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• Pharmacology is the science of the action and use of
• A drug is a substance applied to a living system with
  the intent of bringing about a change;
   – this broad definition allows it to include such everyday
     substances as coffee and sugar.
• It is underpinned by the basic science of pharmacology,
  with added focus on the application of
  pharmacological principles and methods in the real
• It has a broad scope, from the discovery of new target
  molecules, to the effects of drug usage in whole
Pharmacology – a bit of history
• Like anatomy and physiology, we tend to
  regard all the knowledge we have now of
  pharmacology as ‘standard’; like it has always
  been there
• The process of discovery has been a learning
• The discovery of some neurotransmitters has
  its origins in toxins and poisons that are found
  in nature.
• It begins in France in the 19th century
Pharmacology history
  Neurotransmitters– the function of poisons
• Claude Bernard (1813 – 1878) carried out
  investigations on curare, a deadly plant toxin
  used by the South American Indians.
   – They used it on the tips of their darts that they blow
     at animals.
• The curare quickly paralyses any animal hit by the
  dart and then the hunters can collect the beast at
  their leisure (i.e. not keep running after it until it
  is incapacitated or dead) for food later.
• Here, the key point is that curare is not absorbed
  orally, so the poisoned meat can be consumed
  without danger.
• Bernard worked with the nerves that supply the
  skeletal system. He found that curare blocked the
  ability of skeletal muscle to respond to nervous
  – Here, though, the muscles were not paralysed within
    themselves and could still be stimulated directly.
• Bernard found that both nerves and muscles
  would still respond to stimulation individually.
• This observation suggested the existence of a
  neuromuscular junction between the nerve and
  the muscle and it was at this site where curare
Neurotransmitters - a synapse
• The equivalent region in the autonomic
  nervous system where smooth muscle, or
  cardiac muscle, or glands are innervated is
  called the neuroeffector junction.
• The neuroeffector junction is unaffected by
  curare, suggesting that there was a different
  mechanism of action in the autonomic
  neurotransmission than at the neuromuscular
• Modern surgery of today also uses curare for similar
  reasons – to paralyse muscles. They drip it into veins
  for this effect
   – so the patient needs to be artificially ventilated (as the
     respiratory muscles are paralysed) but they stay alive
     because the cardiac muscle is different to skeletal muscle
   – Skeletal muscle is known as neurogenic – it must have a
     nerve supply for it to function and contract.
   – Cardiac muscle is different. It is myogenic, in that it has its
     own intrinsic rhythm and does not require a nerve supply
     for it to function
• With curare, as long as the patient can ‘breathe’ (via
  the ventilator) he will live; the heart still beats, the
  brains still functions and the gut still moves
• Muscarine – don’t eat the mushrooms
• Early in the 20th century, Sir Henry Dale (a
  Don at Oxford University) observed that eating
  some types of wild mushrooms (sought in the
  environs at picnics etc) of the type Amanita
  Muscaria produced an effect similar to that if
  all the parasympathetic nerves had been
  stimulated simultaneously.
Neurotransmitters - Muscarine
• On eating Amanita Muscaria
  – The victims’ eyes teared and their pupils constricted into
    little dots.
  – Sweat oozed from all their pores
  – Saliva drooled from their mouths
  – Faeces dribbled or even exploded uncontrollably out of
    their anuses.
  – Guts churned and moved so strongly if was often painful
    and even visible under the skin of the abdomen.
  – Blood pressure dropped ominously as the victims’ heart
    rate slowed and even sometimes, briefly, stopped.
  – Survival of this was uncertain, and the condition was called
    ‘muscarism’ after the mushroom that caused it.
Neurotransmitters - Muscarine
• Muscarine , the poison extracted from Amanita
  Muscaria, were all found to be identical to those
  elicited by the parasympathetic neurotransmitter
• However, in contrast to curare, Muscarine is
  absorbed on ingestion (hence the symptoms)
• Muscarine does not occur naturally in the body,
  so it couldn’t be the neurotransmitter itself.
• Dale found that all of the effectors that would
  respond to muscarine respond identically to
  acetylcholine (Ach), which does occur naturally.
  This suggested to Dale and others that ACh might
  be the neurotransmitter of parasympathetic
Autonomic nervous system
Scopolamine and Atropine – hot, dry and wide
• Another set of plants poisons that helped to confirm that
  ACh is the parasympathetic neurotransmitter
• Responses of effectors to muscarine, acetylcholine, and
  parasympathetic nerves are all specifically blocked by toxins
  in an extract of belladonna (atropine) and other plants
• If ACh could cause stimulation of parasympathetic
  neuroeffector junctions, it would be called an agonist.
• The chemical that would block this activity would be called
  an antagonist. With parasympathetic responses, such
  antagonists were found in toxins like hyoscine (called
  scopolamine in the USA)
Parasympathetic blocker - atropine
• Atropine is used extensively by
  ophthalmologists to dilate pupils for eye
• These compounds are toxic because they can
  block the actions of acetylcholine
  – see this as a compound binding with the receptors
    at the neuroeffector junction, but not having a
    stimulatory effect.
Parasympathetic blocker - atropine
– If atropine occupies the neurotransmitter receptor
  sites, without stimulating them, it results in less
  available sites for stimulation by acetylcholine.
– Victims become
   •  blind (as their lens’ cannot accommodate),
   • hot as Hades (they cannot sweat),
   • red as beet (the skin blood vessels dilate),
   • mad as a hatter (the drugs enter the brain and have the
     same effect as in the periphery);
   • their mouths dry up (they cannot spit)
   • their pupils open wide (hence use by ophthalmologists)
   • their hearts race.
Parasympathetic blocker - atropine
• Both hyoscine and atropine thus abolished the
  effects of parasympathetic nerve stimulation,
  but leave the effects of sympathetic
  stimulation intact.
• From this it seems to Dale that must be the
  final parasympathetic neurotransmitter and
  that the sympathetic neurotransmitter Ach
  must be something else. Dale won the Nobel
  Prize for his discoveries
Parasympathetic blocker
• He introduced new adjectives to describe these
  – the effectors to acetylcholine that mimic
    parasympathetic nerve stimulation are called
  – the receptors upon hyoscine and atropine, which
    blocks the activity of acetylcholine, are called
    muscarinic antagonists.
  – They were called this, not just in memory of the toxins
    producing their effects, but that the actions of
    acetylcholine were not all muscarinic and names had
    to be invented to distinguish between different
Autonomic nervous system
• Please note here that the junction between the
  postganglionic nerve cell and a smooth muscle,
  cardiac muscle or gland is only the final link in a
• Nerve pathways in the autonomic nervous system
  involve at least two nerves cells.
   – Between the two sets of cells is a ganglia (a collection
     of nerve cell bodies outside the brain and spinal cord).
   – Those of the parasympathetic are all very close to, or
     on, their target tissue, whereas those of the
     sympathetic are far from their target tissue
Autonomic nervous system
Autonomic nervous system
Autonomic nervous system
Nicotine – another reason not to smoke
• Their common factor is that Ach is the
  neurotransmitter secreted at both of
  autonomic ganglia
• However, at the neuroeffector junction
  – acetylcholine is secreted at parasympathetic
    neuroeffector junctions,
  – nor-adrenaline is secreted at sympathetic ones
Nicotine – another reason not to smoke
• Muscarine
  – mimics the effect of ACh at the neuroeffector
  – has no effect on the transmission at the ganglionic
    junction between the two
• The ganglia of both sympathetic and
  parasympathetic nervous systems respond to
  nicotine (as in cigarettes)
• Nicotine potently stimulates both sympathetic
  and parasympathetic ganglionic nerve cells.
John Langley
• John Langley (1852 – 1925) wrote the original description
  of the autonomic nervous system in 1921.
• In this book Langley included the sympathetic,
  parasympathetic and enteric (inherent within the gut)
  nervous systems.
• Langley used nicotine to map the ANS.
• He did this by painting nicotine on autonomic ganglia and
  watching sympathetic and parasympathetic responses.
• He elicited a different effect as per the different ganglion he
  painted and by doing so he established to which division
  each ganglion belonged.
• He found nicotine had no effect at the neuroeffector
  junction; it did nothing when applied directly to
  sympathetic of parasympathetic nerve endings.
John Langley
• He painted:
• Nicotine on ganglion cells that supplied a gland:
   – The gland they supplied secreted
• Nicotine painted directly onto the gland
   – Had no effect
• Muscarine painted on the ganglion cells
   – Nothing happened
• Muscarine painted directly onto the gland
   – The gland secreted
• So why did this happen?
Receptors – Ears for chemical words
• The answer to these observed phenomena lies in
  the receptors.
• Neurotransmitters are the chemical that are
  released at nerve endings
• Receptors are the sites on the target tissue that
  respond to the neurotransmitters; these enable
  the target tissue to respond to the
• Drugs and toxins, like muscarine and nicotine,
  have an effect on these molecular switches that
  activate cells by mimicking natural signalling
  molecules and binding to receptors.
Receptors – Ears for chemical words
• The acetylcholine receptor can bind with
  many molecules (some completely different to
  ACh) and the end result of stimulation
  depends upon which receptors are present on
  the target tissue
Receptors – Ears for chemical words
• Cholinergic receptors are those receptors to
  which ACh bind
• Nicotinic receptors are those which nicotine-
  binding type of ACh receptors (at NMJ and
  autonomic ganglia)
• Muscarinic receptors are those which bind
  muscarine-binding type receptors of ACh
• Curare blocks nicotinic receptors (i.e. is an
  antagonist to nicotine)
• Atropine blocks muscarinic receptors (NEJ)
Receptors – Ears for chemical words
Receptors – Ears for chemical words
             Neuromuscular             Autonomic                 Postganglionic
             junction                  ganglion receptors        receptors

Receptors    nicotinic                 nicotinic                 Muscarinic

Agonist      Acetylcholine; nicotine   Acetylcholine; nicotine   Acetylcholine. muscarine

Antagonist   Curare                    Curare                    Atropine
Receptors – Ears for chemical words
• Present day science has deciphered the genes
  and the messages that encode the actual
  – It has shown that the muscular and ganglionic
    nicotinic receptors are several individual molecules
    that are similar, but not identical, to one another.
  – This suggests that it is possible to design drugs to
    match these differences.
  – This selective potency has enabled the advent of a
    group of drugs called ganglion blocking agents to be
    produced and (unlike curare) can produce ganglion
    block without producing neuromuscular paralysis.
Botulinum Toxin – the wonder of home cooking
• There was one more poison used in figuring that
  acetylcholine was the transmitter at the three
  major peripheral synapses:
  – The parasympathetic neuroeffector junction
  – The nerve-nerve junction in sympathetic and
    parasympathetic ganglia
  – The musculoskeletal junction
• Like Amanita Muscaria it can frequent picnics,
  but, unlike muscarine, this poison is not an
  intrinsic constituent of food that is consumed by
  mistake. This poison is added by the chef, though
  not deliberately or by lethal intent.
Botulinum Toxin – the wonder of home cooking
• Botulinum Toxin. It is made by a bacterium, Clostridium
• It can cause an often fatal syndrome called botulism.
• Clostridium Botulinum is an obligate anaerobe
   – it cannot live in the presence of oxygen
• Oxygen in our bodies creates an environment where it is
  threat to it. However, it can make spores, which helps it
  survive conditions where growing conditions are not right.
• These spores are remarkably resistant and long-lasting and
  when they do reach a good growing environment, they
• As they grow, they secrete their toxin and produce gas.
  These spores can contaminate food
• When food is canned or put up as preserves, the spores
  had better been killed by the canning or preserving process
Botulinum Toxin
• There is no oxygen in a sealed can, any (aerobic)
  organisms that depend upon oxygen will die
• Clostridium Botulinum loves it and will flourish. If the
  preserves are not sufficiently sterilized before canning,
  it is possibility that Clostridium Botulinum will form
• If this can is opened, it will disgorge a burst of gas
  (probably unnoticed by the cook) and a dish containing
  Botulinum toxin will be served. Tinned tuna or salmon
  is an example of this and if you found any tin that
  bulges, it will possibly contain gas and is a tin that
  should not be consumed; such a bulge may be the
  mark of the presence of Clostridium Botulinum.
Botulinum Toxin
• Botulinum toxin kills because, like curare, it abolishes
  transmission at neuromuscular junctions.
   – The poisoned victim becomes gradually, but inexorably, weaker
     as nerves lose their ability to stimulate muscle contraction.
     Those muscles used most are those to go first
   – The more the victim struggles, the faster he becomes paralysed.
   – The eyelids droop, the head sags, the wrinkles disappear from
     his face along with the activity of the facial muscles that caused
   – As the muscular partition that separates the mouth and nose
     ceases to function, speech becomes more nasal.
   – Weakness of the tongue causes words to slur. The legs lose their
     ability to support the body and the arms can no longer reach
     out for help.
   – Then breathing stops; this is why botulism kills
   – Salvation lies solely in an artificial respirator, but as botulism is
     not as reversible as curare, it will be needed be many months.
Botulinum Toxin
• Botulinum toxin is the most lethal of poisons;
   – weight for weight, nothing is as deadly.
   – Cyanide is trivial in comparison.
• Its mechanism of action is different from curare
• Recall:
   – Curare blocks that action of acetylcholine at nicotinic
• Botulinum does not.
• However, everything works as well as ever: the
  nerves will conduct, the receptors are active, and
  all the target organs (muscle, blood vessels,
  glands) work well
Botulinum Toxin
• Botulinum toxin gets into the nerve endings and
  digests critical proteins that enable the little
  packets of neurotransmitter to fuse with the cell
  membrane to release the acetylcholine
• The Botulinum poisoned nerve is unable to
  secrete its neurotransmitter
  – The nerve impulse passes down the nerve, reaches
    the terminal, which stands mute, unable to respond
  – All the junctions that use acetylcholine as a
    transmitter thus cease to function.
Botulinum Toxin
• Unlike curare only blocks those junctions that
  have nicotinic receptors
• Botulinum toxin inactivates every nerve that
  uses acetylcholine as a neurotransmitter
  – skeletal muscles fail
  – the pupils no longer contract
  – sweat cease to form
  – saliva stops flowing.
• Botulinum toxin thus provided the ultimate
  proof that acetylcholine is a transmitter.
Botulinum Toxin – therapeutically?
• Botulinum toxin has proved useful though, if only in
  the cosmetic industry.
• Facial wrinkles are caused by repetitive contractions of
  the facial muscles and those wrinkles can be banished
  by paralysing the facial muscles. All hail the advent of
• Therapeutically, it has been used in cases of
  belepharospasm – the spontaneous and uncontrollable
  contraction of the eyelids.
• It has also been used in cases of cardiac sphincter
  spasm (at the entrance to the stomach). In all these
  cases the effects will eventually wear off, but it can be
  administered again and again.
The sympathetic transmitter –
         acetylcholine’s elusive partner
• The sympathetic nervous system has been more resistant
  than the parasympathetic to scientific analysis.
   – The neurotransmitter at the sympathetic neuroeffector junction
     was not acetylcholine.
• In 1904, T R Elliot, in England, has shown that an extract of
  the adrenal gland – adrenaline- had effects that closely
  resembled those of stimulating sympathetic nerves.
• From this it was thought that adrenaline was the
• This was incorrect as years later it was found to be its
  biosynthetic precursor, noradrenalin (or nor-epinephrine,
  as they say in America)
The sympathetic transmitter
• Nor-adrenalin was finally discovered by a
  Swedish scientist, Ulf S von Euler, after World
  War II, who worked as a post-doctoral student
  for a while in Dale’s laboratory.
• The receptors that respond to adrenaline and
  noradrenaline are called adrenoceptors and
  respond differently to the two chemicals.
• The structures of the two are very similar and
  it was found to be difficult to establish
  differences between their actions.
The sympathetic transmitter
• The neurotransmitter at synapses at the
  neuroeffector junction of sympathetic nerves is
• This is concentrated in vesicles in granules
  collected in little varicosities along the length of
  the nerve
• Similar granules are found in large numbers in the
  cells of the adrenal medulla, but here the
  transmitter is mainly adrenaline.
• Noradrenaline and adrenaline are made from an
  amino acid substrate, tyrosine:
Adrenaline synthesis
Adrenaline synthesis
• Here you can see from the diagram, from
  – Tyrosine – DOPA – Dopamine – Noradrenaline –
• Of these, the last three are all themselves
  neurotransmitters, though for different nerves
Sympathetic nerve ending
The sympathetic transmitter
• The effects of noradrenaline and adrenaline
  are very similar in action
  – however their respective actions are dependent
    upon the receptors on which they act.
• In the adrenal system there are
  – α and β receptors
  – these are subdivided into α1 and α2, and β1and
• Confusing? Yes.
Organ                  Receptor type   Response

Heart                  β1              Increase in heart rate,
                                       contractility, and excitability
Coronary arteries      α1              Vasoconstriction

                       β2              Vasodilatation
Skeletal muscles       α1              Vasoconstriction

Skeletal arterioles    β2              Vasodilatation
Bronchi                β2              Bronchodilation

Iris                   α1              Contraction (pupil dilates)

Smooth muscle of gut   α,β2            Relaxation

Sweat glands           α1              Localised secretion

Salivary glands        α1              Secretion (watery)

Bladder muscle         β               Relaxation

Bladder sphincter      α1              Constriction

Metabolic effects      β1              Lipolysis

                       β2              glycogenolysis
Organ                       Sympathetic Stimulation          Parasympathetic Stimulation
                         ↑ Rate (β1 & β2)                   ↓ Rate
Heart                    ↑ Contractile force (β1 & β2)      ↓ Contractile force
                         ↑ Conduction velocity              ↓ Conduction velocity
                         Constriction (α1)
Artery                                                      Dilation
                         Dilation (β2)
                         Constriction (α1)
                         Dilation (β2)
                         Bronchial muscle:                  Bronchial muscle contraction
                         Relaxation (β2)                    ↑ Bronchial gland secretion
                         ↓ Motility (β2)                    ↑ Motility
Gastrointestinal tract
                         Sphincter: Contraction (α)         Sphincter: Relaxation
                         Glycogenolysis (β2 & α)
Liver                    Gluconeogenesis (β2 & α)           Glycogen synthesis
                         Lipolysis (β2 & α)
Kidney                   Renin secretion (β2)
                         Detrusor: Relaxation (β2)          Detrusor: Contraction
                         Sphincter: Contraction (α)         Sphincter: Relaxation

                         Contraction: Pregnant uterus (α)
                         Relaxation: Pregnant &
                         non-pregnant uterus (β2)
                                                            Pupil: Constrict
Eye                      Pupil: Dilate (α)
                                                            ↑ Lacrimal gland secretions
Salivary glands
Submandibular            Viscous secretions (α)             Watery secretions
• Term antibiotic coined in 1942 by Selman
  Waksman to describe any substance produced
  by a microorganism that is antagonist to the
  growth of other microorganisms at high
• This definition excludes synthetic drugs – but
  the didn’t know how then
• Now some are semi-synthetic, in that the
  original compound was identified and it can
  be ‘modified’
•   1880’s – Paul Ehrlich noted that dyes would bind
    to, and colour, cells
•   He postulated that it might be possible to make
    dyes/chemical that could target cells (e.g.
    Bacteria) and kill them; but not harm the host
•   He screened 100’s of dyes against organisms;
    through this (with Sahachiro Hata) discovered
    Arsphenamine (Salvarsan)in 1908 (also called 606
•   Found to be effective against syphilis (Hg prior to
    this) but had nasty side-effects as As based
• Blue mould on bread had been used since
  middle ages to treat suppurating wounds; was
  claims to this, but first published in 1875 by
  Royal Society
• In 1928, Alexander Fleming was growing
  staphylococcal bacteria in petri dishes and left
  one uncovered.
• In it he found areas where the bacteria
  wouldn’t grow; suggested a contaminant
• Noted the fungus (Penicillium Notatum) was
  effective against Gram positive bacteria
• He found that the mould was producing a
  compound that inhibited the spread of
  bacteria; called it penicillin.
• Found it to be very potent with minimal
• But he believed, for a while, that penicillin
  couldn’t last long enough inside the body to
  kill pathological bacteria – stopped studying it
  until 1931
• Began again in 1934
• The chemical structure of penicillin was
  established in the 1940’s
• Mass production was established and 2.3
  million doses were prepared ready for the
  Normandy invasion of 1944
• Following the discovery of its structure, it has
  been developed:
  – Ampicillin – effective against a broad range of
  – Beta-lactams –flucloxicillin, dicloxicillin, meticillin
  – Many more
• Mechanics of antibiotics:
1. Inhibition of peptidoglycan cross-links in the
   cell wall
2. Inhibits DNA synthesis
3. Inhibits protein synthesis
• A ‘Cancer’ is descriptive of a group of cells
  that display ‘malignant behaviour’:
  – Invasion
  – Metastases
Cancer treatment
• Essentially three types of treatment:
  – Surgery
  – Chemotherapy
  – Radiotherapy
• Chemotherapy is cytotoxic; effectively a
  poison and can cause ‘apoptosis’
• All cells undergo mitosis
• Chemotherapy targets rapidly dividing cells
  – Because of this, it will target all rapidly dividing
     • Hair
     • Intestinal cells
     • Bone marrow
• Even with tumour growth, the cells ‘adhere’ to
  cell function and the regulation of cell growth
• It effective against ‘younger’ tumour cells
• With older cells, at the centre of the tumour,
  there are less rapidly dividing cells
• Chemo less active against these cells
• Also, with solid tumours, the chemo may not
  reach the centre of the tumour, therefore:
  – Radiotherapy, surgery

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2 Pharmacology Pharmacodynamics

  • 2. Pharmacology • Pharmacology is the science of the action and use of drugs. • A drug is a substance applied to a living system with the intent of bringing about a change; – this broad definition allows it to include such everyday substances as coffee and sugar. • It is underpinned by the basic science of pharmacology, with added focus on the application of pharmacological principles and methods in the real world. • It has a broad scope, from the discovery of new target molecules, to the effects of drug usage in whole populations
  • 3. Pharmacology – a bit of history • Like anatomy and physiology, we tend to regard all the knowledge we have now of pharmacology as ‘standard’; like it has always been there • The process of discovery has been a learning curve • The discovery of some neurotransmitters has its origins in toxins and poisons that are found in nature. • It begins in France in the 19th century
  • 4. Pharmacology history Neurotransmitters– the function of poisons • Claude Bernard (1813 – 1878) carried out investigations on curare, a deadly plant toxin used by the South American Indians. – They used it on the tips of their darts that they blow at animals. • The curare quickly paralyses any animal hit by the dart and then the hunters can collect the beast at their leisure (i.e. not keep running after it until it is incapacitated or dead) for food later. • Here, the key point is that curare is not absorbed orally, so the poisoned meat can be consumed without danger.
  • 5. Neurotransmitters • Bernard worked with the nerves that supply the skeletal system. He found that curare blocked the ability of skeletal muscle to respond to nervous stimulation. – Here, though, the muscles were not paralysed within themselves and could still be stimulated directly. • Bernard found that both nerves and muscles would still respond to stimulation individually. • This observation suggested the existence of a neuromuscular junction between the nerve and the muscle and it was at this site where curare acted.
  • 7. Neurotransmitters • The equivalent region in the autonomic nervous system where smooth muscle, or cardiac muscle, or glands are innervated is called the neuroeffector junction. • The neuroeffector junction is unaffected by curare, suggesting that there was a different mechanism of action in the autonomic neurotransmission than at the neuromuscular junction
  • 9. Neurotransmitters • Modern surgery of today also uses curare for similar reasons – to paralyse muscles. They drip it into veins for this effect – so the patient needs to be artificially ventilated (as the respiratory muscles are paralysed) but they stay alive because the cardiac muscle is different to skeletal muscle – Skeletal muscle is known as neurogenic – it must have a nerve supply for it to function and contract. – Cardiac muscle is different. It is myogenic, in that it has its own intrinsic rhythm and does not require a nerve supply for it to function • With curare, as long as the patient can ‘breathe’ (via the ventilator) he will live; the heart still beats, the brains still functions and the gut still moves
  • 10. Neurotransmitters • Muscarine – don’t eat the mushrooms • Early in the 20th century, Sir Henry Dale (a Don at Oxford University) observed that eating some types of wild mushrooms (sought in the environs at picnics etc) of the type Amanita Muscaria produced an effect similar to that if all the parasympathetic nerves had been stimulated simultaneously.
  • 11. Neurotransmitters - Muscarine • On eating Amanita Muscaria – The victims’ eyes teared and their pupils constricted into little dots. – Sweat oozed from all their pores – Saliva drooled from their mouths – Faeces dribbled or even exploded uncontrollably out of their anuses. – Guts churned and moved so strongly if was often painful and even visible under the skin of the abdomen. – Blood pressure dropped ominously as the victims’ heart rate slowed and even sometimes, briefly, stopped. – Survival of this was uncertain, and the condition was called ‘muscarism’ after the mushroom that caused it.
  • 12. Neurotransmitters - Muscarine • Muscarine , the poison extracted from Amanita Muscaria, were all found to be identical to those elicited by the parasympathetic neurotransmitter • However, in contrast to curare, Muscarine is absorbed on ingestion (hence the symptoms) • Muscarine does not occur naturally in the body, so it couldn’t be the neurotransmitter itself. • Dale found that all of the effectors that would respond to muscarine respond identically to acetylcholine (Ach), which does occur naturally. This suggested to Dale and others that ACh might be the neurotransmitter of parasympathetic nerves
  • 14. Scopolamine and Atropine – hot, dry and wide eyed • Another set of plants poisons that helped to confirm that ACh is the parasympathetic neurotransmitter • Responses of effectors to muscarine, acetylcholine, and parasympathetic nerves are all specifically blocked by toxins in an extract of belladonna (atropine) and other plants • If ACh could cause stimulation of parasympathetic neuroeffector junctions, it would be called an agonist. • The chemical that would block this activity would be called an antagonist. With parasympathetic responses, such antagonists were found in toxins like hyoscine (called scopolamine in the USA)
  • 15. Parasympathetic blocker - atropine • Atropine is used extensively by ophthalmologists to dilate pupils for eye exams • These compounds are toxic because they can block the actions of acetylcholine – see this as a compound binding with the receptors at the neuroeffector junction, but not having a stimulatory effect.
  • 16. Parasympathetic blocker - atropine – If atropine occupies the neurotransmitter receptor sites, without stimulating them, it results in less available sites for stimulation by acetylcholine. – Victims become • blind (as their lens’ cannot accommodate), • hot as Hades (they cannot sweat), • red as beet (the skin blood vessels dilate), • mad as a hatter (the drugs enter the brain and have the same effect as in the periphery); • their mouths dry up (they cannot spit) • their pupils open wide (hence use by ophthalmologists) • their hearts race.
  • 17. Parasympathetic blocker - atropine • Both hyoscine and atropine thus abolished the effects of parasympathetic nerve stimulation, but leave the effects of sympathetic stimulation intact. • From this it seems to Dale that must be the final parasympathetic neurotransmitter and that the sympathetic neurotransmitter Ach must be something else. Dale won the Nobel Prize for his discoveries
  • 18. Parasympathetic blocker • He introduced new adjectives to describe these receptors – the effectors to acetylcholine that mimic parasympathetic nerve stimulation are called muscarinic – the receptors upon hyoscine and atropine, which blocks the activity of acetylcholine, are called muscarinic antagonists. – They were called this, not just in memory of the toxins producing their effects, but that the actions of acetylcholine were not all muscarinic and names had to be invented to distinguish between different effects.
  • 19. Autonomic nervous system • Please note here that the junction between the postganglionic nerve cell and a smooth muscle, cardiac muscle or gland is only the final link in a chain. • Nerve pathways in the autonomic nervous system involve at least two nerves cells. – Between the two sets of cells is a ganglia (a collection of nerve cell bodies outside the brain and spinal cord). – Those of the parasympathetic are all very close to, or on, their target tissue, whereas those of the sympathetic are far from their target tissue
  • 23. Nicotine – another reason not to smoke • Their common factor is that Ach is the neurotransmitter secreted at both of autonomic ganglia • However, at the neuroeffector junction – acetylcholine is secreted at parasympathetic neuroeffector junctions, – nor-adrenaline is secreted at sympathetic ones
  • 24. Nicotine – another reason not to smoke • Muscarine – mimics the effect of ACh at the neuroeffector junction – has no effect on the transmission at the ganglionic junction between the two • The ganglia of both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems respond to nicotine (as in cigarettes) • Nicotine potently stimulates both sympathetic and parasympathetic ganglionic nerve cells.
  • 25. John Langley • John Langley (1852 – 1925) wrote the original description of the autonomic nervous system in 1921. • In this book Langley included the sympathetic, parasympathetic and enteric (inherent within the gut) nervous systems. • Langley used nicotine to map the ANS. • He did this by painting nicotine on autonomic ganglia and watching sympathetic and parasympathetic responses. • He elicited a different effect as per the different ganglion he painted and by doing so he established to which division each ganglion belonged. • He found nicotine had no effect at the neuroeffector junction; it did nothing when applied directly to sympathetic of parasympathetic nerve endings.
  • 26. John Langley • He painted: • Nicotine on ganglion cells that supplied a gland: – The gland they supplied secreted • Nicotine painted directly onto the gland – Had no effect • Muscarine painted on the ganglion cells – Nothing happened • Muscarine painted directly onto the gland – The gland secreted • So why did this happen?
  • 27. Receptors – Ears for chemical words • The answer to these observed phenomena lies in the receptors. • Neurotransmitters are the chemical that are released at nerve endings • Receptors are the sites on the target tissue that respond to the neurotransmitters; these enable the target tissue to respond to the neurotransmitter • Drugs and toxins, like muscarine and nicotine, have an effect on these molecular switches that activate cells by mimicking natural signalling molecules and binding to receptors.
  • 28. Receptors – Ears for chemical words • The acetylcholine receptor can bind with many molecules (some completely different to ACh) and the end result of stimulation depends upon which receptors are present on the target tissue
  • 29. Receptors – Ears for chemical words • Cholinergic receptors are those receptors to which ACh bind • Nicotinic receptors are those which nicotine- binding type of ACh receptors (at NMJ and autonomic ganglia) • Muscarinic receptors are those which bind muscarine-binding type receptors of ACh receptors • Curare blocks nicotinic receptors (i.e. is an antagonist to nicotine) • Atropine blocks muscarinic receptors (NEJ)
  • 30. Receptors – Ears for chemical words
  • 31. Receptors – Ears for chemical words Neuromuscular Autonomic Postganglionic junction ganglion receptors receptors Receptors nicotinic nicotinic Muscarinic Agonist Acetylcholine; nicotine Acetylcholine; nicotine Acetylcholine. muscarine Antagonist Curare Curare Atropine
  • 32. Receptors – Ears for chemical words • Present day science has deciphered the genes and the messages that encode the actual receptors – It has shown that the muscular and ganglionic nicotinic receptors are several individual molecules that are similar, but not identical, to one another. – This suggests that it is possible to design drugs to match these differences. – This selective potency has enabled the advent of a group of drugs called ganglion blocking agents to be produced and (unlike curare) can produce ganglion block without producing neuromuscular paralysis.
  • 33. Botulinum Toxin – the wonder of home cooking • There was one more poison used in figuring that acetylcholine was the transmitter at the three major peripheral synapses: – The parasympathetic neuroeffector junction – The nerve-nerve junction in sympathetic and parasympathetic ganglia – The musculoskeletal junction • Like Amanita Muscaria it can frequent picnics, but, unlike muscarine, this poison is not an intrinsic constituent of food that is consumed by mistake. This poison is added by the chef, though not deliberately or by lethal intent.
  • 34. Botulinum Toxin – the wonder of home cooking • Botulinum Toxin. It is made by a bacterium, Clostridium Botulinum • It can cause an often fatal syndrome called botulism. • Clostridium Botulinum is an obligate anaerobe – it cannot live in the presence of oxygen • Oxygen in our bodies creates an environment where it is threat to it. However, it can make spores, which helps it survive conditions where growing conditions are not right. • These spores are remarkably resistant and long-lasting and when they do reach a good growing environment, they germinate. • As they grow, they secrete their toxin and produce gas. These spores can contaminate food • When food is canned or put up as preserves, the spores had better been killed by the canning or preserving process
  • 35. Botulinum Toxin • There is no oxygen in a sealed can, any (aerobic) organisms that depend upon oxygen will die • Clostridium Botulinum loves it and will flourish. If the preserves are not sufficiently sterilized before canning, it is possibility that Clostridium Botulinum will form spores. • If this can is opened, it will disgorge a burst of gas (probably unnoticed by the cook) and a dish containing Botulinum toxin will be served. Tinned tuna or salmon is an example of this and if you found any tin that bulges, it will possibly contain gas and is a tin that should not be consumed; such a bulge may be the mark of the presence of Clostridium Botulinum.
  • 36. Botulinum Toxin • Botulinum toxin kills because, like curare, it abolishes transmission at neuromuscular junctions. – The poisoned victim becomes gradually, but inexorably, weaker as nerves lose their ability to stimulate muscle contraction. Those muscles used most are those to go first – The more the victim struggles, the faster he becomes paralysed. – The eyelids droop, the head sags, the wrinkles disappear from his face along with the activity of the facial muscles that caused them. – As the muscular partition that separates the mouth and nose ceases to function, speech becomes more nasal. – Weakness of the tongue causes words to slur. The legs lose their ability to support the body and the arms can no longer reach out for help. – Then breathing stops; this is why botulism kills – Salvation lies solely in an artificial respirator, but as botulism is not as reversible as curare, it will be needed be many months.
  • 37. Botulinum Toxin • Botulinum toxin is the most lethal of poisons; – weight for weight, nothing is as deadly. – Cyanide is trivial in comparison. • Its mechanism of action is different from curare • Recall: – Curare blocks that action of acetylcholine at nicotinic receptors. • Botulinum does not. • However, everything works as well as ever: the nerves will conduct, the receptors are active, and all the target organs (muscle, blood vessels, glands) work well
  • 38. Botulinum Toxin • Botulinum toxin gets into the nerve endings and digests critical proteins that enable the little packets of neurotransmitter to fuse with the cell membrane to release the acetylcholine transmitter. • The Botulinum poisoned nerve is unable to secrete its neurotransmitter – The nerve impulse passes down the nerve, reaches the terminal, which stands mute, unable to respond – All the junctions that use acetylcholine as a transmitter thus cease to function.
  • 39. Botulinum Toxin • Unlike curare only blocks those junctions that have nicotinic receptors • Botulinum toxin inactivates every nerve that uses acetylcholine as a neurotransmitter – skeletal muscles fail – the pupils no longer contract – sweat cease to form – saliva stops flowing. • Botulinum toxin thus provided the ultimate proof that acetylcholine is a transmitter.
  • 40. Botulinum Toxin – therapeutically? • Botulinum toxin has proved useful though, if only in the cosmetic industry. • Facial wrinkles are caused by repetitive contractions of the facial muscles and those wrinkles can be banished by paralysing the facial muscles. All hail the advent of ‘Botox’! • Therapeutically, it has been used in cases of belepharospasm – the spontaneous and uncontrollable contraction of the eyelids. • It has also been used in cases of cardiac sphincter spasm (at the entrance to the stomach). In all these cases the effects will eventually wear off, but it can be administered again and again.
  • 41. The sympathetic transmitter – acetylcholine’s elusive partner • The sympathetic nervous system has been more resistant than the parasympathetic to scientific analysis. – The neurotransmitter at the sympathetic neuroeffector junction was not acetylcholine. • In 1904, T R Elliot, in England, has shown that an extract of the adrenal gland – adrenaline- had effects that closely resembled those of stimulating sympathetic nerves. • From this it was thought that adrenaline was the neurotransmitter • This was incorrect as years later it was found to be its biosynthetic precursor, noradrenalin (or nor-epinephrine, as they say in America)
  • 42. The sympathetic transmitter • Nor-adrenalin was finally discovered by a Swedish scientist, Ulf S von Euler, after World War II, who worked as a post-doctoral student for a while in Dale’s laboratory. • The receptors that respond to adrenaline and noradrenaline are called adrenoceptors and respond differently to the two chemicals. • The structures of the two are very similar and it was found to be difficult to establish differences between their actions.
  • 43. The sympathetic transmitter • The neurotransmitter at synapses at the neuroeffector junction of sympathetic nerves is noradrenaline. • This is concentrated in vesicles in granules collected in little varicosities along the length of the nerve • Similar granules are found in large numbers in the cells of the adrenal medulla, but here the transmitter is mainly adrenaline. • Noradrenaline and adrenaline are made from an amino acid substrate, tyrosine:
  • 45. Adrenaline synthesis • Here you can see from the diagram, from Tyrosine: – Tyrosine – DOPA – Dopamine – Noradrenaline – Adrenaline. • Of these, the last three are all themselves neurotransmitters, though for different nerves
  • 47. The sympathetic transmitter • The effects of noradrenaline and adrenaline are very similar in action – however their respective actions are dependent upon the receptors on which they act. • In the adrenal system there are – α and β receptors – these are subdivided into α1 and α2, and β1and β2. • Confusing? Yes.
  • 48.
  • 49. Organ Receptor type Response Heart β1 Increase in heart rate, contractility, and excitability Coronary arteries α1 Vasoconstriction β2 Vasodilatation (predominant) Skeletal muscles α1 Vasoconstriction Skeletal arterioles β2 Vasodilatation (predominant) Bronchi β2 Bronchodilation Iris α1 Contraction (pupil dilates) Smooth muscle of gut α,β2 Relaxation Sweat glands α1 Localised secretion Salivary glands α1 Secretion (watery) Bladder muscle β Relaxation Bladder sphincter α1 Constriction Metabolic effects β1 Lipolysis β2 glycogenolysis
  • 50. Organ Sympathetic Stimulation Parasympathetic Stimulation ↑ Rate (β1 & β2) ↓ Rate Heart ↑ Contractile force (β1 & β2) ↓ Contractile force ↑ Conduction velocity ↓ Conduction velocity Constriction (α1) Artery Dilation Dilation (β2) Constriction (α1) Vein Dilation (β2) Bronchial muscle: Bronchial muscle contraction Lung Relaxation (β2) ↑ Bronchial gland secretion ↓ Motility (β2) ↑ Motility Gastrointestinal tract Sphincter: Contraction (α) Sphincter: Relaxation Glycogenolysis (β2 & α) Liver Gluconeogenesis (β2 & α) Glycogen synthesis Lipolysis (β2 & α) Kidney Renin secretion (β2) Detrusor: Relaxation (β2) Detrusor: Contraction Bladder Sphincter: Contraction (α) Sphincter: Relaxation Contraction: Pregnant uterus (α) Uterus Relaxation: Pregnant & non-pregnant uterus (β2) Pupil: Constrict Eye Pupil: Dilate (α) ↑ Lacrimal gland secretions Salivary glands Submandibular Viscous secretions (α) Watery secretions Parotid
  • 51. Antibiotics • Term antibiotic coined in 1942 by Selman Waksman to describe any substance produced by a microorganism that is antagonist to the growth of other microorganisms at high dilution • This definition excludes synthetic drugs – but the didn’t know how then • Now some are semi-synthetic, in that the original compound was identified and it can be ‘modified’
  • 52. Antibiotics • 1880’s – Paul Ehrlich noted that dyes would bind to, and colour, cells • He postulated that it might be possible to make dyes/chemical that could target cells (e.g. Bacteria) and kill them; but not harm the host • He screened 100’s of dyes against organisms; through this (with Sahachiro Hata) discovered Arsphenamine (Salvarsan)in 1908 (also called 606 • Found to be effective against syphilis (Hg prior to this) but had nasty side-effects as As based
  • 53. Antibiotics • Blue mould on bread had been used since middle ages to treat suppurating wounds; was claims to this, but first published in 1875 by Royal Society • In 1928, Alexander Fleming was growing staphylococcal bacteria in petri dishes and left one uncovered. • In it he found areas where the bacteria wouldn’t grow; suggested a contaminant • Noted the fungus (Penicillium Notatum) was effective against Gram positive bacteria
  • 54. Antibiotics • He found that the mould was producing a compound that inhibited the spread of bacteria; called it penicillin. • Found it to be very potent with minimal toxicity • But he believed, for a while, that penicillin couldn’t last long enough inside the body to kill pathological bacteria – stopped studying it until 1931 • Began again in 1934
  • 55. Antibiotics • The chemical structure of penicillin was established in the 1940’s • Mass production was established and 2.3 million doses were prepared ready for the Normandy invasion of 1944 • Following the discovery of its structure, it has been developed: – Ampicillin – effective against a broad range of bacteria – Beta-lactams –flucloxicillin, dicloxicillin, meticillin – Many more
  • 56. Antibiotics • Mechanics of antibiotics: 1. Inhibition of peptidoglycan cross-links in the cell wall 2. Inhibits DNA synthesis 3. Inhibits protein synthesis
  • 57. Cancer • A ‘Cancer’ is descriptive of a group of cells that display ‘malignant behaviour’: – Invasion – Metastases
  • 58. Cancer treatment • Essentially three types of treatment: – Surgery – Chemotherapy – Radiotherapy
  • 59. Chemotherapy • Chemotherapy is cytotoxic; effectively a poison and can cause ‘apoptosis’ • All cells undergo mitosis • Chemotherapy targets rapidly dividing cells – Because of this, it will target all rapidly dividing cells: • Hair • Intestinal cells • Bone marrow
  • 60. Chemotherapy • Even with tumour growth, the cells ‘adhere’ to cell function and the regulation of cell growth • It effective against ‘younger’ tumour cells • With older cells, at the centre of the tumour, there are less rapidly dividing cells • Chemo less active against these cells • Also, with solid tumours, the chemo may not reach the centre of the tumour, therefore: – Radiotherapy, surgery