AML) AND RELATED PRECURSOR NEOPLASMS MYELOID AND LYMPHOID NEOPLASMS WITH EOSINOPHILIA AND ABNORMALITIES OF AML with recurr ent genetic abnormalities PDGFRA, PDGFRB OR FGFRI AML with t(6 ;21)(q22;q2 2); Myeloid and lymphoid neoplasms RUNXI-RUNX1Tl 9696/3 with PD GFRA rearrangement 9965/3 AML with inv(16)(pI 3.1q22 ) Myeloid neoplasms or t(16;16)(pI3.1;q2 2); CBFB-MYHl1 9671/3 with PDGFRB rearrangement 9966/3 Acute promyelccytlc leukaemia Myeloid and lymphoid neoplasms with t(15 ;17)(q22 ;qI2); PML-RARA 9666/3 with FGFR1 abnormalities 9967/3 AML with t(9 ;11)(p22 ;q23); MLLT3-MLL 9697/3 AML with 1(6;9)(p2 3;q34 ); DEK-NUP214 986513 MYELODYSPLASTIC/MYELOPROLIFERAnVE AML with inv( 3)(q2 1q26.2) NEOPLASMS ort(3; 3)(q21;q 26.2); RPNI -EV/1 9869/3 Chronic myetcmonocytic leukaemia 9945/3 AML (megakaryoblastic) with t(I ;22)(p I 3;q I 3); RBMI5-MKLI 9911/3 Atypical chronic myeloid leukaemia. BCR-ABL 1 negative 967613 AML with mutated NPM1 986 1/3 Juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia 9946/3 AML wrlh mutated CEBPA 9661/3 Myelodysplasticlmyeloproliferative neoplasm. unclassifiable 9975/3 AML with myelodysplasia-related changes 969513 Refractory anaemia with ring sideroblasts Therapy-re lated myeloid neoplasm s 99 2013 associated WI h marked thrombocyt t osis 99 6213 10 WHO ctassrtceton
  • 12. Acute myeloid leukaemla",NOS 9861/3 B lymphoblastic leukaemia/lymphoma with recurrent genetic abnormalities AML with minimal differentiation 987213 B lymphoblastic leukaemiaflymphoma AML without maturation 9873/3 with 1(9;22)(q 34;q l 1.2); BCR-ABU 9812/3 AML with maturation 9874 /3 B lymphoblastic leukaemiall ymphoma Acute myelomonocytic leukaemia 9867 /3 with t(v;11q23); MLL rearranged 981Y3 Acute monob lastic and monocytic leukaemia 9891 /3 B lymphoblastic leukaemiall ymphoma Acute erythroid leukaemia 984013 with 1 12;21)(p13;q22); TEL-AMU ( (ETV6-RUNX1) 9814/3 Acute megakaryoblastic leukaemia 99 10/3 B lymphoblastic leukaemiallymphoma Acute basoph ilic leukaemia 987013 w ith hyperdiploidy 981513 Acute panmyelosis with myelofibrosis 9931 13 B lymphoblastic leukaemiallymphoma with hypod iploidy (hypod iploid ALL) 981613 Myeloid sarcoma 993013 B lymphoblastic leukaemiallymphoma with t(5;14 Xq31 ;q32 ); IL3-IGH 9817/3 B lymphoblastic leukaemia/lymphoma with Myeloid proliferations related to Down syndrome t(1;19 )(q23 ;p13 .3); E2A-PBXl Transient abnormal myelopoiesis 989811 (TCF3-PBX1) 9818/3 Myeloid leukaemia associated with Down syndrome 9898/3 T lymphoblastic leukaemia/lymphoma 9837/3 Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm 9727/3 MATURE B-CELL NEOPLASMS Chronic lym phocytic leukaemia! small lymphocytic lymphoma 982313 ACUTE LEUKAEMIAS OF AMBIGUOUS LINEAGE B-cell prolymphocytic leukaemia 983313 Acute undifferentiated leukaemia 980 1/3 Splenic Bccell marginal zone lymphoma 968913 Mixed phenotype ac ute leukaemia Hairy cell leukaemia 9940/3 with t(9;22)(q3 4;q 11.2); BCR-ABL1 980613 Mixed phenotype ac ute leuka em ia Splenic B-cell fymphomalleukaemia, unclassifiable 959 1/3 with t{v;11q23); MLL rea rranged 9807/3 Splenic diffuse red pulp small B-cell lymphoma 9591/3 Mixed phenotype ac ute leukaemia, Hairy eel/leukaemia-variant 959 1/3 B/myeloid, NO S 9808/3 Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma 9671/3 Mixed phenotype ac ute leukaemia, Tfmyeloid, NOS 9809/3 waldenstrom macroglobulinemia 9761/3 Natural killer (NK) cell lymphoblastic Heavy chain diseases 9762/3 !euKaemiallymphoma Alpha heavy chain disease 9762/3 Gamma heavy chain disease 9762/3 Mu heavy cha in disease 9762/3 PRECURSOR LYMPHOID NEOPLASMS Plasma cell myeloma 9732/3 B lymphoblastic leukaemiaflymphoma Solitary plasmacytoma of bone 9731/3 B lymphoblastic leukaemiall ymphoma, NO S 98 11/3 Extraosseous plasmacytoma 9734/3 WHO classification 11
  • 13. - Extranodal marginal zone lymphoma Systemic EBV positive T-celllymphoproliferative of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue disease of childhood 9724/3 (MALT lymphoma) 9699/3 Hydroa vaccin iforme-like lymp homa 972513 Nodal marginal zone lymphom a 9699/3 Adult T-cell ieukaemia/lymphoma 9827/3 Paediatric nodal marginal zone lymphoma 9699/3 Extranodal NKIT cell lym phoma, nasal type 9719 /3 Follicular lymphoma 9690/3 Enteropamy-associated T-cell lymphoma 9717/3 Paediatric folliculaf lymphoma 9690/3 Hepatosplenic T-cell lymp homa 971613 Primary cutaneous follicle centre lym phoma 959713 Subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma 970813 Mantle cell lymphoma 967313 Mycosis fungoides 970013 Diffuse large B-eelllymphoma (OlBCl), NOS 968013 Sezary syndrome 970113 T-ceillhistiocyte rich large B-eelilymphorna 9688/3 Primary cutaneous CD30 positive F-eel! Primary DLBCl of the CNS 968013 Iymphoproliferative disorders Primary cutaneous DlBCl. leg type 9680/3 9718/1 lymphomatoid papulosis EBV positive OLBCL of the elderly 9680/3 Primary cutaneous anaplastic large cell Ol BCl associated with chro nic inflammation 968013 lymphoma 9718/3 l ymphomatoid granulomatosis 9766 /1 Primary cutaneous qamma-delta r -ceuivmpncma 9726/3 Primary med iastinal (thym ic) large B-celllym phoma 9679/3 Primary cutaneous COB positive aggressive epidermotropic cytotoxic T-cefl lymphoma 9709/3 Intravascular large B-cell lymphoma 971213 Primary cutaneous CD4 positive smalVmedium AlK positive large B-cell lym phoma 9737/3 T-cell lymphoma 9709/3 Plasmablastic lymphoma 973 5/3 Peripheral Tccelllympboma, NOS 970213 l arge Bccell lymp homa arising in HHV8- Angioimmunoblastic 'l-cetl Iyrnphoma 970513 associated multicentric Castleman disease 9738/3 Anaplastic large cell lymp homa, ALK positive 97 14/3 Primary effusio n lymphoma 9678/3 968 7/3 Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK negative 970213 Burkitt lymph oma B-ceillym phom a, uncl assifiable, with feature s intermediate between diffuse large g-ceu lymph oma and Burkitt lymph oma 968 0/3 HODGKIN LYMPHOMA B-ceil lymph oma , unclassifiable, with feat ures Nodular lymphocyte predomi nant intermediate betwee n diffuse large 8-cell 9659/3 Hodgkin lymp homa lymphoma and classica l Hodgkin lymphoma 9596/3 Classical Hodgkin lymp homa 9650/3 Nodular sclerosis classical Hodgkin lymphoma 9663/3 MATURE T-CELL AND NK·CELL NEOPLASMS l ymphocyte-rich classica l j-cen prolymphocytic leukaemia 9834/3 Hodgkin lymphoma 965113 'f-celllarqe granular lym phocytic leukaemi a 983 1/3 Mixed cellularity classica l I Chronic Iymphoproliferative disorder of NK..cells 983113 Hodgkin lymphoma l ymphocyte-depleted classical 965213 ~l.. Aggressive NK cell leukaemia 9948/3 Hodgkin lymphoma 965313 12 WHO ciassitcenon _
  • 14. HISTIOCYTIC AND DENDRITIC CELL NEOPLASMS Histiocytic sarcoma 9755 /3 l angerhans cell histiocytosis 975 1/3 langerhans cell sarcoma 9756/3 Interdigitating dendritic cell sarcoma 9757/3 Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma 975813 Fibroblastic reticu lar cell tumour 9759/3 Indeterminate dendritic cell tumour 9757/3 Disseminated juvenile xanthogranuloma POST·TRANS PLANT LYMPHOPROUFERATIVE DISORDERS (PTLO) Early lesi ons P1asmacytic hyperplasia 9971/1 Infectious mononucleosis-like PTLD 9971 /1 Polymorphic PTLO 9971/3 Monomorphic PTlO (B- and TINK-cell types)' Classical Hodgkin lym phoma type PTLO'" NOS, not otherwise speci fied . The italicized numbers are provi siona l cod es for the 4th edition of lCD -D . While they are expected to be incorpo- rated in the next ICD -O editi on , they currentty remain subjectto changes. The italicized histologi c type s are provisional enti ties , for which the WHO Working Group fe ll the re was insufficient evidence to recognize as distinct diseases at this time. "These lesions are classi fied according to the leukaemia or lymphoma to which they correspond, and are assigned the respective tCO-G code. WHO classification 13
  • 15. Introduction to the WHO classification NL Harris E. Campo H. Stein S.H. Swerdlow of tumours of-haernatopoletlc E.S. Jaffe SA Pileri J Thiele J w. Vardiman and lymphoid tissues Why classify? Classification is the lan- committees was incorporated into the classification , involvement of clinicians is guage of medic ine: diseases must be class ification. Over 130 pa thologists and essential to ensure its usefulness and ac- described , defin ed and named before the y haem ato logis ts from around the world ceptance in daily practice 18971. At the lime can be diagnosed , treated and stud ied . were involved in writing the chap ters. A of publication of the WHO classi fication A consensus on definition s and termin ol- consensus meeting was held at the head - (3rd edition), prop onents of other cla ssifi- og y is essent ial for both clinic al practice quarters of the IARC in Lyon, France. to cations of haematologic neoplasms agreed and investigation . A cl assification should make final d eci sions on the classi ficatio n to use the new cl assification, thus ending contain diseases thai are clearly defin ed . and the con tent of the book. decad es of cont roversy over the classifi- c linically d istinc tive . norKlVerlappi ng (mu- cation of these tumo urs 147. 478 . t 89. tually excllsive) and that together comprise The WHO cl assification of tumours of the 1B9A, 190, 673,7750 , 1344A. 18198 1 , all known entities (collectively e xha ustive). haematopoietic an d lymphoid system is II should serve as a ba sis lor future inves- based on the principles initially d efined in As indicated above , there is no one -gold tigation . and should be able to incorporate the "Revised Europe an-Amer ican Classi- stand ard ," by which all diseases are new information as it becomes ava ilab le. fica tion of Lymp hoid Neoplasms" (REAL). def ined in the WHO cl assific ation. Mor- Classification has two aspects: clas s dis- from the Interna tiona l Lymphoma Stud y pholog y is alway s important, and many covery - the proces s of identifying cate- Group (ILSG) 18981. In the WHO classifi- diseases have ch aracteristic or even di- gories of diseases, and class pre diction cation, these p rinciples have also been agnosti c morphologic featu res, Immune- - the process of determining which cere- appl ied to the class ification of myeloid phe notype and genetic features are an gory an individual case belongs to. Pamer- and his tiocy tic neoplasms, The gu id ing important part of the definition of tumours ogi sts are critical to both processes . prin cip le of the REAL and WHO cl assifi- of the naematopolettc and lymphoid c ations is the attempt to define "real" tissues , and the av ailability of this infor- The World Hea lth Org anizati on (WHO) d iseases that c an be recognized by mation makes arriving at conse nsus defi- Classi fication of Tumours of the Haema- pa tholo gi sts with availabl e techniques. nitions easier now than it was when only topoietic and Lymp hOid Tissues (4th Edi- and that appear be distinct clinical enti- subjec tive morphologic criteria were tion ) was a coll aborative project of the ties . There are 3 important com ponents to available . lrrmunophenotyping studies are European Association for Haematopathol- this p rocess First. recognizing tha t the used in routine diagnosis in the vast ogy and the Society lor Hematopatholog y. underlying c auses of these neo plasms majority of haematolog ic mali gn ancies, It is a revision and update of the 3rd Edi- are often unknown and may vary, this ap- both to d etermine lineage in malig nant tion 11039 }. which was the first true proa ch to cl assifica tion uses all available processes and to dis tinguish be nig n lrom worldwide consensus c lassific ation of information - morpholog y, immunop he- ma lignant processes . Many disea ses baematoiocic malignancies. The update, notype, genetic features, and cl inical fea- have a chara ct eristic immunophenotype. which began in 2006, had an a-me mbe r tures- to define diseases. The relative such that one would hesitate to make the steering committee composed of membe rs impo rtance of eac h of these features diagnosis in the abse nce of the immune- of both societies, The Steering Comminee, varies among diseases, d epend ing upon p henot yp e, while in others the immuno- in a series of meetings and discussions, the state of current knowledge, and there onenotvpe is only part of the diagnosis, In agreed on a proposed list of diseases is therefore no one "g old standard ," by some lymphoi d and in many myeloid ne0- and chapters and selec ted authors. with which all di seases are defined . Second. p lasms a speci fic genetic abnorma lity is input from both soc ieties. As with the rec ognizing that the com plexity 01 the the key defining criterion, while etters lack WHO 3fd ed ition 1 71. the advice of clin - 89 field makes it impossib le for a single specific known genet ic ebnomantes. ical haematologists and oncologists was expert Of small g roup to be comptet ely Some g enetic abnormalities, while char- obtained . in order to ensure that the clas- authoritative, and that broad agreement is acteri stic of one dis ea se, are not specific sifica tion will be clinica lly useful. Two Clin- necessary if a classificati on is to be ac - (such as MYC. CCND 1or BCl2 rearrange- ic al Adv isory Committee s (CAG). one for cep ted, this cta ssrncanon relies on bu ild - ments or mutations in JAK2). and others myeloid neoplasm s and other acut e ing a consensus among as many experts are prognostic factors in several diseases leukaemias and one for lym phoid neo- as possible on the def inition and nomen- (such as TP mutations or FLT3-ITO) , 53 plasms. were convened, The mee tings clatu re of the diseases, We recognize that The inc lusion of jr munoohenotvoc lea- were org anized aroun d a ser ies of com promise is essential in orde r to arrive tures and genetic abnormalities to define questions, inc luding disease definitions, at a consensus, but bel ieve that the only entities not only provides ob jective criteria nomenclature, grading. and clinical rele- thing worse than an imperfect classifica- for disease recogni tion but has identified vance. The committ ees were able to tion is multiple competing classifi cati ons . antigens, genes or pathways that can be reach consensus on mos t of the ques- Finally. wh ile patholog ists must take targeted for therapy; the success of tions po sed . and muc h of the inp ut of the pr imary respon sib ility for developing a rituxima b , an anti-CD20 molecule, in the 14 Introduction to the classification .. .
  • 16. treatment of. B-cel! neoplasms, and 01 ord er of listing is in part arb itrary, and is the WHO classification has produced a imatinib in the treatment of leukaemias as- not an integral part of the cl assification. new and exciting degree of cooperation sociated with ABL 1 and oth re!lrrange- and conmunic ation among patholog ists ments inv olving tryoene kinase genes are The 4th ed ition of the WHO classification and oncologists from around the world . testament to this approach. Finally. some inc orpo rates new information that has which stould facilitate con tinued progress diseases require know ledge of clinical emerged from basic and clinic al in....estr- in the understand ing and treatment of features - age, nodal versus extranodal gat ions in the interva l since pu b lication of haema totog ic manqnaocies . The mullipa- presentan on. specific anatomic site . and the 3rd edition . It inc ludes new defining rameter approach to c lassification, with history 01 cytotoxic and other therapies criter ia for some disease s, as well as a an emphasis on defining real disease - to make the diagnosis. Most 01 the dis- number of new entities. some def ined by entites. tha t has be en ad opted by the eases described in the WHO classification genetic criteria - particul arly among the WHO classification, has been shown in are considered to be distinct enti ties ; myeloid neoplasm s- and others by a inte rnational studi es 10 be reproducible: howev er. some are not as clearly defined, combination of morpholog y. immunoph e- the disea ses d efined are c linically dis- and these are listed as prov isional entities, ootype . and clinic al features. The frequent ttnct iv e. and the uniform definitions and In addition . borderline categories ha....e application of immunophenotyping and terminology facilitate the interpretation of been created in this edition for cases that genetic stud ies to peripheral blood, bone clinical and translational stud ies 1 1, 791 . 5 do not c learly fit into one category, so that ma rrow, and lym ph node samp les has In addition, accurate and precise classifi - well-de fined categories ca n be kept also led to the de tection of small clonal c ation of d isease entities has facilitated homogeneous, and the borderline cases populations in asy mptomatic pe rsons . the discovery of the genetic bas is of can be stud ied further. These include small clones of cells with the my eloid and lymphoid neoplasms in the BCR-ABL 1 translocation seen in chronic ba sic science laboratory The WHO classification stratifiesneoplasms myelogenous leukaemia. small cl ones of primarily ac cording to lineag e: myeloid, ce lls with BCL2-IGH rearrangement. and lymphoid, and histiocyticfdendritic c ell. A small populat ions of c ells that have the normal c ounterpart is postulaled lor each imm uoopheootype of chronic lymp hocytic neoplasm. While the goal is to define the leukaemia (e l l ) or folli cu lar lymphoma lineag e of each neoplasm, lineage pla s- (mo noc lonal B lymphocytosis, follicular ticity may occur in precursor or imma ture lymphoma-in Situ , paediatric follicul ar hy- neoplasms, and has recently been identi- perplas ia WIth monoclonal B c ells). In fied in some mature haematotymphoid man y case s. it is not clear whether these neoplasms , In addition, genetic atooe - represent earty involvement by a neoplasm, rreuues suc h as FGFR1, PDGFA and a precursor iesoo. or an inconsequential PDGFB rearrangements may give rise to find ing. These situations have some neoplasms 01 either myel oid or lymphoid ana logies to the identification of small lineage associated with eosinophilia ; monoclonal immunoglobulin components these disorders are now recognized as a in serum (monoclonal gammopathy of separate group. Precursor neoplasms unknown significance), The ch apters on (acute myeloid reukaemes. lymphoblastic these neoplasms include recommenda- Iymphomasfleukaemias, acute reukaerraas tions for dea ling with these situations. The 01 amb iguo us lineag e, and blast ic p las- rec omm end ations of international con - macytoid de nd ritic ce ll neop lasm ) are sens us group s have bee n co nsidered. considered separately from mo re mature with regard to criteria for the d iagnosis of neoplasms [myeloproliferative neoplasms e ll, plasma cell myeloma, Waldenstr6m (MPN). myelodysplastic/myeloproliterative macroglobulinemia, and new subtypes of neoplasms, myelodysplastic syndromes , cutaneous lymphomas, as well as in the mature (peripheral) B-cell and T/NK -cell development of new algorithms for the neoplasms, Hodgkin lymphoma. and his- diagnosis of MPN . Iiocyteldeodritic-c ell neoplasms] . The ma- ture myeloid neoplasms are stratified A critic al feature of any class ification of according to the ir bi ologica l features diseases is that it be periodically reviewed (myeIopl'oIiferative, with effective baereio- and updated to incorpor ate new informa- poiesis. ....ersus myelodysplastic , with in- tion. TheSocietyfor Haematopathology and effective neematcootesfs . as welt a s by the European Association for Haemato- genetiC feature s). Within the mature lym- pathology now have a more than to-year phoid neop lasms , the diseases are listed record of couebceaton and coo pe ration in broadly ac cord ing to clinical presentation this effort. The societies are comm itted to (disseminated often leukaemi c, extran - updating and revising the classification coat. indolent. aggressiv e). and to some as needed . with input lrom clinicians and extent according to stage of differentiation with the collaboration of the WHO . The when this can be postulated: the experience of developing and updating Introdu ction to the cl assification 15
  • 17. ) CHAPTER 1 Introduction and Overview of the Classification of the Myeloid Neoplasms • -, "
  • 18. Introduction and overview of the J.w. Vardiman A.D. Brunning A. Porwit A . retten classification of the myeloid neoplasms D.A . Arter M.M.Le Beau C.D. Bloomfield J. Thiele The WHO Classification of Tumours of the by its c linic al and morphologic features, genetic features is used in an anerrctt c Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissue s and its natural progression is charac ter- define d isease entities , such as CML, that (3rd edition) published in 200 1 reflected ized by an inc rease in blasts of myeloid , are biolog ically homogeneous and clini- a pa radigm shift in the approach to c las- lymphoid or m ixed myeloid/lymphoid cally relevant - the same approach used sification of myeloid neoplasms { 1039). For immunop henotype. It is always associ- in the 3rd ed ition of the classification. the first time. genetic information was in- ated with the BCR·ABL 1 fusion gen e that Altho ugh the previous scheme began to cor porated into diagnostic algorithms results in the production 01 an abnormal open the door to including genetic ab- provided lor the vario us en tities. The pub- protein tyros ine kinase (PTK) with en- normalities as c riteria to classi fy myeloid licat ion was prefac ed with a comment hance d enzyma tic ac tivity. This p rotein is neoplasms, this rev ision firmly acknow l- pred icti ng future revisions nec essitated sut tcrentto ca use the leukaem ia and also edges that as in CML, recu rring ge netic by rapidly eme rg ing gen el ic information. provides a targ et for prote in tyrosi ne abno rmali ties provi de not onl y objec tive The cu rrent revision is a commentary on kinase inhibi tor (PTKI) the ra py tha t has c rite ria for recognition of speci fic entities the significant ne w molecular insights mat prolonge d the lives of thousands of pa - but also identification of abnormal gene have bec ome avail abl e since the publi- tients with this often tatal illness {6 151. product s or pathways that are potent ial cation of the last ctass'ncauon . This successful integ ratio n of cl inical , targets for therapy. One example in this The first entity described in this mono- morphologi c and genetic information em- revised sc heme is the addition of a new graph . chronic myelogenous leukaemia bodies the goal of the WHO classific ation subgroup of mye loid neoplasm s (Tabte (CML) rema ins the prototype for the iden- scheme. 1.01) assoc iated with eos inoph ilia and tification and c lassific atio n of myeloid In th is revis ion . a combination of c linica l, chromo somal ab normalities that involve neoplasms This leukaemia is recognized morpholog ic . imm uno phe noty pic and the oiateiet-oenved growth factor rece ptor .- Table 1.01 Themyeloid neoplasms' major sul:9'OUJlS and dal;U::i tstic features at ~ .........., .... """" - -- 0..... 8M ctllularity '10 MIrf'OW bluts HatrnatopOitsit MPN Usually increased. En-. VanabIe; 008 or Co<m>oo often normalin ET tbmaJ or sIighlIy increased: <10% in dI'onic phase """'" G••,,,''''''', relabYe/y normal, """..- IifIeage usually """""""", """""'" irullallyincreased MyeIoidIIymphoid Increased Normal or $IigM~ Present Relatively normal Elfectrve Eosinophilia Com~ neoplasmswith increased: <20% irl j~t 5x10ir1.) eosinophilia and abriof· cnronc phase malilies of PDGFRA. PDGFRB Of FGFRI MOS Nom1al or incr eased: Preserlt ~lasia inoreor Inel!&Cti'Ie Cytopenia(s) U_ "''''as." =- ""'. more myeloid lineage -,,- -- ~aror """""'" """'... M''''''PN _"" incl'eased;<20'10 """'" Usually oneormae ...... ...... Moy""Y ...... IariabIe. WBC ..-- Co<m>oo - rrft'!lal cIyspIaSIa """" ....... ......, ........ ..-...... WllC_ -...... _>2ll%. "",", May Of may J'IOl be """'- """"""'" ......... eQPl in some cases or e"ect1ve 'l'Illh specific cybJeneIlc abnorrnaIilies or in -... dyspIaslai'loneor some cases of erylhroIeukaemia Mf)N, myeloproliferative neoplasms: MDS, myelod)'spla:slic syndromes; MDSlMf)N, myeIodysplasbcJmyeloprolifefalive neoplasms: AMl, ICIJIe myeloid leukaemia; ET, esseflIlaj Ihfombocylhaemia, JMML. ju¥&nile myelomonocytic leukaemia, wec. wniIe bloocI e&II$. 18 Introduction and overview of the c lassif ication of the mye loid neoplasms .. '
  • 19. ] alpha (PDG FflA) Of platelet de rived growth is based on cr iteria applied 10 initial spec- factor recep tor beta (PDGFRB) genes imen s obtained prior to any definitive ther- -a subgroup defined larg er9 by genetic apy, includ ing growth lactor therapy, for the events that lead to consti tutive act ivat ion myeloid neoplasm. The blast percentage in of the receptor tyrosine kinase, PDGFA, the per ip her al b lood , bone ma rrow an d and that respond to PTKI therapy {13 1, other involved tissues remains of p ractica l 466. 8121 . Similar examples are found impo rtance to categorize myeloid neo- througho ut the classification in each plas ms and to judge their progression . 11111111 111I 1111 1111 111111 major subgroup, and inclu de not only Cytogenetic and molecular genetic stud- neoplasms assoc iated with rmcroscopr- ies are requ ired at the time of d iag nosis 456 cally rec og niza ble chromosomal abnor- not only for recoq r n ton 01 specific genet- F'S!. 1.01 Bone marrow tIeI:Me biopsy, Bone marfOW malities but also with gene mutations ically d efined entities, but for establiShing b'ephinebiopsies should be alleast 1. em in length and 5 without a cytogenetic correlate as weu. a baseline against which futu re studies ollt<w1ed at right angles10 the cortical bone. On the other hand . the importance 01 can be judged to assess disease pro- careful clinical, morphological and im- gression. Beca use of the multidisciplinary munophenotypic characterization of each approach req uired to diagnose and clas- cells to categorize some eoutes. it is rec- myeloid neoplasm and coeretanoo with sify myeloid neoplasms it is recomnended ommended that 500 nucleated BM cells the genetic findings cannot be over- thaI the various diagnostic studies be be counted on cellular aspirate smears in emphasized. The discovery of activating correlated with the clinical findings and an area as close to the particle and as JAK2 mutations has revolutionized the reported in a single, integ rated report. If undiluted with blood as possible. Countll"lQ approach to the diagnosis of the myelo- a definitive classification cannot be from multiple smears may reduce sam- proliferative neoplasms (MPN) 1163, 1044 , reached the report should indicate the pling error due to irregular distribution of 1186,12681. Yet JAK2mutatiQns are not reasons why and provide guidelines for cells. The cells to be counted include specific for any single clinical or morpho- additional studies that may clarify the blasts and promonocytes (see definition logic MPN phenotype, and are also diagnosis. below) . pronveocvtes. myelocytes, meta- reported in some cases 01 myelodysplas- To obtain consistency, the following myelocytes, band neutrophils, segmented tic syndromes (MDS), myeiooysplasnc/ guidelines are recommended for the eval- neutrophils, eosiropnns. basophils, fTlQIlO- myeloproliferative neoplasms (MDSlMPN) uation of specimens when a myeloid neo- cytes , lymphocytes. plasma cells , erythrOid and ac ute mye loid leu kaemia (AMl). plasm is suspected to be present. It is precursors and mas t cells. Megakaryo- Thus, an integ rate d, multidisciplinary assu me d tha t this evalua tion will be pe r- cvtes. including dysplastic forms. are not approach is necessary for the classification formed with full knowled ge of the clinical inc lude d. If a concomitant non-mye loid of myeloid neoplasms. history and pertinent laboratory data. neoplasm is present, such as p lasma ceu With so muc h yet 10 learn, there may be myeloma, it is reasonable to exclude some 'missteps" as trad itional approaches Morphology tho se neo plastic cells from the coun t to categorization are fused with more Periphera l blood: A perip heral b lood (PB) used to evaluate the myeloid neop lasm. If rrcecuarfy-orentec clessifcaton schemes , smea r sho uld be exa mined and co rre- an aspirate ca nnot be obta ined du e to Nevertheless, thi s revi sion of th e WHO late d with result s of a co mple te b loo d fibrosis Of ce llular packing, touch prepa- classification is an attempt by the authors, c ount. Freshly mad e smea rs shou ld be ratio ns of the b iop sy may yield valuable editors and the c linic ians who served as sta ined with May-Gnmwald -Giernsa or c yto log ic informa tion, but d ifferential members of the Clinica l Advisory Com- Wright-G iemsa and examined for wh ite co unts from touc h preparations may not mittee (CAC ) to p rovide an "evidence- bloo d ce ll (WBC) , red b lood ce ll (AB C) be repr esentative . The d ifferential co unts based" c lass ifica tion that ca n be used in and plate let abnormal ities It is impo rtant obta ined from marrow aspi rate s should daily p ractic e for therap euti c deci sions to ascerta in that the smears are we ll- be compared to an estimate of the p ro- and yet pr ovide a flexib le framework for stained, Evaluation of neutrophil g ranularity po rtions of cells o bserved in avai lab le integration of new data , is imp ortant when a myelo id d isor der is biop sy sections, suspected; de signat ion of neut rophils as Bone marrow trephine biopsy: The contri- abnormal b ased o n hypog ranular cyto- but ion of adequate 8M bio psy sections in Prerequisites for classification plasm alo ne shoul d not be conside red the diagnosis of myeloi d neoplasms can- unless the stain is well-controlled . Manual not be overstated. The tre phine biopsy ofmyeloid neoplasms by 2OO-cell leukocyte di fferentials of PB provides information rega rdin g overall WHO criteria smea rs are recommended in patients with cellularity and the to pog raphy, propo rtion a myeloid neoplasm when the WBC count and maturation of baematopolenc cells , The WHO c lassification of myeloid neo- permits. and allows evalu ation of 8M stroma. The plasms relies on the morphologic, cyto- Bone manowaspirate: Bone marrow (BM) biopsy also provid es material for immuno- chemical and immunophenotypic features as pi rate smears should also be stained histochemical studies th at may have of the neop lastic cells to esta bl ish thei r with May-G rQnwald-G iemsa or Wright- diagnostic and prognostic importance. A lineage and deg ree 01 ma turation and to Gie msa for optimal visua lization of cyto- biopsy is essential whenever there is decide whether cellular p rolife ration is plas mic g ranules and nuclear chromatin. myelofibrosis, and the classification of sore q101ogica lly normal or dysplastic or Because the WHO Classification relies on entities , partiCularly MPN, relies heavily on esecuve or ineffec tive . The classification percentages of blasts and other specific trephine sections, The specimen must be Introduction and overview of the ctassncauoo at the myeloid neoplasms 19
  • 20. adeq uate, Iake n at rig ht angle from the cortica l bone and at least 1.5 cm in length to enable the evaluation of at least 10 par- tially preserved inter-trabecular areas. It should be well-fixed, thinly sectioned at 3-4 micra, and stained with haematoxylin and eosin and/o r a stain such as Giemsa that allows lor detailed morphologic eval- uation . A silver impreg nation method for reticulin fibres is recommended and marrow fibrosis graded according to the European consensus scoring system 122141, A periodic acid-Schitt (PAS) stain may aid in detection 01 megakaryocytes. Immunohistoc hemical (IHe) study of the biopsy is often indispensable in the eva l- uation of myeloid neoplasms and is dis- cussed belOw, Blas ts: The percentage of myeloid blasts is important for dl8gnosis and ctasstcaton of myeloid neoplasms , In the PB the blast percentage should be derived from a 200-cell leukocyte differential and in the 8M from a 500-cell count of cellular 8 M aspirate smears as described above . The biopsy. not all blasts express CD34 . They are usually strongly positive for n0n- blast percentage derived 'rom the 8 M Myeloblas ts. monoblasts and megakary<> specific esterase(NSE) but have no or only aspirate should correlate With an estimate blasts are included in the blast count. weak myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity, of the blast percentage in the trephine Myeloblasts vary from slightly larger than Promonocytes are considered as ' rrooo- biop sy. although large foca l clusters or mature lymphocytes to the size of mono- blast equivalents " when the requisite per- sheets 01 blasts in the biopsy should be cvtes or larger. with moderate to abun- centage 01 blasts is tallied for the regarded as possible disease progression. dant dark blue to blue-grey cytoplasm. diagnosis of acute monoblastic . acute Immunohistochemical staining of the BM The nuclei are round to oval with finely monoc ytic and acute myerorronocync biopsy for CD34+ blasts often aids in the granul ar chromatin and usually several leukaemia. Promonoc vtes have a deli- correlation of aspirate and trephine biopsy nucleoli. but in some nuclear irregularities cately convoluted. folded or grooved findings, although in some myeloid neo- may be prominent. The cytoplasm may nucleus with finely dispersed chromatin, plasms the blasts do not express CD34 , contain a few azurophil granules (Fig 1,03), a small , indistinct or absent nucleolus, Flow cyto metry determination of blast Monob lasts are large cells with abundant and finely granulated cytoplasm (Fig 1.04 percentage should not be used as a sub- c ytoplasm that can be light grey to deeply C, 0), Most promonocytes express NSE stitute for visual inspection. The spec imen blue and may show pseudopod formation and are likely to have MPO activ ity. The for flow c ytometry is otten haemoouute. (Fig 1.04 A. S). Their nuc lei are usually distinct ion between mono brasts and and may be affected by a number of pre- round with deli cate , lacy chromatin and prornonocvte s is often difficu lt. but analytic variabl es. and as noted for the one or more large prominent nucleoli. because the two cell types are summated ... ., • 20 Introduction and overview of the classification of the myeloid neoplasms
  • 21. as rr onootasf s in making the diagnosis of AML, the distinction between a monoblast and promonocyte is not aly,.ogys critical. On the other hand , distinguishin g pro- monocvtes from mo re matu re b ut ab- normal leukaemic monocytes can also be dilficult, but is critical, because the des- ignation 01 a case as acu te monocytic or acute myelomonocytic leukaemia versus chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia olten hinges on this distinclion . Abnormal A B rrooocv tes have more clumped chromatin than a p romonocyte, variably indented. folded nucl ei and grey cytoplasm with , rrore abundant lilac -colored granules . Nu- cleoli are usually absent or indi stinct (Ftg 1.04 E.F). Abnormal monocytes are rot consider ed as monoblast eouvaeots. Megakaryoblasts are usually 01rreoen to large size with a round , indented or ~~ - . irregular nucleu s with finefy reticular chromatin and one to three nucleoli. The cytOplasm is basophiliC, usually agranular, and may show cytoplasmic blebs (See • • Chapter 6 on acute myeloid leukaemia, NOS). Small dysplastic megakaryocytes c o and micrornegal<.aryocyt es are not blasts. Inacute promyelocytic leukaemia, the blast equivalent is the abnormal promyelocyte . Erythroid precursors (erythroblasts) are rot included in the blast count except in the rare instance of "pure" acute erythroid leukaemia, in which case they are cons id- ered as blast equiva lents (See Chap ter 6 on acute myeloi d leukaemia, NOS). Cytochemistry and other special steins: Cytochemical stud ies are used to deter- mine the lineage 01 blasts, althou gh in some laboratories they have bee n sup- E F planted by immun ologi c studies usin g flow cytometry an d/or immunohistochem - Fig. 1.04 Monoblasts, promonocytes and abnormal mcnccytea from a case of acute monocytic laukaemia. istry. They are usu ally perform ed on PB A, B Monoblas tsarelarge with abundant cylOlJlasm that ma y contain a few vacuoles Of fine granules and have roullCl and 8M aspirate smears but some can be nuclei withlacy chroma~n and one Of more variably prominent nucleoli. C, D Prornor.ocytes have more irregular ancl performed on sections 01 treph ine b iop - delicately folded n~ withfine chroma~n, small indistinct nucleoli and finely granulated cytoplasm. E, F Abnormal sies or other tissues . Detec tion 01 MPO monocytes appear immature, yet have mo condensed nuclear chroma tin, con'o'Q/uled Of fdded nuclai, and more re cylopIasmiC granulaboo (Courtesy of Or. J. Goasguen). indicates myeloid d ifferentia tion b ut its absence does not exclude a myeloid lin- eage because early myelobl asts as well case light grey granules are seen rather inhibi ted by NaF, The combination of NSE asmonoblasts may lack MPO. The MPO than the deeply black granules that char- and the specific esterase , naph thol-ASD- activity in rrweiobtasrs is usually granular acterize mverobrasts. The non-specific chloroaceta te esterase (CAE), which stains and etten concentrated in the Golgi region este rases . u nap hthyl butyrate (ANB) and primarily cells 01 the neutroph il lineage whereas monobtasts. although usually (,( naphthyl acetate (ANA). show diffuse and mast cells, permits ident ification of negative,may show line, scattered MPO+ cytoplasmic activity in monoblasts and monccvtes and immature and mature granules, a pattern tha t becomes mo re monocytes. Lymphoblasts may have foca l neutroph ils simultaneously. Some cells , pronounced in prcmonocvtes . Erythroid punctate activity with NSE but neutrophils particularty in myeIornonocytic leukaemias, blasts, megakaryoblasts and Iymphoblasts are usually negative. Megakaryoblasts may exhib it NSE and CAE simultaneously. are MPO negat ive . Sudan Black B (SSBl and erythroid b lasts may have some mul- While norma l eosinoph ils lack CAE, it may staining parallels M PO but is less spe- titocal. punctate ANA positivity, b ut it is be expressed by neop lastic eosooohne. etc. Occ asional cases of lymphoblastic partia lly resistant to natrium ffuorid e (NaF) CAE can be performed on tissue sections leult.aemia exhibit SSB POSitiVIty in which , inhibition whereas monocyte NSE is totally as well as PB ()( marrow asp irate smears. Introduction and overview 01 the ctass.tcanoo 01 the myeloid neoplasms 21
  • 22. In acute erythroid leukaemia. a PAS stain an essential tool in the cha racterization of immunophenotyping in myeloid neoplasms may be helpful in that the cytoplasm of myeloid neoplasms. Differootiation antigens is most com monly required in AML and in the leukaemic oroervmrobreate may show that appear at various stages of haemato- determining the phe notype of blasts at large globules of PAS positivity. Well- oo'euc develo pment and in correspon- the lime of transfo rmation of MOS. controlled iron stains should always be ding myeloid neoplasms are illustrated in MOS!MPN and MPN, per formed on the 8M aspirate to detect Fig . 1.05. and a thorough descriplion of Mulliparameter flow cytometry is the iroo stores. normal side roblasts and ring lineage assignment criteria is provided in prefer red method of immuno phenotypic side robrasts. the latter of which are de- the chapters on mixed phenotype acute analysis in AML due to the ability to ana- fined as erythroid precursors with 5 or leukaemia, The techn iques employed and lyze high numbers of cells in a relatively more granules of iron encircling one-third the antigens anafyzed may vary accord- short period of time with simultaneous or more of the nuc leus. ing to the myeloid neoplasm suspected recording of information about severer and the information required 10 best char- antigens for each individual cell. Usually. Immunop henotype acterize it as well as by the tissue avail- rather extensive panels of monoclonal an- Immunophenotypic analysis using either able. Although often important in the tibodies directed against leukocyte differ- multiparameter flow cytometry or IHe is diagnosis ol any haematoiogicaJ neoplasm. entiation antigens are applied because <-U II 7+ - C U 1I7+ c m l 7- lib- llb-I+ C U,J. - C O lJ5.- C D.l6- CDIJ ~'- ' fh+ C DJ6 - Cll1J~.- "'" CD l 6 - C D235. - prvQ')"lbn>bla. 1 b ....p bllk: pc.ol tory l b rub l.,. toryl h ruh l• • 1 C U lM- + C I)l63+ C IUJ+ C IU+ C O}4... C O IS+ C OU + C IU + C IU J + C O l5-+- C D36-+ COll ++ C D U'" C I)6" + C DJ .... IIr"",,::7:-:-~01 liLA-DR'" ' C IU 3'" HL- -DR + C OM+ C U34_ C O ll b+ IH...A-O R + liLA -DR t-tl L -"-LO"--l,. C D I 4+ C O l lb++ C U.H++ • • C O l -t-t mon.. hl . ~1 p rumo"ucy'' m nmx: yl f' ,------''-, r'----, em s- C O Il 7 +1- C IH J d lm C lU J '" C ll1 J+ C IU J + M''O+ C D 33 + MPO+ C D6 5+ MPO+ C ))65+ C U15+ C:0 6 5+ C D I5 + C D I I II+ C D I5+/· C U ll b+'_ C1U 5tlim C D 3.. +-+ e m s- 1I1.A.-UR C D .N+-+ Un _ C D J ..... C IH M+ C D U J- C1U5R A+ _n_ C UJ4+I. C DJ4· C U.14- C D3.. + C DJ M., _ C DJ8+ ClHM _ C O. II++ C D61+ C 06 1+ C I)6 I++ C D IlJ-. C I).&I+ C 04I + C I).& 1-+-+ C1 U 5 HA - ce-e- C04 l +I· C U"' l+ TI'O -R+ 22 mtrocucuco and overview of lhe classification of the myeloid neoplasms