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1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

                                                                                                                      D O C U M E N T A R Y
 Bill Nicholls (2001) documentary modes was something we considered when making our documentary, a
 documentary mode is a conceptual scheme developed by Bill which looks to differentiate particular conventions of
 various documentary styles. Documentaries are able to have a mix of different modes within them as
 documentaries often return to themes and devices from modes prior to them in the chronological order. The
 different documentary modes are; poetic, expository, observational, participatory, reflexive, and performative.
 -poetic mode is the subjective type of documentary, stressing mood and tone more than the displays of
 knowledge and acts of persuasion. As the subject of the documentary we were making, not displaying
 knowledgeable content would be damaging to the effectiveness of our documentary.
 -expository mode addressed the audience directly, using titles and voices that propose perspective, arguments
 and recount history. This mode would be a good, effective one to use as titles and voices would reinforce the
 information and knowledge being put forward by the professional's and vox pops.
 -observational modes simply observe, allowing the audience to draw their own conclusions. Camera moves with
 the subjects but remains unobtrusive from the subjects actions. Although this would be a good way to portray the
 quality of education, access to schools and lessons where we could just film the happenings around us was unlikely
 to achieve effectively.
 -participatory mode is where the film makers appear in their own work, appears to openly discuss and argue
 his/her perspective on the subject of the documentary being made. This could also be done by a voiceover which
 we included in our documentary therefore we could argue we used this mode partially.
 -reflexive mode considers the quality of the documentary, reveals the making of the documentary to make the
 audience see the documentary in a more objective way, this mode would have been unachievable because we
 didn’t have the means to do so.
 -performative mode is similar and easily confused with the participatory mode, performative mode involved the
 filmmaker directly gives a deeply personal insight into filmmakers actions and intentions. Supersize me is an
 example of this mode and when applying this mode to our subject area it wouldn’t be appropriate.

 The modes present within our documentary are:
1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

                                                                                                                         D O C U M E N T A R Y
 In doing research and planning we discovered and noted the main conventions of a documentary, being familiar with
 these conventions meant that we knew how to produce a documentary that was realistic and effective. The
 conventions we found present in most existing documentaries were:
 -interviews with experts
 -archive/found footage
 -realism (real sound and lighting)

 We used the relevant codes and conventions in our documentary to get the most effective reaction from the
 audience, I am going to compare the conventions we included in our documentary to the ones present in ‘Supersize
 me’ by Morgan Spurlock.

                              In supersize me, the producers included captions (text/titles) at the beginning of every
                              professional interview. This gave the audience a clear indication of who they were and
                              which area of the topic they were going to address. For example William Klish works at
                              the children's hospital department so the audience know he is going to be talking
                              about children's diet and the issues around child obesity.

                              In our documentary we also used captions to introduce ‘Alison Spicer’ and ‘Claire
                              Shuttleworth’, the captions told the audience who was speaking and what their
                              profession was, meaning when Alison, the deputy head was discussing academies her
                              words were taken seriously and presumed to be truthful information.
1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

                                                                                                                         D O C U M E N T A R Y
                              Professional interviews are essential within a documentary, they give the documentary
                              a sense of realism and contribute to the audience believing what is being said. For
                              example the opinion of ‘how healthy eating is put into educating children’ is much
                              more believable coming from someone that works for the Board Of Education as
                              opposed to anyone that could be found at the time.

                               Professional interviews were a big part of our production process as we wanted to
                               approach the subject in a professional way. We considered the mise en scene,
                               interview questioning and camera angles when deciding on where to do the interviews
                               and who with. We recorded around 5 interviews that way we knew we had enough
                               footage and had the scope to pick the best two interviews to include in our
                               documentary. The interviews were an effective convention because they gave across a
                               professional opinion, this meant it was perceived a more valuable information as
                               opposed to a vox pop. We placed the interviewee on 1 side of the screen to ensure
                               they were looking into the dead space and not directly at the camera which is an
                               evident convention in all professional interviews.
                               Vox pops are important when making a documentary, they portray the opinions of
                               people real people, not professional's who may be biased. Vox pops add to the
                               actuality of a documentary, footage of real life events, places and people. Meaning the
                               audience can relate directly to the opinions instead of feeling intimidated by a
                               professional interview where the interviewee is adequately educated on that subject.
                               Vox pops were also featured quite a lot throughout our documentary, we used them to
                               portray the opinions of students on the quality of their college, we also asked some
                               teachers/staff about their opinion. We asked all of our vox pops two questions ‘what
                               do you think about the quality of your college?’ and ‘what suggestions or improvement
                               would you make to your college?’. We then edited together their answers to make a
                               succession of vox pops. This was a useful in the sense that it added to the realism, it
                               gave the audience an honest portrayal of what real students thought about education
                               and the quality of it.
1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

                                                                                                                            D O C U M E N T A R Y
                            Found/Archival footage is often used in existing documentaries to portray a scene that they
                            could not access/film themselves. In supersize me the found footage they used was of a
                            McDonald's website displaying the nutritional information of their products. As a result of
                            McDonald's refusing to speak to the programme producers they had to film the website in
                            order to get the information in their documentary, they didn’t have direct access to it
                            themselves in order for them to film it. If McDonald's has spoken to supersize me and
                            offered an interview, the found footage wouldn’t have been necessary as they could've
                            asked the McDonalds spokesperson to address it vocally.

                            We had to use found footage in our documentary to show David Cameron's opinion and
                            plans for academies, we felt the need to use found footage because we knew it was
                            impossible to get a direct interview with David Cameron and get him to talk about
                            academies. We found the video on YouTube and filmed if best we could from the screen,
                            although the footage isn't the best quality it is still clear and relative to our documentary

                              Montage of pictures if also often used in documentaries in order to create a different
                              style of portraying information. In supersize me a montage of images is used to
                              emphasise young girls being bombarded with the need to be skinny, it pictures a young
                              slightly overweight girl talking about the pressures of being skinny, whilst images of
                              skinny women are being thrown into the screen 1 by 1 covering her.

                              We also used a montage of images to portray some information, we had footage of a
                              class of computers with images of subjects 1 by 1 covering the shot. This reinforced the
                              topic of education and different subjects coinciding with the voiceover. We had the
                              images wipe in from the bottom of the screen 1 by 1 so we could show off the editing
                              skills we had learnt during the process of making the documentary. We felt it would be
                              effective to use this convention in our documentary as it makes it more realistic and
                              professional to the audience.
1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

                                                                                                                           D O C U M E N T A R Y
  We had one clip that we weren't happy with the speed of, we used special effects to change this and make it look
  better. It was a clip of people walking in and out of a canteen inside a college, we used the features in final cut to
  adjust the speed of the clip and changed it to a faster pace.

               The script we used for the voiceover was
               researched well before being recorded. We
               researched the facts we included in our
               voiceover so we could ensure they were
               truthful and the audience was satisfied with
               the information we provided them with.

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

                                                                                                                         D O C U M E N T A R Y
  The music we used also followed the codes and conventions of existing documentaries, we wanted to find a beat that
  would not only go with the topic of the documentary but also sound as though it was made for the documentary. This
  proved a challenge as a lot of the music in ‘supersize me’ was copyrighted which we couldn't have. We picked an
  original beat off the garage band selection, it was quite slow but upbeat and almost had a western sound to it. We
  had it playing throughout the documentary just at different sound levels depending on what else was going on in that
  scene, for example at the opening few seconds the music was quite loud in order to introduce the sound, but when
  the voiceover was playing the sound levels on the music was turned right down so that it didn't interfere with what
  the voiceover was saying.
1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

                                                                                                                              R A D I O
 In the radio trail we took time to listen to existing radio cuts in order to get a feel for how they sounded, what kind of
 things they addressed, how much detail they went into and how they put all the aspects together. For example the
 voiceover, clips from documentary, music all need to be included and put together whilst still sounding pleasing to
 the audience.
                                 We used the sound of a school bell at the beginning of the radio trail, this was the first
                                 sound the audience heard so that straight away before hearing any dialogue the
                                 audience knew what the topic of the documentary/radio trail was. We thought this
                                 was an effective way to grab the audiences attention and give them an idea of what

                                                                                                                              T R A
                                 they were going to be listening to. We got this idea from the bbc radio 1 newsbeat
                                 radio trails, they often use a short beat to grab the readers attention for example when
                                 reporting about crime they play a few seconds of police sirens etc. We thought using
                                 this convention would ensure we got the interest of the audience and gave the topic of

                                 the documentary away without even speaking or playing any voiceover.

 The voiceover in our radio trailer was essential, without the voiceover it
 would have been hard to portray all of the information we needed to. We
 used the same voiceover as the documentary so that the audience could
 recognise it was the same programme, this also adds to the realism of the
 product by starting the branding of the programme. The voice over as well as
 vox pops taken from the documentary told the audience what was going to be
 included in the documentary, what time it would be on and what channel. We
 had this information at the end of the radio trail in order for it to stick in
 peoples minds.

 Most of the radio trail was clips from the documentary, clips from professional interviews and vox pops giving
 peoples opinions on the quality of the education they get and their opinion on their school/college. This gave the
 audience an insight into what the documentary was about and we thought it would be effective as it will attract
 the right audience and maybe even entice a niche/unusual audience to watch it because they hear some of the
 content and are surprised or intrigued by it.
1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

                                                                                                                           R A D I O
                                                                                                                           T R A
  The music we used in our radio trail was all chosen from the garage band selection, we chose music from the same
  sort genre, apart from the school bell ringing which was more of a featured sound. Synths was the chosen genre we
  chose the music from and we put different tracks together to make an original piece of music. This way we knew no
  other documentary or programme would have the same sound to it. Where as in supersize me they used existing
  songs that would be recognised by the audience, we couldn't do this due to copyright so had to make our own, we
  thought that even though this was more complicated it would work to our advantage as the attention isn't drawn
  away from the radio trail/documentary but overpowering music. The music we chose was playing throughout the
  whole radio trail but was only on a low volume so the audience could hear the voiceover and clips from the
  documentary, we didn't want the music to overpower the content of the documentary.
  We used typical codes and conventions like rhetorical questions, persuasive language and a welcoming tone of
  voice to entice the audience in, because although the radio trail was a separate task in its own right, the purpose of
  it was to get people to watch the documentary. We achieved that by picking out the best quotes from the
  documentary and carefully writing a voiceover script using the right language to engage listeners in the absence of
  visuals. Our radio trail was around 40 seconds which we saw as appropriate after looking at other radio trails like
  bbc radio 1’s newsbeat.
1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

                                                                                                                                R A D I O
  Elements for analysis                 Comments/analysis                                This is the grid we used to analyze
                                                                                         existing radio trailers in order to
  AUDIENCE: local, regional, national   “UK” – national                                  get ideas for our own. We listened
                                        18-24 years old, women with kids                 to a radio 1 newsbeat and noted all
                                        Weather – England and Wales
                                        England football team
                                                                                         the typical conventions that it
  CONTENT/ SUBJECT e.g. business,       Employment – top story
                                                                                         included. Whether the news was
  lifestyle, sport, consumer            Policitcs – money and economy                    being reported over music in the
                                        Sport – football                                 background or with silence, what
                                        Tv – the voice, strictly come dancing            the subject was and how they

                                                                                                                                T R A
                                                                                         addressed it and what the pace of
                                        Health - NHS
                                                                                         the newsbeat was.
  CONTRIBUTORS: interviewees,           Interviewees – people in the town at the time
  reporters, correspondents, experts,   Reporter for each topic ; sport, politics etc.
                                                                                         One problem we did face when

  politicians, vox pops                 Clips of commentator and quotes from the
                                        game – library footage (old footage)             doing this research was that our

                                                                                         radio trail wasn't going to be
  PACE: for mood, expression,
                                                                                         reporting the news, so conventions
                                                                                         like a reporter or correspondent
  LANGUAGE (ACCENTS) AND                London accents
                                                                                         didn't apply, instead we had a
  VOCABULARY                            Simple vocab
                                                                                         voiceover and vox pops to replace
  DELIVERY: over music or dry, kind     Over music, official music for news beat –       that and issue the audience with
  of music                              jingle                                           the relevant information.
                                        Over music, recognised, played on radio 1

                                                                                         On the other hand this research
  LOCATIONS: face-to-face, location,    Face to face interviews
  studio,                               Some reporters in studio
                                                                                         did give us a clear indication of
  telephone, pre-recorded               Interviews of football and the boy from the      how to go about the delivery of
                                        voice = pre-recorded                             the information we needed to get
  WHY SUITABLE FOR                      Not very complex                                 into our 40 second radio trailer and
  AUDIENCE                              Music playing in background is what they         also made us think about the type
                                        play on the station
                                                                                         of audience it would need to be
                                        Newsbeat jingle – radio - identity
                                                                                         appropriate for.
1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

                                                                                                                            M A G A Z
                                                                                                                            I N E
                                                                                                                            A R T
                                                                                                                            C L E
     This is the final magazine article we produced, we felt it looks a lot like the articles in ‘what's on tv’ magazine,
     which is the existing magazine we looked at prior to making it. We looked at other magazine articles but
     decided to have the layout like this because although our documentary was quite serious and educational we
     didn't want it to look boring and dull. Also this layout fitted in perfectly with the rest of the ‘what's on tv’
     magazine with the use of colours, fonts and images.
1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

                                                                                                                         M A G A Z
                           Captions are more or less always used in magazine articles to tell the
                           audience what is going on in the image or to summarise what the rest of the
                           article is about. We used captions to explain what was happening in the
                           images we used, this is the caption from the main image of
                            Jake doing some work, we used a specific language which
                            we had seen in existing magazines, pleasing to the audience
                            and precise, to the point.

                                                                                                                         I N E
                                              The stand first we used it practically the same as the one in ‘what's on

                                                                                                                         A R T
      tv’ magazine, we used such an obvious convention because we thought it was an effective way of highlighting
      the name of the programme and the date, time and channel it was
      on. Also the colours used in the stand first were very eye-catching
      and would definitely grab the attention of the audience/readers.

                                                                                                                         C L E
   We also used these text box conventions in order to display some more information about the documentary.
   We used the colours of the boxes and font in order to grab the reader attention and make the overall layout
   look more appealing.
1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

                                                                                                                             M A G A Z
                                           We also used this convention which is popular in a lot of the ‘what's on tv’
                                           magazines, we used it to show that the documentary was new and their
                                           hadn't been an episode the same previous to this one. This would entice
                                           audiences that might read the magazine often and may be interested in a
                                           new documentary. Although the grab quote/label isn't exactly the same
                                           we thought our label was more modern and fitting with the genre of the

                                                                                                                             I N E

   A drop cap is also regularly used within magazine articles, where the first letter of the article
   is capitalised by bold and a larger sized font. We used this convention within out article to
   make it look more professional and add to the realism.

                                                                                                                             A R T
   The masthead is also a typical convention in a magazine article, also known at the title of the article. It is the main

                                                                                                                             C L E
   focus along with the main image of the page, it is the feature that the audience tends to look at first. In which
   case we wanted to make it clear and simple but also eye-catching and appealing to the audience. We made the
   ‘good’ transparent to add a bit of character to the look of the layout and although
    this doesn't follow typical conventions is was something alternative to try and
    engage different audiences as well as our obvious audience.

   We also used columns when inserting the text of the article into in design from
   word, we used columns because that is the conventional way to display
   magazine/newspaper articles. To make it looks more realistic and professional
   we stuck to this convention using a simple black font and displaying it in 2 wide
   columns on the right hand side of the a3 page.
1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

                                                                                                                   M A G A Z
We used the idea to layer 3 original images all at
different angles to add to the fun, eye catching
layout instead of having the images we used next
to each other in a straight line. We used this
idea, like other magazines like ‘whats on tv’ and
‘radio times’ which we thought contributed to

                                                                                                                   I N E
the professional layout but also allowed it to
appeal to a younger audience (students). We
recycled stills from the documentary montage in
order to save time and make it easier to import
into in design, the quality of the images was still
good and they weren’t placed big enough for

                                                                                                                   A R T
anyone to notice they had been reused.

                                                        The main image we used was original and not used in

                                                        the documentary at all, the fact that the main image

                                                                                                                   C L E
                                                        was taken specifically for the article meant that it was
                                                        very good quality and make the article more realistic
                                                        because ideally no images should be re-used unless
                                                        the caption states it is a still from the programme.
                                                        Using an original image also meant we could choose
                                                        the mise en scene and use it to our advantage, we
                                                        chose to have Jake sitting at a table looking as though
                                                        he was doing some work, we then used the cover
                                                        lines to reinforce this and make it clear to the
                                                        audience what he was doing. The big bold image we
                                                        used is a typical magazine convention reflected in
                                                        ‘whats on tv’ examples.
2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

                                                                                                                           D O C U M E N T A R Y
  When making the documentary we knew there were 2 ancillary texts to follow, a double page magazine spread and
  a radio trail. Knowing that the magazine article and radio trail were going to be a source of advertisement for the
  documentary we made sure that the 3 products combined productively and created a brand. We used colours,
  language and the content to achieve this making it evident that all 3 texts were done by the same people in relation
  to the same documentary.

  The target audience for our documentary, article and radio trail were quite a broad range of people, because
  education is such a wide topic and could interest and involve such a large number of people we didn't really have a
  small, specific, niche target audience. Pupils age ranging from 13-21 could be interested in our documentary as they
  are a part of the education system, they are living it now. Also the parents of these children would be interested to
  see what their children think about the education they are getting and parents with small children wanting to know
  about the education their children will soon be a part of. Teachers who want to see how their line of work is being
  portrayed, whether it is being shown as fair or too harsh. As well as those obvious target audiences we also did a
  few minor things that would interest people who wouldn't normally watch something about education, for example
  people in a line of work completely different to education, no children and no interest in education. We tried to
  make out article colourful and eye-catching along with the persuasive voiceover in the radio trailer to entice an
  unusual audience. I would say our initial target audience was parents and students but after making the
  documentary and analysing who else might be interested in watching the documentary, we think the real audience
  would be a lot broader than we first thought. This is a good thing because the subject of the documentary alone can
  ensure such a wide range of people, the features and skills we used within the documentary, double page spread
  and radio trail are reinforcements, putting across the detailed opinions we collated. In terms of social group target
  audience, we cannot really narrow it down to one, there is no one race, ethnicity, region or class we specifically saw
  as our target audience. Gender we aimed it at both and the age range could vary from teenagers to the parents of
  those teenagers or even elderly people interested in how the education system has changed.
2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

                                                                                                                       D O C U M E N T A R Y
  In terms of the Young and Rubicam psychographic audience profile our documentary was targeted at the suceeder
  and the mainstream, I would say this because the suceeder is someone who has strong goals and works hard to
  achieve them to gain the credit in society they deserve. The mainstream are people who are the middle of society,
  they are the largest group and depend on a daily routine e.g. Families. Because our documentary is about education
  both of the psychographic profiles need and are involved in education to achieve the lifestyle they have.
2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

                                                                                                                          R A D I O
   The radio trailer definitely combined well with the documentary because we used clips from the documentary in
   the radio trailer. This helped to create a brand identity because after listening to the radio trailer, people will
   recognise the clips in the documentary. I know from personal experience that seeing an advert with a clip from
   the whole programme has enticed me to watch the programme at a later date and seeing the clip from the
   advert in the programme gives the audience a sense of familiarity and comfort. We thought it would be
   important to also achieve this to add to the sense of realism and make the radio trailer effective to increasing the
   number of people who watch the documentary because although we have our target audience we wanted as
   many people as possible to be interested.

                                                                                                                          T R A
   We also used vox pops in the radio trailer, taken from the documentary so there was the background noise of
   people talking in the canteen included. This added to the authenticity of the radio trailer and make it clear that
   in the documentary we were talking to and dealing with real people, current students, getting honest involved
   opinions of students. This was an excellent way to demonstrate to people that the documentary wasn't just a

   series of facts about education, it made it evident that we got involved with the education system and made the

   audience want to watch the programme to find more out. We played a clip from ‘Alison Spicer’s interview that
   we thought would leave the audience in suspense and make then want to watch more, we thought that choosing
   the right clips would mean that the radio trailer would combine well with the documentary and do well to sell it.

   Also the music we used in the documentary, we used as part of the track we put together in the radio trailer, this
   also added to the brand identity by allowing the audience to recognise the song from both products making it
   familiar to them. The music is an important feature because although it is played quietly, it can determine the
   mood of the entire radio trailer and we thought the upbeat track from the documentary was perfect for this and
   would ensure the radio trailer combined well with the documentary. The radio trail is also very fast paced so that
   it appeals to the younger end of the target audience because we felt the topic alone was enough to entice an
   older audience, the pace of the editing for the radio trailer would contribute to attracting the teenage audience.
   The point of the radio trailer was to sell the documentary and we thought we achieved that by including the
   things I have mentioned above the content we chose to include was relevant and carefully picked in order to
   create a brand identity and satisfy the audiences expectations, the radio trailer supported and sold the audience
   by making them want to watch the documentary
2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

                                                                                                                           R A D I O
 When choosing the radio station we researched several stations and looked into what kind of things they distributed
 and how they did so. We looked at how long adverts for tv programmes lasted and concluded they tended to last
 around 30-40 seconds with a short summary of the programme,. They all included clips from the programme itself and
 then a voiceover to tell the audience what time the programme was on, what channel and what day.

                                                                                                                           T R A
 We chose to distribute our radio trailer on bbc radio 1, looking back now I realised that choosing this radio station
 wasn't the best choice. We chose bbc radio 1 because after doing the research we found it was the most listened to
 station, bbc radio has several stations each aimed at a different audience, bbc radio 1 is aimed at the young adult and
 adult audience therefore has the biggest audience and this includes our target audience.
 But considering the channel we chose to broadcast our documentary, it was channel 4 and logically bbc radio 1
 wouldn't advertise a documentary that was being shown on a rival channel. If the documentary was on channel 4 we
 should chosen another more neutral radio station to host our radio trailer like capital fm as they don't also have a tv
 channel that would be in competition with channel 4.
2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

                                                                                                                       M A G A Z
   The magazine article/double page spread also combined well with the documentary, we made sure we achieved
   the right balance between the layout and house style of ‘whats on tv’ magazine and the brand identity we were
   trying to create for the documentary, radio trailer. Although the layout of the double page spread was of a
   different style to the way we put together the documentary and radio trailer we thought it still worked well and
   was effective when delivering it to the audience. The style of the documentary and radio trailer was quite
   professional where as the layout and colour scheme on the double page spread was quite extravagant and more
   appealing to young people. Despite there being a difference in style we thought we had the balance right

                                                                                                                       I N E
   because although the use of reds, greens, yellows, blues and other bright colours demonstrated a sense of youth
   and fun, the content of the text and details on the page was still very professional and intellectual which
   reinforced the educational style of the documentary and radio trailer. We felt it was more important for the
   magazine double page spread to fit in with the actual existing magazine rather than the documentary and radio
   trailer because in real life situations, the programme doesn't get to decide the layout of the advert/article for

                                                                                                                       A R T
   their show, the magazine does. Meaning the same colours,
   fonts and images would be used as the examples we had
    looked at in other ‘whats on tv’ articles.

                                                                                                                       C L E
   We chose to use the popular tv listing magazine to distribute our article in because it appealed to such a wide
   range of people and specialised in tv programme articles. We also thought it was achievable to create a magazine
   article that fitted in with the rest of the magazine but was also relevant to our other products (documentary and
   radio trailer). By producing a magazine article for ‘whats on tv’ we thought we could attract the younger side of
   our target audience because the older end to our target audience would already be interested from the subject
   of the documentary. ‘What's on tv’ magazine doesn't just advertise documentaries, it features the soaps and
   gives a day by day guide of what on the tv, so the audience of the magazine is people who are interested in the
   music that will be on the following week. Therefore we could be sure that the audience of the magazine was
   intending on watching television and by having a double page spread for our documentary we knew if we got the
   layout and content of the copy right we could entice more people to watch it than if we had put the advert in any
   other magazine.
3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

                                                                                                                        D O C U M E N T A R Y
After completing the 3 products, we put together a questionnaire for a sample audience to fill out after watching the
documentary, listening to the radio trailer and looking at the double page spread. We composed questions that
would tell us the successful aspects of our work and point out any improvements that would need to be done should
we repeat the task.
             1.Do you think the
           documentary relates to
                                           When asked if they thought the documentary related to the topic of
              the subject well?            education well, the whole sample class answered yes. This is
      20                                   extremely positive as no one thought the documentary was
                                           irrelevant or off topic. This means the content we chose to include
                                           and film was necessary and no time was wasted filming or editing
      10                                   unnecessary content. Some people elaborated saying the interviews
                                           and shots of books were particular aspects that stood out as very
       5                                   relevant and had close relations to education. Also the found footage
       0                                   we used of David Cameron talking about academies was noted and a
                                           relevant aspect of the documentary.
                Yes          No

                                                                 2.Does the documentary use the typical
    We also got 100% yes from the sample class when                  conventions of a documentary?
    asked about whether our documentary used the typical
    conventions. This tells us we researched and noticed
    the relevant conventions and used them in our work
    effectively. Watching ‘supersize me’ gave us most of the                  100%                            Yes
    ideas we used in our documentary and judging by the                                                       No
    results from the questionnaire the conventions we did
    use were evident and successful. This is also a clear sign
    that the finished documentary came across as
3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

                                                                                                                       D O C U M E N T A R Y
  3.What do you like most about the documentary? Explain.
  -formal/professional interviews, very relevant
  -good choice of music throughout
  -professional shot choice
  -the documentary flowed well
  -informative nature
  -vox pops

  These were the selection of answers we received on this particular question, this showed that there were a variety
  of aspects that people liked most about the interview. Majority of the answers mentioned the interviews and said
  they made the documentary look very professional and added to the realism of it. Also people commented on the
  informative nature of the documentary, they said it was helpful to gain so much information from the documentary
  and they enjoyed watching it as a result.

                                                                   4.Does the music work well with the
   When asked this question, 16 of the sample class said yes the
   music worked well with the rest of documentary, this means
   that they thought it was appropriate and sounded well                     2 0
   coinciding with the footage we had. 2 people said they didn’t
   feel the music went well with the documentary, these results                                           Yes
   showed that although the music may have been an unusual                                                No
   choice and not to everyone preference, most people liked it.
3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

                                                                                                                      D O C U M E N T A R Y
             5.Do you think the shots are well
               processed between each cut?                 18 out of 18 people thought our documentary shots
                                                           were well processed, meaning they thought the
                                                           continuity of the documentary was really good. This
                                                           reinforces the response from question 3 where one of
                                                           the reactions was that the ‘documentary flowed well’. I
   Yes                                                     was surprised by the response to this question because
                                                           although I feel the documentary did flow at times I felt
                                                           some of the transitions could have been improved and
         0          5         10         15        20      done better.

                                                                                     6. Are the voiceover’s clear
                                                                                             and concise?
      When asked about the quality of the voiceover, the sample class of 18
      people mostly said they thought the quality was good and agreed to it being       16
      clear and concise. Only 2 people disagreed and thought the voiceover was          14
      clear enough to have on a documentary. I am surprised at this result because
      when listening back to the documentary we thought there may have been
      times when it was fairly hard to understand what the voiceover was                10
      saying, but overall we were happy with how the voiceover sounded. We                8
      recorded the same script several times so that we could pick and choose bits
      that sounded the best so that we ended up with a good voiceover. We didn't          6
      really have to adjust the sound levels too much when doing the voiceover            4
      because they were all done by the same person and in the same
      environment, if we did have to adjust the sound levels it was only slightly.
                                                                                                Yes      No
3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

                                                                                                                        D O C U M E N T A R Y
   7. Is there anything that you dislike about the documentary? Explain.
   -quality of David Cameron interview
   -camera pan too fast (library)
   -speech too quick
   -music not needed all the way through the documentary

   Although most people didn't answer this question suggesting they didn't have any problems with the
   documentary, above are the aspects the sample class didn't like about the documentary. We were expecting
   people to criticise the David Cameron interview (found footage) because it wasn't the best quality but the an
   actual interview with David Cameron was impossible and we filmed it the best we could. We felt it was vitally
   important to include the interview because it gave a sense of authority and power to the documentary because
   we had David Cameron giving his opinion on the topic of our documentary.

   8.Has this documentary taught you anything new?

   Those are the answers we collated from question 8, it seems that the sample audience learnt a lot from the
   documentary that they didn't know before. This shows our documentary was of the informative type and did the
   job successfully. This also means that the research we did on the topic paid off as the audience was left educated
   about the topic.
3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

                                                                                                                      D O C U M E N T A R Y
                                                                             9.Are the interviews and vox pops
  With this question only 1 person disagreed that the professional
  interviews and vox pops were well frame, by this we were addressed                    well framed?
  how the interviewee was placed in the shot. We took time to set up
  each interview because we wanted not only the mise en scene but                       1
  also the interviewee’s position in the frame to be perfect. We ensure
  that the interviewee was sitting at one side of the frame, looking                                        Yes
  across the dead space towards to opposite side                                                            No
  of the shot. This is a typical convention we knew
  is evident in all interviews not only documentary                                         17

               10. Were the volumes consistent?

                                                             This was the most shocking result, we felt that we had
    8                                                        the sound levels all correct and they were level from
                                                             scene to scene. But the sample audience, 7 out of 18
    6                                                        people disagreed with this and said they weren't
    4                                                        consistent. This is something we would need to look at
                                                             I'm even more detail and take more care when
    2                                                        changing the sound levels if we were to re-do this
                Yes                No
3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

                                                                                                                      D O C U M E N T A R Y
    11.Do you think this was a good
            subject choice?                      We chose this subject because we thought it was very present in
                                                 today’s news and society, we also envisaged a lot to address
                                                 within the topic. Personally education wouldn't be a preference
                                                 in documentary type but that said more or less most people
                                                 have some relations with education during their life so can relate
                                  Yes            to it. I think this was a good response and the 2 people that
                                  No             voted for no on this question may have just not been interested
                                                 in education and felt they couldn't relate to it. The majority of
                                                 people felt it was a good

     12.Are there any suggestions on how we could improve the documentary?
     -not have music all the way through
     -have music at a lower volume
     -better footage for David Cameron interview
     -sound levels
     -more entertaining
     -interviews with gcse level teachers
     -more montages

     If we did re-look at the documentary I am sure we would be able to make these improvements to make the
     documentary completely successful, they are simple changes that could have been addressed if we had more
     time to do so, the David Cameron interview I completely agree with because in the final documentary it did
     look blurry and sound a little distorted.
3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

                                                                                                                    R A D I O
         1.Does the trailer make you want to watch the
   16                                                            I think this is a positive result for this
   14                                                            question, the majority of the sample audience
   12                                                            said that the radio trailer made them want to
   10                                                            watch the documentary and the proportion of

                                                                                                                    T R A
    8                                                            people that didn't was only small. I am pleased
    6                                                            with this result as the whole point of doing the
    4                                                            radio trailer was to advertise the documentary
    2                                                            and persuade people to watch it.


                     Yes                        No

        We felt we had the sound levels for the radio trailer          2.Are the sound levels consistent
        perfect but when listening to the radio trailer in the              throughout the trailer?
        main speakers and out loud we could have
        improved a few seconds of sound, this is why 4 of
        the 18 people said the sound levels weren't
        consistent. This is due to listening to the radio                                                     Yes
        trailer through earphones during the editing stage
        and could easily be recovered if the task was done                                                    No
3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

                                                                                                                          R A D I O
           3.Does the music work well with the
                                                              All of the audience thought that the music and
                  voiceover in the trail?                     voiceover worked well together which is a positive
                                                              result, we actually put together several tracks to
                                                              make a catchy tune for the radio trailer and we
                                                  Yes         thought it worked effectively, reinforced by these
                                                              results. The tune added to the feel of the radio trail it

                                                                                                                          T R A
                                                  No          gave it a more upbeat feel, almost like we had
                       18                                     created a jingle like in the bbc radio 1 newsbeat
                                                              example we had looked at previously.

  4.What do you like the most about the trail? Explain.

   The answers for this question are satisfactory, I think these were the aspects of the radio trailer that we made
   sure were effective and did the relevant job. A lot of people from the group of 18 said that the bell ringing at the
   beginning was very effective and they liked it which is what we intended to do, we chose to put that sound at the
   beginning because it would grab their attention for the rest of the radio trailer.
3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

                                                                                                                          R A D I O
         5.Do you find the extracts gave you enough
                information about the show?
                                                              The results for this question are also very positive, all
                                                              of the 18 people said that the extracts chosen, the
                                                              answer to this question was already slightly evident as

                                                                                                                          T R A
                                                              some people said their favourite aspect of the trail
                                                              was the extracts in question 4. This result shows that
                                                              the clips from the documentary we chose were the
                                                              right ones, they informed the reader and gave them a
                                                              good idea of what the programme consisted of.

            0        5         10        15        20

  6.Is there anything that you dislike about the trail? Please explain
  -too many vox pops
  -music too loud
  -voiceover talking fast
  -David Cameron extract

  In terms of things to improve, this is a good result because there isn't a long list of things people wanted to us to
  change, and the improvements are only minor and can be achieved easily within a short space of time. We would
  definitely be able to consider these improvements if we did this project again because it would contribute to
  making the radio trailer completely successful.
3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

                                                                                                                       M A G A Z
                                                             Out of the 18 people in the sample
         1.Does this magazine feature the normal             audience, everyone thought that the magazine
          conventions of a television magazine?              featured the usual conventions of a television listings
                                                             magazine. This is very positive feedback as we looked
                                                             closely at which magazines advertised which

                                                                                                                       I N E
                                                             programmes and how they did so. We also wanted to
                                                             achieve the relevant house style, so we wanted to
        50%             18                                   conventions to match those of ‘what's on tv’
                                                             specifically, and they did. We werent shocked by this
         0%                              0                   feedback because we were confident that the double
                                                             page spread consisted of good aspects and looked

                                                                                                                       A R T
                      Yes             No                     very realistic and professional.

   Everyone but 1 person agreed that the double page            2.Does the double page look appealing?

                                                                                                                       C L E
   spread looked appealing, we tried to use colours and
   appropriate images in order to create a realistic, eye
   catching and attractive double page. Although we are
   aware that the layout isn't to everyone's taste we
   took a risk to make a double page spread for ‘what's                                                     Yes
   on tv’ to ensure we appealed to the younger audience
   as well as the adult audience. I think we achieved the                                                   No
   balance correctly and the results for this question are
   positive and a good indication to what the rest of the
   public would think.
3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

                                                                                                                          M A G A Z
       3.Does the double page spread convey enough
                                                                 When asked whether they thought there was
                       information?                              enough information displayed on the double page
                                                                 spread, everyone within the sample audience said
                                                                 they thought there was. This is promising as we
                                                                 carefully wrote the article so that it gave people an

                                                                                                                          I N E
                                                                 insight into what the programme was about and told
                                                        Yes      the audience what they could expect. It is pleasing to
                                                        No       know that the sample audience were pleased with
                                                                 the amount of information we gave, proving we
                        18                                       didn't give too much away but we didn't hold too

                                                                                                                          A R T
                                                                 much back that it put them off watching it. The
                                                                 details on the page was enough for them to know
                                                                 about the programme and allowed them to watch it

     4. What do you like most about the double page spread?

                                                                                                                          C L E
     -ripped paper

     This feedback shows that there were a variety of good aspects to our double page spread, the colour was a
     highly mentioned aspect and i agree with this feedback. We felt that the colours we used were relevant to the
     house style of the magazine itself and complimented our topic and what the article was trying to convey. The
     colours helped to give the documentary a more young feeling instead of it being boring black and white which
     the audience would expect it to be. I am pleased with the results for this question as i think it is a good
     indication for what the rest of the public would think about it.
3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

                                                                                                                        M A G A Z
  5.Is there anything you dislike about the double page spread?

                                                                                                                        I N E
   In terms of how many criticisms there are I am pleased because there are only 2 suggestions for improvement
   which is a good result for us. In regards to the use of colour I understand a more high brow layout would have
   been expected because of the topic we chose, but we wanted the magazine article to appeal to the younger
   audience we might not have appealed to in the radio trailer and we achieved this by using the colour scheme we

                                                                                                                        A R T
   did. Only one person gave this criticism and also elaborated that they thought an article in the radio times would
   have been appropriate, although we would definitely take this on board we did look into the radio times before
   producing the double page spread and make a conscious choice to use ‘what's on tv’ magazine.

                                                                                                                        C L E
    6.Is there any suggestions you would make in order to improve the double page spread?
    -change the colour scheme used
    -masthead (colour)
    -change the main image

    The improvements the sample audience suggested are valid and we would take them into consideration if doing
    the task again, the colour scheme used we felt was very effective and essential to whether the magazine double
    page spread was successful or not. The colour scheme can very much come down to a matter of opinion and
    when asked about whether they thought it was appealing 17 out of the 18 people said yes so the colour scheme
    is probably one thing we would keep the same. Looking back now at the masthead, it was an unusual choice but i
    think the whole point of ‘what's on tv’ is they use very extravagant layout styles and the yellow did tie in with
    this, either way most of the suggestions for improvements would be considered if we were to repeat the task.
4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

                                                                                                                                               D O C U M E N T A R Y
In the research and planning stages we researched into everything we would need to know about documentaries, we
looked at the type of documentaries there were already broadcasted, we looked at the channel they tended to be
on, how long they were, what they consisted of and the typical conventions of them. This gave us a clear framework
to work with and gave us an idea of where to start with the production of the documentary.

In order to research the channel documentaries were
on we watched a documentary and used an analysis
table to record what we found. We watched several
programmes in order to gain the information we
needed; “dispatches: lessons in hate and violence” and
“educating Essex”. Lessons in hate and violence was
useful to watch because it showed a different style of
documentary, broadcasted on channel 4 it was the
undercover type that investigated the behaviour inside
Birmingham's mosque schools. Educating Essex
addressed 2 areas we needed to research, it was on
channel 4 but was also about education so by watching
this we could get a feel for how education has already
been documented and then decide on the appropriate
4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
 We watched existing documentaries on the internet on ‘catch up’ websites so that we could get ideas for how to

                                                                                                                      D O C U M E N T A R Y
 produce our documentary. This meant we were watching documentaries that has already been broadcasted so we
 had to be careful not to copy any idea we had to make our own documentary using the conventions we had seen
 doing this research. Although we looked at documentaries on all channels the most useful website for this was
 channel 4 documentaries on youtube, this had endless lists of documentaries dating back to 2010 so we had a lot of
 choice of which documentaries to research in detail.

     In terms of researching the topic we chose, education was an
     easy accessible topic to research. We found facts and figures
     on Wikipedia after typing relevant searches into Google. This
     gave us information we could put into our own words and use
     in the voiceover throughout the documentary.
     We also used the NUT website and NASUWT website to
     acquire the facts about academies which is how we came
     across the footage for David Cameron's interview, this meant
     we had the honest opinions and facts about academies and
     could be sure that we were inputting truthful information into
     our documentary.
4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

                                                                                                          D O C U M E N T A R Y

         We used storyboards to document and plan what we were going to do so that we didn't have
         to make it up as we went along. This meant time was saved by planning what we would put in
         each shot, how long they would last and the editing techniques we would use. When
         constructing the documentary we could just refer back to the story
         -boards to remind ourselves of what we were doing next, this was
         useful considering we had to do some, then come back to it at a
         later date. After drawing up the storyboards we used a scanner to
         upload them onto a PC and then transferred them onto our blog,
         this was a quick and a very easy way to display our work.
4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

                                                                                                                   D O C U M E N T A R Y
 In the construction stages of our documentary we used a variety of media technologies to produce an efficient
 piece of work. We felt is was necessary to use a variety to demonstrate the variety of skills we had learnt. We
 used a Canon HG20 HD Video Camera to film all of the footage for out documentary, therefore it was important
 that the camera was of a good quality and would be
 able to produce footage of a good quality. The camera
 was essential hardware to our documentary, we used
 different tools on the camera to improve the diversity
 of shots we recorded, we used the zoom tool to change
  the size of a particular focus in the shot, for example
 in some of the establishing shots we zoomed into the
 building to emphasise the rest of the filming was going
 to be inside that building. We also changed the focus of
 certain shots using the functions on the camera in order
 to use for a background of text in the documentary.

 As well as the camera we needed other equipment to work alongside this, we used the microphone, earphones
 and tripod. The tripod was used to ensure we had steady shots and enabled us to do so at any height we
 wished. This meant if we needed to do a high angle shot we could do so without someone having to hold the
 camera for a long time which would make the shot unsteady and look unprofessional.
4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

                                                                                                             D O C U M E N T A R Y
 When we had finished doing all of the filming we needed, we took our
 focus to the Apple Mac’s which would now be the main hardware for
 our work. We copied the footage onto the computer in order to edit it
 by connecting the camera to the Mac via a lead. When the footage was
 on the computers we opened up ‘Final Cut Express’ which is a well
 known editing software specialising in video making and editing. We
 had to ‘log and transfer’ the clips we had filmed into the programme in
 order for them to register in the software programme itself. We then
 selected the clips we wanted to use in the order we wanted to use them
 and dragged them onto the timeline to edit.

                                                          This is the box where the clips were transferred
                                                          to, we could organise and select the clips from
                                                          here and drag them down to the timeline to edit.
                                                          This made it easier for us to see what we had
                                                          already used and what we still had to include in
                                                          the documentary. We renamed our footage so that
                                                          we could group similar footage together for
                                                          example all of the vox pops were together, the
                                                          establishing shots were all grouped together to
                                                          make a more efficient work space.
4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

 When editing the clip of students walking in and out of the college refectory

                                                                                                                    D O C U M E N T A R Y
 we weren't happy with the speed of the clip. We decided to speed the clip up
 to make it a little more interesting and also blur the clip so that the audience
 could concentrate on the voiceover over the clip. We did this by selecting on
 the clip we wanted to speed up, we then MODIFY>SPEED and changed the
 speed of the clip to 200. All this did was speed the clip up in order to add pace
 to the documentary and make the shots less similar.

                                     We also constructed a montage in Final Cut Express, we went out with the
                                     camera and took lots of stills to do with education, books of
                                     topics, library, college kids working, computer room and classrooms. Once we
                                     got the photos we copied them onto the Mac (similar to how we copied the
                                     footage) and put them together to make a montage. Although this was a
                                     lengthy process we thought it paid off well, we put in image by image on a
                                     different layer, so each photo entered the screen one by one.

                                      This is how we inserted the tracks to put each photo
                                      in, we went to SEQUENCE>INSERT TRACKS and then
                                      put the image onto that track
4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
                                                                            We used the razor tool a lot on

                                                                                                                       D O C U M E N T A R Y
                                                                            Final Cut Express in order to cut
                                                                            clips where we wanted them to
                                                                            finish, so we could work around
                                                                            how to transition one clip to
                                                                            another smoothly.
                                                                            Noise cut out at start to
                                                                            make the transition more

   We used the preset transitions in Final Cut to edit the transition from shot to shot, whilst the title shot was
   showing we had a dip to colour from the establishing shot to the title page paired with a dissolve and the same
   again when the title shot exited.

                                                                                      The cross dissolve was used to
                                                                                      make the transition from the
                                                                                      title shot to the beginning of
                                                                                      the documentary more
                                                                                      smooth and welcoming as
                                                                                      opposed to a straight cut. The
                                                                                      change from still to footage
                                                                                      didn't seem so sudden and
4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

                                                                                                                         D O C U M E N T A R Y
      After putting all the footage together and finishing up the transitions and order of clips, we had to adjust the
      sound levels to make the documentary sound consistent throughout. We didn't need to adjust the sound
      levels too much just a little where a noise had occurred in the background of someone has accidently
      touched the microphone whilst recording.

      After getting the sound levels right we had to find some suitable music to insert
      onto the documentary to act as the background music. We used garage band to
      find the track we wanted to use, then we exported the track we had chosen as an
      mp3 into Final Cut and repeated it throughout the documentary. We had the music
      at different sound levels as in the introduction where the title shot was, the music
      was loud and where the voiceover and interviews were playing the music went a
      lot quieter. It is clear from the image above where the music was loud or not
      because of the sound level line (pink line) varying in height.
4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

                                                                                                                          R A D I O
                                         We began the radio trail in Final Cut because we used clips from the
                                         documentary in our trail, we thought it would be easier to create
                                         another sequence on final cut and then when we had the clips in order
                                         and cut appropriately we could export the sequence into garage band.

    When we exported the sequence of extracts into garage band we placed them on their own track in order to
    pair it with music using the garage band features. The ‘trail extracts’ shown in that image refer to the clips

                                                                                                                          T R A
    from the documentary and voiceover recordings.

   We chose music from the preset tracks on garage band, we looked into all of the genre’s of music on there in
   order to find an appropriate track for our radio trail. Majority of which being unsuitable this did take quite a lot
   of time, we looked through and finally decided we were going to construct our own track using a number of
   different beats. In the end we used tracks from the Synths genre and also used a Foley sound of the school bell
   ringing and the beat to go under the Synths tracks.
4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

                                                                                                                           R A D I O
  The time bar told us how many seconds our whole radio
  trailer, it also allowed us to click anywhere along the timeline
  and it would tell us how many seconds along that point was.
  This was useful because that way we could easily add

                                                                                                                           T R A
  something in or remove a few seconds because we could
  measure the time by the time bar.

                                                 We also used this bar to control the radio trail, we used this to stop
                                                 the trail and fast forward it on. We didn't really use the fast forward

                                                 button because the trail was only 40 seconds long but we did find

                                                 this tool helpful. For example when we were listening through to
                                                 ensure the sound levels were right, we could stop it easily at any
                                                 point in order to fix the sound levels and proceed. This bar made it
                                                 easier to do so as it was always at the bottom of the screen.

   This was essential when checking the sound levels
   because we needed to check on the sound meter whether
   the sound levels were jumping up in between the clips.
   This tool made it easier for us to measure our sound
   levels as the bar fills up as the louder the sound levels.
4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

                                                                                                              M A G A Z
   We constructed the double page spread using several programmes, we used in design mainly to put the
   double page spread together but we also used Microsoft word and Photoshop in the process.

                                                                                                              I N E
                                                                                                              A R T
                                                                                                              C L E
     The photos we used in our double page spread were taken with the same camera we filmed the documentary
     with, CANON HG20 HD Video Camera, we took several photos and chose the most appropriate for the double
     page spread. On the right hand side of the double page spread
     we re-used images from the documentary because they were
     only small. The main image we took as an original because
     we knew it was going to take up the majority of the page
     and would need to be of good quality.
4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

                                                                                                                        M A G A Z
The main image we chose, we actually edited it in Photoshop before putting it in in design because we wanted the
image to look good. We adjusted the contrast and brightness to make the photo look more appealing to our
audience. The original picture we took was quite dark so by adjusting the brightness we made it a little brighter and
the contrast helped to even out the detail and colour in the picture.

                                                                                                                        I N E
                                                                                                                        A R T
  The masthead was also constructed on Photoshop, we inserted the masthead by using the ‘text/type tool’ to

  type out ‘IS IT GOOD ENOUGH?’ we then selected the word ‘good’ and adjusted the opacity of it, after making
  the outline yellow like the rest of the text the masthead had an unusual

                                                                                                                        C L E
  look to it. It emphasised exactly what we were investigating in the
4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

                                                                                                                          M A G A Z
  After importing the main image and the masthead into in design we then made a start on designing the space for
  the text to fill. We came up with the idea to write the copy onto a black piece of paper with the effect it had
  been ripped out of a book. To do this we took a photograph of a piece of paper, scanned it onto the computer
  and changed the levels on it to make it completely white. This left it clear for us to put our article onto it whilst
  reinforcing the idea of schooling and education.

                                                                                                                          I N E
                                                                                                                          A R T
                                                   We used the ripped paper effect on the 3 smaller images at

                                                   the top of the page too, just to maintain the topic of
                                                   education and schooling. Although we repeated the

                                                                                                                          C L E
                                                   technique I think it came across effective and relevant.
4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

                                                                                                                M A G A Z
  After doing research into other magazines we noted that a lot of magazines used a drop shadow to emphasise
  what was on the page, the drop shadow almost gives the page a more layered look. For example main cover
  lines with a drop shadow are much more effective than a cover line without.

                                                                                                                I N E
   We wrote the article in word and copied the text into in design using

                                                                                                                A R T
   the column format. We did this because it was easier to see the layout
   of text, the only problem we could've faced here was whether the text
   fit the space we had provided for the text to go in.

                                                                                                                C L E
                                                                                           For the evaluation
                                                                                           questions 1-4

              To convert word documents and
              likewise to go onto the blog.

                                                   For the graphs used
                                                   to collate
      To convert word documents and                questionnaire results.
      likewise to go onto the blog.

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  • 2. 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? D O C U M E N T A R Y Bill Nicholls (2001) documentary modes was something we considered when making our documentary, a documentary mode is a conceptual scheme developed by Bill which looks to differentiate particular conventions of various documentary styles. Documentaries are able to have a mix of different modes within them as documentaries often return to themes and devices from modes prior to them in the chronological order. The different documentary modes are; poetic, expository, observational, participatory, reflexive, and performative. -poetic mode is the subjective type of documentary, stressing mood and tone more than the displays of knowledge and acts of persuasion. As the subject of the documentary we were making, not displaying knowledgeable content would be damaging to the effectiveness of our documentary. -expository mode addressed the audience directly, using titles and voices that propose perspective, arguments and recount history. This mode would be a good, effective one to use as titles and voices would reinforce the information and knowledge being put forward by the professional's and vox pops. -observational modes simply observe, allowing the audience to draw their own conclusions. Camera moves with the subjects but remains unobtrusive from the subjects actions. Although this would be a good way to portray the quality of education, access to schools and lessons where we could just film the happenings around us was unlikely to achieve effectively. -participatory mode is where the film makers appear in their own work, appears to openly discuss and argue his/her perspective on the subject of the documentary being made. This could also be done by a voiceover which we included in our documentary therefore we could argue we used this mode partially. -reflexive mode considers the quality of the documentary, reveals the making of the documentary to make the audience see the documentary in a more objective way, this mode would have been unachievable because we didn’t have the means to do so. -performative mode is similar and easily confused with the participatory mode, performative mode involved the filmmaker directly gives a deeply personal insight into filmmakers actions and intentions. Supersize me is an example of this mode and when applying this mode to our subject area it wouldn’t be appropriate. The modes present within our documentary are:
  • 3. 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? D O C U M E N T A R Y In doing research and planning we discovered and noted the main conventions of a documentary, being familiar with these conventions meant that we knew how to produce a documentary that was realistic and effective. The conventions we found present in most existing documentaries were: -voiceover -interviews with experts -text/titles -sound/music -archive/found footage -realism (real sound and lighting) We used the relevant codes and conventions in our documentary to get the most effective reaction from the audience, I am going to compare the conventions we included in our documentary to the ones present in ‘Supersize me’ by Morgan Spurlock. In supersize me, the producers included captions (text/titles) at the beginning of every professional interview. This gave the audience a clear indication of who they were and which area of the topic they were going to address. For example William Klish works at the children's hospital department so the audience know he is going to be talking about children's diet and the issues around child obesity. In our documentary we also used captions to introduce ‘Alison Spicer’ and ‘Claire Shuttleworth’, the captions told the audience who was speaking and what their profession was, meaning when Alison, the deputy head was discussing academies her words were taken seriously and presumed to be truthful information.
  • 4. 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? D O C U M E N T A R Y Professional interviews are essential within a documentary, they give the documentary a sense of realism and contribute to the audience believing what is being said. For example the opinion of ‘how healthy eating is put into educating children’ is much more believable coming from someone that works for the Board Of Education as opposed to anyone that could be found at the time. Professional interviews were a big part of our production process as we wanted to approach the subject in a professional way. We considered the mise en scene, interview questioning and camera angles when deciding on where to do the interviews and who with. We recorded around 5 interviews that way we knew we had enough footage and had the scope to pick the best two interviews to include in our documentary. The interviews were an effective convention because they gave across a professional opinion, this meant it was perceived a more valuable information as opposed to a vox pop. We placed the interviewee on 1 side of the screen to ensure they were looking into the dead space and not directly at the camera which is an evident convention in all professional interviews. Vox pops are important when making a documentary, they portray the opinions of people real people, not professional's who may be biased. Vox pops add to the actuality of a documentary, footage of real life events, places and people. Meaning the audience can relate directly to the opinions instead of feeling intimidated by a professional interview where the interviewee is adequately educated on that subject. Vox pops were also featured quite a lot throughout our documentary, we used them to portray the opinions of students on the quality of their college, we also asked some teachers/staff about their opinion. We asked all of our vox pops two questions ‘what do you think about the quality of your college?’ and ‘what suggestions or improvement would you make to your college?’. We then edited together their answers to make a succession of vox pops. This was a useful in the sense that it added to the realism, it gave the audience an honest portrayal of what real students thought about education and the quality of it.
  • 5. 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? D O C U M E N T A R Y Found/Archival footage is often used in existing documentaries to portray a scene that they could not access/film themselves. In supersize me the found footage they used was of a McDonald's website displaying the nutritional information of their products. As a result of McDonald's refusing to speak to the programme producers they had to film the website in order to get the information in their documentary, they didn’t have direct access to it themselves in order for them to film it. If McDonald's has spoken to supersize me and offered an interview, the found footage wouldn’t have been necessary as they could've asked the McDonalds spokesperson to address it vocally. We had to use found footage in our documentary to show David Cameron's opinion and plans for academies, we felt the need to use found footage because we knew it was impossible to get a direct interview with David Cameron and get him to talk about academies. We found the video on YouTube and filmed if best we could from the screen, although the footage isn't the best quality it is still clear and relative to our documentary subject. Montage of pictures if also often used in documentaries in order to create a different style of portraying information. In supersize me a montage of images is used to emphasise young girls being bombarded with the need to be skinny, it pictures a young slightly overweight girl talking about the pressures of being skinny, whilst images of skinny women are being thrown into the screen 1 by 1 covering her. We also used a montage of images to portray some information, we had footage of a class of computers with images of subjects 1 by 1 covering the shot. This reinforced the topic of education and different subjects coinciding with the voiceover. We had the images wipe in from the bottom of the screen 1 by 1 so we could show off the editing skills we had learnt during the process of making the documentary. We felt it would be effective to use this convention in our documentary as it makes it more realistic and professional to the audience.
  • 6. 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? D O C U M E N T A R Y We had one clip that we weren't happy with the speed of, we used special effects to change this and make it look better. It was a clip of people walking in and out of a canteen inside a college, we used the features in final cut to adjust the speed of the clip and changed it to a faster pace. The script we used for the voiceover was researched well before being recorded. We researched the facts we included in our voiceover so we could ensure they were truthful and the audience was satisfied with the information we provided them with. education-documentary-script.html
  • 7. 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? D O C U M E N T A R Y The music we used also followed the codes and conventions of existing documentaries, we wanted to find a beat that would not only go with the topic of the documentary but also sound as though it was made for the documentary. This proved a challenge as a lot of the music in ‘supersize me’ was copyrighted which we couldn't have. We picked an original beat off the garage band selection, it was quite slow but upbeat and almost had a western sound to it. We had it playing throughout the documentary just at different sound levels depending on what else was going on in that scene, for example at the opening few seconds the music was quite loud in order to introduce the sound, but when the voiceover was playing the sound levels on the music was turned right down so that it didn't interfere with what the voiceover was saying.
  • 8. 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? R A D I O In the radio trail we took time to listen to existing radio cuts in order to get a feel for how they sounded, what kind of things they addressed, how much detail they went into and how they put all the aspects together. For example the voiceover, clips from documentary, music all need to be included and put together whilst still sounding pleasing to the audience. We used the sound of a school bell at the beginning of the radio trail, this was the first sound the audience heard so that straight away before hearing any dialogue the audience knew what the topic of the documentary/radio trail was. We thought this was an effective way to grab the audiences attention and give them an idea of what T R A they were going to be listening to. We got this idea from the bbc radio 1 newsbeat radio trails, they often use a short beat to grab the readers attention for example when reporting about crime they play a few seconds of police sirens etc. We thought using this convention would ensure we got the interest of the audience and gave the topic of I the documentary away without even speaking or playing any voiceover. L The voiceover in our radio trailer was essential, without the voiceover it would have been hard to portray all of the information we needed to. We used the same voiceover as the documentary so that the audience could recognise it was the same programme, this also adds to the realism of the product by starting the branding of the programme. The voice over as well as vox pops taken from the documentary told the audience what was going to be included in the documentary, what time it would be on and what channel. We had this information at the end of the radio trail in order for it to stick in peoples minds. Most of the radio trail was clips from the documentary, clips from professional interviews and vox pops giving peoples opinions on the quality of the education they get and their opinion on their school/college. This gave the audience an insight into what the documentary was about and we thought it would be effective as it will attract the right audience and maybe even entice a niche/unusual audience to watch it because they hear some of the content and are surprised or intrigued by it.
  • 9. 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? R A D I O T R A I L The music we used in our radio trail was all chosen from the garage band selection, we chose music from the same sort genre, apart from the school bell ringing which was more of a featured sound. Synths was the chosen genre we chose the music from and we put different tracks together to make an original piece of music. This way we knew no other documentary or programme would have the same sound to it. Where as in supersize me they used existing songs that would be recognised by the audience, we couldn't do this due to copyright so had to make our own, we thought that even though this was more complicated it would work to our advantage as the attention isn't drawn away from the radio trail/documentary but overpowering music. The music we chose was playing throughout the whole radio trail but was only on a low volume so the audience could hear the voiceover and clips from the documentary, we didn't want the music to overpower the content of the documentary. We used typical codes and conventions like rhetorical questions, persuasive language and a welcoming tone of voice to entice the audience in, because although the radio trail was a separate task in its own right, the purpose of it was to get people to watch the documentary. We achieved that by picking out the best quotes from the documentary and carefully writing a voiceover script using the right language to engage listeners in the absence of visuals. Our radio trail was around 40 seconds which we saw as appropriate after looking at other radio trails like bbc radio 1’s newsbeat.
  • 10. 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? R A D I O Elements for analysis Comments/analysis This is the grid we used to analyze existing radio trailers in order to AUDIENCE: local, regional, national “UK” – national get ideas for our own. We listened 18-24 years old, women with kids to a radio 1 newsbeat and noted all Weather – England and Wales England football team the typical conventions that it CONTENT/ SUBJECT e.g. business, Employment – top story included. Whether the news was lifestyle, sport, consumer Policitcs – money and economy being reported over music in the Sport – football background or with silence, what Tv – the voice, strictly come dancing the subject was and how they T R A Crime addressed it and what the pace of Health - NHS the newsbeat was. CONTRIBUTORS: interviewees, Interviewees – people in the town at the time reporters, correspondents, experts, Reporter for each topic ; sport, politics etc. One problem we did face when I politicians, vox pops Clips of commentator and quotes from the game – library footage (old footage) doing this research was that our L radio trail wasn't going to be PACE: for mood, expression, understanding reporting the news, so conventions like a reporter or correspondent LANGUAGE (ACCENTS) AND London accents didn't apply, instead we had a VOCABULARY Simple vocab voiceover and vox pops to replace DELIVERY: over music or dry, kind Over music, official music for news beat – that and issue the audience with of music jingle the relevant information. Over music, recognised, played on radio 1 On the other hand this research LOCATIONS: face-to-face, location, Face to face interviews studio, Some reporters in studio did give us a clear indication of telephone, pre-recorded Interviews of football and the boy from the how to go about the delivery of voice = pre-recorded the information we needed to get WHY SUITABLE FOR Not very complex into our 40 second radio trailer and AUDIENCE Music playing in background is what they also made us think about the type play on the station of audience it would need to be Newsbeat jingle – radio - identity appropriate for.
  • 11. 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? M A G A Z I N E A R T I C L E This is the final magazine article we produced, we felt it looks a lot like the articles in ‘what's on tv’ magazine, which is the existing magazine we looked at prior to making it. We looked at other magazine articles but decided to have the layout like this because although our documentary was quite serious and educational we didn't want it to look boring and dull. Also this layout fitted in perfectly with the rest of the ‘what's on tv’ magazine with the use of colours, fonts and images.
  • 12. 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? M A G A Z Captions are more or less always used in magazine articles to tell the audience what is going on in the image or to summarise what the rest of the article is about. We used captions to explain what was happening in the images we used, this is the caption from the main image of Jake doing some work, we used a specific language which we had seen in existing magazines, pleasing to the audience and precise, to the point. I N E The stand first we used it practically the same as the one in ‘what's on A R T tv’ magazine, we used such an obvious convention because we thought it was an effective way of highlighting the name of the programme and the date, time and channel it was on. Also the colours used in the stand first were very eye-catching and would definitely grab the attention of the audience/readers. I C L E We also used these text box conventions in order to display some more information about the documentary. We used the colours of the boxes and font in order to grab the reader attention and make the overall layout look more appealing.
  • 13. 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? M A G A Z We also used this convention which is popular in a lot of the ‘what's on tv’ magazines, we used it to show that the documentary was new and their hadn't been an episode the same previous to this one. This would entice audiences that might read the magazine often and may be interested in a new documentary. Although the grab quote/label isn't exactly the same we thought our label was more modern and fitting with the genre of the I N E article. A drop cap is also regularly used within magazine articles, where the first letter of the article is capitalised by bold and a larger sized font. We used this convention within out article to make it look more professional and add to the realism. A R T I The masthead is also a typical convention in a magazine article, also known at the title of the article. It is the main C L E focus along with the main image of the page, it is the feature that the audience tends to look at first. In which case we wanted to make it clear and simple but also eye-catching and appealing to the audience. We made the ‘good’ transparent to add a bit of character to the look of the layout and although this doesn't follow typical conventions is was something alternative to try and engage different audiences as well as our obvious audience. We also used columns when inserting the text of the article into in design from word, we used columns because that is the conventional way to display magazine/newspaper articles. To make it looks more realistic and professional we stuck to this convention using a simple black font and displaying it in 2 wide columns on the right hand side of the a3 page.
  • 14. 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? M A G A Z We used the idea to layer 3 original images all at different angles to add to the fun, eye catching layout instead of having the images we used next to each other in a straight line. We used this idea, like other magazines like ‘whats on tv’ and ‘radio times’ which we thought contributed to I N E the professional layout but also allowed it to appeal to a younger audience (students). We recycled stills from the documentary montage in order to save time and make it easier to import into in design, the quality of the images was still good and they weren’t placed big enough for A R T anyone to notice they had been reused. The main image we used was original and not used in I the documentary at all, the fact that the main image C L E was taken specifically for the article meant that it was very good quality and make the article more realistic because ideally no images should be re-used unless the caption states it is a still from the programme. Using an original image also meant we could choose the mise en scene and use it to our advantage, we chose to have Jake sitting at a table looking as though he was doing some work, we then used the cover lines to reinforce this and make it clear to the audience what he was doing. The big bold image we used is a typical magazine convention reflected in ‘whats on tv’ examples.
  • 15. 2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? D O C U M E N T A R Y When making the documentary we knew there were 2 ancillary texts to follow, a double page magazine spread and a radio trail. Knowing that the magazine article and radio trail were going to be a source of advertisement for the documentary we made sure that the 3 products combined productively and created a brand. We used colours, language and the content to achieve this making it evident that all 3 texts were done by the same people in relation to the same documentary. The target audience for our documentary, article and radio trail were quite a broad range of people, because education is such a wide topic and could interest and involve such a large number of people we didn't really have a small, specific, niche target audience. Pupils age ranging from 13-21 could be interested in our documentary as they are a part of the education system, they are living it now. Also the parents of these children would be interested to see what their children think about the education they are getting and parents with small children wanting to know about the education their children will soon be a part of. Teachers who want to see how their line of work is being portrayed, whether it is being shown as fair or too harsh. As well as those obvious target audiences we also did a few minor things that would interest people who wouldn't normally watch something about education, for example people in a line of work completely different to education, no children and no interest in education. We tried to make out article colourful and eye-catching along with the persuasive voiceover in the radio trailer to entice an unusual audience. I would say our initial target audience was parents and students but after making the documentary and analysing who else might be interested in watching the documentary, we think the real audience would be a lot broader than we first thought. This is a good thing because the subject of the documentary alone can ensure such a wide range of people, the features and skills we used within the documentary, double page spread and radio trail are reinforcements, putting across the detailed opinions we collated. In terms of social group target audience, we cannot really narrow it down to one, there is no one race, ethnicity, region or class we specifically saw as our target audience. Gender we aimed it at both and the age range could vary from teenagers to the parents of those teenagers or even elderly people interested in how the education system has changed.
  • 16. 2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? D O C U M E N T A R Y In terms of the Young and Rubicam psychographic audience profile our documentary was targeted at the suceeder and the mainstream, I would say this because the suceeder is someone who has strong goals and works hard to achieve them to gain the credit in society they deserve. The mainstream are people who are the middle of society, they are the largest group and depend on a daily routine e.g. Families. Because our documentary is about education both of the psychographic profiles need and are involved in education to achieve the lifestyle they have.
  • 17. 2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? R A D I O The radio trailer definitely combined well with the documentary because we used clips from the documentary in the radio trailer. This helped to create a brand identity because after listening to the radio trailer, people will recognise the clips in the documentary. I know from personal experience that seeing an advert with a clip from the whole programme has enticed me to watch the programme at a later date and seeing the clip from the advert in the programme gives the audience a sense of familiarity and comfort. We thought it would be important to also achieve this to add to the sense of realism and make the radio trailer effective to increasing the number of people who watch the documentary because although we have our target audience we wanted as many people as possible to be interested. T R A We also used vox pops in the radio trailer, taken from the documentary so there was the background noise of people talking in the canteen included. This added to the authenticity of the radio trailer and make it clear that in the documentary we were talking to and dealing with real people, current students, getting honest involved opinions of students. This was an excellent way to demonstrate to people that the documentary wasn't just a I series of facts about education, it made it evident that we got involved with the education system and made the L audience want to watch the programme to find more out. We played a clip from ‘Alison Spicer’s interview that we thought would leave the audience in suspense and make then want to watch more, we thought that choosing the right clips would mean that the radio trailer would combine well with the documentary and do well to sell it. Also the music we used in the documentary, we used as part of the track we put together in the radio trailer, this also added to the brand identity by allowing the audience to recognise the song from both products making it familiar to them. The music is an important feature because although it is played quietly, it can determine the mood of the entire radio trailer and we thought the upbeat track from the documentary was perfect for this and would ensure the radio trailer combined well with the documentary. The radio trail is also very fast paced so that it appeals to the younger end of the target audience because we felt the topic alone was enough to entice an older audience, the pace of the editing for the radio trailer would contribute to attracting the teenage audience. The point of the radio trailer was to sell the documentary and we thought we achieved that by including the things I have mentioned above the content we chose to include was relevant and carefully picked in order to create a brand identity and satisfy the audiences expectations, the radio trailer supported and sold the audience by making them want to watch the documentary
  • 18. 2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? R A D I O When choosing the radio station we researched several stations and looked into what kind of things they distributed and how they did so. We looked at how long adverts for tv programmes lasted and concluded they tended to last around 30-40 seconds with a short summary of the programme,. They all included clips from the programme itself and then a voiceover to tell the audience what time the programme was on, what channel and what day. T R A I L We chose to distribute our radio trailer on bbc radio 1, looking back now I realised that choosing this radio station wasn't the best choice. We chose bbc radio 1 because after doing the research we found it was the most listened to station, bbc radio has several stations each aimed at a different audience, bbc radio 1 is aimed at the young adult and adult audience therefore has the biggest audience and this includes our target audience. But considering the channel we chose to broadcast our documentary, it was channel 4 and logically bbc radio 1 wouldn't advertise a documentary that was being shown on a rival channel. If the documentary was on channel 4 we should chosen another more neutral radio station to host our radio trailer like capital fm as they don't also have a tv channel that would be in competition with channel 4.
  • 19. 2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? M A G A Z The magazine article/double page spread also combined well with the documentary, we made sure we achieved the right balance between the layout and house style of ‘whats on tv’ magazine and the brand identity we were trying to create for the documentary, radio trailer. Although the layout of the double page spread was of a different style to the way we put together the documentary and radio trailer we thought it still worked well and was effective when delivering it to the audience. The style of the documentary and radio trailer was quite professional where as the layout and colour scheme on the double page spread was quite extravagant and more appealing to young people. Despite there being a difference in style we thought we had the balance right I N E because although the use of reds, greens, yellows, blues and other bright colours demonstrated a sense of youth and fun, the content of the text and details on the page was still very professional and intellectual which reinforced the educational style of the documentary and radio trailer. We felt it was more important for the magazine double page spread to fit in with the actual existing magazine rather than the documentary and radio trailer because in real life situations, the programme doesn't get to decide the layout of the advert/article for A R T their show, the magazine does. Meaning the same colours, fonts and images would be used as the examples we had looked at in other ‘whats on tv’ articles. I C L E We chose to use the popular tv listing magazine to distribute our article in because it appealed to such a wide range of people and specialised in tv programme articles. We also thought it was achievable to create a magazine article that fitted in with the rest of the magazine but was also relevant to our other products (documentary and radio trailer). By producing a magazine article for ‘whats on tv’ we thought we could attract the younger side of our target audience because the older end to our target audience would already be interested from the subject of the documentary. ‘What's on tv’ magazine doesn't just advertise documentaries, it features the soaps and gives a day by day guide of what on the tv, so the audience of the magazine is people who are interested in the music that will be on the following week. Therefore we could be sure that the audience of the magazine was intending on watching television and by having a double page spread for our documentary we knew if we got the layout and content of the copy right we could entice more people to watch it than if we had put the advert in any other magazine.
  • 20. 3. What have you learned from your audience feedback? D O C U M E N T A R Y After completing the 3 products, we put together a questionnaire for a sample audience to fill out after watching the documentary, listening to the radio trailer and looking at the double page spread. We composed questions that would tell us the successful aspects of our work and point out any improvements that would need to be done should we repeat the task. 1.Do you think the documentary relates to When asked if they thought the documentary related to the topic of the subject well? education well, the whole sample class answered yes. This is 20 extremely positive as no one thought the documentary was irrelevant or off topic. This means the content we chose to include 15 and film was necessary and no time was wasted filming or editing 10 unnecessary content. Some people elaborated saying the interviews and shots of books were particular aspects that stood out as very 5 relevant and had close relations to education. Also the found footage 0 we used of David Cameron talking about academies was noted and a relevant aspect of the documentary. Yes No 2.Does the documentary use the typical We also got 100% yes from the sample class when conventions of a documentary? asked about whether our documentary used the typical conventions. This tells us we researched and noticed the relevant conventions and used them in our work effectively. Watching ‘supersize me’ gave us most of the 100% Yes ideas we used in our documentary and judging by the No results from the questionnaire the conventions we did use were evident and successful. This is also a clear sign that the finished documentary came across as professional.
  • 21. 3. What have you learned from your audience feedback? D O C U M E N T A R Y 3.What do you like most about the documentary? Explain. -formal/professional interviews, very relevant -montage -good choice of music throughout -professional shot choice -the documentary flowed well -informative nature -vox pops These were the selection of answers we received on this particular question, this showed that there were a variety of aspects that people liked most about the interview. Majority of the answers mentioned the interviews and said they made the documentary look very professional and added to the realism of it. Also people commented on the informative nature of the documentary, they said it was helpful to gain so much information from the documentary and they enjoyed watching it as a result. 4.Does the music work well with the documentary? When asked this question, 16 of the sample class said yes the music worked well with the rest of documentary, this means that they thought it was appropriate and sounded well 2 0 coinciding with the footage we had. 2 people said they didn’t feel the music went well with the documentary, these results Yes showed that although the music may have been an unusual No choice and not to everyone preference, most people liked it. 16
  • 22. 3. What have you learned from your audience feedback? D O C U M E N T A R Y 5.Do you think the shots are well processed between each cut? 18 out of 18 people thought our documentary shots were well processed, meaning they thought the continuity of the documentary was really good. This No reinforces the response from question 3 where one of the reactions was that the ‘documentary flowed well’. I Yes was surprised by the response to this question because although I feel the documentary did flow at times I felt some of the transitions could have been improved and 0 5 10 15 20 done better. 6. Are the voiceover’s clear and concise? When asked about the quality of the voiceover, the sample class of 18 people mostly said they thought the quality was good and agreed to it being 16 clear and concise. Only 2 people disagreed and thought the voiceover was 14 clear enough to have on a documentary. I am surprised at this result because 12 when listening back to the documentary we thought there may have been times when it was fairly hard to understand what the voiceover was 10 saying, but overall we were happy with how the voiceover sounded. We 8 recorded the same script several times so that we could pick and choose bits that sounded the best so that we ended up with a good voiceover. We didn't 6 really have to adjust the sound levels too much when doing the voiceover 4 because they were all done by the same person and in the same 2 environment, if we did have to adjust the sound levels it was only slightly. 0 Yes No
  • 23. 3. What have you learned from your audience feedback? D O C U M E N T A R Y 7. Is there anything that you dislike about the documentary? Explain. -quality of David Cameron interview -camera pan too fast (library) -speech too quick -music not needed all the way through the documentary Although most people didn't answer this question suggesting they didn't have any problems with the documentary, above are the aspects the sample class didn't like about the documentary. We were expecting people to criticise the David Cameron interview (found footage) because it wasn't the best quality but the an actual interview with David Cameron was impossible and we filmed it the best we could. We felt it was vitally important to include the interview because it gave a sense of authority and power to the documentary because we had David Cameron giving his opinion on the topic of our documentary. 8.Has this documentary taught you anything new? Those are the answers we collated from question 8, it seems that the sample audience learnt a lot from the documentary that they didn't know before. This shows our documentary was of the informative type and did the job successfully. This also means that the research we did on the topic paid off as the audience was left educated about the topic.
  • 24. 3. What have you learned from your audience feedback? D O C U M E N T A R Y 9.Are the interviews and vox pops With this question only 1 person disagreed that the professional interviews and vox pops were well frame, by this we were addressed well framed? how the interviewee was placed in the shot. We took time to set up each interview because we wanted not only the mise en scene but 1 also the interviewee’s position in the frame to be perfect. We ensure that the interviewee was sitting at one side of the frame, looking Yes across the dead space towards to opposite side No of the shot. This is a typical convention we knew is evident in all interviews not only documentary 17 types. 10. Were the volumes consistent? 12 10 This was the most shocking result, we felt that we had 8 the sound levels all correct and they were level from scene to scene. But the sample audience, 7 out of 18 6 people disagreed with this and said they weren't 4 consistent. This is something we would need to look at I'm even more detail and take more care when 2 changing the sound levels if we were to re-do this project. 0 Yes No
  • 25. 3. What have you learned from your audience feedback? D O C U M E N T A R Y 11.Do you think this was a good subject choice? We chose this subject because we thought it was very present in today’s news and society, we also envisaged a lot to address within the topic. Personally education wouldn't be a preference in documentary type but that said more or less most people have some relations with education during their life so can relate Yes to it. I think this was a good response and the 2 people that No voted for no on this question may have just not been interested in education and felt they couldn't relate to it. The majority of people felt it was a good 12.Are there any suggestions on how we could improve the documentary? -not have music all the way through -have music at a lower volume -better footage for David Cameron interview -sound levels -more entertaining -interviews with gcse level teachers -more montages If we did re-look at the documentary I am sure we would be able to make these improvements to make the documentary completely successful, they are simple changes that could have been addressed if we had more time to do so, the David Cameron interview I completely agree with because in the final documentary it did look blurry and sound a little distorted.
  • 26. 3. What have you learned from your audience feedback? R A D I O 1.Does the trailer make you want to watch the documentary? 16 I think this is a positive result for this 14 question, the majority of the sample audience 12 said that the radio trailer made them want to 10 watch the documentary and the proportion of T R A 8 people that didn't was only small. I am pleased 6 with this result as the whole point of doing the 4 radio trailer was to advertise the documentary 2 and persuade people to watch it. I 0 L Yes No We felt we had the sound levels for the radio trailer 2.Are the sound levels consistent perfect but when listening to the radio trailer in the throughout the trailer? main speakers and out loud we could have improved a few seconds of sound, this is why 4 of the 18 people said the sound levels weren't consistent. This is due to listening to the radio Yes trailer through earphones during the editing stage and could easily be recovered if the task was done No again.
  • 27. 3. What have you learned from your audience feedback? R A D I O 3.Does the music work well with the All of the audience thought that the music and voiceover in the trail? voiceover worked well together which is a positive result, we actually put together several tracks to make a catchy tune for the radio trailer and we Yes thought it worked effectively, reinforced by these results. The tune added to the feel of the radio trail it T R A No gave it a more upbeat feel, almost like we had 18 created a jingle like in the bbc radio 1 newsbeat example we had looked at previously. I L 4.What do you like the most about the trail? Explain. The answers for this question are satisfactory, I think these were the aspects of the radio trailer that we made sure were effective and did the relevant job. A lot of people from the group of 18 said that the bell ringing at the beginning was very effective and they liked it which is what we intended to do, we chose to put that sound at the beginning because it would grab their attention for the rest of the radio trailer.
  • 28. 3. What have you learned from your audience feedback? R A D I O 5.Do you find the extracts gave you enough information about the show? The results for this question are also very positive, all of the 18 people said that the extracts chosen, the answer to this question was already slightly evident as No T R A some people said their favourite aspect of the trail was the extracts in question 4. This result shows that the clips from the documentary we chose were the Yes right ones, they informed the reader and gave them a good idea of what the programme consisted of. I 0 5 10 15 20 L 6.Is there anything that you dislike about the trail? Please explain -too many vox pops -music too loud -voiceover talking fast -David Cameron extract In terms of things to improve, this is a good result because there isn't a long list of things people wanted to us to change, and the improvements are only minor and can be achieved easily within a short space of time. We would definitely be able to consider these improvements if we did this project again because it would contribute to making the radio trailer completely successful.
  • 29. 3. What have you learned from your audience feedback? M A G A Z Out of the 18 people in the sample 1.Does this magazine feature the normal audience, everyone thought that the magazine conventions of a television magazine? featured the usual conventions of a television listings magazine. This is very positive feedback as we looked closely at which magazines advertised which 100% I N E programmes and how they did so. We also wanted to achieve the relevant house style, so we wanted to 50% 18 conventions to match those of ‘what's on tv’ specifically, and they did. We werent shocked by this 0% 0 feedback because we were confident that the double page spread consisted of good aspects and looked A R T Yes No very realistic and professional. I Everyone but 1 person agreed that the double page 2.Does the double page look appealing? C L E spread looked appealing, we tried to use colours and appropriate images in order to create a realistic, eye catching and attractive double page. Although we are aware that the layout isn't to everyone's taste we took a risk to make a double page spread for ‘what's Yes on tv’ to ensure we appealed to the younger audience as well as the adult audience. I think we achieved the No balance correctly and the results for this question are positive and a good indication to what the rest of the public would think.
  • 30. 3. What have you learned from your audience feedback? M A G A Z 3.Does the double page spread convey enough When asked whether they thought there was information? enough information displayed on the double page spread, everyone within the sample audience said they thought there was. This is promising as we carefully wrote the article so that it gave people an I N E insight into what the programme was about and told Yes the audience what they could expect. It is pleasing to No know that the sample audience were pleased with the amount of information we gave, proving we 18 didn't give too much away but we didn't hold too A R T much back that it put them off watching it. The details on the page was enough for them to know about the programme and allowed them to watch it easily. I 4. What do you like most about the double page spread? C L E -informative -ripped paper -colourful -photos -layout This feedback shows that there were a variety of good aspects to our double page spread, the colour was a highly mentioned aspect and i agree with this feedback. We felt that the colours we used were relevant to the house style of the magazine itself and complimented our topic and what the article was trying to convey. The colours helped to give the documentary a more young feeling instead of it being boring black and white which the audience would expect it to be. I am pleased with the results for this question as i think it is a good indication for what the rest of the public would think about it.
  • 31. 3. What have you learned from your audience feedback? M A G A Z 5.Is there anything you dislike about the double page spread? I N E In terms of how many criticisms there are I am pleased because there are only 2 suggestions for improvement which is a good result for us. In regards to the use of colour I understand a more high brow layout would have been expected because of the topic we chose, but we wanted the magazine article to appeal to the younger audience we might not have appealed to in the radio trailer and we achieved this by using the colour scheme we A R T did. Only one person gave this criticism and also elaborated that they thought an article in the radio times would have been appropriate, although we would definitely take this on board we did look into the radio times before producing the double page spread and make a conscious choice to use ‘what's on tv’ magazine. I C L E 6.Is there any suggestions you would make in order to improve the double page spread? -change the colour scheme used -masthead (colour) -change the main image The improvements the sample audience suggested are valid and we would take them into consideration if doing the task again, the colour scheme used we felt was very effective and essential to whether the magazine double page spread was successful or not. The colour scheme can very much come down to a matter of opinion and when asked about whether they thought it was appealing 17 out of the 18 people said yes so the colour scheme is probably one thing we would keep the same. Looking back now at the masthead, it was an unusual choice but i think the whole point of ‘what's on tv’ is they use very extravagant layout styles and the yellow did tie in with this, either way most of the suggestions for improvements would be considered if we were to repeat the task.
  • 32. 4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? D O C U M E N T A R Y In the research and planning stages we researched into everything we would need to know about documentaries, we looked at the type of documentaries there were already broadcasted, we looked at the channel they tended to be on, how long they were, what they consisted of and the typical conventions of them. This gave us a clear framework to work with and gave us an idea of where to start with the production of the documentary. In order to research the channel documentaries were on we watched a documentary and used an analysis table to record what we found. We watched several programmes in order to gain the information we needed; “dispatches: lessons in hate and violence” and “educating Essex”. Lessons in hate and violence was useful to watch because it showed a different style of documentary, broadcasted on channel 4 it was the undercover type that investigated the behaviour inside Birmingham's mosque schools. Educating Essex addressed 2 areas we needed to research, it was on channel 4 but was also about education so by watching this we could get a feel for how education has already been documented and then decide on the appropriate channel.
  • 33. 4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? We watched existing documentaries on the internet on ‘catch up’ websites so that we could get ideas for how to D O C U M E N T A R Y produce our documentary. This meant we were watching documentaries that has already been broadcasted so we had to be careful not to copy any idea we had to make our own documentary using the conventions we had seen doing this research. Although we looked at documentaries on all channels the most useful website for this was channel 4 documentaries on youtube, this had endless lists of documentaries dating back to 2010 so we had a lot of choice of which documentaries to research in detail. In terms of researching the topic we chose, education was an easy accessible topic to research. We found facts and figures on Wikipedia after typing relevant searches into Google. This gave us information we could put into our own words and use in the voiceover throughout the documentary. We also used the NUT website and NASUWT website to acquire the facts about academies which is how we came across the footage for David Cameron's interview, this meant we had the honest opinions and facts about academies and could be sure that we were inputting truthful information into our documentary.
  • 34. 4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? D O C U M E N T A R Y We used storyboards to document and plan what we were going to do so that we didn't have to make it up as we went along. This meant time was saved by planning what we would put in each shot, how long they would last and the editing techniques we would use. When constructing the documentary we could just refer back to the story -boards to remind ourselves of what we were doing next, this was useful considering we had to do some, then come back to it at a later date. After drawing up the storyboards we used a scanner to upload them onto a PC and then transferred them onto our blog, this was a quick and a very easy way to display our work.
  • 35. 4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? D O C U M E N T A R Y In the construction stages of our documentary we used a variety of media technologies to produce an efficient piece of work. We felt is was necessary to use a variety to demonstrate the variety of skills we had learnt. We used a Canon HG20 HD Video Camera to film all of the footage for out documentary, therefore it was important that the camera was of a good quality and would be able to produce footage of a good quality. The camera was essential hardware to our documentary, we used different tools on the camera to improve the diversity of shots we recorded, we used the zoom tool to change the size of a particular focus in the shot, for example in some of the establishing shots we zoomed into the building to emphasise the rest of the filming was going to be inside that building. We also changed the focus of certain shots using the functions on the camera in order to use for a background of text in the documentary. As well as the camera we needed other equipment to work alongside this, we used the microphone, earphones and tripod. The tripod was used to ensure we had steady shots and enabled us to do so at any height we wished. This meant if we needed to do a high angle shot we could do so without someone having to hold the camera for a long time which would make the shot unsteady and look unprofessional.
  • 36. 4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? D O C U M E N T A R Y When we had finished doing all of the filming we needed, we took our focus to the Apple Mac’s which would now be the main hardware for our work. We copied the footage onto the computer in order to edit it by connecting the camera to the Mac via a lead. When the footage was on the computers we opened up ‘Final Cut Express’ which is a well known editing software specialising in video making and editing. We had to ‘log and transfer’ the clips we had filmed into the programme in order for them to register in the software programme itself. We then selected the clips we wanted to use in the order we wanted to use them and dragged them onto the timeline to edit. This is the box where the clips were transferred to, we could organise and select the clips from here and drag them down to the timeline to edit. This made it easier for us to see what we had already used and what we still had to include in the documentary. We renamed our footage so that we could group similar footage together for example all of the vox pops were together, the establishing shots were all grouped together to make a more efficient work space.
  • 37. 4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? When editing the clip of students walking in and out of the college refectory D O C U M E N T A R Y we weren't happy with the speed of the clip. We decided to speed the clip up to make it a little more interesting and also blur the clip so that the audience could concentrate on the voiceover over the clip. We did this by selecting on the clip we wanted to speed up, we then MODIFY>SPEED and changed the speed of the clip to 200. All this did was speed the clip up in order to add pace to the documentary and make the shots less similar. We also constructed a montage in Final Cut Express, we went out with the camera and took lots of stills to do with education, books of topics, library, college kids working, computer room and classrooms. Once we got the photos we copied them onto the Mac (similar to how we copied the footage) and put them together to make a montage. Although this was a lengthy process we thought it paid off well, we put in image by image on a different layer, so each photo entered the screen one by one. This is how we inserted the tracks to put each photo in, we went to SEQUENCE>INSERT TRACKS and then put the image onto that track
  • 38. 4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? We used the razor tool a lot on D O C U M E N T A R Y Final Cut Express in order to cut clips where we wanted them to finish, so we could work around how to transition one clip to another smoothly. Noise cut out at start to make the transition more free-flowing We used the preset transitions in Final Cut to edit the transition from shot to shot, whilst the title shot was showing we had a dip to colour from the establishing shot to the title page paired with a dissolve and the same again when the title shot exited. The cross dissolve was used to make the transition from the title shot to the beginning of the documentary more smooth and welcoming as opposed to a straight cut. The change from still to footage didn't seem so sudden and dramatic.
  • 39. 4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? D O C U M E N T A R Y After putting all the footage together and finishing up the transitions and order of clips, we had to adjust the sound levels to make the documentary sound consistent throughout. We didn't need to adjust the sound levels too much just a little where a noise had occurred in the background of someone has accidently touched the microphone whilst recording. After getting the sound levels right we had to find some suitable music to insert onto the documentary to act as the background music. We used garage band to find the track we wanted to use, then we exported the track we had chosen as an mp3 into Final Cut and repeated it throughout the documentary. We had the music at different sound levels as in the introduction where the title shot was, the music was loud and where the voiceover and interviews were playing the music went a lot quieter. It is clear from the image above where the music was loud or not because of the sound level line (pink line) varying in height.
  • 40. 4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? R A D I O We began the radio trail in Final Cut because we used clips from the documentary in our trail, we thought it would be easier to create another sequence on final cut and then when we had the clips in order and cut appropriately we could export the sequence into garage band. When we exported the sequence of extracts into garage band we placed them on their own track in order to pair it with music using the garage band features. The ‘trail extracts’ shown in that image refer to the clips T R A from the documentary and voiceover recordings. I L We chose music from the preset tracks on garage band, we looked into all of the genre’s of music on there in order to find an appropriate track for our radio trail. Majority of which being unsuitable this did take quite a lot of time, we looked through and finally decided we were going to construct our own track using a number of different beats. In the end we used tracks from the Synths genre and also used a Foley sound of the school bell ringing and the beat to go under the Synths tracks.
  • 41. 4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? R A D I O The time bar told us how many seconds our whole radio trailer, it also allowed us to click anywhere along the timeline and it would tell us how many seconds along that point was. This was useful because that way we could easily add T R A something in or remove a few seconds because we could measure the time by the time bar. We also used this bar to control the radio trail, we used this to stop the trail and fast forward it on. We didn't really use the fast forward I button because the trail was only 40 seconds long but we did find L this tool helpful. For example when we were listening through to ensure the sound levels were right, we could stop it easily at any point in order to fix the sound levels and proceed. This bar made it easier to do so as it was always at the bottom of the screen. This was essential when checking the sound levels because we needed to check on the sound meter whether the sound levels were jumping up in between the clips. This tool made it easier for us to measure our sound levels as the bar fills up as the louder the sound levels.
  • 42. 4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? M A G A Z We constructed the double page spread using several programmes, we used in design mainly to put the double page spread together but we also used Microsoft word and Photoshop in the process. I N E A R T I C L E The photos we used in our double page spread were taken with the same camera we filmed the documentary with, CANON HG20 HD Video Camera, we took several photos and chose the most appropriate for the double page spread. On the right hand side of the double page spread we re-used images from the documentary because they were only small. The main image we took as an original because we knew it was going to take up the majority of the page and would need to be of good quality.
  • 43. 4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? M A G A Z The main image we chose, we actually edited it in Photoshop before putting it in in design because we wanted the image to look good. We adjusted the contrast and brightness to make the photo look more appealing to our audience. The original picture we took was quite dark so by adjusting the brightness we made it a little brighter and the contrast helped to even out the detail and colour in the picture. I N E A R T The masthead was also constructed on Photoshop, we inserted the masthead by using the ‘text/type tool’ to I type out ‘IS IT GOOD ENOUGH?’ we then selected the word ‘good’ and adjusted the opacity of it, after making the outline yellow like the rest of the text the masthead had an unusual C L E look to it. It emphasised exactly what we were investigating in the documentary.
  • 44. 4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? M A G A Z After importing the main image and the masthead into in design we then made a start on designing the space for the text to fill. We came up with the idea to write the copy onto a black piece of paper with the effect it had been ripped out of a book. To do this we took a photograph of a piece of paper, scanned it onto the computer and changed the levels on it to make it completely white. This left it clear for us to put our article onto it whilst reinforcing the idea of schooling and education. I N E A R T We used the ripped paper effect on the 3 smaller images at I the top of the page too, just to maintain the topic of education and schooling. Although we repeated the C L E technique I think it came across effective and relevant.
  • 45. 4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? M A G A Z After doing research into other magazines we noted that a lot of magazines used a drop shadow to emphasise what was on the page, the drop shadow almost gives the page a more layered look. For example main cover lines with a drop shadow are much more effective than a cover line without. I N E We wrote the article in word and copied the text into in design using A R T the column format. We did this because it was easier to see the layout of text, the only problem we could've faced here was whether the text fit the space we had provided for the text to go in. I C L E For the evaluation questions 1-4 To convert word documents and likewise to go onto the blog. For the graphs used to collate To convert word documents and questionnaire results. likewise to go onto the blog.