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Mobile Marketing
By the Numbers
Your personal guide to the ever-changing mobile marketing landscape
The future is calling—and
it’s using a smart device.
By 2020 there will be 75 billion devices
connected to the Internet of Things. Yes,
some of those devices will be fridges
and air conditioners—but considering
there are only about seven billion people
on the planet, it’s clear that if marketers
want to talk to their customers, they’re
going to have to develop a smart mobile
strategy that goes beyond banner ads.
What follows is a collection of articles
meant to catalyze you into action. Con-
sumers are hyper-connected and tran-
sitioning to mobile at unprecedented
speed; your marketing strategy needs to
keep up.
By Al Urbanski
obile devices currently claim a mere 16% of the
video ad spend, but their share will balloon to
40% in five years due to the rapid adoption of
video viewing on devices—especially tablets. According
to an eMarketer forecast, Americans already watch more
video on mobile devices than on PCs.
Still, desktop spending will continue to dominate vid-
eo media in 2014, claiming $4.45 billion to mobile’s $1.44
billion, says eMarketer. By 2018, however, mobile spend-
ing is figured to hit $5.44 billion, compared to $6.83 bil-
lion for desktop.
A big reason for this, says the researcher, is the tablet’s
replacement of the desktop and laptop computer in many
American homes. More than three quarters of the 113 mil-
lion tablet users in the U.S. watch videos on the device at
least once a month, and eMarketer sees penetration rising
to 87% in five years.
As for video viewing time, mobile is already dominant,
claiming 33 minutes a day to desktop’s 22 minutes. Emar-
keter predicts that video viewing on tablets will increase
by 54% this year to 20 minutes a day, while smartphones
will rise 44% to 13 minutes.
Mobile Video Ad Dollars to Rival
Desktop in Five Years
People already watch more video on smartphones and tablets than they do on desk-
tops and laptops.
Hold the Phone
250MNumber of smartphones
sold worldwide in 3Q 2013
$3BMobile ad spending
in first half of 2013
Interactive Advertising Bureau
85%Share of consumers
receptive to mobile coupons
Yankee Group
25%Share of consumers
already using
mobile coupons
Yankee Group
By Perry Simpson
here’s never been a more critical time to opti-
mize your mobile marketing efforts. Keep these
do’s and dont’s in mind and you’ll be on your way
to success:
Apps stand as the most integrated and seamless user ex-
periences in mobile, simply by virtue of being created
for the sole purpose of mobile use. It follows then that
emails or links on mobile sites should link to apps, espe-
cially if the brand already has a mobile app. “Apps like
Seamless make great use of deep-linking,” says Jordan
Cohen, VP of marketing at email platform Movable Ink.
“It’s unintuitive to link from email to a mobile website
when your brand has a functional app. It’s a missed op-
portunity at best.”
The widespread popularity of video apps such as Vine
and YouTube make mobile the premiere channel for vid-
eo content. Even Instagram, an app previously used ex-
clusively for photos, instituted a video feature in the wake
of the video craze following apps such as Vine. “Having
video content is really important these days,” says Chris-
topher Lester, director of the concierge team at email mar-
keting service provider Emma Inc. “People spend more
time watching video on smartphones and tablets than
they do on desktops, with people watching the most video
on tablets. I might not spend time reading on my phone,
but I’ll watch a video.”
Generally, users who download apps and then abandoned
them or use them infrequently aren’t likely to resume use
if they’re prompted to pay. Indeed, experts recommend
that monetization come after a fair bit of nurturing, and
only if the user is already engaged with the app. Engage-
ment doesn’t start with a download. “Try to turn a new app
customer into an engaged customer as soon as possible,”
says Len Shneyder, senior marketing manager at mobile
marketing platform OtherLevels. “You’re missing the fore-
play bit if you start immediately trying to monetize new
users. You need to move them up the funnel.”
The importance of responsive design simply can’t be
overstated. Emails and websites absolutely must be opti-
mized for mobile. “It used to be best to get your site or
email crafted first, and then make sure it’s optimized
for mobile. Mobile should come first now, especially for
email,” Lester explains.
“If websites aren’t optimized for mobile then banner
ads become increasingly ineffective,” adds Tom Bash,
manager of product strategy and operations at ad intelli-
gence and digital media solutions provider Exponential.
With the impending frenzy around the “Internet of things,”
geolocation could become a major factor in mobile mar-
keting——emphasis on could. Geolocation and other GPS-
based operations have proven major contributors to the
rampant battery issues ailing the mobile device market.
Beyond issues of battery, there’s a fair bit of opting-in in-
volved in mobile location services. With the various data
and security concerns over the past few years, it’s unlike-
ly these opt-ins will increase significantly. “Geolocation is
a great, awesome idea, but generally only for about 1% of
your audience,” says OtherLevel’s Shneyder. “Geolocation
isn’t at all useless, but it requires a different strategy. “
Traditional email marketing has always focused on the
ubiquitous click-through rate. But many users can attest
to their waning attention span as forms or other actions
demand more and more clicks, or taps. “You want to drive
consumers where you want them in as few taps as possi-
ble”, Cohen says. “The more taps, the less likely they are to
complete the action.”
6 Mobile Marketing Must-Have’s
Responsive design is but one of many features experts say are essential to successful
mobile marketing.
42%of marketers say they rarely or
never use responsive design
Salesforce ExactTarget Marketing Cloud
By Perry Simpson
s consumers continue to adopt mobile in more
aspects of their daily lives, marketers are close
on their heels. However, even the most data-cen-
tric marketers find it challenging to analyze a key mobile
touchpoint: email.
One reason is the way customers interact with mobile
email. Often the mobile email experience doesn’t extend
much farther than the inbox list. “A lot of people simply
aren’t opening emails on their mobiles devices,” says
Craig Vore, insights manager at digital marketing com-
pany Outsell. “They see the email in their notification bar
and wait until they’re at a desktop computer to actually
view the message.”
Take Android users, for example. According to the de-
veloper dashboards page for Google’s Android, more than
35% of Android devices run version 4.1, also known as Jel-
ly Bean—the first version of Android to include email pre-
views in the notification bar by default. Smartphone users
don’t have to open their emails when they can triage them
using a preview screen. Given Android’s substantial 80%
mobile market share, according to market intelligence
company IDC, more than one third of target customers on
the most popular mobile operating system aren’t actually
opening emails on mobile—if at all.
Even if recipients fully open an email message on their
mobile device, results might be skewed. Marketers of-
ten gauge open rates by image downloads, but Android
doesn’t download email images by default, potentially
leading to dismal mobile email metrics.
Where does this leave marketers? They can’t afford to ig-
nore the Android platform, given its massive market share,
nor can marketers rely on iOS’s default image download
feature, which can favorably skew email performance.
Perhaps open rate is less than ideal for measuring mobile
email performance.
“Open rate measures the quality of your subject line
and the quality of past messaging,” says Christopher Les-
ter, director of the concierge team at email marketing ser-
vices provider Emma Inc. “Unless opening the email is the
call-to-action, it’s a lost analytic.”
Dave Michaud, VP of product marketing at Oracle El-
oqua, echoes this sentiment. “Open rates are not only an
unreliable metric regarding mobile devices, they’re unre-
liable on other devices, as well, due to user preferences on
email clients,” Michaud notes. “Today’s modern marketer
needs to consider all mobile touchpoints, such as email,
SMS, MMS, social, and apps.”
In fact, in terms of mobile email, marketers have pre-
cious little content real estate to engage their users. “You’ve
got the subject line. That’s it. About 14 to 16 words,” says
Jerry Jao, CEO and cofounder of customer retention solu-
tions provider Retention Science. “That first paragraph is
where your money is going.”
This is one reason marketers may increase their use
of email to drive customers to mobile apps. “The email-to-
app exchange investment needs to increase,” says Quinn
Jalli, SVP of digital marketing technology at Epsilon. “Apps
can store payment and other information, and can be a
one-stop shop for users.”
Clearly marketers have options, but what of analyz-
ing the performance of these mobile marketing efforts? If
open rates aren’t an effective success measure, what about
click-through rates or other engagement metrics? “Even
click-through rates are less telling than they used to be,”
Jalli says. “Not all clicks are equal. Where does that click
come from?”
The ultimate shift, according to Emma’s Lester, lies in
where marketers place their efforts. “A lot of businesses
are looking for the next answer instead of learning their
audience,” Lester explains. “You have to pay attention to
what your audience is doing, not these averages. Stop
holding yourself to open or click rates.”
Is the Inbox Out for Mobile?
Even the most data-centric marketers find it challenging to analyze a key mobile
touchpoint: email.
By Elyse Dupré
etail m-commerce sales are expected to surge about
37% this year to about $58 billion—or roughly 20%
of retail e-commerce sales, according to eMarketer.
In fact, m-commerce is changing the game for market-
ers by building a bridge between brick-and-mortar stores
and online shopping.
“You have to be where your customers are and
where they’re interacting with brands,” says
Cal Bouchard, director of e-commerce at The
North Face. “If you’re not on mobile, you’re
missing out pretty significantly.”
Here are three m-commerce trends that
are helping to fuse in-store and online
shopping into one seamless experience.
Beacons are Bluetooth-powered devices
that communicate with shoppers’ smartphones
while in-store or outside a store. They allow marketers to
send relevant messages by using timely, geo-precise tar-
geting. Beacons give marketers the opportunity to connect
with consumers at the most opportune time, notes Michael
Becker, North American marketing development and stra-
tegic advisor for mobile solutions company Somo.
Why marketers should care: Beacons can be solid mea-
surement tools for marketers, Becker says. These devices
allow marketers to track incoming store traffic, measure
engagement, and assess sales. But marketers must then
use that information to communicate with consumers in a
way that’s authentic to the brand, Bouchard says. “People
are willing to give up their information if they’re going to
get a relevant message back in return,” she says.
A mere 19% of consumers say they’ve received mobile
wallet–specific offers from retailers, according to the 2013
Mobile Wallet Consumer Report from mobile marketing
solutions provider Vibes. This may be a missed opportuni-
ty. Mobile wallets—like Apple’s Passbook and Google Wal-
let—benefit consumers and marketers, notes Alex Camp-
bell, cofounder and chief innovation officer of Vibes.
Mobile wallets provide a paperless way for consumers
not only to purchase, but also to store everything from board-
ing passes to loyalty cards. Marketers can set geo-fences for
their mobile wallet content, Campbell notes, including re-
minding consumers of saved offers when they enter a store.
One success story is Starbucks’s Square Wallet, which en-
mobile trans-
actions and receipt man-
agement for its U.S. stores. According
to Starbucks’s Fiscal 2013 Annual Report, U.S. cus-
tomers make more than four million mobile transactions per
week via the brand’s mobile payment apps.
Why marketers should care: In addition to driving
loyalty, mobile wallets allow marketers to revise offers
instantly. “If [an offer] expires, or you see it not work-
ing as you thought it would, [you] can now update that,”
Campbell says.
Retailers should also consider their sales associates when
building their mobile commerce strategies. Armed with
in-store tablets, staffers can access customer data——in-
cluding wish lists and online buying behavior——to greatly
enhance in-store CX.
Why marketers should care: In addition to helping as-
sociates engage consumers, tablets can be used to combat
showrooming. For marketers who want to use tablets in-
store to allow customers to self-serve, it’s important make
sure those devices enhance the customer experience——or
those retailers may find that tablets are ignored in favor of
speaking with an associate, notes Valerie Hoecke, Benefit
Cosmetics’ SVP of digital. “Digital has to supplement the…
customer service experience that you have in your stores,”
she says. “It’s not going to replace [it].”
Mobile Trends That Make 		
Registers Ring
M-commerce is changing the game for marketers by building a bridge between
brick-and-mortar stores and online shopping.
By Al Urbanski
ore than half of all local searches end in a pur-
chase, but 80% of local searches made on mobile
devices result in pay dirt—three quarters of the
time in brick-and-mortar stores. This, despite the fact that
more local searchers surveyed for the 7th Annual Neustar
Localeze-15th Mile study preferred the quality of PC and
laptop search to mobile (67% to 50%). Some 85% of local
searches continue to be made on desktop machines.
That indicates bigger paydays for smarter mobile mar-
keters, and the route to the pot of gold is an easy one, says
the survey’s sponsor. “When people are doing local search,
they’re looking for the name and number of a business, but
now they’re also looking for hours of operation and driv-
ing directions. Yet many businesses still don’t provide this
information,” says Mike Pycha, executive director of Neus-
tar Localeze. “There’s a tremendous opportunity here for
companies to gain a competitive edge.”
Mobile marketers also could benefit by paying closer
attention to their creative displays. Some 54% of the 3,000
consumers surveyed said the quality of screen designs in-
fluenced their purchase decisions.
More than 247 billion local searches took place in the
U.S. in 2013. About a third sought restaurants, 27% local
businesses, and 13% driving directions.
Four Out of Five Mobile Searchers
Buy—Despite Poor Search Quality
Study augurs huge upside for local businesses that provide their hours and
driving directions.
(P)honing in
on the Sale
$1TWorldwide mobile
transactions to
hit up to $1
trillion by 2015*
47%Marketers who
have an app**
who leverage
80%Marketers who say
that mobile will or
does provide ROI**
*Yankee Group
**Salesforce ExactTarget Marketing Cloud
By Al Urbanski
obile advertisers employed geo-precise targeting in
79% of their campaigns in the first quarter of 2014,
compared to only 58% of campaigns during the
same period last year, according to mobile ad platform xAd’s
evaluation of its traffic. Ninety-five percent of retail, restaurant,
and automotive brand campaigns were geo-precise.
Geo-precise ads target specific behavior or GPS coordi-
nates instead of cities or ZIP codes used in standard geo-tar-
geting. Such high usage levels had been observed previously
are the paramount goals of promotions, according to xAd’s
Q1 overview, “Reaching Your Audience on Mobile.”
Geo-location techniques vary slightly by vertical. While
retail, restaurants, and auto companies are the three biggest
users of mobile geo-location tactics overall, the three leading
verticals using xAd’s location-based demographic and behav-
ioral targeting services are telecoms, retailers, and entertain-
ment companies.
xAd’s clients include Columbia Sportswear, Dunkin’ Do-
nuts, Outback Steakhouse, and Pinkberry.
Geo-Precise Targeting Shows
Marked Rise
Nearly four-fifths of mobile ads in the first quarter homed in on specific locations and
behaviors, xAd reports.
The New Path to Purchase
74% Consumers who use mobile
search during the shopping process
6X Average number of times mobile users
who make a purchase visit mobile websites
15 hours Time spend on
mobile research by consumers every week
93% People who use mobile to
research who then go on to purchase
Google, Neilson
By Allison Schiff
ordan Cohen called it. When we last spoke with Co-
hen, VP of marketing at agile email company Movable
Ink back in August 2013, he predicted major growth
potential in the tablet market, noting that while still “in its
infancy,” it was definitely an area to watch. And just about
nine months down the road, here we are: According to
new research from Movable Ink, the number of marketing
emails opened on a tablet shot up from 13.8% in Q2 2013 to
18.5% in the first quarter of this year.
“From a consumer electronic shopping perspective, it
seems like more consumers are using tablets as their go-
to device, rather than the desktop,” Cohen says. “Desktops
won’t go away completely—we still have phones and the
postal mail, too—but I do see room for tablets to gain more
and more market share from the desktop.”
If not yet king, tablets are definitely doing their part
to chip away at desktop usage. But, for the first time this
year, tablets are also taking a bit of market share away
from their mobile brother, the smartphone. While more
than 47% of email opens took place on a smartphone in Q1
2014—66% of all email opens happened on a mobile device
(tablets and smartphones combined)—that number is actu-
ally down slightly from 48.2% last quarter.
Another interesting bit of data from the report: Consum-
ers open more emails on Apple devices—but spend more
time with their emails on Android devices. Apple products
accounted for 54.5% of all email opens in Q1 2014 (up from
49.9% in Q4 2013); by comparison, only 10.8% of email
opens took place on an Android device, down from 14.4%
last quarter. But Android users viewed their emails for 15
seconds longer, on average, than their iOS counterparts.
While Cohen admitted it’s a bit of a puzzler, he did posit
a theory—namely, that images don’t render consistently or
quickly on Android devices, meaning users have to wait to
see their messages.
“Newer devices, like the latest Galaxy, render images
well, but legacy Android devices—as opposed to the iPhone,
which automatically resizes emails to fit all screens—will
only show the upper left-hand quadrant so that you not
only have to scroll down, you have to side-scroll as well,”
Cohen says. “You’re spending more time with your emails
because you need to if you want to understand them.”
The merits or disadvantages of particular devices
aside, one thing is not under debate: Mobile usage is on the
rise. Movable Ink found that email opens on smartphones
surpassed that of email opens on desktops in all but 13 U.S.
states. Just nine months ago, desktops beat smartphones
in only 24 states.
“This is the fourth report we’ve done, and every quarter
the map is getting pinker,” Cohen says. “I think that num-
ber will continue to shrink until we get to a place, maybe
even by the end of the year, when the entire map is pink
and we don’t even have to produce it anymore.”
Tablet Usage Is on a 					
Serious Upswing
New research says that 18.5% of all marketing emails were opened on a tablet in Q1
2014. That’s up more than 5% since just nine months ago.
By Perry Simpson
hough many mobile marketers continue to invest
in push notifications, few actually use the medium
for marketing messaging. All told, 62% of the top
100 online retailers prompt users to opt in to push notifi-
cations, 27% more than 2012, according to a recent study
from mobile marketing platform OtherLevels. However
only 31% of these retailers actually send push notifica-
tions to opt-in consumers.
Throughout 2013, OtherLevels downloaded and tested
mobile apps from the top 500 online retailers as ranked
by, and compiled the findings in the
study. The study found that 80% of consumers’ mobile in-
teractions take place in apps. At 77%, most of the top 100
online retailers have responded to consumer preference
by publishing apps; 40% of the top 500 retailers have
done so, as well. About 66% of the top 100 e-retailers pub-
lish both iOS and Android versions of their app.
Just 16% of the top 100 online retailers integrate with
social media for login credentials, and only 40% prompt
users to opt in to share their GPS locations. Less than 2%
of the top 500 online retailers have a rich inbox in their
app, which allows for email-esque content inside the app.
Only 35% of consumers prefer mobile apps over mobile
Web when it comes to shopping; an unsurprising fact
considering the varying degrees of user experience for
mobile apps.
Mobile Marketers Aren’t 		
Pushing Push Notifications
Only 31% of retailers send push notifications to users that opt-in to receive them.
Don’t be a Mobile Pushover
32% Executives who say push is an
“essential channel” for their business
Urban Airship
11% Executives who say SMS is
essential to their business
Urban Airship
68% Consumers who opt in to
receive push notifications from a band app
75B Number of devices that will be
connected to the Internet of Things by 2020
Business Insider
Endless The possibilities
By Andrew Corselli
A single place to receive and read all pertinent news, Flip-
board’s mission is to improve how people discover, view,
and share content across their social networks.
Flipboard collects content from Web pages and reformats
it to look more like magazine content. Users are able to toggle
through items on Facebook, Instagram, The New York Times,
YouTube, and many other sources as if the stories were fea-
tured together in one periodical. Additionally, users are able
to promote interesting stories via their social networks.
What might surprise marketers are full-page ads that
not only provide information on relevant products to us-
ers in a more reader-friendly, magazine-like style, but also
help Flipboard monetize the content.
Watch out PowerPoint. Presentation app Keynote, with its
easy-to-use tools, is gaining fans. The app provides numer-
ous templates that users can choose from to create and edit
slides, add animations, and more—all to help create every-
thing from flashy portfolios to slick business presentations.
Optimized for Macs, Keynote is one of three apps from
Apple’s productivity suite that includes Pages and Num-
bers. Up to 20 people can simultaneously work on the same
file within the trifecta of iWork apps, with the work shown in
real time. A color coding system lets each participant know
who’s doing what; Keynote also has a feature that allows all
collaborators to send comments to each other.
Sharing work is easy, too; the main presentation index
screen includes a share button that allows users to share
files via iCloud, iMessage, or email. Synching the work to
iTunes or a remote server is also possible with Keynote.
The Goodreads app allows users to enter titles and genres
of their favorite books, then doles out recommendations
for new reads. To paraphrase Ray Liotta in Goodfellas,
“You’re gonna like this book. It’s all right. It’s a Goodread.”
Goodreads, whose recommendation engine ana-
lyzes 20 billion data points to give specifically designed
suggestions, also allows users to see which books their
friends are reading; track books they’re currently read-
ing, have read, and want to read; and peruse reviews
from the app’s community.
In March of 2013 Amazon acquired the app, and its func-
tionality is now supported on Kindle, Kindle Fire tablets,
and new and first-generation Kindle Paperwhite e-readers.
In addition, users may now add prior Kindle purchases—
both print and e-books—to their Goodreads account.
This iOS7 app enables users to capture information and
data, and then securely store, organize, and share it with
App Attack
A roundup of our favorite productivity apps curated just for you.
contacts on Mustbin’s private social network. Users are also
able to like and comment on their contacts’ bin contents.
Via their smartphone camera, users can take photos of
important items and information—such as receipts, cred-
it cards, business cards, contracts, etc.—and place it into a
“bin” for safe storage. Custom or prebuilt bins are avail-
able; and each bin offers guides that walk the user through
specific information to capture.
Since Mustbin stores highly sensitive information, it
takes its security seriously. Not only has a third-party secu-
rity analysis business verified the system, but the app also
boasts security technology that offers bin-level encryption,
AES-256 encryption on each file, and end-to-end encryp-
tion during cloud sync. Furthermore, the encryption keys
are owned by each user, so nobody—not even Mustbin em-
ployees—can see any of the data without a user’s consent.
A fitness-oriented social networking and workout website
and app, DailyBurn aims to help users achieve their fitness
goals and maintain a healthy diet, in part by making it easy
to fit exercise into their already jam-packed daily routines.
Users can choose from 12 DailyBurn trainers who host
their own programs, which comprise more than 100 com-
bined workout sessions that range between six minutes
and an hour. The programs include cardio, dance, resis-
tance training, and yoga. The app also offers nutrition tips
and healthy recipes.
When users register with DailyBurn they enter their
name, age, current and desired weights, and email ad-
dress, in addition to answering questions such as ‘What
is your current level of fitness?’ Then, DailyBurn recom-
mends a program based on the responses. However, users
can select from any of the workouts offered.
DailyBurn, which is accessible via any Internet-con-
nected device, provides the ability to track progress and
interact with other users in the program. The mobile app
is intuitive, and it’s just as easy to follow along with work-
outs on a smartphone as on a larger screen, so it’s great for
road warriors like well-traveled marketers.
Ever feel overwhelmed by trying to effectively manage and
share to-do lists? Well, those days may soon be over, leaving
no more excuses for procrastination. Wunderlist aims to help
users accomplish tasks on all ends of the difficulty spectrum—
the app provides all the necessary tools to track everything
from shopping lists to vacation plans to running a business.
Users can schedule recurring to-dos; break down large,
imposing tasks into smaller, more manageable subtasks;
receive push, email, and in-app notifications; add Web
content straight from a browser; and sync lists seamlessly
across all devices.
The app boasts numerous useful features. Through
“Detail View” users can add due dates, reminders, sub-
tasks, and notes to tasks. The “Mail to Wunderlist” feature
lets users send or forward emails to the app to add tasks
remotely; and with the company’s browser extension,
“Add to Wunderlist,” users can add content from Amazon,
Gmail, eBay, YouTube, and other sites.
According to The New York Times, Wunderlist “is a pow-
erful app” that’s both “easy to use” and “a pleasure to use.”
For more visit
App Attack (cont.)
Did you know? 33 percent of U.S. mobile users prefer offers via text
to mobile Web (21 percent) #mobilemarketing
50% of GenY say they would rather lose their sense of smell than
their mobile device. #SAPPHIRENOW
47 percent of consumers want mobile offers on their devices when they
pass by a store. #GeoLocation #MobileMarketing #MobileCoupons
“If you have a mobile phone & a Facebook page, you have a mobile
marketing strategy.” - Dan Levy, @facebook #FacebookFIT
The marketing industry needs to be less risk-averse on mobile and
make better use of data #marketing #data
Think of your tweets being read on a mobile device. They are 86%
of the time. #marketing
Smartphone adoption still has a huge upside globally, from 1 B to 5
B #mobile #smartphones
There are now around 143 million smart phones in use in the U.S.,
and 71 million tablets. #mobilemarketing #facts #automarketing
79 percent of #mobile users who find a site difficult to use will leave
and never return Via @inmannext
@FotoTaker can’t wait until my bathroom tells my smartphone that
I am almost out of toilet paper...

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2014 Mobile Marketing by Numbers

  • 1. Mobile Marketing By the Numbers Your personal guide to the ever-changing mobile marketing landscape
  • 2. The future is calling—and it’s using a smart device. By 2020 there will be 75 billion devices connected to the Internet of Things. Yes, some of those devices will be fridges and air conditioners—but considering there are only about seven billion people on the planet, it’s clear that if marketers want to talk to their customers, they’re going to have to develop a smart mobile strategy that goes beyond banner ads. What follows is a collection of articles meant to catalyze you into action. Con- sumers are hyper-connected and tran- sitioning to mobile at unprecedented speed; your marketing strategy needs to keep up. 2
  • 3. By Al Urbanski M obile devices currently claim a mere 16% of the video ad spend, but their share will balloon to 40% in five years due to the rapid adoption of video viewing on devices—especially tablets. According to an eMarketer forecast, Americans already watch more video on mobile devices than on PCs. Still, desktop spending will continue to dominate vid- eo media in 2014, claiming $4.45 billion to mobile’s $1.44 billion, says eMarketer. By 2018, however, mobile spend- ing is figured to hit $5.44 billion, compared to $6.83 bil- lion for desktop. A big reason for this, says the researcher, is the tablet’s replacement of the desktop and laptop computer in many American homes. More than three quarters of the 113 mil- lion tablet users in the U.S. watch videos on the device at least once a month, and eMarketer sees penetration rising to 87% in five years. As for video viewing time, mobile is already dominant, claiming 33 minutes a day to desktop’s 22 minutes. Emar- keter predicts that video viewing on tablets will increase by 54% this year to 20 minutes a day, while smartphones will rise 44% to 13 minutes. Mobile Video Ad Dollars to Rival Desktop in Five Years People already watch more video on smartphones and tablets than they do on desk- tops and laptops. Hold the Phone 250MNumber of smartphones sold worldwide in 3Q 2013 Gartner $3BMobile ad spending in first half of 2013 Interactive Advertising Bureau 85%Share of consumers receptive to mobile coupons Yankee Group 25%Share of consumers already using mobile coupons Yankee Group 3
  • 4. By Perry Simpson T here’s never been a more critical time to opti- mize your mobile marketing efforts. Keep these do’s and dont’s in mind and you’ll be on your way to success: DEEP-LINKING Apps stand as the most integrated and seamless user ex- periences in mobile, simply by virtue of being created for the sole purpose of mobile use. It follows then that emails or links on mobile sites should link to apps, espe- cially if the brand already has a mobile app. “Apps like Seamless make great use of deep-linking,” says Jordan Cohen, VP of marketing at email platform Movable Ink. “It’s unintuitive to link from email to a mobile website when your brand has a functional app. It’s a missed op- portunity at best.” INVEST IN VIDEO The widespread popularity of video apps such as Vine and YouTube make mobile the premiere channel for vid- eo content. Even Instagram, an app previously used ex- clusively for photos, instituted a video feature in the wake of the video craze following apps such as Vine. “Having video content is really important these days,” says Chris- topher Lester, director of the concierge team at email mar- keting service provider Emma Inc. “People spend more time watching video on smartphones and tablets than they do on desktops, with people watching the most video on tablets. I might not spend time reading on my phone, but I’ll watch a video.” DON’T TRY TO MONETIZE EVERYONE IMMEDIATELY Generally, users who download apps and then abandoned them or use them infrequently aren’t likely to resume use if they’re prompted to pay. Indeed, experts recommend that monetization come after a fair bit of nurturing, and only if the user is already engaged with the app. Engage- ment doesn’t start with a download. “Try to turn a new app customer into an engaged customer as soon as possible,” says Len Shneyder, senior marketing manager at mobile marketing platform OtherLevels. “You’re missing the fore- play bit if you start immediately trying to monetize new users. You need to move them up the funnel.” ALL RESPONSIVE EVERYTHING The importance of responsive design simply can’t be overstated. Emails and websites absolutely must be opti- mized for mobile. “It used to be best to get your site or email crafted first, and then make sure it’s optimized for mobile. Mobile should come first now, especially for email,” Lester explains. “If websites aren’t optimized for mobile then banner ads become increasingly ineffective,” adds Tom Bash, manager of product strategy and operations at ad intelli- gence and digital media solutions provider Exponential. BE CAUTIOUS OF GEOLOCATION With the impending frenzy around the “Internet of things,” geolocation could become a major factor in mobile mar- keting——emphasis on could. Geolocation and other GPS- based operations have proven major contributors to the rampant battery issues ailing the mobile device market. Beyond issues of battery, there’s a fair bit of opting-in in- volved in mobile location services. With the various data and security concerns over the past few years, it’s unlike- ly these opt-ins will increase significantly. “Geolocation is a great, awesome idea, but generally only for about 1% of your audience,” says OtherLevel’s Shneyder. “Geolocation isn’t at all useless, but it requires a different strategy. “ REDUCE TAP-THROUGH PATHS Traditional email marketing has always focused on the ubiquitous click-through rate. But many users can attest to their waning attention span as forms or other actions demand more and more clicks, or taps. “You want to drive consumers where you want them in as few taps as possi- ble”, Cohen says. “The more taps, the less likely they are to complete the action.” 6 Mobile Marketing Must-Have’s Responsive design is but one of many features experts say are essential to successful mobile marketing. 42%of marketers say they rarely or never use responsive design Salesforce ExactTarget Marketing Cloud 4
  • 5. By Perry Simpson A s consumers continue to adopt mobile in more aspects of their daily lives, marketers are close on their heels. However, even the most data-cen- tric marketers find it challenging to analyze a key mobile touchpoint: email. One reason is the way customers interact with mobile email. Often the mobile email experience doesn’t extend much farther than the inbox list. “A lot of people simply aren’t opening emails on their mobiles devices,” says Craig Vore, insights manager at digital marketing com- pany Outsell. “They see the email in their notification bar and wait until they’re at a desktop computer to actually view the message.” Take Android users, for example. According to the de- veloper dashboards page for Google’s Android, more than 35% of Android devices run version 4.1, also known as Jel- ly Bean—the first version of Android to include email pre- views in the notification bar by default. Smartphone users don’t have to open their emails when they can triage them using a preview screen. Given Android’s substantial 80% mobile market share, according to market intelligence company IDC, more than one third of target customers on the most popular mobile operating system aren’t actually opening emails on mobile—if at all. Even if recipients fully open an email message on their mobile device, results might be skewed. Marketers of- ten gauge open rates by image downloads, but Android doesn’t download email images by default, potentially leading to dismal mobile email metrics. EMAIL ANALYTICS IN A MOBILE WORLD Where does this leave marketers? They can’t afford to ig- nore the Android platform, given its massive market share, nor can marketers rely on iOS’s default image download feature, which can favorably skew email performance. Perhaps open rate is less than ideal for measuring mobile email performance. “Open rate measures the quality of your subject line and the quality of past messaging,” says Christopher Les- ter, director of the concierge team at email marketing ser- vices provider Emma Inc. “Unless opening the email is the call-to-action, it’s a lost analytic.” Dave Michaud, VP of product marketing at Oracle El- oqua, echoes this sentiment. “Open rates are not only an unreliable metric regarding mobile devices, they’re unre- liable on other devices, as well, due to user preferences on email clients,” Michaud notes. “Today’s modern marketer needs to consider all mobile touchpoints, such as email, SMS, MMS, social, and apps.” In fact, in terms of mobile email, marketers have pre- cious little content real estate to engage their users. “You’ve got the subject line. That’s it. About 14 to 16 words,” says Jerry Jao, CEO and cofounder of customer retention solu- tions provider Retention Science. “That first paragraph is where your money is going.” This is one reason marketers may increase their use of email to drive customers to mobile apps. “The email-to- app exchange investment needs to increase,” says Quinn Jalli, SVP of digital marketing technology at Epsilon. “Apps can store payment and other information, and can be a one-stop shop for users.” Clearly marketers have options, but what of analyz- ing the performance of these mobile marketing efforts? If open rates aren’t an effective success measure, what about click-through rates or other engagement metrics? “Even click-through rates are less telling than they used to be,” Jalli says. “Not all clicks are equal. Where does that click come from?” The ultimate shift, according to Emma’s Lester, lies in where marketers place their efforts. “A lot of businesses are looking for the next answer instead of learning their audience,” Lester explains. “You have to pay attention to what your audience is doing, not these averages. Stop holding yourself to open or click rates.” Is the Inbox Out for Mobile? Even the most data-centric marketers find it challenging to analyze a key mobile touchpoint: email. 5
  • 6. By Elyse Dupré R etail m-commerce sales are expected to surge about 37% this year to about $58 billion—or roughly 20% of retail e-commerce sales, according to eMarketer. In fact, m-commerce is changing the game for market- ers by building a bridge between brick-and-mortar stores and online shopping. “You have to be where your customers are and where they’re interacting with brands,” says Cal Bouchard, director of e-commerce at The North Face. “If you’re not on mobile, you’re missing out pretty significantly.” Here are three m-commerce trends that are helping to fuse in-store and online shopping into one seamless experience. BEACONS Beacons are Bluetooth-powered devices that communicate with shoppers’ smartphones while in-store or outside a store. They allow marketers to send relevant messages by using timely, geo-precise tar- geting. Beacons give marketers the opportunity to connect with consumers at the most opportune time, notes Michael Becker, North American marketing development and stra- tegic advisor for mobile solutions company Somo. Why marketers should care: Beacons can be solid mea- surement tools for marketers, Becker says. These devices allow marketers to track incoming store traffic, measure engagement, and assess sales. But marketers must then use that information to communicate with consumers in a way that’s authentic to the brand, Bouchard says. “People are willing to give up their information if they’re going to get a relevant message back in return,” she says. MOBILE WALLETS A mere 19% of consumers say they’ve received mobile wallet–specific offers from retailers, according to the 2013 Mobile Wallet Consumer Report from mobile marketing solutions provider Vibes. This may be a missed opportuni- ty. Mobile wallets—like Apple’s Passbook and Google Wal- let—benefit consumers and marketers, notes Alex Camp- bell, cofounder and chief innovation officer of Vibes. Mobile wallets provide a paperless way for consumers not only to purchase, but also to store everything from board- ing passes to loyalty cards. Marketers can set geo-fences for their mobile wallet content, Campbell notes, including re- minding consumers of saved offers when they enter a store. One success story is Starbucks’s Square Wallet, which en- ables mobile trans- actions and receipt man- agement for its U.S. stores. According to Starbucks’s Fiscal 2013 Annual Report, U.S. cus- tomers make more than four million mobile transactions per week via the brand’s mobile payment apps. Why marketers should care: In addition to driving loyalty, mobile wallets allow marketers to revise offers instantly. “If [an offer] expires, or you see it not work- ing as you thought it would, [you] can now update that,” Campbell says. IN-STORE TABLETS Retailers should also consider their sales associates when building their mobile commerce strategies. Armed with in-store tablets, staffers can access customer data——in- cluding wish lists and online buying behavior——to greatly enhance in-store CX. Why marketers should care: In addition to helping as- sociates engage consumers, tablets can be used to combat showrooming. For marketers who want to use tablets in- store to allow customers to self-serve, it’s important make sure those devices enhance the customer experience——or those retailers may find that tablets are ignored in favor of speaking with an associate, notes Valerie Hoecke, Benefit Cosmetics’ SVP of digital. “Digital has to supplement the… customer service experience that you have in your stores,” she says. “It’s not going to replace [it].” Mobile Trends That Make Registers Ring M-commerce is changing the game for marketers by building a bridge between brick-and-mortar stores and online shopping. 6
  • 7.
  • 8. By Al Urbanski M ore than half of all local searches end in a pur- chase, but 80% of local searches made on mobile devices result in pay dirt—three quarters of the time in brick-and-mortar stores. This, despite the fact that more local searchers surveyed for the 7th Annual Neustar Localeze-15th Mile study preferred the quality of PC and laptop search to mobile (67% to 50%). Some 85% of local searches continue to be made on desktop machines. That indicates bigger paydays for smarter mobile mar- keters, and the route to the pot of gold is an easy one, says the survey’s sponsor. “When people are doing local search, they’re looking for the name and number of a business, but now they’re also looking for hours of operation and driv- ing directions. Yet many businesses still don’t provide this information,” says Mike Pycha, executive director of Neus- tar Localeze. “There’s a tremendous opportunity here for companies to gain a competitive edge.” Mobile marketers also could benefit by paying closer attention to their creative displays. Some 54% of the 3,000 consumers surveyed said the quality of screen designs in- fluenced their purchase decisions. More than 247 billion local searches took place in the U.S. in 2013. About a third sought restaurants, 27% local businesses, and 13% driving directions. Four Out of Five Mobile Searchers Buy—Despite Poor Search Quality Study augurs huge upside for local businesses that provide their hours and driving directions. (P)honing in on the Sale $1TWorldwide mobile transactions to hit up to $1 trillion by 2015* 47%Marketers who have an app** 30%Marketers who leverage location-based functionality** 80%Marketers who say that mobile will or does provide ROI** *Yankee Group **Salesforce ExactTarget Marketing Cloud 8
  • 9. By Al Urbanski M obile advertisers employed geo-precise targeting in 79% of their campaigns in the first quarter of 2014, compared to only 58% of campaigns during the same period last year, according to mobile ad platform xAd’s evaluation of its traffic. Ninety-five percent of retail, restaurant, and automotive brand campaigns were geo-precise. Geo-precise ads target specific behavior or GPS coordi- nates instead of cities or ZIP codes used in standard geo-tar- geting. Such high usage levels had been observed previously onlyduringholidayperiods,whentime-sensitiveconversions are the paramount goals of promotions, according to xAd’s Q1 overview, “Reaching Your Audience on Mobile.” Geo-location techniques vary slightly by vertical. While retail, restaurants, and auto companies are the three biggest users of mobile geo-location tactics overall, the three leading verticals using xAd’s location-based demographic and behav- ioral targeting services are telecoms, retailers, and entertain- ment companies. xAd’s clients include Columbia Sportswear, Dunkin’ Do- nuts, Outback Steakhouse, and Pinkberry. Geo-Precise Targeting Shows Marked Rise Nearly four-fifths of mobile ads in the first quarter homed in on specific locations and behaviors, xAd reports. The New Path to Purchase 74% Consumers who use mobile search during the shopping process 6X Average number of times mobile users who make a purchase visit mobile websites 15 hours Time spend on mobile research by consumers every week 93% People who use mobile to research who then go on to purchase Google, Neilson 9
  • 10. By Allison Schiff J ordan Cohen called it. When we last spoke with Co- hen, VP of marketing at agile email company Movable Ink back in August 2013, he predicted major growth potential in the tablet market, noting that while still “in its infancy,” it was definitely an area to watch. And just about nine months down the road, here we are: According to new research from Movable Ink, the number of marketing emails opened on a tablet shot up from 13.8% in Q2 2013 to 18.5% in the first quarter of this year. “From a consumer electronic shopping perspective, it seems like more consumers are using tablets as their go- to device, rather than the desktop,” Cohen says. “Desktops won’t go away completely—we still have phones and the postal mail, too—but I do see room for tablets to gain more and more market share from the desktop.” If not yet king, tablets are definitely doing their part to chip away at desktop usage. But, for the first time this year, tablets are also taking a bit of market share away from their mobile brother, the smartphone. While more than 47% of email opens took place on a smartphone in Q1 2014—66% of all email opens happened on a mobile device (tablets and smartphones combined)—that number is actu- ally down slightly from 48.2% last quarter. Another interesting bit of data from the report: Consum- ers open more emails on Apple devices—but spend more time with their emails on Android devices. Apple products accounted for 54.5% of all email opens in Q1 2014 (up from 49.9% in Q4 2013); by comparison, only 10.8% of email opens took place on an Android device, down from 14.4% last quarter. But Android users viewed their emails for 15 seconds longer, on average, than their iOS counterparts. While Cohen admitted it’s a bit of a puzzler, he did posit a theory—namely, that images don’t render consistently or quickly on Android devices, meaning users have to wait to see their messages. “Newer devices, like the latest Galaxy, render images well, but legacy Android devices—as opposed to the iPhone, which automatically resizes emails to fit all screens—will only show the upper left-hand quadrant so that you not only have to scroll down, you have to side-scroll as well,” Cohen says. “You’re spending more time with your emails because you need to if you want to understand them.” The merits or disadvantages of particular devices aside, one thing is not under debate: Mobile usage is on the rise. Movable Ink found that email opens on smartphones surpassed that of email opens on desktops in all but 13 U.S. states. Just nine months ago, desktops beat smartphones in only 24 states. “This is the fourth report we’ve done, and every quarter the map is getting pinker,” Cohen says. “I think that num- ber will continue to shrink until we get to a place, maybe even by the end of the year, when the entire map is pink and we don’t even have to produce it anymore.” Tablet Usage Is on a Serious Upswing New research says that 18.5% of all marketing emails were opened on a tablet in Q1 2014. That’s up more than 5% since just nine months ago. 10
  • 11. By Perry Simpson T hough many mobile marketers continue to invest in push notifications, few actually use the medium for marketing messaging. All told, 62% of the top 100 online retailers prompt users to opt in to push notifi- cations, 27% more than 2012, according to a recent study from mobile marketing platform OtherLevels. However only 31% of these retailers actually send push notifica- tions to opt-in consumers. Throughout 2013, OtherLevels downloaded and tested mobile apps from the top 500 online retailers as ranked by, and compiled the findings in the study. The study found that 80% of consumers’ mobile in- teractions take place in apps. At 77%, most of the top 100 online retailers have responded to consumer preference by publishing apps; 40% of the top 500 retailers have done so, as well. About 66% of the top 100 e-retailers pub- lish both iOS and Android versions of their app. Just 16% of the top 100 online retailers integrate with social media for login credentials, and only 40% prompt users to opt in to share their GPS locations. Less than 2% of the top 500 online retailers have a rich inbox in their app, which allows for email-esque content inside the app. Only 35% of consumers prefer mobile apps over mobile Web when it comes to shopping; an unsurprising fact considering the varying degrees of user experience for mobile apps. Mobile Marketers Aren’t Pushing Push Notifications Only 31% of retailers send push notifications to users that opt-in to receive them. Don’t be a Mobile Pushover 32% Executives who say push is an “essential channel” for their business Urban Airship 11% Executives who say SMS is essential to their business Urban Airship 68% Consumers who opt in to receive push notifications from a band app Responsys 75B Number of devices that will be connected to the Internet of Things by 2020 Business Insider Endless The possibilities 11
  • 12. By Andrew Corselli FLIPBOARD COLLECTS CONTENT FROM THE WEB AND REFORMATS IT FOR USERS A single place to receive and read all pertinent news, Flip- board’s mission is to improve how people discover, view, and share content across their social networks. Flipboard collects content from Web pages and reformats it to look more like magazine content. Users are able to toggle through items on Facebook, Instagram, The New York Times, YouTube, and many other sources as if the stories were fea- tured together in one periodical. Additionally, users are able to promote interesting stories via their social networks. What might surprise marketers are full-page ads that not only provide information on relevant products to us- ers in a more reader-friendly, magazine-like style, but also help Flipboard monetize the content. KEYNOTE HELPS CREATE EVERYTHING FROM FLASHY PORTFOLIOS TO SLICK BUSINESS PRESENTATIONS Watch out PowerPoint. Presentation app Keynote, with its easy-to-use tools, is gaining fans. The app provides numer- ous templates that users can choose from to create and edit slides, add animations, and more—all to help create every- thing from flashy portfolios to slick business presentations. Optimized for Macs, Keynote is one of three apps from Apple’s productivity suite that includes Pages and Num- bers. Up to 20 people can simultaneously work on the same file within the trifecta of iWork apps, with the work shown in real time. A color coding system lets each participant know who’s doing what; Keynote also has a feature that allows all collaborators to send comments to each other. Sharing work is easy, too; the main presentation index screen includes a share button that allows users to share files via iCloud, iMessage, or email. Synching the work to iTunes or a remote server is also possible with Keynote. GOODREADS THE DILEMMA OF CHOOSING A BOOK TO READ HAS BECOME A THING OF THE PAST The Goodreads app allows users to enter titles and genres of their favorite books, then doles out recommendations for new reads. To paraphrase Ray Liotta in Goodfellas, “You’re gonna like this book. It’s all right. It’s a Goodread.” Goodreads, whose recommendation engine ana- lyzes 20 billion data points to give specifically designed suggestions, also allows users to see which books their friends are reading; track books they’re currently read- ing, have read, and want to read; and peruse reviews from the app’s community. In March of 2013 Amazon acquired the app, and its func- tionality is now supported on Kindle, Kindle Fire tablets, and new and first-generation Kindle Paperwhite e-readers. In addition, users may now add prior Kindle purchases— both print and e-books—to their Goodreads account. MUSTBIN A MUST HAVE FOR PRIVACY-MINDED MARKETERS This iOS7 app enables users to capture information and data, and then securely store, organize, and share it with App Attack A roundup of our favorite productivity apps curated just for you. 12
  • 13. contacts on Mustbin’s private social network. Users are also able to like and comment on their contacts’ bin contents. Via their smartphone camera, users can take photos of important items and information—such as receipts, cred- it cards, business cards, contracts, etc.—and place it into a “bin” for safe storage. Custom or prebuilt bins are avail- able; and each bin offers guides that walk the user through specific information to capture. Since Mustbin stores highly sensitive information, it takes its security seriously. Not only has a third-party secu- rity analysis business verified the system, but the app also boasts security technology that offers bin-level encryption, AES-256 encryption on each file, and end-to-end encryp- tion during cloud sync. Furthermore, the encryption keys are owned by each user, so nobody—not even Mustbin em- ployees—can see any of the data without a user’s consent. DAILYBURN WELL-TRAVELED MARKETERS MAY FIND THIS FITNESS APP TO BE A HEALTHY COMPANION A fitness-oriented social networking and workout website and app, DailyBurn aims to help users achieve their fitness goals and maintain a healthy diet, in part by making it easy to fit exercise into their already jam-packed daily routines. Users can choose from 12 DailyBurn trainers who host their own programs, which comprise more than 100 com- bined workout sessions that range between six minutes and an hour. The programs include cardio, dance, resis- tance training, and yoga. The app also offers nutrition tips and healthy recipes. When users register with DailyBurn they enter their name, age, current and desired weights, and email ad- dress, in addition to answering questions such as ‘What is your current level of fitness?’ Then, DailyBurn recom- mends a program based on the responses. However, users can select from any of the workouts offered. DailyBurn, which is accessible via any Internet-con- nected device, provides the ability to track progress and interact with other users in the program. The mobile app is intuitive, and it’s just as easy to follow along with work- outs on a smartphone as on a larger screen, so it’s great for road warriors like well-traveled marketers. WUNDERLIST AIMS TO HELP USERS ACCOMPLISH ANY AND ALL TASKS Ever feel overwhelmed by trying to effectively manage and share to-do lists? Well, those days may soon be over, leaving no more excuses for procrastination. Wunderlist aims to help users accomplish tasks on all ends of the difficulty spectrum— the app provides all the necessary tools to track everything from shopping lists to vacation plans to running a business. Users can schedule recurring to-dos; break down large, imposing tasks into smaller, more manageable subtasks; receive push, email, and in-app notifications; add Web content straight from a browser; and sync lists seamlessly across all devices. The app boasts numerous useful features. Through “Detail View” users can add due dates, reminders, sub- tasks, and notes to tasks. The “Mail to Wunderlist” feature lets users send or forward emails to the app to add tasks remotely; and with the company’s browser extension, “Add to Wunderlist,” users can add content from Amazon, Gmail, eBay, YouTube, and other sites. According to The New York Times, Wunderlist “is a pow- erful app” that’s both “easy to use” and “a pleasure to use.” For more visit App Attack (cont.) 13
  • 14. @Messenger_121 Did you know? 33 percent of U.S. mobile users prefer offers via text to mobile Web (21 percent) #mobilemarketing @SAPPHIRENOW 50% of GenY say they would rather lose their sense of smell than their mobile device. #SAPPHIRENOW @Anchor_Mobile 47 percent of consumers want mobile offers on their devices when they pass by a store. #GeoLocation #MobileMarketing #MobileCoupons @howielb “If you have a mobile phone & a Facebook page, you have a mobile marketing strategy.” - Dan Levy, @facebook #FacebookFIT @NomenUK The marketing industry needs to be less risk-averse on mobile and make better use of data #marketing #data @dcborn61 Think of your tweets being read on a mobile device. They are 86% of the time. #marketing @timoketonen Smartphone adoption still has a huge upside globally, from 1 B to 5 B #mobile #smartphones @PotratzADV There are now around 143 million smart phones in use in the U.S., and 71 million tablets. #mobilemarketing #facts #automarketing @Obeo 79 percent of #mobile users who find a site difficult to use will leave and never return Via @inmannext @danagundlach @FotoTaker can’t wait until my bathroom tells my smartphone that I am almost out of toilet paper...