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Laø moät phaàn cuûa taäp ñoaøn Goodearth, coù truï sôû chính taïi Singapore chuyeân veà
ñaàu tö vaø phaùt trieån baát ñoäng saûn vôùi hoaøng loaït haïng muïc ñaàu tö quoác teá veà
khaùch saïn, thöông maïi, khu daân cö vaø khu coâng nghieäp khaép Chaâu AÙ, UÙc, Niu Di-
Laân vaø Chaâu AÂu.
Phaùt trieån nhö moät chi nhaùnh taïi Vieät Nam, chuùng toâi taäp trung vaøo maûng caûi thieän
caûnh quang ñòa phöông baèng caùch ñöa ra nhöõng yù töôûng môùi ñaày tính saùng taïo,
chaát löôïng cao vaø giaù trò toát nhaát. Moãi yeáu toá chuùng toâi taïo ra seõ mang laïi khoâng
gian soáng vaø khoâng gian laøm vieäc hieäu quaû vaø haáp daãn.
We are part of the Goodearth Group, a Singapore-based property development and
investment group with a diverse international portfolio of hotels, commercial, residential
and industrial properties across Asia, Australia, New Zealand and Europe.
As our group’s property development arm in Vietnam, we are dedicated to help
transform the local landscapes into prime properties by bringing forth new ideas that
are innovative, of superior quality and great value. Each property we create opens a
myriad of endless possibilities for both your living and working spaces.
Leadgroup Residential Limited Liability Company
Level 19, A&B Tower, 76 Le Lai Street,
Ben Thanh Ward, District 1,
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tel: +848-38 23 5111
Fax: +848-38 23 5222
Coâng ty traùch nhieäm höõu haïn Leadgroup Residential
Taàng 19, toøa nhaø A&B, soá 76, ñöôøng Leâ Lai
Phöôøng Beán Thaønh, quaän 1
Thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh, Vieät Nam
Soá ñieän thoaïi: +848-38 23 5111
Fax: +848-38 23 5222
At home with nature . . .
Be in touch with nature once again with the 6,000
square meters of linear park and lush landscaping.
Soáng giöõa thieân nhieân
Hoøa mình vaøo töï nhieân vôùi 6.000 m2 coâng vieân vaø caûnh
quan xung quanh
Wake up with
the morning sun and fresh air…
560 Units naturally lit apartments
104 linkhouses
Traøn ngaäp aùnh bình minh vaø
khoâng khí trong laønh…
560 caên hoä thoâng thoaùng töï nhieân
104 nhaø lieàn keà
A complete living experience and
lifestyle upgrade…
Ben Luc Central Park offers incomparable link houses
and high rise apartments built around, Green and
commercial spaces like school, retail shops and a
136 meters long shop houses strip which provides
delightful amenities and a constant stimulating
Moät cuoäc soáng hieän ñaïi vaø ñaày tính traûi
Trong khu ñoâ thò Beán Löùc, nhöõng nhaø lieàn keá ñoäc ñaùo coù
moät khoâng hai vôùi caùc coâng trình cao taàng xung quanh,
caùc khoâng gian xanh vaø khoâng gian thöông maïi, tröôøng
hoïc, khu baùn leû vaø 136m daõy nhaø ôû keát hôïp kinh doanh
seõ mang laïi nhöõng tieän ích haáp daãn vaø moät baàu khoâng
khí nhoän nhòp.
Enhancing Lives…
Naâng cao chaát löôïng
cuoäc soáng…
l o c a t i o n / vò trí
m a s t e r p l a n / maët baèng toång theå
r e s i d e n c e s & p a r k / khu daân cö vaø coâng vieân
l i n k e d h o u s e s & p u b l i c s p a c e / nhaø lieàn keà vaø
khoâng gian coâng coäng
a n a l y s i s d i a g r a m / löu thoâng
Business and Comunity Hubs
01 Center of Ho Chi Minh City/ TP. Hoà Chí Minh
02 Phu My Hung Town/ Khu ñoâ thò Phuù Myõ Höng
03 Ben Luc District Central/ Huyeän Beán Löùc
04 Tan An Town (main city of Long An)/ TP. Taân An
Major Roads
05 Nguyen Van Linh Crossroad/Ñaïi loä Nguyeãn Vaên Linh
06 Trung Luong Highway/ Cao toác Trung Löông
07 National Highway No. 1A/ Quoác Loä 1A
08 Tan Son Nhat International Airport/ Saân bay quoâc teá Taân Sôn Nhaát
Long An province in the Southern part of Vietnam with a close proximity of 25 kilometers from
Ho Chi Minh City, has significantly being develop into an Industrial area as part of the move to
relocate the craft production business away from the major cities which started on 2002. Long
An has a population of 1.4 million in which 900,000 belongs to the labor sector.
Tænh Long An naèm ôû vuøng phía Nam cuûa Vieät Nam caùch Thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh 25km, coù moät söï phaùt
trieån nhanh choùng ñeå trôû thaønh moät khu coâng nghieäp nhö moät phaàn cuûa söï dòch chuyeån caùc doanh
nghieäp saûn xuaát thuû coâng ra xa thaønh phoá ñöôïc baét ñaàu vaøo naêm 2002. Long An coù 1,4 trieäu daân vôùi
hôn 900.000 daân trong ñoä tuoåi lao ñoäng.
ben luc
c e n t r a l
pa r k
Welcome to the Lead Groups’ most desirable
residential development and home to Ben
Luc Central Park, an exclusive development
of modern contemporary living. Set within
the astounding landscaped grounds, which
features economic but superior living spaces
with flexibility and functional design. Setting
new standards in sophisticated city living in
rural setting.
Chaøo möøng ñeán vôùi khu daân cö Beán Löùc, moät khu
vöïc phaùt trieån hieän ñaïi. Thieát keá caùc khoâng gian
caûnh quan tuyeät vôøi, taäp trung hieäu quaû kinh teá tuy
nhieân ñöôïc thieát keá linh hoaït giöõa khoâng gian soáng
vaø khoâng gian chöùc naêng trong khu vöïc. Taïo laäp
moät tieâu chuaån soáng thaønh thò tinh teá trong vuøng
noâng thoân.
Ben Luc Central Park is located in the center of
3 industrial zones and a central public park making
it the most desirable location for a residential
development. The site is conveniently accessible to
a main road which connects to the Main Highway
Khu daân cö Beán Löùc naèm ôû vò trí trung taâm cuûa 3 khu
coâng nghieäp vaø moät khu coâng vieân trung taâm laøm cho
khu ñaát coù vò trí thuaän lôïi nhaát ñeå phaùt trieån thaønh moät
khu daân cö. Khu ñaát deã daøng tieáp caän tuyeán ñöôøng
chính keát noái vôùi quoác loä 1A.
LOT NAME/ Teân loâ ñaát TOTAL AREA/ DT loâ ñaát (M2) FOOTPRINT/ DT xaây döïng (M2) GFA/ Toång DT saøn (M2)
A1 6,281 2,198 32,970
A2 5,877 2,057 30,855
A3 11,373 3,981 59,715
A4 6,950 2,433 36,495
A5 9,095 3,183 47,745
A6 9,285 3,250 48,750
A7 4,292 1,502 22,530
A8 4,894 1,713 25,695
A9 4,142 1,450 21,750
A10 6,896 2,414 36,210
A11 11,233 3,932 58,980
A12 6,625 2,318 34,770
A13 5,198 1,819 27,285
A14 4,091 1,432 21,480
TOTAL 96,232 33,682 505,230
LINKED HOUSE/ Nhaø lieàn keà
LOT NAME/ Teân loâ ñaát TOTAL AREA/ DT loâ ñaát (M2) FOOTPRINT/ DT xaây döïng (M2) GFA/ Toång DT saøn (M2)
L1 3,352 2,634 7,902
L2 3,352 2,634 7,902
L3 3,008 2,382 7,146
L4 6,088 4,914 14,742
L5 4,864 3,894 11,682
L6 4,864 3,894 11,682
L7 2,812 2,184 6,552
L8 2,297 1,767 5,301
L9 4,061 3,259 9,777
L10 5,332 4,284 12,852
L11 5,332 4,284 12,852
TOTAL 45,362 36,130 108,390
PUBLIC BUILDING/ Coâng trình coâng coäng
LOT NAME/ Teân loâ ñaát TOTAL AREA/ DT loâ ñaát (M2) FOOTPRINT/ DT xaây döïng (M2) GFA/ Toång DT saøn (M2)
E1 1,736 695 1,390
E2 12,260 4,729 14,187
TOTAL 13,396 5,424 15,577
ISOLATED GREEN/ Caây xanh caùch ly
LOT NAME/ Teân loâ ñaát TOTAL AREA/ DT loâ ñaát (M2) FOOTPRINT/ DT xaây döïng (M2) GFA/ Toång DT saøn (M2)
N1 140 140 -
N2 2,037 2,037 -
N3 133 133 -
N4 2,700 2,700 -
N5 1,506 1,506 -
N6 90 90 -
L1IG 189 189 -
L2IG 189 189 -
L3IG 169 169 -
L4IG 341 341 -
L5IG 273 273 -
L6IG 273 273 -
L7IG 159 159 -
L8IG 129 129 -
L9IG 227 227 -
L10IG 299 299 -
L11IG 299 299 -
TOTAL 9,203 9,203 -
PARK/ Coâng vieân caây xanh
LOT NAME/ Teân loâ ñaát TOTAL AREA/ DT loâ ñaát (M2) FOOTPRINT/ DT xaây döïng (M2) GFA/ Toång DT saøn (M2)
P1 10,548 10,548 -
P2 2,382 2,382 -
P3 303 303 -
P4 1,514 1,514 -
P5 1,204 1,204 -
P6 1,464 1,464 -
P7 2,060 2,060 -
P8 2,996 2,996 -
TOTAL 22,471 22,471 -
mp 1:500 approved master planning
Classy modern residential towers each with balconies,
basement parkings and podium amenities ,all self-
sufficiently designed to the needs of the homeowners.
Caùc chung cö ñöôïc thieát keá ñaày ñuû caùc khoâng gian: ban coâng,
taàng haàm ñaäu xe, tieän ích, taát caû nhaèm ñaùp öùng nhu caàu cao
caáp nhaát cuûa ngöôøi söû duïng.
t h e b e s t a d d r e s s
i n L o n g A n
A5AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 9,095 m2
FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 3,183 m2
GFA/toång DT saøn: 47,745 m2
No. of Storey/soá taàng: 15
A3AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 11,373 m2
FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 3,981 m2
GFA/toång DT saøn: 59,715 m2
No. of Storey/soá taàng: 15
A8AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 4,894 m2
FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 1,713 m2
GFA/toång DT saøn: 25,695 m2
No. of Storey/soá taàng: 15
A9AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 4,142 m2
FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 1,450 m2
GFA/toång DT saøn: 21,750 m2
No. of Storey/soá taàng: 15
A6AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 9,285 m2
FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 3,250 m2
GFA/toång DT saøn: 48,750 m2
No. of Storey/soá taàng: 15
A7AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 4,292 m2
FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 1,502 m2
GFA/toång DT saøn: 22,530 m2
No. of Storey/soá taàng: 15
A11AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 11,233 m2
FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 3,932 m2
GFA/toång DT saøn: 58,980 m2
No. of Storey/soá taàng: 15
A4AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 6,950 m2
FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 2,433 m2
GFA/toång DT saøn: 36,495 m2
No. of Storey/soá taàng: 15
A1AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 6,281 m2
FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 2,198 m2
GFA/toång DT saøn: 32,970 m2
No. of Storey/soá taàng: 15
A12AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 6,625 m2
FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 2,318 m2
GFA/toång DT saøn: 34,770 m2
No. of Storey/soá taàng: 15
A2AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 5,877 m2
FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 2,057 m2
GFA/toång DT saøn: 30,855 m2
No. of Storey/soá taàng: 15
P1AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 10,548 m2
FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: -
GFA/toång DT saøn: -
No. of Storey/soá taàng: -
A13AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 5,198 m2
FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 1,819 m2
GFA/toång DT saøn: 27,285 m2
No. of Storey/soá taàng: 15
A14AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 4,091 m2
FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 1,431 m2
GFA/toång DT saøn: 21,465 m2
No. of Storey/soá taàng: 15
A10AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 6,896 m2
FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 2,414 m2
GFA/toång DT saøn: 36,210 m2
No. of Storey/soá taàng: 15
XXXAREA/DT loâ ñaát: -
FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: -
GFA/toång DT saøn: -
No. of Storey/soá taàng: -
XXXAREA/DT loâ ñaát: -
FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: -
GFA/toång DT saøn: -
No. of Storey/soá taàng: -
Green zones and green buffers will bring nature
back to the development. These elements are
part of a larger green design application which
extends all throughout the project. Elegant cast
concrete benches rises on modern inspired floor
pattern pavements surrounded by lush tropical
Park Highlights
•	 jogging paths
•	 water features, ponds, interactive fountains
•	 lush landscaping for contemplation
•	 pebble stone areas for reflexology exercises
Khu caây xanh vaø daûi caây xanh trung taâm seõ mang laïi
khu ñeäm töï nhieân cho khu daân cö. Nhöõng yeáu toá ñoù laø
moät phaàn cuûa öùng duïng thieát keá xanh seõ ñöôïc môû roäng
xuyeân suoát döï aùn. Söû duïng vaät lieäu beâ toâng ñôn giaûn
sang troïng ñöôïc bao quanh bôûi caûnh quan nhieät ñôùi.
Ñieåm noåi baät:
•	 Ñöôøng chaïy boä
•	 Caûnh quan nöôùc, hoà caûnh, ñaøi phun nöôùc
•	 Caûnh quan daønh cho ngaém caûnh
•	 Khu vöïc boá trí soûi daønh cho caùc baøi taäp thö giaõn
prime amenities
right at your door step
Infusing activity in these strategic locations,
these commercial areas offers the resident s an
unrestricted access to everyday needs such as
variety of F&B, shops etc.
Shop houses highlights:
•	 26 modern design units
•	 212 sq. mts. GFA
•	 3 levels with roof deck
•	 5 bedrooms with T&B
taïo ra caùc hoaït ñoäng taïi caùc vò trí chieán löôïc,
caùc khu vöïc thöông maïi ñaùp öùng nhöõng nhu caàu
haèng ngaøy nhö aên uoáng, mua saém cho khu daân
Nhöõng ñieãm noåi baät:
•	 26 coâng trình
•	 212 m2 toång dieän tích saøn
•	 3 taàng bao goàm maùi
•	 5 phoøng nguû vôùi T&B
bringing back
the old quarter living
The entire design approach is practical but
functional. It responds to the local tropical climate
with low energy consumption as the spaces are
generally day-lit and naturally ventilated. The
final result brings back fond memories of “old
quarters”– the days of living in a community
where homes were interconnected social spaces;
of spaces that were simple and adaptive; and
how the rituals of everyday life were enriched by
Link houses highlights:
•	 488 modern design units
•	 214 sq. mts. GFA
•	 3 levels with roof deck & carport
•	 5 bedrooms with T&B
Toaøn boä phöông phaùp thieát keá laø söï thöïc haønh
nhöng noù mang tính thieát thöïc. Noù öùng phoù vôùi
söï bieán ñoåi khí haäu ñòa phöông vôùi möùc tieâu thuï
naêng löôïng thaáp, caùc khoâng gian ñöôïc cung
caáp ñaày ñuû aùnh saùng maët trôøi vaø thoâng thoaùng
töï nhieân. Keát quaû cuoái cuøng mang laïi söï hoaøi
nieäm veà khu phoá coå - cuoäc soáng trong moät coäng
ñoàng nôi maø nhöõng caên nhaø ñöôïc lieân keát chaët
cheõ vôùi caùc khoâng gian xaõ hoäi; nôi cuûa nhöõng
khoâng gian toái giaûn vaø ñaày tính thích öùng; vaø laøm
theá naøo ñeå caùc thoùi quen sinh soáng ñöôïc phaùt
huy bôûi caùc giaûi phaùp kieán truùc.
Nhöõng ñieåm noåi baät:
•	 488 caên nhaø lieàn keà
•	 214 m2 dieän tích saøn
•	 3 taàng vôùi taàng maùi vaø baõi ñaäu xe
•	 5 phoøng nguû vôùi T&B
A three story building at the East end of the
development will feature a playful building design
for a Kindergarten. Outdoor play-scape and
facilities will be integrated into the landscape
design, which serves as playground, educational
space, childcare space all at once while allowing
these activities to “spill” and “spread” into the
Kindergarten highlights:
•	 3 story modern classroom buildings
•	 Children playgrounds
•	 Lush landscaping
•	 safe environment
Naèm ôû phía Ñoâng cuûa khu ñaát vôùi chöùc naêng nhaø
treû coù chieàu cao 3 taàng. Caùc hoaït ñoäng vaø tieän
ích ngoaøi trôøi ñöôïc tích hôïp vôùi caûnh quan, moät
soá khoâng gian ñöôïc keát hôïp trong moät nhö khu
vöïc vui chôi, giaùo duïc, chaêm soùc treû vaø vaãn hoøa
nhaäp vôùi caùc khu vöïc xung quanh.
Nhöõng ñieåm noåi baät:
•	 3 taàng lôùp hoïc hieän ñaïi
•	 saân chôi treû em
•	 Caûnh quan
•	 Moâi tröôøng an toaøn
L5AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 4,864 m2
FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 3,894 m2
GFA/toång DT saøn: 11,682 m2
No. of Storey/soá taàng: 3
L3AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 3,008 m2
FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 2,382 m2
GFA/toång DT saøn: 7,146 m2
No. of Storey/soá taàng: 3
E1AREA/DT loâ ñaát:1,736 m2
FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 695 m2
GFA/toång DT saøn: 1,390 m2
No. of Storey/soá taàng: 2
L1AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 3,352 m2
FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 2,634 m2
GFA/toång DT saøn: 5,268 m2
No. of Storey/soá taàng: 3
L2AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 3,352 m2
FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 2,634 m2
GFA/toång DT saøn: 5,268 m2
No. of Storey/soá taàng: 3
L6AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 4,864 m2
FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 3,894 m2
GFA/Toång DT saøn: 11,682 m2
No. of Storey/soá taàng: 3
E2AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 12,260 m2
FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 4,729 m2
GFA/toång DT saøn: 14,187 m2
No. of Storey/soá taàng: 3
L4AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 6,088 m2
FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 4,914 m2
GFA/toång DT saøn: 14,742 m2
No. of Storey/soá taàng: 3
L10AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 5,332 m2
FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 4,284 m2
GFA/toång DT saøn: 12,852 m2
No. of Storey/soá taàng: 3
L11AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 5,332 m2
FOOTPRINT/DTxaây döïng: 4,284 m2
GFA/toång DT saøn: 12,582 m2
No. of Storey/soá taàng: 3
L7AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 2,812 m2
FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 2,184 m2
GFA/toång DT saøn: 6,552 m2
No. of Storey/soá taàng: 3
L8AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 2,297 m2
FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 1,767 m2
GFA/toång DT saøn: 5,301 m2
No. of Storey/soá taàng: 3
L9AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 4,061 m2
FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 3,284 m2
GFA/toång DT saøn: 9,852 m2
No. of Storey/soá taàng: 3
This open space near the main entrance connecting to the long stretch of the Linear park allows for the
provision for recreational and variety of outdoor activities to capture the needs of different user groups.
The recreational activities will feature:
•	 jogging paths
•	 water features, ponds, interactive fountains
•	 lush landscaping for contemplation
•	 pebble stone areas for reflexology exercises
Khoâng gian môû caïnh loái vaøo chính keát noái vôùi maûng xanh chaïy doïc truïc ñöôøng chính nhaèm khuyeán khích
caùc hoaït ñoäng, thö giaõn, giaûi trí ngoaøi trôøi ña daïng theo töøng nhu caàu khaùc nhau cuûa töøng nhoùm ngöôøi. Caùc
hoaït ñoäng bao goàm:
•	 chaïy boä
•	 caûnh quan nöôùc, hoà caûnh, ñaøi phun nöôùc
•	 ngaém caûnh
•	 caùc baøi taäp thö giaõn
The main access roads will be 12 meters wide with a linear park in between. This enables a smoother flow
of traffic in the main arteries whilst enjoying the lush landscaping and scenery. An additional service street
which will be use as secondary exit to serve much of the occupants on the southern residential blocks
avoiding congestions of traffic on the main arteries
Tuyeán ñöôøng chính keát noái vaøo khu vöïc coù chieàu roäng 12m vôùi maûng xanh doïc theo 2 beân ñöôøng. Laøm cho con
ñöôøng trôû neân nheï nhaøng hôn vôùi caûnh quan xung quanh. Ngoaøi ra, seõ coù moät con ñöôøng phuï ñöôïc xem laø loái
di chuyeån thöù 2 daønh cho dòch vuï nhaèm phuïc vuï cho caùc khoái daân cö toái ña nhöng khoâng xaûy ra tình traïng taéc
ngheõn giao thoâng.
An integral part of the concept is to provide a pedestrian dominant environment which allows “people
movement” in and out of the development. All potential conflicts of movement between traffic, servicing and
pedestrians are designed to a minimum. Using grid system in the planning of development blocks, path walks
and pedestrian ways along the streets where provided.
Toaøn boä yù töôûng öu tieân cho khaùch boä haønh. Taát caû söï xung ñoät giöõa phöông tieän, dòch vuï vaø ngöôøi ñi boä ñaõ
ñöôïc giaûm thieåu toái ña. Söû duïng maïng löôùi giao thoâng hình oâ côø trong quy hoaïch caùc khoái nhaø, loái ñi boä vaø
ñöôøng daønh cho khaùch boä haønh doïc theo nhöõng con ñöôøng, keát noái vôùi toaøn boä caùc khu chöùc naêng trong khu
The site is surrounded by variety of sceneries which the design intends to highlight as one of its features.
Natural ventilation and lighting brings well being to the end users improving their way of living. The
residential units facing outwards will enjoy the exterior vistas while the ones facing inwards will view the
local landscaping and waterscapes from their windows and balconies. This is achieved by the strategic
location and orientation of the residential blocks and controlling the height of the structures.
Xung quanh khu daân cö Beán Löùc coù caûnh quan ña daïng, ñoù laø moät trong nhöõng theá maïnh cuûa khu daân cö.
Moät nôi ôû vôùi ñaày ñuû aùnh saùng vaø thoâng thoaùng töï nhieân seõ ñem laïi cho ngöôøi söû duïng moät cuoäc soáng toát
hôn. Caùc caên hoä höôùng ra ngoaøi seõ taän höôûng caûnh quan xung quanh trong khi ñoù caùc caên hoä höôùng vaøo
beân trong seõ taän höôûng caûnh quan beân trong khu ñaát töø cuûa soå vaø ban coâng caên hoä. Ñaït ñöôïc ñieàu naøy laø
nhôø söï linh hoaït trong vieäc boá trí vò trí vaø höôùng cho caùc chung cö keát hôïp vôùi kieåm soaùt chieàu cao coâng trình.
The project implements grid system that divide into half by a common park. Majority of the blocks were
allotted to a variety of residential developments from high-rise development to link houses, which are
separated by independent blocks for the purpose of phasing. Balancing the development will be shop
houses for additional amenities and a kindergarten blocks that offers convenience to the homeowners,
enhanced by the greenery of the landscaping and tranquil water features.
Heä thoáng giao thoâng maïng löôùi oâ côø ñaõ chia phaân nöûa laø coâng vieân caây xanh. Phaàn lôùn caùc loâ ñaát ñöôïc
phaân boå cho caùc coâng trình daân cö ña daïng töø cao taàng ñeán caùc daõy nhaø lieàn keà, noù ñöôïc phaân chia döïa
treân caùc loâ ñaát nhaèm thuaän lôïi cho vieäc phaân kyø ñaàu tö, xaây döïng. Ñaït ñöôïc söï phaùt trieån caân baèng giöõa
nhaø lieàn keà, haï taàng kyõ thuaät vaø haï taàng xaõ hoäi nhaèm mang laïi söï tieän nghi cho khaùch haøng, taêng cöôøng caây,
xanh caûnh quan cho khu vöïc.
Zoning Diagram Control Building Height Circulation Green Connection

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Ben Luc Central Park Project

  • 1. BEN LUC CENTRAL PARKLEADGROUP RESIDENTIAL BROCHURE Laø moät phaàn cuûa taäp ñoaøn Goodearth, coù truï sôû chính taïi Singapore chuyeân veà ñaàu tö vaø phaùt trieån baát ñoäng saûn vôùi hoaøng loaït haïng muïc ñaàu tö quoác teá veà khaùch saïn, thöông maïi, khu daân cö vaø khu coâng nghieäp khaép Chaâu AÙ, UÙc, Niu Di- Laân vaø Chaâu AÂu. Phaùt trieån nhö moät chi nhaùnh taïi Vieät Nam, chuùng toâi taäp trung vaøo maûng caûi thieän caûnh quang ñòa phöông baèng caùch ñöa ra nhöõng yù töôûng môùi ñaày tính saùng taïo, chaát löôïng cao vaø giaù trò toát nhaát. Moãi yeáu toá chuùng toâi taïo ra seõ mang laïi khoâng gian soáng vaø khoâng gian laøm vieäc hieäu quaû vaø haáp daãn. We are part of the Goodearth Group, a Singapore-based property development and investment group with a diverse international portfolio of hotels, commercial, residential and industrial properties across Asia, Australia, New Zealand and Europe. As our group’s property development arm in Vietnam, we are dedicated to help transform the local landscapes into prime properties by bringing forth new ideas that are innovative, of superior quality and great value. Each property we create opens a myriad of endless possibilities for both your living and working spaces. Leadgroup Residential Limited Liability Company Level 19, A&B Tower, 76 Le Lai Street, Ben Thanh Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Tel: +848-38 23 5111 Fax: +848-38 23 5222 Email: Coâng ty traùch nhieäm höõu haïn Leadgroup Residential Taàng 19, toøa nhaø A&B, soá 76, ñöôøng Leâ Lai Phöôøng Beán Thaønh, quaän 1 Thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh, Vieät Nam Soá ñieän thoaïi: +848-38 23 5111 Fax: +848-38 23 5222 Email:
  • 2. At home with nature . . . Be in touch with nature once again with the 6,000 square meters of linear park and lush landscaping. Soáng giöõa thieân nhieân Hoøa mình vaøo töï nhieân vôùi 6.000 m2 coâng vieân vaø caûnh quan xung quanh Wake up with the morning sun and fresh air… 560 Units naturally lit apartments 104 linkhouses Traøn ngaäp aùnh bình minh vaø khoâng khí trong laønh… 560 caên hoä thoâng thoaùng töï nhieân 104 nhaø lieàn keà A complete living experience and lifestyle upgrade… Ben Luc Central Park offers incomparable link houses and high rise apartments built around, Green and commercial spaces like school, retail shops and a 136 meters long shop houses strip which provides delightful amenities and a constant stimulating ambience. Moät cuoäc soáng hieän ñaïi vaø ñaày tính traûi nghieäm Trong khu ñoâ thò Beán Löùc, nhöõng nhaø lieàn keá ñoäc ñaùo coù moät khoâng hai vôùi caùc coâng trình cao taàng xung quanh, caùc khoâng gian xanh vaø khoâng gian thöông maïi, tröôøng hoïc, khu baùn leû vaø 136m daõy nhaø ôû keát hôïp kinh doanh seõ mang laïi nhöõng tieän ích haáp daãn vaø moät baàu khoâng khí nhoän nhòp. Enhancing Lives… Naâng cao chaát löôïng cuoäc soáng… l o c a t i o n / vò trí m a s t e r p l a n / maët baèng toång theå r e s i d e n c e s & p a r k / khu daân cö vaø coâng vieân l i n k e d h o u s e s & p u b l i c s p a c e / nhaø lieàn keà vaø khoâng gian coâng coäng a n a l y s i s d i a g r a m / löu thoâng 05 09 13 15 17 C O N T E N T S / MUÏC LUÏC BEN LUCC E N T R A L P A R K 43
  • 3. Business and Comunity Hubs 01 Center of Ho Chi Minh City/ TP. Hoà Chí Minh 02 Phu My Hung Town/ Khu ñoâ thò Phuù Myõ Höng 03 Ben Luc District Central/ Huyeän Beán Löùc 04 Tan An Town (main city of Long An)/ TP. Taân An Major Roads 05 Nguyen Van Linh Crossroad/Ñaïi loä Nguyeãn Vaên Linh 06 Trung Luong Highway/ Cao toác Trung Löông 07 National Highway No. 1A/ Quoác Loä 1A Airport 08 Tan Son Nhat International Airport/ Saân bay quoâc teá Taân Sôn Nhaát 25km 22km 4km 20km 10km 5km 2km 25km 01 02 05 07 06 08 03 04 25km 22km 25km 20km Long An province in the Southern part of Vietnam with a close proximity of 25 kilometers from Ho Chi Minh City, has significantly being develop into an Industrial area as part of the move to relocate the craft production business away from the major cities which started on 2002. Long An has a population of 1.4 million in which 900,000 belongs to the labor sector. Tænh Long An naèm ôû vuøng phía Nam cuûa Vieät Nam caùch Thaønh phoá Hoà Chí Minh 25km, coù moät söï phaùt trieån nhanh choùng ñeå trôû thaønh moät khu coâng nghieäp nhö moät phaàn cuûa söï dòch chuyeån caùc doanh nghieäp saûn xuaát thuû coâng ra xa thaønh phoá ñöôïc baét ñaàu vaøo naêm 2002. Long An coù 1,4 trieäu daân vôùi hôn 900.000 daân trong ñoä tuoåi lao ñoäng. ben luc c e n t r a l pa r k 65
  • 4. Welcome to the Lead Groups’ most desirable residential development and home to Ben Luc Central Park, an exclusive development of modern contemporary living. Set within the astounding landscaped grounds, which features economic but superior living spaces with flexibility and functional design. Setting new standards in sophisticated city living in rural setting. Chaøo möøng ñeán vôùi khu daân cö Beán Löùc, moät khu vöïc phaùt trieån hieän ñaïi. Thieát keá caùc khoâng gian caûnh quan tuyeät vôøi, taäp trung hieäu quaû kinh teá tuy nhieân ñöôïc thieát keá linh hoaït giöõa khoâng gian soáng vaø khoâng gian chöùc naêng trong khu vöïc. Taïo laäp moät tieâu chuaån soáng thaønh thò tinh teá trong vuøng noâng thoân. BEN LUC CENTRAL PARK Ben Luc Central Park is located in the center of 3 industrial zones and a central public park making it the most desirable location for a residential development. The site is conveniently accessible to a main road which connects to the Main Highway A1. Khu daân cö Beán Löùc naèm ôû vò trí trung taâm cuûa 3 khu coâng nghieäp vaø moät khu coâng vieân trung taâm laøm cho khu ñaát coù vò trí thuaän lôïi nhaát ñeå phaùt trieån thaønh moät khu daân cö. Khu ñaát deã daøng tieáp caän tuyeán ñöôøng chính keát noái vôùi quoác loä 1A. 87
  • 5. APARTMENT/ Chung cö LOT NAME/ Teân loâ ñaát TOTAL AREA/ DT loâ ñaát (M2) FOOTPRINT/ DT xaây döïng (M2) GFA/ Toång DT saøn (M2) A1 6,281 2,198 32,970 A2 5,877 2,057 30,855 A3 11,373 3,981 59,715 A4 6,950 2,433 36,495 A5 9,095 3,183 47,745 A6 9,285 3,250 48,750 A7 4,292 1,502 22,530 A8 4,894 1,713 25,695 A9 4,142 1,450 21,750 A10 6,896 2,414 36,210 A11 11,233 3,932 58,980 A12 6,625 2,318 34,770 A13 5,198 1,819 27,285 A14 4,091 1,432 21,480 TOTAL 96,232 33,682 505,230 LINKED HOUSE/ Nhaø lieàn keà LOT NAME/ Teân loâ ñaát TOTAL AREA/ DT loâ ñaát (M2) FOOTPRINT/ DT xaây döïng (M2) GFA/ Toång DT saøn (M2) L1 3,352 2,634 7,902 L2 3,352 2,634 7,902 L3 3,008 2,382 7,146 L4 6,088 4,914 14,742 L5 4,864 3,894 11,682 L6 4,864 3,894 11,682 L7 2,812 2,184 6,552 L8 2,297 1,767 5,301 L9 4,061 3,259 9,777 L10 5,332 4,284 12,852 L11 5,332 4,284 12,852 TOTAL 45,362 36,130 108,390 PUBLIC BUILDING/ Coâng trình coâng coäng LOT NAME/ Teân loâ ñaát TOTAL AREA/ DT loâ ñaát (M2) FOOTPRINT/ DT xaây döïng (M2) GFA/ Toång DT saøn (M2) E1 1,736 695 1,390 E2 12,260 4,729 14,187 TOTAL 13,396 5,424 15,577 ISOLATED GREEN/ Caây xanh caùch ly LOT NAME/ Teân loâ ñaát TOTAL AREA/ DT loâ ñaát (M2) FOOTPRINT/ DT xaây döïng (M2) GFA/ Toång DT saøn (M2) N1 140 140 - N2 2,037 2,037 - N3 133 133 - N4 2,700 2,700 - N5 1,506 1,506 - N6 90 90 - L1IG 189 189 - L2IG 189 189 - L3IG 169 169 - L4IG 341 341 - L5IG 273 273 - L6IG 273 273 - L7IG 159 159 - L8IG 129 129 - L9IG 227 227 - L10IG 299 299 - L11IG 299 299 - TOTAL 9,203 9,203 - PARK/ Coâng vieân caây xanh LOT NAME/ Teân loâ ñaát TOTAL AREA/ DT loâ ñaát (M2) FOOTPRINT/ DT xaây döïng (M2) GFA/ Toång DT saøn (M2) P1 10,548 10,548 - P2 2,382 2,382 - P3 303 303 - P4 1,514 1,514 - P5 1,204 1,204 - P6 1,464 1,464 - P7 2,060 2,060 - P8 2,996 2,996 - TOTAL 22,471 22,471 - A5 A3 P1 E1 E2 A1 A12 A13 xxx xxxxxx A14 A2 A10 A11 L11 L10 L9 L7 L8 L3 L6 L5 L4L2 L1 A4 A7 A6 A9 A8 mp 1:500 approved master planning 109
  • 6. Classy modern residential towers each with balconies, basement parkings and podium amenities ,all self- sufficiently designed to the needs of the homeowners. Caùc chung cö ñöôïc thieát keá ñaày ñuû caùc khoâng gian: ban coâng, taàng haàm ñaäu xe, tieän ích, taát caû nhaèm ñaùp öùng nhu caàu cao caáp nhaát cuûa ngöôøi söû duïng. APARTMENT BLOCKS t h e b e s t a d d r e s s i n L o n g A n 1211
  • 7. A5AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 9,095 m2 FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 3,183 m2 GFA/toång DT saøn: 47,745 m2 No. of Storey/soá taàng: 15 A3AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 11,373 m2 FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 3,981 m2 GFA/toång DT saøn: 59,715 m2 No. of Storey/soá taàng: 15 A8AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 4,894 m2 FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 1,713 m2 GFA/toång DT saøn: 25,695 m2 No. of Storey/soá taàng: 15 A9AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 4,142 m2 FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 1,450 m2 GFA/toång DT saøn: 21,750 m2 No. of Storey/soá taàng: 15 A6AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 9,285 m2 FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 3,250 m2 GFA/toång DT saøn: 48,750 m2 No. of Storey/soá taàng: 15 A7AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 4,292 m2 FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 1,502 m2 GFA/toång DT saøn: 22,530 m2 No. of Storey/soá taàng: 15 A11AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 11,233 m2 FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 3,932 m2 GFA/toång DT saøn: 58,980 m2 No. of Storey/soá taàng: 15 A4AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 6,950 m2 FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 2,433 m2 GFA/toång DT saøn: 36,495 m2 No. of Storey/soá taàng: 15 A1AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 6,281 m2 FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 2,198 m2 GFA/toång DT saøn: 32,970 m2 No. of Storey/soá taàng: 15 A12AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 6,625 m2 FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 2,318 m2 GFA/toång DT saøn: 34,770 m2 No. of Storey/soá taàng: 15 A2AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 5,877 m2 FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 2,057 m2 GFA/toång DT saøn: 30,855 m2 No. of Storey/soá taàng: 15 P1AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 10,548 m2 FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: - GFA/toång DT saøn: - No. of Storey/soá taàng: - A13AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 5,198 m2 FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 1,819 m2 GFA/toång DT saøn: 27,285 m2 No. of Storey/soá taàng: 15 A14AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 4,091 m2 FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 1,431 m2 GFA/toång DT saøn: 21,465 m2 No. of Storey/soá taàng: 15 A10AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 6,896 m2 FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 2,414 m2 GFA/toång DT saøn: 36,210 m2 No. of Storey/soá taàng: 15 XXXAREA/DT loâ ñaát: - FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: - GFA/toång DT saøn: - No. of Storey/soá taàng: - XXXAREA/DT loâ ñaát: - FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: - GFA/toång DT saøn: - No. of Storey/soá taàng: - Green zones and green buffers will bring nature back to the development. These elements are part of a larger green design application which extends all throughout the project. Elegant cast concrete benches rises on modern inspired floor pattern pavements surrounded by lush tropical landscaping. Park Highlights • jogging paths • water features, ponds, interactive fountains • lush landscaping for contemplation • pebble stone areas for reflexology exercises Khu caây xanh vaø daûi caây xanh trung taâm seõ mang laïi khu ñeäm töï nhieân cho khu daân cö. Nhöõng yeáu toá ñoù laø moät phaàn cuûa öùng duïng thieát keá xanh seõ ñöôïc môû roäng xuyeân suoát döï aùn. Söû duïng vaät lieäu beâ toâng ñôn giaûn sang troïng ñöôïc bao quanh bôûi caûnh quan nhieät ñôùi. Ñieåm noåi baät: • Ñöôøng chaïy boä • Caûnh quan nöôùc, hoà caûnh, ñaøi phun nöôùc • Caûnh quan daønh cho ngaém caûnh • Khu vöïc boá trí soûi daønh cho caùc baøi taäp thö giaõn IN TOUCH WITH NATURE 1413
  • 8. prime amenities right at your door step Infusing activity in these strategic locations, these commercial areas offers the resident s an unrestricted access to everyday needs such as variety of F&B, shops etc. Shop houses highlights: • 26 modern design units • 212 sq. mts. GFA • 3 levels with roof deck • 5 bedrooms with T&B TIEÄN ÍCH TRÖÔÙC CÖÛA NHAØ BAÏN taïo ra caùc hoaït ñoäng taïi caùc vò trí chieán löôïc, caùc khu vöïc thöông maïi ñaùp öùng nhöõng nhu caàu haèng ngaøy nhö aên uoáng, mua saém cho khu daân cö. Nhöõng ñieãm noåi baät: • 26 coâng trình • 212 m2 toång dieän tích saøn • 3 taàng bao goàm maùi • 5 phoøng nguû vôùi T&B bringing back the old quarter living The entire design approach is practical but functional. It responds to the local tropical climate with low energy consumption as the spaces are generally day-lit and naturally ventilated. The final result brings back fond memories of “old quarters”– the days of living in a community where homes were interconnected social spaces; of spaces that were simple and adaptive; and how the rituals of everyday life were enriched by architecture. Link houses highlights: • 488 modern design units • 214 sq. mts. GFA • 3 levels with roof deck & carport • 5 bedrooms with T&B GIÖÕ HOÀN LOÁI SOÁNG XÖA Toaøn boä phöông phaùp thieát keá laø söï thöïc haønh nhöng noù mang tính thieát thöïc. Noù öùng phoù vôùi söï bieán ñoåi khí haäu ñòa phöông vôùi möùc tieâu thuï naêng löôïng thaáp, caùc khoâng gian ñöôïc cung caáp ñaày ñuû aùnh saùng maët trôøi vaø thoâng thoaùng töï nhieân. Keát quaû cuoái cuøng mang laïi söï hoaøi nieäm veà khu phoá coå - cuoäc soáng trong moät coäng ñoàng nôi maø nhöõng caên nhaø ñöôïc lieân keát chaët cheõ vôùi caùc khoâng gian xaõ hoäi; nôi cuûa nhöõng khoâng gian toái giaûn vaø ñaày tính thích öùng; vaø laøm theá naøo ñeå caùc thoùi quen sinh soáng ñöôïc phaùt huy bôûi caùc giaûi phaùp kieán truùc. Nhöõng ñieåm noåi baät: • 488 caên nhaø lieàn keà • 214 m2 dieän tích saøn • 3 taàng vôùi taàng maùi vaø baõi ñaäu xe • 5 phoøng nguû vôùi T&B A three story building at the East end of the development will feature a playful building design for a Kindergarten. Outdoor play-scape and facilities will be integrated into the landscape design, which serves as playground, educational space, childcare space all at once while allowing these activities to “spill” and “spread” into the neighborhood.  Kindergarten highlights: • 3 story modern classroom buildings • Children playgrounds • Lush landscaping • safe environment Naèm ôû phía Ñoâng cuûa khu ñaát vôùi chöùc naêng nhaø treû coù chieàu cao 3 taàng. Caùc hoaït ñoäng vaø tieän ích ngoaøi trôøi ñöôïc tích hôïp vôùi caûnh quan, moät soá khoâng gian ñöôïc keát hôïp trong moät nhö khu vöïc vui chôi, giaùo duïc, chaêm soùc treû vaø vaãn hoøa nhaäp vôùi caùc khu vöïc xung quanh. Nhöõng ñieåm noåi baät: • 3 taàng lôùp hoïc hieän ñaïi • saân chôi treû em • Caûnh quan • Moâi tröôøng an toaøn L5AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 4,864 m2 FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 3,894 m2 GFA/toång DT saøn: 11,682 m2 No. of Storey/soá taàng: 3 L3AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 3,008 m2 FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 2,382 m2 GFA/toång DT saøn: 7,146 m2 No. of Storey/soá taàng: 3 E1AREA/DT loâ ñaát:1,736 m2 FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 695 m2 GFA/toång DT saøn: 1,390 m2 No. of Storey/soá taàng: 2 L1AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 3,352 m2 FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 2,634 m2 GFA/toång DT saøn: 5,268 m2 No. of Storey/soá taàng: 3 L2AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 3,352 m2 FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 2,634 m2 GFA/toång DT saøn: 5,268 m2 No. of Storey/soá taàng: 3 L6AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 4,864 m2 FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 3,894 m2 GFA/Toång DT saøn: 11,682 m2 No. of Storey/soá taàng: 3 E2AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 12,260 m2 FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 4,729 m2 GFA/toång DT saøn: 14,187 m2 No. of Storey/soá taàng: 3 L4AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 6,088 m2 FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 4,914 m2 GFA/toång DT saøn: 14,742 m2 No. of Storey/soá taàng: 3 L10AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 5,332 m2 FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 4,284 m2 GFA/toång DT saøn: 12,852 m2 No. of Storey/soá taàng: 3 L11AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 5,332 m2 FOOTPRINT/DTxaây döïng: 4,284 m2 GFA/toång DT saøn: 12,582 m2 No. of Storey/soá taàng: 3 L7AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 2,812 m2 FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 2,184 m2 GFA/toång DT saøn: 6,552 m2 No. of Storey/soá taàng: 3 L8AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 2,297 m2 FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 1,767 m2 GFA/toång DT saøn: 5,301 m2 No. of Storey/soá taàng: 3 L9AREA/DT loâ ñaát: 4,061 m2 FOOTPRINT/DT xaây döïng: 3,284 m2 GFA/toång DT saøn: 9,852 m2 No. of Storey/soá taàng: 3 1615
  • 9. This open space near the main entrance connecting to the long stretch of the Linear park allows for the provision for recreational and variety of outdoor activities to capture the needs of different user groups. The recreational activities will feature: • jogging paths • water features, ponds, interactive fountains • lush landscaping for contemplation • pebble stone areas for reflexology exercises Khoâng gian môû caïnh loái vaøo chính keát noái vôùi maûng xanh chaïy doïc truïc ñöôøng chính nhaèm khuyeán khích caùc hoaït ñoäng, thö giaõn, giaûi trí ngoaøi trôøi ña daïng theo töøng nhu caàu khaùc nhau cuûa töøng nhoùm ngöôøi. Caùc hoaït ñoäng bao goàm: • chaïy boä • caûnh quan nöôùc, hoà caûnh, ñaøi phun nöôùc • ngaém caûnh • caùc baøi taäp thö giaõn VEHICULAR ACCESS & CIRCULATION STRATEGY The main access roads will be 12 meters wide with a linear park in between. This enables a smoother flow of traffic in the main arteries whilst enjoying the lush landscaping and scenery. An additional service street which will be use as secondary exit to serve much of the occupants on the southern residential blocks avoiding congestions of traffic on the main arteries KHAÛ NAÊNG KEÁT NOÁI VAØ LÖU THOÂNG PHÖÔNG TIEÄN Tuyeán ñöôøng chính keát noái vaøo khu vöïc coù chieàu roäng 12m vôùi maûng xanh doïc theo 2 beân ñöôøng. Laøm cho con ñöôøng trôû neân nheï nhaøng hôn vôùi caûnh quan xung quanh. Ngoaøi ra, seõ coù moät con ñöôøng phuï ñöôïc xem laø loái di chuyeån thöù 2 daønh cho dòch vuï nhaèm phuïc vuï cho caùc khoái daân cö toái ña nhöng khoâng xaûy ra tình traïng taéc ngheõn giao thoâng. PEDISTRIAN CIRCULATION STRATEGY An integral part of the concept is to provide a pedestrian dominant environment which allows “people movement” in and out of the development. All potential conflicts of movement between traffic, servicing and pedestrians are designed to a minimum. Using grid system in the planning of development blocks, path walks and pedestrian ways along the streets where provided. KHAÛ NAÊNG LÖU THOÂNG NGÖÔØI ÑI BOÄ Toaøn boä yù töôûng öu tieân cho khaùch boä haønh. Taát caû söï xung ñoät giöõa phöông tieän, dòch vuï vaø ngöôøi ñi boä ñaõ ñöôïc giaûm thieåu toái ña. Söû duïng maïng löôùi giao thoâng hình oâ côø trong quy hoaïch caùc khoái nhaø, loái ñi boä vaø ñöôøng daønh cho khaùch boä haønh doïc theo nhöõng con ñöôøng, keát noái vôùi toaøn boä caùc khu chöùc naêng trong khu vöïc CONTROLLED BUILDING HEIGHTS TO MAXIMIZE NATURAL LIGHT AND VIEWS The site is surrounded by variety of sceneries which the design intends to highlight as one of its features. Natural ventilation and lighting brings well being to the end users improving their way of living. The residential units facing outwards will enjoy the exterior vistas while the ones facing inwards will view the local landscaping and waterscapes from their windows and balconies. This is achieved by the strategic location and orientation of the residential blocks and controlling the height of the structures. KIEÅM SOAÙT TAÀNG CAO COÂNG TRÌNH NHAÈM TOÁI ÑA HOÙA AÙNH SAÙNG TÖÏ NHIEÂN VAØ GOÙC NHÌN Xung quanh khu daân cö Beán Löùc coù caûnh quan ña daïng, ñoù laø moät trong nhöõng theá maïnh cuûa khu daân cö. Moät nôi ôû vôùi ñaày ñuû aùnh saùng vaø thoâng thoaùng töï nhieân seõ ñem laïi cho ngöôøi söû duïng moät cuoäc soáng toát hôn. Caùc caên hoä höôùng ra ngoaøi seõ taän höôûng caûnh quan xung quanh trong khi ñoù caùc caên hoä höôùng vaøo beân trong seõ taän höôûng caûnh quan beân trong khu ñaát töø cuûa soå vaø ban coâng caên hoä. Ñaït ñöôïc ñieàu naøy laø nhôø söï linh hoaït trong vieäc boá trí vò trí vaø höôùng cho caùc chung cö keát hôïp vôùi kieåm soaùt chieàu cao coâng trình. The project implements grid system that divide into half by a common park. Majority of the blocks were allotted to a variety of residential developments from high-rise development to link houses, which are separated by independent blocks for the purpose of phasing. Balancing the development will be shop houses for additional amenities and a kindergarten blocks that offers convenience to the homeowners, enhanced by the greenery of the landscaping and tranquil water features. ZONING DIAGRAM Heä thoáng giao thoâng maïng löôùi oâ côø ñaõ chia phaân nöûa laø coâng vieân caây xanh. Phaàn lôùn caùc loâ ñaát ñöôïc phaân boå cho caùc coâng trình daân cö ña daïng töø cao taàng ñeán caùc daõy nhaø lieàn keà, noù ñöôïc phaân chia döïa treân caùc loâ ñaát nhaèm thuaän lôïi cho vieäc phaân kyø ñaàu tö, xaây döïng. Ñaït ñöôïc söï phaùt trieån caân baèng giöõa nhaø lieàn keà, haï taàng kyõ thuaät vaø haï taàng xaõ hoäi nhaèm mang laïi söï tieän nghi cho khaùch haøng, taêng cöôøng caây, xanh caûnh quan cho khu vöïc. SÔ ÑOÀ PHAÂN VUØNG Zoning Diagram Control Building Height Circulation Green Connection 1817