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Project Report

                                Project by - Nutan Kumar Panda

                                   Technology Evangelist ISEH

                                         R&D - ATL Guwahati

Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
DNStracer       determines where a given Domain Name Server (DNS) gets its information
from, and follows the chain of DNS servers back to the servers which know the data.

        dnstracer [options] name

         dnstracer determines where a given Domain Name Server (DNS) gets its
     information from, and follows the chain of DNS servers back to the
   servers which know the data.

        Options are:

             -c   Disable local caching.

             -C   Enable negative caching.

             -o   Enable overview of received answers at the end.

             -q q>u>e>r>y>c>l>a>s>s>
                  Change the query-class, default is A. You can either specify a number of the
         type (if you're brave) or one of the following strings: a, aaaa, a6, soa, cname,
         hinfo, mx, ns, txt and ptr.

             -r r>e>t>r>i>e>s>
                  Number of retries for DNS requests, default 3.

             -s s>e>r>v>e>r>
                  DNS server to use for the initial request, default is acquired from the
         system. If a dot is specified (.), A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET will be used.

             -v   Be verbose on what sent or received.

            -4 Use only IPv4 servers, don't query IPv6 servers (only available when IPv6
         support hasn't been disabled)

             -S s>o>u>r>c>e>a>d>d>r>e>s>s>
                 Use this as source-address for the outgoing packets.

         HOW IT WORKS
           It sends the specified name-server a non-recursive request for the name.

Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
Non-recursive means: if the name-server knows it, it will return the data
         requested. If the name-server doesn't know it, it will return pointers to name-
         servers that are authoritive for the domain part in the name or it will return the
         addresses of the root name-servers.

            If the name server does returns an authoritative answer for the name,the next
         server is queried. If it returns an non-authoritative answer for the name, the name
         servers in the authority records will be

             The program stops if all name-servers are queried.

            Make sure the server you're querying doesn't do forwarding towards other
         servers, as dnstracer is not able to detect this for you.

             It detects so called lame servers, which are name-servers which has been told
         to have information about a certain domain, but don't
         have this information.

         Search for the A record of on your local nameserver:


             Search for the MX record of on the root-nameservers:

             dnstracer "-s" . "-q" mx

             Search for the PTR record (hostname) of

             dnstracer "-q" ptr

             And for IPv6 addresses:

             dnstracer "-q" ptr "-s" . "-o"

Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
tcptraceroute:            A traceroute implementation using TCP packets The more
traditional traceroute(8) sends out either UDP or ICMP ECHO packets with a TTL of one,
and increments the TTL until the destination has been reached. By printing the gateways
that generate ICMP time exceeded messages along the way, it is able to determine the path
packets are taking to reach the destination. The problem is that with the widespread use of
firewalls on the modern Internet, many of the packets that traceroute(8) sends out end up
being filtered, making it impossible to completely trace the path to the destination.
However, in many cases, these firewalls will permit inbound TCP packets to specific ports
that hosts sitting behind the firewall are listening for connections on. By sending out TCP
SYN packets instead of UDP or ICMP ECHO packets, tcptraceroute is able to bypass the most
common firewall filters.

It is worth noting that tcptraceroute never completely establishes a TCP connection with the
destination host. If the host is not listening for incoming connections, it will respond with an
RST indicating that the port is closed. If the host instead responds with a SYN|ACK, the port is
known to be open, and an RST is sent by the kernel tcptraceroute is running on to tear down
the connection without completing three-way handshake. This is the same half-open scanning
technique that nmap(1) uses when passed the -sS flag.

To trace the path to a web server listening for connections on port 80:

tcptraceroute webserver

To trace the path to a mail server listening for connections on port 25:

tcptraceroute mailserver 25

Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
Nmap ("Network Mapper")                       is a utility for network exploration or security
auditing. Many systems and network administrators also find it useful for tasks such as
network inventory, managing service upgrade schedules, and monitoring host or service
uptime. Nmap uses raw IP packets in novel ways to determine what hosts are available on
the network, what services (application name and version) those hosts are offering, what
operating systems (and OS versions) they are running, what type of packet filters/firewalls
are in use, and dozens of other characteristics. It was designed to rapidly scan large
networks, but works fine against single hosts. Nmap runs on all major computer operating
systems, and official binary packages are avalable for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X.

Command >nmap -v -A targethost

Nmap features include:

   Host Discovery - Identifying hosts on a network, for example listing the hosts which
    respond to pings, or which have a particular port open
   Port Scanning - Enumerating the open ports on one or more target hosts
   Version Detection - Interrogating listening network services listening on remote
    devices to determine the application name and version number
   OS Detection - Remotely determining the operating system and some hardware
    characteristics of network devices.

Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
     Scriptable interaction with the target - using Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE)
      and Lua programming language customized queries can be made Nmap Scripting
Typical uses of Nmap:

     Auditing the security of a device, by identifying the network connections which can be
      made to it
     Identifying open ports on a target host in preparation for auditing
     Network inventory, Network mapping, maintenance, and asset management
     Auditing the security of a network, by identifying unexpected new servers

Nmap is used to discover computers and services on a computer network, thus creating a
“map” of the network. Just like many simple port scanners, Nmap is capable of discovering
passive services on a network despite the fact that such services aren’t advertising
themselves with a service discovery protocol. In addition Nmap may be able to determine
various details about the remote computers. These include operating system, device type,
uptime, software product used to run a service, exact version number of that product,
presence of some firewall techniques and, on a local area network, even vendor of the
remote network card.

By default, Nmap performs a SYN Scan, which works against any compliant TCP stack,
rather than depending on idiosyncrasies of specific platforms. It can be used to quickly scan
thousands of ports, and it allows clear, reliable differentiation between ports in open,
closed and filtered states.

To perform a SYN scan on the host,

use the command


nmap [Scan Type(s)] [Options] {target specification}


-iL                           Input from list of hosts/networks

Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
-iR                         Choose random targets
--exclude                   Exclude hosts/networks
--excludefile               Exclude list from file


-sL                     List Scan - simply list targets to scan
-sP                     Ping Scan - go no further than determining if host is online
-P0                     Treat all hosts as online -- skip host discovery
-PS/PA/PU [portlist]    TCP SYN/ACK or UDP discovery to given ports
-PE/PP/PM               ICMP echo, timestamp, and netmask request discovery probes
-n/-R                   Never do DNS resolution/Always resolve [default: sometimes]
--dns-servers           Specify custom DNS servers
--system-dns            Use OS's DNS resolver


-sS/sT/sA/sW/sM         TCP SYN/Connect()/ACK/Window/Maimon scans
-sN/sF/sX               TCP Null, FIN, and Xmas scans
--scanflags <flags>     Customize TCP scan flags
-sI <zombie             Idlescan
-sO                     IP protocol scan
-b <ftp relay host>     FTP bounce scan


-p <port ranges>        Only scan specified ports
                        Ex: -p22; -p1-65535; -p U:53,111,137,T:21-25,80,139,8080
-F                      Fast - Scan only the ports listed in the nmap-services file)

Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
-r                      Scan ports consecutively - don't randomize


-sV                     Probe open ports to determine service/version info
--version-intensity     Set from 0 (light) to 9 (try all probes)
--version-light         Limit to most likely probes (intensity 2)
--version-all           Try every single probe (intensity 9)
--version-trace         Show detailed version scan activity (for debugging)


-O                      Enable OS detection
--osscan-limit          Limit OS detection to promising targets
--osscan-guess          Guess OS more aggressively


Options which take <time> are in milliseconds, unless you append 's' (seconds), 'm'
(minutes), or 'h' (hours) to the value (e.g. 30m).

-T[0-5]                 Set timing template (higher is faster)
--min-                  Parallel host scan group sizes
hostgroup <size>
--min-                  Probe parallelization
parallelism <time>
--min-rtt-              Specifies probe round trip time.
timeout <time>
--max-retries <tries> Caps number of port scan probe retransmissions.
--host-timeout          Give up on target after this long

Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
--scan-delay/--max-     Adjust delay between probes
scan-delay <time>


-f; --mtu <val>            fragment packets (optionally w/given MTU)
-D                       Cloak a scan with decoys
-S <IP_Address>            Spoof source address
-e <iface>                 Use specified interface
-g/--source-port           Use given port number
--data-length <num>        Append random data to sent packets
--ttl <val>                Set IP time-to-live field
--spoof-mac <mac           Spoof your MAC address
--badsum                   Send packets with a bogus TCP/UDP checksum


-oN/-oX/-oS/-oG         Output scan in normal, XML, s|<rIpt kIddi3, and Grepable format, respectively, to th
<file>                  given filename.
-oA <basename>          Output in the three major formats at once
-v                      Increase verbosity level (use twice for more effect)
-d[level]               Set or increase debugging level (Up to 9 is meaningful)
--packet-trace          Show all packets sent and received
--iflist                Print host interfaces and routes (for debugging)
--log-errors            Log errors/warnings to the normal-format output file
--append-output         Append to rather than clobber specified output files
--resume <filename>     Resume an aborted scan
--stylesheet            XSL stylesheet to transform XML output to HTML

Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
--webxml                Reference stylesheet from Insecure.Org for more portable XML
--no-stylesheet         Prevent associating of XSL stylesheet w/XML output


-6                      Enable IPv6 scanning
-A                      Enables OS detection and Version detection
--datadir <dirname>     Specify custom Nmap data file location
--send-eth/--send-ip    Send using raw ethernet frames or IP packets
--privileged            Assume that the user is fully privileged
-V                      Print version number

     nmap -P0

     Running the above port scan on the Computer Hope IP address would give
     information similar to the below example. Keep in mind that with the above command
     it's -P<zero> not the letter O.

     Interesting ports on (
     Not shown: 1019 filtered ports, 657 closed ports
     21/tcp open ftp
     80/tcp open http
     113/tcp open auth
     443/tcp open https

Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
Lanmap Listens to all available traffic on the interface of your choice, figures out who’s talking
to who, how much, using which protocols. This information is then put into a nice human-
readable 2d image (various formats are available) which can be used to understand a network’s
sudo aptitude install lanmap
This will complete the installation

Using lanmap

lanmap syntax

lanmap [-o directory] [-e program] [-T {png,gif,svg}] [-f filtetr] [-D {#,all,raw}] [-r seconds]
[-i {?,*wildcard*,iface}] [-h] [-v] [-V]

lanmap example
lanmap -i eth0 -r 30 -T png -o /tmp/
This will create a lanmap.png file under tmp folder

Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
You can see the same screen here

lanmap available options

-o directory - The directory in which to save the generated images. Default is the current
-e program - The program to use to generate images. Default is twopi.
-T {png,gif,svg} - Output image format. Default is png.
-f filter - Traffic filter, in libpcap syntax.
-D {#,all,raw} - Debug mode; lots of output, use with caution. #: payload bytes to dump (default:
-r seconds - Set the time interval between 2 consecutive graph generations. Default is 60
-i {?,*wildcard*,iface} - Interface to use: ?: list all devices and exit *3Com*: use the first NIC
“3Com” in it
-V - Version info.
-vv - Verbose mode, up to 3 levels (-vv, -vv09:21 29/11/2007v).
-h - Help message.

SPIKE       is written in C and exposes an API for quickly and efficiently developing
network protocol fuzzers. . SPIKE utilizes a novel technique for representing and thereafter
fuzzing network protocols. Protocol data structures are broken down and represented as
blocks, also referred to as a SPIKE, which contains both binary data and the block size.
Block-based protocol representation allows for abstracted construction of various protocol
layers with automatic size calculations. To better understand the block-based concept,
consider the following simple example from the whitepaper "The Advantages of Block-
Based Protocol Analysis for Security Testing":8

Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
s_block_size_binary_bigendian_word("somepacketdata"); s_block_start("somepacketdata")
s_binary("01020304"); s_block_end("somepacketdata");

This basic SPIKE script (SPIKE scripts are written in C) defines a block named
somepacketdata, pushes the four bytes 0x01020304 into the block and prefixes the block
with the block length. In this case the block length would be calculated as 4 and stored as a
big endian word. Note that most of the SPIKE API is prefixed with either s_ orspike_.
The s_binary() API is used to add binary data to a block and is quite liberal with its
argument format, allowing it to handle a wide variety of copied and pasted inputs such as
the string 4141 x41 0x41 41 00 41 00. Although simple, this example demonstrates the
basics and overall approach of constructing a SPIKE. As SPIKE allows blocks to be
embedded within other blocks, arbitrarily complex protocols can be easily broken down
into their smallest atoms. Expanding on the previous example:

s_binary("00 01");

In this example, two blocks are defined, somepacketdata and innerdata. The latter block is
contained within the former block and each individual block is prefixed with a size value.
The newly defined innerdata block begins with a static two-byte value (0x0001), followed
by a four-byte variable integer with a default value of 0x02, and finally a string variable
with a default value of SELECT.
Thes_binary_bigendian_word_variable()and s_string_variable() APIs will loop through a
predefined set of integer and string variables (attack heuristics), respectively, that have
been known in the past to uncover security vulnerabilities. SPIKE will begin by looping
through the possible word variable mutations and then move on to mutating the string
variable. The true power of this framework is that SPIKE will automatically update the
values for each of the size fields as the various mutations are made. To examine or expand
the current list of fuzz variables, look at SPIKE/src/spike.c.Version 2.9 of the framework
contains a list of almost 700 error-inducing heuristics.

Using the basic concepts demonstrated in the previous example, you can begin to see how
arbitrarily complex protocols can be modeled in this framework. A number of additional
APIs and examples exist. Refer to the SPIKE documentation for further information.
Sticking to the running example, the following code excerpt is from an FTP fuzzer
distributed with SPIKE. This is not the best showcase of SPIKE's capabilities, as no blocks
are actually defined, but it helps to compare apples with apples.

Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
s_string("HOST ");
s_string(" v);
s_string("PASS ");
s_string("SITE ");
s_string("ACCT ");
s_string("CWD ");
s_string("SMNT ");
s_string("PORT ");

The Goals of SPIKE

       Find new vulnerabilities by
          ● Making it easy to quickly reproduce a complex binary protocol
          ● Develop a base of knowledge within SPIKE about different kinds of
              bugclasses affecting similar protocols
          ● Test old vulnerabilities on new programs
          ● Make it easy to manually mess with protocols

Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
How the SPIKE API works

       Unique SPIKE data structure supports lengths and blocks
          ● s_block_start(), s_block_end(), s_blocksize_halfword_bigendian();

       SPIKE utility routines make dealing with binary data, network code, and common
       marshalling routines easy
          ● s_xdr_string()

       SPIKE fuzzing framework automates iterating through all potential problem spots
          ● s_string(“Host: “); s_string_variable(“localhost”);

       A SPIKE is a kind of First In First Out Queue or “Buffer Class”

       A SPIKE can automatically fill in “length fields”
          ● s_size_string(“post”,5);
          ● s_block_start(“Post”);
          ● s_string_variable(“user=bob”);
          ● s_block_end(“post”);

Httprint is a web server fingerprinting tool. It relies on web server characteristics to
accurately identify web servers, despite the fact that they may have been obfuscated by
changing the server banner strings, or by plug-ins such as mod_security or servermask.
Httprint can also be used to detect web enabled devices which do not have a server banner
string, such as wireless access points, routers, switches, cable modems, etc. httprint uses
text signature strings and it is very easy to add signatures to the signature database.
Source: Httprint
To get the CLI use:
#cd /pentest/enumeration/www/httprint_301/linux

Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
# httprint

Now first things first you should probably go ahead and update your "Signature File"
So it will usually be in:

look for signatures.txt
ok now to update just go to signatures and do a save as make sure you use a .txt extension.
Overwriting the one we found earlier.

Next let’s get the input.txt file and set it up (its located in the same place as before)
This is the second file that we want to work with so and open it up using your favorite text
Ok you should see something like:
# inputs for httprint can be:
# - individual IP addresses (default port 80)
# - http://servername :[port] /
# - https://servername:[port] /
# - IP range xx.xx.xx.xx-yy.yy.yy.yy
#http://www.apache DOT org /

# inputs for httprint can be:
# - individual IP addresses (default port 80)
# - http://servername:[port]/
# - https://servername:[port]/
# - IP ranges xx.xx.xx.xx-yy.yy.yy.yy
http://www.apache DOT org/

dsniff - password sniffer                  The ability to access the raw packets on a network
interface (known as network sniffing), has long been an important tool for system and
network administrators. For debugging purposes it is often helpful to look at the network
traffic down to the wire level to see exactly what is being transmitted. Dsniff, as the name
implies, is a network sniffer - but designed for testing of a different sort. dsniff is a package
of utilities that includes code to parse many different application protocols and extract
interesting information, such as usernames and passwords, web pages being visited,
contents of email, and more. Additionally, it can be used to defeat the normal behaviour of
switched networks and cause network traffic from other hosts on the same network
segment to be visible, not just traffic involving the host dsniff is running on.

Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
It also includes new programs to launch man-in-the-middle attacks on the SSH and HTTPS
protocols, which would allow viewing of the traffic unencrypted, and even the possibility of
taking over interactive SSH sessions.


dsniff [-c] [-d] [-m] [-n] [-i interface | -p pcapfile] [-s snaplen] [-f services] [-t trigger[,...]]] [-
r|-w savefile] [expression]




Perform half-duplex TCP stream reassembly, to handle asymmetrically routed traffic (such
as when using arpspoof(8) to intercept client traffic bound for the local gateway).


Enable debugging mode.


Enable automatic protocol detection.


Do not resolve IP addresses to hostnames.

-i interface
        Specify the interface to listen on.
-p pcapfile
        Rather than processing the contents of packets observed upon the network process
        the given PCAP capture file.
-s snaplen
        Analyze at most the first snaplen bytes of each TCP connection, rather than the
        default of 1024.
-f services
        Load triggers from a services file.
-t trigger[,...]
        Load triggers from a comma-separated list, specified as port/proto=service (e.g.
-r savefile

Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
Read sniffed sessions from a savefile created with the -w option.
-w file
       Write sniffed sessions to savefile rather than parsing and printing them out.
       Specify a tcpdump(8) filter expression to select traffic to sniff.
On a hangup signal dsniff will dump its current trigger table to



       Default trigger table
       Network protocol magic

Dsniff contains several powerful new network tools, written for use in penetration testing.
Arpredirect is a very effective way of sniffing traffic on a switch by forging arp replies. Findgw
determines the local gateway of an unknown network via passive sniffing, which can be used in
conjunction with arpredirect to intercept all outgoing traffic on a switch. Macof floods the
network with random MAC addresses, causing some switches to fail in open repeating mode,
facilitating sniffing. Dsniff is a simple password sniffer which parses passwords from many
protocols, only saving the "interesting" bits. Mailsnarf is a fast and easy way to violate the
Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986. urlsnarf outputs all requested URL's from HTTP
traffic. webspy sends URLs sniffed from a client to your local Netscape browser for display,
updated in real-time (as the target surfs, your browser surfs along with them, automagically).

Bluetooth is meant to be a wireless replacement for some of the functions USB
fulfills, and Wi-Fi is more of a wireless replacement for Ethernet. Many high-end phones,
laptops, PDAs, car stereos and other electronics are being shipped with Bluetooth
capability so they can communicate

root@slax:~# hciconfig hci0 up
root@slax:~# hciconfig
jhci0: Type: USB
BD Address: 00:0A:3A:52:69:8C ACL MTU: 192:8 SCO MTU: 64:8
RX bytes:148 acl:0 sco:0 events:17 errors:0
TX bytes:65 acl:0 sco:0 commands:17 errors:0

Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
root@slax:~# hcitool scan
Scanning ...
00:02:72:CA:14:6D TestTop

3proxy       is universal proxy server. It can be used to provide internal users wuth fully
controllable access to external resources or to provide external users with access to
internal resources. 3proxy is not developed to replace squid(8), but it can extend
functionality of existing cashing proxy. It can be used to route requests between different
types of clients and proxy servers. Think about it as application level gateway with
configuration like hardware router has for network layer. It can establish multiple
gateways with HTTP and HTTPS proxy with FTP over HTTP support, SOCKS v4, v4.5 and
v5, POP3 proxy, UDP and TCP portmappers. Each gateway is started from configuration file
like independant
service proxy(8) socks(8) pop3p(8)tcppm(8) udppm(8) ftppr(8) dnspr but 3proxy is
not a kind of wrapper or superserver for this daemons. It just has same code compiled in,
but provides much more functionality. SOCKSv5 implementatation allows to use 3proxy
with any UDP or TCP based client applications designed without proxy support
(with SocksCAP, FreeCAP or another client-side redirector under Windows of with
socksification library under Unix). So you can play your favourite games, listen music,
exchange files and messages and even accept incoming connections behind proxy server.

  dnspr does not exist as independant service. It' DNS caching proxy (it
requires nscache and nserver to be set in configuration. Only A-records are cached. Please
note, the this caching is mostly a 'hack' and has nothing to do with real DNS server, but it
works perfectly for SOHO networks.

   3proxy supports access control lists (ACL) like network router. Source and destination
networks and destination port can be specified. In addition, usernames and gateway action
(for example GET or POST) can be used in ACLs. In order to filter request on username
basis user must be authenticated somehow. There are few authentication types including
password authentication and authentication by NetBIOS name for Windows clients (it's
very like ident authentication). Depending on ACL action request can be allowed, denied or
redirected to another host or to another proxy server or even to a chain of proxy servers.

   It supports different types of logging: to logfiles, syslog(3) (only under Unix) or to ODBC
database. Logging format is turnable to provide compatibility with existing log file parsers.
It makes it possible to use 3proxy with IIS, ISA, Apache or Squid log parsers.


Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
Name of config file. See 3proxy.cfg(3) for configuration file format. Under Windows,
       if config_file is not specified, 3proxy looks for file named 3proxy.cfg in the default
       location (in same directory with executable file and in current directory). Under
       Unix, if no config file is specified, 3proxy reads configuration from stdin. It makes it
       possible to use 3proxy.cfg file as executable script just by setting +x mode and
       as a first line in 3proxy.cfg
       (Windows NT family only) install 3proxy as a system service
       (Windows NT family only) remove 3proxy from system services

Under Unix there are few signals 3proxy catches. See kill(1).
      cleanup connections and exit
      stop to accept new connections, on second signal - start and re-read configuration
      start to accept new conenctions
      reload configuration

Under Windows, if 3proxy is installed as service you can standard service management to
start, stop, pause and continue 3proxy service, for example:
net start 3proxy
net stop 3proxy
net pause 3proxy
net continue 3proxy

  Web admin service can also be used to reload configuration. Use wget to automate this

/usr/local/3proxy/3proxy.cfg (3proxy.cfg)
       3proxy configuration file
 How to open ports
socks -p28800

Cryptcat is a simple Unix utility which reads and writes data across network
connections, using TCP or UDP protocol while encrypting the data being transmitted. It is
designed to be a reliable "back-end" tool that can be used directly or easily driven by other
programs and scripts. At the same time, it is a feature-rich network debugging and

Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
exploration tool, since it can create almost any kind of connection you would need and has
several interesting built-in capabilities.

And as a powerful back-end tool it also lets user to hide his IP and establish connection a
victim would not know about. A hacker would also be able to run commands on your
computer through the connection. If you look through the features of Crypcat listed in this
article again, you will find out that it can easily switch ports and slow down the data
sending process, so that you will never get an idea of being hacked, until you find out that,
perhaps, your passwords, accounts information and credit-cards numbers are stolen.

To sum up, Cryptcat is a powerful networking tool with almost unlimited performance
capabilities. On the one hand, it can provide security and save your information, but on the
other hand any experienced hacker has it installed. And not only for security purposes.

Cryptcat is the standard netcat enhanced with twofish encryption. Cryptcat is the standard
netcat enhanced with twofish encryption.

        Machine A: cryptcat -l -p 1234 < testfile
        Machine B: cryptcat <machine A IP> 1234

This is identical to the
        normal netcat options for doing exactly the
        same thing. However, in this case the data transferred is encrypted.

Vulnerability Note VU#165099 - cryptcat does not encrypt data communications when -e
command argument is used

Encrypting Data with Cryptcat

 Cryptcat has the same syntax and functions
as netcat
Encrypted data transfer.
Encrypting files means that:
 Attacker’s sniffer cannot compromise your
information (Unless your passphrase is
 Encryption nearly eliminates risk of data
contamination or injection



cryptcat -k secret [-options] hostname port[s] [ports] cryptcat -k secret -l -p port [-
options] [hostname] [port]

Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda

Cryptcat can act as a tcp or udp client or server - connecting to or listening on a socket,
while otherwise working as the standard Unix command cat(1) .

cryptcat takes a password as a salt to encrypt the data being sent over the connection.
Without a specified password cryptcatmetallica’’. Needless to say, failure to specify a
different password makes the connection as good as unencrypted. will default to the
hardcoded password ‘‘


This programs does not follow the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options
starting with two dashes (‘-’). A summary of the options specific to cryptcat is included


       Show summary of options.

-k secret password

       Change the shared secret password to be used to establish a connection.


This version of cryptcat does not support the -e command command line option available
in some versions of nc.

Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda

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Backtrack Manual Part3

  • 1. Project Report on Project by - Nutan Kumar Panda Technology Evangelist ISEH R&D - ATL Guwahati Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
  • 2. INSTALLED FEATURES DNStracer determines where a given Domain Name Server (DNS) gets its information from, and follows the chain of DNS servers back to the servers which know the data. SYNOPSIS dnstracer [options] name DESCRIPTION dnstracer determines where a given Domain Name Server (DNS) gets its information from, and follows the chain of DNS servers back to the servers which know the data. Options are: -c Disable local caching. -C Enable negative caching. -o Enable overview of received answers at the end. -q q>u>e>r>y>c>l>a>s>s> Change the query-class, default is A. You can either specify a number of the type (if you're brave) or one of the following strings: a, aaaa, a6, soa, cname, hinfo, mx, ns, txt and ptr. -r r>e>t>r>i>e>s> Number of retries for DNS requests, default 3. -s s>e>r>v>e>r> DNS server to use for the initial request, default is acquired from the system. If a dot is specified (.), A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET will be used. -v Be verbose on what sent or received. -4 Use only IPv4 servers, don't query IPv6 servers (only available when IPv6 support hasn't been disabled) -S s>o>u>r>c>e>a>d>d>r>e>s>s> Use this as source-address for the outgoing packets. HOW IT WORKS It sends the specified name-server a non-recursive request for the name. Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
  • 3. Non-recursive means: if the name-server knows it, it will return the data requested. If the name-server doesn't know it, it will return pointers to name- servers that are authoritive for the domain part in the name or it will return the addresses of the root name-servers. If the name server does returns an authoritative answer for the name,the next server is queried. If it returns an non-authoritative answer for the name, the name servers in the authority records will be queried. The program stops if all name-servers are queried. Make sure the server you're querying doesn't do forwarding towards other servers, as dnstracer is not able to detect this for you. It detects so called lame servers, which are name-servers which has been told to have information about a certain domain, but don't have this information. EXAMPLES Search for the A record of on your local nameserver: dnstracer Search for the MX record of on the root-nameservers: dnstracer "-s" . "-q" mx Search for the PTR record (hostname) of dnstracer "-q" ptr And for IPv6 addresses: dnstracer "-q" ptr "-s" . "-o" Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
  • 4. tcptraceroute: A traceroute implementation using TCP packets The more traditional traceroute(8) sends out either UDP or ICMP ECHO packets with a TTL of one, and increments the TTL until the destination has been reached. By printing the gateways that generate ICMP time exceeded messages along the way, it is able to determine the path packets are taking to reach the destination. The problem is that with the widespread use of firewalls on the modern Internet, many of the packets that traceroute(8) sends out end up being filtered, making it impossible to completely trace the path to the destination. However, in many cases, these firewalls will permit inbound TCP packets to specific ports that hosts sitting behind the firewall are listening for connections on. By sending out TCP SYN packets instead of UDP or ICMP ECHO packets, tcptraceroute is able to bypass the most common firewall filters. It is worth noting that tcptraceroute never completely establishes a TCP connection with the destination host. If the host is not listening for incoming connections, it will respond with an RST indicating that the port is closed. If the host instead responds with a SYN|ACK, the port is known to be open, and an RST is sent by the kernel tcptraceroute is running on to tear down the connection without completing three-way handshake. This is the same half-open scanning technique that nmap(1) uses when passed the -sS flag. To trace the path to a web server listening for connections on port 80: tcptraceroute webserver To trace the path to a mail server listening for connections on port 25: tcptraceroute mailserver 25 Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
  • 5. Nmap ("Network Mapper") is a utility for network exploration or security auditing. Many systems and network administrators also find it useful for tasks such as network inventory, managing service upgrade schedules, and monitoring host or service uptime. Nmap uses raw IP packets in novel ways to determine what hosts are available on the network, what services (application name and version) those hosts are offering, what operating systems (and OS versions) they are running, what type of packet filters/firewalls are in use, and dozens of other characteristics. It was designed to rapidly scan large networks, but works fine against single hosts. Nmap runs on all major computer operating systems, and official binary packages are avalable for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. Command >nmap -v -A targethost Nmap features include:  Host Discovery - Identifying hosts on a network, for example listing the hosts which respond to pings, or which have a particular port open  Port Scanning - Enumerating the open ports on one or more target hosts  Version Detection - Interrogating listening network services listening on remote devices to determine the application name and version number  OS Detection - Remotely determining the operating system and some hardware characteristics of network devices. Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
  • 6. Scriptable interaction with the target - using Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) and Lua programming language customized queries can be made Nmap Scripting Engine. Typical uses of Nmap:  Auditing the security of a device, by identifying the network connections which can be made to it  Identifying open ports on a target host in preparation for auditing  Network inventory, Network mapping, maintenance, and asset management  Auditing the security of a network, by identifying unexpected new servers Nmap is used to discover computers and services on a computer network, thus creating a “map” of the network. Just like many simple port scanners, Nmap is capable of discovering passive services on a network despite the fact that such services aren’t advertising themselves with a service discovery protocol. In addition Nmap may be able to determine various details about the remote computers. These include operating system, device type, uptime, software product used to run a service, exact version number of that product, presence of some firewall techniques and, on a local area network, even vendor of the remote network card. By default, Nmap performs a SYN Scan, which works against any compliant TCP stack, rather than depending on idiosyncrasies of specific platforms. It can be used to quickly scan thousands of ports, and it allows clear, reliable differentiation between ports in open, closed and filtered states. To perform a SYN scan on the host, use the command nmap Syntax nmap [Scan Type(s)] [Options] {target specification} TARGET SPECIFICATION: -iL Input from list of hosts/networks Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
  • 7. -iR Choose random targets --exclude Exclude hosts/networks <host1[,host2][,host3],...> --excludefile Exclude list from file <exclude_file> HOST DISCOVERY: -sL List Scan - simply list targets to scan -sP Ping Scan - go no further than determining if host is online -P0 Treat all hosts as online -- skip host discovery -PS/PA/PU [portlist] TCP SYN/ACK or UDP discovery to given ports -PE/PP/PM ICMP echo, timestamp, and netmask request discovery probes -n/-R Never do DNS resolution/Always resolve [default: sometimes] --dns-servers Specify custom DNS servers <serv1[,serv2],...> --system-dns Use OS's DNS resolver SCAN TECHNIQUES: -sS/sT/sA/sW/sM TCP SYN/Connect()/ACK/Window/Maimon scans -sN/sF/sX TCP Null, FIN, and Xmas scans --scanflags <flags> Customize TCP scan flags -sI <zombie Idlescan host[:probeport]> -sO IP protocol scan -b <ftp relay host> FTP bounce scan PORT SPECIFICATION AND SCAN ORDER: -p <port ranges> Only scan specified ports Ex: -p22; -p1-65535; -p U:53,111,137,T:21-25,80,139,8080 -F Fast - Scan only the ports listed in the nmap-services file) Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
  • 8. -r Scan ports consecutively - don't randomize SERVICE/VERSION DETECTION: -sV Probe open ports to determine service/version info --version-intensity Set from 0 (light) to 9 (try all probes) <level> --version-light Limit to most likely probes (intensity 2) --version-all Try every single probe (intensity 9) --version-trace Show detailed version scan activity (for debugging) OS DETECTION: -O Enable OS detection --osscan-limit Limit OS detection to promising targets --osscan-guess Guess OS more aggressively TIMING AND PERFORMANCE: Options which take <time> are in milliseconds, unless you append 's' (seconds), 'm' (minutes), or 'h' (hours) to the value (e.g. 30m). -T[0-5] Set timing template (higher is faster) --min- Parallel host scan group sizes hostgroup/max- hostgroup <size> --min- Probe parallelization parallelism/max- parallelism <time> --min-rtt- Specifies probe round trip time. timeout/max-rtt- timeout/initial-rtt- timeout <time> --max-retries <tries> Caps number of port scan probe retransmissions. --host-timeout Give up on target after this long <time> Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
  • 9. --scan-delay/--max- Adjust delay between probes scan-delay <time> FIREWALL/IDS EVASION AND SPOOFING: -f; --mtu <val> fragment packets (optionally w/given MTU) -D Cloak a scan with decoys <decoy1,decoy2[,ME],...> -S <IP_Address> Spoof source address -e <iface> Use specified interface -g/--source-port Use given port number <portnum> --data-length <num> Append random data to sent packets --ttl <val> Set IP time-to-live field --spoof-mac <mac Spoof your MAC address address/prefix/vendor name> --badsum Send packets with a bogus TCP/UDP checksum OUTPUT: -oN/-oX/-oS/-oG Output scan in normal, XML, s|<rIpt kIddi3, and Grepable format, respectively, to th <file> given filename. -oA <basename> Output in the three major formats at once -v Increase verbosity level (use twice for more effect) -d[level] Set or increase debugging level (Up to 9 is meaningful) --packet-trace Show all packets sent and received --iflist Print host interfaces and routes (for debugging) --log-errors Log errors/warnings to the normal-format output file --append-output Append to rather than clobber specified output files --resume <filename> Resume an aborted scan --stylesheet XSL stylesheet to transform XML output to HTML <path/URL> Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
  • 10. --webxml Reference stylesheet from Insecure.Org for more portable XML --no-stylesheet Prevent associating of XSL stylesheet w/XML output MISC: -6 Enable IPv6 scanning -A Enables OS detection and Version detection --datadir <dirname> Specify custom Nmap data file location --send-eth/--send-ip Send using raw ethernet frames or IP packets --privileged Assume that the user is fully privileged -V Print version number nmap -P0 Running the above port scan on the Computer Hope IP address would give information similar to the below example. Keep in mind that with the above command it's -P<zero> not the letter O. Interesting ports on ( Not shown: 1019 filtered ports, 657 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE 21/tcp open ftp 80/tcp open http 113/tcp open auth 443/tcp open https Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
  • 11. Lanmap Lanmap Listens to all available traffic on the interface of your choice, figures out who’s talking to who, how much, using which protocols. This information is then put into a nice human- readable 2d image (various formats are available) which can be used to understand a network’s topology. sudo aptitude install lanmap This will complete the installation Using lanmap lanmap syntax lanmap [-o directory] [-e program] [-T {png,gif,svg}] [-f filtetr] [-D {#,all,raw}] [-r seconds] [-i {?,*wildcard*,iface}] [-h] [-v] [-V] lanmap example lanmap -i eth0 -r 30 -T png -o /tmp/ This will create a lanmap.png file under tmp folder Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
  • 12. You can see the same screen here lanmap available options -o directory - The directory in which to save the generated images. Default is the current directory. -e program - The program to use to generate images. Default is twopi. -T {png,gif,svg} - Output image format. Default is png. -f filter - Traffic filter, in libpcap syntax. -D {#,all,raw} - Debug mode; lots of output, use with caution. #: payload bytes to dump (default: 0) -r seconds - Set the time interval between 2 consecutive graph generations. Default is 60 seconds. -i {?,*wildcard*,iface} - Interface to use: ?: list all devices and exit *3Com*: use the first NIC with “3Com” in it -V - Version info. -vv - Verbose mode, up to 3 levels (-vv, -vv09:21 29/11/2007v). -h - Help message. SPIKE is written in C and exposes an API for quickly and efficiently developing network protocol fuzzers. . SPIKE utilizes a novel technique for representing and thereafter fuzzing network protocols. Protocol data structures are broken down and represented as blocks, also referred to as a SPIKE, which contains both binary data and the block size. Block-based protocol representation allows for abstracted construction of various protocol layers with automatic size calculations. To better understand the block-based concept, consider the following simple example from the whitepaper "The Advantages of Block- Based Protocol Analysis for Security Testing":8 Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
  • 13. s_block_size_binary_bigendian_word("somepacketdata"); s_block_start("somepacketdata") s_binary("01020304"); s_block_end("somepacketdata"); This basic SPIKE script (SPIKE scripts are written in C) defines a block named somepacketdata, pushes the four bytes 0x01020304 into the block and prefixes the block with the block length. In this case the block length would be calculated as 4 and stored as a big endian word. Note that most of the SPIKE API is prefixed with either s_ orspike_. The s_binary() API is used to add binary data to a block and is quite liberal with its argument format, allowing it to handle a wide variety of copied and pasted inputs such as the string 4141 x41 0x41 41 00 41 00. Although simple, this example demonstrates the basics and overall approach of constructing a SPIKE. As SPIKE allows blocks to be embedded within other blocks, arbitrarily complex protocols can be easily broken down into their smallest atoms. Expanding on the previous example: s_block_size_binary_bigendian_word("somepacketdata"); s_block_start("somepacketdata") s_binary("01020304"); s_blocksize_halfword_bigendian("innerdata"); s_block_start("innerdata"); s_binary("00 01"); s_binary_bigendian_word_variable(0x02); s_string_variable("SELECT"); s_block_end("innerdata"); s_block_end("somepacketdata"); In this example, two blocks are defined, somepacketdata and innerdata. The latter block is contained within the former block and each individual block is prefixed with a size value. The newly defined innerdata block begins with a static two-byte value (0x0001), followed by a four-byte variable integer with a default value of 0x02, and finally a string variable with a default value of SELECT. Thes_binary_bigendian_word_variable()and s_string_variable() APIs will loop through a predefined set of integer and string variables (attack heuristics), respectively, that have been known in the past to uncover security vulnerabilities. SPIKE will begin by looping through the possible word variable mutations and then move on to mutating the string variable. The true power of this framework is that SPIKE will automatically update the values for each of the size fields as the various mutations are made. To examine or expand the current list of fuzz variables, look at SPIKE/src/spike.c.Version 2.9 of the framework contains a list of almost 700 error-inducing heuristics. Using the basic concepts demonstrated in the previous example, you can begin to see how arbitrarily complex protocols can be modeled in this framework. A number of additional APIs and examples exist. Refer to the SPIKE documentation for further information. Sticking to the running example, the following code excerpt is from an FTP fuzzer distributed with SPIKE. This is not the best showcase of SPIKE's capabilities, as no blocks are actually defined, but it helps to compare apples with apples. Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
  • 14. s_string("HOST "); s_string_variable(""); s_string("rn"); s_string_variable("USER"); s_string(" v); s_string_variable("bob"); s_string("rn"); s_string("PASS "); s_string_variable("bob"); s_string("rn"); s_string("SITE "); s_string_variable("SEDV"); s_string("rn"); s_string("ACCT "); s_string_variable("bob"); s_string("rn"); s_string("CWD "); s_string_variable("."); s_string("rn"); s_string("SMNT "); s_string_variable("."); s_string("rn"); s_string("PORT "); s_string_variable("1"); s_string(","); s_string_variable("2"); s_string(","); s_string_variable("3"); s_string(","); s_string_variable("4"); s_string(","); s_string_variable("5"); s_string(","); s_string_variable("6"); s_string("rn"); The Goals of SPIKE Find new vulnerabilities by ● Making it easy to quickly reproduce a complex binary protocol ● Develop a base of knowledge within SPIKE about different kinds of bugclasses affecting similar protocols ● Test old vulnerabilities on new programs ● Make it easy to manually mess with protocols Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
  • 15. How the SPIKE API works Unique SPIKE data structure supports lengths and blocks ● s_block_start(), s_block_end(), s_blocksize_halfword_bigendian(); SPIKE utility routines make dealing with binary data, network code, and common marshalling routines easy ● s_xdr_string() SPIKE fuzzing framework automates iterating through all potential problem spots ● s_string(“Host: “); s_string_variable(“localhost”); A SPIKE is a kind of First In First Out Queue or “Buffer Class” A SPIKE can automatically fill in “length fields” ● s_size_string(“post”,5); ● s_block_start(“Post”); ● s_string_variable(“user=bob”); ● s_block_end(“post”); Httprint is a web server fingerprinting tool. It relies on web server characteristics to accurately identify web servers, despite the fact that they may have been obfuscated by changing the server banner strings, or by plug-ins such as mod_security or servermask. Httprint can also be used to detect web enabled devices which do not have a server banner string, such as wireless access points, routers, switches, cable modems, etc. httprint uses text signature strings and it is very easy to add signatures to the signature database. Source: Httprint To get the CLI use: Code: #cd /pentest/enumeration/www/httprint_301/linux Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
  • 16. # httprint Now first things first you should probably go ahead and update your "Signature File" So it will usually be in: Code: /pentest/enumeration/www/httprint_301/linux look for signatures.txt ok now to update just go to signatures and do a save as make sure you use a .txt extension. Overwriting the one we found earlier. Next let’s get the input.txt file and set it up (its located in the same place as before) This is the second file that we want to work with so and open it up using your favorite text editor. Ok you should see something like: Code: # inputs for httprint can be: # - individual IP addresses (default port 80) # - http://servername :[port] / # - https://servername:[port] / # - IP range xx.xx.xx.xx-yy.yy.yy.yy #http://www.apache DOT org / # inputs for httprint can be: # - individual IP addresses (default port 80) # - http://servername:[port]/ # - https://servername:[port]/ # - IP ranges xx.xx.xx.xx-yy.yy.yy.yy # http://www.apache DOT org/ dsniff - password sniffer The ability to access the raw packets on a network interface (known as network sniffing), has long been an important tool for system and network administrators. For debugging purposes it is often helpful to look at the network traffic down to the wire level to see exactly what is being transmitted. Dsniff, as the name implies, is a network sniffer - but designed for testing of a different sort. dsniff is a package of utilities that includes code to parse many different application protocols and extract interesting information, such as usernames and passwords, web pages being visited, contents of email, and more. Additionally, it can be used to defeat the normal behaviour of switched networks and cause network traffic from other hosts on the same network segment to be visible, not just traffic involving the host dsniff is running on. Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
  • 17. It also includes new programs to launch man-in-the-middle attacks on the SSH and HTTPS protocols, which would allow viewing of the traffic unencrypted, and even the possibility of taking over interactive SSH sessions. Synopsis dsniff [-c] [-d] [-m] [-n] [-i interface | -p pcapfile] [-s snaplen] [-f services] [-t trigger[,...]]] [- r|-w savefile] [expression] Description options -c Perform half-duplex TCP stream reassembly, to handle asymmetrically routed traffic (such as when using arpspoof(8) to intercept client traffic bound for the local gateway). -d Enable debugging mode. -m Enable automatic protocol detection. -n Do not resolve IP addresses to hostnames. -i interface Specify the interface to listen on. -p pcapfile Rather than processing the contents of packets observed upon the network process the given PCAP capture file. -s snaplen Analyze at most the first snaplen bytes of each TCP connection, rather than the default of 1024. -f services Load triggers from a services file. -t trigger[,...] Load triggers from a comma-separated list, specified as port/proto=service (e.g. 80/tcp=http). -r savefile Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
  • 18. Read sniffed sessions from a savefile created with the -w option. -w file Write sniffed sessions to savefile rather than parsing and printing them out. expression Specify a tcpdump(8) filter expression to select traffic to sniff. On a hangup signal dsniff will dump its current trigger table to Files /etc/dsniff/ Default trigger table /etc/dsniff/dsniff.magic Network protocol magic Dsniff contains several powerful new network tools, written for use in penetration testing. Arpredirect is a very effective way of sniffing traffic on a switch by forging arp replies. Findgw determines the local gateway of an unknown network via passive sniffing, which can be used in conjunction with arpredirect to intercept all outgoing traffic on a switch. Macof floods the network with random MAC addresses, causing some switches to fail in open repeating mode, facilitating sniffing. Dsniff is a simple password sniffer which parses passwords from many protocols, only saving the "interesting" bits. Mailsnarf is a fast and easy way to violate the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986. urlsnarf outputs all requested URL's from HTTP traffic. webspy sends URLs sniffed from a client to your local Netscape browser for display, updated in real-time (as the target surfs, your browser surfs along with them, automagically). Bluetooth is meant to be a wireless replacement for some of the functions USB fulfills, and Wi-Fi is more of a wireless replacement for Ethernet. Many high-end phones, laptops, PDAs, car stereos and other electronics are being shipped with Bluetooth capability so they can communicate root@slax:~# hciconfig hci0 up root@slax:~# hciconfig jhci0: Type: USB BD Address: 00:0A:3A:52:69:8C ACL MTU: 192:8 SCO MTU: 64:8 UP RUNNING PSCAN ISCAN RX bytes:148 acl:0 sco:0 events:17 errors:0 TX bytes:65 acl:0 sco:0 commands:17 errors:0 Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
  • 19. root@slax:~# root@slax:~# hcitool scan Scanning ... 00:02:72:CA:14:6D TestTop root@slax:~# 3proxy is universal proxy server. It can be used to provide internal users wuth fully controllable access to external resources or to provide external users with access to internal resources. 3proxy is not developed to replace squid(8), but it can extend functionality of existing cashing proxy. It can be used to route requests between different types of clients and proxy servers. Think about it as application level gateway with configuration like hardware router has for network layer. It can establish multiple gateways with HTTP and HTTPS proxy with FTP over HTTP support, SOCKS v4, v4.5 and v5, POP3 proxy, UDP and TCP portmappers. Each gateway is started from configuration file like independant service proxy(8) socks(8) pop3p(8)tcppm(8) udppm(8) ftppr(8) dnspr but 3proxy is not a kind of wrapper or superserver for this daemons. It just has same code compiled in, but provides much more functionality. SOCKSv5 implementatation allows to use 3proxy with any UDP or TCP based client applications designed without proxy support (with SocksCAP, FreeCAP or another client-side redirector under Windows of with socksification library under Unix). So you can play your favourite games, listen music, exchange files and messages and even accept incoming connections behind proxy server. dnspr does not exist as independant service. It' DNS caching proxy (it requires nscache and nserver to be set in configuration. Only A-records are cached. Please note, the this caching is mostly a 'hack' and has nothing to do with real DNS server, but it works perfectly for SOHO networks. 3proxy supports access control lists (ACL) like network router. Source and destination networks and destination port can be specified. In addition, usernames and gateway action (for example GET or POST) can be used in ACLs. In order to filter request on username basis user must be authenticated somehow. There are few authentication types including password authentication and authentication by NetBIOS name for Windows clients (it's very like ident authentication). Depending on ACL action request can be allowed, denied or redirected to another host or to another proxy server or even to a chain of proxy servers. It supports different types of logging: to logfiles, syslog(3) (only under Unix) or to ODBC database. Logging format is turnable to provide compatibility with existing log file parsers. It makes it possible to use 3proxy with IIS, ISA, Apache or Squid log parsers. OPTIONS config_file Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
  • 20. Name of config file. See 3proxy.cfg(3) for configuration file format. Under Windows, if config_file is not specified, 3proxy looks for file named 3proxy.cfg in the default location (in same directory with executable file and in current directory). Under Unix, if no config file is specified, 3proxy reads configuration from stdin. It makes it possible to use 3proxy.cfg file as executable script just by setting +x mode and adding #!/usr/local/3proxy/3proxy as a first line in 3proxy.cfg --install (Windows NT family only) install 3proxy as a system service --remove (Windows NT family only) remove 3proxy from system services SIGNALS Under Unix there are few signals 3proxy catches. See kill(1). SIGTERM cleanup connections and exit SIGPAUSE stop to accept new connections, on second signal - start and re-read configuration SIGCONT start to accept new conenctions SIGUSR1 reload configuration Under Windows, if 3proxy is installed as service you can standard service management to start, stop, pause and continue 3proxy service, for example: net start 3proxy net stop 3proxy net pause 3proxy net continue 3proxy Web admin service can also be used to reload configuration. Use wget to automate this task. FILES /usr/local/3proxy/3proxy.cfg (3proxy.cfg) 3proxy configuration file How to open ports socks -p28800 Cryptcat is a simple Unix utility which reads and writes data across network connections, using TCP or UDP protocol while encrypting the data being transmitted. It is designed to be a reliable "back-end" tool that can be used directly or easily driven by other programs and scripts. At the same time, it is a feature-rich network debugging and Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
  • 21. exploration tool, since it can create almost any kind of connection you would need and has several interesting built-in capabilities. And as a powerful back-end tool it also lets user to hide his IP and establish connection a victim would not know about. A hacker would also be able to run commands on your computer through the connection. If you look through the features of Crypcat listed in this article again, you will find out that it can easily switch ports and slow down the data sending process, so that you will never get an idea of being hacked, until you find out that, perhaps, your passwords, accounts information and credit-cards numbers are stolen. To sum up, Cryptcat is a powerful networking tool with almost unlimited performance capabilities. On the one hand, it can provide security and save your information, but on the other hand any experienced hacker has it installed. And not only for security purposes. Cryptcat is the standard netcat enhanced with twofish encryption. Cryptcat is the standard netcat enhanced with twofish encryption. Machine A: cryptcat -l -p 1234 < testfile Machine B: cryptcat <machine A IP> 1234 This is identical to the normal netcat options for doing exactly the same thing. However, in this case the data transferred is encrypted. Vulnerability Note VU#165099 - cryptcat does not encrypt data communications when -e command argument is used Encrypting Data with Cryptcat Cryptcat has the same syntax and functions as netcat Encrypted data transfer. Encrypting files means that: Attacker’s sniffer cannot compromise your information (Unless your passphrase is compromised.) Encryption nearly eliminates risk of data contamination or injection Name Synopsis cryptcat -k secret [-options] hostname port[s] [ports] cryptcat -k secret -l -p port [- options] [hostname] [port] Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda
  • 22. Description Cryptcat can act as a tcp or udp client or server - connecting to or listening on a socket, while otherwise working as the standard Unix command cat(1) . cryptcat takes a password as a salt to encrypt the data being sent over the connection. Without a specified password cryptcatmetallica’’. Needless to say, failure to specify a different password makes the connection as good as unencrypted. will default to the hardcoded password ‘‘ Options This programs does not follow the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (‘-’). A summary of the options specific to cryptcat is included below. -h Show summary of options. -k secret password Change the shared secret password to be used to establish a connection. Bugs This version of cryptcat does not support the -e command command line option available in some versions of nc. Project By: Nutan Kumar Panda